Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: West Palm Beach, Florida
Filed: Oct. 14, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, April 6, 2009.
Latest Update: Mar. 15, 2025
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Petitioner, AHCA No.: 2007011988 s
v. Return Receipt Requested:
7004 2890 0000 5525 9303
FLORIDA HOUSING CORPORATION, d/b/a 7004 2890 0000 5525 9310
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration
(“AHCA”), by and through the undersigned counsel, and files this
Administrative Complaint against Florida Housing Corporation,
d/b/a Palm Beach Assisted Living Facility (hereinafter “Palm
Beach Assisted Living Facility”), pursuant to Chapter 429, Part
I, and Section 120.60, Florida Statutes, (2007), and alleges:
1. This is an action to impose an administrative fine of
$12,000.00 pursuant to Section 429.19, Florida Statutes (2007)
for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare
pursuant to Section 429.28(3)(c), Florida Statutes (2007).
2. This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to Sections
120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, and 28-106, Florida
Administrative Code.
3. Venue lies in Palm Beach County, pursuant to Section
120.57, Fla. Stat. and Rule 28-106.207, Florida Administrative
4. AHCA is the regulatory authority responsible for
licensure and enforcement of all applicable statutes and rules
governing assisted living facilities, pursuant to Chapter 429,
Part I, Florida Statutes (2007), and Chapter 58A-5, Florida
Administrative Code.
5. Palm Beach Assisted Living Facility operates a 200-bed
assisted living facility located at 534 Datura Street, West Palm
Beach, Florida 33401. Palm Beach Assisted Living Facility is
licensed as an assisted living facility license number AL7617
with an expiration date of December 20, 2008. Palm Beach Assisted
Living Facility was at all times material hereto a licensed
facility under the licensing authority of AHCA and was required
to comply with all applicable rules and statutes.
Rule 58A-5.0185(5) (b), Florida Administrative Code
6. AHCA re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through
(5) as if fully set forth herein.
7. During the Spot Check Appraisal Survey conducted on
6/19/07 and based on record review and interview, it was
determined that the facility failed to maintain an accurate and
up-to-date Medication Observation Record (MOR) for 2 out of 4
sampled resident MOR's reviewed (Resident #'s 2 and 3).
8. During an interview with the Director of Personal Care
on 06/19/07 at approximately 1:00 PM, it was revealed that
Resident #'s 2 and 3 both receive assistance with their
medications from facility staff.
9. During a review of Resident #2's Medication Observation
Record dated June 2007, it was revealed that the MOR documented
the following order:
a) The MOR read: Methadone HCL 40 mg. Take 1 tablet
by mouth 3 times a day and 2 tablets at bedtime. During a review
of Resident #2's Individual Resident Control Drug Medication
Observation Record it was revealed that the record documented
that the facility received 60 tablets of the resident's
aforementioned medication from the pharmacy on 06/15/07. Upon
further review of the "Individual Resident Control Drug Record"
it was noted that the record documented that the resident
consumed 15 of the tablets from 06/15/07 to 06/19/07. The record
documented that the facility had a 44 count supply of this
medication on hand. However, during the medication review, it was
noted that the facility actually had a total count of 160 tablets
of the Methadone on hand.
b) The MOR read: Oxycodone HCL 30 mg. Take 1 tablet
by mouth every 6 hours as needed for pain. During a review of
Resident #2's Individual Resident Control Drug Medication
Observation Record it was revealed that the record documented
that the facility received 19 tablets of the resident's
aforementioned medication from the pharmacy on 06/15/07. Upon
further review of the "Individual Resident Control Drug Record"
it was noted that the record documented that the resident
consumed 10 of the tablets from 06/15/07 to 06/19/07. The record
documented that the facility had an 8 count supply of this
medication on hand. However, during the medication review, it was
noted that the facility actually had a total count of 5 tablets
of the Oxycodone on hand.
10. During a review of Resident #3's Medication Observation
Record dated June 2007, it was revealed that the MOR documented
the following order:
a) The MOR read:. Lorcet 10/650. Take 1 tablet by
mouth 4 times a day. During a review of Resident #3's Individual
Resident Control Drug Medication Observation Record it was
revealed that the record documented that the facility received 30
tablets of the resident's aforementioned medication from the
pharmacy on 06/09/07. Upon further review of the "Individual
Resident Control Drug Record" it was noted that the record
documented that the resident consumed 23 of the tablets from
06/09/07 to 06/16/07.. The record documented that the facility had
a 6 count supply of this medication on hand. However, during the
medication review, it was noted that the facility actually had a
total count of 18 tablets of the Lorcet on hand.
