Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Shalimar, Florida
Filed: Jul. 01, 2010
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, September 17, 2010.
Latest Update: Feb. 02, 2025
ve Case No. 2008-039474
The Department of Business and Professional Reguiation
(“Petitioner”) files this Administrative Complaint against
Thomas C. Charpentier (“Respondent”), and alleges:
‘i. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating
the provision of real estate appraisal services, pursuant to
Section 20.165, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 455 ‘and 475,
Florida Statutes.
2. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation
“has jurisdiction over the unlicensed provision of real estate.
appraisal services pursuant to Section 455.228, Florida
Statutes. .
3B. Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, entitles Respondent to
elect a hearing regarding the allegations contained herein.
Rule 28-106.111, Florida Administrative Code, provides in part
that if Respondent fails to request a hearing within 21 days of
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receipt of an agency pleading, Respondent waives Respondent's
right to request a hearing on the facts alleged.
@c° Respondent's “Last ‘known address is 2706 Stomy Circle,
Navarre, FPL 32566.
5. At no time material to this complaint was Respondent
certified or licensed to provide real estate appraisal services
in the State of Florida pursuant to Chapter 475, Florida
Statutes. .
6. Respondent was previously licensed as a Certified
General Appraiser in Louisiana. . Respondent's Louisiana license
became inactive on March 4, 1991, and espired on pecanber 31,
1994. ,
7. In or about February 2006, Respondent submitted an
application and request to the Florida Real, Estate Appraiser
Board (the “Board”) for a waiver or variance of the Board’ s
rules pertaining to licensure and stated he sought to expedite
obtaining a'certified general appraisex’s license in the State
of Florida. ) ) .
g. The Board denied Respondent’s request for a waiver or
variance on December 3, 2007.
9. During the course of the review and 4 subsequent
investigation of Respondent’s application and request for
variance, the Department obtained documents and information as
set forth below.
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10, Respondent submitted two resumes to the. Department -
1. One of the resumes contained the following identifying
C. CHARPENTIER, Real Estate Appraiser ~ Vanguard Bank and Trust.
See Exhibit A.
12. A second resume contained the following identifying
C. CHARPENTIER, Manager, Senior Real Estate Appraiser-Vanguard
Bank and Trust. See Exhibit 8.
13. Respondent’ s Vanguard Bank business card contained the
-follewing identifying infermation: “Thomas C. Charpentier, Real
Estate appraiser, Appraisal Institute General Associate.” See
Exhibit C.
14. At all times material to this complaint Respondent has
been employed by Vanguard Bank and Trust ("the bank’) in Mary
Bsther, Florida, in the “Appraisal Review” department.
15, Respondent created the “Appraisal Review” department
at the bank.
16, Respondent's duties at the bank include reviewing
appraisal. reports submitted to the bank by certified appraisers
to determine compliance with the QUniferm Standards of
Professional Appraisal Practice. |
17. The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
Fractice (“USFAP’) are the standards governing the preparation,
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reporting, and reviewing of appraisals eatablished by the
Appraisal Foundation pursuant to the Financial Institutions
Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989. The purpose of
USPAP is to ensure that an appraisal is objectively reliable and .
to prevent those who rely on the appraisal reports from being
18. Sectien 475.628, Florida Statutes, provides in
“xelevant part that each appraiser registered, licensed, or
certified in Florida shail comply with USPAP.
19. USPAP Standards Rule 3 applies to appraisal review,
development and reporting, and requires the reviewer to prepare
a separate report setting. forth the scope of work performed and
the regults of the appraisal review.
20.: USPAP Standards Rule 3-3 requires each written
appraisal review report to contain a signed certification that
is similar in content to the following form:
I certify that, to the best. of my knowledge and
belief: . ,
. the facts and data reported by the reviewer
and used in the review process are true and
- the analyses, opinions, and conclusions in
this review report are limited only by the
assumptions and limiting conditions stated
in this review report and are my personal,
impartial, and unbiased professional
analyses, opinions, and conclusions.
- I have no (or the specified) present or
prespective interest in the property that is
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the subject of the work under review and no
(or the specified) personal interest with
respect to the parties involved. :
‘Y have no bias with respect to the property.
that is the subject of the work under review
or to the parties involved with this
my engagement in this assignment was not
contingent upon develeping or reporting
predetermined results,
my compensation is not contingent on an
action or event resulting from the analyses, ¢
opinions, ox conclusions in this review or
. from its use.
my analyses, opinions, and conclusions were
developed and this review report was
prepared in conformity with the Uniform.
