Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Nov. 03, 2009
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, March 2, 2010.
Latest Update: Dec. 25, 2024
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Department af Guskvess and Profesrkined Ragulag{in
Oepury Agency Clark
CLERK Branden Nichols
Date 8/20/2009
File #
Ve. Case No. 2008-030808
i i
REGULATION, (“Petitioner”), files thig Administrative Complaint
before the Construction Industry Licensing Board, against
(“Respondent”), and says:
1. Petitioner ia the state agency charged with requlating
the practice of contracting pursuant to Section 20.165, Florida
Statutes, and Chapters 455 and 489, Florida Statutes.
2. Respondent is, and has been at all times material
hereto, a Certified Building Contractor in the State of Florida,
license number CBC 28108, waich is in current and active status.
3. Respondent's addvessea of record which are currently
on file with Petitioner are 673 Saranal brive, Winter Springs,
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Florida 32789 and 807 South Orlando Avenue Suite R, Winter Park,
Florida 32789.
4, At all times material hereto, Respondent was doing
business ag Great Southern Contractors, Inc., ("@8C").
5s At all times material hereto, Respondent was the
primary qualifying agent for Gsc.
6. Section 489,1195(1)(a), Florida Statutes, provides
that all primary qualifying agents for a business organization
are jointly and equally responsible for supervision of all
operations of the business organization; for all field work at
all sites; and for financial matters, »eth for the organization
in general and for each sapecifida job.
7. At all times material hereto, Respondent was the
President and Director of G&Cc.
8. At all times material hereto, the Vice President of
GSC was Elaine Tumlin, who is the legal wife of Respondent.
2, At all times ‘material hereto GSC was a construction
qualified business in the State of Florida, having been issued
license number Of 16226.
10. At all times material hereto, GSC was a Florida for
Profit Corporation, having been iadued document number
P93000073341 and Federal Employer Identification number
11. (On or about July 21, 2006, Respondent, d/b/a GSC,
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entered an agreement, (*Contract’), with North College park,
LUC, (“Complainant”). A true and correct copy of the Contract as
executed on July 21, 2006 is attached aa Exhibit “ar,
12. The scope of work under the Contract included the
construction of the Amacott Edgewater, located at 3550 Edgewater
Road, Orlando, Florida, 32810.
13. As executed on July 21, 2006, the Contract totaled
$702,694, of which Respondent has accepted full payment.
14. On or about September 14, 2006, Respondent submitted
to Complainant, change order 1, ("CO 1°), adn the amount of
88,689. A true and correct copy of CO 1 is attached ag Exhibit
15. CO 1 included an invoice ‘allegedly from sub-
contractor Cornerstone Sitework in the amount of $8,689.
16. Respondent fraudulently fabricated or altered, or in
the alternative Respondent ordered or directed employees of GSC
to fabricate or alter the face of the Cornerstone dgitework
invoice by increasing the price quoted from $6,556.75 to $8,689.
17. Complainant negotiated che $8,689 amount of CO 1 down
to $7357,
1a. True and correct copies of the original Corneratone
Sitework invoice along with the altered version of the invoice
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are attached collectively as Exhibit “c”.
18. On or about January 1, 2007, Respondent submitted a
fraudulent application and certification for payment, ("Pay App.
7°), Of $68,975.50, to Complainant, which included the amount of
the altered Cornerstone Sitework invoice.
20. Included with Pay App. 7 was a fraudulent waiver and
release of lien aigned by Respondent. True and correct copies of
the fraudulent Pay App. 7 as well as the fraudulent waiver and
release of lien are attached collectively as Exhibit “pnp”.
21. Upon reliance of the fraudulent Cornerstone Sitework
invoice and correaponding CO 1 as well as the fraudulent Pay
App. 7 and corresponding waiver and release of lien, Complainant
wad induced toa pay Pay App. 7 in full.
22. Petitioner re-allegesa and incorporates the allegations
set foxth in paragraphs one through twenty-one aa though fully
set forth herein.
23. Baged on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (1), Florida Statutes, by committing fraud and deceit
in the practice of contracting.
24. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
get forth in paragraphs one through twenty-one ag though fully
set forth herein.
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25, Based on the foregoing, Respordent violated Section
489,.129(1) (k), Plerida Statutes, by signing a statement with
respect to a project or gontract faleely indicating that the
work ia bonded; falsely indicating that payment has been made
Eor all subcontracted work, ‘labor and materials which resulta in
a financial loee te the owner, purchaser or contractor; or
falsely indicating that worker’s compensation and public
liability insurance are provided.
