Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Miami, Florida
Filed: Dec. 06, 2012
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, March 26, 2013.
Latest Update: Mar. 10, 2025
Department of Business and Professional Regulation
File #
MAR 15 2012 |
Clerk: Sandee Mage
v. FEMC Case No. 2011048483
COMES NOW the Florida Engineers Management Corporation (FEMC) on behalf of
Petitioner, Florida Board of Professional Engineers, hereinafter referred to as “Petitioner,” and
files this Administrative Complaint against JACQUELINE P. JAMES, P.E., hereinafter referred
to as “Respondent”. This Administrative Complaint is issued pursuant to Sections 120,60 and
471.038, Florida Statutes. Any proceeding concerning this complaint shall be conducted
pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. In support of this complaint, Petitioner alleges the -
1. Petitioner, Florida Board of Professional Engineers, is charged with regulating the
practice of engineering pursuant to Chapter 455, Florida Statutes. This complaint is filed by the
Florida Engineers Management Corporation (FEMC) on behalf of Petitioner. FEMC is charged
with providing administrative, investigative, and prosecutorial services to the Florida Board of
Professional Engineers pursuant to Section 471.038, Florida Statutes (1997).
2. Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, a licensed professional
engineer in the State of Florida, having been issued license number PE 66579, Respondent’s last
known address is 9100 S. Dadeland Blvd., Suite 1500, Miami, Florida 33156.
3, On June 20, 2011, an architect retained Respondent's firm, Imara Architectural
Engineering, to prepare Structural Drawings for a proposed residence at 629 Hampton Lane on
Key Biscayne (Hampton Lane Project). On July 7, 2011 Respondent sealed and signed the
Structural Drawings and initialed the Calculations for the Hampton Lane Project. The Structural
Drawings and initialed the Calculations were submitted to the Key Biscayne Building Department
for review.
4. After a negative review of the ori ginal documents by the Building Department,
Respondent submitted a second set of Structural Drawings and Calculations for the Hampton Lane
Project. These Drawings were sealed and signed but not dated and the Calculations were sealed
and signed but not dated. The documents were again reviewed and rejected by the Building
5! The Structural Drawings for the Hampton Lane Project were issued by Respondent
in the name of Imara Architectural Engineering. Imara Architectural Engineering does not hold a
Certificate of Authorization from the Board.
6. The Structural Drawings and Calculations for the Hampton Lane Project are
materially deficient as follows:
A. Dimensions and required reinforcing of pile caps has not been specified as required
by Rule 61G15-30.003 (1) which states in part that documents shall be of sufficient clarity to
indicate the location, nature and extent of work.
FBPE vs. Jacqueline James, P.E., Case No. 201 1048483
B. Necessary information relative to the support of the exterior stairs has not been
provided as required by Rule 61G15-30,003 (1) which states in part that documents shall be of
sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of work.
C. Contrary to Sheets S-2.0 and §-2.1 which specify spread footings for exterior stair
support, Sheet S-4.0 shows a pile supported stair.
D. The area of flexurat steel (0.62 sq. in.) specified for beams designated GB-OL is
significantly less than the 1.84 sq. in. minimum required by Formula 10-3 of ACI-318 to prevent
sudden failure,
E, "Grade beams designated GB-01 (TYP) on Sheet S-2.1 have a safe flexural capacity
of only 60 ft. kips rather than the required 336 ft. kips on the critical span assumed on page 20 of
the Calculations.
F. Detail 1A on Sheet S-4.2 is deficient in that the undesignated grade beam shown
differs from beam GB-01 in reinforcing and elevation, from beam GB-1 in size and reinforcing,
and from the undesignated grade beam designed on page 20 of the Calculations in size and
reinforcing thus failing to meet the requirements of Rule 61G15-30.003 (1) which states in part that
documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of work.
G. Contrary to what is indicated on page 20 of the Calculations, the beam designed
there, and perhaps intended as a substitute for GB-01, has a safe flexural capacity of only 245 ft.
kips — not 336.
H. The required dimensions and reinforcing of the beam at the First Floor level at Grid
Coordinates H-9 on Sheet S-2.2 have not been specified as required by Rule 61G1 5-30.003 (1)
which states in part that documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and
extent of work.
