Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Clearwater, Florida
Filed: Sep. 02, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, October 24, 2008.
Latest Update: Jan. 31, 2025
vs. Fraes Nos. (fine) 2008006498
(conditional) 2008006500
COMES NOW the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration
(hereinafter “the Agency”), by and through its undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative
~ Complaint against the Respondent, Fl-Highland Pines, LLC, d/b/a Highland Pines Rehabilitation
Center (hereinafter “the Respondent”), pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes
(2007), and alleges as follows:
This is an action against a skilled nursing facility to impose an administrative fine of ten
thousand dollars ($10,000.00), assess a six-month survey cycle fine of six thousand dollars
($6,000.00), and assign conditional licensure status beginning on April 24, 2008, and ending on
June 3, 2008, based upon one isolated class I deficiency.
1. The Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter pursuant to Sections 120.569
and 120.57, Florida Statutes (2007).
2. The Agency has jurisdiction over the Respondent pursuant to Section 20.42 and
Chapter 120, and Chapter 400, Part I, and Chapter 408, Part II, Florida Statutes (2007).
3. Venue lies pursuant to Rule 28-106.207, Florida Administrative Code.
4. The Agency is the licensing and regulatory authority that oversees skilled nursing
facilities, more commonly referred to as nursing homes, in Florida and enforces the applicable
federal regulations and state statutes and rules governing such facilities. Chs. 408, Part II, 400,
Part I, Fla. Stat. (2007); and Ch. 59A-4, Fla. Admin. Code. The Agency is authorized to deny
an application for licensure, revoke or suspend a license, and impose an administrative fine for a
violation of the Health Care Licensing Procedures Act, the authorizing statutes or the applicable
tules. §§ 408.813, 408.815, 400.121, 400.23. Fla. Stat. (2007). In addition, the Agency may
impose an additional six-month survey cycle fine for certain classes of violations that take place
within a specified period of time, assign conditional licensure status, and assess costs related to
the investigation and prosecution of this case. §§ 400.19(3), 400.23(7), 400.121(8), Fla. Stat.
5. The Respondent was issued a license by the Agency (License Number 12280961)
to operate a 120-bed skilled nursing facility located at 1111 South Highland Avenue, Clearwater,
Florida 32789, and was at all times material times required to comply with the applicable federal
and state regulations, statutes and rules governing such facilities.
COUNT I (Tag N201)
The Respondent Failed to Ensure That Appropriate
Care and Services Were Provided To Residents
In Violation of F.S. 400.022(1)
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 5.
7. Under Florida law, all licensees of nursing homes facilities shall adopt and make
, public a statement of the rights and responsibilities of the residents of such facilities and shall
treat such residents in accordance with the provisions of that statement. The statement shall
assure each resident . . . the right to receive adequate and appropriate health care and protective
and support services, including social services; mental health services, if available; planned
recre-ational activities; and therapeutic and rehabilitative services consistent with the resident
care plan, with established and recognized practice standards within the community, and with
rules as adopted by the agency. § 400.022(1), Fla. Stat. (2007). This statement shall assure each
resident . . . the right to have privacy in treatment and in caring for personal needs; to close room
doors and to have facility personnel knock before entering the room, except in the case of an
emergency or unless medically contraindicated; and to security in storing and using personal
possessions. Privacy of the resident's body shall be maintained during, but not limited to,
toileting, bathing, and other activities of personal hygiene, except as needed for resident safety or
assistance. § 400.022(1)(m), Fla. Stat. (2007). This statement shall assure each resident . . . the
right to be free from mental and physical abuse, corporal punishment, extended involuntary
seclusion, and from physical and chemical restraints, except those restraints authorized in writing
by a physician for a specified and limited period of time or as are necessitated by an emergency.
In case of an emergency, restraint may be applied only by a qualified licensed nurse who shall
set forth in writing the circumstances requiring the use of restraint, and, in the case of use of a
chemical restraint, a physician shall be consulted immediately thereafter. Restraints may not be
used in lieu of staff supervision or merely for staff convenience, for punishment, or for reasons
other than resident protection or safety. § 400.022(1)(o0), Fla. Stat. (2007).
8. On or about April 24, 2008, the Agency conducted an annual health and life
safety survey of the Respondent and its Facility.
9. Based upon observation, interview and record review, the Respondent failed to
provide adequate and appropriate protective and support services for one resident and failed to
fully implement and operationalize its resident abuse policy and procedures as well as comply
with Florida law concerning the investigation, reporting and protection of a resident with respect
to a possible sexual abuse of the resident (Resident #18).
Resident #18 - Clinical Records and Interview
10. Resident #18’s records indicated an admission date of February 18, 2008.
11. A review of the Resident’s April 2008 physician's orders revealed diagnoses that
included a cerebral vascular accident, right hip subluxation and senile dementia.
12... A review of the Facility nursing notes from February 18, 2008, to April 21, 2008,
revealed that Resident #18 resided in the Facility’s Cedar Point Unit.
13. The nursing notes revealed that Resident was alert and oriented to person and
place for the most part, pleasant and cooperative, but sometimes suffered from confusion.
14. _ During an interview with Resident #18 on April 22, 2008, at 12:30 p.m., during
lunch, it was revealed that the Resident does not sleep well at the Facility.
15.. The Resident stated that he or she takes a sleeping pill and added that the Facility
is “not like home.”
16. A review of the Resident’s April 2008 physician-ordered medication regimen
indicated that the Resident took sleep aids: The medication regimen was as follows:
a. Lexapro 10 mg daily
b. Abilify 5 mg daily
c. Aldactone 25 mg daily
d. Klor-con (potassium) 20 meq daily
e. Digitek 250 mcg daily
f. Prednisone 10 mg daily
g. Famotidine (Pepcid) 20 mg daily
h. Metropolol (Lopressor) 50 mg twice a day
i. Docusate Sodium (Colace) 100mg twice a day
j. Jantoven (Coumadin) 3 mg daily
k. Multivitamin 1 tablet daily
1. Lipitor 20 mg daily
m. Artificial tears four times a day
n. Restoril 15 mg at bedtime as needed
17. The Resident’s clinical record revealed a nursing note dated April 9, 2008, and
timed at 3:00 a.m., stating that the “Resident was yelling out ‘help.’”
18. According to the note, a nurse went to the Resident’s room to inquire about what
was going on and the Resident said “I was just raped by a man.”
19. The note further stated that the nurse tried to explain to the Resident that there
was no male in the Facility that could have entered the Resident’s room.
20. The Resident’s clinical record revealed a telephone physician's order dated April
9, 2008, untimed, which ordered: “Send to local hospital ER for rape kit evaluation.”
21. Resident #18's laboratory results, dated April 9, 2008, included a complete blood
count, chemistry panel and urinalysis that were reviewed with no sign of infection or any other
abnormality noted.
