Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Tampa, Florida
Filed: Oct. 14, 2011
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, October 25, 2011.
Latest Update: Mar. 16, 2025
va. . Case No. 2011001672
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration
(“Agency”) and files this Administrative Complaint against
Migdalia’s ACLF (“Respondent” or “Respondent Facility”),
pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes
(2010), and alleges;
This is an action to impose an administrative fine in the
sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) based on four State
class II deficiencies, pursuant to Chapter 408, Part II, and
Chapter 429, Part I, Plorida Statutes (2010).
1. The Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to Sections
20.42, 120.60, and 429,07, and Chapter 408, Part II, Florida
Statutes (2010).
2. Venue lies pursuant to Florida Administrative Code R.
Filed October 14, 2011 2:11 PM Division of Administrative Hearings
3, The Agency is the regulatory authority responsible for
licensing assisted living facilities and enforcing all
applicable state rules and statutes governing assisted living
facilities pursuant to Chapter 408, Part II, and Chapter 429,
Part I, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 58A-5 Florida
Administrative Code.
4. Respondent operates an eight-bed assisted living
facility located at 2302 North Lincoln Avenue, Tampa, Florida
33607, and is licensed with a Standard assisted living facility
license, number 6683, without additional license designation.
5, At all times material to the allegations of this
complaint, Respondent was a licensed facility under the
licensing authority of the Agency and was required to comply
with all applicable rules and statutes.
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates above
paragraphs one (1) through five (5), as if fully set forth in
this count.
7. Section 429.02, Florida Statutes, defines:
“(19) ‘Resident’ means a person 18 years of age or older,
residing in and receiving care from a facility.”
8, Section 429,26(1), Florida Statutes, requires:
(1) The owner or administrator of a facility is
responsible for determining the appropriateness of
admission of an individual to the facility and for
determining the continued appropriateness of residence
of an individual in the facility. A determination
shall be based upon an assessment of the strengths,
needs, and preferences of the resident, the care and
services offered or arranged for by the facility in
accordance with facility policy, and any limitations
in law or rule related to admission criteria or
continued residency for the type of license held by
the facility under this part.
9, Rule 58A~-5,0181, Florida Administrative Code,
(1) ADMISSION CRITERIA, An individual must meet the
following minimum criteria in order to be admitted to
a facility holding a standard, limited nursing or
limited mental health license:
(i) Not be bedridden.
(j) Not have any stage 3 or 4 pressure sores. A
resident requiring care of a stage 2 pressure sore may
be admitted provided that:
1. The facility has a LNS license and services are
provided pursuant to a plan of care issued by a
physician, or the resident contracts directly with a
licensed home health agency or a nurse to provide
2. The condition is documented in the resident's
record; and
3. If the resident’s condition fails to improve within
30 days, as documented by a licensed nurse or
physician, the resident shall be discharged from the
(4) CONTINUED RESIDENCY. Except as follows in
paragraphs (a) through (e) of this subsection,
eriteria for continued residency in any licensed
facility shall be the same as the criteria for
admission. As part of the continued residency
eviteria, a resident must have a face-to-face medical
examination by a licensed health care provider at
least every 3 years after the initial assessment, or
after a significant change, whichever comes first. A
significant change is defined in Rule 58A-5,0131,
F.A.C. The results of the examination must be recorded
on AHCA Form 1823, which is incorporated by reference
in paragraph (2) (b) of this rule. The form must be
completed in accordance with that paragraph. After the
effective date of this rule, providers shall have up
to 12 months to comply with this requirement.
(a) The resident may be bedridden for up to 7
consecutive days.
(b) A resident requiring care of a stage 2 pressure
sore may be retained provided that:
1, The facility has a LNS license and services are
provided pursuant to a plan of care issued by a
licensed health care provider, or the resident
contracts directly with a licensed home health agency
or a nurse to provide care;
2. The condition is documented in the resident's
record; and
3, If the resident’s condition fails to improve within
30 days, as documented by a licensed health care
provider, the resident shall be discharged from the
(a4) The administrator is responsible for monitoring
the continued appropriateness of placement of a
resident in the facility.
(5) DISCHARGE, If the resident no longer meets the
criteria for continued residency, or the facility is
unable to meet the resident’s needs, as determined by
the facility administrator or licensed health care
provider, the resident shall be discharged in
accordance with Section 429.28(1), F.8.
