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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 08-002603TTS Visitors: 6
Respondent: LINDA C. WILSON
Agency: County School Boards
Locations: Bradenton, Florida
Filed: May 29, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, February 25, 2009.

Latest Update: Oct. 02, 2024
BEFORE THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MANATEE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHOOL BOARD OF MANATEE © () 8 Ae COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner/Employer, vs. SBMC Case No. 08-0007 LINDA C. WILSON, Respondent/Employee. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT Dr. Roger Dearing, as Superintendent of Schools, by and through his undersigned counsel, pursuant to section 1012.34(3)(d), Florida Statutes (2007), hereby recommends the termination of employment of Respondent, LINDA C. WILSON (“Wilson”), effective June 10, 2008, and as grounds therefore states as follows: FACTUA LEGATI I Wilson has been employed with the School District of Manatee County as a teacher since 2000. Her latest assignment was on August 13, 2007, when she became a third grade teacher at Williams Elementary School. Her principal at Williams Elementary was Nancy Beal (“Beal”) and her assistant principal was Barry Dunn (“Dunn”), Wilson is on a professional services contract. She is currently on administrative leave with pay effective April 29, 2008. 2. In her previous teaching assignments at other schools in the district, Wilson had a history of performance deficiencies including, but not limited to, the area of classroom management. As a result, during her assignment at Palmetto High School in school year 2006- 2007, she was put in charge of the Intervention Center (“time-out room”) with no teaching duties. 3. As early as August 20, 2007, it became evident to Beal and Dunn that Wilson was not performing her duties properly. 4. On September 7, 2007, Beal and Dunn met with Wilson to discuss complaints from a parent regarding a lack of communication about a student's progress, classroom expectations, school work, homework, curriculum, and assessments. The parent complained that she had not received an adequate response from Wilson regarding the parent’s concerns. Beal and Dunn directed Wilson as to the steps to take in order to properly address the parent's concerns. 5. During the September 7, 2007, conference, Beal and Dunn also discussed concerns regarding Wilson’s classroom management and procedures. Beal and Dunn, as well as the reading coach, had noted weak instruction in Wilson’s classroom. In order to address these concerns, Beal and Dunn formulated an assistance plan which included weekly meetings with Beal and Dunn and the team leader to review and discuss lesson plans and parent communication; meetings with the team leader to help establish classroom procedures; extensive meetings and modeling from the reading coach to assist with reading/writing strategies; and informal meetings with Beal and Dunn to express areas of concern. 6. On or about September 10, 2007, Beal and Dunn at Williams Elementary met with Wilson regarding her failure to contact a student's parent after the student had been punched in the stomach by another student. Beal and Dunn gave directions as to how to handle the incident. 7. On or about September | 1, 2007, Wilson came to Beal’s office and stated to both Beal and Assistant Principal Barry Dunn, that she was feeling harassed as a result of the conversations which had taken place on Friday, September 7, 2007. Wilson threatened a lawsuit against individuals who had allegedly slandered her name prior to the beginning of the school year 2007-2008 in connection with her previous teaching position at Palmetto High School. Beal advised her that any conversations the administration had with Wilson regarding procedures, curriculum, classroom management, or parent communication, were in response to parental contacts and observations made after the school year had begun. Wilson stated that if any further “harassment” against her occurred, she would file a civil lawsuit against those involved. 8. Throughout September, 2007, Wilson demonstrated deficiencies including, but not limited to, failure to attend a weekly meeting with Beal and Dunn, allowing students to exit the building prior to dismissal at the designated time, lack of routines and procedures in the classroom, failure to follow best practices regarding reading instruction, guided reading groups, and classroom management. 9. In an effort to improve Wilson's performance in reading instruction, Beal and Dunn purchased additional books for Wilson's classroom and directed her to work closely with the reading coach. 10. During the September 28, 2007, weekly meeting with Wilson, Beal and Dunn addressed concerns regarding Wilson’s classroom management. [t had been brought to their attention that students were sitting in the teacher's chair spinning around on several occasions. Also there were complaints from other teachers that Wilson's classroom was too noisy and disturbed the classes nearby. Wilson was asked to address these issues and was assured that if she needed any help that Beal and Dunn would be happy to provide assistance in any way possible. Hl. On October 12, 2007, during a weekly meeting with Wilson, Beal and Dunn discussed Wilson’s failure to obtain coverage for her students during the monthly literacy meetings despite an e-mail sent before the meeting advising teachers to obtain coverage for their classes during the last 15 minutes of the literacy meetings. Wilson failed to obtain coverage and instead, “assumed” that her class was covered since the meeting was running late. 12, Although the reading coach worked closely with Wilson in an effort provide on- going support during reading/writing instruction, Wilson failed to stay involved with the class when the reading coach was in the room and failed to successfully model the techniques demonstrated by the reading coach. 13. On November 2, 2007, Beal and Dunn held a conference with Wilson, Pat Barber (“Barber”) from the Manatee Education Association (MEA). The conference was held to return Wilson to the documentation program and to define expectations for her job performance. Although assistance had been in place since early September, a new assistance plan was put in place. A memorandum on conference summarizing the meeting is attached and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit “A”. 14. During the conference, domains of concern were discussed and the assistance plan, which had been in place since early September, 2007, was reviewed with Wilson. In order to assist Wilson further, a new assistance plan was formulated and discussed during the November 2, 2007, conference. 15. The assistance plan which was implemented on November 2, 2007, included (a) reorganization and reassignment of Wilson’s students to other teachers to ensure that they would receive quality reading instruction; (b) assistance to Wilson from the reading coach; (c) assistance to Wilson from Staff Development; (d) assistance to Wilson from Wilson’s team leader in the area of classroom managementstructure; (e) weekly meetings with Beal and Dunn and the team leader; (f) provision of instructional video tapes to assist Wilson in the area of classroom management/procedures. Wilson was also directed to read her e-mail daily to ensure that communication was effective and that she was aware of scheduled meetings, activities, and schedule changes. Release time was provided to Wilson to receive training on the expectations of the Florida Performance Measurement System. It was noted that an observation would not take place until Wilson had received this training and was comfortable with the system. A meeting was scheduled for January 18, 2008, to review Wilson’s progress. 16. In Beat's November 2, 2007, memorandum on conference, Wilson was given the opportunity to submit a written statement if she felt that significant facts had been misstated or omitted. Despite having been given the opportunity to do so, Wilson failed to submit any such statement. 17, Consistent with her new assistance plan, Wilson received assistance from staff development, the reaching coach, her team leader, as well as Beal and Dunn. She also observed classroom teachers at Mills Elementary. She received intensive assistance from staff development several days per week in all areas of unsatisfactory performance and she participated in numerous school based in-service trainings. In addition, Florida Performance Measurement System (FPMS) observations of Wilson were conducted on December 6, 2007, December 15, 2007, and January 17, 2008. Post-conference meetings followed each observation during which Wilson was provided suggestions for improvement. 