Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Chipley, Florida
Filed: Jul. 07, 2011
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, October 13, 2011.
Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
Petitioner, :
Case No. 2011005989
vs. : 2011005987
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration (hereinafter Agency), by and
through the undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint against Margie Brown,
d/b/a Brown’s Harbor House (hereinafter Respondent), pursuant to Section 120.569, and 120.57,
Florida Statutes, (2010), and alleges:
This is an action to revoke the Respondent’s license to operate an assisted living facility,
impose an administrative fine of totaling twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($ 12,500)
pursuant to §429.19(2)(b) and (c), Florida Statutes (2010).
L. The Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to §§ 20,42, 120.60, and Chapters 408, Part II, and
429, Part I, Florida Statutes (2010).
2. Venue lies pursuant to Florida Administrative Code R. 28-106.207.
3. The Agency is the regulatory authority responsible for licensure of assisted living
facilities and enforcement of all applicable state statutes and rules governing assisted living
Filed July 7, 2011 12:55 PM Division of Administrative Hearings
facilities pursuant to the Chapters 408, Part Il, and 429, Part I; Florida Statutes, and Chapter
58A-5, Florida Administrative Code, respectively.
4, Respondent operates a 11-bed assisted living facility located at 1619 Monroe Sheffield
Road, Chipley, Florida 32428, and is licensed as an assisted living facility, license number 9555.
5. Respondent was at all times material hereto a licensed facility under the licensing
authority of the Agency, and was required to comply with all applicable rules and statutes.
COUNT I (Tag A001)
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
7. That pursuant to Florida law, the requirements of part If of chapter 408 apply to the
provision of services that require licensure pursuant to this part and part II of chapter 408 and to
entities licensed by or applying for such licensure from the agency pursuant to this part. A.
license issued by the agency is required in order to operate an assisted living facility in this state.
§429.07(1), Florida Statutes (2010)
8. That on September 17, 2010, the Agency conducted an unannounced operation spot
check of the Respondent facility.
9, That based on observation, interview, and record review, it was determined that the
facility was not licensed to provide services. Impacting 5 of 5 residents (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5)
10, That on 9/17/2010 at approximately 9:15 AM CST, an Operation Spot Check was
conducted at the licensed facility. During a tour of the facility and grounds, two small mobile
homes were observed.
11. That the first mobile home was entered by the Investigators from the Attorney General's
office and the AHCA surveyor. The mobile home was noted to be occupied by 2 persons. The
mobile home appeared in extreme disrepair.
12. Thata male resident (#1) was observed at 9:30 AM CST seated on a couch smoking a
cigarette. He stated he had been living in the mobile home with his wife (resident #2) for
approximately 2 years and 4 months. He stated the couple paid the owner of the trailers .
$1600.00 monthly for rent. Resident #1 stated he received all his meals and medications at
"Mama's house." The resident stated Mama kept all his medications in a locked closet in her
13, That the second mobile home was entered at approximately 10:00 AM CST and also was
observed to be in extreme disrepair, Resident #3 was observed standing in the living room area
and he stated he had been living in the trailer for 4 years with resident #4. Resident #3 stated he
paid "Mama" $650.00 monthly and received $24.00 in spending money. He stated he received
his meals and medications from "Mama's house" and that Mama and her son helped take him and
resident #4 to doctor appointments and obtained his medications from the pharmacy. Resident
#3 stated Mama's son had taken resident #4 to a doctor's appointment in Pensacola "this
morning." :
14, That the main house was entered by Investigator's with the Attorney General's office and
the AHCA surveyor at approximately 10:30 AM CST. Resident #5 was observed walking
around the common room area adjacent to the kitchen. He stated he lived in the side porch area
of the main house and received his medications and meals from "Mama."
15. At approximately 11:00 AM CST an interview was conducted with the licensee of
Brown's Harbor House and owner of the 2 mobile homes. She stated she had 5 people that she
chad as "private pay." She stated she kept their medications in a locked closet in her house, She
unlocked the closed and revealed the medications for residents #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5. She also
confirmed that she and her family provided transportation to medication appointments and
picked up the resident's medications from the pharmacy.
16. At approximately 12:00 PM CST, the State Fire Marshall and the County Code inspector
surveyed the 2 mobile homes and stated they were "unsafe" and should not be occupied. The
Investigators from the Attorney General's office contacted The Department of Children and
17, At approximately 2:00 PM CST, the Licensee of Brown's Harbor House (owner of the
mobile homes) was served a Cease and Desist order from AHCA and she verbalized
18. Thatthe same constitutes a deficiency pursuant to §429.07(1), Florida Statutes (2010),
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
$1,000.00 against Respondent.
COUNT II (Tag 1001)
19. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
20. That pursuant to Florida law, an assisted living facility that was initially licensed prior to
the effective date of this rule must comply with the rule or building code in effect at the time of
initial licensure, except that any part of the facility included in additions, modifications,
alterations, refurbishing, renovations or reconstruction must comply with the codes and standards
referenced in subsection (1) of this rule. Determination of the installation of a fire sprinkler
system in an existing facility must comply with the requirements described in Section 429.41,
Fla. Admin, Code R. 58A-5.023(2)
21. That pursuant to Florida law, it is the intent of the Legislature that rules. published and
enforced pursuant to this section shall include criteria by which a reasonable and consistent
quality of resident care and quality of life may be ensured and the results of such resident care
# ¥
may be demonstrated, Such rules shall also ensure a safe and sanitary environment that is
residential and non-institutional in desi gn or nature. It is further intended that reasonable efforts
be made to accommodate the needs and prefererices of residents to enhance the quality of life in
a facility. The agency, in consultation with the department, may adopt rules to administer the
requirements of part II of chapter 408. In order to provide safe and sanitary facilities and the
highest quality of resident care accommodating the needs and preferences of residents, the
department, in consultation with the agency, the Department of Children and Family Services,
and the Department of Health, shall adopt rules, policies, and procedures to administer this part,
which must include reasonable and fair minimum standards in relation to:
{a) The requirements for and maintenance of facilities, not in conflict with the
) provisions of chapter 553, relating to plumbing, heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation,
living space, and other housing conditions, which will ensure the health, safety, and
comfort of residents and protection from fire hazard, including adequate provisions for
fire alarm and other fire protection suitable to the size of the structure. Uniform firesafety
standards shall be established and enforced by the State Fire Marshal in cooperation with
the agency, the department, and the Department of Health.
