Respondent: FRED JONES, P.E.
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Bradenton, Florida
Filed: Dec. 16, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, June 29, 2009.
Latest Update: Mar. 11, 2025
Dec 16 200% 10:23
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v. FEMC Case No. 03-014!
FEMC Case to. ra {ote |
COMES NOW the Florida Engineers Management Corporation, hereinafter referred to as
“Petitioner,” and files this Administrative Complaint before the Board of Professional Engineers
against Fred C. Jones, P.E., hercinafter referred to as “Respondent”. This Administrative
Complaint is issued pursuant to Sections 120.60 and 471.038, Florida Statutes. Any proceeding
concerning this complaint shall be conducted pursuant io Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. In
support of this complaint, Petitioner alleges the following:
1. Petitioner is charged with providing administrative, investigative, and
prosecutorial services to the Board of Professional Enginecrs pursuant to Section 471.038,
Florida Statutes. The Board of Professional Engineers is charged with regulating the practice of
engineering pursuant to Chapter 455, Florida Statutes.
2. Respondent is and has been at all time material hereto a licensed professional
engineer in the State of Flonda, having bccn issued license number PE 54476. Respondent’s last
known address is 239 US Highway Blvd., Suite B, Bradenton, Florida 34208.
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3, Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) and two (2) as if fully set
forth in this Count One,
4. The Respondent is the engineer of record for a Siesta Sun Condominium project,
consisting of the construction of a walkway at the second floor of the condominium building,
5. The Respondent, as Engineer of Record, submiticd a total of five submissions of
drawings for the project to the Sarasota County Building Department (SCBD) as a resull of
deficiencies found by SCBD.
6, Respondent’s drawings contain numerous structural deficiencies, including the
Respondent’s First Submission - Drawings dated January 28, 2003
a. The Respondent’s cantilever slab design to support the stairs is inadequate
to meet the 100 psf requirement of section 1604.1 of the Florida Building Code.
b. The Respondent failed to address building and structural review comments
made by the Sarasota County Building Department.
c. The connection details of the stair hand rail are not provided.
d, The design load criteria of the various structural members arc not
@. The edge distance of the rail posts and pickets are not provided.
f. The details of the damage and the repair solution at the comer of the
building at the ground floor are not provided.
B. The details of the damage and the repair solution at the comer of the
building at the ground floor are not provided.
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h. Material specifications for the metallic members and many other members
used in the design are not provided.
i. The reinforced concrete slab details are not clear and are incomplete.
j. The clear cover to the reinforcement of the supported slab is specified as
2.5” at one location and 14” at another location on drawing 3.
k. The development lengths and reinforcement splices are not shown.
1. The detail of the existing foundations is not provided.
m1. ‘The strength of the existing foundations cannot be verified as Respondent
failed to provide the detail of the existing foundations in his drawings.
n. A detail showing the connection between an existing and new footing is
provided; however, the detail is incomplete and is not coordinated with the plan or the
section across the porch.
o. The reinforcement of the second floor slab is shown as loops instead of
being straight.
7. Additionally, the Respondent’s revised plans for the Siesta Sun Condominium
project contain structural deficicncics, including but not limited to the following:
Respondent’s Second Submission - Drawings dated February 14, 2003
a. The revised plans show 8”x8” concrete masonry columns instead of
aluminum columns. The revised plans show different footings for the concrete masonry
columns. The details of these footings are incomplete. A masonry stem wall is shown between
the slab on grade and a reclangular wall footing. Only a thickened edge of the slab on grade was
shown in previously submitted drawings.
FEMC v. Fred (. Jones, P.F., Case # 03-0149 3
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b. The cantilever slab reinforcement details are not correct. The Plan view
and section of floor slab on drawings 3 are not clear. Temporary support during demolition of
support to the roof is not provided.
c The design load criteria of the various structural members are not
specified. The edge distances of the rail posts and pickets are not provided. The details of the
stair connections are not complete. The details of the proposed foundation pads for the stairs are
not provided.
d. The details of the damage and the repair solution at the corner of the
building at the ground floor are not provided.
é. Materials specifications for the metallic members and many other
members used in the design are not provided. The reinforced concrete slab details are not clear
and are incomplete,
f. The detail of the existing foundations is not provided. The strength of the
existing foundations could not be verified. A detail showing the connection between an existing
and new footing is provided. The detail is incomplete. The detail is not coordinated with the
plan or the section across the porch.
g. The 8”x8” reinforced conerctc masonry columns are inadequate. The
details of concrete masonry columns are incomplete. The connection detail of the longitudinal
bars of the reinforced masonry columns with the existing footings is not provided.