18. Despite the implementation of the new assistance plan, Wilson's performance continued to be unsatisfactory in several areas including, but not limited to, classroom management/management of student conduct, instruction/presentation of subject matter, and effective communication. Beal and Dunn received a complaint from a parent about Wilson's classroom. The parent stated that other parents shared the same concerns. 19. On January 18, 2008, Beal and Dunn met and conferred with Wilson to discuss Wilson’s areas of unsatisfactory performance. Beal and Dunn made recommendations for improvement in each area of unsatisfactory performance. 20. ‘By letter dated January 18, 2008, Principal Beal advised Wilson that she was not performing her teaching duties in a satisfactory manner and that she was being placed on performance probation as provided by §1012.34, Florida Statutes (2007). A copy of Principal Beal's letter is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit “B”. 21. In her letter to Wilson, Beal provided examples of Wilson's unsatisfactory performance in the areas of classroom management/management of student conduct, instruction/presentation of subject matter, and effective communication. 22. In her fetter, Principal Beal advised Wilson that during the 90 day period of performance probation the District would provide assistance and in-service training in Wilson’s deficient areas in order to correct these deficiencies. Principal Beal also advised Wilson that she would be evaluated monthly and apprised, in writing, of progress achieved or continued performance deficiencies. 23. Finally, Beal's letter stated that within fourteen (14) days after the close of the 90 day period of performance probation, Beal would assess whether the performance deficiencies within the specific areas of unsatisfactory performance had been corrected and would forward a recommendation to the Superintendent on whether to continue or terminate Wilson's employment. 24. After Wilson was placed on 90 day probation, Wilson received continuing assistance from Beal and Dunn, the reading coach, observation by Wilson of classroom teachers at Mills Elementary, participation in numerous school-based in-service trainings and intensive assistance from Wilson's team leader. 25. On February !1, March 6, and April 10, 2008, Wilson was observed, evaluated, and given feedback in areas that needed improvement during post-observation conferences. Further, Beal and Dunn held monthly progress review meetings with Wilson and Barber on January 18, February 21, March 28, and April 14, 2008. 26. Despite such measures, Wilson demonstrated continuing unsatisfactory performance in areas such as, but not limited to, confusion on schedules and expectations in connection with the 90 minute reading block and a lack of comprehension of guided reading concepts, strategies, and techniques as well as a failure to get coverage for her class on the days literacy meetings were scheduled. Beal and Dunn gave directives to Wilson in order to address these deficiencies. 27. On February 21, 2008, Beal and Dunn held a conference with Wilson and Barber to review Wilson's performance. Beal prepared a memorandum on conference on the same date. A copy of Beal's memorandum is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “C”. 28. In her memorandum, Beal stated that during Beal’s February |1, 2008, observation of Wilson, Beal had noted some progress in the area of guided reading, rules and procedures and prompt commencement of instruction. However, Beal also stated that clarity of instructions, failure to do comprehension checks, and scrambled discourse remained areas of concern. 29. On February 25, 2008, Wilson left two students outside, locked out of the school building. They were outside for at least 25 minutes without supervision before they were able to find an adult and get back in to the building. When questioned about the incident, Wilson stated that there were other teachers outside lining up to come in and they should have noticed the students. 30. On March 7, 2008, Wilson sent students to the book fair during her 90 minute reading block contrary to school, district and state-wide policy and also failed to question a low-income student, who received free lunch, about a $100.00 bill in his possession. It was later determined that the $100.00 had been stolen from his father’s wallet chat morning, When questioned about the incident, Wilson stated that even $200.00 or $300.00 would not have been a concern for her. 31. On March 18, 2008, Principal Beal issued a letter of reprimand to Wilson for her actions on February 25, 2008, and March 7, 2008, for poor judgment in dealing with these two (2) situations. Wilson was directed to use better judgment in dealing with elementary aged students and advised that if there was a recurrence, Wilson would subject herself to further disciplinary measures including a possible recommendation for her termination. A copy of Principal Beal's letter of reprimand is attached hereto as Exhibit “D”. 32. During March, 2008, there were other instances of Wilson’s unsatisfactory performance including, but not limited to, failure to properly attend to a student with an injured arm, confusion as to where to take students for special instruction (art, music, physical education, etc.}, provision of an incorrect answer key to a teacher’s aide who Wilson had directed to grade tests; discrepancies in her grade book; inability to find materials in order to administer reading assessments; and taking the wrong stack of FCAT tests to her room for administration thereof. 33. On March 28, 2008, Beal and Dunn had a conference with Wilson and Barber. Principal Beal prepared a memorandum on conference on the same day confirming the matters discussed during the conference. A copy of that memorandum is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “E”. 34. During the conference and in her memorandum, Beal stated that during Dunn’s March 16 observation some progress had been noted in the areas of classroom procedures and classroom instruction. However, Beal also stated that there were still areas of concern regarding Wilson's lesson flow, ineffective management of students, lack of tightness of lessons, and students being off task. 35. Further, Beal noted that there were several discrepancies in the grades Wilson recorded in her grade book in the area of reading instruction and failure to timely complete reading assessments because Wilson could not locate materials which had been made available to her, 36. During the conference and in her memorandum, Beal also noted that Wilson’s communication with administration and her third grade team remained an issue. She noted that Wilson often seemed confused regarding meetings and even as to where her students were. Beal also noted several instances where Wilson had negative verbal exchanges with her team members and had directed angry remarks toward her team members. Beal directed Wilson to speak with Beal and Dunn any time there is an issue with another team member and to not discuss such issues with team members. 37. Finally, Beal noted in her memorandum on conference that Wilson had been issued a fetter of reprimand regarding her judgment in the two incidents described in paragraphs 29 and 30 herein. 38. On April 14, 2008, Beal held another conference with Wilson, Assistant Principat Dunn, and Barber. A copy of Principal Beal’s memorandum is attached hereto and incorporated as Exhibit “FP”. 39. Beal noted that during the math observation on April 10, 2008, there had been progress in beginning and ending lesson reviews, pleasant instructional approach, verbal challenge of students a number of times, and prompt beginning of instruction. However, Beal also stated that there was too much lecture and too little student involvement in the lesson; Wilson was moving too quickly through the instruction without doing comprehension checks with the students; weak clarity of instruction; inadequate questioning procedures; scrambled discourse; and loose classroom procedures. 40. Beal also noted that communication continued to be a problem with examples such as confusion regarding the times of conferences, procedures regarding field trips and inconsistent scores on tests. 41. On April 28, 2008, in a letter to Superintendent Dr. Roger Dearing, Principal Beal recommended that Wilson's employment be terminated due to unsatisfactory performance of her teaching duties during the 2007-2008 school year. A copy of Beal’s letter is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “G”. 