22. A review of the Resident’s Medicare 30-day assessment Minimum Data Set
(MDS) dated March 24, 2008, indicated that the Resident was assessed by the Facility for short
, term/long term memory problems, as having "moderately impaired" daily decision-making skills
as well as the presence of "periods of altered perception or awareness of surroundings.”
23. The care plans for Resident #18 were reviewed with respect to mood, cognition,
psycho-social, decision-making, behavior and sensory. They included approaches for:
a. Potential for side effects of psychoactive medications as related to the use of anti-
depressant and anti-psychotic medications related to dementia with psychosis. Dated
February 29, 2008.
b. Potential for impaired or inappropriate behaviors related to dementia other behaviors
restlessness, reduced social interaction, withdrawal from interests and wanders (insomnia
not indicated). Resident presents with sensory impairment impacting communication and
interaction with others. Dated February 27, 2008.
c. Impaired cognition related to dementia, sensory loss, delirium. Dated February 27,
d. Impaired vision. Unable to read small print. Large print with glasses. Dated
February 29, 2008.
e. Impaired communication. Hearing. Dated February 29, 2008.
24. The last Interdisciplinary Plan of Care Meeting Summary Tool in the records was
dated February 29, 2008.
25. A record review revealed a care plan dated April 9, 2008, which stated that the
Resident was exhibiting possible signs and symptoms of delirium, as evidenced by his or her
taking of Prednisone.
26. The Resident had a current urinary tract infection.
27. The Resident was accusing the staff of raping him or her during the perineal care.
28. This documentation was not part of the care plan reviewed two days earlier on
April 21, 2008.
29. _ The Resident's records were silent as to any alleged sexual abuse prior to the
nurse's notes of April 9, 2008.
Resident Rights Policy And Procedure / Facility Records
30. A review of the Facility's policy and procedure for prevention and reporting
suspected resident abuse and/or misappropriation of property, effective January 2006, stated:
“The facility has designed and implemented processes, which strive to ensure the prevention and
reporting of suspected or alleged resident/patient abuse, neglect, mistreatment.”
31. Implementation and ongoing monitoring consist of the following: Protection:
“Provide for the immediate safety of the resident/patient upon identification of suspected abuse,
neglect, mistreatment and/or misappropriation of property. . . .”
32. A review of the Facility's Master Daily Staffing Sheet for the 3-11 shift on
Tuesday, April 8, 2008, indicated that one male licensed practical nurse (LPN) and eight male
certified nurse assistants (CNAs) were assigned to the Cedar Point Unit and Birch Hall Unit
during that shift.
33. The male nurses included CNA #8, who was referenced in. an unsubstantiated
alleged sexual abuse allegation on March 4, 2008.
34. A review of CNA #8's personnel file revealed that the Facility did not have the
Florida Department of Law Enforcement background results on file for CNA #8.
35. The lack of a background screening for this employee was confirmed by the
Office Manager on April 24, 2008, at 1:00 p.m.
36. A review of the Facility’s Master Daily Staffing Sheet for the 11-7 shift on
Wednesday, April 9, 2008, indicated one male LPN and one male CNA who were assigned to
the Birch and Reflections Units during that shift.
37. The next nursing entry was dated April 9, 2008, at 3:48 a.m., and stated that the
Resident had placed the call light on.
38. The nurse and CNA #7 entered the Resident’s room.
39. The Resident stated that he or she had been raped.
40. The staff continued to remind the Resident that this was unlikely.
41. The nurse tried to reassure the Resident that he or she was safe.
42. The nurse asked the Resident if he or she would like to go to the hospital or to
have an evaluation of her perineal area. The Resident declined.
43. The Resident’s activities of daily living (ADL) were performed with two staff
44. Outside of this entry referring to the two staff members performing ADL, there
was no other reference to any additional protective measures provided to the Resident.
45. The next nursing entry was dated April 9, 2008, at 4:00 p.m., about thirteen hours
after the first entry was made by staff about the allegation of possible sexual abuse.
46. The nursing entry stated that a staff member had placed a call to the Resident’s
primary care physician to inform him or her of the Resident’s condition and that the incident had
been referred to the Abuse Coordinator and the Administrator.
47. The next nursing entry was dated April 9, 2008, at 7:30 p.m., and stated that an
order was received from the primary care physician to send the Resident to the local hospital
emergency room.
48. Acall was placed to the local ambulance service and transport arrived.
49. The next nursing entry was dated April 9, 2008, at 11:10 p.m., and stated that the
Resident returned to Facility at 11:05 p.m. via stretcher and accompanied by two ambulance
attendants. Two staff members were with the Resident at all times.
50. A review of the Facility’s statement worksheet dated April 10, 2008, by LPN #7,
who worked the 11-7 shift, stated that the LPN overhead the Resident saying “Help. I was
51. | The LPN went to the Resident's bedside to find out more about situation.
52. The Resident was noted as having increased confusion and saying that the alleged
rape “happened a while ago by a man.”
53. | The LPN, along with a co-worker, was asked by the Resident “are you men?”
54. The LPN explained to the Resident that both of them were females and there was
no male employee at the Facility at that time.
55. The staff continued to ask the Resident if he or she wanted any help.
56. The nursing observation of the Resident continued.
57. | Areview of LPN #7's employee record on April 23, 2008, at 11:50 a.m., revealed
a Disciplinary Action Report initiated by the Cedar Point Unit Manager dated April 11, 2008,
stating that the LPN failed to report a reportable abuse told to her on April 9, 2008.
58. According to the Disciplinary Action Report, the Resident stated to the nurse that
he or she had been raped, but that no calls were made to the appropriate department head per
Facility policy.
59. LPN #7 acknowledged the Disciplinary Action Report on April 11, 2008, but
wrote that when he or she arrived at 10:45 p.m., the Resident was already yelling out.
60. LPN #7 then asked a 3-11 shift nurse about the situation, but did not receive a
positive response.
61. This incident was initiated during the 3-11 shift, not during LPN’s 11-7 shift.
62. Attached to the Disciplinary Action Report was a copy of document titled
‘Reportable Incidents, which stated that "abuse" requires an "incident report to be filled out and a
phone call made to the Director of Nursing, Risk Manager and/or the Administrator."
63. Despite the statement that was known to the staff that the incident occurred during
the 3-11 shift on April 8, 2008, the Resident's record is silent as to any staff response or any
intervention on behalf of the Resident during that earlier shift.
CNA #4 - Interview
64. A telephone interview was conducted on April 24, 2008, at 11:00 a.m., with CNA
#4 who worked the 11-7 shift on April 8-9, 2008.
65. CNA #4 stated that she had just clocked in on April 8, 2008, and had not taken
her assignment yet, when she heard Resident #18 “screaming all the way down the hallway”
calling out for help and yelling that he or she had been raped.