11. During a further interview with the Nurse #2, it was
confirmed that the facility failed to maintain an accurate and
up-to-date Individual Resident Control Drug Medication
Observation Record, as documented by the facility.
12. During an interview conducted at approximately 3:00 PM,
the Administrator acknowledged the findings. Mandated Correction
Date: 7/18/07.
13. During the revisit survey conducted on 8/09/07 and
based on record review and interview, the facility failed to
maintain an accurate and up-to-date Medication Observation Record
for 4 out of 13 sampled residents (Resident #'s 3, 7, 8 and 12).
14. During an interview with the Director of Nursing (DON)
on 08/09/07 at approximately 12:00 PM, it was reported that
Resident #'s 3, 7, 8 and 12 all require and receive assistance
with self-administered medications by facility staff. Upon the
medication review during the complaint investigation survey, it
was revealed that the facility failed to ensure that Resident #'s
3, 7, 8 and 12, received medications as ordered on a regular
basis, as follows:
15 During a review of Resident #3's Medication Observation
Record (MOR) dated 07/07, it was revealed that the resident was
prescribed the following medication:. Fosamax 70 mg, 1 tablet once
per week. However, during a further review of the MOR, it was
noted that the MOR documented that the resident consumed this
medication on 07/04/07 and twice during the second week of July
2007, specifically on 07/07/07 and 07/09/07. The MOR lacked
documentation (i.e. staff initials) indicating that the resident
received assistance with this medication during the remaining
portion of July 2007. Further record review and interview with
the DON revealed that the facility did not have documentation
indicating that the resident's physician was notified of the
aforementioned medication discrepancies including the double
dosage of the medication that was given during the week of
07/06/07-07/12/07 and the missed dosages during the remaining
portion of the month from 07/13/07 to 07/31/07, as previously
16. During a review of Resident #7's Medication Observation
Record (MOR). dated 06/2007, 07/2007 and 08/2007, it was revealed
that the resident was prescribed the following medication:
Albuterol Inhaler Kit 17 GM, Inhale 4 puffs 4 times daily. Upon
interview with the DON during the medication review, it was
reported that the facility allows the resident to self-administer
the medication and keep this medication in his/her possession, at
all times. However, during a further review of Resident #7's
MOR's, it was noted that the MOR's documented (i.e. staff
initials) that the resident received assistance from facility
staff with the Albuterol Inhaler 4 times daily from 06/01/07 to
06/30/07, 07/01/07 to 07/31/07 and several times daily from
08/01/07 to 08/08/07. During a further interview, the DON
reported that the facility did not have orders from the
resident's physician permitting the resident to self-administer
the medication. Further interview and record review revealed that
the facility could not assure that the resident appropriately
self-administered and consumed the medication, as prescribed by
his/her physician.
17.. During a review of Resident #8's Medication Observation
Record (MOR) dated 07/2007 and 08/2007, it was revealed that the
resident was prescribed the following medication: Advair 250/50
#60, Inhale 1 puff twice daily. Upon interview with the DON,
during the medication review, it was reported that the facility
allows the resident to self-administer the medication and keep
this medication in his/her possession, at all times. However,
during a further review of Resident #8's MOR's, it was noted that
the MOR's documented that the resident received assistance from
facility staff with the Advair Inhaler twice daily from 07/01/07
to 07/31/07 and once to twice daily from 08/01/07 to 08/09/07.
During a further interview, the DON reported that the facility
did not have orders from the resident's physician permitting the
resident to self-administer the medication. Further interview and
record review revealed that the facility could not assure that
the resident appropriately self-administered and consumed the
medication, as prescribed by his/her physician.
a) During a further review of Resident #8's MOR's
dated 07/2007 and 08/2007, it was revealed that the resident was
prescribed the following additional medications:
b) Albuterol Sulfate .83/ML, use 1 vial via nebulizer
3 times daily; and
c). Ipratropium 0.02% Nebulizer Solution, use 1 vial
via nebulier three times daily.
