Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Sarasota, Florida
Filed: Mar. 05, 2015
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, April 28, 2015.
Latest Update: Feb. 02, 2025
vs. Case No. 2014010390
COMES NOW the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration
(hereinafter “the Agency”), by and through its undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative
Complaint against the Respondent, ACE HOMECARE LLC d/b/a ACE HOMECARE
(hereinafter “the Respondent”), pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes
(2013), and alleges as follows:
This is an administrative action against a home health agency to impose an administrative
fine in the amount of SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($60,000.00) pursuant to Section
400.484(2)(a), Florida Statutes (2013) based on four (4) Class I deficiencies.
1, This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter pursuant to Sections 120.569
and 120.57, Florida Statutes (2013).
2. The Agency has jurisdiction over the Respondent pursuant to Sections 20.42 and
120.60, Florida Statutes (2013); Chapters 408, Part II, and 400, Part II, Florida Statutes (2013),
and Chapter 59A-8, Florida Administrative Code.
3. Venue lies pursuant to Rule 28-106.207, Florida Administrative Code.
4. The Agency is the licensing and regulatory_authority that_oversees_home_health
agencies and enforces the applicable federal and state statutes, regulations and rules governing
home health agencies. Chapter 408, Part IT, and Chapter 400, Part III, Florida Statutes (2013),
and Chapter 59A-8, Florida-Administrative Code. The Agency is authorized to deny, revoke, or
suspend a license, or impose an administrative fine for violations as provided for by Sections
400.474, and 400.464, Florida Statutes (2013), and Rules 59A-8.003 and 59A-8.0086, Florida
Administrative Code.
5. The Respondent was issued a license by the Agency (License No. 299991018) to
operate a home health agency located at 5268 Summerlin Commons Way, Unit 504, Fort Myers,
Florida 33907, and was at all material times required to comply with the applicable federal and
state statutes, regulations and rules for home health agencies.
The Respondent Failed To Ensure The Quality Assurance Information Was Utilized To
Improve Services In Violation Of Rule 59A-8.0095(2)(e), Florida Administrative Code
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs one (1) through
five (5).
7. Pursuant to Florida law, the director of nursing shall establish and conduct an
ongoing quality assurance program. The program shall include at least quarterly, documentation
of the review of the care and services of a sample of both active and closed clinical records by
the director of nursing or his or her delegate. The director of nursing assumes overall
responsibility for the quality assurance program. The quality assurance program is to assure that:
1. The home health agency accepts patients whose home health service needs can
be met by the home health agency;
2. Case assignment and management is appropriate, adequate, and consistent with
the plan of care, medical regimen and patient needs. Plans of care are individualized based on the
patient’s needs, strengths, limitations and goals; a
3. Nursing and other services provided to the patient are coordinated, appropriate,
adequate, and consistent with plans of care.
4. All services and outcomes are completely and legibly documented, dated and
signed in the clinical service record;
5. The home health agency’s policies and procedures are followed;
6. Confidentiality of patient data is maintained; and
7, Findings of the quality assurance program are used to improve services.
Rule 59A-8.0095(2)(e), Florida Administrative Code.
8. On or about January 6, 2014 through January 10, 2014, the Agency conducted a
Relicensure Survey of the Respondent's facility.
9. Based upon clinical record review, interview and policy review, the Home Health
Agency's Director of Clinical Services (DCS) and/or Alternate Director of Clinical Services
(ADCS) failed to implement the policy in place for clinical record review. The DCS and ADCS
attend the Administrator/Director of Clinical meeting and monthly Professional Advisory
meeting and is aware of a concern with hospital readmission rates. The Home Health Agency
failed to ensure records for patients transferred to the hospital were included in the monthly
record reviews. The failure in tracking and trending hospitalization rates alone and failing to
review care being provided places all patients at risk for receiving substandard quality of care,
serious illness, injury or even death. The ADCS was informed of actual harm occurring on day 4
of the survey, there was no immediate action taken to prevent future occurrences.
10. Procedure revised January 2009 documents the process as follows: At least
quarterly, a random sampling of 10% of annual unduplicated admissions of medical records will
be selected for review by representation from all disciplines. This sampling will contain all
disciplines offered by the Agency and current and discharged records to determine whether
established policies are followed in furnishing services directly_or-under-arrangement—Minutes
of each meeting will document the discipline-specific participants, findings of record reviews
and reporting to the Professional Advisory Committee. The medical record documentation will
be reviewed. The results of the review will be combined into a summary report. The results will
be analyzed through the performance improvement committee and presented to the Board of
Directors, Professional Advisory Committee and Appropriate Agency staff.
