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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 07-003126 Visitors: 15
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Sarasota, Florida
Filed: Jul. 11, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, August 1, 2007.

Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
Jul 11 200? 13:03 @r/ll/2ee7 12:59 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 85/14 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Petitioner, VE, BIRD KEY YACHT CLUB teense aera Respondent. Case No, 2007020872 DM! RATIVE CO) The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, BIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (‘Petitioner’), filas this Administrative Complaint against BIRD KEY YACHT CLUB, (Respondent’), and says: 1. Petitioner ig the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public loctging establishments and public food servies establishments, pursuant to Section 20.165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. 2. Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Hotele and Restaurants. The respondent’s business address of record ig 3071 BIRD KEY DR, SARASOTA, FLORIDA 342301899. The mailing address of record is BIRD KEY YACHT CLUB, at 301 BIRD KEY DR, SARASOTA, FLORIDA 342361899, 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant to See, 909.032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 609, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated thereto governing operation of the establishment. The violation(s) found and applicable law are dascribed in Exhibit “A,” attached hereto and incorporated herain by reference. Inspection documents are athached ae Exhibit “B", Incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the following penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program, suspension, revocation, or refupal of 4 license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other relief authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promutgated thereto, . Signed May 18, 2007 Claudia ®. Fields, Daputy District Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotets & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Reguiation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F. Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No, 0153821 Department of Business & Professional Regulation 4940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIEIC. OF SERVI BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: 7160 3901 9849 2219 GO59 | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been hand served by me on this day of » 2007. Reeeived by: Inspectors Signature Operator's Signature i Title Title Case Number: 2007029572 District Number: OF License Number 8800138 2010 Form revised 10.10.06 BIRD KEY YACHT CLUB : Jul 11 200? 13:03 a@rfll/2ae7y 12:59 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE Exhibit A License Number: 6800135 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number: 2007029572 “FG as clted herain references specific provisions of the Food Code, Recommandations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Chapter 61C, Flerida Administrative Code. "NFPA’ as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Coda, incorporated by reference at Chapter 4A-3, "Fira Praventian, General Provisions”, Florida Administrative Code, and 61C-1.004(5), Florida. Administrativa Code. “" denotes a critical violation. Itis allaged that on March 23, 2007, March 22, 2007, March 30, 2007, April 30, 2007 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 509(FS) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars. Copy(s) of tha raport(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. * 44, 46-01-1 69A-51.025(4) FAG: (4) CERTIFICATE OF GOMPLIANCE, THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SHALL BE CONSPICUQUSLY PLACED SO IT CAN BE READILY IDENTIFIED WITH THE CERTIFIED BOILER, PREFERABLY IN THE BOILER ROOM. BOILER CERTIFICATE NOT POSTED IN BOILER ROOM. * 4B, 4812-1 69A-51,050(2) FAC:: (2) INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS. EACH BOILER USED OR PROPOSED TO BE USED INA PLACE OF PUBLIC ASSEMBLY WITHIN THIS