Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Key West, Florida
Filed: Sep. 30, 2009
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, November 23, 2009.
Latest Update: Feb. 04, 2025
Sep 30 2009 9:59
Sep 30 2009 9:54 P.O5
Nae! aw?
v. . . ne CASE|NO,: 2008-24991
COMES NOW, Petitioner, Department of Health, by and through its undersigned
counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint before the Board of Chiropracti¢
Medicine against Respondent, Michael Andrew Norman, D.C., and in support thereof
1. _ Petitioner is the state department charged with regulating the practice of
chiropractic medicine pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes; Chapter 456, Florida
Statutes; and Chapter 460, Florida Statutes,
2. - At all times material to this order, Respondent was licensed to: practice as
a chiropractic physician in the State of Florida, Pursuant to Chapter 460, Florida
Statutes having been issued licensed number CH 7039 on or about August 7, 1996.
3. Respondent's address of records is 207 Key Deer Boulevard, Big Pine Key,
Florida 33043
Ji\PSU\Medical\Tobey\__¢ A $ E S\Notrnan, Michael D.Cinorman.sexual| j ‘ f 1
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‘ie! Nadel
4. LS was a former employee of Respondent's that he also treated as a
patient from time to time. i
5. Patient LS began working for Respondent jn or about April 2008, and
shortly thereafter, he began to touch her inappropriately. )
6. Days later while performing an adjustment| on patient LS, Respondent
unfastened her bra while lying on the examining table pretending to perform 2 massage
which touching her breast area. ,
7. Respondent would at times lie on the examination table and require that
patient LS stretch him. During the course of the stretch, Respondent would pull down
his pants and undergarments exposing his buttocks. Respondent would request that
patient LS massage his buttocks, . :
8. On or about August 2008, Respondent and patient LS attended a seminar
together where they reserved two Separate rooms. atient LS requested that
Respondent bring her dinner and while in her room, Respondent attempted to have Sex -
with patient LS.
9. BD was a former employee of Respondent's that he also treated aS a
patient from time to time.
10. On or about August of 2005, Respondent hired BD as an employee, ,
li. One day, Respondent called BD in his office tojassist him, and when BD
presented to his office, Respondent was exposing his penis.
J:\PSU\Medical\Tabey\_._¢ ASE S\Norman, Michael D.C\norman.sexual i i >,
Sep 30 2009 9:59
Sen 30 2009 9:54 PLO?
12. Respondent would often times massage patient BD's neck in an attempt
to look down her-shirt and touch her breasts.
13. While performing adjustments on patient BD,| Respondent would attempt
to touch her pelvic, buttacks, and chest areas,
14, Respondent would also press himself against
‘erect pretending to retrieve something.
Count One
15. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates ‘para
fourteen (14) as if fully set forth herein.
patient BD. with his’ penis
graphs one (1) through
16. Section 456.072(1)(u), Florida Statutes (2004)-(2005), and
456.072(1)(v), Florida Statutes (2006)-(2008), subjects a
) engaging or attempting to engage in sexual misconduct as
Section 456.063(1), Florida Statutes.
| .17, Section 456.063(1), Florida Statutes (2004)-(
misconduct in the practice of a health care profession
licensee to discipline, for
defined and prohibited by
2008), states. that sexual -
means violation of the °
professional relationship. through which the health care practitioner uses such’
relationship to engage or attempt to engage the patient of client in, or to induce or
_attempt to Induce such person to engage In, verbal or physical sexual activity outside
the scope of the professional practice of such health
misconduct i in the practice of a health care profession fs prohi
care profession. Sexual
18. Respondent has Violated Section 456.072(1)(u), Florida Statutes” (2004)-
(2005) and 456.072(1)(v), Florida Statutes (2006)-(2008),
by using the chiropractic
; J:\PSU\Medical\Tobey\__¢ A 5 E S\Natman, Michael D.C\norman,sexual doc j i 3
Sep 30 2009 9:59
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physician-patient relationship to induce. or attempt to induce a patient to engage, or to
engage or attempt to engage a patient, in sexual activity joutside the scope of practice
or the scope of generally accepted examination or treatmeht of the patient through one
"OF more of the following actions:
| ‘a) °° By touching patient LS inappropriately;
b) "By unfastening patient LS’s bra and touching her breast area during the
"course of an adjustment; )
¢) By pulling down his pants and undergarments in front of patent LS and
requesting that patient LS massage his buttocks; .
d) By attempting to have sex with patient LS;
e) By exposing his penis to patient BD:
f) By massaging patient BD‘s neck in a manner bo he could look down her
, shirt and attempt to.touch her breasts; .
