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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 07-003140 Visitors: 45
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Brandon, Florida
Filed: Jul. 12, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, July 20, 2007.

Latest Update: Mar. 11, 2025
Jul 12 200? 11:30 ar/l2/2ae7 11:26 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE @4/15 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS ANP RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION : Petitioner, v5, ' MARBLE SLAB GREAMERY reense ete Respondent Case Ne, 2007000182 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, {"Patitioner’), files this Administrative Comptaint against MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY, (“Respondent”), and says: 1. Petitioner Is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging establishments and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20.185 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, 2, Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, Ileensed by or subject to the Jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restdurants. The respondent's business address of record is 2946 PROVIDENCE LAKES BLVD, BRANDON, FLORIDA 43511. The mailing address of record is MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY, at 2846 PROVIDENCE LAKES BLVD, BRANDON, FLORIDA 33511. 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant fo Sec. 509.032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and /or the rules promulgated thereto governing operation of the establishment. The violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit “A,” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit “B", incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respecttully requests entry of an Order imposing one or nore of the following penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $41,000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program; suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other relief authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the tules promulgated thereto, . Signed January 02, 2007 Jos Perez, pistrict Manager By delegatitn of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels’ & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: . Charles F, Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No, 0153831 Department of Business & Professional Regulatio = " 1980 North Monroe Street 9 Certified Article Number Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 iF; rt CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE GEN BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: SENDERS RECORD DMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT hag been 2007. THEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing A hand served by me on this, day of Received by: Inspector's Signature Operators Signature Title Title Case ‘Number; 2007000182 District Number: 03 License Number: 3915549 2010 Form revised 10.10.06 MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY Jul 12 200? 11:30 ar/l2/2ae7 11:26 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE Exhibit A License Number. 3915549 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number: 2007000162 "FC" as cited herein references specific provisions of the Food Code, Recommendations of the United States Pubtic Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Chapter 61C, Florida Administrative Code, "NEPA" as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protaction Association Life Safety Code, Incorporated by reference at Chapter 44-3, “Fire Prevention, General Provisions”, Florida Administrative Code, and 61C-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Code. *" denotes a critical violation. It ig alleged that on April 3, 2006, August 8, 2006, September 13, 2006, Decernber 14, 2006 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 509(F'S) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars. Copy(s} of the report(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached herete and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. * 1. 