ROBERT SUMMERHAYS, Bankruptcy Judge.
The question before the court is the scope of the safe harbor created by 11 U.S.C. § 556 and whether a long-term wood pellet supply agreement falls within that safe harbor. Section 556 allows a "forward contract merchant" to terminate a forward commodities contract post-petition based on an ipso facto clause in the contract.
The parties have fully briefed these four threshold issues. After considering the parties' briefs, the record, and the relevant authorities, the court rules on these issues as follows.
Louisiana Pellets, Inc., and German Pellets Louisiana, LLC (the "debtors") are members of a corporate group centered in Wismar, Germany, that processes raw wood into specialized wood pellets used to fuel power plants and heating systems in Europe. Louisiana Pellets owns a pellet production facility under construction in Urania, Louisiana, and German Pellets Louisiana is the general contractor for the facility. On August 15, 2012, German Pellets Texas, LLC, another member of the German Pellet corporate group, entered into the Wood Pellets Sale and Purchase Agreement (the "Sale Agreement") with E.ON. E.ON is a United Kingdom-based power generator that, at the time the Sale Agreement was executed, operated a facility that used wood pellets to generate electricity. The Sale Agreement provided for multiple shipments of wood pellets to E.ON over five (5) years. This Sale Agreement was assigned to German Pellets Louisiana on March 7, 2013. Clause 22.1.5 of the Sale Agreement contains a standard ipso facto provision:
This clause, however, was modified by an agreement entered into by the parties on September 6, 2013, in connection with a bond offering by Louisiana Pellets (the "Consent Agreement"). The Consent Agreement authorized Louisiana Pellets to assign its rights under the Sale Agreement to the trustee and collateral agent for the bondholders. Section 4 of this Consent Agreement provides:
Louisiana Pellets and German Pellets Louisiana filed for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code on February 18, 2016.
On March 15, 2016, E.ON filed a Motion to Compel Assumption or Rejection of the Supply Agreement requesting that the court shorten the time period for the debtors to assume or reject the Supply Agreement. In that motion, E.ON raised its arguments with respect to the debtors' performance under the Sale Agreement and, in addition, cited the economic hardships that it was facing under the Supply Agreement. With respect to economic hardship, E.ON explained that, in 2014, it ceased the operations that relied on wood pellets and thus had no use for the wood pellets that it was obligated to purchase under the Sale Agreement. To address this dilemma, E.ON entered into a contract with German Pellets Trading GmbH to purchase the wood pellets that E.ON was obligated to buy under the Sale Agreement. German Pellets Trading is a member of the German Pellets corporate group. German Pellets Trading subsequently commenced an insolvency proceeding. As a result, E. ON contends that it has no long-term avenue to resell the pellets that it is obligated to buy under the Sale Agreement. Compounding this hardship, the market price for wood pellets apparently declined during the period after E.ON entered into the Sale Agreement. The debtors' response is that general changes in the economic climate— such as falling commodity prices —or the actions of a contract party that may limit its need for the goods at issue are not grounds for that party to avoid its contractual obligations. The court conducted a hearing on this motion after entering relief on the debtors' motion to compel, and took E.ON's motion under advisement.
After the hearing on E.ON's motion to compel, E.ON filed the instant motion for relief from the automatic stay. According to E.ON, the Sale Agreement falls within the safe harbor of section 556 because (1) E.ON is a "forward contract merchant," and (2) the Sale Agreement contains an ipso facto clause. The court held a preliminary hearing on this motion and ordered the parties to brief four threshold issues that could potentially dispose of the motion in advance of fact and expert discovery and an evidentiary hearing.