§429.41( 1), Florida Statutes (2010)
22. That on September 17, 2010, the Agency conducted an unannounced operation spot
check of the Respondent facility,
23. That based on interview and record review, it was determined that the facility failed to
maintain a safe environment.
24. That at approximately 1:30 PM CST the State Fire Marshall concluded that the facility
did not have a functional fire panel or sprinkler system. He informed the owner of the facility
that-a "fire watch" would be necessary until the problems could be resolved and gave the Owner a
correction date of 72 hours (9/20/2010). .
25, An interview was conducted with the State Fire Marshall at this time and he stated the
facility's fire panel "showed a trouble signal" and the sprinkler tank was empty. He stated the
facility had not had their fire detection system inspected since 2008.
26. That the Agency determined that the above constitutes grounds for the imposition of a
Class II deficiency in that it relates to the operation and maintenance of a facility or the personal
care of residents which directly threatens the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of
27. That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of September
20, 2010, °
28. That the same constitutes a Class II offense as defined in Florida Statute 429.19(2)(b)
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(b), Fla. Stat. (2010).
COUNT IH (Tag A104)
29. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
30. That pursuant to Florida law, the facility shall maintain written business records using
generally accepted accounting principles as defined in Rule 61H1-20.007, F.A.C., which
accurately reflect the facility’s assets and liabilities and income and expenses. Income from
residents shall be identified by resident name in supporting documents, and income and expenses
from other sources, such as from day care or interest on facility funds, shall be separately
identified. Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A-5.021(2)
31, That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the-
Respondent facility.
32. Thatbased on interview the facility failed to maintain written business records which
accurately reflect the facility's assets, liabilities, income from residents and expenses.
33, . That the surveyor requested the facility's financial records to include accounting
procedures, income by source, expenses and resident funds three times on 11/9/2010.
34, During an interview with the administrator on 11/9/2010 at approximately 11:50AM the
administrator stated the only financial records they maintain are resident account logs for
Optional State Supplementation recipients indicating they receive $54.00 per month personal
35. That Class “III” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation
and maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines indirectly or
"potentially threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients, other than
class J or class II violations, The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided in this
section for a cited class III violation. A citation for a class III violation must specify the time
within which the violation is required to be corrected. If a class III violation is corrected within
the time specified, a fine may not be imposed. §408.813(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2010)
36. That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
37. That on December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial licensure
survey of the Respondent facility.
38. That based on interview the facility failed to maintain written business records which
accurately reflect the facility 's assets liabilities, income from residents and expenses,
39. Thatthe surveyor requested the facility 's financial records to include accounting
’ procedure, income by source, expenses, and resident funds on 12/28/2010,
40. . Thatthe Administrator produced a "Monthly Income and Expense Statement" for
August, September and October 2010. The Administrator stated she "just went 3 months back".
She was unable to produce a report for November. She stated that November was not completed.
41. Thatan interview was conducted with the Administrator and the Assistant Administrator
on 12/29/2010 regarding the totals listed on the Monthly Income and Expense Statement. The
reports produced for August, September and October were identical.
42. Thatthe Assistant Administrator said that these figures were only an estimation of the
amount spent each month and not the actual amount spent.
43. That the ALF was unable to provide documentation, (such as receipts and payroll
records), to support the ALF's assets and liabilities, despite repeated requests.
44. Thata review of the furnished monthly expense accounting revealed the ALF indicated
that they spent "$3,500.00" on food monthly, however a review of the ALF food storage did not
support this listed expenditure.
45. That on 12/29/2010 at 7:20 AM CST, the breakfast meal was observed being prepared by
a staff member. The meal did not match the menu (which indicated bacon and eggs) and lacked
any source of protein. The staff member was interviewed regarding this discrepancy and stated
"we do not have any eggs and bacon,"
46. That the same constitutes an uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida Statute
429.19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of January 29, 2011.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2010).
COUNT IV (Tag A110)
47. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
48. That pursuant to Florida law, if the facility provides safekeeping for money or property,
holds resident money or property in a trust fund; or if the facility owner, administrator, or staff,
or representative thereof, acts as a representative payee; the resident or the resident’s legal .
representative shall be provided with a quarterly statement detailing the income and expense
records required under subsection (4), and a list of any property held for safekeeping with copies
maintained in the resident’s file. The facility shall also provide such statement upon the
discharge of the resident, and if there is a change in ownership of the facility as provided under
Rule 58A-5.014, F.A.C.
Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A-5.021(7)(a)
49. That pursuant to Florida law, any funds or other property belonging to or due to a
resident, or expendable for his or her account, which is received by a facility shall be trust funds
which shall be kept separate from the funds and property of the facility and other residents or
shall be specifically credited to such resident. Such trust funds shall be used or otherwise
expended only for the account of the resident. At least once every 3 months, unless upon order of
a court of competent jurisdiction, the facility shall furnish the resident and his or her guardian,
trustee, or conservator, if any, a complete and verified statement of all funds and other property
to which this subsection applies, detailing the amount and items received, together with their
sources and disposition. In any event, the facility shall furnish such statement annually and upon
the discharge or transfer of a resident. Any governmental agency or private charitable agency
contributing funds or other property to the account of a resident shall also be entitled to receive
such statement annually and upon the discharge or transfer of the resident.
§429.27(4), Florida Statutes (2010)
50. That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
53. That based on interview the facility failed to provide a quarterly statement detailing the
income and expenses for 7 of 11 residents the facility owner acts as a representative payee. (#2;
3, 5, 6,7, 8, 9)
56. That on 11/9/2010 at approximately 9:55AM the facility owner stated she is the
representative payee of residents #2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,
57. An interview was conducted on 11/9/2010 at approximately 10:30AM with the facility
owner, assistant administrator and the administrator. They all stated they do not maintain or
provide quarterly statements or any accounting of the resident funds and all monies go into one
5 8. During an interview on 11/9/2010 at approximately 2:10PM resident #2 stated they do
not reosive any financial statements from the facility.