66. | CNA #4 stated that everyone from the 3-11 shift was still there around the desk.
67. | CNA #4 stated that Resident #18 was upset and she reported the incident to the
LPN #7, who also worked the 11-7 shift.
68. She stated that on the day after the incident, the Facility called her into work to
write a statement.
69. CNA #4 stated that she was unable to come in during the day and that a blank
statement was left for her to fill out.
70. She also stated that she had not been "personally" interviewed by the Facility.
LPN #7 - Interview
71. During an interview with the corporate Registered Nurse on April 23, 2008, the
nurse stated that LPN #7 would call back for'a telephonic interview, but was "ill" and "upset"
with regard to disciplinary action initiated by Facility.
72. During a telephone interview with the LPN #7 on April 24, 2008, at 8:45 a.m., she
stated that Resident #18's room was near the nursing station.
73. The Resident was calling out “rape” as she entered the Facility at 10:45 p.m.
74. LPN #7 stated that she observed three nurses from the 3-11 shift standing around
the desk as the Resident was yelling that she had been raped.
75. She further stated that the 3-11 shift nurses apparently did not document or report
76. LPN #7 also stated that Resident #18 was not able to visualize and recognize staff
without the lights turned on in her room because of her vision.
77. She stated she tried to reassure Resident #18 during the shift.
78. At the end of the shift, LPN #7 wrote a handwritten letter to the Director of
Nursing and the Risk Manager regarding Resident #18's alleged sexual abuse.
79. A copy of the handwritten note, dated April 9, 2008, was presented for review by
the Administrator.
80. LPN #7 stated that she informed LPN #5 and the Cedar Point Unit Manager at the
change of shift about the concerns she had regarding Resident #18's alleged sexual abuse and the
nurses who worked the 3-11 shift.
LPN #5 - Interview
81. During an interview with LPN #5 on April 24, 2008, at 11:30 a.m., the nurse
) stated that she received the shift change report for the Cedar Point Unit that morning from LPN
#7 with the Cedar Point Unit Manager present for the entire shift change report.
82. LPN #5 stated that she did not know who knew about the alleged sexual abuse,
but that LPN #7 left communication for two supervisors.
83. A review of LPN #5’s punch detail for April 9, 2008, revealed that the Cedar
Point Unit Manager had punched in at 6:30 a.m., LPN #5 had punched in at 6:54 a.m., and LPN
#7 had punched out at 7:36 a.m.
Continued Interview of Resident #18 and Daughter
84. During an interview with Resident #18 on April 24, 2008, at approximately 9:15
a.m., the Resident stated that he or she remembered that something happened during the night of
April 9, 2008, but was unsure if it may have been a dream.
85. He or she also stated that he or she remembered talking to local law enforcement
and being seen in the emergency room.
86. During a telephone interview with Resident #18's daughter on April 22, 2008, at
1:15 p.m., it was revealed that the Resident had a stroke and was admitted to the Facility after a
hospital admission in December 2007 and a subsequent rehabilitation hospital admission.
87. The daughter stated that the Resident’s Prednisone was reduced to a lower dose
and that the Resident has been okay on that dose.
88. She stated that the Resident was taking regular continuous doses of Prednisone for
rheumatoid arthritis.
89. The daughter stated that Resident #18 had.never alleged rape before and denied
any knowledge of any history of sexual abuse.
90. The daughter also stated that she is concerned about the follow-up care regarding
, Resident #18's cataracts and impaired vision.
91. A review of nursing note dated March 30, 2008, at 12:10 p.m., revealed a request
faxed to the primary care physician for an appointment to see an ophthalmologist regarding
bilateral cataracts.
Social Service Director
92. An additional review of Resident #18's clinical record, including social service,
revealed that the last documentation was dated April 8, 2008.
93. The clinical records also included physician evaluations by the primary care
physician on April 1, 2008, and April 21, 2008, at 2:00 p.m.
94. There was no further information regarding the alleged sexual abuse of Resident
95. During an interview with the Social Service Director on April 21, 2008, at 3:10
p.m., it was revealed that she interviewed Resident #18 on April 9, 2008.
96. The Social Service Director stated that the Resident's account of the incident
“Jacked detail” and was “all over the place.”
97. The Social Service Director stated that she had communicated with the Resident’s
primary care physician and that the Resident was sent to local hospital emergency room.
98. The Social Service Director stated that Resident #18's daughter was notified and
99. The Social Service Director stated that the local police department was notified,
but could not remember if the Facility or the local hospital emergency room called the police.
100. The Social Service Director stated that a rape kit had not performed at the local
hospital emergency room, but that a full physical was performed and that Resident #18 exhibited
“no bruising.”
101. The Social Service Director also stated that the Facility had covered all of its
bases based upon Resident #18's “fluctuating cognition.”
102. The Social Service Director had no further information regarding the assignment
of any male CNAs to Resident #18.
103. The Social Service Director was also.asked about the social service investigation
documentation regarding the alleged sexual abuse on April 9, 2008, because she was unable to
give exact notification/interview times during this interview.
104. The Social Service Director stated that she had not entered all of her notes into the
clinical record, but that the investigation documentation was available on her desk in her office.
105. On April 21, 2008, at 3:45 p.m., the Social Service Director provided for review
one sheet of scratch notes and seven post-it notes referring to multiple social service-conducted
interviews, including that of the Resident, staff, abuse registry staff and law enforcement. The
“notes included the interview/notification times.
106. A review of the one-page scratch notes, seven post-it notes and social service
progress note, along with resident interviews dated April 11, 2008, revealed an interview by the
Social Service Director on April 9, 2009, at 10:15, which stated "Not hurt anywhere. Heart
hurts. Saw nurse immediately after "Yes-you could say so.'"
107. Another entry on the scratch notes indicated 12:15 and stated: Last night 3/4 in
morning. Roommate was sleeping. Someone into room. Appeared to be a man. Can't tell. No
words. Roommate asleep. Got to be without clothing on. Was raped. Penetrated. Had no
defense. Didn't say anything. Door was open. 1/2 asleep.
108. Another entry on the scratch notes indicated a 3:00 p.m. interview and stated:
, Man. Nighttime. Couldn't tell if black or white. Wearing dark outfit. Couldn't see hair. Person
was quiet. Didn't hold arms/wrists. Had a hat on. Fedora.
109. The scratch notes also indicated that LPN #7 was a witness.
110. The scratch notes also indicated that a contracted mental health provider was
contacted at 12:38 and "abuse" was contacted at 12:45.
