Agency: County School Boards
Locations: Bradenton, Florida
Filed: Mar. 09, 2017
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, March 31, 2017.
Latest Update: Jan. 31, 2025
COUNTY, FLORIDA, SBMC Case No. 17-0001
Dr. Diana Greene, as Superintendent of Schools, by and through her undersigned counsel,
hereby recommends the termination of Respondent Elizabeth Ribaudo (hereinafter referred to as
“Ribaudo”) effective April 11, 2017.
This recommendation will be made at the School Board meeting on April 11, 2017
beginning at 5:45 p.m. in the Board Room at the School Support Center located at 215 Manatee
Ave. W., Bradenton, Florida, or as soon thereafter as same may be heard.
The grounds therefor states as follows:
1. Elizabeth Ribaudo has been employed with the School District of Manatee
County since September 3, 2002. Respondent is a 2 grade Teacher at Myakka Elementary
2. Ms. Ribaudo’s scheduled duty day is 8:00 a.m. through 3:30 p.m. with a 30
minute duty-free lunch.
3. Consistent with Florida Statute, the District’s collective bargaining agreement
with the Manatee Education Association (“MEA”) grants teachers the ability to accrue ten (10)
sick days per school year. The agreement states:
Section 1 - Personal Illness, Family Ilness, Bereavement
Any teacher who is unable to perform his duties because of illness, or because of the iliness or death of
father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, child, other close relative, or member of his own household,
and consequently has to be absent from his work shall be granted leave of absence for sickness by the
Superintendent, or by someone designated in writing by him to do so. The following provisions shall
govern sick ieave:
Extent of Leave: As outlined in Florida Statutes 1012.61, each full-time member of the instructional staff
shall be granted four (4) days of sick leave as of the first day of employment of each current year, and
thereafter during that fiscal year shall be credited with one (1) additional day of sick leave at the end of
each month of employment until the allowance for ten-month employees reaches ten (10) days.
4. Employees at Myakka Elementary School are made aware of attendance
expectations from the Staff Handbook as well as the staff welcome back meeting at the
beginning of each school year. The Handbook states:
Attendance, Absences & Tardies for Staff
Staff Absences Due to Iliness:
When you are absent it is your responsibility to obtain a substitute. You can put an absence online at any
time at HTTPS:// from your phone or computer OR YOU can CALL : 714-
PIN NUMBER ***Audie can assist with pin number if you do not know it.
in the event of an emergency and you cannot access Smartfind please call or text Audie 941-232-8362
Leave of Absence:
The principal must approve Personal Leave at least 24 hours in advance except in cases of emergency
(“Leave for Personal Reasons”. Policy 322). “Personal Reasons” shall be adequate explanation for such
leave; however, such leave will be approved for pressing personal problems or emergencies, which
cannot be resolved outside of regular employment hours.
Assignment for Temporary Duty (ATD) Leave forms must be filled out In advance of the leave. Audie will
obtain subs for ATD’s. Please work with her to discuss who you want to request. Personal teave forms
and ATD leave forms may be obtained from the senior secretary.
Staff Tardy
* Punctuality is an employability behavior. It is expected that all staff members do their best every day to
arrive on time. We all experience challenges from time to time. However, consistent tardiness for one’s
professicnal obligations such as arriving to work late, picking up students late from specials or lunch, or
attending meetings late demonstrates a lack of respect for your colleagues, staff members and students.
If you are unable to be on time for whatever reason, notification is to be made to those impacted by the
tardiness. if you will be more than 10 minutes late to work, please call the front office. If an emergency
arises and you will be later than 10 minutes arriving to school, please call or text Audie Bontrager (232-
8362) or Kathy Price (504-4944), as soon as possible. If a staft emergency arises during the school day,
arrangements will be made by the administration.
Leaving Campus Early
From time to time it becomes necessary for a staff member to leave campus before the end of the
working day. Permission from the Principal must be obtained prior to leaving. . If Mrs. Price is unavailable,
please notify Rhonda or Audie Bontrager that you will be leaving. Staff members must sign out in the “Off
Campus Log book’ in Audie’s office before feaving campus and secure coverage for their class and
secure coverage for duty assignments.
