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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 07-004199 Visitors: 2
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Sarasota, Florida
Filed: Sep. 18, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, October 23, 2007.

Latest Update: Jan. 11, 2025
Sep 18 2007 li:4° 99/18/2087 11:41 8584146749 DBPR OGA COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND Ly PROFESSIONAL REGULATION | - | Petitioner, sO Vs. . MICHAEL'S ON EAST teense Type 2010 Respondent. Case No, 2007036575 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (“Petilianer’), files this Administrative Complaint against MICHAEL'S ON EAST ("Respandent’), and says: : 1, Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging establishments anc pubic food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20,165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. 2. Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subject to the jurladiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondent's business addresa of record is 1212 EAST AVE, SARASOTA, FLORIDA 342392304,The mailing address of record |s MICHAEL'S ON EAST, at 1212 EAST AVE, SARASOTA, FLORIDA 342392304. 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant to Sec. 609,032, Florida Statutes, reveaiad violations of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and / of the rulas promulgated thereto governing operation of the establishment, The violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit “A,” attached hereto and incorporated hereln by reference, Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit "B’ ' incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitlonar respectfully requeats antry of an Order imposing one or more of the fallawing penalties: administrative fine not to axceed $1,000 per offanse; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program suspansion, ravocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other rahef authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto, Signed June 25, 2007 Department of Business & Profassional Regulation Charles F. Tunnicliff, \éad Attorney Florida Bar No. 0153831 Department of Business & Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER; 74603907 9849 2219 6.342 | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true end correct copy of the foregaing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAIN‘ has been 2007. hand served by me on this day of . Received by: oo Operator's Signature Inspector's Signature Tille Title Gase Number; 2007036575 Olsisicl Numbar: 07 License Number, 6802458 2070 Form revised 10.10.06 MICHAEL'S ON EAST a Sep 18 2007 11:4, 89/18/2687 11:41 8584146749 DBPR OGA Exhibit A Licanse Number: 6802456 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number; 2007038575 "FC" as cited herein references specific provisions of the Food Cade, Recommendations of the Unitad States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Chapter 61C, Florida Administrative Cade, "NFPA" as cited herein referencas specific provisions of the Nattonal Fire Protection Associatian Life Safely Coda, Incorporated by reference al Chapter 44-3, "Fire Prevention, General Provisions", Florida Administrative Code, and 61C-1,004(5), Florida Administrative Code, “*" denotes a critical violation, tis allaged that on June 20, 2007 the licansee was In violation of Flarida Statute 508(F5) and/or the Rules u! the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars. Capy(s) of the report(s) for tha abave referenced Inspaction(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B, "1, 35A-05-1 6-601.111 FC:: CONTROLLING PESTS. THE PRESENCE OF INSECTS, RODENTS, AND OTHER PESTS SHALL BE CONTROLLED TO MINIMIZE THEIR PRESENCE ON THE PREMISES BY (A) ROUTINELY INSPECTING INCOMING SHIPMENTS OF FOOD AND SUPPLIES; (B) ROUTINELY INSPECTING THE PREMISES FOR EVIDENCE OF PESTS; (C) USING METHODS, IF PESTS ARE FOUND SUCH AS TRAPPING DEVICES OR OTHER MEANS OF PEST CONTROL AS SPECIFIED UNDER SECTIONS 7-202.12, 7-206.12, AND 7-208,13; AND (D) ELIMINATING HARBORAGE CONDITIONS OBSERVED ROACH ACTIVITY AS EVIDENCED BY: LIVE ROACHES FOUND, OBSERVED 6 LIVE ROACHES AT PANTRY AREA ON SHELF HOLDING MICROWAVE, OBSERVED OVER 30 IN BOX OF SWEET POTATOES ON SHELF UNDERNEATH PANTRY PREPARATION AREA-BOX DISPOSED OF BY MANAGEMENT- OBSERVED 23 LIVE ROACHES ON TOP SHELF OVER SLICER IN KITCHEN , OBSERVED 3 LIVE ROACHES BEHIND SIGN BOARD [N KITCHEN NEXT TO SLIGER TABLE. Case Number 2007038575 Olstrict Number, 07 License Number: 6802456 2010 Farm revisad 10 12.06 MICHAEL'S ON EAST Sep 18 2007 11:47 93/18/2087 11:41 8584146749 DBPR OGA es 08 Page ! cient 8 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION | of OMNISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTE myfiorids comdbpr ven. FOOD SERVICE INAPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE allure to comply wn thie Node may Inflate an adininietadies complain tut may result in purpereion of preocetion of you iicenes and Anew 6/20/07 11:44 am Routine : 602456 _ ~—_-_..