53A-20-1 609.039 FS:: ALL MANAGERS EMPLOYED BY A FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT MUST HAVE PASSED [THE FOOD SERVICE MANAGER} TEST AND RECEIVED A CERTIFICATE ATTESTING THERETO. MANAGERS HAVE A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS AFTER EMPLOYMENT TO PASS THE REQUIRED TEST. ALL MANAGERS WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STORAGE, PREPARATION, DISPLAY, AND SERVING OF FOODS TO THE PUBLIC SHALL HAVE PASSED A CERTIFICATION TEST APPROVED BY THE DIVISION DEMONSTRATING A BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF FOOD PROTECTION PRACTICES AS ADOPTED IN THIS CHAPTER. THOSE MANAGERS WHO SUCCESSFULLY PASS AN APPROVED CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION SHALL BE ISSUED A CERTIFICATE BY THE CERTIFYING ORGANIZATION, WHICH IS VALID FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE; AND 61C-4.023(1) FAC: FACH LIGENSED ESTABLISHMENT SHALL HAVE & MINIMUM OF ONE CERTIFIED FOOD PROTECTION MANAGER RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERIODS OF OPERATION. MANAGER LACKING PROOF OF FOOD MANAGER CERTIFICATION. UNABLE TO VERIFY A CURRENT CERTIFIED FOOD MANAGER FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT. * 9.536-08-1 509.049 FAG: FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEE TRAINING. THE DIVISION SHALL ADOPT, BY RULE, MINIMUM FOOD SAFETY PROTECTION STANDARDS FOR THE TRAINING OF ALL FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STORAGE, PREPARATION, DISPLAY, OR SERVING OF FOODS TO THE PUBLIC IN ESTABLISHMENTS REGULATED UNDER THIS CHAPTER. THESE STANDARDS SHALL NOT INCLUDE AN EXAMINATION, BUT SHALL PROVIDE FOR A FOOD SAFETY TRAINING CERTIFICATE PROGRAM FOR FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES TO BE ADMINISTERED BY A PRIVATE NONPROFIT PROVIDER CHOSEN BY THE DIVISION, ANY FOOD SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM ESTABLISHED AND ADMINISTERED TO FOOD HANDLER EMPLOYEES PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ACT SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY THE OPERATOR TO THE DIVISION FOR ITS REVIEW AND APPROVAL. IT SHALL BE THE DUTY OF THE LICENSEE OF THE PUBLIC FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT TO PROVIDE TRAINING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESCRIBED RULE TO ALL EMPLOYEES UNDER THE LICENSEE'S SUPERVISION OR CONTROL. THE LICENSEE MAY DESIGNATE A CERTIFIED FOOD SERVICE MANAGER TO PERFORM THIS FUNCTION AS AN AGENT OF THE LICENSEE. FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES MUST RECEIVE CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION BY JANUARY 1, 2001. FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES HIRED AFTER NOVEMBER 1, 2000, MUST RECEIVE CERTIFICATION WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER EMPLOYMENT. CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION SHALL REMAIN VALID FOR 3 YEARS. NG PROOF OF REQUIRED EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROVIDED. Case Number, 2007000162 Bistriel Number, 03 License Number: 3915649 2010 ‘ Form revised 10.10.06 MARELE SLAB CREAMERY @5/15 ar/l2/26e7 11:26 8584146749 DEPR OGA STATE QF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGLILATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Jul 12 200? 11:31 PAGE 86/15 EXHIBIT B Page 1 waw. mylorida.com/dbpr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT : LEGAL NOTICE . Fallura to comply with this Notice may Initiate an administrative complaint that may reeult In suspansion or revocation of your license and fies. 40g 12:48:45 PM Routine : 3O15549 SEAT. intpection Date and Time Inspection Reason License Number SHAH SOHAL H/ SAADGUAU CORP. AC NG: WARN 8136538720 Owner Name Violations in the oparation of your Area Code/Telephone Number MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY. Susiness Name Inspection Result ‘10 07/03/2006 08:00 AM 207 Numbar of Unita Callback Date/Time License Explration 2046 PROVIDENCE LAKES BLVD BRANDON FL 33511 Address / Clty / State / Zip / atc. , fem 03: Food Tamparetuass Hern $aa: Cert, Food Managers jtem 20; Warewashing Sanitization | Item 45: Fire Extinguishers and balry prectucts, (rant ling, 0 ograse F aly products, front jing, O Cagrsee F Fle Suppmassion Systems Dales | AClag8 ABC typo Fins Extingutahar, toutd ina khehom ben cortificstion data of 3/0 NOTE: Items marked above with an esterisk ("} indicate a vielation Inepactors Gamments ‘ozen desserts anly. Water Source: Municipal/Utitity, Sewage: Municipal/Utilly, Provided Wab Stte: www. myflorida.com/dapr facknawladge recelpt of this Inspection farm and commanta. ae vgn Eo ce lle 4/3/08 Signature of Reelplent Inspector Signature Date Réelplent: awe For further information please contact: Righnrd Otten Title statt 3775 w prone a.eia £20 tampa, 1133607 Phone: 850 487 1395 STATUS SOURCE STATUS | PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL Yes “01a Approvad source "4b Hot food at proper temperature {yes *O1b Wholesome, sound condition “De Foods properly cookedreheated Yas 