Agency: Department of Financial Services
Locations: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Filed: Sep. 03, 2010
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, March 7, 2011.
Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
AUG 06 2010
ALES Sink Docketed by << __
CASE NO.: 111624-10-AG
TO: Jeffrey Carl Pellet —
320 S. Flamingo Rd., #267
Pembroke Pines, FL 33027
You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, are hereby notified that the Chief Financial Officer of
the State of Florida (the Department) has caused to be made an investigation of your activities
while licensed as a public adjuster in this state and as a result of which it is alleged:
1. Pursuant to Chapter 626, Florida Statutes, you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, are
currently licensed in this state as a 5-20 All Lines Independent Adjuster, and were so licensed at
all times relevant to the dates and occurrences referenced herein, Your license identification
number is E122438.
2. Section 626.855, Florida Statutes, provides that an independent adjuster is any
person who is self-employed or is associated with or employed by an independent adjusting firm
or other independent adjuster, and who undertakes on behalf of an insurer to ascertain and
determine the amount of any claim, loss, or damage payable under an insurance contract or
undertakes to effect settlement of such claim, loss, or damage.
Filed September 3, 2010 3:23 PM Division of Administrative Hearings.
3. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, have never been licensed as a public adjuster in
Florida. .
“4, As provided in section 626.854(1), Florida Statutes, a public adjuster is any
petson, except a duly licensed attorney at law as hereinafter ins. 626.860 provided, who, for
money, commission, or any other thing of value, prepares, completes, or files an insurance claim
_ form for an insured or third-party claimant or who, for money, cominission, or any other thing of
. value, acts or aids in any manner on behalf of an insured or third-party claimant in negotiating
for or effecting the settlement of a claim or claims for loss or damage covered by an insurance
contract or who advertises for employment as an adjuster of such of such claims, and also
includes any person who, for money, commission, or any other thing of value, solicits,
investigates, or adjusts such claims on behalf of any such public adjuster,
5. Pursuant to Chapter 626, Florida Statutes, the Florida Department of Financial
Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Department”) has jurisdiction over your licenses,
appointments, and your eligibility for licensure.
6. As provided in sections 626.611 and 626.621, Florida Statutes, and Rule 69B-
220.201(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code, all adjusters, as defined in section 626.01 5(1),
Florida Statutes, are subject to license disciplinary action by the Department.
7. At all times relevant to the dates and occurrences referenced herein you,
JEFFREY CARL PELLET, and Etienne Font, attorney at law, were the owners of Professional
Insurance Estimating & Appraisals (PIE or the agency), located at 211 sw 2"! Street, Suite J,
Second Floor, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301-1821.
8. At all times relevant to the dates and occurrences referenced herein you,
JEFFREY CARL PELLET, had failed to designate a primary adjuster for PIE, but you acted as
the de facto primary adjuster for the agency, including the supervision of Chris Burton, one of
the employees of PIE whom you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, supervised and who was subject to
your control and direction,
9. The above General Allegations are hereby realleged and fully incorporated herein
by reference.
‘10. J effrey Shammah is a public adjuster. In 2002, Carlos Martinez was the named
public adjuster on a claim filed by Mr. Shammah. However, from about June 25, 2002 until a
settlement was resolved; you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, although purporting to be Mr.
Shammah’s appraiser, acted as an unlicensed public adjuster by entering into discussions and
negotiations with Warren Aplin of IAS Claim Services, Inc, (IAS) to settle Mr. Shammah’s
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Department of Financial Services which constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of your
(a) Section 626,611(7), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or )
managing general agent to demonstrate a lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage iti the
business of insurance.
(b) — Section 626.61 10), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to exhibit fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business
under the license or appointment.
(c) Section 626.611(13), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to willfully fail to comply with, or willfully violate, any proper order
or tule of the department ot any provision of this code. ; .
- @d Section 626,877, Florida Statutes, which provides that every adjuster shall adjust
or investigate every claim, damage, or loss made or occurring under an insurance contract, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and of the applicable laws of this
state, .
