Respondent: ROBERT ROSS
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Fort Myers, Florida
Filed: Jan. 13, 2010
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, February 24, 2010.
Latest Update: Jan. 03, 2025
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Department nf Bates ann Prfesrionnl Repoiation
Daputy Ageney Clerk
CLERK Brandon Nichols
Dete 10/21/2009
Petitioner, '
DBPR CASE NO, 2009035365
v. 2009038126
The Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Pan-Mutuel
Wagering ("Division"), files this Administrative Complaint against Robert Ross ("Respondent"),
and alleges as follows:
i. Division is the state agency charged with regulating pari-mutucl wagering,
pursuant to Chapter 550, Florida Statutes.
2. At all times material hereto, Respondent held a pari-mutuel wagering traner/
Greyhound license, number 1403827-1021, issued by the Division
3. At all times maternal hereto, Respondent worked at the Naples — Fort Myers
Greyhound Track facility,
4, Naples — Fort Myers Greyhound Track 1s a facility operated by a permutholder
authorized to conduct pari-mutuel wagermg 1 this state.
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5. Rule 61D-6.002(1), Florida Administrative Code, provides, "[t]he tramer of
record shall be responsible for and be the absolute insurer of the condition of the. . racing
greyhounds he/she enters to race."
6. Section 550.2415(1)(c), Flonda Statutes, states “[t]he findimg of a prohibited
substance in a race-day specimen constitutes prima facie evidence that the substance was
administered and was carried in the hody of the animal while partierpating m the race.”
7. Dimethyl Sulfoxide is an anti-nflammatory and a Class Five drug under the
Uniform Classification Guidelines for Foreign Substances, as promulgated by the Association of
Racing Commissioners, Inc.
8. Petitioner realleges and mcorporates paragraphs onc (1) through seven (7) agif
fully stated herein.
9. At all times material hereto, Respondent was the trainer of record for the
greyhound “GREASY THUMB.”
10. Respondent was the tramer of record and the absolute insurer of the condition of a
greyhound named “GREASY THUMB” on June 2, 2009.
11. On June 2, 2009, “GREASY THUMB” was entered in the cleventh race at Naples
+ Fort Mycrs Greyhound Track.
12. Prior to the start of the eleventh race, “GREASY THUMB” was selected for pre-
race testing. “GREASY THUMB” was immediately sent to a Diviston cmployee for the taking
ofa urine sample.
13. Urine sample number 507548 was collected from “GREASY THUMB” and was
processed in accordance with established procedures and forwarded to the lab for analysis.
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14. The University of Florida Racing Laboratory tested urine sample number 507548,
and found that it contained Dimethyl Sulfoxide, an anti-inflammatory and a Class Five drug, ina
quantity of approximately 300 micrograms per milliliter These results were issued to the
' Division in a report dated July 2, 2009.
15, Petitioner realleges and meorporates paragraphs one (1) through seven (7) as 1f
fully stated here.
16. Atall times material hereto, Respondent was the trainer of record for the
greyhound “K’B*S HIGHTOP.”
17, Respondent was the tramer of record and the absolute insurer of the condition of a
greyhound named “KB’S HIGHTOP” on June 14, 2009.
18 On June 14, 2009, “IKR’S HIGHTOP” was entered im the eleventh race at Naples
~ Fort Myers Greyhound Track.
19. Prior to the start of the eleventh race, “KB’S HIGHTOP” was selected for pre-
race testing. “KB’S HIGHTOP” was immedately sent to a Division employee for the taking of
aurine sample.
20. Urine sample number 507978 was collected from “KB"S HIGHTOP” and was
processed in accordance with established procedures and forwarded to the lab for analysis.
21. The Unversity of Florida Racing Laboratory tested urme sample number 507978,
and found that it contained Dunethyl Sulfoxide, an antiinflammatory and a Class Five drug
These results were issued to the Division in a report dated July 17, 2009
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22, Petitioner realleges and mcorporates paragraphs one (L) through seven (7) as if
fully stated herem.
23, Atall times material hereto, Respondent was the tramer of record for the
24. Respondent was the tramer of record and the absolute msurer of the condition of a
greyhound named “SCATILLAC DAMARA” on July 7 2009
25, OnJuly 1, 2009, “SCATILLAC DAMARA” was entered in the eleventh race at
Naples — Fort Myers Greyhound Track,
26. Prior to the start of the cleventh race, “SCATILLAC DAMARA" was selected for
pre-race testing. “SCATILLAC DAMARA” was immediately sent to a Division employee for
the taking ofa urine sample.
