Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: West Palm Beach, Florida
Filed: Jan. 23, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, March 27, 2008.
Latest Update: Mar. 10, 2025
O¥- 0365
Petitioner, AHCA No.: 2007011973
: AHCA No.: 2007011974
ve Return Receipt Requested:
7004 2890 0000 5525 7460
HEALTH CARE AND RETIREMENT 7004 2890 0000 5525 7514
CORPORATION OF AMERICA d/b/a 7004 2890 0000 5525 7521
COMES NOW the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care
Administration (hereinafter “AHCA”), by and through’ the
undersigned counsel, and files this administrative complaint
against Health Care and Retirement corporation of America d/b/a
Heartland Health Care - Prosperity Oaks (hereinafter “Heartland
Health Care - Prosperity Oaks”) pursuant to Chapter 400, Part II
and Section 120-60, Florida Statutes, (2006) hereinafter
1. This is an action to impose an administrative fine in
the amount of $2,500.00 pursuant to Sections 400.23(8) (b),
Florida Statutes (2006), [AHCA No.: 2007011973].
2. This is an action to impose a conditional licensure
rating pursuant to Section 400.23(7) (b), Florida Statutes
(2006), [AHCA No. 2007011974].
3. This court has jurisdiction pursuant to Section
120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes (2006), and Chapter 28-106,
Florida Administrative Code.
4. Venue lies in Palm Beach County pursuant to Section
120.57, Florida Statutes (2006), and Rule 28-106.207, Florida
Administrative Code (2006).
5. AHCA is the ‘regulatory authority with regard to
skilled nursing facilities licensure pursuant to Chapter 400,
Part II, Florida Statutes (2006), and Rule 59A-4, Florida
Administrative Code.
6. Heartland Health Care - Prosperity Oaks operates a
120-bed skilled nursing facility located at 11375 Prosperity
Farms Road, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410. Heartland Health
Care - Prosperity Oaks is licensed as a skilled nursing facility
under license number 1212096. Heartland Health Care - Prosperity
Oaks was at all times material hereto a licensed facility under
the licensing authority of AHCA and was required to comply with
all applicable rules and statutes.
7. AHCA re-alleges and incorporates (1) through (6) as if
fully set forth herein.
8. Heartland Health Care - Prosperity Oaks was cited with
one (1) Class II deficiency found during a licensure survey that
was conducted from September 10, 2007 to September 12, 2007.
9. A licensure survey was conducted from September 10,
2007 to September 12, 2007. Based on observation, record review
and interview, it was determined the facility failed to provide
care and services to 2 of 23 sampled residents (Resident #8 and
#15). The facility did not assess and provide the necessary care
and services in a timely manner following a fall which resulted
in a hip fracture for Resident #8, the resident suffered pain
and decreased mobility during a 5-day delay in treatment. The
facility failed to ensure adequate supervision to prevent
injuries from a fall, which was avoidable, that resulted in a
hip fracture for Resident #15. Findings include the following.
10. Resident #8 was admitted to the facility on 9/26/2006
with the diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA).
11. On 9/10/07 at 12:30 PM, Resident #8 was observed
sitting in a wheelchair in his/her room. The Resident was unable
to move his/her right arm due to paralysis. The resident
responded to a greeting stating "I'm fine." The resident was
again observed in his/her room sitting in wheelchair during
lunch on 9/11/07 at 1210 PM. The resident was not able to
converse other than with “yes” or “no” answers.
12. The resident was asked if he/she remembers falling and
sustaining hip fracture. The resident answered yes. The resident
was asked if he/she is now able to walk. The resident said yes.
The resident was observed ambulating with physical therapist at
12:30 PM on 9/11/07, using a cane.
13. A Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment was completed on
10/6/2006. The MDS coded the resident as having memory
impairment and modified skills for decision making. The MDS also
documented that the resident required physical assistance of at
least two (2) persons for transferring between chair and bed. A
MDS dated 4/25/07 coded the resident as having no cognitive or
memory deficits. The MDS also documented that the resident
required minimal assistance from 1 person for transferring
between chair and bed.
14. Physical therapy evaluation on 9/27/2006 documented
"resident presents with impulsive behavior, very impaired
balance and perception, requires 2-3 persons for mobility."