111. | The Social Service Director's seven post-it notes indicated:
a. The name of a local law enforcement office/telephone number, the local hospital
emergency room telephone number and "police department notified by."
b. If still alleging, the state examination will occur: Transferring for examination. Local
hospital name and “police take care of it."
c. 4/10 and 4/11 + law enforcement officer's name.
d. 4/10 Met with Resident #18 and daughter. No issues.
e. 4/17 Name of abuse registry investigator at 3 pm. - unfounded.
f. 11-7 LPN #7 "confirms #s."
112. The social service progress note dated April 11, 2008, contained four resident
interviews with Resident #18's roommate and three additional residents.
113. The interviews stated:
a. Roommate -- safe - door always open. no problems with abuse or sexual - sleeps
hard. |
b. Does not hear of problems - more focused on his or her care/treatment - didn't
hear anything unusual.
c. Nothing unusual - keeps door shut - stays to self — does not like night nurse - but
no unsafe feelings.
d. Comfortable with the staff - hasn't had recent problems - didn't hear.
114. During a continued interview with the Social Service Director on April 22, 2008,
at 11.25 a.m., it was revealed that the 11-7 LPN #7 did not notify the Night Supervisor about the
alleged sexual abuse and was written up by the Facility for failing to report Resident #18's
alleged sexual abuse on April 9, 2008, which she stated was the Facility's plan of correction.
115. The Social Service Director confirmed that she was first notified of the alleged
sexual abuse during the Facility's morning stand-up meeting, that she conducted interviews with
Resident #18 at 10:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m., and that she conducted an additional interview with
Resident #18 and the Resident’s daughter at 3:00 p.m.
116. The Social Service Director was questioned about the notification times of the
contracted mental health provider and abuse.
117. She stated that the contracted mental health provider was notified before the abuse
registry because “only a fax” was required to notify the contracted mental health provider.
118. When asked if the Social Service Director would state that the Facility took
"immediate" action with respect to this incident, she stated "no."
119. A review of the facsimile cover letter that accompanied the consultant mental
health provider authorization for services for Resident #18, which was completed by the Social
Service Director on April 9, 2008, stated that she sent two other referrals a week ago and they
have not been done. She asked for a status update.
Administrator and Risk Manager - Interviews
120. Interviews were conducted with the Administrator and Risk Manager on April 21,
2008, at 3:25 p.m., with regard to the Facility's investigation of the alleged sexual abuse.
121. The Administrator stated that Resident #18 was newly prescribed Prednisone on
, February 18, 2008, and this was considered a significant factor in causing an altered mentation
on April 9, 2008.
122. The Administrator stated that Resident #18 had been placed in bed by his or her
daughter on April 8, 2008, with an adult brief.
123. She stated that the adult brief was removed by CNA #13, who worked the 3-11
shift, and then disposed of in the garbage.
124. CNA #13 attended an in-service education given by the Administrator on April
10, 2008, about not changing briefs at night.
125. The in-service provided that upon any request by the resident or family, the staff
member should inform the Unit Manager or Director of Nursing.
126. A list was to be created of those patients.
127. Acheck of the ADL books for updates should be made on the resident.
128. CNA #13 was the only staff member who attended the in-service.
129. An interview was conducted of the Administrator on April 21, 2008, at 3:45 p.m.,
regarding the notification of Resident #18's primary care physician on April 9, 2008.
130. The Administrator stated that the Cedar Point Unit Manager initially contacted the
wrong primary care physician regarding the alleged sexual abuse.
131. The Administrator had no further information regarding the assignment of a male
CNA to Resident #18.
132. During an interview with the Administrator on April 21, 2008, at 4:00 p.m.,
relating to concerns about Facility documentation of the alleged sexual abuse, which included
nursing and social services documentation, the Administrator stated that a full investigation was
completed by the Facility.
133. The Administrator was referring to Facility records.
134. A review the Facility records, dated April 9, 2008, at 7:25 p.m., and April 16,
2008, at 6:00 p.m., respectively, revealed a summation sample with questions for a non-reported
incident dated April 15, 2008.
135. The Facility records indicated that Resident #18 was unsure if the person was
male or female and did not have any details of the incident.
136. The Facility records stated that Resident #18 was started on Prednisone on March
28, 2008, which may have been related to hallucinations and delusions.
137. The Facility records stated that the immediate corrective/protective actions taken
were that the CNAs assigned to the Resident’s room were called to come in for an interview and
provide written statements, which were still pending.
138. The Facility records stated that interviews were conducted with the CNA staff
assigned to care for patient as well.
139. As of April 24, 2008, at 11:00 a.m., however, the Facility had not personally
interviewed all of the direct care staff members that were involved in the April 9, 2008, alleged
sexual abuse.
140. The Facility records stated that a psychiatric consultation was provided to the
Resident and recommendations were made to assess the medication due to the Resident’s history
of hallucinations while taking Prednisone.
141. This is a medication that the Resident started taking on March 28, 2008, which
may have contributed to increased confusion and hallucinations.
142. The Facility records also stated that the Resident was also taking Remeron, which
has a side effect of hallucinations as well.
143. A review of the April 10, 2008, contracted mental health consult, April 9, 2008,
local hospital emergency room records and the April 24, 2008, primary care physician note, do
not reflect that the Prednisone was associated with, or related to, any psychosis or hallucinations
with respect to Resident #18's sexual abuse allegation on April 9, 2008.
144. The Facility records did not reflect that any Facility notification or interview
times with the Resident, Resident’s family, abuse registry, local law enforcement and primary
care physician.
CNA #13
145. During an interview on April 22, 2008, at 3:30 p.m., with CNA #13, who worked
the 3-11 shift, the nurse stated that she had no further information regarding the alleged sexual
abuse of Resident #18.
Policy and Procedure for Abuse
146. The Facility's policy and procedure for Prevention and Reporting: Suspected
Resident/Patient Abuse and/or Misappropriation of Property, effective January 2006, stated:
"The facility has designed and implemented processes, which strive to ensure the preven-tion
and reporting of suspected or alleged resident/patient abuse, neglect, mistreatment,. . . “
147. The policy and procedure also states that implementation and ongoing monitoring
consist of the following:
1. Notify the Shift Supervisor immediately if suspected abuse, neglect,
mistreatment or misappropriation of property occurs.
2. Report the event to the Director of Nursing and Administrator.
3. Notify the appropriate State agency(s) immediately by fax or telephone
after identification of alleged/suspected event. Initiate process according to State-
specific regulations:
For Florida Only:
Abuse Hotline |
State AHCA Field Office (One Day)
AHCA Agency Facility Data Analysis Unit (One Day)
State AHCA Complaint Administration Unit (Five Day)
AHCA Agency Facility Data Analysis Unit (Fifteen Day)
Note: Person(s) initially identify potential abuse, neglect, mistreatment and/or
misappropriation of property may, by State law, be accountable to make initial
1. Initiate contact with local law enforcement, immediately, when warranted,
as required by State law.