26. Petitioner re-allegea and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through twenty-one as though fully
get forth herein.
27. Section 455.227(1) (a), Florida Statutes, prohibits
making misleading, deceptive or fraudulent representations in or
related to the practice of contracting.
28. Baged on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (ce), Florida Statutes, by violating Section
455,227(1) (a), Florida Statutes,
29. Petitioner re-aliegea and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through twenty-one 46 though fully
set forth herein.
30. Section 455.227(1) (m), Florida Statutes, prohibita
making deceptive, untrue or fraudulent representations in of
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related to the practice of contracting or employing a trick or
acheme in or related to the practice of contracting.
31. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
485.129 (1) (ec), Florida statutes, by violating Section
455.227(1) (m), Florida Statutes,
32. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through twenty-one as though fully
set forth herein. .
a2, Based on. the foregoing, Respondent viclated Section
aa9.129(1) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
mismanagement in the practice of contracting.
34. On os about September 14, 2006, Respondent submitted
to Complainant, change order 2, ("CO 2”), in the ameunt of
$4,460. A true and correct copy of CO 2 ie attached ag Bxhibit
35. cO 2 ineluded an invoice’ allegedly from sub
contractor Cornerstone Sitework in the amount of $4,014.80.
36. Respondent fraudulently fabricated or altered, or in
the alternative Respondent ordered or directed employees of GSC
to fabricate or alter the face of the Corneratone Sitework
invoice by increasing the price quoted from $3,237.50 to
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True and correct copies of the original Cornerstone
Sitework invoice along with the altered version of the invoice
are attached collectively as Exhibit "Fr".
2007, Respondent submitted a
38. On or about January 1,
fraudulent application and certification for payment, ("Pay App.
7°), of $68,975.50, to Complainant, which included the amount. of
the altered Cornerstone Sitework invoice.
7 was a fraudulent waiver and
39. Included with Pay App.
release of lien signed by Respondent. True and correct copies of
7 as well as the Eraudulent waiver and
the fraudulent Pay App.
release of lien are attached collectively as Exhibit “D".
Upon reliance of the fraudulent Cornerstone Sitework
invoice and corresponding CO 2 ag well as the fraudulent Pay
App. 7 and corresponding waiver and releage of lien, Complainant
wag induced to pay Pay App. 7 in full.
Petitioner re-alleges and incorporatea the allegationa
get forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and thirty-four
though fully set forth herein.
through forty as
Respondent violated Section
on the foregoing,
42. Based
Florida Statutes, by committing fraud and deceit
489,129(1) (1),
in the practice of contracting.
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43. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and thirty-four
through forty as though fully set forth herein.
44, Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (k), Florida Statutes, by signing a statement with
respect to a project or contract falsely indicating that the
work ig bonded; falsely indicating that payment has been made
for all subcontracted work, labor and materials which results in
a financial loss to the owner, purchaser or contyvactor; or
falsely indicating that worker’s compensation and public
|iability insurance are provided.
45. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragrapha one through thirteen and thirty-four
through forty aa though fully set forth hexein.
46. Section 455.227(1) (a), Florida Statutes, prohibita
making migleading, deceptive or fraudulent representations in or
related to the practice of contracting.
47. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (a), Florida Statutes, by violating Section
455.227(1) (a), Florida Statutes,
48, Fetitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
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set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and thirty-four
through forty as though fully set forth herein. .
49. Section 455.227(1) (m), Florida Statutes, prohibits
making deceptive, untrue or fraudulent representations in or
related to the practice of contracting or employing a trick or
scheme in or related to the practice of contracting,
50. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489,129(1) (4), Florida Statutes, by violating Section
455.227(1) (m), Florida Statutes.
51, Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and thirty-four
through forty as though fully set forth herein.
52. Based on the Eoregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
mismanagement in the practice of dontracting.
53, On or about September 14, 2006, Respondent submitted
to Complainant, change order 3, ("co 3"), in the amount of
$4,769, A true and correct copy of cO 3 is attached as Exhibit
84. CO 23 dineluded an invoice allegedly from sub-
contractor Don King’s Conerete in the amount of $4,293.
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55. Respondent fraudulently fabricated or altered, or in
the alternative Respondent ordered or directed employees of GSC
to fabricate or alter the Don King’s Concrete invoice by
Youtting and pasting” false acopea and amounts of work on te an
exiating Don King’s Conerete letterhead,
56. Txue and correct copies of the fabricated Bon King’s
Concrete invoice is attached as Exhibit “H”",
57. Melodie 7. Yahn, empleyee / supervisor and duly
authorized representative of Don King’s Concrete confirmed that
her office had “no +eference of a change order for $4,293 in our
files" and that she could only locate two change orders totaling
$430 and $3,900 (mote; a second fabricated Don King’s Concrete
change order ig diseuszed and charged below in the amount of
$2,583), Melodie J Yahn alao verified that Respondent had
submitted altered change orders in other projects that Don
King’s Concrete had worked for Respondent. A true and correct
copy of a Sworn Statement made by Melodie J. Yahn's to an
investigative officer employed by Petitioner is attached ag
Exhibit “I”.
