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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 12-003896 Visitors: 1
Agency: County School Boards
Locations: Marathon, Florida
Filed: Dec. 05, 2012
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, April 5, 2013.

Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2024




Superintendent of Schools,

Petitioner ,





) Case No.











Petitioner, MARKT. PORTER, Superintendent of Schools of Monroe County, Florida, files this Administrative Complaint, pursuant to Chapters 120, 1001 and 1012, Florida Statutes, Rules 6B-1.001, 6B-1.006, and 6B-4.009, Florida Administrative Code, and the Policies of the School District of Monroe County, Florida and states as follows:


  1. The agency is The School Board of Monroe County, Florida, located at 241 Trumbo Road, Key West, Florida 33040.

  2. The Petitioner, MARKT. PORTER, is the Superintendent of Schools of Monroe County, Florida. His address is 241 Trumbo Road, Key West, Florida 33040.

  3. The Petitioner is statutorily obligated to recommend the placement of all school personnel and to require all employees to observe and comply with all laws, rules and re!,'1.llations. Petitioner is required by law to report and recommend appropriate action against


    Filed December 4, 2012 2:33 PM Division of Administrative Hearings

    school employee who fails to comply therewith, inclusive of the Respondent, KENNETH M. ("hereinafter "Respondent").

  4. The Respondent KENNTH M. GENTILE, is an employee of the School Board of Monroe County, Florida, and is currently employed as the Director of Finance and Performance in Key West, Florida in the Monroe County School District.

  5. The last known address of the Respondent, KENNETH M. GENTILE, is P.O. Box 4159, Key West, Florida 33041.


    Petitioner, MARKT. PORTER, re-alleges the above and states as follows:

  6. At all times pertinent hereto, the Respondent was employed as the Director of Finance and Performance in Key West, Florida in the Monroe County School District.

  7. In 2010, Respondent submitted documentation to the School Board of Monroe County, Florida stating that he was a Florida and New York C.P.A. without holding a Florida

    C.P.A. license and without having a New York license that was currently active/registered. See attached Composite Exhibit "A.".

  8. Sufficient just cause exists for Respondent to be disciplined pursuant to School Board Policy 1121 for making false or misleading statements in connection with seeking employment, as well as Florida Statute §473.322 and related statutes.

  9. School Board Policy 1121 provides:


    Applicants for employment or reemployment must submit an employment application, a copy of the social security card with correct name, and a minimum of three (3) acceptable references. Candidates shall meet the School Board's hiring guidelines and employment prerequisites prior to consideration for any vacancy.

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    Failure of candidates to adhere to the time schedule established for submission of documents may be cause for failure to employ or for dismissal.

    False or misleading statements or answers or omissions made by a person in connection with seeking employment may bar a person from employment with the Board or, if discovered after employment, may result in disciplinary action, including termination upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and the approval of the Board. Each case shall be considered on its own merits.

    The Superintendent shall develop appropriate employment procedures governing the recruitment, screening, selection, appointment, and employment of all personnel consistent with Florida statues, State Board of Education rules, Federal requirements, and Board policies.

  10. Florida Statute §473.322 states, in pertinent part that:

    A person may not knowingly ... [a]ssume or use the titles or designations "certified public accountant" or "public accountant" or the abbreviation "C.P.A." or any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviations, sign, card, or device tending to indicate that the person holds a license to practice public accounting under this chapter or the laws of any other state, territory, or foreign jurisdiction, unless the person holds an active license under this chapter or has the practice privileges pursuant to F.S. §473.3141.

    F.S. §473.3141 refers to accountants holding licenses in other states but requires that the license be active/valid. Violation of F.S. §473.322 is a first degree misdemeanor.

    This action is also taken in accordance with §1012.22(t) and §1012.27 of the Florida Statutes.

  11. Respondent violated School Board Policy 1121 and is subject to suspension without pay for five (5) days.

  12. Pursuant to Florida Statutes and School Board Policies and Rules, on October 23, 2012, Petitioner sent written notice to Respondent advising that Petitioner recommended

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    suspension without pay for five (5) days, and further advised Respondent of his right to request an administrative hearing.

  13. On November 5, 2012, Respondent and his counsel, Robert Cintron, requested in writing a hearing to appeal the decision to suspend Respondent. See attached Exhibit "B."

  14. On November 20, 2012, the Petitioner recommended and the School Board approved referral to administrative hearing.


  15. Petitioner, MARK T. PORTER, Superintendent of Schools of Monroe County, Florida recommends that the Monroe County School Board, after providing the requisite notice, suspend the Respondent, KENNTH M. GENTILE, from his employment as an employee

predicated upon the foregoing facts and legal authority for a period of five (5) days without pay.

EXECUTED this _J_ day of De(iA1] blf,2012.


Superintendent of Schools



BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared, MARKT. PORTER, to be known to be the person described in the foregoing instrument; and he acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained.

WITNESS my hand and seal this ;j day of beetmtxfu, 2012.

