Respondent: DELMAS BROWN
Agency: County School Boards
Locations: Orlovista, Florida
Filed: Aug. 15, 2013
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, May 21, 2014.
Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
Delmas Brown,
Barbara M. Jenkins, as Superintendent of Schools, for and on behalf of the
School Board of Orange County, Florida, (hereinafter referred to as “Petitioner’), files
this Administrative Complaint against Delmas Brown (hereinafter referred to as
Petitioner seeks the severance of Respondent's professional service contract
with Petitioner pursuant to Section 1012.33 and 1012.34, Florida Statutes.
The Petitioner alleges:
1. The Respondent, at all times material to this Complaint, was employed as
a classroom teacher by the Petitioner, the School Board of Orange
County, Florida.
2. The Respondent holds a professional service contract of employment with
the School Board of Orange County, Florida.
3. For the 2010-2011 School year, Respondent received a Final Evaluation
reflecting an overall rating of Needs Improvement (NI). Attached hereto
and incorporated herein as Attachment A is a copy of the Final Evaluation
for the 2010-2011 school year.
4, On April 27, 2012, the Respondent received his 2011-2012 Final
Evaluation reflecting an Instructional Practice Score of 1.3, which
correlates to a rating of Unsatisfactory (U). Attached hereto and
incorporated herein as Attachment B is a copy of the 2011-2012 Final
On December 14, 2012, the Respondent was issued a 90-day
Performance Probationary Plan by the Principal. Attached hereto and
incorporated herein as Attachment C is a copy of the 90-day
Performance Probationary Plan notice to the Respondent. The
Performance Probationary Plan addressed Domain 1, Classroom
Strategies and Behaviors and Domain 2, Planning and Preparing.
During the 2012-2013 school year, Respondent's informal and formal
observations revealed he failed to; (1) provide clear learning goals and
scales; (2) track student performance; (3) demonstrate “withitness”; 4)
notice when students were not engage; (5) and follow established
standards. Additionally, as a result of Respondent’s incompetent
performance, the Respondent’s students were not completing the training
programs required for them to become certified as Microsoft Certified
Application Specialists or Microsoft Office Specialists.
On April 12, 2013, the Respondent's 90-day Performance Probationary
Plan ended and Respondent was provided a seven (7) day notice of the
Final Evaluation meeting. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as
Attachment D is a copy of the completed pian.
On April 19, 2013, the Respondent received his 2012-2013 Evaluation
reflecting an Instructional Practice Score of 1.3, which correlates to a
rating of Unsatisfactory (U). Attached hereto and incorporated herein as
Attachment E is a copy of the 2012-2013 Evaluation.
On April 19, 2013, the Principal met with the Respondent and reviewed
the 90-day Performance Probationary Plan results and shared with the
Respondent that he had not made adequate improvement and issued
him a letter reflecting such results. Attached hereto and incorporated
herein as Attachment F is a copy of the notification letter and final
meeting summary.
10. On April 26, 2013, the Area Superintendent forwarded his
recommendation to terminate the Respondent for failure to show
adequate improvement on the 90-day Performance Probationary Plan.
Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment G is a copy of
the 90-day Performance Probationary Plan recommendation.
11. On May 10, 2013, Respondent was notified of the recommendation to
terminate his contract in accordance with §1012.33 and §1012.34, FI.
Stats. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment H is a
copy of the 90-day Performance Probationary Plan recommendation.
12. Such actions by the Respondent, Delmas Brown, are in violation of
School Board Policies and the Superintendent's Instructional Goals,
demonstrates incompetence, and is a breach of Respondent's
employment agreement with the School Board.
13. Said violations are sufficient grounds to sever the professional service
contract with the Respondent for incompetence pursuant to §1012.33, Fl.
Stats. and failure to successfully complete his Performance Probationary
Plan pursuant to §1012.34, Fi. Stats.
THEREFORE, the Superintendent of Schools for the School Board of
Orange County, Florida, recommends that the Board sever its Professional Service
Contract relationship with the Respondent and terminate immediately the employrnent
of Respondent, Delmas Brown, and authorize John C. Palmerini to act as counsel in
this matter.
Dated this | 1 aay of May, 2013. L Libue.< —
John’C. Palmerini, Esq.
Florida Bar No. 571709
Attorney for Barbara Jenkins,
Superintendent, The School Board
of Orange County, Florida
445 W. Amelia Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
66 A”?
Name: Delmas O Brown
Personnel: 00027907
School Year: 2010-2011
Teaching Assignment:
Certification Held: BUS ED
Contract: PSC
Final Assessment Report
E=Effective ER=Effective with Recommendations *Ni=Needs Improvement *U=Unsatisfactory **NA=Not
codes are printed on the last page of this form.
*Specific recommendations for improvement must be included.