148. The Facility’s mandatory reporting requirement of adult abuse, neglect and/or
exploitation, included, but was not limited to nurses, health professionals, staff, social workers,
who knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect, that a vulnerable adult has been or is being
abused. Said person was required to immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the
hotline on the single statewide toll-free telephone number.
149. The corrective action that was taken or was to be taken according to the Facility
records stated that a medication review had occurred and adjustments made to the patient’s
regime to better meet his or her needs and reduce the side effects.
150. The April 10, 2008, contracted mental health pre-evaluation recommendations
were not addressed by the Facility or the primary care physician until April 23, 2008.
Cedar Point Unit Manager - Interview
151. During an interview with the Director of Nursing and the Cedar Point Unit
Manager on April 21, 2008, at 4:45 p.m., it was revealed that the Cedar Point Unit Manager
notified the incorrect primary care physician of the alleged sexual abuse on April 9, 2008.
152. The Cedar Point Unit Manager stated that this error was not noted until the
physician's assistant for the incorrect primary care physician arrived at the Facility in "the
153. The Cedar Point Unit Manager also stated that she evaluated Resident #18 on
April 9, 2008, and did not find any bruising.
154. The Cedar Point Unit Manager stated that there was no documentation in Resident
#18's clinical record to reflect that the incorrect primary care physician had been notified about
the alleged sexual abuse or of her evaluation of the Resident.
155. During this interview, the Cedar Point Unit Manager provided a progress note,
dated April 9, 2008, which stated that she placed a call to the physician’s assistant for the
primary care physician and left message for a return call.
156. The physician’s assistant returned the call, was informed of incident and the need
for an examination of the Resident.
157. He stated that he would be in during the late afternoon to see the Resident.
158. After the physician’s assistant arrived, the Facility discovered that it had called
the wrong physician.
159. The correct primary care physician was then notified.
160. . He stated that he had never handled this type of situation and to send the Resident
to the emergency room for an evaluation.
161. The Cedar Point Unit Manager was asked when was this nurse note written and
she responded that it was written “today,” April 21, 2008. "Late entry" documentation was not
Policy and Procedure for Abuse (Continued)
162. The Facility's policy and procedure for Prevention and Reporting: Suspected
Resident/Patient Abuse and/or Misappropriation of Property, effective January 2006, stated that
the Facility has designed and implemented processes, which strive to ensure the prevention and
reporting of suspected or alleged resident/patient abuse, neglect, and mistreatment.
163. Implementation and ongoing monitoring consist of notifying the Resident’s
physician immediately, which was defined as within 24 hours.
164. The time delay with the incorrect primary care physician notification by the Cedar
Point Unit Manager was not indicated on the Federal 5-day Report.
165. During the survey on April 22, 2008, at 9:00 a.m., a posting was observed on all
units stating that there was a mandatory in-service on abuse and neglect reporting on Tuesday,
April 22, 2008 at 2:30 p.m., and Thursday, April 24, 2008, at 2:30 p.m., with the location listed
as the nursing office.
166. A review of the Facility's April, 2008, in-service calendar reflected only these two
167. In order to obtain additional information about the Facility's investigation into the
alleged sexual abuse, an interview was conducted with the Administrator on April 22, 2008, at
4:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
168. The interview indicated that LPN #7 was written up because there was no
immediate notification of the next level up regarding Resident #18's alleged sexual abuse.
169. According to the Administrator, on April 9, 2008, at 9:00 a.m., she reviewed the
Facility's 24-hour nursing report and noted the sexual abuse allegation.
170. The Administrator brought the sexual abuse allegation to the scheduled 9:00 a.m.
interdisciplinary team meeting with all department heads, which went directly into the scheduled
9:30 a.m. risk management meeting.
171. The Administrator stated that she directed the Social Service Director to interview
the Resident, call in the allegation and interview other residents.
172. The Administrator stated that an attempt was made to interview LPN #7, but she
was refusing.
173. The Administrator acknowledged that any visual evaluations of Resident #18
during the 11-7, 7-3 and 3-11 nursing shift by the Facility staff were not documented.
174. The Administrator stated that Resident #18's daughter was notified on April 9,
2008, at 10:00 a.m., but this notification was not documented.
175. The Administrator also stated that the state protection agency investigator did not
substantiate Resident #18's allegation and that the state protection agency stated that it would call
the police if necessary.
176. The Administrator indicated that the local hospital emergency room contacted law
enforcement during the emergency room evaluation.
177. During this interview, the Administrator stated that Resident #18's emergency
room evaluation for the alleged sexual abuse was pursuant to non-emergent per physician order.
178. The primary care physician's order to send Resident #18 to the emergency room
does not reflect that it was non-emergent.
179. The Administrator also stated that because the emergency room transportation for
Resident #18 was non-emergent, the Facility had to obtain authorization from Aetna before
transportation could be arranged.
180. The Social Service Director stated in notes dated April 9-11 weekly overview late
entry that the Resident was sent to a local hospital emergency room per a physician’s order.
181. The Administrator again related that Resident #18's alleged sexual abuse was
related to "newly prescribed Prednisone" which caused a "psychosis" on April 9, 2008.
182. The Administrator was notified that upon review of the acute care hospital history
and physical dated December 31, 2007, which indicated that Resident #18’s medications
included "Prednisone 5 mg 2 x daily" and based on the interview conducted on April 22, 2008,
with the Resident’s daughter, Resident #18's Prednisone therapy was not initiated at the Facility.
183. The Administrator stated that the Facility’s investigation concluded there were no
resident wanderers that night.
184. Per a Facility provided list of wandering residents on April 23, 2008, 39 residents
were identified as wanderers with 26 of them having a Wandergard monitoring device.
Resident #18 - Records
185. On April 22, 2008, at 5:05 p.m., Resident # 18 was observed sleeping in bed.
186. An unidentified male CNA was standing next to Resident #18's bed casually
talking to the female CNA assigned for a 1:1 observation secondary to a recent fall that Resident
#18's roommate had sustained.
187. Based upon review, the contracted mental health provider's pre-evaluation of
Resident #18 dated April 10, 2008, listed as tentative diagnosis recommendations and comments:
major depression, psychosis, borderline personality disorder.
188. The pre-evaluation made recommendations to the attending physician to consider
the following psychotropic medication recommendations: 1. Please increase Lexapro to 20 mg
by mouth every morning, 2. Start Aricept 5 mg by mouth every night for 30 days, then increase
to 10 mg by mouth every night, 3. Start Namenda Pack then continue with 10 mg by mouth twice
a day.
189. A review of Resident #18's clinical record on April 22, 2008, at 5:15 p.m.,
revealed a nursing note signed by the Risk Manager, dated April 22, 2008, untimed, which stated
that the primary care physician was to see the Resident that day, discussed with this writer the
fact that he would like to go along with the psychiatrist’s recommendations and the fact that he
does not believe there was any evidence of rape.