11. Record review indicators for data and information contained within the record
include: Plan of care; following established Agency policy; timeliness; legibility of
documentation; quality, consistency, clarity, accuracy and completeness; services rendered and
need for continued care.
12. The clinical record review process will review and evaluate patient/client care to
identify and analyze the use of staff and services necessary to render care in compliance with the
Agency's policies. This will include evaluation of prevailing professional standards, including
their necessity, appropriateness, adequacy, and effectiveness. Identified concerns in the area of
quality of care or patient safety will be referred to the appropriate person for action. The routine
examination of previous review findings will be utilized to determine focus and assure quality of
patient/client care.
13. Staff compliance with hand-off communication is monitored through utilization
review/record review of "Case conferences involving all disciplines involved in care," "60 day
summary report completed/copy to MD," "Record reflects appropriate MD notification." Staff
compliance with medication reconciliation is monitored through utilization/record review of
"Mediation profile updated with changes."
14. During an interview with the assistant director of clinical services, who has been
in charge of the Lee office since September, 2013, during the course of the survey to include
1/9/14 around 9 a.m. she said the process for record review has changed. She said since she has
been in the office the clinical record_review_process_is_that-each_of the-clinical_coordinators ——_____——
randomly selects records to be audited. She said they do not write down the names of patient
records that have been audited. She said after they audit the record, the tool is placed back into
the medical record and that is why she is unable to know the number of records audited and/or
what patients have been audited. She said for patients that have been transferred to the hospital
the process is as follows: The staff member who is aware of the patient being admitted to the
hospital calls the clinical coordinators/marketing staff. The clinical coordinator then places the
patients name on a white board and calls the admitting hospital to inform the case manager it is *
"their patient." A transfer to the hospital is completed. The patients name is taken off of the
board if the patient is re-admitted to the home health agency or the certification period runs out.
She said the records of patients transferred to an acute care setting are not routinely audited.
15. There is no indication a record review for Patient #6 was completed after being
transferred to a higher level of care. There is no indication a record review for Patient #4 was >
completed after being transferred to a higher level of care. A lack of coordination of care, skilled
staff not following the physician directed plan of care and multiple staff not alerting the
physician of changes in the patient’s condition contributed to Patient #4 and Patient #6 being
transferred to an acute care setting.
16. During a phone interview on 1/13/14 around 1:45 p.m., the owner said if there are
issues with clinical staff not following the plan of care or coordinating care, a variance would be
completed and appropriate action plans would be put into place. It does not appear that variances
are compiled or evaluated for trends, A review of the Professional Advisory Committee Meeting
dated October 13, 2013 documents 10 current patients were discussed. Due to limitations, the
follow-up discussion regarding evaluation and recommendations for care coordination among the
team for patient care will be deferred for next meeting in the 1st quarter 2014.
17. During an interview with the alternate director of clinical services during most of
the day on 1/9/14 it was difficult to obtain inf ion related to the Quality Improvement
Process. Upon exit of the facility around 3:00 p.m. on 1/9/14 the alternate director of clinical
| services was informed regarding identification of harm for Patient #6. It was requested that upon
entrance back at the facility on 1/10/14 a final attempt at obtaining information regarding the
Quality Improvement Process would be discussed. Upon entrance into the facility on 1/10/14 a
final interview was obtained in an attempt to understand the Quality Improvement Process.
18. The Respondent’s act, omission, or practice that results in a patient's death,
disablement, or permanent injury, or places a patient at imminent risk of death, disablement, or
permanent injury and constitutes a Class I violation in accordance with Section 400.484(2)(a),
Florida Statutes (2013).
19. Upon finding a Class I deficiency, the agency shall impose an administrative fine
in the amount of $15,000.00 for each occurrence and each day that the deficiency exists pursuant
to Section 400.484(2)(a), Florida Statutes (2013). :
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration
intends to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the amount of FIFTEEN
THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,000.00) based upon a Class I deficiency pursuant to Section
400.484(2)(a), Florida Statutes (2013).
