Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Sarasota, Florida
Filed: Jun. 02, 2010
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, September 24, 2010.
Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
Petitioner, ;
vs. Case Nos. 2009014482
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration (hereinafter “Agency”), by
and through the undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint against Beam
Management, LLC d/b/a Harmony Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center (hereinafter
“Respondent”), pursuant to §§120.569 and 120.57 Florida Statutes (2009), and alleges:
This is an action to change Respondent’s licensure status from Standard to Conditional
commencing December 23, 2009 and ending J anuary 22, 2010, impose an administrative fine in
the amount of twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($27,500.00), impose a two year
survey cycle and assess a survey fee of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) based upon Respondent
being cited for two State Class I deficiencies.
1, The Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to §§ 120.60 and 400.062, Florida Statutes (2009).
2. Venue lies pursuant to Florida Administrative Code R. 28-106.207.
Filed June 2, 2010 2:01 PM Division of Administrative Hearings.
3, The Agency is the regulatory authority responsible for licensure of nursing homes and
enforcement of applicable federal regulations, state statutes and rules governing skilled nursing
facilities pursuant to the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987, Title IV, Subtitle C (as amended),
Chapters 400, Part II, and 408, Part II, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 59A-4, Florida
Administrative Code.
4. Respondent operates a 120-bed nursing home, located at 2600 Courtland Street, Sarasota,
FL 34237, and is licensed as a skilled nursing facility license number 130471036,
5. Respondent was at all times material hereto, a licensed nursing facility under the
licensing authority of the Agency, and was required to comply with all applicable rules, and
C T. 054
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5), as if fully set
forth herein.
7. That pursuant to Florida law, all physician orders shall be followed as prescribed, and if
not followed, the reason shall be recorded on the resident’s medical record during that shift.
Rule 59A-4.107(5), Florida Administrative Code.
8. That on or about December 23, 2009, the Agency completed a complaint survey of
Respondent’s facility.
9. That based upon observation, interview, and the review of records, Respondent failed to
follow physician orders for treatment, medications, and monitoring for nine (9) of fifteen (15)
sampled residents, the same being contrary to law and which has caused, or is likely to cause,
serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident receiving care in a facility.
10. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number two (2) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident was admitted to the facility on October 21, 2009;
b. Medical history included diagnoses of dementia and respiratory failure;
c. The resident had a tracheostomy and was admitted to the facility on a ventilator;
d. A physician’s telephone order dated October 21, 2009, recorded by Respondent's
respiratory therapy director, mandated that staff maintain the resident’s oxygen
level at ninety percent (90%), suction the resident every four (4) hours and’ as
needed, complete trach care twice daily, and monitor oxygen saturation levels
every two (2) hours and as needed (PRN);
e. The resident was admitted to the facility at approximately 5:00 PM on October
21, 2009;
f, On said date, Respondent’s Respiratory Care Flow Sheet reflects as follows:
i. Oxygen saturation levels were completed at 5:05 PM and 8:30 PM;
ii, These times are not in accord with the order mandated saturation checks
every two (2) hours;
iii. There is no documentation that reflects that the prescribed suctioning of
every four (4) hours was conducted;
g. The Respondent’s Respiratory Care Flow Sheet dated October 22, 2009 reflects as
i. Oxygen saturation levels were completed at 1:17 AM, 7:35 AM, 9:50 AM,
2:18 PM, and 8:09 PM;
ii. These times ate not tn accord with the order mandated saturation checks
every two (2) hours;
iii. Suctioning was conducted four (4) times on October 22, 2009 which is not
consistent with the prescribed suctioning every four (4) hours;
h. The Respondent’s Respiratory Care Flow Sheet dated October 23, 2009 reflects as
i, Oxygen saturation levels were completed at 12:58 AM and 4:49 AM;
ii, These times are not in accord with the order mandated saturation checks
every two (2) hours;
iii. Suctioning was conducted one (1) time on October 23, 2009 at 12:58AM
which is not consistent with the prescribed suctioning every four (4)
i. The resident coded, or stopped breathing and heart stopped, at 8:05 AM;
j. A respiratory therapy note dated October 23, 2009 at 8:05 AM reflects that the
resident coded, was bagged at one hundred percent (100%) oxygen for twenty-
five (25) minutes and respiratory therapy continued suctioning copious amounts
of pink sticky thick secretions,
k, There is no documentation that Respondent’s respiratory therapy staff assessed
the resident from 4:49 AM October 23, 2009 until 8:05 AM;
|. Nursing notes related to the resident do not reflect any nursing assessment from
October 22, 2009 at 2:30 PM until the resident coded on October 23, 2009 with
the note documenting that a call to emergency 911 was placed and the resident
pronounced dead at 8:15 AM.
