Agency: Department of Education
Locations: Lauderdale Lakes, Florida
Filed: Jan. 11, 2017
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, February 27, 2017.
Latest Update: Mar. 10, 2025
Commissioner of Education,
vs. CASE NO, 123-1734
Petitioner, Pam Stewart, as Commissioner of Education, files this Administrative
Complaint agains) ANGELA GLADETTE KEMP. The Petitioner seeks the appropriate
disciplinary sanction of the Respondent’s educator’s certificate pursuant to sections 1012.315,
1012.795, and 1012.796, Florida Statutes. and pursuant to Rule 6A-10.081, Florida
Administrative Code, Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida,
said sanctions specifically set forth in sections 1012.795(1) and 1012.796(7), Florida Statutes.
The Petitioner alleges:
1, The Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate 759913, covering the areas
of Educational Leadership and English, which is valid through June 30, 2018.
2. At all times pertinent hereto, the Respondent held a valid Florida Educator's
3. On or about August 14, 2009 through September 14, 2009, Respondent
knowingly submitted fraudulent writings or records to the South Plainfield Board of Education
with the intent to deceive said entity by giving the impression that Respondent lived in South
Plainfield, New Jersey so Respondent’s child could be enrolled in South Plainfield School
District, As a result of the aforementioned conduct, Respondent was charged with Theft by
Deception. Thereafter, Respondent entered into a pre-trial intervention agreement whereby
Respondent stipulated to never gain, seek, or oblain public employment m New Jersey.
Administrative Complaint
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4, On or about November 1, 2011, the New Jersey Department of Education State
Board of Examiners reviewed information from the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office
regarding Respondent’s aforementioned case. On or about January 10, 2012, the New Jersey
State Board of Examiners sent Respondent an Order to Show Cause; on or about February 9,
2012, Respondent responded to said Show Cause Order. On or about March 22, 2012, the New
Jersey Department of Education State Board of Examiners sent Respondent a hearing notice
offering Respondent the opportunity to submit written arguments on the issue of whether the
conduct addressed in the Order to Show Cause constituted conduct unbecoming a certificate
holder. On or about June 21, 2012, Respondent's counsel appeared on behalf of Respondent at a
hearing regarding the aforementioned matter; wherein, he requested the certification matter be
held in abeyance until an appeal of the aforementioned criminal matter was resolved. On
January 23, 2015, as a result of Respondent’s subsequent agreement to surrender her ability to
serve in New Jersey’s public schools, the New Jersey Department of Education State Board of
Examiners revoked Respondent’s educator’s certificate.
5. On or about April 14, 2013, Respondent applied for a renewal of her
Florida Educator’s certificate. On said application, Respondent was asked “[djo you have any
current investigative action pending in this state or any other state against a professional license
or certificate or against an application for a professional license or certificate?” and asked “[dJo
you have any current disciplinary action pending in this state or any other state against a
professional license or certificate or against an application for a professional license or
certification?” Notwithstanding the fact that the New Jersey Department of Education had
pending disciplinary and/or investigatory action against, Respondent answered, “[njo” to the
aforernentioned questions. Respondent’s failure to acknowledge the investigations and
disciplinary actions taken against her certificate was in conflict with her statement on the
application that all information provided was true, accurate and complete.
The Petitioner charges:
COUNT i: The Respondent is in violation of section 1012.795(1)(a), Florida Statutes,
in that Respondent obtained or attempted to obtain a teaching certificate by fraudulent means.
COUNT 2: The Respondent is in violation of section 1012.795(1)(e), Florida Statutes,
in that Respondent has had an educator certificate sanctioned by revocation, suspension, or
surrender in another state.
COUNT 3: The Respondent is in violation of section 1012.795(1)(j}, Florida Statutes,
in that Respondent has violated the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education
Profession prescribed. by State Board of Education rules.
Administrative Complaint
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COUNT 4: The allegations of misconduct set forth herein are in violation of Rule 6A-
10.081(5)(a), Florida Administrative Code, in that Respondent has failed to maintain honesty in
all professional dealings.
WHEREFORE, based on the reasons set forth herein and in accordance with the
Explanation of Rights and Election of Rights forms attached to and made a part of this
Administrative Complaint, Petitioner respectfully recommends that the Education Practices
Commission impose an appropriate sanction against the Respondent’s educator’s certificate
pursuant to the authority provided in sections 1012.795(1) and 1012.796(7), Florida Statutes. The
sanctions imposed by the Education Practices Commission may include, but are not limited to,
any one or a combination of the following: issuing the Respondent a written reprimand; placing
the Respondent on probation for any period of time: restricting the Respondent’s authorized
scope of practice; assessing the Respondent an administrative fine; directing the Respondent to
enroll in the Recovery Network Program; suspending the Respondent's educator’s certificate for
a period of time not to exceed five years; revoking the Respondent’s educator’s certificate for a
period of time up io 10 years or permanently; determining the Respondent to be ineligible for
certification; or barring the Respondent from reapplying for an educator’s certificate for a period
of time up to 10 years or permanently.
EXECUTED on this 14 day of _Suye 2016.
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Commissioner of Education
State of Florida
Docket for Case No: 17-000124PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Feb. 27, 2017 |
Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Feb. 24, 2017 |
Notice of Scheduling Court Reporter filed.
Feb. 22, 2017 |
Order Granting Request for Official Recognition.
Feb. 22, 2017 |
CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held. |
Feb. 22, 2017 |
Petitioner's Supplement to Petitioner's Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction to the Education Practices Commission filed.
Feb. 21, 2017 |
Petitioner's Motion for Case Status Conference filed.
Feb. 21, 2017 |
Petitioner's Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Feb. 21, 2017 |
Petitioner's Exhibit List filed.
Feb. 21, 2017 |
Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Feb. 21, 2017 |
Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Feb. 17, 2017 |
Notice of Filing Certified Copy of New Jersey Department of Education Order of Revocation and Request for Judicial Recogition filed.
Feb. 16, 2017 |
Petitioner's Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction to the Education Practices Commission filed.
Feb. 09, 2017 |
Order Granting Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint
Feb. 09, 2017 |
Petitioner's Unopposed Motion for Leave to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Jan. 27, 2017 |
Order on Confidentiality.
Jan. 26, 2017 |
Motion for Confidentiality of Documents filed.
Jan. 26, 2017 |
Respondent's Response and Disputed Facts filed. 
 Confidential document; not available for viewing. |
Jan. 19, 2017 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jan. 19, 2017 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 2, 2017; 9:00 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes and Tallahassee, FL).
Jan. 19, 2017 |
Petitioner's Response to Initial Order filed.
Jan. 11, 2017 |
Initial Order.
Jan. 11, 2017 |
Notice of Appearance (Matthew R. McGuigan).
Jan. 11, 2017 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jan. 11, 2017 |
Election of Rights filed.
Jan. 11, 2017 |
Letter from Gretchen Brantley regarding rejecting request for formal hearing filed.
Jan. 11, 2017 |
Election of Rights filed.
Jan. 11, 2017 |
Agency referral filed.