WHEREAS, all of the parties to this civil action, through counsel, jointly represent that (i) certain information, documents and things likely to be requested and produced in this action will be confidential commercial information, such as product manufacturing materials and methods, sales records, customer lists, customer contacts and customer information, business information or marketing plans, strategies or methods, pricing and financial documents, and product cost information, and (ii) filings in this action will likely include copies of, excerpts of, or detailed references to the Global Settlement Agreement between and among the parties, dated December 8, 2015 (Exhibit A to the Amended Complaint, DE#33; the "
WHEREAS, the parties, through counsel of record in this action, have all agreed to the form and content of such an Order as hereinafter set forth; and
WHEREAS, this Order shall also govern materials produced during discovery by any nonparty, where the nonparty or a party requests the protections provided by this Order; and
BASED on the foregoing and upon a review of the proposed Protective Order, the Court believes that the entry of the Protective Order is fair, in the interest of justice, and should be entered.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is ORDERED that until this Order is amended or superseded by the Court, the parties will follow the procedures set forth below with respect to the use of all produced documents, responses to interrogatories and requests for admissions, deposition transcripts and any other information, documents, objects or things that have been or will be produced by any party ("
(a) Confidential Matter may be designated "CONFIDENTIAL" if the Producing Party reasonably and in good faith believes it constitutes, reflects, contains or otherwise discloses (i) material non-public insider information, confidential and/or commercially sensitive or proprietary information, such as product manufacturing methods or materials, sales records, customer lists, customer contacts and customer information, business information or marketing plans, strategies or methods, pricing and financial documents, and product cost information; (ii) personnel files; (iii) information that a party is under a duty to preserve as confidential under a court or administrative order, pursuant to Section 14 of the Settlement Agreement, or by agreement with or obligation to a third person; or (iv) other information which the Producing Party believes in good faith must be maintained in confidence in order to protect its business or commercial interests.
(b) Confidential Matter may be designated as "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" if the Producing Party reasonably and in good faith believes it constitutes, reflects, contains, or otherwise discloses material identified in paragraph 1(a) and its disclosure is likely to cause current competitive harm or significant competitive disadvantage to the Producing Party.
(c) Any documents or things identified as Confidential Matter by the Producing Party shall be designated as such by stamping, marking or labeling on the face of the document the appropriate designation of "CONFIDENTIAL" or "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" pursuant to subparagraphs 1(a) and 1(b). The stamping, marking or labeling of any disk or portable USB storage device as "CONFIDENTIAL " or "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" shall constitute the designation of all documents on the disk as Confidential Matter.
(d) Any documents or things identified as Confidential Matter by a party other than the Producing Party shall be designated as such by letter to counsel for the Producing Party (with copies to other counsel) within twenty-one (21) days after receipt of the documents or things by that party. All parties shall thereafter take reasonable steps to stamp, mark or label on the face of the document or thing the word "CONFIDENTIAL" or "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3.
(e) Any party shall have twenty-one (21) days after receipt of a copy of a deposition transcript to designate portions of the testimony as Confidential Matter. Until the twenty-one (21) day period has expired, the entire deposition transcript shall be treated as confidential. The transcript of the deposition that contains such Confidential Matter shall bear the notation "Confidential Information — Subject to a Protective Order of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina" or shall be otherwise appropriately marked by the parties. Nothing herein shall prevent a party from orally designating testimony as Confidential Matter during a deposition, and if so designated, the Court Reporter shall be instructed to prepare the transcript of the deposition with the designated testimony marked as "CONFIDENTIAL" or "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY."
(f) Any information, documents or things not designated as Confidential Matter shall not be covered by this Order,
(a) Access to Confidential Matter designated as "CONFIDENTIAL" shall be restricted to the following persons, and the Receiving Party (and its counsel) shall not disclose the designated Confidential Matter to anyone other than the following persons:
(i) attorneys of record in this litigation, attorneys at the same firm assisting in this litigation, and in-house and outside counsel for the Receiving Party, including the secretarial, paralegals, legal assistants and office/support staffs of such attorneys;
(ii) officers and employees of a party having a need to know the information related to this litigation;
(iii) the Court, including its staff and any jury selected in this case, under such safeguards as are provided in this Order or as are required by this Court in the event any confidential information is to be used or introduced at trial or any other proceeding;
(iv) court reporters, stenographers and/or videographers at depositions, hearings or other proceedings in this litigation as well as third parties retained to assist counsel in copying, storing, retrieving, imaging and/or coding documents;
(v) any person to which all parties to this lawsuit stipulate to in writing or on the record in court or at a deposition;
(vi) provided that the requirements of subparagraph 2(d) below are first met, testifying and consulting experts who are retained by a party in good faith to assist in the prosecution or defense of this action (and necessary employees of those experts and consultants);
(vii) provided that the requirements of subparagraph 2(d) below are first met, witnesses or potential witnesses (including their attorneys) to whom the disclosing counsel believes, in good faith, disclosure is required to assist them in preparation for the conduct of this Action, but only to the extent the witness or potential witness (1) was an author, signatory, or prior recipient of the Confidential Matter, or otherwise had access to it, or (2) is a witness to events, circumstances, or matters related to the Confidential Matter; and
(viii) deponents (including their attorneys) to whom the disclosing counsel believes, in good faith, disclosure is required during a deposition to assist them in the taking of such deposition, but only to the extent the witness or potential witness (1) was an author, signatory, or prior recipient of the Confidential Matter, or otherwise had access to it, or (2) is a witness to events, circumstances, or matters related to the Confidential Matter. Such deponents who are not parties to this Action and who are not retained as experts or consultants with respect to this Action shall not retain Designated Material provided to them during the taking of their deposition.