10. Rule 58A-5.0131, Florida Administrative Code, defines:
(33) “Significant change” means a sudden or major
shift in behavior or mood, or a deterioration in
health status such as unplanned weight change, stroke,
heart condition, or stage 2, 3, or 4 pressure sore.
Ordinary day-to-day fluctuations in functioning and
behavior, a short-term tllness such as a cold, or the
gradual deterioration in the ability to carry out the
activities of daily living that accompanies the aging
process are not considered significant changes.
11. On February 3, 2011, the Agency conducted a biennial
cr a
survey of the Respondent Facility.
12. Based on the Agency surveyor’s record review and
interviews, the Respondent failed to determine that one
resident, Resident #1, was not appropriate for re-admission to
the facility, after having reviewed the records of three (3)
13. Resident #1 was readmitted to the Respondent following
a hospitalization on 11/18/10 with a Stage 4 decubitus, pressure
sore, on the coceyx and a Foley catheter.
14, Resident #1 was not subject to an interdisciplinary
care plan developed and implemented by a licensed hospice in
consultation with the facility.
15. Resident #1 retained the services of a home health
agency for wound care and catheter maintenance every other day.
However, Resident #1's required care was inappropriate for
Respondent to provide under a Standard assisted facility
license. Respondent’s documentation reveals that Resident #1’s
pressure wound did not improve over the period from readmission
on November 18, 2010, through February 3, 2011, the date of the
Agency's survey.
16. The Agency’s surveyor is a nurse and assessment of
Resident #1’s wound revealed a Stage 4 pressure sore, with
packing and a foul smell. Resident #1 has a history of dementia
and is bedbound. Resident #1 was found by the Agency's surveyor
to be able to follow some commands and to be immobile.
17. The Respondent facility does not have an administrator
appointed at this time, and those persons presented to the
Agency’s surveyor as staff are not qualified to empty the Foley
bag daily or to provide wound care to Resident #1’s Stage 4
pressure sore. -
18. The Agency determined that this deficient practice of
Respondent Facility’s accepting for readmission a resident for
whom it could not provide needed care and service was related to
the personal care of the residents that directly threatened the
health, safety, or security of the residents and cited.
Respondent for a State Class II deficiency pursuant to §§
408,813 and 429.19, Florida Statutes (2010). .
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative
fine in the amount of $1,000.00 against Respondent, an assisted
living facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §§ 408.813
and 429.19, Florida Statutes (2010), or such further relief as
this tribunal deems just.
19. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates above
paragraphs one (1) through five (5) and (7)
through (17), as if fully set forth in this count.
20. Resident #1 was never assessed for Hospice services
and was not discharged to an appropriate care setting as of the
date of the Agency’s survey of February 3, 2011, a period of
residence since readmission of seventy-seven (77) days.
21. ‘The home health agency providing care to Resident #1
did not document any signs of improvement of the wound, nor did
the home health agency stage the wound or take measurements of
the wound.
22. The Agency's surveyor is a registered nurse.
23. The Agency’s surveyor's observation and assessment of
Resident #1 revealed a frail resident with a deep crater on the
coccyx packed with gauze and foul smelling.
24, The Agency determined that this deficient practice of
Respondent Facility's failing to discharge a resident who was
bedridden and suffering from Stage 4 pressure sores for whom it
could not provided needed care and services was related to the
personal care of the residents that directly threatened the
health, safety, or security of the residents and cited
Respondent for a State Class II deficiency pursuant to §§
408.813 and 429.19, Florida Statutes (2010).
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative
fine in the amount of $1,000.00 against Respondent, an assisted
living facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §§ 408.813
and 429.19, Florida Statutes (2010), or such further relief as
thig tribunal deems just.
25. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates above
paragraphs one (1) through five (5), as if fully set forth in
this count. .
(26. Rule 58A-5.019, Florida Administrative Code, requires:
(1) ADMINISTRATORS. Every facility shall be under the
supervision of an administrator who is responsible for
the operation and maintenance of the facility
including the management of all staff and the
provision of adequate care to all residents as .
required by Part I of Chapter 429, F.S., and this rule
(a) The administrators shall:
1, Be at least 21 years of age;
2. If employed on or after August 15, 1990, have a
high school diploma or general equivalency diploma
(G.E.D.), or have been an operator or administrator of
a licensed assisted living facility in the State of
Florida for at least one of the past 3 years in which
the facility has met minimum standards. Administrators
employed on or after October 30, 1995, must have'a
high school diploma or G.E.D.;
3. Be in compliance with Level 2 background screening
standards pursuant to Section 429,174, F,S.; and
4. Complete the core training requirement pursuant to
Rule 58A-5.0191, F.A.C.