(e) Section 626.878, Florida Statutes, which provides that an adjuster shall subscribe
to the code of ethics specified in the rules of the department, The rules shall implement the
provision of this part and specify the terms and conditions of contracts, including a right to
cancel, and require practices necessary to ensure fair dealing, prohibit conflicts of interest, and
ensure preservation of the rights of the claimant to participate in the adjustment of claims.
| (f) Rule 69B-220-201, Florida Administrative Code, which provides that the work of
adjusting insurance claims engages the public trust. An adjuster shall put the duty for fair and
honest treatment of the claimant above the adjuster’s own interests in every instance. This Rule
provides the following standards of conduct that define ethical behavior, and constitute part of
acode of ethics that shall be binding on all adjusters:
(1) An adjuster shall handle every adjustment and settlement with honesty and
integrity, and allow a fair adjustment or settlement to all patties without any remuneration
to himself except that to which he is legally entitled.
(2) An adjuster shall not undertake the adjustment of any claim concerning which
the adjuster is not currently competent and knowledgeable as to the terms and conditions
of the insurance coverage, or which otherwise exceeds the adjuster’s current expertise.
(3) No person shall, as a public adjuster, represent any person or entity whose
claim the adjuster has previously adjusted while acting as an adjuster representing any
insurer or independent adjusting firm. No person shall, as a company or independent
adjuster, represent him- or herself or any insurer or independent adjusting firm against
any person or entity that the adjuster previously represented a public adjuster,
11. The above General Allegations are hereby realleged and fully incorporated herein
by reference.
12. From about October 2002 until about July 2003, you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, .
acted as a unlicensed public adjuster for Rafat Altawil and Jane Pittman, Warren Aplin was
hired by these consumers’ insurers, Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company
(Universal) and Strategic Insurance Company (Strategic) to adjust their claims.
13. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, engaged in claim negotiation on behalf of Mr.
Altawil that included a demand for additional living expenses, a demand to speed up the
settlement process, and an attempt to effect the settlement of the claims,
14. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, engaged in claim negotiation on behalf of Ms.
Pitman that included demands to the proposed umpire on Ms, Pitman’s claim in an attempt to
alter the course of the appraisal process and effect the settlement of the involved claims.
15, You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, executed a contract with Rafat Altawil allowing
you to collect money from Universal and directing that company to name yourself as an
additional payee on any and all payment drafts.
IT Is THEREFORE CHARGED that you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Department of Financial Services which constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of your
(a) Section 626,611(7), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to demonstrate a lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the
business of insurance.
(b) —_ Section 626.6119), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to exhibit fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business
under the license or appointment.
(c) Section 626.61 1(13), Flotida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to willfully fail to comply with, or willfully violate, any proper order
ot rule of the department or any provision of this code.
(d) Section 626.877, Florida Statutes, which provides that every adjuster shall adjust
or investigate every. claim, damage, or loss made or occurring under an insurance contract,.in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and of the applicable laws of this
(e) Section 626.878, Florida Statutes, which provides that an adjuster shall subscribe
to the code of ethics specified in the rules of the department. The rules shall implement the
provision of this part and specify the terms and conditions of contracts, including a right to
cancel, and require ptactices necessary to ensure fair dealing, prohibit conflicts of interest, and
ensure preservation of the rights of the claimant to participate in the adjustment of claims.
(f) Rule 69B-220-201, Florida Administrative Code, which provides that the work of
adjusting insurance claims engages the public trust. An adjuster shail put the duty for fair and
honest treatment of the claimant above the adjuster’s own interests in every instance. The Rule ©
provides the following standards of conduct that define ethical behavior, and constitutes part of
a code of ethics that shall be binding on all adjusters:
qd) ‘An adjuster shall handle every adjustment and settlement with honesty and
integrity, and allow a fair adjustment or settlement to all parties without any remuneration
to himself except that to which he is legally entitled.
(2) An adjuster shall not undertake the adjustment of any claim concerning which
the adj uster is not currently competent and knowledgeable as to the terms and conditions
of the insurance coverage, or which otherwise exceeds the adjuster’s current expertise.
(3) No person shall, as a public adjuster, represent any person or entity whose
claim the adjuster has previously adjusted while acting as an adjuster representing any
_insurer or independent adj usting firm. No person shall, as a company or independent
adjuster, represent him- or herself or any insurer or independent adjusting firm against
; any person or entity that the adjuster previously represented a public adjuster.