18. During a further interview with the DON, it was
reported that Resident #8 is currently receiving assistance with
the two aforementioned medications through a home health agency.
However, during a further interview with the DON and review of
Resident #8's MOR's (07/2007 and 08/2007), it was revealed that
the facility staff documented (i.e. staff member initials),
indicating that the resident received assistance from facility
staff member with the two aforementioned medications from
07/01/07 to 07/31/07 and from 08/01/07 to 08/09/07.
19. During a further review of Resident #8's MOR dated
08/2007, it was revealed that the resident was prescribed the
following medications: Zinc Sulfate 200 mg, 1 tablet once daily
and Vitamin C 500 mg, 1 tablet once daily. Further review of the
MOR revealed that there was no documentation (i.e. staff member
initials), indicating that the resident received assistance with
this medication nor was there documentation explaining the missed
deses of the aforementioned medications from 08/01/07 to
20. During a review of Resident #12's Medication
Observation Record (MOR) dated 07/2007 and 08/2007, it was
revealed that the resident was prescribed that following
medication: Albuterol Inhalation Kit 17 grams, Inhale 1 puff
every 6 hours. Upon interview with the DON during the medication
review, it was reported that the facility allows the resident to
self-administer the medication and keep this medication in
his/her possession, at all times. However, during a further
review of Resident #12's MOR's, it was noted that the MOR's
documented that the resident received assistance from facility
staff with the Albuterol Inhaler up to four times daily from
07/01/07 to 07/23/07. During a review the resident's MOR dated
08/2007, there was no documentation indicating that the resident
received assistance with this medication from 08/01/07 to
08/09/07. During a further interview, the DON reported that the
facility did not have orders from the resident's physician
permitting the resident to self-administer the medication.
Further interview and record review revealed that the facility
could not assure that the resident appropriately self-
administered and consumed the medication, as prescribed by
his/her physician.
21. During a further interview conducted at approximately
3:00 PM, the DON confirmed the aforementioned discrepancies.
This is an uncorrected deficiency from 6/19/07. The new
correction date given: 9/08/07.
_ 22, During the second revisit survey conducted on 10/02/07
and Based on record review and interview, the facility failed to
maintain an accurate and up-to-date Medication Observation Record
(MOR) for 8 out of 13 sampled residents (Resident #'s 1, 2, 3, 4,
6, 8, 11 and 12).
23. During an interview with Medication Technician #1 on
10/02/07 at approximately 1:00 PM, it was reported that Resident
#'s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11 and 12 all require and receive
assistance with self-administered medications by facility staff.
Upon the medication review, accompanied by the Director of
Nursing (DON), on 10/02/07 at approximately 1:50 PM, it was
revealed that the facility failed to ensure that Resident #'s 1,
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11 and 12, received medications as ordered on a
regular basis, as follows:
24. During a review of Resident #1's Medication Observation
Record (MOR) dated 10/07, it was revealed that the resident was
prescribed the following medications:
a. Hydralazine 50 mg, take 1 tablet three times daily.
b. Carbamazepin 200 mg, take 1 tablet three times
25. During a further review, it was revealed that the MOR
lacked documentation indicating that the resident received
assistance, and/or was offered, and/or refused these medications
on 10/02/07 at 12 PM.
26. During a further interview with the DON and Medication
Technician #1, it was confirmed that the resident did not receive
the aforementioned medications on 10/02/07 at 12 PM, as ordered
by his/her physician.
27. During a review of Resident #2's Medication Observation
Record (MOR) dated 10/07, it was revealed that the resident was
prescribed the following medication:
a. Oxycodo-APAP 10-325, take 1 tablet every 6 hours,
as needed for pain.
28. During a further review of the MOR, it was revealed
that the resident. was assisted with this self-administered
medication on 10/01/07 at 5:00 PM. Further review of the MOR
revealed that the facility staff assisted the resident with a
second dose of this medication on 10/01/07. However, there was no
documentation by facility staff indicating the exact time that
the 2nd dose was given to ensure that sufficient time had lapsed
between the time that the ist dose and 2nd dose was given to the
resident, as prescribed by his/her physician.