**All indicators may not be applicable to your teaching assignment.
1. Observation Mode: FPMS
2. NI Overall Assessment Rating
3. E
Classroom Management and Discipline
. Promotes self-expression by students
and enables them to contribute through
discussion and activities
. Provides for the health and safety of
students while maintaining flexibility to
meet their needs
. Maintains instructional momentum
. Begins instruction promptly
. Handles material in av orderly manner
. Promotes effective classroom
interaction, communication and mutual
respect while working independently or in
. Aids students in managing time a group
. Uses physical facilities and equipment
to the best advantage
Mr. Brown should continue to work on creating a positive atmosphere
where everyone has the opportunity to participate and everyone is
expected to be alert and behave in an appropriate manner. Please move
around the room to ensure that all students are on task.
. Creates an atmosphere of mutual
respect between students and teacher
4. NI Curriculum Knowledge
. Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate technology (i.e.
manipulatives, hardware, software, etc.) as it relates to the
. Relates the curriculum to students in a meaningful manner by
utilizing real-world applications
Using the rating code above, place the appropriate code in the box next to the criterion named.
Definitions of rating
. Stops misconduct
. Develops high expectations for student
achievement and behavior and clearly
conveys them to all students in a
positive, consistent, calm, and fair
. Positively reinforces appropriate student
. Plans for integration of curriculum as appropriate
. Presents concepts, principles, and rules effectively
. Presents evidence for value judgment
Mr. Brown needs to follow and present the NAF- National Academy
Foundations Curriculum to his students and not deviate.
5. NI Planning and Delivering Instruction
. Facilitates classroom discussion
. Uses evaluative techniques to improve teaching-learning
. Establishes fong-range and immediate objectives and strategies
for instruction activites in accordance with the district
curriculum and mission statement
. Defines instructional goals clearly
» Plans for individual differences by individualizing instruction
as far as possible to the level of each student in his/her
learning style
. Plans an appropriate sequence of skills
. Collects information about each student (cumulative records
diagnostic test scores, etc.) and maintains the confidentiality
of that information
. Expresses enthusiasm verbally, challenges students and uses
body behavior to show interest in students
. Uses a variety of instructional materials and resources
. Gives directions, assigns/checks comprehension of
homework/seatwork/assignments, gives feedback
. Presents an objective, purpose or anticipatory set for each new
. Gives clear directions and procedures for all student assignments
and activities
- Orients students to activities at hand as frequently as necessary
to allow for maximum on-task learning
. Checks for student understanding throughout the lesson
presentation and in alf types of learning activities
. Manages time efficiently and organizes work
. Uses a variety of classroom activities and instructional materials
which are challenging to students
- Orients students to classwork/maintains academic focus
. Conducts beginning/ending reviews and emphasizes important
. Recognizes response/amplifies/gives correct feedback
. Maintains accurate student records
- Provides students with an opportunity for independent and
guided practice of new learning
. Clarifies and when necessary, presents instruction in more
than one modality
. Provides a review of closure activity in all new fearning activities
- Circulates and assists students and dignifies all reponses
. Provides activities which encourage students to think
. Utilizes questions to build academic comprehension/lesson
- Provides opportunities for outside participation and utilization of
community resources
. Reviews test items/gives reasons for answers
Mr. Brown needs to create an appropriate sequence of course work and
lessons to engage all students and provide for a learning environment
that has students engaged from bell to bell. Must circulate and monitor
students throughput lesson instead of seating at computer.
6. NI
. Records student grading/progress to reflect reasonable progress
. Shows that planning and records reflect movement on
continuation of skills
. Refer students with special needs for appropriate assistance
. Provides appropriate course modifications
. Demonstrates sensitivity towards multi-cultural diversity
- Responds to the individual needs, aptitudes, talents and learning
styles of students by using a variety of assessment techniques
. Reviews multiple student performance data including both state
and local required assessments and gives input into the
. Individual Professional Development Plan process based on the
Assessment of Student Performance & IPDP
. Uses appropriate skills and strategies that promote
creative/critical thinking capabilites of students
. Assesses students’ readiness at the beginning of the school year
. Uses skills gained from the Individual Professional Development
Plan process to make instructional decisions
. Balances formative and summative assessment that measure
and support student progress
. Completes the Individual Professional Development Plan process
including examination of student data related to AYP status
and subgroups
. Documents student performance in a variety of appropriate ways
. Provides data which reflect overall improvement in students’
Mr. Brown needs to monitor and assess his students based on the order of
instruction and NAF- National Academy Foundations Curriculum . Mr.
Brown needs to record student progress based on work that students
complete. Mr. Brown has not used skills gained from the Individual
Professional Development Plan process to make instructional decisions.
