ROBERT H. CLELAND, District Judge.
Defendants having served its First Request for Production of Documents and Interrogatories dated August 9, 2013, Plaintiff having produced documents in response to said discovery requests, and the Court being fully advised in the premises.
1. Until further Order of this Court, the foregoing documents produced by Plaintiff shall be deemed to be CONFIDENTIAL and not be disclosed in any way, directly or indirectly, in any form, to anyone other than in connection with this case, and then only to the following persons:
2. Until further Order of this Court, (a) the foregoing documents produced by Plaintiff, (b) any of the documents previously produced by Defendants in response to Plaintiff's First Requests for Admission and for Production of Documents identified in the Stipulated Protective Order (Dkt # 22) and (c) any of the documents in Defendants' files and records, which in any way relate or refer to Plaintiff's personal, financial and medical information shall be marked "CONFIDENTIAL" and filed under seal and in such a manner as not to be made available in the public record.
3. Any person who is permitted by counsel to view and/or retain a copy of any documents covered by this Protective Order shall be provided with a copy of this Protective Order and shall, by receiving a copy of same and viewing and/or retaining such documents, agrees to be bound by the terms hereof and shall acknowledge the same in writing with a copy to opposing counsel.
4. At any time, either Plaintiff or Defendants may apply to this Court for an Order excluding specific documents from the protection of this Order.