59. During an interview on 11/9/2010 at approximately 2:15PM resident #8 stated they do
hot receive any financial statements from the facility,
60. During an interview on 1 1/9/2010 at approximately 2:17PM resident #3 stated they do
not receive any financial statements from the facility.
61. That Class “IIL” violations ate those conditions or occurrences related to the operation
and maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines indirectly or
potentially threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients, other than
class I or class IT violations. The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided in this
section for a cited class III violation, A citation for a class III violation must specify the time
within which the violation is required to be corrected. Ifa class IE] violation is corrected within
the time specified, a fine may not be imposed. §408.813(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2010)
62. That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
63. That on December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial licensure
survey of the Respondent facility.
64. That based on interview the facility failed to provide a quarterly statement detailing the
income and expenses for 7 of 11 residents the facility owner acts as a representative payee, (#2,
#3, #5, #6, 47, #8, #9)
65. Thatan interview was conducted with the facility owner on 12/29/2010, requesting the
quarterly statement for the residents in which she is representative payee, the facility owner
stated that they "haven't done that", says "never knew they had to”,
66. — An interview was conducted with both the Administrator and the Assistant Administrator
on 12/29/2010. The Administrator and Assistant Administrator stated that there was no reason to
provide quarterly statements to the residents because "they would not be able to understand
67. That the same constitutes an uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida Statute
429.19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of J anuary 29, 2011
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2010).
COUNT.V (Tag A310)
68. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
3 3
69. That pursuant to Florida law, pursuant to Section 429.24, ES. prior to or at the time of
admission, cach resident or legal representative shall execute a contract with the facility which
contains the following provisions:
(a) A list of the specific services, supplies and accommodations to be provided by the
’ facility to the resident, including limited nursing and extended congregate care services if
the facility is licensed to provide such services.
Fla. Admin, Code R. 58A-5,025(1)(a)
70. That pursuant to Florida law, the presence of each resident in a facility shall be covered
by a contract, executed at the time of admission or prior thereto, between the licensee and the
resident or his or her designee or legal representative. Each party to the contract shall be
provided with a duplicate original thereof, and the licensee shall keep on file in the facility all
such contracts, The licensee may not destroy or otherwise dispose of any such contract until 5
years after its expiration.
§429.24(1), Florida Statutes (2010)
71. That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
72. That based on interview and record review the facility failed to list the Limited Mental
Health services provided by the facility in the resident contract.
73. | That on 11/9/2010 the resident facility contract was reviewed. The contract failed to list
the Limited Mental Health services provided by the facility.
74, This was confirmed by the assistant administrator. The administrator confirmed that all
11 residents received Limited Mental Health services.
75. That Class “III” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation
‘and maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines indirectly or
potentially threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients, other than
class I or class II violations. The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided in this
section for a cited class III violation. A citation for a class III violation must specify the time
within which the violation is required to be corrected. If a class III violation is corrected within
the time specified, a fine may not be imposed, §408.813(2)(c), Florida Statutes (201 0)
76. ° That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
2010. |
77. That on December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial licensure
survey of the Respondent facility.
78. That based on interview and record review the facility continued to fail to list the Limited
Mental Health services provided by the facility in the resident contract.
79. ~ Thatan interview was conducted with the Administrator on 12/28/2010 at approximately
11:00 AM CST regarding the inclusion of Limited Mental Health Services to the resident's
contract. The Administrator produced a document with a paragraph written to include Limited
Mental Health Services but had yet to add it to the resident's contract,
80. The Administrator also admitted that she failed to notify the residents of this addition and
failed to add this addendum to the contract and stated " I just prepared the book for the follow
81. That the same constitutes an uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida Statute
429, 1902)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of January 29, 201]
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2010).
COUNT VI (Tag A518)
82. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
83. That pursuant to Florida law, facilities shall maintain the following minimum staff hours
per week:
Number ofResidents Staff Hours/Week
0-5 168
6-15 . 212
16- 25 : 253
26-35 294
36-45 335
46-55 375
56- 65 416
66-75 457
76-85 498
86-95 539°
For every 20 residents over 95 add 42 staff hours per week. Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A-
84. That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
85. That based on observation and interview it was determined the ALF failed to maintain
minimum staffing hours weekly based on a census of 11.
86. That on 11/9/2010 at approximately 10:00 AM CST the survey team made several
requests for the facility's staffing schedule.
87. That the Administrator and Assistant Administrator produced 2 documents that revealed
a single staff member worked 48 hours straight on Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays.
88. That when questioned about the work schedule the Assistant Administrator stated “oh
that is not correct, I'll get you a correct one."
89. Thata second document was presented approximately one hour later that was exactly the
same. Again the Administrator and Assistant Administrator stated that the document was not _
‘90. That the survey team then requested the facility's payroll for the past full work week.
91. That the Administrator failed to comply with that request and could not provide evidence
of minimum staffing hours.
92. That the facility was noted to have a current census of 11 Limited Mental Health
93. That the Agency determined that the above constitutes grounds for the imposition of a
Class IT deficiency in that it relates to the operation and maintenance of a facility or the personal
care of residents which directly threatens the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of
94, That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
95. That on December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial licensure
survey of the Respondent facility.
96. That based on observation, interview, and record review it was determined the ALF
failed to ensure minimum staffing standards for a census of 11.. |
97. That the Administrator, Assistant Administrator and Owner were interviewed on
12/29/2010 at approximately 9:45 AM CST and the survey team requested evidence to support
the last 7 days or staffing.
98. That the Administrator produced a dryease board with single initials ona daily basis,
When questioned if the employee worked 24 hours straight. The Administrator responded "po"
and then produced a "work schedule" that indicated shifts of 8 to 12 hours with several
employees per shift, however the schedule did not include any dates or months. The survey team
requested any data such as payroll to support the hours and the owner responded "I pay them in
99.. Thatthe Administrator, Assistant Administrator and Owner were requested to provide
any supportive data to confirm the amount of staffing over the 2 day survey and were unable to
provide any data to support staffing hours (such as payroll distribution or cash receipts).
100, Thatthe Administrator produced 3 months of financial records for August, September,
and October 2010 and indicated an expenditure of $3,890.00 for each month for payroll.
101. Thatwhen asked how she arrived at that number, the ALF staff became angry and the
survey team aborted the follow up.