—_SEAT fnepersing Dale rd yee a Inspection Reason “Llosnse Number B ‘AURANT ENT ING Ouner Nama EMERGENCY ORDER of sucpension of iic 4966-0007 . . MICHAEL'S ON EAST ‘ Aran Coda/Telephone numer Business Nome Inspection Result LB 06/21/2007 08:00 AM 01-DEC-07 Number of Units Calitack Oste/Time Ucensa Expimrian 1212 EAST AVE SARASOTA, 342392304 Addtass / City / State / Zip / mc. iam 20; Warawaching Saniization Item $3a; Cert, Food Mansgors ftam 45° Flew Exanguithars ans Fire ltam 09; Food Temperatures A cunt ASC ne Fre fee HOUNG tevin Gning room nas w certhoavon dave of O20 ~ 4 Clasn K tron Fin Exungumher, frund eva tunchert hae a cArtAurcan death at GOA? A Clupp ABC ype Fire Eoureguaana, [oud oat Mlcheh hax w cerufcnton ante of O07 A Mood Suoprepelon trem Fee Exingunee « found eval Kiichan nas p Lerwcwbar fate 9 ru? Sanitizer Type: faund at cancenvetion of PPM, Sanitizer Type: Chlarine found at concentrator of 300+ PPM, in abnitzer' buckets af cooNine Manager Name; BRIAN LEACH Certfloation Date: 06/12/03 Certified by: National Ragtatry of Food Safaty Proteawlonials nie, on 100 AT eit rtauen, 34 Ovorean tet Fuh, cook [ne, 42 Degree F, fest abvtenp, O@Ok lite, 40 Oygrews F, Hatlen waueuge roup, cook fae, 167 Degrees ft tow beet, raph in satay, 40 Degrone f, teen, tamer in cooler, TR Oopraen F, 20 Mus, rmacay In cooker, 9 Deprena F. fave ort on ios wath iv cooler, 31 Onorven F, few beef, sruth in cooley, 40 Dootpas F. hycaum, Jus codkd, 165 Osprewn F, NOTE: noma mated sbove with an netertek (7) indica a vicketion Inepectora Comments. 5 bserved sanitary gloves and uianalls In use duriny food preparallon, Gas not water healet- 210 degree maximum temperatura ~199 00 btu'a -91 gavan, pacity, Employees tralned by Dietary Managers Association lacknowledge reasipt of itis inapection form and comments. 06-20-07 Onte Signature of Recipiant Inspector Signature Reciplent: BRIAN LEACH For further information please contact Tive lc . Gearge Koahler . p Sartatjon and Sofety Spacaliat 4100 Center Ponta Phane: 941-586-0007 860.487.1395 PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL ~ 01a Approved sourco "03— Cold food a| proper temperatures during Bfarage “01b Wholesome, sound dimpiay, carvica, . "030 Hot food al propar Lamiparaiure ookadishesied we "03d Fooda property cooled i 104 Facilities ta malnialn product wemparolure _ Violator matied with on ameriss afc criicet viol allons. tlems matkad IN ane in compllance. Kerns Marked our ata Vialution3, Specie dataits of vinteime are lintad 5 DBPA Form MR 3022-078 Sep 18 2007 11:4: 69/18/2087 11:41 8584146749 DBPR OGA a or pynieit 8 . bebe STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 6n02686 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL AEGULATIOL Business N DIVISION OF MOTELS ANB RESTAURANTS Crag. 5 ON EAS? Yeeew myforida comkt>pr MICHAE. S ON EAS FOOD BERVIGE INSPECTION REPORT . IMApECTON Oe a . LEGAL NOTICE Tat Fallure 0 comply wth thie Notion many Intiem an adininiserative complaint that may reaull in auspension of rwocetion of your liconwe and Anes STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL STATUS GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL : . th "07 Unwrapped of potentially hazardous foad not re-perved - 139 Contalners covered, sdequate number insect and iodan: prot, emptied at proper intervals, clean 34 Oulalde storage ores clean enciocuin proparly 08a Food protection during slorage, preparation, display, fsarvice, ransportatian PERSONNEL 11 Personnel wlth Infections rextricied 120 Hands waahed ond clean, good hygienic practices (observed), alternative opsrating plan "120 Proper hygiertic practioas, aating/denningéamoking 96 Floors properly oanetucted, dean, drained, coved 37 Walis, callings, and allachad equipment, constructed lean 38 Lighting provided as required, Fixtures shielded 39 Rooma and oquipmant - vanted as fequited ae (cvidonce) STATUS OTHER AREAS - 0 Employee lockers provided and usec, cleon _. STATUS Out h4ta Toxlcitems properly stored a 14 Food contact surfaces designed, constructed, {n : *41b Toxic Items Iaboled and used proper maintained, Installed, tocated p 2 