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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 07-004817 Visitors: 9
Respondent: CASPIAN CAFE
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Panama City, Florida
Filed: Oct. 22, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, January 9, 2008.

Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
Oct 22 2007 12:40 laf22/28e7 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 3/15 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Petitioner, Vs. ‘ License No. 1305164 CASPIAN CAFE dent License Type 2010 SSpon h Case No, 2007049727 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT . The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (“Petitioner”), files this Administrative Complaint against CASPIAN CAFE, (“Respondent"), and says: 4. Petitioner'is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging establishments and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20,165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. 2. Respondentis, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondent's business address of record is 228 HARRISON AVE, PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA 32401.The mailing address of record is CASPIAN CAFE, at 307 LYONIA LANE, PANAMA CITY BEACH, FLORIDA 32408. 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant to Sec. 509.032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated thereto governing operation of the establishment. The violatian(s) faund and applicable law are described In Exhibit."A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit “B", incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the following penaltias: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per affanse; mandatory attandance at Respondent's expense at an educational program spansored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program, suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other relief authorized ty Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto. Signed September 07, 2007 Keh Hensdill, District Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F. Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney Florida Bear No. 0153834 Department of Business & Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of tha foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been hand served by me on this day of , 2007 Received by: : Inspector's Signature : Operator's Signature Title Title 4 ijo Number: 187478 District Number: 06 Gase Number: 2007049727 Fil ae eae ieed O7O7.O? License Number: 1305164 2010 GASPIAN CAFE Oct 22 2007 12:40 laf22/28e7 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE @4/15 Exhibit A License Number: 1305164 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number: 2007049727 “FC as cited hereln references specific provisions of the Food Code, Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Ghapter 61C, Florida Administrative - Code. "NFPA’ as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code, incorporated by reference at Chapter 44-3, “Fire Prevention, General Provisions’, Florida Administratlve Code, and 61C-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Code. “*" denotes a critical violation. It is alleged that on February 23, 2006, June 5, 2006, July 23, 2007 the licensee was In violation of Florida Statute 509(F'S) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars. Copy(s) of the repart(s) for the above referenced Inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. 1.29-05-1 6-306.10FC:: AVAILABILITY, A SERVICE SINK OR CURBED CLEANING FACILITY SHALL BE PROVIDED AS SPECIFIED UNDER CHAPTER §-203.13 FC; AND §-203,13 FC; ATLEAST 1 SERVICE SINK OR 1 CURBED CLEANING FACILITY EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN SHALL BE PROVIDED AND CONVENIENTLY LOCATED FOR THE CLEANING OF MOPS OR SIMILAR WET FLOOR CLEANING TOOLS AND FOR THE DISPOSAL OF MOP WATER AND SIMILAR LIQUID WASTE. OBSERVED NO MOP/SERVICE SINK INSTALLED/AVAILABLE AT ESTABLISHMENT. 