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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 07-004433TTS Visitors: 3
Agency: County School Boards
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Sep. 26, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, January 17, 2008.

Latest Update: Oct. 01, 2024
SCHOOL BOARD OF ORANGE COUNTY, I So FLORIDA, BY AND THROUGH ITS : SUPERINTENDENT, RONALD BLOCKER, Al Vs. Cristen Krugh Petitioner 0 7 ; | u ax Respondent ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT RONALD BLOCKER, as Superintendent of Schools, for and on behalf of the School Board of Orange County, Florida, (hereinafter referred to as “Petitioner’), files this Administrative Complaint against Cristen Krugh (hereinafter referred to as “Respondent’). Petitioner seeks the severance of Respondent's Professional Service Contract with Petitioner pursuant to Section 1012.33, Florida Statutes. The Petitioner alleges: 1. The Respondent, at all times material to this Complaint, was employed as a Resource Teacher by the Petitioner, the School Board of Orange County, Florida. The Respondent holds a Professional Service Contract of employment with the School Board of Orange County, Florida. That on or about July 13, 2007, The Respondent was arrested in the State of Ohio for possession of Drugs of Abuse (Adderal) and possession of Drugs of Abuse (Marijuana). Attached hereto and incorporated Attachment Ais a copy of the arrest information and Report of Investigation. That on July 13, 2007, Respondent admitted to Law Enforcement that she used marijuana thirty minutes prior to being stopped. Attached hereto and incorporated Attachment B is a copy of Respondent’s statement. 5. That on July 18, 2007, Respondent pled guilty to Obstruction of Official Business and was placed on probation until April 1, 2008. Attached hereto and incorporated Attachment C is a copy of Respondent's plea and sentencing. 6. That as a condition of probation, the Respondent has to complete Drug Rehabilitation. 7. The Respondent failed to report her arrest within 48 hours as required by Management Directive A-10 and The Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida. 8. Such actions are in violation of School Board Policies and constitute misconduct in office, immorality, conduct unbecoming a public employee, and violation of The Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida. 9. Said violations individually and collectively are sufficient grounds to sever the Professional Services Contract status of Respondent, Cristen Krugh, and to terminate her employment with the School Board of Orange County, Florida. THEREFORE, the Superintendent of Schools for the School Board of Orange County, Florida, recommends that the Board sever its Professional Services Contract relationship with the Respondent and terminate immediately the employment of Respondent, if Krugh. Dated this | p day of September, 2007. WW. fugpefbacher, Esq dt No. 238597 ¢y fof Ronald Blocker, dupenbgendent, The School Board of Orange County, Florida 445 W. Amelia Street Orlando, Florida 32801 (407)317-3411 ip Gis LTP 4 Obie Sto., 4: Heist i gel ATTACHMENT A ae Lou ke bu Kar Sane Mla Pan counr_ Bases COUNTY. OHIO $ TL pga itm asset OHIO ; ___GAbtsPout§ ___ £2 FOUS TATE OF ong 25 a if. City ee 4 Township et wX6 181 UK 6 T 8 7 0 5 ON CRIS SUS. THORBSUS ) WME, Lay Tex, U6 Hy = 3 ON — Ted Liz foci Be ; te Ze Z 371 LONE He 3 av, state ALO PAA FA lew BPA R_ uicense issueo Mo. B_yr, OZ expines em-noate 2S stare Ft 0.8: M0. S2_vay Lf yr 22. Va iT > FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY abe) | Te Bay) erese thoi LICENSE NO. ? ao “Ua eo 72LE ves ONe LICENSE NO. tic. Class Mi 2 DOT#____ Does Not Apply \ Lic. Class p> DOT # TO Oe es N . Nora DEFENDANT: COMPLAINT ssayqcv LN3S3ud © Does Not Apply on ZAP, 202? _ ar NE MEUIORERATED/PARKEDWALKED! A BS 9S? _. YOUIOPERATEDIPAPKEDIWALKED! A YiPass OComm. —— OGyele 0. Over 26001 O Bys Haz. 