190. A review of the physician's progress notes on April 22, 2008, at 5:20 p.m.,
revealed a note dated April 22, 2008, which stated that the physician will go ahead with the
psychiatrist’s recommendation that there was no evidence of rape.
Assistant Director of Nursing - Interview
191. During an interview with the Assistant Director of Nursing on April 23, 2008, at
11:20 a.m., a copy of the April 22, 2008, 2:30 p.m., sign-in sheet for abuse/neglect training was
provided to the Agency surveyor.
192. The Assistant Director of Nursing stated that the 11-7 staff was being trained that
night on abuse/neglect reporting.
193. When asked how the 11-7 staff would know about the in-service training for
abuse/neglect, the Assistant Director of Nursing stated that it is on the April 2008 in-service
education calendar.
194. The Assistant Director of Nursing was shown a copy of the April 2008 in-service
education calendar and it was acknowledged that there was no abuse/neglect in-service training
scheduled for 11-7 shift.
195. The Assistant Director of Nursing then stated that the Director of Nursing
conducted the abuse/neglect training this morning.
196. Accopy of the sign in sheet was requested for the training provided by the Director
of Nursing,
197. | During an interview the Director of Nursing on April 23, 2008, at 11:25 a.m., it
was revealed that she had not provided training in the morning on abuse/neglect, but did provide
training on gastrostomy tube medication administration that morning.
198. During an interview with the Assistant Director of Nursing on April 23, 2008, at
11:30 a.m., it was revealed that she would be coming in tonight to train the 11-7 staff on abuse
and neglect reporting.
199. When asked how she would train entire 11-7 staff with no observed postings, she
said she will make sure, but had no definitive plan.
200. During an interview with the Assistant Director of Nursing on April 24, 2008, at
1:00 p.m., it was revealed that 110 of the Facility's 116 employees had been in-serviced about
abuse and neglect reporting.
State Advocacy Investigator - Interview
201. During a telephone interview with the state advocacy investigator on April 23,
2008, at 12:30 p.m., she stated that the investigation was closed.
202. - Her investigation included an interview with Resident #18 and his/her daughter.
203. The investigator was not aware that Resident #18 had been taking Prednisone
prior to his or her admission to the Facility, but believed, because of Facility interviews, that
therapy had been initiated on February 18, 2008.
204. The investigator was not aware that Resident #18 had impaired vision and
205. The investigator stated that she was aware that Resident #18 had an evaluation at
a local hospital emergency room, but that a rape kit was not performed.
206. The investigator stated that she interviewed LPN #7, who told her that Resident
#18 had been screaming out “rape” when she arrived at the Facility prior to the start of her shift.
207. The.investigator also reported that LPN #7 stated there were other nurses around
the nurses’ station, who stated that nothing really happened to Resident #18.
Statement Worksheet - CNA #4
208. A review of the Statement Worksheet provided by the Facility dated April 10,
2008, by CNA #4 revealed that CNA was walking down the hall going to the Cedar Point Unit to
check upon his or her rooms, and while passing a resident’s room, she heard a resident
screaming: "Help. I’ve been raped."
209. CNA #4, who worked the 11-7 shift, went straight to the nurse and told her what
she heard the Resident say.
210. The two of them went to the room and the nurse asked the Resident if he or she
was alright.
211. The Resident said she was raped by a man.
212. The nurse talked to the Resident and determined that she was fine.
213. The Resident did not have a brief on.
214. Every time that the CNA went in there, someone was with him or her.
215. The CNA did not put a brief on the Resident for the night.
216. During an interview with the Assistant Director of Nursing on April 23, 2008, at
1:00 p.m., she stated that the Facility attempted to reach CNA #4 for interview, but the nurse
stated that she did not have reliable transportation that day.
217. The Facility had not conducted an interview with CNA #4 at this time.
Administrator and Vice President - Interviews
218. Interviews were also conducted with the Administrator and Corporate Regional
Vice President on April 23, 2008, at 2:00 p.m.
219. They provided additional information for review, including documentation
regarding the April 9, 2008, emergency room triage records, nursing and physician evaluations
and the law enforcement offense report dated April 9, 2008.
220. The Vice President stated that she felt that the Facility followed its policy and
procedure regarding the alleged sexual abuse to the letter.
221. On April 23, 2008, at 12:18 p.m., the Administrator and Vice President provided a
Facility summary dated April 23, 2008, which was reviewed for additional information.
222. The summary indicated that the interdisciplinary team met as usual at 9:30 a.m.,
on April 9, 2008, during which the Director of Nursing opened a letter that had been placed
underneath her door.
223. The letter was written from the 11-7 Supervisor LPN #7 and stated that Resident
#18 had been raped.
224. According to the summary, the Social Service Director was directed to investigate
the details of the allegation, ensure patient safety, and notify the abuse registry.
225. The Cedar Point Unit Manager was informed to immediately notify the Resident’s
physician about the incident and request guidance, try to obtain a urine specimen for laboratory
review, physically examine the resident for trauma and to ensure a contracted mental health
consultation for further counseling/assistance.
226. During an interview with LPN #5, who worked the 7-3 shift, by the Administrator
and the Cedar Point Unit Manager regarding the shift change report given by the 11-7 supervisor,
LPN #5 stated that she thought that LPN #7 handled the situation and followed the appropriate
facility protocols when a resident alleges abuse because LPN #7 received the allegation of abuse.
227. A review of multiple days of the Facility’s Master Daily Staffing Sheet indicated
that the 11-7 Supervisor/Nurse was located on the Facility’s Reflections Unit and not the Cedar
Point Unit.
228. The summary omitted the 12:15 p.m. resident interview that the Social Service
Director’s informal notes indicate.
229. The summary indicated that the Administrator met with the state protection
agency investigator and asked if they were going to contact police and they stated that they did
not believe that it was necessary at this time.
230. The summary also indicated that the Facility called 911 and the local ambulance
company to set the resident up as non-emergency transport.
231. The summary indicated a telephone interview with LPN #7, who stated that she
heard yelling out upon arrival at Facility coming from Resident #18’s room at approximately
10:45 p.m., but did not enter the room at time, proceeding to clock in.
232. During a report with a 3-11 nurse, 11-7 LPN #7 questioned the 3-11 nurse as to
what was going on with Resident #18.
233. The 3-11 nurse stated nothing unusual.
234. The summary stated that interviews were conducted with two 3-11 LPNs and one
3-11 CNA.
235. No interviews were noted with any other 11-7 staff members.
236. The summary also indicated that on April 10, 2008, the Cedar Point Unit Manager
questioned LPN #7 why she did not notify administration immediately.