STATE EXCEPT BOILERS EXEMPT UNDER SUBSECTION 69A-51.045(6), F.A.C., SHALL BE THOROUGHLY INSPECTED AS TO ITS CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND CONDITION AS FOLLOWS: (A) POWER BOILERS AND HIGH PRESSURE, HIGH TEMPERATURE WATER BOILERS SHALL RECEIVE A GERTIFICATE INSPECTION ° ANNUALLY, THEY SHALL BE INSPECTED ANNUALLY BOTH INTERNALLY, WHERE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, AND EXTERNALLY WHILE NOT UNDER PRESSURE, THEY SHALL ALSO PE INSPECTED ANNUALLY EXTERNALLY WHILE UNDER PRESSURE, IF POSSIBLE, WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE INTERNAL INSPECTION, (B) HEATING BOILERS, EXCEPT THOSE CONSTRUCTED OF CAST IRON, SHALL RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE INSPECTION BIENNIALLY. THIS INSPECTION MAY BE AN EXTERNAL INSPECTION UNLESS AN INTERNAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BY THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR, THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR, DUE TO OPERATING CONDITIONS, MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS. (C) HOT WATER SOILERS AND HOT WATER SUPPLY BOILERS, EXCEPT THOSE CONSTRUCTED OF CAST IRON, SHALL RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE INSPECTION BIENNIALLY WITH AN INTERNAL INSPECTION EVERY FOUR (4) YEARS IF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOILER SO PERMITS. (D) HEATING BOILERS AND HOT WATER SUPPLY BOILERS CONSTRUCTED OF GAST IRON SHALL RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE INSPECTION BIENNIALLY. (E) A GRACE PERIOD OF ONE (1) MONTH BEYOND THE PERIODS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPHS (A)(D), ABOVE, MAY ELAPSE BETWEEN CERTIFICATE INSPECTIONS: HOWEVER, THE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE DUE DATE SHALL NOT BE AFFECTED. (F) THE BOILER SAFETY PROGRAM MAY, IN ITS DISCRETION, PERMIT LONGER PERIODS BETWEEN CERTIFICATE INSPECTIONS. NO CURRENT BOILER CERTIFICATION PROVIDEDI/AVAILABLE, FOSTED CERTIFICATION IS FROM 1999. Case Number! 2007020572 District Number: O07 Ucense Number: 8800935 20710 Form revised 10.10.05 BIRD KEY YACHT CLUB ab/14 Jul 11 200? 13:04 a@rfll/2ae7y 12:59 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE @7/ld : i} B STATE OF FLORIDA fae | 2 Exile ny (Or SS DEPARTMENT Of GUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS: . t z wwe, thiyfiorids.comfdbpr ae FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Failure to comply with this Notice may Initiate an administrative complaint thet may result in suspenskin oF Feyoration of your loenes and fines. 3/07 11:40 AM Routine 3 SEAL Ingpection Date end Tima Ingpection Raason License Number SIRD. KEY YAGHT CLUB ING : WARNING: Owner Nama Violathons in.the operation of your establish BIRD KEY YACHT CLUB Tusihe.coiracied by Aro Coda/Talephone Number Business Name Inspaction Result 460 03/26/2007 08:00,4M OLDECO7 Number of Units Callback Date/Time Ucense Expiration 301 BIRD KEY OF SARASOTA, 342361899 Addrase / City / Slate / Zip / etc, fem 03; Food Tamperatures Hom 63a: Cert, Food Managers | fete In acoder, AO Chegrat Fe Managit Name: Eliot Gonzalez SutNoeng hn race, | Certfcation Date: 1/28/03 Certited Bere, wlth itr cooler, 41 Dagrans F. by: Florida Restaurant Association een PoP mech ineoawn, 41 bogreoeF. | Manager Name: Brant Willams Restrto aat PHP. roachin coer ‘Davee | Certification Dave 3/8/05 Ceriified Soup-PHF, mach ih eoorer, 28 Degman F, by: Florida Restaurant Association Comminuted manta, rgoch i cooley, 33 Degrints | Manager Name: John Riordan Gertifieatian Date: 12.23.04 Certfied by: Florida Restaurant Association ishers and Fire mre ama Dates A Class BC rypé File Extingyistne, tout inet ikahen HeLa cartiication dai of 1/07 > Olives OC type Five Melinguisher, found [nvel kichen hata eenmeation din of 8408 A Clas: ABS type Fire Eaunguletnit, found infat slorege ream has certficarion date of 5/08 AHood Buppecnnlons tyre Pine Extinguisher, {ound infev atcha has & eartiention doe of 1407 {tam 20; Warewashing Sanitization Sanitizer Type: Chlorine found at songentration of 50 PPA, Sanitizer Type! Chlorine found at concentration of 100 PPM. Sanitizing Temperature ie 160 Degrees Farenteh, | F Dairy