- .r..



Comm# EE128278

Expires 917/2015

My Commission Expires: Page 4 of 5


I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished via U.S. Mail this day of                                            ,2012 to: Kenneth M. Gentile, P.O. Box 4159, Key West, Florida 33041; Robert Cintron, Esquire, Morgan, Cintron & Hogan, PLLC, 317 \Vhitehead Street, Key West, Florida 33040 (counsel for Respondent); and Cheryl Allen, Director of Human Resources, Monroe County School Board, 241 Trumbo Road, Key West, Florida 33040.


Florida Bar No.: 911518 School Board Attorney

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m N. Ashley Dr. unit 81I Tampa. FL 33602 • p :£813) 598-1640 • )(k&ntilex«Pyanoo.com


Results minded organizational leader who solves problems collaboratively and i n accordance with corporate mission . Areas of experience include risk management, controls, finance, accounting, auditing, communications and reporting. Successfully developed leaders and led teams to accomplish project and process redesign and imp le mentation . Developed and i mp le me nted training and education programs as part of corporate and academic environments.

Dai ly Accounting

Monthly close

Deve iop Financial Procedures Process Redesign



Forecasting and Budgeting

Audit Interaction

Financial St.:i tement Preparation and Analysis Financial Reporting and Analysis Process and Financial Modeling

Financial Systems/ MIS Payroll and Human Resources Strategic Plann ing

Operational Ana lysis /Over site Contract Negotiation



1',;;:,&J:- ""'¢.i-.'1,

Uls borough County, Board of County Commissioners, Tampa 2007 - present

nior Performance Auditor

Developed and imp lemented poliaes and procedures relating to all aspects of Internal Performance Audit operations. Performed budget analysis and strategic planning projects on behalf of county commissioners resu l ting in significant recommendations for improvement. Conducted performance audits, benchmark studies and agreed upon procedures for process re-engineering.


Developed county-wide nsk model 18 month audit planning tool

Implemented Commissioner and Assistant County Adm inistrator liaison process to improve

commun ication .

Presented findings and results to commissioners and senior staff.

Metropolitan Ministries £nc., Provider of self-sufficiency services to poor, homeless, Tampa2004 • 2007

Chief Financial Officer

Oversaw all financial operations of this $14 Million dollar non-profit, including daily accounting, payroll, Treasury functions. Managed legal, banking, accounting and external audit relationships . Resolved internal control weaknesses. Developed financial analysis, strategic planning and multi­ year forecasting with w focus on growth and regionalization . As a part of the executive team determined the future course of the business including fund raising, capital projects and program grants.


Designed, trained and implemented monthly accrual and expense forecast process resulting in 50% reduction in food costs from $400K to $200K

Successfully provided key analysis and five year strategic forecasting to senior management and Board of Directors. The modeling help set the stage for capital projects and fund raising.

Associated Marine Institutes Inc., Non-profit service provider to at-risk youth, Tampa 1999 - 2004

Director of [ntenw Audit

Oversaw all risk and auditing activities for $80 million non-profit covering 56 locations in eight states and Cayman Islands. Conducted financial, operational and compliance audits throughout the organization. Authored quarter risk publications identifying best practices and high risk activities. Contributing 400+ hours annually toward the year-end financial audits. Developed and delivered internal fraud prevention training courses and participated in cross-functional teams implementing company -wide projects and process redesign efforts.


I ntegra ted data-mining software to ol (ACL) into audit programs resu l ting in 100% s,1mpling, ongoing monitoring and 50% red uc tion in aud i t staff

Reduced external audit fees 40% over a fiv e yea r period th rough co-sourc ing and active invol veme nt in the audit process.

Designed and implemented company-wide risk self-assessment process includ ing training of program directors and sen io r staff resuiting in mnre effect ive coverage of audit risk areas and 20% reducti on in aud i t exceptions annu ally .


He ld leadership positions in the following companies Crystals International. Man ufacturing. Florida Cardiology,

Healthcare Citi, International Banking, Ernst & Young, Public Accounting.

Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel (including macros)

Microsoft Access Microsoft f'owerPoint Microsoft Project Microsoft Visio


Blackbaud QuickBooks (Pro Advisor)


Financial Modeling


Budgeting/ Forecasting

Turbo Tax Strategic Planning Lawson HRIS

Design and Bu i ld Custom Databases

Microsoft Works

Bank Trea, s 1ry and FX Systems

University of South Florida Queens College

Certified Public Acwuntant Certified Internal Auditor

Certified Government Audit Professional Certified Controls Self-Assessor Graduate Dale Carnegie


Masters Degree ·· (ntemationa l Finance

BA (Dual Major) - Accounting/ Economics New York and florida

!TA Florida IIA Florida HA Florida


While working in the jobs listed in the career chronology above l have also participated extensively in the following:

  • Local president of Tampa Bay IlA chapter consisting of over 500 members as well as VP of education which consisted of surveying members and developed comprehensive cost effective training