02 Griginal contetner; properly labeled, date marking "03d Foods proparty couled sTATUS | BHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL “Od Facilities to maintain product tempersiure Yee *O4 Cold food at proper temperatures during storage, “D5 Thermometers provided and conspicuously placed display, service, transport, and cold holeting “08 Potentially hazardous foods properly thawed U | *D8 Potentaly violabone frarked wih an astetigk ate eriilcal violations. ems marked YES ore In compllanea, Items Marked NO ave violations. Specific details of viotation are hetlad an aubaaquem pages. tens marked M/A ara Not Applicable, ams Marked a NVO pra Net Obzered, and werk not being conducted at the time of Inspection. DBPA Fotm HR 5022-015 Jul 12 200? 11:31 ar/l2/2ae7 11:26 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE @7/15 EXHIBIT B . STATE OF FLORIDA Paga2 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION — icange Number DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS SEAT + 3978549 vauw myflorida.com/dbpr Inspection Date FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 4/3106 12:48:45 PM LEGAL NOTICE Faliura to comply with this Notice may Initiate an administrate complaint that may result In suspension oF ravocation of your license and fhas. PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL STATUS GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL "07 Linwrappad oF potentially hazardous feed not re-sarved 8 33 Containers covered, adaquate number, insect angroderit *DBs Food protection during storaga, preparation, display, . [proat, amptiad at proper intervals, clean service, transportation Yes 34 Cuisidia storage area clean, enclosure propery MDa Crosscontamination, equipment, personnel, storage constructed foge Patentlal For cross-contarnination; storage practices; STATUS | __INSEGT. AND RODENT CONTROL, a —] damaged food segregated vas ba5a Presence of Insestsrodents, Animals prohibied "09 Foods handled wih minimum contact Yes fase Quler openings protected fram insects, rodent root 10 In us@ food disgensing utensils properly stored * STATUS FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS L STATUS PERSONNEL Yes 36 Floors properly constrLcied, claan, drained, coved. es 14 Personnel with Infections restricted es 37 Watls, caliings, and attached equipment, constructed, Yas 2a Hands washed and clean, good hygienic practices |_ dean (observed, alternative operating plat Yes a8 Lighting provided as, Fequired. Fixtures shielded es +12b Proper hyglentc practices, eating/drinking/smoking Yes a9 Roomé and equipment - vented as tequited (evidences) STATUS OTHER AREAS ‘as 13 Claan clothes, hair restralnts Yes 40. Employse lockers rs provided and used, clean STATUS FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS Yes [eat a Toxic tems properly stored ves 44 Food contact suriacas dagigned, constructed, Yeas "_{f4th Toxic tema labeled and used properly _ maintained, installed, located Pras 47 Promises mainiained, ine of litter, unnecessary articles. ‘Yes 15 Non-food contact surfaces designed, constructed, cleaning and maintenance equipment properly stored, maintained, installed, located Kitchen restricted to authorized persannel ‘Yes 746 Dlanwashing facies designed, constructed, operated |Yes 43 Complete separation trom lving/steeping area, lavnary 1.Wagh 2. Rinse 3. Sanitize __ Yes 44 Clean and gotfed linen segragated and properly stored Yes mach ‘Thermometers, gauges, est tts provided STATUS BAFETY, res 18 Pre-flushed, scraped, soaked Yes +48 Fire extinguishers, - proper and sufficient ye es 79 Wash, rlnaé water clean, proper, temperature [res +46 Exiting syslem - adequate, flood repalr ‘es "20a Sanitizing concentration + ia ~ Faz electrical wiring - adequate, qood rapale Yes +205 Sanitizing temperature yes "48 Gas appliances - properly Installed, maintained Yes 21 Wiping cloths lean, used properly, stored yea 49 Flammable/combustlble materials - properly stored yes 99 Feed contact surfaces of equipment and wiensiis clean STATUS GENERAL Yes _ 123 Non-food contact suraces: glean Ves +50 Current license proparly displayed _ No 24 Storade/handiing of clean equipment, utensils hes 51 Other condition sanitary and safe operation STATUS SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES: YES 82 Falsa/misiaading statements pyblished or advertised Yes 25 Service ttema properly storgd, handled, dispensed relating to food/beverage Yes a5 Single seriog articles not re-used No Yea Food management certification valid STaTus | _ WATER AND SEWAGE/PLUMBING Ne "53h Employes training validation, Miia 97 