Sa tats of core als forte ya pr We alo Seo he Sopa ae Fy Data source(s) PUBLIC RECORDS/SALES OFFICE i bs Saat aanas of e porSe or Fars iy ol he bec popes congato GR Topas wa caso 3). =| TEM SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE #1 COMPARABLE SALE #2 COMPARABLE SALE #3 be Date of Prior Sale/Transter INO SALES IN’ [NO SALES IN [oi2007 NO SALES IN a Price of Prior Sak/Transter PAST 3 YEARS PAST 3 YEARS: 1,000,000 __ PAST 3 YEARS 5 Data Source(s) PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS. PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS fra Etfectve Date of Data Source(s) _JOer2007 ~__ [062007 _losr2007 06/2007 Analysis of prior sale or transter history ofthe Subject property and comparable sales. RECENT CONDO CONVERSION NO PRIORISALES. Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005 * Fannie Mae Form 1073 Ma Core Page 16 of 33 y ! WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1066333 BC: RMXXO1 OF: Re/Max Best Seller Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: CS AD: = 9601= COLLINS AV UN: «1608 RP: LLP: , LPs $1,900,000 CT: DADE F#: 12-22-26-038-1080 €ITY: BALHARBR ZP: 233154 GEOAR: LG: »MAJESTIC TOWERAT BAL HARBOUR CONDO UNIT 1608 UNDIV 0.509% INT FL¥: 16° TOTFL: 22 BLDG#: | i STYLE: C42 / MC: =12 TN: #22 SE: x26 SD: «38 = PN: «1080 MAP: «2622 ST: FL TYPE: CONDO : DV: Majestic Tower CN: Majestic Tower. INTLYLS: 0 : MN: 1608 F$: U UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: ' : La: 22,250 TA: 0 YR: »1998/RS CONV: NN EFF:N BED: 2 FBATH: 2 || HBATH: 1 #1: 6 UNIT: — HIGHRISE DET: oN MNEIV: ENTLEVEL DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1. ATT. CPT: PARK SPACE#: WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: UNRESTRC - | FACE: § UNTVW: INTRACST CCEAN SECUR: TVCAMERA DOORMAN ELEVATOR BAL&P: Y CONST: CBS . DINE: DIN-LIV 7 | SF/FF: 2250 PARK: ASSIGNED VALET PARKING RESTRICT: i : FLOOR: WOOD MARBLE MIN LS #DAY: | 365. @LSEYR: 1 ! REM: Just Listed! Decorated Flawlessly with a European‘flair. Beautiful Views from’ a high floor in a magnificent building witha Premier ES: BAYHA Address. Custom made closets, built ins, tots of recessed lighting, plasma TV., pvt elevator foyer, eléc. hurricaine shutters... All MS: ™* with ispy white linen-window treatments-which flow into the solid cherry wood floors. A pleasure to shaw!!! < : HS: : « ‘ DIR: COLLINS AVE TO 96TH ON THE OCEAN SIDE; RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE FAMOUS BAL HARBOUR SHOPS. BRK-REM: LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: FL: i PR: MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: ¢ i PB: i BEDRM: ENTRYLVL : CF: 0 | MSBTH: SPTUB&SHW BIDET DUALSINKS i PETS:Y/20- | ROOMS: ‘UTIL-LAU . f ' INTER: CLOS-CAB_ WALKCLOS = FIRESPRK = BUILT-INS = FOYER SPLITBED. — LAUNDTUB i i EQUIP: DISHWASH DRYER RANGE-E REFRIG WALLOVEN — WASHER SMOKEDET TCEMAKER MICRO | SELFCLEAN SECURITY } WNDW: = SLIDING DRAPES. i EXTER: OPENBALC .. SHUTELEC TENNISET i COMNAREA ELEV INSURANCE LAWN-| I-LAND MANAGER ‘PARKING. RECFACIL RESERVE SECURITY ROOF AMENS: COMMUNRM EXERCISRM HEATPOOL HANDBASK KITCHFAC.. SPAHOTTB TENNIS . | | MAINT: ALLAMEN CABLE WATER RESTR: OKLEASE APPRV:: 1-2WKS HOPA: | HEAT: — CENTRAL COOL: CENTRAL : : TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: N DAV/SOH: »$765,680 H “MPR: N TOA: C’ TOTAL FEES: $0 ™ OMV/ASV: : : TAXES: «$16,297 TAXYR: 2005 ° TAX: — NOEXEMPT , TMs, APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $945 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 SPEC: AS-IS. POSS: FUNDING IDX: Y¥ LPID: 0638005 LS: Patricia Mendoza ‘ APH: 305-866-8580 OPH: 305-947-0477'x .0 2PID: 624776 2A: Edith Wigoda 2AG: 305-804-8390. “FAX: 305-792-5808 LT¥: ER ON: . ON#: . 2PH:. 305-546-7670 URL: . . PHOTO: NOPHO BRD: M EMAILA: : VT: COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: VAR: N JAD ON” wo: : OCCUP: OWNER SHOW: APPT-ONLY CALL-LA LD: 06/14/06 XD: 06/13/07 i PREV STATUS: PS STATUS CHNG: 03/05/07 OK ADV: Y . li: PREVS$: PRICE-CHNG: ORIG$:$1,900,000 © 2: : i INET: Y/Decorated Flawiessly. Beautiful Views in a Magnificent building with a Premier address. Custom Made Closets. Wine ‘Cooler. Lots of Recessed Lighting. : | : PD: 01/08/07 CONTING: DM: 208 FURNP CD: 01/30/07 + SP: $1,700,000 | ECD: 01/30/07 CB: RMXXO1 SPID: 0638005: SS: — Patricia Mendoza » Sh | TR: CONV . SPID2: SS2: $2: *(c)_ 2007: - Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE. BUT IS NOT WARRANTED*: 12/10/07 09:25 aM | http-// Print * ; [DADE COUNTY PROPERTY FOLIO. 12- 22- 26- 038- 1080 PADDR 9601/ COLLINS / AV/ 1608 : CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BALHARBOR PZIP cD 33154 ZONING 50/-GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? TAX CRT? LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 OWNER NAME & ADDRESS i LAST DRAY OADDR 9997 BRICKELL / AV 400 : FIRST. CLAUDE OCITY MIAMI FL OZIP CD 33131 OTHER . COMPANY LAND INFORMATION L FRONT FT DEPTH FT LOT . BLOCK PBK-PG , LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG ~ S/LANDSF S/ADISF $577.780 $/TOTLSF AVRATIO L131 BUILDING INFORMATION i ADJSQFT 2,250 TOTSQFT NUM UNITS YEAR BET 1998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 HALF BATHS NUMELRS - 7 LC LEGAL DESCRIPTION __ 1 MAJESTIC TOWER - 2 AT BAL HARBOUR CONDO 3 UNIT 1608 4 UNDIV 0.509% i 5 INT INCOMMON ELEMENTS 6 OFF REC 17876-2519 | TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Page 17 of 33 = ASSESSMENTS (3006) - DISTRICTS ~ EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY / TAX AMOUNT(O006) | _ Land Water N Homestd N Widow N COUNTY TAX i $17,732 | Imprv $995,380 _ Road N Veteran N Disabld N CITY TAX $2,889 | Total $995,380 | Sewer N Exempt N Senior N MISC TAX ; e Prev $765,680 Light N School N Exmpt GROSSTAX | $20,620 | MilIRt 20.72° Markt Val $995,380 NonEx $995,380 PREV TAX $16,298 i" TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION i PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE ‘ #1 01/02/07 $.0:000 $ 21,242.20 i 3.0.00 i #2 04/18/07 $ 21,242.20 FULL RE PAYMENT an ; ; a ; TOTAL TAXDELINQUENT | ; #5 . #6 i { SALES INFORMATION i i DEED RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE OR BK-BG SRC S-TWPEE DESCRIPTION _ CURR 11/29/06 12/14/06 $ 1,300,000 25191-1583 D : : PREV 05/01/06 05/01/06 : 24483-464 D i : EARL 07/21/05 08/09/05 $ 900,000 23655-969. D oe MLS HISTORY i ' MLS 013007 $1,700,000 MLS# Mi066333 BROKER RMXXO1 : MORTGAGE INFORMATION i i MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY : M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION 1129106 $910,000 BAC FL BK CO/ CONVENTIONAL : { EXTRA FEATURES, J: KA CPORT DOCK : PATIO POOL FENCE . OTHER ; i : **Information not warrantéd. Information herein is from Dade County** BI Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. 12/10/07 Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp Print Ot : Page 18 of 33 [ Property History View : ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker | DOM | M1189996. A $2,000,050 11/09/07 0450466 MEYR pi199668 =X $2,050,000 09/09/07 0708188 VIEW21 D1199668 A $2,050,000 06/09/07 0708188 VIEw2i D1177691 x $2,100,000 06/03/07 0708188 ViEw2i 1177691 «A $2,100,000 04/20/07 0708188 VIEW21 ‘DI77691 «A $2,300,000 03/05/07 0708188 * viEw2i M1066333 «CS. $1,700,000 01/30/07 0638005 RMXXOL 208 M1066333 PS $ 1,900,000 01/08/07 "9638005 RMXXO1 i oe M1066333 A $1,900,000 06/14/06 0638005 RMXXO1 | M979549 x $1,720,000 03/30/05 0638005 RMXXOL : 979549 T $ 1,720,000 03/03/05 0638005 - RMXXOL ; | 979549 A $1,720,000. 12/27/04 0638005 RMXXO4 832729 > cS $699,000 04/09/02 "0565174 HARDOL 0 M832729 «=~ PS $699,000 03/18/02 0565174 HARDOI Q M832729 - A $699,000 06/26/01 0565174 HARDOL. ° 0 M786221 c $700,000 04/30/01 0475285F 1379 0 M786221 A $700,000 04/03/00 0475285 RMHTOL 0 M762538 x $700,000 02/16/00 0616930, ESTLOL | 0 F M762538 A $700,000 08/17/99 0386690 ESTLOI 0 : | | | H t i \ | i 1 i 1 F 42/10/07 *(c)_ 2007 — Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS. NOT WARRANTED* 09:25 AM 14/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp 1/INMANT paereta Page 19 of 33 WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CQO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE , Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1036129 BC: CBRE52 OF: Coldwell Banker Res. R-E. Inc. AREA: 22 STATUS: CS AD: 9999 COLLINS AV UN: 8F RP: LLP: LP: $1,895,000 CT: DADE F#: 12-22-26-034-0660 . CITY: BALHARBR: ZP: 33154 GEOAR: LG: BAL HARBOUR TOWER CONDO UNIT 8F UNDIV 0.650803 INT IN COMMON FL#: 0 TOTFL: 0 BLDG#: ELEMENTS STYLE: C42 TYPE: CONDO Me: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 34 PN: 0660 MAP: St: FL : DV: BAL HARBOUR TOWER CN: BAL HARBOUR TOWER CONDO “INTLVLS: : i MN: FS: U UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: i i LA: 3,230 TA: 3,900 YR: 1990/ RS. CONV: N EFF:N BED: 2 FBATH: 2 HBATH: 2 al: 0 UNIT: EASTUSi HIGHRISE LOBBY DET: N MNLIV: ENTLEVEL DOCK SPACE#: i GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 2 ATT CPT: PARK SPACE#: 5152 : WTRFR: Y/ OCNACCES OCNFRONT : "-WITRAC: BEACHACC FACE: E : UNTVW: OCEAN POOL WATER SECUR: DOORMAN ELEVATOR LOBBY BAL&P: Y Hi CONST: CES DINE: — EATINKIT FORMAL ‘SF/FF: f PARK: ASSIGNED VALET PARKING RESTRICT: r t FLOOR: CARPET -CERAMIC MARBLE MIN LS #DAY: NA 1 #LSE YR: i REM: ENJOY LIFE IN PRESTIGIOUS BAL HARBOUR ACROSS FROM THE SHOPS OF BAL HARBOUR. SPACIOUS AND BRIGHT. FLOOR THRU ES: , PLAN WITH SPECTACULAR EAST & WEST VIEWS OVERLOOKING ATLANTIC OCEAN, SANDY BEACH, GORGEOUS POOL HAS ITS PRIVILEGES AT THIS EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE. SKYLINE. GREAT FOR ENTERTAINING. OWNERS! DIR: COLLINS AVE ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE SHOPS OF BAL HARBOUR. _ BRK-REM: LR: DR: DA: iH FR: FL: MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: BEDRM: = ENTRYLVL MSBTH: CBTUB&SHW ROOMS: FAMILY INTER: BAR BUILT-INS ELEVATOR, FOYER LAUNDTUB = WALKCLOS .. WETBAR EQUIP: — DISHWAS! DISPOSAL, DRYER FIREALARM = ICEMAKER INTERCOM... MICRO SECURITY SMOKEDET WASHER . WNDW: = SLIDING EXTER: OPENBALC MAINT: T CABLE ELEV MANAGER. PARKING POOLSVC ROOF SECURITY. SEWER TRASHREM WATER AMENS: BAR ELEVATOR EXERCISRM POOL SAUNA TENNIS TRASHCHUT RESTR: — RENTLIMIT APPRV: —APPL-FEE HEAT: - ELEC COOL: CENTRAL ELEC ; ‘TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: MPR: N TOA: N TOTAL FEES: . TAXES: $14,289 TAXYR: 2004 TAX: HOMESTEAD APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1664 LAND LSE: $0 SPEC: POSS: FUNDING LPID: 3118772 LS: Gary Bailey APH: 305-666-9200 2PID: 2A: 2AG: LTY: ER ON: ON#: URL: — "PHOTO: — ITAKE EMAILA:, VT: COBA: 2% COTB: 2% CONR: 2% VAR: Y JA: OCCUP: VACANT SHOW: CALL-LA UD: 12/03/05 PREV STATUS: PS STATUS CHNG: 03/09/06 | OK ADV:N PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,895,000 | &MIAMI. js; : HS: i : i nn | poe : i i i : i i PR: i ‘ _ PB: : : CF: i i PETS:Y/ 20- ; | ' i RANGELE REFRIG i 1 i : i { i J : ; fl HOPA: DAV/SOH:° $1,013,420 DMV/ASY: ™: RECLSE: $0 . : IDX: Y : OPH: 305-667-4815 x 317 FAX: 305-667-5531 2PH: | 305-666-9200 : BRD: M wo: XD: ‘06/30/06 b2: | io. : INET: YEXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE WITH STATE OF THE ART SECURITY OVERLOOKING SANDY.BEACH AND THE SHOPS OF BAL HARBOUR.! PD: 02/03/06 CONTING: DM: 62 FURNY CD: 03/07/06 SP: ~ $1,625,000 | ECD: 04/03/06 CB: CBRES2 SPID: 3118772 SS: Gary Bailey St: | TR: CASH : SPID2: SS2: . S2: *(c)_ 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional -- INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT: WARRANTED* Search/PrintPreviewDlg:asp 12/10/07 . 09:25.AM rudainit | Print Page 20 of 33 i i [DADE COUNTY PROPERTY FOLIO —12-22-26- 034- 0660 PADDR 9999/ COLLINS/ AV/ 8F CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154-1832 ZONING 50/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV BAL HARBOUR TOWER CONDO ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? TAXCRT? LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 OWNER NAME & ADDRESS i J: LAST OADDR 597 SARGENT/ ST ot : FIRST OCITY NEWTON MA OZIP CD 2458 i OTHER ; COMPANY 8F BAL HARBOUR NOMINEE TRUST i LAND INFORMATION tT FRONT FT DEPTHET LOT BLOCK PBK-PG + | LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT ~* OR BK-PG 14487-43 S/LANDSF S/ADISE S/TOTLSE . AY RATIO : BUILDING INFORMATION i : ADISOFT 3,230 TOTSOFT NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1590 i BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 5 HALF BATHS NUMELRS [ LEGAL DESCRIPTION : “ji = 1 BAL HARBOUR TOWER CONDO : 4 “INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS ~ | 2 UNIT 8F 5 OFF REC 1487-43 _ | ; 3 UNDIV 0.650803 , 6 ~ OR 14535-0463 04901! i TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION j lo ASSESSMENTS (2006) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS. AUTHORITY 7TAX AMOUNT006) | Land Water = N Homestd Y Widow N COUNTY TAX: | $13,020 | Imprv $1,216,100 Road N Veteran N ~ Disabld N CITY TAX” i 82,121 | Total _$ 755,869 Sewer N Exempt N Senior N * MISC TAX. i | Prev $733,854 Light N School N Exmpt) $25,000. GROSSTAX $15,141 | MilIRt 20.72 Markt Val $1,216,100 NonEx $.730,869 . PREV TAX i $15,088 | TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION i i PAY DATE AMOK PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID ~ BALANCE DUE i #1 11/30/06 $ 14534.930 FULL RE PAYMENT $ 14,534.93 | $605.62 | #2 04/30/07 $ 0.00 : | i | a TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT | | ' #5 i #6 i i . i SALES INFORMATION E | DEED RECORDED ~~ PRICE D-TYPE ORBK-5G SRC S-TYPE & DESCRIPTION | CURR 03/21/07 04/05/07 25509-548 D | i PREV 03/07/06 03/07/06 $.1,625,000 24331-2386. - D be : EARL 04/01/90 $ 625,000 14535-463 C_ | 1/GOOD SALE i MLS HISTORY : ; | MLS 03/07/06 $1,635,000 MLS# 1036129 BROKER CBRES2_ MORTGAGE INFORMATION ; i i MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY ; M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION | [ EXTRA FEATURES J i i AIC CPORT DOCK : PATIO . POOL FENCE OTHER : **Information not warranted. Information herein is from Dade County** Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not Tesponsible for its accuracy. jenoo7 ea 42/10/2007 Print - Page 21 of 33 Property History View : ML# Status ' Price. Date Agent Broker DOM : M1036129 «CS $ 1,625,000 _ 03/07/06 3118772 CBRES2 62 ML036129 PS $ 1,895,000 02/03/06 3118772 "— CBRES2 : 62 i M1036129 A $ 1,895,000 01/23/06 3118772 CBRES2 i | i : i | i 1 | . | : i : | t | 42/40/07 *{c) 2007 -- Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT TS NOT WARRANTED* 09:25 AM 12/10/2007 Print WILLY ESCOBAR Page 22 of 33 RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLASTOWNHOUSE ‘Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1129039 BC: RMMOQOL OF: Re/Max Best Seller Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: CS i AD: © 9601s COLLINS AV UN: +1003 RP: LLP: , LP: $1,850,000 i CT: DADE Fiz 12-22-26-038-0380 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: »33154 GEDAR: LG: »MAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT 1003 UNDIV 0.489%. INT FL#: 10 TOTFL: 22 BLDG#: 9601 : ; STYLE: C42 : TYPE: CONDO | MC: #12 TN: #22 SE: #26 SD: 138 PN: 0380 MAP: 2622 St: FL i ! DV: Majestic Tower CN: Majestic Tower INTLVLS: 1 : MN: Fg: P UNIT BLG: 153 UNIT COMPLX: - 153 ' LA: 12,160 TA: . 400 YR: «1998/ RS CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 | HBATH: 1 #1: UNIT: HIGHRISE OTHER DET: N MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: : GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 2. ATT cPT: PARK SPACE#: : WTRER: Y/ OCNACCES OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC UNRESTRC FACE: NE { UNTVW: OCEAN INTRACST SECUR: DOORMAN ELEVATOR LOBBY BAL&P: Y t CONST: CBS DINE: DIN-LIV EATINKIT. BREAKAR “SF/FF: 2160 i PARK: 2+SPACES COVERED VALET PARKING RESTRICT: NOTRKTRL } FLOOR: MARBLE CARPET REM: A premier address w. over 2100sq. ft. of magnificent ocean views. Walk directly into your pvt foyer, mouldings,. window treatments, eS: elec. hurricaine shutters, custom made closets, marble floors/carpet in _ comes w 2 assigned parking spaces. Call fisting agents for showings. MIN LS #DAY: 365 ALLAMEN BLDEXTER COMNAREA ELEV INSURANCE POOLSVC PARKING SECURITY ROOF SEWER TTRASHREM WATER rms. Unbeatable price with an incredible view. [Tis apt Ms: #LSE YR: 1 { HS: 1 DIR: COLLINS AVE TO 96TH ST; FIRST BLDG ON THE OCEAN SIDE. RIGHT ACCROSS FROM THE BAL HARBOUR SHOPS. ' i ; BRK-REM: Call Patricia 305 546-7670 or Edith 305 804-8390 for easy showing instructions. i i Lr: oR: DA: Kt: FR: FL: PR: | MB; 2B: 38: 48: DN: UR: PB: : BEDRM: —1BR+GRND / CF: 0 ' MSBTH: . | PETS:Y/ 20- ; ROOMS: : i INTER: FOYER LAUNDTUB — SPLITBED . i EQUIP: AUTOGRDR DISHWASH ORYER ICEMAKER MICRO OWNBALRM. RANGE-E - REFRIG: SELFCLEAN | WALLOVEN WASHER : i | WNDW: BLINDS. DRAPES EXTER: OPENBALC PRIVWALL — SHUTELEC L MAINT: ! ! AMENS: GASKETBL BILLIARDS BIKESTORG CLUSHSERM EXERCISRM EXTSTORAG HEATPOOL PRVECHPAV SALINA SPAHOTTB TENNIS TRASHCHUT \ RESTR: OKLEASE - APPRV: 1-2WKS : HOPA: Ni HEAT: ELEC CENTRAL COOL: CENTRAL. ELEC i TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: N DAV/SOH: =$1,104,860 MPR: N TOA: H TOTALFEES: $1,200 ™ DMV/ASV:" TAXES: $22,888 TAXYR: 2006 TAX: | NOHOMESTD . OTM: APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1200 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 SPEC; POSS: NEGOT. Y LPID: 0638005 LS: Patricia Mendoza APH: 305-866-8580 OPH: _305:546-7670.x 0 2PID: 2A: 2AG: FAX: ” 305 864-4194 / LTY: €A ON: ON#: ; 2PH: 305-546-7670 : URL: PHOTO: — NOPHO BRD: M EMAILA: VI: COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: VAR: ON JA: wo:' OCCUP: OWNER SHOW: CALL-LA : LO: 03/10/07 XD:. 12/10/07 PREV STATUS: A STATUS CHNG: 03/27/07 OK ADV: Y PREVS: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,850,000 INET: Y/Seautiful unit with marble floorings a huge liv./din with ocean views through out, Best value i inthe bidg. a : PD: 03/23/07 CONTING: = OM: 13 FURNY cD: 03/23/07: SP: $1,630,000 - ECD: 03/23/07 CB: RMXXO1 © SPID: 0638005 SS: Patricia Mendoza ' Sa: TR: CASH SPID2: §s2: S2: : i *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional ~ INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 12/10/07 09:25 AM AUNMINISTR c. COMPLAINT. ‘ : ed ) EXHIBIT # Y “& PAGE AF oo 12 10/2007 Fruit Page 25 O1 33 DADE COUNTY PROPERTY FOLIO —12- 22- 26- 038-0380 PADDR 9601/ COLLINS/ AV/ 1003 CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154 i ZONING 50/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND i ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? =TAX'CRT?. LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 : { OWNER NAME & ADDRESS | 3 LAST OADDR 407 RECTOR/STT 1502 i : FIRST OCITY NEW YORK NY OZIP CD 10006 OTHER COMPANY P K REALTY MANAGEMENT LLC LAND INFORMATION i J: FRONT FT DEPTH FT LOT BLOCK PBK-PG | LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG $/LANDSF S$/ADJSF $/TOTLSF AV RATIO! ! ' | BUILDING INFORMATION : : ADISGET 2,160 TOTSOFT NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS. 2 HALF BATHS NUM ELRS 5 | LEGAL DESCRIPTION { 1 1 MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL TUNDIV 0.489% i 2 -HARBOURCONDO _ 5 INTIN COMMON ELEMENTS 3 UNIT 1003 6 OFF REC 17876-2519 | i TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION i ! ASSESSMENTS (2006) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY [TAX AMOUNTI2006) Land Water = N Homestd N. Widow. N COUNTY TAX | $ 19,682 Imprv $1,104,860 Road oN Veteran N Disabld N CITY TAX : $3,206, Total $1,104,860 Sewer N Exempt N Senior N MISC TAX : ; Prev $849,890 Light N School N Exmpt GROSS TAX i $22,888 | Milt 20.72 Markt Val $1,104,860 NonEx $1,104,860 PREV TAX ! $18,090 | . i ; TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION Sh i "PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTALPAID BALANCE DUE ; #1 01/08/07 $ 22430300 - FULL:RE PAYMENT $22,430.30 $ 457.76 i #2. 03/26/07 $.0.00 : | a 84/09/07 $0.00 se TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT | #5 | #6 { = SALES INFORMATION i | DEED RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE ORBK-BG SRC STYPER DESCRIPTION | CURR 05/25/07 06/05/07 . 25675-4042 D i . PREV 03/16/07 03/16/07 $ 1,630,000 25479-614 D : EARL: 01/04/07. 03/12/07 $ 1,000,000 25437-3823 D i i MLS HISTORY ; i t MLS 03/23/07 ~~ $ 163,000,000 MLS? M1129039 BROKER RMXX01 / MORTGAGE INFORMATION MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION i 01/10/07 $ 150,000 HOMECOMINGS FIN'L LLC CO/ CONVENTIONAL | EXTRA FEATURES AK CPORT DOCK i PATIO POOL FENCE ; ; : OTHER i **Information not warranted. Information herein is from Dade County** : . Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. D4 tefoio7 | Ss le ent 12/10/2007 Print Page 24 of 33 i | | - i i Property History View i ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker DOM M1129039 CS. $163,000 03/23/07 0638005, RMXXOL : 13 M1129039 CS $ 1,630,000. 03/23/07 0638005 RMXXO1 : 13 i Mi129039 «cS $ 163,000,000 03/23/07 0638005 RMXXO1 : 3 M1i29039 A $1,850,000 03/14/07 0638005 RMXXO1 M897401 c $5,000 10/17/03 0128208 HARDOL ; 0 | MB88152 cs $850,000 a/a9/03 0638005 RMXXOL : 0 1 M88gis2 Ps $969,000 08/01/03 0128208 HARDOI | : o M897401 A $5,000 01/10/03 0128208 HARDOL : ty _ M888152 A $969,000 10/18/02 0128208 HARDOL i 0 . { i 1 i ; i i i i a i | | | i | i ; t ‘ t | i ' t 1 . | ' | | | ' | 1 ‘t i ; i 4 i i | i | | i i i ‘ 4 : i - ; | i i : \ ' i i | i ; 12/10/07 - *{c) 2007 — Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:25 AM asp Print Page 26 of 33 DADE COUNTY PROPERTY FOLIO 12-22- 26- 023-4080 PADDR 9801/ COLLINS/ AV/ PH2 ; CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154 ZONING $0/-GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV BALMORAL CONDO : ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? = TAXCRT?Y_LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 { OWNER NAME & ADDRESS jo: LAST VACCA OADDR 9801 7.COLLINSTAV i : FIRST DOMENICO OCITY BAL HARBOUR FL OZIP CD 33154 OTHER COMPANY i LAND INFORMATION | FRONT ET DEPTH FT LOT BLOCK PBK-PG | END SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG 10129-1982 : S/LANDSF S/ADISF 5 733.830 $/TOTLSF AVRATIO, 2.11 BUILDING INFORMATION i |: ADISOFT 2,010 TOTSOFT NUM UNITS YEARBLY 1977 i BEDROOMS BATHRMS HALF BATHS NUM FLRS . LEGAL DESCRIPTION I | 1 BALMORAL CONDO 4 INTINCOMMONELEMENTS / 2. UNIT PH2 S OFF REC 10129-1982 | | 3. UNDIV0.37475% 6 OR 18689-294 0799 1 / [— TAX & ASSESSMENT | po ASSESSMENTS (2006) _ DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS -AUTHORITY [TAX AMOUNTQ006) Land Water =sN Homestd N Widow N COUNTY TAX | $12,435 Imprv $698,050 Road. N Veteran N Disabld N CITY TAX $2,026 Total $698,050. Sewer N Exempt N_ . Senior N MISC TAX : Prev $646,340 Light N School N | Exmpt GROSS TAX $14,461 | Milt 20.72 Markt Val $698,050+ NonEx $698,050 PREV TAX i $13,758. TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION i i PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTALPAID BALANCE DUE i #1 1120/06 $ 13882230 FULL RE PAYMENT $13,882.23 $0.00 i i a TOTAL-TAX DELINQUENT | #5 $ -,388.176,900,418.66 i i #6 i i | SALES INFORMATION I joi DEED RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE ORBK-BG SRC STYPEE DESCRIPTION | CURR. 04/04/06 04/06/06 $ 1,475,000 24401-2688 D ! PREV 07/02/99 _ 07/02/99 $ 465,000 18689-294 M {GOOD SALE EARL 11/01/78 $ 214,200 10230-775 C 1/GOOD SALE : - MLS HISTORY : MLS 0403/06 51,475,000 MLS# Di0gs310 BROKERROBROI MORTGAGE INFORMATION i MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION 04/07/06 $ 147,500 COMMERCE BK CO / CONVENTIONAL EXTRA FEATURES ; i AK CPORT DOCK PATIO POOL FENCE OTHER ** Information not warranted. Information herein is from Dade County** Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. 12/40/07 14/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp Page 25 of 33 WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE | Southeast Florida MLS ML: 01085810 BC: EWM 01 OF: Esslinger Wooten Maxwell inc AREA: 22 STATUS: CS. AD: 9801 COLLINS AV UN: PH2 RP: LLP: : LP: -$1,650,000 CT: DADE Fé: 12-22-26-023-4080 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEOAR: UG: BALMORAL CONDOUNIT PH2 UNDIV 0.37475% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF FL#: 0 © TOTFL: 0 BLOG#: 461 : ; : STYLE: 42 Me: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 23° PN: 4080 MAP: 2622 St: FL TYPE: CONDO DV: BALMORAL CN: BALMORAL INTLVLS: 0 MN: PENTHOUSE F$: NEGOT UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: LA: 2,010 TA: 0 YR: 1977/ RS CONV: Y EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 | HBATH: 1 ai 1 UNIT: HIGHRISE PENTHSE DET: N . MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 2 ATT CPT: PARK SPACE#: WTRER: Y¥/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC i FACE: E UNTVW: OCNDRECT SECUR: OTHER i BAL&P: Y CONST: CBS DINE: BREAKAR = FORMAL | SE/FF: PARK: 2+SPACES COVERED VALET PARKING RESTRICT: i FLOOR: MARBLE MIN LS #DAY: 365 i #LSE YR:.1 REM: SPECTACULAR DIRECT OCEANFRONT N.E. CORNER PENTHOUSE WITH TOTALLY UNOBSTRUCTED AND ENDLESS VIEWS OF THE ES: OCEAN. WRAP-AROUND BALCONY, HUGE LIVING RM, 4, DINING RM, 2 BD 2.5 BATHS PLUS DEN, MARBLE FLOORS, COMPLETELLY MS: REMODELED GOURMET KITCHEN, BEAUTIFUL POWD! ER ROOM, HURRICANE SHUTTERS. FURNISHINGS COULD BE PURCHASED HS: SEPARATELY. : 7 ep, . : hey on E ; ; i i DIR: COLLINS AV. ACROSS FROM BAL HARBOUR SHOPS. BRK-REM: im: DR: DA: KT: FR: FL: H PR: MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: : PB: BEDRM: OTHER ; i CF: 0 MSBTH: ! PETS:N ROOMS: DEN-OFFC : INTER: iPLENTRY CLOS-CABCUSTMIRR = FOYER : EQUIP: DISHWASH DRYER MICRO RANGE-E ——-REFRIG WASHER . i WNDW: DHMETAL SUDING EXTER: OPENBALC SHUTTERS : MAINT: ALLAMEN BUDEXTER CABLE COMNAREA ELEC MANAGER QUTMAINT PARKING PESTCNTL. POOLSVC ‘SECURITY SEWER TRASHREM WATER j AMENS: COMLAUND ELEVATOR KITCHFAC LIGHTING. SPAHOTTB’ TENNIS’ TRASHCHUT - i RESTR: EXTALTER -RENTLIMIT APPRV: — APPL-FEE ASSOC ‘INTERVW. : HOPA: HEAT: — CENTRAL ELEC COOL: CENTRAL ELEC : : TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: DAV/SOH: $508,930 MPR: N TOA: N - TOTAL FEES: . . DMV/ASV: TAXES: = $11,018 TAXYR: 2003 TAX: © NOEXEMPT ™: APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1477 LAND LSE: $0. " RECLSE: $0 SPEC: “AS-IS POSS: FUNDING : IDX: Y LPID: 0486291 LS: IVY CARNEIRO APH: 305-951-4345 OPH: 305-667-8871 2PID: , 2A: 2AG: FAX: 305-285-7003 “TY: ER ON: ON#: 2PH: 305-854-0908 URL: WWW.EWM.COM : PHOTO: — 1TAKE BRD: D ‘EMAILA: | Vii : COBA: 3% COTE: 3% CONR: VAR: ON JA: ON WD occup: CLLAGT SHOW: APPT-ONLY CALL-LA LD: 01/03/06 XD: 06/14/06 PREVSTATUS: PS STATUS CHNG: 04/05/06 OK ADV: N La: PREV$: : PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,650,000 L2: INET: Y/SPECTACULAR DIRECT OCEANFRONT N.E. CORNER PENTHOUSE WITOTALLY UNOBSTRUCTED OCEAN VIEWS. 2 BD 2.5 BATHS PLUS DEN, HUGH LIV ROOM, GOURMET KITCHEN. ; : PD: 03/30/06 CONTING: | OM: 86 FURNY CD: 04/03/06 = SP: $1,475,000 ECD: 03/31/06 CB: ROBROL SPID: 0668780 SS: Laura Herschman . Si: TR: CASH SPID2: $$2: S2: *(€) 2007 ~ Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 12/10/07 09:25 AM Print Page 27 of 33 [ Property History View ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker i DOM D1085810 cs $1,475,000 04/03/06 0668780 ROBROL : 86 D1085810 PS $1,650,000. 03/30/06 0486291 EWM 01 : 86 D1085810 A $1,650,000 01/03/06 0486291 EWM.01 M748722 cs $465,000 07/07/99 NMLSO4 NMLSO4 ! 0 M748722 PS $549,000 06/01/99 0032426. WIRIOL : M748722 A $549,000 04/13/99 0032426 WIRIOL : 0 ‘ . / i | | I | ' i i | | : i : i i 12/10/07 +0) 2007 — Southeast Florida MLS ~ INFORMATION IS’ BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:25 AM Print WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Page 28 of 33 Southeast Florida MLS ML: D1067306 BC: IMSRO1 OF: Image Setters Reaity AREA: 22 STATUS: CS AD: 10175 COLLINS AV ; UN: PH7 RP: LLP: _ LP: $1,398,000 CT: DADE Fit 12-22-26-026-1180 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEOAR: LG: THE TIFFANY OF BAL HARBOUR CONDOUNIT PH-7-UNDIV 0.6943% INT IN FL#: 18 TOTFL: 18 BLDG#: COMMON ELEMENTS OFF STYLE: C42 MC: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 26 PN: 1180 MAP: 2622 ST: FL TYPE: CONDO DV: Tiffany CN: Tiffany INTLVLS: 0 i ~ MN: F$: U UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: i LA: 1,967 TA: . YR: 1982/NEW CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2. HBATH: 1 UNIT: — CORNER EASTUS1 HIGHRISE DET: Y MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 2 cPT: PARK SPACE#: WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT OCNACCES INTRACST WTRAC: BEACHACC | PACE: _ UNTVW: INTRACST OCEAN SECUR: DOORMAN ELEVATOR FIREALRM | |. BAL&P: ’ CONST: CBS DINE: | SF/FF: ! PARK: -1SPACE COVERED GUEST PARKING RESTRICT: i : FLOOR:. MARBLE OTHER MIN LS.#DAY: 365 | #LSEYR: 1 REM: BEAUTIFUL SPACIOUS PENTHOUSE. CORNER UNIT, NICELY DECORATED WITH MARBLE FLOORS. KITCHEN HAS GRANITE ES: COUNTER. VIEWS OF INTRACOASTAL AND OCEAN. SCENES THAT WILL HYPNOTIZE YOU DAY AND NIGHT. LUKURY. BUILDING t MS: i WITH FULL SERVICE AND AMENITIES:CAN EASILY BE CONVERTED TO'3 BEDROOM. TWO WALK IN CLOSETS. READY To MOVEL ie. | N. SALE OF FURNITURE OPTIONAL. A MUST SEE. : i ° i | | DIR: COLLINS AVENUE AND 401TH STREET, EAST SIDE OF THE ROAD! | i : / H BRK-REM: i ' : i LR: DR:. DA: tt: FR: : i PR: I MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: | PB: ' * BEDRM: 1BR+GRND MBRSITTNG : . ! CF: i MSBTH: ; PETS:Y/ DOG i ROOMs: | i INTER: 1FLENTRY FOYER FIRESPRK — WALKCLOS i Hl EQUIP: | DISHWASH DRYER ICEMAKER HOOKUP MICRO RANGE-E ——REFRIG WASHER SMOKEDET | | . | i : WNDW: EXTER: — OPENBALC i MAINT: BLDEXTER ALLAMEN COMNAREA ‘ELEV HOTWATER LAUNDRYFC LEGLACING MANAGER LAWN-LAND PARKING POOLSVC PESTCNTL OTHER . i i AMENS: EXERCISRM HEATPOOL OTHER LIGHTING | : RESTR: OKLEASE OKLSEIST APPRV: —3-4WKS /APPL-FEE INTERVW : HOPA: | . HEAT: CENTRAL COOL:- CENTRAL : TRMSCONS:CONV OTHER ASSUME: DAV/SOH: $401,590 i MPR: N TOA: N TOTAL FEES: : : TAXES: $8,694 TAXYR:. 2003 TAX: NOHOMESTD : i APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $856 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 ; SPEC: POSS: FUNDING. OTHER IDX: Y : LPID: 0642507 LS: ERIC LASTRA APH: 305-936-9229 OPH: 305-936-9229 / 2PID: 3093013 2A: Luis Teplicki 2AG: 786-486-2046 FAX: 305-936-1260 ' LTY: ER ON: ON#: 2PH: URL: . PHOTO: {TAKE BRD: D EMAILA: VI: COBA: .2% COTB: 2% CONR: 2% VAR: Y JA: WD: | Occup: CLLAGT SHOW: APPT-ONLY CALL-LA L-accome LD: 08/30/05 XD: 03/01/06 PREV STATUS: PS STATUS CHNG: | 12/21/05 OK ADV: N La: PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,398,000 L2: : INET: VISPACIOUS PENTHOUSE , CORNER UNIT, NICELY DECORATED WITH MARBLE FLOORS AND GRANITE IN KITCHEN. LUXURY BUILDING WITH FULL SERVICE AND AMENITIES. : i PD: 11/21/05 CONTING: DM: = 83 FURNU CD: 12/21/05 | SP: $0 ECD: 12/21/05 CB: IMSROL SPID: . 3093013 SS: Luis Teplicki i Sil: TR: CONV SPID2: sS2: : $2: “{)_ 2007 —-Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* ‘12/10/07 225 PLANT PALM Nie AAMANT Print i Page 29 of 33 ' 1 i [DADE COUNTY PROPERTY : FOLIO 12-22-.26- 026-1180 PADDR 10175/ COLLINS/ AV/ PAT : CO-USE 7/ CONDO.RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154 ZONING 50./GEN.HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV TIFFANY OF BAL HARBOUR CONDO | ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE. LIEN? = TAXCRT?~—_LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 { OWNER NAME & ADDRESS _] LAST OADDR 101757 COLLINS TAV i ! FIRST OCITY BAL HARBOUR FL OZIP CD'33184 i OTHER COMPANY COASTAL SEA FRONT LLC ; LAND INFORMATION Ji FRONT FT DEPTH ET LOT BLOCK PBK-PG | | LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG 11689-1 i S/LANDSF S/ADISF ~ $703.100 S/TOTLSE AVRATION 2.21 i } BUILDING INFORMATION i fo} ADISQFT 1,967 TOTSOFT NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1982 : BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 HALF BATHS NUM FLRS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ii ' 1 THE TIFFANY OF BAL HARBOUR CON 4 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS 2 UNIT PH-7 5 OFF REC 1689-1 | | i 3 UNDIV 0.6943% 6 OR 16406-0422 0694 1.| | if i L TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION i. Jo. ASSESSMENTS (2006) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY TAX AMOUNTQ000) | Land Water N Homestd N Widow. N COUNTY TAK "| S1L160- | Imprv.- $ 626,480 Road oN Veteran N Disabld N CITY TAX ; Sigs Total $626,480 Sewer N Exempt N Senior N MISC TAX i | Prev $481,910 Light oN School N Exmpt GROSSTAX $12,978 | MillRt 20.72 Markt Val $626,480 NonEx $626,480 PREV TAX $10,258 | ___ TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION i | PAY DATE “~~ AMOUNT ~BAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTALPATS BALANCE DUE be #1 01/03/07 $ 0.000 $.12,718.48 i $0.00 i #2. 01/24/07 - $12,718.48 FULL RE PAYMENT | a TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT | #5 #6 | [ SALES INFORMATION. i | i DEED RECORDED PRICE. D-TYPE ORBK-BG SRC_S-TYPE & DESCRIPTION. | CURR 12/2105 01/23/06 $ 1,383,000 24169-893 D : | PREV 06/01/94 6/01/94 $ 477,500 16406-422 C “1/GOO0D SALE i EARL 02/01/92 $.350,000 15431-1171 CY 1/GOOD SALE ; MLS HISTORY r jt MLS Wa72i705 MLS#_ Di067306 BROKERIMSROL | MORTGAGE INFORMATION _ MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY METYPE & DESCRIPTION i { i EXTRA FEATURES J. AIC CPORT DOCK PATIO POOL FENCE OTHER ; ; **information not warranted. Information herein is from Dade County** : Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. : T2no07 AST eA ae 14/Search/PrintPreviewDla acn Print | Page 30 of 33 | . J . . i Property History View ; : : ML# "Status Price Date Agent Broker i DOM D1067306 = cS $0 12/21/05 3093013 IMSROL 83 D1067306 ~~ PS, $1,398,000 11/21/05 0642507 IMSRO1 83 : D1067306 =A $ 1,398,000 08/30/05 0642507 IMSRO1 1 : i i | | t ! ; i i t \ i i i i SE/FF: 0 ! PARK: SPACE ASSIGNED VALET PARKING RESTRICT: : FLOOR: woop MIN LS #DAY: 365 | #LSE YR: 0 REM: GORGEOUS!!! COMPLPETELY REDONE PH - 2 BEDROOMS PLUS DEN - ~ GOURMET KITCHEN: OCEAN AND BAY VIEWS - Sours ES: : EXPOSURE - WOODEN FLOORS - A MUST SEEN! : Ms: \ | Hs: i | i po : L i DIR: ; | RK-REM j i LR: DR: DA: KT: 2 FL: ; PR: i MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: } + PB: i BEDRM: ENTRYLVL . aa s : MSETH: a PETS:N ; ROOMS: uf | INTER: — 1FLENTRY : EQUIP: DISHWASH RANGE-E ——-REFRIG i I | WNDW: . EXTER: -OPENBALC | i MAINT: ALLAMEN BLDEXTER CABLE ELEV COMNAREA MANAGER OUTMAINT PARKING POOLSVC PESTCNTI SECURITY SEWER TRASHREM AMENS: COMLAUND ELEVATOR KITCHFAC LIGHTING TENNIS SPAHOTTB TRASHCHUT | : i [ RESTR: OTHER APPRV: ASSOC INTERVW a Hopa: | HEAT: CENTRAL ELEC * COOL: CENTRAL ‘ELEC ; | TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: DAV/SOH: $388,190 / MPR: N TOA: N TOTAL FEES: a DMV/ASV: / TAXES: $7,862 TAXYR: 2004 TAX: HOMESTEAD T™:! APP'FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1125 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 ; SPEC: POSS: FUNDING ; IDX: : LPID: 0128208 LS: ANITA BIGELMAN APH: 305-343-6796 OPH: 305-865-9811 : 2PID: 2A: 2AG: : FAX:, 305-866-7644 / LTY: ER ON: ON#: 2PH:' URL: PHOTO: {TAKE | BRD: M EMAILA: . VT: COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: VAR: ON JA: wo: | . OCCUP: CLLAGT SHOW: APPT-ONLY . CALL-LA LD: 03/29/05 xD: Lastyos PREV STATUS: A STATUS CHNG: 12/13/05 OK ADV: Lar PREV$: $1,400,000 PRICE CHNG: — 06/21/05 ORIG$:$1,400,000 La: | INET: Y/GORGEOUS, COMPLETELY REDONE PH - GOURMET KITCHEN, OCEANFRONT BLDG, S EXPOSURE, 2 BED ‘ | DEN, WOOD FLOORS. PD: 12/13/05 CONTING: DM: = 259 FURNY CD: 12/13/05 | SP: $1,175,000 ECD: 12/14/05 CB: HARDG1 SPID: 0128208 SS: - ANITA BIGELMAN | Str" TR: CONV SPID2: SS2: : : $2: pon bos *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED*. i 12/10/07: . - 09: f t B F; ane “NR es» . Print : Page 32 of 33 [DADE COUNTY PROPERTY FOLIO 12-22- 26-023- 4210 PADDR 9801/ COLLINS/ AV/ PHI6 : CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154 ZONING 50/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV BALMORAL CONDO : ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? = TAXCRT?_— LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 OWNER NAME & ADDRESS Zz -] LAST OADDR 98017 COLLINS TAVT 16 ; ; FIRST OCITY BAL HARBOUR FL OZIP CD 33154 OTHER COMPANY KYLY INVEST LLC i LAND INFORMATION i ee ee FRONT FT : DEPTHFT LOT BLOCK PBEPG | LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG 10129-1982 S/LANDSF S/ADISE $ 698.570 S/TOTLSF AVRATIO. 2.21 : BUILDING INFORMATION =| “j ADISQET 1682 TOTSOFT NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1977 / BEDROOMS BATHRMS HALF BATHS NUMFLRS ; LEGAL DESCRIPTION ml lo 1 BALMORAL CONDO 4 INTIN COMMON ELEMENTS ; 2 UNITPHIG 5° OFF REC 10129-1982 : “3 UNDIV 0.30103% 6 OR 10784-353 05805. | : TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION i jo ASSESSMENTS (2006) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY [TAX AMOUNTZ008) | Land Water N Homestd'N “Widow 'N COUNTY TAX | $9485 Imprv | $532,440 Road oN Veteran. N° Disabid N CITY TAX i $1545 | Total $532,440 Sewer N Exempt. N . Senior N MISC TAX i Prev $399,836 Light oN School N Exmpt GROSS TAX $11,036 - | MilRt 20.72 Markt Val $532,440 NonEx $532,440 PREV TAX $7978 | _ TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION i i PAY DATE AMOUNT "PAYMENT DESCRIPTION. TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE y #1 1128/06 $ 10588.730 FULL RE PAYMENT $10,588.73 |. $0.00 #2 7 TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT | i i 8 | i : | { SALES INFORMATION i 1: DEED RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE ORBK-BG- SRC STYPEE DESCRIPTION CURR 12/09/05 12/20/05 $ 1,175,000 24069-459 D Poe PREV 05/01/80 05/01/80 10784-353 C 5/QUITCLAIMDEE EARL. 12/01/79 $ 260,006 10716-2397 C 1/G00D SALE __MLS HISTORY i J MLS 12/13/05 $1,175,000 MLS# Mo91694 BROKER HARDOT ; MORTGAGE INFORMATION MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION : 12/4105 $940,000 BANKUNITED FSB CO/ CONVENTIONAL ia EXTRA FEATURES i | AIG CPORT DOCK i PATIO POOL FENCE OTHER. **Information not warranted. Information herein is from Dade County** _ Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are Rot responsible for its accuracy. 12/10/07 Print Property History View ML# Status Price Date : Agent Broker DOM Mi142196 =x $1,299,000 11/04/07 3179748 RICHOZ M1140437 oR $2,990° 06/29/07 3179748 RICHO2 63 M1140437 og $2,999 05/24/07 3179748 RICHO2 Mi140437 A $3,250 05/21/07 3179748 RICHOZ | 1140437, $3,300 05/15/07 3179748 RICHO2 M1142196 A $1,299,000 05/04/07 3179748 RICHOZ M1140937 A $3,500 04/27/07 3179748 RICHO2 M1034123¢ $3,500 05/03/06 3005825 RICHOL M1034123 ps $3,500 03/21/06 3005825 RICHOL | M1034123 «A $3,500 02/22/06 3005825 RICHOL | 1034123, $3,900 01/24/06 3005825 RICHOL | “M1034123 A $4,500. 01/12/06 3005825 RICHOL i - M991694 cs $1,175,000 12/13/05 0128208 ~ HARDOL 359 mosieg = $1,275,000. 06/21/05 0128208 HARDO1 Mo91694 «= $1,400,000 03/29/05 0128208 HARDOL | MB74660 oC $3,000 10/30/03 0128208 HARDOL | 0 MB74656 oC $539,000 10/26/03 “9128208 HARDOL 0 mgoes32. x $2,800 06/24/03 0128208 HARDOL i) Me74656. A $539,000° 02/11/03: 0128208 HARDOL 0 Mgggs32 A $2,800. 01/21/03 0128208 HARDOL | 0 M874656 A $569,000. 