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QACDA CRadar OAir OVASCAR Pace O Laser fy Biatignary O Moving DRadar DA OVASCAR G Pace Gitaser 1 Stationary 0 Moving T | ‘OV! _© Under the influence of alcohol/drug of abuse | | OVI C Under the influence of alcohol/drug of g DORC OORD OTP, 0 Prohibited blood atcohol concentration BAC 0 Prohibited blood alcohol concentration Q Blood O Breath O Urine OD Fetused OD Blood O Breath O Urine ES Refused DRIVER LICENSE: CO None © Revoked 0 Su dpb Wed} DRIVER LICENSE: OD) None O Revoled/| "Bros Not on person Expired:(006 mos. or less DOver 6 mos. PO ic OORD OTP. % 07 CO Not on person Expired:16 mos, or oe Suspension Type Suspension Type Fp} [ [SAFETY BELT — Failure to wear ate POigoRc QoAD OTP. [SAFETY BELT — Failure to 1 MeOH © Driver CT Padsenger o ae Siar Ou Ne Ove © OF O72 o Porc OoRD OTP. ok Aas Aes )a0 | gorc OorRD OTP. [AS] O DRIVER LICENSE HELD O VEHICLE SEIZED ARREST CODE PAVEMENT: YjDry G Wet Snow Oley # of Lane Z OvisigiuTy: O Clear AjCioudy — O Dusk O WEATHER: _O Rain ¥ COTRAFFIC: O Heavy O Moderate Light__© None © AREA: _D Business Rural O Residential O Industry © School COCRASH: O Yes f OAlmost Caused Cinjury ONon-lnjury © O Fatal 1 Grash/Report Number: . | ACCOMPANYING CRIMINAL CHARGE Wes _QNo TOTAL # orrenseS=__ _ TO DEFENDANT: summons Xf PERSONAL APPEARANCE REQUIRED TO DEFENDANT: SUMMONS JX} Sure NAL APPEARANCE REQUIRED Yoyeare summoned and ordered to appear at Chesed Must tPA 3B" You af6 gummoned and ordered to appgar at Cpynt is OM ea MBSE zy) “Garaheti "ile Tah. 7-2 I, If you fall to appear at this time and place you may be arrested N ee wD). Ht you fail to appear at this time and place you may be arrested r your license may be’ cancelled. IN or four e | ~ N PSH LYNOIS ¥ AYNLVNOIS I Qorc GORD OTP. ‘S3H “OO "Say “OO OCRASH: OD Yes O Cras! 1 ANOHeA gily on the defendant on Of forcement officer states under the » Penalties of perjury and falsification fficer states under the penatties of perjury and falsification This summons served personally on the defendant on GT =~ 1% &2 . @ complaint and that it es int and that it is true. 7 _ ~ z r ; RS ALO 19d 17 A : So letting eartniort@nent Oticar — [ Coun Code [Unt [Post | Dist} |: NOTE: ISSUING OFFICER BE SURE TO VERIFY ADDRESS, iF DIFFERENT FROM TGERSE NOTE: ISSUING SFFICER BE SURE TO VERIFY ADDRESS, a DIFFERENT FROM LICENSE |, ADDRESS WRITE PRESENT ADDRESS IN SPACE PROVIDED ADDRESS WRITE PRESENT ADDRESS IN SPACE PROVIDED OSHP HP7 } OHPOOEO 10-0060-00 (REVISION 090903) COURT RECORD [B6305} OHPO06O 10-0060-00 (REVISION 090903) COURT RECORD [B6305} State of Ohlo Bate o Ohio State Highway Patrol 2> poten Report of Investigation Rev. 0e/01/2003 investigative Notes 2 PHOTO POUCH NO, 40-06154 07/43/2007 15:00 ~UNITNO:0826 —NAME: Sgt. CHRISTOPHER R SMITH 0n 7/43/2007 at 0835hrs, | witnessed a vehicle traveling eastbound on US35 near mp #10 In Gallla County. Upon witnessing the Black Honda Accord, It was traveling very closely behind another vehicle, The vehicle was traveling approximately 3 car fengths behind another vehicle while traveling 60-65mph. | then proceeded to stop the vehicle for the violation. { activated my purgult fights and the vehicle stopped with no problems on the berm of US35 in Springfield Township In Gallla County. Upon prem ts into contact with the driver Cristen Krugh SSN-@@MMEMEpand the vehicle passenger Raymond Krugh SSN- Ga Both were advised of the reason for the traffic stop. Both agreed the driver was traveling to close behind the vehicle ahead. While talking to both occupants, they appeared to be vary nervous and uneasy. Both advised they were enroute back to Florida, after a vacation to Springfield Ohio. | then called Tpr.N.S. Johnson U1075 and his canine to the scene for a canine gniff of the vehicle. Upon arrival of Tpr. Johnson, a canine sniff revealed a positive alert for narcotics in tha vehicie. Upon obtaining the positive alert, the driver Cristen stated the passenger was hiding marijuana in his panis. : Upon being advised of the hidden marijuana, | made contact with the passenger and he surrendered the 3.5 marijuana cigarettes into plain view. The marijuana was selzed and field tested positive for marijuana. A Probable Cause Search of the vehicle was conducted for tha vehicle and the following contraband wes located In the vehicle. 