    0 Adjunct professor at National Louis University and Strayer University in consisting of development and implementation of courses (auditing, accounting, economics, MIS)

  • Developed and delivered two 40 hour courses in Auditing for Managers and Operational Auditing

  • Facilitated and delivered training for over 8 courses for the rIA

  • Developed courses at the corporate level in fraud prevention, credit management, internal controls and accounting

0 Utilized CCSA certification to facilitate several multi-day workshops to achieve improved process re-engineering and improvement of controls






  2. Board") and KENNE'!'Hl GJE1'1f)[LE ('•Employee'>) hereby agree as follows:

  3. !. Re c j¢<ntio nz. The Schoo! Board and Employee jointly make the

  4. foll.owing recitations which each are in p8.rt relying upon as an inducement to enter

  5. into this contract:

to A. The School Board desires to employ a qualified individual to fiH the

  1. position, and perform the duties, of District Internal Audito r. The School Board

  2. has the legal authority to enter h"ltO employment contracts pursuant to Section

  3. 1001.41(4)5 Florida Statutes, and has the specific authority to employ an Internal

  4. Auditor pursuant to Section l 001.42(10(1), Fiorida Statutes,

  5. B. The School Board has developed an Internal Audi tor po sition

  6. description. which is attached hereto as Exf1ibit A. The School Board and the

  7. Employee recognize and agree that this position description may be amended or

  8. re vis ed from time to time by the Schooi Board at its' sole discretion.

  9. C. Employee has experience in perfonning internal audits of governmental

  10. agencies, and is professionally credentialed as a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)

  11. and. Certified Government Audit Professional (CGAP), Certified Controls Self-

  12. Assessor (CCSA) and Certified Professional Accountant).

  13. D. Employee desires to be employed by the School Board to perform the

  14. duties and responsibilities of the position of Internal Auditor for the School

  15. District.

  16. 2. Empk)yment The School Board hereby appoints and employs Employee to

    Rev 031810

    Ma r,. 1 S. 20' ti 5 : 5SPM

    N: , 3677 P 2

    1. the position of Internal Auditor with the School District, subject to the following

    2. terms and condhions. Employee hereby accepts the appointment and employment,

    3. subject to the foUowing terms and conditions. Both the School Board and

    4. Employee agree that this employment agreement shall be interpreted and enforced

    5. consistent with the then-current Internal Auditor position description, School

    6. Board policies, and relevant Florida law and Florida Administrative Code

    7. provisions as may be changed from time to time during the term of this agreement.

    8. 3. Term of .Employment; Commeoceme&nt; Normal Termination. The initial

    9. tenn of this Agreement shall be for a period of thirty-six (36) calendar months

    10. from date of commencement. This Agreement shall commence at 8:00 A.M., t I April 19, 2010. Trus Agreement shall normally terminate at 5:00 P.M., April 18, 12 2013.

1.3 4. Renewal of Contnict. This contract may be extended for additional twelve--

14 month periods upon the mutual agreement of the School Board and Employee. For

f 5 an 'tension of the initial term of empjoyment, Employee shall notify School

  1. Board not more than ninety (90) days nor less than seventy-five (75) days prior to

  2. the normal termination date of Employee's desire to have the contract extended.

  3. School Board shall act on the extension request not later than sixty (60) days prior

  4. to the normal termination date. Subsequent extensions shall require notification by

  5. the Employee not earlier than sixty (60) days nor later than forty-five (45) days

  6. prior to the termination date of the prior extension.

  7. 5. Salary. School Board agrees to pay to Employee, and Employee agrees to

  8. accept, an initial annual salary of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO


  10. Subsequent annual salaries shall be not less than the initial annual salary, and may

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    be increased by the School Board in accordance with an adopted salary schedule

    1. for the Internal Auditor position.

    2. 6. Benefits. School Board and Employee that employee shall be eligible for,

    3. entitled to, and shall receive all of the benefits currently available to and received

    4. by other non"instructional administrative staff of the School District. Such benefits

    5. include health insurance coverage, accrual and use of annual and sick leave, and

    6. employer contributions to the Florida Retirement System at the Senior

    7. Management Class'' and for federal sodal security entitlements. The Employee

    8. shall receive as part of regular compensation., a flat rate of $350.00 (three.:hund.red-

    9. fifty dollars) a month in lieu of district travel reimbursement and cellular phone

I I use. Annual leave shall accrue at the rate of one (1) day per month of employment,

  1. and sick leave sh.all accrue at the rate of one (1) day per month of employment.