Speech therapy evaluation of the resident on 9/27/2006
documented "Severe expressive aphasia." Occupational therapy
notes dated 10/11/2006 documented "resident has difficulty
making needs known."
15. A Nursing plan of care completed on 9/27/2006
documented that the resident was at risk for falls, and required
assistance for activities of daily living. The listed approaches
included use of proper assistive device, assist with toileting
as requested, re-orientation/cueing as needed, assist with daily
care as needed, ensure proper body alignment when in bed or
chair and reposition frequently.
16. Review of these plans of care through 5/2/2007 listed
additional approaches of: low bed with mats, toilet resident
upon rising, before meals and at bedtime, bladder patterning,
and transfer with assistance of one (1). There was no plan of
care for impaired communication.
17. A nurse's note, dated 6/2/2007 at 8 PM, documented:
The Nursing Assistant stated that while transferring resident
from the shower chair to the wheelchair, he/she had to lower the
resident to the floor. An assessment was done and there was no
sign of apparent injury. The resident was assisted back to the
18. The doctor was notified. All safety and comfort
measures maintained; will continue to observe.
19. Nurses' notes documented resident complained of right
leg pain on 6/2/07 at 10:45 PM and was given medication. A
physician's telephone order was written on 6/2/07 at 11 PM for
"X-ray to right leg/ankle."
20. On 6/3/07 at 9 AM the resident had complaint of pain
documented with Tylenol given. On 6/3/07 at 5:55 PM nurse's note
documented an X-ray of the right leg/ankle was done and that the
resident had no complaint of pain or discomfort. An X-ray result
dated 6/3/07 reported arthritis of the right ankle and normal
tibia and fibula.
21. There was no other documentation in the nurses' notes
that the resident was assessed or treated for pain.
22. A physician's telephone order was written on 6/7/07
for "X-ray to right hip and pelvis."
23. The facility received a faxed report of the x-ray
results on 6/7/07 at 21:38 hours (9:38 PM), documenting an
intertrochanteric fracture of the right hip. A nurse's note
dated 6/7/07 at 10:45 PM documented that the X-ray report was
received. The nurse's note further documented that the report
was faxed to the doctor at 11:15 PM and that a call was placed
to the doctor via answering service to which there was no
24. On 6/8/2007 at 8:30 AM a physician's order was given
for the resident to be transferred to an acute care hospital for
treatment of the hip fracture.
25. Nurse's notes on 6/8/07 documented as a "late entry"
that the physical therapist reported that the resident was
having muscle spasms to the right leg and complained of knee
pain the day before. The physician was notified and the nurse
was told that the resident would be seen the following morning.
There was no documentation that the resident was seen by the
26. Review of the Medication Administration Record (MAR)
revealed that the resident received acetaminophen (pain
reliever) daily on 6/4, 6/5, 6/6, 6/7 and 6/8/07. Medication
notes on the MAR on 6/4/07 documented resident complained of leg
spasms. Notes on 6/7/07 documented medicine given for right leg
pain. There was no other medication note documented to indicate
the purpose for which the pain reliever was administered.
27. An interview was conducted with the Director of
Physical Therapy (PT) on 9/11/07 at 12:15 PM and revealed the
following: The PT director stated that the resident was admitted
with severe expressive aphasia and had a difficult time making
needs known. The resident had improved and was walking with
supervision until the resident sustained a slip and fall in
28. An interview was conducted with the facility's
Administrator/Risk Manager on 9/12/07 at 1:25 PM. The
Administrator was asked what assessment had been completed of
the resident after falling on 6/2/07 and prior to the X-ray of
the pelvis and hip. The Administrator stated that the resident
was ambulatory after each of his/her prior falls, but was not
ambulatory after the fall on 6/2/07 due to pain. The
Administrator was then asked if there was documentation of the
pain and decreased mobility. The Administrator replied that the
documentation was not there to support what really took place.
29. A review of the clinical record for Resident #15
revealed that the resident was originally admitted to _ the
facility on 4/16/1999 and was readmitted to the facility on
3/22/2007 after a brief hospitalization for an Open Reduction
Internal Fixation of a left hip fracture.
30. The resident also had diagnoses that included
Dementia, history of Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) with the
left sided weakness.