That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during
the survey regarding resident number two (2) who indicated that oxygen saturation levels
were not recorded every two (2) hours as ordered.
12. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s assistant director of
respiratory therapy during the survey who indicated that she did not know why physician
orders were not followed as the same relate to oxygen saturation and suctioning.
13. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent's records regarding resident
number fifteen (15) during the survey and noted as follows:
The resident was admitted to the facility on February 12, 2009 from the hospital;
The resident had a tracheostomy and was ventilator dependent,
The resident’s diagnosis included chronic respiratory failure,
Physician’s orders of February 12, 2009 required no food by mouth (NPO);
The resident was receiving speech therapy for swallowing and a trial of three (3)
meals a day of mechanical soft food with thin liquids was ordered on February 13,
On February 19, 2009, and order was written changing thin liquids to nectar
thickened liquids
A nurse’s note dated February 21, 2009 at 1:40 PM documents that the respiratory
therapist noted vomit from the tracheostomy and chunks of pears were on the
resident’s gown;
A nurse’s note of February 22, 2009, no time noted, recited “Held PM meal
because resfident] -had difficulty with lunch and RT (respiratory therapy)
suctioned bits of cherry from {] trach. Res[ident] continues on peg tube feeding”
On February 24, 2009 the physician ordered the resident return to no food by
mouth (NPO);
A nurse’s note of February 28, 2009 of 11:10 PM recites in part “resident had a
change of condition and was desating (oxygen level decreasing). Respiratory
therapy called for call 911,”
. A nurse’s note of February 28, 2009 of 11:15 PM documents that the resident was
sent to the hospital via stretcher;
A note of Match 1, 2009 at 1:30 AM documents that the hospital called to report
that the resident had expired;
. The Transfer Form, dated February 28, 2009, and sent with the resident when
transported to the hospital, documents the resident’s oxygen level, heart rate,
blood pressure, temperature, change in mental status and oxygen sats while
crossed through with “error” written in parenthesis above the entry is “Choked on
cookie earlier in the day.”
. The resident’s ventilator record flow sheet for February 28, 2009 reflected as
i. At 9:00 Pm the resident had green sputum from the trach;
ii. On the reverse of the form is a note dated February 28, 2009 at 10:15 PM
which reads in part “Called in pt (patient) room by [registered nurse]. Pt
had brown + black sec (secretions) from under the trach dressing. Pt had
been given a chocolate chip cookie. Pt was NPO.”
ili. The note also note that the resident was suctioned of a large amount of
brown and black secretions and when suctioned qa second time the
secretions turned to green and yellow which was normal for the resident,
iv. The note ends documenting the EMS was called and the resident
transported to the hospital;
The hospital emergency care center report reflects that the resident arrived at the
hospital on February 28, 2009 at 11:40 Pm for a mental status change after
choking on a cookie;
The hospital history and physical states in part “The history as given per Harmony
Healthcare is that the patient was eating a cookie at approximately 10:30 PM,
choked on the cookie, and had a mental status change, hypoxemia (decreased
oxygen in the blood). They could not get [] SAT (oxygen saturation) above 83%
at the facility. Normal 02 SAT is between 95 and 100%.’