237. She stated that she did not do so because she dismissed what the Resident was
alleging. She stated that she did not believe it.
238. The summary stated that on April 10, 2008, the Social Service Director informed
the interdisciplinary team of law enforcement, state protection agency, and the local hospital’s
conclusion and the dismissal of the incident.
239. The Facility’s written policy, Allegation of Abuse/Neglect or Misappropriation of
Property Investigation Worksheet, dated January 2006, provided the following guidance in
preparing the Investigation Worksheet.
240. The policy included: Investigation Worksheet: 5. f. Indicate whether statements
were obtained from the alleged employee(s). g. Indicate whether statements were obtained from
others working at the time of the allegation. h. Indicate whether statements were obtained from
cognitively intact residents in the vicinity at the time of the allegation. i. Indicate whether
statements were obtained from visitors, family, or others in the vicinity at the time of the
allegation. j. Indicate whether statements were obtained from individuals with indirect
knowledge of the allegation. k. Summarize the findings based on the allegation.
241. To understand what information the Facility relied upon for the investigation, an
interview was held with the Administrator and Risk Manager on April 23, 2008, at 1:00 p.m.,
regarding how the Facility determined that the Resident’s alleged sexual abuse to be
unsubstantiated and not willful.
242. The Administrator stated that based on the state protection agency, the police and
hospital findings, the Facility could not determine that this was a willful act.
243. The Administrator was asked why only LPN #7 was disciplined.
244. She stated that everyone involved was verbally counseled regarding abuse/neglect
245. LPN #7’s Discipline Action Report, dated April 11, 2008, was also reviewed with
respect to the nurse’s statement regarding the onset of resident’s alleged sexual abuse.
246. The Administrator stated that LPN #4’s nurse’s statement does not reflect nursing
or the Administrator’s information, but acknowledged that the Facility had not yet interviewed
CNA #4 regarding her written statement.
Law Enforcement Report
247. The police report dated April 9, 2008, for abuse/neglect of aged/disabled call
received at 6:22 p.m. was also reviewed.
248. The police report stated that a local hospital emergency room staff member had
notified law enforcement dispatch that the emergency room had received Resident #18 via
ambulance in relation to a sexual battery.
249. The police report stated that the Resident was sent by the Facility to the local
hospital emergency room to be evaluated for potential injury sustained from this allegation.
250. A police officer spoke to the Social Service Director, who informed the officer
that no male staff members were working the night shift. Staff had been interviewed.
251. The police officer was also told by the Social Service Director that Resident #18
suffered from dementia, was a previous drug abuse patient, with other medical history.
252. The police report stated that Resident #18 was asked if she knew why the police
were there to see him or her.
253. The Resident acknowledged that he or she was there about maybe being raped last
254. Resident #18 was concerned that something may have happened to him or her and
was better off knowing from a doctor if she was ok or if anything had happened to him or her.
255. The Resident was willing to talk.
256. Resident #18 stated that he or she told his or her nurse that he or she had been
raped and that some people thought that he or she should get checked at the hospital.
257. Resident #18 said that last night, there was a man who was on top of me, not
underneath me, but on top. He never said anything, not a word, but he or she knew what the man
wanted. The man was very quiet. The roommate did not wake up. The Resident was not sure
what had happened, but thought that he or she may have been raped. The Resident did not think
that the man was anyone who lived in the home or a staff member.
258. Resident #18 then said that he or she was certain that it was no one from the
259. The police officer repeated the information to make sure that he or she had the
facts that the Resident had given were correct.
260. Resident #18 said that the man never said anything to him or her.
261. Resident #18 admitted that she may have some confusion about what happened
and did not know if the event was real or if she was dreaming, but she was certain that something
strange had happened.
262. The police report continued that the police officer relayed the case thus far and
also the lack of abuse investigation end.
263. It was determined that Resident #18 should have a general examination to make
sure there was no outward signs of sexual organ injury or any other signs of physical trauma.
264. The emergency room physician completed a general overview examination and
stated that the Resident did not have any obvious signs of injury or distress.
265. The emergency room physician did comment on old bruising on the Resident’s
thighs, but believed that it was not related to this matter.
266. The police officer stated that she spoke with the Social Service Director on April
10, 2008, who relayed that there was further information about the interviews at the Facility.
267. The police officer and the state protection agency met with CNA #13, who
removed Resident #18’s adult diaper.
268. CNA #13 was said to have some masculine qualities that Resident #18 could have
mistaken as a male at her bedside.
269. CNA #13 gave a statement to the state protection agency.
270. The police report concluded that the state protection agency discovered that the
Resident had a history of psychosis with some dementia and other mental health disorders.
271. A physical examination did not uncover any evidence of sexual assault.
272. Law enforcement and adult protective agency determined that Resident #18 was
not sure what occurred.
273. The Resident also acknowledged she could have imagined the incident.
274. The nursing staff that was on duty during the night of the alleged incident was
also interviewed by law enforcement.
275. They were able to confirm no one entered or exited the victim’s room that night.
Hospital Records
276. A review of the local hospital emergency room documentation from April 9,
2008, including Patient Progress Report at 7:00 p.m., revealed that the Resident was seen by law
277. In the Emergency Physician Record - General Adult, timed at 7:00 p.m., the
emergency room physician wrote that Resident #18’s chief complaint was that she may have
been raped last night. While sleeping at the nursing home, the Resident felt a male-like figure
hold/grab her right forearm. The Resident reported that he or she felt that the man was going to
rape him or her. The man did not actually grab or touch any other area or touch his or her face or
genital area. The Resident stated that it may have been a dream.
278. The emergency room physician indicated that Resident #18 had no similar
symptoms previously.
279. The Physical Examination -- General Appearance indicated that the Resident’s
abdomen was non-tender, there was no organomegaly, there were normal bowel sounds and
there was no distension.
280. It appeared that a rectal examination and/or rape kit were not performed.
281. The emergency room physician also indicated that law enforcement/SAFE team
was to evaluate the Resident.
282. The discharge record listed the Resident’s clinical impression as dementia.
Employee Records and Other Evidence
283. A random review of employee records revealed a Disciplinary Action Report,
dated January 3, 2008, for CNA #10 which stated that CNA #10 failed to report a witnessed
incident of abuse.
284. The Report stated that "CNA #10 witnessed abuse without notifying a supervisor.
This also involved resident to resident and different residents."
285. A review of the "Resident/Patient Concern Report" filed by CNA #10 on January
2, /2008, stated that on several occasions, the CNA witnessed and reported a resident being
aggressive on December 30, January 1-2. The CNA’s concern was that the resident will injure
another resident or that possibly another resident will injure him. This should have been reported
on January 1, as soon as possible, however, there were two agency nurses on duty.