42. In her letter to Dr. Dearing, Beal noted that the areas of unsatisfactory performance were: (a) management of student conduct; (b) instructional organization; (c) Presentation of subject matter; (d) communication; (e) judgment/student safety; and (f) failure to follow statutory requirements in district and school policies. 43. In her letter, Beal further noted that in addition to assistance and in-service provided, Wilson had been observed and evaluated a total of six (6) times with feedback given on areas that needed improvement during post-observation conferences. Beal added that monthly progress review meetings had been held with Wilson and Barber on January 18, 2008, February 21, 2008, March 28, 2008, and April 14, 2008. 44. Beal stated in her fetter that despite such measures, Wilson had not satisfactorily corrected the deficiencies and that her unsatisfactory performance continued in the areas of management of student conduct, instructional organization, presentation of subject matter, communication, judgment/student safety, and failure to follow statutory requirements in district and school policies. 45. Beal stated that despite tremendous efforts to help Wilson improve, Wilson was still not competent in implementing or presenting effective lessons, managing groups of students or effectively performing all duties associated with being a classroom teacher. She noted that Wilson lacked teacher “withitness” when it comes to classroom management. 46. Beal recommended that Wilson’s employment be terminated and that she be placed on administrative leave with pay effective immediately due to a strong concern that her students’ academic achievement was at risk and further exposure to unsatisfactory instruction will adversely affect her students and their chances for progression. 47. As of the date of the filing of this administrative complaint, the results of Wilson’s students FCAT scores have not been released by the Department of Education. However, due to the fact that Wilson's reading class was divided among the third grade team in November, 2007, the results of such tests would not be dispositive. Further, as noted in Beal's April 28, 2008, letter to Dr. Dearing, there were issues and questions regarding the validity of Wilson’s progress monitoring records and ability to appropriately administer diagnostic assessments. Many errors and inconsistencies were discovered after scores were reported, making it difficult, if not impossible, to effectively measure the progress of her students. Finally, during the 2006-2007 school year, Wilson supervised the “time-out” room at Palmetto High School and did no teaching in that position. Therefore, there are no FCAT scores which correspond to Wilson’s teaching performance in 2006-2007 or 2007-2008. 48. On April 28, 2008 Dr. Dearing sent Wilson a letter placing her on paid administrative leave effective April 29, 2008. A copy of Dr. Dearing’s letter is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit “H”, 49. On May 7, 2008, Superintendent Dearing notified Wilson that her performance deficiencies had not been satisfactorily corrected and that the Superintendent intended to recommend that the district school board terminate Wilson’s employment contract. A copy of Superintendent Dearing's letter is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “1”. WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, the Superintendent recommends the termination of Respondent, Linda Wilson's, employment contract, effective June 10, 2008. If a hearing is requested, the Superintendent recommends that the hearing be granted and that Respondent be suspended without pay effective, June 10, 2008, pending the outcome of the hearing. RIGHT TO A HEARING I. Respondent is entitled to a public hearing to be conducted in accordance with sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes (2007) regarding the Superintendent’s recommendation. 2. Respondent is required to file a Request for Administrative Hearing pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter !20, Florida Statutes (2007), and the Uniform Rules adopted by the Administration Commission, chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code if a hearing is requested. 3. Respondent must file the Request with Lyn Lego, Agency Clerk, at 215 Manatee Avenue West, 5th Floor, Bradenton, Florida 34205 no later than 4:30 p.m. on May 23, 2008, with a copy to Robert J. Shapiro, Esquire, Staff Attorney at 215 Manatee Avenue West, 2nd Floor, Bradenton, Florida 34205. Respondent is required to substantially comply with the requirements of the Uniform Rules. 4. Respondent is entitled to representation by counsel or other qualified representative at Respondent's expense. 5. Failure to request a hearing will be deemed an admission of the allegations against Respondent. 6. Mediation under section !20.573, Florida Statutes (2007) is not available. DATED this § day of May, 2008, in Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida. Florida Bar: 2313 School Board of Manatee County P.O. Box 9069 Bradenton, FL 34206 Telephone (941) 708-8770, x2262 Facsimile: (941) 714-7536 Attorney for Petitioner/Employer Williams Elementary School 3404 Fort Hamer Road Parrish, Fl 34219 Memorandum on Conference Re: Linda Wilson From: Nancy Beal, Principal Date: November 2, 2007 On the above date a conference was held with Linda Wilson at Williams Elementary School. In attendance were: Nancy Beal, Principal Barry Dunn, Assistant Principal Linda Wilson Pat Barber, MEA The conference was scheduled in order to return Mrs. Wilson to the Documentation Program and to define expectations for her job performance. Following is a summary of the conference. The Domains of concem were discussed. The assistance that has been in place since early September was reviewed. A new assistance plan was put into place. Please see attached. Bonny Trippi will work with Mrs. Wilson to train her on the expectations of FPMS. Release time will be provided for Mrs. Wilson to receive this training. A formal observation will not take place until Mrs. Wilson has received this training and she is comfortable with the system. Expectations for Mrs. Wilson are defined as follows: 1) You are to work closely with Anne Rushton. Reading Coach, to follow and implement all of the instructional strategies she gives to you in the areas of reading and writing. 2) You are to work closely with Mrs. John to define and implement and maintain effective classroom management. Your classroom management procedures are to be placed in writing and submitted to administration. Further, you are to review the Harry Wong tapes in this regard. 3) You are to attend weekly Meetings with administration and your team leader to review lesson plans, progress to effective classroom management, etc. These Exhibit “A” (page 1 of 3) Meetings will be held every Friday at 10:15 a.m. in Ms, Beal’s office unless you are notified otherwise. 4) You are to read e-mails daily to make sure that communication is effective and that you are aware of scheduled meetings, activities, schedule changes, ete. We will meet January 18, 2008 to Teview your progress. The above is intended to be a summary of the conference. If any person in attendance feels that significant facts have been misstated or omitted, he/she should feel free to state so in writing. Such written statement will become a permanent part of the record of this conference. This is to attest that I have received a copy of this memorandum and understand a copy will be placed in my personnel file. My signature does not necessarily signify agreement with the contents therein. I further understand that I have a right to attach a written statement to this memorandum as detailed above. , 2, 2807 Dat Exhibit “A” (page 2 of 3) Linda Wilson: Assistance Plan Provided Since September 1 —_— stance fian Frovided Since September 1 1) 2) 3) 4) D) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Weekly Meetings with Mr. Dunn and Melissa John to review, discuss lesson plans and parent communication. Meetings with Melissa John to help establish classroom procedures, Extensive meetings, modeling from Anne Rushton to assist with Reading/Writing Strategies. Informal Meetings with Administration to express areas of concern. New Assistance Plan as of 11-2-07 at Assistance Flan as of 11-2-07 Restructure reading block by dividing Mrs. Wilson’s students into three classes (Cole, Rogers, Lindsay). Mrs. Wilson will spend thirty minutes in each class during the 90 minute reading block and be responsible for a guided reading group in each class. Anne Rushton will work closely with her to plan lessons. Anne Rushton will also work closely on writing instruction. Bonny Trippi will assist in all other curricular areas. Melissa John will continue to provide assistance with classroom management/structure. Weekly Meetings with Mr. Dunn, Mrs. John, and Ms. Beal will occur