Standards of Professional Appraisal
Practice. .
I have (or have not) made a personal
inspection of the subject property of the
work under review. (If more than one person
digns this certification, the certification
must clearly specify which individuals did
and which individuals did not make a
personal inspection of the subject property
ef the work under review.)
no one provided significant appraisal,
appraisal review, or appraisal consulting
assistance to the person signing this
certifieation. (If there are exceptions, the
name of each individual (8) providing
appraisal, appraisal review, or appraisal
consulting assistance must he stated.)
On June 11, 2008, Respondent developed and
communicated to Vanguard Bank a review report of an appraisal
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report developed by State Certified General Real Estate
Appraiser Michael L. Carroll. See Exhibit D.
22. In His veviéw report, Respondent evaluated Carroll's
appraisal report for quality control and cenformity with the
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
23. Respondent's review report contained a certification
‘stating as follows:
“J certify that, to the best of my knowledge and
* The facts and data reported by the reviewer
and used in the review process are true and
* The analysis, opinions,, and conclusions in
this review report are limited only by the
assumptions and limiting conditions in this
review report and are my personal,
impartial, and unbiased professional
analyses, opinions, and conclusions.
+ I have no present or prospective interest in
the property that is the subject of the work
under xveview and no personal interest with
respect to the parties involved.
* I have no bias with respect to the property
that is the subject of the work under review
or to the parties involved with this
* My engagement in this assignment was not
- contingent upon developing or reporting
predetermined results. ‘
* My compensation is not contingent on an
action or event resulting from the analyses,
_ opinions, or conclusions in this reviewer or
from its use.
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* the reported analyses, opinions, and .
condlusions were developed, and this report
has been prepared in conformity with the
requirements of the Code of Professional
Ethics & Standards of Professional Appraisal °
Practice of the Appraisal Institute, which
include the Uniform Standards of
Professional Appraisal Practice.
* The use of this report is subject to the
requirements of the Appraisal Institute
relating to review by its dvly authorized
representatives. ’
* tT have not made a personal inspection of the
subject property of the work under review.
* No one provided significant appraisal,
appraisal review, oF appraisal consulting
assistance to the person signing this
24. On August 10, 2006, Respondent developed and
communicated to ‘Vanguard Bank a review report of an appraisal,
report developed by State Certified General Real Estate
Appraiser Thomas A. Marr.
28, In his review. report, Respondent evaluated Marr's
appraisal report for quality ¢ontrol and conformity with the
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
See Exhibit E. A USPAP certification was not. attached to the
Marr's review report. . i
96. Respondent informed the Department investigator that
during the peried January 2006 through July 2008, he signed
approximately 770 appraisal review reports.
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27, Section 475.626(1) (a), Floride Statutes, provides that
no person shall operate or attempt to operate as a registered
trainee, aRRTalaer * er ‘licensed ox certified appraiser without |
being the holder cf a valid and current registration,’ license,
or certification issued by. the Department.
28. Section 475.612, Florida Statutes, provides that,
subject to. statutorily specified exceptions not relevant here, a
person may not:
(a) use the title “certified. real estate
. appraiser,“ *licensed real estate
appraiser,” or “registered trainee real
estate appraiser,” or any abbreviation or.
words to that effect, or
{b) issue an appraisal. report, unless such
person is certified, licensed; or registered
by the Department. . ;
29. Section 475.611(1) (ce), Florida Statutes, defines
appraisal report as:
any communication, written or oral, of an
appraisal, appraisal review, appreisal
consulting service, analysis, opinion, or
conclusion relating to the nature, quality,
value, or utility of a specified interest
in, ox aspect of, identified real property,
and inéludes any report. communicating an
appraisal analysis, opinion, or ¢endlusion
of value, regardless.of title.
