Findings Of Fact This application is a request for a consumptive use permit for two wells located in Pasco County, Florida, within the Pithlachascotee Basin. The subject wells are also located in that area wherein the Board of Governors of the Southwest Florida Water Management District declared a water shortage in Order No. 76-3D, Southwest Florida Water Management District. The application seeks an average daily withdrawal of 95,000 gallons with a maximum daily withdrawal of 360,000 gallons. The use of this water is for public supply involving effluent disposal by on-site percolation and ponding. This-use was existing prior to January 1, 1975 with am average daily withdrawal for 1974 of 74,000 gallons. The testimony presented by staff members of the Southwest Florida Water Management District establishes that the consumptive use for which a permit is sought will not violate any of the criteria set forth in Subsections 163- 2.11(2)(3) or (4), Florida Administrative Code, except that the use may significantly induce salt water encroachment. No evidence was presented showing that the sought for consumptive use will, in fact, significantly induce salt water encroachment. In the twelve month period ending October, 1975, applicant's highest average daily withdrawal was 81,000 gallons. This time frame corresponds to that time frame referred to in paragraph 1 of Water Shortage Order No. 76-3D, Southwest Florida Water Management District. In view of Water Shortage Order No. 76-3D, Southwest Florida Water Management District, the staff recommends granting of the permit for an average daily withdrawal of 81,000 gallons and a maximum daily withdrawal of four times that figure or 234,000 gallons. The staff further recommends imposition of the following conditions: That the permittee shall install totalizer flow meters of the propeller driven type on all withdrawal points covered by the permit with the exception of those wells which are currently ganged together using a single meter. That the permittee shall submit to the District a record of his pumpage for each meter, said pumpage to be read on a monthly basis and submitted quarterly to the District on April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15 for each preceding calendar quarter. That all individual connections to the system be metered. That the permittee have water samples from all wells permitted analyzed for chloride on a monthly basis and results submitted to the District by April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15 for each preceding calendar year.
The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) should grant Individual Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Application No. 4316067.00 for approval of a proposed surface water management system (SWMS) for a planned road improvement project.
Findings Of Fact County Line Road extends a short distance east from its intersection with U.S. 41, approximately along the boundary between Pasco County and Hillsborough County. It currently serves as access to residential and rural areas in its vicinity but does not connect with any major road east-west roadway at its eastern end. Since at least 1995, Pasco County's Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has considered it necessary by 2020 to connect County Line Road to Collier Parkway (which runs north and south to the east and north of County Line Road but connects at its southern end to Hillsborough County Road, which extends from there to the east) to create and serve as another major east-west roadway to alleviate traffic congestion on State Road 54 to the north. The MPO's plans are updated continually, most recently in 1998. The MPO's current plans call for building a half-mile segment of two-lane roadway by 2000 to connect County Line Road to Collier Parkway and widening it to a four-lane road by 2010. Once these plans were made, and the general corridor for the new roadway chosen by the MPO, Pasco County conducted a route study and decided to utilize and improve the existing County Line Road to the extent possible consistent with traffic safety considerations before routing the new roadway to the northeast towards a connection with existing roadway (known as Willow Bend Road), which in turn connects with Collier Parkway. In so doing, Pasco County would improve County Line Road where it now crosses 13-Mile Run Creek. 13-Mile Run Creek is the name for the water body and wetland area crossed by County Line Road. It is part of a system of connected lakes, wetland areas, and various natural and man- made water conveyances known as the 13-Mile Run that begins to the north of County Line Road in Pasco County and flows south into Cypress Creek and the Hillsborough River in Hillsborough County. After completing the route study, Pasco County surveyed the project area and identified wetlands in the project area. Then, the road improvements and new roadway, including the surface water management system, were designed. Pasco County designed its road project to accommodate widening to four lanes in 2010 without further direct impact to wetlands. This will allow traffic to flow much more safely on the two lanes built in 2000 while the additional two lanes are built in 2010. As part of this design, the culverts that will provide for north-to-south flow of 13-Mile Run under the roadway, as well as the animal-crossing tunnels under the roadway, will be oversized to accommodate the four-lane roadway in 2010. As a result, all direct impacts to wetlands from the ultimate four- lane road construction (approximately 1.5 acres of direct impact) will occur during the initial construction of two lanes in 2000; there will not have to be any additional wetland impacts in 2010. The Petitioner and Intervenors contend that Pasco County did not prove a need for the four-lane road Pasco County proposes for 2010. They point to evidence that Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) 1995 maps did not "code" the proposed road segment as a four-lane road in 2010, as well as evidence that in 1995 Hillsborough County objected (based on the DOT coding) to Pasco's plans for a four-lane road in 2010. But Pasco County proved that DOT's failure to code the proposed road segment as a four-lane road in 2010 was a mistake. Since 1995, DOT has corrected the error. When Pasco County's MPO updated its transportation plan in 1998, neither Hillsborough County nor anyone else objected to the plans for a four-lane road in 2010, despite Pasco County's solicitation of comments and advertised public workshops and hearings. The Intervenors in particular also point to evidence that the DOT has published "Standards for Low and High Volume Highways in Annual Average Daily Volumes" in a Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction and Maintenance for streets and Highways (1994)(also known as the "Green Book"). These standards characterize a two-lane urban collector highway with less than 11,000 AADT and a four-lane urban collector highway with less than 37,000 AADT as low-volume facilities and characterize a two-lane urban collector highway with more than 16,000 AADT and a four-lane urban collector highway with more than 45,000 AADT as high-volume facilities. Meanwhile, there was evidence was that, using a regional traffic demand forecasting model developed by DOT to determine future transportation needs for planning purposes: (1) Pasco County's MPO forecasts approximately 12,500 to 13,000 vehicles per day on the road in 2010 and 16,000 vehicles per day on the road in 2020; and (2) in 1997, the MPO forecasts 12,000 vehicles per day (1078 peak hour) on the road by 2015. But the only explanation of this evidence was the testimony of the MPO's transportation planner that the "Green Book" is not used for purposes of planning to meet future transportation needs. There was no other evidence as to the significance or proper use of the "Green Book." Assuming that AADT means "annual average daily trips" (there was no evidence as to what it stands for), there was no evidence that the Pasco County MPO's plan to four-lane County Line Road in 2010 is inconsistent with the "Green Book." The Intervenors also contend that the planned widening of State Road 54 will eliminate the need to four-lane the proposed road improvements at County Line Road. But the MPO's transportation planner testified that the MPO's forecast of the need to do so took into account the planned State Road 54 improvements. The Intervenors also contend that the proposed road improvements at County Line Road will not serve as an alternative to State Road 54 because Collier Parkway is a north-south highway, not an east-west highway. But, as indicated in Finding 1, supra, utilizing Collier Parkway for a short, north-south jog will connect the east-west roadways on either side of Collier Parkway. The Petitioner and Intervenors contend that Pasco County's design does not minimize direct impacts to wetlands precisely because it is designed to accommodate the four-lane widening project in 2010. Clearly, the direct impact to wetlands in 2000 could be reduced if Pasco County's design only accommodated a two-lane road. But it is not clear that the cumulative impact to the wetlands through the year 2010 will be less if the wetlands have to be impacted twice, once in 2000 for two lanes of roadway and again in 2010 for the other two lanes. A Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) witness for the Intervenors believed that it was preferable not to accommodate two additional lanes during the initial construction. But his familiarity with Pasco County's application was limited (in part because DEP has no regulatory jurisdiction), and several other experts testified persuasively that Pasco County's design would be better in terms of minimizing total, cumulative direct and secondary impacts to the wetlands. It also would cost significantly less to build the four-lane road in two stages if the first stage of construction of two lanes accommodates the subsequent stage of construction of the two additional lanes. In addition, traffic flow would be safer during construction of the two additional lanes if the first stage of construction accommodates the subsequent stage. Given the plan to accommodate a four-lane road in 2010, Pasco County designed its road project to minimize direct impacts on wetlands. First, the design uses the existing road in the wetland area. Second, the design uses