7. NI Interpersonal Skills
. Consults with other teachers, team leaders, department heads, . Assists students in the evaluation of their own growth and
consultants and specialists development
. Cooperates in planning special programs and activities during . Guides students in changing negative attributes into positive and
school hours constructive ones
- Maintains good rapport with colleagues, staff, and students . Interprets and clarifies school policy/programs
. Shares ideas, materials, methods and concerns regarding . Uses a variety of methods to communicate with
students with professional colleagues parents/community
. Seeks innovative or best practices for the classroom . Clearly conveys to parents their child's academic achievement
. Shows concern for students, their families and personal problems and classroom behavior
. Is consistent and fair in counseling with students, individually and - Encourages parent/community participation in school activities
in groups and conferences
. Demonstrates sensitivity to multicultural diversity . Uses a positive approach in parent relations and maintains
- Helps students to develop positive self-concepts and student confidentiality
behavior patterns
Mr. Brown needs to consult with other teachers, team leaders, department
heads, and administrators. He needs to follow his administrator's
directions regarding lessons presented to his students, reviewing
multiple student performance data, and communicating with his students’
8. NI Professional Responsibilities
. Participates in the development and implementation of school . Develops a personal professional development plan and
policies and procedures when given the opportunity demonstrates work toward achieving these goals
. Supports school and district programs and activities . Demonstrates an awareness and utilization of school resources
. Participates in school and district committees . Is appropriately certificated in instructional field(s)
. Demonstrates a positive attitude toward the teaching profession . Updates knowledge in field by taking additional college courses,
. Shares in the evaluation and effectiveness of the educational inservice participation or engaging in other learning activities
program with the School Advisory Council . Meets professional obligations on time
. Abides by state statutes, district policies, and teacher's code of . Respects the rights of others to express divergent opinions
ethics . Remains controlled and effective under pressure
. Operates as a team member as well as a leader
Mr. Brown needs to work on meeting his professional obligations in a
timely manner.
The evaluator and evaluatee electronically signed this document.
inal Evaluation for Delmas Brown
‘inal Evaluation for Delmas Brown
Page | of
zarmer: Evaluator: Evaluation Category:
-* -as Brown Adele Salazar Category 3
uw Start:
ag 1, 2014
Period End: Date Finished:
Jun 8, 2012 Apt 27, 2012
Student Growth | Instructional Practice Final Score
2.49 | 1.3 1.78
Needs improvement ' Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement
‘bservations used in this Evaluation
Formal observation finished on Jan 30, 2012 9:18:25 AM with form Domain 1; Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Informal observation finished on Feb 13, 2012 3:19:23 PM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
informal observation finished on Feb 22, 2012 12:52:09 PM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
“ormal observation finished on Mar 5, 2012 9:27:00 AM with form Domain 2: Planning and Preparing
-nformal observation finished on Mar 7, 2012 1:24:22 PM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Formal observation finished on Mar 8, 2012 14:49:13 AM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Formal observation finished on Mar 9, 2012 9:35:08 AM with form Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching
Formal observation finished on Mar 9, 2012 9:46:41 AM with form Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism
informat observation finished on Mar 13, 2012 1:15:10 PM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Informal observation finished on Mar 15, 2012 9:45:33 AM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Informal observation finished on Mar 23, 2012 1:53:20 PM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Informal observation finished on Apr 9, 2012 4:01:25 PM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors (dropped)
Formal observation finished on Apr 9, 2012 10:59:59 PM with form Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism
Informal observation finished on Apr 12, 2012 8:55:21 AM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Informal observation finished on Apr 13, 2012 3:50:11 PM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Informal observation finished on Apr 16, 2012 2:58:24 PM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Informal observation finished on Apr 20, 2012 9:11:41 AM with form Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Formal observation finished on Apr 23, 2012 2:37:03 PM with form Domain 2: Planning and Preparing
Formal observation finished on Apr 24, 2012 9:51:00 AM with form Domain 4: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Formal observation finished on Apr 26, 2012 6:06:09 PM with form Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching
student Growth
‘tudent Growth Score
in: 1.5 | Max: 4 | Weight: 40.0%
verall Status Score: Overali Status:
ttps:// 154
Needs Improvement
Highly Effective Effective | Needs improvement |
3.5-4.0 2.5-3.49 415-249 |
inal Evaluation for Delmas Brown
istructional Practice
tomain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
requencies: Not Met
bservation type: formal, expected: 4, actual: 3
bservation type: informal, expected: 10, actual: 11
Domain Score:
Unsatisfactory (1.0)
Domain Weight:
Page 2 of
Dropped Observations:
-evel 4 (Innovating)
0 (8%)
-evel 3 (Applying)
8 (12.31%)
evel 2 (Developing)
-evel 1 (Beginning)
evelO(NotUsing) a ~ T - 46 308%) SS
fatal County L se
Jomain 2: Planning and Preparing
requencies: Not Met Domain Score: Domain Weight:
bservation type: any, expected: 4, actual: 2 Needs Improvement (2.0) 20.0%
— Scale ] : Count
_ _ - 0 (0%)
3 (Applying) ~ 1 (42.86%) "
-evel 2 (Developing) | 3 (21.43%) _
1 (7.414%) ——
~ 7 4 (28.57%) - —
- q . a ~ — -
‘omain 3: Reflecting on Teaching
frequencies: Not Met Domain Score: Domain Weight:
bservation type: any, expected: 4, actual: 2 Needs improvement (2.0) 10.0%
a Scale ” Count OO -
.evel 4 (Innovating) 00%) a
evel 3 (Applying) ~ / “307s%)
.evel 2 (Developing) ~ - 250%) /
cevel 1 (Beginning). ~ 7 sare)
“evel 0 (Not Using) 0 0%) — -
Total Count: 8 OO
tomain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism
frequencies: Domain Score: Domain Weight:
bservation type: any, expected: 1, actual: 2 Unsatisfactory (1.0) 10.0%
inal Evaluation for Delmas Brown Page 3 of
Scale Count ae
-evel 4 (innovating) — 00%) -_
evel 3 (Applying) — ~ gee) OSSCSCSCS
“12 (Developing) ~ ; 828.0%) eee
cevel t (Beginning) , il 1(8.39%)
a I a0
Total Count
istructional Practice Score
in: 1 | Max: 4 | Weight: 60.0%
verall Status Score: Overall Status:
3 Unsatisfactory
i Effective T Needs {mprovement | Unsatisfactory
3.5-4.0 [ 2.5 -3.49 | 1.5-2.49 |
ernest —— — i ie —— a
This evaluation was finished by Adele Salazar on Apr 27, 2012 5:24:56 PM.