The Respondent Failed To Ensure That The Patients Received Skilled Nursing Services In
Accordance With The Physician’s Written Plan Of Care And Was Responsible For The
Clinical Records Of Patients Receiving Nursing Care In Violation Of Rule 59A-
8.0095(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code
20. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs one (1) through
five (5).
21. Pursuant to Florida law, a registered nurse shall be currently licensed in the state,
pursuant to Chapter 464, Florida Statutes, and be the case manager in all cases involving nursing
i or both nursing and therapy care. Be responsible for the clinical record for each patient receiving
, nursing care; and assure that progress reports are-made-to the physician for patients receiving
nursing services when the patient’s condition changes or there are deviations from the plan of
care. Rule 59A-8.0095(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code.
22. Onor about January 6, 2014 through January 10, 2014, the Agency conducted a
Relicensure Survey of the Respondent's facility.
23. Patient #6 is a 92 year old who was admitted to the Home Health Agency for an
initial Certification on 6/4/13 with a primary diagnosis of Acute Chronic and Systemic Heart
Failure. Patient #6 was recertified for Skilled Nursing Services on 8/3/13 with a primary
diagnosis of Hypertension. A review of the Orders Discipline and Treatments documented
"Report signs and symptoms of respiratory complications/hypoxia, Report weight gain of 3 Ibs.
or more in one day or 5 lbs. in one week."
24. A review of the Goals for the certification period of 8/3/13 through 10/1/13 noted
"Patient had an open wound all areas are healed."
25. A review of the Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 7/11/13 documented Patient #6's
weight was 165 Ibs. and the patient had a trace of edema in the right lower extremity. On 7/16/13
Patient #6 was seen in physician's office and patient’s weight was documented at 168 lbs.
26. A review of the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) Assessment
dated 7/30/13 documented the patient's weight was 166 lbs. A review of the Medication Profile
noted Patient #6 was receiving the diuretic Lasix 20 milligrams (mg) daily. A review of the
Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 8/5/13 revealed no documentation of the patient's weight.
Patient #6's oxygen situation was 97% on room air and the patient had +1 edema bilaterally.
27. A review of the Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 8/13/13 revealed no
documentation of Patient #6's weight. There was an increase in the patient's edema noted at +2
bilaterally. The nurse documented the assessment of the patient's lung sounds as being
diminished. The nurse documented the patient has developed a raised blister to the Left Lower
28. A review of the Patient Summary Note dated 8/14/13 noted the problem/current
status of Patient #6 as "Small Blister to Left Lower Extremity." The form is not signed by the
patient's physician.
29. A review of the Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 8/16/13 revealed no
documentation of the patient's weight. Patient #6 was noted as having +2 edema bilaterally with
diminished breath sounds.
30. A review of the Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 8/17/13 revealed no
documentation of the patient's weight. The Registered Nurse (RN) documented Patient #6 has
developed a blister on the Right Lower Extremity and a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
supervisory visit is documented by the RN. The RN instructed Patient #6 to elevate his/her leg.
The nurse notes "Will follow up on Monday." The nurse documented the patient's current
functional limitation as "weakness," There is no documentation on the form the physician was
notified of Patient #6 having fluid overload.
31. On 8/17/13 a Verbal Order Confirmation documented "Additional Skilled
Nursing Visits on 8/17/13 and 8/18/13 to perform wound care. Patient has a new wound to right
ower leg. Additional 3 as needed skilled nursing visits for wound care/dressing dislodgement."
There is no documentation the physician was notified Patient #6 is having weeping edema with
32. A review of the Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 8/18/13 revealed no
documentation of the patient's weight. The LPN documents Patient #6 has diminished breath
sounds and has difficulty breathing at rest. The LPN documents respirations are 22. The LPN
treated blisters on both of the resident's lower extremities. These blisters can be attributed to
weeping edema which is a sign of fluid overload. The nurse instructed the patient to elevate
his/her lower extremities. There is no documentation on the form the physician was notified of
Patient #6 having fluid overload.
33. A review of the Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 8/24/13 documented Patient #6
had +2 edema bilaterally with diminished breath sounds and respirations of 22 at rest. The LPN
documented the patient becomes short of breath when ambulating less than 20 feet. The LPN
documented the patient's right lower extremity is draining serosaguanous fluid. This is known as
weeping edema which is a clear sign of fluid overload. The nurse documents "Patient is short of
breath on exertion has used inhaler. Skilled nursing instructed in slow deep breaths relaxing in
chair now." No weight was obtained on 8/24/13 on Patient #6. There is no documentation on the
form the physician was notified of the patient having fluid overload.