9) By attempting to touch patient BD's pelvic, buttocks, and chest areas
during the course of adjustments; or, )
h) By pressing himself against patient BD with his penis erect pretending to
retrieve something. i
19, "Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section 456, 072(1 Xu),
Florida Statutes (2004)- (2005) and 456.072(1)(v), Florida Statutes (2006)- +2008), by
committing sexual misconduct.
JPSU\Medical\Tabey\__C.a SE §\Norman, Michael D.C\norman.sexual misconduct.a¢-final. toc : :
Sep 30 2009 10:00
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Count Two
20. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (v) through
fourteen (14) as if fully set forth herein,
21. Section 460.413(1)(ff), Florida Statutes (2004)-(2008), subjects. a
chiropractic physician to discipline, including suspension, for violating any provision of
; chapter 456 or chapter 460, or any rules adopted pursuant thereto.
22, Section 460.412, Florida Statutes (2004)-(2008), States:
’ The chiropractic physician-patient relationship is Fourjded on mutual trust.
Sexual misconduct in the practice of chiropractic medicine means violation
of the | chiropractic physician-patient relationship through, which the
chiropractic physician uses said relationship to induce|or attempt to induce
: the patient to engage, or to engage or attempt to engage the patient, in
sexual activity outside the scope of practice or nm scope of generaily
accepted examination or treatment of the patient. Sexual misconduct in
, the practice of chiropractic medicine is prohibited.
23. . Resporident has violated Section 460.413(1)(ff), Florida Statutes (2004)-
(2008), through a’ violation of 460.412, Florida Statutes (2004)-(2008), through one or
" more of the following ‘actions: | |
a) By touching patient LS inappropriately; _
_b) By unfastening patient LS's bra and touching Her breast area during the
course of an adjustment; . . |
c) . By pulling down his pants and undergarments in front of patient Ls and
requesting that patient LS massage his buttocks:
&) .. By exposing his penis to patient BD;
1.\PSU\Mediesl\Tobey\_.c ASE S\Norman, Michael D.C\norman.sexual miseonductac-final,dbe | ;
Sep 30 2009 10:00
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Nae! ‘ew!
f) By massaging patient BD’s neck in a manner|so he could look dowin her
shirt and attempt to touch her breasts:
9g) By attempting to touch patient BD's pelvic, |buttacks, and chest areas
during the course of adjustments; or, | ) |
h) | By pressing himself against patient BD with his penis eract pretending to
retrieve something. | :
24. Based: on the foregoing, Respondent has violated 460.413(1)(ff), Florida
Statutes (2004)-(2008), by committing sexual miscondutt as defined by Section
460.412, Florida Statutes (2004)-(2008). |
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of Chiropractic
Medicine enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties: permanent
revocation or suspension of Respondent’s license, restriction of practice, imposition of
an administrative fine; issuance of a. reprimand, placement of the Respondent on
probation, corrective action, refund of fees billed or collected, remedial education
and/or any. other relief that the Board deems appropriate.
JAPSU\Medieal\Tobey\, CASE S\Norman, Michael D.C\norman.sexual | } :
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Sep 30 2009 9:56
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Ca [Moxy
SIGNED this uf __dayof_ -iMa 2009,
Ana M. Viamonte|Ros, M.D., M.P.H,
State Surgeon General
— 4G
. i
Tobey Schultz
Assistant General founse
FILED DOH Prosecution Services Unit
DEPARTMENT OF HEAL Ty 4052 Bald Cypress| Way, Bin C-65
CLERK eoTRUTY CLERK Tallahassee, FL 32899-3265
DATE May 7