  2. School Board also agrees to reimburse Employee the costs of relocation of

  3. Employee's residence to Monroe County in an amount not to exceed FIVE

  4. THOUS.AND DOLLARS ($5,000.00) to include one house hunting trip for

  5. Employee and Spouse. Such reimbursement shall be based upon receipts for

  6. expenditures made by Employee, and such receipts shall be in a from acceptable

t8 by the School Board. School Board further agrees that Employee sh.all be entitled

  1. to four (4) personal days with pay to be used within the first six (6) months of

  2. employment for relocation and job transition purposes. All personal days shall be

  3. with full pay and benefits. The Employee will also be credited with 12 days of

  4. annual Ieave. In addition to the foregoing, the Internal Auditor, based on the

  5. recommendation of the Audit Committee and approval of the School Board, shall

  6. be eligible to receive additional incentive pay increases as specified in Attachment

  7. "B" hereto.

    Rev 031810

    k 36 77 P 4

    l 7. Maintenance of Certifications. School Board and Employee agree th.at it is in

    1. the best interests of the School District that Employee maintains the professional

    2. certifications currently held by Employee. School Board agrees to pay to

    3. Employee the fees and associated costs necessary to maintain Employee's current

    4. professional certifications, including continuing professional education

    5. requirements, and Employee agrees that Employee shall perform all actions

    6. necessary to maintain certifications in an economical, cost effective, and

    7. reasonable manner so as to minimiz.e expenses to the School Board. Employee

    8. shall immediately inform School Board in writing of any change in certification to status that may occur during the tenn of this Agreement.

11. 8. Employee Evaluations. School Board and Employee agree that Employee's

  1. performance as Internal Auditor shall be evaluated by the School Board. An initial

  2. evaluation shall be conducted by the School Board not earlier than six (6) months J 4 nor later than seven (7) months from the date of commencement of this I5 Agreement. A successful tia.t evaluation wiU result in a salary-step increase.

  1. Thereafter, evaluations shall take place during the month of May of each year this

  2. agreement is in effect. Employee and Superintendent shaJl mutually agree to the

  3. contents and format of the evaluation form to be used by the School Board, subject

  4. to approval by the School Board. The agreed-upon form shall be presented to the

  5. School Board for approval not later than ninety (90) days after the commencement

  6. date of this Agreement.

  7. 9. Termination of Contract This agreement may be terminated by School Board

  8. only for cause, as defined in Florida law. If the Employee is terminated by the

  9. School Board without cause related to the job performance, he shall receive as

  10. severance benefit of lump-sum cash payment in the amount equal to the salary and

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    o 36 77

    benefits of one year. Employee resignation will not constitute a valid reason to

    1. invoke severance pay. Titis agreement may be· tenni.nated by Employee upon

    2. giving sixty (60) days written notice to the School Board. If Employee tenninates

    3. this Agreement within the first twelve (12) months of employment, Employee

    4. agrees to reimburse the School Board (a) the amounts paid to Employee for

    5. reimbursement of relocation costs; (b) the amounts paid to Employee for the

    6. personal days used by Employee; and (c) the amounts paid to Employee for the

    7. fees and related costs for Employee maintaining professional certifications,

    8. including fees and costs for continuing professional education.

1o 10. Reporting Authority. School Board and Employee agree that Employee shall

  1. report to, and be responsible solely to, the School Board as an entity.

  2. tt. Additional Terms and Colllldidoeg.

  3. A. The Employee shall be pennitted to engage in teaching during non-work

  4. time so long as such activity is not in conflict with the interest of the School Board.

  5. The School Board shall be the sole judge of whether any conflict exists. The

  6. services to be performed by Employee shall begin on the day and in the position as

  7. afurementioned and in a location as designated by the School Board. The School

  8. Board may transfer and assign the Employee to any other location in the School

  9. District at the School Board's discretion. Employee agrees to perform the

  10. obligations attached to the position for which employed, as prescribed by the

  11. School Board for the full period of service for which this contract is made, and in

  12. no event to be absent .from duty without leave.

  13. B. Employee agrees to observe and to enforce faithfully the laws, rules,

  14. regulations and policies lawfully prescribed by legally constituted school

  15. authorities insofar as such laws, rules, regulations and policies are applicable to the

    Rev 03[810

    1h 8677 6

    duties and reports required of Employee by the School Board.

    1. C. School Board may suspend or remove Employee for cause as provided

    2. by law. Employee shall not be entitle.cl to .receive any salary from and after the

    3. date of such suspension or removal unless such suspension is revoked and in no

    4. event shall Employee be entitled to any compensation subsequent to the

    5. tennination of this contract.

    6. D. School Board has made available to the Employee in the Administrative

    7. offices, on the School District's website, or other accessible place at each school a

    8. copy of it rules* regulations and policies for which Employee will be held

    9. accountable and subject to under the terms of this agreement. Employee agrees to

l l read and become familiar with those rules, regulations, and policies within thirty

  1. (30) days of the commencement of this agreement.

  2. E. This contract shall not operate to prevent discontinuance of a position as

  3. provided by law.

  4. F. It is expressly understood and agreed that neither Employee nor School

  5. Board owes any further contractual obligation to the other after April 4, 2013, and

  6. that no expectancy of re-employment may be derived from the execution or

  7. performance of this contract.