Substitute Plans & Folder
Lesson plans are always to be available for a substitute when a teacher is absent. If the teacher's daily
lesson plans are not utilized for this purpose, detailed special plans are to be provided by the teacher
prior to 7:45 a.m. of the day of absence. It is critical that substitutes be provided with all of the important
information necessary to facilitate a smooth running day. Schedules, procedures, names of students
attending special classes, volunteer names and times, transportation routines, names of helpful students,
medical info for students and other hints to assist the substitute are to be included in the plans.
5. A review of Ms. Ribaudo’s attendance revealed an ongoing pattern of excessive
absenteeism, tardiness, and early departures. [An analysis of her attendance for the 2015/2016
school year along with August 2016 through February 2017 is attached hereto.]
6. Although Ribaudo is aware of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), it is noted
Ms. Ribaudo has neither applied for nor been granted job-protected leave under the Family
Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”). Similarly, although the MEA collective bargaining agreement
offers teachers an opportunity to apply for unpaid leaves of absence for the balance of a school
year, Ms. Ribaudo has not made such a request.
7. A review of Ms. Ribaudo’s personnel and site files reveals the District has
followed progressive discipline in an attempt to correct this deficiency. The file includes:
¢ A February 2014 Memorandum of Conference from Principal Chuck Fradley regarding
reporting to work late.
¢ An April 2016 Written Directive from Principal Kathy Price outlining attendance.
© In September 2016, Ms. Ribaudo continued to experience late arrivals. Ms. Price
provided her with a duplicate of the April 2016 directive to remind her of the established
e An October 2016 conversation between Principal Price and Ms. Ribaudo to reinforce the
attendance expectations.
¢ A November 2016 Written Reprimand identifying continued excessive absences along
with a discrepancy between Ms. Ribaudo’s observed arrival time and the time she
recorded in the school’s staff attendance log book.
Despite these efforts, a review of Ms. Ribaudo’s attendance revealed an ongoing pattern of
excessive absenteeism, tardiness, and early departures. An analysis of her attendance was
completed for the 2015/2016 school year, along with August 2016 through February 2017, as per
the attached document.
8. In the 2015/2016 school year, Ms. Ribaudo was absent 17 days; this represented
9% of her contracted duty year. It is noted 65% of the absences occurred immediately before or
after a weekend. There were only two months, May and June, where Ms. Ribaudo did not have
an absence.
9. From August 2016 through February 22, 2017, of the current school year, Ms.
Ribaudo has been absent for 25 days; this represents 20% of her contracted duty days. 28% of
her absences occurred immediately before or after a weekend. There has only been one month,
August, where Ms. Ribaudo did not have an absence. Moreover, she has been late or left early
27 times; this represents 21% of her contracted duty days. Additionally, it is noted that she has
failed to consistently sign-in when arriving late, as required.
10. | When Ms. Ribaudo is absent, the school must attempt to secure a substitute;
success in this effort is inconsistent. When a substitute cannot be secured, the school staff must
cover her class. Ms. Ribaudo’s absences place an unnecessary burden on her colleagues to cover
her classes. More importantly, Ms. Ribaudo's pattern of attendance deprives her students of
continuity in instruction and ultimately impacts their learning and achievement. The District
believes Ms. Ribaudo’s behavior violates the Code of Ethics and District Policy.
11. Based on the facts herein alleged, Petitioner has just cause to terminate
Respondent Elizabeth Ribaudo.
1. As an educator in the Manatee County School District, she is bound by the
“Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida.” The Code of
Ethics requires:
(b) The educator’s primary professional concern will always be for the student and for the
development of the student’s potential. The educator will therefore strive for professional growth
and will seek to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity.
(c) Aware of the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of one’s colleagues, of
students, of parents, and of other members of the community, the educator strives to achieve and
sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct.
2. School Board of Manatee County Policy & Procedural Manual section 6.9
incorporates by reference the “Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida.
Ms. Ribaudo engaged in misconduct in office as defined in Rule 6B-4.009(3),
F.A.C., which provides that misconduct in office is a violation of the Code of Ethics of the
Education Profession as adopted in Rule 6B-1.006(3)a), FAC, and the Principles of
Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida as adopted in Rule 6B-1.006,
F.A.C., which is so serious as to impair the individual’s effectiveness in the school system.
School Board of Manatee County Policy & Procedural Manual Section 6.2
governs leaves of absences and enumerates procedures and expectations:
All employees are expected to be in attendance at work sites at all times.
