The Issue Whether the application of Delray Community Hospital for a certificate of need to add 24 acute care beds meets, on balance, the applicable criteria for approval.
Findings Of Fact The Agency For Health Care Administration ("AHCA") administers the state certificate of need ("CON") program for health care services and facilities. In August 1994, AHCA published a numeric need of zero for additional acute care beds in District 9, Subdistrict 5, for southern Palm Beach County. In September 1994, NME Hospitals, Inc. d/b/a Delay Community Hospital, Inc. ("Delray") applied for a certificate of need ("CON") to add 24 acute care beds in District 9, Subdistrict 5, for a total construction cost of $4,608,260. AHCA published its intent to approve the application and to issue CON No. 7872 to Delray, on January 20, 1995, in Volume 21, No. 3 of the Florida Administrative Weekly. By timely filing a petition, Bethesda Memorial Hospital, Inc. ("Bethesda"), which is located in the same acute care subdistrict, challenged AHCA's preliminary decision. Bethesda also filed a petition challenging Rule 59C-1.038, Florida Administrative Code, the acute care bed need rule, which resulted in a determination that the need methodology in the rule is invalid. Bethesda Memorial Hospital, Inc. v. AHCA and NME Hospital, Inc., DOAH Case No. 95-2649RX (F.O. 8/16/95). Delray and Bethesda are in a subdistrict which includes five other hospitals, Wellington Regional Medical Center ("Wellingon"), West Boca Medical Center ("West Boca"), Palm Beach Regional Medical Center ("Palm Beach Regional"), J. F. Kennedy Medical Center ("JFK"), and Boca Raton Community Hospital ("BRCH"). The hospitals range in size from 104 to approximately 400 beds. Wellington, West Boca, and Palm Beach Regional have fewer, and Bethesda, JFK and BRCH have more than Delray's 211 beds. Bethesda, located in Boynton Beach, is accredited by the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Hospital Organizations ("JCAHO") for the maximum time available, 3 years. Bethesda has 330 beds, and offers obstetrics, pediatrics, and emergency room services. An average of 10 patients a month are transferred, after their condition is stabilized, from the emergency room at Bethesda to other hospitals, and most are participants in the Humana health maintenance organization ("HMO"), which requires their transfer to an Humana- affiliated hospital. Approximately one patient a month is transferred for open heart surgery or angioplasty after stabilization with thrombolitic therapy at Bethesda. Bethesda has a 12-bed critical care unit, a 12-bed surgical intensive care unit, and a telemetry or progressive care unit. From October to April, Bethesda also opens a 10-bed medical intensive care unit. Even during this "season," when south Florida experiences an influx of temporary winter residents, Bethesda's critical care beds are very rarely full. Only one time during the 1994-1995 season was a patient held overnight in the emergency room waiting for a bed at Bethesda. Only diagnostic cardiac caths are performed at Bethesda due to the absence of back-up open heart surgery. Delray is located on a medical campus with Fair Oaks Hospital, a 102 bed psychiatric facility, and Hillhaven Convalescent Center, which has 108 beds. Delray is physically connected to Pinecrest Rehabilitation Hospital, which has 90 beds. The campus also includes a medical mall, with outpatient services, a home health agency, and medical office buildings. Delray has a medical staff of 430 physicians. Delray is a for-profit hospital owned and operated by NME Hospitals, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of National Medical Enterprises, which after merging with American Medical International, does business as Tenet Health Care Corporation ("Tenet"). Tenet owns, operates, or manages 103 facilities, including Fair Oaks and Pinecrest Rehabilitation Hospital. Delray owns Hillhaven Convalescent Center, but it is managed by the Hillhaven nursing home management company. NME Hospitals, Inc., also owns West Boca Medical Center, which is approximately 10 to 12 miles from Delray. South Florida Tenet Health System is an alliance of the Tenet facilities, which has successfully negotiated managed care contracts offering the continuum of care of various levels of providers within one company. AHCA published a numeric need of zero for additional acute care beds in the southern Palm Beach County subdistrict, for July 1999, the applicable planning horizon. Delray's application asserts that special circumstances exist for the approval of its application despite the absence of numeric need. AHCA accepted and reviewed Delray's application pursuant to the following section of the acute care bed need rule: (e) Approval Under Special Circumstances. Regardless of the subdistrict's average annual occupancy rate, need for additional acute care beds at an existing hospital is demonstrated if a net need for beds is shown based on the formula described in paragraphs (5)(b), (7)(a), (b), (c), and (8)(a), (b), (c), and provided that the hospital's average occupancy rate for all licensed acute care beds is at or exceeds 75 percent. The deter- mination of the average occupancy rate shall be made based on the average 12 months occupancy rate made available by the local health council two months prior to the begining of the respective acute care hospital batching cycle. The need methodology referred to in the special circumstances rule indicated a net need for 1442 additional beds in District 9. All parties to the proceeding agree that the net need number is unrealistic, irrational, and/or wrong. That methodology was invalidated in the previously consolidated rule challenge case. Delray also met the requirement of exceeding 75 percent occupancy, with 75.63 percent from January through December 1993. In 1994, Delray's occupancy rate increased to 83 percent. In 1993, occupancy rates were 55.6 percent in District 9 and 52.5 percent in subdistrict 5. At individual hospitals, other than Delray, occupancy rates ranged from lows of 25.5 percent at Wellington and 35 percent at Palm Beach Regional to highs of 58 percent at BRCH and JFK. A study of four year trends shows declining acute care occupancy at every subdistrict hospital except Delray. Delray points to occupancy levels in intensive care units as another special circumstance for adding new beds. Currently, Delray has 8 beds in a trauma intensive care unit ("TICU"), 8 in a surgical intensive care unit ("SICU"), 7 in a critical or coronary care unit ("CCU"), 7 in a medical intensive care unit ("MICU"), and 67 beds in a telemetry or progressive care unit ("PCU"). For the fiscal year ending May 31, 1994, occupancy rates were 80 percent in the PCU, 91 percent in CCU, and 128 percent in SICU. If the CON is approved, Delray plans to allocate the 24 additional beds to increase the PCU by 10, CCU by 7, and the SICU by 7 beds. Expert testimony established 75 percent to 80 percent as a range of reasonable occupancy levels for intensive care units. A PCU, telemetry, or step down unit serves as a transition for patients leaving ICUs who require continued heart rate monitoring. PCU staffing ratios are typically 1 nurse to every 4 patients. CCU is used for patients who have had heart attacks or other serious cardiac problems and continue to need closer personal monitoring. SICU is used primarily for post-surgery open heart patients. The TICU is used for patients with neurological injuries and those in need of neurosurgery. When the ICUs are full, overflow patients are placed in holding areas of the ICU, the emergency room ("ER"), telemetry unit, or in a medical holding unit behind the emergency room. During the season, from November to April, from 20 to 55 patients are in holding areas, most of whom would otherwise be in an ICU or PCU bed. Critical care nurses are moved to the holding areas to care for critical patients. Additional staffing requirements are met, in part, by using contract nurses from an agency owned by Tenet, called Ready Staff. Other temporary or traveling nurses go through a three day orientation and are paired with regular staff mentors. Traveling nurses have three to six month contracts to work at various hospitals throughout the county, as needed. Intensive care nurses are cross-trained to work in any of the ICUs, but the same nurses usually are assigned to open heart and trauma patients. Since May 1991, Delray has been the state-designated level II trauma center for southern Palm Beach County, as is St. Mary's Hospital for the northern areas of the County. Trauma patients are transported by ambulance or helicopter, and treated in two designated trauma rooms in the emergency department. The state designation requires Delray to have one of its eight trauma surgeons, trauma nurses, anesthesiologists, and certain other ancillary services available in the hospital at all times. Delray also must have a bed available in its TICU. CON Review Criteria By supplemental prehearing stipulation, the parties agreed that Delray's CON application includes the information and documents required in Section 408.037, Florida Statutes. The parties also stipulated that the project is financially feasible in the short term, and that proposed construction costs and methods, and equipment costs are reasonable. Based on prehearing stipulations, the statutory review criteria in dispute are as follows: 408.035(1)(a) - need in relation to district and state health plans; 408.035(1)(b) and (1)(d) - availability, accessibility, efficiency, and adequacy of other hospitals; 408.035(1)(b) and (1)(c) - quality of care at other hospitals and the applicant's ability to provide and record of providing quality of care; 408.035(1)(h) - availability of critical care nurses; and 408.035(1)(i) - long term financial feasibility. State and District Health Plans The 1993 Florida State Health Plan has a preference for approving additional acute care beds in subdistricts with at least 75 percent occupancy, and at facilities equal to or in excess of 85 percent occupancy. Subdistrict 5 and Delray do not meet the preference. See, Finding of Facts 9 and 10. The state health plan also includes a preference for hospitals which are disproportionate share Medicaid providers. Delray does not meet the preference, and notes that 70 percent of its patients are over 65 years old and entitled to Medicare reimbursement. In fact, there are no disproportionate share providers in the subdistrict. Delray meets the state plan preference for proposing a project which will not adversely affect the financial viability of an existing, disproportionate share provider. The state health plan also has four preferences related to emergency services, for accepting indigent patients in ER, for a trauma center, for a full range of ER services, and for not having been fined for ER services violations. Delray meets all four preferences related to emergency services. The 1990 District 9 Health Plan, with a 1993 CON Allocation Factors Report, favors applicants who serve Medicaid/Indigent, handicapped, and underserved population groups. In 1992 and 1993, approximately 2.5 percent of the patients at Delray were in the Medicaid program. Delray also provided 3 percent indigent and charity care for 1993. The hospital's 1992 financial reports do not indicate that it provided any indigent or charity care. In 1993- 1994, Delray had the lowest percentage of Medicaid and charity patients at a state designated level II trauma center. AHCA proposes to condition approval of CON 7872 on Delray's providing 2.4 percent of total annual patient days to Medicaid and 1 percent of total annual patient days to charity care, as projected by Delray in Table 7 of the application. Under the district health plan, priority is given for applicants who document cost containment. One example of cost containment, according to the plan, is sharing services with other area hospitals to enhance efficient resource utilization and avoid duplication. Delray describes its patient- focused care model as an example of cost containment. In response to rising labor cost, the underutilization of certain required categories of employees, and the large number of staff interacting with each patient, Delray created the model which emphasizes cross-training of staff to work in teams led by a registered nurse. Delray has not proposed sharing services with other hospitals, and has not documented cost containment as that is described in the district health plan. Availability, Accessibility, Efficiency and Adequacy of Other Hospitals Additional acute care beds at Delray will not meet any demonstrated numeric, geographic, or financial need. Acute care beds are available in adequate numbers in the subdistrict. Roughly half, or 800, of the subdistrict's 1700 beds were empty most days in 1993 and 1994. Bethesda's expert in health care planning and financial feasibility testified that some available, more appropriate alternatives to the approval of additional beds at Delray are the transfer of patients to other subdistrict hospitals, including Tenet's West Boca, the transfer of unused bed capacity from one area of the hospital to another, or the transfer of unused bed capacity from West Boca to Delray. Bethesda also contends that Delray could find alternatives to placing outpatient surgery and outpatient cardiac cath patients in inpatient beds from four to twenty-three hours for observation and care. In support of Delray, AHCA's expert testified that institution-specific demand, in Delray's case, has reached the level of community need, because other subdistrict hospitals are not adequate or available to treat the type of patients treated at Delray. All of Delray's patients come from areas of the county which overlap the service areas of other hospitals, which shows the absence of any geographic access barriers. A diagnostic related group, or DRG, analysis shows that most of the categories of diagnosed illnesses or injuries treated at Delray are also treated at other subdistrict hospitals. The DRGs exclusively treated at Delray are related to trauma. Others treated in the subdistrict only at Delray and JFK are related to angioplasty and open heart surgery. Of the state level II trauma centers, Delray reported the highest percentage, 96.5 percent, of discharges of all patients were urgent or emergent cases. By comparison, the lowest were 65.6 percent at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa and 66 percent at West Florida Regional Medical Center, and the next highest was 94.2 percent at Bayfront Medical Center. Bethesda's expert suggested that the number was too high and could result from miscoding. Approximately 70 to 90 trauma patients are treated each month at Delray and approximately 50 percent of those are admitted to the hospital. One Bethesda witness, a doctor on the staff at both Bethesda and Delray, testified that he was called in once when Delray refused to go on "by-pass status," to send an incoming trauma patient to St. Mary's, knowing the patient was likely to need a CT scan. At the time, Delray's main scanner inside the hospital was inoperable or undergoing repairs. The patient who arrived by helicopter was taken by ambulance to another scanner on the campus, approximately 1000 yards away from the hospital. The same doctor also complained that ER patients who are upgraded to trauma status cannot be downgraded by trauma surgeons. There was no evidence how often the inside CT scan is unavailable and, consequently, no showing that altering this practice would result in an appreciable decline in the demand for trauma services at Delray. Similarly, there was no evidence of any impact on hospital admissions resulting from upgrading emergency patients to trauma patients. Trauma victims seldom require open heart surgery. Therefore, a different category of patients served only in the subdistrict at JFK and Delray is open heart surgery patients. Because of its location in an area with a large population over age 65 and due to the services it provides, one Delray witness described Delay, as a "cardiac" hospital. Delray has no pediatric or obstetric services. The percentage of residents over 65 in Delray's service area is about 35 percent, in contrast to a statewide level approaching 20 percent. Delray began an open heart surgery program in August, 1986. There are now approximately 50 cardiologists on staff, 19 performing cardiac catheterizations ("caths") and angioplasties, and three performing open heart surgeries. In fiscal year 1993, approximately 1900 cardiac caths, and 450 open heart surgeries were performed at Delray. In fiscal year 1994, that increased to approximately 2100 patients cathed and 540 open heart surgeries. Through April 1995, or 11 months into the fiscal year, there were approximately 2300 caths and 526 open heart surgeries. The cath labs are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, within forty-five minutes notice. By comparison, the cath lab at Bethesda operates on weekdays until 3:30 p.m. Ten to twelve physicians use Delray's two cardiac cath labs and a third overflow lab, if needed. The cath labs at Delray and Bethesda are considered "open" because any qualified staff physician is eligible to receive privileges to use the lab. A backlog occurs in the Delray cath lab when critical care beds are not available for patients following caths. Delray has three open heart surgery operating rooms and three open heart surgeons, with the capacity to perform 1000 open heart surgeries a year. Within the subdistrict, approximately 11 miles from Delray, JFK also provides cardiac cath, angioplasty, and open heart surgery services. JFK has 369 beds and is equipped with two cardiac cath labs, each with the capacity to accommodate 2000 procedures a year. In fiscal year 1994, approximately 3200 caths were performed at JFK. The cath lab is "closed," meaning JFK has entered into an exclusive contract for services with one group of invasive cardiologists. JFK's medical staff has relatively little overlap, approximately 10 to 15 percent, with the medical staff at Delray. Across all patients and all diagnoses, there is also relatively little geographic overlap. JFK, by and large, serves the central area and Delray serves the southern area of Palm Beach County. The average census in thirty critical care beds at JFK was 16.5 patients in 1994, and 18.4 in the first six months of 1995. A high range of 70 percent to 80 percent occupancy in JFK's critical care beds is reached during the peak season. Although JFK's thirty critical care beds are not officially divided into different types of intensive care services, a de facto designation has developed. Depending on the patient mix, the same 16 beds are generally used for cardiac critical care. The average daily census for cardiac critical care was 13.4 in March 1994 and 23.4 in February 1995. Overall, there is no excess capacity in the district in critical care beds during the height of the season. The average occupancy of all critical care beds in southern Palm Beach County was 104 percent in February 1992, 98 percent in February 1993, and 93.5 percent in February 1994. Open heart surgery and angioplasty are more frequently than not scheduled up to a week ahead of time. Most cardiac patients can be admitted to any emergency room and stabilized with thrombolytic therapy before transfer to another hospital for an angioplasty or open heart surgery, without compromising their conditions. However, at Delray, cardiac patients are more likely to be emergent or urgent cases, remaining in the hospital for stabilization, scheduled for surgery within 24 hours, and remaining in SICU an average of forty-eight hours following surgery. The older patients are more difficult to transfer because they tend to have more consulting specialists on the staff of the hospital in the service area where they reside. Transferring open heart surgery patients from Delray to JFK is not beneficial as a health planning objective during the season, when JFK operates at reasonable levels of 70 percent to 80 percent occupancy in critical care beds and exceeds the capacity of its de facto cardiac critical care beds. Delray's