products, raech In copter, 35 Degrees fF, Soups-PMF, srpatn tebienonln mews, 141 Degrsa F, NOTE: Retng marked above with an sstertsk (*) indicate a viclation Inspector's Comments Gloves and utensils used, Gaa water heater In separate room of bullding- 91 gal, 194,900 BTU-maximum temparetura of 180 degrees, Boller also Wengent-she cllations under gae appliances, Employees wained by Florida Restaurant Association | auknowladge recelpt of this Inspection form and comments. Cuih© ek ——- 02.23.07 Signature of Recipient . brapactor Signature Date Reviplent: avid Hood For further information please contact: Anthony Pasa Tit . FAB mar Sr Sanitaion & Satety Specialist 4100 Contar Point Phone: 941.953.4485 850,437, 1385 PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL, "03a Gold food at proper temperatures during storage, displey, service, — *03b Hot food at propet temperature “02-14 Consumer advisory one 096 Foods properly cookedirepeated (e] "03d Fouda properly coaled 0213 Consumer advisory on f ri p "05 Thatmomoters provided ane conapkcugusly placed SOURCE. OBPR Form Hr BO22-016 Jul 11 200? 13:04 a@rfll/2ae7y 12:59 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 8/14 | EXHIBIT B som tte PY) ole 8 STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 68007 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION acing Name DIVISION OFF HOTEL AND RESTAURANTS BIRD KEY YACHT CLUB y Inspection Gate FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 02/23/07 11:40 AM LEGAL NOTICE Failure t comply with this Notice may intiaia an administrative complaint that may result in suspension oF fevocation of your lleense and fines. STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL STATUS GARBAGE ANQ REFUSE DISPOSAL 07 Unwrapped or potentially hazardous food not re-cerved_[V 33 Contalnars covered, adequate number, maact and rodent Ota Food protection during atorage, preparation, display, barvice, Ianspartation Ok Cross-contamiination, equipment, personnel, storage roge Pelenitel lor crosd-contamination; storage praclices; STATUS damaged food segregated 09 Foods handled with minknum, cont 10 i wee food diepanving utensils property stored STATUS PERSONNEL 4 Personnel with Intections restricted 48 Hends washed and clean, good hygianic precticas (observed), alternative operating plan 2b Proper hyqienie practices, eating/drinklngfsmoking (evidence) 49 Clean clothed. hpi matralnis ‘ FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UITENSILS. 14 Food contact surtacas designed, constructed, meintalned, installed, located 18 Non-food cuntact surfaces designad, constructad, maintalned, instaNed, located +6 Dishwashing facilities dasigned, construcled, operated 1. Wash 2. Rinse 3. Sanitize openings prota FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS 56 Floors propetly constructed, clasn, drained, coved 7 Walls, collings, and attached equipment, constructed, oer 9 Lighting provided a9 required. Fictures EI a H41b Toxic iene tabeled and used propar) 9 Premises maintained, tree of Iltter, uinecessary articias, Cleaning and malniensnes equipment properly siorad, Kitchen restricted to authorized personne! 45 Complala separation from iving/eiseping area, lawn 44 Clean and soiled linen seyre aiad and properly stored SAFETY 4 Fire extinguishers - proper and sufficient Pd6 Exiting e 47 Electrical Ww - adequate, good rapalr M45 Ges appliances - properly installed, maintained +49 Flommabla/combustible materials » properly stored 3 = "47 Thermometers, gauges, wast kite provided, "20a ‘sanitizing concentration "200 Sanitizing temperature 21 Wiping cloths clean, véad properly, stored '22 Food contact surfaces of equioment and utensile claan, 23 Non-food contact sutfaces clean 34 Storaga/handing of claan equipment, vanslis SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES as Service tems pruparly stored, handled, digpensed 265 Single service artist Mot re-used WATER ANO SEWAGE/PLUMBING 07 Water source safe, hut. and cold under preBeuts 25 Sewage and waste water disnaged prope! 