Excused absences are the only exception. Excessive absenteeism, even though
excused, has an adverse impact on performance and is an issue to be
addressed in performance evaluation affecting continuing employment.
School Board of Manatee County Policy & Procedural Manual Section 6.2(1)(a)
enumerates the procedures for the application and approval of leaves and states in pertinent part:
(a) Sick or illness leave or request for use of personal leave charged to sick leave
requires prior notification to the supervisor, except for emergencies, and also
requires the filing of a written claim form within five days of return to work.
Each employee shall complete a claim form that will be available at the work
site. Each employee shall be required to state day or days absent, that such
absence was necessary and that the employee is entitled or not entitled to
receive pay for the absence. The claim form shall be submitted to the employee’s
principal or site supervisor. Any employee failing to comply with this procedure
or who claims such leave for reasons other than illness shall be subject to
disciplinary action.
School Board of Manatee County Policy & Procedural Manual Section 6.2(2) and
subparts clearly enumerate the protocols, requirements and consequences for unauthorized leave,
including, but not limited to termination:
(2) Procedures for Notification of Absence and Consequence of Absence
without Notice:
(a) Definition
An employee is deemed to be on unauthorized leave at any time when the
employee is absent from performance of required duties without giving notice
and without having made provisions for appropriate leave as defined in
these procedures.
(b) Disciplinary Action
Unauthorized leave shall constitute willful neglect of duty and misconduct and
therefore, may result in the initiation of dismissal procedures, loss of salary or
such disciplinary action as may be deemed appropriate. Employees will not
receive pay for unauthorized leave.
1. Any employee who is willfully absent from duty without leave shall forfeit
compensation for the period of absence and his/her contract shall be
subject to termination by the school board. Any willful absence from
work without notice may be considered grounds for termination.
2. Any absence from work without leave or excessive absence with notice may be
considered grounds for termination.
All employees are expected to be in attendance at work sites at all times.
Excused absences are the only exception to this. Excessive absences even
though excused, have an adverse impact.
7. In addition, School Board of Manatee County Policy & Procedure Manual Section
6.11(1) also enumerates procedures for suspension or termination for wilful neglect of duty and
states in pertinent part:
(1) Suspension or Termination of Employees:
Any employee of the School Board may be temporarily suspended, with or
without pay, or permanently terminated from employment, for just cause
including, but not limited to, immorality, misconduct in office, incompetence,
gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, drunkenness, or conviction of
any crime involving moral turpitude, violation of the Policies and Procedures
Manual of the School District of Manatee County, violation of any applicable
Florida statute, violation of the Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional
Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida.
8. In addition, School Board of Manatee County Policy & Procedure Manual Section
6.11(3), a provision pertaining to “Absence of Employees,” states in pertinent part:
a) Normally, if any of the instructional staff employed in the public school
system is unable to perform his or her duties and consequently has to be absent
from his or her assignment, he or she shall notify the principal of the school or
designee the night before if possible, but in any event, no later than one-half
(1/2) hour before the assigned starting time. In the event of an emergency,
notification by the teacher should be done as soon as possible. Any member
of the instructional staff who fails to comply with this provision relating to
reporting absence may be considered absent without leave and shall forfeit
compensation for the time of the absence, and he or she may be subject to
disciplinary action.
9. Respondent Ribaudo’s actions whether excused or unexcused were excessive and
therefore had an adverse impact on the students, the schools and the School District as a whole.
Respondent has engaged in gross insubordination as defined in Rule 2B-4.009(4). F.A.C. and
prohibited by School Board of Manatee County Policy & Procedural Manual Section 6.11, which
provides that gross insubordination or willful neglect of duties is a constant or continuing
intentional refusal to obey a direct order which is reasonable in nature and given by and with
proper authority. Accordingly, based on the facts herein alleged, Petitioner has just cause to
terminate Respondent Elizabeth Ribaudo effective April 11, 2017, for unauthorized and
unapproved leave, wilful neglect of duty and job abandonment.
WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, the Superintendent recommends termination of
Respondent Elizabeth Ribaudo. If a hearing is requested, the Superintendent recommends due
process, whereby, the Superintendent recommends that the hearing be granted and that
Respondent be suspended without pay effective, April 11, 2017, pending the outcome of the
1. Respondent is entitled to a public hearing to be conducted in accordance with
sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, regarding the Superintendent’s recommendation.