2.51-09-1 61C-1.002(5)(B) FAG: (B) ANY CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF SEATS PROVIDED WHICH MAY AFFECT THE LICENSE FEE, THE FLORIDA CLEAN INDOOR AIR ACT, FIRE SAFETY, BATHROOM REQUIREMENTS OR ANY OTHER SANITATION AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED IN LAW OR RULE, SHALL BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE DIVISION BY THE OPERATOR. OBSERVED ESTABLISHMENT HAS 29 SEATS INSIDE ESTABLISHMENT WITH ONLY 1 RESTROOM. ESTABLISHMENT MUST REMOVE EXCESS SEATING OR INSTALL ANOTHER RESTROOM IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN APPROVED FULL PLAN REVIEW. REPEAT VIOLATION, (CITED ON 7-23-07). Case Number: 2007049727 = File Number: 187478 Distrlet Number: 06 Lieanse Number, 1205164 2010 Form revised 07.07.07 CASPIAN CAFE Oct 22 2007 12:41 la/22/2087 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 85/15 STATE OF FLORIDA, Page 4 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION EX, H IB IT B DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS: , www. myflorida.com/dbpr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Fallura to comply with thls Notes may Inittate an admintetratve complaint that may masult In suspension or ravocation of your Iicensa and fines. 2723/06 10:08:47 AM Routine 1305164 SEAT. Inspaction Date and Time Inspection Reason ‘ Lleanse Number KOUGHEHOSEINI MOHAMMAD. i WARNING: . Owner Name Violations In the operation of your 850-960-4442 CASPIAN CAFE. 1. Area Coda/Talephone Number Businesa Nama inspection Result 10 05/29/2006 08:00, AM O1-JUN-06 Number of Units Callback Date/Time License Expiration 228 HARRISON AVE PANAMA CITY FL 32407 Address/ City / Stata /Zip/ etc. ‘ flam 03: Food Temperatures Item 53a: Cert. Food Managers Nem 20: Wereweshilhg Sanittzation | item 45: Fire Extinguishers and ‘gyro meal, raech In freezer, fromn Oagreds F, 4 Hood Supprasdan type Fira Bxiinguasher, chicken, reach b haszer, frozen Dagees F, found Invat Kilcher has Bcertifcation dale oF fata chosto, reactrin cooker, 41 Cagreds F, oto yTO ment, Mach Ih ole, 41 Degrees, A Class type Fire Exlngalaher, found vat, Nichan hee 8 etriifieniion date a D108 A Gtasa ABO type Fw Eulnguithar foundinvet register aren hea 2 carlification cate ot 01-06 NOTE: {tems marked above with an asterisk (*) Indicate a violation Inepactor’s Comments : : love policy in usa with RTE food, Inspection conducted with SSS Joan Prager. Water Souree: MunicipayUtiliiy. Sewage: Muntelpal/tltity, | soknowladga receipt of this Inepaction form and comments, Date Signature of Reciplant , ° Inspector Signature Recipient: Mohammed Keyshek-Hoseint For further information please contact: Andeaw crith Tide owner Sariiavon anc Safety Spectatst 7946 Front Beach Road Panamachy Phone: (850)215-4448 : aia and SOURCE [Yes [03bHottood at proper temperature | “Wes P03c Foods properlycookedtehesied | Yes ___Fose forse oparycoses ——____.__] —_ STATUS *O1a Approved source q . 8 data marking STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL “030 Gold food at proper temperatures during storage, display, service, anspor, and cole holding *04 Facliltlas to main producl temperature *05 Thermometers provided and conspicuously placed *06 Potentially hazardous foods properly thawed Viotationa merked with an asteriak ore crillea) Velations, tems marked YES are in compllanes, Items Markad NO ara violations. Specific detalles of violailon are fisted on subsequent pages, Hems marked NiA are Not Appileabia; Hams Marked a3 N/Q are Nat Observed, and wire not belng condyciad at the ime of Tnapection, DBPR Form HR 5022-015 Oct 22 2007 12:41 16/22/2887 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 86/15 STATE OF FLORIDA Pega 2 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Licanse Number DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. SEAT 1305164 www. myflorda.comvabpr . Inspection Dete 2/23/08 10:08:47 AM LEGAL NOTICE FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT Fallute to comply with this Notice may Initiate an administrative comptaint that may recult In suspension of revocation of yaur license and fines. STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL STATUS “GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL yes "07 Unwrapped or potentially hazardous toad notre-served |Y8S 93 Contalners covered, adequate number, insect and fadent No 08a Food protection during storage, preparation, display, prea, emptied