  8. G. Titls contract shaH at all times be subject to any and all laws, rules*

  9. regulations and policies now existing or hereafter enacted and which may be

  10. applicable to this contract.

  11. H. Employee acknowledges and understands that administrative employees

  12. are not represented by a collective bargaining unit.

  13. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, School Board and Employee have executed

  14. this Contract on the last date below written.

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  1. Dr. Joseph Burke,

  2. Superintendent

g 9 IO



th 36 77


By:                                _

Andy Griffiths, Chairman

DATE:                           _


14 Kenneth Gentile


16 DATE:



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5 The Internal Auditor shall be eligible for the following pay incentives:


  1. I. To be d¢tennined in concert with the Audit Committee ao4 Aprpovcd by t_he SQhooj

  2. Board within the first 90 da:x:s after employmS:Qt tQta I not to exc 1Q% of the total base



  1. ft is expressly understood and agreed between the parties that the aforementioned pay iocentives

  2. are performance based with no automatic guarantee or entitlement to Employee. Pay incentives

  3. will be available on an annual basis based on the Audit Committee's recommendation that pay

  4. incentives have been earned and School Board approval of same. Audit Committee or School

  5. Board are not bound to continue incentives from year to year.


17 -END-

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.C...:-Xrt,1. 1 uIAit.

;'A ll





rne essent ial function of this position Is to assist the Monroe County School Board in ensurlng fiscal responsibility and acCQuntablllty for the assets, re$0urces and operations of ttie Monroe County School District end lo ensure compliance with all applicable laws, rules , regulations, pollcles and procedures. To that end, the District lntemal Auditor position is empowered to the rull extent permitted under Florida law to assist the School Board In carrying out their responsibilitJes for effective financial oversight, and ensuring the existence of infernal controls that safeguerd the School District's assets and resources . The Internal Auditor Is expected to notify the Board of inefficient, ineffective financial practices, as well as those practices that violate applicable laws, rules, regulations and policies. The lntemal Auditor is also expected lo optimize District resourc by recommending new or Improved Internal controls that safeguard the Monroe County School District's assets and financial resources and identifying ways to improve the financial efficiency and effectiveness of the Monroe County School O!strict's

operations and actMfies.

The position operates under the direction of the Monroe County School Board and with input from the AUdit Committee. The District Internal Auditor perfoims. and may supervise others in the performance of, the internal audit process that results in written audit reports that provide data and Information, documentation. analyses, advice and

recommendations concerning the mattera t t1dlfed . The District lntemal Auditor will also work cooperatively with external auditors (fe<feral, state and el<ternal contracted audl1ors) to ensure the success of such e ternal auditors' auditing activities.

PRIMARY owes: This list represents the e5sentiaf tasks performed by the position. These assen fob funcrlons are not to be construed as a complete ststement of all duties performed. !Employees will be required to perfonn otMr duties es assigned.

With Input from the Audit Committee, prepares and/or revises, and recommends to the Monroe County School District, a District Audit Manual setting forth the standard operating procedures for the Office of the Oistnct Internal Auditor _

W'ilh input from the Audit Committee. prepares and submits for Schoo l Board approval an annual audit plan .

Conducts performance audils and compliance audits (lncluding within those two broad categories economy and efficiency auefrts, prog,am audits, contract audits, financial statement audits, financ i al-related audi ts, investigatory audits and speclaf audits) In accordance with Monroe County Schoof District approved audit pla ns. Reports lhe

results of those audits to the Schoo4 Board in written rorm.

E:xamfnes District key control points of accounting and /o r management tracking syste ms . financial. admin istrativ e and purchasing practices, records. activities. and contracts to determine the existence and effectiveness of intemal financial controls, conformance

with good business practice1 efficiency and effectiveness. and repons to the School Board on :,eme.

Assesses the adequacy and effediveness of the District's processes for controlllng its actMties in managing Its risk& in the ar&as eet forth in the Board-approved audit plan.

Evaluates the Ois.trlet's means of safeguardi ng assets and, as appropriate verities the

accounting such assets.

Performs substantive tests of financial records, systems, contracts, and projects to evaluate the adequacy of systems establl$hed by the District and District activities to ensure compliance with a} Board directives, rules and policies, end b) legal requirements or regulations affecting District financial and administrative matters, and reports to the School Board on the same.

May select. train and supervise support or subordinate auditors.

Performs audits by applying established audit techniques and procedure$ ror the /

purpose of deterring or detecting waste, fraud or abuse.

Identifies and evaluates systems efficiency and effectiveness through the application of ttie auditor's knowledge of busine$S and accounting systems.

Makes recommendations In audit reports to promote greeter eff'iciency and effectiveness

In the use of the Monroe County School District's assets and financial resources.

Appraises the adequacy of corrective actions taken to improve deficient conditions in a reasonable period after final audits reports have been released and reports same to the School Board.

Provides Insight to tne Board on the appropriateness and effectlvene$S of reamimendations made by the Superintendent or District financial staff on significant financial maHers or policies.

