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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 07-003139 Visitors: 11
Respondent: LAQUINTA INN
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Jul. 12, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, August 16, 2007.

Latest Update: Mar. 12, 2025
Jul 12 200? 11:18 ar/l2/2ae7y 11:14 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL. REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Patitioner, Vs. License No, 5801847 LAQUINTA INN R dent License Type 2004 espondent. Case No, 2007022684 ! ATIVE COMP! T. The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND) PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, ("Petitione7’), files this Administrative Complaint against LAQUINTA INN, ("Respondent"), and says: 4. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging establishments and public food service establishments, pursuant ta Section 20.165 and Chapter 805, Florida Statutes. 2. Respondent is, and has been at all times material hareto, licensed by or subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondent's business address of record Is 626 W LEE RD, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810.The maliing addraee of record ig LAQUINTA INN, at 626 W LEE RD, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810. 3. Inspaction of this establishment conducted pursuant to Sec. 509,032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 609, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated therete governing operation of the establishment. The violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit “A,” attached hereto and Incorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit "B’, incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry ofan Order imposing one ar more of the following penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program; suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other relief authorized by Chapter 609, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto.’ Signed April 13, 2007 £. Valerie Freeman, District Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Requiation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F. Tunnictiff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No. 0153831 Department of Business & Professional Reguiation 4940 North Monroe Street Tallahaseee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: (HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been 2007. hand served by me on this dayofoo Received by: Operator's Signature inspector's Signature _ Title Title Gase Number: 2007022664 District Number: 04 License Number: 8801847 2001 Form revised 10.10.08 LAGuINTA INN a5/14 Jul 12 200? 11:18 ar/l2/2ae7y 11:14 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 46/18 Exhibit A License Number: 5807847 License Type: 2001 MOTEL Case Number: 2007022664 FC as cited herein references specific provisions of the Food Code, Recommendations of the United States ‘Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Chapter 61¢, Florida Administrative Code, NEPA 3s cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safaty Code, incorporated by reference-at Chapter 4A-3, Fire Prevention, General Provisions, Florida Administrative Code, and 61G-1.004(6), Florida Administrative Gade. * denotes a critical violation. It is alleged that on February 20, 2007, March 27, 2007 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 509(F3) and/or thé Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), In the following particulars. Copy(s) of the report(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. *4,01-15 NFPA 25, 3-2.1 INSPECTION. COMPONENTS OF STANDPIPE AND HOSE SYSTEMS SHALL BE VISUALLY INSPECTED [ANNUALLY] OR AS SPECIFIED IN TABLE 3-1. THE STANDPIPE SYSTEM INSPECTION TAG HAD EXPIRED. "2.0401 641¢0-1.004(5}FAC ALL FIRE SAFETY, PROTECTION AND PREVENTION EQUIPMENT MUST BE INSTALLED, APPROVED, MAINTAINED AND USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GHAPTER 509, FS AND THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION LIFE SAFETY GODE CHAPTER 101, AS ADOPTED BY THE DIVISION OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL IN CHAPTER 44-3, FAC. 04-07 4A-48.003FAC STANDARDS FOR FIRE ALARMS, THE APPROPRIATE STANDARDS FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, ALTERATION, REPAIR, MONITORING, INSPECTION, REPLACEMENT, TESTING, OR SERVICING OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS SHALL BE THOSE STANDARDS AS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO RULE 4A-3.012(1), FAC. A) THERE WAS NO ANNUAL FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL SYSTEM REPORT AVAILABLE. B) THE FIRE ALARM GONTROL PANEL HAD A TROUBLE/ALARM LIGHT ILLUMINATED. * denotes critical violation District: 64 Case Number: 2007022664 License Type: 2004 License Number: 6801847 File Number: 5595 LAGUINTA INN Jul 12 200 : ar/l2/20e7 11:14 8584146749 cues DEPR OGA PAGE 87/148 page i STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSTNESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVESION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS EXHIBIT B www. mnyfioride com} dor CALL BACK INGPROTION REPORT LEGAL PeOrcoat Failure to comply with thie Noten many initiate on aditiniatrative complniet that rary namule hi sempemnton or revocation af your license and flee, 3/27/07 12:39 PM seo1ea? Hon, Caltbick Inspection Dats aid Teme ineente Number GEMINE ORLANDO INN MTLLC 407-645-5600 Tr] fea CodeTaienhana NunilieT _ LAQUINTA THN Aurinesi Hamed Onny2og7 Obeerved annual firs sprinkler report dated 3/15/07, MINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT RECOMME?IUED BECAUSE OF NON-COMPLIANCE ON CALL BACK RE*IHSPECTION. 