29 Plumbing installed and melntainad 40 Gross-connection, back siphonage, becktiow TOILET AND HANDWASHING FACILITIES "84 Tollet and handwashing facilities, number, convenient. recignad, Installed P39 Regioome with salfciosing doors, fixtures operate properly, facility clean, supplied with handsosp, dleposable townlsor hand drying devices, Haaue, covered weete EI E ‘B e STA "80 Current license propery displayed Omer conditions sanitary and safe opevation Ss Falga/misiaading stalamente published or advertised relating to food/beverage : i a > 534 Food management cartificatlon valid 53h Employes training validation 54 Florida Glan Indoor Alr Act be ate: Gretulty Notice 55 Copy of Chapter 509, Flonda Stniutus, available STATUS STATUS ; Total Nuthbar of COS Viotauons: 4 Total Number of Repeat Vinlations: Vetmions marked with an asterisk are eriical violations. Hamma marked IN afe In compfance. tema Marked GUT ara vielatlons, Specific dataity of violation are jintad oF qubppquent pages, tema marked N/A aré Not Applicable, nema Markad a3 NG ara Not Observed, and ware not belng gonducted at (he tine af inspection. OBPR Form HR 5022-048 Jul 11 2007 a@rfll/2ae7y 12:59 8584146749 DEPR OGA EXHI BIT B , STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BMSION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS wae) Jconvdhpr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL 13:04 PAGE @g/1d4 ,SEAT 6800135 Business Name BIRD KEY YACHT GRUB Inspection Date 0223/07 11:40 AM Page 3 License Number p A, NOTICE Fallure to comply with this Netice may Intate an administrative complaint thet may result In suspension or revecation of your Heange and fines. WaInIngial: 016-14-1:Obsarved dented can of poor halvarratuen or dlacerd. 4g-td—1 No handwashing skgns provided al hantisiaks wed by food employees. d0e14-T:Observad hose at dish sink ower than flood rim of sink. 31-09-1:Hahawaan sink not omtesaPle for employee use at all times.dalad prop Conedted On She, 33-16-1:Clpervad open dumpetar lid. 4Q-01-4:Boley certificate not posted In boiler ram, 40-12-T:Ng currant boflar Senifieation. provided/avallable -posted cartifinmtion t& from 106. 02-14;Congumer advisory on rawrundercooked animal products nat pravidiéd, OSPR Form HF b0ea-015 Jul 11 200? 13:05 a@rfll/2ae7y 12:59 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 1@/1d4 Page 1 EXHIBU Bree BUSINESS AND PROFESIONAL REGULATION (64 4 uf y QIVIGION OF HOTELS ANG RESTAURANTS wee myflorida.com/ahpr CALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Fallune to comply with thia Notes may Infisté an administrative complaint that may reeuft [n suEpErwiON OF revncation of your license and fines. 93/22/07 11:51,AM Waring ex00835 SAT Cafibaek Inspection Date and Time Inspection Flaason Lieanes Number RIRD KEY YACHT CLUBING Time Extended Owmer Mama Ara Coda/Telephane Number BIRD KEY YACHT CLUE , Business Nana Inspection Resull ge oampponzonopaM aeRO? | Number of Unite Requested Callback Date/Time inital Warning ete SARASOTA, S42381609 301 BIRD KEY DR Address / City / State / Zip / ate. Comments Bolles certification inapection done 3/02/07-certification to ba matled te facility. i current hellet cortiicetion provided/avaliobte.-prsted ke/inention ts from 1993, olntion: 48-044 elles cartticate not poalad In poller form. a following Item(s) are in compliance: bo Slemten ee ae — afaal0T i Dale Signature of Recipient Inspactor Signature Recipient: Marsha Woarner For further Information please contact: Anthony Posa Tite controller Sr. Sanitation & Safety Specialist 4109 Center Prone: 941.953.4455 Point Br. Sta 104 Fort Myers, Florida 33516 . 850.487.1385 OBPR Forth MR 8Q22-005 ar/ll/ 28a? Jul 11 200? 13:05 12:59 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 11/14 i B Page 2 > £ 4 ee STATE OF FLORIDA Licenge Number S& DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION SEAT — a8018 DIVISION OF HOTELS. AND RESTAURANTS Busingss Name www myflonida.com/dopr BIRD KEY YACHT CLUB CAL ION inspection Dota amare BeTION REPORT Ov22/07 11:51 AM idiation: 33-1B+1 jenved open dumpater lid. Wgiation; 32-15-17 hanciwathing alone provided at handsinks used by food amployaes. ation: B46 1 dwash sink notacseagibie far amployee uso at alt times.