4 botUe of 21 Oxycodone tablets was located In the suspects boot laying In the rear seat. The tablets were prescribed to the Raymond Krugh’s father. He was not present and the passenger stated he recalved the pills from his father as a gift to assist [In paln management. Further search of the vehicia revealed several other pill bottles In a gym bag In the trunk of the vehicle. The prescription bottlas were issued to the passengers sister. Mr. Krugh stated his sister had also given him several bottles of medications to assist with pain management. The medications were listed as XANAX tablets In generic form. In total, there were 211 tablets in one bottle, 56 blue tablets in one boitle, 24 whole and 6 1/2 tablets In one bottle and 62 tablets In another bottle. Further search revealed an adderal tablet mixed in with 11 tablets in Ms. Krugh’s purse In the front seat of the vehice. All plils were seized, processed and malled to the GHQ Crime Lab for analysis. The vehicie was then towed by Bumpers Towing of Gallipolis and held for proof of ownership. The vehicle was released while atthe scene to the vehicie owner Gristen Krugh. Vehicle was not held. Both suspects were then transported to the Galllpolle Patrol post for processing. While at the patro! post, both were advised of MIRANDA wamings and agreed to give a written statement for the Incident A copy of both statements have been Included Inthis Incident report. ‘ Both suspects were then Incarcerated In the Gallla County Jal for pending charges. Cristen was charged with Drug Abuse (F5) and Possession of Marijuana (MM) In violation of 2925.11. Raymond was charged with Drug Abuse (F5) and Possession of Marijuana (MM). Arralgnments were set for July 17, 2007 at Sam In Gallla Municipal Court. The evidence was mailed using DHL wayblll #'s 68223154241 and 68223154145. The traffic stop was documented on in-car video tape 2007-653-07. Case pending court proceedings. 07/24/2007 09:00 ~UNITNO:0826 ~NAME: Sot CHRISTOPHER R SMITH On Junly 18, 2007, both Defendant's appeared In Gallla Municipal Court and entered guilty pleas as part of plea agreements tothe Drug abuse charges. Gristen entered ¢ ples of guilty that was agreed upon by the Prosecutor. Upon the plea, she was sentenced to the following: Credit for time served In Jall, a $500.00 fine and court costs, drug treatment requirements and one year probation. REPORTING OFFICER: Sat CHRISTOPHER R SMITH UNIT NO. : 0826 DATE: 07/13/2007 APPROVING OFFICER: Sot. RICHARD L MEADOWS JR UNIT NO. : 0435 DATE: 07/23/2007 YUL Bl BU es ae ae . . . : ; ws Btate of Ohlo Ohio State Highway Patrol Oy ~* WRN OT Report of Investigation Ly an Rev, 08/01/2008 Investigative Notes %y &, . ZS < ) PHOTO POUCH NO, 40-0614 ey, Raymond Krugh entered a no contest plea as part of a plea agreement and he was sentenced to the following after being a found gullty. He was given credit for time served In Jall, Issued 8 $600.00 fine and court costs, probatlon for one year and he was ordered to attend a drug treatment program. All evidence was ordered by the Gailla County Municipal Court to be destroyed by the GHQ Crime Lab. An ermail was sent to the crime lab requesting alt evidence belng held In this case to be destroyed. A copy of the emails have been included in this case, Case considered coged, due to no further prosecution and all evidence destroyed. Case closed. REPORTING OFFICER: Sgt CHRISTOPHER R SMITH UNIT NO. : 0828 DATE; 07/13/2007 APPROVING OFFICER: Set. RICHARD L MEADOWS JR UNIT NO. : 0435 DATE: 07/23/2007 ”, >, he y ‘ofp. », 5 Ls, iss Oy is 0 aa ATTACHMENT B Stale of Ohlo HP.70A 10-0269-00 Rev. 08/01/2003 Department of Public Sately Ohio State Highway Patrol Statement Form STATEMENT DATE/TIME (MDDYY HHMM) | OTHER REFERENCE 3: PAGE OF 07- 02 ¥601- O8VY 7/i8s/e?