Water sourge safe, hot and cold under pressure Ses #4 Florida Clean Indoor Alr Act | yer "28 Sewage and waste water disposed properly Yes 55 Automnatls Gratulty Notice yes 26 Plumbing installed and maintained [ves 56 Copy of Chapter 509, Floricta Statutes, avaiable Yos 30 Crnss-roonection, back sIphonage, backflow STATUS _ GENERAL STATUS TOILET AND HANDWASHING FACILITIES ‘ea 57 Hospallty Ecucation Program Information prowdad yes 37 Toitet and handwashing facilities, number, convenient, [165 |gs Smoke Free dasigned, Instalied roe [eae a aa nth henge, Treas orn Total Number of COS Violatlons: i] | drying devices, tlesue, covered waste recopactes Total Number of Repeat Vielations: = 0 _—— Violations markad with an asterisk are artical violations. nems marked YES ara in compliance. tems Marked NO ara vietatlong, Specific dates of violation ara fisted on aubsequant pages, Items marked N/A are Not Applicable, hems Marked as N/O ara Not Observed, and were fet belng conducted al the time of Inspection. DEPR For HR 5022-075 Jul 12 2007 11:32 ar/l2/2ae7 11:26 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE ae 15 EXHIBIT B STATE OF FLORIDA Page 3 DEPARTMENT OF SUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION —Litense Number DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS SEAT 818848 www. myflorida com/dbpr Inspection Date : 4/308 12:49:85 PM FOO SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Failure te comply with this Notes may initate en administrative complaint that may result in suapension or revocation of your tiéanse and (ings. Waming{s)! 2408-1 + Clean glasses, cups, Utensils, pets and pans net stored Invaited of if 8 protected manner. S94-01-1 » Manager lacking proot of Food Manager Cenlfication, ‘This violation must be corrected ky : 7/206, 5SB-g-1 » No proof of required empinyee training provided, All public food sarvica estabilahments must provide the divieion with proot of employee jralning upen requasl, Induding, but nol Bnlied to, at the tima of any division Inspection of the esta biighment, Fra ‘This violation must be corrected by: 7/2708, BPR Forth HF §022-015 Jul 12 200 : ar/l2/2ae7 11:26 8584146749 DEPR OGA thse PAGE 89/15 re EXHIBIT B STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS wwe.unyiiorids. comdgpr CALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Fellurs to comply with this Notice may Initlate an admitistraths complalat thal may raeult In suspension or rrvocation of your license and fines. onngp6 11:25 AM - Warning. goissag_ SEAT Callback Inspaction Data and Tima Inspection Reason License Number SHAH SOHAL H / SAADGURU CORP ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT 2136539720 Owner Name recommeandad. | Area CodeTatephone Number MARBLE SLAB.CREAMERY Businass Name Inspection Result 10 o4/aav2006 Number of Units Requested Callback Date/Time Jnitlal Warning Gate 2946 PROVIDENCE LAKES BLVD BRANDON, 33511 ' Address / City / State / Zip/ ete. Comments no proofof Certifies Foud Manager available. Emptoyan on site has no proof of food handler taining. has been employed over 60 days. 8 fotlewing item(s} have beer recemmended for Administrative Complaint: folotlon: S3B-DE-1 vided, All publi¢ food service establishments must provide the division with proof of amployae training Upon raques\, Inchiding, Dut lo proof of required armployes Iraining pr Jno aetablishment. Pro This violation must be eomected ty : 7/3/06, nf limited to, BL the time of any division inspection of jotation: BIA -1 snager lacking proofat Food Manager Cartifcatian. This violation must ba eprreacted by : 7/3/08. Irhe follewing Item(s} are in compliance: Dw ai aon Recbinud QyQrn 8/8/06 Signature of Recipient Inspector Signature pee Recipient: mauling estes For further Information please contact: Richard Ogdan Tite stat Sr Sanitation & Saftey Spec 2725 W Grace St Phorie: 813 681 2663 Tampa, FL 33607 850-987-1395 DBPR Form HR §022-005 Jul 12 200 : ar/l2/2ae7 11:26 8584146749 DEPR OGA eS PAGE 18/15 EXHIBIT B STATE OF FLORIDA Litensa Nursber DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION SEAT 3915549 DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Business Name weew amytorida.com/dbpr MARBLE SLA CREAMERY GALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT ingpection Date LEGAL NOTICE OB/8/06 11:25AM Fallure to comply with thie Notes may Initiate an administrative complaint that may resutt In suépension or revocation of your license and fines, ioletion: 24-051 : Pian glasses, cups, utensils, pots and pans not stored Inverted ar in protected manner. | DBPR Form HR 8022-005 ar/l2/2ae7 11:26 8584146749 Jul 12 2007 11:32 DEPR OGA STATE GF FLORIDA PAGE 11/15 Page 1 EXHIBIT B DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS wenn myforidta.comvdopr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTH Fallure to comply with this Notes may Initiate an administrative complaint As may result In suspansion or revocation of your loense ard fines. 