01/21/03 0128208 HARDOL 0 MB74660 A "$3,000 06/27/02 0128208 HARDOL 0 MB74656 A $669,000 06/27/02 0128208 HARDOL 0 12/10/07 *{c)) 2007 — Southeast Florida MLS Search/PrintPreviewDlo acn Page 33 of 33 — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:25 AM OF —_— Ana A InaAne i i Print : Page 1 of 9 ’ : WILLY ESCOBAR . RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1152180 BC: RMXX01 OF: Re/Max Best Seller Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: CS AD: 9601 COLLINS AV UN: 1204 RP: LLP: jp: $2,200,000 CT: DADE FH: 12-22-26-038-0530 CITY: BALHARBR ZP; 033154 GEQAR: LG: xMAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT 1204 UNDIV 0.489% INT FL#: 12 TOTFL: 22 BLOG#: : STYLE: . C42 i TYPE: CONDO i MC: 112 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 38 PN: 0530 MAP: 12622 ST: FL l : BV: Majestic Tower CN: Majestic Tower INTLVLS: 0 i i MN: 04 FS: UNIT BLG: 156 UNIT COMPLX: 156 i LA: #2,160 TA: 2,160 YR: =1998/ RS CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 i HBATH: 1 #l: 0 UNIT: HIGHRISE DET: N MNLIV: dock SPACE#: i GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 ATT CPT: PARK SPACE#: ' WTRFR: ¥/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC | FACE: NE UNTVW: OCEAN INTRACST SECUR: DOORMAN ELEVATOR BAL&P: Y CONST: CBS DINE: SF/FF: 2160 PARK: ASSIGNED GUEST COVERED PARKING RESTRICT: FLOOR: MARBLE CARPET MIN LS #DAY: 365 j #LSEYR: 1 : REM: Ocean! Enjoy living in one of BalHarbour's luxurious bldg. Impecable: Electric shutters, Private elevator to your apt,, tennis.courts, ES: i restaurant,-ocean front gym. First class building in a magnificent location. ! MS: . i HS: | i a | DIR: COLLINS AVE AND 96TH ON THE OCEAN SIDE; RIGHT ACROSS THE BAL HARBOUR SHOPS. | BRK-REM: i LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: FL: | prs MB: 28: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: | PB: BEDRM: | ENTRYLVL : CF: 0 MSBTH: ! PETS:Y/ 20- ROOMS: | INTER: . FIRESPRK = FOYER CLOS-CAB = LAUNDTUB_— PANTRY SPLITBED : EQUIP: DISHWASH ‘DRYER MICRO REFRIG RANGE-E SELFCLEAN SECURITY. WALLOVEI WASHER ; i - i WNDW: EXTER: OPENBALC . PRIVWALL — SHUTELEC MAINT: SS2: ‘CABLE ELEV POOLSVC WATER TRASHREM, SEWER RECFACIL RESERVE ROOF SECURITY ALLAMEN INSURANCE OUTMAINT; AMENS: BASKETEL BILLIARDS BIKESTORG COMMUNRM EXERCISRM ELEVATOR HEATPOOL POOL SAUNA SPAHOTTB : RESTR: OKLEASE APPRV: 1-2WKS ! HOPA: N/ HEAT: CENTRAL COOL: . - CENTRAL ; TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: x$1,127,070 1 MPR: N TOA: C TOTALFEES: $1,200 iM TAXES: «$23,348 TAXYR: 2007 TAX: —NOHOMESTD : ' APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1200 LAND LSE: $0 Es $0 i SPEC: POSS: FUNDING Y | ' i LPID: 0638005 LS: Patricia Mendoza, APH: 305-866-8580 OPH: +305 866-8580 x 0 i 2PID: 624776 2A: Edith Wigoda 2AG: FAX: 305 864-4194 LTY: ER ON: : ON#: 2PH: URL: - PHOTO: —NOPHO_ BRD: M 'EMAILA: | vt : : COBA: 3% COTB: CONR: VAR: ON JA: ON WD: f occuP: OWNER SHOW: CALL-LA LD: 06/13/07 XD: 10/13/07 PREV STATUS: PS STATUS CHNG: 08/06/07 OK ADV: Y- La: PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$2,200,000 La: : INET: Y/Pure ocean!!! One of the most-coveted lines in the bldg. Enjoy the lifestyle of Bal Harbour's most luxurious building! : : : PD: 07/16/07 CONTING: DM: = =—-33 FURNY cp: 07/23/07... SPx $1,900,000 ECD: 07/31/07 CB: SIEROL SPID:. 0641668 SS: Yevgeniy Gasilovskiy i. St i TR: CONV SPID2: ; $2 : i } *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS:BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* httn-//cef mivchanoe cam/4 7 04 18/Search/PrintPreviewDle asn 12/19/07. 09:53 AM MPLAINT | 12/19/2007 Print Page 2 of 9 DADE COUNTY PROPERTY : FOLIO —12- 22- 26- 038-0530 PADDR 9601/ COLLINS! AV/ 1204 CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BALHARBOR ; PZIP CD 33154 ZONING 50/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR:COND ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? =~ TAXCRT? ~—_LIS PEND? UPDATE 08/20/07 4 i OWNER NAME & ADDRESS i : CAST SORKIN OADDR 96017 COLLINS/AVT 1204 FIRST ALEXANDER OCITY BAL HARBOUR FL OZIP-CD 33154 : OTHER COMPANY | : LAND INFORMATION FRONT FT ; DEPTH FT LOT BLOCK PBK-PG | LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG : S/LANDSF S/ADISF $ 879.630 $/TOTLSF AV RATIO | .1.69 BUILDING INFORMATION i ADISQFT 2,160 TFOISQFT NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 : HALF BATHS NUM FLRS i LEGAL DESCRIPTION Jf 1 MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL 4 UNDIV0489% ; | 2 HARBOUR CONDO . 5 INTIN COMMON ELEMENTS i 3 UNIT 1204 6° OFF REC 17876-2519: | i TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION “i J ASSESSMENTS (2006) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY TAX AMOUNT2006) | Land. “Water =sN Homestd N° Widow. N COUNTY TAX | $20,077 | Imprv $ 1,127,070 Road N Veteran N Disabld N CITY TAX $3,271. | Total $1,127,070 Sewer N Exempt N Senior ._N MISC TAX : Prev $866,980 Light N School N — Exmpt GROSS TAX : $23,348 | MillRt 20.72 Markt Val $1,127,070 NonEx $1,127,070 PREV TAX $18,454 j i L_ TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION : a 1: PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE #1 11729106 $22414.240 FULL RE PAYMENT - $22,414.24 $0.00 : | | “4 TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT ~ i is | 46 : { SALES INFORMATION | i DEED RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE ORBK-BG SRC STVPEE DESCRIPTION _ CURR 07/17/07 07/23/07 3 1,900,000 25798-4997 D I PREV 07/15/02 07/15/02 $ 877,500 20616-498 D ; i EARL 08/25/98 09/01/98 $ 589,000 SW". 18254-3890 M /GOOD SALE MLS HISTORY i i MLS 07/23/07 $7,900,000 MLS# Mi152180 BROKER SIEROT i | MORTGAGE INFORMATION : | : MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY MCTYPE & DESCRIPTION 07/15/02 $.702,000 SUNTRUST BK/GA CO/ CONVENTIONAL [ ; EXTRA FEATURES i ] AIG CPORT DOCK : PATIO POOL FENCE ; ‘OTHER . . **Information not warranted. Information heréin is from Dade County** i Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. : tener es ee 8/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp 12/19/2007 [ Property History View : | ML# Status Price Date. Agent Broker DOM M1152180 CS $1,900,000 07/23/07 ° 0641668 SIEROL : 33 M1152180 PS $2,200,000 07/16/07 0638005 RMXXOL 33 M1152180 A $2,200,000 06/13/07 0638005 RMXXOL ~ ig23i52 c $950,000 03/22/02 0665977 WIREOL / 0 : M823152 A $950,000 97/05/01 0665977 WIRIOL 0 M824663 c $5,500 04/24/01 0331603 HARDOL 0 M824663 A $5,500 04/12/01 0331603 HARDOL Q | M823152- A $1,060,000 03/30/01 0665977 ~— WERIOL 0 M816855 c $5,500 03/22/01 «0331603 HARDOL 0 | MBi68SS5 A $5,500. 02/02/01 0331603 HARDOL 0 mg0ss96 =X $5,500 01/12/01. _ 0331603 HARDOL 0 / MB05596 A $5,500 10/11/00 = -0331603 HARDOI 0 i M791727-— x $5,500 08/26/00. 0331603 HARDOL 0 | M790095. xX $5,500 08/11/00 0568617 -INTNOL i 0 M791727 A $5,500 05/25/00 0331603 HARDOL 0 “M7g90095 A $5,500 05/10/00 0568617 =———sINTNOW | 0 i m749s200C $910,000 10/12/99 0331603 HARDOL | 0 | M740613 x $4,500 06/24/99 0492073M WIRIOL ; 0 M74g520 A $910,000 © 04/12/99 0331603 JARDOL | fy i | i 2 ' | | “| i { i a “| | i | ; . | i ; { i | : t : 12/19/07 *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:53 AM Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp 12/19/2007 Print Page 4 of 9 WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OPIVILLAJTOWNHOUSE ; Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1066333 BC: RMXXO1 OF: Re/Max Best Seller Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: CS AD: = 9601 COLLINS AV UN: «1608 RP: LLP: LP: $1,900,000 CT: DADE Fé: 12-22-26-038-1080 CITY: BALHARBR. ZP: 933154 GEOAR: LG: «MAJESTIC TOWERAT BAL HARBOUR CONDO UNIT 1608 UNDIV 0.509% INT FL#: 16 TOTFL: 22 BLDG#: STYLE: C42 TYPE: CONDO MC: #12 TN: 222 SE: «26 SD: #38. PN: «1080 MAP: 42622 ST: FL DV: Majestic Tower CN: Majestic Tower INTLVLS: 0 MN: 1608 Fg: U UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: LA: 2,250 TA: 0 YR: #1998/RS CONV: N EFF:N BED: 2 | FBATH: 2 UHBATH: 1 #1: 6 UNIT: — HIGHRISE . DET: N MNLIV: ENTLEVEL DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 ATT - CPT: PARK SPACE#: WTRFR: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: UNRESTRC | FACE: S UNTVW: INTRACST OCEAN SECUR: TVCAMERA DOORMAN - ELEVATOR { BAL&P: Y CONST: CBS . DINE: _ DIN-LIV : SF/FF: 2250 PARK: ASSIGNED VALET PARKING RESTRICT: H FLOOR: WOOD MARBLE MIN LS #DAY: 365 . : #LSE YR: 1 REM: Just Listed! Decorated Flawlessly with a european flair. Seautiful Views from a higli floor in a magnificent building with a ‘Premier ES: BAYHAR Address. Custom made closets, built ins, lots of recessed fighting, plasma TV., pvt elevator foyer, elec. hurricaine shutters... AN MS: with crispy white linen window treatments which fiow into the solid cherry wood floors. ‘A pleasure to show!!! HS: DIR: COLLINS AVE TO 96TH ON THE OCEAN SIDE; RIGHT ACROSS FROM. THE FAMOUS BAL HARBOUR SHOPS. j BRK-REM: : . 7 LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: . FL j PR: MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: PB: BEDRM: ENTRYLVL i cr: 0 MSBTH: SPTUB&SHW BIDET DUALSINKS _ PETS:Y/ 20- ROOMS: UTIL-LAU i INTER: CLOS-CAB WALKCLOS FIRESPRK = BUILT-INS_ FOYER SPLITBED — LAUNDTUB | EQUIP: DISHWASH DRYER RANGE-E REFRIG WALLOVEN — WASHER SMOKEDET — ICEMAKER MICRO SELFCLEAN SECURITY ; “ WNOW: SLIDING DRAPES oo. i EXTER: . OPENBALC = SHUTELEC = TENNISCT MAINT: ALLAMEN CABLE WATER COMNAREA ELEV INSURANCE LAWN-LAND. MANAGER PARKING RECFACIL: RESERVE SECURITY ROOF SEWER | COMMUNRM EXERCISRM HEATPOOL HANDBASK KITCHFAC SPAHOTTB TENNIS RESTR: — OKLEASE APPRV: = 1-2WKS HOPA: HEAT: — CENTRAL COOL:. © CENTRAL : TRMSCONS:CONV : ASSUME: N - $765,680 MPR: N TOA: C TOTAL FEES: . $0 iM TAXES: $16,297 TAXYR: ‘2005 TAX: NOEXEMPT APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $945 LAND LSE: $0. $0 SPEC: AS-IS POSS: FUNDING Y LPID: 0638005 ° _—_LS:. Patricia Mendoza APH: 305-866-8580 305-947-0477 x 0 2PID: 624776 2Az Edith Wigoda 2AG: 305-804-8390 305-792-5808 LTY: ER . ON: ON#: 305-546-7670 URL: ~=www.oceat CO! PHOTO: NOPHO- i BRD: M EMAILA: vi: : COBA: 3% COTB: 3% cCONR: VAR: ON JAD ON wo: OCCUP: “OWNER SHOW: APPT-ONLY CALL-LA LD: 06/14/06 XD: 06/13/07 PREV STATUS: PS STATUS CHNG: 03/05/07 OK ADV: Y Li: PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,;900,000 12: INET: Y/Decorated Flawiessly. Beautiful Views in a Magnificent building with a Premier address. Custom Made Ciosets. Win: oler. Lots of Recessed Lighting. , PD: 1/08/07 CONTING: DM: 208 FURN?P CD: 01/30/07 SP: $1,700,000 ECD: 01/30/07 . CB: = RMXXOL SPID: 0638005 Ss: Patricia Mendoza » Sl: TR: CONV SPID2: SS2: $2: *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED*™ htto:// 12/19/2007 Print Page 5 of 9 | DADE COUNTY PROPERTY FOLIO —_12- 22- 26- 038- 1080 PADDR 9601/ COLLINS/ AV/ 1608 CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154 ZONING .50/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? TAXCRT? — LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 OWNER NAME & ADDRESS CAST DRAY OADDR 9997 BRICKELL / AV 400 ; FIRST CLAUDE OCITY MIAMI FL OZIPCD 33131 OTHER COMPANY: ; LAND INFORMATION, FRONT FT DEPTH FT ~ LOT BLOCK PBK-PG LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG | $/LANDSF $/ADISF $577.780 S/TOTLSF AVRATIO- | 1.31 BUILDING INFORMATION ot | ADISQFT 2,250 TOTSOFT NUM UNITS YEARBLT 1998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 HALF BATHS NUM FLRS { LEGAL DESCRIPTION _| 1 MAJESTIC TOWER a UNDIV 0.509% 2 AT BAL HARBOUR CONDO 5 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS 3 UNIT 1608 6 OFF REC 17876-2519 | [ TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION | ASSESSMENTS (2006) __ DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY / TAX AMOUNT(2006) ’ Land Water = -N Homestd N Widow N COUNTY TAX $ 17,732 Imprv $995,380 Road N Veteran “N .Disabld N CITY TAX an $ 2,889 Total $ 995,380 Sewer N Exempt N Senior N MISC TAX : Prev $765,680 Light N School N Exmpt GROSS TAX $ 20,620 MallRt 20.72 Markt Val $995,380 NonEx $995,380 PREV TAX $ 16,298 | TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION | PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE #1 01/02/07 $0,000 $21,242.20 $0.00 #2 04/18/07 $21,242.20 FULL RE PAYMENT / i im TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT = #5 : #6 { SALES INFORMATION ! DEED RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE ORBK-BG SRC_S-LYPE & DESCRIPTION CURR 11/29/06 12/14/06 $ 1,300,000 25191-1583. D ; PREV 05/01/06 05/01/06 ° 24483-464 D EARL 07/21/05 08/09/05 $900,000 23655-969 D j MLS HISTORY MLS 01/30/07 $1,700,000 MLS? M1066333 BROKER RMXX01 : MORTGAGE INFORMATION ; i MORT-DATE . AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION 11/29/06 $910,000 BAC FL BK CO / CONVENTIONAL EXTRA FEATURES J AIC CPORT DOCK PATIO POOL FENCE OTHER **Information not warranted. Information herein is from Dade County** Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. 12/19/07 Evhiott 1271972007 i Property History View | ML# Status Price Date Agent ——_ Broker DOM I Mi189996 A $2,000,050 11/09/07 0450466 MEYR D1199668 =x $2,050,000 09/09/07 0708188 VIEW21 D1199668 «=A $2,050,000 06/09/07 0708188 VIEW21 p1i77691 x $2,100,000. - 06/03/07 0708188 VIEW21 D1I77601 A $2,100,000 04/20/07 0708188 VIEw21 D1177691 A $2,300,000 03/05/07. 0708188 VIEW21 1066333 «CS $1,700,000 01/30/07 0638005 RMXXO1 20 M1066333 PS $1,900,000 01/08/07 - —_o638005 RMXXO1 “208 ' MI066333. A $1,900,000 06/14/06 0638005 RMXXOL Mg79549 x $1,720,000 03/30/05 0638005 RMXXO1 - | mg79549 0 T $1,720,000 03/03/05 | _-_0638005 RMXXOL . 979549 A $1,720,000 12/27/04 0638005 RMDXOL M832729 cs $699,000 04/09/02 = gs65174 HARDOL 0 | 83272: PS $699,000 03/18/02 0565174 HARDOL 0 M832729 A $ 699,000 06/26/01 0565174 HARDOL 0 M786221. 0c $700,000 04/30/01 04752856 1379 0 ! M786221 A $700,000 04/03/00. 0475285 = RMHTOL 0 M762538 x $700,000 02/16/00 0616930, ESTLOL ) | 762538 =A $700,000 08/17/99 0386690 ESTLOL ° ° | t : | I i | i | ° i} i | | | 1 : i i | 1 | | | i i} 42/19/07 “2007 - Southeast Fiorida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:53 AM / age 8/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp W119 D007 Page 7 of 9 . WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida. MLS ML: M1129039 BC: RMXXO1 OF: Re/Max Best Seller Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: CS AD: « 9601" COLLINS AV UN: +1003 RP: LLP: LP: $1,850,000 CT: DADE F#: 12-22-26-038-0380 CITY: BALHARBR. ZP: «33154 GEOAR: LG: »MAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT 1003 UNDIV 0.489% INT FL#: 10 TOTFL: 22 BLDG#: 9601 STYLE: C42 MC: 112 TN: 222 SE: 126 SD: «38 = =PN: = 20380 MAP: 12622 St: FL TYPE: CONDO DV: Majestic Tower CN: Majestic Tower INTLVLS: 1 MN: Fg: P UNIT BLG: 153 UNIT COMPLX: 153 LA: 72,160 TA: 400 YR: *1998/ RS. CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 i; HBATH: 1 #120 UNIT:. HIGHRISE OTHER DET: N MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 2. ATT cpt: PARK SPACE#: WTRER: Y/ OCNACCES OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC UNRESTRC | FACE: NE UNTVW: OCEAN INTRACST SECUR: DOORMAN ELEVATOR LOBBY BAL&P: Y CONST: CBS . DINE: | DIN-LIV EATINKIT BREAKAR SF/FF: 2160 PARK: 2+SPACES COVERED VALET PARKING RESTRICT: NOTRKTRL : FLOOR: MARBLE CARPET MIN. LS #DAY: 365. : #LSE YR: 1 REM: A premier address w. over 2100sq. ft. of magnificent ocean views. Walk directly into your pvt foyer, mouldings, window treatments, ES: elec. hurricaine shutters, custom made cosets, marble floors/carpet in bdrms. Unbeatable price incredible view. This apt = ws: comes w 2 assigned parking spaces. Call listing agents-for showings. HS: DIR: COLLINS AVE TO 96TH ST; FIRST BLDG ON THE OCEAN SIDE. RIGHT ACCROSS FROM THE BAL HARBOUR SHOPS. RK-REM: Call Patricia 305 546-7670 or Edith 305 804-8390 for easy showing instructions. LR: DR: DA: KT: > FR: FL: PR: MB: 2B: 38: 4B: DN: UR: : PB: BEDRM: 18R+GRND i 7 0 MSBTH: i PETS: Y/ 20- ROOMS: : INTER: FOYER LAUNDTUB = SPLITBED : EQUIP: AUTOGRDR DISHWASH DRYER ICEMAKER MICRO OWNBALRM = RANGE-E REFRIG | SELFCLEAN WALLOVEN — WASHER : WNDW: = BLINDS DRAPES EXTER: . OPENBALC PRIVWALL SHUTELEC MAINT: ALLAMEN BLDEXTER COMNAREA ELEV INSURANCE POOLSVC PARKING SECURITY ROOF SEWER TRASHREM WATER AMENS: -BASKETBL BILLIARDS BIKESTORG CLUBHSERM EXERCISRM EXTSTORAG HEATPOOL PRVBCHPAV SAUNA SPAHOTTB TENNIS TRASHCHUT RESTR: OKLEASE APPRY: = 1-2WKS. HOPA: N HEAT: ELEC CENTRAL COOL: CENTRAL ELEC : TRMSCONS:CONV . ASSUME: N DAV/SOH:; $1,104,860 MPR: N TOA: H TOTAL FEES: ” $1,200 iM DMV/ASV:; TAXES: —#$22,888 TAXYR: 2006 TAX: NOHOMESTD TM: | APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1200 LAND.LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 SPEC: . POSS: NEGOT. IDX: Y LPID: 0638005 Ls: Patricia Mendoza APH: 305-866-8580 OPH: 305 546-7670 x 0 2PID: 2A: : 2AG: FAX: "305 864-4194 LTY:. EA ON: ON#: 2PH: 305-546-7670 URL: PHOTO: NOPHO. BRD: M " EMAILA: VT: COBA: 3% COTE: 3% CONR: VAR: ON JA: wo: Occup: OWNER SHOW: CALL-LA | LD: 03/10/07 AD: 12/10/07 PREV STATUS: A STATUS CHNG: - 03/27/07 OK ADV: Y . Li: PREVS: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,850,000 12: INET: Y/Beautiful unit with marble floorings a huge liv./din with ocean views through out Best value in the bidg. PD: 03/23/07 CONTING: “OM: 13 FURNY CD: 03/23/07 SP: $1,630,000 ECD: 03/23/07 CB: RMXXO1 SPID: 0638005 SS: Patricia Mendoza | Si: TR: . CASH SPID2: SS2: . $2: *(€) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 12/19/07 09:53AM VIN9GINNT Print Page 8 of 9 DADE COUNTY PROPERTY ‘ FOLIO 12-22-26- 038-0380 PADDR 9601/ COLLINS/ AV/ 1003 CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154 ZONING 50/ GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? TAXCRT? —_LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 OWNER NAME & ADDRESS CAST OADDR 407 RECTORTSTT 1502 FIRST OCITY NEW YORK NY OZIP CD 10006 OTHER COMPANY ? K REALTY MANAGEMENT LLC LAND INFORMATION FRONT FT DEPTHFT LOT BLOCK PBKPG LND SQFT END ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG. S/LANDSE S/ADISF S/TOTLSE AV RATIO BUILDING INFORMATION ADISOET 2,160 “TOTSOFT NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 HALF BATHS NUM FLRS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ; 1 MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL 4 UNDIV 0.489% 2 HARBOUR CONDO 5 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS . 3 «UNIT 1003 6 OFF REC 17876-2519 TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION i ASSESSMENTS (2006) = DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY / TAX'AMOUNT(2006) Land Water N Homestd N Widow N COUNTY TAX $ 19,682 Impry $ 1,104,860 Road N Veteran N Disabld N CITY TAX $3,206 Total $ 1,104,860 Sewer N Exempt N Senior N MISC TAX Prev $849,890 Light N School N Exmpt GROSS TAX $ 22,888 MilIRt 20.72 Markt Val $1,104,860 NonEx $1,104,860 PREV TAX $ 18,090 { TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION. L PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE #1 01/08/07 $ 22430300 FULL RE PAYMENT $ 22,430.30 | $457.76 #2 03/26/07 $0.00 : #3 04/09/07 ; ; #4 $0.00 TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT #5 #6 SALES INFORMATION DEED = RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE ORBK-BG SRC STVRE DESCRIPTION | CURR 05/25/07 06/05/07 . . 25675-4042 D : | PREV 03/16/07 03/16/07 $ 1,630,000 25479-614 D ! EARL 04/04/07 | 03/12/07 $ 1,006,600 25437-3823 D H [ MLS HISTORY : MLS 03/23/07 $ 163,600,000 MLS# M1129039 . BROKER RMXX01 i i MORTGAGE INFORMATION i : : MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION i 01/10/07 $ 150,000 HOMECOMINGS FIN'L LLC CO / CONVENTIONAL j EXTRA FEATURES | AIC CPORT DOCK i PATIO POOL FENCE i OTHER : **Information not warranted. Information herein is from Dade County** ; ~ [_Tax Rolls,- MLS subscribers.are not responsible for its accuracy. 1219/07 j httn:// T2NO/2N07 Page 9 of 9 [_ Property History View : ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker i DOM M1129039_ CS $163,000 03/23/07 0638005 RMXXOL B M1129039 «CS. $1,630,000 03/23/07 0638005 RMXXO1 13 M1129039 «CS. $ 163,000,000 03/23/07 0638005 RMXXOL i 13 M1129039 A $1,850,000 03/14/07 0638005 RMXXOL | M897401 c $5,000 10/17/03 0128208 HARDO1 0 ; Mgasis2 CS $850,000 09/09/03 0638005 RMXXOL 0 : M888152 PS $969,000 08/01/03 0128208 HARDOL 0 M897404 A $5,000 01/10/03 0128208 HARDOL | 0 M888152 A $969,000 10/18/02 0128208 HARDOL ' 0 : : ; | ; | ! ' t i : 4 ' i ! [ t i i i : | 1 i 12/19/07 *(c) 2007 - Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED® 09:53 AM | httn:// yMPLAINT 12/19/2007 Print WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE j : Page 1 of 2 Southeast Florida M ML: M1193804 BC: CLUBO1 QF: TRG Beach Club Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: A AD: 10295 COLLINS AV UN: 1202 RP: LLP: LP: $1,429,000 CT: DADE F#t 12-22-26-005-0002 CITY: BALHARBR 2P: »33154 GEOAR: LG: ONE BAL HARBOUR UNIT 1202 FL#: 12 TOTFL: 26 BLDG#: STYLE: C42 MC: «12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 5 PN: 0030: MAP: © «2622 St: FL mre CONDO : DV: CN: ONE BAL HABOUR INTLVLS: 0 | : MN: 8 FS: UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: i a: 14,918 TA: 2,453. YR: 2007/NEW CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 |HBATH: 1 #14 UNIT: — EASTUS1 DET: -N MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 CPT: PARK SPACE#: ; WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT OCNACCES WTRAC: BEACHACC | FACE: : UNTWW: OCEAN SECUR: ELEVATOR DOORMAN | BAL&P: CONST: CBS DINE: . | SF/FF: PARK: ASSIGNED VALET PARKING RESTRICT: i FLOOR: OTHER MIN LS #DAY: 180 #LSE YR: 2 : REM: ES: i Ms: i HS: 1 i i DIR: ' BRK-REM: LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: FL: PR: : MB: . 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: PB: BEDRM: 1B8R+GRND CF: 0 : MSBTH: PETS:Y/ RES ROOMS: INTER: — 1FLENTRY : EQUIP: DISHWASH MICRO RANGE-E REFRIG : WNoW: : EXTER: OPENBALC i : MAINT: AYCMNT ALLAMEN BLDEXTER COMNAREA | : AMENS: BILLIARDS : RESTR: OTHER APPRV: 3-4WKS 1-2WKS APPL-FEE i HOPA: N HEAT: — CENTRAL ELEC COOL: | ELEC CENTRAL, TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: ‘ MPR: N TOA: H TOTALFEES: $0 ™ . TAXES: $0 TAXYR: 2007 TAX: NOEXEMPT APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $0 LAND SE: $0 SPEC: POSS: FUNDING : LPID: 3061037 LS: Michelle Judd APH: 305-978-2011 2PID: 2A: 2AG: . FAX: | LT¥: ER ON: no ON#: 2PH: ; } URL: PHOTO: —SD3-8. BRD: M EMAILA: VI: COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: VAR: N JA: wo: | OCcCUP: CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA Lo: XD: PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: OK ADV: N Li: PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,429,000 La INET: N . : PD: CONTING: DM: FURN: cD: ECD: CB: SPID: SS: TR: SPID2: $S2: *{c)_ 2007 ~ Southeast Florida-Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* i AUB me Va [ Property History View ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker ' DOM M1193804 A $1,429,000 11/28/07 3061037 CLUBOL 12/10/07 *(€) 2007. - Southeast Florida MLS ~ INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:18 AM 14/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp 12/10/2007 : Page'l of 2 » | . WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: 01202100 BC: PRUDO4 OF: Prudential Florida WCI Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: PS i AD: 10295 COLLINS AVE UN: 1710 RP: LLP: jLP: $1,500,000 CT: DADE F#: 1222260051710 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 LG: ONE BAL HARBOUR FL#: 26 TOTFL: 0 Mc: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 5 PN; 1710 MAP: St: FL DV: ONE BAL HARBOUR CN: ONE BAL HARBOUR INTLVLS: 0 MN: Fg: U UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: LA: 1100 TA: 1,100. © YR: 2007/UC CONV: EFF: BED: 1 FBATH:. 1 | HBATH: 1 UNIT: — HIGHRISE DET: N MNLIV: ENTLEVEL DOCK SPACE#: 0 GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 cer: PARK SPACE#: : WTRER: Y/ OCNACCES WTRAC: BEACHACC | FACE: NE | UNTVW: OCNDRECT SECUR: ELEVATOR GUARDSTE LOBBY | BAL&P: Y : CONST: CBS NEWCONST DINE: DIN-LIV | SF/FF: 0 ' PARK: 1SPACE PARKING RESTRICT: ' / FLOOR: CARPET MARBLE WOOD MIN-LS #DAY: 0 ; #LSE YR: 0 : REM: THE REGENT BAL HARBOUR. 1/1.5 EXECUTIVE SUITE IS LOCATED ON THE OCEAN AND HAULOVER INLET, BREATHTAKING ES: : VIEWS. THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF LUXURY AND SERVICE, GUERLAIN SPA AND FITNESS CENTER OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN. MS: ' STURN KEY" W/ DECOR. AND FURNISHINGS, PLASMA TV, LAVISH. DESIGNER BATHROOM. OPULENT FIVE STAR QUALITY DECOR His: wore SEMI PRIVATE ELEVATORS. THE REGENT BAL HARBOUR IN THE HEART OF IT ALL. ALL CONTRACTS MUST BE ON Far 9 ° | : | DIR: | BRK-REM: | | LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: Fi ! PR: | MB: 2B: 3B: . 4B: DN: UR: i PB: BEDRM: ENTRYLVL . i cr. 0 MSBTH: BIDET! OUALSINKS _ SPTUB&SHW i PETS:Y/‘RES ROOMS: STUDIO \ INTER: ELEVATOR) = ROMANTUB — WALKCLOS \ EQUIP: NONE i WNDW: DRAPES EXTER: OPENBALC —_OPENPORCH ' MAINT: AYCMNT. ALLAMEN CABLE COMNAREA ELEV. HOTWATER LAWN-LAND OUTMAINT POOLSVC ! i AMENS: BAR CABANA EXERCISRM .HEATPOOL : RESTR: NONE APPRV: NONE i HOPA: N | HEAT: CENTRAL ELEC : COOL: CENTRAL ELEC : i TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: DAV/SOH: | $0 : MPR: N TOA: C | TOTALFEES: $0 IN “DMV/ASV: | $0 TAXES: $0 _ TAXYR: 2006 TAX: — NOEXEMPT TM: i APP FEE: $0 MAINT FEE: $0 : (LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 i SPEC: POSS: OTHER IDX:|. Y \ LPID: 0704355 LS: Linda Gustafson APH: 305-335-7144 OPH: 305-932-6122 x 1503 2PID: 2a: 2AG: FAX: | 305-932-6355 Ly: ER ON: ON#: , URL: PHOTO: SD3.8 BRD: D EMAILA: . Viz : : COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: 3% VAR: N JA: wo: | : OCCUP: “CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA : Lb: XD: J PREV STATUS: T STATUS CHNG: — 11/02/07 OK ADV: N Li: : PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,500,000 a: : INET: N ae PD: 11/01/07 . CONTING: E DM: = 134 FURN: cD: | SP: ECD: 12/31/07 CB: SPID: Ss: (St: TR: SPID2: SS2: S2: *{c) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* LOR POSAS.AM 12/10/2007 Print : Page'2 of 2 . [- Property History View i ML# Status Price . Date Agent Broker : Di202100 Ps $1,500,000 11/01/07 0704355 PRUDO4 ' p1202100 TT $1,500,000 09/26/07 0704355 PRUDOS : pi202100 A $ 1,500,000 06/20/07 0704355 PRUDO4 : i | | I | | | . i | ; | | : i | i i : oe | | , 1 + | i i 12/10/07 *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:19 AM http://sef. : 12/10/2007 Print > Page 3 of 4 WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1173478 BC: FINRIO OF: Fortune International Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: A AD: 10295 COLLINS AV UN: 1006H = RP: LLP: | UP: $1,370,000 CTr DADE Fits 12-22-26-005-1006 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEQAR: LG: ONE BAL HARBOUR FL#: 10 TOTFL: 26 BLOG#: : STYLE: C42 MC: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 5 PN: 1006 MAP: ST: FL TYRE: CONDO DV: ONE BAL HARBOUR CN: ONE BAL HARBOUR INTLVLS: 0 | MN: F$: U NEGOT UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: : La: 2,007 TA: 2,250 YR: 2007/UC CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 HBATH: 1 UNIT: — EASTUS DET: oN MNLIV: ENTLEVEL DOCK SPACE#: | GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 cpt: = 1 PARK SPACE#: i WTRFR: Y/ BAY INTRACST OCNACCES WTRAC: OTHER | FACE: NW ' UNTVW: INTRACST OCEAN WATER SECUR: ELEVATOR ENT-CARD LOBBY ; BALBP: Y CONST: CBS DINE: DIN-LIV—-FAM-DIN | SE/FF: 2550 : PARK: SPACE VALET PARKING RESTRICT: i ' FLOOR: CONCRETE MIN LS #DAY: 0 #LSE YR: 0 : REM: ONE BAL HARBOUR, THE NEWEST OCEANFRONT LUXURY CONDO IN PRESTIGIOUS BAL HARBOUR. LOCATED ON THE NE TIP OF BAL HARBOUR, NEXT TO THE INLET AND THE OCEAN. THIS NEW PRIME BUILDING OFFERS ACCESS TO THE FIVE STAR REGENT mgs; HOTEL, THE BEST AMENITIES INCLUDE 24 HR. VALET PARKING, MOST LUXURIOUS GUERLAIN SPA, WHITE GLOVE CONCIERGE, WORLD CLASS.RESTAURANTS, ALL WITHIN-WALKING DISTANCE OF THE FAMOUS BAL HARBOUR SHOPS AND HOUSES OF HS: WORSHIP. THIS OUT OF COUNTRY OWNER IS PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY..BRING ALL OFFERSI! \ DIR: COLLINS AVENUE AND 102 STREET BAL HARBOUR. BETWEEN MIAMI BEACH AND SUNNY ISLES BEACH: ; i : BRK-REM: AGGRESSIVELY PRICED FOR A QUICK SALE! t 1 LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: FL i PR: MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: i PB: BEDRM: ‘ENTRYLVL . ! CF: 0 MSBTH: BIDET DUALSINKS — SPTUB&SHW i PETS:Y/ RES ROOMS: UTIL-LAU i INTER: ELEVATOR FOYER SPLITBED — WALKCLOS | EQUIP: DISHWASH DRYER FIREALARM MICRO REFRIG WASHER I. | | WNDw: EXTER: OPENBALC PATIO TENNISCT MAINT: COMNAREA’ ELEV POOLSVC SECURITY i AMENS: BUSINESS. ELEVATOR PLAYAREA POOL SAUNA ! RESTR: OTHER APPRV: OTHER : HOPA: HEAT: = CENTRAL ELEC COOL: CENTRAL ELEC ; TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: i MPR: N TOA: N TOTAL FEES: : TAXES: $0 TAXYR: 2007 TAX: OTHEXEMPT : APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $0 LAND LSE: $0 SPEC: POSS: ‘NEGOT - : ! 1 A LPID: 0492073M US: Fabian Garcia-Diaz APH: 305-604-5552 OPH: 305-935-8050 x 0 H 2PID: 2A: 2AG: FAX: | 305-672-0600 ! LTY: EA ON: ON#: 2PH: | URL: PHOTO: - NOPHO BRD: M EMAILA: Vi: COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: 3% VAR: . N JA: wo: Occup: (CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA LD: XD: | PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: OK ADV: N Lt: PREVS: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,370,000 INET: Y/NEWEST LUXURY OCEANFRONT.CONDOMINIUM IN PRESTIGIOUS BAL H. THIS LARGE CONDO. WORLD-CLASS AMENITIES. i ; i IARBOUR. ENJOY VIEWS OF OCEAN!AND INTRACOASTAL FROM i PD: CONTING: DM: FURN: co: | sp: ECD: CB: SPID: SS: 1) Si: TR: SPID2: SS2: | $2: *(c)’ 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional - INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* ae ep onan ‘fe pep ee i 12/10/2007 ‘Property History View $ 1,370,000 09/07/07 *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:18 AM MPLAINT. | Print if i i Page 1 of 18 + i : WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/STOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1183863 BC: FINVOL OF: FINVARB REALTY, INC, AREA: 22 STATUS: A : AD: 9601 COLLINS AV UN: =1105 RP: LLP: | Le& $2,400,000 CT: DADE F#: 12-22-26-038-0650 CITY: BALHARBR 2ZP: 133154 GEOAR: : LG: RMAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT 1105 UNDIV 0.489% INT FL#: 11 TOTFL: 20 BLOG#: : STYLE: C42 , ot MC: =12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 38 = PN; 0650 MAP: 12622 ST: FL TPE: CONDO : Dv: CN: Majestic Towers INTLVLS: - 0 i ' MN: F$: UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: f : ta: »2,160 TA: 0 YR: »1998/ NEW CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 |HBATH: 1 #1, 1 UNIT: —HIGHRISE DET: N MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: : GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 CPT: PARK SPACE#: : WTREFR: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC FACE: i UNTVW: OCEAN OCNDRECT SECUR: DOORMAN BAL&P: : CONST: CBs DINE: i. SE/FF: 0 : PARK: 2+SPACES PARKING RESTRICT: | / FLOOR: MARBLE : MIN LS #DAY: 365 | #LSEYR: 1 ' REM: Ocean front views! What a view! The most sought after line at the Majestic. This beautifully appointed apartment has.fascinatingly ES: i and stunningly been professtonally decorated with the utmost taste and style. This is a must see apartment. The unit is being sold MS: i with Tenant. To view 24 hours or more notice provided. | HS: | H i i iH ; DIR: | BRK-REM: | : LR: DR: DA: kt: 5 FL: ; PR: MB: 2B: BB: 4B: DN: UR: PB: BEDRM: OTHER CF: 0 MSBTH: . PETS: Y/-20- ROOMS: INTER: © BUILT-INS . EQUIP: DRYER DISHWASH — MICRO RANGE-E SECURITY —_—REFRIG WALLOVEN ! wnpw: EXTER: OPENBALC : MAINT: ALLAMEN CABLE HOTWATER ; 1 AMENS: ELEVATOR EXERCISRM HEATPOOL POOL SAUNA “SPAHOTTB | | RESTR: — OKLEASE APPRV: = 3-4WKS HOPA: N i HEAT: CENTRAL COOL: — CENTRAL | TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: $754,145 : . MPR: N TOA: C ‘TOTALFEES: $0 iN TAXES: — =$15,104 TAXYR: 2006 TAX:.. NOHOMESTD i APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1000 LAND LSE: $0 : SPEC: . : POSS: FUNDING i : LPID: 0601798 LS: Moises Ravelo APH: (305) 546-1719 OPH: 305-546-1719 x 0 : 2PID: 2A: 2AG: FAX: LTY: ER ON: ON#: 2PH: |(305) 546-1719 URL: PHOTO: = LTAKE » BRD: M EMAILA: Vir i ".COBA: COTB: 2.5% CONR: VAR: N JA: wo: occuP: CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA LD: XD: PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: OK ADV: Y Lt: PREV$: $2,650,000 PRICE CHNG: — 11/12/07 ORIG$:$2,650,000 L2: INET: Y/Ocean front views as far as the eye can see! This is a gorg PD: CONTING: DM: FURN: cD: ECD: CB: SPID: SS: TR: - SPID2: SS2: *(c) 2007 ~ Southeast Florida Regional — 2 earch/PrintPreviewDlg.asp jeously interior designed unit at a very Prestigious building: INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* fo1o) nit | pepe aah i 12/10/2007 Print Page 2 of 18 DADE COUNTY PROPERTY | FOLIO —12- 22- 26- 038-0650 : PADDR 9601/ COLLINS/ AV/ 1105 : CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD, 33154-2213 ZONING 50/ GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? =TAXCRT? LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 OWNER NAME & ADDRESS ] CAST OADDR 38987 BISCAYNE/ BL i FIRST OCITY MIAMI FL ZIP CD 33137 OTHER COMPANY MAX & TOPAZ INC i LAND INFORMATION ; FRONTET DEPTHET LOT. BLOCK PBK-PG END SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG | $/LANDSF S/ADISF $902.780 $/TOTLSF AV RATIO 2.59 BUILDING INFORMATION i | ADISOFT 3,160 TOTSQET NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 11998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 HALF BATHS NUM FLRS| . i Cc LEGAL DESCRIPTION ! 1 MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL 7 UNDIV 0.489% : 2 HARBOUR CONDO 5 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS 3. UNIT 1105 6 OFF REC 17876-2519 | TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ~ i ASSESSMENTS (2006) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS — AUTHORITY /TAX AMOUNT(2006) Land Water ON Homestd Y Widow N COUNTY TAX * | $ 12,989 Imprv $1,169,040 Road oN Veteran N Disabld N CITY TAX $ 2,116 Total $754,145 Sewer. oN Exempt N ‘Senior N : MISC TAX i Prev $ 732,180 Light © N School N. Exmpt, $25,000 GROSS TAX : $ 15,105 MillRt 20.72 Markt Val $1,169,040 NonEx $729,145 PREV TAX $ 15,053 i TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION i 7 PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE #L 12/18/06 $ 14651580 FULL RE PAYMENT $ 14,651.58 $0.00 #2 i { a TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT | #5 | #6 . { : SALES INFORMATION i DEED CORDED PRICE D-IYPE ORBK-BG SRC_S-TYPE & DESCRIPTION CURR 05/10/06 05/25/06 $.1,950,000 24566-1246 D : PREV 12/07/00 12/07/00 $ 800,000 WR 19418-631 D EARL : MLS HISTORY i MLS 05723706 $1,950,000 MLS# “Mi023111 BROKER RMXXOL MORTGAGE INFORMATION i MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION 05/10/06 $1,365,000 BARUCH & SHOSHANA HALPERN PM / PURCHASE MONEY _ EXTRA FEATURES A CPORT DOCK PATIO | POOL FENCE OTHER **Information not warranted. Information herein is from Dade County** i Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. i 120/07 14/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp COMPLAINT 4c Page 12/10/2007 aut - | Page 3 of 18 [ Property History View ‘ ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker | DOM Mi183863 A $ 2,400,000 11/12/07 0601798 FINVOL M1183863 A $ 2,650,000 10/17/07 0601798 FINVOL M1023111 cs $1,950,000 05/23/06 0638005 RMXXOL : 147 “M1023111 PS $ 2,250,000 03/29/06 0638005 RMXXOL 147 M1023111 A $2,250,000 11/16/05 0638005 RMXX01 ; M1023t11 A $2,100,000 11/02/05 0638005 RMXXOL i M993810 x $ 2,100,000 10/31/05 0638005 RMXXOL i M993810 A $2,100,000 04/13/05 0638005 RMXX01 i 1 12/10/07 *(c) 2007 ~ Southeast Florida MIs — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:21 AM. i | Print Page 4 of 18 WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLAJTOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M10i1085 8C: URECO1 OF: Union Real Estate Corp. AREA: 22 STATUS: A AD: 9601 COLLINS AV UN: 904 RP: LEP: LP§ $2,390,000 CT: DADE Fit: 12-22-26-038-0500 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEOAR: LG: MAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT. 904 UNDIV 0.489% INT FL#: 9 TOTFL: 22 BLDG#: STYLE: C41 MC: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 38 PN: 0500 MAP: 2622 St: FL TYPE: CONDO DV: MAJESTIC TOWER CN: MAJESTIC TOWER INTLVLS: 0 ~ | MN: FS: U UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: i 1 La: 2,160 TA: 0 YR: 1998/RS CONV: ~N EFF:N BED: FBATH: 2 \HBATH: 1 #1: 3 UNIT: EASTUS1 HIGHRISE LOBBY DET: N MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 0 cet: 0 PARK SPACE#: WTRER: Y/ OCNACCES OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC FACE: NE UNTYW: INTRACST OCEAN OCNDRECT SECUR: ELEVATOR ENT-PHON PRVGUARD = BAL&P: Y CONST: BLOCK DINE: DIN-LIV | SF/FF: 0 PARK: © 1SPACE PARKING RESTRICT: NORVBOAT NOTRKTRL | FLOOR: MARBLE CARPET MIN LS #DAY: 365 | #LSEYR: 1 REM: LIVE IN THE EXCLUSIVE BUILDING IN BAL HARBOUR , ELECTRIC SHUTTERS CROWN MOLDING , MARBLE FLOOR AND BERBER CARPET IN THE ROOMS, VERY SECURITY AND PREIVATE BUILDING ,PRIVATE ELEVATOR, BEST LINE IN THE BUILDING | MARBLE ws; FLOOR ,SPLIT PLAN, POOL. TENNIS COURT, GYM ,RESTAURANT, DIRECT ACCESS TO THE BEACH , VALET PARKING ES: HS: DIR: BRK-REM: UR: DR: DAY kt: FR: FL: PR: MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: : PB: BEDRM: ENTRYLVL | i CF: 0 MSBTH: BIDET DUALSINKS SHWRONLY WHRLPLSPA . i PETS:Y/ 20- ROOMS: i INTER: 1FLENTRY ELEVATOR = PANTRY SPLITBED i EQUIP: DISHWASH DISPOSAL DRYER RANGE-E REFRIG WASHER | ; | WNow: EXTER: OPENBALC SHUTTERS —-TENNISCT MAINT: ALLAMEN BLDEXTER CABLE ELEV INSURANCE LAWN-LAND POOLSVC RECFACIL SEWER WATER ! AMENS: BILLIARDS BASKETBL ELEVATOR EXERCISRM HEATPOOL PLAYAREA POOL SAUNA TENNIS RESTR: NOTRCK-RV APPRV: — 1-2WKS ‘ HOPA: U HEAT: — CENTRAL ELEC COOL: CENTRAL ELEC | . j TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: DAV/SOH: | $701,220 MPR: -N TOA: N. TOTALFEES: $0 OMV/ASY: | TAXES: $15,181 TAXYR: 2003 TAX: .NOEXEMPT ™: | APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE:. $1000 LAND LSE: $0 I SPEC: AS-IS FOREIGNSEL POSS: FUNDING LPID: 0601741 LS: Gabriel Vasquez, APH: 305-962-0756 OPH: 305-279-4470 x 0 2PID: 3012029 2A: Mercedes Vazquez 2AG: 305-962-1702 FAX: j 305-279-4437 LTY: ER ON: IEZ71 ON#: 2PH: | 305-279-4470 EX URL: PHOTO: SD3-8 : BRD: M EMAILA: , - VT: COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: - 3% VAR: ON JA: Occup; OWNER SHOW: APPT-ONLY. CALL-LA Lo: PREV STATUS: T . STATUS CHNG: 09/09/05 OK ADV: Y PREV$: $2,400,000 PRICE CHNG: 10/17/05 ORIG$:$2,400,000 : INET: Y/SAME ABOVE | j PD: CONTING: DM: FURN: CD: | SP: CD: CB: SPID: SS: | Si: TR: SPID2: SS2: PS2: *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* http://sef. i 12/10/2007 Print Page 5 of 18 . “ i : i DADE COUNTY PROPERTY FOLIO —12-22- 26- 038-0500 PADDR .9601/ COLLINS / AV / 904 i CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP-CD i ZONING 50/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND : ST-USE -4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? = =9TAXCRT? LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 : OWNER NAME & ADDRESS J CAST IEZZI OADDR 7 LAS BERAS 1055 ; : FIRST EDUARDO JOSE OCITY ACASSUSOPCIABS OC OZIPCD | : OTHER LAS HERAS 1055 COMPANY : LAND INFORMATION a FRONT FT DEPTH FT LOT BLOCK PBK-PG LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG ! S/LANDSF S/ADJSF $ 300.930 $/TOTLSF AV RATIO 6.60 BUILDING INFORMATION i ADISQFT 2,160 TOTSOFT NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 HALF BATHS NUM FLRS [ ; LEGAL DESCRIPTION i a 1 MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL 2 HARBOUR CONDO 7 UNDIV0.439% I 5 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS 3 UNIT 904 6 OFF REC 17876-2519 | ; TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION i ASSESSMENTS (2006) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY /TAX AMOUNT(2006) Land Water =N Homestd N. Widow N COUNTYTAX | $ 19,487 Imprv $1,093,900 Road N Veteran N Disabld N CITY TAX | $3,175 Total $ 1,093,900 Sewer N Exempt N Senior N MISC TAX - Prev $841,460 Light oN School N Exmpt GROSS TAX | $ 22,661 MilRt 20.72 Markt Val $1,093,900 NonEx $1,093,900 PREV TAX i $17,911 : | TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION _ | ‘PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCED #1 1130/06 $ 21754570 FULL RE PAYMENT § 21,754.57 | $0.00 #2 | a TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT | #5 i #6 { SALES INFORMATION i DEED” RECORDED PRICE “D:TYPE . ORBK-BG SRC. S-TYPE & DESCRIPTION CURR 03/01/98 $ 650,000 ‘ 18040-4634 - C. | 1/GOOD SALE PREV 03/01/98 03/01/98 $ 509,000 18040-4632 C 1/GOOD SALE EARL / [ MLS HISTORY I MIS MLS# BROKER | MORTGAGE INFORMATION i MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION [ EXTRA FEATURES ] AK CPORT DOCK : PATIO POOL FENCE : OTHER : 12/10/07 **Information not warranted. [Information herein is from Dade County** i ; Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. i 4/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp 12/10/2007 Page 6 ot 18 [ , Property History View ; ] ML# Status . Price Date Agent - Broker » DOM | M1011085 A $ 2,390,000 10/17/05 0601741 URECO1 : : , M1011085 A $ 2,400,000 09/09/05 0601741 URECO1 : 1011085 T $ 2,400,000 08/12/05 0601741 URECO1 L | M1011085 A $2,400,000 08/10/05 0601741 URECO1 M916851 x $1,190,000 01/30/04 0601741 URECOL 0 i M916851 T $1,190,000 08/27/03 0601741 URECO1 it) M916851 A $1,190,000 . 