6 Hy Z~ udd LO Li e Follewitg Rem(s) have bain recommended for Adminitrative Complaint elation: 04-13 brerved no annul irspaction report aivallable fc the firg alarm control panet syster. cations! 0401. ed a troobbvalarnt Hight Ruminated ont the fire alarm outta} panel. Panel for rome This vickaHon mest he comected by : fab rena?.. a Gate ‘Signature of Recipetit For a pane tO . Recipient: Roy Husseln ; . Cedia Chit The Chief Engineer Sanfation Art Fe Soy Spat 00 W Ranson Sc 2H Prone: 407 645 500 Kea aaed OSPR Porm HR, S0a2-ti0s a Jul 12 2007 ar/l2/2ae7y 11:14 8584146749 DEPR OGA STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINERE AND PROFESSIOMAL REGULATION SYVESTON OF HOTELS ANY? RESTAURANTS enw. inyfarkiz.com/dbpr Fanare to ropaply with thie Notice my olstion! 17-08 parved am dlectrkcal outlet misxing # cover plate, OFICE ion; 04-01 ed a troublejalart fight. Mtuminated on the fire alarm control pine. Pane! ckxtion; 2-04 beerved np annyal inspection report awakkable for the fie sprinkder syrtern. inMiete ab sdrlnlatrative complaint that nity Paewk iq acepimston OF reqre:atione 11:19 PAGE 48/18 Paga2 Lesnae Aumier HOTL S001n47 Busirieta Names LAQUINTA INN caumeaneenonnmonr EXHIB py as your Hoenso aud flese. for halvaye and other arema Thig vioiston must be corrected by ! 3/20/07, Jul 12 200? 11:19 ar/l2/2ae7y 11:14 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 89/14 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Page | DIMSION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS EXy, : LODGING INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Fane to comply with thie Notice may infiate an adrinstalive complet hat may resut in suspension oF revocation of your fice ane ied, O22007 08:50 AM Routing 5u01RL? HOTL. Inepection Dave artd Time Wapeciion Reason Liganoe Number GEMINt CI 1 & . WARNING: ‘wer Name LAnkmtons In the operation oF your estdbiistment B-BAOD LAQUINTA INN rus be comected by: Arma Code/Telephone Numer Susiness Name Ingpaction Result 187 03/20/2007 08:00. AM ADO? Number of Links Callback Date/Time Lieanse Expradon : a26 W LEE RD ORLANDO, 32810 Address / Oty / State / Zip / ete. jem 12; Beisony Certification Cartification Date: 11/06 Panelior | Cartificatan Date: 10/20/06 roan Cartification Date: 11/06 Panel for halways Clams ARG type Firm Exdinguigtier, found aaa Leumdiy room hea @ certifitertion ete of 770 ATER HEATING DEVICE. . Type [gas] 2. Water capacty [ gate]. Maximum water temperature [ F dagraea}4. Maximum heat Input [ BUTH}5. Location: Bolfer room , Danriet locate data plate 5 DUE DATE TO MY OFFICE AT 407 317 7839, PLEASE Detector type Wheteh IB Lacknowledge receipt of tiie Inspection form and comments. Se LE C. Che 22 ‘ Dato . Signature of Recipient Inspector Signature Recipient Roy Hussein For further Information please contact: . Corti Sh Tite . Chief Brigineer Sovteton Ret FER Baty Specials 400 W Rukinson SL 228 Phone: 407 645 S808 igen alii red YES are In omolionce. tems Marted NO arg victetlons. Spacthe etalla of violation are feted oF Violatigna marked with an asterisk are critical victathors. tern mo} arked 64 NAO are Net heared, and wera not being conguced at the time of inspection, subsequent pages. thems marked NAA are Ned Appihintile Herre Mi DBPR Farm He Sora arf 12/2887 11:14 Falure te cohply with this Notes may Inldate af administrative complaint thes may remutt in sunpersion or revocation of your Ucense and ‘ct, £13 =) l= =) a it 8584146749 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Jul 12 2007 DEPR OGA STATE OF FLORIDA CIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS waew, myforida.comidby LODGING INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE 11:19 PAGE 18/14 Page 2 License Number HOTL 5801 Burinasa Merit LAQUINTA INN Inepaction Dave Usp 8 ‘ORO? OB.59 AM AMGU Mrs er es (34 Lcensae: criminal conduct \Wolitions nated wit an asterisk are cittica! violations, Rems marked YES are In compllence, lems Marked NO are vielations. Specie datalls of violation are ited on subsequent paged, lems marked AYA ana Net Applicabia. hems Marked as N/O are Not Oosenvxd, arid ware nat being conducted a1 the tne efinapection, waming(e): 03-04:Ohserved no anual Inspection report available for the fire sprinkler system, 04n13;Gbeenrad no Annus! Inapacton rapert avaliable far the fire alarm coetrot panel syatoert, 30-02-Observed stampad copy of the room rate schedule had expired, Expired on 12/08 Corrected On Site, 28-01 :Observed the dumpater overflowing. D5-02:Chearved 4 hearing Impaired sroley datector is not functioning wien tasted. 07-D8:Observed an aleetical outlet missing a cover plane, OffIGE 19-08:Obeerved no backflow preventer an a hose bibb. Outside by labby Q7-15:;Obeaerved at expired standpipe: eysiam Inspection reparting. Expired on 1/07 This vietation must be corrected by : 3/20/2017, 04-01: Observed a troublevalarm light iflutninated on the fire alorm control panel, Panal tor rooms: 04407 :(Obsennad a treuble‘ainem Sight ituminated on the fing alan contra panel. Panel for hefways and other arsee Thin viotution ntt be comected by 1 a7. 04-01 Observed a troublefalan light Muminated on the fire alarm control panel. Panel far rooms This violation must be comacted by: 2/20/2007. 06-20:Observed an emergency light thet ls nat funetioning when tagied. Reem 652 47-U2-Oserved 2 soiled/siained piiowease/pillow on the bed. Ream 543 DPR Form HR Soca 4

Docket for Case No: 07-003139
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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