34. A review of the Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 8/27/13 documented Patient #6
had edema bilaterally to the lower extremities. The LPN documents the patient becomes short of
breath when ambulating less than 20 feet. There is no weight obtained on the patient. There is no
oxygen saturation noted on the patient. The LPN documented Patient #6 has a blister on his right
lower extremity draining serosanganous fluid. The LPN then documents wound care to both
lower extremities and instructs the patient "to maintain dry and intact." There is no
documentation of any contact with the physician of the patient having fluid overload.
35. A review of the "Skilled Nursing Visit Note" dated 8/30/13 noted the LPN
documented Patient #6 has edema bilaterally to the lower extremities. The LPN documents the
patient is short of breath at rest. The LPN noted "Patient is anxious and short of breath, skilled
nursing instructed to deep breath relax in recliner with feet elevated." The LPN documented
Patient #6's lower extremity is draining fluid which is a clear sign of fluid overload. There is no
weight obtained on the patient. There is no documentation on the form the physician was notified
of the patient having fluid overload.
36. A review of the Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 9/2/13 noted the LPN
documented bilateral edema that has an intact blister with serous fluid. The LPN documented
Patient #6 is short of breath at r ith dimini wreath sound. The LPN documented "Skilled
nursing instructed elevate legs when sitting, ambulation with walker." There is no weight
obtained on the patient. There is no documentation on the form the physician was notified of
Patient #6 having fluid overload.
37. A review of the Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 9/5/13 noted the Registered
Nurse (RN) documented Patient #6 has bilateral edema with shortness of breath with activities of
daily living. The RN documented the patient's oxygen saturation is 92% and respirations are 20.
‘The RN noted "Patient is very anxious today. Very short of breath. Wanting to put shoes on even
though short of breath." There is no weight obtained on Patient #6. A supervisory visit for the
LPN is completed by the RN. There is no patient teaching documented on the form. There is no
documentation on the form the physician was notified of Patient #6 having fluid overload.
38. A verbal order confirmation dated 9/8/13 and signed by the physician on 9/10/13
documented "Skilled nursing ...Continuation of wound care and Skilled nursing assessment."
There is no documentation the physician was notified Patient #6 was having shortness of breath
at rest with weeping edema. There is no documentation on the form the physician was notified of
the patient having fluid overload.
39. A review of History of Present Illness, a note made by Patient #6's physician
during a visit dated 9/10/13 at 7:19 a.m. documented the patient's weight was 190 Ibs. Patient #6
had gained 34 Ibs. in weight since being recertified on 7/30/13. The care plan was to inform the
physician if the patient gained 3 Ibs. in a day or 5 Ibs. in a week. The physician notes "the patient
is a 92 year old who presents for shortness of breath ..symptoms include Dyspnea, exercise
intolerance, fatigue and weakness ...symptoms are relieved by rest.. Associated symptoms
include weight gain and edema ...The patient is currently unable to do activities of daily living
____a wheelchair and cant wal today and has gained a lot of weigh. suddenly..."
and unable to do housework. Note for ‘shortness of breath' was accompanied by friend today, I
can see the visible shortness of breath, especially when the patient tries to speak. Patient #6 is in
40. Areview of the emergency room physician's note dated 9/10/13 documented "The
patient is a 92 year old who presents to the emergency department, sent from Dr's office for
having elevated INR and also regained 26 Ibs. over the last month and a half. The patient has
orthopnea, increasing leg swelling, generalized weakness ... Chest x-ray revealed cardiomegaly,
congestive heart failure with bilateral pleural effusions ...." According to the note Patient #6 was
transferred to the intensive care unit of the hospital.
41. The discharge note dated 9/25/13 documented "The patient is a 92 year old who
was seen in the Emergency Department with a weight gain of 25 lbs. and an INR of 4.9, which
was found in the Dr's office ...Patient was admitted to the Medical Service, diuresed, and placed
on fluid restriction and was initially admitted to the intensive care unit."
42. During an interview on 1/8/13 at 1:30 p.m., the Alternate Director of Clinical
Services verified the nurses should have documented Patient #6's weight on every visit either by
asking the patient his/her weight or taking it themselves. The Director of Nursing verified the
nurses should have notified the physician Patient #6 was having weeping edema and shortness of
breath at rest.
