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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 07-003376 Visitors: 28
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Pensacola, Florida
Filed: Jul. 20, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, July 27, 2007.

Latest Update: Feb. 01, 2025
Jul 20 2007 13:00 a7/2e/28e7 12:55 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Petitioner, vs. N (# HIGHTOWER APARTMENTS License Number ar aim (expired) Respondent Case Number 2007025890 INISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (‘Petitioner’), files this Administrative Complaint against HIGHTOWER APARTMENTS, (Respondent’), and says: 1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging establishmerits and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20.165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. 2. Respondent is an establishment subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondent's business address of record is 217 E OLIVE RD, PENSAGOLA, FLORIDA 32514. The mailing address of record is HIGHTOWER APARTMENTS at 6430 DUNLIRTH PL, PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32504. 4. Areview of the licensure records of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants reveals that the licansure for this establishment has expired: however, the establishment has continued to operate, in violation of the provisions of Chapter 608, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated thereto, The violation(s) and applicable law are deseribed in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and meorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit "B", incorporated herain by reference, WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the following penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 par offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Prograrn, suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other rele authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto. Signed May 01, 2007 ; Ken Hensdill, District Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F. Tunnicliff, Lead Atfomey Florida Bar No. 0153831 Department of Business & Professional Regulation 4940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 GERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: 7160.39 954! THEREBY CERTIFY that 4 true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been hand served by me on this. day of , 2007. Received by, Operator's Signature —_———— $< Title Inspector's Signature Title Case Number: 2007025890 District Number, 08 Licanse Number; 2705454 (expired) 2003 Form revised 10.10.06 HIGHTOWER APARTMENTS a5/ag Jul 20 2007 13:00 a7/2e/28e7 12:55 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 86/a9 EXHIBIT A 1. Itis alleged that on March 22, 2007 the Respondent falled to renew a license to operate as required by law. After that date, and at all times material to this complaint, Respondent establishment operated without licansure, in-violation of Floricta Statute 509(F5), and/or Florida Administrative Code (FAC). Copies of the report(s) for the above referenced inspections, Exhibit B, are attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2, Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated the following provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto: 509.241(1) FS LICENSES; ANNUAL RENEWALS. - Each public lodging establishment and public food service establishment shall obtain a ficanse from the division. Such license may not be transferred from one place or individual to another ., . Licenses shall be renewed annually, . . . 61C-1.002(6) FAC itis th e respansibility of the licensee to renew the license prior to the expiration date. 81C-1.002(6) FAC ...An y publis lodging er food'service establishment operating on an expired license is deemed fo be operating without a license, and subject to the penalties provided for this offense in law and rule. OBSERVED OPERATING WITHOUT A CURRENT LICENSE FROM THE RIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS; EXPIRED 06/01/2004. District Number: 06 Case Number 2007025890 License Number, 2705464 (expired) 2003 Form revised 10.10.08 HIGHTOWER APARTMENTS Jul 20 2007 13:00 a7/2e/28e7 12:55 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE @7/ag EHIBTB Division of Hotele and Restaurants LEGAL NOTICE ging Inspection Ra, O 2002 Matel J 2003 Apartment C] 2004 Rooming House (0) 2006 Bed & Broahfast {0 2008 Reson Condominium (2 2007 Resort Dwelling (2052 Unicansed Loaging ~~ TIGENSE NUMBER yUnscheduted {ROLT} DLiconsing (LIcy (3 Gormplaint Full (SOMP) Cl Compiaint Partal (CPAR} C) Disaster Response (DRTR} AVFOYSY REMINDER: Yourlicense amples ff can 1 Servica Floquest (SERV) OO Quality Assurance (O4} ELOriginal Visit [) Callback (1 Training (TRNG) : FOR CALLBACKS, GRIGINAL VISIT OATE WAE: fa of | . ITEMS MARKED WITH AN ASTERISK (-) ARE.OF CRITICAL CONCERN AND MUST BE CORREC-TED IMMEDIATELY, KEY: a = Not In Coniplianea C08 = corrected on-alts during inspecton R= rappat violation VIOLATION oa] k. ‘VIOLATION, Leos |_R ("01 Fire extinguishera/standpine systems |_|. [23 Glassware: tablavare; vienails santized [| C02 Fite Hazards A] fl “24 Vermin control | | : a Q 25 Premises mainiained |_| \ eal (0°03 Sprinkter system [y-04 Smoke detector; fire alarm systems (0'0S Smoke detector: hearing impaired ‘ “OB Gite: obstructions, ex sigris; @riargency fights [1°07 Elsctricaldefciencies (77 ' (7°08 Boilar, boiler room to 0 ‘05 Lighting: public, quest rooms [) ‘10 Adequate henting 1 | [J 32 Sactrty deposit |_| (01°33. Unstrical business practices: averboctsing. 