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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 16-000981 Visitors: 25
Agency: Florida Commission on Human Relations
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Feb. 17, 2016
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, April 1, 2016.

Latest Update: Nov. 02, 2017
STAT E O F FLORID A COMMISSIO N O N HUMA N RELATION S MARI E LOUIS E HENRY . EEO C Cas e No . 15D20150057 6 Petitioner . FCH R Cas e No . 2015-0114 6 v . DOA H Cas e No . 16-098 1 TH E FLORID A BAR , FCH R Orde r No . 16-03 6 Respondent . / ORDE R REMANDIN G COMPLAIN T O F DISCRIMINATIO N T O COMMISSION' S OFFIC E O F EMPLOYMEN T INVESTIGATION S FO R INVESTIGATIO N Thi s Commissio e th e n s i r matte befor r fo consideratio n o f th e Orde r Closin g Fil e an d Relinquishin g Jurisdiction , date d Apri l , , 1 2016 issue b d i n th e above-style d matte r y Administrativ e La w Judg e Linzi e F . Bogan . Preliminar y Matter s Petitione r Mari e Louis e Henr y file d t a complain o f discriminatio n pursuan t t o th e Florid a Civi l Right s Ac t o f 1992 , 760.0 s 1 Section 760.11 , Florid a Statute s (2014) , allegin g tha t Responden t Th e Florid a Ba r committe d a n unlawfu l employmen t practic e o n th e base s o f Petitioner' s rac e (Black) se , x (female) , ag e (DOB : 1 1 -20-59) , an d disability , an d o n th e basi s o f , retaliation b y suspendin g Petitioner' s licens e t o practic e law . Th e allegation s se t fort h i wer n th t e complain e and , , o n investigated Januar y 13 , 2016 , e e Executiv d th r issue a Directo "Determination : N o Jurisdiction, " finding tha t Sectio n 760.10(5) , Florid a Statutes , r di appl d no o t Petitione y t becaus e ha Petitione r d alread y an w la e practic o d e licens a d obtaine t e ther o n s wa apparen t othe r basi s fo r jurisdictio n t o res t wit h th e Commission . Petitione r filed a Petitio n fo r Relie f m fro a n Unlawfu l Employmen t Practice , an d th e cas e wa s transmitte d t o th e n Divisio f o Administrativ e Hearing s fo r th e conduc t o f a forma l proceeding . Th e matte r wa s assigne d o e t Administrativ La w Judg e Linzi e F . Bogan . Judg e r Boga n issue d a Closin Orde n Fil e an d Relinquishin g g Jurisdiction , date d Apri l 1 , 2016 , indicatin g tha t ther e o wa existenc n f o e s a disput e f o materia l a t fac s t o matter s r relate t o whethe d th e ha Commissio s n jurisdictio n Petitioner' claim t o conside r s s o f unlawfu l discrimination . FCH R Orde r No . 16-03 6 Pag e 2 Th e Commissio n pane l designate d w belo d recor e d considere th o f thi s an matte r d determine d e th e n t o actio n n th e Orde r take o b Closin g Fil e an d Relinquishin g Jurisdiction . Finding s o f Fac t an d Conclusion s o f La w Th e Orde r Closin g Fil e d an g Relinquishin Jurisdictio n states , "I n determinatio th e n notice , th e onl y referenc e mad e b y FCH R o y an t factua l issu e th i s e statemen t tha t '[i] t i s undispute d tha t Responden t discipline d , Complainant n i license he r capacit y a s a d attorney , b y suspendin g he r licens e . . . d [an tha t ther e i s no ] apparen t basi s fo r jurisdictio n t o res t withi n FCHR.' " r e Orde Th Closin g Fil e an d Relinquishin g Jurisdictio n als o states , "Petitione r make s myria lega d l argument s i n he r Petitio n fo r Relief . Non e o f however , , e th arguments t sugges th e existenc e o f a disput e o f materia l fac t s s t o matter a relate d t o whethe r FCH R ha jurisdictio s n claim t o conside r Petitioner' s s o f unlawfu l discrimination . Thi s determinatio n s i bolstere d i assertio Petitioner' s b n y n he r Petitio n fo r Relie f n wherei sh e state s tha t sh e i s 'entitle d t o jurisdictio n a s a matte r o f law.' " Art . V , § 15 , Fla . Const. , states "Attorneys , ; admissio n an d discipline.