Fridays at 10:15a.m. Mrs. Wilson will view the Harry Wong Tapes for assistance in regard to classroom management/procedures, Exhibit “A” (page 3 of 3) Annie L, Williams Elementary School 3404 Fort Hamer Road Parrish, Florida 34219 941 776-4040 Fax 941 776-4080 January 18, 2008 Linda Wilson 1415 Butch Cassidy Trail Wimauma, FL 33598 Dear Ms. Wilson, This letter is to notify you that you are not performing your teaching duties in a satisfactory manner and therefore you are being placed on performance probation as provided by Florida Statute 1012.34, a copy of which is attached to this letter. This action is based on your performance as evidenced by your FPMS observations performed on December 6, 2007, December 15, 2007, and January 17, 2008. In accordance with FS 1012.34 you will have 90 days, beginning January 16, 2008 exclusive of school holidays and school vacation periods, in which to correct these deficiencies. This 90 day period will end on April 25, 2008. We will provide reasonable assistance to you in effecting this improvement. The specific areas of unsatisfactory performance are: 1. Classroom Management/Management of Student Conduct *Examples: a. Classroom management routines and procedures are not effective which impacts student learning. b. The behavior and rewards systems put in place are ineffective and inconsistently followed and documented which is confusing for students. ¢. Students are allowed to respond without being recognized by teacher. d. The classroom is disorganized and students get up and move around without permission or knowledge of the teacher during instruction which impacts student engagement in the lesson presented. e. There is an inordinate amount of time spent for transition due to classroom management issues which impacts student learning. f. There are issues with Supervision as students have been left unattended and wandered to other areas of campus without permission. These issues impact student safety. N Instruction‘Presentation of Subject Matter *Examples a. Objectives of lessons are not clear to students which impacts student learning. b. Homework assignments are not clear to students which impacts student learning. Exhibit “B” (page 1 of 8) ¢. Ineffective questioning techniques are utilized during instruction which impacts student learning, d. You do not get the students’ attention while teaching, and continue to teach when students are not engaged which impacts student learning. e. Comprehension checks with students are not incorporated into instruction. f. While lesson plans are satisfactorily completed, delivery of instruction is disorganized, confusing, and unclear as to purpose and connection to prior knowledge which impacts student learning. g. Understanding and implementation of the components of the Williams reading program requirements in Balanced Literacy are not evident and are inconsistent, Connections between the components of Balanced Literacy are not evident which impacts student learning. h. Third grade Curriculum Maps are not being followed which impacts student learning. 3. Effective Communication * Examples a. You failed to follow through on a commitment made to a parent regarding checking student’s agenda and backpack. b. There is continued confusion and parent concerns regarding homework expectations. c. There have been various parent complaints and requests to have students removed from classroom, d. Assistance suggestions have not been understood and/or implemented effectively. e. Receptive communication is an issue as directives and conversations are misunderstood and follow up is nonexistent. f. You have become defensive with administration when approached about parent concems over communication and homework expectations. *The examples cited are not all inclusive of the behaviors observed within the specific areas of unsatisfactory performance. As your evaluator, I have met and conferred with you on this date and discussed the specific areas of unsatisfactory performance and have made the following recommendations with respect to each of them. 1. Classroom Management/Management of Student Conduct a. Continue to work with Bonny Trippi and Melissa John to define, implement, and maintain effective classroom management, 2. Instruction’Presentation of Subject Matter a. Continue to work with Bonny Trippi on effective strategies for classroom instruction in the areas of math, science, and social studies. b. Work with Michelle Compton, Reading Coach at Wakeland Elementary, on planning and implementing effective reading and writing instruction. Continue the 90 Exhibit “B” (page 2 of 8) minute reading block schedule where your students are divided into other third grade classes and you instruct three thirty minute guided reading groups at this time. This includes regular meetings and modeling from an identified Reading Coach, TBA. c. Continue meeting weekly with administration and Team Leader to discuss lesson planning, reading instruction, classroom management, communication, all other areas of instruction and any other concerns that may arise. d. Work with Michele Jones at Kinnan Elementary on Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategies. Observe in classrooms at Kinnan as well. e. Ms. Beal will identify a school with similar demographics as Williams for you to schedule at time to go observe effective classroom teachers. 3. Effective Communication a. Continue with Weekly Newsletter and share with administration during weekly meeting. b. Continue to check e-mail on a daily basis to ensure collection of pertinent information. During the 90-Day period of performance probation, the district will provide assistance to you to help you correct these deficiencies. You will be evaluated monthly and apprised, in writing, of progress achieved or continued performance deficiencies. You will also be provided assistance and in service training in your deficient areas. Within 14 days after the close of the 90-day period of performance probation, I will assess whether the performance deficiencies within the specific areas of unsatisfactory performance have been corrected and forward a recommendation to the superintendent. I will provide you with a copy of my recommendation. Within 14 days after receiving my recommendation, the superintendent will notify you whether the performance deficiencies have been satisfactorily corrected and whether he will recommend that the School Board continue or terminate your employment. If you have any questions conceming this communication or what is expected of you in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Je Lal. CO“. Principal Exhibit “B” (page 3 of 8) This is to certify that I received a copy of this communication and understand a copy is being placed in my personnel file. 1/ib/OfF Dat, Cc: Dr. Roger Dearing John Bowen Darcy Hopko Tim Kolbe Exhibit “B” (page 4 of 8) Select Year: 2007 Go The 2007 Florida Statutes Title XLVIU Chapter 1012 K-20 EDUCATION CODE PERSONNEL 1012.34 Assessment procedures and criteria.-- (1) For the purpose of improving the quality of instructional, administrative, and supervisory services in the public schools of the state, the district schoal superintendent shalt establish procedures for assessing the performance of duties and responsibilities of all instructional, administrative, and supervisory personnel employed by the school district. The Department of Education must approve each district's instructional personnel assessment system. (2) The following conditions must be considered in the design of the district's instructional personnet assessment system: (a) The system must be designed to support district and schoot level improvement plans. {b) The system must provide appropriate instruments, procedures, and criteria for continuous quality improvement of the professional skills of instructional personnel. (c) The system must include a mechanism to give parents an opportunity to provide input into employee Performance assessments when appropriate, (d) In addition to addressing generic teaching competencies, districts must determine those teaching fields for which special procedures and criteria will be developed. (e) Each district school board may establish a peer assistance process. The plan may provide a mechanism for assistance of persons who are placed on performance probation as well as offer assistance to other employees who request it. (f) The district school board shall provide training programs that are based upon guidelines provided by the Department of Education to ensure that all individuals with evaluation responsibilities understand the proper use of the assessment criteria and procedures, (3) The assessment procedure for instructional personnel and school administrators must be primarily based on the performance of students assigned to their classrooms or schools, as appropriate. Pursuant to this section, a school district's performance assessment is not limited to basing unsatisfactory performance of instructional personnel and schoot administrators upon student performance, but may include other criteria approved to assess instructional personnel and school administrators’ performance, Exhibit “B” (page 5 of 8) hitp://www.leg.state. fl us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String~... 