31. A 1/29/2007 Annual Minimum Data Set (MDS) documented
that the resident had short and long term memory problems and
was moderately impaired {decisions poor, cues/supervision
required) for decision making regarding tasks of daily life. The
resident was limited assistance of one person physical assist
for bed mobility, walking in the room, and toilet use. The
resident required supervision of one person physical assist for
transfers. The resident also had a fall in the last 31 - 180
32. A 8/9/2006 care plan was initiated that identified a
problem that the resident needs assist for transfers, is at risk
for falls and related injury secondary to old CVA with left
hemiparesis. Also identified on this care plan was- the
resident's risk factor of "lack of awareness of safe parameters
and impulsive behavior. Interventions identified on this care
plan were:
a. Keep environment free of clutter and obstacles
b. Encourage the use of hipsters
c. 1 person assist for transfers
d. Remind the resident to call for assist
e Re-educate re: calling for assistance (12/1/2006)
33. A review of the nurses' notes revealed that on
11/30/2006 at 8:30 PM, the resident was found on the floor in
the bathroom. There was no apparent injury to the resident after
this fall. The care plan was updated to re-educate the resident,
re: calling for assistance.
34. A Falls MDS Rap module was completed on the resident.
However there was no nurse's signature or date on this form. The
form documented that the resident had incontinence and CVA with
hemiparesis, resident received medication that contributed to
the fall. The resident exhibited signs and symptoms of acute
confusion, the resident wandered without regard to fatigue and
the resident had cognitive factors or conditions impacting the
resident's risk for falls.
35. The resident has a history of fall or multiple falls,
unsteady gait, resident requires the use of an appliance to
assist with locomotion (walker, cane, wheelchair) and the
resident has the reduced or lost use of a limb (arm or leg).
36. The nurse documented that the resident "received
sleeping medication, went to bed then woke up to go to the
bathroom. Resident has a history of confusion that might have
contributed to fall."
37. A 12/27/2006 8:30 PM nurse's note documented that the
resident was out of bed in the bathroom. The resident "fell in
sitting position". No apparent injury.
38. A Change in status - Fall Care TIP (Targeted
Implementation Plan) was completed for this 12/27/2006 fall.
Documented under the section of the Clinical Plan was the
a. Monitor vital signs.
b. Monitor changes in mental status for 72 hours
Monitor changes in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) functions or
c. Monitor changes in neurological status.
d. Initiate or change device, e.g. mat on floor,
clip or sensor alarm.
e. Refer to other departments, e.g. rehabilitation
therapy, pharmacy or activities.
f. Initiate or review and modify interdisciplinary
care plan to reduce the risk of fall.
g. Recurrence or injury due to fall.
39. The facility failed to update the resident's care plan
after this 12/27/2006 fall to reflect the resident's needs as
indicated on the Fall Care TIP. The resident sustained two falls
on the 3-11 shift within a month, related to not calling for the
assistance of the staff for toileting needs.
40. A 3/13/2007 10:45 PM nurse's note documented that
"upon entering the resident's room, the resident was lying on
the floor on his/her left side. The resident stated that he/she
was ambulating to the bed from the bathroom, using his/her cane
and fell.”
41. The resident complained of pain to the left hip. The
resident was put to bed by the staff. The resident was unable to
bear weight on his/her left leg. Physician notified and ordered
an immediate (stat) X-Ray."
42. A 3/14/2007 Diagnostic Imaging Report of the pelvis
documented that the resident had an "intertrochantic displaced
fracture of the left femur with superior migration of the distal
fragment over -riding."
43. A March Florida ADL worksheet documented daily that
the resident was continent for bowels and bladder on the 11-7
and 7-3 shifts and was incontinent of urine on the 3-11 shift.
The resident required extensive assistance of one person for
transfers, on the 7-3 shift and on the 3-11 shift the resident
was independent. The resident required extensive assistance of
one person for toileting on the 7-3 shift and limited assistance
on the 3-11 shift.
44. A review of the investigation of the fall documented
that on 3/13/2007 at approximately 10:50 PM, the resident got up
and was ambulating to the bathroom using his/her walker.
Resident misstepped and fell on his/her left side. The Resident
was ound on the floor by the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).
Resident sustained a left hip fracture and was sent to an acute
care facility for treatment.