emergency department can accommodate 23 patients at one time. Over the past three years, ER visits have increased by approximately 1,000 each year. Approximately 20 percent to 25 percent of patients treated in its emergency room, excluding trauma patients, are admitted to Delray. During the winter season, there are also more emergency room patients who do not have local physicians, most complaining of cardiac and respiratory problems. By federal law, certain priority categories of emergency patients must be taken to the nearest hospital. Federal law also prohibits patient transfers to a different hospital unless a patient's medical condition is stable, the patient consents, and the other hospital has an available bed and a staff doctor willing to take the patient. Patient condition and consent are major factors preventing transfers of elderly residents of the Delray service area to other hospitals. Delray also reasonably expects an increase in patients due to an increase in its market share, managed care contracts, and population in its service area. Managed care contracts, usually for 3 year terms, are not alone a reliable basis for making long term community health planning decisions. Combining trends in growth, population aging, declining lengths of stays in hospitals, market share and the greater consumption of inpatient services by people over 65, however, Delray reasonably expects an incremental increase of 1667 discharges by 1999. At 80 percent occupancy, the incremental patients attributable to population growth alone, according to Delray's expert, justifies an additional 34 beds. For a substantial part of 1994, ICU, CCU and medical/surgical beds at Delray exceeded reasonable occupancy standards. In the first four months of 1995, medical/surgical occupancy levels ranged from 96.7 percent to 119.4 percent. Given those levels and the projected growth, transfer of beds from medical/surgical units is not a reasonable option for increasing the supply of critical care beds. Delray is small when compared to all other high volume open heart surgery and level II trauma hospitals in Florida. Another option suggested by Bethesda's expert was the transfer of beds from West Boca to Delray. Because the beds have already been built, a transfer would not reduce capital or fixed costs at West Boca. The only effect that was apparent from the evidence in this case would be a statistical increase in subdistrict utilization. In addition, with 171 beds, West Boca is relatively small and in a growing area of Palm Beach County. Bethesda's contention that Delray could stop using inpatient beds for the four to twenty-three hour outpatients was not supported by the evidence. There was no showing that the physical plant or space exists for the construction of observation beds near an ambulatory surgery center. Given the testimony that all hospitals use inpatient beds for certain outpatients, and that Delray averages five to seven outpatients in inpatient medical/surgical beds at any time, there is no evidence of a practical alternative with any significant impact on the overcrowding at Delray. Bethesda also challenged the need for critical care for fractures, cellulitis, and fever of unknown origin, which were among the diagnoses listed for patients in the ER hold. However, Bethesda's expert also acknowledged that some patients in ER hold at Delray were waiting for medical/surgical beds not only ICU beds. Patients are placed in holding areas whenever assignment to an appropriate bed is not possible within thirty minutes of the issuance of orders to admit the patient. Delray proved that it is unique in the subdistrict in treating trauma patients and cardiac patients in a service area with minimal geographic and medical staff overlap with that of JFK. The transfer of such patients to other hospitals in the subdistrict is often not practical or possible. Delray also demonstrated that other subdistrict hospitals are not available alternative intensive care providers when their ICUs are also full or over optimal levels of occupancy, during the season. In addition, the demographic characteristics of Delay's service area support projected increases in inpatient days due to increased market share, population aging and growth. All of these factors indicate that Delray cannot, as Bethesda suggests, control its own growth, transfer, or redirect patients. Quality of Care and Availability of Critical Case Nurses Delray is JCAHO accredited. There is no evidence that quality of care affects hospital utilization in southern Palm Beach County. Open heart surgery mortality rates from 1990 to 1994 were 1.9 percent at JFK and 3 percent at Delray, but the data is not adjusted to take into consideration "case-mix," meaning the severity of illnesses, and is, therefore, meaningless as a comparison. A 1994 Medicare case mix index report shows Delray treating the sickest patients followed by JFK, then Bethesda. The sicker, older patients, exert more pressure on ICUs. Because ICU nursing ratios are one-nurse-to-one-patient or, more typically, one-to-two and PCU ratios are one-to-four, PCUs provide a step down from ICUs. PCU beds are used for patients who no longer need ICU care, but require more intense monitoring than that provided on the medical/surgical floors with nurse/patient ratios of one-to-twelve or one-to-twenty. In PCU or telemetry beds, radio signals transmit data to heart monitors. However, if PCU beds are not available, patients are left in the ICUs longer than necessary, aggravating the backlog cause by crowded ICUs. Critical care is a resource-intensive service, and Bethesda argues that Delray cannot increase the service because of the shortage of critical care nurses in Palm Beach County. However, the testimony presented by Bethesda is not consistent. Bethesda's expert in critical care nursing and critical care unit management testified that vacancies are difficult to fill, that there is a shortage of critical care nurses, but that Bethesda does not experience a shortage of critical care staff. There is no explanation why Bethesda has no shortage, but Delray would if its CON is approved. Delray's director of neuroscience and critical care testified that she maintains a file of available critical care nurses and can recruit the additional staff needed due to Delray's competitive salaries and benefits. Long Term Financial Feasibility There are no revenues or expenses during construction of the 24 beds, just construction costs. After the beds are in service, Delray projects net income of $1,951,164 in 1997 and $2,003,769 in 1998. In projecting revenues and expenses for the beds, Delray used its historical percentages of patients in each unit receiving a particular type of care and the historical cost of that care, and assumed that the same breakdown in the 24 new beds. Using the historical financial experience, Delray constructed a pro forma for the 24 beds, with an expected average daily census of 21.6 patients. If the 24 new beds are used only for existing holding area patients then, as Bethesda contends, Delray's pro forma should show a shift of revenues and expenses to the new beds, and the same amounts deducted from the remainder of the hospital. Delray already charges holding area patients based on the intensity of nursing care provided, even though the patients are not physically located in an ICU. The ER hold patients accounted for 2,210 patient days in 1994, which are reallocated to ICU beds in the pro forma. However, Delray also projected an incremental increase of 7,865 patient days which, contrary to Bethesda's claim, does not include or double- count the ER hold patient days. Of these, 54 percent of incremental patient days are projected to be in the ICUs or PCU. The additional patients will, therefore, spend 46 percent of total patient days in medical/surgical beds. Routine revenue estimates of $492 a day in year one were criticized as too low for the projected 54 percent ICU/46 percent medical/surgical mix. However, $492 a day is a reasonable estimate of incremental routine revenues for the hospital as a whole. In 1994, patients at Delray spent 44 percent of total days in medical/surgical beds as compared to the projection of 46 percent for new patients. There is no material variation from 44 percent to 46 percent, therefore $492 a day is a reasonable projected incremental routine revenue. Delray has demonstrated, in an incremental analysis, the financial feasibility of adding 24 critical care beds for existing and additional patients. Delray has also considered the financial impact of additional patients in all categories of beds. Although criticized by Bethesda for this approach, Delray explained that a critical care bed generates revenues from a medical/surgical bed when patient's condition is downgraded. The financial analysis is reasonable, particularly since Medicare pays a flat rate by DRG regardless of how a patient's total days are divided between ICUs and medical/surgical beds. Bethesda questioned whether the use of new beds for new patients will eliminate the use of holding areas. The movement of patients in and out of ICUs will be enhanced by having more ICU and PCU beds, even if the additional beds do not eliminate entirely the use of holding areas during the peak season. Projected average occupancies are expected to reach 98 percent in March 1997 and 1998. Delray also demonstrated that the share of its projected increased admissions which would have otherwise gone to Bethesda is approximately 150 patients, representing a net decline in revenue to Bethesda of approximately $257,000, in comparison to Bethesda's net income of $9 million in 1994. Bethesda also will no longer receive a county tax subsidy of $1 million in income and $3.5 million in restricted funds, after 1994.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered issuing Certificate of Need 7872, approving the addition of 24 acute care beds, to NME Hospital, Inc., d/b/a Delray Community Hospital, conditioned on the provision 2.4 percent of total annual patient days to Medicaid and 1 percent of total annual patient days to charity care. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of November, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELEANOR M. HUNTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of November, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 95-0730 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1993), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner, Bethesda Memorial, Proposed Findings of Fact. Accepted in Findings of Fact 14. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 2, 7, and 10. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 23 and 27. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 21 and 23. Accepted in Findings of Fact 22. 21. 43. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 21. Accepted in Findings of Fact 23. 8,9. Accepted in Findings of Fact 19 and 20. 10. Accepted except first sentence in Findings of Fact 15. 11-12. Accepted in Findings of Fact 16. Accepted in Findings of Fact 18. Rejected in Findings of Fact 15-18. 15-17. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 21 and 22. Accepted in Findings of Fact 35. Rejected first sentence in Findings of Fact 30. Accepted in part and rejected in part in Findings of Fact 23-29. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 14. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 14 and accepted in Findings of Fact 23-25. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 4. 26. Rejected in Findings of Fact 27. 27-28. Accepted in Findings of Fact 30. Accepted in Findings of Fact 21. Rejected first sentence in Findings of Fact 38-43. 31-32. Rejected in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 43. 33. Accepted in Findings of Fact 40. 34-35. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 39-41. 36. Accepted in Findings of Fact 37. 37(1). Accepted in Findings of Fact 40 and 41. 37(2). Accepted in Findings of Fact 11. 37(3). Accepted in Findings of Fact 39 and 43. 38-39. Accepted in part and rejected in part in Findings of Fact 40 and 40-48. Rejected in part in Findings of Fact 40 and 41. 49-51. Rejected in Findings of Fact 41. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 41. Rejected in Findings of Fact 38-42. 54(A). Rejected in Findings of Fact 33. 54(B). Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 33. 54(C). Rejected 54(D-E). Subordinate to Findings of Fact 34. 54(F). Accepted in Findings of Fact 19. 54(G). Subordinate to Findings of Fact 38. 54(H). Accepted in Findings of Fact 22. 54(I). Subordinate to Findings of Fact 34. 54(J). Subordinate to Findings of Fact 30. 54(K). Subordinate to Findings of Fact 28. 54(L). Rejected as speculative in Findings of Fact 35. 54(M). Subordinate to Findings of Fact 7 and 34. 54(N). Conclusions rejected. See Findings of Fact 16. 54(O-P). Conclusions rejected. See Findings of Fact 24. 54(Q). Accepted in Findings of Fact 21. 54(R). Conclusions rejected. See Findings of Fact 24. Accepted in Findings of Fact 12. Accepted in Findings of Fact 21 and 23. Accepted in preliminary statement. Accepted in Findings of Fact 12. Accepted in relevant part in Findings of Fact 29. Accepted in Findings of Fact 35. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 26. 62-63. Accepted in part in Findings of Fact 27-29. Accepted in Findings of Fact 23, 27 and 28. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 26. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 30 Subordinate to Findings of Fact 26. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 30. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 26. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 27. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 27. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 26 and 27. Accepted in part in Findings of Fact 28. Accepted in Findings of Fact 23. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 6. Accepted in Findings of Fact 26. Accepted in Findings of Fact 35-37. Accepted in Findings of Fact 27. 79-81. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 27 and 28. 82-85. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 28. Accepted in Findings of Fact 10. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 27. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 28 and rejected in Findings of Fact 35. Rejected in general in Findings of Fact 27 and 28. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 27. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 28. Rejected in Findings of Fact 35. Accepted in Findings of Fact 30. 94-98. Accepted in part or subordinate to Findings of Fact 28 and 29. 99-100. Rejected in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 28 and 29. 101. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 35. 102-104. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 27, 28 and 35. 105. Accepted in Findings of Fact 28. 106-107. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 35. 108-111. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 27. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 26. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 27. Accepted in Findings of Fact 35. Accepted in Findings of Fact 27. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 16. 117-122. Accepted in Findings of Fact 5 and 35. Rejected in Findings of Fact 37. Accepted in part and rejected in part in Findings of Fact 44. Respondent, AHCA, Proposed Findings of Fact. Accepted in or subordinate to preliminary statement. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 1. Accepted in Findings of Fact 4. Accepted in Findings of Fact 13 and 25. 5-6. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 1 and 8-10. Accepted in Findings of Fact 4 and 26. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 24 and 31. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 35. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 22. Accepted in Findings of Fact 21. Accepted in Findings of Fact 22. Accepted in part and rejected in part in Findings of Fact 8, 9 and 34. Respondent, NME, Proposed Findings of Fact. Accepted in Findings of Fact 2. Accepted in Findings of Fact 11. Accepted in Findings of Fact 4 and 6. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 26. Accepted in Findings of Fact 6. 6-10. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 24-26. Accepted in Findings of Fact 35. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 16. 13-14. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 8-13 and 23-34. Accepted in Findings of Fact 9 and 10. Accepted in Findings of Fact 10. Accepted in Findings of Fact 5, 12 and 34. Accepted in Findings of Fact 9 and 10. Accepted in Findings of Fact 30. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 9. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 13, 23 and 35. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 11-12 and 28. Accepted in Findings of Fact 11. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 11. Accepted in Findings of Fact 14 and 34. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 25. Rejected. Accepted in Findings of Fact 35. Accepted in Findings of Fact 13 and 31. Accepted in Findings of Fact 24. Accepted in Findings of Fact 13. Accepted in Findings of Fact 36. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 12 and 13. Accepted in Findings of Fact 23 and 29. Accepted in Findings of Fact 29. 36-43. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 11 and 12. 44-50. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 22 and 23-29. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 6. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 34. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 28. Accepted except last sentence in Findings of Fact 24. 55-56. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 22 and 33. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 27 and 28. Accepted in Findings of Fact 22. Accepted in Findings of Fact 24. Accepted in Findings of Fact 26. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 35. Accepted in Findings of Fact 23. 63-65. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 30. 66-67. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 31. 68-72. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 7 and 30. 73-76. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 8 and 9. Accepted in Findings of Fact 34. Accepted, except last phrase in Findings of Fact 15-20. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 21-22. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 22. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 22-34. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 22. 83-86. Accepted in Findings of Fact 12 and 35-37. 87-89. Accepted in Findings of Fact 35-37. Accepted in Findings of Fact 30. Accepted in Findings of Fact 38 and 39. Accepted in Findings of Fact 38. Accepted in Findings of Fact 41. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 38. 95-99. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 38-42. Accepted, except first sentence, in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 44. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 22. 102-104. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 16 and 19. 105-106. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 7. 107-108. Issue not reached. See Findings of Fact 14. 109-114. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 44. COPIES FURNISHED: John Gilroy, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Kenneth Hoffman, Esquire W. David Watkins, Esquire OERTEL, HOFFMAN, FERNANDEZ & COLE 2700 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Michael J. Glazer, Esquire C. Gary Williams, Esquire MACFARLANE, AUSLEY, FERGUSON & MCMULLEN Post Office Box 391 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Tom Wallace Assistant Director Agency For Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403
The Issue Whether, under Section 381.494-381.499, Florida Statutes, Humana, Inc., d/b/a Kendall Community Hospital, is entitled to a Certificate of Need to construct a 150-bed acute care hospital in the west Kendall area of south Dade County, Florida.