1/17/2008 or any combination of student performance and other approved criteria, The procedures must comply with, but are not limited to, the following requirements: (a) An assessment must be conducted for each employee at least once a year. The assessment must be based upon sound educational principles and contemporary research in effective educational practices, The assessment must primarily use data and indicators of improvement in student performance assessed annually as specified in s. 1008.22 and may consider results of peer reviews in evaluating the employee's Performance. Student performance must be measured by state assessments required under s. 1008.22 and by local assessments for subjects and grade levels not measured by the state assessment program. The assessment criteria must include, but are not limited to, indicators that relate to the following: 1. Performance of students. 2. Ability to maintain appropriate discipline. 3. Knowledge of subject matter. The district school board shall make special provisions for evaluating teachers who are assigned to teach out-of-fietd. 4. Ability to plan and deliver instruction and the use of technology in the classroom. 5. Ability to evaluate instructional needs. 6. Ability to establish and maintain a positive collaborative retationship with students’ families to increase student achievement. 7. Other professional competencies, responsibilities, and requirements as established by rules of the State Board of Education and policies of the district school board. {b) All personnel must be fully informed of the criteria and procedures associated with the assessment process before the assessment takes place. (c) The individual responsible for supervising the employee must assess the employee's performance. The evaiuator must submit a written report of the assessment to the district school superintendent for the purpose of reviewing the employee's contract. The evaluator must submit the written report to the employee no later than 10 days after the assessment takes place. The evaluator must discuss the written report of assessment with the employee. The employee shall have the right to initiate a written response to the assessment, and the response shall become a permanent attachment to his or her personnel file, (d) If an employee is not performing his or her duties in a satisfactory manner, the evaluator shalt notify the employee in writing of such determination. The notice must describe such unsatisfactory Performance and include notice of the following procedural requirements: 1. Upon delivery of a notice of unsatisfactory performance, the evaluator must confer with the Exhibit “B” (page 6 of 8) hitp://www.leg. state. fl us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode~Display_Statute&Search String =... 1/17/2008 employee, make recommendations with respect to specific areas of unsatisfactory performance, and Provide assistance in helping to correct deficiencies within a Prescribed period of time. 2.a. If the employee holds a professional service contract as Provided in s. 1012.33, the employee shall be placed on performance probation and governed by the provisions of this section for 90 catendar days following the receipt of the notice of unsatisfactory performance to demonstrate corrective action. Scheal holidays and school vacation periods are not counted when calculating the 90-calendar-day period. During the 90 calendar days, the employee who holds a professional service contract must be evaluated periodicatly and apprised of Progress achieved and must be provided assistance and inservice training opportunities to hetp correct the noted performance deficiencies. At any time during the 90 calendar days, the employee who holds a professional service contract may request a transfer to another appropriate position with a different supervising administrator; however, a transfer does not extend the period for correcting performance deficiencies. b. Within 14 days after the close of the 90 calendar days, the evaluator must assess whether the performance deficiencies have been corrected and forward a recommendation to the district school superintendent. Within 14 days after receiving the evatuator's recommendation, the district school superintendent must notify the employee who holds a professional service contract in writing whether the performance deficiencies have been satisfactorily corrected and whether the district school superintendent will recommend that the district school board continue or terminate his or her employment contract. If the employee wishes to contest the district school superintendent's recommendation, the employee must, within 15 days after receipt of the district school superintendent's recommendation, submit a written request for a hearing. The hearing shall be conducted at the district school board's election in accordance with one of the following procedures: (1) A direct hearing canducted by the district school board within 60 days after receipt of the written appeal. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the Provisions of ss. 120.569 and 120.57, A majority vote of the membership of the district school board shall be required to sustain the district school superintendent's recommendation. The determination of the district schoot board shall be final as to the sufficiency or insufficiency of the grounds for termination of employment; or (II) A hearing conducted by an administrative law judge assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings of the Department of Management Services. The hearing shall be conducted within 60 days after receipt of the written appeal in accordance with chapter 120. The recommendation of the administrative law judge shall be made to the district school board. A majority vote of the membership of the district school board shall be required to sustain or change the administrative law judge's recommendation, The determination of the district school board shalt be final as to the sufficiency or insufficiency of the grounds for termination of employment. (4) The district school superintendent shatt notify the department of any instructionat personnel who receive two consecutive unsatisfactory evaluations and who have been given written notice by the district that their employment is being terminated or is not being renewed or that the district schoot board intends to terminate, or not renew, their employment. The department shall conduct an investigation to determine whether action shall be taken against the certificateholder pursuant to s. Exhibit “B” (page 7 of 8) http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=... 1/17/2008 1012.795(1)(b). (5) The district school superintendent shall develop a mechanism for evaluating the effective use of assessment criteria and evaluation procedures by administrators who are assigned responsibility for evatuating the performance of instructional Personnel. The use of the assessment and evaluation procedures shall be considered as part of the annual assessment of the administrator's performance. The system must include a mechanism to give parents and teachers an opportunity to provide input into the administrator's performance assessment, when appropriate. (6) Nothing in this section shall be construed to grant a probationary employee a right to continued employment beyond the term of his or her contract. (7) The district school board shall establish a procedure annually reviewing instructional personnel assessment systems to determine comptiance with this section. All substantial revisions to an approved system must be reviewed and approved by the district school board before being used to assess instructional personnel. Upon request by a school district, the department shall provide assistance in developing, improving, or reviewing an assessment system. {8} The State Board of Education shall adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120,54, that establish uniform guidelines for the submission, review, and approval of district procedures for the annual assessment of instructional personnel and that include criteria for evaluating professional performance. History.