102. During the 2 day follow up several staff members were interviewed regarding their staff
hours and pay. The staff members refused to respond to survey questions.
103. That the same constitutes an uncorrected Class II offense as defined in Florida Statute
429,19(2)(b) (2010).
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429,19(2)(b), Fla. Stat. (2010). .
| COUNT VII (Tag A619)
104. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
105. That pursuant to Florida law, centrally stored medications must be: 2. Located in an area
free of dampness and abnormal temperature, except that a medication requiring refrigeration
shall be reftigerated. Refrigerated medications shall be secured by being kept in a locked |
container within the refrigerator, by keeping the refrigerator locked, or by keeping the area in
which refrigerator is located locked. Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A-5.0185(6)(b)2
106. That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
107. That based on observation the facility failed to ensure centrally stored medications were
kept in a locked cabinet, locked cart, or other locked storage receptacle, room, or area at all times
and failed to ensure refrigerated medications were kept in a locked container within the
108. That an observation on 11/9/2010 at approximately 9:30AM revealed the door of the
central storage closet for medications open and unattended for approximately 3 minutes.
109. During a tour of the kitchen on 11/9/2010 at approximately 9:00-9:30AM the refrigerator
contained several vials of Humulin 70/30 insulin and Risperdal injections. The medications were
not in a locked container and the refrigerator was not locked.
110. That Class “II” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation.
and maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines indirectly or
potentially threaten the physical or emotional: health, safety, or security of clients, other than
class I or class IT violations. The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided in this
section for a cited class III violation. A citation for a class IIT violation must specify the time
within which the violation is required to be corrected. If a class ILI violation is corrected within
the time specified, a fine may not be imposed. §408.813(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2010)
110. That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
111. . That on December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial licensure
survey of the Respondent facility.
112. ' That based on observation the facility failed to ensure that centrally stored medications
were kept ina locked room at all times.
113. During the initial tour of the ALF on 12/28/2010 at approximately 09:15 CST, the
medication room door was observed to be wide open. There were 4 residents sitting in the
adjacent room watching television. An employee was at the side door sweeping. Inside the
room there were medication bottles laying out on the desk, multiple bags containing patient
medications and insulin syringes.
114. | The ALF kitchen was also noted open and medications were stored in the refrigerator
inside a black metal box noted to be locked, however the key to the box was noted on a nail next
to the refrigerator.
115. That the same constitutes an uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida Statute
429.19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of January 29, 2011
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2010).
COUNT Vii (Tag A625)
116. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
117. That pursuant to Florida law, medications which have been abandoned or which have
expired must be disposed of within 30 days of being determined abandoned or expired and
disposition shall be documented in the resident’s record. The medication may be taken to a
pharmacist for disposal or may be destroyed by the administrator or designee with one witness.
Fla, Admin. Code R. 58A-5.0185(6)(e)
118. That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
119.. That based on observation and interview the facility failed to ensure medications which
have expired were disposed of within 30 days of being determined expired.
120. During a tour of the kitchen on 11/9/2010 the refrigerator contained a sealed box of
Risperdal injections with an expiration date of 2/2010.
121. Thatthe assistant administrator confirmed the medication was expired.
122, That Class “II” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation
and maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines indirectly or
potentially threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients, other than
class I or class II violations. The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided in this
section for a cited class III violation. A citation for a class IIL violation must specify the time
within which the violation is required to be corrected, If a class II violation is corrected within
the time specified, a fine may not be imposed. §408.813(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2010)
123. That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
124, That on December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial licensure
survey of the Respondent facility.
125. That based on observation and interview the facility failed to ensure medications which
have been abandoned were disposed of within 30 days of being determined abandoned.
126. During an observation on 12/28/2010 at approximately 11:40 CST, the refrigerator
contained a locked medication box with a box/bottle of Haloperidol injectable labeled with a
resident that had been discharged back in August 2010.
127. Thatan interviewed was conducted, at the time of the observation, with the Administrator
and Assistant Administrator. The Assistant Administrator stated that the resident left in August
and that they "simply forgot" to send the medication back to the pharmacist.
128, That the same constitutes an uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida Statute
429,19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of January 29, 2011
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2010).
COUNT IX (Tag A626)
129, The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
130. That pursuant to Florida law, no prescription drug shall be kept or administered by the
facility, including assistance with self-administration of medication, unless it is properly labeled |
and dispensed in accordance with Chapters 465 and 499, F.S., and Rule 64B16-28.108, F.A.C. If
a customized patient medication package is prepared for.a resident, and separated into individual
medicinal drug containers, then the following information must be recorded on each individual
container: : _—
1. The resident’s name; and
2. Identification of each medicinal drug product in the container.
Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A-5.0185(7)(a)
131. That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
132, That based on observation and interview the facility failed to ensure all prescription
medications were properly labeled to include the practitioner's name, resident ' s name, date
dispensed, name and strength of drug, quantity of drug in container, directions for use, pharmacy
name and expiration date.
133. Thaton 11/9/2010 2 vials of Humulin 70/30 insulin were observed.
134. That the insulin did not have a label to include practitioner name, resident name, date
dispensed, directions for use or pharmacy name. The Administrator revealed the vials were
resident #2's medication.
135. That the above reflects Respondent’s failure to ensure all prescription medications were
properly labeled to include the practitioner’s name, resident’s name, date dispended, name and
strength of drug, quantity of drug in container, directions for use, pharmacy name and expiration
136. That the Agency determined that the above constitutes grounds for the imposition of a
Class II deficiency in that it relates to the operation and maintenance of a facility or the personal
care of residents which directly threatens the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of
137. That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
2010. |
138. That on December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial licensure
survey of the Respondent facility.
139. That based on observation and interview the facility failed to ensure all prescription
medications were properly labeled to include the practitioner 's name, resident's name, date
dispensed, name and strength of drug, quantity of drug in container, directions for use and
pharmacy name.
140. That on 12/28/2010 at approximately 11:40 AM CST, a single vial of Humulin 70/30
insulin was observed. The insulin did not have a label to include the practitioner's name, resident
name, date dispensed, directions for use or pharmacy name.
141. That on 12/28/2010 at approximately 11:40 AM CST, the Administrator revealed the
medication vial belonged to resident #2.