45. A statement from the nurse documented that at 10:45 PM
nurse was called to room --W. Resident was lying on the floor on
his/her left side. The resident was alert and responsive. The
resident stated that he/she was coming from the bathroom going
to his/her bed and fell. Resident was using his/her cane. Staff
picked resident up and put the resident into bed. Resident
complained of left hip pain. No other injuries noted.
46. This investigation did not have any documentation
concerning the resident's statement of what happened. There was
not any documentation as to when the resident was last toileted,
or whether the resident's call light was on or off at the time
of the fall. Additionally, despite the resident having previous
falls and risk factors of "lack of safety awareness and
impulsive behavior", the facility did not implement
interventions for the resident's assessed need for more
supervision/and or monitoring.
47. The resident had multiple attempts of transferring
without assistance, increasing periods of confusion and impaired
judgment about abilities. The interventions documented were to
continue to reeducate the resident to use the call light.
48. An interview was conducted with the resident on
9/11/2007 at 1:45 PM. The resident stated that the staff did not
help him/her with toileting and prior to the resident breaking
his/her hip, the resident felt that he/she had to toilet
49. The resident also stated that the staff did not come
fast enough to answer the call light. The resident then stated
that he/she was a nurse, so he/she knew what should happen.
50. An interview was conducted with the MDS Coordinator on
9/12/2007 at 10:30AM. Reviewed the resident's MDS and care plan.
Discussed with the coordinator concerning the resident's risk
factors and the interventions documented. After much discussion,
it was confirmed that other interventions were more appropriate
for the resident's needs.
51. An interview was conducted on 9/12/2007 at 11:30 AM
with the Administrator/Risk Manager. Reviewed the resident's
fall. The Administrator felt that the interventions in place
were appropriate and re-educating a resident that "lacked safety
awareness and had impulsive behavior" was appropriate.
52. The facility wanted to have in place the least
restrictive intervention. Discussed with the Administrator the
use of censors or alarms that was documented as a monitoring
tool on the clinical care plan on the care TIP that was not
implemented. The resident was alert with some confusion.
Reviewed the investigation with the Administrator.
53. Further documentation on the investigation for
corrective action was "upon return to the facility the resident
was reassessed and picked up by therapy. Resident re-educated on
asking for help when needed. This was an isolated incident." The
resident had 2 other documented falls associated with toileting
within 90 days of the 3/13/07 fall.
54. The facility failed to address the resident’s assessed
needs to prevent further falls. The resident's fall was
55. Based on the foregoing facts, Heartland Health Care -
Prosperity Oaks violated Section 400.102, Florida Statutes
(2006), Section 400.022(1) (1), Florida Statutes (2006), and Rule
59A-4.019, Florida Administrative Code, herein classified as an
isolated Class II violation pursuant to Section 400.23(8),
Florida Statutes (2006), which carries an assessed fine of
$2,500.00. This also gives rise to conditional licensure status
pursuant to Section 400.23(7) (b), Florida Statutes (2006).
Pursuant to Section 400.25(7), Florida Statutes (2006),
Heartland Health Care - Prosperity Oaks shall post the license
in a prominent place that is clear and unobstructed public: view
at or near the place where residents are being admitted to the
The conditional License is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”
Docket for Case No: 08-000385
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 02, 2008 |
(Agency) Final Order filed.
Mar. 27, 2008 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 26, 2008 |
Agreed Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Mar. 26, 2008 |
Order Granting Leave to File Amended Administrative Complaint.
Mar. 20, 2008 |
Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Mar. 20, 2008 |
Unopposed Motion for Leave to File an Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Feb. 27, 2008 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for May 16, 2008; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Feb. 22, 2008 |
Unopposed Motion for Continuance filed.
Feb. 12, 2008 |
Notice of Service of Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Feb. 08, 2008 |
Notice of Service of Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Feb. 04, 2008 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 10, 2008; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Feb. 04, 2008 |
Notice of Service of Petitioner`s Request for Prodsuction of Documents filed.
Feb. 01, 2008 |
Joitn Response to Intial Order filed.
Jan. 24, 2008 |
Initial Order.
Jan. 23, 2008 |
Conditional License filed.
Jan. 23, 2008 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jan. 23, 2008 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Proceeding filed.
Jan. 23, 2008 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.