The resident was under a February 24, 2009 order requiring no food by mouth on
February 28, 2009,
14, That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number nine (9) during the survey and noted as follows:
The resident was admitted to the facility on June 18, 2009;
Diagnoses included acute respiratory failure, chronic airway obstruction, obesity,
and anxiety;
Hand written orders from respiratory therapy signed by the physician and dated
June 18, 2009 included ventilator settings, ventilator checks every four (4) hours,
trach care q shift, and trach change every thirty (30) days,
These orders were not carried over, or carried inaccurately, in subsequent monthly
physician orders;
Comparing the physician’s order with July, August, September, October,
November and December 2009 reflected the following:
i. Xopenix 1.25 mg/3 ml contents of one vile via neb 4 times a day was
ii, Respiratory flow sheets beginning August 25, 2009 reflect that the
Xopenix was listed as ordered every six (6) hours as needed and does not
list the routine dosage ordered by the physician;
iii, Respiratory flow sheets for the months of September and October contain
an incomplete order which reads “Xop 1.25 q6 pm”
iv. The respiratory flow sheets include documentation that reads “Xop prn”
f. Physician’s orders dated October 28, 2009 require the change of trach Shiley size
6 every 30 days to be continued;
g. The resident’s respiratory flow sheets and respiratory treatment sheets do not
reflect that the resident’s trach had ever been changed since admission;
h. Respiratory treatment sheets reflect that trach care is to be performed every eight |
(8) hours;
i. The eight (8) hour increments are defined on the treatment sheets as “7 AM and 7
j. There is no documentation that trach care was completed every eight (8) hours.
15, . That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s respiratory manager during
the survey regarding resident number nine (9) who indicated as follows:
a.. She confirmed that there was no documentation in the record reflecting when the
resident’s trach had been changed or ifit had ever been changed;
b. That the physician’s order for Xopenix QID was being given in the PM;
c. That a recommendation to change the prn had been given but was not followed
up, therefore the order for routine nebulizers was not being done;
d. She confirmed that the order for trach care to be done q8 hours was being done q
shift and was only done two (2) times a day as the staff works twelve (12) hour
e. The wound care physician had noted that the resident had a fungal infection to the
trach area and the respiratory manager could not rule out the cause of the infection
as the trach care was not being done as frequently as ordered by the physician;
f, The vent settings initially ordered on the resident’s admission had not been
reordered each month when the resident’s monthly orders were renewed.
16, That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number ten (10) during the survey and noted as follows:
a, The resident was admitted to the facility on September 18, 2009,
b. Diagnoses included acute respiratory failure, hypertension, trans cerebral
ischemia, anemia, and schizophrenia;
c. The resident was dependent on a mechanical ventilator for breathing purposes
related to the diagnosis of respiratory failure;
d. Physician’s orders include an order upon admission of September 18, 2009 for
Albuterol 0.83 mg/ml solution — use one vial via nebulizer every four (4) hours;
e. The resident’s medication administration record refers this medication to
respiratory therapy to be administered;
f. The respiratory treatment record for the resident reflect as follows:
i, Eighteen (18) prescribed doses were not initialed as administered between
September 18 through 30, 2009;
Twenty-one (21) prescribed doses were not initialed as administered in the
month of October;
No November record was available for review;
The December 2009 respiratory treatment sheet indicates Albuterol 0.5 cc
TID (three times daily), however no physician’s order changing the
dosage or number of administrations prescribed on September 18, 2009
could be located;
A total of sixty-six (66) prescribed doses of the nebulizer treatment were
not initialed as given,
17. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent's respiratory manager during
the survey regarding resident number ten (10) who indicated as follows:
a. There is no documentation that the resident’s trach had been changed on a
monthly basis as required by Respondent’s policy and procedure;
b. Blank areas on the treatment sheet for trach care to be performed every shift were
blank and she could not confirm the care had been performed as scheduled;
c. The incompleteness of the transcriptions was confirmed and she was unsure why
the order had been completely changed in December 2009;
d. Respiratory therapists call physicians regarding the status of residents or the need
to change treatment, however they do not always write them down when they get
verbal orders from a physician.
18. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number eleven (11) during the survey and noted as follows:
. The resident was admitted to the facility on March 11, 2008;
. Diagnoses included acute respiratory failure, anxiety, sleep apnea, psychosis,
pheumonia, depression, and atrial fibrillation;
. The resident was sent to the hospital for a brief visit and returned within 24 hours
on March 27, 2009;
. A July 28, 2009 verbal physician’s order required “Duoneb q4 PRN”
. A telephone order of September 9, 2009 changed the nebulizer order to “Q4h
PRN Duoneb”
A October 28, 2009 physician’s order reads “continue trach care BID, change
Shiley #8.0 XLT trach every 30 days. Suction q2 hours”
. None of these orders are noted on the monthly physician’s order sheets;
. Therefore, beginning the month following these orders, there were no orders for
nebulizer treatments, trach care, trach change and suction parameters;
There is no documentation that the trach was changed or that the resident’s trach
was suctioned every two (2) hours as ordered;
The resident’s respiratory flow sheets contain documentation of the nebulizer
treatment as “alb & Atrovent PRN” or “Duo PRN” which is an incomplete order
' transcription of the above;
. The resident’s medication administration records reflect the following:
i, In June, August, and October 2009, there was an incomplete transcription
of “duoneb PRN”
ii, In July, November, and December 2009, there was an incomplete
transcription of “0.5 cc Albuterol & 0.5 mg Ipratropium Bromide PRN’
In September 2009, there was an incomplete transcription of “DUO PRN”
A second page of the respiratory treatment records reflect documentation
for the monthly change of the resident’s trach,
‘These areas to document the change of the trach are blank and not initialed
as completed for June, July, September, October, November, and
December 2009;
The only documented trach change for the resident was in August 2009;
Also listed on the treatment records is trach care every shift timed for 7:00
Am and 7:00 PM;
There are numerous times where the timed trach care slots are blank and
circled which indicate the care not provided with July 2009 with cleven
(11) blanks, August 2009 with nine (9) blanks, September 2009 with three
(3) blanks, October 2009 with eleven (11) blanks, and November 2009
with seven (7) blanks;
. These records are incomplete and inadequate to determine if prescribed
nebulizer treatments were provided.
19, That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent's respiratory manager
during the survey regarding resident number eleven (11) who indicated as follows:
a. She confirmed the incomplete documentation addressed above;
b. Therapists had been trained differently and she did not understand why they took
short cuts and documented incompletely;
¢. She was unable to determine whether the resident’s trach had been changed other
than in August 2009.
20, That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number six (6) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident was readmitted to the facility on December 5, 2009;
b, Diagnoses included acute respiratory failure, chronic respiratory failure, and
anoxic brain failure;
c, A physician’s order dated December 5, 2009 required albuterol 2.5 mg. via.
nebulizer every six hours;
d. Nursing medication administration records did not reflect the prescribed albuterol.
21. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondents director of nursing during
the survey regarding resident number six (6) who indicated ‘that the resident’s nebulizer
treatments are administered by the respiratory therapist.
22. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of respiratory
services during the survey regarding resident number six (6) who:
a. Produced a flow sheet documented by physical therapists reflecting the
administration of Albuterol q4h PRN around the clock from December 5 through
December 22, 2009 at 3:00 AM, 7:00 AM, 1100 AM, 3:00 PM, 7:00 PM, and
11:00 PM;
b. She confirmed that the documented administered dosages did not reflect the last
ordered dosages of Albuterol by the physician.
23, That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent's records regarding resident
number seven (7) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident was admitted to the facility on September 24, 2009;
b. Diagnoses include acute respiratory failure, paralysis agitans, chronic airway
obstruction, and senile dementia;
. Physician’s orders for December 2009 include an order for Albutero! 0.83 mg/ml
_ solution use 1 vial via nebulizer every six hours, the order dated December 5,
. The resident’s nursing medication administration records do not reflect the
administration of Albuterol;
, Treatment administration records did not reflect monthly trach care q shift and
trach change every month for October, November, and December 2009;
Trach care q shift was not documented as completed on September 26 - 7 PM
shift, September 29 L 7 AM shift, OctoberS — 7 AM shift, October 8 ~ 7 PM shift,
October 15 — 7 AM shift, October 21 — 7 AM shift, October 26 through October
28 ~ 7 PM shift, November 1 - & am and 7 PM shifts, November 2 — 7 PM shift,
November 6 ~ 7 AM shift, November 23 — 7 PM shift, November 25 - 7 AM
shift, and November 27 — 7 AM shift.
That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during
‘the survey regarding resident number seven (7) who indicated that the resident’s nebulizer
treatments are administered by the respiratory therapist.
That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of respiratory
services during the survey regarding resident number seven (7) who:
a. Produced a medication flow sheet completed by Respondent’s physical therapists
documenting Albuterol q6 hours though absent from the record was any
indication of the quantity of Albuterol administered;
b. Confirmed incomplete records documenting the completion of ordered trach care.