142, That the same constitutes an uncorrected Class II offense as defined in Florida Statute
429.19(2)(b) (2010).
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(b), Fla. Stat. (2010).
COUNT X (Tag A801)
143. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
herein. .
144. That pursuant to Florida law, when food service is provided by the facility, the
administrator or a person designated in writing by the administrator shall: (b) Perform his/her
duties in a safe and sanitary manner.
Fla, Admin. Code R, 58A-5.020(1)(b)
145. That on November 9, 2010, the Agericy conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
146. That based on observation and interview it was determined the ALF failed to ensure
sanitary food storage and preparation.
147, That on 11/9/2010 at 9:00 AM CST several packages of frozen Pork chops were observed
on the kitchen counter thawing. The pork chops were again observed on the counter at 10:30
148. Thaton 11/9/2010 at 11:50 AM CST the central food pantry in the kitchen was observed,
The pantry contained the ALF's standard food supply and emergency food storage. There were
several bags/boxes of rice, bread crumbs, sugar, powdered milk and crackers that had areas that
appeared to be chewed by rodents.
149, That the shelves contain rodent-like droppings and spilled food particles. The cans
appeared dusty and some were bent.
150. An interview with the kitchen staff at this observation was conducted and she stated she
was not aware any mice or rodents had been in the pantry.
151. That Class “III” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation
and niaintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines indirectly or
potentially threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients, other than
class I or class I violations. The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided in this
section for a cited class II] violation. A citation for a class a violation must specify the time
within which the violation is required to be corrected. If-a class III violation is corrected within
the time specified, a fine may not be imposed. §408.813(2)(6), Florida Statutes (2010)
152. That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
153.. That on December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial licensure
survey of the Respondent facility,
154. That based on observation and interview it was determined the ALF failed to ensure
sanitary food storage and preparation.
155. That on 12/28/2010 at approximately 10:15 AM CST the central pantry between the
kitchen and laundry room was observed along with the owner of the ALF. The pantry contained
the ALF's standard food supply and water stored in reused plastic containers. The shelves
contained rodent-like droppings throughout.
156. That the canned items were checked for expired dates and package integrity and revealed:
Dented can of sliced beets, use by 11/30/2007
Picante sauce, use by 01/28/10
1 can of beans with chewed/shredded label suggesting rodent-like chew marks
dented can of Kidney Beans
Ranch-style black beans, use by 07/31/2008
opened undated bottle of BBQ sauce with instructions to refrigerate afler opening
dented can of black beans, use by 03/2010
(4) 1 gt size Cheddar Cheese soup, use by 03/22/2007
1 can of Jellied Cranberry sauce, use by 09/21/2006
(4) 1 qt cartons of Roast Red Pepper Tomato Soup, use by 1 April 2007
1 can of cream corn rusted and shredded label
Dented can cranberry sauce
1 can rusted /corroded Great Northern Beans
1 can Chick Peas, use by 07/26/2008, an additional rusted can of Chick Peas;
(2) small dented cans Apricots, use by 2009
Campbell tomato soup, use by Oct 2003
Jar of cheese spread, best by 07/01/2006
1 rusted can of Pumpkin, use by Apr 08
1 dented 7.5 ounce can of Chicken & Dumplings, expired 2007
1 dented can of Beef Pepper La Choy, use by 12/09/2006
1 rusted can of Homestyle Chicken soup with rodent-like debris clinging to can
These items were removed from the shelves by the surveyor. The ALF owner stated she would
make sure these items were discarded.
157. That on 12/28/2010 at approximately 10:40 AM CST the plastic bin used to store dry )
food goods was checked for content, expiration dates and package integrity in the company of
the ALF owner.
158. That the owner states they keep the dry good in the plastic bin to "keep the rats from
getting to it",
159. That the plastic bin contained:
. (2) boxes of Corn Flakes, exp. 12/20
° 1 box of Granola Chew Dips, exp 08/2009
. 1 box of opened powdered milk, exp. 08/01/2008
° open box of lasagna noodles with visible soiling/dirt and debris to outside
. 1 damp box of open Pasta salad,
The expired items were removed from the bin by the surveyor. The ALF owner stated she would
make sure these items were discarded.
160. That an interview was conducted with the ALF owner on 12/28/2010 who said that the
staff was responsible for checking the pantry and food bin for expired items.
161. That on 12/29/2010 at approximately 07:20 AM CST, 15 cans of expired vegetables were
observed to be back on the pantry shelf.
162. That on 12/29/2010 at approximately 07:30 AM CST, per the ALF Assistant
. Administrator, he did not know how these expired items got back on the shelf.
163. That a review of the furnished monthly expense accounting revealed the ALF indicated
they spent "$3,500.00" on food monthly, however a review of the ALF food storage did not
support this listed expenditure.
164. That the same constitutes an uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida Statute
429.19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of January 29, 2011
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2010).
COUNT XI (Tag 41005)
165. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
166. That pursuant to Florida law, pursuant to Section 429.27, FS., residents shall be given
| the option of using their own belongings as space permits, When the facility supplies the
furnishings, each resident bedroom or sleeping area must have at least the following furnishings:
1. Aclean, comfortable bed with a mattress no less than 36 inches wide and 72 inches
long, with the top surface of the mattress a comfortable height to ensure easy access by
the resident;
2. A closet or wardrobe space for hanging clothes;
3. A dresser, chest or other furniture designed for storage of personal effects;
4. A table, bedside lamp or floor lamp, and waste basket; and
. 5. Acomfortable chair, if requested.
Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A-5.023(2)(b)
167. That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
168. That based on observation the facility failed to ensure all furniture and furnishings were
in good repair.
169. Thata tour of the facility was conducted on 11/9/2010 at approximately 8:45AM. The
following items were observed during the tour:
1. Room #3 contained a brown dresser with 5 drawers with exposed particle board,
2. The restroom near the dining area contained a sink with exposed particle board.,
3. 1 green chair in the television room with ripped skirting.
170. That Class “III” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation
and maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines indirectly or
potentially threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients, other than
class I or class IT violations. The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided in this
section for a cited class III violation. A citation for a class I violation must specify the time
within which the violation is required to be corrected. If a class III violation is corrected within
the time specified, a fine may not be imposed. §408.813(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2010)
171. That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
172, That on December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial licensure |
survey of the Respondent facility.