0 '11 Appliances property installed; maintained [12 Bony ring sly, crmentn PPT TET se toneee:cinstoontut C1] 13. Building repair i T__] [Gr 28 Protids Gtopn Indoor Air Act |_| LEY 26 Gorbage and refuse diaposal 'C]*27 Sewage: and -waste;water disposal (+28 Adverisemant (1.29 Guast property: llabilly, noted [C1 30 Racin Rate Schedute ‘ | fs 4 L] 24 Room rates posted T144 Propar locking devices — C) 25 Bathrooms: public, quest, supplies LJ “16 Water source safe; hovcpid-pravided UO 17 Bedding: bed linens, towels . DC 18 Household fumishings 01 18 Plumbing ( 20 Ventilation (1°21 Toxios: storage, use |" [ta 43. Copy of Chapter 509, Fiodda Statutes avaliable 4 1] 44 Hospitality Education Program Information provided (“22 Ina protection Et | aoe R/STANDPIPE SYETEM 04-F IRE ALARM 5 EMS. 12.BALCONYT CERTIFICATION OFIRE {SHERS. he O2-SPRINKL eX Tata) Date(s] Expiration Date lnspection Disposition C1) Callback = Comptiad (CBCM) PR _Simmnirave Compinint Recommended | ry Fee wmanded (eOCL a Administrative Garnplaint Galback - ty Entergercy Order CARESCK = Complled (AGEM),, Complled (EOCND Adminiatadve Complaint Ganbeck = Tare | ro Emetgancy Order Callback - tension (EOEX) Samponnl (SEAS) OD _Exjengion (AGEX) Time, AGrministrathe Getertination “Adminigicative Complaint Galiback — Not margency Ordor Callback — Clonee Gui or Business (COFE! | C) Racommendad (ADT) O _Gomptied (ACNO © _ Not Complied (EOND! FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS NOTICE MAY INITIATE AN ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT {HAT MAY RESULT IN SUSPENSION OR REVOGATION OF YOUR LICENSE AND FINES UP TO $1,000 PER VIOLATION. —— “Glam ADGMIGNAL COMMENTS OM Jacknowledge recolpt of thase Inspection forte and comments. Violations inusl be corrected by ee ee pe EE] ou ATT Att re SO aTT SHEET Inspection Compiatad - O Galmack — Extension Given (CBEX) | Q Calback = Adnunlatralive Complaint Roeamendad (CANO) Warning Given (WARN) Qo a aq a ape Narre (PInase Pra Pere cn ere OBPR Form HR 8022-014 Jul 20 200? 13:01 DEPR OGA PAGE @8/ag a7/2e/28e7 12:55 8584146749 2 er 3 {TEMS MARKED WITH AN ASTERISK (*) ARE OF CRITICAL CONCERN AND MUST SE CORRECTED IMMEDIATELY. FAG: 61C-1,004(5) (8,(8)(6),(c); Florida Fire Prevention Code (FFPC FS: 508.211 (3), (2) (6), FAC: 616-1, 00415) 17),(8).10), FEPC Sprinkler system a. FS: 509,295(1).(2).(3).(4).(8); FAG 54G-1,004(5); FEPG Smoke defactirs; fire alarm syetame FAG: 610+1,004(5), FFPC Smoke detectors; hearing impaled | FS: 608.2156); FAC: 61C-1.004(9)(a) | FFRC Exile: obstructions, exit signs, emergency [i H Flectrical deficiencies Boiler, boiler room Cory Adequate heating [c11___.| Appliances property instaled, maintained | FS: 509.2114, 509.2112, FAC; 61C-1,004(10) FAG: +6101. 004(6' & (10) ‘ . FS: SORBIN(T: FAGLETC-A0010, Cid SANITATION : 16 Bathrooms: publlc, quest, supplies FS) 509,221(1),(2),(5), FAC: G410-1,004(a), 61C-3.001(1)(b “46 Water source sale: hotfeold provided —~ ‘| FS 508.2211); FAC: 616-4.004(4)(a).(9), 610-3.001(1)ta),(4 47 : : ‘LES: : _ PS: S0¢.22' FAG: 616-1 00411 19 t 3 2o Ventilation PS: $09.224(3),(4)_ FAG: 610-1.004(40}(12}, 640-3.007 (4) M ‘Toxics: storage, use. FAG: 816-1,004(3; . 7 rd Ige protection . ‘FAG: 640-3.001(9 es) Glassware; tableware; utensils sanitized * FAC: 646-3, 04 3).(4 “24 Vannin contra : : : B08. : 25 Preriges maintained. we 2 Garbage and refuse disposal: A _. “27 Sewage and waste water dlaposal FS: 5OB.224(1), FAC: iC. = 1004 (1 }(d): FDA Food.Code: 5-403 CONBUMER PROTECTION a ee Te [728 | Advenisament CCS: 809. 20707), 808.2819)" FAC! 61CH8, soe FS; 508-44 11), (2 Room Rate Schedule 2 509.201(1); FAC: 610-3.002(1) Room rates posled FS; S05.204(1), FAG: 610-3, 002(2' Security deposit Fe: 63.49 i FS: 509, 053(1), $09,141, 609.142, 509.401; FAG: 616-3.002(4 FS; 509.241, 500,281 ‘eS: 396. 20344), 786.204, 388. 2045(3), 388.207 Ligensea: criminal conduct Florida Clean Indoor Air Act pe po "{HFB5099016 ar Teveeteger omen) Curran license: displayed, available upon requedt Housekeeping Other conditions: gate, sunita: Poating oparatar eervide information FS: 364.3376(5) 42 Blocking operator access 43 Copy of Ch. $08, FS: avallabla FS: 509.101(1),(2 INFORMATION Hospitality Education Program. information provided {Information Only, No Vieiation 44 FOAL RAR! Pune Pane UR Ant nae Jul 20 200? 13:01 A7/2n/ehaF 12:55 8564146749 DBPR OGA PAGE 89/89 B-A2+O 2 State of Florida Control Number faa Department of Business and Professional Regutation B Division of Hotels and Restaurants 22. 05954 - F/ www. hospitalityeducation. org ow Addendum to DBPR Foou Servi a hr Prtutliien J DPR Fame HF 8022-042 MyFlorida.com 2001 November 01

Docket for Case No: 07-003376
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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