Delmas Brown acknowledged this evaluation on May 1, 2012 7:38:43 AM.
do not understand how | am improving, but still unsatisfactory in alf all areas is confusing to me; I'm still willing to receive any assistance that can be given to
help me improve in the unsatisfactory areas.
Please circle one of the following statements and sign the printed copy prior to submitting it to your school/work location administrator.
~-| do not wish to have a conference to discuss my summative evaluation.
--1am requesting a conference to discuss my summative evaluation.
~-| wish to discuss my summative evaluation and agree to extend the 10 day requirement.
Evaluator Signature: Date:
Learner Signature: Date:
ttps:// 866e4b03029b7602154 3/26/201
Cypress Creek High School
December 14, 2012
Delmas Brown
PN# 27907
Dear Mr. Brown:
Pursuant to Section 161 Florida Statues; you are being
‘ (90) calendar day: performance probationary. period (excluding
school holidays chool vacation: days), effective: from receipt:of the notice of
unsatisfactory ormance : -to demonstrate. corrective action, whieh: notice has
been sérved-uipon you this December 14, 2012. ree
placed on a nine’
You are hereby no d of the folowing | Florida Statute 1012. 34, procedural,
requirements oa
te “Upon delivery of i. evaluator
must. confer, with: the, : vith respect to
specie. araas: of unsatstacts perfor ce, cand. I provide. ‘assistance in
helping to correct. defi iciencies ‘within a prescr! 3
: The: employee: shall be plated c on perforinanee probation and governed bj
the (Provisions ‘Of this” Section for of léndar days from the ‘receipt of the
Semonstrate corrective action.
encies. At any
time during the 90 calendar rdaye:t the eibsovee may request:a transfer to
another appropriate position .with a different _Supervi “4
receiving the evaluator's recommendation: -ti ' intenden ist notify
the employee in writing whether the performance deficiencies have been
satisfactorily corrected and whether the superintendent will recommend
that the school board continue or terminate his or her employment
contract. If the employee wishes to contest the superintendent's
recommendation, the employee must, within 15 days after receipt of the
superintendent's recommendation, submit a written request for a hearing.
Such a hearing shall be conducted at the school board's election in
accordangs ¥" Bagr BS LeR oO lguies Oia ede Slorida 32824
(407) 852-3400
Orange County Public Schools
“The Orange County School Board is an equal opportunity agency”
a. A direct hearing conducted by the school board within 60 days
after receipt of the written appeal. The hearing shall be
conducted in accordance with the provisions of ss.120.569 and
120.57. A majority vote of the membership of the school board
shall be required to sustain the superintendent's
recommendation. The determination of the school board shall
be final as to the sufficiency or insufficiency of the grounds for
termination of employment; or
b. A hearing conducted by an administrative law judge assigned
by the Division of Administrative Hearings of the Department of
Management Services. The hearing shall be conducted within
60 days after receipt of the written appeal in accordance with
Chapter 120. The recommendation of the administrative law
judge shall be made to the school board. A majority vote of the
membership of the school board shall be required to sustain or
change the administrative law judge's recommendation. The
determination of the school board shall be final as to the
sufficiency or insufficiency of the grounds for termination of
. The superintendent shall notify the department of any instructional
personnel who receives two consecutive unsatisfactory evaluations and
who have been given written notice by the district that their employment is
being terminated or is not being renewed or that the school board intends
to terminate, or not renew, their employment. The department shall
conduct an investigation to determine whether action shall be taken
against the certificate holder pursuant to S. 1012.795 (1) (b).
. The superintendent shall develop a mechanism for evaluating the effective
use of assessment criteria and evaluation procedures by administrators
who are assigned responsibility for evaluating the performance of
instructional personnel. The use of the assessment and evaluation
procedures shall be considered as part of the annual assessment of the
administrator's performance. The system must include a mechanism to
give parents and teachers an opportunity to provide input into the
administrator's performance assessment, when appropriate.
. Nothing in this section shall be construed to grant a probationary
employee a right to continued employment beyond the term of his or her
. The district school board shall establish a procedure annually reviewing
instructional personnel assessment systems to determine compliance with
this section. All substantial revisions to an approved system must be
reviewed and approved by the school board before being used to assess
instructional personnel. Upon request by a school district, the department
shall provide assistance in developing, improving, or reviewing an
The attached Professional Improvement Plan and formal and informal
observation forms document the unsatisfactory performance/performance
deficiencies. During your ninety- (90) calendar day probation period, you
will be evaluated periodically and apprised of progress achieved and you
will be provided assistance to help correct the noted performance
Failure to correct the performance deficiencies may result in a
recommendation to terminate your employment contract with the School
Board of Orange County, Florida.