06/12/03 0601741 URECO1 0 M866134 Xx $ 1,049,999 11/30/02 0601741 . URECOL 0 M866134 T $ 1,049,999 08/02/02 0601741 URECO1 : 0 i . M866134 A $ 1,049,999 06/27/02 0601741 URECO1 0 ' M866134 A $ 1,098,999 06/18/02 0601741 URECO1 i 0 M866134 A $ 1,099,000 06/01/02 0601741 URECOL i 0 M866134 A $ 1,149,000 94/13/02 * 0601741 URECOL : Q M844571 x $6,900 01/10/02 0601741 URECO1 i 0 M844571 A $6,900 11/05/01 ; 0601741 URECO1 0. M844571 A $7,500 10/09/01 0601741 URECOL 0 12/10/07 *(c) 2007 ~ Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:21 AM Sts 9/10/2007 Print : Page 7 of 18 WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: D1195925 BC: PRUDO4 OF: Prudential Florida WG Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: A AD: 10295 COLLINS AVE UN: 2304 RP: LLP: /LP $2,350,000 CT: DADE F#: 1222260052304 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEQAR: LG: ONE BAL HARBOUR FL#: 26. TOTFL: 0 BLDG#: STYLE: C42 MC: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26. SD: 5 PN: 2304 | MAP: St: FL TYPE: CONDO DV: ONE.BAL HARBOUR CN: ONE BAL HARBOUR INTLVLS:, 0 MN: 04E-1 Fg: UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: LA: 2,240 TA: 2,240 = YR: 2007/UC CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 HBATH: 1 #1: 4 UNIT: CORNER EASTUS1 HIGHRISE DET: oN MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1. ATT CPT: PARK SPACE#: WTRFR: Y/ CANAL INTCANAL OCNACCES WTRAC: BEACHACC | FACE: UNTVW: INTRACST OCEAN : SECUR: DOORMAN ELEVATOR GARAGE BAL&P: CONST: CBS . DINE: — DIN-LIV | SE/FF: PARK: 1SPACE PARKING RESTRICT: : FLOOR: CONCRETE MIN LS. #DAY: 0 | #LSE YR: 0 REM: ONE BAL HARBOUR,THE MOST LUXURY TOWER,FEATURING EXCLUSIVE LUXURY WATERFRONT RESIDENCE LOCATED ON THE ES: CREST OF MIAMI'S VILLAGE OF BAL HARBOUR. BREATHTAKING OCEAN, INLET AND INTRACOASTAL VIEW. THIS RESIDENCE IS MS: LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER WITHA WRAPAROUND TERRACE. FULL PANORAMIC. VIEWS, FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN HS: WITH POGGENPOHL CABINETRY, STATE OF THE ART APPLIANCES, SUB ZERO, WOLFE JUST TC NAME A FEW. FULLY APPOINTED * BATHROOMS WITH THE FINEST EUROPEAN MARBLE. ALL CONTRA CTS MUST BE ON FAR 9 FORMS. 7 oo t DIR: BRK-REM: i : oa tR: . DR: - DA: KT: FR: FL: : PR: - MB: 28: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: { PB: BEDRM: NONE : | OF 0. MSBTH: , : PETS:Y/ 20+ ROOMS: NONE ITER: = ELEVATOR = ROMANTUB EQUIP: DISHWASH FIREALARM —ICEMAKER RANGE-E MICRO. REFRIG SELFCLEAN —WALLOVEN WASHER " WNowW: EXTER: NONE : MAINT: A/CMNT ALLAMEN SECURITY CABLE COMNAREA.ELEV INSURANCE LAWN-LAND MANAGER ourTMainT |PoOLsvC AMENS: BILLIARDS CABANA EXERCISRM FISHPIER PLAYAREA POOL SAUNA | SPAHOTTB RESTR: NONE APPRV:: - OTHER i \ HOPA: N HEAT: CENTRAL COOL: — CENTRAL : TRMSCONS:NONE : ASSUME: DAV/SO MPR: N TOA: C .TOTALFEES: $0 IN DMV/ASV: TAXES: $0 TAXYR: 2006 TAX: -NEWCONST APP FEE: $0 MAINT FEE: $0 LAND LSE: $0 SPEC: POSS: OTHER LPID: 0704355 LS: “Linda Gustafson APH: | 305-335-7144 OPH: 305-932-6122 x 1503 2PID: - 2A: 2AG: FAX: 305-932-6355 UTY: | &R ON: - ON#: 2PH: | : URL: PHOTO: — NOPHO » BRD: 0 EMAILA: | . VI: COBA: 3% COTB: © 3% CONR: 3% VAR: N JA: ON WD: OCCUP: VACANT SHOW: CALL-LA LD: XD: PREV STATUS: X STATUS CHNG: 11/20/07 OK ADV: N ta PREV$: $2,100,000 PRICE CHNG: | 11/20/07 ORIG$:$2, 100,000 12: INET: Y/LUXURIOUS TOWER IN EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT BUILDING BREATHTAKING OCEAN VIEWS FROM WRAP AROUND-BALCONY: PD: CONTING: DM: FURN: cD: ‘SP: ECD: CB: SPID: “SS: ist: TR: SPID2: $S2: iS2: *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 12/10/07 . 09:21AM 12/10/2007 Print oy Page § of 18 [ Property History View | ML# Status. Price Date Agent Broker » DOM | D1195925 A $2,350,000 11/20/07 0704355 PRUDO4 : D1195925 A $2,100,000 11/20/07 0704355 PRUDO4 01195925 xX. $2,100,000 11/18/07 0704355, PRUDO4 D1195925 A $2,100,000 | 05/23/07 0704355 PRUDO4 | if | i i | ! | i H t : i : ; t i i i 1 ' fs | | i | | : | i i ! ; i i t | | 12/10/07 *(c) 2007 ~ Southeast Florida MLS ~ INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:21 AM i earch/PrintPreviewDlg.asp Page 9 of 18 i . . i ad r : WiLLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1173080 BC: RMXX01 OF: Re/Max Best Seller Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: A : AD: 9601 COLLINS AV UN: 1104 RP: LLP: -LP: $2,100,000 CT: DADE Fit: 12-22-26-038-0520 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEOAR: ' UG: MAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT 1104 UNDIV 0.489% INT FL#: 11 TOTFL: 22 BLDG#: 9601 i STYLE: C42 | MC: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 38 = PN: 0520 MAP: 2622 ST: FL TYPE: CONDO . DV: Majestic Tower CN: Majestic Tower INTLVLS: 0 : | MN: 04 F$: UNEGOT UNIT.BLG: 156 UNIT COMPLX: 156 : La: 0 TA: 0 YR: 1998/RS CONV: EFF: BED: 2°. FBATH: 2. /HBATH: 0 #0 UNIT: — HIGHRISE DET: N MNLIV: ENTLEVEL DOCK SPACE#: i - GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 CPT: PARK SPACE#: i WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: UNRESTRC FACE: i UNTVW: OCEAN SECUR: DOORMAN LOBBY TVCAMERA BALRP: Y : CONST: CES DINE: SE/FF: 0 i PARK: ASSIGNED GUEST COVERED PARKING RESTRICT: i FLOOR: MARBLE “ MIN LS #DAY: 0 | #LSEYR: 1 i REM: Pure ocean!! One of themost coveted lines. Enjoy the lifestyle of Bal Harbour's most luxurious building. Electric shutters, private ES: BAYHAR: elevator, tennis court, ocean front gym, restaurant. Can be joined with nect door apartment giving you more than 4,300 Sq. FLof sy j living area. Easy to show. . . ‘ HS: i i i DIR: COLLINS AVE AND 96TH ON THE OCEAN SIDE; RIGHT ACROSS THE BAL HARBOUR SHOPS : ; : | BRK-REM: : | LR: DR: DA: : FR: - FL: i PR: | MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: PB: : BEDRM: —ENTRYLVL : | cr: 0 | MSBTH: i PETS:Y/20- | . ROOMS: : : i INTER: FIRESPRK FOYER LAUNDTUB PANTRY SPUTBED .-ROMANTUB WALKCLOS __ : EQUIP: DISHWASH DRYER ICEMAKER MICRO. RANGE-E REFRIG SMOKEDET — SELFCLEAI WASHER i WALLOVEN : | WNDW: BLINDS EXTER: SHUTELEC - | i MAINT: ALLAMEN BLDEXTER CABLE COMNAREA ELEV INSURANCE LAWN-LAND POOLSVE SECURITY TRASHREM WATER | AMENS: BILLIARDS BASKETBL. COMMUNRM EXERCISRM HEATPOOL -HOBBYRM PLAYAREA POOL : ; i RESTR: OKLEASE APPRY: ASSOC .1-2WKS APPL-FEE HOPADN | HEAT: CENTRAL COOL: CENTRAL i TRMSCONS:CONV. : ASSUME: DAV/SOH: MPR:.N TOA: C " TOTALFEES: . $1,000 ™ DMV/ASV: -$0 ; TAXES: $15,486 TAXYR: 2003 TAX: NOHOMESTD | APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1000 LAND ESE: $0 | SPEC: POSS: FUNDING LPID: 0638005 LS: Patricia Mendoza APH: 305-546-7670 | 2PID: 624776 2A: Edith Wigoda 2AG: 305-804-8390 | LI¥: ER ON: ON#: 2PH: | 305-546-7670 : URL: PHOTO: — NOPHO BRD: M i EMAILA: VT: \ COBA! 3% COTB: 3% CONR: VAR: N JAP wo: ! OccUP: VACANT SHOW: CALL-LA : LD: XD: | PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: OK ADV: Y eg i PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$2, 100,000 L2: INET: Y/Pure ocean!! One of themast coveted lines. Enjoy the lifestyle of Bal Harbour's most luxurious building. PD: CONTING: DM: FURN: co: ECD: CB: SPID: SS: SL TR: SPID2: SS2: *(c) 2007 ~ Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION 1S-BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT. WARRANTED* hitp:// pag atcis Page 1 DADE COUNTY PROPERTY | FOLIO —12-22- 26- 038- 0520 PADDR 9601/ COLLINS/ AV/ 1104 CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154-2213 ZONING _50/ GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? TAX CRT? | LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 OWNER NAME & ADDRESS \ CAST OADDR 9601 COLLINS /AV7 1104 FIRST OCITY BAL HARBOUR FL OZIP CD 33154-2213 OTHER COMPANY LOS POTILLOS CORP ia LAND INFORMATION FRONTET DEPTH ET LOT BLOCK PBK-PG LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG S$/LANDSF $/ADISF $216.250 S/TOTLSF AVRATIO 0.42 [ BUILDING INFORMATION : ADISQFT 2,160 TOTSOFT NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1998 _ BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 | HALF BATHS NUM FLRS! LEGAL DESCRIPTION i _] 1 MAJESTIC TOWERATBAL. 4 UNDIV 0.489% | 2 HARBOUR CONDO 5 INTINCOMMON ELEMENTS 3 UNIT 1104 6 OFF REC17876-2519 | : TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION i i ASSESSMENTS (2006) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY [TAX AMOUNT(2006) Land Water N Homestd N Widow: N COUNTY TAX i $ 19,878 Imprv $1,115,890 Road N Veteran. N Disabld N CITY TAX $3,238 Total $1,115,890 Sewer N Exempt N_ Senior. N MISC TAX | : Prey $858,380 Light N School N Exmpt GROSS TAX $23,117 MillRt 20.72 Markt Val $1,115,890 NonEx $1,115,890 PREV TAX $18,271 { TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION i | PAY DATE AMOUNT "PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE #1 11/28/06 $22191.900 FULL REPAYMENT $ 22,191.90 1 $0.00. #2 ' 8 ; ; ; i #4 TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT #5 #6 SALES INFORMATION i ” DEED RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE OR BK-BG SRC S-TYPE& DESCRIPTION CURR. 06/01/98 $ 467,100 + 18148-4954 C " 6/BELOW MRKT SA PREV : EARL [— MLS HISTORY | MLS MLS# BROKER { MORTGAGE INFORMATION ‘ MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION [ EXTRA FEATURES AC CPORT DOCK PATIO POOL FENCE OTHER **Information not warranted, Information herein is from Dade County** | - Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. 120/07 Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp Pe mive COMP 6 of 18 i | a GR a Fat! . a arit007 Page 11 of 18 . Property History View : | ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker DOM M1173080 A $ 2,100,000 11/05/07 0638005 / RMXXOL M1173080 A $2,100,000 09/06/07 0638005 RMXXO1 M1008562 x $2,100,000: 07/25/07. 0638005 RMXXO1 ™1008562 A $2,100,000 01/03/06 0638005. RMXXO1 M1008562 A $1,950,000 07/25/05 0638005 RMXXO1 : i é t i ! i 12/10/07 *(C)_ 2007 ~ Southeast Fiorida’ MLS -- INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:21 AM Sp AF earch/PrintPreviewDlg.asp Evkict nr 19/10/2007 Print Page 12 of 18 i “WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE _ Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1189996 - BC: .MEYR OF: M. KOTLER REALTY, INC. AREA: 22 STATUS: A I AD: 9601 COLLINS AV UN: +1608 RP: up: | LP: $2,000,050 : CT: DADE F#: 12-22-26-038-1080 . CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 133154 GEOAR: i UG! RMAJESTIC TOWERAT BAL HARBOUR CONDO UNIT 1608 UNDIV 0.509% INT FL#: 16 - TOTFL: 20 BLOG#: : ; STYLE: Caz i MC: 212 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 38 PN: 1080 MAP: 2622 ST: FL TYPE: CONDO Dv: CN: MAJESTIC TOWER CONDO INTLVLS: 0 | MN: FS: UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: i LA: 32,250 TA: 0 YR: 21998/ NEW CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 F HBATH: 0 i 6 UNIT: EASTUS1 HIGHRISE LOBBY . DET: N MNLIV: ENTLEVEL DOCK SPACE#: i GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 CPT: PARK SPACE#: j WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC | FACE: ! UNTVW:-GARDEN OCEAN OCNDRECT SECUR: COMPFENC DOORMAN ELEVATOR : BAL&P: Y CONST: CBS : DINE: . : SF/FF: 0 : PARK: 1SPACE ASSIGNED COVERED PARKING RESTRICT: : FLOOR: WOOD : MIN LS #DAY: 00 | #LSEYR: 0 REM: MAGNIFICENT LUXURY 2BDR 2.5 BTH APT. IS LOCATED IN THE MAJESTIC TOWER OF BAL HARBOUR ON THE OCEAN. | ES: UNOBSTRUCTED PANORAMIC VIEWS OF THE OCEN AND CITY ARE VIEW RIVATE ELEVATOR , SPA, RESTAURANT, HEATED POOL, Hs: | TENNIS COURT, VALET PARKING AND 24 SECURITY, | i pir: i | BRK-REM: i : | LR: DR: DA: FR: “FL: : “PR: Ma: | 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: : PB: ' BEDRM: OTHER ! CF: 0 MSBTH: : i PETS:N ROOMS: : | INTER: BUILT-INS ELEVATOR. FOYER FRENCHDR | LAUNDTUB SPLITBED — WALKCLOS : . EQUIP: DISHWASH DISPOSAL DRYER MICRO RANGE-E —REFRIG SELFCLEAN WASHER! WNDW: EXTER: OPENBALC SHUTTERS —‘TV-ANTEN i MAINT: ALLAMEN CABLE SEWER TRASHREM WATER COMNAREA -ELEV INSURANCE PARKING PESTCNTL POOUSVC ROOF SECURITY AMENS: COMMUNRM ELEVATOR. TRASHCHUT ~ 1 1 EXERCISRM EXTSTORAG HEATPOOL KITCHFAC UGHTING OTHER! SAUNA SPAHOTTB . . I RESTR: OTHER APPRY: = 3-4WKS r : HOPA: U | HEAT! CENTRAL ELEC HEATSTRP COOL: — CENTRAL ELEC . : ! TRMSCONS:CONV : : ASSUME: DAV/SOH: /=$995,380 | MPR: N- +. TOA: C -TOTALFEES: $0 Nn DMV/ASV: | TAXES: $20,620 TAXYR: 2006 TAX: NOHOMESTD : i APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1254 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 i SPEC: POSS: FUNDING LPID: 0450466 LS: Norman Goldberg APH: 305-865-8727 OPH: 305-866-2423 x 0 : 2PID: : 2k: ; 2AG: - FAX: | |305-866-2410 ! LTY: ER ON: ON#: 305-343-8005 | URL: PHOTO: NOPHO ~ | BRD: M ; EMAILA: : vr: . ! COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: VAR: N JA: wo: _ i Occup: CLAGT ~ = SHOW: CALL-LA LD: XD: | PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: . OK ADV: N La: PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$2,000,050 L2: INET: YY . : : Po: : CONTING: DM: FURN: cD: 'SP: ECD: CB: SPID: Ss: ‘Si: TR: : SPID2: ss2: iS2: *(c). 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional : 12/10/07 — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS.NOT WARRANTED* hitp:// 14/Search/PrintPreviewDlg asp ee FTUIL 12- 22- 26- 038- 1080 DADE COUNTY PROPERTY Page 13 of 18 FOLIO PADDR 9601/ COLLINS/ AV/ 1608 CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154 ZONING 50/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? = TAXCRT?_~— LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 OWNER NAME & ADDRESS ] CAST DRAY OADDR 9997 BRICKELL/AV/ 400 FIRST CLAUDE OCITY MIAMI FL OZIP CD 33131 OTHER COMPANY LAND INFORMATION FRONTET DEPTH FT LOT BLOCK PBK-PG LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT - OR BK-PG S$/LANDSE S/ADISE $ 577.780 $/TOTLSF AVRATIO. 13% ; BUILDING INFORMATION ; : ADISQFT 2,230 TOTSQET NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 HALF BATHS NUM FLRS [ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ‘ ] 1 MAJESTIC TOWER , 4 .UNDIV 0.509% : 2 AT BAL HARBOUR CONDO 5 _INTIN COMMON ELEMENTS 3 UNIT 1608 6 “OFF REC 17876-2519 TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION i ASSESSMENTS (2000) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY 7TAX AMOUNT(Z006) Land Water N Homestd N > Widow N COUNTY TAX $17,732 Imprv $995,380 Road oN Veteran N Disabld N CITY TAX $2,889 Total $995,380 Sewer N Exempt N Senior N MISC TAX - Prev $765,680 Light N School N Exmpt GROSS TAX $ 20,620 MiliRt 20.72 Markt Val $995,380 NonEx $995,380 PREV TAX $ 16,298 TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION i _ | PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAI BALANCE DUE #1 01/02/07 $ 6.000 § 21,242.20 ' $0.00 #2. 04/18/07 $24,242.20 FULL RE PAYMENT : a TOTAL TAXDELINQUENT #5 #6 I SALES INFORMATION I DEED. RECORDED PRICE ~ D:TYPE ORBK-BG SRC S-TYPE & DESCRIPTION CURR 11/29/06 . 12/14/06 $ 1,300,000 25191-1583 D- PREV 05/01/06 05/01/06 24483-464 D EARL 07/21/05 08/09/05 $ 900,000 23655-969 D i= MLS HISTORY i MLS 013007 31,700,000 “MLS#M1066333 BROKER RMXXOL = MORTGAGE INFORMATION : MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION 11/29/06 $910,000 BAC FL BK ; CO/ CONVENTIONAL [ EXTRA FEATURES i" AI ~ CPORT DOCK PATIO POOL FENCE OTHER 420/07 * **Information not warranted. Information from Dade County** . Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. hittp://; Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp ADMIN ! 1 { 1 i | | } i 1 i i \TIVE COMPLAINT, Print Page 4 of 18 [ Property History View : | ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker DOM Mi189996 A $2,000,050 11/09/07 0450466 MEYR | D1199668 =X $2,050,000 09/09/07. 0708188 VIEW21 “piissess A $2,050,000 06/09/07 0708188 VIEW21 D1177691 x $ 2,100,000 . 06/03/07 0708188 VIEW21 D1177691 A $2,100,000. 04/20/07 0708188 VIEW21 D1177691 «A $ 2,300,000 03/05/07 0708188 VIEW21 : M1066333. CS $ 1,700,000 01/30/07 0638005: RMXXO1 : 208 M1066333. PS $ 1,990,000 01/08/07 0638005 RMXXO2 : 208 : M1066333 A $ 1,900,000 06/14/06 0638005 RMXXO1 : M979549 x $1,720,000 03/30/05 0638005 RMXXO1 979549 T $1,720,000 93/03/05 0638005 RMXXO1 | M979549 A $1,720,000 12/27/04 0638005 RMXXO1 : of M832729 cs $699,000 04/09/02 0565174 “ HARDOL : 0 pores M832729 PS $699,000 03/18/02 0565174. HARDOL ° M832729 A $699,000 06/26/01 0565174 HARDOL : 0 M786221 c $700,000 04/30/01 0475285F 1379 » 0 M786221 A $700,000 04/03/00 0475285 RMHTO1 ty) M762538 x $700,000 92/16/00 0616930, ESTLOL 0 M762538 A $700,000: 08/17/99 0386690 ESTLOL i 0 | : to t i 7 | ! i | ; | i i | i i i. 12/10/07 *{c) 2007 — Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:21 AM ADMINIS,2.02. 14/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp iui Page 15 of 18 WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1056975 BC: GSDCO1 OF: G & S REALTY ADVISORS CORP. AREA; 22 STATUS: A AD: 10295 Collins Av, UN: H25 RP: LEP: LPH $1,925,000 CT: DADE Fit: CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEOAR: : LG: ONE BAL HARBOUR CONDO FL#: 25 TOTFL: 26 BLDG#: i , STYLE: C42 ; MC: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: PN: 0 MAP: st! FL TYPE: CONDO j DV: One Bal Harbour CN: One Bal Harbour INTLVLS: 0 MN: F$: UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: i LA: 2,007 TA: 0 YR: 2007/UC CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 HBATH: 1 #1; UNIT: - HIGHRISE DET: N MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: / GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 CPT: PARK SPACE#: : WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: OTHER FACE: UNTVW: BAY INTRACST OCNDRECT SECUR: ELEVATOR FIREALRM OTHER | BAL&P: \ CONST: NEWCONST DINE: SF/FF: 0 PARK: 1SPACE VALET PARKING RESTRICT: FLOOR: CONCRETE MIN LS #DAY: 0 #LSE YR: 0 REM: REDUCED!!! ONE BAL HARBOUR, THE MOST LUXURIOUS RESIDENTIAL TOWER ON THE EAST COAST LOCATED AT THE PINICLE ES: LAR DIRECT OCEAN VIEWS IMAGINABLE! TOP OF THE LINE EVERYTHING; MS: MARBLE BATHS, TOP QUALITY DESIGNER KITCHEN; POGGENPOHL CABINETS, SUB-ZERO AND WOLF APPLIANCES, LOTS OF HS: UPGRADES. TOO MUCH TO LIST. DIRECT BEACH ACCESS, 5 STAR REGENT HOTEL AMENITIES AND MORE. REDUCED ne DIR: BRK-REM: LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: FL: PR: MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: PB: BEDRM: ENTRYLVL CF: 0 MSBTH: PETS:Y/. RES ROOMS: INTER: IRESPRK FOYER ROMANTUB — WALKCLOS EQUIP:. DISHWASH DISPOSAL FIREALARM. - HOOKUP OTHER REFRIG SELFCLEAN WALLOVEN SMOKEDET WNDW: : EXTER: OPENBALC OTHER MAINT: . COMNAREA ELEV LAWN-LAND MANAGER AMENS: BAR. BILLIARDS BUSINESS ELEVATOR. EXERCISRM OTHER POOL RESTR: — OTHER APPRV: —1-2WKS HOPA: U HEAT: CENTRAL COOL: CENTRAL TRMSCONS:OTHER ASSUME: DAV/SOH: | MPR: N TOA: N TOTAL FEES: DMV/ASV: ' TAXES: . $0 TAXYR: 2006 TAX: _ NEWCONST TM: | i APP FEE: $0 MAINT FEE: $0 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: | $0 : SPEC: POSS: OTHER IDX: Y LPID: 0526051 LS: -William Hannon APH: 305-866-9893 OPH: 305-371-2129 x 0 2PID: 2A: 2AG: FAX: LTY: ER ON: ON#: 2PH: URL: : PHOTO: — NOPHO BRD: M EMAILA: Va: COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: 3% VAR: N Ja: wo: Occup: CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA LD: XD: = i PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: | OK ADV: Y ; La: : PREV$: $2,190,000 PRICE CHNG: 09/18/07 ORIG$:$2, 190,000 12; INET: Y/ONE BAL HARBOUR, THE MOST LUXURIOUS TO WER ON THE EAST COAST. LOCATED AT THE PINNICLE OF BAL HARBOUR WITH THE MOST SPECTACULAR VIEW.IMAGINABLE! CONTING: DM: FURN: cD: SP: cB: SPID: SS: Si: SPID2: $S2: . “$2: . i . i . 1 *(¢) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS: NOT WARRANTED* 12/10/07 09:21AM - 14/Search/PrintPreviewDle. asp 12/10/2007 rage Lo Ot 1S WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1179623 BC: PIRTOL OF: Prodigy Int'l. Realty Aventura AREA: 22 STATUS: A AD: 9601-COLLINS AV UN: 504 RP: LLP: : LP: $1,900,000 CT: DADE Fit 12-22-26-038-0460 CITY: BALHARBR ‘ ZP: 133154 GEOAR: LG: =MAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT 504 UNDIV 0.489% INT FL#: 0 TOTFE: 9 BLDG#: STYLE: C42 TYPE: CON MC: =12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 38 PN: 0460 MAP: 2622 ST: FL D0 DV: MAGESTIC TOWER CN: MAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHRBR INTLVLS: 0 MN: F F$: UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: La: 2,160 TA: 0 YR: =1998/ RS CONV: EFF: BED: 2 BATH: 2 | HBATH: 1 #%: 0 UNIT: OTHER DET: oN MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 0 cpt: 0 PARK SPACE#: WTRFR: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC FACE: N UNTVW: OCEAN TENNIS SECUR: OTHER BAL&P: Y CONST: Ces DINE: EATINKIT — DIN-LIV SF/FF: 0 PARK: _ 1SPACE PARKING RESTRICT: : FLOOR: MARBLE MIN LS #DAY: 0 #LSE YR: 0 REM: Very nice unit in a very desirable building- priced to sell! Upgraded! Sell furnished or unfurnished ES: . MS: ! HS: OIR: : BRK-REM i LR: OR: DA: KT: FR: FL: i PR: MB: 2B: 38: 48: DN: UR: PB: BEDRM: ENTRYLVL CF: 0 MSBTH: PETS:Y/ RES ROOMS : INTER: — BUILT-INS : EQUIP: DISHWASH — REFRIG RANGE-E } WNDW: EXTER: SHUTTERS — TENNISCT : MAINT: CABLE INSURANCE SEWER : i i AMENS: BASKETBL TENNIS : RESTR: OKLEASE APPRY: OTHER i HOPA: .N HEAT: — CENTRAL COOL: — CENTRAL TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: DAV/SOH: ‘xg 051,220 MPR: N TOA: C TOTAL FEES: $1,200 iM DMV/AS TAXES: $21,776 TAXYR: 2006 * TAX: NOEXEMPT T™: APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1200 LAND LSE: 40 REC LSE: | $0 ‘SPEC: POSS: FUNDING IDX:| Y LPID: 0532526 LS: Ivette Perez APH: 305-992-5538 OPH: 305-614-3100 x 0 2PID: 2A: 2AG: FAX: | 305-614-3101 “TY: ER ON: ON#: 2PH: | 305-992-5538 URL: http://www. PHOTO: = SD3-8 . BRD: M EMAILA: . . VI: COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: VAR: N° JA: ON wo: occup: CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA LD: XD: PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: OK ADV: N Lt: PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,500,000 . l2: INET: N PD: CONTING: DM: FURN: cD: SP: ECD: CB: SPID: . SS: Si: TR: SPID2: ss2: ; ($2: *(©) 2007 ~ Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS.NOT WARRANTED* 12/10/07 09:21AM COMPLAINT mes al. a Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp ; = Fie OP Fe pit rene ee een 12/10/2007 Abo EUW Page 17 of 18 DADE COUNTY PROPERTY FOLIO —12- 22-26- 038-0460 PADDR 9601/ COLLINS / AV/ 504 CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154 ZONING 50/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? ~~ TAXCRT? —_LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 OWNER NAME & ADDRESS CAST KIRSCHNER OADDR 96017 COLLINS TAVT 304 FIRST MITCHELL ANNE OCITY BAL HARBOR FL OZIP CD 33154 OTHER COMPANY : LAND INFORMATION FRONT FT DEPTHFT LOT BLOCK PBK-PG LND SQET LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG : S/LANDSE S/ADISE $412.040 S/TOTLSF AV RATIO. 0.85 BUILDING INFORMATION ADISQFT 2,160 TOTSQFT NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 HALF BATHS NUM FLRS | iz LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1_ MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL 4° UNDIV 0.489% 2 HARBOUR CONDO 3 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS 3 UNIT 504 6 OFF REC 17876-2519 i TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Zz i ASSESSMENTS 2006) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY TAX AMOUNT2006) | Land Water =N Homestd N . Widow N COUNTYTAX | $18,726 | Imprv $1,051,220 Road = N Veteran N- Disabld N CITY TAX $3,051 | Total $1,051,220 Sewer N Exempt N Senior N MISC TAX oot Prev $808,630 Light N School N Exmpt GROSS TAX S277 | MilIRt 20.72 Markt Val $1,051,220 NonEx $1,051,220 PREV TAX $1722 | TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION : Jt "PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE #1 01/92/07 $ 21123550 FULL RE PAYMENT $ 21,123.55 $0.00 2 | a TOTAL TAXDELINQUENT i #5 | #6 : i SALES INFORMATION i DEED RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE ORBK-BG SRC STYPEEDESCRIPTION CURR 11/103 11/25/03 $ 890,000 21849-75 D PREV 01/16/03 01/16/03 ; 20967-3549 D : EARL ‘03/27/00 04/06/00 $ 643,800 WR 19056-1204 M /GOOD SALE MLS HISTORY i / MLS 03/2700 $643,750 MLS? NM772348 BROKERESTLOI : MORTGAGE INFORMATION : MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION 11/14/03 $ 480,000 BANK OF AMERICA CO / CONVENTIONAL : [ EXTRA FEATURES ; AG CPORT DOCK PATIO POOL FENCE OTHER **Information not warranted. Information Herein is from Dade County** ! Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. 12/10/07 « : Page 18 of 18 ' { [ Property History View | ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker DOM M1179623° A $ 1,900,000 10/01/07 0532526 PIRFO1 M916710 x $ 995,000 09/30/03 0340061 HARDOL 0 MS16710. ok $995,000 06/11/03 0340061 HARDOL 0 | M772348 cs $ 643,750 » 03/27/00 0616930 ESTLOL 0 : M772348 ops $684,000 02/29/00 0504887 MEYR 0 M7248 A $ 684,000 01/27/00 0504887 MEYR 0 M772348 A $689,000 01/07/00 0504887 MEYR a ! M772348 A $ 705,000 11/19/99 0504887 MEYR 0 M750475, x $ 705,000 10/31/99 0504887 MEYR 0 : M750475 A $ 705,000 04/28/99 0504887 MEYR 0 M736170 Cc $ 715,000 04/01/99 0565174 HARDOL i 0 : i | ; | : | | i | { t : i | \ | i 1 I | | ; 1 42/10/07 *(c) Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp 2007 — Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 09:21 AM | —d6> i SS _o= ent =<" 12/10/2007 ee oe . *. SUMMARY REPORT Individual Condominium Unit Ap praisal Report File # 07-0609 corrgarable properties curently feed for salen te subject neighborhood ranging i pice Tom § 1,200,000‘ $- 1,600,000 comparable sales in the, subject neighbo god within the past twelve months rangi 5 6 anging in sale price from $ 1,400,000 10$ 1,630,000 FEATURE SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE #1 COMPARABLE SALE #2 COMPARABLE SALE # 3 Adtress and 10275 COLLINS AVE, #1110 [4401 COLLINS AVE 3501 |9601 COLLINS AVE 1003 16051 COLLINS AVE 2502 Unit #__BAL HARBOUR, FL 33154-1411 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33140 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1429 [MIAMI BEACH, FL 33184-1423 Project Name and BAL HARBOUR FONTAINBLEU ti CONDO MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HBR TURNBERRY OCEAN COLONY |. Phase 4 1 . 1 1 i ox to Subject §.62 miles'S 0.73 PUBLIC RECDS. PUBLIC RECDS _[OBSERVATION OBSERVATION l DESCRETION | -+() SAdjustment | OESCRIPTION [+() SAijusines | DESCRIPTION +0)$ Adjustment CONV. FINANG! CONV. FINANG| CONV FIN i NONE NOTED NONE NOTED NONE NOTED. i 11/2006 03/2007 14/2006 i SUBURBAN SUBURBAN i SUBURBAN { FEE SIMPLE _ [FEE SIMPLE FEE SIMPLE FEE SIMPLE i 970.14 1322.00. 1200.00 1600.00 i SEE SEE SEE SEE | ADDENDA | ADDENDA ADDENDA ADDENDA ! 414TH FLOOR [35TH FLOOR -26,000] 19TH FLOOR 25TH FLOOR FULL OCEAN [FULL.OCEAN FULL OCEAN _{FULL OCEAN CONDO CONDO CONDO. CONDO. Qualty of Construction ICBS/SUPER __[CBS/SUBER CBS/SUPER : CBS/SUPER Actual Age NEW. 2 YRS 9 YRS TYR P5 Condition GOOD GOOD. GoD" GOOD _ ‘Above Grade Total {Borrns.| Baths | Total [aarms.{ Baths Totat {earms.| Baths Total |adrms.{ paths Room Count 4} 2 ]2sl4]2 fos 4 [2 fas 4|12 [2s Living Area “1,496 50. tt] 1149650, t. oh 2,160'sq tt] ~49,800[ 1 2.24559. ft “56 Basement & Finished NIA NIA «INIA NA, Rooms Below Grade N/A. N/A NIA NIA Functional Utiity TISTANDARD STANDARD. STANDARD STANDARD CENTRAL AIC [CENTRAL A/G CENTRAL A/C CENTRAL AG | Energy Efficient items STANDARD [STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD q 1-UNDRGRND [1-UNDRGRND 42-UNDRGRND { -25,000 -UNDRGRND [__ BALCONY BALCONY | BALCONY BALCONY | 1,464,825 THIS (S THE 4ST 2/2.5 CORNER FULL | 2/2.5 BATHS UNITS WITH THE j LAR SUPERIOR TYPE CUSTOM ALL AMENITIES BUILDINGS. ADJSUTM,ENTS WARRANTED. CORRIDOR OF COLLINS AVENUE AND ALL 4 WHICH IS A 1/1.5 CLOSED SALE INSIDE! Estimated Monthly Market Rent $ X_Gross Rent Mutiplier tumimary of Income Approach (including support for market rent and GRM) Indicated Value by: Safes Comparison Approach § 4,400,000 Income Approach (if developed} $ THE MOST WEIGHT WAS PLACED ON THE SALES COMPARISON APPROACH. CONCILIATION Ee ts appraisal is made [_]asis", DQ] subject to completion per blans and specications on the basis of a completed, Subject to the folowing repairs or atteratis.on the basis of a hypa fodowing required it hypothetical condifien that the improvements have been 1 thetical. condition that the repairs or alterations have been completed, or [J] subject to the! jection based on the extraordinary assumption that the condition or deficiency does riot fequire alteration or repair: WALK THRU.BY:THE CLIENT. | : F 1 ion of the interior and exterior areas of the Subject defined sco; of work, statement of assumptions and. lif ! een n, my {our} opinion of the market value, as defied af hs real Ay the subject of this ton ene as of 06/14/2007 which is.the date of inspe praisal, ‘\- ty that is. fion_and. the setfettive date’ of: this apy Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005 Page 3 of 6 : amaeers ia i fe Form 1073 — WinTOTAL" appraisal software by a la mode, ip. stewing 2D 4 Exhibg _ oe . . SUMMARY REPORT Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report Fie # 07-0609 i This report form is designed to freport an appraisal of a unit in-a condominium Project or a condominium ‘unit ina planned unit development (PUD). This report form is not designed to report an appraisal of a manufactured home or a unit in a cooperative project. This appraisal report is subject to the following scope of work, statement of assumptions and limiting conditions, and: certifications. Modifications, additions, or deletions to the intended use, intended user, definition of market value, or assumptions and limiting conditions. are. not permitted.: The appraiser may | expand. the scope of work to include any additional research.or analysis Necessary based on the complexity of this appraisal i assignment. Modifications or deletions ta the Certifications are also not permitted. However, additional certifications that do : Not constitute material alterations to this appraisal report, such a: s those required by law or those related! to the appraiser's continuing education or membership in an appraisal organization, are permitted. intended use, intended user, definition of market value, the neighborhood, (4) inspect: each i i from reliable public and/or’ private Sources, and (6) report his or her analysis, opinions, and conclusions in this appraisat | report. Fi i i y INTENDED USE: The intended use of this appraisal report is for the lender/client to. evaluate the property that is the subject of this appraisal for a mortgage finance transaction. : INTENDED USER: The intended user of this. appraisal report is the lender/client. i i i MARKET VALUE: The most probable. price which-a property should bring in a competitive and open market under alt i Conditions requisite to a fair-sale, the buyer. and seller, each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not | affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of i title from seller to buyer. under conditions -whereby: (1) buyer and seller are typically motivated; (2) both parties are well H informed or well advised, and each acting in what he or she considers his or her own best interest; (3) a/reasonable time is ' allowed for-exposure in the open market; (4) payment is made in terms of cash-in U. S. dollars or in terns’ of financial | - arrangements comparable thereto; and (5) the price tepresents the normal con i eG sideration for the property, sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions* granted by anyone associated with the sale. : | Adjustments to the comparables must be made’ for special or creative financing or sales concessions. No adjustments are | Necessary -for thase costs which are formally: paid by sellers as a result of tradition or law in a market area; these costs are | readily -identifiabie since the seller Pays these: costs in virtually all sales transactions. Special or creative financing | adjustments. can be made to. the Comparabie property by comparisons to. financing terms offered by a third party institutional \ iender that is not already involved in: the Broperty or transaction. Any adjustment should not be calculated on a mechanical | dollar for dollar cost of the financing or concession but the dallar amount of ! i i any adjustment should. approximate the market’s teaction to the. financing or concessions based on the appraiser's judgment. H STATEMENT OF ASSUMPTIONS. AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: The appraiser's certification in this report is subject to the following. assumptions and limiting conditions: : i. The appraiser. wilt not be tesponsible for matters of a fegal nature that affect either the property being appraised or the! title ‘to it, except for information that he! or she became aware of during the research involved in performing this appraisal. i The appraiser assumes that the title is good and marketable and will-not render any opinians about the title. : 2. The appraiser has. provided a sketch in this appraisal report to show the approximate dimensions of the improvements. The sketch is included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property and understanding the appraiser's determination of its size. ! 3. The appraiser has examined the available flood maps. that are. provided by the Federal Emergency: Management Agency / {or other data sources).and has noted i in. this appraisal report whether any portion of the subject site ‘is located in an i identified Special Flood Hazard. Area. Because the appraiser is not a surveyor, he or she makes no guarantees, express or | implied, regarding: this determination. . 4. The appraiser wil not give testimony or appear in court because he or she made an appraisal of the property in question, | unless specific arrangements to do so have been made beforehand, or as otherwise fequired by law. . 5. The appraiser has noted in this appraisal report any adverse conditions (such as needed repairs, deterioration, the Presence of hazardous wastes, toxic substances, etc.) observed during the inspection of the subject property or that he or she became aware of during the research ‘involved in performing this appraisal. Unless otherwise Stated in this appraisal feport, the appraiser has no knowledge of any hidden or unapparent physical deficiencies or adverse. conditions of the i Property (such as, but not limited to, needed fepairs, deierioration, the presence of hazardous wastes; toxic substances, j adverse environmental conditions, etc.) that would make the Property less valuable, and has assumed ‘that there are no i such conditions and makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied. The appraiser will. nat be: fesponsible for any = such conditions that do exist or for any engineering or testing that might be required to discover whether such conditions exist. Because the appraiser is not an expert in the field of environmental hazards, this appraisal report must not be considered ‘as an environmental assessment of the property. appraisal that is subject: to sumption that the completion, repairs, or alterations of the ‘subject ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT 6. The ‘appraiser has based his or her appraisal. report and: valuation conclusion. for an Satisfactory. completion, repairs, or alterations on the as: Property will be performed in a professional manner. Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005 Page 4 of 6 e Mae Form 1073 March 2005 “Spe 167 SUMMARY REPORT individual Condominium Unit A Fle # 07-0609 APPRAISER’S CERTIFICATION: The Appraiser certifies and agrees that: raisal Report 1. [have, at a minimum, developed and reported this appraisal in accordance with the. scope of work fequirements stated in this appraisal report. ' i 2. | performed a complete visual inspection of the interior and exterior areas of the subject property. | reported the condition ; of the improvements in factual, specific terms. | identified and reported the physical deficiencies that could affect the livability, | soundness, or structural integrity of the property. i of Professional Appraisal 3..| pertormed this appraisal in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Standards i praisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation and that were in i Practice that were adopted and Promulgated by the Ap place at the time this appraisat tepart was prepared. Property that is the subject of this teport. based on the sales i le market data to develop a: reliable sales comparison approach i lered the cost and income approaches to value but did not develop | them, unless otherwise indicated in this report. : : ; 5. [ researched, verified, analyzed, and reported on any current agreement. fo sale of the subject property in the twelve months prior to the effective date Property for a minimum of three years Prior to the effective date of this ap 6. i researched, verified, analyze to the date of sale of the comp: sale for the subject Property, any offering for of this appraisal, and the priar sales of the subject praisal, unless otherwise indicated inthis report. d, and reported on the prior sales of the comparable sales for a minimum of one year prior arable sale, unless otherwise indicated in this report. ca 7. I selected and used comparable sales that are locationally, physically, and functionally the most similar to the subject property. 8. | have not used. comparable’ sales that were the result of combining a land safe with the. contract purchase Price of a home that has been built or will be built on the tand. i i I i | 1 | F i i i i i . H i 9. | have reported adjustments to the Comparable sales that reflect the market's reaction to the differences between the subject | Property and the comparable sales. | i | { | ! 10. | verified, from a disinterested source, al! inform ‘ation in this report that was provided by parties who have a financial interest in the sale or financing of the subject property. ! 11. I have knowledge and experience in appraising this type of property in this market area. 12. | am aware of, and have access to, the necessary and. appropriate public and private data sources, such as muttipie fisting Services, tax assessment records, public land records and other such. data sources for the area in which the property is located. fj 13. | obtained the information, estimates, and opinions. furnished by other parties and expressed in this appraisal report. from; feliable sources that 1 believe to be true and correct. : i i 1 but not limited to, needed repairs, deterioration, the ' , adverse environmental conditions, etc.) observed during the inspection of the | i i i ling this appraisal. | have considered these Property value, and have reported on the effect of the conditions on the value and - marketability of the subject property. i 15. i have not knowingly withheld any significant information from this appraisat report and, to the best of my knowledge, all statements and information in. this appraisal report are true and correct. ! 16. | stated in this appraisal teport my own personal, unbiased, and professional analysis, opinions, and conclusions, which are subject only to the assumptions and limiting conditions in this appraisal report, i 17. Ihave no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this feport, and | have no! present or Prospective personal int : : fi 19.’ 1 personally prepared all conclusions and opinions. about the real estate that were set forth in this appraisal report. If | { telied on significant real property appraisat. assistance from any individual or individuals in the performance of ‘this appraisal | or the preparation of this appraisal report, | have named such individual(s) and disclosed the Specific ‘tasks performed in this | appraisal report. | certify that any individual so named is qualified to perform the tasks. | have not autharized anyone to make H a change to any item in: this appraisal report, therefore, any change made to this appraisal is unauthorized and { will take no: Fesponsibility for it. an | 20. [ identified the lender/client in. this appraisal repart who is the individual, organization, or agent for the organization that t ordered and will receive this appraisal report. . t H L ATK Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005 Page 5 of 6 Form 1073 ~ “WinTOTAL* appraisal software byak mode, v 22. | am aware that any disclosure or distribution of this appraisal report by me or the lender/client may laws and. regulations. Further, | am also Subject to: thi that pertain to disclosure or distribution by me. insurers, goverment sponsored enterprises, and other second; Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report SUMMARY REPORT File # 07-0609 ‘be subject to certain @ provisions of the Uniform Standards oft Professional Appraisal Practice marke! of any mortgage finance transaction that involves any one or more of these parties. 25. Any intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) containe cri ‘d in this appraisal report may resutt in civil liability and/or minal penalties including, but not limited to, fine or impris Code, Section 1001, et Seq.,. or similar state laws. cnment or both under the provisions of Title 18, United States SUPERVISORY APPRAISER’S CERTIFIGATION: The -Supervisory. Appraiser certifies and agrees that: 1. fdirectly supervised the appraiser for this. appraisal assignment, have read analysis, opinions, statements, conclusions, and the appraiser's Certification. 