_ oS / = \ La stip és Kaven | hereby make this voluntary statement ae. Ae SY, | Const. fpr 2? vo LIB LO? $F OBS IOS en a oe ae 8 Hasee lov Bary. MUSED. GA Sern. Muon Ate? Af ba. — 2 de be Kou by he. pore Spetco ? . AEB. Sit SGA. Srvte oven. emit . Sf Buco. PP. Baw B.. Duo, bar Mat. Le ae feccade.. A Cert, LEBEL ELLE nevi MALES SA eo neces ce weet eee eee 2 AMAT. WIRE [tlt tl for en . Le. ae 2_.bhje. da. the Deriessante, Spee Feo he LYE nc nen 2 De he fie. AbsetPeof, fa. Pre (AeoresPvls A... £2 Jee Tae Ae OotEhlen. a foe Moe A fea cn Pod Bi re ised Blow) XK (nicctinc frase oo. 214 Lengharn pr. Cristen.. f ce coe Apopka, FL BaTla- State of Ohio HP-20A 10-0269-00 Rev. 08/01/2003 Departmant of Public Safety Ohio State Highway Patrol Statement Form REPORT & STATEMENT DATE/TIME (WDDYY HHMM) OTHER REFERENCE #, : | OF- Or¥ GOr- OFLF yfiafor 2 Lov Snes mace ZF 2 (a) => I, Lesa. Lew Leber... __, hereby make this voluntary statement{, Z ad — Ser C4 Spirg. i Locuboass, hos 29. Ze Se. ek aN ~ 4 on 23 fea, "e ossines. nen enn “os % oO OQ... tadno bie Tae. Smage. tome DE... fees. Carers) BAS Coa 2, A Mise . . ee io Q... Hat fav. Sooo BRITA A OL PB KEDD ALT | fee LOE 8 pase? Ae... Seka. Sains? - Ebner LL REE FO ney HS. _ fit FB LEE. SRAMO en Q.... kbar. La Cee La. cas Louse? cae Aa BED, LB PERE, v Lose A Aer Sane O.. bdusen heo..ho.LLEF. BAe, Lt... PART. PRE wor Lacseuiia, B.. fh? ue ! ee A Fo A Ecards ob ME Ste Ei Fiiton Pon, Lach Xlhioter Kane 219 4 Longhorn Dr. Signature ‘Address Cristen. t Krug Apopra, .FL dalle Printed Name OD L. “oe PREZ REPORTING OSPFICER UNIT DATE 7) WE, pope Gye, 4, Oi Si, MZ 0 Met S 7a! Uc MNGi ATTACHMENT C IN THE GALLIPOLIS MUNICIPAL COURT 9), OU, GALLIPOLIS, OHIO LP 4 19) “yi 4 4, yy. STATE OF OHIO, . iyi, 9 PLAINTIFF CASE:CRADT0NSS2 — “Eg S7p iO og VS- . 2921.31 OBS OFF BUS/170 Krugh, CristenL, 33457) r / ; ‘Vault DEFENDANT ‘SENTENCE enteylitentl . DATE: 7/18/2007 Detendant was present and heard the Court's stalement covering his/her rights. pleas available, procedures to be followed and potential penalties. The Court inquired and the defendant admitred understanding and no questions concerning the same. Defendant entered a plea of Guilty. Defendant found Guilty of a reduced charge. . _PURPOSE CONSIDERATIONS — Z)_SENTENCE(General) 77 SENTENCE (Specific) , . Specifically re: Victims - P65 8 Permanently, totally disabled 65 & disability, weigh in favor of restitution ___ Peace Officer _Z Any weigh far jail <7 Appropriateness of C-C. sanctions __ V present a. Rot present . icc The court inquired and the defendant had nothing further as to pronouncement of sentence. The Court, being fully advised, ORDERS, ADJUDGES AND DECREES THE IMPOSITION OF THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE: : __ If any of the conditions of the community control sanctions are violated the court may do the following: 4. Impose a longer time under the same C, C. up to 5 years. b. Impose a more restrictive community control sanction. c. Impose a definite jail term, fine & c/s until the maximums are satisfied. Enhancement explained on OVI, VTPO, DV, NUS Recall TPO _ Recall BW Financial Sanctions: : $500.00 fine plus court costs. To be paid by 04/01/2008 $65.00 supervision to be paid by 4/1/2008 Jail : Defendant sentenced to jail for 4 days. 4 days credit for jail served. Defendant is placed on: : Basic probation supervision until 04/01/2008 Community control considerations: Monitored time until 04/01/2008 a . Defendant must comply with the standard terms of community control as related by the probation department. ; Defendant is to attend and complete outpatient rehab and provide proof of the same to the court within 6 months. co — 7 dant / Defendant. a re

Docket for Case No: 07-004433TTS
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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