Findings Of Fact HUMANA is an investor-owned, multi-institutional hospital system which owns and operates more than 90 hospitals, most of which are medical/surgical facilities. (DHRS Ex.1, p.10). HUMANA applied for a Certificate of Need from DHRS to construct a 150- bed acute care community hospital in the west Kendall area of south Dade County, Florida. The specific area to be served is bounded on Miller Drive to the north, southwest 177th Avenue to the west, Coral Reef Drive to the south, and Calloway Road to the east. The proposed 150-bed hospital includes 100 medical/surgical beds, 20 pediatric beds, 20 Level II obstetric beds, 10 intensive care/critical beds, and a Level II nursery in conjunction with the obstetric unit. (TR 277). The proposal includes a 24-hour, physician-staffed emergency room and a "dedicated" outpatient surgery department, with separate recovery room. Surgery suites are specifically designed and reserved only for outpatient surgery, thereby facilitating outpatient scheduling and efficient operations. (TR 279). The outpatient surgery unit is intended to reduce the costs of health care by providing a cost-effective alternative modality of health care delivery. (TR 278). Finally, the proposal contemplates a full-body CT Scanner, digital radiography and general state-of-the-art ancillary equipment. (TR 278). If built, it would be the westernmost hospital in south Dade County. It is a "community" hospital, designed to provide hospital care to the rapidly growing population of the west Kendall area, but not serve as a major referral center for patients living elsewhere. (DHRS Ex. 1, pp. 32-34; TR 250, 280). The local health planning agency, then the Health Systems Agency ("HSA") of South Florida, Inc., 1/ reviewed HUMANA's application for a Certificate of Need, along with four other similar applications, and recommended that all five be denied because of asserted inconsistency with the HSA's Health System Plan. ("HSP") 2/ (DHRS Ex. 1, TR 77). The applications were then submitted to DHRS, the single state agency empowered to issue or deny Certificates of Need. 381.493(3)(a) and 381.494(8), Fla.Stat. (Supp. 1982). DHRS reviewed the HSA recommendation, conducted its own evaluation, and then denied all five applications, including HUMANA's. DHRS concluded: None of the five proposed projects are in compliance with the adopted Goals, Criteria, Standards and Policies of the Health Systems Agency of South Florida, as stated in the Health Systems Plan (HSP) and Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). A need to add acute care hospital beds to Dade County does not exist at the present time. The proposed projects would add to excess capacity and underutilization of hospital beds that now exist in Dade County. There are only five hospitals in Dade County that are at the recommended occupancy level of 80 percent based on licensed beds (none of which are located in South Dade), and the number of beds per 1000 population. The primary alternative would be not to construct any of the proposed projects. While all of the proposed projects represent some degree of financial feasibility, none are felt to be cost effective because increased bed capacity would result in costs and revenue higher than those projected for existing "High Cost" hospitals in 1984 as determined by the Hospital Cost Containment Board. (DHRS Ex. 1, p. 404) Thereafter, HUMANA timely instituted Section 120.57(1) proceedings challenging DHRS's denial; HUMANA's standing to do so is uncontested. HUMANA's position, maintained throughout, is that its proposed 150-bed hospital satisfies every legal criterion for the issuance of the applied-for Certificate of Need. Intervenor Baptist Hospital Intervenor BAPTIST HOSPITAL will be substantially affected if HUMANA is granted a Certificate of Need. BAPTIST is a fully licensed and accredited 513- bed, general acute care hospital located within HUMANA's proposed service area, at 8900 North Kendall Drive, Miami, Florida. (STIP-para. 8). If the proposed hospital is built, it would significantly and adversely affect the patient census and revenues of BAPTIST HOSPITAL. (TR 16, VOL 4). In 1982, BAPTIST drew 36.7 percent of its patients from HUMANA's proposed service area. (TR 15, 16, VOL 4). Fifty percent of the residents of the proposed service area (who were admitted to hospitals in Dade County) were admitted to BAPTIST HOSPITAL. (TR-440). It is estimated that BAPTIST would lose 15,047 patient days to the new HUMANA hospital and would experience significant adverse economic impacts. (TR 88-89, VOL 5). The proposed hospital would also adversely impact BAPTIST's ability to hire and retain nursing and technical personnel. BAPTIST has experienced difficulty in hiring and retaining these personnel. (TR 18, 60-73, VOL 4). Historically, the opening of a new hospital has adversely affected the hiring and retention of such personnel in nearby hospitals. (TR 72-73, VOL 4). Here, approximately 84 percent of BAPTIST's nurses live near HUMANA's proposed cite, thus increasing the likelihood that BAPTIST will be adversely affected in this manner. (TR 135, VOL 5). BAPTIST opposes the issuance of a Certificate of Need for HUMANA's proposed hospital, and supports DHRS's initial denial. Intervenor American Hospital Similarly, intervenor AMERICAN HOSPITAL would be significantly affected if the proposed HUMANA hospital is built. AMERICAN is a fully licensed and accredited 513-bed, general acute care hospital located and operated within HUMANA's proposed service area, at 11750 Bird Road, Miami, Florida, (STIP-para 8). AMERICAN currently draws 41 percent of its patients from HUMANA's proposed service area. The proposed hospital will cause AMERICAN to lose an estimated 5,300 patient days. (TR 76, VOL 5). This translates into an approximate loss of $4.1 million in potential revenues, based upon HUMANA's achieving a 75 percent occupancy rate and 41,000 patient days. (TR 75-76, VOL 5). Such a revenue loss may result in higher costs, which in the health care system, are normally translated into higher patient charges. (TR 86, VOL 5) HUMANA's proposed hospital would also aggravate AMERICAN's continuing shortage in nursing personnel. (Currently AMERICAN has approximately 50 full- time registered nurse vacancies.) (TR 134, VOL 5). It is reasonable to expect that HUMANA will hire a significant number of its nurses away from nearby hospitals. Over a six-month period, HUMANA's four existing hospitals in south Florida hired 112 registered nurses, 32.1 percent of whom were hired away from other hospitals in the area. (TR 783). AMERICAN, likewise, opposes the issuance of a Certificate of Need to HUMANA, and supports DHRS's initial denial. II. STATUTORY CRITERIA FOR CERTIFICATES OF NEED Section 381.494(6)(c) and (d), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1982), prescribes standards for evaluating applications for Certificates of Need. Those standards pertinent to HUMANA's application include: The need for the health care facilities and services . . . being proposed in relation to the applicable district plan, annual implementation plan, and state health plan adopted pursuant to Title XV of the Public Health Service Act, except in emergency circumstances which pose a threat to the public health. The availability, quality of care, efficiency, appropriateness, accessibility, extent of utilization, and adequacy of like and existing health care services . . . in the applicant's health service area. 7. The availability of resources, including health manpower, management personnel, and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation; the effects the project will have on clinical needs of health professional training programs in the service area; the extent to which the services will be accessible to schools for health professions in the service area for training purposes if such services are available in a limited number of facilities; the availability of alternative uses of such resources for the provision of other health services; and the extent to which the proposed services will be accessible to all residents of the service area. 11. The probable impact of the proposed project on the costs of providing health services proposed by the applicant, upon consideration of factors including, but not limited to, the effects of competition on the supply of health services being proposed and the improvements or innovations in the financing and delivery of health services which foster competition and service to promote quality assurance and cost-effectiveness. In considering HUMANA's application, specific consideration must also be given to whether: . . .less costly, more efficient, or more appropriate alternatives to such inpatient services are . . . available and the development of such alternatives has been studied and found not practicable. . . . existing inpatient facilities providing inpatient services similar to those proposed are being used in an appropriate and efficient manner. . . . alternatives to new construction, for example, modernization or sharing arrangements, have been considered and have been implemented to the maximum extent practicable. . . . patients will experience serious problems in obtaining inpatient care of the type proposed, in the absence of the proposed new service. 381.494(6)(d) Fla.Stat. (Supp. 1982). The controversy here is whether in 1988 (using a five-year planning horizon) there will be a need for HUMANA's proposed 150-bed hospital in the west Kendall area of south Dade County. DHRS, BAPTIST, and AMERICAN say that there will be no need: that existing hospitals serving the area have excess capacity and are underutilized--and that this condition will persist through 1988. HUMANA contends otherwise. As the applicant for a license, the burden of proving entitlement rests squarely upon HUMANA. 3/ The most accurate and reliable method for determining bed-need in this case, the historical demand-based method, requires the following: (1) identify planning area boundaries; (2) from historical population data, project population for the planning area using the five-year horizon for hospital services; (3) calculate a hospital use rate or the rate at which patients in the service area have used hospitals in terms of patient days per thousand; (4) project patient days by multiplying the use rate times the area population, and divide by 365 to yield a projected bed need; (5) compare projected bed-need with the licensed bed capacity of area hospitals and, using an appropriate occupancy standard, determine whether there will be an excess or shortage of hospital beds in the proposed planning area. (TR 55, VOL 5). Selecting a Health Planning Area The first step in determining whether a new hospital will be needed is selection of the appropriate health planning area. In 1982, the now-defunct HSA of South Florida adopted a Regionalization Plan for south Florida dividing HSA IX, a region, into five districts. (AM Ex. 4). Although not specifically mentioning hospitals, this plan implies that hospital bed-need determinations should be made on a district basis. The Kendall area, extending east and west, generally is denominated as "District D," and is, in turn, subdivided into three subdistricts. "D-1" encompasses Coral Gables and South Miami; "D-2" and "D-3" include Weschester, Kendall, Killian, and the west central Dade areas, the boundaries of which are U.S. 1 and the Palmetto Expressway on the east, Coral Reef Drive and Eureka Drive on the south, conservation area on the west, and the East-West Expressway, and Tamiami Trail on the north. (HU Ex. 4). HUMANA chose "D-2" and "D-3" as the appropriate health care planning area for determining need for its proposed hospital. District "D," however, is a more appropriate and reasonable area to use in determining need for the proposed HUMANA hospital. (TR 203, 258; 145-146, VOL 4; 56-57, VOL 5). The entire area of District "D" may be traversed, by car, in approximately 30 minutes, the roads are adequate, and there are numerous hospitals in the district which are easily accessible to its residents. (TR 57-58, 66, 77-78, VOL 5). Hospitals located in one part of District "D" are readily accessible to patients who reside in other areas of the District. HUMANA's bed-need analysis fails to adequately take into account hospitals within "D-1" or which are outside the District but are readily accessible (within 30-minutes driving time) to the majority of residents in "D- 2" and "D-3." (TR 145-146, VOL 4). Existing hospitals which are readily accessible to residents of a proposed service area cannot be reasonably excluded merely because they are located outside a theoretical boundary line. (TR 145- 146, VOL 4). A health planning area should be the area where most of the residents seek health care. (TR 615; 78-79, VOL. 5). Hence, a proposed health planning area should be tested against the actual hospital use of its residents and the accessibility of existing hospitals to those residents. The residents of District "D" travel freely within District "D" in seeking hospital care. South Florida Hospital Association Utilization and Patient Origin Program ("HUPOP") data show that approximately 60 percent of the patients residing in subdistricts "D-2" and "D-3" seek inpatient hospital care elsewhere. (TR 72, VOL 5; 616; AM Ex. 7 p. 19). 4/ There is a corresponding inflow of residents from outside "D- 2" and "D-3" who seek hospital care within "D-2" and "D-3". (TR 72, VOL 5). In comparison, approximately 70 percent of the residents of District "D" seek hospital care within the boundaries of the District and--of all the districts within the region-- District "D" has the highest percentage of residents who seek in-district hospital care. (TR 72-73, 79, VOL 5; AM Ex. 7, p. 19). In actual practice, then, the residents of District "D" heed the District boundaries but largely disregard subdistrict "D-2" and "D-3" boundaries. The residents of "D-2" and "D-3" have ready access to numerous hospitals providing a broad range of medical services. (TR 78, VOL 5). BAPTIST is a large general hospital with tertiary, secondary, and primary care services. With the exceptions of a burn center and a Level III neotology unit, virtually all health care services are provided. BAPTIST, AMERICAN, Coral Reef, South Miami, and Larkin hospitals provide health care services to residents of "D-2" and "D-3," within a 20-minute travel time. (BH Ex. 10, p. 1-13-19; BH Ex. 5 and 7). The few specialized services not available at these hospitals are provided at Jackson Memorial Hospital, within a 30-minute travel time. (BH Ex. 10, p. 1- 13). Accessibility of Existing Acute Care Hospitals Section 381.494(6)(c)(2), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1982), requires examination of the accessibility of existing health care facilities providing similar services to the same health service. The generally accepted standard for determining accessibility, found appropriate here, is whether general hospital beds are available to the service area's population within 30-minutes travel time by automobile, under average traffic conditions and for non- emergency purposes. This standard is used by HSAs and DHRS is used by federal health care planners, and is widely used by professional health care planners. (DHRS Ex. 1; BH Ex. 10, p. 1-10-13; TR 90, 123, 144, 166, 193; 85, 133-134, VOL 4; 58, 77, VOL 5). Applying this standard, seven hospitals are reasonably accessible to residents of HUMANA's proposed service area: AMERICAN, BAPTIST, Coral Reef Hospital, South Miami Hospital, Larkin Hospital, Doctors' Hospital, and Jackson Memorial Hospital. District "D" contains eleven hospitals, with a total of 2,882 licensed beds. (AM 3, p. 41; 4, p. D-3). Moreover, five of these, AMERICAN, BAPTIST, Coral Reef, Larkin, and South Miami, are even closer, within 20-minutes average travel time. (BH 5, p. 11). There is no evidence that the residents of "D-2/D-3", or District "D," as a whole, have any difficulty using or gaining access to these hospitals. Beds are available. The five hospitals closest to HUMANA's proposed service area, AMERICAN, BAPTIST, Coral Reef, South Miami, and Larkin, have a total of 1,825 licensed beds, 326 of which are not in service; of the 1,499 beds in service, 109 are not used. So there are 435 licensed beds, within 20-minutes of "D-2/D-3," not in service or not in use due to lack of demand. (BH Ex.10, p. I- 26, 5, 7, 10, p. I-26-28). Occupancy Standard for Determining Need The generally accepted occupancy standard for hospitals, used in deciding if additional beds are needed, is the 80 percent average annual occupancy rate. This standard is included in the 1981 Florida State Health Plan, is used by DHRS and HSAs, and is widely used by professional health care planners. Its use is appropriate here. (AM 135, VOL 2; TR 90-91; 95-97, 118, 132, 140, 165, 172, 313, 469; 141, VOL 4). In application, it means that additional hospitals should not be built until existing hospitals providing acceptable care to the proposed service area are operating at or above an 80 percent occupancy rate--the level at which hospitals, generally, operate most efficiently. In 1982, none of the eleven hospitals in District "D" met the 80 percent occupancy standard. (DHRS Ex. 1, AM Ex. 3, p. 7). In 1981, the five hospitals closest to HUMANA's proposed site had an average annual occupancy rate of 60.9 percent. (BH Ex. 10, p. I-24). Moreover, this excess is sufficient to meet the future health care needs of residents of "D-2/D-3" and District "D," as a whole. BAPTIST and AMERICAN will not achieve 80 percent occupancy until after 1988; AMERICAN is projected to have an occupancy of only 63.61 percent in 1990. (AM Ex. 3, p. 8; BH Ex. 10, p. 10, I-24). Availability of Resources to Build and Support Proposed Hospital Section 381.494(6)(c)(7) also requires consideration of whether there will be available adequate resources to support a new hospital, including manpower and financial resources. The evidence establishes, without contradiction, that HUMANA has sufficient funds to construct and operate its proposed hospital. The projected cost of the hospital, including equipment, is $29,175,500--70 percent to be funded by debt, the remainder by equity funds. HUMANA has, on hand, approximately $225 million in cash and cash equivalents. (TR 709, HU Ex. 2). The design of the proposed hospital will be based on HUMANA's "prototype" 150-bed facility, developed from years of experience in hospital design construction, and operation. The design is efficient and economical, and will permit a 50-bed expansion without further construction. (TR 714-716, 720, 719, HU Ex. 9). The parties agree that HUMANA has the ability to enlist or employ sufficient physicians and management personnel to staff the proposed hospital. (STIP, para. 3). HUMANA also has the ability to hire and retain an adequate nursing and technical staff. It recruits such personnel, routinely, on a national basis and transfers employees within its hospital system. Moreover, it has a mobile nurse corps, a group of nurses which are available on an as-needed basis, to help staff its south Florida hospitals during peak winter months. Historically, HUMANA has successfully recruited and retained nurses in its south Florida hospitals. (TR 772, 776-777, 781-782, 801-802, VOL 4). Projected Population of Service Area As already mentioned, under the preferred demand-based bed-need methodology, population is projected over a five-year planning horizon, for hospital facilities. This is because an increase in a service area's population will