Premises maintained, (ree of liter, unreorsanry ero.son Cleaning and mamntenarioe aquipment propery staroa mainoained, Inxtatled, localpa Kitchen faaticusd to aulhorized personne "46 Olshwashing facilities destored, constructed, operaled 43 Complete separation from itving/sieeping area, aur gy 1. Wash 2, Ringe 3. Sanitize 44 Clean and sollad linen segregated ana proparty nored STATUB SAFETY P45 Fire axiinguishars - proper and suAicient +46 Exhing gystem - adaquate, good repay "47 Etoctical wing ~ adequate, po0c repalt "48 Gas appliances - propery installed aintalnad "49 Plammotie/combusilble materials - praperty Gtorac 18 Preflushed, scraped, soaked 19 Wash, nnse water dean, proper lomperature SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES jervice lan properly cored, nandled, dispanaed gryice articles nat fo-umd WATER AND SEWAGE/PLUMBING "28 Sewage and waste water disposed proper 56 Auromauc Gratuity Notice 7 29 Plumbing Ingtsjjed and maintained 56 Capy of Chapter 509, Flonda Stotuios, svaliable "30 Crost-ounnectlon. back siphonsge, backflow GENERAL S?7 Hosplistity Education Program Informatio: ded 31 Toilet and handwashing facilities, number, conventent, , instal eacigned, installed Tatal Number of COS Vidiatians a Our "72 Resiroome vith self-closing doors, fixtures aparale property, facility clean, suppliod with handsaep, disposable howols of hand drying devices, Issue, cavernd waste Tots! Number of Repeat Violations Viclations marked wih an aytgtick are critica! viottlons, (tems merked IN aren comptianos, tema Murked OUT are violatlons, Specific delais of «-crran ore Iinted on suDscQUENt pager, Ima manned N/A are Not Applicable. (tem Mareod ae N/O arc Nol ‘Observed, and were noj being conducted a) ine Umo of meowcnas QBPR Form HE 3022-013 PO8b Cross-contaminatton, equipment, personnel, siorage constructed BTATUS NSECT AND RODENT CONTHO wee . ‘ur "35a Premenoe of ineacte/rodenis, Anima prohitried "09 Foods handled with minimum contact J5b Outer openings pratected from insects, rodent pry {0 In use food digpanaing utensite property atared STATUS FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS GENERAL . “S0 Cunant llosnse properly displayed _ mee 61 Othar canditlona sanitary end sate operation . "82 Folse/misieading statements publixhed ar advanized ralallng ta food/beverage "53p Food management comtification valid *6ab Employee training validation - 54 Florida Clean Indooy Air Act _ Sep 18 200? 11:4: 89/18/2687 11:42 8584146749 DEPR OGA me A pxniet B one Licensa Number STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 6n02456 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Business Name DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS MICHAEL'S ON EAST Inspection Date FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT O8/20/07 11:44 aM L NOTICE Fajlure bo comply with thle Notice may Inflate an administrative complaln! thet mary rmault in suspension or rerncarton of your Noanse mrd Snes Vielwtpa(ay 20-19-1:O0surved Waate ins missing ot poeta purl hatstay, Copractad On Sie, A1A0B-1:Observed toxk Ham wlofeo by utanslis ehout brand alvanner above wlenally at wail station Cofrected On Sho, 128-07.1' Obuerved an ppun beverage conteiner on wart station storege apes, Corrected On Sitw, 32:17 Handwashing claonees lacking at handwarhing Invotory. Odperved soap dispenser empty wl right site kiichen handwerting sink. 120-02+1:Obsarved employes mating In a food peaparation ar other resicicied ares al pentry preperation aed, 22-18. 1, Obdserved salted beck brdge to cookiine open teachin cooler, Carected On Site, 20A.00-1:Chlatine santizer nat xt pragereinimum sirungih for sxnilizes bucket, Carvected On Hite, O8A-22-1;Observed unproper narzonte! anparotion of rave animal foods and ceady-Lo-uni foods, new cag Atorad over dpon Chacse bioens In walkin conte 098-047 ;Obseed clot usbd awa food-contacl suqpod At let alda raachin cools: Crewedte Bt cookline. Caracied Oh Gita. . 22-22-(-‘Obsarvnd anceusted matodst on can ppencr. 72-2361 Observed gnerunted, aalted mateilal or allcer 3SA.05-1;Obaatved roach activity os evidenced by live rowches favnd., observed G live roachen af pantry srup on snalf holding micrawave, obmervad Jv in bax of tere: polatoas on mholt undwrneath peniry preparstlon wrwa-box disposed of by menegamant observed 23 hw rauchaw ont top snefl aver slicer in Kiichen , obsermed J lye aches hening sign noara In kitchen next to slicer ladle, DBPA. Form HA 5022-015 a8

Docket for Case No: 07-004199
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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