concrete retaining walls instead of earthen berms in the wetland areas, which reduces the direct impact to the wetland areas by 30 percent. Third, the design was modified to further reduce the direct impact to wetlands by reducing the width of the median and eliminating one of two sidewalks at the creek crossing. The only way to further reduce the direct impacts to wetlands would have been to design and construct a bridge to cross the wetlands. The Intervenors called their DEP witness to testify in support of their contention that Pasco County should be required to bridge the wetlands. But again, the DEP witness's knowledge of Pasco County's application was limited, and several other witnesses testified persuasively that such a requirement for this road improvement project would be unreasonable in light of the existing County Line Road (which is a fill road.) In addition, bridging 13-Mile Run would create water flow and quantity problems that would have to be addressed, since it would remove the existing roadbed that serves to stop flow in times of high water. See Finding 19, infra. Pasco County's design provides for two wet detention ponds, one at either end of the project area, that will treat one-inch of runoff from the project area and will retain all of the runoff from a 25-year, 24-hour storm (nine inches of runoff.) As a result, there are reasonable assurances that there will be no adverse impact on water quality from the project; to the contrary, water quality probably will improve since the existing County Line Road does not provide any water treatment. Likewise, Pasco County has provided reasonable assurances that water discharges from the project area will not increase. As a result of the project, approximately 3.5 acre-feet of flood plain storage will be eliminated. To more-than- compensate for this loss of flood plain water storage area, Pasco County's design includes a flood plain mitigation area of approximately 4.5 acre-feet with a connection to 13-Mile Run Creek. The flood plain mitigation area also will serve as the project's wetland mitigation area at a ratio of approximately 4- to-1, i.e., four acres of created wetland for each acre of direct wetland impact. (Wetlands disturbed by the illegal installation of a Florida Gas Transmission pipeline just north of County Line Road and now under court-ordered restoration are considered pristine wetlands for purposes of the wetland mitigation ratio.) While wetland restoration has a mixed record of success, and it may be difficult to restore all of the values of the original wetland, the prospects for success of Pasco County's proposed wetland mitigation area are reasonably good. The mitigation plan calls for planting 780 emergent woody species per acre. To the extent that the mitigation plan for this project will replace disturbed wetlands and wetlands not successfully restored by the restoration of the area impacted by the Florida Gas Transmission pipeline (which appears to have been either inadequately planned or poorly implemented), the project may well result in a net improvement of the wetlands in the 13-Mile Run Creek area. Impacts from the roadway immediately to the west of the project area have been addressed in the SWMS permit for construction at the intersection of U.S. 41 and County Line Road. Impacts from Hillsborough County's planned widening of the roadway immediately to the west of the project area will be addressed in the SWMS for that widening project. The Petitioner in particular raised the question of flooding in the vicinity--at the U.S. 41/County Line Road intersection and along the shores of Hog Island Lake to the southeast of the creek crossing. The Intervenors initially also raised those questions but have been satisfied by the assurances given by Pasco County that the proposed project will not increase flooding in those areas. The SWMS associated with construction of the U.S. 41/County Line Road intersection appears to have been successful in alleviating flooding there, and Pasco County has given reasonable assurances that the proposed road project in this case will not increase flooding in the Hog Island Lake area. The generous flood retention compensation proposed by Pasco County may alleviate flooding in the Hog Island Lake area to some extent. It also is noted that, if the project were modified to bridge the creek crossing (without any other modifications), flooding in the Hog Island Lake area could increase. See Finding 13, supra. The Petitioner also opposed Pasco County's SWMS application on the ground that no minimum surface or ground water levels or minimum surface water flows have been established in the area under Section 373.042, Florida Statutes (1997). But Pasco County provided reasonable assurances that, regardless where the minimum levels ultimately are set, the proposed project will have no appreciable effect. Pasco County has designed the project to maintain water current flows and quantities. It is found that Pasco County has implemented practicable design modifications to reduce or eliminate adverse impacts of the proposed project. (As used here, the term "modification" does not include the alternative of not implementing the SWMS in some form, nor the alternative of a project that is significantly different in type or function from that proposed.) As used in the preceding finding, the term "practicable" would eliminate modifications which would adversely affect public safety through the endangerment of lives or property. For example, one modification suggested by the Petitioner and Intervenors would have been to have the new road follow existing County Line Road further to the east. However, that would have made the connection between the new road and what would remain of County Line Road hazardous at the design speed of the new road and, depending on how much further east the new road follow existing County Line Road, there would be the hazard of residential driveways connecting to the new road. As used in Finding 21, the term "practicable" also would eliminate modifications which are not technically capable of being done or not economically viable. While there was no evidence that alternatives considered in this case were either not technically capable of being done or not economically viable, general consideration was given to the higher total project costs of not accommodating the planned addition of two lanes in 2010 (with no appreciable environmental benefit). Likewise, general consideration was given to the significantly higher cost (approximately two to three times as much, depending on whether the construction of the first two lanes accommodates the subsequent construction of the two additional lanes) to bridge the wetlands in an attempt to reverse direct wetland impacts from the existing fill road and somewhat decrease additional direct wetland impacts, as well as the dubious benefits of increasing the flow of 13-Mile Run, which certainly would not reduce (and might well increase) flooding in the Hog Island Lake area. In addition, bridging the creek crossing would create traffic engineering problems in providing access to residential areas in the vicinity, especially the Foxwood subdivision. Pasco County provided reasonable assurances that its proposed SWMS, with SWFWMD's general and specific conditions, will not violate state water quality standards applicable to waters as defined in Section 403.031(13), Florida Statutes (1997). Pasco County provided reasonable assurances that its proposed SWMS, with SWFWMD's general and specific conditions, will not be contrary to the public interest, considering and balancing the following factors: Whether the proposed project will adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or the property of others; Whether the activity will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats; Whether the activity will adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling; Whether the activity will adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity; Whether the activity will be of a temporary or permanent nature; Whether the activity will adversely affect or will enhance significant historical and archaeological resources under the provisions of Section 267.061, Florida Statutes (1997); and The current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activity. To the extent that the proposed project may not meet one or more of the public interest test criteria, Pasco County proposes mitigation measures that will offset any adverse effects. Pasco County provided reasonable assurances that its proposed SWMS, with SWFWMD's general and specific conditions: will not cause adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands; will not cause adverse flooding to on- site or off-site property; will not cause adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities; will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife, and listed species including aquatic and wetland dependent species, by wetlands, other surface waters and other water related resources of the District; will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters such that the water quality standards set forth in chapters 62-3, 62-4, 62-302, 62-520, 62-522 and 62-550, Florida Administrative Code, including any antidegradation provisions of sections 62- 4.242(1)(a) and (b), 62-4.242(2) and (3), and 62-302.300, Florida Administrative Code, will be violated; will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water resources; will not adversely impact the maintenance of surface or ground water levels or surface water flows established pursuant to Section 373.042, Florida Statutes (1997); will not cause adverse impacts to a work of the District established pursuant to Section 373.086; is capable, based on generally accepted engineering and scientific principles, of being effectively performed and of functioning as proposed; and will be conducted by an entity with financial, legal and administrative capability of ensuring that the activity will be undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit, if issued. Pasco County provided reasonable assurances that that its proposed SWMS, with SWFWMD's general and specific conditions, will not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts upon wetlands and other surface waters, as delineated pursuant to the methodology authorized by subsection 373.421(1), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1998).
