FRANK D. WHITNEY, Chief District Judge.
THIS MATTER is before the Court on the Unopposed Motion for Settlement (Doc. No. 62), submitted by Plaintiff. For the reasons stated in the unopposed motion and supporting memorandum of law (Doc. No. 63), the motion is GRANTED.
WHEREAS, Plaintiff Shakeera Myers and Defendant Loomis Armored US, LLC have entered into the Settlement Agreement of Class and Collective Action and Release of Claims ("Settlement Agreement") (Doc. No. 63-1, p. 3-61), which is intended to resolve claims asserted in this action by Plaintiff; and
WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement, together with its exhibits, set forth the terms and conditions for a proposed settlement and dismissal with prejudice of this action against the Defendant; and
WHEREAS, Plaintiff has requested that the Court enter an Order: (1) asserting jurisdiction over the claims alleged, Plaintiff and Defendant in this action, and the implementation and administration of the proposed Settlement Agreement; (2) adjudging the terms of the Settlement Agreement preliminarily to be fair, reasonable and adequate, and in the best interests of the Plaintiff, current opt-in plaintiffs, and members of the settlement classes, and direct consummation of its terms and provisions; (3) approving, as to form and content, the proposed Notice of Proposed Class and Collective Action Settlement ("Notice") and Claim Form to all members of the Settlement Classes by First Class U.S. Mail and text message and email, as set forth in Article V, Section 5 of the Settlement Agreement (Doc. No. 63-1, p. 35); (4) approving and appointing Angeion Group as the Settlement Administrator who will administer this settlement; (5) setting a sixty (60) calendar day deadline (from the date the Notice and Claim Forms are postmarked to members of the Settlement Classes) for the execution and return of fully completed Claim Forms, requests for exclusion, or objections; and (6) scheduling a Final Approval Hearing for a date no sooner than ninety (90) days after the date of this Order on Plaintiff's Unopposed Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class and Collective Action Settlement (Doc. No. 62); and
WHEREAS, the Court has before it, Plaintiff's Unopposed Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class and Collective Action Settlement (Doc. No. 62) and papers in support thereof, together with the Settlement Agreement and its Exhibits (Doc. No. 63-1); and
WHEREAS, the Court is satisfied that the terms and conditions set forth in the Settlement Agreement were the result of good faith, arms' length settlement negotiations between competent and experienced counsel for Plaintiff and Defendant; and
WHEREAS, having reviewed and considered the Settlement Agreement and accompanying Exhibits, the Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class and Collective Action Settlement (Doc. No. 62), and having considered the argument of counsel, the Court makes the findings and grants the relief set forth below, authorizing notice of the settlement contained in the Settlement Agreement upon the terms and conditions set forth in this order.
1. The standards for preliminary approval of a class settlement under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e) involves a two-step process.
2. The Court authorizes notice of the settlement set forth in the Settlement Agreement as it appears fair, reasonable, and adequate within the meaning of Fed. R. Civ. P. 23 and the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 ("CAFA"), subject to final consideration thereof at the Final Approval Hearing provided for below.
3. The Court approves as to form and content the Notice, Reminder Postcard and Claim Form, attached as Exhibits A-1, A-2, and A-3 to the Settlement Agreement,
4. The manner and forms of Notice to be sent to members of the Settlement Classes set forth in Article V of the Settlement Agreement are hereby approved and the provisions thereof are hereby incorporated into this Order so that upon entry of this Order, the Parties are directed to ensure that the Notice is disseminated according to the terms of Article V, Section 5 of the Settlement Agreement.
5. Members of the Settlement Classes are authorized to receive a settlement payment only by timely submitting a properly completed Claim Form to the Settlement Administrator via U.S. Mail, fax, or email so that it is postmarked, if received by U.S. Mail, or received, if sent by fax or email, on or before the date sixty (60) calendar days after the date on which the Settlement Administrator postmarks or texts the Notice and Claim Form to the members of the Settlement Classes, in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. The Claim Form must be completed in accordance with the instructions in the Notice and Claim Form and comply with the requirements set forth in the Notice and Settlement Agreement. All members of the Settlement Classes who fail to comply with these requirements shall not receive any settlement payment pursuant to the Settlement set forth in the Settlement Agreement. Moreover, all members of the Rule 23 Settlement Class who fail to comply with these requirements and do not formally exclude themselves from the Rule 23 Settlement Class shall not receive any settlement payment set forth in the Settlement Agreement but will in all other respects be subject to and bound by the provisions of the Settlement Agreement, the releases contained therein, and the Final Judgment.
6. Prior to the Final Approval Hearing, the Plaintiffs and/or the Settlement Administrator shall serve and file a sworn statement attesting to compliance with the Settlement Agreement.
7. Members of the Rule 23 Settlement Class may request exclusion from the Rule 23 Settlement Class and the Settlement. All written requests by members of the Rule 23 Settlement Class to exclude themselves from the Settlement or submit an objection must be returned by First-Class U.S. Mail to the Settlement Administrator so that it is postmarked no later than sixty (60) calendar days after the date on which the Settlement Administrator postmarks or texts the Notice and Claim Form to the members of the Settlement Classes. A written request by a person seeking exclusion must expressly assert that he or she wishes to be excluded from the Settlement. Such written statements should state at the top of the letter "Request for Exclusion from Settlement in
8. Members of the Rule 23 Settlement Class may not exclude themselves by filing requests for exclusion as a group or class but must in each instance individually and personally execute a request for exclusion and timely transmit it to the Settlement Administrator in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement.