Should you have any questions, please provide them to me in writing and |
will provide you a written response.
Susan Storch
Cypress Creek High School
C: Attachments
Employee Relations
Area Superintendent
My signature indicates only that | have received acopy Dat
of this letter.
eT) 99
Delmas Brown,
___Cypress Creek High Schaal
December 14, 2012. April 8, 2013.
Providing Clear Learning
Goals and Scales
Mr. Brown will use
CBC-Common Board
for each class period
daily. Daily, he will
post and review with
students the learning
Mr. Brown will review
Marzano site for videas
specific to learning
goals and scales,
Summarize how you
will implement this
information into your
The Instructional Coach
will conduct informal
observations that willbe
used for coaching
purposes and provide
feedback regarding
learning goals and scales.
goals that are alignto | teaching by 1/17/13.
Meet with Dept.
. Align Learning Goals Colleagues weeldy Business Dept. Chair
1. for all lessons with during PLC for
peers who teach the collaboration with
same course, peers on setting
learning gaals/scales
The principal, area
superintendent (or
_ designee) will conduct
observations to assess
compliance using the
Marzano Teacher
Evaluation System and
L anecdotal notes.
Tracking Student Progress Mr. Brown will Mr. Brown will view Principal
facilitate tracking of iObservation protocol
student progress using | video ~ Tracking
formative approach to | Student Progress and
assessment and complete the Learning
monitor extent to GuideActivityReflection
which students on Tracking Progress
2 understand their level | by 2/1/13.
. of performance. Mr. Brown will observe | instructional Coach
other teachers tracking
student progress and
write a summary of
what he learned and
how he can apply to his
own classes by
Business Dept, Chair
Mr. Brown will
correctly enter grades
into Progress Book
following the
guidelines determined
by the business
teachers ona weekly
Attend Progress Book
Training by 1/17/13
Testing Coordinator
The principal, area
superintendent, or
designee, will conduct
observations to assess
compliance using the
Marzano Teacher
Evaluation System and
anecdotal notes.
Demonstrating “withitness”
Noticing when students are not
Mr. Brown will
consistently physically
accupy all quadrants
of the raom during all
lessons to ensure a
safe environment.
Mr, Brown will notice
when specific
students are not
engaged and redirect
them to the work.
Mr. Brown will notice
when the energy fevel
of the room is low,
View appropriate
iObservation videos on
Acknowledgement of
Lack of Adherence to
Rules and Procedures,
Mr. Brown will write a
summary of what he
learns from the videos
and how he will apply
that knowledge in his
classroom by 3, 7
Mr. Brown will view
the appropriate
iObservation videos an
noticing when students
are not engaged and
answer the reflection
questions by spHa3
3/¢ / 3
Instructional Coach
The principal, area
superintendent, or
designee, will conduct
observations to assess
compllance using the
Marzano Teacher
Evaluation System and
anecdotal notes.
Instructional Coach
The principal, area
superintendent, ar
designee, will conduct
observations to assess
compliance using the
Marzano Teacher
Evaluation System and
anectodal notes.
Observation | Signature
Dates & Date
& Date
Teacher | Adrninistrator
Signature | Signature &
& Date Bate
Type of
Type of
horn ‘
informal “he es
Semana pee ps Bluja keoew Ee
Formal? 1/5103 l/s H/3H
Fintormali [steak 3 Wise sty on Iie Renew 2 | AS
Fitomsttt Alig fa EB
|_zjeahs |
Formal #2 ALi is Wi Bah é lesb peview #3 EE ye Nf ZBI OS
Informal #5 Khare TDR x [ra]
informal #6 bs i, PR ¥ TAB r ZE, is ) 3
Formal I : LP ie Zp Za f
| informal #7 _| #7
Final Session a ew
9 fies
on an SHOWN, a7) an
vintirnersemure SEL) som Hit s/) 3
*individual Plons should not be wetten for more than dne design question. Multiple plons can be written, but each should be specific ta
an oren identified for improvement. The signature of the teacher does not necessarily imply ogreement with the Performance
Probationary Plon, but rather acknowledges that it hos been discussed with the odministrator.
Seas Yeacher stgnatore Yee 1
_Delmas Brown. __Cypress Creek High School
e 5
*COMPETENCY AREA/DOMAIN |, H, ll, i¥___ Domain It Planning ans spares truction,
December 14, 2012, April, 8, 2023.
Attention to established content | Mr. Brown will plan Mr, Brown will Business Dept. Chair
standards lessons clearly tiedte | collaborate with other
learning goals. He will | Business Dept. teachers
include effective to develop and
scaffolding of implement lessons that
infermation within are tied te learning
the fessons that build | goals and include
on previous content. effective scaffolding of
Mr, Brown will ensure | information that build
that lessons Include on previous content,
content identifled by This is ongoing.
the district supported
curriculum and are Mr. Brown will login to
not extraneous busy Learnkey, the course Principal will review
work, curriculum, as a Learntey documentation
1. student and work
through the lessons.