-Th e suprem e cour t shal l hav e exclusiv e jurisdictio n t o regulat e th e admissio n o f person s t o th e practic e o f la w an d th e disciplin e o f person s admitted. " Th e Florid a Civi l Right s Ac t o f 199 2 states "Whenever , , i n orde r t o engag e i n a profession , i occupation , o trade , r t i d s tha t require a , license a perso receiv n e certification , o r othe r credential , becom e a membe o r n r a associat e o f y an club , othe association , o r r organization , o r pas s an y examination , i t n a i s unlawfu l employmen t practic e fo r an y person t o discriminat e agains t an y othe r perso n seekin g suc h license , certification , o r othe r credential , seekin g t o becom e a r o membe r associat e o f suc h club , o associatio n r othe r organization , o e tak o r g seekin r o t s pas suc h , examination becaus e o f suc h othe r person' s race , color , religion , sex , nationa l origin , age , handicap , o r marita l statu s [emphasi s added]. " Sectio n 760.10(5) , Florid a Statute (2014 s ) wa not e tha t pregnanc y s adde d a s a protecte d s basi i n th e 201 5 Statutes . Th e Florid a Civi l Right s Ac t f o 2 199 "'Person define s "person " b y stating , ' include s a n individual , association , , corporation join t apprenticeshi p committee , joint stoc k company , labo r union , lega l representative , mutua l company , partnership , receiver , trust , truste e i n bankruptcy , unincorporate o r d organization ; an y othe r lega l o r commercia l entity ; th e state ; r y an o governmental entity [emphasi added]. o r agenc y s " Sectio n 760.02(6) , Florid a Statute s (2014) . Whil e th e Commission' s determinatio n notic suggest e s tha t Sectio n 760.10(5) , Florid a Statutes , doe s thi o t s appl t no y e cas becaus e g a seekin t no r i Petitione license s , seekin g t o becom e a r Ba seekin r member , o g r t o tak e o pas s a n examination , Petitioner' s Petitio n fo r Relie f point s ou t ". . .th e suspensio n o f m y d licens e place th e Ba r i n [the ] capacit y o f decidin g if ! regai n m y license. " FCH R Orde r No . 16-03 6 Pag e 3 W e conclud e tha t Responden t "governmenta i s l a entity " subjec t t o th e Florid a Civi l Right s Ac t o f 1992 , d therefor an t e subjec t o th e n jurisdictio o f th e Commission , an d tha t th e provision s cite d abov e t prohibi t Responden fro m disciplinin g th e licens e o f a n attorne y i n a discriminator y e g th . manner Regardin e issu o f whethe r Responden t s i a "governmenta l entity" , se e Maso n . v Fla . Bar , 2 20 8 d 95 F.3 (11 t h Cir . 2000) , i n whic h th e Cour t refer s t o Th e Florid a s Bar' regulatio n o f commercia l speec h i n t th e contex o f lawye r advertisin g a s "stat e restrictions interests... an " d a s "th e government' s " Exception s Petitione r sen t e Executiv Commission' e s r lette a th Director , th receive d b y e Commissio n o n Apri l 7 , . 2016 e i "exception Commissio s treatin n th a lette r Th s a n e g " t o th e Administrativ e La w Judge' s Orde Closin r g Fil e an d Relinquishin g Jurisdiction . Ther e i s n o indicatio n t o n th e lette r wa t i s provide d t o tha Responden t i a s s require d b y Fla . Admin . R . Cod e ) 28-106.104(4 an d Fla . Admin . Cod e R . 28-106.110 . However , th th e Commissio publishe n t documen o th e e t d Respondent , place th an d d e documen t i n th e recor d o f thi s cas e throug h e th issuanc e o f a notic e o f e x part e communication , maile d t o th e partie s o n l Apri 18 , 2016 . Th e notic e o f e x part e communicatio n als o informe d th tha e partie s e t lette r th woul d a a b e treate d s n "exceptions " document . Generally , th e lette r except s s t o th conclusio Commission' n tha t i t e di d no t hav e jurisdictio n t o investigat e th e complain t o f discrimination . Fo r reason s se t ou t i n th e Finding s f o s Conclusion d Fac t an f o La w sectio n o f thi s Order , th e Commissio n wil l no w assum jurisdictio e n allegation o t o investigat e th e s f discriminatio n t e th complain i d containe n file d i n matter thi s . Reman d Th e complain t o f discriminatio n i s y hereb REMANDE D Commission' t o th e s Offic e o f Employmen t Investigation s fo r r farthe investigatio n o f th e allegation s o f discriminatio n containe d therein . Accord , , generally s Propertie . DeLe o v o f th e Villages , Inc. , FCH R Orde r No . 