30. Section 475.611{1) (dj, Florida. Statutes, defines
“appraisal review" as the act or process of developing and
communicating an opinion about the quality of another
appraiser's appraisal, appraisal report, or work,
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31. Sention 475.611{1) (a), Florida Statutes, defines
*appraisal" or "appraisal services" to include:
1. “Appraisal assignment". . denotes . an
engagement for which a person ig employed or
retained to act, or could be perceived hy
third parties or the public as acting, aS an
agent or a disinterested third party in
rendering an unbiased analysis, opinion,
review, orf conclusion relating to the
nature, quality, value, or utility of
specified interests: in, or aspects of,
identified real property.
.2. “Analysis assignment" denotes appraisal
services that relate to the employer's or
elient's individual needs or investment
objectives and includes specialized
marketing, financing, and feasibility
studies as well as analyses, opinions, and
conclusions given in connection with
activities such as real estate brokerage,
mortgage banking, teal estate counseling, or
real estate consulting. :
3. “Appraisal review assignment" denotes an
engagement for which an appraiser is
employed | or retained to develop and
communicate an opinion about the quality of
another appraiser's appraisal, appraisal
report, or work. An appraisal review may or
may not contain the reviewing appraiser's
opinion of value. .
32. Section 475.611(2), Florida Statutes provides:
Wherever the word “operate” or “operating”
appears in this part with respect to a
registered trainee appraiser, licensed
appraiser, or certified appraiser; in any
order, rule, or regulation of the board; in
any pleading, indictment, or information
under this part; in any ceurt action or:
proceeding; or in any order or judgment of a
court, it shall be deemed to mean the
commission of one ox more acts deseribed in
this part as constituting ox defining a
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registered trainee appraiser, licensed
appraiser, or certified appraiser, not
including, hewever, any of the exceptions
stated therein. A single act is sufficient
to bring a person within the meaning of thig
subsection, and each act, if prohibited
herein, constitutes a separate offense.
33, Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates by reference
paragraphs 1 through 32 as if stated fully herein. |
34. Based on the “foregoing Respondent violated Section
475.612(1)," Florida Statutes, Respondent violated Section
415.612, Florida Statutes, in one or more of the following ways:
(a) by using the titles “real estate appraiser,” “senior
real estate appraiser,” and/or “appraiser,” ox any abbreviation
or words to that effect
(b) by issuing appraisal reports as defined by Section
478.611(1) (c), Florida Statutes without being certified,
‘licensed, or registered by the Department.
35. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates by reference
paragraphs 1 through 32 as if stated fully herein.
36, Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
475.626(1) (a), Florida Statutes, by operating as a real estate
appraiser in the State of Florida without being the holder of a
walid and current: registration, license or certification in one
ox more of the following ways!
GAOGC ULAVAC 2008\Charpentier AC.Ldoe 10
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ta) by performing and issuing appraisal reviews as defined
by Section 475.611(1) (d), Florida Statutes; —
tb) by ‘performing analysis sismignments: as defined by
Section 475.611 (1) (a)2. Florida Statutes;
(c) by performing appraisal review assignments as defined
by Section 475.611(1) (a3, Florida Statutes.
Wherefore, Petitioner respectfully requests that @ Final
Order be entered imposing one. or more of the following
penalties: imposition of ‘an administrative fine not to exceed
$§,000 per ineident, assesement of costs associated with the
investigation and progecution (excluding costs associated with
an attorney! s time); and/or any other relief the Department is
authorized to impose ‘pursuant to Chapters 455 and 475, Florida
Statutes, and/or the gules promulgate
Signed nse tbo of
Assistant General Counsel
Fla. Bar No. 734853
1940 Nerth Monroe Street
Tallaiassee, FL | 32399-2202
Voice: (850) 414-0137
Facsimile: (850) 414-6742
PC Found: tt [2é/2008 -
GAOGC ULAVAC 2008\Chapentiar AC.1.doc . 1
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Docket for Case No: 10-004486
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Sep. 17, 2010 |
Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Sep. 15, 2010 |
Agreed Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Aug. 17, 2010 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 21, 2010; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Shalimar, FL).
Aug. 16, 2010 |
Agreed Motion for Continuance filed.
Aug. 16, 2010 |
Notice of Substitution of Counsel (filed by M. Bolivar).
Jul. 19, 2010 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jul. 19, 2010 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 30, 2010; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Shalimar, FL).
Jul. 09, 2010 |
Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Jul. 02, 2010 |
Initial Order.
Jul. 01, 2010 |
Election of Rights filed.
Jul. 01, 2010 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jul. 01, 2010 |
Agency referral filed.