43. During an interview on 1/9/13 at 11:00 am. RN / Staff C verified she had not
obtained a weight on the patient. After reviewing her documentation on 9/5/13 she stated "The
patient was very short of breath. I should have contacted the doctor."
44. During a telephone interview on 1/9/13 at 1:00 p.m. LPN / Staff B alleged she had
taken Patient #6's weight, but failed to document the weights. She stated "the patient's weight
would go up and come back down by the next visit."
45. Patient #10 is a 90 year old who was admitted to the Home Health Agency due to
a Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) and has a history of atrial fibrillation.
46. A review of the Physical Therapy Visit Note dated 12/18/13, written by Physical
Therapist_(PT)/Staff H, documented_Patient_#10 had_a_heart_rate_of 112_-There_is_no
documentation on the form there was any communication with skilled nursing regarding an
abnormal heart rate.
47. A review of the Physical Therapy Visit Note dated 12/20/13 written by Staff
H/PT documented Patient #6 had a Heart Rate of 113. The note documented there was a
Conference with Skilled Nursing regarding "Patient Status." There is no documentation on the
form that nursing was informed of the patient's abnormal heart rate.
48. A review of the Physical Therapy Visit Note dated 12/23/13 documented Patient
#10's heart rate was 107. The documentation on the form shows Staff H noting a conference with
Skilled Nursing regarding the patient's status. There is no documentation that nursing was
informed the patient had an abnormally high heart rate.
49. A review of the Physical Therapy Visit Note dated 12/30/13 documented Staff
H/PT documented Patient #10 had a heart rate of 104. The form noted a conference with Skilled
nursing regarding "patient progress." There is no documentation nursing was informed of the
patient's heart rate being abnormally high.
50. A review of the Physical Therapist Functional Reassessment dated 12/31/13
documented Staff H/PT recorded a heart rate of 112. There is no documentation on the form
nursing was informed of the patient's abnormally high heart rate.
51. During an interview on 1/8/13 at 11:00 a.m., the Alternate Director of Clinical
Services stated an apical heart rate greater than 100 should be reported to the medical doctor.
She stated she sometimes wished the Physical Therapist would not take vital signs because they
constantly fail to report abnormal findings to nursing.
52. During a telephone interview on 1/8/13 at.1:35 p.m., Staff H/PT verified the
- patient's heart rate was abnormally high and she generally took the heart rate while the patient
was at rest. Staff H/PT stated she had notified Staff G/RN prior to the interview of the patient's
high heart rate. She verified she had not documented this in detail on her therapy note.
53. During an interview on 1/9/13 at 9:30 am., Staff G/RN stated at first he was
unaware of Patient #10 having an abnormally high heart rate. After telling him what Staff H had
reported he stated "She did tell me (Patient #10) had a high heart rate. I told her (Patient #10)
was no longer my patient and she should report this to the patient's nurse." Staff G verified he
had never informed the physician Patient #10 had a high heart rate.
54. Patient #4 is 64 year old with a start of care date of 12/6/13. Patient #4 had a
recent stroke with residual weakness and is under the care of skilled nursing and physical/
occupational therapy. The patient lives with a family member who assists with care. The patient
is alert, oriented and able to make needs known.
55. Staff C completed the initial comprehensive assessment for Patient #4 on 12/6/14.
Vital signs documented are apical pulse 66 and blood pressure 166/60. Nursing diagnosis and
skilled nursing provided on 12/6/14 is weakness, left side. Patient to see primary doctor on
"Wednesday-to call 911 if blood pressure elevated" patient to check blood pressure daily and
report increase.
56. A review of the current Plan of Care documents to report variances as follows:
Apical pulse greater than 100 or less than 60; Blood Pressure greater than 160/90 or less than
90/60; Respirations greater than 24 or less than 12. A Therapy note dated 12/13/13 documents
the resident was feeling very tired after a doctor’s appointment and had to do a lot of walking.