Develops, recommends and Implements audit automation systems.

Acts as a liaison between the Monroe County School District and external auditors (federal, state and extemal contracted auditors) and monitors the responses from Monroe County School District administrators to audit findings and recommendations made by such external auditors.

Informs appropriate per&ona, in accordence with the policy establishing !he internal audit process, of cone.ems thal come to light during the internal audit process and which require Immediate response In order to protect the health, safety or welfare of students or employees of the Monroe County School District, or to mitigate waste of Monroe County School District assets or resources

Conducts himself/herself In accordance with the Monroe County School District's Mission Statement and The Code of Ethics and the Principles or Professional Conduct or

the Education Profession in Florida promulgated by the Florida Education Standards Commlsston.


Va- r . ' 3. 2 01 () 6:00PM

'fo.8677 ?.

Performs such olher duties as required or assigned by the M onroo County School

Boa rd.


DATA RESPONSIBILITY: "Data Responsibility refers to information. knowledge, IJf'ld conceplions obtainect by obse!Vation, investigation. interpretation, visualization, and mental creation Data ere intangible and include numbers, words, symbols, ideas. concepts, and oral verbaf!zatlons.

Synthesizes or Integrates analysis of data or information to discover facts or develop knowledge or Interpretations; modifies policies, procedures. or methodologies ba ed on findings.

PEQPLE RESPDt!f§IBtLITY_j "People Responsibility'' refers to individuals who have contact with or are influencad by the position.

Negotiates or t!xchanges ideas, Information, and opinions with others to formulate

policies and

programs. or arrive jointly at decisions, conclusions, or solutions

ASSETS BESPONS!BILITYi.,"Assets Respons1b11;ty• rofers to the responsibility for achievmg economies or preventing loss within the otganizetion.

Requires responslbillty and opportunity for ach1evrng widespread economies and/or preventing losses through the development and admlnisfratlon of organization-wide programs and policies 1hal impact the operations of two or more major departments or

!hree or more minor departments.

MATHEMATICAL REQUIReftt;NTS: "Mathematics• deals with quantfties, magnitudes, snd forms and their relBtion$hlps and attributes by the use of numbers and symbols.

Uses prc1ctical application of fractions, percentages, ratios and proportions,

measurements, or

logarithms; may use algebraic solutions of eQuations and equalittes. deductive geometry,

and/or descriptive statistics.

COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS;• eo mmunications· involves the ability to resd, write, and speak.

Reads Journals and manui, fs; prepares specialized reports and business letters with proper format and grammar; speaks to groups of employees and peopie outside the organization.

COMPLEXITY OF WORK: ·complexity of Work" addresses the analysis, initiatjve, ingenuity. creattvity, and concentrstion required by the post1ion and the presence of any unususf pressures.


h 8677

Performs complex work involving the appl1ceHon o( logical princlp les and thinking to soive p1actical problems within or apptying to a unit or di vision of the organization ; requires continuous, close attention to detail for accurate results ; and involves rrequenl exposure to unusual pressure .

Ob1ains , analyzes and appraises data as a basis for i11fo r ffl ed. objective opinions of t!ie activ itie s being audited for in cfu, s on in audit reports.

IMPACT OF DECISION§; "fmp8CI of Decl$ionsrefers fo consequences such as

damage to

property. loss of data or property, expos1.Jre of the organization to tege/ liab ility, or injury or death to individuals.

Makes decisions with very ser1ous financial impact• effects entire of9<1nizatlon and the general public.

EQUIPMENT USAGE: "Equipment Usag • refers to Inanimate oOjects such as subslences, materials., machines, tools, equipment, work aids, or products. A thing Is tenglble snd has shape, fonn. and other physics! characterts/fcs.

Establishet methods and procedures for acquirir'lg and handling machines. tools. equipment or work aids involving extensive latitude for judgment re9ardtng attainment of standard or in selecting appropriate items.

SAFETY OF OTHERS: "Safety of Others• refers to the responsibility for other peol)/e's safely, either inherent in the job or to assure the safety of the general public.

Requ ires some responsibility for safety and health of others and/or for occasional enforcement of the standards of public safety or health


EDUCA TIQN REQUIBEMENTS: "educstion Requirements• refers to job speoffic

training sncl

education required for entry Into the posfflon

Requires a minimum of a bachelors' degree from an accredited college or untverslty with concenlratlon in business administration , acc oun ting , finance, public administration, or related field.

Master's degree from an accredited college or university with concenlratlon in business admini5tration. accounting, finance, or public administration


Certifications. at1d Registrations" refers lo professional, state, or federal licenses. certJ°fications, or registrations· required to &nter the position.

CPA (Cer11fied Public Accountant) or CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) certification In the State of Ftorfda.

EXPERIENi,E REQUIREMENT:S"E.xpen'ence Requirements" refers ro the amount of work experience that Is required for entry into the position that would result In reasonable

pectatlon that the person can perform the tasks required by the position.