generate a need for more beds. The population of the Kendall area of south Dade County has been growing rapidly, and is expected to continue to do so through 1990. This population is younger than the population of Dade County or HSA IX, as a whole. The population projections for District "D" (the appropriate health planning area for the proposed hospital) by age groups are: District D 1987 1990 Under 15 92,301 96,506 15 to 64 357,567 327,652 65 and over 52,188 55,822 TOTAL (AM 3; TR 59-61, VOL 5; 488 VOL 3) 502,056 529,980 I. Hospital Use Rate Under the demand-based methodology, found acceptable here, once the planning area is designated and the population projected over a five-year planning horizon, a hospital "use rate" is calculated. The "use rate" is the rate at which people use hospitals, expressed in terms of the number of patient days per thousand residents residing in the health service area. This rate can be derived using various factors. Those factors most appropriate for use in this case are "age" and "service-specific" uses. (TR 66 VOL 5; 497-498 VOL 3). "Age-specific" use rates, reflecting historic hospital use rates by age group, are applied to the projected population to determine total patient days. This factor takes into account the fact that people 65 or older utilize hospitals at a rate three to four times that of people under 65. This is particularly significant here since the Kendall area population is younger than the population of Dade County, HSA IX, or the state, as a whole. (TR 58-59, VOL 5; AM 3, p. 12). In 1981, the age-specific use rate for HSA IX reflects a use rate of 1,524.6 patient days per thousand population. (AM 3, p. 63). "Service-specific" use rates are derived from historical use of particular hospital services, such as psychiatry, obstetrics, pediatrics, and medical-surgical. (AM 3, pp. 14-15, 70-72). The 1981 service-specific use rate, covering all services, for HSA IX was 1,524.6 patient days per thousand--a figure equal to the age-specific use rate. (AM 3, p. 14-15, 71). J. Calculation of Future Bed Need for District "D" In 1982, there were 2,882 licensed non-federal beds in District "D." Taking into account an 80 percent occupancy rate, and applying the HSA age- specific use rate to the projected population of District "D" yields a need for only 2,282 beds per day in 1987, and 2,419 beds per day in 1990. Hence, there will be an excess of 600 beds in District "D" in 1987; 554 in 1988; and 463 in 1990. (AM 3, p. 41, 69; TR 63, VOL 5). Similarly, applying the HSA IX service- specific use rate to the projected District "D" population results in a bed excess of 232 beds in 1987 and 87 in 1990. (AM 3, p. 74). Significantly, these projected bed excesses are, if anything, understated. This is because the HSA IX hospital use rate was utilized. Hospital use is greater in HSA IX, with its older population, than in District "D," where the population is younger and less likely to be hospitalized. (TR 61-62, VOL 5). HUMANA, in its analysis, applied age and service-specific use rates to the projected population of "D-2/D-3," concluding that there would be a need for 238 additional beds in 1988. This conclusion, however, is unconvincing since "D-2/D-3" is unduly restrictive and the 235 unused beds of South Miami and Larkin Hospitals, both located in "D-1," are not fully considered. (DHRS 1, p. 370; AM 3, p. 18). (Both hospitals are within a 20-minute average travel time from selected points in "D-2/D-3.") (TR 544, VOL 3; 612, VOL 4). By failing to properly account for empty beds at nearby hospitals, and by unreasonably limiting its planning area, HUMANA overstates the need for additional hospital beds in District "D." Moreover, even assuming the propriety of "D-2/ D-3," HUMANA failed to properly take into account the 260 beds of Coral Reef Hospital, a "D-2" hospital. If Coral Reef Hospital beds are correctly included within "D-2/D-3," HUMANA's projected bed-need decreases from 238 to 129 beds in 1988. (TR 80, VOL 5). Finally, Thomas W. Schultz, HUMANA's health care planning expert, admitted that a figure of 1,038 patient days per thousand patients would be "useful" in establishing bed-need for "D-2/D-3." (TR 501, VOL 3). Applying that use rate, and correctly including Coral Reef Hospital, results in a projected "D-2/D-3" need of 36 additional beds in 1988. (TR 83-84, VOL 5). HUMANA does not propose to construct a 36-bed hospital and such a hospital has not been shown to be feasible.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That HUMANA's application for a Certificate of Need to construct a hospital in the west Kendall area of Dade County, Florida, be denied. DONE and ENTERED this 25th day of May, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of May 1983.
The Issue The issue for resolution is which of two competing certificate of need applications should be approved for nursing home beds in District 6, Subdistrict 2, Manatee County, Florida. Other ancillary issues are whether Mediplex timely filed a letter of intent to apply for a certificate of need, whether Mediplex impermissibly amended its application at hearing and whether Beverly impermissibly is proposing two projects (delicensure and creation of beds in addition to those in the fixed need pool).
Findings Of Fact The Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) is responsible for the administration of the certificate of need (CON) program pursuant to section 408.034, Florida Statutes. Vantage Healthcare Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Beverly Health and Rehabilitation Services, Inc., which is itself a wholly-owned subsidiary of Beverly Enterprises, Inc. Beverly Enterprises, Inc. is the largest provider of nursing home services in the nation. Vantage operates four nursing homes in the State of Florida, and has no facilities outside of Florida. The Beverly family of nursing homes comprises 67 nursing homes in Florida, with just under 8,000 nursing home beds. Mediplex is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mediplex Group which, in turn, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sun Healthcare Group. The Sun Healthcare Group operates primarily in the northeast U.S. (Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island) and the west (Denver and Seattle). Mediplex operates two facilities in Florida, one in Bradenton and another in West Palm Beach. Mediplex's Bradenton facility, the applicant in this proceeding, is an existing 120-bed nursing home located at 5627 Ninth Street East, Bradenton, Florida. Stipulations of the Parties Through their joint prehearing stipulation the parties stipulated to the following matters: Applications and Omission Responses may be placed into evidence without first having been proven, but the contents of those documents shall be hearsay, except as otherwise provided herein, until properly corroborated. Audited financial statements contained in the Application and/or Omissions Responses shall be admissible into evidence without a foundation witness and the information contained therein shall not be considered hearsay. Each of the applicants has access to sufficient financial resources to be able to construct and implement its proposed project; i.e. the proposals are financially feasible in the short term. Each of the applicants' dietary plans is adequate, meets regulatory requirements and does not afford the basis for comparative review between the parties. Each applicants' Letter of Intent, Corporate Resolution, newspaper publication and Schedule 2 are adequate and correct in form and content and comply with applicable statutes and rules except to the extent disputed by Mediplex in its Motion for Summary Recommended Order Against Vantage Healthcare Corporation. Newspaper publications were timely made by all applicants. Applications and Omissions Responses of all parties were timely filed. It remains at issue whether all Letters of Intent were timely filed. The fixed bed need pool available to applicants in this application cycle was 63 beds. Like and existing health care facilities in District 6 generally provide quality care, are efficient, and are adequate. However, up to 63 additional nursing home beds are required because the high utilization of the like and existing services renders them, or will render them, unavailable and inaccessible. By entering into this stipulation, the parties are not stating that the particular facilities owned or operated by Beverly Enterprises, Inc., or any of its subsidiaries, or Mediplex, necessarily provide quality care, are efficient or are adequate and reserve the right to present evidence on these issues related to these facilities. There are no appropriate alternatives to nursing care for those persons who, because of physical and/or social conditions require nursing care. No applicant is proposing joint, shared or cooperative health care resources. Section 408.035(1)(e), Florida Statutes, is not applicable to this proceeding. No applicant is proposing special equipment or services not accessible in adjoining areas. Mediplex, however, currently provides special equipment and/or services which may not be available in adjoining service areas. Section 408.035(1)(f) is not applicable to this proceeding. No applicant is proposing to provide a substantial portion of their proposed services to persons who do not reside in the service area. Mediplex, however, currently serves a number of patients from outside the service area in its existing facility. Section 408.035(1)(k) is not applicable to this proceeding. Existing inpatient facilities generally are being used in an appropriate and efficient manner. By so stipulating, the parties are not stating that existing facilities, particularly those operated by Beverly Enterprises, Inc., or its subsidiaries, and the Mediplex cannot be used in a more appropriate or efficient manner or are currently being used appropriately or efficiently. Patients in Manatee County will experience serious problems in accessing nursing care without the addition of additional nursing care beds. Each of the parties can hire the staff listed on Schedule 6 of their applications at the salary listed therein. The parties are not stipulating that the levels of staffing proposed on Schedule 6 are adequate. Additionally, at hearing, the parties stipulated to the following matters: Neither party has ever turned in a certificate of need for failure to complete a project. Neither Mediplex nor any Beverly entity has ever failed to obtain financing for an approved project. The proposed projects are consistent with the strategic development plans of the respective applications. Both applicants have true and accurate certification pages and corporate resolutions in their applications. Both applicants will go forth with the conditions which are stated in their applications. The applicants' cover pages are true and accurate. Each applicant paid an appropriate application fee to AHCA. Each applicant has operated in Florida for the years reflected in its application. Each applicant's project development and financing costs as reflected in its application is reasonable and accurate. Each applicant's proposed project completion forecast is reasonable. Beverly's Proposal Beverly is proposing to construct a 105-bed freestanding nursing home in Manatee County to be comprised of 63 beds from the fixed need pool and 42 beds to be delicensed from a related facility, the Manatee Health Care and Rehabilitation Center. The proposed facility will consist of 53,310 gross square feet and have a total project cost of $7,363,760. Beverly's facility will be conditioned upon providing 50.2 percent of its patient days to Medicaid patients, having a 20-bed Medicare-certified skilled nursing and subacute care unit with the capacity to treat ventilator patients, having an adult day care program, providing respite care, and treating persons with associated mental health disorders, Alzheimer's disease, and persons who are HIV positive. Beverly will also contribute $10,000 to a gerontological research fund at Florida A & M University upon approval of this project. Manatee Health Care and Rehabilitation Center is a three-story, 147-bed nursing home in Bradenton, Florida. It was constructed approximately thirty years ago and contains 3-bed wards on the second and third floors. Because of its age, the Manatee Health Care and Rehabilitation Center has very limited space for the provision of therapy. Three-bed wards are not considered state of the art and are difficult to manage. Residents prefer private and semiprivate rooms to three-bed wards. Gender separation and smoking preferences are much harder to accommodate with larger wards. Infection control problems are increased with larger residential units. In spite of these drawbacks, the facility has a superior license and enjoys continuous occupancy of over 90 percent. Beverly has filed a certificate of need application to delicense 42 beds at Manatee Health Care and Rehabilitation Center. Those 42 beds would be used in conjunction with 63 beds from the available fixed need pool to allow for the construction of a new Beverly facility at an undetermined site in Manatee County. If both applications are approved (the one at issue and the delicensure application), Beverly will remove all patient rooms from the first floor of Manatee Health Care and convert that space to therapy treatment rooms and office space. The additional therapy space will allow Beverly to purchase and install additional therapy equipment. All of the three-bed wards on the second floor of Manatee Health Care will be converted to semiprivate rooms. Beverly's proposal is intended to benefit residents at the proposed facility and the residents at the existing Manatee Health Care and Rehabilitation Center. Beverly's proposed new facility is designed in a "reverse T" configuration to minimize the distance from the resident rooms to the nursing stations, with each nursing station having direct visual control over all patient rooms on that station. It will have 36 semiprivate rooms and 33 private rooms. Designed to minimize an institutional effect and provide for a home-like setting, the proposal includes two large day rooms, four activity rooms, and five enclosed courtyards. The central courtyard has a solarium/greenhouse and a screened gazebo. Separate areas are designated for the adult day care program and the Alzheimer's treatment unit. There are a large occupational and physical therapy gym and dedicated treatment areas for speech therapy and activities of daily living therapy. There is also a central ambulation court for use in physical rehabilitation. In a prehearing motion for summary recommended order and throughout the proceeding, Mediplex has contended that Beverly's application for delicensure and approval of new beds is technically defective as the proposal described in its letter of intent is really two projects, rather than the required single project. The letter of intent describes the new facility to be comprised of 63 beds from the fixed need pool and 42 beds to be delicensed from the existing facility. The new facility is the subject of CON application number 7938, at issue in this proceeding. On January 20, 1995, subsequent to the application omissions filing deadline for CON number 7938, Beverly filed its application for CON number 7998 for delicensure of 42 beds at the existing facility. This latter application was denied and the proceeding to challenge that proposed agency action is in abeyance pending the outcome here. (Vantage Healthcare Corporation v. Agency for Health Care Administration; DOAH case number 95-3891) Beverly will not delicense its beds at the existing facility unless its application for CON for the new facility is approved. The two applications are essential elements in a single expansion scheme. Beverly made full disclosure of its intent to AHCA and confirmed with AHCA the process it should follow to present its proposal within the formal regulatory framework. The process of creating a new facility with beds from the fixed need pool combined with delicensed beds from a separate facility has been approved by AHCA in the recent past in Clearwater Land Company v. Agency for Health Care Administration, 17 FALR 3817 (AHCA 1995, DOAH Case No. 94-2404/94-2972). In the Clearwater case, however, the project involved delicensure of the entire old facility, a distinction that is significant with regard to financial projections as discussed below, but a distinction that is not fatal to the single project issue. Mediplex's Proposal Mediplex proposes a 60-bed addition to its existing 120-bed facility, for an additional 14,984 gross square feet at the cost of $2,019,972. Mediplex's Manatee Springs Nursing Center is located in the southeastern corner of Manatee County, in close proximity to hospitals in Manatee County and Sarasota. Eighty beds are active rehabilitation, sometimes called "subacute" beds, which are Medicare certified. Forty beds are long term, less intensive care beds. Mediplex has a superior license and is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Facilities (JCAHO). These accreditations are evidence of extraordinary commitment to quality of care. The 60 beds sought by Mediplex are intended to be long term care beds, as the census in the facility's existing long term beds remains stable, with a 98 to 100 percent occupancy on a day to day basis. Occupancy of the subacute care beds fluctuates, but generally more of these beds are empty. Mediplex provides amenities that contribute to a home-like non- institutional environment, with design features to promote the privacy, individual choice and comfort of its residents. Design and location of the proposed addition will facilitate access to all services and amenities offered at the existing facility. Mediplex residents, existing and future, will benefit from staffing levels and ancillary services that are unique in a nursing home setting. The facility has three full-time physicians, including the medical director, a full- time psychologist, case managers and numerous contract therapists. Mediplex's Letter of Intent On October 31, 1994, Beverly filed its letter of intent for its proposed 105-bed facility. Consequently, pursuant to Rule 59C-1.008, Florida Administrative Code, a grace period was triggered for the filing of additional letters of intent. The deadline for the filing of grace period letters of intent was November 16, 1994. On November 15, 1994, Mediplex delivered its letter of intent to an overnight carrier, Airborne Express, for guaranteed delivery the following day to AHCA in Tallahassee and to the Local Health Council, the Health Council of West Florida, Inc. On November 17, 1994, AHCA advised Mediplex that AHCA and the local health council did not receive Mediplex's letter of intent until that same day. AHCA also advised that it would accept the letter of intent if Mediplex could obtain correspondence from the overnight carrier explaining that the late delivery was the fault of the overnight carrier and not the fault of Mediplex. Despite the fact that Mediplex's letter of intent was delivered to AHCA and the local health council one day following the grace period letter of intent deadline, AHCA determined that the letter of intent should be accepted because the late delivery was the fault of the overnight carrier and Mediplex had delivered the letter of intent in a timely manner to the overnight carrier. AHCA has previously accepted items from certificate of need applicants which were delivered one day late when late delivery was the