Respondent: ROY HART, DDS
Agency: Department of Health
Locations: West Palm Beach, Florida
Filed: Jul. 28, 2010
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, August 11, 2010.
Latest Update: Feb. 13, 2025
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v. CASE NO, 2008-01358
Roy Hart, DDS,
COMES NOW Petitioner, Départment of Health, by and through its
undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint before the
Board of Dentistry against Respondent, Roy Hart, DDS, and in support
thereof alleges:
| 1, Petitioner is the state department charged with regulating the
Practice of dentistry pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes; Chapter
456, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 466, Florida Statutes.
2. At all times material to this Complaint, Respondent was a
licensed dentist within the State of Florida, having been issued license
number DN 14863.
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3. Respondent’s address of record is 537 US Highway 1, Suite #1,
North Palm Beach, FL 33408,
4. Respondent provided dental treatment to Patient MP from on or
about August 28, 2006, through on or about August 29, 2006.
5. On or about August 28, 2006, Patient MP presented to the
Respondent with a chief compiaint of pain in the lower left jaw. The
Respondent noted that tooth number 17 was impacted. The Respondent took
two periapical x-rays and treatment planned surgical extraction of tooth
number 17 and a filling for tooth number 19.
5. ‘The radiographs taken on or about August 28, 2006, show that
the angulation of tooth number 17 is more buccal-lingual than distal-mesial.
The angulation of the third molar tooth is important since the level of bone
impaction may increase the complexity of the extraction.
7. The treatment notes for August 28, 2006, do not indicate that
there were any complications in the treatment the Respondent provided to
Patient MP. The Respondent failed to note a diagnosis for the source of
Patient MP’s pain. In addition, the Respondent failed to note the type of
8. On or about August 29, 2006, the Respondent noted that Patient
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MP had called his answering service. The Respondent returned Patient MP’s
call and she described feeling a shooting pain and numbness on the left hand
side of the patient's face,
9. Patient MP presented to the Respondent again on or about
August 29, 2006. The Respondent took a panoramic x-ray and noted in the
treatment record that Patient MP's tooth number 17 area was fractured,
The Respondent referred Patient MP to an oral surgeon.
10. The panoramic taken on or about August 29, 2006, revealed
that tooth number 18 was severely cut into the distal root deep below the
ossesous crest; the distal root was essentially amputated.
11. The panoramic x-ray also showed that apical to the extraction
site of tooth number 17 excessive bone was removed.
12. The Respondent negligently fractured Patient MP’s mandible in
tooth number 17 by failing to have adequate radiographs to diagnose the
tooth’s relation to the inferior border of the mandible and the surrounding
anatomy and failing to use due care in the Respondent’s surgical removal
of the impacted tooth.
13. The subsequent treater diagnosed Patient MP with a left
mandibular fracture.
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14. Patient MP had three Surgeries attempting to correct the
damage caused by the fracture and to restore function and sensation.
Patient MP experienced pain when chewing, numbness to the left lower lip
and headaches. , ,
13. Patient MP filed a maipractice claim against the Respondent,
The Respondent settled the claim for $590,000.
16. The standard of care for a dentist performing surgical
extraction of a third molar is to review an undistorted preoperative
radiograph that Captures the entire tooth structure that needs to be
removed, including the apex and its relation to the inferior border of the
mandible and the mandibular canal; the size and the curvature of the
roots; the inferior border of the mandible; and the surrounding anatomy,
including distal bone, the lingual plate and the mandibular canal,
17. Prior to initiating the surgical extraction of impacted tooth
number 17, the Respondent only had two periapical x-rays of the lower left.
One of the periapical x-rays failed to capture the distal of tooth number 17
or the distal root. The other periapical x-ray failed to capture the bone
distal to the tooth and no detail apical to the tooth.
18. The preoperative x-rays the Respondent had were inadequate
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for determining the density of bone distal to tooth number 17, the
thickness and size of the mandible located around tooth number 17, the
length and size of the roots and the proximity to the mandibular canal.
19. To embark upon surgical extraction with radiographs that do
not show the roots, the surrounding bone and/or the surrounding nerve
canals shows a disregard for the patient’s Safety.
20. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through 19 (nineteen) as if fully set forth herein.
21. Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2006), provides that
failing to keep written dental records and medical history records justifying
the course of treatment of the patient including, but not limited to, patient
histories, examination results, test results, and X rays, if taken, constitutes
grounds for disciplinary action by the Board of Dentistry,
22. Rule 64B5-17,002(1), Florida Administrative Code requires that:
for the purpose of implementing the provisions of subsection
466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes, a dentist shall maintain written records on
each patient which written records shall contain, at a minimum, the
following information about the patient:
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a. Appropriate medical history;
b. Results of clinical examination and tests
conducted, including the identification, or lack
thereof, of any oral pathology or diseases;
c, Any radiographs used for the diagnosis or
treatment of the patient;
d. Treatment plan proposed by the dentist; and
é. Treatment rendered to the patient.
23. Respondent failed to keep written dental records and medical
history records justifying the course of treatment of the Patient MP in one
Or more of the following ways:
a. By failing to document a diagnosis for the source
of Patient MP's pain;
b. By failing to record the type of impaction; and/or
c. By failing to record the type of anesthetic used
during the surgical extraction of tooth number
24. Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2006), by failing to keep written dental
records and medical history records justifying the course of treatment of
Patient MP.
25. Petitioner realleges and incorporates Paragraphs one (1)
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through 19 (nineteen) as if fully set forth herein,
26, Section 466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2006), provides that
being guilty of incompetence or negligence by failing to meet the minimum
- Standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured
against generally prevailing peer performance, including, but not jimited to,
the undertaking of diagnosis and treatment for which the dentist is not
Qualified by training or experience or being guilty of dental malpractice
constitutes grounds for disciplinary action by the Board of Dentistry.
27. Pursuant to Section 466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2006)
“dental malpractice” includes, but is not limited to, three or more claims
within the previous -5 year period which resulted in indemnity being paid,
or any single indemnity paid in excess of $25,000 in a judgment or
settlement, as a result of negligent conduct on the part of the dentist,
28. Respondent failed to meet the minimum standards of
performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally
Prevailing peer performance in one or more of the following ways:
a. By performing the surgical extraction of tooth
number 17 without adequate pre-operative
b. By unnecessarily cutting adjacent tooth number
18 with a dental bur the Respondent was using
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to section bone and/or the roots of tooth number
c. By failing to recognize that the Respondent had
destroyed tooth number 18;
d. By negligently fracturing the mandible of tooth
number 17;
€. By failing to diagnose the mandible fracture and
releasing Patient MP after the surgical removal of
tooth number 17; and/or
f. By having a single indemnity paid in excess of
$25,000, ($590,000 paid), in a judgment or
settlement, as a result of negligent conduct on
the part of the Respondent.
29. Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2006), by being guilty of incompetence or
negligence by failing to meet the minimum standards of performance in
diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer
performance, including, but not limited to, the undertaking of diagnosis
and treatment for which the dentist is not qualified by training or
€xperience or being guilty of dental malpractice,
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of
Dentistry enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties:
permanent revocation or suspension of Respondent's license, restriction of
practice, imposition of an administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand,
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placement of Respondent on probation, corrective action, refund of fees
billed or collected, remedial education and/or any other relief that the
Board deems appropriate.
SIGNED this 15th day of May , 2009,
Ania M. Viamonte Ros, M.D., M.RH
State Surgeon General
a) iy
Ota brit
Patricia Smith 7
Assistant General Counsel
DOH Prosecution Services Unit
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3265
Florida Bar No, 78120
Fd Og 850.245.4640
850.245.4683 FAX
PCP: 5/15/09
PCP Members: CM, JT, WR
DOH v Roy Hart, D.D.S., Case No, 2008-01358
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Notice of Rights
Respondent has the right to request a hearing to be conducted in
accordance with Section 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, to be
hearing is requested,
Respondent is placed on notice that Petitioner has incurred costs
related to the investigation and Prosecution of this matter. Pursuant to
DOH v Roy Hart; Case # 2008-01358
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Docket for Case No: 10-006401PL