286. During an interview with the law enforcement officer who was assigned to
investigate Resident #18’s alleged sexual abuse on April 24, 2008, at 5:30 p.m., the officer stated
that she did not know where this case fell through and that from her perspective, the case was a
little strange.
287. On April 24, 2008, at 7:25 p.m., the Administrator and Vice President provided
eighteen employee statements for additional information for review.
288. Twelve of the statements did not reflect a date when the statements were obtained,
three of them reflected that they were obtained on April 23, 2008, and three of them reflected
that they were obtained on April 24, 2008.
289. No new additional information was noted from these statements regarding
Resident #18’s alleged sexual abuse on April 9, 2008.
290. The Administrator and Vice President were asked whether CNA #4 had been
interviewed regarding her statement provided to the Facility on April 10, 2008. The employee
had not returned any calls made by the Facility in order to discuss/clarify her statement regarding
Resident 18’s alleged sexual abuse.
291. The Respondent’s actions and/or inactions constituted an isolated class I
, deficiency. § 400.23)(8)(a), Fla. Stat. (2007).
292. Aclass I deficiency is a deficiency that the agency determines presents a situation
in which immediate corrective action is necessary because the facility's noncompliance has
caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident receiving
care in a facility. The condition or practice constituting a class I violation shall be abated or
eliminated immediately, unless a fixed period of time, as determined by the agency, is required
for correction. A class I deficiency is subject to a civil penalty of $10,000 for an isolated
deficiency, $12,500 for a patterned deficiency, and $15,000 for a widespread deficiency. The
fine amount shall be doubled for each deficiency if the facility was previously cited for one or
more class.I or class II deficiencies during the last licensure inspection or any inspection or
complaint investigation since the last licensure inspection. A fine must be levied notwithstand-
ing the correction of the deficiency. § 400.23)(8)(a), Fla. Stat. (2007).
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the
amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
Six-Month Survey Cycle Fine
293. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 5.
294. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates by reference Count I.
295. Under Florida law, the Agency shall every 15 months conduct at least one
unannounced inspection to determine compliance by the licensee with statutes, and with rules
promulgated under the provisions of those statutes, governing minimum standards of construc-
tion, quality and adequacy of care, and rights of residents. The survey shall be conducted every
6 months for the next 2-year period if the facility has been cited for a class I deficiency, has been
cited for two or more class II deficiencies arising from separate surveys or investigations within
a 60-day period, or has had three or more substantiated complaints within a 6-month period, each
resulting in at least one class I or class II deficiency. In addition to any other fees or fines in this
part, the Agency shall assess a fine for each facility that is subject to the 6-month survey cycle.
The fine for the 2-year period shall be $6,000, one-half to be paid at the completion of each
survey. § 400.19(3), Fla. Stat. (2007).
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully. requests the Court to impose a six-month survey cycle fine against the Respondent
in the amount of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00).
Assignment of Conditional Licensure Status
296. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 5.
297. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates by reference Count I.
298. Due to the presence of a state class I deficiency that was not corrected within the
time established by the Agency, the Respondent was not in substantial compliance at the time of
the survey with criteria established under Chapter 400, Part II, Florida Statutes (2007), and the
tules adopted by the Agency.
299. The Agency assigned the Respondent conditional licensure status with an action
effective date of April 24, 2008. The original certificate for the conditional license is attached as
Exhibit A and is incorporated by reference.
300. The Agency later determined that the Respondent had corrected the deficiency
and was in substantial compliance with criteria established under Chapter 400, Part II, Florida
Statutes (2007), and the rules adopted by the Agency.
301. The Agency issued the Respondent standard licensure status with an action
effective date of June 3, 2008. The original certificate for the standard license is attached as
Exhibit B and is incorporated by reference.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to enter a final order assigning conditional licensure status to the
Respondent for the period between the assignment of the conditional license and the issuance of
the standard license.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to enter a final order granting the following relief against the
Respondent as follows:
Make findings of fact and conclusions of law in favor of the Agency.
Impose an administrative fine of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00.).
Impose a six-month survey cycle fine of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00).
ae |
Thomas M. Hoeler, S
Florida Bar No. 709311
Agency for Health Care Administration
Office of the General Counsel
Sebring Building, Suite 330D
525 Mirror Lake Drive North
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Telephone: (727) 552-1439
Facsimile: (727) 552-1440
or Attorney
The Respondent has the right to request a hearing to be conducted in accordance with
Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, and to be represented by counsel or other
qualified representative. Specific options for the administrative action are set out within
the attached Election of Rights form.
The Respondent is further notified if the Election of Rights form is not received by the
Agency for Health Care Administration within twenty-one (21) days of the receipt of this
Administrative Complaint, a final order will be entered.
The Election of Rights form shall be made to the Agency for Health Care Administration
and delivered to: Agency Clerk, Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan
Drive, Building 3, Mail Stop 3, Tallahassee, FL 32308; Telephone (850) 922-5873.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the Administrative Complaint and
Election of Rights form were served to: Spector, Gadon & Rosen, LLP, Registered Agent, 360
Central Avenue, Suite 1550, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701, by U.9/Certffied Mail, Return
Receipt No. 7007 1490 0001 6979 1434, and Mennie Townsend} Alny
on this 15th day of August, 2008.
Thomas M. Hoeler, Senior Attorney
Florida Bar No. 709311
Agency for Health Care Administration
Office of the General Counsel
Sebring Building, Suite 330D
525 Mirror Lake Drive North
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Telephone: (727) 552-1439
Facsimile: (727) 552-1440
Copies furnished to:
Spector, Gadon & Rosen, LLP Pat Caufman, Field Office Manager
Registered Agent Agency for Health Care Administration
360 Central Avenue, Suite 1550 525 Mirror Lake Drive North, Fourth Floor
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
(Certified U.S. Mail) (nteroffice Mail)
Mennie Townsend, Administrator Thomas M. Hoeler, Senior Attorney
Highland Pines Rehabilitation Center Office of the General Counsel
1111 South Highland Avenue Agency for Health Care Administration
Clearwater, Florida 33756 525 Mirror Lake Drive North, Suite 330D
(U.S. Mail) St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
(Interoffice Mail)
Exhibit A
Original Certificate of Conditional License
Docket for Case No: 08-004350
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 20, 2009 |
(Agency) Final Order filed.
Oct. 24, 2008 |
Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Oct. 22, 2008 |
Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Sep. 17, 2008 |
Petitioner`s Notice of Service filed.
Sep. 11, 2008 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Sep. 11, 2008 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 6 and 7, 2008; 9:30 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Sep. 08, 2008 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Sep. 03, 2008 |
Initial Order.
Sep. 02, 2008 |
Standard License filed.
Sep. 02, 2008 |
Conditional License filed.
Sep. 02, 2008 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Sep. 02, 2008 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Sep. 02, 2008 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.