26, That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number four (4) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s medical history reflects the resident has insulin dependent diabetes
b. December 2009 physician orders include orders for Novolin R 100 units/ml to be
injected subcutaneously per sliding scale instructions three (3) times daily at 6:30
AM, 4:30 PM, and 9:00 pm;
c, The resident’s December 2009 medication administration record reflects as
On December 7, 2009 at 4:30 PM blood sugar is documented at 212 which
would require three (3) units insulin coverage under the prescribed sliding
scale however no amount of insulin coverage is documented nor is the site
of any injection documented;
ii, On December 9, 16, 17, and 18, 2009 at 4:30 PM no blood sugar level is
documented nor is any insulin coverage under the prescribed sliding scale
or the site of any injection documented,
On December 16, 17, and 18, 2009 at 9:00 PM no blood sugar level is
documented nor is any insulin coverage under the prescribed sliding scale
or the site of any injection documented;
On December 17, and 19, 2009 at 6:30 AM no blood sugar level is
documented nor is any insulin coverage under the prescribed sliding scale
or the site of any injection documented;
d. Nursing notes from December 7 through 20, 2009 reflect no documentation
related to the resident’s blood sugar levels or insulin coverage.
27. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing and
licensed practical nurse unit coordinator during the survey regarding resident number four (4)
and they were unaware of as failure to document as identified above with the director of
nursing adding “Regarding the insulin, there is no proof that doctor’s orders were followed
for those days.”
28. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number three (3) during the survey and noted as follows:
The resident was admitted to the facility on October 7, 2009;
Admitting diagnoses included Sepsis and the resident had an intravenous access
Signed physician orders dated October 8, 2009 directed that the intravenous port
was to be flushed with saline, and the saline flush to be followed with 5 ces of 100
units per 1 ml heparin flush every twelve (12) hours;
On October 22, 2009, “See NO (new order)” is written on the resident’s
medication administration record;
No further entries on the medication administration record reflects the heparin
Physician’s orders dated October 22 through October 29, 2009 do not contain any
directions or alterations of the prescribed heparin flush;
On October 29, 2009, a physician’s order changing the flush schedule to three (3)
times a day is noted;
The resident’s medication administration records beginning October 9, 2009 have
the entries for administration of heparin circled for 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM
including October 22, 2009;
i. The only related entry in nurse’s notes is an October 11, 2009 at 6:00 AM which
states “Med not available.”
29. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s unit coordinator during the
survey regarding resident number three (3) who indicated as follows:
a. That the circles on the medication administration record indicate that the resident
did not get the prescribed medication;
b. That heparin flush is available in the facility’s emergency drug kit and staff needs
to be better educated as to the contents of the emergency kit.
30. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during
the survey regarding resident number three (3) who indicated “Regarding the heparin flush, 7
cannot show you that we followed doctor’s orders,”
31. That the above reflects Respondent’s failure to follow physician’s orders as prescribed
or to document the reason for such non-compliance at the time of the non-compliance as
required by law in the failure to:
a. Perform oxygen saturation checks and suctioning for patient number two (2) as
ordered by the resident’s physician;
b. Ensure that resident number fifteen (15) was not provided food by mouth as
ordered by the resident’s physician;
c. Ensure that prescribed trach changes were performed, that prescribed medications
were timely and appropriately administered, and that trach care was performed as
d. Administer prescribed medications via nebulizer or to provide trach care for
resident number ten (10);
e. Provide ordered medication and perform trach care as prescribed for resident
number eleven (11);
f. Provide the administration of prescribed dosages of medication for resident
number six (6);
g. Provide trach care and administration of prescribed medication as prescribed for
resident number (7);
h. Provide prescribed care and services, including insulin administration, for resident
number four (4);
i, Provide prescribed medications including heparin flush for resident number three
32, That the Agency determined that this deficient practice presents a situation in which
immediate corrective action is necessary because the facility's noncompliance has caused, or is
likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident receiving care in a facility
and cited Respondent for a State Class I Patterned deficient practice.
33, That the above constitutes a patterned deficient State Class I deficiency,
WHEREFORE, the Agency seeks to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500.00) against Respondent, a skilled nursing facility
in the State of Florida, pursuant to § 400,23(8)(a), Florida Statutes (2009).
34, The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5), as if fully set
forth herein.