FBPE vs. Jacqueline James, P.E., Case No. 2011048483
i. The flexural reinforcing for Beam CB-2 on Sheet 8-5.0 is 2 - #6 bars top and
bottom — not 4 - #6 bars as indicated on Sheet 12 of the Calculations. With the reinforcing
specified the safe flexural capacity of the beam is 60 ft. kips — not 86 ft kips as assumed in the
J. The framing around the stair opening at the Second Floor level is shown on Sheet
§-2.3 is inadequately defined and therefore fails to comply with Rule 61G15-30.003 (1) which
states in part that documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent
of work.
K. Because of a failure to specify intermediate supporting members over the Garage,
as required by Rule 61G15-30.003 (1) which states in part that documents shall be of sufficient
clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of work, Beam TB-1 at the Second Floor level as
shown on Sheet $-2.3 is grossly inadequate to safely support the loads imposed at that evel from
roof, wall and floor.
L. The cantilevered equipment slab is not adequately designed or detailed as required
by Rule 61G15-30.003 (1) which states in part that documents shall be of sufficient clarity to
indicate the location, nature and extent of work.
M The connections of wood beams to columns are missing thus violating Rule 61G15-
30.003 (1) which states in part that documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location,
nature and extent of work.
6. The Board has adopted Responsibility Rules of Professional Engineers
(Responsibility Rules). These Rules are contained in Chapter 61G15-30 to Chapter 61G15-36,
Fla. Administrative Code. Professional Engineers who perform services covered by the
Responsibility Rules are required to comply with the Rules, Included in the Responsibility Rules
FBPE vs, Jacqueline James, P.L., Case No, 2011048483
are Rules (Rule Chapter 61G15-31) governing Structural Engineering Documents that are
produced by a Professional Engineer.
7. Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, provides that an engineer is subject to
discipline for engaging in negligence in the practice of engineering. Rule 61G1 5-19.001(4), Fla.
Admin Code, provides that negligence constitutes “failure by a professional engineer to utilize
due care in performing in an engineering capacity or failing to have due regard for acceptable
standards of engincering principles.” Rule 61G15-1 9.001(4) also provides that “{fJailure to
comply with the procedures set forth in the Responsibility Rules as adopted by the Board of
Professional Engineers shat] be considered as non-compliance with this section unless the
deviation or departures there from are justified by the specific circumstances of the project in
question and the sound professional judgment of the professional engincer.”
8. Respondent acted as Structural Engineer of Record for the Hampton Lane Project
as that term is defined in Rule 61G15-30.002(1), F. A.C. As such, all engineering documents
prepared, signed, sealed and dated by Respondent must contain the information set out in Rule
When prepared for inclusion with an application for a general building permit, the Documents
shall meet all Engineer’s Responsibility Rules, set forth in Chapters 61G15-31,...F.A.C., and be
of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in
detail that it will conform to the provisions of the Florida Building Code, adopted in Section
553.73, F.S., and applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, as determined by the AHJ.
The Documents shall include:
(a) Information that provides material specifications required for the safe operation of the
system that is a result of engineering calculations, knowledge and experience.
(b) List Federal, State, Municipal, and County standards, codes, ordinances, laws, and
rules, with their effective dates, that the Engineering Documents are intended to conform to.
(c) Information, as determined by the Engineer of Record, needed for the safe and
efficient operation of the system.
(d) List engineering design criteria; reference project specific studies, reports, and
delegated Engineering Documents.
FBPE vs. Jacqueline James, ?.E,, Case No, 2011048483
(c) Identify clearly elements of the design that vary from the governing standards and
depict/identify the alternate method used to ensure compliance with the stated purpose of these
Responsibility Rules.
9. The Drawings and Calculations for the Hampton Lane Project must also meet the
requirements of Rule 61G15-31.002(5) (as mandated by Rule 61G15-30.001, F. A. C.):
The structural drawings, specifications and other documents setting forth the overall
design and requirements for the construction, alteration, repair, removal, demolition,
arrangement and/or use of the structure, prepared by and signed and sealed by the engineer of
record for the structure. Structural engineering documents shall identify the project and specify
design criteria both for the overall structure and for structural components and structural systems.
The drawings shall identify the nature, magnitude and location of all design loads to be imposed
on the structure. The structural engincering documents shall provide construction requirements to
indicate the nature and character of the work and to describe, detail, label and define the
structure's components, systems, materials, assemblies, and equipment.
10. As set forth in Paragraph 6 above, the Drawings and Calculations for the
Hampton Lane Project fail to contain the information mandated by the Responsibility Rules and
thus fail to comply with the Responsibility Rules.