57. A review of a nursing note dated 12/17/13 at 10:45 am. noted Staff C
documented Patient #4's blood pressure to be 170/100 and a pulse of 120. The nurse documents
the patient had therapy. There is no documentation Staff C took the vital signs again before
leaving the home at 11:30 a.m. The nurse did not follow the physician directed plan of care for a
variance in the blood pressure and pulse. Staff C documents the patient was given high blood
pressure medication (name unknown). Staff C completed the visit instructing the patient in
______ sodium content in food and to read about hypertension_and_stroke materials to help understand
diet and disease process.
58. Staff E, a physical therapist, documented on a visit note dated 12/20/13 at 9:20
a.m., Patient #4's blood pressure is 141/100 and pulse is 118. The note documented the patient
fatigues quickly with exercise and required frequent rest periods. There is no indication the
therapist retook the patients vital signs. The therapist completed the session and left the patients
home at 10:10 a.m. The physical therapist did not inform the nurse or the physician regarding the
elevated blood pressure and pulse.
59. Staff F, an occupational therapist, documents on a visit note dated 12/20/13 at
12:31 p.m., Patient #4's blood pressure is 150/90 and pulse is 120. The therapist completed the
visit and left the patients home at 1:12 p.m. There is no indication the therapist retook the
patients’ vital signs or notified the nurse or physician regarding the elevated pulse.
60. Staff C, a registered nurse, documented on a visit note dated 12/20/13 time
unknown. Patient #4's blood pressure is 160/90 with an apical pulse of 120. The nurse documents
she instructed the patient a rapid heart rate over 100 is considered elevated. Patient #4 had no
side effects-no Shortness of Breath (SOB) or weakness-instructed in effective circulation related
to cardiac status. The nurse documents physician notified of elevated blood pressure and heart
rate-to call caregiver back. There is no indication the nurse talked with the physician. The next
day, 12/21/13, the physician called the patient and instructed to go to the emergency room.
61. Patient #4 was taken to the emergency room at the request of the Patient's primary
physician and was admitted for a 7 day hospital stay for atrial flutter, a rapid irregular heartbeat.
A review of the hospital record dated 12/21/13 documenting: The patient's Electrocardiogram
(EKG) did confirm the presence of atrial flutter at an atrial rate of 220 -340 and a ventricular rate
of about 110. The note documented the patient describes being in a usual state of health,
undergoing physical therapy for a recent stroke when the therapist noted vital signs to be
elevated yesterday. Apparently _Patient_#4 was_tachycardic_and_hypertensive._Patient_#4’s
primary care physician was notified and recommended the emergency department. Here in the
emergency department, Patient #4 is noted to be tachycardic and quite hypertensive. Patient #4
has been started on Cardizem drip with adequate response as well as a dose of Digoxin. Patient
#4 will be admitted with atrial flutter with a rapid ventricular response, appears to be new onset.
62. During an interview on 1/9/13 at 9:00 a.m. Staff C was asked if she had retaken
Patient #4's blood pressure and pulse after documenting it to be high on 12/17/13, she said no,
because the patient had just had physical therapy. When asked why she did not contact the
physician as per the physician directed plan of care for the elevated blood pressure and pulse she
said she used her judgment and did not panic with the first set of vital signs. Staff C said she has
been doing this (home health) a long time and knows when to call the physician. She said when
she went back for the next visit on 12/20/13 and the blood pressure and pulse was still elevated
she called the doctor’s office. When asked if she was aware of the risk for the patient developing
blood clots associated with atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation she said yes. Staff C stated she
"goofed on this one."
63. Patient #9 goes to the Dialysis Center three times a week, Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, for Hemodialysis. The Dialysis Center by regulatory requirement monitors pre-dialysis
weight, post-dialysis weight, cardiovascular status to include hypertension, fluid status,
medications, respiratory status and diet instruction. The patient is seen regularly by the
Nephrologist at the Dialysis Center. The Registered Dietician instructs the patient on nutrition
and diet based upon laboratory values.
64. Patient #9 has a start of care date of 3/6/2013. The patient has a primary diagnosis
this recertification period, 12/31/13 through 2/28/13, of Congestive Heart Failure. Other
pertinent diagnoses include End Stage Renal Disease.
65. Staff J completed the recertification assessment on 12/26/13. There is no
___________ documentation the _nurse_contacted_the Dialysis_Center_to_coordinate_care._Skilled_services
provided with the visit documents patient was educated on Lasix, to be taken only on non-
dialysis days to reduce bilateral lower edema. There is no current physician order for the Lasix
and it is not documented on the current plan of treatment. Nursing diagnosis included risk for
fluid shift related to cardiomegaly, poor perfusion. Additional comments document patient has
had 3 new medications, episodes of hypertension and a new symptom of bilateral lower edema.