35, That pursuant to Florida law, the administrator of each nursing home will designate one
full time registered nurse as a Director of Nursing who shall be responsible and accountable for
the supervision and administration of the total nursing services program. When a director of
nursing is delegated institutional responsibilities, a full time qualified registered nurse shall be
designated to serve as Assistant Director of Nursing. In a facility with a census of 121 or more
residents, an RN must be designated as an Assistant Director of Nursing.Rule 59A-4.108(1),
Floirda Administrative Code.
36, That on or about December 23, 2009, the Agency completed a complaint survey of
Respondent’s facility.
37. That based upon interview and the review of records, Respondent facility failed to ensure
- that its director of nursing was responsible and accountable for the supervision and
administration of the total nursing services program where multiple identified failures were
identified, the same being contrary to law.
38. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent's resident medical records with
Respondents director of nursing and director of respiratory therapy during the survey and noted
that all eight (8) residents in the facility who were on ventilators did not have current physician’s
39, That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent's director of nursing during the
survey who indicated as follows:
a, That the facility had transitioned from an outside vendor providing respiratory
therapy to in house employees providing respiratory services in June 2009,
b. Nursing chart checks are conducted at the end of every month and it had not been
_ realized that respiratory therapy orders were not included in the identified charts;
c. Quality assurance had not discussed the transition from third party providers for
respiratory therapy to in house staff providing said services.
40. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed the personnel record of employee number two
(2) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. That the employee had completed an application on October 24, 2008 for the
position of Restorative Assistant Director of Nursing;
b. The application identified the facility’s director of nursing as a “friend or relative
working for us”
c. The application disclosed that the applicant had a driving under the influence
charge in 2004;
d. The page of the application entitled “Applicant Contact Results,” “interview
Results.” “Test Results,” and “Reference Check Results” remained blank;
e. Included was what appeared to be an original document with a web site header
and dated footer of November 12, 2008 with a license verification date of
November 12, 2008 listing the applicant/employee’s license activity as
f. Included was a photocopied document without a header, footer, or license .
verification date which lists the applicant/employee’s license status as “clear
active” and includes the applicant/employee’s license number and license
expiration date of April 30, 2009;
g. A Florida State Criminal Background report dated November 3, 2008 for the
applicant/employee lists a driving under the influence misdemeanor in the first
degree of January 15, 2005;
h. On the customer comments section of the criminal background report is the
following: “The hit status of this report was changed to clear by Harmony on
11/3/08 Cleared by [the name of the Respondent's director of nursing].”
41. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent's director of nursing during the
survey regarding employee number two (2) and the director of nursing indicated as follows:
She knew the employee from a previous job and “brought her over.”
The human resources staff member who worked for Respondent in November
2008 is no longer with Respondent and had not brought the driving under the
influence charge to the director of nursing’s attention,
The employee “never never” told her that the employee was in the Impaired
Program for Nurses and the director of nursing had never asked the employee;
She could not get on “the system (Florida Department of Law enforcement)” and
did not “clear” the employee’s criminal history;
As a result of an employee assault on the facility property in July 2009, the
Florida Board of Nursing was notified;
During the investigation, the Florida Board of Nursing brought the employee’s
suspended license status to the attention of the facility in the second week of
The employee was terminated on November 16, 2009;
She acknowledges that the employee was employed by the facility while the
employee’s license was suspended in 2008, however she was unaware of the
situation and unaware of the employee’s past disciplinary history including
diversion of narcotics;
i. The employee had told her only of discipline related to a late fee.
42, That employee number five (5) was hired by Respondent on June 2, 2009 and had a
conviction of driving under the influence and had a suspended driver's license.
43, That Petitioner’s representative interviewed employee number five (5) during the survey
who indicated that he was not aware that he had to report convictions for driving under the
influence to the Board of Nursing.
44. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during the
survey regarding employee number five (5) who indicated that she was aware of the employee’s
convictions and had not inquired if he had reported the conviction to the Board of Nursing.
45, That the Nurse Practice Act, Section 464.001 Florida Statutes (2009), et seq., provides as
follows: “The following acts constitute grounds for denial of a license or disciplinary action, as
specified in s. 456.072...” Section 464.018(1), Florida Statutes (2009). Chapter 456, Florida
Statutes provides in part “The following acts shall constitute grounds for which the disciplinary
actions specified in subsection (2) may be taken .., Except as provided in s. 465.016, failing to
report to the department any person who the licensee knows is in violation of this chapter, the
chapter regulating the alleged violator, or the rules of the department or the board... Aiding,
assisting, procuring, employing, or advising any unlicensed person or entity to practice a
profession contrary to this chapter, the chapter regulating the profession, or the rules of the
department or the board... Failing to report to the board, or the department if there is no board, in
writing within 30 days after the licensee has been convicted or found guilty of, or entered a plea
of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction... Sections
456.072(i), G) and (x), Florida Statutes (2009).
46. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during the
survey regarding an incident in which a resident who was ordered no food by mouth was given a
cookie (resident number fifteen [15] discussed above) and the director of nursing indicated as
a, There was no internal investigation of the matter;
b, No required adverse incident reports were prepared or forwarded as required by .
c. She was aware of the incident;
d. She did not follow up with the risk manager, who was employed with a suspended
license, to ensure that all issues related to the event were investigated and
47. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed resident records during the survey and noted as
a. Employees numbered one (1), six (6), ten (10), eleven (11), and twenty-eight (28)
signed off as having administered antibiotics and or flushing the left subclavian
central line from December 15 through December 22, 2009;
b. Employees numbered one (1), six (6), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), twenty-eight
(28), and twenty-nine (29) signed off as having administered a saline flush
through a peripherally inserted central catheter line at intervals between
September 19 and September 30, 2009.
48. Pursuant to Florida law, he purpose of [Rule 6489-12, Floirda Administrative Code] is to
protect the public by ensuring the availability of intravenous therapy and its competent
administration in the care of the ill, injured or the infirm, In keeping with the purpose, this rule
authorizes the qualified licensed practical nurse to administer those aspects of intravenous
therapy within the scope of practice of the licensed practical nurse, enumerates those aspects of
intravenous therapy outside the scope of practice of the licensed practical nurse, and sets out the
educational and/or competency verification necessary to administer, under direction, limited
forms of intravenous therapy. Rule 64B9-12, Floirda Administrative Code
49. Pursuant to Florida law, - Central Lines - The Board recognizes that through appropriate
education and training, a Licensed Practical Nurse is capable of performing intravenous therapy
via central lines under the direction of a registered professional nurse as defined in subsection
64B9-12.002(2), F.A.C, Appropriate education. and training requires a minimum of four (4)
hours of instruction. The requisite four (4) hours of instruction may be included as part of the
thirty (30) hours required for intravenous therapy education specified in subsection (4) of this
rule. The education and training required in this subsection shall include, at a minimum, didactic
and clinical practicum instruction in the following areas: (a) Central venous anatomy and
physiology; (b) CVL site assessment; (c) CVL dressing and cap changes; (d) CVL flushing; (e)
CVL medication and fluid administration; (f) CVL blood drawing; and (g) CVL complications
and remedial measures. Upon completion of the intravenous therapy training via central lines,
the Licensed Practical Nurse shall be assessed on both theoretical knowledge and practice, as
well as clinical practice and competence. The clinical practice assessment must be witnesses by a
Registered Nurse who shall file a proficiency statement regarding the Licensed Practical Nurse’s
ability to perform intravenous therapy via central lines. The proficiency statement shall be kept
in the Licensed Practical Nurse’s personnel file. Rule 64B9-12.005(2), Floirda Administrative
50. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s personnel files during the survey
and noted as follows:
a, Employee number one (1):
The employee is a licensed practical nurse;
i. The employee was hired on March 5, 2008;
iii. Absent from the file was any documentation that the employee had
completed the thirty (30) hour intravenous course;
Absent from the file was any competency statement for intravenous or
central venous lines.
b. Employee number six (6):
The employee is a licensed practical nurse;
. The employee was hired on January 6, 2009;
iii. Absent from the file was any documentation that the employee had
completed the thirty (30) hour intravenous course;
Absent from the file was any competency statement for intravenous or
central venous lines.
c, Employee number nine (9):
. The employee is a licensed practical nurse;
i, The employee was hired on March 26, 2008;
iii, The file documented that the employee had completed the thirty (30) hour
intravenous course;
Absent ftom the file was any competency statement for intravenous or
central venous lines.
d. Employee number ten (10):
The employee is a licensed practical nurse;
ii. The employee was hired on August 1, 2007;
i; Absent from the file was any documentation that the employee had
completed the thirty (30) hour intravenous course;
Absent from the file was any competency statement for intravenous or
central venous lines.