16, The above General Allegations are hereby realleged and fully incorporated herein
by reference.
17. On May 9, 2005, you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, signed a “Work Authorization
and Contract” with Robert Seidle (the insured) to provide appraisal services for a hurricane
property loss suffered by Robert and Tracy Seidle, the terms of which included the statement that
_ you would not negotiate with respect to any insurance policy terms and conditions.
18. With the knowledge and consent of you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, Tracy Seidle
_ genta letter dated May 25, 2005, to Chubb & Son (Chubb) requesting an appraisal of the
property loss. |
19. Ina letter to Chubb dated June 29, 2005, you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET,
complained that Chubb had not responded to the Seidle letter dated May 25, 2005.
20. On August 2, 2005, Damian B. Lynch, an employee of Chubb, explained to Chris
Burton in a telephone conversation that the Chubb policy allowed for an appraisal only if Federal
agreed to it, but did not have a unilateral appraisal provision that allows an insured to demand an
appraisal, The same day Mr. Lynch addressed a letter to Robert Seidle explaining that ‘there
could be an appraisal of the loss if there was a dispute as to the amount of loss.
2. On August 3, 2005, you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, sent a letter to Mr. Lynch
advising him that Mr. Seidle rejected mediation by the Department and demanded an appraisal.
22. On August 4, 2005, Mr. Lynch sent a letter to the Seidles advising them that
according to the terms of-the contract that they had with you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, you
_ could not negotiate with respect to any insurance policy terms and conditions, and that according
to the terms of the Chubb policy, the Seidles and Chubb, if they could not agree on the amount of
loss, could together select an independent appraiser and that failing agreement on the loss,
mediation was available through the Department.
23. In a letter to Mr. Lynch dated August 24, 2005, you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET,
‘continued to argue the terms and conditions of the Chubb contract and otherwise act as a public
adjuster on behalf of the Seidles.
“IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Department of Financial Services which constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of your
(a) Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to demonstrate a lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the .
business of insurance.
(b) Section 626.611(9), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
. managing general agent to exhibit fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business
under the license or appointment. )
(c) Section 626.611(13), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
’ applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to willfully fail to comply with, or willfully violate, any proper order
or tule of the department or any provision of this code.
(d) Section 626.877, Florida Statutes, which provides that every adjuster shall adjust
or investigate every claim, damage, or loss made or occurring under an insurance contract, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and of the applicable laws of this
(e) Section 626.878, Florida Statutes, which provides that an adjuster shall subscribe
to the code of ethics specified in the rules of the department. The rules shall implement the
provision of this part and specify the terms and conditions of contracts, including a right to
cancel, and require practices necessary to ensure fair dealing, prohibit conflicts of interest, and
ensure preservation of the rights of the claimant to participate in the adjustment of claims.
(69) Rule 69B-220-201, Florida Administrative Code, which provides that the work of
adjusting insurance claims engages the public trust. An adjuster shall put the duty for fair and
honest treatment of the claimant above the adjuster’s own interests in every instance. The Rule
provides the following standards of conduct that define ethical behavior, arid constitutes part of
a code of ethics that shall be binding on all adjusters:
(1) An adjuster shall handle every adjustment and settlement with honesty and
integrity, and allow a fair adjustment or settlement to all parties without any remuneration
to himself except that to which he is legally entitled. .
(2) An adjuster shall not undertake the adjustment of any claim concerning which
the adjuster is not currently competent and knowledgeable as to the terms and conditions
of the insurance coverage, or which otherwise exceeds the adjuster’s current expertise.
(3) No person shall, as a public adjuster, represent any person or entity whose
claim the adjuster has previously adjusted while acting as an adjuster representing any
insurer or independent adjusting firm. No person shall, as a company or independent
adjuster, represent him- or herself or any insurer or independent adjusting firm against
any person or entity that the adjuster previously represented a public adjuster.
24, The above General Allegations are hereby realleged and fully incorporated herein.
by reference.