173. That based on observation it was determined the ALF failed to ensure the furniture was in
good repair.
174. That on 12/28-29/2010 a follow up survey was conducted and the following was
1. Room #3 two dressers with exposed particle board and a broken handle
2. Green chair in living room with torn skirt
175. That the same constitutes an uncorrected Class IIf deficiency as defined in Florida Statute
429.19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of January 29, 2011
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2010). |
COUNT XII (Tag A619)
176. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
_ herein.
177. That pursuant to Florida law, centrally stored medications must be: 2. Located in an area
free of dampness and abnormal temperature, except that a medication requiring refrigeration
' shall be refrigerated. Refrigerated medications shall be secured by being kept in a locked
container within the refrigerator, by keeping the refrigerator locked, or by keeping the area in
which refrigerator is located locked. Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A-5.0185(6)(b)2
178. That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
179. That based on observation the facility failed to ensure centrally stored medications were
kept in a locked cabinet, locked cart, or other locked storage receptacle, room, or area at all times
and failed to ensure refrigerated medications were kept in a locked container within the
180. That an observation on 11/9/2010 at approximately 9:30AM revealed the door of the
central storage closet for medications open and unattended for approximately 3 minutes.
181. During a tour of the kitchen on 11/9/2010 at approximately 9:00-9:30AM the refrigerator
contained several vials of Humulin 70/30 insulin and Risperdal injections. The medications were
not in a locked container and the refrigerator was not locked.
182. That Class “III” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation
and maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines indirectly or
potentially threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients, other than
class I or class II violations. The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided in this
section for a cited class III violation. A citation for a class III violation must specify the time
within which the violation is required to be corrected. Ifa class II] violation is corrected within.
the time specified, a fine may not be imposed. §408.813(2)(c), Florida Statutes (201 0)
183, That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
184. That on December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial Licensure
survey of the Respondent facility.
185. That based on observation the facility failed to ensure that centrally stored medications
were kept in a locked room at all times.
186. During the initial tour of the ALF on 12/28/2010 at approximately 09:15 CST, the
medication room door was observed to be wide open. There were 4 residents sitting in the
adjacent room watching television. An employee was at the side door sweeping. Inside the
room there were medication bottles laying out on the desk, multiple bags containing patient
medications and insulin syringes.
187. ‘The ALF kitchen was also noted open and medications were stored in the refrigerator
inside a black metal box noted to-be locked, however the key to the box was noted on a nail next
to the refrigerator.
188. That the same constitutes an uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida Statute
429.19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of January 29, 2011
189. That on February 2, 2011, the Agency conducted a second follow-up to the biennial
licensure survey of the Respondent facility.
190. That based on observation the facility failed to ensure that centrally stored medications
were kept in a locked room at all times.
191. . During the initial tour of the ALF on 02/02/2011 at approximately 09:30 AM CST, the
medication room door was observed to be unlocked. There was a bag of medication with several
medication cards/packs inside sitting on the shelf, There was no one in sight. This was verified
by an additional surveyor,
192. That the same constitutes a twice uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida
Statute 429.19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of March 2,
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2010),
193, The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
194. That pursuant to Florida law, medications which have been abandoned or which have
expired must be disposed of within 30 days of being determined abandoned or expired and
disposition shall be documented in the resident’s record. The medication may be taken to a
pharmacist for disposal or may be destroyed by the administrator or designee with one witness,
Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A-5.0185(6)(e)
195. That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
196. ' Thatbased on observation and interview the facility failed to ensure medications Which
have expired were disposed of within 30 days of being determined expired.
197. During a tour of the kitchen on 11/9/2010 the refrigerator contained a sealed box. of
Risperdal injections with an expiration date of 2/2010,
198. Thatthe assistant administrator confirmed the medication was expired.
199, That Class “III” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation
and maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines indirectly or
potentially threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients, other than
class I or class I] violations. The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided in this
section for a cited class III violation. A citation for a class Ill violation must specify the time
within which the violation is required to be corrected. If a class III violation is corrected within |
the time specified, a fine may not be imposed. $408.813(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2010)
200. That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory ‘correction date of December 9,
2010. |
201. Thaton December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial licensure
survey of the Respondent facility.
202. That based on observation and interview the facility failed to ensure medications which
have been abandoned were disposed of within 30 days of being determined abandoned.
203. During an observation on 12/28/2010 at approximately 11:40 CST, the refrigerator
contained a locked medication box with a box/bottle of Haloperidol injectable labeled with a
resident that had been discharged back in August 2010.
204. That an interviewed was conducted, at the time of the observation, with the Administrator
and Assistant Administrator. The Assistant Administrator stated that the resident left in August
and that they "simply forgot" to send the medication back to the pharmacist.
205. Thatthe same constitutes an uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida Statute
429,19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of January 29, 201]
206. That on February 2, 2011, the Agency conducted a second follow-up to the biennial
licensure survey of the Respondent facility. .
207, That based on observation and interview the facility failed to ensure medications which |
have been expired were disposed of within 30 days of being determined expired.
208. During an observation of the medication storage room in the presence of the
administtator on 2/1/2011 at approximately 10:40AM, the surveyor observed 1 bottle of
Flaticasone Propionate nasal spray S0meg expired on 5/2010 sitting on the letter holder.
209. That the administrator confirmed the medication was expired and stated she thought they
had returned all expired medications to the pharmacy.
210, That the same constitutes a twice uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida
Statute 429.1906) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of March 2,
201, .
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2010).
COUNT XIV (Tag A801)
211. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
212. That pursuant to Florida law, when food service is provided by the facility, the
administrator or a person designated in writing by the administrator shall: (b) Perform his/her
duties in a safe and sanitary manner.
Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A-5.020(1)(b)
213. . That on November 9, 2010, the Agency conducted a biennial licensure survey of the
Respondent facility.
214. That based on observation and interview it was determined the ALF failed to ensure
sanitary food storage and preparation.
215. That on 11/9/2010 at 9:00 AM CST several packages of frozen Pork chops were observed
_ on the kitchen counter thawing. The pork chops were again observed on the counter at 10:30
216. That on 11/9/2010 at 11:50 AM CST the central food pantry in the kitchen was observed,
The pantry contained the ALF's standard food supply and emergency food storage. There were
several bags/boxes of rice, bread crumbs, sugar, powdered milk and crackers that had areas that
appeared to be chewed by rodents.