at proper intervals, clean 7 service, rangpertaiion Yes 34 Outalda storage area clean, enclosure properly Yes ponetructed Yes . Be Potential for cross-contamination; storage practices; STATUS INSECT AND RODENT CONTRO damaged food segragaied Yes __h35a Presence of insecte/rodents. Animals prohibited Yas "09 Foods handled with minimum contact Yea +35b Outer opanings protected from Insects, radant proof Yos id In use food dianansing utensils properly stored STATUS FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS STATUS PERSONNEL Yes 36 Floors properly consinieted, clean, drained, caved Yes #47 Personnel with infactions restricted Yeas 37 Walls, cellings, and attached equipment, constructed, Yas 12a Hands washed and claan, good hygienic practicas elean : (ebserved), altemativa oparating plan No 38 Lighting provided as required. Fixtures shielded Yas 2b Proper hyglanic practices, eating/drinking/smoking Yes 8 Rooms and equipment - vented as required fevidenca) STATUS OTHER AREAS yes 18 Clean clothes, hair restrainta Nes 40 Employes lockers provided and used, clean STATUS FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS vee 41a Toxls Items properly stored yas 14 Food contact surfaces designed, canstructed, 4. 1b Toxic tems labeled and used properly: maintained, Installed, located 42 Premises maintained, trae of Kiter, unnecessary articles, No 15 Non-food contaat surfaces designed, constructed, Cleaning and maintenance equipment properly stared. iraintained, Installed, located Kitchen resticted to authorized pergonnel Yea “16 Dishwashing fecititles designed, construcled, oparatad | Yes. gisteeping area, laundry 1. Wash 2, Rinse 3, Sanitize Yes 44 Cisan.and solled tInen segregated and properly stored No “17 Thermometers, gauges, test kite provided STATUS. |. CSAFETY. Nees _}18 Prelushed, scraped, soaked No '45 Fire extinguishars - srapar pnd sufficient yes 19 Wash, rinse waterclean, proper temperatura Yes Nes -|*202 Sanitizing concentration No yee 20h Sanitizing temperature tes RG 21 Wiping cloths claan, used propatly, storad as *49 Flammebte/combustible materials - _ properly storad Yas 22 Food contact surfaces of equipment and utenstls clean STATUS GENERAL ‘ Yas 23 Non-food contact suifaces clean, Nes +50 Current licanse proparly displayed. hi 24 Storage/handiing of dean equipment, wanslle No 51 Other conditions sanitary and safe operation STATUS SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES Yes 52 Felse/mislaading statemants published or advartisad No 25 Service [tems properly stored, handled, dispensed relating to fend/baverage Yee “_[26 Single service articles not re-used No "63a Food management certification valid STATUS WATER AND SEWAGE/PLUMBING. No Sab Employee training validation Ses, "27 Water source safe, hot and cold under presstire Yes 54 Florida Clean Indoor Alr Act ‘Yes “28 Sewage and waste water disposed praperly Yes 65 Automate Gratuity Notice No 29 Pluyibing installed and maintained Yas 5G Copy of Chapter $09, Florida Stalutas, avallable Yes *30 Gross-connaction, back siphonage, backflow STATUS GENERAL STATUS TOILET AND HANDWASHING FACILITIES: Yes 57 Hospltality Education Program Information provided Yeo "34 Tollat and handwashing faciiitias, number, convenient, [Yes 58 Smake Free designed, Installed es Ser eed at tandauep, etic aman ertene Total Number of COS Vielations: ic} drying devices, tikeue, covared Waste receptacles Total Number of Repeat Violations: 0. Violaltona marked with an asterisk are crilicat vialattons. Items marked YES subsequent pages, Iloms marked N/A are Not Applicable, tama Marked ae DPR Form Rie 5022-015" ’ ara nh compliance, Items Marked NO ara vialations. Spaclie datalle of violation ate Teted on N/O are Not Ohaarved, and ware not belng conducted at the lime of inspection, Oct 22 2007 12:41 la/22/2087 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 87/15 ; STATE OF FLORIDA Page DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION —Llcansa Number ‘ DMSION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS =~ SEAT = 1305164 wawanyfloride.com/dbpr . Inspection Date 2/2/06 10:08:47 AM FOOD SERVICE INSPEGTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Fallure to comply swith this Notica