25. During 2006, Andrew P. Rock was an attorney representing First Floridian
Insurance Company (First Floridian) and United States Fidelity and Guarantee Company
_ 26. -You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, were hired by Derek and Claudine Gwinn to act
as an appraiser on a property loss resulting from Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Your contract with
the Gwinns specified that you were not to negotiate with respect to the terms and conditions of
the insurance contract the Gwinns had with First Floridian, their carrier at the time the loss was
. 27. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, wrote letters dated January 3, 2006, January 17,
2006, February 28, 2006 and March 6, 2006 wherein you engaged in claim negotiations with Mr.
Rock in an attempt to settle the Gwinns’ claims. -
28. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, executed a contract with the Gwinns authorizing
you to collect money from First Floridian and you later directed First Floridian to include you as
an additional named payee on payment drafts in connection with the Gwinn loss.’ .
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Department of Financial Services which constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of your
(a) Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to demonstrate a lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the
business of insurance.
(b) — Section 626.61 1(9), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to exhibit fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business
under the license or appointment.
(c) Section 626.61 1(13), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to willfully fail to comply with, or willfully violate, any proper order
or tule of the department or any provision of this code. |
(d) Section 626.877, Florida Statutes, which provides that every adjuster shall adjust
or investigate every claim, damage, or loss made or occurring under an insurance contract, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and of the applicable laws of this
state, .
(e) Section 626,878, Florida Statutes, which provides that an adjuster shall subscribe
“to the code of ethics specified in the rules of the department. The rules shall implement the
provision of this part and specify the terms and conditions of contracts, including a right to
cancel, and require practices necessary to ensure fair dealing, prohibit conflicts of interest, and -
ensure preservation of the rights of the claimant to participate in the adjustment of claims.
() Rule 69B-220-201, Florida Administrative Code, which provides that the work of
adjusting insurance claims engages the public trust. An adjuster shall put the duty for fair and
honest treatment of the claimant above the adjuster’s own interests in every instance. The Rule
provides the following standards of conduct that define ethical behavior, and constitutes part of
a code of ethics that shall be binding on all adjusters:
(1) An adjuster shall handle every adjustment and settlement with honesty and
integrity, and allow a fair adjustment or settlement to all parties without any remuneration
to himself except that to which he is legally entitled.
(2) An adjuster shall not undertake the adjustment of any claim concerning which
the adjuster is not currently competent and knowledgeable as to the terms and conditions
of the insurance coverage, or which otherwise exceeds the adjuster’s current expertise.
(3) No person shall, as a public adjuster, represent any person or entity whose
claim the adjuster has previously adjusted while acting as an adjuster representing any
insurer or independent adjusting firm. No person shall, as a company ot independent
adjuster, represent him- or herself or any insurer or independent adjusting firm against
any person or entity that the adjuster previously represented a public adjuster.
29. The above General Allegations are hereby realleged and fully incorporated herein
by reference. . .
| 30. Gloria Alexander suffered damage to her property in October 2005, as the result
of Hurricane Wilma, Ms. Alexander filed a claim with her insurer, Southern Fidelity Insurance
Company (Southern Fidelity), and hired you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, to appraise her
damages. .
31. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, introduced yourself to Marcel Piz of MP &
Associates Insurance Adjusters, Inc. (MP), as Ms. Alexander’s representative, and proceeded to
engage in claim negotiations with independent adjuster Gregory L. Gibson on behalf of Ms.
Alexander, ) .
32, You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, also executed a contract with Ms. Alexander
that allowed you to collect money fiom Southern Fidelity and directing the insurer to include
your name as an additional payee on any and all payment drafts.
. 33. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, in and effort to adjust the Alexander claim,
inflated the actual damages so as to present a fabricated and fraudulent claim of loss.
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Department of Financial Services which constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of your
(a) Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or .
managing general agent to demonstrate a lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the
business of insurance. )
(b) Section 626.611(9), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to exhibit fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business
under the license or appointment.
(c) Section 626.611(13), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to willfully fail to comply with, or willfully violate, any proper order
or rule of the department or any provision of this code.