He will provide
documentation of time
spent working in the
pragram by 1/17/13,
and 3/15/13.
The principal, Area
Superintendent, or
designee, will conduct
observations to assess
compliance using the
Marzano Teacher
Evaluation System and
_l anecdotal nates.
Formal #4
poste Sada Wh A
: Teacher | Gbserver Teacher | Administrator
Type of Observation | Signature | Signature Type of Conference | Signature | Signature &
Observation Dates & Date & Date Conference Dates & Date Date
Session i2ia/z | Ypfagu- EZ pe Japa.
Informal #1 thops brie Wee sfpls
informal #2 | "4, 5 js Review ti | 1/17/13 ch Be Jee
Formal #1 Lips f jis Py ae
informal #3 Dif iad weview | 2nn3 bf, ES oh jis
| informal #4 1 Bod lee, Ly
Formal #2 ie a1 aa ganna ES eee
Infarmal #5 He 13 Nas ADE 2 fia shel
Informal #6 12 an i phen DA 5 Jsa] Review #4 afiprs ni bag EBihale/'2
Formal #3 sh > {ober (AA
informal #7 |.3 [$d Y Review #5
we Badas, aha)! 3
Teacher stenoure Yn.
Dla eat Sed Review #6 eect
wv, Session
j (2)
T sou
We Administrator sem KA, , Date. cA, A, iS, / 13
“individual Plans should not be weitien for more than one design question. Multiple plans con be written, but each should be specific to
an area identified for improvement. The signawre of the teacher does not necessorily imply ogreement with the Performonce
Probationary Plon, but rather acknowledges that it has been discussed with the administrotor.
Final Evaluation for Delmas Brown
Final Evaluation for Delmas Brown
Dele ~ Brown
Susan Storch
Student Growth
Observations used in this Evaluation
Obs. Type
Star ward :
! Type
: Formal
| Format ,
: Informal
: Formal
‘ Format
: Formal
- Formal
_ Informal
: Formal
: Format
" Sep 27, 2012 1:25:53 PM
| Oct 5, 2012 9:25:56 AM
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Oct 23, 2012 8:49:33 AM
- oct 26, 2012 9:28: 02 AM
Jan 16, 2013 8:46: 33 AM
Jan 16, 2013 8:53: 27 AM
dan 29, 2013 a: 35: 28 AM
Jan 30, 2013 bs 33: 32 PM
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© Feb 14, 2013 2:09:15 PM
; Feb 20, 2013 9:58:01 AM
7 Feb 21, 2013 9: 20: 53 AM
- Feb 25, 2013 3: 39: 45 PM
Feb 26, 2013 2:08:00 PM.
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Evaluation Category: Observation Period: Date Finished:
Category 3DP Aug 20, 2012 to May 1, 2013 Apr 22, 2013
Final Score: N/A
Instructional Practice
Form , , Observer
. Domain i Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Adele Salazar
Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors , a Susan Storch
Domain 2: Planning and Preparing _ ‘Susan St Storch -
Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors i ‘Susan Storch
: Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching oo “Susan § Storch —
Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Susan Storch
; Domain 4: Coltegiality and Professionalism —_ Susan Storch
Domain 2: Pianning and Preparing - - : Susan SI Storch
, Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors - “Susan Storch
Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors — Susan Storch ~
Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching _ a : Susan Storch /
Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Dropped : Harold Buchanan
Domain 4 Classroom Strategies and Behaviors a Debra Hadi
De Domain 2 “Planning and Preparing ; | Susan Storch
: Domain 4: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Oo Susan Storch
Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching - — : Susan Storch
Domain 4: Classroom ‘Strategies and Behaviors - i Adele Salazar
Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Oo Betzabeth Reussow
Domain 4: Clasroom Strategies an and Behaviors : : Capiideo Jadonath
: Domain 2: : Planning and Preparing oo _ Susan Storch
Domain 4 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors : : - Susan Storch
Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching : _ / Susan Storch 17146f5e4b0d89be2 7ffc04 4/22/2013
Final Evaluation for Delmas Brown
Page 2 of 4
Standard Informat Apr 8, 2013 1:58:42 PM Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Adele Salazar
Standard Formal Apr 9, 2013 9: 23:59 AM Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Susan Storch
Standard Formal Apr 11, 2013 9:22:45 AM Domain : : Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Susan Storch
st a Format Apr 11, 201 3 9: 33: 06 AM Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching Susan Storch
Standard Format Apr 18, 2013 6: 22: ‘07 PM Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism Susan Storch
Final Score Scale Range: 1.0-4.0
Highly Effective Effective Needs improvement : _ Unsatisfactory
3.5-4.0 - : 25-3.49 7 : 15-249 : a 1.0-1.49
Student Growth: N/A
Student Growth Scale Weight: 40.0% | Range: 1.0 - 4.0
“Highly Effective Effective Needs improvement : "Unsatisfactory