2. Respondent is required to file a Request for Administrative Hearing pursuant to
the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 120, Florida Statutes), and the Uniform Rules adopted
by the Administration Commission, chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code if a hearing is
requested. A sample Request for an Administrative Hearing is attached for Respondent’s
teference and use.
3. Respondent must submit a written request for a formal hearing within 15 days of
the date of service. Respondent’s written request for a hearing must be received by the Agency
Clerk, Michele Boyce and General Counsel Mitchell Teitelbaum, at 215 Manatee Ave, W.,
Bradenton, Florida 34205 no later than 4:30 p.m. on the 15th day after receipt of the
Administrative Complaint. Respondent is required to substantially comply with the requirements
of the Uniform Rules.
4. Respondent is entitled to representation by counsel or other qualified
representative at Respondent’s expense.
5. Failure to request a hearing will be deemed an admission of the allegations
against Respondent.
6. Mediation under section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available.
7. Pursuant to Rule 28-106.214, Florida Administrative Code, notice is provided that
the School Board will preserve the testimony at the final hearing by audiotape. If either party
desires a certified court reporter to preserve the testimony, the party may do so at its own
expense. Any party who wishes a written transcript of the testimony from the certified court
reporter shall bear the cost of such transcript.
DATED this 1st day of March, 2017, § County, Florida.
arta Greene, , Superintendent
School District of Manatee County, Florida
Analysis of Elizabeth Ribaudo's Absences as of 02/22/2017
as avatars pects be I _
Late Arrival
Absence by Day of the Week
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday Friday | TOTAL |
COUNTY, FLORIDA, SBMC Case No. 17-0001
Respondent, Elizabeth Ribaudo, requests an Administrative Hearing on the
Administrative Complaint and states as follows:
1. The name, address, telephone number, fax number (if any) and email address
of the Respondent is:
TTT rs
eee eenereenmnnene eee
2. The name, address, telephone number, fax number (if any)and email address
of the Respondent's personal representative or attorney upon whom service of
pleadings and other papers shall be made is:
—————-{- -—--__———————
3. The Respondent's substantial interest is affected by the Superintendent's
recommendation of termination:
et tN
—_—— rrr
4. Respondent received notice of Administrative Complaint for termination on
5. The case number assigned to the administrative complaint is 17-0001.
6. Respondent requests an Administrative Hearing on the following disputed
issues of material fact:
7, There are no disputed issues of material fact. (check if applicable) [ ]
8. The ultimate facts alleged are set forth in the Administrative Complaint.
Print Name
Respondent must submit a written request for a formal hearing within 15 days
ust be received
of the date of service. Your writtem request for a hearin
by the Agemcy Clerk, Michele Bo and Gemeral Counsel Mitchell Teitelbaum
at 21 :Mamatee Ave. W., Bradenton Florida 34205 mo later than 4:30 p.m
on the 15th day from delivery. Respondent is required to substantially comply
with the requirements of the Uniform Rules.
Docket for Case No: 17-001445TTS
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 31, 2017 |
Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 31, 2017 |
Motion to Cancel Hearing of April 27, 2017 filed.
Mar. 17, 2017 |
(Verification) Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Notice of Request for Interrogatories filed.
Mar. 17, 2017 |
Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Notice of Request for Interrogatories filed.
Mar. 17, 2017 |
School Board of Manatee County Second Request for Production filed.
Mar. 16, 2017 |
Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Request For Production (of Documents) filed.
Mar. 15, 2017 |
Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Mar. 15, 2017 |
Petitioner, School Board of Manatee County, Amended Notice of Discovery Requests to Respondent filed.
Mar. 15, 2017 |
Petitioner School Board of Manatee County, Notice of Discovery Requests to Respondent filed.
Mar. 15, 2017 |
Respondent's Notice of Discovery Requests to Petitioner filed.
Mar. 15, 2017 |
School Board of Manatee County First Request for Production filed.
Mar. 15, 2017 |
School Board of Manatee County First Request for Admissions filed.
Mar. 10, 2017 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Mar. 10, 2017 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Mar. 10, 2017 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 27, 2017; 9:00 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
Mar. 10, 2017 |
CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held. |
Mar. 09, 2017 |
Initial Order.
Mar. 09, 2017 |
Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Mar. 09, 2017 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Mar. 09, 2017 |
Recommendation for Termination filed.
Mar. 09, 2017 |
Referral Letter filed.