1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*64 Decision will be entered under Rule 155.
During 1990 and 1991, Ps donated nonpublicly traded stock for which they claimed charitable contribution deductions in amounts which the parties agree represent the fair market values of such stock. Ps did not obtain qualified appraisals of the stock prior to filing their returns, and Ps did not attach a summary thereof to the returns. HELD, Ps have not substantially complied with
1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*65 109 T.C. 258">*258 OPINION
TANNENWALD, JUDGE: Respondent determined deficiencies in petitioners' Federal income taxes and penalties under
Year | Deficiency | Penalty |
1990 | $ 17,332 | $ 3,466 |
1991 | 22,945 | 4,589 |
This case was submitted fully stipulated under Rule 122. The stipulation of facts and attached exhibits are incorporated herein by this reference.
Petitioners resided in Virginia Beach, Virginia, at the1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*66 time they filed their petition. They filed their joint Federal income tax returns for the years in issue with the Internal Revenue Service Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Petitioner John T. Hewitt, along with about a dozen other investors, bought Mel Jackson's Tax Service in Tidewater, Virginia (the company), in 1982. In fiscal year 1987, the company generated over $1 million in revenues and by 1988, was operating out of 50 office locations in three States. In 1988, the company name was changed to Jackson Hewitt Tax Service, Inc. (Jackson Hewitt).
During the taxable year 1990, petitioners made gifts of Jackson Hewitt stock to the Hewitt Foundation (the foundation) and the Foundry United Methodist Church (the church). During 1991, petitioners made gifts of Jackson Hewitt stock to the foundation and the church.
At the time of the gifts, the market for Jackson Hewitt stock operated primarily through individuals or organizations contacting the company and offering to buy or sell at a given price. In arriving at the price, the potential purchaser had access to information with respect to the most recent trades and offers to sell by other shareholders. At the time of the gifts, 1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*67 approximately 700,000 shares of Jackson Hewitt stock were outstanding in the hands of approximately 400 individuals and organizations (among whom were employees, franchisees, and others unrelated to the company). Between May 1, 1990, and December 31, 1991, 317 stock transfers were recorded in the company's stock book, involving approximately 100,000 shares.
In addition to the company market, another market operated through Wheat, First Securities, Inc., in which hundreds to thousands of shares of Jackson Hewitt stock were traded between 1990 and 1992 for about 80 individual accounts.
109 T.C. 258">*260 On January 29, 1994, the company began trading on NASDAQ. Prior to January of 1994, Jackson Hewitt stock did not qualify as "publicly traded securities" under
Petitioners filed timely joint Federal income tax returns for the taxable years 1990 and 1991. Attached to petitioners' 1990 return were Schedule A (Itemized Deductions), noting Gifts to Charity other than cash or check in the amount of $ 35,745, 2 and Form 8283 (Noncash Contributions). In section B of Form 8283 (Appraisal Summary of $ 5000 or More Items), petitioners reported the donation of1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*68 two blocks of stock valued at $ 26,000 and $ 7,000, respectively, which they reported as acquired by purchase on August 14, 1982, for $ 522 and $ 131, respectively, and for which they claimed deductions of $ 26,000 and $ 7,000, respectively.
Attached to petitioners' 1991 Form 1040 were Schedule A, noting Gifts to Charity other than cash or check in the amount of $ 89,479,3 and Form 8283. In section A of Form 8283 (items of $ 5000 or less and certain publicly traded securities), petitioners reported a contribution to the foundation of stock acquired by purchase on August 1, 1982, with a basis of $ 2,832 and a value of $ 48,000. They also reported a contribution to the church of stock acquired by purchase on August 1, 1982, with a basis of $ 3,057 and a value of $ 40,000. 4 No section B (Appraisal Summary of $ 5,000 or More Items) was attached.
1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*69 Petitioners did not obtain a qualified appraisal, as defined in
In the notice of deficiency, respondent allowed petitioners deductions for the gifts of Jackson Hewitt stock in 1990 and 1991 in the amounts of their basis in that stock only. 5
A further applicable statutory provision is section 155 of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (Division A of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984), Pub. L. 98-369, 98 Stat. 494, 691 (hereinafter referred to as section 155), which had its origins in proposed amendments to
Sec. 155. Substantiation of Charitable Contributions; Modifications of Incorrect Valuation Penalty.
(a) Substantiation of Contributions of Property. --
(1) In general. -- Not later than December 31, 1984, the Secretary shall prescribe regulations under
(A) to obtain a qualified appraisal for the property contributed,
(B) to attach 1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*72 an appraisal summary to the return on which such deduction is first claimed for such contribution, and
(C) to include on such return such additional information (including the cost basis and acquisition date of the contributed property) as the Secretary may prescribe in such regulations.