--s. 708, ch. 2002-387; s. 7, ch. 2004-255; s. 11, ch. 2004-295; s. 60, ch. 2006-74. Copyright © 1995-2007 The Florida Legislature « Privacy Statement + Contact, Us Exhibit “B” (page 8 of 8) http://www. leg.state. fl.us/statutes/index.cim?App_modeDisplay_Statute&Search_String~.. 1/17/2008 Williams Elementary School.” ie 3404 Fort Hamer Road Parrish, Fl 34219 Memorandum on Conference Re: Linda Wilson From: Nancy Beal Date: February 21, 2008 On the above date a conference was held with Linda Wilson at Williams Elementary School. In attendance were: Nancy Beal, Principal Barry Dunn, Assistant Principal Linda Wilson Pat Barber, MEA The conference was held to review the progress of Linda Wilson since being placed on Performance Probation on January 18, 2008. Following is a summary of the conference. Ms. Beal observed Mrs. Wilson on 2/11/08 working with a Guided Reading group. She stated that progress is being made in the following areas: « Guided Reading-Ms. Beal stated that Mrs. Wilson is making progress in this area and beginning to understand its meaning more clearly. e Reviewing Rules and Procedures-Ms. Beal said that rules were reinforced as students exited the classroom. ¢ Beginning Instruction Promptly Areas of Concern that still remain: e Clarity of Instruction-Specifically mentioned was the use of SQ3R. Students did not seem to understand this concept although it had been taught all year. « Comprehension Checks-These need to be performed at regular intervals and instruction should not continue until Mrs. Wilson is aware that they understand concepts. ¢ Scrambled Discourse-Mentioned in Post Conference, instruction needs to be ti ght and focused. Mr. Dunn will be observing Mrs. Wilson during a writing lesson on March 6. Exhibit “C” (page 1 of 2) Some areas of the plan outlined previously were not possible due to conflicts in the availability of other staff in the district. The original plan to go to Kinnan to observe Kagan strategies was moved to Mills, where Mrs. Wilson visited on February 8. Plans to meet with the Reading Coach at Wakeland were also altered. Bonny Trippi agreed to work with her on reading and writing strategies and Mrs. Wilson agreed. Mrs. Wilson would like a globe in her classroom and we agreed to get this for her. She will purchase and we will reimburse. Safari Montage is also not working on her computer, so we will make sure Mrs. Seidenfaden is addressing this need. Ms. Beal inquired on creation of lesson plans for a substitute in the event of an emergency. Directive was given to get these completed very specifically and detailed so there is no confusion for a substitute, which was the case on February 8. Mrs. Wilson is currently working on this and will present these to administration upon completion. We will meet again on March 19, 2008 to discuss progress. The above is intended to be a summary of the conference. If any person in attendance feels that significant facts have been misstated or omitted, he/she should feel free to state so in writing. Such written statement will become a permanent part of the record of this conference. This is to attest that I have received a copy of this memorandum and understand a copy will be placed in my personnel file. My signature does not necessarily signify agreement with the contents therein. I further understand that I have a right to attach a written statement to this memorandum as detailed above. Signature of Employee Date Exhibit “C” (page 2 of 2) APR - 9 2008 March 18, 2008 Linda Wilson A.L. Williams Elementary School Dear Ms. Wilson: The purpose of this letter is to reprimand you for your actions of February 25th and March 7’ tespectively, wherein you showed poor judgment in dealing with two different situations. Regarding the incident on February 25", you left two students outside, locked out of the school building. They were outside for 25 minutes before they were able to find an adult and get back into the building. When questioned about the incident, you stated that there were other teachers outside lining up to come in and they should have noticed. Your negligence in this situation seriously compromised student safety. On March 7th poor judgment was shown in sending students to the Book Fair during your 90 minute Reading Block, but more importantly when you failed to question a low income student, who receives Free Lunch, about a $100 bill in his possession. It was later found that this $100 had been stolen from his father’s wallet that morning. When questioned about this incident, you stated that even $200 or $300 would not be a concern for you. In reference to the uninterrupted 90 minute reading block, you neglected to follow a school wide policy, as well as a Manatee School District procedure when you allowed students to go to the Book Fair during this time. It is expected that there be no recurrence of the behavior on your part that necessitated this reprimand. You are directed to use better judgment in dealing with elementary aged students. In the event there is a recurrence you will subject yourself to further disciplinary measures, including a possible recommendation for your termination. if you have any questions conceming this letter or about what is required of you as a 3 Grade Teacher, please let me know. Sincerely, fal. This is to acknowledge that | have received a copy of this letter and understand that a copy will be placed in my personnel file. My signature does not necessarily signify agreement with the contents. | further understand that | have a right to attach a statement on my behalf. Exhibit “D” (page 1 of 1) sagas Qe, Williams Elementary School “2, 3404 Fort Hamer Road 7 ly Parrish, Florida 34219 Hpi iy Memorandum on Conference Re: Linda Wilson From: Nancy Beal Date: March 28, 2008 On the above date a conference was held with Linda Wilson at Williams Elementary School. In attendance were: Nancy Beal, Principal Barry Dunn, Assistant Principal Linda Wilson, Third Grade Teacher Pat Barber, MEA I. Domains 2.0,(Student Conduct) 3.0 (Instructional Organization) 4.0(Presentation of Subject Matter) Mr. Dunn observed Ms. Wilson during writing instruction on 3-16-08. Progress is being made in the following areas: Classroom procedures-Mr. Dunn stated that procedures were clearly in place and students had a better understanding of expectations since the last observation. Classroom instruction-Important points were emphasized several times and examples and non examples were given. Areas of concer that still remain: Lesson “flow"-Some awkward pauses existed in the lesson. This can cause students to lose focus and get off task. Procedures in place that do not cause you stop what you are doing and wait for students would be important (e.g. students getting drinks, just allow them to do so, but don’t stop teaching). Tightness of the lesson from start to finish-Lesson remained strong until the very end. At this time some students became off task and the sharing taking place in the front of the room was ineffective. Other Areas of Concern in this Domain that remain: e On March 25" administration met with the 3 Grade Team regarding grades of Ms. Wilson's students in reading. All of her students are dispersed among Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Lindsay, and Ms. Cole for reading instruction. Classwork and assignments completed in these classrooms are given back to Ms. Wilson for grading. The meeting was held to double check grades of these students Exhibit “E” (page 1 of 3) é a a § ve fy and make sure that there was agreement on what will be given on the report card and what these teachers were seeing in their classrooms during the 90 minute reading block. There were several discrepancies with the grades Ms. Wilson had in her grade book and what the other teachers had recorded informally. Administration cautioned Ms. Wilson that the grades need to match the performance of the child and that this will be reflected on FCAT. We do not want parents questioning why students may have received A’s and B’s and could not pass the FCAT. We reminded Ms. Wilson that Spelling grades should not be averaged in as part of reading grades and that she may want to be careful when considering dropping grades for students. Ms. Wilson requested that the other teachers give her notes on her students’ reading performance so that she has something for conferences. We will request this of the other teachers and get something for you when we return from Spring Break. e Ms, Wilson sent an email to Mr. Dunn on March 26" regarding her Fountas & Pinnell reading assessments which are due on three of her students by Thursday, March 27". All teachers were told on March 7 that they needed to complete these assessments on all struggling readers before Spring Break (which begins Friday, March 28"), Ms. Wilson is on the Literacy Committee that made this decision. She is requesting that the Reading Coach complete her tests for her because she cannot locate the materials. All materials are in Mrs. Rushton’s office and are on a checkout system. The teachers were told this in advance and the expectation is that they complete the tests and work together to share materials. Ms. Wilson waited until the day before the tests were due to begin this process. Mrs. Rushton showed her where the materials were and she now has what she needs, She was directed by administration to have them completed by Thursday, March 27". Ms. Wilson responded to this and it was later reiterated by Ms. Barber that she had asked the Reading Coach for these materials. This was not true, as the Reading Coach was absent the day in question. Ms. Beal reminded Ms. Wilson that if she is ever without the materials she needs or cannot find them, that she is to come let administration know immediately. She also directed Ms. Wilson not to wait until the last minute to complete the assessments in the future. 