27.‘ Urine sample number 512457 was collected from “SCATILLAC DAMARA” and
was processed in accordance with established procedures and forwarded to the lab for analysis.
28, The University of Florida Racing Laboratory tested urine sample number 512457,
and found that it contained Dimethyl Sulfoxide, an antiinflammatory and a Class Five drug
These results were issued to the Division ina report dated August 5, 2009
29, Rule 61D-6.011(2), Florida Administrative Code, provides as follows:
(2) Pursuant to Rule 61D-6,002, F.A.C., the trainer of record 1s the absolute wsurer of the
condition of an animal he or she enters to race. Consequently, when evidence of the presence of
an impermissible substance, or substances, is presented either to the Division or to a panel of
stewards or judges, the division or the stewards or judges, absent aggravating or mitigating
circumstances, must impose on the trainer of record one or more of the followi hg penalties in
accordance with the class of permissible substance, Provided, however, that any discipline
imposed by the stewards or judges shall not exceed their authority pursuant to Section 550.1155,
(a) Class T impermissible substances:
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1. First violation
2. Any subsequent violation
(b) Class IT impermissible substances:
1. First violation
2. Second violation within 36 months of a
previous violation
3. Third violation withm 36 months of a second
violation, or a fourth or any subsequent
violation without regard to the tine past since
the third violation
(c) Class Tl impermissible substances:
1. First violation
2, Second violation within 12 months of a
previous violation
3, Third violation within 24 months of a second
violation, or a fourth or any subsequent
violation without regard to the timc past since
the third violation
(d) Class IV or V impermissible substances:
1 First violation
2. Second violation in a 12 month period
3. Third or subsequent violation in a 12 month
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$500 to $1,000 fine, suspension or
revocation of Ircense;
$1,000 to $5,600 fine, suspension or
revocation of license.
$100 to $1,000 fine, suspension of license
up to 30 days;
$250 to $1,000 fine, suspension or
revocation of license,
$300 to $1,000 fine, suspension or
revocation of license
$100 to $500 fine;
$250 to $750 fine, suspension of liccnse up
to 30 days:
$500 to $1,000 fine, suspension of license
up to 60 days
Reprimand, $100 to $250 fine,
$250 to $500 fine,
$500 to $1,000 fine, suspension of license
up to 30 days.
30. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is responsible for a violation of Section
350.2415(1)(a), Florida Statutes, which provides, "[t]he racing of an animal with any drug,
medication, stimulant, depressant, hypnotic, local anesthetic, or drug-masking agent 1s
prohibited. It is a violation of this section for a person to admimster or cause ta be adgumstered
any drug, medication, stimulant, depressant, hypnotic, narcotic, local anesthetic, or drug-masking
agent to an animal which will result in a positive test for such substance based on samples taken
from the animal immediately prior to or ammmedhately after the racing of that animal."
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Division enter an Order imposing one
or more of the following penalties against the Respondent as specrfied in Section 550.241 5(3)(a),
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Florida Statutes and Rule 61D-6.011(2), Florida Administrative Code, including revoke or
suspend the license or permit of the violator or deny a license or permit of the violator, impose 4
fine against the violator for each count in ati arnount not exceeding $5,000; require the full or
partial return of the purse, sweepstakes, and trophy of each race at issue; or impose agamst the
violator any combination of such, penalties.
Signed this ft day of Gedvser , 2009.
Division of Part-Mutuel Wagering
Department of Business & Professional Regulation
Northwood Center
1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 40
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202
Copy furnished to:
David N. Perry, Assistant General Counsel
Docket for Case No: 10-000192PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Feb. 24, 2010 |
Order Closing Files. CASE CLOSED.
Feb. 23, 2010 |
Agreed/Consented Motion to Close DOAH File in Light of Active Settlement Discussions filed.
Jan. 22, 2010 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jan. 22, 2010 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 9, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Myers and Tallahassee, FL).
Jan. 22, 2010 |
Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 10-0191PL, 10-0192PL).
Jan. 20, 2010 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Jan. 13, 2010 |
Request for Administrative Hearing (verbal) filed. |
Jan. 13, 2010 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jan. 13, 2010 |
Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Jan. 13, 2010 |
Agency referral filed.
Jan. 13, 2010 |
Initial Order.