217. That the shelves contain rodent-like droppings and spilled food particles. The cans
appeared dusty and some were bent:
218. An interview with the kitchen staff at this observation was conducted and she stated she
was not aware any mice or rodents had been in the pantry.
219. That Class “III” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation
and maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines indirectly or
potentially threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients, other than
class I or class II violations. The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided in this
section for a cited class ITI violation. A citation for a class IH violation must specify the time
within. which the violation is required to be corrected. If a class III violation is corrected within
the time specified, a fine may not be imposed. §408.813(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2010)
220. That the Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory correction date of December 9,
221. Thaton December 29, 2010, the Agency conducted a follow-up to the biennial Licensure
survey of the Respondent facility.
222. Thatbased on observation and interview it was determined the ALF failed to ensure
sanitary food storage and preparation.
223. Thaton 12/28/2010 at approximately.10:15 AM CST the central pantry between the
kitchen and laundry room was observed along with the owner of the ALF. The pantry contained
the ALF's standard food supply and water stored in reused plastic containers. The shelves
contained rodent-like droppings throughout.
224, That the canned items were checked for expired dates and package integrity and revealed:
¢ Dented can of sliced beets, use by 11/30/2007
¢ Picante sauce, use by 01/28/10
e 1 can of beans with chewed/shredded label suggesting rodent-like chew marks
¢ dented can of Kidney Beans
¢ Ranch-style black beans, use by 07/31/2008
* opened undated bottle of BBQ sauce with instructions to refrigerate after opening
¢ dented can of black beans, use by 03/2010
« (4) 1 qt size Cheddar Cheese soup, use by 03/22/2007
¢ 1 can of Jellied Cranberry sauce, use by 09/21/2006
« (4) 1qt cartons of Roast Red Pepper Tomato Soup, use by 1 April 2007
. ¢ 1 can of cream corn rusted and shredded label
e Dented can cranberry sauce
¢ 1 can rusted ‘corroded Great Northern Beans
e 1 can Chick Peas, use by 07/26/2008, an additional rusted can of Chick Peas;
¢ (2) small dented cans Apricots, use by 2009
« Campbell tomato soup, use by Oct 2003
« Jar of cheese spread, best by 07/01/2006
¢ 1 rusted can of Pumpkin, use by Apr 08
¢ 1 dented 7.5 ounce can of Chicken & Dumplings, expired 2007
¢ 1 dented can of Beef Pepper La Choy, use by 12/09/2006
* 1 rusted can of Homestyle Chicken soup with rodent-like debris clinging to can
These items were removed from the shelves by the surveyor. The ALF owner stated she would
make sure these items were discarded. .
225. Thaton 12/28/2010 at approximately 10:40 AM CST the plastic bin used to store dry
food goods was checked for content, expiration dates and package integrity in the company of
the ALF owner.
226. That the owner states they keep the dry good in the plastic bin to "keep the rats from
getting to it".
227, That the plastic bin contained:
° (2) boxes of Corn Flakes, exp. 12/20
° 1 box of Granola Chew Dips, exp 08/2009
° 1 box of opened powdered milk, exp. 08/01/2008
° open box of lasagna noodles with visible soiling/dirt and debris to outside
e 1 damp box of open Pasta salad.
The expired items were removed from the bin by the surveyor. The ALF owner stated she would
make sure these items were discarded.
228. That an interview was conducted with the ALF owner on 12/28/2010 who said that the
staff was responsible for checking the pantry and food bin for expired items.
229. That on 12/29/2010 at approximately 07:20 AM CST, 15 cans of expired vegetables were
observed to be back on the pantry shelf.
230. Thaton 12/29/2010 at approximately 07:30 AM CST, per the ALF Assistant
Administrator, he did not know how these expired items got back on the shelf.
231, Thata review of the furnished monthly expense accounting revealed the ALF indicated
they spent ''$3,500.00" on food monthly, however a review of the ALF food storage did not
support this listed expenditure.
233, Thatthe same constitutes an uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida Statute
429.19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of January 29, 2011.
234. That on February. 2, 2011, the Agency conducted a second follow-up to the biennial
licensure survey of the Respondent facility.
235, That based on observation and interview it was determined the ALF failed to ensure
sanitary food storage and preparation.
236. That on 02/02/2011 at approximately 09:45 AM CST the central pantry between the
kitchen and laundry room and the refrigerator were observed along with the owner and staff
member of the ALF.
237, That the pantry contained the ALF's standard food supply and water stored in reused
plastic containers. The canned items and refrigerated items were checked for expired dates and
package integrity and revealed: .
e Unopened bottle of Kraft Tartar Sauce - best use by date of June 04, 2010.
e Can El Paso refried beans - can dented and corroded
¢ Jar of Hatch Picante Sauce - best used by date of 01/28/2010
¢ Plastic squeeze bottle of Mayonnaise Hot and Spicy - best use by date of August
31, 2005. The staff member of the ALF said she thought this was something they
had mixed up and put in that bottle.
¢ Jar of Olives - best use by date of 2008
¢ Can of Glucerna, 8 ounces - best use by date of May 1, 2010
238. That the same constitutes a twice uncorrected Class III deficiency as defined in Florida
Statute 429.19(2)(c) (2010) and the Agency provided a mandatory correction date of March 2,
2011. .
| WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2010).
239. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates Count I through Count XIV of this
Administrative Complaint as fully set forth herein.
240, That pursuant to Florida law, in addition to the requirements of part II of chapter 408, the
agency may deny, revoke, and suspend any license issued under this part and impose an
administrative fine in the manner provided in chapter 120 against a licensee for a violation of any
provision of this part, part II of chapter 408, or applicable rules, or for any of the following
actions by a licensee, for the actions of any person subject to level 2 background screening under
s. 408.809, or for the actions of any facility employee: (e) A citation of any of the following
deficiencies as specified in s. 429.19: 3. Five or more cited class III deficiencies that have been
cited on a single survey and have not been corrected within the times specified.
§429.14(1)(e)3., Florida Statutes (2010).