66. A review of the plan of care documents Patient #9 to be on a regular diet, with no
added salt, and no concentrated sweets. This is not a standard diet for dialysis patients. There is
no documentation the nurse contacted the Dialysis Center to obtain the appropriate diet and/or
fluid restriction.
67. A review of goals for the certification period of 12/31/31 through 2/28/13 include:
Patient/caregiver will verbalize understanding of illness, medication action and schedule and s/s
of complications related to illness to report to skilled nurse/physician by week 6.
Patient/caregiver will verbalize understanding of emergent measures, infection control and safety
by week 3. Patient/caregiver will verbalize the importance of compliance with
diet/activities/medications in 5 visits. Patient/caregiver will verbalize understanding/knowledge
of measures to relieve pain in 6 visits. Patient will verbalize/demonstrate pain level as acceptable
in 7 visits. Patient will maintain skin integrity without complications or breakdown through
certification period. Patient/caregiver will verbalize/demonstrate understanding of printed
information given on CAD (coronary artery disease) in 9 weeks as evidenced by stating
Definition of CAD; 2 warning Signs and Symptoms; Risk factors that can/cannot be Modified;
Treatments and Medications.
68. Staff J completed a recertification assessment dated 10/30/13. The nursing
diagnosis documented at risk for injury related to hypo/hypertension, Osteoarthritis (OA),
weakness, and unsteady gait. Additional comments include Patient #9 has had elevated blood
pressure, poor appetite, complains of peripheral neuropathy (pain in legs related to diabetes and
poor circulation), having trouble drawing up insulin, needs pen insulin system, no falls. There is
no documentation during this recertification period reassessing the patient's ability to draw up the
insulin or coordinating with the physician regarding an insulin pen.
69. A review of the care plan dated 11/1/13 through 12/30/13 documents the primary
diagnosis to be Diabetes, DMII renal nutrition status uncontrolled.
70. A review of goals this certification period include Patient/caregiver will verbalize
the importance of compliance with diet/activity/medications in 4 visits. Patient/caregiver will
verbalize understanding /knowledge of measure to relieve pain in 6 visits. Patient/caregiver will
verbalize/demonstrate pain level as acceptable in 7 visits. Patient will maintain skin integrity
without complications or breakdown through certification period. Patient/Caregiver will
verbalize understanding of measures to prevent falls in 3 visits. Patient/Caregiver will
verbalize/demonstrate understanding of printed information given on DM (diabetes mellitus) in 9 _
weeks as evidenced by stating 3 s/s of hypo/hyperglycemia; stating importance of checking
sugars daily and stating importance of proper disposal of needles.
71. Staff F, a licensed practical nurse, documented on 11/11/13 Patient #9 has pain in
the right leg. Skilled teaching documented patient instructed to use heating pad 10-15 minutes,
not direct heat to help relax muscles. There is no physician order for use of a heating pad for this
patient and is contraindicated for a patient with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy. During an
interview on 1/6/14 in the afternoon, the Alternate Director of Clinical Services confirmed this is
not an appropriate intervention for the nurse to instruct.
72. Staff J documented on 11/27/13, Patient #9's FBS (fasting blood sugar- before
eating) is 208. A review of the plan of care documents to report to the physician a random/FSBS
(fingers stick blood sugar) greater than 130 before meals. There is no indication this finding was
reported to the physician.
73. Staff J, a registered nurse, documents on 12/12/13 a FBS of 200. There_is no
indication the nurse notified the physician for the FBS greater than 130. Skilled teaching for pain
management - heating pad and instructed no starches as noted in the book.
74, A review of the plan of care for the recertification period dated 9/2/13 through
10/31/13 documented Patient #9's primary diagnosis is Diabetes. (DMII Renal Nutrition status
75. Staff K, a physical therapist, documented on 9/16/13 Patient #9 reported
weakness and fatigue. The patient's blood glucose was 65. Patient was given 1 glass of orange
juice and instructed to eat lunch. There is no indication the therapist notified the nurse, Dialysis
Center or physician regarding the low blood sugar. Orange juice is contraindicated for dialysis
patients. The nurse did not, as a part of the plan of care for a dialysis patient with diabetes,
coordinate with the Dialysis Center or physician regarding an appropriate intervention for low
blood sugar.