5B. On or about September 25, 2006, Respondent submitted a
fraudulent application and certification for payment, {*Pay App.
3°), of $148,840.20, to Complainant, which included the amount
of the fabricated Don King’s Concrete invoice.
59. Ineluded with Pay App. 3 was a fraudulent waiver and
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release of lien signed by Respondent. Txue and correct copiea of
the fraudulent Pay App. 3 aa the fraudulent waiver and
release of lien are attached collectively as Exhibit "J".
60, pon reliance of the fabricated Don King’s Concrete
invoice and corresponding CO 3 as well as the fraudulent Pay
App. 3 and corresponding waiver and release of lien, Complainant
was induced to pay Pay App. 7 in full.
61. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and fifty-three
through sixty as though fully set forth herein.
62. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (1), Florida Statutes, by committing fraud and deceit
in the practice of contracting,
63. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs oné through thirteen and fifty-three
through sixty as though fully set forth herein.
64. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (kh), Florida Statutes, by signing a statement with
respect ta a4 project or contract falsely indicating that the
work js bonded; faleely indicating that payment has been made
for all subcontracted work, labor and Materials which results in
a financial loss to the owner, purchaser or contractor; oF
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falsely indicating that worker’s compensation and publica
liability insurance are provided.
65, Petitioner re-alleged and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and fifty-three
through aixty ag though fully set forth herein.
66, Section 455.227(1) (a), Florida Statutes, prohibita
making migleading, deceptive or fraudulent representations in or
related to the practice of contracting.
67. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (ca), Florida Statutes, by violating Section
455.227(1) (a), Plorida Statutes.
68. Petitionex re-allegea and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphe one through thirteen and fifty-three
through aixty ae though fully set forth herein.
69. Section 455.227(1) (m), Florida Statutes, prohibita
making deceptive, untrue or fraudulent representations in oF
related to the practice of contracting or employing a trick or
scheme in or related to the practice of contracting.
70. Based on the foregoing, Respondent . violated Section
489.129 (1) {c), Florida Statutes, by violating Section
465.227(1) (m), Florida Statutes.
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71. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and fifty-three
through sixty as though fully set forth herein.
72, Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
Miamanagement in the practice of contracting.
73, On er about September 14, 2006, Reapondent submitted
to Complainant, change order 4, (sco 4"), an the amount of
Sl,1l1il. A true and correct copy of CO 4 is attached ag Exhibit
j4. CO 4 ineluded a cost allegedly from sub- contractor
Cornerstone Sitework in the amount of §1,111.
78. Sub-contractor Cornerstone Sitework’s invoice for the
scope of work wags for $500. A true and qorrect copy of the
Cornerstone Sitework invoice is attached as Exhibit "7,
76. Respondent fraudulently fabricated ox altered, or in
the alternative Respondent ordered ox directed employees of Gsc
to fabricate or alter CO 4 by inflating the amount of the actual
invoice from sub-contractor Corneratone Sitework in the amount
of $500 to $1,100.
77. On or about January 1, 2007, Respondent submitted a
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fraudulent application and certification for payment, (“Pay App.
7), of $68,975.50, to Complainant, which included the amount of
the inflated Cornerstone Sitework,
78. Included with Pay App. 7 was a fraudulent waiver and
release of lien signed by Respondent. True and correct copies of
the fraudulent Pay App. 7 as well as the fraudulent waiver and
release of lien are attached collectively as Exhibit “bp”.
79, Upon reliance of the inflated Cornerstone Sitework
invoice and corresponding CO 4 as well as the fraudulent Pay
ape. 7 and corresponding waiver and release of lien, Complainant
was induced te pay Pay App. 7 in full.
a0. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
get forth in pacagraphe one through thirteen and seventy-three
through seventy-nine as though fully set forth herein.
a1. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (1), Florida Statutes, by committing fraud and deceit
in the practice of contracting.