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a final order granting ERP Application No. 4316067.00. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of March, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of March, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Charles J. Traina, Esquire Post Office Box 625 Brandon, Florida 33509-0625 Margaret Lytle, Assistant General Counsel Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899 Mark F. Lapp, Assistant General Counsel Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899 Barbara Wilhite, Esquire Pasco County West Pasco Government Center 7530 Little Road, Suite 340 New Port Richey, Florida 34654 David and Sheryl Bowman, pro se Post Office Box 1515 Lutz, Florida 33548-1515 E. D. Vergara, Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899
Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: The petitioner West Coast Regional Water Supply Authority (WCRWSA) was formed in 1974 by inter-local agreement under Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, as a supply entity to provide and develop sources of water for its members and other governmental entities. The members of WCRWSA include the two cities of St. Petersburg and Tampa and the three counties of Pinellas (intervenor herein), Hillsborough and Pasco. The petitioner and the intervenor own and operate permitted well fields which are regulated by the respondent Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) and are therefore subject to the rules and regulations of SWFWMD. All parties have stipulated, and the evidence so demonstrates, that the WCRWSA and Pinellas County are substantially affected by the challenged proposed rule and therefore have standing to challenge its validity. The proposed rule being challenged in this proceeding was considered by the Governing Board of SWFWMD as a result of a prior rule being declared invalid in another proceeding. The prior rule, codified as Rule 16J-2.11(3), Florida Administrative Code, provided as follows: 16J-2.11 Conditions for a Consumptive Use Permit Issuance of a permit will be denied if the amount of water consumptively used will exceed the water crop of lands owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the applicant. (Except where determined otherwise, the water crop [precipitation less evapotranspiration] throughout the District will be assumed to be three hundred sixty-five thousand (365,000) gallons per year per acre.) By Final Order dated April 9, 1980, 1/ that rule was declared to be an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority on the grounds that it exceeded SWFWMD's statutory authority under Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, it impermissibly conflicted with provisions of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, it created property rights to water by virtue of land ownership contrary to Chapter 373 and the decision in the case of Village of Tequesta v. Jupiter Inlet Corp., 371 So.2d and 663 (Fla. 1979); and it was a hydrologically unsound method of determining the issuance or denial of consumptive use permits and was accordingly arbitrary and capricious in nature. The two subsections of proposed Rule 40D-2.301 being challenged in this proceeding read as follows: "40D-2.301. Conditions for Issuance of Permits. Among other factors to be considered by the Board in determining whether a particular use is consistent with the public interest will be: the maximum amount to be withdrawn of a single day; the average amount to be withdrawn during a single week, during a typical growing (or irrigation) season, during an extreme cold season, during a year of extreme drought an during the term of the proposed permit; the amount to be withdrawn in relationship to amounts being withdrawn from adjacent or nearby properties; the proximity of withdrawal points to location of points of withdrawal by others; the total amounts presently permitted from the entire basin, or other hydrologic unit; and the change in storage that such withdrawal and use will cause. If the proposed consumptive use will average less than 1,000 gallons per acre per day, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the Board will presume that the quantity of water proposed for consumptive use is consistent with the public interest and the applicant will not be required to submit further evidence on this point. If the proposed consumptive use is to average 1,000 gallons or more per acre per day, the applicant must establish that the proposed use of water in such quantity is consistent with the public interest. (NOTE: Present subsections 6 through 11 will be renumbered consecutively following the above new subsections.) The factors listed in subsection (6) of the proposed rule are not all- inclusive. Each of the factors listed are resource related or hydrological considerations. The effect of each of the factors listed is appropriate for consideration by the Governing Board of SEFWMD when making a determination as to whether a consumptive use permit should be granted. With the exception of that portion of subsection (6) relating to a weekly average amount to be withdrawn, the factors listed in subsection (6) are covered by existing specific rules of SWFWMD. The word "acre" in the phrase "1,000 gallons per acre per day" is intended to mean land owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the applicant. The figure of 1,000 gallons per acre per day represents the average quantity of water which is available within the respondent's District for man's use and to maintain natural systems. The figure is a district wide estimation. It cannot be arbitrarily applied to any specific site within the District due to the fact that different parcels of land do not possess identical geologic or hydrologic characteristics. The amount of water which is available from a specific parcel of land is dependent upon geographical and hydrological factors which vary considerably from site to site. These factors include, among other things, the amount of rainfall the land receives, the water table, the existence of confining layers, soil and vegetation types, and transmissivity, storage and leakage coefficients. Withdrawals of water in small amounts per acre per day are generally less likely to have adverse hydrologic effects on the water resources within the District than are withdrawals in greater amounts. In most areas of the District, 1,000 gallons per acre per day can be withdrawn without jeopardizing or adversely affecting the resource or the availability of water for others. This would not necessarily be true of coastal areas where salt water intrusion is a possibility or in areas where wells presently exist which withdraw large quantities of water on a daily basis. Eighty-nine percent (89%) of the more than 6,000 consumptive use permits which have been issued by the SWFWMD are for amounts less than 1,000 gallons per acre per day.
Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made:
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the District enter a Final Order denying the City's petition for a variance from the established lawn and landscape irrigation restrictions imposed under the District's Governing Board Order 92-12, as amended. RECOMMENDED this 31st day of May, 1994, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of May, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 92-7161 The following constitutes my specific rulings, pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Petitioner, City of Bradenton 1. The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1(7); 2(10); 3(12); 4(11); 6(13); 8-9(3); 12(15a); 16(3); 17(37); 19(38); 23-24(39); 48(40); 49(44); 50,51(42), 53-65(42), 67-70(42); 71(41); 72(42); 76(15a); 77-78(15b); 81- 82(15c); 84(15a); 101(17); 107-119(20-21); 120-126(22-27); 127-131(28); 132- 139(29); 140(25-28); 141(20-24); 142(23-24); 143(47); and 145-146(41). 2. Proposed findings of fact 5, 10, 11, 13-15, 18, 20-22, 25-32, 35-47, 52, 66, 73-75, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87-95, 97, 99, and 102-106 are either immaterial, irrelevant, subordinate or unnecessary. Proposed finding of fact 7 is covered in the Preliminary Statement. Proposed findings of fact 33, 34, 86, 96, 98, and 100 are not supported by competent substantial evidence in the record. Respondent, Southwest Florida Water Management District The following proposed finding(s) of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1(7); 2(9); 3(7,8); 4(10,12); 5(4); 6(15); 7-8(6); 9(18); 10(17); 11-12(19); 13(20); 14(21); 16(22,23); 17(23,24); 18(25); 19(26); 20(27); 21-22(28); 24(47); 25(46); 26(29); 27(29); 28(30,35); 29-31(31); 32(45); 33(32); 34(33); 35(34); 36(36); 37(37,39); 38(40); 39(41); 40(43); 41(42); 42(43); and 43(44). Proposed findings of fact 15, 23 and 44 are not supported by competent substantial evidence in the record. COPIES FURNISHED: Barbara B. Levin, Esquire Davis, Persson, Smith & Darnell 2033 Main Street, Suite 406 Sarasota, Florida 34237 William Lisch, Esquire 519 13th Street West Bradenton, Florida 34205 James A. Robinson, Esquire Mark F. Lapp, Esquire Southwest Florid Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899 Peter G. Hubbell Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899
The Issue The issue is whether Hernando County's application for an environmental resource permit authorizing the construction of a new surface water management system to serve a 7.85 acre drainage system improvement three miles southeast of Brooksville, Florida, should be approved.
Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Background Petitioners, Richard J. Silvani, Dick W. Thompson, James E. and Marilyn Bates, Joyce Menzie, James M. Gibson, Claudia C. Munsell, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Durst, Donald R. Sosnoski, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nelson, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ladow (Petitioners), are property owners in central Hernando County, Florida. Respondent, Southwest Florida Water Managment District (District), is the state agency charged with the responsibility of issuing Environmental Resource Permits (ERP) within its jurisdictional boundaries. Respondent, Hernando County (County), is a local government seeking the issuance of a permit for the purpose of alleviating drainage and flooding problems in a subdivision known as High Point Gardens in the central part of the County. On June 11, 1997, the County filed an application with the District seeking authorization to construct a low earthen berm to help control flooding in High Point Gardens, an eighty- five unit residential subdivision. On September 29, 1997, the District gave notice of its intention to issue ERP No. 449342.01 authorizing the "construction of a new surface water management system to serve a 7.85 acre drainage system improvement known as the Hernando County - High Point Gardens Drainage Improvements." The project is located off Sun Hill Lane, three miles southeast of Brooksville, Florida, in central Hernando County. On an undisclosed date, but in a timely fashion, Petitioners filed their Petition for Informal Hearing challenging the issuance of the permit. As grounds, Petitioners alleged that the permit application contained "possible miscalculations of design" which would "alter the natural water flow route"; "adversely affect several acres of natural wetlands by changing hydrology of surface area"; "adversely affect adjacent uplands by innundating forest areas never before flooded by heavy rainfall"; "not guarantee 100% flood protection to the few affected homes"; and "create flood problems to adjacent homes and property by diverting stormwater from natural flow (north) to area east of 'proposed' retention area." The petition further alleged that the "'proposed' area should not be normal recepient [sic] of excess water from Cedar Falls subdivision" and that "all affected properties are not owned or easements acquired by Hernando County for surface water storage." The filing of the petition prompted the initiation of this proceeding. The Permit The High Point Gardens subdivision, which lies within the Bystre Lake Basin, is a "relatively old subdivision," having been built around the 1970's. There is a low area in the middle of the subdivision, and it has "[s]everal sinks with a natural drainage within the area." Because the thirty-square-mile basin is a closed drainage basin, with no natural outflows, "significant" flooding problems have been present throughout the basin since at least the 1980's. In an effort to resolve flooding problems within the basin, the County and District jointly sanctioned a study by a consulting firm, Dames and Moore, to provide suggested alternative actions to correct the problem. The firm's first interim report was rendered on August 5, 1988, and a final report known as the Bystre Lake Stormwater Management Master Plan was rendered in August 1989. Among other things, the consultant's report recommended that a berm be constructed to relieve the flooding in the High Point Gardens' area. Acting on the report, the County obtained a construction permit from the District in August 1991 in accordance with the consultant's recommendation, but construction on the project was not commenced prior to the permit expiring in 1994. Although the consultant's report was the genesis for the first permit, the plans and specifications for the new berm have been modified by engineers after further study and review. It is noted that the total land area of the project will be less than 100 acres. The High Point Gardens subdivision lies within sub-basin 304 of the basin. Under the new proposal, water which now comes into sub-basins 304 and 406 from sub-basins 305 and 306 will be stored in those latter sub-basins. The requested permit would authorize the County to construct a low earthen berm along the western side of sub-basin 406 and the southern boundary of sub- basin 304 to help control flooding in the subdivision. The proposed berm will range from one to five feet in height and extend some 3,250 feet, or approximately six-tenths of a mile. It will range from eight to ten feet in width with a side slope of 4 to 1. The berm will impound water upstream of the berm to an elevation of 90.5 NGVD, which is 1.5 feet higher than the water would rise in the area under natural conditions. The water will be stored in two natural ponds which are now located in the project area. Once the water reaches an elevation of 90.5 NGVD, which will occur only during an event exceeding a 25-year storm event, three overflow structures will become operative and are designed to mimic the natural water flows of the area. After the berm is constructed, all basins "downstream" of the berm, including sub-basins 304, 405, and 406, will have "significantly lower flood elevations than the 10, 25 and 100- year storm event." That is to say, existing flooding to the north and east of the proposed berm will be lessened. To the extent that additional impoundment of water behind the berm will occur, or flooding beyond the berm may occur during a 100-year storm event, the County will acquire easements from local property owners to store the additional water. Until the aquisition of land occurs, construction cannot begin. There is one already disturbed wetland area near the proposed construction area. No mitigation is required, however, since the impact will be temporary and the area is expected to naturally revegetate itself. There will be no adverse impacts to fish, wildlife, or adjacent wetlands. Neither will the project create any other environmental concerns. While there will be some impact to upland trees caused by the impounded water, under existing District rules, that impact cannot be used as a basis to deny the permit. Based on generally accepted engineering principles, the project is capable of being effectively performed and can function as proposed. Also, the project can be effectively operated and maintained. The County has the resources to undertake the project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. The greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence supports a finding that the County has given reasonable assurances that all applicable criteria for the issuance of a permit have been met. Petitioners' Objections At hearing, Petitioners contended that the overflow structures for the berm would alter the natural flow of water, and increase the flow of water to the east of the proposed project, where several Petitioners reside. As previously noted, however, the more credible evidence shows that the project will not increase the natural flow of water to the east of the berm. More specifically, expert testimony demonstrated that the regular flow through each weir in the post-development condition will not be adversely greater than what occurred during the pre- development condition. Petitioners also contended that the wetlands will be negatively impacted by the project. Contrary expert testimony by witness Defoe established, however, that there will be no permanent adverse impacts to wetlands, fish, or wildlife if the permit is approved. Petitioners next contended that the process was flawed because very few on-site inspections of the project area were made by District and County personnel, especially during the rainy season, before the application was preliminarily approved. There were, however, on-site inspections by District and County staff and consultants, and it was not shown that the lack of additional inspections affected the validity of their studies. A further contention was made at hearing that the information supporting the application was insufficient and that more study, including soil boring tests, should have been made. As to additional soil boring tests, the evidence shows that it is not a common engineering practice to perform soil testing throughout the entire area that will be submerged. Therefore, the existing tests were adequate to support the engineering assumptions. Further, even if there were some infirmities in the data and assumptions used and made in the 1989 Dames and Moore report, as alleged by Petitioners, the errors or omissions were minor, they were subject to later refinement by professional engineers, and they did not materially affect the overall validity of the current application. Finally, the application file contains uncontradicted technical information supporting the issuance of the permit. Petitioners' other concerns, while sincere and well- intended, are not relevant to the permitting process. For example, a concern that the construction of a berm will decrease nearby property values, even if true, is not a consideration in the permitting process. Similarly, Petitioners' valid concern that some nearby upland trees will be damaged if water levels rise for a prolonged period of time is not a basis under existing District rules to deny the permit. At the same time, whether the project is cost-effective and the best alternative for alleviating flooding conditions in the area are political decisions for the County, and thus they are not in issue in this proceeding. Finally, Petitioners have pointed out that the County has not completed acquisition of the necessary easements for the project, and that until this is done, a permit should not issue. However, the District has specifically provided as a condition precedent to any construction work that the County finalize ownership or control for all property where water levels will be raised by the project.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a final order granting Hernando County's application for Standard General Environmental Resource Permit No. 449342.01. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of June, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675, SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of June, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: E. D. "Sonny" Vergara, Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899 Chester Bradshaw 18520 Bradshaw Road Dade City, Florida 33523 Richard L. Silvani 24419 Lanark Road Brooksville, Florida 34601 Margaret M. Lytle, Esquire 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899 Robert Bruce Snow, Esquire 20 North Main Street, Room 462 Brooksville, Florida 34601
Findings Of Fact Application No. 76-00450 is for a consumptive use permit from 10 wells located in Hillsborough County, to be used for public water supply for the City of Temple Terrace. The permit seeks to withdraw 2.028 million gallons a day average annual withdrawal and 4.564 million gallons per day maximum daily withdrawal. The sought for withdrawal may affect other wells by drawdown of an average of 1" in a surrounding well. Such a drawdown will not seriously and adversely affect the surrounding wells. The Southwest Florida Water Management District's staff recommends issuance of the permit with the following conditions: That the applicant shall install totalizing flowmeters of a type acceptable to the district on all withdrawal points covered by the permit. That the applicant shall record the pumpage on a weekly basis and shall submit a record of that pumpage to the district quarterly beginning January 15, 1977. All individual connections supplied by withdrawals permitted will be metered. Records of meter readings will be made available to the district upon request. That the permit shall expire on December 31, 1980.