9. In the event the Settlement receives final approval, any member of the Rule 23 Settlement Class who does not properly and timely request exclusion shall be bound by all the terms and provisions of the Settlement Agreement, the final approval order, the final judgment, and the releases set forth therein, and will be deemed to have waived all objections and opposition to the fairness, reasonableness, and adequacy of the Settlement, whether or not such person objected to the Settlement and whether or not such person made a claim upon, or participated in, the Settlement. All members of the Rule 23 Settlement Class who do not timely and validly request to be excluded will be enjoined from proceeding against the Defendant for the claims made in the Complaint (Doc. No. 1).
10. All members of the Rule 23 Settlement Class who submit valid and timely notices of their intent to be excluded from the Rule 23 Settlement Class: (i) shall not have any rights under the Settlement Agreement; (ii) shall not be entitled to receive a settlement payment; and (iii) shall not be bound by the Settlement Agreement, any final approval order, or the final judgment. Such individuals are not permitted to submit a Claim Form or to consent to participate in Plaintiffs' FLSA claims in the Action.
11. Consistent with the Settlement Agreement, members of the Rule 23 Settlement Class who have not requested exclusion and wish to object to the Settlement must file a written objection with the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina setting forth the nature of his or her objection, and the arguments supporting the objection, and serve copies of the objection to Class Counsel and Defense Counsel. Any objections must be filed and served prior to the initial Final Approval Date set forth in the Notice. To the extent that any objection is filed in advance of the Final Approval Hearing, the Parties may file a written response to the objection as time permits. Unless otherwise permitted by the Court, objecting Rule 23 Settlement Class Members shall not be entitled to speak at the hearing on the Final Approval Date unless they have timely filed and served a written objection. Any Rule 23 Settlement Class Member who has properly and timely submitted objections may appear at the Final Approval Date hearing, either in person or through a lawyer retained at their own expense. Any Rule 23 Settlement Class Members who fail to file and serve a timely written objection shall be deemed to have waived any objection and shall be foreclosed from objecting to this Settlement.
12. The Court approves and appoints Angeion Group to serve as the neutral, third-party Settlement Administrator in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement and this Order. The Court hereby ORDERS and AUTHORIZES Angeion Group to perform the administrative duties specified herein.
A. Issue Notice of Settlement
The Court ORDERS Angeion Group to issue the approved Notice and Claim Form to all members of the Settlement Classes. To that end, Angeion Group shall:
The Court further ORDERS Angeion Group to collect the Court-approved Claim Forms and I.R.S. Form W-9s returned by members of the Settlement Class who wish to participate in the Settlement and to receive Settlement Payments, as well as to collect written requests for exclusion by members of the Rule 23 Settlement Class who do not wish to participate in the proposed settlement. As part of these tasks, Angeion Group shall:
Additionally, the Court ORDERS that, following the issuance of an Order from this Court, if any, granting final approval to the Parties' proposed settlement, and after the Effective Date of the Parties' proposed settlement, as defined in Article I, Section 15 of the Settlement Agreement, Angeion Group shall take the necessary steps, consistent with the Court-approved settlement, to distribute Individual Settlement Amounts (as defined in Article 1, Section 18 of the Settlement Agreement) to members of the Settlement Classes, as well as to make any other Court-authorized payments under the Settlement. This shall include:
In the event that the Court grants final approval to the Parties' proposed settlement, and after the Effective Date of the Parties' proposed settlement, as defined in Article I, Section 15 of the Settlement Agreement, as part of the distribution of Individual Settlement Amounts, the Court further ORDERS Angeion Group to send each member of the Settlement Classes, in accordance with the terms of Article V, Section 12 of the Settlement Agreement, a letter approved by Class Counsel and Defense Counsel explaining that the settlement has received final approval and the claims released by the recipient, along with the URL for a website where the recipient can access a copy of the order granting final approval.
13. Pursuant to Rule 23(e) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Court will hold a hearing to determine whether the Settlement Agreement and its terms are fair, reasonable, and in the best interests of the members of the Settlement Classes, and whether a final judgment as to Plaintiff's claims as provided in the Settlement Agreement should be entered granting final approval of the Settlement (the "Final Approval Hearing").
14. At the Final Approval Hearing, the Court shall also determine whether, and in what amount, attorney's fees, costs, and expenses should be awarded to Class Counsel, and whether, and in what amount, service awards should be made to Plaintiffs. The Final Approval Hearing is hereby scheduled to be held before this Court
15. Only members of the Rule 23 Settlement Class who have filed and served timely notices of objection in accordance with the terms of Article V, Section 6 of the Settlement Agreement and this Order shall be entitled to be heard at the Final Approval Hearing. Any member of the Rule 23 Settlement Class who does not timely file and serve an objection in writing to the Settlement, entry of Final Judgment, or to Class Counsel's application for fees, costs, and expenses or to service awards, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the Notice and mandated in this Order, shall be deemed to have waived any such objection by appeal, collateral attack, or otherwise.
16. Each and every time period and provision of the Settlement Agreement shall be deemed incorporated herein as if expressly set forth and shall have the full force and effect of an Order of this Court.
17. The costs of settlement administration shall be paid as set forth in Article V, Section 13 of the Settlement Agreement.
18. For all the reasons stated in the Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Approval, immediately following the entry of this Order, all members of the Rule 23 Settlement Class shall be enjoined pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1651(a) from initiating or proceeding with any and all suits, actions, causes of action, claims, or demands in federal or state court based on alleged violations of the FLSA or any North Carolina State law (including statutory, regulatory, and common law) pertaining to hours of work or payment of wages, including without limitation all claims that were or could have been asserted in the above-captioned case by or on behalf of ASTs who worked for the Defendant within the time period applicable to the Rule 23 Settlement Class. This injunction shall remain in effect through the dismissal of this case, as defined herein.
19. The Clerk of Court is respectfully DIRECTED to remove the January trial date for the above-captioned case from the court calendar.