(d) —_ Section 626.877, Florida Statutes, which provides that every adjuster shall adjust
or investigate every claim, damage, or loss made or occurring under an insurance contract, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and of the applicable laws of this
- () Section 626.878, Florida Statutes, which provides that an adjuster shall subscribe
to the'code of ethics specified in the rules of the department. The rules shall implement the
provision of this part and specify the terms and conditions of contracts, including a right to
cancel, and requite practices necessary to ensure fair dealing, prohibit conflicts of interest, and
_ ensure preservation of the rights of the claimant to participate in the adjustment of claims.
(f) Rule 69B-220-201, Florida Administrative Code, which provides that the work of
) adjusting insurance claims engages the public trust. An adjuster shall put the duty for fair and
honest treatment of the claimant above the adjuster’s own interests in every instance. The Rule
provides the following standards of conduct that define ethical behavior, and constitutes part of
acode of ethics that shall be binding on all adj usters:
(1) An adjuster shall handle every adjustment and settlement with honesty and
integrity, and allow a fair adjustment or settlement to.all parties without any remuneration
- to himself except that to which he is legally entitled.
(2) An adjuster shall not undertake the adjustment of any claim concerning which
the adjuster is not currently competent and knowledgeable as to the terms and conditions
of the insurance coverage, or which otherwise exceeds the adjuster’s current expertise.
(3) No person shall, as a public adjuster, represent any person or entity whose
claim the adjuster has previously adjusted while acting as an adjuster representing any
insurer or independent adjusting firm. No person shall, as a company or independent
adjuster, represent him- or herself or any insurer or independent adjusting firm against
atly person or entity that the adjuster previously represented a public adjuster.
34. The above General Allegations are hereby realleged and fully incorporated herein
by reference,
35. Steven Carfray suffered damage to his property in October 2005, as the result of
Hurricane Wilma. Mr. Carfray filed a claim with his insurer, Citizens Property Insurance
Corporation (Citizens), and hired you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, to appraise his damages.
36. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, proceeded to engage in claim negotiations with
Citizens on behalf of Mr. Carfray, and in dealings with Ms. Valerie Riley of Insurance Claims
Consultants (ICC Group), acting as an appraiser on behalf of Citizens.
37. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, as part of your attempt to adjust and settle the
Carfray claim, submitted a false and fraudulent invoice to Citzens for temporary roof repairs to
the Carfray property. )
38. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, in and effort to adjust the Carfray claim,
inflated the actual damages so as to present a fabricated and fraudulent claim of loss.
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that you, J. EFFREY CARL PELLET, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Department of Financial Services which constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of your
licenses: |
(a) Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to demonstrate a lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the
business of insurance. .
(b) —_ Section 626.611(9), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to exhibit fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business
under the license or appointment.
(c) Section 626.611(13), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to willfully fail to comply with, or willfully violate, any proper order
or rule of the department or any provision of this code.
(d) Section 626.877, Florida Statutes, which provides that every adjuster shall adjust
or investigate every claim, damage, or loss made or occurring under an insurance contract, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and of the applicable laws of this
state. ,
(e) Section 626.878, Florida Statutes, which provides.that an adjuster shall subscribe
to the code of ethics specified in the rules of the department. The rules shall implement the
provision of this part and specify the terms and conditions of contracts, including a right to
cancel, and require practices necessary to ensure fair dealing, prohibit conflicts of interest, and.
ensure preservation of the rights of the claimant to participate in the adjustment of claims,
(69) Rule 69B-220-201, Florida Administrative Code, which provides that the work of
adjusting insurance claims engages the public trust. An adjuster shall put the duty for fair and
honest treatment of the claimant above the adjuster’s own interests in every instance. The Rule
provides the following standards of conduct that define ethical behavior, and constitutes part of
a code of ethics that shall be binding on all adjusters:
(1) An adjuster shall handle every adjustment and settlement with honesty and
integrity, and allow a fair adjustment or settlement to all parties without any remuneration
to himself except that to which he is legally entitled.
(2) An adjuster shall not undertake the adjustment of any claim concerning which
the adjuster is not currently competent and knowledgeable as to the terms and conditions
of the insurance coverage, or which otherwise exceeds the adjuster’s current expertise.
(3) No person shall, as a public adjuster, represent any person or entity whose
claim the adjuster has previously adjusted while acting as an adjuster representing any
insurer or independent adjusting firm. No person shall, as a company or independent
adjuster, represent him- or herself or any insurer or independent adjusting firm against
any person or entity that the adjuster previously represented a public adjuster.