Findings Of Fact The Parties and the Property. The Respondent, HORNE, owns or has options to purchase approximately 24.35 acres of real property at the southwest corner of U.S. Highway 41 and State Road 50 Bypass in Brooksville, Florida. The Petitioner, the ASSOCIATES, owns approximately 67.5 acres of real property to the south and downstream from the HORNE property. The ASSOCIATES' property is presently undeveloped. The HORNE property contains an existing Publix shopping plaza, a mobile home sales office and vacant lands. The Publix plaza was previously permitted by the DISTRICT before it was constructed. The Surface Water Permit Application On August 7, 1992, HORNE submitted its application for surface water permit No. 400317.02. The application sought approval to construct a surface water management system for a proposed new K-Mart store on HORNE's property. On November 3, 1992, the DISTRICT issued notice of final agency action approving issuance of permit No. 400317.02 to HORNE. The day before the original final hearing in this matter scheduled for March 1993, new information from a study called the Peck Sink Watershed Study came to light which rendered the project as then designed unpermittable. This information resulted in the surface water management system being redesigned. On April 1, 1993, the DISTRICT notified all of the parties that the redesigned surface water management met District rule criteria. This resulted in issuance of what became known as the April 1 submittal. On May 12, 1993, in response to concerns raised by the ASSOCIATES at depositions on May 10, 1993, HORNE produced the May 12 submittal and provided it to all parties on that same date. The changes in design reflected on the May 12 submittal related to lowering the pond bottoms one foot below the orifices and changing the contour lines on the outside of Pond 5A. On May 13, 1993, further minor changes were made to the permit materials. Specifically, the changes were: reflecting on the engineering worksheets the lowering of the pond bottoms accomplished on the May 12 submittal, correction of the contour line on the outside of Pond 5A and showing the amount of additional fill into the 100-year floodplain caused by the addition of the contour line to the outside of Pond 5A. In reviewing HORNE's application, the District applied the standards and criteria set forth in Chapter 40D-4, Florida Administrative Code, and the Basis of Review for Surface Water Management Permit Applications. Compliance with DISTRICT Permitting Criteria Water Quantity The main two areas considered by the DISTRICT in assessing water quantity in a closed basin are: attenuating the peak rate of discharge for the 25 runoff for the 100 The peak rate of runoff for this project for the 25 (2) cubic feet per second (cfs) less in the post-developed condition than in the pre-developed condition, as shown on the April 1 submittal. No changes were made between the April 1 and May 12 or 13 submittals relating to the peak rate of discharge. The difference in the volume of runoff between the pre-developed and post-developed condition during the 100-year storm is being retained on site, as shown on the April 1 submittal. Therefore, DISTRICT rule criteria for the peak rate and volume of runoff were met on the April 1 submittal. Lowering the bottoms of the detention ponds on the May 12 and 13 submittals resulted in additional post 100 system, as redesigned to retain this additional 100-year volume, exceeds the DISTRICT's 100 Floodplain Encroachment Under the DISTRICT's floodplain encroachment standards, any fill within the 100 out an equivalent volume of fill elsewhere on the property. HORNE's application satisfies the DISTRICT's floodplain standards. HORNE is filling 1.59 acre feet of the floodplain and creating 1.75 acre feet of compensation. The floodplain compensation will be above the seasonal high water table, as required by Section of the DISTRICT's Basis of Review. The original, existing seasonal high water table will be lowered as a result of the excavation so that the entire floodplain compensation area will be above the seasonal high water table. Water Quality A wet detention system as proposed by HORNE is an acceptable means under the DISTRICT's rules of treating runoff for water quality purposes. The bottoms of the ponds, as shown on the May 12 submittal, are all at least one foot below the orifice elevations, as required by the Basis of Review. Thus, the project met all relevant DISTRICT water quality requirements as of the May 12 submittal. Operation and Maintenance DISTRICT rules require that reasonable assurances be provided that the surface water management system can be effectively operated and maintained. HORNE will be the operation and maintenance entity for this surface water management system. The DISTRICT's main concerns at the time of permit review are that the design of the surface water management system not be an exotic design, that the design insure that littoral zones can be established, that the system orifice can be cleaned, that the overall system will be stable and that there is a viable operation and maintenance entity. HORNE's project can be effectively operated and maintained. Remaining District Rule Criteria As stipulated to by the parties that the project will not cause adverse impacts to wetlands and will not diminish the capability of a lake or other impoundment to fluctuate through the full range established for it in Chapter 40D Additionally, the proof establishes that the project will not cause adverse impacts on surface and groundwater levels and flows will not adversely affect the public health and safety; is consistent with the requirements of other public agencies; will not otherwise be harmful to the water resources within the District; will not interfere with the legal rights of others as defined in Rule 17 Objections Raised by the ASSOCIATES at the Hearing Pond Slopes and Operation and Maintenance Contrary to the assertion that the pond slopes will not be stable and cannot be effectively operated and maintained, the pond side slopes at this project are going to be constructed out of a heavy clay type of soil. Sodded side slopes of 1:1, as proposed for three of the ponds, can be stabilized and effectively operated and maintained. Although there is no DISTRICT requirement that sodded side slopes be mowed, so on these slopes could, if necessary, be cut. In the event the side slopes were to erode, easy repair is possible. All of the ponds except one side of one pond have areas at least 20 feet wide and slopes no steeper than 4:1 where maintenance can be performed. With regard to the pond that does not have this characteristic, equipment can enter and perform necessary maintenance. Water Quality Treatment Concerns that at least a portion of the bottoms of the ponds need to be below the seasonal high water table and that circulation of the ponds needs to be maximized in order to meet water quality treatment criteria are misplaced since there is no requirement that the pond bottoms be below the seasonal high water table in wet detention systems such as the one at issue in this case. Further, the entire bottoms of the ponds are littoral zone and meet DISTRICT rule requirements that 35 per cent of the pond be littoral zone, concentrated at the outfall. Additionally, the ponds at issue maximize circulation through the location of points of inflow and outflow. Floodplain Mitigation Concerns that volume in the floodplain mitigation area is not available because of problems with the seasonal high water table are also misplaced. Specifically, the floodplain area encroachment requiring mitigation relates to Pond 5A. There is more than enough volume within the area which will be excavated to compensate for the area where the fill will be deposited. The seasonal high water table will be at or below the floodplain mitigation area after the required excavation takes place. Although the seasonal high water table will be lowered where the excavation or cut is made and later raised where the fill is placed, no adverse effects on the water table will result from such lowering and raising of the water table. Volume In Pond 5A Allegations that the May 12 and 13 submittals reflect that Pond 5A has less volume available than the modeling calculations contemplate are incorrect. The changes in the contour lines of Pond 5A on the May 12 and 13 submittals from what was shown on the April 1 submittal occurred on the outside of the pond. The volume on the inside of the pond was not reduced actually increased when the pond bottom was lowered for water quality purposes. In determining how much volume a pond is to have when it is constructed, the computer modeling figures take precedence over the scaled plan drawings. In this case, the computer modeling figures never changed after the April 1 submittal. HORNE submitted a computer model that calculated the volume of Pond 5A. The output data clearly reflects that the top of the bank was 82 feet. Publix's Status as an Existing Site Assertions that the Publix site should have been considered in its pre-developed state since there will be approximately one acre foot of volume of runoff, or possibly less, leaving the site without retention are without validity. The Publix plaza was permitted by the DISTRICT in 1985 and constructed in 1986. The amount of peak flow discharge and overall discharge is currently authorized by a valid MSSW permit. When the DISTRICT reviews a permit application, all existing permitted surface water management systems must be accepted in their present state. There is no authority in the DISTRICT's rules to consider an existing permitted site in its pre Even if the Publix site is considered in its pre project has only .02 of an acre foot more volume of runoff in its post-developed condition than in the pre Storage of 100-Year Volume Allegations that the amount of 100-year volume being retained on site in the ponds has been incorrectly calculated by the DISTRICT and HORNE are also invalid. The DISTRICT's rules require that the difference between the pre- and post-development volume for the 100-year storm be retained on site. In the ponds which are the subject of this proceeding, the 100-year volume is retained in the ponds below the orifice. This volume cannot leave the site through the orifice; it can only leave the site by percolation into the ground or evaporation into the air.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is recommended that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a final order granting HORNE's Application for Surface Water Management Permit No. 400317.02. RECOMMENDED this 25th day of June, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of June, 1993. APPENDIX The following constitutes my rulings, in accordance with Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties Proposed findings submitted by Petitioners (Petitioner's proposed findings begin at paragraph number 13.) 13.-19. Accepted. 20.-30. Rejected, unnecessary. 31.-44. Rejected, subordinate to hearing officer findings. 45.-47. Accepted. 48.-77. Rejected, subordinate to hearing officer findings. 78.-79. Rejected, recitation of documents. 80.-84. Rejected, weight of the evidence. 85.-88. Rejected, unnecessary. 89.-93. Rejected, weight of the evidence. 94.-95. Rejected, unnecessary. 96. Accepted. 97.-98. Rejected, subordinate, weight of the evidence. 99.-100. Rejected, unnecessary. 101.-126. Rejected, subordinate. 127. Accepted. 128.-129. Rejected, unnecessary. 130.-135. Rejected, argument. 136.-144. Rejected, weight of the evidence. Respondents Joint Proposed Findings. 1.-56. Accepted, though not verbatim. 58.-59. Rejected, unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: David Smolker, Esquire Honigman, Miller, Schwartz & Cohn 2700 Landmark Centre 401 East Jackson Street Tampa, Florida 33602 Rodney S. Fields, Jr., Esquire Blain & Cone, P.A. 202 Madison Street Tampa, Florida 33602 Richard Tschantz, Esquire Mark F. Lapp, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609 Peter G. Hubbell Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, FL 34609-6899
The Issue The central issue in this case is whether the Department of Environmental Regulation (Department) should grant a dredge and fill permit which has been requested by the Respondent, William R. Cullen (Applicant). That proposed permit has been opposed by the Petitioners (who will be referred to collectively as Petitioners for convenience sake).
Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received, the following findings of fact are made: The Department is the state agency authorized to issue permits pursuant to Chapter 403, Florida Statutes. The Respondent, William R. Cullen, filed an application for a dredge and fill permit to construct a slip marina on June 4, 1985. The original request was subsequently amended to seek approval for a forty-two slip commercial marina. The project site for the Applicant's marina is located at Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida. The site is within Buttonwood Sound, Florida Bay. The property is owned by Mr. Cullen and his family. All of the proposed improvements will be constructed on submerged lands or uplands owned or controlled by the Cullen family. The project site is located within a commercial area of Key Largo and contains frontage on both the water, Buttonwood Sound, and the highway, U.S. Highway 1. The project site has a basin which was created by the excavation of materials used for road construction from the shoreline and the installation of an L-shaped rock jetty which runs roughly perpendicular and then parallel to the shoreline. This jetty was installed during the late 1960s. The water depths within the basin range from 3 feet to approximately 14 feet. The water within the basin is subject to the same tidal considerations as the waters within Buttonwood Sound. There is no interruption of the flow of water in and out of the basin from those waters of the Sound. The water within this basin is within an Outstanding Florida Water as defined in Rule 17-3.041, Florida Administrative Code. The Applicant's plan calls for the excavation of appproximately 30,170 square feet of upland area and the dredging of the existing basin for approximately 18,460 dredged square feet. During the construction phases, the Applicant proposes to install turbidity curtains to limit the adverse effects expected during that time. The improvements are intended to be a permanent alteration to the basin design and will permanently modify the marine life habitat within that basin. The Applicant proposes to remove portions of the existing jetty to allow additional water to flow through the basin unimpeded by the jetty walls. The removal of the jetty walls will expedite the dilution and flushing of potential pollutants from the basin on a tidal frequency. That flushing is purported to assure that the water quality within the basin will not be diminished. However, such pollutants will be flushed into Buttonwood Sound. Stormwater accumulating on the upland project is to flow toward a lower upland area and should not to be dumped into the basin. The proposed marina is to have fueling facilities and the Applicant has agreed to design that system to limit inadvertent spillage. Further, as a condition of the permit, the Applicant has agreed to abide by the Department of Natural Resources' spill contingency plan requirements. The proposed marina is designed to provide portable sewage pumpout facilities for each slip. A permanent pumpout facilities will also be available. The Applicant seeks to attract boats in the range of 30 to 50 feet in length at this facility. While there are a number of other marinas in other areas of Key Largo which might accomodate that size boat, the marinas in the immediate vicinity of this project site are designed for smaller craft. The area within the basin consists of unvegetated bottom, submerged rip-rap, sea grasses, and hardbottom/algae communities--the predominant classifications being the latter two. The deeper hardbottom areas are to be filled and portions of the sea grasses will be dredged in order to configure the proposed docks. Additionally, other sea grass areas will be shaded, and thereby disturbed, by the construction of the docks. There are no historical or archaeological features relevant to the proposed site. The area has not been designated as a critical manatee area, however, manatees do frequent the project vicinity and have been observed feeding immediately adjacent to the basin. The permit proposed for this project requires a water quality monitoring plan. In addition to sampling for coliform, diesel by-products, oils, greases, detergents, oxygen, copper, lead and zinc, the plan requires sampling for aluminum, cadmium, and chromium. The monitoring stations are to be located both within the basin (2 stations) and outside the basin (2 stations). Liveaboards or others continuously docked at the marina will create additional shading which will disrupt and adversely affect the sea grass system. In order to provide access to the marina, the Applicant intends to dredge a channel in an area containing sea grass which is undisputedly within the Outstanding Florida Waters. The Department deemed the subject application was complete on February 23, 1988. The Department did not apply the Keys Rule found in Rule 17-312.400, Florida Administrative Code, to this project. The Department also did not apply the Mitigation Rule found in Rule 17-312.300, Florida Administrative Code, to this project. Michael Dentzau has personally reviewed and processed 250-300 dredge and fill permits during his tenure with the Department. Of those projects he has reviewed, he has not recommended that dense sea grass beds of the type located within this project site be dredged in order to construct a commercial marina. Phillip Edwards was responsible for executing the Intent to Issue in this case. In determining that this project had provided reasonable assurances that water quality standards will not be violated, Mr. Edwards weighed the public interests criteria set forth in Section 403.918, Florida Statutes. Because he received letters purportedly from elected officials, Mr. Edwards presumed that the project was in the public interest. That assumption of fact has not been established by this record. According to Mr. Edwards, the adverse effects expected by this project could be adequately addressed by the permit conditions when weighed against the public interest in favor of the project. Since Mr. Edwards' assumptions as to the public interest in this project have not been established, his conclusion regarding the weight that interest should receive can be given little consideration. The project as proposed by the Applicant will not adversely affect navigation or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. The project as proposed by the Applicant will adversely affect fishing or marine productivity within the basin since it will permanently alter the basin biologically by destroying sea grass. The increased boat traffic within the Sound will also detract from the present recreational uses enjoyed by area residents. According to Mr. Edwards, it is very unusual for the Department to issue a permit when sea grasses will be adversely affected. In the 17 years in which he has reviewed permits, only two occasions merited approval when the destruction of sea grasses to the extent in this case would result. Neither of those cases were factually similar to the case at issue. In those cases, however, elected officials advised Mr. Edwards, as he presumed they had here, that there was a public need for the permit. Increased boat traffic will result in increased manatee mortality due to collisions. In order to assure water quality will not be degraded within a marina, the project should have a short flushing time comparable to healthy natural embayments. In this case, the flushing proposed by the Applicant is dependent, in part, on winds which may be inconsistent or relatively minimal during the summer months.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order denying the permit requested by the Applicant. DONE and ENTERED this 22nd day of August, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of August, 1990. APPENDIX TO CASE NOS. 89-3779 et seq. RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY PETITIONERS: The first three sentences of paragraph 1 are accepted; the remainder is rejected as argument or irrelevant. Paragraph 2 is accepted. Paragraph 3 is accepted. With regard to paragraph 4, it is accepted that the Department deemed the application complete on February 23, 1988; otherwise, the paragraph is rejected as argument. With regard to paragraph 5, it is accepted that the habitat within the basin is the same as the habitat throughout Florida Bay and that the basin is not "enclosed" hydrologically; otherwise, the paragraph is rejected as argument or comment. Paragraphs 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are rejected as argument, conclusions of law, or comment. The paragraphs do not recite facts pertinent to this case. Paragraphs 13, 14, and the first two sentences of paragraph 15 are accepted. The remainder of paragraph IS is rejected as argument. The first two sentences of paragraph 16 are accepted. The remainder of the paragraph is rejected as comment or argument. Paragraph 17 is accepted. Paragraph 18 is rejected as argument. To the extent that paragraph 19 accurately describes Van de Kreeke's assessment of the report it is accepted; otherwise rejected as irrelevant, comment, argument, recitation of testimony or unsupported by the record. The report upon which comment is directed was not offered in this cause to prove its truth/accuracy. Paragraphs 20 through 22 are rejected as comment, argument, recitation of testimony or unsupported by the record-- see comment to paragraph 19 above. Paragraphs 23 through 26 are accepted. Paragraphs 27 and 28 are rejected as argument, comment, or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 29 and 30 are accepted. Paragraph 31 is rejected as argument or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 32 and 33 are accepted. Paragraph 34 is rejected as hearsay, irrelevant, or argument. Paragraph 35 is rejected as comment or argument. Paragraph 36 is accepted. Paragraphs 37 through 40 are rejected as argument or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 41 through 43 are