2. | accept full responsibility for the contents Of this ‘appraisal feport including, statements, conclusions, and the appraiser’s certification. the appraisal report, and agree with the appraiser's but not limited to, the appraiser's analysis, opinions, | 3. The appraiser identified in this appraisal report is either a sub-contractor or an employee of the supervisory appraiser {or the appraisal firm), is qualified to perform this appraisal, and is acceptabl 4. This appraisal report com, le to perform this appraisal under the applicable state law. | plies: with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice that were adopted and Promulgated by the Appraisal Standari tai ait feport was. prepared. 5.. If this appraisal teport was transmitted as an “electronic record” containing my " defined in applicable federal and/or state laws (excluding audio and video recordings), appraisal report. containing a Copy or representation of my. signature, the appraisal report shall be-as effe ds Board of The Appraisal Foundation and that were in place at the time this appraisat i i electronic signature,” as those terms are ora facsimile transmission of this ctive, enforceable and valid-as if a paper version of this appraisal report were: delivered containing my original hand written signature. APPRAISER Son 7 TRN: # RI3323, SUPERV! Signature\ 444 (D : Name SUYIN DECASTRO RD.#5179 Company Name ACCESS APPRAISALS GROUP SERVICES. INC Company Address 7334 Sw 42 ST, MIAMI, FL 33155 Company Name. ACCESS APPRAISALS GROUP. SERVICES INC. : Company Address «7334 SW 42ND STREET, MIAMI, FL 33155 H Telephone Number 305 265-5050 Email Address WILLYACCESSAPP@AOL.COM Date of Signature and Report JUNE 26, 2007 Effective Date of Appraisal 06/14/2007 State Certification # or State License # RI3323 Telephone Number 305 265-5050 Email Address -SUYINACCESSAPP@AOL.GOM Date of Signature JUNE 26, 2007 State Certification # ST.CERT.RES.REA, or State License # RD 5179 : State FL i or Other State FLORIDA : Expiration Date of Certification or License State # 11/30/2008 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY APPRAISED 10275 COLLINS AVE, #1110 BAL HARBOUR, FL 33154-1414 APPRAISED VALUE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY $ LENDER/CLIENT Name - STEPHANIE CELADA Company Name MJOP.LENDER 1,400,000 Expiration Date of Certification or License | 11/30/2008 ’ SUBJECT PROPERTY &] Did not inspect subject property i Did inspect exterior of subject property from street Date of Inspection Hi O Did inspect interior and exterior of subject property Date of Inspection COMPARABLE SALES : & .Did not inspect exterior of comparable sales from street. , Company Address 849% NW 47 ST, MIAMI, FL 33126 Email Address APPRAISALS@MJOP.COM Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005 Fem 1073 —WTOTA appr soar by aod, ie. — 1-000 ALAN) 7° > Page'6 of 6 (C) Did inspect exterior of comparable sales from.street Date of tnspection es Fanni Mae Form 1073 March 2005 exnns 1 oan sae . . SUMMARY REPORT Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report Fle # 07-0609 FEATURE ‘SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE #4 COMPARABLE SALE #5 COMPARABLE SALE #6 Address and 10275 COLLINS AVE, # 1110 |10275 COLLINS AVE, # 408 110275 COLLINS AVE,#410 {10275 COLLINS AVE, #1010 Unit # BAL HARBOUR, FL 33154-1441] MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1423 [MIAMLBEACH, FL 33154-1423 _|MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1423 Project Name and BAL HARBOUR HARBOUR HOUSE HARBOUR HOUSE BAL HARBOUR : Phase 1 1 - 1 fl Proximity to Subject Less than .01 mite NW Less than .01 mile NW. Less than .01 mile NW Sale Price $1,338,900) s 850,000) $1,449,000 $__ 1,329,900 Sale Price/Gross Liv. Area $__894.99sq.f.1$ 951.8559, ft fp $768.05 sq. ft $ - 888.979. ft Data Source(s} SALES OFF/HUD 1 SALES OFF SALES OFF i Verification Source(s) OBSERVATION INSPECTION INSPECTION. i VALUE ADJUSTMENTS: DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION | +() $ Adjustment | DESCRIPTION [ +) $ Adjustment | _ DESCRIPTION [+t $ Adjustment Sales or Financing CONV FIN UNDER UNDER i Concessions CONT DTE 05 CONTRACT CONTRACT i Date of Sale/Time 01/07 | 09/2005 09/03/2005 | Location SUBURBAN __|SUBURBAN SUBURBAN | SUBURBAN i 3] Leasehold/Fee Simple FEE SIMPLE [FEE SIMPLE - FEE SIMPLE FEE SIMPLE fel HOA Mo. Assessment 970.14 806.34 970.14 970.14 ! 4 Common Elements SEE SEE SEE: 4 and Rex. Facilities ADDENDA: ADDENDA [ADDENDA fe} Floor Location, 11TH FLOOR [4TH FLOOR +7,000|4TH FLOOR +7,000| 10TH FLOOR i rq View FULL OCEAN |CITY/BAY FULLOCEAN [ FULL OCEAN i Poa Design (Style CONDO: CONDO CONDO ». i Fay Quality of Construction CBS/SUPER _[CBS/SUPER CBS/SUPER _ _lcBsisuPER l Actual Age NEW NEW. : i Condition GOOD GOOD a 4 Above Grade" Total [Bdrms.| Bas | Total [Bars] Baths Tota! [Bdrm : Room Count 2s{ 4]4 [1s 4 : Gross Living Area 1,496 sq. ft 893 sq. tt 1,496 sq. ft i Basement & Finished NIA: NA : NIA i Rooms Below Grade NIA NIA NA Functional Utty STANDARD _|4-BEDROOM STANDARD : HeatingCook CENTRAL AC [CENTRAL A/G CENTRAL A/C : Efficient Kems STANDARD __ {STANDARD STANDARD i vatport 4-UNDRGRNO [1-UNDRGRND 4-UNDRGRND J PorctvPatia/Deck BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY. Net Aci otal} + [)-"js 7,000] “+ [5 - |s 7,000] (i+ C)- [s i Adjusted Sale Price Net Adj. 08% Net Ad. 0.6% Net Adj. % | of Comparables Gross Adj. 08 %{$ 857,000|Gross Adj. 0.6 %|$ 1,156,000) Gross Adj. bats 1,329,900 Report the resutts of the research and analysis of the prior sale or transter history of-the subject property and comparable sales (report additional prior sales on page 3). i TEM SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE #4 COMPARABLE SALE #5 COMPARABLE SALE #6 7 Date of Prior Sale/franster NO SALES IN NO SALES IN [NO SALES IN NO SALES IN Price of Prior Sale/Transfer PAST 3 YEARS PAST 3 YEARS [PAST 3 YEARS PAST 3 YEARS: Fep Data Source(s) PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS Effective Date of Data Source(s) [06/2007 |o6/2007 06/2007. 06/2007 E Analysis of prior sale or transfer history af the subject property and comparable sales UTILIZED COMPARABLES. THE RESULTS ARE LISTED ABOVE. THE APPRAISER RESEARCHED 1 YEAR PAST HISTORY ON THE | j i 2 is/Comments COMPARABLE #4.1S A 1/1.5 MODEL THE ONLY CLOSED SALE AS THE PRESENT TIME WITHIN THE SUBJECTS SUBDIVISION. SALES # 5 AND 6 ARE 10 LINES CORNER FUI LL OGEAN PENDING CLOSING DATE THAT SUPPORTS THE SUBJECT. VALUE. Freddie Mac Farm 465 March 2005 Form 1073,{AC] —"WinTOTAL* appraisal sway ane ef — toma OF ~ fd ic Fannie Mae-Form 1073 March 20 Tir LAGE) et we A . . SUMMARY REPORT | Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report Fle # 07-0609 SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE #7 COMPARABLE SALE #8 _ COMPARABLE SALE #9 Address and 10275 COLLINS AVE, #1110 |10275 COLLINS AVE, #1131 9701 COLLINS AVE Uni # __BAL HARBOUR, FL 3154-141] BAL HARBOUR, FL 33154-1414 |BAL HARBOUR, FL_33154-1414 Project Name and BAL HARBOUR BAL HARBOUR ST REGIS HOTEL CONDO Phase 1 1 3 Proximity to Subject Ee 0.66 miles'S Sale Price i Sale Price/Gross Liv. Area 1106.58 sq. ft, Data Source(s) SALES OFF INSPECTION OBSERVATION : : |VALUE ADNISTWENTS | DESCAPTION_| " DESCRIPTION | +() S$ achishnent | _DESCAIPTION +() S Adjustment | DESCRIPTION” T +€)$ Adjustment Sales or Financing CONV FIN UNDER : | | Concessions PRE CONST 05 CONTRACT Date of Sale/Time 06/2007 2010 t A Location IRBAN [SUBURBAN SUBURBAN fe] Leaschoid/Fee Simple FEE SIMPLE [FEE SIMPLE FEE SIMPLE to Feq HOA Mo. Assessment 970.14 [879.19 1800 +/- i fg Common Elements SEE '|SEE SEE E3 and Rec. Facilities ADDENDA __| ADDENDA ADDENDA i Floor Location 11TH FLOOR [41TH FLOOR 41TH FLOOR | i A View FULL OCEAN _|BAY/CITY BAYICITY. | f Fra Design (Style CONDO. CONDO CONDO i: ‘ Fa] Quality of Construction CBS/SUPER |CBS/SUPER CBS/SUPER i bed Actual Age NEW NEW i i EY Condition GooD GOOD ! | £4 Above Grade ‘Tota [@drms_| Baths | Tota [Bdrm | Baths Total [Barms_| Baths i Room Court 4| 22s} at2 fas i Gross Living Area 1,496 sq, ft 1,496 59. ft sa. tt i Basement & Finished NIA NIA } Rooms Below Grade NIA NIA i Functional Uaity STANDARD [STANDARD L Heating/Cooing CENTRAL A/C. [CENTRAL A/C Energy Efficient terns STANDARD [STANDARD | GaragesCarport 1-UNDRGRND |1-UNDRGRND i PorctvPatioDeck BALCONY [BALCONY BALCONY | : = t ! Net Adjustment (Total J+ -_|$ (i+ C)- fs ie -_|s i ‘Adjusted Sale Price Net Adj. % Net Adj. % Net Adj, % ! fam of Comparables ee: ss Adj. %I$. 1,020,000} Gross Adi. 41S 1,900,000) Gross Adj. BIS. i Re analysis of the prior sale or transter history of the sp rapt at eparabe Sales (report additional prior sales on page 3). SUBJECT ___|___ COMPARABLE SALE #7 COMPARABLE SALE #8 [| COMPARABLE SALE #9 | Date of Prior Sale/Transfer INO SALES IN INO SALES IN NO SALES IN i i Fj Price af Prior Sae/Transfer PAST 3 YEARS PAST 3 YEARS PAST 3 YEARS i i fe} Data Source(s PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS, PUBLIC RECORDS i ta] Effective Date of Data Source(s) o6/2007 [062007 06/2007 i ‘ fey Analysis of prior sate or transfer history of the Subject property and comparable sales J THE APPRAISER RESEARCHED 1 YEAR PAST HISTORY ON THE i Fy UTILIZED COMPARABLES. THE RESULTS AR! i ONE BAL. HARBOUR BUILDING TO THE NORTH VIEW. E LISTED ABOVE.SEE PICTURE 7 AND YELLOW BUBBLE, THIS UNIT IS ALSO FLANKED BY is/Comments SALE #7 IS A BAYICITY VIEW ON THE Y LINE A 11TH FLOOR UNIT 1131 UNIT 1132 FACES; FULL OCEAN AND NORTH. THE SUBJ ECTS UNIT IS A FULL OCEAN VIEW ON THE 10 LINE CORNER . THE VALUE DIFFERENCE IS THE FULL OCEAN VIEW. SEE FRONT VIEW. PICTURE AND CLOUNT 11 FLOORS UP THE LAST UNIT ON THE LEFT IS 1131 WHICH HAS BAL HARBOUR:SHOPS _/! AND.A FULL CITY, BAY VIEW. SALE # 8 IS UNDER CONTRACT AT PRE-CONSTRUCTION FOR THE NEW ST.REGIS HOTEL RESIDENCES, SEE GROWTH . f ANALYSIS/COMMENTS: Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005 Form 1073.(AC) — “Win TOTAL! appraisat software by a fa mode, inc. — 1-800-ALAMODE ee Fannie jae Form'1073 oa 47 S Page | tp cel e No. ¢ General Text Addendum EL SOUKI Fil No. 07-0609 Borrower/Client RICARD A SOUKYSAMIR Property Address: 40275 COLLINS AVE City BAL HARBOUR Lender County MIAMI DADE. State FL ZinCode_33154-1414 MJOP LENDER i : AND DEPARTURE OF THE AREA IS-EMINENT DUE TO. THESE BOUNDARIES. EVERY EFFORT IS WARRANTED TO FIND SIMILAR HIGH END BUILDINGS WITH SIMILAR AMENITIES THAT SUPORT AREA MARKET VALUE. POPULARITY OF THE AREA SUPERIOR. THE REBUTTAL: THE UNIT AT10101 COLLINS AVE 8C THE PALACE DOES NOT HAVE A FULL OCEAN VIEW ,FACES A BUILDING. ALSO BUILT IN 1994 NOT NEW LIKE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY'S OR ITS SUPERIOR. INTERIOR EXTRAS OR IT'S FEATURES OF AFULL SERVICE BUILDING. ALSO THE LOCATION IS INFERIOR TO THE SUBJECT NOT THE POINT BUILDINGS SEE LOCATION. OF THE NEXT BUILDING CALLED THE MAJESTIC TOWERS.ADDITIONAL THE LOCATION HERE IS INFERIOR TO BAL HARBOUR THE LOCATION IS SURFSIDE. A RECENTLY CLOSED SALE INSIDE THE IMMEDIATE BUILDING SAMLLER IN LIVING AREA SQFT Form TADD — “WinTOTAt* appraisal sotware by ala made ine. — 1-800-ALAMODE Cuhind SUBJECT PHOTOS Borrower/Clent_ RICARD A SOUKI/SAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address 10275 COLLINS AVE City BAL HARBOUR County MIAMI DADE State FL Zip Code “33154-1414 Lender MJOP LENDER : SUBJECT FRONT 10275 COLLINS AVE, #1110 SALES PRICE’ 4,338,900 GLA! 1,496 TOT.ROOMS 4 TOT. BEDRMS.2 TOY. BATHRM2.5 LOCATION SUBURBAN VIEW FULL OCEAN SITE TYPICAL : QUALITY = CBS/SUPER ‘| AGE = NEW i SUBJECT REAR SUBJECT STREET Form Pic4x6.SR — “WinTOTAL* appraisal software by a fa mode, inc. — 1-800-ALAMODE SUBJECT PHOTOS INTERIOR BorowerCient_RICARD A SOUKVSAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address 10275 COLLINS AVE {i County MIAMI DADE State FL Zin Code 33154-1414 SUBJECT INTERIOR | 10275. COLLINS AVE, #1110 | SALES PRICE 1,338,900 | LA LOCATION’ .SUBURBAN i VIEW. FULL OCEAN ! STE | TYPICAL : QUALITY — CBS/SUPER \ AGE | NEW i SUBJECT INTERIOR SUBJECT PHOTOS INTERIOR Borowe/Clent_RICARD A SOUKUSAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address 10275 COLLINS AVE BAL HARBOUR County_MiAMI DADE Stale FL Zp Code_33154-1414 MJOP LENDER SUBJECT INTERIOR 10278 COLLINS AVE, #1110 SALES PRICE 1,338,900 GLA | 1,496 SUBJECT INTERIOR SUBJECT INTERIOR P ADMIN aa Borower/Cient_RICARD A SOUKIUSAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address_ 10275 COLLINS AVE cl BAL HARBOUR ‘hai Form GPIC4X8 — "Win TOTAL" appraisal software by a County MIAMI DADE _ Stale FL Zip Code 33154-1414 i ADNIN| EXHIBIT a Y la mode, inc. — 1-B00-ALAMODE reine Boy {PLAINT. i i COMPARABLE PHOTOS 1-3 Borower/Clent RICARD A SOUKYSAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address 10275 COLLINS AVE County MIAMI DADE. Zip Code 33154-14144 i COMPARABLE 1 4401 COLLINS AVE 3501 i PROX 70 SUB5.62 miles S | SALES PRICE 1,440,000 i GLA; 1,496 TOT.ROOMS 4 ! TOT. BEDAMS.2 | TOT. BATHRM2.5 LOCATION SUBURBAN VEW FULL OCEAN STE. TYPICAL QUALITY." CBS/SUPER AGE =. 2YRS COMPARABLE 2 9601 COLLINS AVE 1003 : PROX. T0'SUBO.73 miles S i SALES PRICE 1,630,000 ' GLA! 2,160 i QUALITY, CBS/SUPER AGE 9YRS COMPARABLE 3 16051 COLLINS AVE 2502 PROX. TO.SUB1.84 miles N SALES PRICE 1,535,000 GLA. 2,245 TOT. ROGMS 4 TOT. BEDRMS.2 TOT. BATHRM:2.5 LOCATION “SUBURBAN VIEW FULL OCEAN : STE TYPICAL ! QuaLTTY: — CBS/SUPER : AGE +Y¥R i COMPARABLE PHOTOS 4-6 Borowe/Cient__RICARD A SOUKVSAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address _10275 COLLINS AVE County “MtAMI DADE State FL ZipCode 33154-1414 COMPARABLE 4 10275:COLLINS AVE, #408 PROX. T0 SUBLess than .01 mile K: SALES PRICE 850,000 GLA 693 TOT. ROOMS 4 TOT. BEDRMS. 1 TOT.-BATHRM!1.5 : LOCATON SUBURBAN VIEW | sCITyrBAY SITE TYPICAL i QUALITY ~~ CAS/SUPER : AGE =. |= sNEW ! COMPARABLE 5 i 10275 COLLINS AVE, #410 | PROX. 10 SUBLess than .01 mile N ! SALES PRICE 1,149,000 i GLA. | 1,496 : TOT. ROOMS 4 | * TOT, BEDAMS.2 TOT. BATHRMI2.5 LOCATION SUBURBAN i VIEW. = FULL OCEAN | SME.) TYPICAL QUALITY: CBS/SUPER AGE NEW i COMPARABLE 6 10275.COLLINS AVE, #1010 PROX TO SUBLess than Of mile K = SALES PRICE 1,329,900 GLA 1,496 TOT. ROOMS 4 TOT. BEDRMS.2 TOT. BATHRNM2.5 : LOCATION. SUBURBAN : VIEW FULL OCEAN SITE QUALITY.” CBS/SUPER AGE NEW Form PCA CR —inTOTAL ral satay aa, e900 ANODE Comparable Photo Page BorowerCient_ RICARD A SOUKVSAMIR EL SOUKI 10275 COLLINS AVE BAL HARBOUR State FL. ZipCode 33154-1414. Comparable 7 : 10275 COLLINS AVE, # 1134 Prox. to Subject Less than .01 mile NW Sales Price 1,020,000 Gross Living Area 1,496 Total Rooms Total Bedrooms Total Bathrooms Location View Site Quality Age i Comparable 8 9701 COLLINS AVE. | Prox. to Subject 0.66 miles S Sales Price 1,900/000 Gross Living Area. 1,717' Totai Rooms 4: Total Bedrooms = 2 i Total Bathrooms = 2.5 Location SUBURBAN | View BAY/GITY : Site TYPICAL ! Ouafity CBS/SUPER \ Age NEW ' Comparable 9 Prox to Subject Sales Price Gross Living Area Total Rooms i Total Bedrooms Total Bathrooms Location View Site Quafity Age Listing Photo Page BorowerClent RICARD A SOUKUSAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address 10275 COLLINS AVE Cit BAL HARBOUR County_MIAM! DADE” State FL Zip Code 33154-1414 Listing 9701 COLLINS AVE Prox. to Subj. 5 BLKS ListPrice 2400000 DOM. SOLD OUT Listing : Prox. to Subj. ! st Price: i DOM. | i GLA | Tot. Rooms Tot. Beds. . Tot. Batyms. i Age BorrowerGlent RICARD A SOUKYSAMIR EL SOUKI LOCATION MAP Address 10275 COLLINS AVE BAL HARBOUR Courty MIAMI DADE MJOP LENDER State FL Zp Code 33154-1414 | Rental #2 | 18201 COLLINS AYE 704 3.53 miles N Rental #3 16699 COLLINS ave 3503./ FS Comparable #6 10275 COLLINS AVE, # 1010 Less than 01 mile NW Comparable # 5 20275 COLLINS AVE, #410 Less than .01 mile NW Comparable # 4 q 10275 COLLINS AVE, $408 | Less than 01 mile mw Form MAP.LOC ~ “WinTOTAL* appraisal sotware by ala mode, inc. —1-800-ALAMODE Comparable#3 16051 COLLINS AVE 2502 1.84 miles N ;, Comparable #7 k 10275.COLLINS AVE, #1131 Less than .01 mile nw Comparable #2 9601 COLLINS AVE 1003 _ 8.73 miles S Rental #1 S801 COLLINS AVE 1063 0.73 miles 5 a Comparable #8 : 9701 COLLINS AVE Comparable + 1 4401 COLLINS AVE 3501 5.62 miles S mL} as FLOOD MAP Borower/Clent_ RICARD A SOUKVSAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address_ 10275 COLLINS AVE C po | BAL HARBOUR County MIAMI DADE State FL. Zp Code 33154-1414 : Lender MJOP LENDER - EE 7 Prepared for: InterFlood Access Appraisals Sy by Sls mace 10275 COLLINS AVE » 1-800-252-6633 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1423 Phe Te ADMINIS PAGE Form MAP.FLOOD — “WinTOTAL* appraisal sottware by.a fa mode, inc. —-1-800-ALAMODE ene Operating Income Statement : ! One- to Four-Family Investment Property and Two- to Four-Family Owner-Occupied Property i Property Address : 10275 Collins Ave 1110 BAL HARBOUR . FL 33154-1414 Street City State Zip Code General Instructions: This form is to be prepared jointly by the loan applicant, the appraiser, and the lender's underwriter. The applicant must i complete the following schedule indicating each unit's rental status, lease expiration date, current rent, market rent, and the responsibility for : utility expenses. Rental figures must be based an the rent for an “unfurmished* unit: : Z Currently Expiration Current Rent Market Rent - Paid Paid | Rented Date Per Month Per Month Utility Expense , ByOwner — By Tenant i UnitNo.1 Yes]. No NYA $ o ¢ 5,000. gw Unit No. 2 Yes [| No [fp i Unit No. 3 Yes [| No [| Unit No. 4 Yes{ | Nno[] Total OO . | Adjustments by Income (Do not include income for owner-occupied units) : 7 By Applicant/Appraiser ‘Lender's Underwriter Gross Annuat Rental (trom unit(s) t0 be rented) 60,000 $. Other Income (include. Sources) |. a Total. —_ 60,000 $ Less Vacancy/R¢ ‘%) { %. Effective Gross income __ 60,000 $. . Expenses (Do nat include expenses far. ‘Owner-occupied units} Electricity _ This includes the costs for public area cleaning, snow rem: - though the applicant may not elect to contract for such services. ‘ Interior Pain/Decorating nee . This includes the costs of contract labor and materials that are : i Maintain the interiors of the fiving unit. . i General Repairs/Maintenance i This includes the costs af contract labor and materials that are Tequired to Maintain the public cortiders, stairways, roofs, mechanical systems, grounds, etc. : Management Expenses 1,000 : : company woutd.charge to manage the property. . : ! Supplies This includes the casts of items like ight buibs, janitorial Supplies, BiG. Total Replacement Reserves - See Schedule an Pg. 2 428 Misceltaneous Total Operating Expenses : . : 1,678 ; ! Freddie Mac This Form Must Be Reproduced By Seller aj YANG TELAT TV crake Me CAINT. Form 998 Aug 88 ; Page 1 of 2 Form 216 Aug 88 | ~ Access Appraisals Group PD BY | Form INC2 — “WinTOTAL* appraisal software by ala made, inc. — 1-800-ALAMODE =! “fem Replacement Reserve Schedule average yearly reserves. Generally, all equipment and components that have a Temaining fife of more than one year - such as refrigerators, stov . Stoves, clothes washers/dryers, trash compactors, fumaces, roofs, and. carpeting, i etc, - should be expensed ona replacement cost basis. : i i i Equipment Replacement Remaining By Applicant/ j Lender 1 Cost Life Appraiser: Adjustments : Stoves/Ranges @ 4,200 ea, + 45 Yrs. x 1 Units = § 8 § : Refrigerators @ 3,500 ea. + 15 Yrs. x 4 Units = $ 233 $ ' Dishwashers @ $. 750 ea. + 15_ Yrs. x 1 Units 50 $ i AVC Units @ $ ea + Yrs. x Units 1 S$ i .@ ~ 15_ Yrs. x 1 Units 455i § f @ + Yrs. x Units L & / @ + Yrs. x Units Rs @ ~ Yrs. x Units = $ i$ : + Yrs. x One Bldg. = $ L$ ; Carpeting (Wal ta Wall : Remaining : ; ” : Life : (Units) 20_ Total Sq. Yds. @ $ 10. PerSq.¥d. + __10 Yrs. = $ 20) § i (Public Areas) Total Sq. Yds. @ $ PerSq. Yd. + Yrs. = $ a ae | Total Replacement Reserves. (Enter on Pg. 1) S$. 428 i ; | ' H _ 1,878 = 58,322 +12= $5 4,860 i Effective Gross income Total Operating Expenses &_ i t i i i 60,000 - $ _ Operating income Monthly Operating Income &_$ 4860" — §$ = i Monthly Operating income » Monthly Housing Expense & Net Cash How (Note: Monthly Housing Expense includes principat and interest on the mortgage, hazard insurance premiums, real estate taxes, mortgage insurance premiums, HOA dues, leasehold payments, and ‘subordinate financing ; payments.) ; Underwriter's instructions tor 2-4 Family Owner-Occupied Properties L enier as “Net Rental Income” in the “Gross Monthly Income" Section of lonthly Operating income is a negative number, it must be included as a | +. If Monthty Operating Incomeis a: positive number, i Freddie Mac Form 65/Fannie Mae Form 1003. If Mi i liability for ‘qualification. purposes. i i by comparing the total Monthty Housing Expense | { | +. The borrower's monthly housing expense-to-income fatio must be calculated forthe subject the borrower's stable monthly income. Underwriter’s instructions for 1-4 Family Investment Properties i ! | i + If Net Cash Flow is a positive number, enter as “Net Rental income" in the "Gross Monthly income” section of Freddig Mac i Form 65/Fannie Mae Form 1003. If Net Cash Flow is anegative number, it must be included as a liability for qualification purposes. i * The borrower's monthly housing expense-to-income ratio must be calculated by comparing the tetal monthly housing expense for the borrower's primary fesidence to the borrower's stabie monthly income. } _ Appraiser’s Comments (including sources tor data and. fationate tor the projections) GUILLERMO ESCOBAR REG. TRN. # R13323 ‘ Med bo Kg XS JUNE 26, 2007 | Appraiser Name Appraiser Signature - . Date : * Underwriter’s Comments and Rationale for Adjustments Underwriter. Name Underwriter. Signature . Date Freddie Mac Form 998 Aug 88 : Page 2 of 2 - 342. Form INC2 — “WinTOTAL* appraisal software by-a fa mode, inc. —1-800-AL AMOS SINGLE FAMILY COMPARABLE RENT SCHEDULE ‘This form is intended to provide the appraiser with a familiar format to estimate the market rent of the subject property. Adjustments should be made only for items of significant Gifference between the comparables and the Subject property. 7 SUBJECT COMPARABLE NO. 1” COMPARABLE NO. 2 COMPARABLE NO. 3 Address 10275 COLLINS AVE, #1110 9604 COLLINS AVE 1003 18101 COLLINS AVE 704 16699 COLLINS AVE 3503 BAL HARBOUR, FL 33154-1414 | MIAMI BEACH MIAMI BEACH MIAMI BEACH Proximity to $ rE 0.73 niles S 3.53 miles N 2.64 miles N Date Lease Begins NYA 01/2007 01/2007 01/2007 Date Lease Expires NYA 01/2008 01/2008 : | 01/2008 Monthy Rental {f Currently Rented: $ 4;900 Less: Utilities * $ ' oF Furniture } H Adjusted . : Monthly Rent $ $ 5,000 $ 4,500 ' 4,900 | Data Source __ [SALES OFF MLX,PUBLIC MLX,PUBLIC F MLX,PUBLIC INSPECTION OBSERVATION __ OBSERVATION | OBSERVATION RENT ADJUSTMENTS DESCRIPTION. | +(~)$ Adjust. [___ DESCRIPTION | +(-)$ adiust |" pescription |: +(-)$ Adjust. Rent , ONE ‘. NONE ‘ |NONE Po odo Concessions ONE” i NONE ! ;NONE Le Locstionview UBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN FULL OCEAN FULL OCEAN FULLOCEAN —_! EULLOCEAN _{ ; CONDO [CONDO CONDO : ICONDO u Design and Appeal SUPERIOR SUPERIOR SUPERIOR a ISUPERIOR i| Age(Coniton NEW NEW. : NEW : 1 INEW. GOOD GOOD _— ‘ GOOD : ‘GOOD Above Grade Total :Bdrms:_Baths Total ‘Bdrms:_Baths : Total ‘Bdrms: Baths Room Count 4i2:5°25 | 4:2! 95 4.2) 25 ‘ Gross Living Area 1,496 So. FL 1,496 Sq. Ft! 1,600 Sq. FL: Other (e.9., basement, |N/A NIA N/A ‘ etc.) | NIA Other: Net Adj. (tota Indicated Monthiy Market Rent N/A Final Reconciliation of Market Rent: THE MARKET RENTAL WAS DERIVED FOR MULTIPLE REALTORS SERVICES. ALL DATA IS OBTAINED BY STATISTICS PR OVIDED BY RENTALS, ACTIVE AND PREVIOUS RENTAL AND LEASING INFORMATION WITHIN THE IMMEDIATE MARKET AREA. ; KET RENT OF THE SUBJECTS OF 06/14/2007 . NAME GUILLERMO ESCOBAR REG. TRN. # RI3323 Review Appraiser SIGNATUR (if applicable) NAME SUYIN DECASTRO RD.#5179 Freddie Mac Form 1000 (8/88) {¥2K] : Access: Appraisals Group ae Form RNT — ‘WinTOTAL® appraisal software by ala mode, inc. — 1-800-ALAMODE. © Access Appraisals Group (leo. 07-060eT Page #26) . SUMMARY REPORT Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report. riex 07-0609 Unit# 11440 State FL Zip Code 33154-1414 ce! al Description BAL HARBOUR OCEAN FRONT ADDN PB 57-68 UNIT 1410 AKA THE NEW H. County MIAMI DADE a Borrower RICARD A SOUKV/SAMIR E Contract Price $ 1,338,900 Date of Sale 09/03/2005 ~ Effective Date of Original Appraisal o@/14/2007 Property Rights Appraised 02 Fee Simple Ci Leasehold O Other (describe} Original Appraised Value $ 1,400,000 : Original Appraiser GUILLERMO ESCOBAR REG. TRN. # RI3323 Company Name ACCESS APPRAISALS GROUP SERVICES, ING : Original Lender/Client_ MJOP LENDER Address 8491 NW.17 STMIAML,, FL 331269NDORAL FL 33178 | APPRAISER’S CERTIFICATION: The appraiser certifies and agrees that: i : . i 1. Uhave, ata. minimum, developed and reported this appraisal update in accordance with the scope of work requirements stated in this’ appraisal update L feport and:toncur with the analysis and conclusions in the Original appraisal, ! 2. I performed this appraisat update in accordance with the requirements af the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice that were adopted and promuigated by the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation and that were in place at the time this appraisal update was prepared. 3. Uhave updated the appraisal by Incorporating the original appraisal report, . i 7 4. _ have surimarized my analysis and conclusions in this appraisal update and retained all Supporting data in my work file: i My SUPERVISORY APPRAISER’S CERTIFICATION: The. Supervisory Appraiser Certifies and agrees that. ! 1. I directly supervised the appraiser for this appraisal update assignment, have read the appraisal update report, and agree with the appraiser's.analysis, Opinions, statements, conclusions, andthe appraiser's certification. ! 2. f accept full tesponsibility for the contents of this appraisal update report including, but not limited to, the appraiser's analysis, opinions, statements, Conclusions, and the appraiser's certification. be §% CERTIFICATI 1ON-OF COMPLETION INTENDED USE: The intended ‘use of this certification of Gompletion is for the iender/client to confirm that the requirements or conditions stated in the appraisal report referenced above have been met. . i INTENDED USER: The intended user of this Certification of completion is the lender/client. HAVE THE IMPROVEMENTS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDI |APPRAISAL REPORT?. it JAPPRAISER’S CERTIFICATION: | Certify that ! have performed a visual inspection of the Subject property to determine if the conditions or Tequirements stated in the original appraisal have been satisfied. } ISUPERVISORY APPRAISER’ CERTIFICATION: t accept full Tesnonsibility tor this certification of completion. “electronic record” containing my “electronic signature,"' as those cardings), ofag-tacsimile transmission of this feport containing a copy a fer ersion of this apraisat report were delivered AE 3 SAME PLAS. Name SUYIN DEGASTRO. RD.#5179 a, IN : Company Name ACCESS APPRAISALS GROUP SERVICES INC. Company Address 7334 SW 42ND STREET, MIAMI, FL 33155 Telephone Number 305 265-5050 Date of Signature JUNE 26, 2007 : State cettticaton # st.cERT RES REA _ i or State License # ROD 5179 | State Certification # or Other : or State License # Ri 3323 State FL so i Jor Other (describe) State # Expiration Date of Certification or License 11/30/2008 | State FLORIDA : i Expiration Date of Certification or License 11/30/2008 SUPERVISORY APPRAISER i & Did not inspect subject property : H Did inspect exterior of subject property from street | Date of Inspection t i AMI, | . Did inspect interior and exterior of subject property i DORAL FL. 33178 Date of Inspection i Freddie Mac Farm 442 March 2005 Paget oft DIV Fas te For 10680 Wareh 2005 EMPMIELT ae Form 10340 —“WnTOTAL" appraisal software by ala mode, ne. —t-g00auanigne 3 yon oto cace BS nh oe wa “ . reas SUBJECT INTERIOR PHOTO PAGE Bortower/Cient__RICARD A SOUKUSAMIR EL SOUR Property Address 10275 COLLINS AVE County“ MIAMI DADE State FL Zp Code 33154-1414 SUBJECT INTERIOR i 10275 COLLINS AVE, #1110 : SALES PRICE 1,338,900 GROSS LIVING AREA 4,496 TOTALROOMS = 4 : TOTAL BEDROOMS’ 2 i TOTAL BATHROOMS 2.5 LOCATION SUBURBAN View FULL OCEAN SITE TYPICAL ' QUALITY CBS/SUPER ! AGE NEW SUBJECT INTERIOR SUBJECT INTERIOR Form PICPOCS! — "WinTOTAL* appraisal sottware by a la mode, inc, ~ 1-BO0-ALAMODE Print Page 1 of 5 i . WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLAJTOWNHOUSE ‘Southeast Florida)/ MLS ML: 01210319 BC: ROBRO1 OF: Beachfront Realty Inc _ AREA: 22 : STATUS: A : AD: 10275 Collins Av UN: 909 RP: LLP: LP $1,298,000 CT: DADE FH: CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEOAR: LG: BAL HARBOUR OCEN FRONT THE NEW HARBOUR HOUSE UNIT 909 FL#: 9 TOTFL: 16 BLOG#: STYLE: 42 MC: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD:5 — PN: 0010 . MAP: ST: | FL TPE CONDO | DV: . CN: THE NEW HARBOUR HOUSE INTLVLS: 0. : ' MN: FS: UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: : ' LA: 0 TA: 0 YR: 1964/UC CONV: EFF: BED: 2: FBATH: 2 | HBATH: 1 HE: 16 UNIT: CORNER HIGHRISE DET: N MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: : GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 CPT: PARK SPACE#: j WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT OCNACCES WTRAC: UNRESTRC FACE: i UNTVW: OCNDRECT SECUR: DOORMAN LOBBY PRVGUARD BAL&P: Y CONST: CBS NEWCONST ‘ UNDCONST DINE: SF/FF: 0 ‘ PARK: {SPACE PARKING RESTRICT: i : FLOOR: CARPET MARBLE MIN LS #DAY: 180 _ #LSEYR: 1 REM: gorgeous 2/2.5 unit, YES!YES!, 180 degrees DIRECT OCEAN FRONT VIEW, best line-in building, european cabinets in kitchen & ES: bathrooms, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, enjoy top of the line fitness and heaith spa, private party room, home ms: theater, billiards,etc. you must see this unit with breathtaking ocean view from every room & kitchen CUSTOM MADE CLOSETS, HS: MARBLE FLOOR ready to move, for SALE‘COMPLETELY FURNISHED, CALL AGENT (SEE PHOTO). : : x 7 . i DIR: . : BRK-REM: PRESENTLY RENTED TILL ABRIL 2008 FOR $5500 PER MONTH, YES WE SELL THE UNIT WITH THE TENAI LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: FL: PR: MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: PB: BEDRM: OTHER : cr: 0 . MSBTH: PETS:Y/ RES ROOMS: INTER: BUILT-INS WALKCLOS — ELEVATOR FOYER PANTRY EQUIP: DISHWASH DRYER MICRO. RANGE-E REFRIG WASHER, WNDw: EXTER: .COURTYD’” OPENBALC MAINT: ALLAMEN CABLE BLDEXTER MANAGER POOLSVC SEWER SECURITY TRASHREM WATER - PARKING OUTMAINT ELEV BIKESTORG BUSINESS CABANA EXERCISRM EXTSTORAG SAUNA. SPAHOTTB. PRVBCHPAV. POOL . LIGHTING RESTR: OKLEASE APPRYV: OTHER HEAT: CENTRAL ELEC CooL: CENTRAL. ELEC HOPA: U TRMSCONS:OTHER ASSUME: : : MPR: N “TOA: C TOTAL FEES: $0 I : TAXES:. $0 TAXYR: 2007 TAX: | NEWCONST ; APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $938 LAND LSE: $0 : SPEC: POSS: FUNDING LPID: . 3014323 _ US: Astrid Seda APH: - 305-532-9921 : 2PID: 2A: 2AG: 305-532-5531 ' uy: ER" ON: ON#: 305-532-9921 305-978-6566 URL: : : PHOTO: — NOPHO : BRD: D EMAILA: . wo: . COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: VAR: oN JA: : OccUP:. CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA LD: XD: PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: OK ADV: N th: PREV$: $1,325,000 PRICE CHNG: 08/12/07 ORIG$:$1,378,000 . L2: : INET: YIFANTASTIC QIRECT OCEAN VIEWS FROM THIS GORGEOUS OCEAN FRONT NORTH EAST CORNER UNIT, YES, YES, THE BEST LINE IN THE BUILDING call owner's agent today . : ° : PD: : CONTING: DM: 2 PURN: [ol SP: : ecD: . CB: SPID: . SS: , Sh: TR: SPID2: SS2: $2: *() 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* | ADMINISTRA 4/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp Print Page 2 of 5° WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1148170 BC: .CLUBO1 — OF: TRG-Beach Club Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: A : AD: 10275 COLLINS AVE UN: MIDO1 RP: LLP: © LP: $1,199,000 CT: DADE F#: 00000000000012011 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEOAR: LG: BAL HARBOUR UNIT MID O1 FL#: 12° TOTFL: 14 BLDG#:_ STYLE: C42 : : TYPE: CONDO { MC: 12 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 5 PN: 0010 MAP: 2622 ST: FL i DV: HARBOUR HOUSE CN: HARBOUR HOUSE INTLVLS: 0 i MN: A Mod:2 FS: UNIT BLG: 457 -UNIT COMPLX: . 457 f LA: 1,508 TA: 1,657 YR: 2006/ CC CONV: NEFF: BED: 2 BATH: 2 HBATH: 1 #h 0 UNIT: EASTUSL LOBBY DET: N MNLIV: ENTLEVEL DOCK SPACE#: | GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 ATT CPT: PARK SPACE#: i WTRFR: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: OTHER FACE: SW UNTVW: OCEAN OTHER SECUR: ELEVATOR’ GUARDSTE . | BAL&P: Y: CONST: CBS DINE: | SF/FF: 0 : PARK: ASSIGNED COVERED PARKING. RESTRICT: : ! FLOOR: OTHER ; MIN LS #DAY: 180 | #LSE YR: 2 H REM: Move into the most exclusive address in BAL HARBOUR and enjoy the lifestyle which the newly designed and renovated Harbour ES: : House has to offer. Enjoy endless amenities from an party room with bar, serving pantry, billiards, and TV lounge. Aso:featured isa yg; i professionatly managed, fully equipped fitness and health spa, overlooking the pool deck. Also in¢iuded are message rooms, steam, HS: i sauna, Pilates/aerobics and juice bar. Walking distance from BAL Harbour shop. Hurry up out call today!! Available 7 days : . ; i DIR: | BRK-REM: ' . t F LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: FL: PR: ' MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: | PB: i BEDRM: 18R+GRND i CF: 0 : MSBTH: : PETS:Y/RES | ROOMS: DEN-OFFC i i INTER: 1FLENTRY ; oh ' EQUIP: DISHWASH DRYER RANGE-E REFRIG SELFCLEAN’ WASHER : | | i WNDW: . EXTER: . OPENBALC i i MAINT: ALLAMEN BLDEXTER COMNAREA ELEC INSURANCE LAWN-LAND -PARKING POOLSVC WATER i | t AMENS: BAR BILLIARDS BQ/PICNIC COMMUNRM ELEVATOR: EXERCISRM HEATPOOL: POOL SAUNA SPAHOTTB} i RESTR: OTHER APPRV: —1-2WKS : HOPA: NN HEAT: — CENTRAL ELEC COOL: CENTRAL ELEC i TRMSCONS:CONV : ASSUME: ! MPR: N TOA: "H TOTAL FEES: . $971 iM 7 TAXES: $0 - TAXYR: 2007 TAX: NEWCONST / APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: | $971 LAND LSE: $0 : ‘SPEC: ‘POSS: FUNDING \ LPID: 3061037 LS: Michelle Judd APH: 305-978-2011 OPH: 305-682-2222 x 0 : 2PID: 2A: 2AG: , FAX: 305-868-5267 LTY: ER . ” ON: ON#: 2PH: URL: MMOCEAN3@ATT.NET PHOTO: SD3-8 BRD: M EMAILA: . WD: COBA: 3% COTB: - 3% CONR: 3% VAR: ON JA: VT: O@CCUP: CLLAGT _ SHOW: CALL-LA Lb: xDr : PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: OK ADV? N La: PREV$: PRICE CHNG: - ORIG$:$1,199,000 L2: | INET: Yin . ; | PD: CONTING: DM: FURN: cD: SP: . : ecp: cB: SPID: SS: ; | St: i TR: SPID2: SS2: | $2: ! *(c) 2007 ~- Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 11/20/07 08:57 AM g.asp ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT. exnielt AL paGe 84%) OF ____ sete os pp OT _ page 2 or0007 7 Print [_ Property History View | ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker DOM M1148170 A . $ 1,199,000 05/29/07 3061037 CLUBOL 11/20/07 *(c)_ 2007 ~ Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 08:57 AM 14/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp Page 30f 5 i 1 i Print Page 4o0f5 i WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1146325. BC: CLUBOL OF: TRG Beach Club Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: A i AD: 10275 COLLINS AVE . UN: = 1222 RP: LLP: LP:. $1,150,000 CT: DADE F#: 0000000000001222 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEOAR: ; LG: HARBOUR HOUSE UNIT 1222 FL#: 12 TOTFL: 14 BLDG#: : STYLE: C42 MC: 12 TN: 22 . SE: 26 SD: 5 PN: 0010 MAP: 2622 Sst: FL TYPE: CONDO DV: HARBOUR HOUSE CN: HARBOUR HOUSE INTLVLS: 0 : : “MN: A MODEL FS: UNIT BLG: 457 UNIT COMPLX: 457) | i : | LA: 1,462 TA: 1,534 YR: 2006/ CC CONV: N EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 i HBATH: 1 #1: 3 UNIT: EASTUS1 LOBBY DET: oN MNLIV: ENTLEVEL - DOCK SPACE#: i GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 ATT - CPT: PARK SPACE#: Hi WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: OTHER | FACE: SW UNTVW: OCEAN OTHER SECUR: ELEVATOR GUARDSTE : BAL&P: .Y | CONST: CBS : . DINE: ©), SEJFF: © 0. i PARK: \ ASSIGNED COVERED PARKING RESTRICT: | i FLOOR: OTHER . MINLS #DAY: 180 I. #LSE YR: 2 REM: Move into the most exclusive address in BAL HARBOUR and enjoy the lifestyle which the newly designed and renovated Harbour “BS: House has to offer. Enjoy endless amenities Party room with bar, serving pantry, billiards, and TV lounge. Also featured isa mg: professionally managed, fully equipped fitness and health Spa, overlooking the pool deck. Also included are message rooms, steam, sauna, Pilates/aerobics and juice bar, Walking distance from BAL Harbour shop. Hurry up out call today!!! Available 7 days HS: j DIR: : BRK-REM: | UR: DR: DA: FR: FL: Fo PRE MB: “2B: 38: DN: UR: : PB: BEDRM: 1BR+GRND : CF: 0 MSBTH: : | PETS:Y/ RES ROOMS: DEN-OFFC | INTER: — 1FLENTRY EQUIP: DISHWASH DRYER RANGE-E REFRIG SELFCLEAN WASHER WNDw: EXTER: — OPENBALC : MAINT: ALLAMEN BLDEXTER COMNAREA- ELEC INSURANCE: LAWN-LAND PARKING POOLSVC WATER : : : i AMENS: BAR” BILLIARDS BQ/PICNIC’ COMMUNRM ELEVATOR EXERCISRM HEATPOOL POOL SAUNA SPAHOTTE RESTR: OTHER APPRY: 1-2WKS ; HOPA: N | HEAT: CENTRAL ELEC COOL: CENTRAL ELEC : TRMSCONS:CONV ; : . ; ASSUME: ! MPR: N TOA: H TOTAL FEES: ‘$880 mm” | TAXES: $0 TAXYR: 2007 TAX: —NEWCONST i APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $880 LAND LSE: $0 | SPEC: : POSS: FUNDING | LPID: 3061037 LS: Michelle Judd APH: 305-978-2011 OPH: 305-682-2222 x 0 : 2PID: ‘ 2A: 2G: FAX: | : LIY: ER ON: ‘ ON#: 2PH: : : URL: WWW.THENEWHARBOURHOUSE.COM : PHOTO: — SD3-8 BRD: M i EMAILA: . WD: i COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: 3% VAR: N JA: Vi: : “@CcUP: CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA LD: XD: | ' PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: OK ADV: N . Li: PREVS; PRICE CHNG: : ORIG$:$1, 150,000 L2: INET: ¥/2/2.5 : PD: CONTING: pm: FURN: cp: | SP: i ECD: cB: SPIDE SS: / Sh : : TR: SPID2: SS2: $2: 7 ‘ . | : a i *()_ 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATIONS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* / 11/20/07. 08:57.AM : vt E COMPLAINT ; . a =n Oe Etech 11/20/2007 Print Page 5 of 5 = [ Property History View | ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker / DOM M1146325 A $1,150,000 05/21/07 3061037 CLUBOL i 1 | ‘ i i i / ' i i ' | ; i { | | ; ' i i ' ! i A | | | i : | i ; i i | | ! ! i : ; | | i i 11/20/07 *{c)_ 2007. — Southeast Florida MLS -- INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE SUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 08:57 AM 07 14/Search/PrintPraviawT a aces Print Page I of 3 WILLY ESCOBAR ML: M1164115 BC: HARDOL RE2- - CONDO/CO-OPIVILLA/TOWNHOUSE : Southeast Florida MLS OF: HARDING REALTY, INC. AREA: 22 STATUS: A AD: » 960im COLLINS AV UN: 1708 RP: LLP: “LP $1,965,000 CT: DADE Fé: 112-22-26-038-1090 CITY: BALHARBR ZP; «33154. GEOAR: LG: =MAJESTIC TOWERAT BAL HARBOUR CONDO UNIT £708 UNDIV 0.509% INT FL#: 17° TOTFL: 21 BLDG#: STYLE: C42 MC: ¥12 TN: 122 SE: »26 SD: «38 PN: 1090 MAP: «2622 ST: FL TYPE: CONDO DV: CN: MAJESTIC TOWER INTLVLS: 0 MN: F$: U UNIT.BLG: UNIT COMPLX: LA: 2,250 TA: 2,250 YR: «1998/RS CONV: EFF: BED: 2 BATH: 2 | HBATH: 1 #1: 5 UNIT: EASTUS1 HIGHRISE DET: oN MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 DET - CPT: PARK SPACE#: WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC:-BEACHACC . -UNRESTRC FACE: S$ UNTVW: OCEAN INTRACST SECUR: LOBBY GUARDSTE TVCAMERA BAL&P: Y CONST: CBS DINE: . SF/FF: 2250 PARK: 1SPACE ASSIGNED VALET PARKING RESTRICT: : FLOOR: MARBLE MIN LS #DAY: 365 #LSE.YR: 1 REM: GORGEOUS APARTMENT WITH UNOBSTRUCTED PANORAMIC CITY & OCEAN VIEWS! ACROSS FROM BAL HARBOUR SHOPS! . SPACIOUS 2 BED/2.5 BATHS, BEAUTIFUL MARBLE FLOORING, PRIVATE ELEVATOR, SPA, RESTAURANT AND EVERY AMENITY ONA ms: GREAT LOCATION. *ALSO FOR YEARLY RENTAL AT $6,500 PER MONTH. ES: 1 HS! DIR: ' I BRK-REM: LR: OR: DA: KT: FR: Fur i PR: MB: 28: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: . PB: BEDRM: ENTRYLVL i cr: 0 MSBTH: DUALSINKS SPTUB&SHW ; PETS:N ROOMS: ; : INTER: 1FLENTRY CLOS-CAB_ FOYER SPLITBED — WALKCLOS ; EQUIP: RANGE-E —REFRIG DISHWASH DRYER MICRO SMOKEDET : WNow: EXTER: OPENBALC i MAINT: ALLAMEN BLDEXTER CABLE COMNAREA ELEV MANAGER OUTMAINT PARKING ‘PESTCNTL POOLsVC RECFACIL RESERVE ROOF SECURITY AMENS: CABANA ELEVATOR EXERCISRM CLUBHSERM HEATPOOL KITCHFAC SAUNA. SPAHOTTB TENNIS TRASHOHUT LIGHTING | PLAYAREA RESTR: OTHER APPRV: ASSOC INTERVW : HOPA: N HEAT: CENTRAL ELEC COOL: © CENTRAL ELEC ' TRMSCONS:CONV : ASSUME: DAV/SGH! $1,005,360 MPR: N TOA: H TOTALFEES: $0 IN DMV/ASV: TAXES: — $20,826 TAXYR: 2006 TAX: — NOEXEMPT: ; APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1250 LAND LSE: 0 REC LSE: $0 SPEC: POSS: FUNDING Y LPID: 0153002 LS: Sara Smith APH: 305-951-9129 OPH: 2PID: 2a: 2AG: 305-866-7644 uy: ER ON: ON#: URL: PHOTO: — NOPHO BRD: M EMAILA: COBA: 3% COTE: 3% CONR: 3% VAR: No JA: OccUP: CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA Lo: PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: OK ADV: Y PREV$: $1,965 PRICECHNG: 08/03/07 ORIGS$:$1,965 INET: Y/GORGEOUS UNIT WITH UNOBSTRUCTED PANORAMIC CITY & OCEAN VIEWS! ACROSS BAL HARBOUR SHOPS & FINE RESTAURANTS. SPACIOUS 2 BED/2.5 BATHS, MARBLE FLOORS + PD: \ CONTING: DM: FURN: cD: : SP: ECD: CB: SPID: SS: . L Str TR: SPID2: SS2: , 82: *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional -- INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* i 11/20/07.