(c) Pursuant to Section 429.176, F.S., facility owners
shall notify both the Agency Field Office and Agency
Central office within ten (10) days of a change ina
facility administrator on the Notification of Change
of Administrator, AHCA Form 3180-1006, January 2006,
which is incorporated by reference and may be obtained
from the Agency Central Office. The Agency Central
Office shall conduct a background screening on the new
administrator in accordance with Section 429.174,
F.S,, and Rule 58A-5.014, F.A.C.
27. On February 3, 2011, the Agency conducted a biennial
survey of the Respondent Facility.
28. Based on the Agency’s surveyor’s interviews with the
owner and her son and review of Respondent’s records, the Agency
determined that Respondent failed to retain an administrator who
was trained and background screened and failed to timely notify
the Agency of Respondent’s change of administrators so that
background screening could be conducted.
29. During the Agency’s surveyor’s interview with the
owner of the Respondent Facility and the owner’s son on 2/3/11
at approximately 11:00 a.m., the Agency’s surveyor was told that
the owner did not have any information, credentials or
whereabouts for the person whom respondent had designated
“administrator” in Respondent's last license renewal application
to the Agency.
30. Extant Respondent’s records revealed that the owner
had an expired nursing license, and the person designated as
administrator in the Agency’s records was never present for
31. The Respondent had no facility or state records that
were kept current, and it was evident the facility had been
operating without an administrator for months. The owner’s son
stated that he will be taking charge of the Respondent Facility;
however, he has not obtained the required CORE training for
being an administrator.
32, Section 429.26, Florida Statutes, and Rule 58A-
5.019(1), Florida Administrative Code, require that every
assisted living facility must be under the supervision of an
administrator who is responsible for the operation and
maintenance of the facility, including the management of all
staff and the provision of adequate care and services to all
residents. Under § 429.26, Florida Statutes, and Rule 58A-
5.019, Florida Administrative Code, the administrator must
assess each facility resident for appropriateness of initial
residency and continued residency. The purpose of centering
these responsibilities in the facility’s administrator is to
ensure that the Respondent facility is capable of providing the
care and services needed by each resident accepted for residency
at the assisted living facility.
33. The Respondent facility violated Rule 58A-5.019,
Florida Administrative Code, by failing to provide any
administrator who was responsible for the operation and
maintenance of the facility. Based upon the Agency surveyors’
observations and interviews, the Respondent facility was
apparently being managed by the owner and the owner’s son,
neither of whom had current CORE training and neither of whom
met other staff level training requirements, including CPR
certification. The result was predictable: Respondent's staff
abdicated responsibility to the home health agency for providing
care and services needed by Resident #1.
a ie
34. The Agency determined that the Respondent facility's
failure to have an administrator who ensures that each resident
receives the care and services need by the resident, provided by
trained and qualified staff, constitutes grounds for the
imposition of a Class II deficiency in that it is related to the
personal care of the residents that directly threatens the
health, safety, or security of the residents and cited
Respondent for a State Class II deficiency pursuant to §§
408.813 and 429,19, Florida Statutes (2010).
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative
fine in the amount of §1,000.00 against Respondent , an assisted
living facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §§ 408.813
and 429.19, Florida Statutes (2010), or such further relief as
this tribunal deems just.
35.0 The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one
(1) through five (5) and paragraphs seven (7) through seventeen
(17) and paragraphs twenty-eight (28) through thirty-one (31),
as if fully set forth in this count.
36. Rule 58A-5,0182, Florida Administrative Code,
provides: .
(1) An assisted living facility shall provide care
and services appropriate to the needs of residents
accepted for admission to the facility.