may Initiate an sdminietrative complaint that may result in suspension of revocation of your license and fines. ‘Waming(s): , : Of-tOet » Probe-type thermometer not used (o ensure proper catd food temperatures. O8A-23-1 - Observed improper vertical separation of ray animal foods and rendy-la-aat fonda. Chicken stored above lettuce in RIC. {8st4e] « Nonfond-conlact surfaces nol designed and constricted Io allow gasy cleaning and maintenance, Prep table top over dist machine Is nol smooth, Chipped af the corners, 1717-1 - Na proper chemical test kil provided for measuring the concentration of the sanitizer solution weed far wiping cloths. 25-06-1 + Observed aingle-service articles sterad without protection fram contamination, SS forks stared in hox with an open bag of crackers and 88 chips. 2605-1 - No mop/sarvice sak Instatied/avallsble at establishment, 3B-07-1 = Lights migsing the proper shiaid, cleave coatings or covers over cooler In food prep aren. 45481 - No hood system |napectlon report avaliable, ‘ : _ 47406-1 - Observed extension cord In use fornon-temporary perlod. 84-17-14 - Carbon dioxida/nellum tanks not adequately eeacured. , 53A-01-1 - Manager lacking proafof Food Manager Certification, “Tals violation must be corrected by : 05-23-08, 538-0841 « No proofof required employee training provided, All public fond service aatabllshments myst provide the division with prot of employee trething upon request, Including, but not fimlted to, #t the time of any division inapaction of the establishment. Pro This vialation must be corrected by ; 04-23-06, SEFERENCE TEXT: 509.049 FS: Food service emplayae trelning. The division-shall adopt, by rule, minimum food safely protection slandards far the training of all food sordea amployeas who are responsible foriha storage, preparation, dlaplay, or aptving of foods to the public In establishments raguinted under this chapter, Theae stardards shall nol Include an examination, but shall provide fora food safety tralning certificate program for food gervica employees to be adriintatered by a private nonprofit previder chonen by the division, Any feed enlaty training program amebilshed and adminialared to food handler employoos prior to the effactive date of this act shall be submilied by the operstar tothe division for Nt reviaw and approval. tt shall be the duty of the licensor: ol the public food service asteblishment te provide teeining In Sordrdnde with the deseribed rula ta all amployaes under the lleanses’s supervision er contol, The tcansea may designate a certified food service managar to perform this funetion ag an agent of the Heangea, Food sericea employeas must receive certification pureuant te thia section by January 1, 2001. Food gervice ampioyaes hirad aller November 1, 2000, must recsive certificallon within 60 days afler employment. Carllfitation pursuant ta this agelion shell ramain valid for 3 years. DBPR Form HR 5022-015 Oct 22 2007 12:42 laf22/28e7 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 8/15 . : Page 1 STATE OF FLORIDA PEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS EXH ] B | T B www. myfiorida. com/dbpr CALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Falfure to comply with this Notice may Inftiste an adimintetrative complaint that may result in suspension or revocation of your ficanse and fines. 6/SI0G 1:21:01 PM Warming SEA1305164 SEAT Callback Inspection Date and Tima Inspection Reason License Number KOUCHEK-HOSEIN| MOHAMMAD ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT 850-960-4442 Ownet Name racommandad. Area Code/Tolaphone Number CASPIAN GAEE, : Business Name ‘Inspection Result " id . Oe/2a/2006 Number of Unite ~ Requested Callback Date/Time Inltal Warning Date ” 228 HARRISON AVE —_— PANAMA GITY FL 32404 Address / City / State {Zip / ate. , Comments LV ; followlng itam(a) have been raconiendad fer Administrative Complaint: lalation: 15-141 Nonfood-contact surfaces no! designed and constructed to allow anay cledning and maintenance. Prap table top over dish machine fa net emooth. Chippad at tie comers. Molation: 17-111 No proper chemical test kit provided for meaeuting the concentration of the sanitizer solutlan used for wiping cloths, ‘ se oy 6/8/08 o me nk lala el el Date Signature of Recipient Inspector Signature: Reelplent: Mitra Kuchie For funhar Information please contact: ° Andrew Smith an Title manager. Sanitation and Safety Specialist 7546 Front Beach ‘ Phone: B50- Road Panama Gly Beach, Florlda 32407 . 