- 08:59 AM 14/Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp Print Page 2 of 3 E COUNTY PROPERTY FOLIO 12-22. 26- 038- 1090 PADDR 9601/ COLLINS/ AV/ 1708 : CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154 ZONING $0/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? = TAXCRT?\ LIS PEND? UPDATE 07/12/07 L OWNER NAME & ADDRESS i J CAST GORDIN OADDR’ 96017 COLLINSTAVT 1706 ; FIRST ALBERT JANET OCITY. BAL HARBOUR FL OZIP CD 33154 OTHER COMPANY : LAND INFORMATION j : FRONT FT DEPTH FT LOT BLOCK PBK-PG LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG S/LANDSF S/ADISE $ 426.670 $/TOTLSF AVRATIO! 0.96 BUILDING INFORMATION : ADISOFT 2,250 TOTSQFT NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 HALF BATHS NUM FLRS : [ LEGAL DESCRIPTION 7 i T MAJESTIC TOWER <_ UNDIVOS0% i 2 AT BAL HARBOUR CONDO 5 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS i 3 UNIT 1708 _ 6 OFF REC 17876-2519 | TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION z i —] ASSESSMENTS (2006) DISTRICTS - EXEMPTIONS. __ ~ AUTHORITY TAX AMOUNT(2006) | Land Water N Homestd N Widow N COUNTY TAX $ 17,909. i Imprv $1,005,360 Road N Veteran N Disabld.N CITY TAX i $2,918 | Total $1,005,360 Sewer N Exempt N Senior -N MISC TAX : i Prev $773,350 Light N School N Exmpt GROSS TAX : $20,827 | MilIRt 20.72 Markt Val $1,005,360 NonEx -$ 1,005,360 PREV TAX $16,461. | i TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION al j 1G PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE : #1 11/15/06 $ 0.000 $ 19,993.77 "$0.00 i #2 11/16/06 $0.00 . : i | io 11/28/06 $19,993.77 FULL RE PAYMENT TOTAL TAX DELINOUENT #5 #6 \ SALES INFORMATION ; : : DEED RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE OR BK-BG SRC_STYPEE DESCRIPTION | CURR 05/10/04 05/17/04 $ 960,000 22304-2979 D- : : PREV 02/08/02 02/08/02 ; 20259-3155: D : i EARL 08/28/98 09/01/98 $ 452,700 sw 18254-3912 M /!GOOD SALE 7 3 i MLS HISTORY i | MLS 05/13/04 $960,000 MLS# 940763 BROKER HARDOI MORTGAGE INFORMATION _. i MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY - M-TYPE & DESCRIPTION 05/11/04 $ 768,000 GLOBEX LNDG CORP ‘CO / CONVENTIONAL ~___ EXTRA FEATURES = | AIC CPORT DOCK ~ PATIO POOL FENCE OTHER **Information not warranted: Information herein is from Dade County** : Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. 11/20/07 Print Page 3 of 3 Property History View | ML# Status Price Date Agent - Broker DOM MLI64115 A $1,965,000 08/03/07 0153002 HARDOL MI164115 A $1,965 08/02/07 ~ 0153002 HARDOL : Mi164129 A $6,500 08/02/07 0153002 = HARDO1 M1138824¢ $2,100,000 06/18/07 0627872 FMTLOL : / M1138824 A $2,100,000 04/23/07 0627872 FMTLOL 1075070 «C $ 1,965,000 04/19/07 0153002 HARDOL : . M1075070 T $1,965,000 02/13/07 0153002 HARDOL ; M1075070 A $1,965,000 01/19/07 0153002 HARDOI 1075070 T $1,965,000 01/19/07 _ ~~ 0153002 HARDOL : mi075070 oT $2,100,000 11/27/06. 0153002 “HARDOL : M1075070 A $2,100,000 07/25/06 0153002 HARDOL . Mio10030 sc $2,200,000 01/03/06 0153002 HARDOL | i M1010030 A $2,200,000 08/03/05" *~ 153002 HARDOL : 970372 R $5,000 10/27/04 0627872 FMTLOL : 22 970372. A $5,900 . 10/05/04 0627872' FMTLOL 7 M9S5619. x $5,900 08/26/04 0627872 FMTLOL, / M940763 cs $960,000. 05/13/04 0153002 HARDOL : 113 M940763 0 T $ 1,050,000 04/06/04 0153002 HARDOL : 940763 A $4,050,000 93/23/04 0153002 HARDOL : 0 M940763 A $1,100,000 01/19/04 0153002 HARDOL : 0 MB4i2400 xX $4,600 12/14/01 0331595 HARDOL 0 M841240 0k $4,600 09/12/03 0331595 HARDOL 0 i i 14/20/07 *(c)_ 2007 — Southeast Florida MLS — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* 08:59 AM COMPLAINT, Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp 11/20/2007 Page 1 of 3 Print - WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE - Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1179623. BC: PIRTOL OF: Prodigy Intl. Realty Aventura AREA: 22 STATUS: A i AD: 9601 COLLINS AV UN: | #504 RP: LLP: ¢ LP: $1,900,000 : CT: DADE F#: 12-22-26-038-0460 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: «33154 GEOAR: { LG: =MAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT S04 UNDIV 0.489% INT FL#: 0 © TOTFL: 0 BLDG#: STYLE: C42 : PE INDO : MC: 212 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 38 PN: 0460. MAP: «2622 ST: FL n oo i DV: MAGESTIC TOWER CN: MAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHRBR INTLVLS:. 0 i : MN: F Fg: UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: LA: 2,160 TA: 0 YR: =1998/RS CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 HBATH: 1 UNIT: OTHER. DET: ON MNEIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 0 ; cpt: 0 PARK SPACE#: : WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC | FACE: oN : UNTVW: OCEAN. TENNIS SECUR: OTHER + BAL&P: Y CONST: CBS DINE: EATINKIT ~ DIN-LIV SF/FF: 0 PARK: 1SPACE PARKING RESTRICT: FLOOR: -MARBLE . : MIN LS #DAY: 0 #LSE YR: 0 REM: Very nice unit in a very desirable building- priced to sell! Upgraded! Sel! furnished or unfurnished ES: MS: ' HS: b : DIR: : j BRK-REM: : i LR: OR: DA: KT: FR: FL: PR: sy MB: 2B: 38: 4B: DN: UR: PB: i BEDRM: | ENTRYLVL CF: 0 | MSBTH: PETS:Y/ RES ROOMS: : INTER: — BUILT-INS i EQUIP: DISHWASH —REFRIG RANGE-E Hl WNoW: : EXTER: SHUTTERS —TENNISCT MAINT: CABLE INSURANCE SEWER 7: : AMENS: BASKETBL TENNIS. j i RESTR: OKLEASE APPRV: | OTHER ~ HOPA: N HEAT: = CENTRAL +COOL: | CENTRAL | TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: + DAV/SOH: $1,051,220 i MPR: N TOA: C TOTAL FEES: .$1,200 iM DMV/ASV: TAXES: «$21,776 TAXYR: 2006 TAX: NOEXEMPT T™: APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: . $1200 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 SPEC: ; POSS: FUNDING Y LPID: 0532526 LS: Ivette Perez APH: 305-992-5538 OPH: 305-614-3100 x 3391 2PID: 2A: 2AG: 305-614-3101 LTY: ER ON: ON#: URL: — PHOTO: —SD3-8 BRD: M EMAILA: wo: COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: VAR: oN JA: N z occuP: CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA LD: XD: PREV STATUS: STATUS CHNG: OK ADV: N ui: PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,900,000 12: INET: N . PD: CONTING: DM: FURN: cD: SP: ECD: CB: SPID: SS: Sl: TR: SPID2: S82: $2: *(c) 2007 ~Southeast Florida Regional:—- INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* : 11/20/07 09:00 AM 11/20/2007 Print Page 2 of 3 DADE COUNTY PROPERTY FOLIO —12- 22- 26- 038-0460 PADDR 9601/ COLLINS / AV/ 504 CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES PCITY BAL HARBOR - PZIP CD 33154 ZONING 50/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS _SUBDV MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR COND ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? TAX CRT? LIS PEND? - UPDATE 07/12/07 OWNER NAME & ADDRESS : CAST KIRSCHNER OADDR 96017 COLLINS/AV7 304 ; ‘ FIRST MITCHELL ANNE OCITY BAL HARBOR FL OZIP CD 33154 i . OTHER COMPANY : : LAND INFORMATION : FRONTFT ~ DEPTH FT LOT BLOCK PBK-PG i LND SQFT LND ACRE WATERFRONT OR BK-PG : S/LANDSF S/ADISF $ 412.040 $/TOTLSF AVRATIO. 0.85 : BUILDING INFORMATION i ADISOFT 2,160 ~ TOTSQET NUM UNITS YEAR BLT 1998 BEDROOMS 2 BATHRMS 2 HALF BATHS __NUMELRS { LEGAL DESCRIPTION : T MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL 7 UNDIV 0.439% i 2 HARBOUR CONDO SINT IN COMMON ELEMENTS 2 3 UNIT 504 6 OFF REC 17876-2519 | i TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION i j i ASSESSMENTS (2006) DISTRICTS ; EXEMPTIONS: AUTHORITY (TAX AMOUNT2006) | - Land Water N Homesid N Widow N COUNTY TAX > $18,726 Imprv $1,051,220 Road N Veteran. N Disabld N CITY TAX $3,051 | Total $ 1,051,220 “Sewer N Exempt N -Senior N MISC TAX i Prev $808,630 Light N School N | Exmpt GROSS TAX $21,777 | MillRt 20.72. Markt Val $1,051,220 NonEx $ 1,051,220 PREV TAX $17,212 | _TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION -_ ! PAY DATE AMOUNT” “PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE #1 01/02/07 $21123.550 FULL RE PAYMENT $ 21,123.55 © $0:00 ; #2 | | ta ; TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT | i #5 #6 | ~~” SALES INFORMATION qo: DEED RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE OR BK-BG SRC S-TYPE® DESCRIPTION CURR 11/10/03 . 11/25/03 $ 890,000 21849-75 D : ' PREV 01/16/03 01/16/03 20967-3549 D : . i EARL . 03/27/00 04/06/00 3 643,800 WR 19056-1204 M_ {GOOD SALE : ; MLS HISTORY : : i MLS 03/27/00 $643,750 MLS#_ M772348, BROKER ESTLOi MORTGAGE INFORMATION | . MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-LYPE & DESCRIPTION 11/14/03 $ 480,000 BANK OF AMERICA CO/ CONVENTIONAL EXTRA FEATURES : i AIC CPORT DOCK : PATIO POOL FENCE OTHER **Information not warranted. ‘Information herein is fom Dade County** . i Tax Rolls.. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy, n t4rea07 i 11/20/2007 Search/PrintPreviewDlg.asp A LALL Page 3 of 3 1 [ Property History View | ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker DOM M1179623 A $1,900,000 10/01/07 0532526 PIRTOL M916710 x $995,000 09/30/03 0340061 HARDOL 0 M916710 A $995,000 06/11/03 0340061 HARDOL : 0 M772348 cs $ 643,750 03/27/00 0616930 ESTLOL : 0 : 'M772348 PS $684,000 02/29/00 0504887 MEYR 0 . M772348 A $ 684,000 01/27/00 0504887 MEYR 0 : M772348 A $689,000 01/07/00 0504887 MEYR 0 : M772348 A $705,000 11/19/99 0504887 MEYR 0 a M7S0475 x $705,000 10/31/99 0504887 MEYR 0 : M750475 A $705,000 04/28/99 0504887 MEYR : 0 M736170 c $715,000 04/01/99 0565174 HARDOL 0 i | | | 7 | | | f { | ! | : ; | i | } ' / ! | ' i : i | | | i \ 11/20/07 *(c)_ 2007 -- Southeast Florida MLS -- INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* ~ 09:00 AM a SS woe 110 — 11/20/2007 Print Page 1 of 2 WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLA/TOWNHOUSE Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1152180 BC: RMXXO1 OF: Re/Max Best Seller Realty AREA: 22 STATUS: CS AD: 9601 COLLINS AV UN: «1204 RP: LLP: 1 LPs $2,200,000 CT: DADE F#: 12-22-26-038-0530 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 133154 GEOAR: UG: »MAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT 1204 UNDIV 0.489% INT FL#: 12 TOTFL: 22 BLDG#: STYLE: C42 ' MC: 112 TN: 22 SE: 26 SD: 38 PN: 0530 . MAP: 2622 St FL TYPE: CONDO DV: Majestic Tower CN: Majestic Tower INTLVLS: 0 i MN: 04 FS: UNIT BLG: 156 UNIT COMPLX: 156 | LA: 32,160 TA: 2,160 YR: «1998/ RS CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 29 | HBATH: 1 I: UNIT: — HIGHRISE DET: oN MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: i GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 ATT CPT: PARK SPACE#! : WTRER: Y/ OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC . | FACE: NE \ UNTVW: OCEAN INTRACST SECUR: DOORMAN ELEVATOR | BAL&P: Y : CONST: CBS DINE: | SF/FF: 2160 PARK: ASSIGNED GUEST COVERED PARKING RESTRICT: . : FLOOR: MARBLE CARPET MINLS #DAY: 365 ; #LSE YR: 1 REM: Ocean! Enjoy living in one of BalHarbour's luxurious bldg. Impecable. Electric shutters, Private elevator te your apt,, tennis courts, ES: restaurant, ocean front gym. First class building in a magnificent location. : MS: i HS: DIR: COLLINS AVE AND 96TH ON THE OCEAN SIDE; RIGHT ACROSS THE BAL HARBOUR SHOPS ! i BRK-REM: : L t i LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: Fl: i PR: i MB: 28: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: i Ps: H BEDRM: ENTRYLVL . . : CF: 0 | MSBTH: : PETS:Y/20-. ROOMS: : / INTER: FIRESPRK FOYER CLOS-CAB = LAUNDTUB_— PANTRY SPLITBED : EQUIP: " DISHWASH DRYER MICRO REFRIG RANGE-E SELFCLEAN . SECURITY WALLOVEN WASHER i \ i WNOW: EXTER: OPENBALC PRIVWALL SHUTELEC : MAINT: CABLE ELEV POOLSVC WATER TRASHREM SEWER RECFACIE RESERVE ROOF SECURITY ALLAMEN INSURANCE OUTMAINT | PARKING : AMENS:. BASKETBL BILLIARDS BIKESTORG COMMUNRM EXERCISRM ELEVATOR HEATPOOL POOL SAUNA SPAHOTTE i RESTR: OKLEASE APPRV: — 1-2WKS a HOPA:.N i HEAT: . CENTRAL COOL: — CENTRAL mo, i : TRMSCONS:CONV ‘ASSUME: DAV/SOH:. «$1,127,070 i . MPR: N TOA: C TOTAL FEES: $1,200 ™ DMV/ASV: i TAXES: «$23,348 TAXYR: 2007 TAX: — NOHOMESTD f i APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1200 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 : SPEC: POSS: FUNDING Y i : t LPID; 0638005 LS: Patricia Mendoze _ APH: 305-866-8580 OPH: 305 866-8580 x 0 | 2PID: 624776 2A: Edith Wigoda 2AG: 305 864-4194 . LT¥Y: ER ON: ON#: URL: _ PHOTO: NOPHO + BROOM | EMAILA: wo: COBA: 3% coTs: CONR: VAR: N JA: ON VT: : OCcUP: OWNER SHOW: CALL-LA LD: 06/13/07 XD: 10/13/07 ‘ PREV STATUS: PS STATUS CHNG: 08/06/07 OK ADV: Y ua: | PREVS: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$2,200,000 L2: INET: Y/Pure ocean!!! One of the most coveted lines in the bidg. Enjoy the lifestyle of Bat Harbours most luxurious building. PD: 07/16/07 CONTING: DM: 33 FURNY CD: 07/23/07 SP: $1,900,000 ECD: 07/31/07 CB: SIEROL SPID: 0641668 SS: Yevgeniy Gasilovskiy / Si: TR: CONV SPID2: $S2: | $2: *(c)_ 2007 - Southeast Florida Regional —- INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS NOT WARRANTED* i 11/20/07 ° 09:01AM 11/20/2007 FL Page 2 of 2 WILLY ESCOBAR RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLAITOWNHOUSE . Southeast Florida MLS ML: M1103420 BC: HARDO1 OF: HARDING REALTY, INC. AREA: 22 STATUS: .CS AD: » 10101 COLLINS AV UN: «120 RP: LLP: LPs $1,500,000 CT: DADE F#: 12-22-26-037-0630 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 33154 GEOAR: LG: THE PALACE AT BAL HARBOUR CONDOUNIT 12-D UNDIV 0.6559 % INT IN FL#: 12... TOTFL: 19 BLDG#: COMMON ELEMENTS OFF STYLE: C42 MC: «12 IN: «22 SE: 26 SD: «37 PN: 10630 MAP: «2622 st: FL TYPE: CONDO DV: CN: THE PALACE INTLVLS: 0 MN: F$: UNIT BLG: UNIT COMPLX: LA: 2,210 TA: 0 YR: #1994) RS ° CONV: EFF: BED: 3 FBATH: 3. | HBATH: 1 #1: 8 UNIT: EASTUS1 HIGHRISE LOBBY DET: N MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 1 CPT: . PARK SPACE#: WTRER: Y/ OCNACCES OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC | FACE: SE UNTVW: INTRACST OCEAN SECUR: ELEVATOR FIREALRM GUARDSTE | BAL&P: CONST: CBS DINE: | SF/FF: 0 PARK: 1SPACE ASSIGNED PARKING RESTRICT: : FLOOR: MARBLE MIN LS #DAY: 0 | -#LSEYR: 0 REM: GORGEOUS OCEAN AND BAY VIEWS! LUXURY OCEANFRONT BUILDING IN BAL HARBOUR AREA! PRIVATE ELEVATOR, | ES: UPGRADED, 3 BED/3.5 BATH + TERRACE. GREAT AMENITIES. EASY TO SHOW. MAINTENANCE INCLUDES $100 TO BE CONSUMED Ms: IN RESTAURANT. : HS: i i DIR: : i BRK-REM: . : LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: en i PR: MB: : 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: uR: i PB: BEDRM: ENTRYLVL j CF: 0 MSBTH: 2MASTER . i PETS: Y/ 20- ROOMS: ‘ INTER: OTHER EQUIP: DISHWASH DRYER FIREALARM ICEMAKER - RANGE-E —REERIG | WNDW: EXTER: OPENBALC "OTHER i MAINT: ALLAMEN BLDEXTER CABLE ELEV LAWN-LAND OUTMAINT PARKING POOLSVC RECFACIL SECURITY OTHER AMENS: ELEVATOR PLAYAREA’ POOL SAUNA OTHER i RESTR: OTHER APPRV: -1-2WKS : “HOPA: N HEAT: CENTRAL ELEC COOL:, CENTRAL “ELEC ; TRMSCONS:CONV ASSUME: " “DAV/SOH: $481,495 MPR: N : TOA: C TOTALFEES: $0 JN DMV/ASV: TAXES: — «$9,716 TAXYR: 2005 TAX: HOMESTEAD “TMs! APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1270 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 SPEC: POSS: FUNDING IDX: Y LPID: 0128208 LS: Anita Bigelman APH: 305-343-6796 OPH: 305-865-9811 x 0 2PID: . 2A: 2AG: FAX: 305-866-7644 LTY: EA ON: ON#: 2PH: | URL: PHOTO: — NOPHO ; BRD: M EMAILA: . wo: * COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: 3% VAR: oN JA: vi: Occup: CLLAGT SHOW: CALL-LA LD: 11/28/06 XD: 11/28/07 PREV STATUS: PS STATUS CHNG: 10/04/07 OK ADV: Y La: PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIG$:$1,500,000 La: INET: YIGORGEOUS OCEAN AND BAY VIEWS !f. LUXURY OCEANFRONT BUILDING IN EXCLUSIVE BAL HARBOUR! PRIVATE ELEVATOR, 3 BEDS.S BATH + TERRACE. GREAT AMENITIES. PP: 05/09/07 CONTING: DM: 162 FURNG CD: 09/03/07 = SP: $1,375,000 ECD: 05/31/07 CB: HARDO1 SPID: 0128208 SS: Anita Bigelman Shr TR: CONV SPID2: © $§2: : , $2: *(c) 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT 1S NOT WARRANTED* 11/20/07 09:01 AM ON OMPLAINT, -R10-01 PANGEAN INTERNATIONAL °OLIO NUMBER: 12-2226-037-0630 -0101 COLLINS AVE 12D .WNER'S NAME AND ADDR tUDIN FAMILY HOLDINGS: LLc -0101 COLLINS AVE 12D 3AL HARBOUR FL 33154 COMPARED TO: 10245 COLLINS AVE 9D 112007 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ SQFT S/SQFT AVR 33154 2 3.1 1994 2,210 622.17 2.77 W GV P FLR CONSTRUCT | ZONING LV SOFT 0 * N/A * 50 - OF 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE PALACE AT BAL HARBOUR CONDO UNIT 12~D LOT SIZE ==> ISC COUNTY UNDIV 0.6559 % 0.00SQF INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS. : sOT TYPE => OFF REC 16511-3228 tEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT AS/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/ET 2006 N/A N/A 495,939 224.40 06 9,755.87 N 4.41 COUNTY MARKET VALUES HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE YEAR BUILDING LAND TOTAL 25000 JUL. 2007 1,375,000. 8 2006 . 0 0) 708,720 SLC CLC DEC. 1994 442,800 1 ZEN TR-BLK 38.020 - 2 04 07 JNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY 1 21.649700 N SELLER (S)==> FRED MARVAN M i MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE | RATE | NUMBER ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F3=COMPS LIST IR1LO -F4=TAX FS=LEGL F7=DIM F8-MORE ! RECENT DEED PRESENT = FI=VIFw i i i | | | IR10-O1 PANGEAN INTERNATIONAL COMPARED TO: 10245 COLLINS AVE 9D 112007 FOLIO NUMBER: 12-2226-038-0530 PAZTP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ SQFT $/SQFT AVR 9601 COLLINS AVE 1204 33154 2 2 1 1998 2,160 879.62 1.68 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR WG VP -FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT ALEXANDER SORKIN 0 * N/A * 50 - OF 0 9601 COLLINS AVE 1204. LEGAL DESCRIPTION BAL HARBOUR FL 33154 MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR CONDO LOT SIZE ==> Isc COUNTY UNIT 1204 ; 0.00SQF UNDIV 0.489% LOT TYPE => ; INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT AS/FT YEAR TAXES BD TX/FE 2006 ) 0 1,127,070 521.79 06 23,348.17 N 10.80 COUNTY MARKET VALUES HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND. TYPE YEAR BUILDING LAND TOTAL 0 JUL. 2007 1,900,000 8 2006 0 0 1,127,070 SLC CLC JUL. 2002 877,500 1 CEN TR~BLK 38.020 - 2 "04 O07 AUG. 1998 589,000 1 UNITS IBD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-OTY 1 21.649700 N SELLER(S)==> 1204 MAJESTIC INC c MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE | NUMBER COUNTRYWIDE HM LNS INC 1,327,500 071707 CON ADJUS 8.12 ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F3=COMPS. LIST TR10 F4=TAX FS=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE RECENT DEED/MTG PRESENT - Fl= VIEW ACCESS APPRAISALS GROUP SERVICES, INC. 7334 SW 42 STREET MIAMI, FL 33155 Telephone Number: 305-265-5050 Fax Number: 305-266-6060 Intemal Order #: STEPHANIE CELADA Lender Case #: ! MJOP LENDER Client File #: : 8491 NW 17 ST Main Fie # onform: 07-0609 MIAMI, FL 33126 Other File # on form: SUMMARY REPORT Telephone Number: (305) 406-3333 Fax Number. (305) 406-3344 Federal Tax 1D: 20-3286907 | Alternate Number: E-Mail: APPRAISAL S@MJOP.COM Employer ID: pe sie Client: MJOP LENDER Gender MJOP LENDER Purchaser/Borrower. RICARD A SOUKUSAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address: 10275 Collins Ave ! City: MIAMI BEACH ‘ : County: MIAMI DADE State: FL Zip: 33454-4414 Legal Description: BAL HARBOUR OCEAN FRONT ADDN PB 57-68 UNIT 1110 AKA THE NEW HARBOR HOUSE UNIT 1910. APPRAISAL FEE 1007 RENT SCHEDULE . 216 OPERATING INCOME ESTATEMENT, CUENT DISCOUNT i i ! | i i if | i AL DUE ~|$. Cy we SE — Form NIVS — “WinTOTAL* appraisal software by a la made, me IG ( Access Appraisals Group, =| tree aon Borrower/Cient__RICARD A SQUKVSAMIR EL SOUKI File No. 07-0609 Property Address. 10275 Collins Ave City MIAMI BEACH County MtAMi DADE State FL Zp Code 33154-1414 Lender MJOP LENDER i TABLE OF CONTENTS : : Invoice .. — Building Sketch (Page - 1} Building Sketch (Page - 1} Photograph Addendum Comparable Photos 1-3 16 Comparable Phatas 4:6 7 Location Map 48 Flood Map .... Form-TOCP — “WinTOTAL* appraisal software by a la mode, inc. — 1-800-ALAMODE enc Building Sketch Borrower/Giet_RICARD A SOUKVSAMIR EL SOUKI__- 2 i Property Address_ 10275 Collins. Ave : Wt i City MIAMI BEACH County MIAMI DADE. State FL Dp Code 33154-1414 ; Lender MJOP LENDER i BEDROOM . BEDROOM DINING . ROOM WOOH .LV3Y9 12 : KITCHEN entRy BATH BATH “BATH GLAL Floor Plan #1110 Floor Fian #1110 BALCONY Net LIVABLE Area (Rounded) (Rounded) Form SKT.BiSH — "WinTOTAL* appraisal software by ala mode, inc. — 1-800-ALAMODE ey. - Tle No, 07-06051 Page #3) : BUILDING SKETCH Borower/Cient_ RICARD A SOUKISAMIR EL SOUKI Proper ly Address_ 10275 Collins Ave 4 City MIAMI BEACH County _MIAM! DADE. State FL Zp Code 33154-1414 : Lender MJOP LENDER: Form SKT.BldSki — “WinTOTAL" appraisal software by a la mode, inc. — 1-800-ALAMODE Cubinit Access Appraisals Group : Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report Orono REPORT File #-07-0609. The purpose of this summary appraisal report'is to provide the lender/client with an accurate, and adequately supported, opinion of the market value of the Subject_proper Property Address 40275 Collins Ave : ‘Unit # 1110 City MIAMI BEACH State FL Zip Cade 33154-1414 Borrower RICARD A SOUKISAMIR EL SOUKI Owner of Public Record TRG-HARBOUR HOUSE,LTD County MIAMI DADE Legal Description BAL HARBOUR OCEAN FRONT ADDN PB 57-68 UNIT 1110 AKA THE NEW HARBOR HOUSE UNIT 1110 Assessor's Parcel # _12-2226-005-NYA Tax Year_2006 RE Taxes $ NYA Pry Project Name BAL HARBOUR Phase # 4 Map Reference 52-42-26 Census Tract 0038.02 fey Occupant [| Owner [7] Tenant] Vacant Special Assessments $ NONE HOA $ 970.14 (7) per year 5] per month =| Property Rights Appraised [x] Fee Simple [| Leasehod [| Other (describe) i tad Assignment Type (Purchase Transaction {| Refinance Transaction Other (describe) Lender/Clent__MJOP LENDER: {s the subject Droperty currently offered for sale or has it been offered Report data source(s) used, offering price(s), and date(s}. 1 OJ aid (eid nat analyze the contract for sale for the subject purchase transaction. Explain the results of the analysis of the contract for sale or. why the analysis was not performed. SEE ABOVE : Address 8491 NW 417 ST, MIAMI, FL 33126 in the twelve months prior to the effective date of this appraisal? Elves (J No THE SUBJECT 1S UNDER CONTRACT SINGE 09/2005 FOR $1338,900. | {z} : . F4 Contract Price $ 1,338,900 _Date of Contract 09/03/2005 _Is the property seller the owner of public record? &j¥es []No Data Sourceis} PUBLIC RECORDS) 2 {s there any financial assistance (oan charges, sale concessions, gift ot downpayment assistance, etc.) to be paid by any party on behalf of the borrower? Oves Bina [=] 't Yes, report the total dollar amount and describe the items to be paid: ont Location (_]Utban Bd Sibuban [-T act ; ar ing’ | PRICE AGE | One-Unit 851% fay Bult-Up Dc) Over 78% [_) 25-75% Under.25%- | Demand/Supply Shortage [J in Balance [_} Over Supp $ (000) fyts) [2-4 Unit ml. fe} Growth [X) Rapid) Stable (Stow Marketing Time [Under 3 mths [).3-6 mths (7) Over 6 ahs | 775 “Low NEW | Muti-Family % Fe Neighborhood Boundaries TO THE NORTH 192 ST TO THE SOUTH 44 ST TO THE EAST ATLANTIC 3MIL+ High | 40 [Commerciat 15'% iS OCEAN AND TO THE WEST SISCAYNE BAY. : 1.5 Pred. § 10 [Other '% fay Neighborhood Description SEE ATTACHED ADDENDUM. Hi 2 : = CONDITIONS ARE INCREASING WITH SUPPLY AND DEMAND -! BUILDINGS, SOME-OF THESE CONTRACTS WERE DONE IN BY SELLERS ARE NOT UNCOMMON, —: Size_RECTANGULAR Density HIGH * View FULL OCEAN lecific Zoning Classification RM -60 Zoning Description APTS HOUSING, HOTEL MINIMU SINGLE FAMILY Zoning Compliance (XJ Legal_[] Legal Noncanforming ~ Do the zoning regulations permit rebuilding to current density? (] Yes [7] No {J Wo Zoning ()-Wepal (describe) i * {s the highest and best use of subject property as improved (at as broposed per plans and specifications) the present use? i Yes (_] No JtNo, describe w fad Utilities "Pubic Other (deseribe) Public Other (describe) Off-site Improvements - Type | Public Private | fr Electricity BF) Water kT Street ASPHALT ! Od i fs} Gas [} | &noGas Sanitary Sewer Dd (J All j fed FEMA Spectal Flood Hazard Area [Yes] No FEMA Flood Zone AE FEMA Map # 12025C0092J ___FEMA Map Date 3/2/1994 Are the utilities and off-site imprayernents typical for the market area? BLYes_ (J No tf No, deserite Are there any adverse site conditions or extemal factors (easements, encroachments, environmental Conditions, land uses, etc.)? (_] Yes" BG No tf Yes, describe Haconpie CBS # of Units 1451_| # of Phases. 4 # of Planned Phases Roof Surface CONG _}# of Units Completed 451 _ | # of Units: 451 [# of Planned Units Total # Parking 900+/-__|# of Units For Sale 15 __|# of Units for Sale [15 [# of Units tar Sate Ratio (spaces/units) 1.5 # of Units Sold 1436_| # of Units Sold 1436 _| # of Units Sold Year Built 1964/07, Type GAR # of Units Rented O__|.# of Units Rented id) # of Units Rented Effective Age NEW Guest Parking ADEQ __{# of Owner Occupied Units [436 [# of Owner Occupied Units [436 | # of Owner Occupied Units fej Proiect Primary Occupancy GY Principle Residence ["] Second Home or Recreational (1 Tetact fey 's the develoner/tuilder in control of the Homeowners" Association HOA}? -[} Yes x] No F54 Management Group -" [__] Homeowners’ Association [| Developer _[X) Management Agent - Pravide name of management company. CONTINENTAL fe] GROUP9S4-925-8200 ! Fl Does any single entity (the same individual, Rvesto Group. Corporation, tc.) own more than 10% of the total uits inthe project? [1 Yes [No _WYes, Describe fey 4 Was the Oroject created by the conversion of existing buliding(s) into a condominium? —_(<]-Yes [ Na_tf Yes, describe the original use and date of conversion, Are the units, common elements, and recreation facilities complete (including any planned rehabiftation for a condominium conversion)? & Yes No If No, describe {s there any commercial space in the project? Ox Yes [1 Notes, describe and indicate the overall Dercentage of the commercial space: 41 FOOD MARKET. - : Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005, Page 1 of 6 gr Mae Form 1073 March 2005 AMD OS Form 1073 — "WinTOTAL* appraisal software by a la mode, inc. — Cvhibit IFile No. 07-0609] Page #5] Ie ott, ot toe * . SUMMARY REPORT Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report File # 07-0609 Describe the condition of the project and quality of construction. COMPLETELY RENOVATED FROM A TRANSITION OF APARTMENTS TO CONDOMINIUMS. THIS A SUPERIOR BUILDIN IG WHERE THEY KEPT PART OF THE EXISTING SHELL AND RECONSTRUCTED A NEW SUPERIOR HIGHRISE PRODUCT. fe} Describe the common elements and recreational facilities 24 HR SEC.,VALET,POOL, BEACH ACCESS, COMMON AREAS, CONCIERGE,SPAGYM, __| Fi CLUSHOUSE, THEATER, : ! FS = Are any common elements leased to or by the Homeowners’ Association? (_] Yes x) No_It Yes, describe the rertal ferms and options. - 2 g 's the project subject to a ground rent? __(_] Yes Dx No if Yes, $ per year (describe terms and conditions) o.! Are the parking facilijes adequate for the Broject size and type? Gd Yes (1.No_if'No, describe and comment on the effect on value and marketability. ' {5 did did not analyze the condominium Droject budget for the current year. Explain the results of the ‘analysis of the budgei (adequacy of fees, reserves, efc.), of why. i the analysis was not performed. THE CONDO DOCS WERE NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE APPRAISER'S REVIEW. : Are there any other fees (ather than regular HOA charges) for the use of the Droject facilities? — {7} Yes (X} No if Yes, report the charges and describe. Ci ROJECT ANALYSIS orupared to other competitive projects of similar quality and design, the subject unit charge appears High Average {7 ] Low I High or Low, describe Fa Are there any special or unusual characteristics of the project (based on the condominium docunients, HOA meetings, or ather information) known ‘othe appraiser © — = LJ} Yes [XJNo. if Yes, describe and explain the effect on vatue and Matketability.” WB Unit Charge $970.14 _per monthX12=$ 11,641.68 per year ___ Annual assessment charge per year Der square feet of grass fiving area =$ 7.78 tities included in the unit monthly assessment Nane_[ Heat Qa Air Conditoring (7) Electicity (1} Gas [XY Water Od Sewer (-] Cable [-] Oner (describ on hance sa ose LE/CARPET. __|(_] Freplace(s) # I<} Refrigerator [_) None Walls DRYWALL [J WaodStave(s) # iQ Range/Oven DX) Garage_[“] Covered (-] Open Heating Type REV Fuel ELE |Trim/Anish WOOD iL] Deck/Patio (C] Disp] Microwave _[# of Cars 1 AES Central AC (7) individual AC [Bath Wainscot. TILE IX) Porch/Balcony Dishwasher (CJ Assigned 5%} Owned m (__|-Other (describe) Doors wooo Other I Washer/Dryer iParking Space # Finished area above grade contains: 4 ‘Rooms 2 -Bedrooms 2.5 Baths) 1,496 - Square Feet of Gross Living Area Above Grade z Are the heating and cooling for the individual units separately metered? Yes_{_} No It No, describe and comment on compatibility to other Projects in the market area. a Additional features (speciat energy efficient items, etc.) ALL APPLIANCES. ARE CUSTOM SUPERIOR AND IN NEW CONDITION, Fa 7 Ase there any physical deficiencies or adverse conditions that affect the Lvability, soundaess, or structural integrity of the property? [_] Yes (XJ .No_ it Yes, describe Does the property generally confarm to the Neighborhood {functional utlty, style, condfidn, use, construction, etc)? OX) Yes [J No_ ff No, describe BeOS cid CT aid not research he sae or ancl history of the subject property and comparable sales. If not explain NO PRIOR SALES WITHIN THE BUILDING My research did_(X) did nat reveal any prior sales or transfers of the subject Droperty for the twee years prior to the effective date of this appraisal. ‘| Data source(s) _ PUBLIC RECORDS. SALES OFFICE . | im fesearch did did not reveal | any prior sales of transfers of the comparabie sates for the year prior to the date of sale of the comparable sale, FA Data source(s) PUBLIC. RECORDS/SALES OFFICE - | fej Report the resutts of the research and analysis of the prior sale or transfer history of the subject property and-comparable sales {report additionat prior sales on page 3). E4 ITEM SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE #1 COMPARABLE SALE #2 | __ COMPARABLE SALE #3 Be] Date of Prior Saie/Transter NO SALES IN. NO SALES IN 01/2007 INO SALES IN £2] Price af Prior Sale/Transfer PAST 3 YEARS PAST 3 YEARS 4,000,000 PAST 3 YEARS Fj Oatz Source(s) [PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS ii Fg Effective Date of Data Source(s) 06/2007 (06/2007 [06/2007 (06/2007 “By Analysis of prior sale or transfer history of the subject property and comparable sales. RECENT CONDO CONVERSION NO PRIOR SALES. Paes oR Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005 ~ Page 2 of 6 Form 1673 — “Win TOTAL" appraisal software by a fa mode, fe. pe gubaanon) 7) v_ Q oo edit . Helle 07-606] Pane coe . . . SUMMARY REPORT Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report Fie # 07-0609 There are__5__comparable properties currently offered for sale in the Subject neighbortoad ranging in’price from $ 1,200,000 : fo$ "1,600,000 There are 6 __ comparable’ sales in the subject Neighborhood within the past twelve months ranging in sale price from $ 1,400,000 to$ _ 1,630,000 FEATURE SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE #1 COMPARABLE SALE #2 COMPARABLE SALE # 3 Address and 10275 Collins Ave 4401 COLLINS AVE 3501 9601. COLLINS AVE 1003 16051 COLLINS AVE 2502 | Unit # MIAMI BEACH MIAMI BEACH, FL 33140 MIAMI BEACH, FL. 33154-1423 | MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1423 | Project.Name and BAL HARBOUR FONTAINBLEU I! CONDO MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HBR| TURNBERRY OCEAN COLONY! Phase i 1 1 12 i Proximity to Subject 15.62 miles S 0.73 mites S 0.01 mites NW. i Sale Price 338,900] $1,440,000). $1,630,000; 885 $__1,535,000 Sale Price/Gross tiv. Area [$ 894.9980, ft]$ _ 962.579, LSE RPEls 754.6359. tee $ 683.7459. tt] Data Source(s) @| PUBLIC RECDS PUBLIC RECDS PUBLIC RECDS Verffication Source(s) _ OBSERVATION OBSERVATION OBSERVATION i VALUE ADJUSTMENTS DESCRIPTION | DESCRIPTION | +() $ Adjustment | OESCRIPTON [+()$ Adjustment | _ DESCRIPTION | +() $ Adjustment Sales or Financing CONV. FINANC CONV. FINANC! CONV FIN : Concessions’ NONE NOTED NONE ‘NOTED NONE NOTED Date of Sale/Time ae #1112006 03/2007 11/2006 Location : SUBURBAN __|SUBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN Leasehold/Fee Simple FEE SIMPLE [FEE SIMPLE FEE SIMPLE FEE SIMPLE HOA Mo. Assessment 970.14 1322.00 1200.00 1600.00 Common Elements ~ |SEE SEE SEE SEE | and Rec. Facilities ADDENDA ADDENDA ADDENDA ADDENDA Floor Location 44TH FLOOR [35TH FLOOR -26,000| 10TH FLOOR 25TH FLOOR | View FULL OCEAN |FULL OCEAN FULL OCEAN FULL OCEAN. | Fl Design (Style) CONDO. CONDO CONDO CONDO “FE Quality of Construction CBS/SUPER_|CBS/SUPER ~IcBs/SUPER CBS/SUPER 9 Actual Age WIYRS “a Is-yRs YR I Condition “goon GOOD igoop Fa] Above Grade Bdrms.{ Baths | Total [Bdrms.{ Baths Tota! [Barms.| Baths Totat [Germs] Baths 4 Room Count 21425| 4] 2 [os 4[2 [25 4li2 j25 = Gross Living Area 1,496 sq. ft 4,496 sq. tt, OL 2,160 sq. ft! ~49,800 2,245 sq. tt: fj Basement & Finished NIA NIA NIA NIA Rooms Below Grade” NIA NIA NIA NA | 4 Functional Utiity STANDARD [STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD _ | Heating/Coating CENTRAL AIC_|CENTRAL A/C. CENTRAL AIC CENTRAL A/C Energy Efficient tems STANDARD _|STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD a Garage/Carpart 1-UNDRGRND | 1-UNDRGRND 2-UNDRGRND. -25,000/1-UNDRGRND | PorctvPatio/Deck _ [BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY Net Adjustment (Total) -26, 0001 [)+ S- [s -7400| [1+ - (5 Adjusted Sale Price Net Ad. 4.6% Net Adi 46% of Comparattes 1,414,000|Gross Adj. 4.6 %)$ 1,555,260) Summary of Sales ‘Comparison Approach B OCEAN THAT ITS SCHEDULE TO X_Gross Rent Multiplier = Summary of income Approach {including support tor market rent and GRM) " 2 Estimated Manthly Market Rent $ Indicated Value by Income Approach Indicated Value by: Sales Comparison Approach. $ 1,400,000 _ THE MOST WEIGHT WAS PLACED ON THE SALES COMPARISON APPROACH. CONCILIATION. w Lid ‘This appraisal is made [J “as is", BX) subj completed, ‘Subject to the following repairs or alterations on the basis of a Based on a complete visual inspection of the interior and-exterior areas of the subject property, defined scope of work, statement of assumptions and. limiting: Conditions, and appraiser's certification, my {our} opinion of the market value, as defined, of the real property that is the subject of this report is i $1,400,000 as of 06/14/2007 . which is the date of inspection and the effective date of this sal. £ F Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005 ° Page 3 of 6 a thet Form 1073 — “WinTOTAL* appraisal software bya a mode, File No. 07-0609 soe woe * : SUMMARY REPORT Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report File # 07-0609 This report form is designed to report an appraisal of a unit in a condominium project or a condominium unit in a planned unit development (PUD). This report form is not designed to report an appraisal of a manufactured home or a unit in a cooperative project. This appraisal report is subject to the following scope of work, intended use, intended user, definition. of market value, statement of assumptions and {i imiting conditions, and certifications... Modifications, additions, or deletions to the intended use, intended user, definition of market value, or assumptions and limiting conditions. are not permitted. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional research or analysis necessary based. on the complexity of this appraisal i assignment.- Modifications or deletions to the certifications are also Not permitted. However, additional certifications that do : not constitute material alte rations to.this appraisal report, such as those required by law or those: related ta the appraisers ! continuing education or membership in an appraisal organization, are permitted. SCOPE QF WORK: The scope of work for this appraisal is defined by the complexity of this appraisal assignment and the feporting requirements of this appraisal report form, including the following definition of market value; statement of assumptions and limiting conditions, and certifications. The appraiser must, at.a minimum: (1) perform ai complete visual inspection. of the interior and exterior’ areas of the subject’ unit, (2) inspect and analyze the condominium project, (3) inspect the neighborhood, (4) inspect each of the comparable sales from at least the street, {5) research, verify, and analyze data from reliable public and/or private sources, and (6) report his or her analysis, opinions, and conclusions in this appraisal Teport, -- : INTENDED USE: The intended use of this appraisal report is for the lender/client to evaluate the property that is the Subject of this appraisal for.a mortgage finance transaction, : : INTENDED USER: ‘The intended user of this appraisal report is the tender/client. ecified date and the passing of veby: (i) buyer and selier are typically motivated; (2) both parties are well what he or she considers -his or her own best interest; (3) a feasonable time is *Adjustments to the comparables must be made for special or creative financing .or sales concessions. |No adjustments are necessary for those costs which are normally paid by sellers as a resutt of tradition or law. in- a. market area; these costs are ! readily identifiable since the seller pays these casts in virtually all sales transactions. Special or creative financing i adjustments can be made to the comparable Property by comparisons to financing terms offered by a third party institutional | lender that is not already involved in the Property or transaction. Any adjustment should not be calculated on. a, mechanical i dollar for dollar cost of the financing or concession but the dollar amount of any adjustment should apptoximate the market's °! reaction to the financing or concessions based on the appraiser's judgment. . i . ' i ! : STATEMENT OF ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: ‘The appraiser’s certification in this report is subject to the following assumptions and limiting conditions: i gal nature that affect: either the property being appraised or the of during the research invotved: in :performing this appraisal. id will not-render any opinions about the title, 1. The appraiser will not be responsible for matters of a le title to it, except for information that he or she became awar The appraiser assumes that the title is good and marketable ani 2. The appraiser has provided a sketch in this appraisal report to show the approximate dimensions of; the improvements. | ‘The sketch is included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property and understanding the appraiser's determination of its size. . i : 3. The appraiser has examined the available flood maps that are provided by the. Federal Emergency “Management Agency (or other data sources) and has noted in this appraisal report whether any portion of the subject site is an identified Special Flood Hazard Area. Because the appraiser is not a surveyor, he or she makes no guarantees, express or implied, regarding this determination. 