39. ° The above General Allegations are hereby realleged and fully incorporated herein
by reference. |
40. As part of its attempt to investigate the above-described complaints, Department
investigator Raphael Montero served an investigative subpoena on you, JEFFREY CARL
’ PELLET, and Ettienne Font at the agency on February 12, 2008. The subpoena requested the
insurance claim files for seven insurance consumers, namely: Rafat Altawil, Jane Pittman,
Robert Seidle, Derrick Gwinn, Joseph R. Cwikia, Gloria Alexander and Stephen Carfray.
41 . On February 20, 2008, you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET and Ettienne Font, sought
a protective order to quash the subpoena from the Broward County Circuit Court, alleging as
grounds that compliance with the subpoena would be unreasonable or oppressive; that the
subpoena was overbroad and unduly burdensome; and that compliance would violate your Fifth
Amendment privilege against self-incrimination,
42. On March 13, 2008, with the consent of the parties, the matter was referred to a
Magistrate. .
43. On May 15, 2008, the Magistrate issued her Report and Recommendation that
, Appellants” motion t6 quash be denied; that the Appellants’ be given an opportunity to object, if
ever required to testify; that Appellants comply with the subpoena within thirty days; that the
motion for continuation of the evidentiary hearing be denied; but that, if Appellants objected to
the Report and Recommendation, they could file such with the Circuit Court.
44, | On May 25, 2009, you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET and Ettienne Font, filed
objections and made demand for a “full evidentiary hearing.”
45. On June 2, 2008, Circuit Court Judge Aleman signed an order ratifying and
approving the Magistrate’s Report in all respects, “subject only to timely filed objections.”
46. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, and Ettienne Font filed objections and on
February 13, 2009, a Supplemental Motion To Quash, arguing that, although your agency offices
were not searched and. nothing was ever seized by Department investigators from the insurance
agency, nevertheless you had somehow suffered violations of your Fourth Amendment right to
be free of unreasonable searches and seizures,
47, OnFebruary 18, 2009, Circuit Court J udge Aleman presided over a one-hour oral
sitgument as to the issues set forth in her June 10, 2008, order at the conclusion of which the
Court denied the exceptions of you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, and Ettienne Font to the General
Magistrate’s Report and Recommendation and entered a final order denying your motion to
quash the subpoena, )
48. You, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, and Ettienne Font appealed the above Circuit
Court order, On May 19, 2010, the Fourth District Court of Appeal Per Curiam Affirmed the
Circuit Court final order. On June 16, 2010, the district court denied motion for rehearing.
49. As of this date you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, and Ettienne Font, have not
provided the records demanded by the Department’s subpoena. |
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Department of Financial Services which constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of your
licenses: - )
(a) Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for‘any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service reptesentative, or
managing general agent to demonstrate a lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the
business of insurance.
' 0) Section 626.561(3), Florida Statutes, which provides that the licensee shall keep
and make available to the department or office books, accounts, and records as will enable the
department or office to determine whether such licensee is complying with the provisions of
this code. Every licensee shall preserve books, accounts, and records pertaining to a premium
_payment for at least 3 years after payment; provided, however, the preservation of records by
computer or photographic reproductions or records in photographic form shall constitute
compliance with this requirement. All other records shall be maintained in accordance with s.
626.748. The 3-year requirement shall not apply to insurance binders when no policy is
ultimately issued and no premium is collected.
(c) Section 624.30793), Florida Statutes, which provides that the department or office
tnay conduct such investigations of insurance matters, in addition to investigations expressly
authorized, as it may deem proper to determine whether any person has violated any provision
of this code within its respective regulatory jurisdiction or to secure information useful in the
lawful administration of any such provision. The cost of such investigations shall be borne by
. the state.
(d) Section 624.321(1)(b), Florida Statutes, which provides that the Department shall
have the power to subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance and testimony, and require by
subpoena the production of books, papers, records, files, comrespondence, documents, or other
evidence which is relevant to the inquiry. )
(e) Section 624,321(2), Florida Statutes, which provides that if any person refuses to
comply with any such subpoena or to testify as to any matter concerning which she or he may
be lawfully interrogated, the Circuit Court of Leon County or of the county wherein such
examination, investigation, or hearing is being conducted, or of the county wherein such person
resides, may, on the application of the department or office, issue an order requiring such
person to comply with the subpoena and to.testify.