result of an overnight carrier failing to follow through on its guarantee. This policy has developed in the eleven years that Liz Dudek, Bureau Chief for Certificate of Need and Budget Review, has been involved in the program. It is common and reasonable for applicants to rely on next-day delivery services and it is reasonable for AHCA to accept filings in the unusual event that the carrier fails to timely deliver through no fault of the applicant. Relevant Preferences in the Local Health Plan The August 1994 CON Allocation Factors Report for District VI identifies three allocation factors that are relevant to these nursing home applicants. Both Beverly's and Mediplex's proposals include agreed conditions for Medicaid utilization that meet or exceed the percentage of persons below 125 percent of the federal poverty level (15 percent in Manatee County) and the average number of Medicaid residents in existing nursing homes in the county (50.09 percent). Beverly commits to 50.2 percent for its new facility and is already achieving 72.4 percent at the facility from whence 42 beds will be derived. Although its commitment meets the criteria, it arguably represents a decline from Beverly's current outstanding Medicaid service. Uncertainty regarding the siting of the new facility affects Beverly's assurance that 50.2 percent is merely a minimum and that it expects to achieve a higher percentage. Depending upon the geographical location of the new facility in Manatee County, it may or may not attract the same level of Medicaid residents as now benefit from the existing facility. Mediplex commits to serve 51 percent Medicaid residents in 100 long- term beds. The second allocation factor in the District VI Plan relates to proposals of specialized services (for example, adult day care) to meet identified unmet needs. Both applicants propose an array of services. Beverly's application includes specific plans for adult day care; Mediplex's application does not. Both applicants are entitled to the preference in the third allocation factor, regarding demonstrated intent to serve HIV infected persons. Beverly has identified 3,400 patient days of nursing home care to patients with HIV/AIDS in all of its Florida facilities in 1994 and projected a substantial increase in 1995. Mediplex has served, and will continue to serve these patients, but does not maintain statistics on patient days. Mediplex's unique staffing, specifically including its full-time physicians, makes it ideally prepared to care for terminally ill patients. The State Health Plan The first allocation factor under the State Health Plan provides a preference to applicants proposing to locate nursing homes in subdistricts with occupancy rates exceeding 90 percent. The occupancy rate in Manatee County for the applicable planning horizon is 94.63 percent, and both Beverly and Mediplex qualify for this preference. The second State Health Plan factor, regarding service to Medicaid residents, is the same as the local health plan factor discussed in paragraphs 23 - 25, above, and both applicants qualify. Preference under the third factor is given to applicants proposing to provide specialized services to special needs residents, including AIDS and Alzheimer's residents and the mentally ill. Beverly has agreed to condition approval of its application on services to these special needs persons. Mediplex does not include such agreement in its application, but provides the services and plainly has the will and the means to continue to do so. State Health Plan allocation factor four is similar to the local plan allocation factor discussed in paragraph 26, above. Beverly describes and intends to implement a specific program for adult day care and includes a dedicated unit in its architectural plans; it also conditions award of its CON on the provision of respite care. Mediplex's application does not address day care, but states that the addition of 60 long term care beds will make it possible to implement a respite care program. Its existing 40 long term beds have been fully utilized, with no space to accommodate respite care which by its nature is short term. Allocation factor five gives preference to applicants proposing to construct facilities which provide maximum resident comfort and quality of care. Both applicants are entitled to this preference with outstanding designs and programs. Beverly's new facility will provide more space per patient overall than Mediplex's addition, but the room sizes are approximately equal. During the hearing, issues were raised with regard to whether portions of both Mediplex's and Beverly's designs met the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Credible conclusions by experts for both parties established that the apparent deficiencies were in the rough designs and that ADA requirements could be met by both facilities within their proposed spaces and costs. Allocation factor six provides a preference for proposals of innovative therapeutic programs which have been proven to be effective in enhancing residents' physical and mental functioning level. Beverly proposes, and Mediplex already provides, a full range of high quality therapy services. While these services may be more extensive or intensive than those offered in other older nursing homes, the services are not novel or "innovative." Further, Mediplex's application for 60 new long term care beds does not contemplate intensive therapeutic services to the residents of those new beds, which services are already being provided in its existing program. Beverly's proposal more effectively advances the goal reflected in this factor since its new facility would substantially improve the rehabilitation services it now offers. Preference in allocation factor seven is given to applicants proposing charges which do not exceed the highest Medicaid per diem rate in the subdistrict. Exceptions are considered for facilities proposing to serve upper income residents. Mediplex has now, and will have in the projected future, the highest Medicaid per diem rate in the subdistrict. It failed to prove at hearing its statement in its CON application that approval of the 60-bed addition would result in a lower Medicaid per diem rate for the facility. Beverly's current and projected rates are substantially lower than Mediplex's. Beverly argues that Mediplex impermissibly amended its application at hearing when its expert testified that the projected Medicaid rate is $126 per day. While the financial data, as well as other parts of the application, included careless errors, the testimony explained the data provided and did not change the revenue and expense projections on Mediplex's Schedule Eleven. Allocation factor eight provides a preference to applicants with a history of superior resident care in existing facilities, considering, among other circumstances, the current licensure ratings of facilities located in Florida. Both applicants have a history of providing superior resident care. Approximately 75 percent of Beverly's many facilities in Florida enjoy a superior license rating. Of the four facilities owned by wholly-owned subsidiary, Vantage, two are superior, including the facility from which beds will be delicensed. Deficiencies have been quickly corrected when identified. Mediplex has consistently maintained a superior rating at the facility it seeks to expand. Its ability to withstand rigorous accreditation scrutiny by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations and by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, and its designation as a Head Injury Rehabilitation Care Center by the Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation further attest to its unique quality. State Health Plan allocation factor nine gives preference to applicants proposing staffing levels which exceed the minimum staffing standards contained in licensure administrative rules. Preference is also given in allocation factor ten to applicants who will use professionals from a variety of disciplines to meet residents' needs including social services, recreation, nutrition, physical and specialized therapy, mental health and spiritual guidance. Beverly and Mediplex both clearly are entitled to these preferences as they both propose staffing levels which exceed the minimum standards of the agency's administrative rules. Both describe a multidisciplinary approach in serving residents; both employ or will contract with a full array of health care and geriatric care professionals. Entitlement by both applicants to the preference in allocation factor eleven is similarly uncontested. This preference relates to a respect for residents' rights and privacy and well-designed quality assurance and discharge plans. State Health Plan allocation factor twelve gives preference to applicants proposing lower administrative costs and higher resident care costs than the average costs in nursing homes in the district. Only Beverly achieves this. The average administrative cost per patient day in District VI in 1993 was $24.74, and the average patient care cost per day was $47.48. To arrive at a reasonable comparison, the agency applies a five percent per year inflation factor through the applicants' second year of operation (here, 1998). This results in mid-year 1998 average patient care costs of $60.60 per day and administrative costs of $31.56 per day. For the target year Beverly proposes $22.27 administrative costs and $67.72 patient care costs. Mediplex's projected resident care cost of $118.43 and administrative cost of $59.73, per day, are both almost twice the district averages. As described by Mediplex's consultant, these costs are reflective of the high level of patient care provided in its facility. Approval of the additional 60 long term care beds, which beds will ordinarily generate less costs, will spread the subacute beds' costs over a wider base, thereby benefiting those patients. The high level of care will also be available to the long term care patients. Balancing Criteria: Need and Financial Feasibility As reflected above, there is little to recommend one application over the other when the criteria in the local and state health plans are considered. Beverly's new physical plant is preferable and its projected Medicaid rate and administrative costs (but patient costs, as well) are lower. Mediplex, however, enjoys an impeccable reputation for quality of care and provides the unique staffing to insure that its high level and quality of care are maintained. Both applicants reasonably propose to meet the identified for additional community nursing home beds in Manatee County, Florida. There is a difference in how each proposes to meet that need. Beverly suggests there is a need for subacute care beds and proposes to provide twenty such beds in its new facility. It is undisputed that patients are being discharged from acute care hospitals "quicker and sicker" and they sometimes require "step-down" or subacute level of care before returning to their homes or long term living arrangements. There is a trend in nursing homes to staff and equip facilities to meet this need. Beverly projected the need for additional subacute beds in Manatee County based on a flawed analysis of existing inventory. It considered only fifteen of Mediplex's eighty subacute beds and failed to include subacute beds recently approved in two hospitals in Manatee County, Blake and Manatee Memorial. These hospitals, without their own subacute beds, would be actively referring patients to community nursing homes with subacute care capability. There is no established definition of "subacute" and consequently no clear basis to establish an inventory of those beds in existing facilities. The facilities themselves define and identify them based on the acuity of services provided. A basic precursory step to establishing a subacute care bed is obtaining Medicare certification for that bed. There are approximately 400 Medicare-certified beds in Manatee County. Although subacute care services may not be currently provided in each of those 400 beds, their Medicare certification provides the potential for such services. There is an intuitive presumption of need for adult day care services, respite care services, services to Alzheimer's and HIV/AIDS patients, all services firmly committed to by Beverly. The state and local health plans address that need generally with the preferences described above. In this proceeding, however, no empirical data was presented to justify this basis for favoring Beverly's application over Mediplex's. It is not known, for example, whether the services are already being provided in other facilities or through alternative programs less costly than nursing homes. Mediplex established that its proposal for long term care beds more effectively meets existing need in Manatee County. Mediplex's proposal is also substantially less costly: approximately $2 million versus Beverly's $7 million, for the net addition of approximately the same number of beds. It is reasonable to expect that the $5 million difference will impact the system at some point in time when the investment is recouped either from government reimbursement systems or from the total charge structure. In reality, Beverly's project is more than $7 million when $442,000 is added for the delicensure application. And that delicensure process appears to cast a cloud on the validity of Beverly's financial feasibility projections. The projections contemplate a net loss ($42,184) for the first year's operation of the new 105-bed facility, and net income of $211,779 for the second year of operations. Standing alone, these are reasonable and suggest the long term financial feasibility of the new facility. The projections do not reflect the effect of delicensure of the beds in the existing facility, however. The projections related to the existing facility are found in the delicensure application, reviewed and analyzed in CON application number 7998. After delicensure, the existing facility will still generate a smaller, but positive net income. Both facilities will make money, but not as much as the existing facility without delicensure. This underscores the concern that somewhere in the system the $7.5 million investment will be recouped. That is, it is not reasonable to expect that $7.5 million is being spent to make less profit than would have been made without the investment. It is easier to establish the long term financial feasibility of Mediplex's project. It is an existing facility with robust financial performance and reasonable projections in the future. On balance, the Mediplex proposal better fulfills the statutory and regulatory criteria for a certificate of need.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby recommended that the agency enter its final order awarding CON number 7939 to Mediplex (Manatee Springs Nursing Center, Incorporated). RECOMMENDED this 22nd day of January, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. MARY W. CLARK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of January, 1996. APPENDIX The following constitute specific rulings on the findings of fact proposed by the parties. Beverly's Proposed Findings of Fact 1-3. Adopted in paragraphs 1 - 3, respectively. 4. Adopted in paragraph 6. 5&6. Adopted in paragraph 9. Addressed generally in Paragraphs 33 and 34. Adopted in paragraph 7. Adopted in paragraph 8. Adopted in paragraphs 10 - 12. Adopted in paragraphs 13 and 25. Adopted in substance in paragraph 16. Adopted in paragraph 4. Adopted in paragraphs 23 - 25. Adopted in substance in paragraph 26. 16&17. Rejected as unnecessary. 18&19. Adopted in paragraph 27, except for finding of "greater commitment", which is unsubstantiated or unsupported argument. 20&21. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 28. Adopted in paragraph 29. 24-25. Adopted in paragraph 30, except that Mediplex did present evidence of services to patients suffering from dementia. 26. Rejected as unsupported argument. 27-28. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 31 and 32. 29. Addressed, but rejected, in paragraphs 53 and 54. 30-34. Adopted in summary in paragraph 33. 35&36. Adopted in summary in paragraph 35. 37-39. Adopted in summary in paragraph 36. 40&41. Adopted in paragraphs 38 - 40. 42&43. Adopted in paragraphs 41 and 42. 44-46. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 44 - 46, except that the high acuity services will be available to all Mediplex residents. 47. Adopted in paragraph 4. 48-54. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 4. Adopted in summary in paragraph 58. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 46, in summary but Beverly's own projections are suspect since construction costs will be recouped through the health care system somehow. Rejected as unnecessary. See paragraph 58, above. The "no free lunch" argument has been credited. 61-70. Rejected as cumulative or unnecessary. 71. Rejected as argument that is unsupported by the weight of evidence. 72&73. Addressed in paragraphs 19 - 22. Addressed in paragraphs 10 - 12. Addressed in paragraphs 37 and 69, with the argument rejected. Mediplex's and AHCA's Proposed Findings of Fact Adopted in paragraph 3. Addressed in preliminary statement. 3-5. Adopted in paragraph 11. 6. Adopted in paragraph 2. 7&8. Adopted in paragraph 12. 9-11. Addressed in preliminary statement. 12&13. Adopted in paragraphs 4 and 5, respectively. 14&15. Adopted in paragraph 19. 16&17. Adopted in paragraph 20. 18. Adopted in paragraph 21. 19&20. Adopted in paragraph 22. 21-42. Adopted in summary in paragraphs 49 - 52 and 55. 43-49. Adopted in summary in paragraphs 56 - 58. 50-108. The findings of unusually high quality of care and level of services at Mediplex's existing facility are accepted generally and are adopted in summary in paragraphs 15 - 18, 35, 40, 42, 43 and 46. 109-115. Adopted generally in paragraph 7 (final sentence). 116-122. Rejected as unnecessary. 123-128. Rejected as argument that is unsubstantiated or unsupported (that Beverly's Medicaid utilization will drop), although the undetermined site may affect the utilization as found in paragraph 24. 129-136. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 24. Adopted in paragraph 13. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in substance in paragraph 17. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence (as to larger rooms); adopted in substance in paragraph 34 (as to ADA compliance). Adopted in paragraph 27. 143&144. Rejected as unnecessary or cumulative. Adopted in paragraph 27. Adopted in paragraph 4. 147-186. Adopted in summary in paragraphs 37, 56 and 59. 187-194. Rejected as unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Douglas L. Mannheimer, Esquire Jay Adams, Esquire BROAD & CASSEL Post Office Drawer 11300 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 David C. Ashburn, Esquire Michael Cherniga, Esquire GREENBERG, TRAURIG, HOFFMAN, LIPOFF, ROSEN AND QUENTEL Post Office Box 1838 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 James H. Peterson Senior Attorney Agency for Health Care Administration 325 John Knox Road, Suite 301 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4131 Sam Power, Agency Clerk Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403
The Issue Whether under Section 381.494(6)(c)-(d), Florida Statutes, and Rule 10-5.11, Florida Administrative Code, Respondent, Martin Memorial Hospital Association, Inc., is entitled to a Certificate of Need ("CON") authorizing a proposed 75-bed satellite hospital in Port Salerno, Martin County, Florida.