4. The appraiser will nat give testimony or appear in court because he or she m ade an appraisal of the property in question, : unless specific arrangem ents to do so have been made beforehand, or as otherwise required by law. 5. The appraiser has noted in this appraisal report any adverse conditions (such as needed repairs, deterioration, the Presence of hazardous wastes, toxic substances, etc.) observed during the inspection of the subject: property ‘or that he or she became aware of during the research invaived in performing this appraisal. Unless otherwise: stated in this appraisal feport, the appraiser has no knowledge of any: hidden or unapparent physical deficiencies or adverse. conditions of the property (such as, but not limited to, needed Tepairs, deterioration, the presence of hazardous wastes, toxic substances, adverse environmental conditions, etc.) that would make the property less. valuable, and has assumed that there are no such conditions and makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied. The appraiser wilt not be responsible for any such conditions that do exist or for any engineering or testing that might be required to discover whether such conditions exist. Because the appraiser is not an exp 7 xpert in the field of environmental hazards, this appraisal report. must not be Considered as an environmental assessment. of the property. : 6. The appraiser. has based his or her appraisal feport and valuation conclusion for an appraisal that: subject to Satisfactory completion, repairs, or alterations on the assumption that the completion, repairs, or alterations of the subject Property will be performed in a professionat manner. . 1 . Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005 Page 4 af 6 Form 1073— “WinTOTAL* appraisal software by a KerpOd8, inc. File No. 07-0609] Pace #8) woe rae . SUMMARY REPORT Individual Condominium Unit A\ File # 07-0609 APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: The Appraiser certifies and agrees that: 1. | have, at a minimum, dev this appraisal report. raisal Report eloped and reported this appraisal in accordance with the scope of work requirements stated. in 2. | performed a complete visual inspection of the interior and exterior areas of the subject property. | reported the condition of the improvements in factual, specific terms. { identified and reported the physical deficiencies that could affect the livability, soundness, or structural integrity of the property. 3.1! performed this appraisal in accordance with the: re Practice that were’ adopted and promulgated by the App place at the time this appraisal report was prepared. quirements. of the. Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal : raisal Standards Board of The. Appraisal Foundation and that were in. - 4. | developed my opinion of the market value of the reat property that is the subject of this report based on the sales : comparison approach ta value. | have adequate comparable market data to develop a reliable sales comparison approach ¢< for this appraisal assignment. { further certify that 1 considered the cost and income approaches to value but did not develop i them, unless otherwise indicated in this, report. 7 6. | researched, verified, analyzed, an fo the date of sale of the comparable 7. id reparted on the prior sales. of the comparable sales. for a minimum of one year prior sale, unléss. otherwise indicated in this report. ' | selected and used comparabie sales that are locationally, physically, and functionally the most similar tojthe ‘Subject Property. 8. | have not used comparable sales that were the result of combining a land sale with the contract purchase price of.a home that’ ! has been built or will be built on the fand. : : 9. | have reported adjustments to the Comparable sales that reflect the market’s reaction to the differences between the subject i Property and the comparabie sales... 10. I verified, from a disinterested source, ali information in this. report that was provided by parties who have a financial interest in : the sale or financing of the subject property. 11. | have knowledge and experience in appraising this type of property in this market area. t 12. bam aware of, and have access to, the necessary and appropriate public and private data sources, such as multiple listing services, tax assessment records, public iand records and other such data sources for the area in which the property. is located. 13. [ obtained the information, estimates, and opinions fumished by. other Parties and expressed in this appraisal report from; Teliable sources that | believe to be true and correct. i adverse environmental conditions, etc.) observed during: the inspection: of the | subject property or that | became. aware of during ly analysis of the property value, and have reported on the effect of the conditions on the value and i marketability of the subject property. . t 1S. | have not knowingly withheld any significant information from this appraisal report and, to the best of my knowledge, all statements and information iti this appraisal report are true and correct. 16. | stated in this appraisal report my own personal, unbiased, and professional analysis, opinions, and ‘conclusions, which are subject only to the assumptions and limiting conditions in this appraisal feport. 17. | have no present or prospective interest in the property that is. the subject of this report, and | have no. present or prospective personal interest or bias with the participants in the transaction. | did not base, either partially or completely, my analysis and/or opinion of market value in this. appraisal report on the race, color, teligion, sex, age, marital Status, handicap, familial status, or national origin of. either the prospective owners.or occupants of the subject property or of the. present owners or occupants of the properties in the vicinity of the subject property or on any other basis prohibited by law. 18. My employment and/or compensation for performing. this appraisal or any future or anticipated appraisals was not conditioned on any agreement or understanding, written or otherwise; that | would report (or present analysis supporting) a predetermined specific value, a predetermined minimum value, a.range or direction in value, a value that favors the cause of any party, or the attainment of a specific result or occurrence of a specific subsequent event (such as: approval of a pending Mortgage joan application). a 9 } s a & Q 3 3 = Ss 5 a 5 3 19. | personally prepared all conélusions and opinions about the real estate that were set forth in this appraisal: report. if | relied on significant reat property appraisal assistance from any individual or individuals in the performance: of this appraisal. : or the preparation of this appraisal report, | have named such individual(s) and disclased the specific tasks performed in this | appraisal report. | certify that any individual so named is. qualified to. perform the tasks. { have not authorized anyone to make | a change to any item in this appraisal report; therefore, any change made to this appraisal is unauthorized and | will take no Fesponsibility for. it. : : . 20. | identified the lender/client in this appraisal report who is the individual, organization; or agent for the: organization that ordered and will receive this appraisal report. . Freddie Mac Form 4685 March. 2005 ' Page Sof 6 Fannie Mae Form 1073 March 2005 Form 1073 — "WinTOTAL* appraisal software by.a fa mode, inc, ~ Ele No 07-0600] Pane #3} ee ee Fy . SUMMARY REPORT Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report File # 07-0609 obtain the appraiser's or Supervisory. appraiser's (if applicable) consent. Such consent must be obtained before.this appraisal : report may be disclosed: or distributed to any other party (including, but not limited to, the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media). 22. | am aware that any disclosure or distribution of this appraisal report by me or the-lender/client may be subject to certain laws and regulations. Further, | am also subject to the prc ovisions of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal. Practice that pertain to disclosure or. distribution by me. 23. The borrower, another lender at the request of the borrower, the mortgagee or its successors and assigns, mortgage insurers, government sponsored enterprises, and other secondary market participants may rely on this appraisal report as part of any mortgage finance transaction that involves any one or more of these parties. 24. if this appraisal report was transmitted as an “electronic record” : defined in applicable federal and/or state laws (exciuding audio and video recordings) appraisal report containing a copy or representation of my signature, valid as if a paper vi 25. Any intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) contained in this appraisal report may result in civil liability and/or criminai penalties including, i der the provisions of Title 18, United States | Code, Section-1001, et seq., or’similar state laws. ° F i SUPERVISORY APPRAISER’S CERTIFICATION: The Supervisory Appraiser certifies and agrees that: 1. | directly supervised the appraiser for this appraisal assignment, have read the appraisal report, and agree with the appraiser's } anatysis, Opinions, statements, conclusions, and the appraiser’s certification. : 2. | accept full responsibility for the contents of this appraisal report including, but not limited to, the appraiser's analysis, opinions statements, conclusions, and the appraiser's certification. . 3. The appraiser identified-in this appraisal report is either a sub-contractor or an em ployee of the supervisory appraiser (or the appraisal firm), is qualified to perform this appraisal, and is acce; ptable to perform this appraisal under the applicable state law. 4. This appraisal report complies with the Uniform Standards. of Professional Appraisal Practice that were adopted and promulgated by the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation: and that were in Place at the time this appraisal report was prepared. | | 5._If this appraisal report was transmitted as an “electronic record” containing my “electronic signature,” as those terms are defined in applicable federal and/or state iaws (exctuding audio and video recordings), ora facsimile transmission of this appraisal report containing a copy or representation of my signature, the appraisal report as effective, enforceable and valid as if a paper version of this appraisal report were. delivered containing my original hand written. signature. 4 Va . APPRAISER 2 SUPERVISOR ONLY REQUIRED) Signature Lien a>. Signature BoM Wo é Name GUILLERMO ESCOBAR REG. TRN. # R13323 : Name SUYIN DECASTRO RD.#5179 “ i Company Name ACCESS APPRAISALS GROUP SERVICES INC. | Company Address 7334 SW 42ND STREET, MIAMt FL 33155, Telephone Number 305 265-5050 Telephone Number 305 265-5050 Email Address WILLYACCESSAPP@AOL.COM Email Address SUYINACCESSAPP@AOL.COM Date of Signature and Report June 13, 2007 Date of Signature June 13, 2007 Effective Date of Appraisal 06/14/2007 State Certification # ST.CERT.RES.REA. State Certification # : or State License # RD 5179 or State License # 13323 Company Name ACCESS APPRAISALS GROUP SERVICES, ING Company Address 7334 Sw 42 ST, MIAMI, FL 33155 State FL or Other State # Expiration Date of Certification or License 11/30/2008 State FLORIDA . Expiration Date of Certification or License 11/30/2008 SUBJECT PROPERTY Did not inspect subject property ADDRESS OF PROPERTY APPRAISED Did inspect exterior of ‘subject property from street 10275 Collins Ave, #1110 Date of Inspection . MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1414 Did inspect interior and exterior of subject property APPRAISED VALUE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY $ 1,400,000 Date of inspection LENDER/CLIENT Name STEPHANIE CELADA COMPARABLE SALES Company Name MJOP LENDER GJ Did not inspect exterior of comparable sales from street Company Address 8491 NW 17 ST, MIAMI, FL 33126 (:} Did inspect exterior of comparable sales from street Date.of Inspection Email Address APPRAISALS@MJOP.COM Freddie Mac Form 465 March 2005 Page 6 of 6 ~ Fantiie Mae Form 1073 March 2005 . oo : : . C : Fo crcenrnnsn ve aammeamaiaian an <1 9 Forin 1073 —"WinTOTAL* appraisal software by a la mo _ : S } & eT ea Fle No. 07-0605] Page #10)’ soe coe . : SUMMARY REPORT Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report File # 07-0609 FEATURE SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE #4 COMPARABLE SALE #5 COMPARABLE SALE #6 Address and 10275 Collins Ave 10275 COLLINS AVE, #408 {10275 COLLINS AVE, #410 | 10275 (COLLINS AVE. # 1010 : Unit # MIAMI BEACH MIAMI BEACH, Fl 33154-1423 | MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1423 | MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1423 Project Name and BAL HARBOUR HARBOUR HOUSE HARBOUR HOUSE: ~ IBAL HARBOUR Phase 1 4 1 . Proximity to Subject #=iLess than,.01 mile NW Less than .01 mile NW: Less than .01 mile NW Sale Price $1,338.00 $ 850,000 $___ 1,149,000) $1,329,900 Sale Price/Gross tiv. Area [S894 9050. ft|$ 951.8559, ft é $ 768.0559. ft = $__ 888.9759. LE Data Source(s) SALES OFF/HUD 1 SALES OFF SALES OFF Verification Source(s) OBSERVATION INSPECTION INSPECTION i VALUE ADJUSTMENTS DESCRIPTION | DESCRIPTION [ +() $ Adjustment | DESCRIPTION | +() § Adjustment | DESCRIPTION +() $ Adjustment Sales or Financing CONV FIN UNDER UNDER : Concessions CONT DTE 05 CONTRACT CONTRACT : Date of Sale/Time ovo7 09/2005 09/03/2005 i Location SUBURBAN [SUBURBAN [SUBURBAN SUBURBAN E E} Leasehold/Fee Simple FEE SIMPLE [FEE SIMPLE TFEE SIMPLE FEE SIMPLE fe} HOA Mo: Assessment 970.14 606.34 970.14 970.14 Common Elements SEE SEE. SEE SEE = Eq and Rec. Facilities ADDENDA ___|ADDENDA ADDENDA ADDENDA fe} Floor Location 41TH FLOOR [4TH FLOOR 4TH FLOOR 10TH FLOOR ro View FULL OCEAN _[cITy VIEW FULL OCEAN FULL OCEAN | Fa Design (Style). CONDO CONDO CONDG CONDO Faq Quality of Construction CBS/SUPER _|CBS/SUPER CBS/SUPER CBS/SUPER i Actual Age [NEW NEW NEW: NEW Condition GOOD: GOOD GooD GOOD __. ry Above Grade { Tota [edrms.| Batns.| Total [Bors] Baths Total [adrms[ Bans [ot Jeans Bas Room Count 4) 2fasfa] 1 [is +2,500| 4 [| 2 [25 Tafie ae Gross Living Area 1,496 sq. ft. 893 sq. ft, +45,225| 1,496 sq. ft, Q| 1,496 sa. ft Basement & Finished N/A NIA NIA NIA. Rooms Below Grade NIA NA NA NIA Functional Utility STANDARD’ _[1-BEDROOM STANDARD | STANDARD Heating/Cooling _ CENTRAL AG [CENTRAL A/C. CENTRAL A/C. CENTRAL AIC Energy Efficient items STANDARD [STANDARD 7 STANDARD STANDARD | }Garage/Carport 4-UNDRGRND |1-UNORGRND __|4-UNDRGRND — 4-UNDRGRND PorchyPatio/Deck BALCONY BALCONY —| BALCONY BALCONY {— Net Adjustment (Total) + - {s 47,725] + [)- [s + [j- Is Adjusted Sale Price Net Adj. 5.6% Net Adi. % Net Agi: % cf Comparables Gross Adj. 5.6 %|$ - 897,725] Gross Adj. %|$. 4,449,000) Gross Adi. %{$__—_ 4,329,900) Report the results of the research and ‘analysis of the prior sale or transfer history of the subject property and comparable sales (report additional prior sales on page 3). fi (TEM SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE #4 COMPARABLE SALE #5 COMPARABLE SALE #6 Oate of Prior Sale/Transter NO SALES IN INO SALES IN NO.SALES IN NO SALES IN i Price of Prior Sale/Transfer PAST 3 YEARS PAST 3 YEARS PAST 3 YEARS PAST 3 YEARS i fe] Data Source(s) _ _[puptic RECORDS. PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC RECORDS : Etfective Date of Data Source(s) — {G6/2007 06/2007 06/2007 06/2007 Analysis of prior sale or transfer history of the Subject property and comparable sales THE APPRAISER RESEARCHED 1 YEAR PAST HISTORY ON THE 4 UTILIZED COMPARABLES. THE RESULTS ARE LISTED ABOVE. Analysis/Conments: COMPARABLE #4 1S A 1/1.5 MODEL THI IE ONLY CLOSED SALE AS THE PRESENT TIME WITHIN THE SUBJECTS SUBDIVISION. SALES # 5 AND 6 ARE 10 LINES CORNE! R FULL OCEAN PENDING CLOSING DATE THAT SUPPORTS THE SUBJECT VALUE. : Freddie Mac Farm 465 March 2005 Farm 1073.(AC) — “WinTOTAL* appraisal software by a fa modesife, — Pidninit General Text Addendum [BorowerCient_ RICARD A SOUKISAMR EL SOUKI Property Address 10275 Collins Ave ~ City MIAMI BEACH County MIAMI DADE, State FL Zip Code_ 33154-1414 Lender MJOP LENDER + Sgndo : Neighborhood - Description THE SUBJECT IS LOCATED IN A SUPERIOR AREA CALLED BAL HARBOUR. THIS ARE HAS SUPERIOR SHOPPING, HOTELS, NIGHTLIFE, BEACHES, RESORT STYLE COMMUNITY, THE AREA IS OSTRACIZED BY WATER BOUNDARIES File No. 07-0609 Form TADD — "WinTOTAL* appraisal software by a la made, ine. — ‘ano nae 7 2- ' (HleNo. 07-0600] Page #12] SUBJECT PHOTOS : Borower/Cient__RICARD A SOUKISAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address_ 10275 Collins Ave ity MIAMI BEACH Lender MJOP LENDER County MIAM! DADE State FL Zp Code 33154-1414 SUBJECT FRONT 10275 Collins Ave SALES PRICE 1,338,900 GLA. 1,496 TOT.ROONS 4 TOT. BEDRMS.2 — LOCATION SUBURBAN VIEW | FULL. OCEAN SITE. |. TYPICAL QUALITY, CBS/SUPER ! AGE NEW SUBJECT REAR SUBJECT STREET a SUBJECT PHOTOS INTERIOR Borrower/Cient RICARD A SOUKUSAMIR EL SOUKI : Property Address 10275 Collins Ave L 4 Gity MIAMI BEACH County MIAMI DADE Stale FL ip Code 33454-1414 . Lender MJOP LENDER i J: SUBJECT INTERIOR 10275 Collins Ave SALES PRICE 1,338,900 GLA; 1,496 TOT: ROOMS 4 TOT: BEDRMS.2 TOT. BATHRM:2.5 LOCATION SUBURBAN i VIEW i FULL OCEAN STE: | TYPICAL QUALI, — CBS/SUPER AGE NEW SUBJECT INTERIOR i SUBJECT INTERIOR Form PIC4x6.S1— "WinTOTAL® appraisal software by ala mode, inc. — 1-800-ALAMODE SUBJECT PHOTOS INTERIOR Borrower/Ghent RICARD A SOUKISAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address 10275 Collins Ave City MIAMI BEACH County MIAMI DADE State FL Zip Code 33154-1414 i Lender MJOP LENDER ; SUBJECT INTERIOR 10275 Collins Ave SALES PRICE 1,338,900 GLA | 1,496 TOT. ROOMS 4 TOT. BEDRMS.2 TOT, BATHRM:2.5, LOCATION - SUBURBAN VIEW | FULLOCEAN STE | TYPICAL QUALITY, — CBS/SUPER ASE NEW SUBJECT INTERIOR SUBJECT INTERIOR MINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT, Form PIC4x6.SI —- “WinTOTAL* anpraisal software by a la mode, inc. — 1-800-ALAMODE PHOTOGRAPH ADDENDUM : Borrower/Clent_ RICARD A SOUKISAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address_ 10275 Collins Ave City MIAMI BEACH County MIAM! DADE Lender MJOP LENDER State FL. Zp Code 33154-1414 Form GPIC4X6 — "WinTOTAL" appraisal sattware by 2 la mode, inc. — 1-800-ALAMODE COMPARABLE PHOTOS 1-3 Borrower/Cient_RICARD A SOUKISAMIR EL SOUKI Property Address 10275 Cottins Ave {City MIAMI BEACH County MIAMI DADE State FL Zp Code 33154-1414 : Lender MJOP LENDER COMPARABLE -1 4404 COLLINS AVE 3501 PROX TO SUBS.62 miles S SALES PRICE 1,440,000 GLA) . 1496 a TOT.ROGMS 4. a TOT: BEDRMS.2 TOT, BATHRM:2.5 ‘ LOCATION SUBURBAN se heat VIEW. FULL OCEAN A STE = TYPICAL QUALITY CBS/SUPER AGE 2 YRS COMPARABLE 2 9601 COLLINS AVE 1003 PROX 70 SUBO.73 mites S SALES PRICE 1,630,000 GLA = 2160 TOT. ROOMS 4 TOT. BEBRMS.2 TOT. BATHRM:2.5 LOCATION: SUBURBAN VIEW FULL OCEAN STE | TYPICAL : QUALITY - CBS/SUPER | AGE. 9YRS COMPARABLE 3 16051 COLLINS AVE 2502 PROX 10 SUB0.01 miles NW SALES PRICE 1,535,000 GLA 2,245 TOT. ROOMS 4 TOT. BEORMS.2 TOT. BATHRM2.5 LOCATION SUBURBAN VIEW FULL OCEAN SITE TYPICAL QUALITY = CBS/SUPER AGE 1YR Form PIC4x6.CR — "Win TOTAL’ appraisal Software by a fa mode, inc, — 1-800-ALAMODE COMPARABLE PHOTOS 4-6 i : Borower/Ciem RICARD A SOQUKVSAMIR EL SOUKI : . Property Address_10275 Collins Ave City MIAMI BEACH. County MIAMI DADE: Lender MJOP LENDER State FL Tp Gode 33154-1414 COMPARABLE 4 10275 COLLINS AVE, # 408 PROX TO SUBLess than .01 mile f° SALES PRICE 850,000 GLA’: 893 TOT.ROOMS 4 TOT. BEDRMS. 1 TOT. BATHRM:1.5 : LOCATION SUBURBAN i VIEW. CITY VIEW i SITE *, TYPICAL i QUALITY’. CBS/SUPER ACEO) NEW i i : COMPARABLE 5 : 10275 COLLINS AVE, #410. PROX. 70 SUBLess than’.01 mile K | SALES PRICE 1,149,000: : GLA | 1,496 TOT.ROOMS 4 TOT. BEORMS.2 TOT. BATHRM:2.5 : SUBURBAN : FULL OCEAN TYPICAL CBS/SUPER NEW ' COMPARABLE 6 10275 COLLINS AVE, # 1010 PROX TO SUBLess than .01 mile fh; SALES PRICE 1,329,900 i GLA 1,496 TOT. ROOMS 4 TOT. BEDRMS.2 TOT. BATHRM2.5 LOCATION SUBURBAN VIEW. FULL OCEAN SITE QUAY —-CBS/SUPER AGE NEW Fotm PiC4x6.CR —"WinTOTAL* appraisal software by a fa mode, inc. — 1-800-AL AMODE = ba ZO . t “> page. evn Meno, i i Page #16)! IFile No. 07-0609} Location Map [Borower/Giet RIGARD A SOUKUSAMIR EL SOUKI ] Property Address 10275 Collins Ave City MIAMI BEACH County_ MIAMI DADE State_FL Zp Code_33154-1414 Lender MJOP LENDER Comparable ¢ 6 Coniparable #3 40275 COLLINS AYE, #1011 {6051 COLLINS AVE 2502 Lessthan Oi milesw 9.01 miles NW so By |: Comparable # 5 : Z rs ‘Subject ay 102 7SCGLLINS AYE, #410 30275 COLLINS AVE. Comparable 4 4 Comparable +2 10275 COLLINS AYE, #408 9502 COLLINS AVE 1003 Less than.01 mile hv B73 milesS Comparable #1 4401 COLLINS AVE 3501 5.62 miles S Art : ENG OSL Pane FS Flood Map Borrower/Clent RICARD A SOUKYSAMIR EL SOUKI : =] : Property Address 10275 Collins Ave {city MIAMI BEACH County MIAMI DADE State FL Zp Code 33154-1414 ‘ [Lender MJOP LENDER Prepared for: Access Appraisals InterFlood 10275 COLUNS AVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1423 1999-2007 SourceProse and/or FloodSource [Fle No. 07: 0609] Pace #20) Operating Income Statement 07-0608. One- to Four-Family Investment Property and Two- to Four-Family Owner-Occupied Property Property Address i 10275 Collins Ave 1110 MIAMi BEACH FL 5 33154-1414 __ Street City ‘State i Zip Code General Instructions: ‘This form is to be Prepared jointly by the loan applicant, the appraiser, and the lender’s underwriter. The applicant must : complete the follawing schedule indicating each unit's rental Status, lease expiration date, current rent, market Tent, and the:responsibility for i utility expenses. Rental figures must be based on the rent for an “unfumished" unit. L Currently. Expiration Current Rent’ Market Rent . .' Paid Paid i . Rented Date Per Month Per Month Utility Expense. | By Owner By Tenant I Unit No. 4 Yes No Bq NYA $ 0 $ 5,000 Electricity. : w.. UnitNo.2 Yes {-] No [_] $ § Gas ._. im ; UnitNo.3 ~ Yes {| No [| $ $ Fuel it _ Oo I Unit No. 4 Yes{] No f] $ $ Fuel (Other) Total $ $ annual expense item) Income shoutd be based on the current rents, but shautd not exceed mar the property is praposed, new, or currently vacant, market rents should be used. ¢ Annual Income and Expense Projection for. Next 12 months i , | Adjustments by income (Do not include income for owner-occupied. units) . By Applicant/Appraiser. Lender's Underwriter } Gross Annual Rental, (from unit(s) to be rented) . $ 60,000 $ Other Income (include sources) ra + i Total $. 60,000 $. : Less Vacancy/Rent Loss = (AF. ¢ %) | Effective Gross Income . & 60,000 $. H Expenses (Ne not include expenses for owner-occupied iinits) ° Electricity _ Gas __ Fuel Oi Fuel Water/Sewer Trash Removal Pest Control Other Taxes or Licenses Casual Labor __ This includes 1 tor public area cleaning, snow removal, e thaugh the applicant may not elect to cantract for such services. maintain the interiors of the fiving unit. _ General Repairs/Maintenance oe _ This inctudes the costs of contract fabor and materials that are required to maintain the public corridars, stairways, toofs, mechanical systems, grounds, etc. . Management Expenses 4,000 company would charge to manage the Property. : Supplies 250 This includes the costs af items like tigi Total Replacement Reserves - See Schedule an Pg. 2 428 Miscellaneous _ i t i i a : i Total Operating Expenses 1,678 : - : { Freddie Mac This Form Must Be Reproduced By s Seller, me r | Form 998 Aug 88 Page 1 of 2 ; ” Access Appraisals Group Form ING2 — "Win OTAL* appraisal software by ala mod, ang : . __ (Elle No, 07-0609T Pane 7 Replacement Reserve Schedule : Adequate replacement reserves must be. calculated regardless of whether actual reserves are provided for on the owner's ‘aperating statements or are customary in the local market. This represents the total average yearly reserves. Generally, all equipment and components that have a remaining life of more than one year - such as refrigerators, staves, clothes washers/dryers, trash compactors, furnaces, roofs, and carpeting, etc, - should be experised on a replacement cost basis. Equipment Reptacement Remaining By Applicant/ : Lender Cost Life Appraiser Adjustments Stoves/Ranges . coeeetenee @ $ 1,200 ea, + 15_ Yrs. x 1 80. 6§ Refrigerators @ §& 3,500 ea. + 15° Yrs. x 1 233: §$ Dishwashers @ $s 750 ea. + 15_ Yrs. x 1 50 $ AC Units | @ $ ea + Yrs. x $ C. Washer/Dryers @ & 680_ea + 15_ Yrs. x 1 45 § HW Heaters @ & 1 ea + Yrs. x $ Fumace(s) @ $ ea Yrs. x $ (Gther) @$ ea + Yrs. x a) : .@ $ + Yrs. x One Bids. = $ ° § Carpeting (Wall to Wall} Remaining life (Unitsy 20. Total Sq. Yds. @ $ 40. PerSq.Yd. + - 10 Yrs. = $ 2m- § (Public Areas) Total Sq. Yds. @ $. Per Sq. Yd. + Yrs. = $ 2g. Total Replacement Reserves. (Enter on Pg. 1} Op a | $ 60,000 - $ 1,678 =$ 58,322 +12= g | 4,860. Effective Gross Income a Total Operating Expenses Operating Income ‘Monthly Operating income $$ 4,860. - $ ot =. : i Monthly Operating income Monthly Housing Expense ‘Net Cash Flow : i . (Note: Monthly Housing Expense includes Drincipal ‘and interest on the mortgage, hazard insurance premiums, real estate taxes, mortgage insurance premiums, HOA dues, leasehold Payments, and subordinate financing payments.) A Underwfiter‘s instructions for 2-4 Family Owner-Occupied Properties lf Monthly Operating Income is-a positive number, enter as “Net Rental Income” Freddie Mac Form 65/Fannie Mae Form-1003. If Monthly. Operating Income is a liability for qualification purpeses. in the "Gross Monthly income” sectior negative number, if must b: * The borrower's monthly housing expense-to-income ratio must be calculated by co! imparing the total Monthly Housing Expense for the subject propeity ta the borrower's stable monthly income. . a Underwriter’s instructions for 1-4 Family Investment Properties \ Net Cash Flow is a positive number, enter as “Net Rental income* in the "Gross Monthly income" section of Freddie Mac Form 65/Fannie Mae Form 1003. If Net Cash Flow is‘anegative nut mber, it must be included as.a fiability for qualification purposes, The borrower's monthly housing expense-to-income ratio must be calculated by com paring the total monthly housing expense for the barrawer's primary residence to the borrawer's stable monthly income. . oan Appraiser's Comments (including sources for data and rationale for the Projections) GUILLERMO ESCOBAR REG. TRN, # RI3323 Appraiser Name June 13, 2007 Appraiser Signature Date Underwriter’s Comments and Rationale for. Adjustments Underwriter Name Underwriter Signature Freddie Mac Fannie Mae Form 998 Aug 88 Page 2 at 2 Form INC2 — “WinTOTAL" appraisaf sottware by ala mode, inc. it cares Form 216 Aug 8& SINGLE FAMILY COMPARABLE RENT SCHEDULE This form is intended to Provide the appraiser with a File No, 07-0609] Page #29] difference between the comparables and the subject Property. COMPARABLE NO. 1 SUBJECT familiar format to estimate the market rent of the Subject property. Adjustments should be made only for items of significant. COMPARABLE NO. 2 COMPARABLE NO. 3 10275 Collins Ave 9601 COLLINS AVE 1003 MIAMI BEACH 18101 COLLINS AVE 704 MIAMI BEACH 116699 COLLINS AVE 3503 Proximity to Subject MIAMI BEACH i —| Oate Lease Begins NYA 04/2007 01/2007 01/2007 Date Lease Expires NYA 01/2008 01/2008 01/2008 : Monthy Rental if Currently . : i Rented: $ $ 5,000 $ : Less: Utilities 0 Furniture Adjusted Monthly Rent $ 5,000 $ 4;500 $. 4,900 MLX,PUBLIC | MLX,PUBLIC MLX,PUBLIC MLX,PUBLIC INSPECTION OBSERVATION OBSERVATION -_| OBSERVATION RENT ADJUSTMENTS. -DESCRIPTION | +(-)$ ul DESCRIPTION +(-)§ Adjust. |___ DESCRIPTION Rent NONE ‘ NONE : Concessions =| NONE _ NONE i LocationView SUBURBAN ~ \ SUBURBAN ‘ SUBURBAN FULL OCEAN FULL OCEAN ‘ FULL OCEAN FULL OCEAN Design and Appeal. | CONDO CONDO i CONDO GONDO : : SUPERIOR SUPERIOR i SUPERIOR SUPERIOR oa sa: NEW NEW ! NEW NEW be Age/Goncltion soon goop. coop Goop Above Grade Total ‘Bdrms: Baths | Total ‘Bdrms: Baths ! | Total ‘Bdrms: Bath Total ‘Bdrms: Baths Room Count 4.12 3 25 4 5721325 : 45-2525 LE 25.25 Gross Living Area 1,496 Sq. auf 1,496 Sq. Ft! iz 1,600 So. Ft Pb 1,610°Sa, Ft Other (e.g, basement, [N/A NIA : NIA etc.) N/A INIA i Other: Net Adi. (total Indicated Monthly Market Rent ET INDICATES THE FOLLOWING APPROXIMATELY, BETWEEN $4500 To $5000. s, the general trend of rents and ject property.) ALL RENTALS ARE LOCATED APPEAL TO THE SUBJECT,PROPERTY, Final Reconciliation of Market Rent THE IMMEDIATE MARKET AREA. MARKET RENTAL WAS DERIVED FOR OBTAINED BY STATISTICS PROVIDED BY RENTALS, ACTIVE AND PREVIO MULTIPLE REALTORS SERVICES. ALL DATA Is. US RENTAL AND LEASING INFORMATION WITHIN THE . Freddie Mac Form 1000 (8/88) (vek] ° Access Appraisals Group Form RNT — "WinTOTAL* appraisal software by ala mode; inc. IR10-01 PANGEAN INTERNATIONAL COMPARED TO: 10101 COLLINS AVE’ 8c 061407 FOLIO.-NUMBER: 12-2226-038-0380 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ SQFT $/SQFT AVR 9601 COLLINS AVE 1003 33154 2 2 1 1998 2,160 ‘0.00 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR WG-V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT P K REALTY MANAGEMENT LLC 0 * N/A * 50 - OF 0 40 RECTOR ST 1502 LEGAL DESCRIPTIO N NEW YORK NY 10006 MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR CONDO LOT SIZE ==> ISC COUNTY UNIT 1003 : . 0.00SOF UNDIV. 0.489% : LOT TYPE => INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT AS/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/ET 2006 . 0 0 1,104,860 511.50 06 22,888.06 N 10.59- COUNTY MARKET VALUES HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE YEAR © BUILDING LAND TOTAL 0 MAY 2007 4 2006 0 0 1,104,860 SLC CLC MAR.. 2007 Ll, 630, oda 8 CEN TR-BLK 38.020 - 2 04 O07 JAN. 2007 1,000,000 8 UNITS IBD 2BDS 3BDS EEF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-OTY SEP. 2003 850, 000 1 1 21.649700 N MAR... 1998 575,000. 1. SELLER(S)==> PHILIP B KIRKOROV I MORTGAGE COMPANY _ AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE | NUMBER ENTER=FWD F1I=DOCS F3=COMPS LIST F4=TAX FS=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE IR10 RECENT DEED ~ PREV MTG PRESENT F1=VIEW ; | ! ! — “ : *) i f fF i. - a | oO | ADMINISTRATIVE E COMPLAINT EXHIBIT #70 : ack BBY oF < ee ra dbelnit WILLY ESCG=AR ALLAMEN BLDEXTER COMNAREA. ELEV INSURANCE , RE2 - CONDO/CO-OP/VILLAJTOWNHOUSE _ Southeast Florida MLS ML: Mi129039 BC: RMXX01 ° OF: Re/Max Best Seller Realty AREA: 22 AZON: ST ATUS: CS AD: « 9601» COLLINS AV UN: 1003 RP; LLP; _ LP: $1,850, 000 i, CT: DADE F#: 12-22-26-038-0380 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: 133154 GEOAR: LG: «MAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT 1003 UNDIV 0.489% INT FL#: 10 TOTFL: 22 BLDG#: ‘9601 STYLE: c42 MC: 12 TN: 222 SE: #26 SD: x38 PN: 0380 MAP: 112622 ST: FL TYPE: CONDO DV: Majestic Tower CN: Majestic Tower INTLVLS: 1 i MN: FS: P UNIT BLG: 153 UNIT COMPLX: 153 = : LA: 12,160 TA: 400 YR: =1998/ RS CONV: EFF: BED: 2 FBATH: 2 : HBATH: 1 #1: 0 UNIT: . HIGHRISE OTHER DET: N MNLIV: DOCK SPACE#: GOVRN: CONDO Ale GARAG: 2 ATT CPT: PARK SPACE#: : ’ WTRER: Y/ OCNACCES OCNFROI WTRAC: BEACHACC _ UNRESTRC FACE: NE | UNTVW:OCEAN INTRACST SECUR: DOORMAN ELEVATOR LOBBY BAL&P: Y i CONST: CBS DINE: IN-LIV EATINKIT BREAKAR, SF: 2160; PARK: 2+SPACES COVERED VALET PARKING RESTRICT: NOTRKTRL FLOOR: MARBLE CARPET MIN LS #DAY: 365 #LSE YR: 1 REM: A premier address w. over 2100sq. ft. of magnificent ocean views. Walk directly.into your pvt foyer, mouldings, window ES: . : treatments, elec. hurricaine shutters, custom made Closets,.marble floors/carpet in bdrms. Unbeatable price with an MS: | incredible view. This apt comes w 2 assigned parking spaces. Call listing agents for showings. i Hs: [| i DIR: COLLINS AVE TO 96TH‘ST. + FIRST BLDG ON THE .OCEAN SIDE. RIGHT ACCROSS FROM THE BAL HARBOUR. SHOPS. | BRK-REM: Call Patricia 305 546-7670 or Edith 305 804-8390 for easy showing instructions. ; LR: DR: DA: KT: FR: FL: 1 PR: | “MB: 2B: 3B: 4B: DN: UR: PB: BEDRM: 1BR+GRND . CFO | MSBTH: PETS:Y/ 20: j ROOMS: ' INTER: FOYER LAUNDTUB —SPLITBED . EQUIP: AUTOGRDR DISHWASH DRYER . ICEMAKER = MICRO. OWNBALRM _RANGE-E REFRIG scree WALLOVEN WASHER WNDW: - BLINDS DRAPES EXTER: OPENBALC -PRIVWALL | Ss} HUTELEC MAINT; POOLSVC PARKING SECURITY ROOF SEWER TRASHREM ware AMENS: BASKETBL BILLIARDS BIKESTORG CLUBHSERM EXERCISRM EXTSTORAG HEATPOOL PRVBCHPAY SAUNA SPAHOTTB. TENNIS TRASHCHUT : : RESTR: OKLEASE _ APPRV: 1-2WKS HOPA: N HEAT: — ELEC CENTRAL COOL: CENTRAL ELEC ; i TRMSCONSECONV ASSUME: -N DAV/SOH: $1,104,860 ; bs MPR: N TOA: H TOTAL FEES: $1,200 mM DMV/ASV: Pe 5 TAXES: $22,888 TAXYR: 2006 TAX: NOHOMESTD TM: / oA Ff ty) APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1200 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 | | (0 0 SPEC: POSS: NEGOT = a IDX: Y LPID: 0638005 LS: Patricia Mendoza (APH: 305-866-8580 - OPH: 305 546-7670 x 0 2PID: 2A: M.129039 BC: RMXX01 OF: Re/Max Best Seller Realty =~ AREA: 22 AZON: STATUS: CS : AD: * 9601 COLLINS AV UN: «1003 RP; LLP: : LP: $1,850,000. CT: DADE F#: 12-22-26-038-0380 CITY: BALHARBR ZP: ¥33154 GEOAR: i LG: HMAJESTIC TOWER AT BALHARBOUR CONDO UNIT.1003 UNDIV 0.489% INT — FL#: 10 TOTFL: 22 BLOG#: 9601 STYLE: C42 MC: x12 TN: 722 SE: #26 SD: 138 _ PN: 20380 MAP: 12622 STr FL TYPE: CONDO DV: Majestic Tower CN: Majestic Tower INTLVLS: 1 MN: F$: P UNIT BLG: 153 UNIT COMPLX: 153 LA: «2,160 TA: 400 YR: 1998/RS CONV: EFF: BED: 2 ~- FBATH: 2 : HBATH: 1 ; #1:0 UNIT: HIGHRISE OTHER DET: N MNLIV: Dock SPACE#: ! GOVRN: CONDO GARAG: 2 ATT CPT: PARK SPACE#: WTRFR: Y/ OCNACCES OCNFRONT WTRAC: BEACHACC UNRESTRC FACE: NE UNTVW:OCEAN INTRACST : SECUR: DOORMAN ELEVATOR LOBBY BAL&P: Y | CONST: CBS DINE: DIN-LIV PARKING RESTRICT: NOTRKTRL MIN LS #DAY: 365 PARK: 2+SPACES COVERED VALET FLOOR: MARBLE CARPET 7 drms.’ Unbeatable incredible view. This apt comes w 2 assigned Parking spaces. Call listing agents for showings. BRK-REM: Call Patricia 305 546-7670 or Edith 305 804-8390 for easy showing instructions. - LR: EATINKIT BREAKAR your, pvt foyer, mouldings, window Price with an : SF: 2160: #LSE YR: 1 ES: DR: DA: KT: FR: FL: PR: MB: 2B: 3B: 48: DN: UR: Pe: BEDRM: 1BR+GRND . CF: oO; MSBTH: PETS:Y/ 20- ROOMS: : INTER: FOYER LAUNDTUB — SPLITBED : EQUIP: AUTOGRDR DISHWASH DRYER ICEMAKER MICRO OWNBALRM RANGE-E . REFRIG SELFCLEAN, WALLOVEN WASHER | WNDW: BLINDS DRAPES EXTER: OPENBALC . PRIVWALL — SHUTELEC -MAINT: ALLAMEN BLDEXTER COMNAREA ELEV INSURANCE POOLSVC PARKING SECURITY ROOF SEWER TRASHREM WATER AMENS: BASKETBL BILLIARDS BIKESTORG CLUBHSERM EXERCISRM EXTSTORAG HEATPOOL PRVBCHPAV SAUNA SPAHOTTB TENNIS RESTR: OKLEASE APPRV: = 1-2WKS HOPA: N HEAT: ELEC CENTRAL COOL: CENTRAL ELEC TRMSCONSCONV ASSUME: N DAV/SOH: *$1,104,860 MPR: N TOA: H TOTALFEES: $1,200 . /m DMV/ASV: TAXES: $22,888 TAXYR: 2006 TAX: NOHOMESTD ™: APP FEE: $100 MAINT FEE: $1200 LAND LSE: $0 REC LSE: $0 SPEC: POSS: NEGOT IDX: Y LPID: 0638005 LS: Patricia Mendoza APH: 305-866-8580 OPH: 305 546-7670-x 0 2PID: 2A: 2AG: FAX: 305 864-4194 LTY: EA ON: ON#: 2PH: 305-546-7670 URL: PHOTO: NOPHO BRD: M EMAILA: WD: COBA: 3% COTB: 3% CONR: VAR: N JA: VT: OCCUP: OWNER SHOW: CALL-LA LD: 03/10/07 XD: 12/10/07 PREV STATUS: A STATUS CHNG: 03/27/07 OK ADV: Y 1: PREV$: PRICE CHNG: ORIGS: $1,850,000 L2: INET: Y/Beautiful unit with marble floorings a huge fiv/din with ocean views through out. Best value in the bldg. PD: 03/23/07 CONTING: DM: 13 FURNU CD: 03/23/07 SP: 000: ECD: 03/23/07 CB: RMXX01 = SPID: 0638005 SS: Patricia Mendoza vypayen"t eg MELAINT, TR: CASH SPID2: S82: ADMD ST iey “{c)_ 2007 — Southeast Florida Regional — INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE BUT IS a : PAGE 388 or Cuties | “Sze FOLIO —_12- 22- 26- 038- 0380 PADDR 9601/ COLLINS / AV / 1003 CO-USE 7/ CONDO RES . PCITY BAL HARBOR PZIP CD 33154 ZONING 50/GEN HOTLS & MOTLS SUBDV. MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR CO ST-USE 4/ RESID TOT VALUE LIEN? TAXCRTi LIS PEND? UPDATE04/24/07 A 7 COL 7 OCITY. BAL HARBOUR FL OZIP CD33154 COMPANY DEPTH FT LND SQFT LND ACRI $/LANDSF $/ADJSF ~ LOT WATERFRONT ORBK-PG _ $ 754.630 $/TOTLSF AVRATIO 1.48 NUM UNITS HALF BATHS 4 UNDIV 0.489% : 2 HARBOUR CONDO 5 INT IN COMMON ELEMENT _ 3 UNIT 1003 6 OFF REC 17876-2519 EXEMPT AMOUN2006) Water =sN Homestd N Widow N_ - COUNTY TAX - $ 19,682 $1,104,860 Road oN Veteran N Disabld N CITY TAX | $1,104,860 Sewer N Exempt N Senior N + MISC TAX | $849,890 Light N School N Exmpt GROSS TAX 20.72 Markt Val $1,104,860 NonEx $1,104,860 PREV TAX z PAY DA’ ” P i PAID #1 01/08/07 $22430.300. FULL RE PAYMENT $22,430.30 | #2 03/26/07 $0.00 a TOTAL TAX DELINQUEN) #5 ; #6 DEED- RECORD D-TYPE OR BK-BC i CURR 03/16/07 03/26/07 $ 1,630,000 / 25479-614 D PREV 01/04/07 01/04/07 $ 1,000,000 25437-3823 D EARL 09/09/03 09/23/03 $ 850,000 21674-2407 D MLS 03/23/07 MORTGAGE COMPANY HOMECOMINGS FIN'L LLC 01/10/07 $ 150,000 OTHER Enis > Page ane eS een ML# Status Price Date Agent Broker : M1129039 cs $163,000 03/23/07 0638005 RMXX01 13: M1129039 cs $ 1,630,000 03/23/07 0638005 RMXXOL 13! M1129039 cS $ 163,000,000 03/23/07 0638005 RMXXOL 13. M1129039 A $ 1,850,000 03/14/07 0638005 RMXXOL : i M897401 c $5,000 10/17/03 0128208 HARDOL 0 M888152 cs $850,000 09/09/03 0638005 RMXXOL 0. M888152 PS $969,000 08/01/03 0128208 HARDOL ; 0 897401 EN $5,000 01/10/03 0128208 HARDOL 0; Mg88152 A $969,000 10/18/02 0128208 HARDOL 0 - / F ; | i i i | { ; ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT ; 06/14/07 *(c) 2007° -- Southeast Florida MLS -- INFORMATION IS BELIEVED ACCURATE EXHIEIT 2 é fas One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report Fie# Project Type {J Condo [[} PuD [] Cooperative Manufactured Home [_] Yes [X] No provide a brief summary. If No. explain APPEARS A ‘2, Is the information in the contract section complete and accurate? in the neighborhood section complete and accurate? " — eee a oe (yes (XJ No itYes, provide a brief summary. If No, explain “SITEIN ae improvements section complete and accurate? Yes [X] No If Yes, provide a brief sur Be a 6. Are the comparable sales selected locationally, physically, and functionally the most similar to the subject property? Summary. {f No, provide a detailed explanation as to why they are not the best comparable sales. 7. Are the data and analysis (including the individual adjustments) presented in the sales comparison approach complete and accurate? D1 ves KK] No itYes, provide a brief summary. If No, explain Sees in the income and cost approaches complete and accurate? 9. Is the sale or transfer history reported for the subject property and each of the comparable sales complete and accurate? {_] Yes [XJ No ItYes, provide a brief summary. If No, analyze and report the correct sale or transfer history and the data source(s). IELD TEXT. ADDEND¢ HEE Se . 10. Is the opinion of market vaiue in the appraisal report under review accura 1 ves No If No, complete Section ! Niro PRAY ie COMPLAINT, Freddie Mac Form 1032 March 2005 $03:2324-30140a0 76-8 One- Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report Fite # aseaed: “07-0147 E ONGV iE REVIEIN APPRAISER ANSWERS ‘NO? 1, Provide detailed reasoning for disagreement with the opinion of value in the appraisal report under review. 