2. Domain 7.0 (Communication) Ms. Beal stated that communication with Administration remains an issue. Ms. Wilson often seems confused in regard to meetings. For example, just after mecting with Mr. Dunn and Ms. Beal for a Pre-Conference on 3-7-08 at 8:00 a.m., she came back on her planning time stating she was there for the Pre-conference. Yesterday, we received two e-mails, 7 minutes apart, basically the same with a different topic line. Communication with the team continues to be a challenge. An example evolved around an issue with a baby shower for a team member when Ms. Wilson felt left out of the set up for the shower and had a negative verbal exchange with her Team Leader. To her credit, Ms. Wilson sent apology cards to her Team. After her Team rearranged coverage for Ms. Wilson’s students so she could participate in the set up for the shower, she left Exhibit “E” (page 2 of 3) early stating she had a meeting with Administration. This meeting had been rescheduled by Ms. Wilson for the next afternoon because of her involvement in the baby shower. Another example was the play practice for third grade when Mrs. Wilson showed up at P.E. to pick up her students when she had been notified via e-mail that they were in the music room practicing for the play. She then became very angry with her team asking why nobody told her where her students were. In addition, during this practice time, while the other team members were assisting the music teacher with the practice, Mrs. Wilson was in her room, without students, for over an hour without inquiring as to what she could do to help or where the students were that usually attended her reading group. Since this letter was originally written, we also had another communication issue arise. The morning after our meeting regarding grades, mentioned above, Ms. Wilson entered Mrs. Lindsay’s classroom and demanded from her a printout of all of her students’ grades that go to Mrs, Lindsay for reading instruction. When Ms. Lindsay told her that she did not have a printout of the grades, Mrs. Wilson threatened to send the parents straight to her room if they did not like their child’s reading grade. Ms. Wilson claims that she did not make this threat. Our directive to Ms. Wilson is to speak with administration anytime there is an issue with another team member. Do not discuss issues you have with team members directly with them. 3. Judgment Issues/Reprimand A formal Letter of Reprimand was given to Mrs. Wilson regarding judgment issues in regards to two separate incidents. One incident involved leaving two students locked outside after recess which was a huge safety concern. The other incident was in regards to the Book Fair and allowing students to go down during their 90 minute reading block. One student had a $100 dollar bill in his possession, which should have been a red flag. It concerns administration that even $200 or $300 would not have been a concern for Mrs. Wilson according to her response to the incident. This is to attest that ] have received a copy of this memorandum and understand a copy will be placed in my personnel file. My signature does not necessarily signify agreement with the contents therein. | further understand that I have a right to attach a written statement to this memorandum as detailed above. Le Le LP? it Lb, 2 cod Exhibit “E” (page 3 of 3) Williams Elementary School: a “4 Oy, 3404 Fort Hamer Road Ya ny. Parrish, Fl 34219 “aie Memorandum on Conference Re: Linda Wilson From: Nancy Beal Date: April 14, 2008 On the above date a conference was held with Linda Wilson at Williams Elementary School. In attendance were: Nancy Beal, Principal Barry Dunn, Assistant Principal Linda Wilson, Third Grade Teacher Pat Barber, MEA 1. Domains 2.0 (Student Conduct) 3.0 (instructional Organization) 4.0 Presentation of Subject Matter Ms. Beal observed Ms. Wilson during math instruction on 4-10-08. Progress is being made in the following areas: * Both beginning and ending reviews for the lesson were presented. © The instructional approach was pleasant and Ms. Wilson smiled several times. * Instruction began promptly. © Students were verbally challenged a number of times. Areas of Concern that still remain are: ¢ There is too much lecture, students need to be involved more in the lesson. ¢ You are still moving too quickly through instruction without doing comprehension checks with the students. © While I see some improvement in your clarity of instruction, this area is still very weak. © Questioning procedures need to be improved. This would help to eliminate the scrambled discourse. Exhibit “F” (page 1 of 2) ¢ Your classroom procedures still seem very loose and need to be consistent. Communication continues to be a problem. For example, during the pre-conference on 4-10-08, I had Ms. Wilson’s observation scheduled for 11:30 a.m. She informed me that this was incorrect, it should be 10:30-11:15 a.m. So, I checked my calendar and was at Ms. Wilson’s room at 10:30a.m. as requested. When I arrived, Ms. Wilson jumped up and told me that I should be there at 11:30a.m. Another example of communication issues surfaced when third grade went on a field trip last week. E-mails were very clear about the details of the trip, but Ms. Wilson had her class ready to leave at 9:30 instead of 9:45 a.m. and had her students bringing their lunch boxes third grade was eating lunch back at school after the trip. Administration suggested to Ms. Wilson that if she is unclear on any procedures or expectations that she ask questions ahead of time. Fountas & Pinnell scores that were administered by Ms. Wilson seem inconsistent with November scores that were reported. Administration’s directive to Ms. Wilson was to come directly to us if you are unable to gather the materials you need or unclear on the procedures for completing the assessments. This is to attest that I have received a copy of this memorandum and understand a copy will be placed in my personnel file. My signature does not necessarily signify agreement with the contents therein. I further understand that I have a right to attach a written statement to this memorandum as detailed above. Exhibit “F” (page 2 of 2) Annie Lucy Williams Elementary School 3404 Fort Hamer Road Mise < f Parrish, FL 34219 Cag. “bs oe Phone (941) 776-4040 Fax (941) 776-4080) %5iz. Nancy Beal Barry Dunn Principal ‘ Assistant Principal April 28, 2008 Dr. Roger Dearing, Superintendent Manatee County Schools P.O. Box 9069 Bradenton, FL 34206 Dear Dr. Dearing: Ina letter dated January 18, 2008, I placed Linda Wilson, 34 prade teacher at Williams Elementary School, on 90 day probation pursuant to section 1012.34(3)(d), Florida Statutes (2007), due to the unsatisfactory performance of her teaching duties during the 2007-2008 school year. I have attached a copy of that letter for your review. The areas of unsatisfactory performance were: 1.) Management of Student Conduct 2.) Instructional Organization 3.) Presentation of Subject Matter 4.) Communication 5.) Judgment/Student Safety 6.) Failure to Follow Statutory Requirements and District and School Policies. On November 2™ Linda Wilson was formally placed back on documentation and an initial assistance plan was put in place. At that time, she worked closely with our Reading Coach, Anne Rushton, in the areas of reading and writing instruction. She also worked with Melissa John, Team Leader, to define, implement, and maintain effective classroom management strategies and she was asked to view Harry Wong tapes and receive additional assistance with Bonny Trippi from Staff Development. Also, weekly meetings were initiated with her team leader and administration to assist her in any areas where she felt it necessary. In January, when Ms. Wilson was officially placed on Performance