82. Petitioner re-allegea and incorporates the allegations
get forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and seventy-three
through seventy-nine as though fully set forth herein.
a2. Baged on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (k), Florida Statutes, by signing a statement with
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respect to a project or contract falsely indicating that the
work is bonded; falsely indicating that payment has been made
for all subcontracted work, labor and materials which reaults in
a financial logs to the owner, purchaser or contractor; or
falsely indicating that ‘worker's compensation and public
liability insurance are provided.
84, Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and seventy-three
through seventy-nine as though fully set forth herein.
85, Section 455.227(1) (a), Florida Statutes, prohibits
making migleading, deceptive or fraudulent representations in or
related to the practice of contracting.
86. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129 (1) (eo), Florida Statutes, by violating Section
455.227(1) (a), Florida Statutes.
87. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
get forth in paragraphe one through thirteen and seventy-three
through seventy-nine aa though fully set forth herein.
88. Section 4595.227(1) (m), Florida Statutes, prohibits
making deceptive, untrue or Eraudulent Yepresentationa in or
related to the practice of contracting or employing a trick or
gcheme in or related to the practice of contracting.
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89, Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
499,129(1) {a}, Florida Statutes, by violating Section
455,227(1) (m), Florida Statutes.
90. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
get forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and seventy-three
through seventy-nine as though fully get forth herein.
91, Baged on the foregoing, Reapondent violated Section
469,129(1) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
Migmanagement in the practice of contracting.
92. On ox about September 21, 2006, Respondent aubmitted
to Complainant, change order 21, ("CO 21"), in the amount of
$2,583. A true and correct copy of CO 21 ta attached ae Bxbibit
93. CO 21 invoiced for work performed by sub-contractor
Don King’s Conerete.
94. CO 21 contained no supporting back up documentation
from Don King’s Concrete,
95, Meledie g. Yahn, employes / supervisor and duly
authorized representative of Don King's Concrete confirmed that
she could only find two change orders in her files totaling $430
and $3,900 (mote: a second fabricated Don King’s Concrete change
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order ja digcusyed and charged above in the amount of $4,293).
Melodie J Yahn also verified that Respondent had submitted
altered change orderg in other projects that Don King’s Concrete
had worked for Respondent. A true and correct copy of a Sworn
Statement made by Melodie J. Yahn’s to an investigative officer
employed by Petitioner is attached aa Exhibit “I”.
96. Respondent fraudulently fabricated or altered, or in
the alternative Respondent ordered or directed employees of GSC
to fabricate or alter the scope and amount of work included with
co 21.
97. On or about January 1, 2007, Reapondent submitted a
Exaudulent application and certification for payment, ("Pay App.
7"), of $68,975.50, to Complainant, which included the amount of
the fabricated Don King’s Concrete scope and amount of work,
98. Included with Pay App. 7 was a fraudulent waivex and
release of lien signed by Respondent. True and correct copies of
the fraudulent Pay App. 7 as well aa the fraudulent waiver and
yelease of lien are attached collectively as Exhibit “D”.
99, Upon reliance of the fraudulent CO 21 aa well as the
fraudulent Pay App. 7 and corresponding waiver and release of
lien, Complainant was induced to pay Pay App. 7 in full.
100, ‘Petitioner ve-alleges and incorporates the allegationa
get forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and ninety-two
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through ninety-nine as though fully set forth herein.
101. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489,129(1) (1), Florida Statutes, by committing fraud and deceit
jm the practice of contracting.
102. Fetitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and ninety-two
through ninety-nine as though fully set forth herein.
103, Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (k), Florida Statutes, by signing a statement with
respect fo a project or contract falsely indicating that the
work is bonded; falsely indicating that payment has been made
for all subcontracted work, labor and materiale which results in
a financial loss to the owner, purchaser or contyactor; or
falsely indicating that worker's compensation and public
liability insurance are provided.
104, Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and ninety-two
through ninety-nine as though fully set forth herein.
10S. Section 455.227(1) (a), Florida Statutes, prohibits
making migleading, deceptive or fraudulent representations in or
related to the practice of contracting.
106. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
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489.129(1) (c), Florida Statutes, by violating Section
455.227(1) (a), Florida Statutes.
107. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates thé allegationa
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and ninety-two
through ninety-nine ag though fully set forth herein.
108, Section 455.227(1) (m), Florida Statutes, prohibits
making deceptive, untrue or fraudulent xepresentationg in or
related to the practice of ¢ontracting or employing a trick or
scheme in or related to the practice of contracting.
109, Based on the foregoing, Respondent viclated Seation
489.129(1) (e), Florida Statutes, by violating Section
455.227(1) (m), Plorida Statutes.
110. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
get forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and ninety-two
through ninety-nine as though fully set forth herein.
4il. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
mismanagement in the practice of contracting.