29. During a review of Resident #3's Medication Observation
Record (MOR) dated 10/07, it was revealed that the resident was
prescribed the following medication:
a. Lexapro 20 mg, take one tablet every morning.
30. During a further review, it was revealed that the MOR
lacked documentation indicating that the resident received
assistance, and/or was offered, and/or refused these medications
for two consecutive days including 10/01/07 and 10/02/07 at 8 AM.
During a further interview with the DON and Medication Technician
#1, 4it was confirmed that the resident did not receive the
aforementioned medication on 10/01/07 and 10/02/ 8 AM, as
ordered by his/her physician.
31. During a review of Resident #4's Medication Observation
Record (MOR) dated 10/2007, it was revealed that the MOR lacked
documentation indicating that the resident received assistance,
and/or was offered, and/or refused the following medications on
10/02/07 at the designated times, as follows:
a. Omeprazole 20 mg, take 1/2 tablet once daily (8 AM)
b. Thera-M tabs, take one tablet once daily (8 AM)
c. Thiamine HCL 100 mg, take one tablet once daily (8
d. Folic Acid 1 mg, take 1/2 tablet once daily (8 AM)
e. Calcium Carb, take 1 tablet twice daily (8 AM)
f£. Tramadol HCL 50 mg, take 1 tablet three times daily
(8 AM and 12 PM)
g. Campral 333 mg, take 1 tablet three times daily (8
AM and 12 PM)
32. During a further interview with the DON and Medication
Technician #1, it was confirmed that the resident did not receive
the aforementioned medications on 10/02/07 at 8 AM and/or 12 PM,
as ordered by his/her physician.
33. During a further review of Resident #4's MOR, the
following discrepancies were revealed as follows:
a. The MOR read: Folic Acid 1 mg, take 1/2 tablet once
daily. However, the label read: take 1 tablet once daily.
b. The MOR read: Tramadol HCL 50 mg, take two tablets
three times daily. However, the label read: take two tablets
three times daily, as needed for lower back and hip pain.
34. During a review of Resident #6's Medication Observation
Record (MOR) dated 10/2007, it was revealed that the MOR lacked
documentation indicating that the resident received assistance,
and/or was offered, and/or refused the following medications, on
10/02/07 at 8 AM, as ordered by his/her physician, as follows:
a. Fluoxetine 10 mg, take 1 capsule daily.
b. Asprin 325 mg, take 1 tablet daily.
c. Toprol XL 100 mg, take 1 tablet daily.
d. Triamt/HCTZ 37.5 mg, take 1 tablet in the morning.
35. During a further interview with the DON and Medication
Technician #1, it was confirmed that the resident did not receive
the aforementioned medications on 10/02/07 at 8 AM, as ordered by
his/her physician.
36. During a review of Resident #8's Medication Observation
Record (MOR) dated 10/2007, it was revealed that the resident was
prescribed the following medications:
a Fluoxetine 20 mg, take 1 capsule daily.
b. Citalopram 20 mg, take 1 capsule daily.
37. During a further review, it was revealed that the MOR
lacked documentation indicating that the resident received
assistance, and/or was offered, and/or refused the aforementioned
medications for two consecutive days including 10/01/07 and
10/02/07 at 8 AM.
38. Further review of the MOR revealed that the resident
was prescribed the following additional medications:
c. Hydroxyz HCL 25 mg, take 1 capsule daily.
d. Geodon 40 mg, take 1 capsule daily.
e. Amlodipine 10 mg, take 1 tablet daily.
39. During a further review, it was revealed that the MOR
lacked documentation indicating that the resident received
assistance, and/or was offered, and/or refused the aforementioned
medications on 10/02/07 at 8 AM.
40. During a further interview with the DON, it was
confirmed that the resident did not receive the aforementioned
medication on 10/01/07 and 10/02/07 at 8 AM, as ordered by
his/her physician.
41. During a review of Resident #11's Medication
Observation Record (MOR) dated 10/2007, it was revealed that the
resident was prescribed the following medications:
a. Ferrous Sulfate 325 mg, take 1 tablet three times
b. Gabapentin 300 mg, take 2 tablets three times daily.
42. During a further review, it was revealed that the MOR
lacked documentation indicating that the resident received
assistance, and/or was offered, and/or refused the aforementioned
medications on 10/02/07 at 12 PM.