850.487.1395 DBPR Form HR 5022-005 Oct 22 2007 12:42 laf22/28e7 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 89/15 Page 2 STATE OF FLORIDA License Number BEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION SEAT SEA1a05164 : DIVIGION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Business Nama wow. myflarda.com/dbpr CASPIAN CAFE Inspection Date CALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT _LEGAL NOTICE 6/5/06 1:21:01 PM Failure to comply with this Notice may Inflate an administrative complaint that may result in suspension or ravocation of your licensa and fines. latatlon: 28-05-1 lo map/sarvice elnk Inetallad/evallable at estabflahment. platen; Shar. Johts missing the proper sblald, slaeva coatings of covera over cooler In food prep area. lolation: 4546-1 lo hood ayatent Inspection report avaiinbia, olation: St-11-1 jarbon dioside/heliumt tanks not adequately secured, ' lolallon; 53A-01-4 janagertacking proofef Food Manager Cariiication. This violation mual be corrected by : 03-23-08, olation: S3B-08-1 fo proof of required employee training provided, All public food service establighments must provida tha division with proof af employee tralning upon request, Including, but at limited to, at the time of any divisian Inspection of the astablishment, Fro This violation must bo comected by; 04.23.06. 8 following Item(s) ore tn compitance: elation: 8-10-17 robe-lypa tharmemater notused lo ensure proper cold food tamparatures. iptation: DBA-22-1 bearved Imprepet vertical separation of raw antmal foods and ready-10-eat foods, Chicken stored above laituce In RIC. etatlon: 2508-1 : psarved ahgla-service anicies stored withoul protection fram contamination, SS forks stored In box with an open bag of crackers and 8 chips. ofation: A704 , ; boerved extension card In uae for ron-temporary partod. L—_ : ——_—- OBPR Form HR 5022-005 laf22/28e7 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA é Fan 2 ile pa Md lathe a Oct 22 2007 12:42 PAGE 16/15 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION / Division of Hotels and Restaurants : of oN a> CALL BACK/RE-INSPECTION REPORT pase !_ EXHIBIT B SHON EEE RA oth Number Suffix LODGING “FOOD SERVICE aie Coun NOTiCETO SHOW CAUSE You will bo issued 4 Notice to Show Cause why sanctions should not be asaessed against yaur licanse, A hearing willbe held ata time and place to be designated by the director. Owner Nama: Thonn houcheh ~ ses} usinessNama: os Baw z Business Addrass: ne LS a Businesstity: APA gape Cbs i mE j VO eh ec Une EI L dessoned ae, eo favdonoves. foeg table ote ek chine +2 not an . "hy v2 ereers, sel! Ce vee a tes antnd? ad. Ai peated ia My cone: Been Se Loan atic Or WARNING OF DUREET WOTIOE: Faifure to bain cormpliance with this notice at any RAST aI el 0 RGEC TNC CComplied (Fearing requested (Not complied J Out of business Fea as (CPre-conference (Pre-hesring pee Stipulation On Hearing Order Co%her: future inspection may recultin a diract Notice to Show Cause, ‘| CoTime extended = date: ft tine: Cbitzh he: Zz Brig hi et eee cy hie 5 bf ESTABLISHMENT TELEPHONE P-OER estes 23,07 Bae ees gor oh 22-008 Revieed B/1E/08 Oct 22 2007 12:43 laf22/28e7 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 11/15 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Division of Hotels and Restaurants Control Number ver (3. ISG va COMMENTS SHEET page of of & Addendum te BPR 22-005. 22-014 or 22-015, For additional comments te the Lodging, Food Service Inspe clon or Call Back/Reinspection Reports. 