09713706 02:57 PM. Inspection Date and time SHAH SOHAL H / SAADGURU CORP Owner Nama MARBLE SLAB GREAMERY Business Name 19 Numbar of Units 2948 PROVIDENCE LAKES BLVD Routine inspection Reesor WARNING: Viotetions in the operation of your establish inepecilon Result {2713/2006 08:00 Aly) ——. Callback Date/Time BRANDON, 33517 3515549 SEAT License Numbar 8136539720. Ares Code/Telaphon Number 2ti07 Ne | inense Expiration Addrass / ity / State / Zip / ete. —<$<—<—<—<—— em Sda: Carl. Food Managers ttem 03: Food Temperatures ftam 20; Warawashing Sanitization | tam 45: Fire Extinguishers and Fire Suppression Systems Dates. shaky tilt raach In qnaler, 38 Degrees F. Qairy products, rhach in imezer, 5 Degrees F. Tasiry products, ranch in Ireezer, -29 Dagraon F. —— NOTE: tema marked above wilh an aaterisk (*} indicate 9 violation inspector's Comments Provided Web Site: state approved employee Iralhing manuals and information www.myflorida.com/dbpr Jacknowledge receipt of thia Inspection form and comments. 09-13-06 Date Signature of Reclplant Inspector Signature Recipient: ALEXIS PHILIPS Far ee information plaase contact: Cathy Lombard THe pereon in charge Spnitation & Sefety Specialist 3725 W Grace St, 520 Phona: B13 661 2669 850-487-1385 SOURCE. PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL "03a Cold food at proper temperatures during storage, Approved 6Ource “01h Wholesome, sound condition ginot container, properly labeled, date marking 02-11 Consumer advigory on Tay/undempaked oysters 702-13 Consumer advisory an raw/undercooked animal display, service, hos Poteritally hazardous, Toads poner Howe datalis of violation eft listed on Violsiion? marked with an asterisk ara ctitical violations. Hams merked IN are In camplianes, ltors Marked OUT arn violations. Specific OBPR Form HR 5022-016 ar/1a/2 Jul 12 2007 132 f12é 11:26 8564146749 DEPR OGA PaGE EXHIBIT B Page? i STATE OF FLORIDA Learner ™ 3 S549 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION susinass Name BMISION aenedtaes AO TE URANTS MARBLE SLAG CREAMERY : Inspection Date FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTT 09/13/06 02:57PM ice Fallure to comply with this Notica may Inilate an administrative complaint thet may reauit in auapansien ar revosertion of your license andines. ——_a i pi PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL lm | "07 Unwrapped or potentially hazardous food not re-served 33 Containers ecvered, adequata number, Insect and rodent] hg Food pratection during storage, preparation, display, lproof, amptied at proper iniervels, clear service, transportation +DBe Potential for cross-contamination; storage practices; damaged food sagregated TUS, NT CONTRO 4 = i a he 7 [ga Fragencs of insacta/reclants, Animals prohibited 25h Outer. openings protected from insects, radert p pof STATUS FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS. 10.In use food dispensing utensils STATUS PERSONNEL | [in |". Pergonnel with infactions restricted a: Wiails, cellinga, and akached equipment, constructed, clean 3B Lighting provided 35. required, Fixtures: shielded an Booms and equipment - vented ag required STATUS ut 40 Employea tockers provided and used, clear 41a Toxic tems properly stored 2 Pramisas maintained, tree of fitter, unnecessary anicles, _ jeaning and malntonance eqlipmant praperly stored, Kitchen restricted to authorized parsonnet STATUS 14 Food contact surfaces designed, constructed, maintained, instalied, located 16 Non-foud contact surfaces designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located - 16 Dishwashing facilitias deeigned, constructed, operated 4. Wash 2, Rinse 3, Sanitize +47 Thermometers, gauges, text kits provided *45 Flee extinguishers - proper and sufficient dequale, good yd reper +48 Gas apolianees - prope 49 Flammable/combustibie materials « properly stored Ing cloths clean, used oroperty, stored quipment and utensils clean 51 Other conditions sanitary and eafa 9) =52 False/misteading statements publighed of advertised relating to foor/baverage '83 Food management certification valid ’ Sab Employee training validation 34 Toilet and handwashing faciitles, number, convenient, designed, installed +32 Rastroome with sallclasing doors, fixtures operate