43. During a further interview with the DON and Medication
Technician #1, it was confirmed that the resident did not receive
the aforementioned medications on 10/02/07 at 12 PM, as ordered
by his/her physician.
44. During a further review of Resident #11's MOR, the
following discrepancies were revealed as follows:
a. The MOR read: Gabapentin 300 mg, take 2 capsules 3
times daily. However, the label read: take 1 tablet three times
45. During a review of Resident #12's Medication
Cbservation Record (MOR) dated 10/2007, it was revealed that the
resident was prescribed the following medication:
a. Norvasc 10 mg, take 1 capsule once daily.
46. During a further review, it was revealed that the MOR
dacked documentation indicating that the resident received
assistance, and/or was offered, and/or refused the aforementioned
medication on 10/02/07 at 8 AM.
47. During a further interview with the DON and Medication
Technician #1, it was confirmed that the resident did not receive
the aforementioned medications on 10/02/07 at 12 PM, as ordered
by his/her physician.
48. During an interview with the Administrator at
approximately 3:00 PM, the findings were acknowledged.
49. Based on the foregoing, Palm Beach Assisted Living
Facility violated Rule 58A-5.0185(5)(b), Florida Administrative
Code, An uncorrected Class III deficiency, which carries, in
this case, an assessed fine of $12,000.00 ($500.00 X 24 days from
9/09/07 through 10/02/07 from the follow-up visit to the second
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida Agency for
Health Care Administration requests the following relief:
A. Make factual and legal findings in favor of the
Agency on Count I.
B. Assess an administrative fine of $12,000.00
against Palm Beach Assisted Living Facility on Count I pursuant
to Section 429.19, Florida Statutes.
c. Grant such other relief as this Court deems is
just and proper.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an
administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57,
Florida Statutes (2007). Specific options for administrative
action are set out in the attached Election of Rights Form. All
requests for hearing shall be made to the Agency for Health Care
Administration, and delivered to the Agency for Health Care
Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #3, Tallahassee
Florida 32308, attention Agency Clerk, telephone (850) 922-5873.
ria LawtoOn-Russell
Assistant General Counsel
Agency for Health Care
8350 N. W.
Copies furnished to:
Field Office Manager
Agency for Health Care Administration
5050 Linton Boulevard, Suite 500
Delray Beach, Florida 33484
(Inter-office mail)
Finance and Accounting
Revenue and Management Unit
Agency for Health Care Administration
2727 Mahan Drive,. MS #14
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
(Inter-office Mail)
Assisted Living Facility Unit Program
Agency for Health Care Administration
2727 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
(Interoffice Mail)
52™¢ Terrace
Florida 33166
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the
foregoing has been furnished by U.S. Certified Mail, Return
Receipt Requested to Roy E. Glucksman, Administrator, Palm Beach
Assisted Living Facility, 534 Datura Street, West Palm Beach,
Florida 3340land to Joseph Glucksman, Registered Agent, 534
tura Street, laite #200, Wet ach, Florida 33401 on
, 2007.
Fok #497 BV IFFS
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Docket for Case No: 08-005154
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Apr. 06, 2009 |
Order Closing Files. CASE CLOSED.
Apr. 03, 2009 |
Status Report and Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Jan. 06, 2009 |
Order Canceling Hearing and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by April 6, 2009).
Dec. 31, 2008 |
Agreed Motion to Place Cases in Abeyance filed.
Dec. 29, 2008 |
Notice of Substitution of Agency`s Counsel filed.
Dec. 23, 2008 |
Notice of Bankruptcy Proceedings and Automatically filed.
Nov. 18, 2008 |
Order Directing Filing of Exhibits
Oct. 31, 2008 |
Notice of Service of Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for Admissions filed.
Oct. 30, 2008 |
Notice of Substitution of Counsel and Request for Service filed.
Oct. 23, 2008 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Oct. 23, 2008 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for January 27 and 28, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Oct. 22, 2008 |
Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 08-5154 and 08-5155).
Oct. 22, 2008 |
Joint Motion for Consolidation and Response to Initial Order filed.
Oct. 15, 2008 |
Initial Order.
Oct. 14, 2008 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Oct. 14, 2008 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Proceeding filed.
Oct. 14, 2008 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.