social security
i was approved for disability on 12-13-07, but the judge did not sign the paperwork after the hearing. i just found out that i have to have another hearing. i can not believe he did not sign the paperwork after the hearing, but i am being told the reason he did not sign the paperwork is that he has alshiemers and lou garrigs disease. he has been ask to step down, but this does me no justice. i can not believe this has happened to me. now i have to wait even longer just because he did not sign the paperwork. what can i do?
the police from ct called our house and said that my son has a warrant for his arrest in ct. he lives with us in ks and had no idea of this warrant. what should we do since my husband is in the military and a paying my sons schools loans. money is tight . any advice will help us alot.
thank you
company policies
can a judge say '' your company policy means nothing in this courtroom''
Liabilty Issue
I have an informal motocross club. I schedule private ride days at our local track for friends and friends of friends ect. Recently there was a trajic accident that resulted in a death. The deceesed' spouse was very understanding that motocross is inherently a dangerous sport and didn't place blame on anybody. My question is this: Can anybody take legal action against me for organizing these rides?