A minimum of flve (5) years of successful experience in performing financial illudlts for a large enttty I& requited, Including auditing automate<! accoun1ing sy$tems, as is a minimum of five (5) years' managerial experience in financial accounting and/or Internal auditing in a large entity.

Three (3) years of senior management experience In a large accounting organfzatkin or auditing firm may be substituted for two (2) years of the required auditing experience.

Some of the requtred auditing experience shall have been obtained working fur a public agency or auditing public agency financial operations.

Experience working in a school system in a professional-level financial cepacity, or in auditJng school system financial records, Is preferred.

t,<NQWLEOGE REQUJREMENTS; •Knowledge Requirements• refers to tne amount of knowledge that ls required for entry into the position that would result in reasonable expactetlon that the person can perform the tasks required by the position.

Advenced knowledge of government finance, accountl11g, budgeting, cost control principles, auditing standards, and generally accepted accounting principles.

Knowledge of pubt!c education funding, budgeting and accounting.

Ability 10 read and apply laws, rulos, regulations, policies and procedures. Ablllty 10 exercise sound Judgment.

Ablflty to defend the accuracy of findings and statements, under significant pressure.

Strong planning and organizational skfll&.

Ability to work independently and with little supeNislon .

Ability to perform duties wfth a professional and cooperative work ethic while maintaining confldentfaffty.

Abilffy to clearly and effectively communicale orally and in writing. lnclucffng the ability to

make oral presentatlona at Monroe County School District and other public meetings.

Knowledge of and ability to use current computing technologies and software applicetiona appropriate to accounting and auditing, Inc luding PC office applications

Knowledge of contracting. negotiating,

Knowledge of indus try-standard automated financial and accounting reporting systems.


t,i¼ r . 1 8. 2 )10 6 : 00 PM

Knowledge of federal and state financial regvlations applying to School Distric ts and governmental accounting and reporting.

Advanced level of ability to analyte financial data and financial reports statements, and projections.

Abllity to ptasent findings in an easily-comprehended, written format.

Advanced verbal communication and inta<personal skills necessary to work tactfully and

effectively with diverse individuals and at all levels of management.

Ability to produce work wlthin tight timeframes and simultaneously manage several projects

Strong attention to detall.

Ability to Identify fraudulent practices and tenacity to dig deep In records And documents to prove fraud or abuse.

Willingness and ability to worlc a flexible sch edule.


Working conditions are normal for an office environment Work. may require car travel, and some weekend and/or evening work.


PHYSICAL p MANQS; "Physical Demands" refers to the requfrsments for physical exertion and coordination of limb and bOdy movt;menL

Requires sedentary work lnvofvlng standing or walking for brief periods, exerting up to 10-20 pounds of fOfee on a regular basis, and some dexterity in operating office equipment

Ability to operate a motor vehicle.

UNAVQIOAl3LE HAZARDS: -unavoidablrt Hazards' refers to unusual conditions in /he work environment fhtit mey cause illness or Injury.

fhe position Is exposed to no unwsual environmental hazards.

SENSORY REQ!,JfREMENT : "Sensory Requirements• refers to heating, sight, touch.

taste, and smell nt1cesssry to perform the tasks n,qufred by the position efficiently.

The position requires nonnal visual acuity and field of vision, hearing and speaking abHities and the ability to use a computer to type written materials and reports.


h 36 7 7

r' 5

Monroe County SchOol District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. ADA requires U1e D i strict to provide adequate accommodations to qualified peroons with disabllHles. Pr ospective snd current employees are encouraged to discuss ADA accommodations wrth management.



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Krn G n1ile CPI\, CI A Chief Audi1or

Ollice oi' ln1cmal Audit

24 I Trumbo Rd.

Key w.-.1. Fl JJ041J

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Y,,..: ,.; Ch a ir


Andy Gri1Tilhs

John Dick

St.:• "11 Pribramsky

Or. R. Duncan Ma1hcw<0n 111

Or 0-.:bra WJ lkcr

May 2 5, 2010

Members of the School Board of Monroe County, Florida Memben: of the School 8011Id Audie Commil!ee

Or. Joe Burke, Superintendent Ladies and Gentlemen:

r am pleased 10 submit thi report to you in accordance with School Board Policy 6825 which states:

ft fa the e:rpress policy of the School Board to promote financial re. ponsihility and acco1,ntabiliry.fur ;he as.rets and uperation of the District and to ensure comp{fonce with all applicable lows, ru{e5. regulations, palicie.1. (Ind procedures . It is also the express policy of the Board that the infernal auditor position xetforth herr:in br empowered to the full extent pennitted under Fforida law to assist the Huard in carrying out these goals and the Board's responsibilities relating to general.financial <Jl'l'rsight, ensuring the exrslence of internal controls rhut safeguard i/,e Di.Hrict's anets and resources. identifica1io11 of ways to impro ·e tlte financial efficiency und effectiveness of the District'. operations, programs. contracts. and actil'ities. af/d ensuring compliance with all applicable law , rules. regulahoru, policies. and procedures,