Il. Section 471,023(2), Florida Statutes, requires that “[a]ll final drawings,
specifications, plans, reports, or documents prepared or issued by the licensee and being filed for
public record and all final documents provided to the owner or the owner's representative shall
be signed by the licensee, dated, and sealed with said seal. Rule 61G15-23 .002(3)(a), Fla.
Admin. Code, provides that (3)(a) ‘{a] title block shal! be used on each sheet of plans or prints
and shall contain the printed name, address, and license number of the engineer who has sealed,
signed and dated the plans or prints.”
12. Section 471.023(1), Florida Statutes, permits the practice of engineering through a
business organization only if such an organization obtains a Certificate of Authorization from the
Board. SCE never has held such a Certificate. By sealing and signing the Structural Drawings on
FBPE ys. Jacqueline James, P.E., Case No. 2011048483
behalf of Imara Architectural Engineering, Respondent practiced engineering through an entity
which did not hold a Certificate of Authorization issued by the Board
13. Petitioner re-alleges and incorporates Paragraphs One (1) through Ten (10) as if
fully set forth in this Count One.
14. For the reasons set forth in Paragraph 5 herein, Respondent violated the
provisions of Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, and Rule 61G15-19.001(4), F. A. C., by
sealing, signing and dating engineering documents for the Hampton Lane Project that were
issued and filed for public record when such documents were materially deficient in respect to
and not in compliance with applicable code requirements, acceptable engineering principles, and
the applicable provisions of the Responsibility Rules.
15. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is charged with violating Section 471.033(1)
(g), Florida Statutes, by engaging in negligence in the practice of engineering.
16. Petitioner realleges and incorporates Paragraphs One (1) through Five (5) and
Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) as if fully set forth in this Count Two.
17. Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, provides that an engineer is subject to
discipline for “[vJiolating any provision of ....this Chapter [471]....”
18. Based upon the facts set forth in Paragraphs One (1) through Five (5) and Eleven
(11) and Twelve (12) Respondent failed to comply with the requirements of Section 471.023 by
signing and sealing the Structural Drawings for the Hampton Lane Project on behalf of an entity
that does not possess a Certificate of Authorization from the Board.
FBPE vs. Jncqueline James, P.E., Case No. 2011048483
19. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is charged with violating Section
471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, by “{yJiolating any provision of ....this Chapter [471]....” asa
result of failing to comply with the requirements of Section 471.023, Florida Statutes.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner respectfully requests the Board of Professional Engineers
to enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties: permanent revocation or
suspension of the Respondent’s license, restriction of the Respondent’s practice, imposition of an
administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand, placement of the Respondent on probation, the
assessment of costs related to the investigation and prosecution of this case, other than costs
associated with an attorncy’s time, as provided for in Section 455.227(3), Florida Statutes, and/or
any other relief that the Board deems appropriate.
SIGNED this [Say of _| la a vA 2012.
Zana Raybon
Executive Director
BY: John J. Rimes, IIT
Chigf Prosecuting Attorney
John J. Rimes, LIT
Prosecuting Attorney
Florida Engineers Management Corporation
2639 North Monroe Street, Suite B-112
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Florida Bar No. 212008
PCP DATE: March 13, 2011
PCP Members: Charland, Rebane & Hahn
FBPE ys. Jacqueline James, P.E., Case No, 2011048483
I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing was furnished to Ms. Jacqueline James, P.E, 9100 S.
Dadeland Blvd., Suite: 1500, Miami, Florida 33156, by certified mail, on the 2 4) of March,
doe Mag
Sandée M. Maige, FRP
Paralegal to John J. Rimes, Ill
FBPE vs. Jacqueline James, P.E., Case No.. 201 1048483
Docket for Case No: 12-003947PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 26, 2013 |
Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 26, 2013 |
Agreed Upon Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Jan. 22, 2013 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 2, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Jan. 17, 2013 |
Motion for Continuance filed.
Dec. 17, 2012 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Dec. 17, 2012 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 1, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Dec. 14, 2012 |
Response to Initial Order filed.
Dec. 07, 2012 |
Initial Order.
Dec. 06, 2012 |
Petition for Hearing Involving Disputed Issues of Material Fact filed.
Dec. 06, 2012 |
Motion to Dismiss filed.
Dec. 06, 2012 |
Agency referral filed.
Dec. 06, 2012 |
Administrative Complaint filed.