® Section 626.611(13), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to willfully fail to comply with, or willfully violate, any proper order
or rule of the department or any provision of this code.
(2) Section 626.621(2), Florida Statutes, which provides that violating any. provision
of this Code or any law applicable to the business of insurance in the course of dealing under
the licensure or appointment is, in itself, a violation of law.
WHEREFORE, you, JEFFREY CARL PELLET, are hereby notified that the Chief
Financial Officer intends to enter an Order suspending or revoking your licenses and
appointments insurance agent, or to impose such penalties as may be provided under the
provisions of Sections 626.61 1, 626.621, 626.681, 626.691, 626.692, 626.9521, and 626.8698,
Florida Statutes, and under the other. referenced sections of the Florida Statutes as set out in this
Administrative Complaint and under the provisions of Rule 69B-231, Florida Administrative
Code, You are further notified that any order entered in this case revoking or suspending any
license or eligibility for licensure held by you shall also apply to all other licenses and eligibility
held by you under the Florida Insurance Code.
You have the right to request a proceeding to contest this action by the Department of
Financial Services ("Department") pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes,
and Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. The proceeding request must be in writing,
signed by you, and must be filed with the Department within twenty-one (21) days of your
receipt of this notice. Completion of the attached Election of Proceeding form and/or a petition
for administrative hearing will suffice as a written request. The request must be filed with Julie
Jones, DFS Agency Clerk, Florida Department of Financial Services, 612 Larson Building, 200
East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0390. Your written response must be received by
the Department no later than 5:00 p.m. on the twenty-first day after your receipt of this notice.
Mailing the response on the twenty-first day will not preserve your right to a hearing.
If you request a proceeding, you must provide information that complies with the
requirements of Rule 28-106.2015, Florida Administrative Code. As noted above, completion of
the attached Election of Proceeding form conforms to these requirements, Specifically, your
response must contain:
(a) The name, address, and telephone number, and facsimile number (if any) of the
respondent (for the purpose of requesting a hearing in this matter, you are the "respondent"),
(b) =‘ The name, address, telephone number, facsimile number of the attorney or
qualified representative of the respondent (if any) upon whom service of pleadings and other
papers shall be made. ,
(c) Astatement requesting an administrative hearing identifying those material facts
that are in dispute. If there are none, the petition must so indicate.
(d) ~~ Astatement of when the respondent received notice of the administrative
(e) A statement including the file number to the administrative complaint.
If a hearing of any type is requested, you have the right to be represented by counsel or
other qualified representative at your expense, to present evidence and argument, to call and
cross-examine witnesses, and to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of
documents by subpoena.
Ifa proceeding is requested and there is no dispute of material fact, the provisions of
Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, apply. In this regard, you may submit oral or written
evidence in opposition to the action taken by the Department or a written statement challenging
the grounds upon which the Department has relied. While a hearing is normally not required in
” the absence of a dispute of fact, if you feel that a hearing is necessary, one will be conducted in
Tallahassee, Florida, or by telephonic conference. call upon your request,
However, if you dispute material facts which are the basis for the Department’s action,
you must request an adversarial proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120,57(1), Florida
Statutes. These proceedings are held before a State Administrative Law Judge of the Division of
Administrative Hearings. Unless the majority of witnesses are located elsewhere, the
Department will request that the hearing be conducted in Tallahassee, Florida.
Failure to follow the procedure outlined with regard to your response to this notice may
result in the request being denied. All prior oral communication or correspondence in this matter
shall be considered freeform agency action, and no such oral communication or correspondence
shall operate as a valid request for an administrative proceeding. Any request for an |
administrative proceeding received prior to the date of this notice shall be deemed abandoned
unless timely renewed in compliance with the guidelines as set out above.
Mediation of this matter pursuant to Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available.
No Department attorney will discuss this matter with you until the response has been received by
the Department.
DATED and SIGNED this &* day of A 49 wot , 2010.