38- 40 : 2.5-3.49 1.5-2.49
Student Growth
Weight: 40.0%
Instructional Practice: 1.3 - Unsatisfactory
Instructional Practice Scale
1.0- 149
Weight: 60.0% | Range: 1.0 - 4.0
Highty Effective , - Effective Needs improvement Unsatisfactory
35-40 ; : 25-349 : 15-2490 4.0-4.49
Deliberate Practice Domain 1: Classroom Strategies Domain 2: Planning and Prepari
Score: 0.0 - No Growth and Behaviors Score: 2.0 - Needs ImprovementWeight: 20.0%
Score Addition: 0.0 Score: 1.0 - UnsatisfactoryWeight: 60.0% Frequencies:
Target Elements Growth Score + Observation se Ean 3, actual: 6 opener ‘psrany oneness eee
“~~ «Observation informal, ed: 7, actual: 9
3intaining a Lively Pace - 0.0- No Growth } ype: expect
‘Scale i Count
Scale i Count
‘Level 4.0 (innovating) 0,0 (0.0%)
‘Level 3.0 (Applying) : 43.0 (61.8%)
Final Evaluation for Delmas Brown Page 3 of 4
Level 4.0 (Innovating) 0.0 (0.0%) © Level 2.0 (Developing) 8.0 (38.1%)
Level 3.0 (Applying) (‘ik «=SCSsCL evel 1.0 (Beginning) 0.0 (0.0%)
“Level 2.0 (Developing) —==«17.0 22.87%) Level 0.0 (Not Using) 9.0 (0.0%)
“Level 4.0 (Beginning) = 43.0087.33%) ss TotaCount
eval 0.0 (Not Using) eon a ; - os sessestnnn
te Come | oe
Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching Domain 4: Collegiality and
Score: 2.0 - Needs lmprovementWeight: 10.0% Professionalism
Frequencies: Score: 1.0 - UnsatisfactoryWeight: 10.0%
» Observation type: any, expected: 3, actual: 5
conan + Observation type: any, expected: 1, actual: 2
‘Scale : Count Po
Level 4.0 (innovating) 0.0 (0.0%) | Scale . Count sonnet
“Tavel 3.0 (Applying) S«*«RO.BTH™) LE! 4.0 (Innovating) 0.0 (0.0%)
“Level 2.0 (Developing) «= 9.007.5%) Level 3.0 (Applying) ene
‘Level 1.0 (Beginning, —-»s=(i«8.0087.5%) —=—=_Levet 2.0 (Developing) 10.35%)
Level 0.0 (Not Using) “1.0 (6.17%) Level 1.0 (Beginning) 6.0 (60.0%)
Total Count: ns ae 7 24 Level 0.0 (Not Using) 5.0 (41.67%)
A, .oval and Notifications
This evaluation was finished by Susan Storch on Apr 22, 2043 9:01:40 AM.
Delmas Brown acknowledged this evatuation on Apr 22, 2013 10:37:36 AM.
| acknowledge receiving the Instructional Practice Rating; however, I'm unclear about the Deliberate Practice Score, because | know that | did do it, and submitted if, but
there's a 0 in that spot. | don't understand that piece; please explain.
Additional Acknowledgement:
Delmas Brown acknowledged receiving the instructional Practice rating 1.3 - Unsatisfactory on Apr 22, 2013 10:37:37 AM.
Deimas Brown acknowledged receiving the Deliberate Practice rating 0.0 on Apr 22, 2013 10:37:37 AM.
Evaluator Signature: Date:
Learner Signature: Date: 4/22/2013
Final Evaluation for Delmas Brown Page 4 of 4 17146f5e4b0d89be27 ffc04 4/22/2013
Cypress Creek High School
April 19, 2043
Delmas Brown
Cypress Creek Fah School «
Dear Mr. Brown: :
Pursuant to the provisions of Florida Statute 1012: 34, | am writing to, inform you
that based upon the final review of-your progress, ‘you have failed to correct the
performance ‘deficiencies as identifi ed i in 1 YOHE ninety: (90). days Professional .
Development Plan.:: - :
Relations at 317- 3239. ee
Sincerely, oe
Susan Storch,
Principal E
Cypress Creek High. Scho
Area Superintendent
Employee Relations
1101 Bear Crossing Drive, Orlando, Florida 32824
(407) 852-3400
Orange County Public Schools
“The Orange County Schoo! Board is an equal opportunity agency”
90 Day Probationary Performance Plan
A meeting was held with Delmas Brown on December 14, 2012, to initiate the 90 day Probationary
Performance Plan (PPP). Each strategy to be improved, the improvement objectives, the action plan and
time line along with assistance to be provided were outlined and addressed in detail with him.
The plan required Mr. Brown to request assistance as needed from the principal, members of the
administrative team, as well as the instructional coaches, his department members, or any support
personnel with expertise in the specific areas needing improvement.
On Jan 30, 2013, the instructional coach met with Mr. Brown to provide one-on-one instruction on
writing clear, student — friendly learning goals and specific scales. She followed up with several visits
(Feb 1, 21, 23, and Mar 4, 2013} to his classroom to check his progress in writing clear learning goals and
scales. On each occasion she coached Mr. Brown on how to improve the goals,
Mr, Brown also received assistance on several occasions from Dr. Haye, our testing coordinator and
expert on Progress Book, She met with him to provide one-on-one training on Progress Book, howto
enter grades etc., on Jan 9, and 11, 2013 and weekly during February. Each time Mr. Brown reported
that everything was fine, She checked Progress Book to see if students grades were entered correctly
and they were not.