-salad prep Coracted On Site, lation: 30-114 senved hoge at dish ek Mower than flood rim of sink, leton: 02-13 ongumer ad visoly on MWiundercoaked animal products not provided, palmilon: (1614-1 bsarved dented cen of past halver-roturn or dizeard. DBPR Form HA 5022-005 Failure to comply with this Notios may initiste an administrative complaint that may resuttin suspension or revocation of your linarige and fines, Jul 11 200? 13:05 a@rfll/2ae7y 12:59 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFEBSIONAL REGULATION . DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS (%) ww. inyflorida .convdbpr CALLBACK (INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Fallura to comply with this Notice may Inflate an odminigtrative complaint that may resuk In suspension or revocation of your Kearse and fires. ogra? 11:13 AM Wami eg00135 SEX Callback Inspection Date and Time Inapection Reason License Number BIRD KEY YACHT CL ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT Owner Name recommended. Area Code/Telephone Number BIRDKEY YACHT GLUa Business Name Inspaction Rasult 450 nen) Number of Units Requected Callback Date/Time Inidal Waming Data 901 BIRD KEY OR SARASOTA, 342361899 Addrass / Chy / State / Zip / atc. Comments Boller hae been inepected bul new ¢eriification haz not arrived at facility. inspection by Harford Staart Baller, he following item(s} have beet racummanded for Administrative Compralnt holntion: 4-42-4 9 currant boiler certMication prowWded/avallable,-posted cenification is fram 1949, joinilon: ABT? Oller carlificate not posted in baller foci. bial A an 3/30/07 — —_ a Date Signature of Reciplent inapactor Signature Raciplent: Reb Edwards For turner Information pisase contact, Anthony Fore Tite General Manager Sr, Sanitation & Sstaty Spociaist 4100 Center Phone: 941.953.4455 Polnt Dr. Sta 104 Fort Myers, Florida 338465 850,487, 1385 DBPR Fotm HR 6022-005 12/14 WIBIT B STATE OF FLORIDA oe" : ; ER by od 3 Jul 11 200? 13:05 a@rfll/2ae7y 12:59 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 13/14 EXHIBIT B State of Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division of Hotels and Restaurants www.hospitalityeducation,arg WOTHCE TO SHOW CAUSE ‘You wilt be Isaued a Notice to Show Cause why sanctions should not beassessed against your Ucemee, A hearing will he hoid ate tima and place ta ha decigneted by tha director. ‘a Gninar Nante: bird Varebd- eke. ee Busines Name: BE ps wt bs Fatt heb Business Addrens: So) Diol Le 0 iifre Bosiness City’ —— WARNING OF EORECT RGTICE: Fathirs to bain compliance. with thia notes at any future Inspaction may reguit Ina dicaet Notice to Show Caure. C1) compliad (Hearing requested C8fiot complied —(1Out of business tine extended = date. 4) 30, 27 time ¢ Ay (TPre-conferenca [Pre-haaring [10h Stipulation (10h Hearing Order C1 bther: § fel) ~ Live ber Ar es. LA a feel =| Bc, At eesti 6 or Free i cet Ae dlecteed (Ad Coen ag A ast A ifaa) cr d /, LupthetPt Cu. {4 a; ae ME (PLEASE FRIN TU eee [Painilor Tae Sat dpec RECIPIENT'S SGA | Lol rae INSPEC’ beer ON nd SZ 2002 February 08 OFRCE reel WET IIT. 4 DBPR Fort HR atts | ad oom Jul 11 200? 13:06 a@rfll/2ae7y 12:59 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 14/14 exnieit B got 8 State of Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division of Hotels and Restaurants www. hospitalityeducation.org One Ta SHOW ZAUSE You vvlll te Issued 1 Notice tu Show Cause why sanctions ehould not be assessed against yourliconss, A hearing will be held at « tima and place te be denignated by tha director, Ke JAG ab < Rowinoss Nave: Birel key Macht Chab _ Bird ff amines or Saratoga nH WARAINE OF BURECT NOTICE: Falture to bein compliance with this notica at any future intpaction may result i 0 diract Notice to Show Cauea. Clg [eaing requested | tecomplied = []0ut of busine (1Praconterence CPre-hearing C0e Stipulation ifn Hasring Order Dotims extended = ef: v6) Curont bude? ti Fen Dery hut be inet 2f2rf07_ # ’ rtderd am an - cr Pr Drea te Axe Ae J Aecn revnccsr ted fv * A he = ¢ L60AF ten A fy 239-2 7¢- St y Lae “Ty; TWSPERTOR Tena RE au, ih em <—— pth ere 2-73 7S 30107 Pevida.com 2002 Fabruary 08 OAPR Fort HR 5022-005

Docket for Case No: 07-003126
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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