09-09 3 (Octobe r 1 , 2009) . DON E AN D ORDERE D thi s g?Jda y o f KduHjJ 2016 . FO R TH E FLORID A COMMISSIO N O N HUMA N RELATIONS : Commissione r Rebecc a Steele , Pane l Chairperson ; Commissione r Ton y Jenkins ; an d Commissione r Ja y Pichar d FCH R Orde r No . 16-03 6 Pag e 4 File d thi s ^Jda y o f \\Ju ^ , 2016 , i n Tallahassee , Florid a ^ Cler k Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s 407 5 Esplanad e Way , Roo m 11 0 Tallahassee , F L 3239 9 (850)488-708 2 Copie s furnishe d to : Mari e Louis e Henr y Pos t Offic e Bo x 95352 1 Lak e Mary , F L 32795-352 1 Th e Florid a Ba r c/ o Kevi n D . Johnson , Esq . c/ o Bridge t McNamee , Esq . Thompson , Sizemore , Gonzale z & Hearing , P.A . 20 1 N . Frankli n Street , Ste . 160 0 Tampa , F L 3360 2 Linzi e F . Bogan , Administrativ e La w Judge , DOA H Jame s Mallue , Lega l Adviso r fo r Commissio n Pane l I HEREB Y CERTIF Y tha t a copy'o T th e foregoin ha g s bee n maile d t o th e abov e liste d addressee s thi s J? Cler k o f th e Commissio n Florid a Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s

Docket for Case No: 16-000981
Issue Date Proceedings
Nov. 02, 2017 Petitioners Exceptions to DOAH's Recommended Order filed.
Nov. 02, 2017 Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Jun. 24, 2016 Petitioner's Exceptions filed.
Jun. 24, 2016 Agency Final Order Remanding Complaint of Discrimination to Commission's Office of Employment Investigations for Investigation filed.
Apr. 01, 2016 Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 31, 2016 CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Mar. 31, 2016 Respondent's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Mar. 30, 2016 Respondent's Motion to Quash Subpoenas filed.
Mar. 30, 2016 Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for March 31, 2016; 4:00 p.m.).
Mar. 30, 2016 Respondent's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed.
Mar. 29, 2016 Respondent's Unilateral Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Mar. 29, 2016 Notice of Appearance (Bridgett McNamee) filed.
Mar. 29, 2016 Petitioner's Exhibit List filed.
Mar. 29, 2016 Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Mar. 29, 2016 (Petitioner's) Attachment "A" to Unilateral Pre-hearing Stipulations filed.
Mar. 29, 2016 (Petitioner's) Unilateral Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Mar. 29, 2016 Petitioner's Statement of Reasons why no Agreement was Reached on the Stipulations filed.
Mar. 29, 2016 Respondent's Motion for Pre-Hearing Conference filed.
Mar. 15, 2016 Court Reporter Request filed.
Mar. 01, 2016 Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Mar. 01, 2016 Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 5, 2016; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Feb. 29, 2016 Petitioner's Unilateral Response to Initital Order filed.
Feb. 18, 2016 Initial Order.
Feb. 17, 2016 Employment Charge of Discrimination filed.
Feb. 17, 2016 Notice of Determination: No Jurisdiction filed.
Feb. 17, 2016 Determination: No Jurisdiction filed.
Feb. 17, 2016 Petition for Relief filed.
Feb. 17, 2016 Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Orders for Case No: 16-000981
Issue Date Document Summary
Nov. 02, 2017 Agency Final Order
Jun. 23, 2016 Agency Final Order
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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