112. On or about January 1, 2007, Respondent submitted Pay
Application No. 7, ("Pay App. 7°), vequesting payment of
$68,975.50. A true and correct copy of Pay App. 7 ia attached as
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composite Exhibit "D”.
113. As evidenced by line item 30 of Original Contract Page
2.1, which is included with Pay App. 7, as of or before January
1, 2007, 100% of the “electrical” scope of work had been paid to
Respondent by Complainant, A true and correct copy of Original
Contract Page 2.1 ig attached as page 2 of compoaite Exhibit
114. Although Respondent was paid 100% of the “electrical”
cope of work, Respondent failed to in turn pay supplier
Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc.
115. Asa a result of the non-payment, on or about March 5,
2007, Consolidated Electrical filed a claim of lien in the
amount of $7,171.29, against Complainant's property. A true and
derrect copy of the claim of lien is attached as composite
Exhibit “N”.
116, Complainant satisfied the Consolidated Electrical
claim of lien, thereby paying twice for the same work. A true
and correct copy of the satisfaction of claim of lien as
composite Exhibit "N”.
417. Patitioner re-allegea and incorporates the allegationa
set forth in paragraphe one through thirteen and one hundred
twelve through one hundred aixteen as though fully get forth
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118. Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489,129(1) (g)1, Florida Statutes, by committing mismanagement or
misconduct in the practice of contracting that causea financial
harm to a customer. Financial mismanagement or misconduct
occurs when valid liens have been recorded againet the property
of a contractor’ s customer for supplies or services ordered by
the contractor for the custeomer’s job; the contractor haa
recelved funds from the custemer to pay for the supplies or
gervices; and the contractor has not had the liens removed from
the property, by payment or by bond, within 75 daya after the
date of such liens.
119. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
twelve through one hundred sixteen as though fully set forth
120. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1)(g)3, Florida Statutes, by committing mismanagement or
misconduct in the practice of contracting that caugea financial
harm to ai customer. Financial mismanagement or miaconduct
eceurs when the job is completed but when the consumer is
required to pay more than the original price of the contract to
have the jokh completed as a result of the contractor's
mismanagement or misconduct in contracting.
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121. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
get forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
twelve through one hundred aixteen as though fully set forth
122, Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1L) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
mismanagement in the practice of contracting.
123, Om or about January 1, 2007, Respondent submitted Pay
Application Wo. 7, (“Pay App. 77), vequesting payment of
$69,975.50. A true and correct copy of Pay App. 7 ia attached as
composite Exhibit “D".
124, As evidenced by line item 30 of Original Contract Page
2.1, which is included with Pay App. Ne. 7, as of ox before
January 1, 2007, 100% of the “electrical” scope of work had been
paid to Respondent by Complainant. A true and correct copy of
Original Contract Page 2.1 ig attached as page 2 of composite
Exhibit “D".
125. Although Respondent wae paid 100% of the ‘electrical’
scope of work, Respondent failed to in turn pay sub-contractor
GoV Electric, Inc.
1396. A# a result of the non-payment, on ox about March 5,
2007, GaV Blectric filed a claim of lien in the amount of
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$73,990.40, against ‘Complainant’ s property. A true and correct
copy of the claim of lien is attached as composite Exhibit *O”,
127. Complainant satisfied the GOV Electric claim of lien,
thereby paying twice for the same work. A true and correct copy
of the satisfaction of claim of Lien as composite Exhibit “o”.
128. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
twenty-three through one hundred twenty-seven as though fully
set forth herein.
129, Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1)(g)1, Florida Statutes, by committing mismanagement or
misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial
harm to a customer. Finaneial mismanagement or misconduct
occurs when valid liens have been recorded against the property
of a contractor's customer for supplies or services ordered by
the contractor for the customer's job; the contractor has
received funds from the customer to pay for the supplies or
services; and the contractor has not had the liens removed from
the property, by payment or by bond, within 75 daye after the
date of such liene.
130. Petitioner re-alleges and incoxporates the allegations
get forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
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twenty-three through one hundred twenty-seven as though fully
set forth herein.
131. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (g)3, Florida Statutes, by committing miamanagement or
misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial
harm to a qustomer. Financial mismanagement or misconduct
eccurs when the job is completed but when the consumer is
required to pay more than the original price of the contract to
have the joh completed as a result of the contractor's
mismanagement or misconduct in contracting.
132. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
twenty-three through one hundred twenty-seven as though fully
get Forth herein,
133. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
mismanagement in the practice of contracting.