accepted. Paragraph 44 is rejected as contrary to the record. Paragraph 45 is rejected as argument. Paragraph 46 is rejected as argument or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 47 is accepted but is comment. Paragraphs 48 and 49 are accepted. Paragraph 50 is rejected as repetitive. Paragraph 51 is rejected as argument or conclusions of law. The first three sentences of paragraph 52 are accepted. The remainder of the paragraph is rejected as argument. The first sentence and that portion of the second sentence of paragraph 53 that ends with the word "authenticity" is accepted. The remainder of the paragraph is rejected as argument or conclusions of law. Paragraphs 54 and 55 are accepted. Paragraph 56 is rejected as irrelevant or hearsay. Paragraph 57 is rejected as hearsay. Paragraph 58 is rejected as argument, comment, or irrelevant. Paragraphs 59 through 66 are accepted. Paragraph 67 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 68 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 69 and 70 are accepted. Paragraph 71 is rejected as repetitive. Paragraph 72 is rejected as argument. The first sentence of paragraph 73 is accepted; the remainder is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 74 is accepted. Paragraphs 75 through 77 are rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 78 and 79 are accepted. Paragraph 80 is rejected as repetitive. With the inclusion of the words "and hardbottom and algae" paragraph 81 is accepted. Paragraph 82 is accepted. Paragraph 83 is accepted. Paragraph 84 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. 5l. Paragraphs 85 through 89 are accepted. With the substitution of the word "not" for the word "ever" in the last sentence of paragraph 90, it is accepted. Paragraphs 91 through 94 are accepted. Paragraph 95 is rejected as not supported by the record or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 96 through 100 are accepted. Paragraph 101 is rejected as repetitive. Paragraphs 102 through 106 are rejected as argument, comment, or irrelevant. RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY THE DEPARTMENT: Paragraph 1 is accepted. Paragraph 2 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the credible evidence. The waters within the basin are of the same origin as they were prior to the creation of the jetty; no artificial body of water was created. With regard to paragraph 3 it is accepted that the jetty was constructed in the late 1960s. Paragraph 4 is accepted. With regard to paragraph 5 it is accepted that that is the applicants proposal no conclusion as to the likelihood of that is reached. Paragraph 5 is accepted. Paragraph 6 is accepted. Inevitably, however, spills will occur and must be considered as an adverse affect of the project. Paragraph 7 is accepted. Paragraph 8 is rejected as unsupported by competent evidence or contrary to the weight of the evidence presented. Paragraph 9 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 10 is accepted. Paragraph 11 is accepted but is inadequate to offset the adverse affects to manatees. Paragraph 12 is accepted but is inadequate to limit the adverse affects to sea grass. Paragraph 13 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 14 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 15 is accepted. Paragraph 16 is accepted. Paragraphs 17 and 18 are accepted. RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT: Paragraphs 1 through the first sentence of paragraph 6 are accepted. The second sentence of paragraph 6 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 7 through Il are accepted. Paragraph 12 is rejected as irrelevant. Paragraphs 13 through the first sentence of paragraph 17 are accepted. The remainder of paragraph 17 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 18 is accepted. Paragraph 19 is rejected as unsupported by the record or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 20 is accepted. Paragraphs 21 through 26 are rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 27 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence or unsupported by competent evidence. The first sentence of paragraph 28 is accepted, the remainder rejected as speculative, comment, or unsupported by the record. The first sentence of paragraph 29 is accepted, the remainder rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 30 is accepted. Paragraph 31 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 32 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 33 is accepted but is irrelevant. Paragraph 34 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 35 is accepted; however, sea grasses not disturbed by dredging will still suffer adverse affects from shading and silting. Paragraph 36 is accepted but see comment to paragraph 35 above. Paragraph 37 is accepted. Paragraph 38 is accepted. Paragraph 39 is accepted but is irrelevant. Paragraph 40 is accepted. Paragraph 41 is accepted. Paragraph 42 is accepted. Paragraph 43 is rejected as irrelevant. Paragraph 44 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 45 is accepted but it should be noted that is not the extent of the proposal. Paragraph 46 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 47 is accepted. Paragraph 48 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 49 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Pamela Presnell Garvin Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Charles Lee Florida Audubon Society 1101 Audubon Way Maitland, Florida 32751 Robert Routa P.O. Box 6506 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6506 Linda McMullen McFARLAIN, STERNSTEIN, WILEY & CASSEDY, P.A. 600 First Florida Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dale H. Twachtmann, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 =================================================================
The Issue Did Respondent, William D. Going, willfully and intentionally violate Florida Statutes and Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) rules regulating well construction? If he did, what corrective action is appropriate?
Findings Of Fact William Going is a licensed water well contractor. He has held License Number 1564 since 2007. Mr. Going is a managing member of Going Irrigation, Inc., and conducts business under that name. Mr. Going constructed four sand point irrigation wells at a residential property in St. Petersburg, Florida. He did not have and had not applied for a Well Construction Permit (WCP). 1 All citations to Florida Statutes are to the 2020 codification unless noted otherwise. 2 The findings are based upon the evidence admitted at the hearing and the stipulations of the parties. Mr. Going did not call or otherwise contact the District to request a WCP. The District operates an online permitting system called the Water Management Information System (WMIS). The District will issue a WCP based upon a telephone call, an application on its website, a faxed application, a mailed application, or a hand-delivered application. The District routinely issues permits within two hours of receiving an application, often within ten minutes to half an hour. The District's application system operates from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. It is infrequently offline for a few hours. While quick, the process reviews significant information. It verifies that the well location is sufficiently distant from septic systems, verifies construction methods and materials, and verifies, if the well is for drinking water, that the well is not too close to a contamination site. Mr. Going is a registered and experienced user of WMIS. The District learned of the unpermitted wells on April 28, 2020, when it received an anonymous complaint. On May 5, 2020, approximately ten days after he constructed the wells, Mr. Going submitted WCP Application 889173 for construction of the four already completed sand point irrigation wells. He did not disclose that they were already completed. He falsely represented them as proposed. The District approved the application on May 6, 2020, and issued WCP 889173 to Mr. Going. On June 11, 2020, Mr. Going submitted four Well Completion Reports for the wells, falsely representing that each was completed on May 7, 2020. This was more than 30 days after Mr. Going completed the wells. Mr. Going claimed at the hearing that he tried to apply for a WCP for four or five days before constructing the wells but was locked out of the WMIS. Mr. Going said that his son usually obtained permits online for the company. He also claimed that he tried to apply online on April 24 and 25, 2019. His claims are not persuasive. There is no question that Mr. Going knew the requirements for obtaining a permit and reporting completion. In 2009, in Order No. SWF 09- 017, the District imposed a $500.00 fine and assessed five points against his license for an almost identical offense. In that case, Mr. Going also constructed a well without a permit from the District or applying for a permit. In that case, like this one, he sought to excuse failure to apply for a permit by claiming difficulties with the website. In that case he blamed his wife's unfamiliarity with computers, rather than his own, for failure to apply. In that case, like this one, he applied for and obtained a permit after constructing the well. Mr. Going knowingly and willfully constructed four unpermitted wells, filed a WCP application more than thirty days after he completed the wells, and misrepresented the dates of completion in the WCP completion reports that he filed with the District. Mr. Going tries to characterize his after-the-fact misrepresentations as mitigation. But they were not. Mitigation would have been contacting the District to advise it of the wells' unpermitted construction and the asserted justification for it. Furthermore, his misrepresentations deprived the District of the chance to prevent construction of the wells using improper materials or near a septic tank or contaminated location.