e, Employee number eleven (11):
The employee is a licensed practical nurse;
ii, The employee was hired on September 17, 2009;
iii, The file documented that the employee had completed the thirty (30) hour
intravenous course;
Absent from the file was any competency statement for intravenous or
central venous lines.
f. Employee number twenty-eight (28):
The employee is a licensed practical nurse,
i, The employee was hired on August 18, 2009;
iii, Absent from the file was any documentation that the employee had
completed the thirty (30) hour intravenous course;
Absent from the file was any competency statement for intravenous or
central venous lines.
g. Employee number twenty-nine (29);
The employee is a licensed practical nurse;
The employee was hired on September 15, 2009,
Absent from the file was any documentation that the employee had
completed the thirty (30) hour intravenous course;
iv. Absent from the file was any competency statement for intravenous or
central venous lines.
51. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during the .
survey regarding nursing competencies and the director of nursing indicated as follows:
That of the twelve (12) licensed practical nurses listed as certified for intravenous
care and services, only two (2) have a certificate for central venous lines and only
one (1) for intravenous;
There have been no competencies or evaluations for any of the licensed practical
nurses in the past year.
52. That the above reflects Respondent’s failure to ensure that its director of nursing
maintained responsiblity and accountablity for the supervision and administration of the total
nursing services program where the director of nursing failed to:
Ensure that current physician’s orders were obtained and maintained for residents
who are receiving ventilator care;
Ensure that professional staff members have been appropriately screened for
Ensure that professional staff possess and maintain appropriate licensure upon and
during employment;
Ensure that all licensed staff comply with liensure requirements;
Ensure that adverse incidents, including an incident in which the provision of
food to a resident with physician orders prohibiting food by mouth resulted in
hospitalization, are investigated and reported in compliance with minimum
requirements of law and facility policy;
f. Ensure that licensed staff possess competencies in areas of care provded by
Respondent’s agents.
53. The above reflect, individually and collectively, that Respondent’s director of nursing
failed to adequately supervise and administer the total nursing services program
54. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice presents a situation in which
immediate corrective action is necessary because the facility's noncompliance has caused, or is
likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident receiving care in a facility
and cited Respondent for a State Class I Widespread deficient practice.
55. That the above constitutes a widespread deficient State Class | deficiency.
WHEREFORE, the Agency seeks to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) against Respondent, a skilled nursing facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to § 400.23(8)(a), Florida Statutes (2009).
56. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5) and Counts |
and II of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
57. Based upon Respondent’s two State Class I deficiencies, Respondent was not in
substantial compliance at the time of the survey with criteria established under Part II of Florida
Statute 400, or the rules adopted by the Agency, a violation subjecting it to assignment of a
conditional licensure status under § 400.23(7)(a), Florida Statutes (2009).
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to assign a conditional licensure status to
Respondent, a skilled nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to § 400.23(7), Florida
Statutes (2008) commencing December 23, 2009 and ending January 22, 2010.
58. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5) and Count |
as if fully set forth herein.
59, Respondent has been cited for one (1) State Class I deficiency and therefore is subject to
a six (6) month survey cycle for a period of two years and a survey fee of six thousand dollars
($6,000) pursuant to Section 400,19(3), Florida Statutes (2009).
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose a six (6) month survey cycle for a period
of two yeats and impose a survey fee in the amount of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) against
Respondent, a skilled nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to Section 400,19(3),
Florida Statutes (2009).
Respectfully submitted this ¢ | day of April, 2010.
J. Walsh II, Esquire
Bar, No, 566365
Affency for Health Care Admin.
525 Mirror Lake Drive, 330G
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
727.552.1525 (office)
Pursuant to § 400.23(7)(e), Fla. Stat, (2008), Respondent shall post the most current license in a
prominent place that is in clear and unobstructed public view, at or near, the place where
residents are being admitted to the facility.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administrative hearing pursuant to Section
120.569, Florida Statutes. Respondent has the right to retain, and be represented by an attorney
in this matter. Specific options for administrative action are set out in the attached Election of
All requests for hearing shall be made to the attention of: The Agency Clerk, Agency for Health
Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg #3, MS #3, Tallahassee, Florida, 32308, (850)
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served by
U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt No: 7009 3410 0000 0172 5913 on April