134. On or about January 1, 2007, Respondent submitted Pay
Application No. 7, ("Pay App. 77), requesting payment of
$68,975.50. A true and correct copy of Pay App. 7 ia attached ag
composite Exhibit “D"
135. As evidenced by line items 4 and 5 of Original
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Contract Page 2.1, which ia included with Pay App. 7, as of or
before January 1, 2007, 100% of the “earthwork and utilities”
acepe of work had been paid to Respondent by Complainant. A true
and derrect copy of Original Contract Page 2.1 is attached as
page 2 of composite Exhibit “Nn”. .
136. Although Respondent wae paid 100% of the “earthwork
and utilities” scope of work, Respondent failed to in turn pay
sub-contractor Cornerstone Sitework and Development, LLC.
137. As a result of the non-payment, on or about April 26,
2007, Cornerstone Sitewwork filed a claim of lien in the amount
of $59,896.23, againat Complainant’s property. A true and
eorrect copy of the claim of lien is attached as composite
Exhibit “FP”.
138. Complainant satisfied the Cornerstone Sitewwork claim
ef lien, thereby paying twice for the same work. A true and
cotreat copy of the satisfaction ef claim of lien as dompoaite
Exhibit “Pp”.
129. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragrapha one through thirteen and one hundred
thirty-four through ene hundred thirty-eight as though fully aet
forth herein.
140. Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489,129(1) (g)1, Florida Statutes, by committing mismanagement or
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misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial
harm to a customer. Financial mismanagement or misconduct
eceura when valid liens have been recorded againgt the property
of a contractor’s customer for supplies ox services ordered by
the contractor for the cugstomer’s job; the contractor has
received funds from the customer to pay for the supplies or
services; and the ¢ontractor hag not had the liens removed from
the property, by payment or by bond, within 75 daya after the
date of such liens.
141. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
thirty-four threugh one hundred thirty-eight as though fully set
forth herein.
142. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489,229{(1) (q)3, Plorida Statutes, by committing miamanagement or
misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial
harm to a customer. Financial mismanagement or misconduct
ecdurs when the job is completed but when the consumer is
required to pay more than the original price of the contract to
have the ‘job completed as a result of the contractor’s
mismanagement or misconduct in contracting.
143. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
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set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
thirty-four through one hundred thirty-eight as though fully eet
forth herein. .
144. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
485,125(1) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
Mismanagement in the practice of contracting.
145. On or about January 1, 2007, Respondent submitted Pay
Application No. 7, ("Fay App. 7"), requesting payment of
$68,975.50, A true and correct copy’ of Pay App. 7 is attached as
compogite Exhibit ‘“D*
146. As evidenced by line item 28 of Original Contract Page
4.1, which ia included with Pay App. 7, aa of or before January
1, 2067, 100% of the “HVAC” acope of work had been paid to
Respondent by Complainant. A true and correct copy of Original
Contract Page 2.1 is attached as page 2 of composite Exhibit
147, Although Respondent was paid 100% of the “HVAC” scope
of work, Respondent failed to in turn pay sub-contractor
Milestone Mechanical, Inc.
148. As a result of the non-payment, on or about May 17,
2007, Mileston® Mechanical filed a claim of lien in the amount
of $10,360.00, against Complainant's property. A true and
correct copy of the elaim of lien ia attached as composite
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Exhibit “9.
149, Complainant satisfied the Milestone Mechanical claim
of lien, thereby paying twice for the same work. A true and
Correct copy of the satisfaction of claim of lien as composite
Exhibit ™Q”.
150, Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragrapha one through thirteen and one hundred
forty-five through one hundred forty-nine eas though fully get
forth herein,
151. Baged upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489,.129(1)}(g)1, Florida Statutes, by committing mismanagement or
misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial
harm to a customer, Financial mismanagement or misconduct
occurs when valid liens have been recorded against the property
of a contractor's customer for supplies or services ordered by
the contractor fox the customer's job; the contractor has
vecelved funde from the customer to pay for the supplies or
Services; and the contractor has not had the liens removed from
the property, by payment or by bond, within 75 days after the
date of euch liens.
15a. Petitioner re-alleges and incerporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphe one through thirteen and one hundred
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forty-five through one hundred forty-nine as though fully set
forth herein.
153. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1)(g)3, Florida Statutes, by committing mismanagement or
misconduct in the practice of contracting that dauses financial
harm to a customer. Financial miamanagement or misconduct
occurs when the job is completed but when the consumer ia
required to pay ore than the original price of the contract ta
have the job completed as a result of the contractor's
Mismanagement or misconduct in contracting,
154. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
forty-five through one hundred forty-nine as though fully set
forth herein.
155. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489,.129(1) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
Miemanagement in the practice of contracting.
156. On or about January 1, 2007, Respondent submitted Pay
Application No. 7, ("Pay App. 7°), requesting payment of
$68,975.50. A true and correct copy of Pay App. 7 is attached aa
composite Exhibit “Db”.
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157. As evidenced by line item 30 of Original Contract Page
2,1, which is included with Pay App. No. 7, as of or before
January 1, 2007, 100% of the “electrical” scope of work had been
paid to Respondent by Complainant. A true and correct copy of
Original Contract Page 2,1 is attached as page’ 2 of composite
Exhibit “bp”.
158. Although Respondent was paid 100% of the “electrical”
scope of work, Respondent failed to in turn Pay supplier World
Electric Supply, Ine.
159. As a reault of the non-payment, on or about March 7,
2607, World Electric Supply filed a claim of lien in the amount
of $19,362.68, against Complainant’s property. A true and
correct copy cf the claim of lien is attached as composite
Exhibit "RR.
160. Complainant aatisfied the World Electric Supply claim
of lien, thereby paying twice for the same work, A true and
correct Gopy of the satisfaction of claim of lien as composite
Exhibit “rR”,
161, Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragrapha one through thirteen and one hundred
fifty-six through one hundred sixty as though fully set forth
162. Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
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489.129(1){g)1, Florida Statutes, by committing mismanagement or
Misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial
harm to ai odustomer, Financial mismanagement or misconduct
eccura when valid liens have been recorded against the property
of a contractor's customer for supplies or services ordered by
the contractor for the customer’s job; the contractor hag
received funds f£rom the customer to pay for the supplies or
services; and the contractor has not had the diene removed fram
the property, by payment or hy bond, within 75 days after the
date of such liens.
163. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
fifty-six through one hundred sixty aa though fully set forth
164. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated section
489,129(1)(g)3, Florida Statutes, by committing mismanagement or
Misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial
harm to ai customer, Financial mismanagement or misconduct
occurs when the job is completed but when the consumer te
required to pay more than the original price of the contract to
have the job completed ag a result of the contractor's
mismanagement or misconduct in contracting.
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165. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegationa
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
fifty-six through one hundred sixty as though fully set forth
166. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.129(1) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
mismanagement in the practice of contracting.
167, On or about January 1, 2007, Respondent submitted Pay
Application No. 7, (“Fay App. 7”), requesting payment of
$68,975,50. A true and correct copy of Pay App. 7 is attached aa
composite Exhibit “Dr.
168, As evidenced by line item 23 of Original Contract Page
2.1, which is in¢dluded with Pay App. No. 7, as of or hefore
January 1, 2007, 100% of the “drywall” scope of work had been
paid to Respondent by Complainant. A txue and correct copy of
Original Contract Page 2.1 ig attached ag page 2 of composite
Exhibit “D",
169, Although Respondent wag paid 100% of the “drywall?
scope of work, Respondent failed te in turn pay supplier /
material man Auer & King, Inc.
170. As a result of the non-payment, on or about March 13,
2007, Auer & King filed a claim of lien in the amount of $3,849,
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against Complainant’s property. A true and correct copy of the
claim of lien ig attached ag composite Exhibit xg”,
171, Complainant satisfied the Auer «& King claim of lien,
thereby paying twice for the same work. A true and correct copy
of the satisfaction of claim of lien as composite Exhibit ug,
172. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
aixty-seven through one hundred seventy-one as though fully set
‘forth herein,
173. Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
489.125(1) (g)1, Florida Statutes, by committing mismanagement or
misconduct in the practice ef contracting that causes financial.
harm to ai customer. Financial mismanagement or misconduct
occurs when valid liens have been recorded against the property
of a contractor's austomer for supplies ox services ordered by
the contractor for the customer's job; the centracter has
received Funda frem the customer to pay for the supplies or
services; and the contractor has not had the liens removed from
the property, by payment or by bond, within 75 days after the
date of such liens.
174, Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegations
set forth in paragrapha one through thirteen and one hundred
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sixty-seven through one hundred Seventy-one as though fully set
forth herein,
175. Baged on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
4859.125{1)(g)3, Florida Statutes, by committing mismanagement or
misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial
harm to.a customer. Financial mismanagement or misconduct
occurs when the‘ job is completed but when the consumer is
required to pay more than the original price of the contract to
have the job completed as a reault of the contractor’s
mismanagement or misconduct in contracting,
176. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates the allegationa
set forth in paragraphs one through thirteen and one hundred
sixty-seven through one hundred seventy-one as though fully get
foxth herein.
177. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated section
489.129(1) (m), Florida Statutes, by committing incompetence or
mismanagement in the practice of contracting.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requesta the
Construction Industry Licensing Board enter an Order imposing
one’ or more of the following penalties: place on probation,
reprimand the licensee, revoke, suspend, deny the issuance or
renewal of the certificate of registration, require financial
reatitution te a consumer, ittpose an administrative fine not to
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exceed §10,000.00 per violation, require continuing education,
agsess Costa associated with the investigation and prosecution,
impose any or all penalties delineated within Section
455.227(2), Florida Statutes, and/or any other relief the Board
is authorised to impose pursuant to Chapter 455 and 489, Florida
Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder.
Signed this \\tin day of , 2009,
Department of Buginesa and
Professional Regulation
Pafl Richard Watera, Beg,
Assistant General Counsel
Fl. Bar Ne, 817651
Department of Business and
Professional Regulation
Office of the General Counsel
1940 N. Monroe Street,Ste. 42
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2202
BCP Date:
FCP Members:
GAOGCIPRW\Cases\TUMLING2008-030808\Final Version.dac 35
Docket for Case No: 09-006015
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 04, 2010 |
Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding a Transcript of the Proceedings, to the agency.
Mar. 02, 2010 |
Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Feb. 26, 2010 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Feb. 25, 2010 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 13, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Feb. 15, 2010 |
Tumlin's Response to Petitioner's Case Status Report filed.
Feb. 15, 2010 |
Petitioner's Case Status Report filed.
Feb. 08, 2010 |
Transcript of Proceedings filed. |
Jan. 26, 2010 |
Order on Pending Motions.
Jan. 21, 2010 |
CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held. |
Jan. 21, 2010 |
Amended Motion to Dismiss Administrative Complaint or in the Alternative Motion to Quash filed.
Jan. 21, 2010 |
Reply to Petitioner's Response to Motion to Dismiss Administrative Complaint filed.
Jan. 19, 2010 |
CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held. |
Jan. 19, 2010 |
Petitioner's Memorandum of Law in Supplement to Response to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss (filed in Case No. 10-000002).
Jan. 14, 2010 |
CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held. |
Jan. 13, 2010 |
Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 22 through 26, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Jan. 13, 2010 |
Petitioner's Response to Objection to Motion to Consolidate filed.
Jan. 13, 2010 |
Respondent's Objection to Petitioner's Motion to Consolidate filed.
Jan. 13, 2010 |
Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 09-6015, 10-0001, 10-0002).
Jan. 12, 2010 |
Petitioner's Notice of Deposition of Expert Witness (of B. Mathews) filed.
Jan. 12, 2010 |
Petitioner's Request for Hearing on the Motions filed.
Jan. 07, 2010 |
Petitioner's Motion to Consolidate Cases filed.
Dec. 18, 2009 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 23 and 24, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Dec. 15, 2009 |
Respondent's Motion to Reschedule Hearing filed.
Dec. 04, 2009 |
Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Administrative Complaint filed.
Dec. 04, 2009 |
Ken Tumlin's Motion to Dismiss Administrative Complaint filed.
Nov. 25, 2009 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Nov. 25, 2009 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 1 and 3, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Nov. 18, 2009 |
Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Objection and Request for Hearing to Resolve the Issue filed.
Nov. 18, 2009 |
Respondent's Objection to Petitioner's Attempt to Hold the Hearing in Orlando or to Use Video Conference filed.
Nov. 17, 2009 |
Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Motion to Allow Telephone Deposition and Use of Testimony in Multiple Cases filed.
Nov. 13, 2009 |
Petitioner's Motion to Allow Deposition Testimony to Be Obtained in Multiple Related Cases filed.
Nov. 13, 2009 |
Petitioner's Motion to Allow Telephone Deposition filed.
Nov. 12, 2009 |
Petitioner's Response to Repondent's Response to Initial Order filed.
Nov. 12, 2009 |
Respondent's Response to Initial Order filed.
Nov. 10, 2009 |
Petitioner's Response to Initial Order filed.
Nov. 05, 2009 |
Petitioner's First Request for Admissions to Respondent filed.
Nov. 04, 2009 |
Petitioner's Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Nov. 03, 2009 |
Initial Order.
Nov. 03, 2009 |
Notice of Appearance of Co-Counsel filed.
Nov. 03, 2009 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Nov. 03, 2009 |
Election of Rights filed.
Nov. 03, 2009 |
Agency referral filed.
Nov. 03, 2009 |
Petitioner's Notice of Filing Exhibits to Administrative Complaint filed.
CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held. |