8. Respondent’s revised plans for the Siesta Sun Condominium project coniain
additional structural deficiencies, including but not limited to the following:
Respondent’s Third Submission - Drawings dated March 19, 2003
a. The design load and grade of materials are not specified on the drawings.
PEMC v. Fred C. Jones, P-E., Case # 03-0149 4
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b. The wind load parameters are not specified on the drawings as per Section
1606.1.7, Florida Building Code,
c. The construction details of rear side porches are not provided.
d. The 36” height of guard rail does not comply with the Florida Buildmg
Code. The height of the guard rail is required to be at a minimum of 42” pursuant to section
1015.2 of the Florida Building Code.
e. The information for reinstallation of the stairs is incomplete as the top
connection delails of stairs, the foundation details and live load are not provided.
f. The details of the cantilever slab are inadequate.
g. The rail post spacing is not provided.
h. The connection details for the posts are inadequate for the live load of the
i The detail “Old Footer-New Footer” on drawing 3 is not coordinated with
the plan.
j The support of the new slab at the building is provided by #4 bars at 12”
o.c. The shear friction of the bars is not checked.
he cover to rcinforecment at the cantilever slab is inadequate.
9. Respondent’s revised plans for the Siesta Sun Condominium project contain
additional structural deficiencies, including but not limited to the following:
Respondent’s Fourth Submission - Drawings dated March 27, 2003
a. Respondent failed to address building and structural review comments
made by Sarasota County Building Department.
¥EMC v. Pred C. Jones, P-E., Case #03-0149 5
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b. The Cantilever slab reinforcement details are still not correct. The
connection details of the stairs and the cantilever slab are not clear. Plan review and section of
floor slab on drawing 3 are not clear, Temporary support during demolition of support to the
roof 1s not provided.
G The design load criteria of the various structural members are not
specified. The edge distances of the rail posts and pickels are not provided. The details of the
stair connections arc not complete. The details of the proposed foundation pad for the stairs are
not provided.
d. Materials specifications for the metallic members and many other
members used in the design are not provided. The reinforced concrete slab details are not clear
and are incomplete. The clear cover to the reinforcement of the supported slab is shown as 3” at
one location and 2.5” at another location on drawings 3.
e. The development lengths and reinforcement splices are not shown. The
reinforcement of the second floor slab is shown as loops instead of being straight. The length of
the dowels connecting the second floor slab to the existing beam at the second Moor is not
specified. The dowels are not tied to the main reinforcement of the slab, but instead placed
between a pair of main reinforcement. The height of the balcony rails is not specified.
f. The detail of the existing foundations is not provided. The strength of the
existing foundations could nol be verified. A deiail showing the connection between an existing
and new footing is provided. The detail is incomplete. The detail is not coordinated with the
plan or the section across the porch,
10. Respondent’s revised plans for the Siesta Sun Condominium project contain
additional structural deficiencies, including but not limited to the following:
FEMC v. Fred C. Jones, P.H., Case # 03-0149 6
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Respondent’s Fifth Submission - Drawings dated April 23, 2003
a. Respondent failed to address building and structural review comments
made by the Sarasota County Building Department.
b, The cantilever slab reinforcement details are incorrect. Connection details
of the stairs and the cantilever slab are not clear. Plan vicw and section of the floor slab on
drawing 3 are not clear. Temporary support during demolition of support to the roof is not
c. The connection details of the stair hand trail are not provided. The design
load entena of (he various structural members are not specified, The edge distances of the rail
posts and pickets are not provided, The details of the stair connections are not complete. The
details of the proposed foundation pads for the stairs are not provided.
d. Matenals specifications for the metallic members and many other
members used in the design are not provided. The reinforced concrete slab details are not clear
and are incomplete. The clear cover to the reinforcement of concrele members is specified in
general as 2.5”, which is inappropriate for the supported slab and also the cantilever slab. The
development lengths and remforcements splices are not shown. The reinforcement of the second
floor slab is shown as loops instead of bcing straight. The length of the dowels connecting thc
second floor slab to the existing beam at the second floor is not specified. The dowels are not
tied to the main reinforcement of the slab, bul inslead placed between a pair of main
reinforecment. The height of balcony rails is specified as 36”. Section 1015.2 of the Florida
Building Code requires 42” height for the guard rail.
11. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is charged with violating Section
471.033(1)(g), Florida Statuies, by engaging in negligence in the practice of engineenng.
FEMC v. Fred C. Jones, PB, Case # 03-0149 vi
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12. ‘Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through two (2) as if fully
set forth in this Count Two.
13. On May 20, 2003, the Respondent signed and sealed drawings for a Shadow Pine
Way project which consists of the construction of a new single family residence.
14. On December 16, 2002, the stamp of Harold W. Pearman, P.E. appears on plans
identical to the Respondent’s Shadow Pine Way project drawings.
15. The Respondent failed to notify Mr. Pearman by certified letter, as the original
professional engineer, of his intent to use or reuse Mr. Pearman’s engineering detail, as required
by Rule 61G15-27.001(2), Florida Administrative Code.
16. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is charged with violating Section
471,033(1)(a), Florida Statutes, by violating Rule 61G15-27.001(2), Florida Administrative
17. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through two (2) as if fully
set forth in this Count Three.
18. On or about April 29, 2003, Respondent signed and sealed, as Engineer of
Record, a “Checklist For Plans Review of Commercial Buildings” which was submitted to
Sarasota County for a building permit for an Ocean Boulevard Restaurant project, pertaining to a
kitchen addition at an existing restaurant.
19. The Respondent was a third party plans reviewer for the project, but he also
signed and scaled the application as the Engineer of Record.
FEMC y. Fred C. Jones, P.B., Case # 03-0149 g
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20. Section 553.791(2), Florida Statutes, provides in pertinent part that
“notwithstanding any other provision of law, the fee owner of a building may use a private
provider to provide building code inspection services with regard to such building and may make
payment directly 1o the private provider for the provision of such services. All such services shall
be the subject of a written contract between the private provider, or the private provider's firm,
and the fee owner. The fee owner may clect 10 use a private provider to provide either plans
review or required building inspections...” The Respondent, as a private provider, signed a
contract with the contractor to provide the third party plans review services in violation of
Section 553.791(2), Florida Statutes.
34. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is charged with violating Section
471.033(1)(a), Florida Statutes, by violating Rule 61G15-19,001(6)(n), Florida Administrative
Code, to wit: violating Section 553.791 (2), Florida Statutes,
22. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through (wo (2) as if fully
set forth in this Count Four.
23. Onor about April 29, 2003, Respondent signed and sealed, as Engineer of
Record, a “Checklist For Plans Review of Commercial Buildings” which was submitted to
Sarasota County for a building permit for an Occan Boulevard Restaurant project, pertaining to a
kitchen addition at an existing restaurant.
24, Respondent, in signing and sealing the aforementioned checklist, certified that the
plans and specifications comply with the applicable minimum building codes and the applicable
minimum fire safety standards.
FEMC v. Fred C. Jones, P.E., Case #03-0149 )
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25, The Respondent’s Ocean Boulevard Restaurant project contains deficiencies,
including but not limited to the following:
a. The design loads for the addition are not specified.
b. The roof and wall sheathing connections were not specified in the first
submittals of the drawings.
c. The size of existing structure has not been provided. The wind loads
could not be calculated. ‘The design of the extenor lad bearing wood stud walls and the
connections of roof rafters could not be venfied.
d. The drawings were approved without proper specification for protection to
the envelope of the building.
26. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is charged with violating Section
471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, by engaging in negligence in the practice of engineering.
27. Petitioner reallegcs and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through two (2) as if fully
set forth in this Count Five.
28. The Respondent signed and sealed drawings for a new residential project located
at 17356 Deer Praine Drive in Sarasota County, Florida.
29, The Respondent’s structural drawings for the Deer Prairie Drive project contain
deficiencies, including but not limited to the following:
a. The structural calculations are not provided.
db. The Respondent did not provide the roof diaphragm calculations. The
wind loads based upon a “Partially Enclosed” building are too high to be resisted by the nailing
pattern provided.
TEMC v, Fred C. Jones, P.E., Case # 03-0149 10
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C. The pre-cast lintcls arc inadequate and have not been checked by the
Respondent to resist the wind loads.
d. The soil conditions are not described on the drawings.
c The reinforcement details of the thickened edge under the load bearing
wood stud at the garage is not provided.
f. The interior finishes, interior details, door/windows schedules, and site
plan are not provided.
g. The front porch column details are not provided.
h. The truss wind uplift reactions provided by Respondent are too low for a
partially enclosed building.
30. Based on ihe foregoing, the Respondent is charged with violating Section
471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, by engaging in negligence in the practice of engmeerng.
31. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through two (2) as if fully
set forth in this Count Six.
32. The Respondent signed and sealed drawings for a Manasota Drive Screen Room
project, which pertains to an aluminum screen room to an existing residence.
33, In a letter dated November 14, 2003, the Respondent admitted that another
professional engineer prepared the Manasota Drive Screen Room project details; however,
Respondent signed and sealed them.
34, Based on the foregoing, Respondent is charged with violating Section
471.033(1)Q), Florida Statutes, by affixing his seal and name to drawings that were not prepared
by him or under his supervision, direction, or control.
FEMC vy Fred C. Jones, P.E., Case # 03-0149 ll
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35. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through two (2) as if fully
sel forth in this Count Seven.
36. The Respondent signed and sealed drawings for a new residential project located
at 17356 Deer Prairie Drive in Sarasota County, Florida.
37. The Respondent’s Electrical drawings for the Deer Prairie Drive project contain
deficiencies, including but not limited to the following:
a. The load calculations are missing.
b. No Electrical riser diagram is provided.
c. No panel or circuiting is shown for serving the lighting, A/C units, kitchen
equipment, water heater, or receptacles are specified.
d. No specifications for HVAC equipment, water heater, fulure pool
equipment, kitchen equipment or other loads are not shown in the plans.
é. The plans do not specify that all exterior receptacles must be GFCT
protected as required by NEC 210.8(A).
£ The number of receptacles specified for the Kitchen are inadequate
pursuant to NEC 210.52(C).
g. Bathroom receptacles are not on a dedicated circuit breaker as required by
NEC 210.11(C)(3),
h. No grounding electrode system is specified, as required by NEC 250.50.
i. No disconnecting means are specified for the HVAC equipment, as
required by NEC 440.11.
FEMC v. Pred C. Jones, P.E., Case # 03-0149 12
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Page: 36°37
j. Lighting fixtures in closets are not specified to be installed in accordance
with NEC 410.8.
k. No single-slation 120 volt smoke detection with local alarm and battery
back-up as requited within cach sleeping room, as required by FFPC Section
38, Based on the foregoing, the Respondent is charged with violating Section
471.033(1)(z), Florida Statutes, by engaging in negligence in the practice of enginecring.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner respectfully requests the Board of Professional Engincers
to enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties: permanent revocation or
suspension of the Respondent's license, restriction of the Respondent’s practice, imposition of an
administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand, placement of the Respondent on. probation, the
assessment of casts related to the investigation and prosecution of this case, other than costs
associated with an attomey’s time, as provided for in Section 455.227(3), Florida Statutes, and/or
any other relief that the Board deems appropri ate.
al _
SIGNED this ee dayof_ Ws
Departnvent of Business and Professional Regutation
Executive Director
Is. Yo
CLERK 7} eichol ‘ y Douglas D. Sunshine
DATE o | 2A trosecuting Attomey
Douglas D. Sunshine FILED
Prosecuting Atiorney Florida Engineers Management Corporation
Florida Engineers Management Corporation
2507 Callaway Road, Suite 200
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Vlorida Bar No. 935263
PCP Members: Matthews, Tomasino, Seckinger
FEMC v. Fred C. Jones, P.E., Case # 03-0149 13
Docket for Case No: 08-006238PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 29, 2009 |
Order Closing Files. CASE CLOSED.
Jun. 24, 2009 |
Notice of Substitution of Counsel filed.
Jun. 24, 2009 |
Motion to Cancel Hearing and to Close File filed.
May 28, 2009 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for August 17 through 21, 2009; 9:30 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
May 22, 2009 |
Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
May 22, 2009 |
CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held. |
Mar. 05, 2009 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 1 through 5, 2009; 9:30 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
Mar. 02, 2009 |
CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held. |
Feb. 27, 2009 |
(Proposed) Order on Motion to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Feb. 27, 2009 |
Motion to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Feb. 26, 2009 |
Notice of Transfer.
Dec. 17, 2008 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for March 10 through 12, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
Dec. 17, 2008 |
Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 08-3967PL, 08-6238PL, 08-6239PL, 08-6240PL, 08-6241PL and 08-6242PL).
Dec. 16, 2008 |
Initial Order.
Dec. 16, 2008 |
Election of Rights filed.
Dec. 16, 2008 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Dec. 16, 2008 |
Joint Motion for Continuance and to Reschedule Consolidated Hearing filed.
Dec. 16, 2008 |
Agency referral filed.
CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held. |