3. Provide a new opinion of value as of effective date of the appraisal report under review using the below sales comparison analysis grid. (NOTE: This may or may not include the use of the same comparable sales in the appraisal report under review.) ~ FEATURE SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE # 4 COMPARABLE SALE #2 COMPARABLE SALE # 3 Address E 5 : it 9499 COLLINS AVENUE: #60 q Proximity to Subject VALUE ADJUSTMENTS. Sale or Financing Concessions Location Leasehold/Fee Simple Site View Design (Style) Quality of Construction Actual Age Condition DESCRIPTION. + ()SAd SONV= ef Above Grade Room Count Gross Living Area Basement & Finished Rooms Beiow Grade Functional Uitiity Heating/Cooling Energy Efficient tems: Garage/Carport Porch/Patio/Deck Baths Net Adjustment (Total) Adjusted Sale Price of Comparables My research Ce or transfers oft Data source(s) 2 $ t GAMES Report the results of the research and analysis of the prior sale or transfer history of the above comparable sales (report additional prior sales on an addendum). ITEM al Date of Prior Sale/Transter Priée of Prior Sale/Transfer { Data Source(s) Effective Date of Data Source(s) Analysis of prior sale or transfer history forthe comparable sales ‘Summary of Value Conclusion (including detailed support for the opinion of value and reasons wiry the new comparable sales are batter than the sales used in the appraisal report under review). ‘Based ona visual inspection of the exterior areas of the subject property from at least the street or [mm] complete visual inspection of the interior and exterior areas of the subject property, defined scope of work, statement of assumptions and limiting condi certification, my opinion of the market value, as defined, of the real pro; that is the sybject ofthis reportses | 3 gi aro0T eee , which is the effective date of the appraigajopar a under reviews. | we Freddie Mac Form 1032 March 2005 One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report Fite ¢ 9589923 The scope of work for this appraisal field review is defined by the complexity of the appraisat report under review and the reporting requirements of this report form, including the folowing statement of assumptions and timiting conditions, and certifications. The review appraiser must, at a minimum: (1) read the entire appraisal report under review, (2) perform a visual inspection of the exterior areas of the subject property from at least the street, (3) inspect the neighborhood, {4) inspect each of the comparable sales from at least the street, (5) perform data research and analysis to determine the appropriateness and accuracy of the data in the appraisal report, (6) research, verify, and analyze data from refiable public and/or private sources, (7) determine the accuracy of the opinion of value, and (8) assume the property condition reported in the appraisal report is accurate unless there is evidence to the contrary. If the review appraiser determines that the opinion of value in the report under review is not accurate, he or she is required to provide an opinion of market value. The review appraiser is not required to replicate the steps completed by the original appraiser that the review appraiser believes to be reliable and in compliance with the applicable real property appraisal development standards of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. Those items in the appraisal report under review are extended to this report by the use of an extraordinary assumption, which is identified in Section II, Question 2. If the review appraiser determines that the opinion of value is not accurate, he or she must present additional data that has been researched, verified, and analyzed to produce an accurate opinion of value in accordance with the applicable sections of Standard 1 of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, The intended use of this appraisal field review report is for the lender/client to evaluate the accuracy and adequacy of support of the appraisal. report under review. ‘The intended user of this appraisal field review report is the lender/client. The appraisal review function is important to maintaining the integrity of both the appraisal and loan underwriting processes. The following guidance is intended te aid the review appraiser with the development and reporting of an appraisai field review: 1. The review appraiser must be the individual who personally read the entire appraisal report, performed a visual inspection of the exterior areas of the Subject property from at least the street, inspected the neighborhood, inspected each of the comparable sales from at least the street, performed the data research and analysis, and prepared and signed this report. . The review appraiser must focus his or her comments on the appraisal report under review and not include personal opinions about the appraiser(s) who prepared the appraisal. . The lender/client has withheld the identity of the appraisers) who prepared the appraisal report under review, unless otherwise indicated in this report. - The review appraiser must assume that the condition of the property reported in the appraisal report is accurate, unless there is evidence to the contrary. . This One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report is divided into two sections. Section | must be compieted for ail assignments. Section I! must be completed only if the answer to Question 10 in Section | is "No." |. The review appraiser must determine whether the opinion of market value is accurate and adequately supported by market evidence. When the review appraiser disagrees with the opinion of vaiue, he or she must complete Section 11. Because appraiser's opinions can vary, the review appraiser must} have conclusive evidence that the opinion of value is not accurate. . The review appraiser must expiain why the comparable sales in the appraisal report under review should not have been used. Simply stating: “see grid” is unacceptabie. The review appraiser must explain and support his or her conclusions, . The review appraiser must form an opinion about the overatl accuracy and quatity of the data in the under review. The objective is to determine whether material errors exist and what effect they have on the opinions and conclusions in the appraisal report under review. When the feview appraiser agrees that the data is essentially correct (although minor errors may exist), he or she must summarize the overall findings. When the teview appraiser detemines that material errors exist in the data, he or she must identify them, comment on their overall effect on the opinions and conclusions in the appraisal report under review, and include the correct information, . The Questions in Section | are intended to identify both the positive and negative elements of the appraisal under review and to report deficiencies. The review appraiser must make it clear to the reader what effect the deficiencies have on the opinions and conciusions in the appraisal report. Simple “Yes” and “No” answers are unacceptable. 10. The review appraiser must provide Specific, supportable reasons for disagreeing with the opinion of vatue in the appraisal report under review in response to Question 1 in Section Il, . + 11. The review appraiser must identify any extraordinary assumptions that were necessary in order to arrive at his or her opinion of market value. Extraordinary assumptions include the use of information from the appraisal report under review that the review appraiser concludes is reliable (such as an assumption that the reported condition of the Subject property is accurate). 12. The review appraiser must include the rationale for using new comparable sales. The following question must be answered: Why are these new comparable sates better than the sales in the appraisal report under review? . 13. The new comparable sales provided by the review appraiser and Teported in the safes comparison analysis grid must have closed on or before the effective date of the appraisal report under review. It may be appropriate to include data that was not available to the original appraiser as of the effective date of the original appraisal; however, that information should be reported as “supplemental” to the data that would have been available to the original appraiser, 14. The review appraiser must provide a sale or transfer history of the new comparable sates for a minimum of one year prior to the date of sate of the comparable saie, The review appraiser must analyze the sale or transfer data and teport the effect, if any, on the review appraiser's conclusions, 145. A review of an appraisal on a unit in a condominium, cooperative, or PUD project requires the review appraiser to analyze the project information in the appraisal report under review and comment on its completeness and accuracy. . 146. An appraisal review of a manufactured home requires the review appraiser fo assume that the HUD data plate information is correct, unless information to the contrary is available. In such cases, the review appraiser must identify the source of the data. 17. The review appraiser's opinion of market value must be "as of" the effective date of the appraisal report under review. L. PLAINT. Freddie Mac Form 1032 March 2005 Fannie Mae Form 2000 March 2005 a > eur EXMDL oo oe, One-Unit Residential Appraisal Fiel . The review appraiser will not be responsible for matters of a lega! nature that affect either the property that is the subject of the appraisal under review or the title to it, except for information that he or she became aware of during the research involved in performing this appraisal review. The review appraiser assumes that the title is good and marketable and will not render any opinions about the title. n . The review appraiser will not give testimony or appear in court because he or she Performed a review of the appraisal of the property in question, unless specific arrangements to do so have been made beforehand, or as otherwise required by jaw. o . Unless otherwise stated in this appraisal field review report, the review appraiser has no knowledge of any hidden or unapparent physical deficiencies or adverse conditions of the property (such as but not limited to, needed repairs, deterioration, the presence of hazardous wastes, toxic substances, adverse environmental conditions, etc.) that would make the property less valuable, and has assumed that there are no such conditions and makes no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied. The review appraiser will not be responsible for any such conditions that do exist or for any engineering or testing that might be required to discover whether such conditions exist. Because the review appraiser is not an expert in the field of environmental hazards this appraisal field review report must not be considered as an environmental assessment of the property. The Review Appraiser certifies and agrees that: 1. thave, at a minimum, developed and reported this appraisal field review in accordance with the scope of work requirements stated in this appraisal field review report. we 2. 1 performed this appraisal field review in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice that were adopted and promulgated by the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation and that were in place at the time this appraisal field review report was prepared. }. [have the knowledge and experience to perform appraisals and review appraisals for this type of property in this market area. . lam aware of, and have access to, the necessary and appropriate public and private data sources, such as multiple listing services, tax assessment records, public land records and other such data sources for-the area in which the property is located. ° . . | obtained the information, estimates, and opinions fumished by other parties and expressed in this appraisal field review report from reliable sources. that | believe to be true and correct, . | have not knowingly withheld any significant infarmation from this appraisal field review report and, to the best of my knowledge, all statements and information in this appraisal field review report are true and correct. . | stated in this appraisal field review report my own personal, unbiased, and professional analysis, opinions, and conclusions, which are subject only to the assumptions and limiting conditions in this appraisal field review report. . | have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and | have no present or prospective personal interest or bias with respect to the participants in the transaction. | did not base, either partially or completely, miy analysis and/or opinion of market value (if any) in this appraisat field review report on the race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, famitial status, or national origin of either the prospective owners or accupants of the subject property or of the present owners or occupants of the properties in the vicinity of the subject property or on any other basis prohibited by law. |. My employment and/or compensation for Performing this appraisal field review or any future or anticipated appraisals or appraisal field reviews was not conditioned on any agreement or understanding, written or otherwise, that | would report (or present analysis supporting) a predetermined specific value, a predetermined minimum value, a range or direction in value, a value that favors the cause of any party, or the attainment of a specific result or occurrence of a specific subsequent event (such as approval of a Pending mortgage loan application}. . | personally prepared all conclusions and opinions about the real estate that were set forth in this appraisal field review report. | further certify that no one provided significant professional assistance to me in the development of this appraisal field review report. | have not authorized anyone to make a change to any item in this appraisat field review report; therefore, any change made to this appraisal field review report is unauthorized and | will take no responsibility for it. . lidentified the iender/client in this appraisal field review Feport whe is the individual, organization, or agent for the organization that ordered and will feceive this appraisal field review report. . . . The lender/ctient may disclose or distribute this appraisal field review report to: the mortgagee or its successors and assigns; mortgage insurers; government sponsored enterprises; other secondary market participants; professional appraisal organizations; any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States; and any state, the District of Columbia, or other jurisdictions; without having to obtain the review appraiser's consent. Such consent must be obtained before this appraisal field review report may be disclosed or distributed to any other party (including, but not limited to, the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media). 13. The mortgagee or its successors and assigns, mortgage insurers, government sponsored enterprises, and other secondary market participants may rely, on this appraisal field review report as part of any mortgage finance transaction that involves any one or more of these parties. 14. If this appraisal field review report was transmitted as an "electronic record” containing my “electronic signature,” as those terms are defined in appticabie federal and/or state laws (excluding audio and video recordings), or a facsimile transmission of this appraisal field review report containing a copy or representation of my signature, the appraisal field review report shall be as effective, enforceable and valid as if a paper version of this appraisal field review report were delivered containing my original hand written signature. . . 15. Any intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) contained in this appraisal field review Feport may result in civil liability and/or criminal penalties including, but not limited to, fine or imprisonment or both under the Provisions of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, et seq., or similar state LENDER/CLIENT Signfatu Name JORGE LUIS GARCIA Company Name “ESt/A Company Address “a7ti SW. Name SEES Company Name Company Address Telephone Number 854:868 4740) Email Address ‘esuappratuai@éat Date of Signature and Report State Certification # STEERTRES: LENDER/CLIENT OF THE APPRAISAL UNDER REVI Name Mi z Company Address Expiration Date of Certification or License ak Freddie Mac Form 1032 March 2005 . 03-2924-30 140407624 One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report fies “sd9903 E07: FEATURE SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE # 4 75 COLLINS AVENUE #144 i c nae COMPARABLE SALE #6 COMPARABLE SALE #5 Data Source(s) DESCRIPTION +()5 Adustment VALUE ADJUSTMENTS. Sale or Financing Cancessions Condition Above Grade Total_[earms. | saths [Total Room Count Ez Gross Living Area Basement & Finished Rooms Below Grade Functional U Heating/Cooling _ fick Garage/Carport Net Adi. Gross Adj. 0.0: Net Adj Gross Adj COMPARABLE SALE #6 COMPARABLE SALE #4 Price of Prior SalefTransfer Data Source(s) Effective Date of Oata Source(s) Analysis of prior sate or transfer hi . . 032324-301 4040764 One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report rics 3ssss23) e0no117 FEATURE . COMPARABLE SALE #7 COMPARABLE SALE #8 COMPARABLE SALE # a _ +£)$ Adjustment DESCRIPTION +11 § Adjustment VALUE ADJUSTMENTS: Sale o Financing Goncessions Date of Sale/Time Location Leasehold/Fee Simple Site |View Design (Style) | Quality of Construction Actual Age Condition = : : Above Grade Bdems.| Baths |Total_| Bdrm: aR Bd E - =| Total Room Count Ez : : : Gross Living Area Basement & Finished Rooms Below Grade Functional Utility Heating/Cooling Energy Efficient items Garage/Camport PorchyPatio/Dack —— Net Adjustment (Total) EEE Adjusted Sate Price 7 i Net Adj of Comparables Gross Adj 0.07) Date of Prior Saie/Transter Price of Prior Sale/Transfer Data Source(s) Effective Date of Data Source(s) os March 2005 Fannie Mae Form 2000 March 2005 ag [a a ae BorowertGtent SOUKIRIGARDI “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”. SINCE NO ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS WERE SUPPLIED THEN THE ORIGINAL APPRAISER MUST HAVE NOT INSPECTED THE EXTERIOR OF COMPARABLES 1 AND 3. NEIGHBORHOOD DESCRIPTION COMMENTS NEIGHBORHOOD DESCRIPTION APPEARS COMPLETE. THE ORIGINAL APPRAISER INDICATED THE MARKET WAS INCREASING WITH A SHORTAGE OF CONDOMINIUMS. THERE ARE 39 UNITS LISTED. ON THE MLS IN THE SUBJECT COMPLEX ALONE AND APPROXIMATELY 350 UNITS WITHIN HALF A MILE, THE PREDOMINANCE IS INCORRECT WITH $1.5 MILLION ALONG WITH THE LOW END OF $775,000. THE NEIGHBORHOOD SHOULD BE A MUCH SMALLER RANGE THAN 5 MILES TO THE NORTH AND 5 MILES TO THE SOUTH. 163RD STREET TO:THE NORTH AND 71ST STREET TO THE SOUTH ARE BETTER BOUNDARIES. THE LOGATION MAP IS INCORRECTLY SHOWS COMPARABLE 3 AS .01 MILES AWAY FROM THE SUBJECT. ACCURATE DATA COMMENTS THE SPECIFIC DATA FOR THE COMPARABLES SUCH AS TIME, LOCATION, DESIGN AND APPEAL, QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION, AGE, CONDITION, SIZE AND SALES CONCESSIONS APPEARS ACCURATE. THE ORIGINAL APPRAISER ADJUSTED FOR 2 PARKING SPACES FOR COMPARABLE 2 BUT DID NOT EXPLAIN IF THE SPACES WERE DEEDED TO THE UNIT OR IF THEY HAD TO BE RETURNED TO THE ASSOCIATION WHEN THE UNIT 1S SOLD. ALSO, THE DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE SUBJECT FOR COMPARABLE 3 IS INCORRECT. THE ORIGINAL APPRAISER INDICATED IT WAS .01 MILES NW WHEN IT IS 2.5 MILES NORTH. THE ORIGINAL APPRAISER USED COMPARABLES 1 AND 3 WHICH ARE ON THE 35TH AND 25TH FLOORS RESPECTIVELY. THE ONLY UNIT CLOSE TO THE SUBJECT IN FLOOR LOCATION IS COMPARABLE 2 AND AS STATED BEFORE IT IS 44% LARGER THAN THE SUBJECT. SUBJECT LISTING HISTORY COMMENT NO PRIOR SALES FOR THE SUBJECT ARE INDICATED ON THE ORIGINAL APPRAISAL WITHIN 36 MONTHS. NO PRIOR SALES WITHIN 12 MONTHS FOR COMPARABLES 1 AND 3 WERE INDICATED IN THE ORIGINAL REPORT. A PRIOR SALE FOR COMPARABLE 2 WAS LISTED ON THE ORIGINAL REPORT BUT WAS NOT MARKED IN THE BOX WHERE IT ASKS IF THERE ARE PRIOR SALES FOR THE COMPARABLES. NO EXPLANATION WAS GIVEN TO THE PRIOR SALE FOR COMPARABLE 2. o oRey ivi Ul TEX! ADDENDUM Opinion of Value THE ORIGINAL APPRAISER USED THREE SALES THAT ARE NOT COMPARABLE TO THE SUBJECT. COMPARABLE 1 AT 4404 COLLINS AVENUE. 3503/3501 1S A MULTI-FOLIO SALE. THIS SALE IS OVER 5.6 MILES TO THE SOUTH AND TWO UNITS WERE SOLD TOGETHER BUT THE FOLIO . NUMBERS WERE NOT COMBINED LEGALLY ON-PUBLIC RECORD. THIS MEANS THE OWNER OF THOSE UNITS CAN SELL EITHER UNIT SEPARATELY FROM THE OTHER AND THE VALUE OF $1,440,000 WILL NO LONGER BE ACCURATE. ALSO, THIS IS A CONDO-HOTEL WHICH MEANS THE UNITS CAN BE RENTED WHEN THE OWNERS ARE AWAY AND THE UNITS BECOME INCOME PRODUCING. COMPARABLE 2 AT 9601 COLLINS AVENUE #1003 1S 44% LARGER THAN THE SUBJECT AND NOT COMPARABLE. ALSO, COMPARABLE 2 SOLD iN JANUARY 2007 (2 MONTHS PRIOR TO THE RECENT SALE) FOR $1,000,000. COMPARABLE 3 AT 16051 COLLINS AVENUE #2502 IS OVER 2.5 MILES TO THE NORTH IN MILLIONAIRES ROW AND IS 50% LARGER THAN THE SUBJECT AND THEREFORE NOT COMPARABLE. ALTHOUGH THE SUBJECT COMPLEX HAS BEEN RECENTLY REFURBISHED AND REBUILT AS ALMOST NEW THE SUBJECT UNIT IS ONLY 1496 SF AND UNITS OF THAT SIZE ARE NOT COMMANDING ASKING AND SELLING PRICES AS HIGH AS COMPARABLES 1,2 AND 3. . Comparable Sales Selection THE ORIGINAL APPRAISER USED THREE SALES THAT ARE NOT COMPARABLE TO THE SUBJECT. COMPARABLE 1 AT 4401 COLLINS AVENUE #3503/3501 1S A MULTI-FOLIO SALE. THIS SALE !S OVER 5.6 MILES TO THE SOUTH AND TWO UNITS WERE SOLD TOGETHER BUT THE FOLIO NUMBERS WERE NOT COMBINED LEGALLY ON PUBLIC RECORD. THIS MEANS THE OWNER OF THOSE UNITS CAN SELL EITHER UNIT SEPARATELY FROM THE OTHER AND THE VALUE OF $1,440,000 WILL NO LONGER BE ACCURATE: ALSO, THIS IS A CONDO-HOTEL WHICH MEANS THE UNITS CAN BE RENTED WHEN THE OWNERS ARE AWAY AND THE UNITS BECOME INCOME PRODUCING. COMPARABLE 2 AT 9601 COLLINS AVENUE #1003 IS 44% LARGER THAN THE SUBJECT AND NOT COMPARABLE. ALSO, COMPARABLE 2 SOLD IN JANUARY 2007 (2 MONTHS PRIOR TO THE RECENT SALE) FOR $1,000,000. COMPARABLE 3 AT 16051 COLLINS AVENUE #2502 1S OVER 2.5 MILES TO THE NORTH IN MILLIONAIRES ROW AND IS 50% LARGER THAN THE SUBJECT AND THEREFORE NOT COMPARABLE. ALTHOUGH THE SUBJECT COMPLEX HAS BEEN RECENTLY REFURBISHED AND REBUILT AS ALMOST NEW THE SUBJECT UNIT IS ONLY 1496 SF AND UNITS OF THAT SIZE ARE NOT COMMANDING ASKING AND SELLING PRICES AS HIGH AS COMPARABLES 1,2 AND 3. ACCORDING TO THE ORIGINAL APPRAISER COMPARABLE SALE 41S THE ONLY CLOSED SALE IN. THE COMPLEX AND WAS USED AS THE ONLY SALE IN THE BUILDING. COMPARABLES 5 AND 6 HAVE NOT CLOSED AND DO NOT SUPPORT THE VALUE OF $1,400,000. SUBJECT PHOTOGRAPH ADDENDUM FRONT OF SUBJECT PROPERTY REAR OF SUBJECT PROPERTY STREET SCENE © veomeooe ih ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPH ADDENDUM BorroweriCiient SOUKI;RICARDO = 22! : Property Address 10275 COLLINS: AVENUE #14416 : : : ciy BALHARBOUR'. "== County MIAMI: DADE cue FL Zip Co : = WASHINGTON MUTUAL ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPH ADDENDUM -RICARDO © BorowerClent SOUKI Property Address {0275 COLLINS AVENUE # ciy BAL HARSOUR, Exhibi ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPH ADDENDUM COMPARABLES PHOTOGRAPH ADDENDUM BorrowertClient SOUKI;RICARDO S : Property Address 10275 COLLINS. AVENUE #11108 2" ieee ee : County .MWAMI-DADE =: WASHINGTO! Date of Sale: Sale Price: Sq. Ft: $189, FL: Comparable Sate ; 9595 COLLINSIAV: SSURFSIDES 235 Date of Sate: {O4/2007; a < ‘ 3 7 a a FOS a enarame LOCATION MAP ADDENDUM File No, 3889923070" Borwercient SOUKH RIGARO : Property Address 10275'COLLING AVENUE #1110 city Bi BC : : : A ipsloass COLL ING AvENitE wo HG ay - . : AD Boel biome aie aio cach ie etniwa SE Page extii PLAT MAP ADDENDUM i Miami-Dade My Home-Text Page 1 of 2 Show Me: Property Information-Text . . . =. oe. . {Property Appraiser Tax Esti & Print friendly version Search By: . ° Summary Detaiis: . Select Item - ary « Folio No.: (02-3223-023-0280 4441 COLLINS AVE 3501 Mailing Address: UNITS 3501 3503 FBIL LLC 3 Address Search ‘Enter the address and click "LOCATE". Use the Tab key to switch between fields or click using Property Information: the. mouse. 4441 COLLINS AVE #3501 MIAMI BEACH FL 007 RESIDENTIAL- CONDOMINIUM Beds/Baths: . o/1 House 4444 Number: —— Direction:Street Name: “collins Street Type: AVE Unit (opt): 3501 Zip Code —_— |] (opt): FONTAINEBLEAU Ii CONDO UNIT 3501 UNDIV 0.8667040% Legal Description: INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 22955-1343 COC 25327-1171 01 2007 2 Sale Information: 2007 2008 | | es } $482,710 $392,450 Total Exemptions; | $0. Cd $482,710 $392,450 $392,480 Additional Information: n for this property: Community Development District Community Redevelopment Area Empowerment Zone Enterprise Zone INon-Ad Valorem Assessments My Home | Property information | Property Taxes . | My Neighborhood | Property Appraiser Home | Using Our Site | About | Phone Directory | Privacy | Disclaimer , orf tm 3 PAGE ee OF 5/6/2008 Cy Ne amen eT UOTE HUE UT AE UE LEO UE AU CFN 2007R0249139 - OR Bk 25437 Ps 38237 (1es) RECORDED 03/12/2007 09:26:30 DEED DOC TAX 6,000.00 HARVEY RUVIN® CLERK OF COURT NIANI-DABE COUNTY: FLORIDA LAST PAGE This instrument was Prepared by: Donaid J. Kahn, Esq. GREEN, KAHN & PIOTRKOWSKI, P.A. 317 71ST STREET MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33141 Grantee S.S. No.: Property Appraiser's Name: CHRISTOPHER ATTERIDGE Parcel identification No.: 12-2226-038-0380 {Space Above This Line for Recording Datel WARRANTY DEE D statutory FORM - SECTION 689.02, F.S.) This indenture made this 4th day of January, 2007 by FLFM CORPORATION, a dissolved Florida Corporation, having its principal place of business at 9601 Collins Avenue-#1003, Bal Harbor, Florida 33154 hereinatter called the grantor, to CHRISTOPHER ATTERIDGE and ANNETTE MENDOZA ATTERIDGE, HIS WIFE, whose Post Office address is 9601 Collins Avenue-#1003, Bal Harbor, Florida 33154, hereinafter called the grantees: WITNESSETH, That said Grantor, tor and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND 00/100'S ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuabis considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof Is heraby acknowledgad, has granted, bargained and soki to the said grantes, and grantee's hers and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in MIAMI-DADE County, Florida, to-wit: Condominium Unit 1003 in MAJESTIC TOWER AT BAL HARBOUR CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded in Official! Records Book 17876 at Page 2519 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. THIS CONVEYANCE IS EXECUTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF WINDING UP AND LIQUIDATING THE GRANTOR CORPORATION’S BUSINESS AND AFFAIRS. and said grantor does neredy fully warrant the tiie io said land, and wit defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, “"Grantor™ and “grantee” are used for singular or plural, as context requires. In Witness Whereof, crentor has heraunto set grantor’s hand and seal the day and year first above written. (Seal) CECCHIN! PRESIDENT Afenue'#1009, Bal Harbor, Florkia 33154 oe 2 a Printed or Typed Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befora me this 4th day of January, 2007, by FRANCO CECCHINI of FLFM CORPORATION, a dissolved Florida Corporation on behalf of the corporation. He/she Is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did (dk not) take at . My Commission Expires: Printed, typed of Stamped name. . NOTARY FUBLIC-STATE OF FLORIDA ws, Donald J. Kahn Commission # DDS72613 Expires: AUG, 21, 2010 sera: a equi 4 Z - 7 a PAGE OF Book25437/Page3823 CFN#20070249139 Page 1 of 1 ATWE COMPLAINT, TEST FR {TATU TTVER SEN UUET RGORT VEU PEA ETE ‘ CRN BAO RO SOAS 74 : OR Bk 25479 Pas 0614 ~ 616% (Spas) ‘ RECORDED 0226/2007 03254226 GEED 0G TAX 9r 780.00 HARVEY RUVIHe CLERK OF COURT MIAMI-GAGE COUNTY: FLORIDA Philip C. Rosen Attorney at Law Bloomgarden, Goudreau & Rosen 8551 Weat Sunrise Blvd. Suite 208 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33322 954-370-2222 File Number: 078-164R Will Call No.: 25 Space Above This Line For Recording Data] Warranty Deed This Warranty Deed made this 16th day of March, 2007 between Christopher B. Atteridge and Annette M. Atteridge, husband and wife whose post office address is 5804 Leonardo St, Coral Gables, FL 33146, grantot, aod Philip B. Kirkorov, a single man whose post office address is 9601 Collins Avenue, Unit 1003, Bat Harbour, FIL 33154, grantee: : ; (Whenever used herein the tems “grantor and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument aud the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees) 5 Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said granice, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Miami Dade County, Florida to-wit: Condominium Unit No. 1003, of Majestic Tower at Bal Harbour Condominium, 2 Condominium, according to the Declaration thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 17876, at Page 2519, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and all Amendments thereto, together with an undivided interest in the commen elements appurtenant thereto. Parcel Identification Number: 1222260380380 Subject to real estate taxes for the year 2006 and all subsequent years; conditions, restrictions, limitations and easements of record; all zoning and subdivision ordinances of Miami-Dade County, Florida, none of which are reimposed by this Deed. Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appextaining. To Have and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to self and convey said Jand; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 2006, ADMINIS Exe pero Book25479/Page614_ CFN#20070304874 TURULY HANEY EID HUT AAR UH OOH LL CFN 2007RO564241 OR Bk 25675 Pas 4042 - 40437 (2595) RECORDED 06/05/2007 17:56:15 DEED DOC TAX 0.460 Prepared by and return to: HARVEY RUVIHe CLERK OF COURT Philip C. Rosen : MIAMI-DADE COUNTY? FLORIDA Attorney at Law Bioomgarden, Goudreau & Rosen 8551. West Sunrise Bivd. Suite 208 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33322 954-370-2222 File Number: 07S-164R Will Call No.: 25 4A\————_ Above This Line For Recording Data}, Quit Claim Deed a This Quit Claim Deed made thi day of May, 2007, between Philip B, Kirkorov, a single man, whose post office address is 9601 Collins Avenue, Unit 1003, Bal Harbour, Florida 33154, grantor, and P.K. REALTY MANAGEMENT LLC, a Florida limited liability company, whose post office address is 40 Rector St., Suite 1502, New York, New York 10006, grantee: . (Whenever used herein ihe terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the partics to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees) Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good .and valuable consideration to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, and quitclaim to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which grantor has in and to the following described land, situate, lying and being in Miami-Dade County, Florida to-wit: Condominium Unit No. 1003, of Majestic Tower at Bal Harbour Condominium, a Condominium, according to the Declaration thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 17876, at Page 2519, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and all Amendments thereto, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurtenant thereto. Parcel Identification Number: 1222260380380 Minimum documentary stamps are affixed hereto because the property is unencumbered and the Grantee is wholly owned by the Grantor. To Have and to Hold, the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of grantors, either in law or equity, f for the use, benefit and profit of the said grantee forever. — COMPLAINT. ernment HAST ED as an Book25675/Page4042 CFN#20070564241 Page 1 of 2 VAAL AMOUR GU 0 AU ATE ATE AT CEFN 20N06R0712520 OR Bk 24621 Pas 203? - 30407 (2pas) RECORDED 06/30/2006 10341236 DEED DOC TAX 77978.80 HARVEY RUVIN? CLERK OF COURT to: MIAMI-DADE COUKTY+ FLORIDA Kerry Rosenthal, Esq. Palm Coast Title Company, LLC 2875 NE 191 St., Ste. 500 Aventura, FL 33180 [Space Above This Line For Recording Datla] Special Warranty Deed THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED made this 27th day of June, 2006 between SEA BREEZE OCEAN DEVELOPERS, LTD., a Florida limited partnership whose post office address is 19950 West Country Club Drive, Suite 800, Aventura, FL 33180, grantor, and Spencer Seal, a married man whose post office address is 1933 Cliff Drive, Suite 27, Santa Barbara, CA 93109, grantee: (Whenever used herein the terms grantor and grantee include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees) WITNESSETH, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantees heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Miami-Dade County, Florida, to-wit: Unit 2502, of TURNBERRY OCEAN COLONY NORTH TOWER CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, according to the Declaration thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 24536, at Page 1766, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Floride. Parcel Identification Number: Portion of 33-2214-008-0180 TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. THIS CONVEYANCE is subject to: . 1 Taxes and assessments for the year 2006 and years subsequent thereto. 2. Conditions, reservations, restrictions, limitations, dedications and easements of record. 3. Zoning and other governmental restrictions and regulations. 4. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, exhibits, terms and other provisions of the Declaration of Condonmnium of Turnberry Ocean Colony North Tower Condominium, A Condominium, recorded in Official Records Book 24536, at Page 1776, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. 5. Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Easements for Turnberry Ocean Colony, as recorded in im O.R. Book 24536, Page 1687, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. THE GRANTOR hereby specially warrants the title to the said real property, and will defend the same, against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under the said Grantor. THE GRANTEE by acceptance and recordation of this Special Warranty Deed, expressly and specifically approves, accepts, covenants and agrees to be bound by and to assurne performance of ail the applicable provisions DoubleTimee Book24681/Page3039 CFN#20060712520 "age 1 of 2 CFN 2OOGRI2ZLS S71 OR Bk 25098 Pa 25957 (ipa) RECORDED 11/15/2006 12:47:36 OEEG DOC TAX 9210.00 Prepared by: HARVEY RUVINe CLERK OF COURT WILLIAM J. SEGAL, ESQ. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: FLORIDA SEAGULL. TITLE COMPANY LAST PAGE 20801 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, SUITE 304 AVENTURA, FLORIDA 33180 Parcel ID Number: 31-2214-008-0180 Warranty Deed This Indenture, Made this g day of November > 2006 AD., Between SPENCER SEAL, a married man of the County of SANTA BARBARA > Ste of California > grantor, and dez-g TURNBERRY ACQUISITIONS 2502, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY cea whose address is: 3363 N.E. 163 STREET, SUITE 705, “Tid * NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33160 of the County of MIAMI-DADE , Sate of Florida , grantee. Witnesseth that the GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of b talalatalatataatatetahahetatatated -cr--~TEN DOLLARS ($10)~------------- erreenese DOLLARS, ‘ : ae: 4 and: other good and valuable consideration 9 GRANTOR in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said GRANTEE and GRANTEE'S beirs, successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the Countyof MIAMI-DADE oss Bb Records of MIAMI-DADE, Florida. ounty, Sue of Florida to wit: Unit 2502, of Turnberry Ocean Colony North Tower Condominium, a Condominium, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 24536, at page 1766, of the Public Subject to restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any, and taxes subsequent to December 31, 2005. Subject to the above described Declaration of Condominium, which Grantee herein agrees to observe and perform. Together with all appurtenances to said condominium unit. The property herein conveyed is not the HOMESTEAD property of the Grantor nor the homestead of any of the members of his family, nor is it contiguous te his homestead, nor the homestead of any of the members of his family. The Grantor's HOMESTEAD address is 1933 CLIFF DRIVE, SUITE 27, SANTA BARBARA, CA $3109. Will Call: U.S. Title Services, Inc. and the grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In Witness Whereof, the grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: Li fteer Arak (Seal SEAL \ P.O. Address: 1933 CLIFF DRIVE, SUITE 27, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93109 Printed Name: WRITAH Le: EVA Witness Printed N. Witness STATE OF California COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2 day of November 72006 ty SPENCER SEAL, a married man he is personellpinewn-tosmecor he has produced his Drivers licenge as identification. Printed Name: ve Vr Notary Public My Commission Expires: (q \zo} Iolo ADMINIS TRE EXHIBIT eth 06-10-17 ‘Laser Generated by © Display Syrtema, tne., 2006 (863) 763-5555 Form FLWD-1 acess | GF ere Book25098/Page2595 CFN#20061219871 Page 1 of 1 REBUTTAL FOR FILE 07-0609 SOUKI, RICARDO A 1. No 10275 COLLINS AVE # 1110 BAL HARBOUR, FL 33154 Note the following with reference to the Bal Harbour market. At the time of this inspection sales were very scarce especially in newly constructed buildings with superior finishes such as Harbour House. Per sales office | Bal Harbour which is the building next door also shares the driveway and Spa privileges had pending sales supporting the subjects market value and the area showed a significant increase in the present and future market. The Sheraton Bal Harbour future home of the St Regis hotel and residences had an existing sales office with an approximate of 30 to 40 % of the sales pending supporting the market activity with units selling at approximate $1000 per sq ft. In a previous rebuttal I enclosed pending sales information regarding units that were not ocean front facing intra- coastal/bay views and the Bal Harbour shops which is a West View. At the time of this appraisal the Harbour House building had pending sales which were used to support the subject market; in the report the subject building had one closed sale, not ocean front nor a 2 bedroom 2 .5 bath unit like the subject property. This unit was utilized solely because the lender requires 1 closed sale inside the building to support market and this was the only one at that time provided to us by the sales office with a copy of the HUD , furthermore this unit sold for $952.00 per sq ft. The market description in “market shortages” was solely aimed at newly constructed buildings in the Bal Harbour market area which starts from 96 ST and Collins Ave to 102 ST and Collins Ave. Surfside and Sunny Isles are not considered as a superior location as Bal Harbour. Comparable # | is a multi folio sale in the Fontainebleau Residences, this particular unit is owned by the same owner, used year round as a fee simple type ownership not a fractional ownership in Condo-hotel as in ie: The Sole in which an owner has 2 weeks out of the year of use the rest of the year belongs to the other fractional owners which enjoy the same unit or goes into a rental program. Comparable # 1- 4401 Collins Ave #3501-3503 this unit has one kitchen 2 bedrooms 2.5 baths attached by a private elevator and foyer with a total of 1496 sqft of living area combined ; this unit has the option to go into a rental program its up to owner preference. The unit features same design and appeal as the Harbour House. A credible substitution is based on the opinion of the reviewer _and or the appraiser. To further emphasize the Collins Ave location, in some areas is less than a 4% mile wide between the ocean and the bay. Distances differ by location and Fontainebleau is located within what is called Millionaires Row less than a % mile wide. . Comparable # 2-9601 Collins Ave # 1003 is located in the Majestic which is a true full ocean Bal Harbour comparable, I reviewed the sales history and there was no mentioned of an active listing in 03/14/2007 other than a _ for IsTRAL Ail COMPLAIN =, vm $1,850, 000 which subsequently closed for $1,630,000. The $1 ,000, 000.00 sale was not listed on the market it appears to be an after the fact recording or a typo- error unbeknownst to us. Presumption as to a typo error in the tax roles show that on 03/23/2007 this sale was reported at $163,000,000. Again on 03/23/2007 showed the true sales price of $1,630,000 and again on the same date a sale for $163,000. 13 Days on the market this sale was utilized because of the prominent address, full ocean view although older than the subject property it is a true Bal Harbour address. We did report the transfer as required. Subsequently in the Majestic a similar unit is on the market #703 for $1,800, 000.this is not indicative of a declining market.(see exhibits). . Comparable # 3- 16051 Collins Ave #2502 was utilized as a market indicator of newly constructed superior buildings outside Bal Harbour, This unit was a builder sale no sales history or MLX information available at the time of inspection other than the sales office. This unit sold decorator ready as per sales center. Specification information was obtained from units representing the 02 line example unit 1802 MLX. After the final adjustments this comparable further supported the value. All other data utilized were supporting pending sales within and in other buildings within the immediate city of Bal Harbour. Our emphasis is placed on the Bal Harbour sales which truly represent the immediate market. . The explanation in the previous rebuttal to WAMU was clear, corrections were provided as to the map differences. The reviewer utilized units that were not full ocean front, or corners nor located in Bal Harbour .The difference in value was evident. Note: A closed sale of the same model 910 which closed in 08/2007 inside Harbour House for $1,000,900 re negotiated at the closing table from a 2005 original contract a HUD statement provided by Melissa Pena closing coordinator. This information was not supplied by the sales office at the time of inspection this sale was sold decorator ready as most of the units in newly constructed buildings. . Enclosed are exhibits of the closed sales from 1 BAL HARBOUR, active sales from Harbour House not full ocean units and the the Majestic. Also enclosed will . are pending sales that further support our opinion. . EXHIBIT: subject building 10275 Collins Ave unit 1222 View PRTL OCEAN/OTHER $1,150,000. 