Throughout the school year Mr. Brown met weekly with members of his department to plan units of
study, discuss student progress, and review curriculum.
The 90 Day PPP concluded on April 12, 2013 with the following results:
Providing clear learning goals and scales: Mr. Brown updated his board frequently but for the most
part the learning goal remained the same and was not written in the correct format. It was common to
see activities included in the goal along with a lengthy detailed statement of knowledge to be learned.
The goal was seldom written in student friendly language.
Tracking progress:
Mr. Brown has a generic scale posted. The students know where the learning goal and scale are posted.
Mr. Brown does not always refer to the scale nor does he demonstrate monitoring of progress on the
scale toward the learning goal. Mr. Brown has failed to accurately record student progress In Progress
Book, Many students do not have test scores recorded in the correct section of Progress Book and what
test scores are recorded are different from the test/quiz scores in Learn Key the software program, the
students are working in. The scores are not recorded in a timely fashion. Often weeks pass between the
time the test is completed in Learn Key and the score is recorded in Progress Book.
Withitness: :
Mr. Brown did watch a video on “withitness” within the resource section of the iObservation website.
Mr. Brown did increase his efforts to circulate during class but many students were frequently on other
websites and not engaged in the learning. Mr. Brown was unaware, unsure what to do, or did not
attempt to reengage the students.
Notice when students are not engaged:
Mr. Brown did review a video in iObservation on strategies to use “when students were not engaged”.
He also submitted a reflection on the video in accordance with the PPP. Mr. Brown did increase his
efforts to notice when students were not engaged in the lesson but the strategies he used to reengage
the students in learning were generally negative, and punitive in nature. He would give directions and
comments loudly to the individual student and which could be heard by all students and observers
Following established standards:
Mr. Brown met weekly with members of the Business Department. At each meeting weekly lesson plans
which follow curriculum standards were discussed and provided for him. Mr. Brown failed to follow the
plans. Frequent visits to his classroom for informal observations found Mr. Brown to be repeatedly
teaching the same lesson on parts of a computer.
Mr. Brown was unable to make adequate improvements in correcting the deficiencies in his 90
Probationary Performance Plan. He has not demonstrated proficiency or even improvement in the
areas of writing clear learning goals and scales, tracking student progress accurately and efficiently in
Progress Book, He does not effectively keep students engaged in the lesson and the energy level inthe
classroom is low. Students are frequently not engaged, looking at internet sites, have their heads down,
or talking off task. Mr. Brown fails to engage students in the lessan other than using negative comments
to individuals. Mr. Brown is provided weekly lesson plans that follow established standards. He teaches
the same lesson over and over. Students have made little progress in the curriculum as evidenced by
few scores in Learn Key or Progress Book.
My signature indicates that { have received a copy of this final review of the Probationary Performance
66 (,”
Docket for Case No: 13-003107TTS
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 18, 2018 |
Agency action letter filed.
May 21, 2014 |
Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
May 20, 2014 |
Petitioner's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed.
May 12, 2014 |
Order Granting Extension of Time.
May 12, 2014 |
Petitioner's Motion for Continuance filed.
Mar. 24, 2014 |
Order Granting Extension of Time.
Mar. 24, 2014 |
Petitioner's Unopposed Motion for Continuance filed.
Feb. 19, 2014 |
Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by March 24, 2014).
Feb. 18, 2014 |
Motion for Continuance filed.
Dec. 12, 2013 |
Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 7, 2014; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Dec. 12, 2013 |
Notice of Appearance (Suzanne Tzuanos) filed.
Dec. 12, 2013 |
Notice of Availability filed.
Oct. 25, 2013 |
Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by December 20, 2013).
Oct. 24, 2013 |
Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Oct. 16, 2013 |
Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents (Parts 8-15) filed.
Oct. 15, 2013 |
Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents (Parts 1-7) filed.
Oct. 15, 2013 |
Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Oct. 15, 2013 |
Petitioner's Notice of Serving Verified Answers to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Sep. 23, 2013 |
Order (denying Respondent's motion to expedite discovery).
Sep. 20, 2013 |
Respondent's Motion to Expedite Discovery filed.
Sep. 10, 2013 |
Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Sep. 10, 2013 |
Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Sep. 06, 2013 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for November 4 and 5, 2013; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Sep. 05, 2013 |
Joint Request to Hold Hearing November 4 and 5, 2013 filed.
Sep. 05, 2013 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 26, 2013; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Sep. 05, 2013 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Aug. 26, 2013 |
CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held. |
Aug. 26, 2013 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Aug. 16, 2013 |
Initial Order.
Aug. 16, 2013 |
Amended Referral Letter filed.
Aug. 15, 2013 |
Agency action letter filed.
Aug. 15, 2013 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Aug. 15, 2013 |
Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Aug. 15, 2013 |
Referral Letter filed.
Agency action letter filed.
Agency action letter filed.