76. The Respondent’s act, omission, or practice that results in a patient's death,
disablement, or permanent injury, or places a patient at imminent risk of death, disablement, or
permanent injury and constitutes a Class I violation in accordance with Section 400.484(2)(a),
Florida Statutes (2013).
77. Upon finding a Class I deficiency, the agency shall impose an administrative fine
in the amount of $15,000.00 for each occurrence and each day that the deficiency exists pursuant
to Section 400.484(2)(a), Florida Statutes (2013).
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration
intends to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the amount of FIFTEEN
THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,000.00) based upon a Class I deficiency pursuant to Section
400.484(2)(a), Florida Statutes (2013).
The Respondent Failed To Follow The Plan Of Treatment As Ordered By The
Physician In Violation Of Section 400.487(2), Florida Statutes (2013) And Rule 59A-
8.0215(2), Florida Administrative Code
78. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs one (1) through .
five (5).
79. Pursuant to Florida law, when required by the provisions of Chapter 464; Part I,
Part III, or Part V of Chapter 468; or Chapter 486, Florida Statutes, the attending physician,
physician assistant, or advanced registered nurse practitioner, acting within his or her respective
scope of practice, shall establish treatment orders for a patient who is to receive skilled care. The
treatment orders must be signed by the physician, physician assistant, or advanced registered
nurse practitioner before a claim for payment for the skilled services is submitted by the home
health agency. If the claim is submitted to a managed care organization, the treatment orders
must be signed within the time allowed under the provider agreement. The treatment orders shall
be reviewed, as frequently as the patient's illness requires, by the physician, physician assistant,
or advanced registered nurse practitioner in consultation with the home health agency. Section
400.487(2), Florida Statutes (2013).
Pursuant to Florida law, home health agency staff must follow the physician,
physician assistant, or advanced registered nurse practitioner’s treatment orders that are
contained in the plan of care. If the orders cannot be followed and must be altered in some way,
the patient’s physician, physician assistant, or advanced registered nurse practitioner must be
notified and must approve of the change. Any verbal changes are put in writing and signed and
dated with the date of receipt by the nurse or therapist who talked with the physician, physician
assistant, or advanced registered nurse practitioner’s office. Rule 59A-8.0215(2), Florida
Administrative Code.
80. On or about January 6, 2014 through January 10, 2014, the Agency conducted a
Relicensure Survey of the Respondent’s facility.
81. Based on interview and record review, the Home Health Agency failed to follow
the physician directed plan of care and accurately assess the weight for Patient #6, who had a
known history of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and failed to notify patients physician of acute
changes in patients condition for 4 of 12 patients surveyed, specifically Patient #6, Patient #10,
Patient #4 and Patient #9, resulting in Patient #6 developing fluid overload with weeping edema
and shortness of breath (SOB) and gaining approximately 32 lbs. in a 4 week period resulting in
the patient being: hospitalized for 15 days and placed in the Intensive Care Unit with fluid
82. Patient #6 is a 92 year old who was admitted to the Home Health Agency for an
initial Certification on 6/4/13 with a primary diagnosis of Acute Chronic and Systemic Heart
Failure. Patient #6 was recertified for Skilled Nursing Services on 8/3/13 with a primary
diagnosis of Hypertension. A review of the Orders Discipline and Treatments documented
"Report signs and symptoms of respiratory complications/hypoxia, Report weight gain of 3 lbs.
or more in one day or 5 Ibs. in one week."
83. A review of the Goals for the certification period of 8/3/13 through 10/1/13 noted
"Patient had an open wound all areas are healed."
84. A review of the Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 7/11/13 documented Patient #6's
weight was 165 Ibs. and the patient had a trace of edema in the right lower extremity. On 7/16/13
Patient #6 was seen in physician's office and patient’s weight was documented at 168 Ibs.
85. A review of the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) Assessment
dated 7/30/13 documented the patient's weight was 166 Ibs. A review of the Medication Profile
noted Patient #6 was receiving the diuretic Lasix 20 milligrams (mg) daily. A review of the
Skilled Nursing Visit Note dated 8/5/13 revealed no documentation of the patient's weight.
Patient #6's oxygen situation was 97% on room air and the patient had +1 edema bilaterally.