Probation, her assistance plan was changed to reflect the following: during the 90 days of probation, Ms. Wilson received assistance from Staff Development— Bonny Trippi, Team Leader—Melissa John, and Administration—Nancy Beal and Barry Dunn; she also observed classroom teachers at Mills Elementary; she received intensive Exhibit “G” (page 1 of 4) assistance from Bonny Trippi several days per week in all the areas of unsatisfactory performance; and _ she has participated in numerous school based in-service trainings via the Modified Wednesday schedule. In addition to the assistance and in-service provided, Linda was observed and evaluated a total of six times. Ms. Beal observed writing, reading and math. Mr. Dunn observed writing and math, and Mike Rio, Principal at Mills Elementary, observed writing. After each observation, feedback was given for areas that needed improvement during a post conference. Further, monthly progress review meetings were held with Ms. Wilson, Pat Barber from M.E.A. and administration on January 18", February 21", March 28", and April 14°. As of the date of this letter, Ms. Wilson has not satisfactorily corrected the deficiencies. Her continued unsatisfactory performance is outlined as follows: 1.) Management of Student Conduct a, Unaware of students disengaged during instruction. b. Ignores student misconduct and calling out. c, Inordinate amount of time spent for transitions. d. Classroom management routines and procedures are not consistent, therefore not effective. e. Only 14 students in her classroom, yet classroom management and procedures continue to be issues. 2.) Instructional Organization a. Clarity of instruction is a problem. Students do not comprehend the lesson. b. Comprehension checks with students are not incorporated into instruction. Effective questioning techniques are not utilized during instruction. d. Scrambled discourse is consistently evident in her presentation of subject matter, e, Errors and misinformation have appeared in lessons and on answer keys for assessments. f. Grading and assessment validity continue to be in question. ° 3.) Presentation of Subject Matter a. Too much lecture, Students are not actively involved and engaged in the lesson. Questioning and discourse continue to be awkward. Lessons are confusing to students and concepts are not clearly taught. Instruction continues when students are not engaged. Assessment continues to not match instruction. New concepts are not thoroughly explained with clear definitions or by using examples and non examples. 4.) Communication me aes Exhibit “G” (page 2 of 4) C C Unable to communicate clear directions to students, b. Numerous parent complaints regarding clarity of homework, assessments, and general classroom expectations. c. Assistance suggestions have not been understood or implemented effectively. d. Receptive communication is an issue as conversations and e-mails are misunderstood or not read. e. Confusion remains over meeting times, dates, and general classroom grade level, and school wide procedures. f. Hostile actions from Ms. Wilson toward her team resulted in a directive to only communicate with Team Leader or administration. g. Left lesson plans for substitute teachers on her voicemail several times with no direction for the substitute to check the voicemail. Plans were also very unclear. 5.) Judgment/Student Safety a, Students leaving her supervision without her knowledge. b, Several instances involve Ms. Wilson not properly supervising students, one of which she received a formal reprimand for on March 18" when two students under her supervision were locked out of the building for 35 minutes. c. Showed no concern when a low income student brought in a $100 bill for the Book Fair. After investigation by administration, it was discovered that the money was stolen from the student’s father. d. Left popcom in microwave oven unattended to pick up students, causing a small fire in the microwave, the microwave to melt, and making it necessary to evacuate an entire wing of the school due to the excessive amount of smoke. 6.) Failure to follow statutory requirements and district and school policies a. Allowed students to attend the Book Fair during the 90 minute reading block. = Overall, despite tremendous efforts to help her improve, Linda Wilson is still not competent in implementing or presenting effective lessons, safely managing groups of students, or effectively performing all duties associated with being a classroom teacher. Ms. Wilson lacks teacher “withitness” when it comes to classroom management. As a result of her incompetence, her students were reorganized in November to ensure that they would receive quality reading instruction. They were divided among the third grade team for the 90 minute reading block, while Ms. Wilson worked with three 30 minute Guided Reading Groups and received intensive assistance on how to effectively implement these groups. Further, 5 of her remediation students were assigned two days a week to an in school reading teacher for additional instruction. Issues and questions remain over the validity of her progress monitoring records and ability to appropriately administer diagnostic assessments. Many errors and inconsistencies were discovered after scores were reported, making it difficult, if not impossible, to effectively measure the progress of her students. Exhibit “G” (page 3 of 4) Due to the reasons stated above, it is my recommendation that Linda Wilson’s employment be terminated. It is my further recommendation that she be placed on administrative leave with pay effective immediately. There is a strong concem that her students’ academic achievement is at risk and further exposure to unsatisfactory instruction will adversely affect these 34 grade students and their chances for progression. Thank you for your consideration of these recommendations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Vay biel Nancy Beal Principal Cc: ~~ Linda Wilson Pat Barber, M.E.A. John Bowen Michelle Jiminez-Baserva Darcy Hopko Tim Kolbe Personnel File Exhibit “G” (page 4 of 4)

Docket for Case No: 08-002603TTS
Issue Date Proceedings
Feb. 25, 2009 Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Feb. 24, 2009 Notice of Withdrawal of Request for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Jan. 22, 2009 Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by February 20, 2009).
Jan. 20, 2009 (Respondent`s) Supplemental Status Report filed.
Dec. 17, 2008 Supplemental Status Report filed.
Nov. 17, 2008 Status Report filed.
Oct. 17, 2008 Order Cancelling Hearing and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by November 17, 2008).
Oct. 16, 2008 Joint Motion to Hold Case in Abeyance filed.
Aug. 22, 2008 Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 28 and 29, 2008; 9:00 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
Aug. 21, 2008 Joint Motion to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Aug. 14, 2008 Notice of Cancellation of Depositions filed.
Aug. 04, 2008 Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Jul. 14, 2008 Notice of Serving Response and Objection to Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Jul. 11, 2008 Notice of Serving Response and Objection to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Jun. 30, 2008 Amended Administrataive Complaint filed.
Jun. 24, 2008 Order (Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint is granted).
Jun. 23, 2008 Notice of Serving First Request for Production of Documents to Respondent filed.
Jun. 23, 2008 Notice of Serving Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Jun. 09, 2008 Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jun. 09, 2008 Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 4 and 5, 2008; 9:00 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
Jun. 06, 2008 Notice of Serving First Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner filed.
Jun. 06, 2008 Notice of Serving Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Jun. 05, 2008 Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
May 29, 2008 Initial Order.
May 29, 2008 Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
May 29, 2008 Recommendation for Termination filed.
May 29, 2008 Notice of Paid Administrative Leave filed.
May 29, 2008 Administrative Complaint filed.
May 29, 2008 Order Granting Hearing filed.
May 29, 2008 Agency referral filed.
May 29, 2008 Letter to DOAH from T. Drinkard regarding receipt of fax filed.
May 29, 2008 Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
May 29, 2008 Letter to DOAH from T. Drinkard regarding facsimile sheet showing attempt to fax file new case filed.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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