Findings Of Fact Background Respondent, Martin Memorial Hospital Association, Inc. ("Martin Memorial"), seeks a CON to construct and operate a 75- bed satellite hospital in Port Salerno, Florida. Of the proposed 75 acute-care beds, 50 will be new and 25 will be transferred from Mar in Memorial's existing hospital in Stuart, Florida. The proposed satellite hospital will have six intensive care beds, 69 medical-surgical beds, and two operating rooms. Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("DHRS"), preliminarily issued the applied-for CON. After Petitioner, Palm Beach-Martin County Medical Center ("PBMC"), owner of nearby Jupiter Hospital in northern Palm Beach County, requested a Section 120.57 hearing to contest issuance of the CON, DHRS forwarded this case to the Division of Administrative Hearings for assignment of a hearing officer. This case, in its earlier stages, was a consolidated proceeding with numerous parties and party-applicants. In the fall of 1984, several parties withdrew or were dismissed. One of the them, American Healthcorp., dismissed its challenge of DHRS' denial of its application to construct a 120-bed new hospital in Vero Beach, Florida. Prior to that dismissal, American Healthcorp. had filed a mandamus action in Leon County Circuit Court to require DHRS to issue a CON. The writ of mandamus was issued and that order was appealed by DHRS to the First District Court of Appeal. On June 18, 1985, the First District reversed the Circuit Court's order. DHRS never issued a CON to American Healthcorp., as the writ of mandamus was stayed during the pendency of the appeal. Initially, PBMC, another party-applicant, contested DHRS' denial of a proposed 66-bed addition to its existing hospital in Jupiter, Palm Beach County, Florida. Later, PBMC dropped its opposition to the denial after concluding that, due to a dramatic drop in patient census during 1984, additional beds in the area were not needed.1 On Martin Memorial's unopposed motion to dismiss, PBMC was dismissed as a party. Other nonapplicant intervenors subsequently withdrew. In the earlier consolidated proceeding, Martin Memorial had contested the denial of its initial application (filed in 1983) for a CON to construct a 150-bed satellite hospital in Port Salerno, on the same site as now proposed for the 75-bed hospital. In October, 1984, Martin Memorial revised its application, within a deadline for submittal of amended applications set by prehearing order. This revised application, now the subject of this proceeding, reduced the number of beds in the proposed hospital from 150 to 75: 50 were to be new and 25 were to be transferred from Martin Memorial's existing hospital in Stuart.2 This 75-bed application was then preliminarily approved by DHRS, as part of an effort to settle the pending consolidated proceeding. After notice of the approval was published on December 7, 1984 in the Florida Administrative Weekly, PBMC timely requested a hearing to contest it. PBMC's position is, generally, that another hospital in the area is not needed and will result in an unnecessary duplication of services and that, if built, the hospital would draw patients who would otherwise use Jupiter Hospital, to the economic injury of PBMC. The remaining party-applicant in the consolidated proceeding was Lawnwood Medical Center, whose proposed 50- bedexpansion of its hospital in Fort Pierce (St. Lucie County), was preliminarily approved by DHRS. Martin Memorial requested a Section 120.57(1) hearing to contest the approval. By stipulation dated May 15, 1985, Lawnwood Medical Center was dismissed as a party. Martin Memorial II. The Parties The applicant, Martin Memorial, operates a not-for- profit community hospital in Stuart, Florida, which has served the health care needs of the area since 1939. At that time, it had 25 beds and the site consisted o eight acres. In subsequent years, Martin Memorial added five additional acres of land, and the hospital now has 336 beds, including 26 new beds: nearing completion. Martin Memorial is a subsidiary of Coastal Health Corporation, a not-for-profit holding company. One of the holding company's other non-profit subsidiaries, Coastal Care Corporation, provides services such as ambulatory surgery and primary or emergency care at medical treatment centers. Martin Memorial and its parent corporation, Coastal Health Corporation, are governed by boards comprised of full- time residents of Martin County who serve without compensation. Martin Memorial Hospital has a proven record of providing health care to indigents. Its policy is to provide health services without regard to race, religion, national origin, or a patient's ability to pay. It has always participated in the Medicare/Medicaid Programs and participates in the county indigent program. It proposes to follow the same policy at the proposed satellite hospital. Martin Memorial Hospital, in Stuart, is adjacent to the St. Lucie River on the north, bounded by the Heida-Brad Park residential development on the east, by the St. Mary's Episcopal Church on the south, and by various businesses and residences on the west. It would be difficult for Martin Memorial Hospital to expand to meet anticipated future demand. It has found it impractical to buy additional land adjacent to its existing facility. (It does not nave eminent domain power.) Under current zoning, its height is limited to the existing six floors. Other obstacles include problems with parking access and compliance with fire safety codes. Palm Beach-Martin (PBMC) PBMC is a non-profit corporation, organized in 1973, with the stated purpose of serving tee health care needs of residents of northern Palm Beach County and southern Martin County. It operates a community not-for-profit hospital, known as Jupiter Hospital, in Jupiter, Florida. A 156-bed acute care hospital, it is the northern most hospital in Palm Beach County and provides health care services to the residents of northern Palm Beach and southern Martin Counties. Over 10% of Jupiter Hospital's patients come from the Hobe Sound area of Martin County, and another 20% come from the Tequesta area of Martin County. The boards which operate PBMC and Jupiter Hospital are made up of volunteers; one-half of whom are doctors on the hospital's medical staff, and the other half are lay-members from the community. All policy decisions are made by the boards. The hospital is managed, under contract, by hospital Corporation of America Management Company (owned by Hospital Corporation of America) which supplies only the hospital administrator and finance director, all other personnel are employees of PBMC. Like Martin Memorial, PBMC has a practice of providing health care to indigent patients. It has a Medicaid contract at its convalescent pavilion and treats Medicaid patients requiring care. (Since it has not had a Medicaid contract with the state, PBMC "writes-off" the cost of care provided to Medicaid and indigent patients. But due to an increasing number of Medicaid patients, PBMC has applied for a Medicaid contract.) It has a current contract with Palm Beach County to treat indigents in its out-patient facility. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (DHRS) DHRS is designated by statute as the single state agency charged with issuing and denying CONs in accordance with district plans, DHRS rules, and state and federal statutes. See, Section 381.494, Florida Statutes (1983). Geographic Facts The proposed satellite hospital would be located in Port Salerno, Martin County, 5 1/2 miles south of Martin Memorial Hospital and 15 miles north of Jupiter Hospital. The site of the proposes hospital is 35 acres in size, and is located approximately 1/4 mile east of Highway U.S. 1, on Port Salerno Road. Jonathan Dickinson State Park, abutting Highway U.S. 1 for five miles, is situated between the site of the proposed satellite hospital and PBMC's Jupiter Hospital. The area of Hobe Sound is just north of this State Park. The proposed hospital would be adjacent to the Martin County Campus of Indian River Community College. III. Standing of PBMC: Expected Impact of Proposed Hospital on PBMC. Since it is physicians who admit patients to hospitals, the extent to which medical staffs overlap is one factor used to project how a new hospital will affect an existing one. Martin Memorial Hospital and Jupiter Hospital have distinct medical staffs and there is no material overlap. Neither has it been shown that Jupiter Hospital physicians will seek staff privileges at the proposed satellite hospital. It is reasonably expected that the proposed hospital will be staffed, for the most part, by physicians who are also on the staff of Martin Memorial Hospital. Nevertheless, the proposed satellite hospital would draw away a substantial portion of Jupiter Hospital's patient base and is intended to reduce Jupiter Hospital's market share in the Hobe Sound area to near zero. (Indeed, this is a result projected in Martin Memorial's Long Range Plan.) Martin Memorial (in its Long Range Plan) estimates Jupiter Hospital's current market share to be 65%. Jupiter Hospital's primary service area includes Hobe Sound, from which it draws approximately 10% of its patients. The northern boundary of the Hobe Sound area is 20 minutes driving time from Jupiter Hospital. Hobe Sound is also within the primary service area of the proposed satellite hospital. The proposed hospital would be in the same DHRS Service District as Jupiter Hospital and both hospitals would have overlapping primary service areas. The projected loss of 10% of its patient base to the proposed satellite hospital would have a significant adverse financial impact on PBMC. It has not been shown, however, this impact would imperil the continued financial feasibility of Jupiter Hospital. IV. Numerical Bed-need Projected by Applying DHRS Rule-Based Bed-need Methodology. The proposed satellite hospital would be located in DHRS Health District 9, which consists of Indian River, St. Lucie, 55artin, Okeechobee, and Palm Beach Counties. The state acute care bed-need methodology is a complex formula contained in Rule 10-5.11(23), Florida Administrative Code. It projects bed-need, on a district-wide basis, five years into the future, creating what is referred to as a "five-year planning horizon" for assessing acute care bed-need. The formula requires several district-specific inputs, including population forecasts in four age groups, the average fertility rate in the district for the three most recent years, the average historical utilization rate in the district for the three most recent years, together with specific factors used to determine the net flow of elderly patients. Three other input factors are applied uniformly to all districts: discharge rates by service and by age cohort for Florida residents, average length of stay by service and by age cohort, and occupancy standards by service and by age cohort. Application of the formula entails seven steps: Project patient days by service and by age cohort using the formula: Patient days = projected population x discharge rate x average length of stay Adjust the projected patient days for the 65 and over age cohort to account for patient flows. Calculate bed-need by applying service- specific occupancy standards to projected patient days. Calculate the district bed allocation by summing the beds needed by service. Calculate the projected occupancy of these beds using the district's historical utilization rate. If the projected occupancy. rate is less than 75 percent or greater than 90 percent, apply specified formulas to adjust the district bed allocation (downward or upward, respectively. Check to ensure that each district will be able to meet peak demand based on the adjusted allocation. (R-l8l/, Testimony of Kolb) Population projections used in the methodology are: "for age- specific cohorts residing in the relevant district projected five years into the future," Rule 10-5.11(23)(f)1., Florida Administrative Code. These age-specific cohort projections (of county populations) must be "those developed by the State Health Planning Agency, and will be based on the latest mid-range projections published by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research of the University of Florida [BEBR]." Id. There are currently 4,695 licensed or approved acute care beds in District 9, which includes the 50 additional beds (preliminarily) approved for the proposed satellite hospital and the 45 beds approved in a subsequent batching cycle. For July, 1989, application of the bed-need methodology shows a district wide gross need of 4,621 beds. This is based on population forecasts for July, 1939, released by the Governor's Budgeting and Planning Office on- January 1, 1985.This office interpolates and publishes population forecasts based on figures received from BEBR. Since later 1934 (when Rule 27E-2.01-.04 was adopted requiring state agencies to use, in their planning, population projections provided by the Governor's Office), DHRS's Office of Health Planning and Development has used such forecasts to project bed-need under the methodology. These forecasts are appropriate for such use since they are "developed" by the State Health Planning Agency and based on the latest mid-range projections published by BEBR. When the licensed or approved bed total of 4,645 (excluding 50 beds for the proposed satellite hospital) are subtracted from the district wide gross need, there is a net surplus of 24 beds. If the 50 beds of the proposed satellite hospital are included, the net surplus increases to 74 beds. A planning horizon of January, 1990, however, is more appropriate. It more closely conforms to the methodology's requirement that need be projected five years into the future. (At hearing, all parties agreed or acquiesced to the proposition that the five year planning horizon should begin to run, to the extent possible, from the date of final hearing in June, 1985.) The latest county-wide projections released by the Governor's Office for state agency use, projects population by age and sex cohorts for January 1, 1990 and July 1, 1990. The July 1, 1990 projections are beyond the five year horizon and so less suitable for use in the methodology. Applying, then, the bed-need methodology to project bed-need for January, 1990, shows a gross need of 4,702 beds, resulting in a total district wide net need of 57 beds (excluding the proposed 50-beds satellite hospital). Hence the methodology shows (just barely) a January, 1990 need for the 50- beds sought for the proposed satellite hospital. Because of projected increases in district population, the methodology predicts a significant growth in bed-need between July, 1989 and January, 1990: bed-need grows by 81 beds or by more than 10 beds per month. PBMC contends that a planning horizon of July 1, 1989, and no later, must be used since DHRS has, historically, updated bed-need projections only on July 1 of each year. Annual updates were limited to once a year because updated population figures were received only in July. Now, however, -he situation has greatly improved. DHRS receives updated population forecasts from the Governor's Office twice a year--in January and July. There is no reason why these updated and, presumably, more accurate population forecasts cannot be used to project bed-need Martin Memorial, on the other hand, argues for a more distant planning horizon--April 1, 1990. This horizon, however, requires use of BEBR projections recently received but not yet released or interpolated by the Governor's Office, until released, such projections are not appropriate for use by state agencies. See, Rule 27E-2.01-2.04, Fla. Admin. Code. V. Consideration of Other CON Review Criteria [A CON may be denied even though the bed- need methodology projects a need for the proposed beds five years into the future. Rule 10-5.11(23)(b): "An unfavorable Certif- icate of Need determination may be made when a calculated bed-need exists, but other criteria specified in Chapter 3Bl.494(6)(c), Florida Statutes, are not met." DHRS must consider CON applications in light of all statutory and rule criteria. See, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services v. Johnson & Johnson, 447 So. 2d 361 (Fla. 1st DCA 1984).] Subdistrict Need: Allocation of District Wide Bed-need to|-. Relevant Subdistrict In 1983, the Local Health Council divided District9 into five subdistricts: (1) Indian River County, (2) Martin and St. Lucie Counties, (3) Okeechobee County, (4) northern Palm Beach County, and (5) southern Palm Beach County. Each subdistrict "is an area where the co-unity, by itself, uses the facilities in an area. It is supposed to be a sort of natural boundary that separates the different communities." (TR-413) The council also adopted a methodology for allocating acute care beds among the five component subdistricts. (R.