37. Section 429.26, Fla. Stat., requires:
429,26 Appropriateness of placements; examinations of
residents. ~-
(1) The owner or administrator of a facility is
responsible for determining the appropriateness of
admission of an individual to the facility and for
determining the continued appropriateness of residence
of an individual in the facility. A determination
shall be based upon an assessment of the strengths,
needs, and preferences of the resident, the care and
services offered or arranged for by the facility in
accordance with facility policy, and any limitations
in law or rule related to admission criteria or
continued residency for the type of license held by
the facility under this part.
38. Rule 58A~5.0181, Florida Administrative Code,
(5) DISCHARGE. If the resident no longer meets the
criteria for continued residency, or the facility is
unable to meet the resident’s needs, as determined by
the facility administrator or health care provider,
the resident shall be discharged in accordance with
Section 429.28(1), F.S.
39, On February 3, 2011, the Agency conducted a biennial
licensure survey of Respondent Facility.
40. Based on the Agency’s surveyor’s record review and
interview of three (3) sampled resident records on February 3,
2011, the facility failed to ensure that one (1) resident,
Resident #1, received care and services appropriate to this
resident's needs.
41. Respondent’s records contain no documentation that
anyone is providing any personal care services for the resident
in the absence of home health. Respondent’s documentation does
not provide evidence of improvement or staging or measuring of
.the pressure sore. Based on the Agency’s surveyor’s interviews,
the owner of Respondent and her son are not aware of the
progression of the wound. There is no documentation revealing
communication between the Respondent and the home health agency
retained by Resident #1 to provide Resident #1 with only every-
other-day care.
42, The facility does not have an administrator, and the
owner is not current with any staff training. There is no
documentation to indicate that any members of Respondent's staff
are current with required training. All of Respondent’s
employees have expired CPR cards.
43. The Agency determined that this deficient practice of
not documenting, and not having personnel who are background
screened and trained to be able to provide, care and services
needed by Resident #1 was related to the personal care of the
resident that directly threatened the health, safety, or
security of the resident and cited Respondent for a State Class
IL deficiency pursuant to § 429.19(2) (b), Florida Statutes
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative
fine in the amount of $1,000.00 against Respondent, an assisted
living facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §
429,.19(2) (bo), Florida Statutes, or such further relief as this
tribunal deems just.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an
administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.569, Florida
Statutes. Respondent. has the right to retain, and be
represented by an attorney in this matter. Specific options for
administrative action are set out in the attached Election of
All requests for hearing shall be made to the Agency for Health
Care Administration, and delivered to Agency Clerk, Agency for
Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg #3, MS #3,
Tallahassee, FI, 32308; whose telephone number is 850-412-3630.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the
Administrative Complaint and Election of Rights form have been
served by U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt No. 7010 0780 0001
9836 0356 to U.S. Mail to Migdalia Gonzalez, Migdalia’s ACLF,
2302 North Linceln Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33607, on March 4 :
es H, Harris, Esq.
‘la. Bar, No. 6817775
Assistant General Counsel
Agency for Health Care Administration
525 Mirror Lake Drive, 330D
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Facsimile: 727-552-1440.
Copies furnished to:
Migdalia Gonzalez
Migdalia’s ACLF
2302 North Lincoln Avenue
Tampa, Florida 33607
(U.S. Certified Mail)
James H, Harris, Esq.
Agency for Health Care
525 Mirror Lake Drive, 330D
St, Petersburg, Florida 33701
Kathleen Varga
Agency for Health Care
525 Mirror Lake Drive,
North, 4° Floor
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
i figdalia Gonzalez
Migdalia’s ACLF .
(2302 North Lincoln Avenue ©
Florida 33607
M ted ray aatrese erent fore ftem Er o Yee -
SH YES, et ter delivery address balow: : a. No.
‘1 Repletered.
Ciinswegd' Matt ir
A. Resticted Delivery? (Extra Foe)” D Yes
Tad tdaleTA
Docket for Case No: 11-005312
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Oct. 25, 2011 |
Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Oct. 24, 2011 |
Agreed Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Oct. 17, 2011 |
Initial Order.
Oct. 17, 2011 |
First Request for Admissions filed.
Oct. 17, 2011 |
Agency's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Oct. 17, 2011 |
Notice of Service of Agency's First Set of Interrogatories to Migdalia's ACLF filed.
Oct. 14, 2011 |
Election of Rights filed.
Oct. 14, 2011 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Oct. 14, 2011 |
Order Referring Case for Formal Hearing filed.
Oct. 14, 2011 |
Administrative Complaint filed.