Director, Agent &\Agency Services
LHEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE
PELLET, 320 S. Flamingo Rd., Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 by Certified Mail and to Michael D.
Gelety, Bsq., 1209 SE 3" Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316, by regular U.S. Mail this o™
day of Ayguss 2010.
David J. Busch
Florida Department of Financial Services
Division of Legal Services
200 East Gaines St. .
612 Larson Building
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333
(850) 413-4146
CASE NO.: 111624 -10-AG
I have received and have read the Administrative Complaint filed by the Florida Department of Financial Services
("Department") against me, including the Notice of Rights contained therein, and I understand my options. I am requesting
’ disposition of this matter as indicated below. (CHOOSE ONE)
I do not dispute any of the Department’s factual allegations and I do not desire a heating. 1 understand that by
waiving my right to a hearing, the Department may enter a final order that adopts the Administrative Complaint and
imposes the sanctions sought, including suspending or revoking my licenses and appointments as may be
I do not dispute any of the Department's factual allegations and I hereby elect a proceeding to be conducted in
accordance with Section 120,57(2), Florida Statutes. In this regard, I desire to (CHOOSE ONE):
{] Submit a written statement and documentary evidence in lieu of a hearing; or
[J Personally attend a hearing conducted by a department hearing officer in Tallahassee; or
{J Attend that same hearing by way of a telephone conference call.
I do dispute one or more of the Department's factual allegations, I hereby request a hearing pursuant to Section
120,57(1), Florida Statutes, to be held before the Division of Administrative Hearings. I have attached to this
election form the information required by Rule 28-106.2015, Florida Administrative Code, as specified in
subparagraph (c) of the Notice of Rights, Specifically, I have identified the disputed issues of material fact,
The address for filing is: Julie Jones DFS Agency Clerk, Florida Department of Financial Services, 612 Larson Building, 200
East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0390, ;
Signature Print Name
Date: Address:
Date Administrative
Complaint Received:
if you are represented by an attorney or qualified Phone No,;
representative, please attach to this election form his
or her name, address, telephone and fax numbers Fax No,:
Docket for Case No: 10-008909PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 07, 2011 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 07, 2011 |
Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed.
Mar. 07, 2011 |
Order Amending Hearing Schedule.
Mar. 03, 2011 |
Petitioner's Motion to Allow Appearance at Oral Argument filed.
Feb. 15, 2011 |
Petitioner's Notice of Expert Witness for Final Hearing filed.
Feb. 04, 2011 |
Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 22 through 24, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL; amended as to Webcast).
Jan. 26, 2011 |
Joint Motion To Relocate The Final Hearing in Fort Lauderdale filed.
Jan. 10, 2011 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Telephone (hearing set for March 22 through 24, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Jan. 10, 2011 |
Joint Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Dec. 21, 2010 |
Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Nov. 03, 2010 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for January 25 through 27, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Nov. 01, 2010 |
Petitioner's Notice of Filing Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Oct. 25, 2010 |
Joint Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Oct. 21, 2010 |
Notice of Production of Documents in Response to Respondent's Request for Production filed.
Oct. 12, 2010 |
Notice of Serving Respondent's First Interrogatories to Petitioner Department of Financial Services filed.
Oct. 12, 2010 |
Notice of Serving Respondent's First Request to Produce to Petitioner Department of Financial Services filed.
Sep. 28, 2010 |
Order Denying Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss.
Sep. 22, 2010 |
Pellet's Motion to Dismiss or Strike Admininistrative Complaint filed.
Sep. 21, 2010 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Sep. 21, 2010 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 2 through 4, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Sep. 14, 2010 |
Parties' Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Sep. 07, 2010 |
Initial Order.
Sep. 03, 2010 |
Pellet's Motion to Dismiss or Strike Administrative Complaint filed.
Sep. 03, 2010 |
Pellet's Statement of Disputed and Contested Issues filed.
Sep. 03, 2010 |
Pellet's Petition for Formal Evidentiary Administrative Hearing and Proceeding filed.
Sep. 03, 2010 |
Agency referral filed.
Sep. 03, 2010 |
Election of Proceeding filed.
Sep. 03, 2010 |
Administrative Complaint filed.