-19) Although DHRS has not yet adopted, by rule, District9's subdistricts and subdistrict bed-need allocation methodology, both are part of District 9's Local Health Plan, adopted after a series of workshops and public hearings. The subdistricts were identified pursuant to a protocol furnished by DHRS which required consideration of whether an area was urban or rural, or comprised a standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA). Under the protocol, an SMSA must be designated a separate subdistrict. Since Martin and St. Lucie Counties form a SMSA, they form a separate subdistrict. The five subdistricts of District 9 were identified in a rational manner, have a factual basis, and are useful tools for health care planning purposes. The methodology for allocating district wide bed-need to the subdistricts, also part of the Local Health Plan, has also been shown to be supported by reason and accepted health care planning concepts. DHRS cannot rationally determine the need for additional acute care beds, at least in =he context of this case without looking at subdistrict need or lack of need. In this way, local needs and conditions are considered in the decision- making process. District 9 is too large to serve as a useful unit for acute care bed planning purposes. Applying the Local Health Plan's sur5istrict bed-need allocation methodology to the July, 1989 planning horizon, indicates a net acute care bed-need for the Martin/St. Lucie-- County Subdistrict (not counting the 50 beds at issue) of 103beds. If the proposed hospital were approved, the subdistrict bed-need methodology would show a remaining subdistrict need for53 acute care beds. (R-18, TR-249) When applied to the January, 1990 planning horizon, preferred to the July, 1999 horizon., the subdistrict methodology shows a net acute care bed-need of 119 beds for the Martin/St. Lucie County Subdistrict (not counting the 50 beds at issue). Thus, the bed-need allocation methodology contained in District 9's Local Health Plan, shows a need for the proposed 50-acute care beds, with a 69-bed margin. (T-18, TR-248) Since the total number of licensed and approved beds (excluding the 50-beds at issue) for the subdistrict is 761, the projected need for 119 new acute care beds in January, 1990, is considered to be substantial. But the subdistrict bed allocation methodology assumes, incorrectly, that patients do not "cross-over" from one subdistrict to another. It fails, therefore, to consider or take to account the significant number of patients residing in the Martin/St. Lucie Counties Subdistrict who use acute care beds at Jupiter Hospital, located in the subdistrict to the south. This failure in the subdistrict methodology detracts from the weight to be given the resulting bed-need calculation. Availability, Accessibility and Adequacy of Like and Existing Facilities. Section 384.494(6) (c) 2.; Florida Statutes, requires review of CON applications in context with the "availability . . . accessibility and adequacy of like and existing health care services . . . in the district of the applicant."] Excess or under-utilized acute care bed capacity is a problem because it contributes to higher health costs. There are fixed overhead costs associated with acute care beds, whether empty or filled by a patient. These costs must ultimately be borne by the patients, or their insurers In reviewing a CON application, DHRS considers the number of available unoccupied beds at the facility and in the county or subdistrict for the most recent calendar year, determines actual occupancy rates, and compares them against an 80% occupancy standard, a standard generally accepted by health care planners. For example, one stated reason for DHRS' denial of Martin Memorial's initial 150-bed application was the availability of 20 unoccupied medical-surgical beds at Martin Memorial in 1982, on an average daily basis. Similarly, the average daily availability of 73 unoccupied medical-surgical beds in the five hospitals within PBMC's service area, plus additional approved but not licensed beds in the area, were stated reasons for DHRS' denial of PBMC's initial 1983 application for additional beds. (R-13) Applying the 80% occupancy standard to 1984 bed utilization statistics in the Martin/St. Lucie County Subdistrict, there were 111 unoccupied acute care beds on an average daily basis, not counting the 50 new beds recently approved for Lawnwood Hospital and the 26 new beds soon to be available at Martin Memorial. This is a 63.7% occupancy rate. Moreover, there were 47 unoccupied licensed beds on an average daily basis at Martin Memorial Hospital (not counting the 26 new beds under construction). The same calculation using only medical-surgical beds shows that in 1984, on an average daily basis, Martin Memorial had 36 unoccupied medical-surgical beds or an occupancy rate of 661. At Jupiter Hospital and Port St. Lucie Medical Center, the two hospitals having overlapping service areas with Martin Memorial, there were 31 (58.2% occupancy rate) and 49 (43.7% occupancy rate) unoccupied medical-surgical beds, respectively, on an average daily basis. (HRS-4) There is an ample supply of available beds: there is not a shortage of acute care hospital beds at Martin Memorial Hospital or in the Martin/St. Lucie Subdistrict. Martin Memorial has shown only that there may be, or could be, bed availability problems during certain peak months at Memorial Hospital in 1990, based on seasonal considerations. At most, it has shown that, without the proposed satellite hospital, the average occupancy for its highest occupancy month in 1990 would reach 91%. (TR-263-265) However, it is possible to operate a hospital at such an occupancy level for several months and yet maintain an acceptable level of service. (Moreover, Martin Memorial's analysis fails to take into account acute care beds which would be available in 1990 at Port St. Lucie Medical Center and Jupiter Hospital, where occupancy rates would be much lower.) Martin Memorial does not assert that in 1990 its average daily occupancy rate will exceed 80%. Indeed, assuming the validity of its average length of stay and hospital utilization assumptions (which are questionable), Martin Memorial forecasts an average daily occupancy rate of 79.4%. The State Health Plan states that "the issue of surplus beds is expected to be an even greater problem in the future because of the growth of alternative delivery systems"-- (R-20, p.22)--a proposition with which Martin Memorial's expert generally agrees. (TR-287-288) The State Health Plan concludes that "the combined effect of ambulatory surgery, HMOs, DRGs, and other innovations could reduce acute care bed-need by 15% or more." Id. Thus it becomes more likely that there will be an ample supply of available unoccupied beds in the subdistrict through 1990. The proposed satellite hospital would improve or enhance the accessibility of hospital services, since it would be located closer to some patients than either Martin Memorial or Jupiter Hospital. However, it has not been shown that geographic accessibility has been or will be a serious problem without construction of the proposed satellite hospital. The proposed hospital would be located about 5 miles from Martin Memorial and about 15 1/2 miles from Jupiter Hospital. Patients in the southern part of Martin County, residing south of the northern part of Hobe Sound, can be driven to Jupiter Hospital in 20 minutes or less. The definitive standard, commonly used by DHRS and.generally accepted by health care planners to detect geographical bed-access problems, is the 30 minute drive-time standard. Under this standard, if acute care hospital beds are available and accessible, within an automobile travel time of 30 minutes under average traffic conditions to at least 90% of the population, there is no cause for concern about geographic accessibility. It is undisputed that hospital beds are now available well within 30 minutes travel time to all residents of Martin County during all relevant periods, and will continue to be so through 1990. In short, geographic accessibility is not a current or projected problem and although the satellite hospital would make in-patient services more geographically accessible to some residents, such a result could be expected whenever a new hospital is constructed, whatever its location. As to adequacy of existing and licensed and approved facilities, there is no showing that the quality or extent of health care provided is inadequate. Extent of Utilization of Like and Existing Facilities. [Under Section 3Bl.494(6)(c)2., Florida Statutes, CON applications must also be reviewed in context with the "extent of utilization . . . of like and existing health care services . . . in the service district of the applicant."] During the last two years, the health care industry has undergone major changes resulting in a sudden and dramatic decline in the use of hospital in-patient services. The main cause of this decline was the shift, in October 1983, to the Medicare prospective payment system, otherwise known as Diagnostic Related Groupings (DRGs). The DRG payment system changed Medicare reimbursement from a cost basis to a set reimbursement based on diagnosis. It has caused a sharp decline in the average length of stay of Medicare patients as well as a decrease in Medicare admissions, and a resulting decline in hospital occupancy levels. For example, in calendar year 1984, the average length of stay for hospital patients in District 9 dropped from approximately 6.8 to 6.1. (DHRS-4) Another recent development contributing to the general decline in hospital utilization .is the increasing emphasis on providing out-patient services such as out-patient surgery and home health services. In many areas of the country, the advent of Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) have significantly impacted hospital occupancy rates, not only by encouraging shorter lengths of stay, but also by greatly lowering admission rates. (TR-604-05, 773: P-3, p.l8) According to the State Health Plan, "the emergence of [these] alternative delivery systems . . . [has] exacerbated declining occupancy rates." (R-20, Vol. 1, p.26) Martin Memorial has developed free-standing medical treatment centers in Hobe Sound and Port St. Lucie, which can provide up to 80% of the services required by patients in hospital emergency rooms. (TR-56-59 R-1, Vol. II at 73) In addition, Martin Memorial is merging with VNA in Martin County to provide home health care. These alternative delivery systems, along with the expected increasing effects of PPOs, HMOs and prospective payment systems, will contribute to further declines in hospital utilization and tend to extend the time during which the existing inventory of acute care beds will be adequate to meet the needs of a growing population. Although witnesses for Martin Memorial suggest that this steady decline in bed utilization at Martin Memorial will soon bottom out and that the average length of stay will fall no further, the weight of credible evidence shows that hospital utilization in District 9, as well as in the country as a whole, is still declining and that no one can say, with any reasonable degree of certainty, just when the decline (or "nose dive," TR- 682) in average length of stay and overall utilization will stop. The Executive Director of the District 9 Health Council predicts that the average length of stay in the district may fall from its current level of 6.1 or 6.2 to 5, and a recent survey of southeastern hospitals predicts at least a 5% further decline in average length of stay from 1984 levels. Hospital admission or discharge rates in District 9 fell slightly in 1984, but on the whole have remained relatively constant. The decline in hospital utilization has been chiefly caused by the unprecedented drop in average length of stay. Several factors causing declines in hospital admissions as well as utilization in other areas of the state and country have not yet begun to significantly affect northern Palm Beach, Martin, and St. Lucie Counties. It is, however, reasonably expected that these factors, such as out-patient or ambulatory surgical centers, and home health services (which are becoming increasingly used), will continue to grow and further decrease hospital in-patient surgery and care, admissions, and utilization. (TR-39-40, 578) As stated earlier, the most recent State Health Plan predicts that the combined effect of ambulatory surgery and other alternative health care delivery systems will be to reduce hospital discharges (or admissions) by 15% or more by 1989. (R-20, Vol. 2, p.72) Another factor which will contribute to the further decline in hospital utilization in Florida will be the required adoption of prospective payment programs by hospitals and private insurers for non-;5edicare patients. Under the Florida Health Care Access Act of 1984, hospitals are required to negotiate a prospective payment arrangement with each health insurer representing 10% or more of the hospital's private pay patients (R-20, Vol. 1, p. ll) To date, the only active HMOs in District 9 are found in southern Palm Beach County and their impact has not been felt elsewhere in the district. It is reasonably anticipated, however, that HMOs will expand throughout the district in the next several years and will contribute to a further decline in admissions. (Some commentators predict HMOs will reduce hospital admission rates by as much as 40%.) (TR-605-06, 679-80) Even without these factors, the extent of the decline in hospital utilization in District 9 has been dramatic. Overall hospital utilization i., 1984 declined from a level of 73.7% in 1983 to 65.R% in 1984. (HRS-4; R-~9: P-5) The District 9 medical-surgical utilization rate dropped from 76.3% in 1983 to 67.3% in 1984. The decline in hospital utilization in the Martin/St. Lucie Subdistrict and at specific hospitals in the area have been even more pronounced: 1983-84 Subdistrict and Specific Hospital Utilization Rates Overall Rate Med-Surg Rate 1983 1984 1983 1984 Martin/St. Lucie Subdistrict 76.9%1 63.7% 78% 63.8% Martin Memorial 74.1% 65.1%4 74.8% 66.0% Port St. Lucie5 38.9% 44.1% 37.6% 43.7% Jupiter Hospital 67.7% 55.7% 71.4% 58.2% Although experts disagree on how long the decline in hospital utilization will continue and how far it will fall, it is apparent that hospital utilization is continuing to decline in District 9 in 1985. By January and February 1985, the Martin/St. Lucie Subdistrict medical-surgical utilization declined about 1% from the same period in 1984. However, the most recent data for March, 1985, shows a decline in monthly medical-surgical utilization from 73.2% in 1984 to 68.8%. Martin Memorial's patient days in 198; are less than the corresponding number of patient days .when compared to the same periods in 1984. In addition, in no single month during Martin Memorial's 1985 fiscal year, beginning on October 1, 1984, has Martin yet achieved its budgeted patient days or admissions. In fact, Martin Memorial's bed utilization is more than 10% under budget for fiscal year 1985. (TR-66-69 P-1) Martin Memorial contends that the projected increase in the population and the aging in population in the Martin/St. Lucie Subdistrict will offset the decline in average length of stay and gradually increase the in-patient population. Although it is reasonable to expect that such factors would increase utilization, over the last year in District 9, use rates have gone down and admission rates have decreased slightly even though population increased and aged. In addition, it is reasonably anticipated that the future negative impact of HMOs on use and admissions will offset these population changes and contribute to further decline in utilization. Projected Utilization of Martin Memorial Hospital and the Proposed Satellite Hospital. In projecting- utilization for its existing and proposed facilities, Martin Memorial used 1984 District 9 use rates and a constant to increasing average length of stay. (R- 18) Use and admission rates have declined steadily for several years for the under-65 population and, in the first year of DRGs, dropped by over 3% for the over-65 population. Vet, despite this t-end and projections of decreasing use and admission rates in the future due to alternative delivery programs, Martin Memorial's utilization forecast uses admission rates slightly higher than the 1984 actual admission rates. (R- 18) In projecting the average length of stay for the proposed Port Salerno Hospital, Martin 'Memorial discounted 10% from its 1984 average length of stay. This discount, however, was due to projections of lower Medicare utilization and lower intensity of services at the new hospital, and makes no allowance for any further decreases in average lengths of stay. Similarly, in projecting utilization for Martin Memorial Hospital, Martin Memorial assumed an increase over the 1984 average length of stay of 6.0 days to 6.1 days in 1990. These assumptions are unreasonable in that they 'ail to fully into account the current and projected continuing decline in hospital admissions and utilization. Consequently, little weight is assigned to Martin Memorial's forecast of future bed utilization—that the satellite hospital would experience 58% occupancy in 1990, the first year of operation. Martin Memorial projects that without the proposed Port Salerno Hospital, Martin Memorial would achieve an occupancy rate of 79.4% in 1990. This utilization projection was based on population projections for Martin County done in 1984 by Dr. Stanley Smith it fails to take into account Dr. Smith's recent revision downward of the 1990 population projections for Martin County from 100,900 to 98,700. (TR-95-96, 294-95 R-6) The decline in average length of stay and hospital use rates will have a major impact on the number of empty beds in District 9 and, at least as applied to this District, the bed- need methodology of Rule 10-5.11(23), over-states the need for additional beds in 1990. The methodology uses a constant average length of stay derived from prior years. It is not an accurate predictor of future occupancy when, as now, use rates and utilization are declining and are reasonably expected to continue to decline. (TR-639-41: TR-614, 621-22 P-5) Martin Memorial's projected 79.4% occupancy rate in 1990 is overstated because it fails to fully take into account continuing declines in average length of stay and use rates, and because the 1984 population figures used to derive the 1984 use rate may be understated, thereby overstating the use rate. Similarly, using the same assumptions, an occupancy rate of 69.7% was projected for Jupiter Hospital (without the proposed Port Salerno Hospital). This projection is also overstated for the same reasons. If the Port Salerno Hospital were approved, the 1990 occupancy figures for both Martin Memorial and Jupiter Hospital would, in all likelihood, be much lower. (TR-627 P-5) 21 A more credible projection of ,Martin Memorial Hospital's 1990 occupancy rate was offered by Thomas W. Schultz, PSMC's health care planning expert. By reducing the 1984 Dis- trict 9 use rate by 2.9% to account for declining utilization at Martin Memorial during the first three months of 1985, as well as the general continuing decline in hospital utilization, Mr. Schultz projected Martin Memorial's 1990 occupancy (without the new facility) to be only 72.6%. Similarly, because use rates are still declining and because the 1985 population numbers used to calculate the rates may have been understated, this projected occupancy is overstated. (TR-628-30, 635-38; P-5) The State Health Plan and the District 9 Local Health Plan [Section 381.494(6) (c)l. requires that CON applications be reviewed "in relation to the applicable district plan and state health plan "] Several specific utilization and occupancy standards are contained in the State Health Plan and the District 9 Local Health Plan. A major stated goal of the State Health Plan is to promote the efficient utilization of acute care services by raising the occupancy rates or acute care hospitals. (R-20) It identifies 80% as the appropriate minimum occupancy level for acute care hospitals: an average annual occupancy rate of at least 80% is made an objective. As conceded by Debra S. Kolb, Ph.D., Martin Memorial's expert health planner, the 80% occupancy standard is an appropriate minimum standard which should be "looked at as a hurdle before beds are added." (TR- 289) She adds, however, that "there are other factors, such as . . . size of the facility, seasonality issues, age problems. . . that would warrant special cases." (T?.