MIRANDA M. DU, District Judge.
R. Andrew Patty II, Petitioner, respectfully represents to the Court:
1. That Petitioner is an attorney at law and a member of the law firm of McGlinchey Stafford with offices at 1001 McKinney St, Suite 1500, Houston, Texas 770002(713-520-1900).
2. That Petitioner has been retained personally or as a member of the law firm by Albemarle Corporation to provide legal representation in connection with the above-entitled case now pending before this Court.
3. That since October 6, 1995, Petitioner has been and presently is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest Court of the State of Louisiana where Petitioner regularly practices law. Petitioner attaches hereto a certificate from the state bar or from the clerk of the 595431.1 United States in which the applicant has been admitted to practice law certifying the applicant membership therein is in good standing.
4. That Petitioner was admitted to practice before the following United States District Courts, United States Circuit Courts of Appeal, the Supreme Court of the United States and Courts of other States on the dates indicated for each, and that Petitioner is presently a member in good standing of the bars of said courts.
5. That there are or have been no disciplinary proceedings instituted against Petitioner, nor any suspension of any license, certificate or privilege to appear before anyjudicial, regulatory or administrative body, or any resignation or termination in order to avoid disciplinary or disbarment proceedings, except as described in detail below: None.
6. That Petitioner has never been denid admission to the state bar of nevada? (Give particulars of every denied admission): None.
7. That Petitioner is a member of good standing in the following Bar Associations: Louisiana State Bar Association, State Bar of Texas, North Carolina State Bar and the District of Columbia Bar.
8. Petitioner has filed applications(s) to appear as counsel under Local Rule IA 11-2 (formerly LR IA-10-2) during the past three(3) years in the following matters: (Sate "none'if no applications.):
9. Petitioner consents to the jurisdiction of the courts and disciplinary boards of the State of Nevada with respect to the law of this state governing the conduct of attomeys to the same extent as a member of the State Bar of Nevada.
10. Petitioner agrees to comply with the standards of professional conduct required of the members of the bar of this court.
11. Petitioner has disclosed in writing to the client that the applicant is not admitted to practice in this jurisdiction and that the client has consented to such representation.
That Petitioner respectfully prays that Petitioner be admitted to practice before this Court FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS CASE ONLY.
R. Andrew Patty II, Petitioner, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That the foregoing statements are true.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Local Rules of Practice for this Court, the Petitioner believes it to be in the best interests of the client(s) to designate Rew R. Goodenow, Attorney at Law, member of the State of Nevada and previously admitted to practice before the above-entitled Court as associate resident counsel in this action. The address and email address of said designated Nevada counsel is, c/o Parsons Behle & Latimer,50 W.Liberty Street, Suite 750, Reno, NV 89501;(775)323-16501; RGoodenow@parsonshehle.com. By this designation the petitioner and undersigned party(ies) agree that this designation constitutes agreement and authorization for the designated resident admitted counsel to sign stipulations binding on all ofus.
The undersigned party(ies) appoint(s)Rew R. Goodenow as their Designated Resident Nevada Counsel in this case.
The undersigned hereby consents to serve as associate resident Nevada counsel in this case.