241. Thatunder Florida law, the Agency may deny or revoke the license of an ALF operator
based upon the facility’s (6) intentional or negligent act materially affecting the health or safety
of a client of the provider, (c) a violation of this part, authorizing statutes, or applicable rules and
(d) a demonstrated pattern of deficient performance.§408.815(1) Florida Statutes (2010).
242, That Respondent has violated the minimum requirements of law of Chapters 408, Part II,
429, Part I, and Chapter 58A-5, Florida Administrative Code as described with particularity
within this complaint.
243. . That Respondent has a duty to maintain its operations in accord with the minimum
requirements of law and to provide care and services at mandated minimum standards.
244. That the above reflect grounds for which the Agency may revoke Respondent’s licensure
to operate an assisted living facility in the State of Florida.
245. .That based thereon, individually and collectively, the Agency seeks the revocation of the
Respondent’s licensure.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to revoke the license of the Respondent to operate
an assisted living facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §§408.812(5) and 429.14, Florida
Statutes (2010).
WHEREFORE, the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration, respectfully
requests that this court:
(A) Make factual and legal findings in favor of the Agency on Counts I through XV;
(B) Recommend administrative fines against Respondent in the amount of $12,500;
(C) Revoke Respondent’s license # 9555 to operate an assisted living facility;
(D) Assess attorney’s fees and costs; and
(E) Grant all other general and equitable relief allowed by law.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administrative hearing pursuant to
Section 120.569, Florida Statutes. Specific options for administrative action ate set out in the
attached Election of Rights form. All requests for hearing shall be made to the attention of
Richard Shoop, Agency Clerk, Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, MS
#3, Tallahassee, Florida 32308, (850) 922-5873.
If you want to hire an attorney, you have the right to be represented by an attorney in this
Agency for Health Care Admin.
2727 Mahan Drive, MS #3
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
(850) 412-3630
T HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served by
US. Certified Mail, Return Receipt No. 7009 0960 0000 3709 5935 to Judy E. Brown,
Administrator, Brown’s Harbor House, 1619 Monroe Sheffield Road, Chipley, Florida 32428
and via email to Dawn Pompey Whitehurst, Esq., Knowles & Randolph, P.A., 3065 Highland
Oaks Terrace, Tallahassee, Florida 32301 on June 7, 2011.
D. Carlton Enfingep I
Copy furnished to: (
Donah Heiberg, FOM
d/b/a BROWN’S HARBOR HOUSE, CASENO — 2011005989
. 2011005987
This Election of Rights form is attached to a proposed action by the Agency for Health Care
Administration (AHCA). The title may be Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fee, Notice of
Intent to Impose a Late Fine or Administrative Complaint.
Your Election of Rights must be returned by mail or by fax within 21 days of the day you
receive the attached Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fee, Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fine
ot Administrative Complaint.
If your Election of Rights with your selected option is not received by AHCA within twenty-
one (21) days from the date you received this notice of proposed action by AHCA, you will have
given up your right to contest the Agency’s proposed action and a final order will be issued.
(Please use this form unless you, your attorney or your representative prefer to reply according to
Chapter120, Florida Statutes (2006) and Rule 28, Florida Administrative Code.)
Agency for Health Care Administration
Attention: Agency Clerk
2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #3
Tallahassee, Florida 32308.
Phone: 850-412-3630 Fax: 850-921-0158.
OPTION ONE (1). I admit to the allegations of facts and law contained in the Notice
of Intent to Impose a Late Fine or Fee, or Administrative Complaint and I waive my right to
object and to have a hearing. | understand that by giving up my right to a hearing, a final order
will be issued that adopts the proposed agency action and imposes the penalty, fine or action.
OPTION TWO (2) I admit to the allegations of facts contained in the Notice of Intent
to Impose a Late Fee, the Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fine, or Administrative
Complaint, but I wish to be heard at an informal proceeding (pursuant to Section 120.57(2),
Florida Statutes) where I may submit testimony and written evidence to the Agency to show that
the proposed administrative action is too severe or that the fine should be reduced.
OPTION THREE (3)____—S— I dispute the allegations of fact contained in the Notice of Intent
te Impose a Late Fee, the Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fine, or Administrative
Complaint, and I request a formal hearing (pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes)
before an Administrative Law Judge appointed by the Division of Administrative Hearings,
PLEASE NOTE: Choosing OPTION THREE (3), by itself, is NOT sufficient to obtain a
formal hearing. You also must file a written petition in order to obtain a formal hearing before
the Division of Administ,../ve Hearings under Section 120.57(1), lorida Statutes. It must be
received by the Agency Clerk at the address above within 21 days of your receipt of this proposed
administrative action. The request for formal hearing must conform to the requirements of Rule 28-
106.2015, Florida Administrative Code, which requires that it contain:
1. Your name, address, and telephone number, and the name, address, and telephone number of
your representative or lawyer, if any. .
2. The file nurnber of the proposed action.
3. A statement of when you received notice of the Agency’s proposed action.
A. A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, you must state that there
are none.
Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, may be available in this matter if the Agency
License type: (ALF? nursing home? medical equipment? Other type?)
Licensee Name: License number:
Contact person:
: Name Title
Street and number City _ Zip Code
Telephone No. Fax No. Email(optional)
I hereby certify that I am duly authorized to submit this Notice of Election of Rights to the Agency
for Health Care Administration on behalf of the licensee referred to above.
Signed: Date:
Print Name: ; Title:
Late fee/fine/AC
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102595-02-M-1540 |
Docket for Case No: 11-003355
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Oct. 13, 2011 |
Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Oct. 11, 2011 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Aug. 15, 2011 |
Order of Consolidation and Re-scheduling Hearing (DOAH Case Nos. 11-3990; hearing set for October 18-20, 2011; 9:30 a.m.; Chipley, Florida).
Jul. 19, 2011 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 20 through 22, 2011; 9:30 a.m., Central Time; Chipley, FL).
Jul. 18, 2011 |
Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 11-0445, 11-3355 and 11-3383).
Jul. 13, 2011 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Jul. 07, 2011 |
Initial Order.
Jul. 07, 2011 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Jul. 07, 2011 |
Respondent's Response to Administrative Complaint and Request for Formal Hearing filed.
Jul. 07, 2011 |
Administrative Complaint filed.