I have enclosed the result!! of the Monroe County School Board Audit investigation - HOB Concession . The staff has been cooperative and infonnarion has been provided in all respects with the exceprion of support documentation records for work performed internally and externally (as noted in the report). Although this !uck of infomu11ion did not affect the findings presented in the report, it does highlight the need for the organization including departmenrs, functions, school etc JS well as out ide vendon to fully comply with requests for information in order for the lnremal Audit Office to be effective and the audit results lo be !ICCurale, fair and objec tive . Due lo the nature of the investigation (factual presenuuion) and timing of the presentation of the report to the School Board there is no Management response included. I have reviewed the report contents with staff and there was no objection to the facts presented. Management my wish to respond after the report is presented and will be reiiport ib!e for corre<:tive action as ap pro pria te .

I will be presenting an audit work plan to the Audit Committee and School Board during June, 2010 to help prioritize audit resource.. and en,.;ure this office is providing value to the District. I want ro thank the Superintendent. the Audit Committee and the School Board for their support oflhe Office oflhe Internal Auditor.

This report wa.-. p!'<:5en!ed to rhe Audit Committee electromcafly on May 24, :!0 10 and to the School Board at 11,· \fay

2 . 20 ! 0 meeting.




KGentile, CPA, CIA Chief Audit Executive Office uflhe Internal Auditor

' N YS Professions - Onl ine Verifications Page l of l

Office of the Professions

Verification Sear ch es

The ,nfor m at'o n fur rus hed at thi s we b sit e ts from the Offi ce of Profe ss io ns' oir ci al database and ,s q,dated da i' y,

,Vicriaay u1ro u 9h f nda y. .,.11e Off tce of Pro tess;on s cons iders th i s in formation to be a secur e, pn"mary , ource for lic ense

ver cf. czt io n.

Licens e in for mati on K

0 6/ 06/ 2012




License Mo: 055876

Dat e of Lk en su r e : 03/30/67

Add ltl onal Qu all fl cat 1o n : Not appHc ab ie, n t,:h s pro fession NOT REGISTERED

Regf!lt'!'<ed through !aJ!t; Cill\f of :

  • Use of this onllne verificat ion service signifies that you have rlfad and agree to the te rms and conditions of u se. See

Hl;I.P gfqsx1ry fo r further e><planatlons of terms used on this page.

o Use your browser's back key to return to licensee fist.

  • Yo u may to see If there has been recent dlscipllnary action against th:s tlc en see.

  • Note: The Board of Regents does not discipline phys /d ans(med ld ne), physldan assistants, or spedallst 11sslstants.

T!ie status c,f i ndividual s in th-..se professions may be impacted by tnformotlon 11rovlded by the NYS Department or

Health . 10 search for the latest dlsdpilne actions against Individuals In these professions , please check the New

Yor'k St ate Oefi-."lrtrrumt of Hea fth j s Qffh:. f Pv .re!r>;iOndi Medir;, f rpf1.QJ.1.0. ho m ep aQe .



Robctt Cintton, Jr.


Dirk Smits, Esquire Vemis & Bowling. P.A.


TELEPHONE: 305.196.5676

FACSIMILE: 305.296.4331

November 5, 2012

W. Cuny Huti1


Hilary u. A1bu,y


81990 Overseas Highway Third Floor

Islamorada, Florida 33036



RE: October 23, 2012 Notice of Suspension and Disciplinary Action to Ken Gentile

Dear Dirk:

Please be advised that Ken Gentile appeals the October 23, 2012 decision of the Superintendent imposing disciplinary action against him in the fonn of a five-day suspension without pay. Mr. Gentile requests a formal administrative hearing of his appeal. Mr. Gentile contends that the disciplinary action is without basis in law or fact.


· ours,


Ken Gentile




Docket for Case No: 12-003896
Issue Date Proceedings
Apr. 05, 2013 Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Apr. 05, 2013 Stipulated Motion for Dismissal filed.
Mar. 12, 2013 Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 10, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Marathon, FL).
Mar. 08, 2013 Petitioner Motion for Extension of Time to Comply with Order of Pre-hearing Instructions and for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Feb. 15, 2013 Supplemental Report filed.
Feb. 12, 2013 Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Feb. 12, 2013 Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 20, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Marathon and Tallahassee, FL).
Feb. 12, 2013 Respondent's Report in Response to Order of December 11, 2012 filed.
Feb. 11, 2013 Petitioner's Notice of Case Status filed.
Dec. 11, 2012 Order Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by February 11, 2013).
Dec. 10, 2012 Agreed Motion to Stay Pending the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation's Review and Resolution filed.
Dec. 05, 2012 Initial Order.
Dec. 05, 2012 Referral Letter filed.
Dec. 04, 2012 Notice of Suspension and Disciplinary Action filed.
Dec. 04, 2012 Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Dec. 04, 2012 Administrative Complaint filed.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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