Findings Of Fact The Petitioner in this matter is Capeletti Brothers, Inc., a Florida corporation. .The Respondent is the State of Florida, Department: of Environmental Regulation, an agency of the State of Florida with regulatory authority granted pursuant to Chapter 253, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and those rules attendant thereto. Through its Petition as received by the State of Florida, Department: of Environmental Regulation, the present: Petitioner has filed a formal proceeding pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, and through this Petition has challenged the Department's assertion of jurisdiction to require an-environmental permit and in the alternative has requested that the permit be granted if it is determined that a permit is necessary. (The jurisdictional question was ruled on by order dated December 7, 1979.) The Petitioner's activity which fostered the current dispute between the parties involved the Petitioner's intention to excavate certain property in Broward County, Florida, and through such excavation remove rock fill material constituted primarily of limestone and leave in place a quarry containing water. The Petitioner holds an option to purchase the property in question subject to the granting of necessary environmental permits to conduct the excavation. The terms and conditions of that option to sell may be found in the Petitioner's Exhibits 10 and 11, admitted into evidence. The Petitioner had intended to use the fill material in the furtherance of a road building project by contract entered into between the Petitioner and the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, the contract award being made on February 23, 1977. The parties to that contract terminated the contract prior to any permit for dredging having been granted; however, Petitioner still desires to excavate at the site for the purpose of obtaining fill material for future building projects and the nature of the option to purchase would allow the Petitioner to continue to pursue its efforts at obtaining a permit, notwithstanding the termination of the original agreement between Capeletti Brothers, Inc., and the State of Florida, Department of Transportation. The Respondent has issued a Notice of Intent to Deny the permit by a letter dated March 26, 1979, and a copy of the Notice of Intent to Deny may be found as Exhibit "A" to the Petition. This Notice of Intent to Deny followed the receipt and review of Capeletti Brothers, Inc.'s application for permit dated October 18, 1978. In addition, the Respondent has asserted permit jurisdiction based upon grounds not set forth in the Notice of Intent to Deny. This claim for jurisdiction is a claim for jurisdiction under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403, Florida Statutes, and their associated rules. A copy of the application for permit may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1 admitted into evidence and this application contains sketches showing the location of the proposed project with reference to the surrounding terrain and other features. The proposed project site consists of approximately forty-four acres of land located south of Andytown, Florida, and west of State Road 25 (U.S. 27). The site is surrounded by Alligator Alley to the north; State Road 25 to the east, with a contemplated borrow canal to be constructed between State Road 25 and the project location, immediately adjacent to State Road 25; to the west by Florida Power and Light patrol road, with a borrow canal running north and south located west of the patrol road and Levee 37 further west of the borrow canal, this levee being maintained by the South Florida Water Management District. To the south of the project is an access road which grants access to the Florida Power and Light patrol road. The quarry which is to be dug on the acreage in question will not intersect either of the borrow canals referred to above. Upon completion, the pit area will consist of approximately twenty-two acres of open excavation approximately forty feet deep with a littoral zone constituted of sawgrass. At the conclusion of the project, all fill material that has been excavated will have been removed from the project site and the access road to the project site destroyed. The pit will be left full of water that has entered the pit at the excavation during the dredging. That water will be constituted primarily of groundwater located immediately below the surface in pockets found in the limestone fill material. The displacement of limerock will allow the groundwater to fill the void. Although the water which enters the excavation site will be primarily groundwater, the waters within its boundaries will eventually have the characteristics of surface waters due to the design of the activity being much like a natural pond. Approximately four thousand feet south of the project site is an abandoned rock quarry with an access road from State Road 25 and approximately two miles south of the project site is an active rock quarry operated by Rosen, Rosen and Tupler. The nature of the Rosen, Rosen and Tupler quarry is similar to that as contemplated by the Petitioner's plan. There are other rock quarries of similar nature located in the vicinity of the project site. The project site does not receive surface flows or sheet flows from adjacent properties due to the fact that the project site is surrounded by dykes and borrow canals which block surface flows or sheet flows from any adjacent properties. The surface water flow on the property is in a more or less southeasterly direction. The rainfall that occurs at the project site causes the project site to be inundated at times with standing water as deep as six or eight inches. This water will not exit the property except in times of high incidence of rain, when the water may overflow the Florida Power and Light access road and make entry into the borrow canal adjacent to State Road 25, gaining such access at the southeast of the project site. At present, part of the borrow canal east of the project site and adjacent to State Road 25 has been filled in. As stated before, this area will be replaced by a future excavation of a borrow canal in the area now covered. The surface water which stands on the project site normally percolates into the ground or evaporates into the atmosphere. The primary vegetation at the project site is sawgrass. The project: as contemplated would remove some of these grasses and attached heavy muck soils, but there would remain a sawgrass zone between the contemplated borrow canal located east of the project and the Levee 37 borrow canal located west of the project. The borrow canals located to the east and west of the project site flow south to the South New River Canal, which runs generally east and west. The waters collected in the South New River Canal are subject to being pumped through the pumping station S-9 which distributes water to the west or the water may be carried through the South New River Canal in an easterly direction, eventually entering the South New River, a natural waterway subject to navigation. The South New River is approximately twenty miles from the project site. The South New River empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Those waters which are pumped westerly through pumping station S-9 may enter other natural waterways and eventually the Gulf of Nexico by transportation through a series of artificial canals and natural water connections. Although the Petitioner does not intend to introduce contaminants at the proposed project site during the preparation stage; stage of excavation and stage of evacuation, the testimony concerning the project site and an active quarry of similar nature in the immediate vicinity, and other similar quarries, establishes that it could be reasonably expected that oils, greases and lead would be dispersed in the area of the quarry pit, the immediately adjacent wetlands and at times of high incidence of rainfall, into the borrow canals adjacent to the property. However, before the contaminants reach the borrow canals by overland sheet flow, they will be filtered out by the wetlands. The contamination into the pit would find its way into the Biscayne Aquifer, the Aquifer at the project site being only a foot or so beneath the surface., The introduction of contaminants into the Biscayne Aquifer at the project site will eventually lead to the direct mixing of those contaminants with portions of the Biscayne Aquifer adjacent to the project site, in particular west of the project site in the containment area which is part of the system of submerged lands of the state and to the borrow canal east of the project site. There is also the possibility of copper, zinc, iron, chromium, manganese, dieldrin and polychlorinated biphenyls contaminants being introduced into the pit (quarry). in association with the project, though this possibility is more remote than in the case of the substances previously mentioned and the possibility is so remote that it is not reasonably expected to occur. Therefore, these are not substances for which the Petitioner must do actual testing to show that they do not exceed water quality standards in order to establish necessary reasonable assurances. The facts presented did not give rise to even a potentiality for the presence of other regulated substances that might exceed applicable water quality standards, with the exception of phenols which are reported next. Phenolic-type compounds were found in the active and inactive quarry pits similar to the proposed installation These compounds as detected in the sample and reasonably expected at the project are naturally occurring phenomena and not the direct product of the mining activity. The mining will create turbid conditions and there will be fluctuations in dissolved oxygen concentrations and BOD values and changes in pH values in the pit. The above-referenced contamination and variations in values would be injurious to human health or welfare, animal and plant life and property and, as a consequence, interfere with the enjoyment of life and property, if found to exceed the Respondent's applicable water quality standards. The Petitioner, if allowed to carry out the project, has given specific reasonable assurance that it will not violate the Respondent's applicable water quality standards related to the turbidity, dissolved oxygen, BOD, lead, oils and greases, and pnenols. See Rule 17-3.05(2), Florida Administrative Code. Other substances-and conditions found in that subsection of the rule not being reasonably expected to occur, necessary reasonable assurance has been established for those. There will be no discharges of heated water. See Rule 17-3.05(3), Florida Administrative Code. The project site does not involve outstanding Florida waters within the meaning of Rules 17-3.041 and 17-4.242(1), Florida Administrative Code. Testimony offered in the course of the hearing shoes that in similar projects in terms of their location and purpose, the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, has at times disclaimed its jurisdiction to require a permit and at other times granted permits.