2/2.5 BATH. MLX ENCLOSED. EXHIBIT: 10275 Collins Ave unit 731 View PRTL OCEAN/OTHER $1,150,000 MLX ENCLOSED. EXHIBIT: 10275 Collins Ave # 909 FULL/OCEAN VIEW LIKE THE 10 LINE $1,298,000. price changed on 08/2007 from $1,378,000 to $1,325,000 ONE BAL HARBOUR: 10295 Collins Ave Bal Harbour,FL 33154 UNITS A, B ARE 2114 SQFT 2BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS. RATIVI COMBLAINT. ALY Mae )2 # meoaeamamenntmt anger rere PACE £ OF D 7 re UNITS D, H ARE 2007 SQFT 2 BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS. 10295 Collins Ave unit 1105 VIEW PRTL OCEAN/OTHER SQFT 2 BEDROOM 2.5 BATH 2229 SQFT CLOSED IN 11/2007 $1,280,000 10295 Collins Ave unit 701 VIEW PRTL OCEAN/OTHER 2 BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS 2114 SQFT CLOSED IN 11/2007 $1,345,000 10295 Collins Ave unit 1002 VIEW PRTL OCEAN/ OTHER 2114 SQFT 2 BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS ACTIVE $1,469,000 MLX F857390. 10295 Collins Ave unit H25 ACTIVE $1,925,000 2 BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS 2007 SQFT VIEW FULL OCEAN DIRECT ACTIVE. MAJESTIC: 9601 Collins Ave Bal Harbour,FL. 33154 9601 Collins Ave unit 1204 VIEW OCEAN/OTHER 2 BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS 2160 SQFT CLOSED IN 07/2007 $1,900,000. (WAS NOT AVAILABLE ON PUBLIC RECORDS AT THE TIME OF THIS APPRAISAL) * ‘ 9601 Collins Ave unit 703 FULL OCEAN 2 BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS 2160 SQFT ACTIVE $1,800,000 9601 Collins Ave unit 605 FULL OCEAN 2 BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS 2160 SQFT ACTIVE $2,250,000. 9601 Collins Ave unit 1105 FULL OCEAN 2 BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS 2160 SQFT ACTIVE $2,400,000. These are some of the interactions that occurred in Bal Harbour, there is a considerable slow down in the market at the present time, however our research is aimed at Bal Harbour. Note: The appraiser was not supplied a copy of the original file with its contents to properly do the research for the rebuttal. At the present time there are 27 total active sales out of the 451 total units within Harbour House, 19 of those are 2 bedrooms 2.5 baths none of those on the MLX are full ocean front units. If I could provide any further assistance or clarification I will be glad to do Guillermo Escobar R.1.3323 02/20/2008 ; STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL BOARD DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND _ Final Order No. BPR-2007-07178 Date: q- -|3-07 PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, Department of Business aad ‘Professional Regulation DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE, AGENCY CLERK Lhord- Wachman, A vO, lerk Petitioner, tL Mbortn ve Case No.: 2004-033697 . License No.: RD 3323 GUILLERMO ESCOBAR, Respondent. / FINAL ORDER This matter appeared before the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board (hereafter Board) at a duly-noticed public meeting on June 5, 2007, in Orlando, Florida, for a hearing not involving disputed issues of material fact pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(2), Florida Statutes. After completely reviewing the record and otherwise being fully advised in the premises, the Board finds: 1. On April 6, 2006, Petitioner filed an Administrative Complaint seeking disciplinary action against Respondent's license. A copy of the Administrative Complaint is attached to and made a part of this Final Order. 2. _ Respondent was properly served the Administrative Complaint. 3. Respondent requested an extension of 10 days to the 21 day period in which to file an Election of Rights. Petitioner agreed Respondent. had until May 20, 2006 to file an Election of Rights. On May 23, 2006, Petitioner received a letter from Counsel for Respondent, filing a blank Election of Rights form executed by Respondent on May 18, 2006. In a letter with the Election of — Rights form, Respondent's counsel states: “As per our agreement, | will not file AUWHINES ERALIVE COMPLAINT exuipit #19 . cage OF an answer to the complaint unless and until we resolve the only remaining issue as to Guillermo’s ability to get his final license after the probation.” Petitioner asserts that Respondent failed to dispute any material fact alleged in the Administrative Complaint in writing on or before the twenty-first day after service of the Administrative Complaint, or within the extension of time granted by Petitioner, or following. the rejection of the last proposed stipulation, and has failed to set forth any disputed issue of material fact, timely or otherwise. 4. : On June 5, 2007, Petitioner was represented by DBPR Senior Attorney D.C. Lindamood. 5. On June 5, 2007, Respondent was present and was not represented by counsel. FINDINGS OF FACT 6. Based upon Respondent's failure to timely set forth disputed issues of material fact, the Board adopts as its findings of fact paragraphs 1-16 of the Administrative Complaint. The investigative file, including the two (2)-count Administrative Complaint, was received into evidence and the Board finds that the uncontested facts adequately support the allegations. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 7. | Based upon the Findings of Fact, the Board concludes the licensee has violated Sections 475,624(4), and 475.624(12) of the Florida Statutes and 61J1-3.001(6)(a) of the Florida Administrative alleged by Petitioner. 8. The Board is empowered by Sections 475,624(1) and 455.227(2) of the Florida Statutes to impose a penalty against Respondent. Therefore, it is ORDERED that: ALUWHAIS PHALIVE GUMPLALINT exHipit #13 2aGE %__ oF Respondent's state registered real estate appraiser license is suspended for six (6) months. Concurrent with the suspension, Respondent shall be placed on probation for one (1) year and is eligible for early termination upon completion of the terms. While on probation, Respondent must attend one (1) full complete two (2)-day Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board meeting from the commencement of the meeting until 5:00 p.m. on both meeting days, and pay a $1,000.00 administrative finé and $495.00 in costs. Respondent must pay the $1,000 administrative fine and the $495.00 in costs within 30 days of the filing date of this Final Order to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate, Real Estate Appraisal Board at 400 West Robinson Street, Suite 801N, Orlando, Florida 32801-1757. The FREAB News and Report shall publish a summary of action of Final , Order, as follows: Guillermo Escobar, state certified residential real estate appraiser (RD 3323); fined $1,000; 6-months suspension concurrent with 1-year probation; attend one full 2-day FREAB meeting; costs $495.00; guilty of violating Section 475.624(12) for obtaining a license by means of knowingly making a false statement, submitting false information or engaging in misrepresentation or concealment; and violating Rule 61J1-3.001(6){a), F.A.C., and Section 475.624(4), Fla. Stat. DRATIVE COMPLAINT ma VES I CXHIBIT #13 PAGE This Final Order shall become effective upon filing with the Clerk of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. DONE AND ORDERED this Ly day of Reatebor 2007. FLORIDA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL BOARD Thomas Bryant, Jr., Director Division of Real Estate on beha of the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board NOTICE OF RIGHT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW A party who is adversely affected by this final order is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by filing one copy of a notice of appeal with the agency clerk of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation and a second copy, accompanied by filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the party resides. The notice of appeal must be filed within thirty (30) days of réndition of the order to be reviewed. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT exwipiT 4/2 : £ OS i CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished ‘by U.S. Mail to Guillermo Escobar, 7770 Sunset Drive, Miami, Florida 33143; Richard Baron, Esq., Suite 201, 501 N.E. 1 Avenue, Miami, Florida . 33132; D.C. Lindamood, Senior Attorney, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate, 400 West Robinson Street, Suite 801N, Orlando, Florida 32801-1757; and to Reginald Dixon, Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, Administrative Law Division, PL-01, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050, this , Be day ofSeplembtr 2007 F:\Users\ADMIN\Donna McNulty\FREAB\ORDERS 060507\ESCOBAR FO (informal-suspension-probation-fine-meeting- publication).doc ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION _ FLORIDA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL BOARD FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE, Petitioner, vs. : _ FDBPR Case N* 2004033697 GUILLERMO ESCOBAR, Respondent. / ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT State of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate (“Petitioner”) files this Administrative Complaint against Guillermo Escobar (“Respondent”) and alleges: . ESSENTIAL ALLEGATIONS GF MATERIAL FACT 1. Petitioner is a state government licensing and regulatory agency charged with the responsibility and duty to prosecute Administrative Complaints pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida, in particular Section 20.165 and Chapters 120, 455 and 475 of the Florida Statutes, and the tules.promulgated pursuant thereto. 2. Respondent is and was at all times material hereto a registered Florida trainee appraiser, ~ issued license number 3323 in accordance with Chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes. 3. The last license issued was as a registered trainee appraiser at 7770 Sunset Drive, Miami, ; Florida 33143 under the supervision of Suyin Decastro. FDBPR vs Guillermo Escobar . . FDBPR Case N° 2004033697 Administrative Complaint : 4. On or about October 5, 1995, Respondent submitted to Petitioner an application for a registered assistant real estate appraiser. A copy of the application is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 1. 5. On the application, Respondent signed a swom affidavit which stated: “T have read the questions in this application and have answered them completely and truthfully to the best of my knowledge.” 6. The question on the application relating to a criminal background asked whether Respondent had “ever been convicted of, found guilty of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to any crime, even if you received a withhold of adjudication?” 7. Respondent’s answer to this question was “no.” 8. In reliance upon Respondent’s swom application, Petitioner issued to Respondent a registration as a real estate appraiser. 9. Pursuant to legislative changes, on or about July 1, 2003, Respondent’s license was redesignated as a real estate trainee appraiser. 10. On or about May 27, 2004, Respondent submitted to Petitioner an application for licensure as a state certified residential real estate appraiser. A copy of the application is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 2. "11. On the application, Respondent signed a sworn affidavit which stated: “T have read the questions in this application and have answered them completely and truthfully to the best of my knowledge.” AUVENIO DAL ive CUMPLAINTE ExHieiT #12 SARE 7 wee UE oe FDBPR vs Guillermo Escobar FDBPR Case N° 2004033697 Administrative Complaint 12. The question on the application relating to a criminal background asked whether Respondent had “ever been convicted of, found guilty of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to any crime, even if you received a withhold of adjudication?” Respondent’s answer to this question was “yes.” 13. Respondent disclosed that in 1976 adjudication was withheld against him for the offenses of receiving stolen property and forgery of acredit card. . 14. Respondent disclosed that in 1989 he pled guilty and was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment for possession with the intent to distribute cocaine. A certified copy of the judgment and sentence is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 3. 15. Respondent disclosed that in 1982, he pled guilty to conspiracy to distribute cocaine. 16. Respondent failed to disclose the offenses in his application for registration as a real estate appraiser. | . COUNT I Based upon the foregoing, Respondent has obtained a license by means of knowingly making a false statement, submitting false information, or engaging in misrepresentation or concealment, in violation of Section 475.624(12), Florida Statutes. COUNT II Based upon the foregoing, Respondent has violated Rule 61J1-3.001(6)(a) of the Florida ue WE COMPLEINT FDBPR vs Guillermo Escobar : FDBPR Case N° 2004033697 Administrative Complaint Administrative Code and, therefore, is in violation of Section 475.624(4), Florida Statutes. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board, or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as may be appropriate, to issue a Final Order as final agency action finding the Respondent(s) guilty as charged. The penalties which may be imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes, depending upon the severity of the offense(s), include: revocation of the license or registration or permit; suspension of the license, registration or permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years, imposition of an administrative fine of up to $1 ,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs; issuance ofa reprimand; imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not limited to, requiring the licensee, registrant or permitee to complete and pass additional real estate education courses; publication; or any combination of the foregoing which may apply. See Section 475.25(1), Florida Statutes (2001) ‘and Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2-24.001. The penalties which may be imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 455 of the Florida Statutes, depending upon the severity of the offense(s), include: revocation of the license, registration, or permit; suspension of the license, registration, or permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years; imposition of an administrative fine of up to $5,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs; issuance of areprimand; imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not limited to, requiring the licensee, registrant, or permitee ‘ to complete and pass additional real estate education courses; publication; restriction of practice; injunctive or mandamus relief; imposition of a cease and desist order; or any combination of the NISTRATIVE COMPLAINT FDBPR vs Guillermo Escobar Administrative Complaint FDBPR Case N° 2004033697 foregoing which may apply. See Section 455.227, Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2-24.001. SIGNED this bb day of ( po ¥ ng , 2006. - \ ace we il a ara i z oe ngdartment of Professional Regutatiss. Division of Real Estate PCP: PB/JB 4/06 Department of Business and Professional Regulation — By: Michael-E. Murphy Director Division of Real Estate ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Stacy N. Rgbinson Pierce, Senior Attorney Fla. Bar No. 182796 Division of Real Estate Legal Section : 400 W. Robinson Street, N801 Orlando, Florida 32801-1757 (407) 481-5632 (407) 317-7260 - FAX NOTICE TO RESPONDENTS PLEASE BE ADVISED that mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes AUNVHNISTRATIVE COMPLAINT aT #_B /0 FDBPR vs Guillermo Escobar FDBPR Case N° 2004033697 Administrative Complaint is not available for administrative disputes involving this type of agency action. PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that pursuant to this Administrative Complaint you may request, within the time allowed by law, a hearing to be conducted in this matter in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes; that you have the right, at your option and expense, to. be represented by counsel or other qualified. representative in this matter; and that you have the right, at your option and expense, to take testimony, to cal] and cross-examine witnesses, and to have subpoena and subpoena duces tecum issued on your behalf if a formal hearing is requested. PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that if you do not filean Election of Rights form or some other responsive pleading with the Petitioner within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of this Administrative Complaint, the Petitioner will file with the Fiorida Real Estate Appraisal Board a motion requesting an informal hearing and entry of an appropriate Final Order which may result in the suspension or revocation of your real estate license or’ registration. Please see the enclosed Explanation of Rights and Election of Rights form. ~ js EAHIBIT iP / PAGE ft ae Revo! amy, . | | ; DO NOT WRITE OR f oct 20 1995 ; PRINT IN SPACE BELOW : . Ee eo lATE a . 7 sO . ~ oo. 4 Not to be filled in BY diplicant . . Si . , 1 . se eye ‘ i 4 Bo OS ; $255 One fag | QUAL. VERIFIED , E eC Seiarsare in THE? , Fy ED. CRS. BT: SS@29196 RC: S517 taken: { EQUIV. APPROVED "G4 -AEd—1 8 : S5a j ‘| SCHOOL # DENIED : " AY-Bed—da S2ag DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE Hurston North Tower, 400 W. Robinson Street, P.O. Box 1900 | Orlando, FL 32802-1900 (407) 423.6095 PPLICATION TO BECOME A REGISTERED REAL EST. ATE APPR, FEE - $255.00 Fee includes intitint registration fee DO NOT SEND CASH - MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO "DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE” INSTRUCTIONS: Type or print clearly. Fill out carefully. Each question must be answered and the necessary documentation provided or the application will be retumed to the applicant. Attach additional pages as necessary. 1. Legal Name < SCOB4#@ Last Name ir., Tf, ete. Pa da AS) a First Name "Middle Name t 2. Name As You Wouid Like it To Appenr On Your Registration . Sento — Ccobart {i¢. John R. Doe, Jack Doc, J,.R, Doe, J. Robert Doe, etc.) 3. Sex Male O Female 4. Birth Date = 20 Sl ¢ 5. Social Security Nu er aS Mn, Day Year (Not required to process application) 6. Personal Mailing 22/0 . St. /27 cf Address - Street Address or P.O, Box or Drawer ete ef ye S37 - Me DADE. Bunty. | Zip Code Caunly 4. Your Residence SANE AL SUV E . . Address _ House Number Residence Street, Address Do, tee Apartment City _—_ State Zip ales ADAMS TRATIVE EXHIBIT oo 8. Your Teleph: —_ Number. ° "Home (Bos SSF . 6 ZO : Daytime (305 SIF . 6 Ysa 9. oO Are you a high school graduate of the holder of an equivalency certificate? Y LN a 10. ia) a Have you ever 1) heen eonvicted of a crime, 2} pled nolo contendere to any crime? (This -¥ N question applies to any violation of any municipality, county, state or nation, including traffic | offenses --but not parking, speeding, inspection, or traffic signal violations-- tegardiess of whether you were placed on probation, liad adjudication withheld, were paroled or were pardoned.) If "YES", please state details, include dates and outcome on # Separate sheet and attach to this application. 11. aw Have you ever been registered, licensed, or certified in fnother jurisdiction as an N appraiser?” 2,, License/Registration Type WDA Lit OE License Number / Name Used 3. License/Registration Type | Date (From) Date (Toy BACKGROUND:INFORMATI: ie Yes W Have you ever been convicted of a crime, found guilty, or entered a plea (If yes, please of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to, even if you received a . | complete form withhold of adjudication? This question applies to any violation of the laws 0050-1) of any municipality, county, state or nation, including felony, misdemeanor and traffic offenses (but not parking, speeding, inspection, or traffic signal violations), without regard to whether you were placed on probation, had adjudication withheld, were paroled, or pardoned. If you intend to answer “NO” because you believe those records have been expunged or sealed by court order pursuant to Section 943.058, Florida Statutes, or applicable law of another state, you are responsible for verifying the expungement or sealing prior to answering "NO." YOUR ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION WILL BE CHECKED AGAINST LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL RECORDS, FAILURE TO ANSWER THIS. QUESTION ACCURATELY MAY RESULT IN THE DENIAL OR REVOCATION.OF YOUR LICENSE. IF YOU DO. NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS QUESTION, CONSULT WITH AN ATTORNEY OR CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT. Yes & Has any judgment or decree of a court been entered against you in this or (If yes, please any other state, province, district, territory, possession or nation, in which complete form you were charged in the petition, complaint, declaration, answer, 0050-1) counterclaim, or other pleading with any fraudulent or dishonest dealing, or is there any such case or investigation pending? : Yes Q Have you ever had an application for registration, certification, or (If yes, please licensure in Florida: or in any other jurisdiction denied, or is there now complete form pending a proceeding or investigation to deny such an application? 0060-1) — ] : . Yes 0 Has any license, registration or permit to practice any regulated (If yes, please profession, occupation, vocation, or business been-revoked, annulled, complete form suspended, relinquished, surrendered, or withdrawn in Florida or in any 0060-1) other jurisdiction, or is any such proceeding or investigation now pending? If you answered VES" to questions 1 — 4 above, please provide the full details of any criminal conviction, lawsuit or judgment, or administrative action including the nature of any charges, dates, outcames, sentences, and/or conditions imposed; the dates, name and location of the court and/or jurisdiction in which any proceedings were held or are pending; arid the designation and/or license number for any actions against a license or licensure application. Please utilize form 0050-1 for your responses to questions 1 and 2, and form 0060-1 for your responses to questions 3 and 4. \f you have more than seven offenses to document on form 0050-1, attach additional copies of form 0050-1 as necessary. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT ExHigiT #2 race ds nickname) or alias other than the name signed to the application? Yes Q No" If your answer is yes, state name or names used below: Last Name . Middle Title Last Name i Middle. Title Last Name First Middle Title ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT. EXHIBIT #3 PAGE DBPR RE-2010-1 — Real Estate Background Questions REV 06/01 STATE OF FLORIDA Aiovides future, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION RightHere. 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783 RightNow , NOTE — This form must be submitted as part of an entire application packet APPLICANT.INEORMATIO. } Middle Title Are you requesting mutual recognition? Yes Qa No Qa Are you a Florida resident? Yes @” No O if no, please read and affirm Irrevocable Consent to Service statements below by checking NOTE: (The following Irrevocable Consent to Service i is applicable to non- -resident applicants only) ol agree, by becoming the holder of a Florida real estate license, to submit to the jurisdiction of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the Division of Administrative Hearings, which agreement is irrevocable. i agree, by becoming the holder of a Florida real estate license, that the Director of the Division of Real Estate and his/her successors in office shall receive service of all legal process issued against me in any administrative or civil action or proceeding in this state, and process so served shail be valid and binding, which agreement is irrevocable. | further agree to file with the Division Of Real - Estate the designation of the name and address of the person to whom process served upon-the Division Director is to be forwarded and to keep said designation current. : EXHIBIT 4.2 page ua DBPR 0050-1 — Explanatory Information for Background Questions Pion itd Exiicten. STATE OF FLORIDA Rightfere , DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION sitNow NOTE — This form must be submitted as part of an application packet Offense 9 agi ViN ‘olen "Progerty County rh iQmi . bade State ie rid Penallyiy pppstions , ly Uhheld Luda {S Drab on ti ; Dig. pf Ott Henge fia) Bas _ | Have all ion been satisfied? Yes Deo sy mM + } . S Shi 7 a involved a stolen Vehicle oF a (ir wir a 41D de [SF lori AC; | Penaltys Ds postion idatina With ! th hela LUde CLS Proeaction | : fai FS AC se ‘i ite Have all satetions been satisfied? Yes -___No Q Dac Car qumnsian Ces dy MhiS (asd Invaled use oF 4 Credit lard tor hg. Pur Chgse Of Qa Olin Pees Offense ae ores ( Dit ce County <0 es cS imprison Have all sanctions been satisfied? N Q AD POA LIVE CUIVEr LAIN EXHIBIT gp 10 eae BIT #. einen ets ce SANE 14 OF meee AGE oe Ss. ween OF wy aon & alty: ie ositio [20 MormtAS pLat, Pylays Si, ror. AE la Have all saj aie been Satish d? Yes lain Gi rem Hens Dy Hot 5 Zag Wo IVa | | pe [ OSSeSBON. Oh aA Kilo y ans % LOMA Penalty/Disposition ! Date of Offense {MIDORI Have ail sanctions been: Satisfied? t Yes QO No Q i) Description | | | County Penalty/Disposition Date of Offense (MM/DD/YYYY) Have all sanctions been satisfied? - I ft Yes 0 No Q j Penalty/Disposition ) | Date of Offense (MM/DDIYYYY) Have all sanctions been satisfied? | I / “ Yes Go No Q | Description Attach additional.sheets xn’ 2 ‘ cage — LY OF aE DBPR 0060-1 ~ General Explanatory Description : Flerite bFoitere.. STATE OF FLORIDA Ri ’ tH 4 ’ DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND Wig ere. PROFESSIONAL REGULATION : NOTE — This form must be submitted as part of an tf . RightNow. application packet Mar Lob ‘LS? ‘ii oid Ral Bakle aati as Vo~atOn anol ze bétn bou Slanclarls Ano) Ee Wish-tp +eKe 1» Slate Chita} id svam to Continue Xe Hat) / id. (uast_<¢ AY me Ne io-sins Held fase. 6 Serve Who Stake % ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT EXHIBIT #2 CHEE LASSE E EXHIBIT # ;; poe PAGE 2 OF DBPR RE-2060-1 — Request for Appraiser Change of Status REV 06/01 floes Fotere.,. . STATE OF FLORIDA -RightHere. DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION RightNow. : _ 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783 Appraiser Type Q Registered Assistant Appraiser .Q. Certified Residential Appraiser OQ Certified General Appraiser Action Requested [QO Designate a primary/secondary supervisor for a registered assistant appraiser Q Add an additional supervisor for a registered assistant appraiser ECK:- ACTION: REQUEST Q Temporary Permit Holder , Q Licensed Appraiser QO Terminate primary supervisor Q Terminate secondary supervisor Supervisor's License umber Q Primary Supervisor QO. Secondary Supervisor a Qa Geritied 6 General Appraiser Q Licensed Appraiser Primary/Secondary Supervisor Name \ affirm that ! have provided the above information completely ai and truthfully to the best of my knowledge. Certified/Licensed/Registeréd Assistant Appraiser or Permit Holder Sign Here: ee Date: Were nyna EAL ONE LAINT. EXHIBIT em OF PAGE ADMIN ISTRATIVE EXHIBIT # 2 PAGE _ # UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA PROBATION OFFICE FRANK SCHWARTZ, : 14601 OAK LANE iF PROBATION OFFICER MIAMI LAKES, FL 33016. April 22, 2004 ; RE: Guillermo Escobar DOB: 2/20/56 SS#: Sie, Co Whom It May Concer: and he always maintain unber of urine Specimens all of which test aintained stable residen is wi Odine Lindor . U.S. Probation Officer US. Probation Officer nited States District Court 3outher District of Florida Bivd Tel: (95. 769-5579 024 Main: (95 769-5576 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT EXHIBIT AS PAGE —f . pies BPN EY Fe fF LUE . (3 May 21, 2004 F 2 Pi su, NIVERSAL “AMERICAN 1ORTGAGE COMPANY Re: Guillermo Escobar © To Whom It May Concern: It is with distinct pleasure that I am writing this letter of recommendation Universal American for Mr. Guillermo Escobar. Mortgage Company Our companies have been doing business for over six years, and in-that time he has exemplified excellent business skills. His work is detailed and thorough. The few times that we have needed follow up on his work or when requesting final inspections, they are completed and provided ina 700 N.W. 107 Avenue timely manner, as are his appraisals. Suite 120 Mr. Escobar is diligent, hard working, and meticulous at his job. For the Miami, Fl. reasons stated above, we will continue to use his services in the future. Should you need anything further, please, feel free to contact me. 33172 Sincerely, (305) 551-7001 | Peck Vian / Marta Callava lax (305) 553-7357 Operations Manager _ STRATE om 5 or iy ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT A henner EXHIBIT # a lon sat Seeviees —_ cnancial Servires PAGE / Compan O_o 2 o> a os Capital Mortgage Group, Inc. ~ [YOM IT MAY CONCERN: sis to certify that our company has used the services of Mr. Guillermo. Escobar 5 years as a professional appraiser. scobar is a highly-skilled appraiser that has completed each request with a high wo .Our company is pleased to do business with him and to count with his om. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT EXHIBIT # : PAGE J} J OF 7 3! ¥*-6th FLOOR * MIAMI, FLORIDA 33145-2628! THE (ROSY 858-5620) 19/AX, (305) 456-2509 iad p DBPR 0030-1 ~ Attest Statement STATE OF FLORIDA Fila Ota finfaett... Ren here. DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION — Regt NOTE - This form must be submitted as part of an . application packet — : me 1 have read the questions in this application and have answered them compietely and arin to the best of my knowledge. | have successfully completed the education, if any, required for the level of licensure, registration, or certification sought. {have the amount of experience required, if any, for the level of licensure, registration, or | | j certification Sought. , pledge to comply with the applicable standards ‘of practice upon licensure, registration, or j cemification. Goincuip O. £8003 pe ala . Type or print name of applicant Signature of applicant personaily known to me or who has produced the following as identification FLOniDnp. DrevEe ifCEN SE a I PI Type of identificati . : Signature BEM son taking acknowledgement Del : : Notary Seal (Rubber Stamp and Expiration) G Wiltyy, RY ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT EXHISIT Teo PAGE 12 of 32 OBGE A ar we ne DBPR RE-2000-1 — Application Requirements REV 08/03 Plovides ote. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783 Application requirements vary depending on the license type being applied for. The following table provides detail of the required forms for the various types of applications. You can also apply or renew licenses online and make payments by credit card by viewing the DBPR Online Services section located . at If you have any questions or need assistance in completing your application, please contact the Customer Contact Center at (850) 487-1395. Please submit this checklist with your application. Check i ti : . Required Forms ation License Type Application Fee (eee ‘Requested Sales . $152.00 | 0010-2, 0030-1, 0050-1, 0060-1, 2000-1, 2010-1 Associate Sales $152.00 0010-2, 0030-1, 0050-1, 0060-1, 2000-1, 2010-1 Associate a (Mutual $162.00 0010-2, 0030-1, 0050-1, 0060-1, 2000-1, 2010-1 Broker (Mutual $162.00 « 0010-2, 0030-1, 0050-1, 0060-1, 2000-1, 2010-1 Recognition) . Registered $277.00 0010-2, 0030-1, 0050-7, 0060-1, 2000-1, 2010-1, Trainee 2060-1 Appraiser. . : , Certified $377.00 0010-2, 0030-1, 0050-1, 0060-1, 2000-1, 2010-1 Residential Appraiser Certified $377.00 0010-2, 0030-1, 0050-1, 0060-1, 2000-1, 2010-1 General Appraiser Non-Resident $50.00 0010-2, 0030-1, 2000-1, 2020-1 Temporary . Appraisal Practice + Permit : Instructor — . $152.00 0010-2, 0030-1, 0050-1, 0060-1, 2000-1, 2010- 1, Real Estate : . 2030-1 ALAVINES DR Ad) JE COMPLAINT ee aie es a —_ —S—= - Hnited States District Coee "= Fy . a SOUTHERN District of __ FLORIDA _APCaG fga9 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. . . UNDER THE SENTENCING REFORM ACT GUILLERMO ORTELIO ESCOBAR ; ; ; Case Number 89~762-Cr-Marcus (1) Carlos A. Rodriguez, Esq. Defendant’s Attorney _ 1455 Southwest 27th Avenue THE DEFENDANT: : Miami, Florida 33145 ©: pleaded guilty to count(s)__ONE (1) . O was found guilty on count(s): ___ aftera plea of not guilty. ; (Name of Defendant) Accordingly, the defendant is adjudged guilty of such count(s), which involve the following offenses: Title & Section ‘Nature of Offense ~ Count Number(s) 21, USC, Section . Possession with intent to distribute ONE(1)_ 841(a}(1) cocaine.(On or about 10-24-89). . A class A felony. The defendant is sentenced as provided in pages 2 through __4 imposed pursuant to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. C) The defendant has been found not guilty on count(s)__- = and is discharged as to such counti(s). ae O Count(sy (is)(are) dismissed on the motion of the United States. : : . : oe O The mandatory special assessment is included in the portion of this Judgment that imposes a fine. & It is ordered that the defendant shall pay to the United States a-special assessment of $ 26,00 which shall be due immediately. / ; . of this Judgment. The sentence is It is further ordered that the defendant shall notify the United States Attorney for this district within . 30 days of ‘any change of residence or mailing address until all fines, restitution, costs, and special assessments imposed by this Judgment are fully paid. Defendant’s Soc. Sec. Number: “April: 24th, 1990 ps gt imposition of Sentence ila VL * Signature Sf Judicial Officer Defendant's mailing address: aa 137th Avenue Miami, Florida 33177 Defendant's residence address: "156el S.W. f ! v “ j ANLE MARCUS, UNITED STATES DISTRICT | (beet ote tame & Title of Judicial Officer JUDGE & ~ td cee . ove Po fd Gon, ril 24th, 1990 ‘DIMINISTRATIVE COMBLAINT Exnisit #3 oh AGE \ es Same as above ! Doo. EEE Vase’ NUMER 8y¥-f/Os—L EMME Cust) . . IMPRISONMENT The defendant is hereby committed to the custody of the United States Bureau of Prisons to bi imprisoned for a term of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY MONTHS (120) & The Court makes the following recommendations to the Bureau of Prisons: That. the defendant be sent to an institution in ‘Blorida. @ The defendant is remanded to the custody of the United States Marshal. ( The defendant shail surrender to the United States Marshal for this district, am. O at_ p.m. on Gi as notified by the Marshal. o The defendant shall surrender for service of sentence at the institution the Bureau of Prisons © before 2 p.m. on ( as notified by the United States Marshal. C as notified by.the Probation Office. RETURN . ‘| have executed this Judgment as follows: ~ . _ . ve eli es : at ' . delivered on __ to -at a itt a certified copy of this Judgments. rer 1_—_—_——_ataamena ADMIN ISTRATIVE CO MPLAIN United States Marsnal EXHIB AY it 2 re MNP TPA ET YO GUE RARE i PAGE . CF y a Pat . : \ ") PAGE eB OF 3 Judgment—Page____of 4 : + : ; Defendant; GUILLERMO ORTELIO ESCOBAR Case Number: 89-762-Cr-Marcus{1) SUPERVISED RELEASE — Upon release from imprisonment, the defendant shall be on supervised release for a term of. EIGHT YEARS(8) a # While on supervised release, the defendant shall not commit another Federal, state, or local crime and Shall comply with the standard conditions that have been adopted by this court (set.forth on the following page). If this judgment imposes a restitution obligation, it shall be a condition of supervised release that the defendant pay any. such restitution that remains unpaid at the commencement of the term af supervised release. The defendant shall comply with the following additional conditions: CI The defendant shall pay any fines that remain unpaid at the commencement of the term of supervised release. - ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT EXHIBIT #2 PAGE a eene OF ene DPRALIVS COMPLAINT © 4g Y FALMVELINE EME PAGE . Judgment—Page__4 _ of 4 € : . — Defendant: GUILLERMO ORTELIO ESCOBAR . Case Number. 89-762-Cr-Marcus (1) ' STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SUPERVISION While the defendant is on probation or supervised release pursuant to this Judgment: 1) The defendant shall not commit another Federal, state or focal crime; . a 2) the defendant shall not leave the judicial district without the permission of the court or probation officer; 3) the defendant shall report to the probation officeras directed by the court or probation officer and shall submit a truthful.and complete written report within the first five days of each month; ; 4) the defendant shall-answer truthfully all inquiries by the probation officer and follow the instructions of the probation officer; : 5) the defendant shall support his or her dependents and meet other family responsibilities; 6) the defendant shall work regularly at a lawful occupation unless excused by the probation officer for schooling, training, or other acceptable reasons; 4 the defendant shail notify the probation officer within seventy-two hours of any change in residence or employment; ; : . : 8) the defendant shall refrain from excessive use of alcohol and shail not purchase, possess, use, distribute, or administer any narcotic or other controlled substance, or any paraphernalia related to such substances, except as. prescribed by a physician; 9) the defendant shall not frequent places where controlled substances are illegally sold, used, distributed, — or administered; : ; 10) the defendant shall not associate with any persons engaged in criminal activity, and shall not associate with any person convicted of a felony unless granted permission to do so by the probation officer; 11) the defendant’shall permit a probation officer to visit him or her at any time at home or elsewhere and shall permit confiscation of any contraband observed in plain view by the probation officer; 12) the defendant shall notify the probation officer within seventy-two hours of being arrested or questioned by a law enforcement officer; _ ; 13) the defendant shall not enter into any agreement to act as an informer or a special agent of a law enforce- ment agency without the permission of the court; ; 14) as directed by the probation officer, the defendant shall notify third parties of risks that may be occasioned by the defendant's criminal record or personal history or characteristics, and shall permit the probation officer to make such notifications and to confirm the defendant's compliance with such notification requirement. . These conditions are in addition to any other conditions imposed by this Judgment. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT EXHIBIT #2 , c COMPLABAGE _f__. OF ; G saa JUN=eH-UUTETHU) 10: 59° P.003/007 . tx Date/Time JUNH ZR 2007 (THU) 10294 4? 508. 180 . PWS Jun 28 07 10:55a Juan Castellanos 407-566-1 Pa One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report i 2 B39 Carey ROPE OF WORK ‘The oop oF work tor ous appralaat Sata (avlew ie detined by the pornpieity of the eporideal repod under review wd tho maperting. ‘oer a. nctig the ftnang late of seu paoca ae El Saree, and eaeVcaons Ta mde appre ee (0 ene apyteleas taba under review, C2) porfarm & Wiauc inapactin of the deri aeves of har maect propwty tram at laaat roghoatod, (mond aac he comparaie ale ra atlas Pw eet (6) parte dae Coser ore ely ta dle ‘and accu tha cia int atta) part (8) rescore corny, ad erm a Wr ealabts pb aoe prota source, (7) (fe toon ot wha, and) atone Ow prover Condo epee era rp is cu wba Orve W eNCe {to evo sopra seietrices rt ib ation of ron 6 apart era i acs ha vied eM ‘extn. 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Docket for Case No: 09-000392PL