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This matter came before the Department for entry of a Final Order upon submission of an Ord r Closing File and Relinquishing Juri diction by John G. Van Laningham Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Admini trative Hearings a copy of which is attached and incorporated by reference in this order. The Department hereby adopts the Ord r C lo s i ng Fil e as its Final Order in th.is matter. Said Order Closing File was predicated upon Petitioner s Withdrawal of Protest and Consent to Ent ry of Final Ord r with Prejudice filed Januar 9 2015.
Accord i ng l y, it is hereby
ORDERED that this case is CLOSED.
Filed January 15, 2015 9:32 AM Division of Administrative Hearings
D ONE AND ORDERED this lJei: _ day of Januar y, 20 1 5, in Tallahassee , Leon
County, Florida.
Julie Bake r, Chief
Bureau of Iss uanc e Ov e rsight Divis ion of Mo tor ist Services
Department of 1-Iighwa y Safety and Motor Vehicles
Neil Kirkman Building , Room A338 Talla hassee , Flo rida 32399
Filed in the o fficial reco rd s of the Di visio n of Motorist Services
this -1i day of Janua ry, 2015.
Judicia l re v iew o f this o rde r may be had pursua nt to section 120.68, Flo rida Statutes, in the Distric t Court of Appea l fo r the First District, State of Flor ida, or in any other district court of appeal of this state in an appella te distric t where a party resides. In order to initiate such review, one copy of the notice of a p peal must be filed with the Department and the other cop y of the not ic e of a p peal, together with the filin g fee, must be filed with the co urt within thirty days of the filing date of this orde r as set out above, pursuant to Rules of Appellate Procedure.
Copies furnis h ed:
Nic holas A. Bader, Esq uire Bass Sox Mercer, P.A.
2822 Remington Green Circle Ta llahassee , Flo ri da 32308
Hal K. Litchford, Esquire
Baker, Donelson, Berman, Caldwell and Berkowitz, PC
Post Office Box 1549 Orlando, Florida 32802
Jose M. Padron, Sr.
JM Motorsports, LLC
16900 South Dixie Highway Miami, Florida 33157
John G. Van Laningham Administrative Law Judge
Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building
1230 Apalachee Parkway
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550
Nalini Vinayak
Dealer License Section
Issue Date | Document | Summary |
Jan. 15, 2015 | Agency Final Order |