properly, facility clean, supplied with handsoap. disposable towels or hand drying davices, tissue, covered waste ‘Total Numbar of COS Violations; Tote! Number of Repeat Vickations: terms Merked OUT are vielations. Spactic datalls of violation are llsted on cal vietstions, Iterng marked IN are In gompllance. | rod, and were not being condvetnd at tha thme of Inapaction. ‘Violtilons marked with an asterisk are erith subsequent pages. liam marked N/A Bre Not Applicable, Items Marked as N/O are ot Obser DBPR Form AR 5022-015 12/15 Jul 12 2007 11:33 ar/l2/2ae7 11:26 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 13/15 om EAHIBIT B Licanas Number STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 3515549 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION. Business Name DIVISION OF HOTEL NO Ober RANTS MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY Inspection Date Foob SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT nse ey 3/05 02:57 PM = Faflura to comply with this Notice may inllate en edministrative complaint thet may recut in quapension or revocation of your Iieense ardines. Warningta): 22-15-:No handwashing sipn provided at & handsink used by foad employees, at front counter, a18.02-1:0bserved forle tem stored by food on back prep table. Cotectad On Site, 534.01-+-Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification. ~ 598-08-1:Ne proof of required employee taining provided. All public food service establishments must provide the diviaton with proof of employes fralhing upon request, Including, bert nea Tmitactto, at tie time of any division inspection of the entablishment, Pry 51-18-1:Ne copy of Ines! Inspaclion rapert. REFERENCE TEXT: 51-5 500,101 (1) FS and 61C-1.002(8)(c) FAC: Any operator ofa pubk food service establishment shall malatain the tatest food service Inspection raporl of 8 duplicate copy on premises and ahall make tavallable to the publle upon request. ‘The operator of each public food setvice establishment shall ratntaln the latest Inspection report on premises and shall make evaiinble to eny consumer who asta to dae [t DBPR Form HR 5022-015 Jul 12 2007 11:33 ar/l2/2ae7 11:26 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 14/15 STATE OF ORDA =" EXHIBIT B DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS: www. inyfloride.cem/dber CALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Fallure to comply with this Natlee may initiate an sdministradve complaint that may result in suspension or rayoeation of your fleense and{ines, 12/14/08 41:42 AM Warning apissag, SEAT Callback Inspection Date and Time Inspection Reason License Number SHAH SOHAL H/ SAADGURU CORP si3653g7e0 Owner Name recommended, , Area Coda/Telephone Number MARALE SLAB CREAMERY . Business Namie Inspection Result 10 _ oan a/2006 Number of Units Requested Callback Date/Time Intial Waring Date 2948 PROVIDENCE LAKES BLVD BRANDON, 33511 Addreas / City / State / Zip / ate. Commants Provided websites for Information on state approved certified food manager and employee training again: www. myforida.comdbar www. hospitalityeducstion.org - en follawing itgm{s) have bean recommended for Administralive Complaint lolation: SAB-DB-4 ig proof of maquirad employes training, provided, All public food servica esinbllahmants must provide the division with proof of employes training upon request, Including, but of (Imlled to, at the time ef uny division ingpection of tha astablishmant, Pre inlation: 51-18 a 1214706 —_— Date * Signature of Recipient Inepector Signature ‘ For further information plaase contact: lant: Racipl JACOB LAME Cathy Lombard Tite manager Sanitation & Safety Speclalist 3726 W Grace St. 520 Tampa, FL 33607 Phone: 661-2664 850-487-1385 DAPA Form HR S0z2-005 arf 12/2887 11:26 Jul 12 2007 11:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE EXHIBIT B eaxe2 STATE OF FLORIDA Licanae Number DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BEAT 3818548 DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Business Name weew. myflorida.comidbpr ; MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY CALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT FE a AM LEGAL NOTICE Faflure to comply with thia Notice may inftiats an administrative complaint that may result in suspension or ravecadon of your fleanse andiines. Ip copy of Inest Inspection reper, fo handwashing sign provided ata handeink weed by food employees, at front counter, IAPR Forth HR 6022005 15/15

Docket for Case No: 07-003140
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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