11 U.S.C. § 365 sets forth the powers of a debtor in possession to assume or reject an executory contract as well as the limitations on those powers. The automatic stay provisions in 11 U.S.C. § 362 aid this election process by preventing the non-filing party to an executory contract from terminating the contract prior to the debtor in possession making its election. Taken together, sections 365 and 362 provide the debtor in possession with the respite to make a reasoned decision whether to assume or reject an executory contract. Consistent with this policy, section 365(e)(1) bars the termination of an executory contract based on an ipso facto clause:
This prohibition on ipso facto clauses, however, is subject to "safe harbors" for certain, narrowly-defined types of transactions. 11 U.S.C. § 556 was added to the Bankruptcy Code by amendments enacted in 1982. Section 556 creates a safe harbor exception to section 365(e)for certain classes of commodity contracts, including forward contracts entered into by "forward contract merchants":
The purpose for this safe harbor is to provide "certain protections . . . to prevent the insolvency of one commodity or security firm from spreading to other firms and possibly threatening the collapse of the affected market." H.R. No. 97-420. The House Report for the amendment further explains that the amendments will ensure that "the stay provisions of the Code are not construed to prevent brokers from closing out the open accounts of insolvent customers or brokers," and that the "prompt closing out or liquidation of such open accounts freezes the status quo and minimizes the potentially massive losses and chain reactions that could occur if the market were to move sharply in the wrong direction."
E.ON contends that the Sale Agreement falls within this safe harbor because E.ON is a "forward contract merchant" and the Sale Agreement is a "forward contract" within the meaning of section 556. A contract is a forward contract for purposes of this provision if (1) the subject of the contract is a commodity with substantially all of the expected costs of performance attributable to the expected costs of the underlying commodity; (2) the contract has a maturity date more than two days after the contracting date; (3) the price, quantity and time elements of the contract are fixed at the time of contracting; and (4) the contract has a relationship to the financial markets.
The first threshold legal issue is whether Clause 22.1.5 as modified by the Consent Agreement qualifies for the safe harbor under section 556. Section 556 states that a forward contract merchant's contractual right to liquidate, terminate, or accelerate a forward contract "because of a condition of the kind specified in section 365(e)(1)" is not barred by the automatic stay nor is it invalidated by the prohibition against ipso facto clauses in section 365(e)(1). E.ON contends that it is merely triggering its right under Clause 22.1.5 to terminate the Sale Agreement based on a filing of the petition in this case. According to E.ON, the language in the Consent Agreement conditioning the exercise of these rights on the debtors' failure to perform does not eliminate or waive E.ON's underlying right to invoke the ipso facto clause. E.ON reads section 556's use of the term "condition of the kind" broadly to argue that any invocation of the ipso facto clause is sufficient to trigger the safe harbor even if that ipso facto clause is conditioned on other factors. The debtors, in contrast, argue that the Consent Agreement modifies Clause 22.1.5 in a way that brings it outside of the section 556 safe harbor. According to the debtors, E.ON is not attempting to terminate the agreement "because of a condition of the kind specified in Section 365(e)(1)," but instead must rely on the debtors' contract performance to trigger termination. The court agrees with the debtors' reading of section 556 and Clause 22.1.5 as modified by the Consent Agreement.
E.ON correctly argues that safe harbors such as section 556 are generally read broadly to promote the underlying purposes of the safe harbor. On the other hand, courts also construe the safe harbors according to their plain terms.
This reading of section 556 is consistent with case law and legislative history. The courts that have addressed the scope of section 556 have explained that a right to terminate only falls within the safe harbor if that right is based on the conditions specifically stated in section 365(e)(1). Other grounds to terminate—such as a termination based on contract performance—are not protected under section 556's safe harbor.
E.ON seems to argue that the debtors bear the burden of establishing that they have fully performed under the Sale Agreement and that, absent this showing by the debtors, E.ON can enforce the ipso facto clause based on the conditions specified in section 365(e)(1) without any need to establish that the debtors failed to perform under the agreement. This argument is not supported by the parties' contracts. The Consent Agreement modifies Clause 22.1.5 to require a showing that the debtors have failed to perform their obligations under the Sale Agreement. To terminate the agreement and therefore avoid its obligations under that agreement, E.ON must establish the grounds for termination. In the case of Clause 22.1.5, that right to terminate is conditioned on the debtors' failure to perform. E.ON cannot read this contract performance trigger out of Clause 22.1.5 (as modified by the consent Agreement) by arguing that the debtors somehow bear the burden of affirmatively proving that they are in compliance with the Sale Agreement.
The parties also address the remaining three threshold issues in their briefs, including waiver, estoppel, and the meaning of the term "forward contract merchant." In light of the court's ruling with respect to the scope of section 556, the court need not address these remaining threshold issues.
For the foregoing reasons, the court