Such regulations shall require the taxpayer to retain any qualified appraisal.
(2) Contributions to which paragraph (1) applies. -- For purposes of paragraph (1), a contribution is described in this paragraph --
(A) if such contribution is of property (other than publicly traded securities), and
(B) if the claimed value of such property (plus the claimed value of all similar items of property donated to 1 or more donees) exceeds $ 5,000.
In the case of any property which is nonpublicly traded stock, subparagraph (B) shall be applied by substituting "$ 10,000" for "$ 5,000".
The Secretary of the Treasury has implemented the foregoing provisions by issuing
Respondent disallowed the amounts of petitioners' charitable deductions for the Jackson Hewitt stock in excess of basis due to the lack of qualified appraisals. 7 Respondent does not dispute that petitioners made charitable contributions to the church and foundation within the respective taxable years or that the claimed values did not represent the fair market values of such contributions. 8 Petitioners maintain that they should be allowed the claimed deductions because their use of the average per-share price of Jackson Hewitt stock traded in bona fide, arm's-length transactions constituted substantial compliance with the requirements of
It is clear that petitioners did not obtain any qualified appraisal, and no summary of any such appraisal was submitted 1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*74 with the returns. The returns only reflected gifts 109 T.C. 258">*263 of stock without identifying the gifts as Jackson Hewitt stock, without any indication of the number of shares, and setting forth only the cost and claimed values. The question is whether petitioners satisfied the appraisal requirements of the statute and the regulations.
Petitioners rely on
In so holding, we stated:
the essence of
We find nothing in
pursuant to present law (
* * *
For donations of property1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*77 as to which the donor appraisal requirements apply, the donor must obtain and retain a qualified written appraisal by a qualified appraiser for the property contributed and must attach a signed appraisal summary to the return on which the deduction is first claimed (with such other information as prescribed by regulations).
Petitioners herein furnished practically none of the information required by either the statute or the regulations. Given the statutory language and the thrust of the concerns about the need of respondent to be provided with appropriate information in order to alert respondent to potential overvaluations, see infra p. 12, petitioners simply do not fall within the permissible boundaries of
Petitioners also seek to support their position by claiming that there was a market1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*78 which provided support for their use of the average per-share price of the Jackson Hewitt stock. This position is without merit. Given the amounts of the gifts in this case, the exemption from the qualified appraisal requirements is statutorily limited to "publicly traded securities". See sec. 155(a)(2)(A). The parties have stipulated 109 T.C. 258">*265 that the Jackson Hewitt stock did not qualify as "publicly traded securities". See supra p. 4; see also Staff of Joint Comm. on Taxation, General Explanation of the Revenue Provisions of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, at 506 n.21 (J. Comm. Print 1985). In this context, the fact that
Petitioners' reliance on cases such as
Moreover, it is clear that the principal objective of section 155 was to provide a mechanism whereby respondent would obtain sufficient return information in support of the claimed valuation of charitable contributions of property to enable respondent to deal more effectively with the prevalent use of overvaluations. See S. Comm. on Finance, Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, Explanation of Provisions Approved by the Committee on March 21, 1984, S. Prt. 98-169, vol. I, at 444-445 (S. Comm. 1997 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 64">*80 Print 1984); Staff of Joint Comm. on Taxation, General Explanation of the Revenue Provisions of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (J. Comm. Print 1985); cf.
We hold that petitioners are not entitled to deduct amounts in excess of those allowed by respondent for the contributions of Jackson Hewitt stock. See supra note 7.
To take into account the concessions of the parties,
Decision will be entered under Rule 155.
1. Unless otherwise indicated, all statutory references are to the Internal Revenue Code in effect for the years in issue, and all Rule references are to the Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure.↩
2. This amount includes $ 2,745 in gifts not at issue.↩
3. This amount includes $ 1,479 in gifts not at issue.↩
4. Petitioners incorrectly allocated the value of the two blocks of stock on the Form 8283; the correct allocation is $ 32,000 for the 800 shares donated to the foundation and $ 56,000 for the 1,400 shares donated to the church.↩
5. However, respondent incorrectly computed the basis for 1991; the correct amount is $ 5,889, instead of $ 5,189.↩
6. The House version did not contain a comparable provision. H. Conf. Rept. 98-861, at 993 (1984), 1984-3 C.B. (Vol. 2) 1, 247. Subsec. (j)(5) of the proposed Senate amendment to
7. Respondent has not sought to disallow the contributions in their entirety. Cf.
8. Respondent has conceded the sec. 6662(a) penalty insofar as it relates to the contributions to the church and the foundation.↩
9. The only omitted item of required information was the qualifications of the appraiser, which were promptly furnished to respondent at the beginning of the audit of the return. See
10. We recognize that