(b) Access to Confidential Matter designated as "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" shall be kept confidential and shall be revealed only to and used only by the categories of individuals identified in Paragraphs 2(a)(i), 2(a)(iii), 2(a)(iv), 2(a)(v), 2(a)(vi), 2(a)(vii), and (2)(a)(viii) above, provided that such individuals comply with the obligations described in those paragraphs.
Collectively, those persons indicated by (i) through (viii) in section 2(a) are the "
(c) Under no circumstances except those enumerated in subparagraphs 2(a) and 2(b) above shall Confidential Matter be disclosed to any other person or entity by a Receiving Party. Prior to any disclosure, included disclosure permitted by this Order, the Receiving Party (or other party making the disclosure) shall inform such person to whom the disclosure is to be made that the material is confidential and that it may not be disclosed, except as provided in this Order.
(d) Prior to any disclosure of Confidential Matter to a person identified under either subparagraph 2(a)(vii) as a testifying or consulting expert or subparagraph 2(a)(viii) above, (i) the party or counsel for the party disclosing the Confidential Matter shall advise such person to whom the Confidential Matter will be disclosed that the Court has ordered that such Confidential Matter shall be kept confidential and may not be disclosed in any form or used for any purpose whatsoever other than as allowed by this Order, and (ii) such person to whom the Confidential Matter will be disclosed must first read this Protective Order and sign a copy of the written undertaking attached hereto as
(e) Should counsel for a party seeking to disclose Confidential Matter be unable, after using his or her best efforts, to secure the specified executed written undertaking from any person(s) identified in subparagraphs 2(a)(vii) and (viii) above, such counsel shall not make the disclosure contemplated and may: (i) communicate with counsel for the Producing Party in a good faith effort to resolve the matter informally; and (ii) if the matter cannot be resolved informally, then counsel for the Receiving Party may, with notice to counsel for the Producing Party, apply to the Court for relief from the requirements of paragraph 2 above with respect to such expert, witness or prospective witness.
(f) A copy of each executed written undertaking referred to in subparagraph 2(d) above shall be retained in a secure place by counsel for the Receiving Party making the disclosure to the applicable third party for at least sixty (60) days after the conclusion of this proceeding, including all appeals. The exchange or production of the written undertakings will be either upon agreement of the parties or upon further order of this Court.
(g) If any Receiving Party desires to disclose Confidential Matter to any person or persons assisting them in this litigation other than persons identified in subparagraphs 2(a) above, counsel for that Receiving Party shall confer with counsel for the Producing Party in a good faith effort to resolve the question whether the Confidential Matter may be disclosed for the purpose or purposes sought by the Receiving Party. If, after a good faith meeting, the parties are not able to resolve whether the Confidential Matter may be disclosed, the Receiving Party may, at any time, apply to this Court in writing for permission to disclose the Confidential Matter and shall state with reasonable particularity the identity of the persons to whom such Confidential Matter is to be disclosed, the reason for the desired disclosure, and a description of the Confidential Matter that is to be included in such disclosure. The Producing Party shall have ten (10) days following service of such an application — unless the time for response is otherwise shortened or lengthened by the Court — to file any objections thereto, in which case no disclosure shall be made until the issue has been resolved by the Court or the parties.
Except as provided in Section 3(a) above, each time a party seeks to file under seal confidential documents, things, and/or information, said party shall accompany the request with a motion to seal and a supporting memorandum of law specifying (a) the exact documents, things, and/or information, or portions thereof, for which filing under seal is requested; (b) where it is necessary for the court to determine the source of the public's right to access before a request to seal may be evaluated, whether any such request to seal seeks to overcome the common law or the First Amendment presumption to access; (c) the specific qualities of the material at issue which justify sealing such material, taking into account the balance of competing interests in access; (d) the reasons why alternatives to sealing are inadequate; and, (e) whether there is consent to the motion. Finally, in addition to the motion and supporting memorandum, said party must set out such findings in a proposed order to seal for the court.
(a) Limit a Receiving Party's use of documents and information obtained other than through discovery or other service of papers (e.g., briefs, motions, pretrial filings) in this action;
(b) Limit the right of the Producing Party to disclose Confidential Matter of its own, such disclosure not being subject to the protective procedures set forth in this Order;
(c) Limit, expand or restrict any right of any party to resist or compel discovery with respect to materials that the party may claim to be privileged or otherwise not discoverable in this action, or the right of any party to seek additional protection pursuant to Rule 26(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure;
(d) Limit or restrict the right of any party to attach to or incorporate the content of any Confidential Matter in any paper filed with the Court or to show a deponent at a deposition a document that has been designated as Confidential Matter pursuant to the provisions of this Order, subject to the restrictions and conditions listed in paragraphs 1 through 4 above; or
(e) Limit or restrict a Receiving Party (or its counsel) from providing Confidential Matter in response to a validly issued subpoena, court order, government order, or legal notice in a proceeding other than this lawsuit, except that, to the extent permitted by law, the person(s) receiving such subpoena, order or notice (the "
(f) Nothing herein shall prevent disclosure beyond the terms of this Order if the Party designating the information as Confidential Matter consents to such disclosure or if the Court, after notice to all affected parties, orders such disclosure.
I hereby acknowledge that I am about to receive confidential material supplied in connection with the lawsuit styled HSG, LLC d/b/a High Speed Gear v. Edge-Works Manufacturing Company d/b/a G-Code et al., EDNC Case No. 7:17-CV-29-FL.
I certify my understanding that such materials are provided to me pursuant to the terms contained in the Protective Order dated ________________________, 2017, and that I have been given a copy of, have read, and understand and agree to be bound by the terms thereof as a Receiving Party.
Moreover, I agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of this Court for the purpose of contempt proceedings in the event of any violation of this Order.