3 honed VW, eon playet Ale Y/ Gbhit bee Sttv {te in Is pense gyroy/ le. Ae WILD f , L an Kiba?” phhé. Lhe 4, ft pine: 2 Bay tii, trbpecfon Le Pieter] - Bn yale taal abe b, ALG Lie W? OAUAL CRIN | BPA 22-042 . . avian 4/9/96 Oct 22 2007 12:43 laf22/28e7 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 12/15 . . Page taf 3 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION sirincrauoereas™" ~~ EXHIBIT B emyfioridacam/dbhpr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Fallure ta comply with this Notice may laitiete an administrative complaint that may result in suspension or revocation of your ficanse and fines. o7/a3/07 O4:5¢ PM Routine 1305164 | SEAT Tnupection Gate and Time inspection Reason. SSSSCS~S Ucense Number KOUCHEK-HOSEINI MOHAMMED ; : ‘ owertame (850)960-4442 CASPIAN CAFE i Arex Code/Telephone Number Burinese Name : 10 OLJUN-07 NUMbOF OF UnRS License Expiration 228 HARRISON AVE PANAMA CITY, 32401, reat Trem 45: Fire Extinguishers and Fire Suppression Systema Dates Fei Rim tion. 4 ogres F. Manager Name: Kouchek-Hosalnt Sanitzer Type: Chierine found at A Gos K type Mire Eesoaehes, found Infat Htehan hax ees | cooler, 40 Degrees rly hat balding» 348 Orgs F. Cartification Date: 6/07/06 Certified by: contentration of ? PPM, act est un, a corte ion date of 487 r Florida Restaurant Assorintion tps at Eetngulthar, found infat ra Exingalsher, Round Infat leche dam of 407 NOTE: Items marked above with an aoteriok (*) Indicate a viciation Tnepector's Comments Provided Web Site: www.myfiorida.con/dbpr Tntpection performed with Linda Harding. Current copy of Chapter Ea) Florida Statutes can be downloaded from the DBPR website at: itp s//miyflorida.com/dbpr/lir/rules_statutes/2006_S509.pdf Water Sauree: Muntelpal/UHIty. Sewage: Manielpay/Utlity, Employees trained by Florida Restaurant Association No Ballet On Tacknowledge receipt of this inspection form and commenta, . \ , x \Pawke / LA ORF - re Skmature of Reciplent Thspector Signature Date , ' "Reciptents Mohammed Konchel-Hoseint ; For further Information please contact: 1 Tames Cohet Tee Owner Senior Sanitation fk Safaty Specialist 7546 Front Beach fad, Phone: bs0ads.444o | aayertes HA, 32407 . i 1: SOURCE . 3 rr AFERATORE CONTRO SNC poms eT a i Wheresomé, sound condition ‘transport, and cold holding “O3b dot food af proper temperature "ac Foods properly conked/feheatad Cab Onsumer MOvIory Of Fe d antiink prednes [RRO | Pais Foods property cnaTed $f Faciities io maintain product temperature i -——. Thanmomerers pravkléd and conspicuously placed | Potantiolly hazardous foods properly thawed z Velatone meriied With an attersk are crtcal veUche, teams marked IN ape in compliance. ftema Mathed OUT are violations. Specie datalie of vielwtien are lated en subsequent papas, Stems marked N/A are Net Applicable. Items Marked am N/O arm Not Ghearved, end wenn not baling conducted at the Umea oF Inspection, DEPR Porm HR 5022-026 laf22/28e7 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA STATE OF ELORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISTON OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS wwew.myfiorida.com/dbpr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT Oct 22 2007 12:43 PAGE 13/15 Page 2 of 3 License Number SEAT Business Nara CASPIAN CAFE Taspection Date 07/23/07 01:52 PM 1anste4 . LEGAL NOTICE Palure to comply with this Notice itay Initiate an admintietiathve complaint thet may result In suspension or revocation of your license and fines. PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL fo? Unwrapped or potential 08a Food protection during storage, preparation, display, ervice, transportation . PTSD Lross-contarination, equipment, parsonnal, staraga aZArGOUS toad NOt Reserved Ghc Potentint for crose-contnminntion; storage: practices; damaged fad segregated "08 Foods haridled with minimum contact f Tn uae food depensing utensils property stored Td Personnel with Infections rerticted Tah Mande washdd &nd clean, good hypiank practcar Cobsarved), atamative operating plan STATUS ip Cheam canes, Gale paras FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS 4 Peed Faces denned, contracture, maintained, Ineteled, located " st surfacns dusky 15 Ne pert ss “2 TROGEOG, Installed, focatad Fhwal = Behwabhing Faced desig 1. Wash 2. Rina 3, Sanities jor Ty Thermometers, gauges, test kits provided | ___ [22 Wiping cits ean, ied properly, stored fe Pood contact surfaces of equipmentand utensil clean 24 Non-fecd contact mraces clean Out Bq Storage/haiding of clean equipment, utensil | sats WATER anid SEWAGETPLUMEING ee A 7 28 Sewaga and warte waler disposed property * 23 Plumbing installed and mainta)ned 39 Croms-connectian, back siphonage, backHow TOILET AND HANSWASHING FACILITIES: 34 Tollet and hendwadhing facitties, number, convenient, designed, instated Out 932 Restrooms with self-ciouing doors, fiehires operates property, Facility clean, suppiied wih handsoap, disposable towels or hand drying davies, tesua, covered waste recepbacles . subsequent pages. tema marked AVA are Not Appicabte. tania Marked a0 N/O ere DBPR Form HA 5022-085 GARBAGE AD REFUSE DISPOSAL 33 Containers covered, adequate number, Insect and rodent proof, amptad at propor intervals, clean 4 Outside atorage area cleat, enciesurs properly constructed INSECT AND RODENT CONTROL 359 Presence of Insects/rodents. Animals prohibited FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS - 3d Floors propery canstructed, clean, drathed, coved 7 Wale, callings, and sttached equipment, congtricted, clean 6 Liphting provided ag required. Fixtures shielded }39 Roome and equipmant - vented ax required OTHER AREAS ab yore tems labeled and used propery emiges maintakied, free of [tter, unnecessary articles Icheaning and maintenance equipment properly stored. Kitchen restricted to authorized personnel #48 Gas appliances - property Instaled, taltttalned 49 Fiammable/combustible matartale - properly storsd "50 Current license propery displayed 52 Other canditions sankary altd safe operation ‘ ba Faue/milesding stetemants published or advertised relating to food/bevaraga ¢ +539 Food mansgement certification valid Sab Employee training validation 54 Florida Glenn indoor Air Act 38 Automat: Gratulty Notice Be Copy of Chapter £08, Hotide statutes, avallabler STATUS Hosptcality Education Program information provided Total ftumber of COS Vielations: 2 Total Numbor of Repeat Violations: 1 ‘Viointions marked with an acterick ara ertical vielstens, ftanis mariaid IN are in compliance, [tems Marked OUT are viclations. Specliic datale of violation ere listed on ¢Charved, and wara not being conducted at tha Hea of iupaction, Oct 22 2007 12:44 16/22/2887 12:33 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 14/15 Pago of 3 License Number STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 1905154 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Business Nara DIVISION OF HOTELS ANO RESTAURANTS CASPIAN CAFE weew,myflorda.com/dbpr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REFORT Tapertion Dutt . LEGAL Wi 07/23/07 01:52 EM Fajigre t» comply with this Notice may initiate an administrative complaint ‘that may result In stispenelon er revocition of your fcensa and fines, Administrative Complaint{s): 51-004: Establishment dat not raport ranting change that affects the Koanze fee, Clean Indoor Alr Act, fire safety, bathroom requirements or other related requirements, Establishmant tas 29 seate nade estabthment only ‘Lrestroom, Establishment must remove excess seating or instal another restroom in accordance with an approved full plan review, Repeat Violation, Viotation(a): ; 50-05-1:Estabishment operating wih an expired [Icenge, S220: Covered waste receptacle riot provided in unisex bathmom, Corrected On She. 2602-2;Observed rense af alngle-sarvice artkles, food atored fn yogurt contalnerd. 02-23-4+Ready-to-eat, potentially harardous food prepared on alta ald held more thar 24 fhdure wih nat properly date marked, Oe-23-1s0bsarved Improper vertical separation of raw animal foods and ready-to-eat foods. Rew chicen stored above anoked beef, 08A-23-4:Observed Improper vertical separation of raw animal foods and ready-to-eat foods, Raw shel] eggs stored above ready to eat food. 24-10-L: Observed utenalls stored in crevices between equipment, 17-07-1:No chemical test KR provided when using chemical sanitizer at three-compartmant eink Wwarewashing machine. 05-04-1:Obsarved bara hand contact of ready-to-eat food by employees and establishment hes no approved Alternative Operating Procedure In effect. Server placed cookle/biecult on saucer with cup usirig barehands, Corrected Cn Sita. 91-13-1:No Helmitch manativer align posted, 79-05-1:Nlo mop/service sink Instatind/avaliabie at establishment. DEPR Porn HR 5022-015

Docket for Case No: 07-004817
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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