-289) By policy and practice, DHRS considers current occupancy levels to be an important criterion and has applied this 80% occupancy standard in reviewing CON applications. Its use of these standards is illustrated by its initial action on the various applications which were once part of this proceeding. DHRS granted Lawnwood Hospital's application for several stated reasons, one of which was a 1982 occupancy rate of 90%. Martin Memorial's initial 150-bed application and PBMC's 60-bed application (later dropped) were denied, in substantial part, because of low utilization rates in 1982 and because there was an adequate supply of beds currently available. (Interestingly, both Martin Memorial and PBMC had 1982 occupancy rates exceeding 70%.) As stated by Gene Nelson, then supervisor of DHRS' CON review section, in the State Agency Action Report denying PBMC's application: "Overall utilization for Palm Beach Martin County Medical Center for 1982 was 72.3% and medical/surgical utilization was 76.4%, neither being sufficiently high to justify additional beds." (R-13) The Acute Care portion of District 9's Local Health Plan (1984), contains "Recommendations by Priority Ranking" reflecting policies and priorities which, according to the local health council, should be used (in addition to the DHRS bed-need methodology) in planning and allocating acute care bed-need. Priority I delineates the subdistricts for purposes of allocating acute care hospital beds: Priority II establishes the_ subdistrict allocation methodology: Priority III establishes an occupancy rate which must be met before additional beds may approved: Before needed beds, as determined by Rule 10-5.11(23), may be approved, applicants requesting additional acute care beds should demonstrate that certain occupancy thresholds have been achieved relative to medical/surgical, obstetric, pediatric and ICU/CCU beds. The average annual occupancy rate (most recent calendar year) in the applying facility and its corresponding subdistrict average, should equal or exceed the following levels (inclusive of CON approved beds): Medical/Surgical 75% Obstetrical 65% Pediatric 65% ICU/CCU, Monitored & Intermediate Care 75% (e.s.) (R-10, pp.48-49) The rationale for this standard is set forth in the plan: With the advent of the Medicare prospective reimbursement system, there is literally no way to estimate the magnitude of impact that this reimbursement mechanism will have on hospital admissions, occupancy rates, and average lengths of stay. Therefore, relying upon the national standard of 4 beds/1000 population was not adequate. There is a need for an indicator based solely on utilization for the elderly. Since the reimbursement mechanism for non-Medicare patients has not changed, a resource based methodology has been utilized for this population group. Moreover, the program goals of the Local Health Plan state that the overall occupancy rate in District 9--as a whole--for licensed acute care beds as well as the occupancy rate for medical/surgical beds should equal or exceed 756. (Id. at 47) These minimum annual district and subdistrict occupancy rates take seasonality and age considerations into account. Bed utilization or occupancy standards are the only bed-need criteria that look to actual, verifiable data reflecting current conditions as opposed to forecasts, which look to the future.6 Failure to achieve the occupancy standards of Priority III A of the Local Health Plan creates, at least, a strong presumption against the approval of the project. In exceptional situations, however, additional beds may be approved even though the occupancy standard is not met. A typical example projected continuing decline in hospital admissions and utilization. Consequently, little weight is assigned to Martin Memorial's forecast of future bed utilization--that the satellite hospital would experience 58% occupancy in 1990.the first year of operation would be where there was a geographical access problem.7 Both the State and District 9 Health Plans cite the high cost of unused hospital beds which add to the cost of hospitalization. (R-20, p.70: R-10, p.10) A primary goal of both plans is to raise occupancy rates and eliminate excess beds. With this in mind, it is reasonable to give considerable weight to current utilization rates even though a numerical "need" for the beds is projected by the DHRS bed-need methodology.8 1984 bed utilization at Martin Memorial, Port St. Lucie and Jupiter Hospitals, as well as average utilization for District 9 and the Martin/St. Lucie Subdistrict, fall well below the minimum occupancy standards normally applied by DHRS and set out in the State and Local Health Plans. These minimum occupancy standards have not been met and are not reasonably projected to be met by 1990. Considerable weight should be accorded this factor since that is the effect of the State and Local Health Plans and DHRS' normal practice. Moreover, since occupancy rates are based on actual current conditions, they are less subject to manipulation, and inject a healthy measure of reality into CON decision-making during a time of great change in the health care industry. Economies and Improvement Services Derived From Operation of Joint, Cooperative or Shared Resources. [Another CON criterion is whether there will be "[p]robable economies and improvements in service that may be derived from the operation of joint, cooperative, or shared health care resources." Section 3fll.494(6)(c)5., Florida Statutes.] Because the proposed project is a satellite hospital, there will be economies and improvements in services realized from the operation of joint, cooperative or shared health care resources, as compared to the operation of a wholly separate free-standing hospital. The satellite hospital will not offer obstetrics or a defined pediatric unit. It will not have a CAT Scanner, a -- personnel office similar to Martin Memorial's, or a hospital laundry. It will have an emergency room, normal operating room suites, and radiology and lab services, although the more complex lab tests will be performed at Martin Memorial Hospital. The Need for Research and Educational Facilities. [CON applications are also reviewed in context with the "need for research and educational facilities . . .." Section 381.494 (6)(c)7, Florida Statutes.] The proposed satellite hospital will be located directly adjacent to the Martin County campus of Indian River Community College ("IRCC"). The IRCC campus has an Allied Health Building with approximately nine classrooms, a nursing 120 and an emergency medical technician lab. IRCC has a contract with Martin Memorial Hospital which allows IRCC students to use Martin Memorial facilities for clinical training. Clinical training is an important part of the allied health curriculum at IRCC. Construction of the satellite hospital next to the IRCC campus would benefit the Allied Health Programs since there could be joint use of equipment, facilities, and personnel, and a better opportunity to invite doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals to the classroom. The satellite hospital would also be more convenient to students, in terms of scheduling and transportation, than Martin Memorial Hospital, where they now receive clinical training. Although the proposed satellite hospital would enhance the IRCC health care training programs, there is no evidence that the clinical training programs now provided at Martin Memorial Hospital are inadequate. The proposed facility is not predicated on a claim that its primary purpose will be to serve as a research or educational facility. Financial Feasibility of the Proposed Satellite Hospital. [Another CON criterion is "[t]he immediate and long-term financial feasibility of the proposal." Section 381.494 (6)(c)9, Florida Statutes.] Estimated Project Costs The estimated costs of the movable equipment for the proposed satellite hospital are reasonable. (Stipulation, P.3) The real property in Port Salerno where the proposed satellite hospital would be located, is owned by Martin Memorial and is of adequate size and otherwise appropriate for the proposed project. (Stipulation, p.3) The estimated cost of construction and fixed equipment is $7,490,625.00, which amounts a cost of $117.50t per square foot. (The hospital will have 850 square feet per bed: $117.50 X 850 X 75 = $7,490,625.00.) his is a reasonable cost for bidding the project in the spring of 1986. Estimates of the architect's fee ($545,317.00), the cost for surveys and borings ($25,000.00j, the 3% contingency cost ($251,000.00), the developmental costs ($195,000.00), the site work and utilities ( $960, 000.03 ), the actual land costs.($595,000.00), and the financing and refinancing costs($3,100,770.00) have also been shown to be reasonable. Short-Term Financial Feasibility Martin Memorial has sufficient funds to make the equity contribution necessary to obtain financing. It also has the ability to raise $16,370,000.00 through the sale of tax exempt bonds, which appear to be marketable. It is likely that Martin Memorial would be able to secure the necessary funds for construction. The proposed satellite hospital would be financially feasible in the short-term. Martin Memorial has proven its ability to operate a hospital efficiently and profitably. Even with the advent of the DRG payment system, Martin Memorial Hospital has continued to operate profitably. During the initial DRG phase-in year of 1984, Martin Memorial benefited financially from the use of the new prospective payment schedule. Even if bed use at the satellite hospital is less than projected, or desired, during the start-up years, it is likely that Martin Memorial would be able to subsidize its operation until, with expected population growth, utilization increases and it becomes financially self- sustaining. Long-Term Financial Feasibility The proposed satellite hospital is also financially feasible in the long-term his conclusion is supported by a financial analysis utilizing reasonable assumptions based on Martin Memorial Hospital's historical experience an t financial costs obtained from a qualified securities analyst. The financial analyst also used bed utilization projections supplied by Martin Memorial's qualified earth care planner. Although the reliability of the 1990 utilization forecast is questionable, over the long-term--with projected increases in population9 is likely that the proposed hospital would become financially feasible, self-sustaining, and able to meet its operating expenses and debt service payments. I. Availability of Manpower and Resources [Another CON criterion is "[t]he availability of resources, including health manpower . . .." Section 381.494 (6)(c)8, Florida Statutes.] Martin Memorial has an in-place recruiting department which, in the past, has successfully recruited new employees for expansion programs. It has the capability of recruiting, training, and staffing the 175 full-time equivalent medical personnel shown in its CON application. There has been no showing that the hiring of employees for the satellite hospital will significantly impact other facilities or that there is a shortage of health manpower and resources. III. Need for the Proposed Hospital (using a planning horizon of January, 1990) Based on a Balanced Consideration of all CON Criteria_ ["Need" for a proposed facility, under CON law, is determined by "a balanced consideration of all the statutory [and rule] criteria." Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services v. Johnson & Johnson, 447 So. 2d 361, 363 (Fla. 1st DCA 1984) See, Section 381.494(6)(c), Florida Statutes. DHRS may not adopt a rule allowing it to "ignore some statutory criteria and emphasize others." Id. Nor may it adopt a methodology, in rule form, which "rigidly control[s] the granting or withholding of [CON] approval." Humana, Inc. et al. v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, So. 2d (Fla. 1st DCA Case No. AY-422, Opinion filed May 16, 1985), 10 F.L.W. 1222.] (a) The foregoing evidentiary findings support an ultimate finding that the proposed satellite hospital is not needed, either now or within the planning horizon of January, 1990. When measured against all pertinent statutory and rule criteria, the factors favoring approval of Martin Memorial's application are outweighed by the factors supporting denial. The DHRS numerical bed-need methodology projects a January, 1990 "need", but barely so. Further, the methodology, as one criterion among many, is assigned less weight since it is a less accurate predictor of "need" in times, such as these, when in-patient bed use is steadily declining. This decline is pervasive, has continued, unabated, for over 13 months and has not yet bottomed-out. The methodology uses bed-need figures rooted in the past and does not adequately reflect this decline. Allocation of bed-need to the Martin/St. Lucie Subdistrict shows a more substancial "need" (103 beds), but this figure is, in part, also derived from the DHRS methodology. There is an adequate current supply of available acute care beds at existing facilities, similar in nature. No geographical access problem has been shown. The existing hospitals which serve the area proposed to be served by the satellite hospital, as well as the subdistrict and district, have 1984 occupancy rates considerably below the,30% occupancy standard generally applied by DHRS and health care planners. There is not a current shortage of beds. In January, 1990, it is likely that the supply of acute care beds will continue to be adequate. In all likelihood, daily occupancy rates at Martin Memorial and in the subdistrict will still be below the 80% standard. At best, Martin Memorial has shown that during two or three peak winter months, its own institution-specific occupancy rate will exceed 90%.10 But on a short-term basis, such a rate is doable and consistent with quality health care. Current bed utilization, a readily ascertainable criterion which reflects actual conditions, should be accorded considerable weight on the scale of criterion when, as now, the health care industry is in rapid flux and past trends have been disrupted, or even displaced. With declining average lengths of stay and anticipated growth in alternative delivery systems, it is reasonably expected that acute care bed use will continue to decline. The steady drop in bed use makes it more likely that the currently existing and licensed or approved beds in the area will be adequate through January 1990. Martin Memorial's utilization forecast failed to fully take into account the steady decline in bed use. Approval of the proposed hospital would be inconsistent with the State Health Plan, which identifies 80% as a minimum occupancy rate for acute care hospitals and, more particularly, with the Local Health Plan (Priority III) which, with few exceptions, does not allow new beds (irrespective of the DHRS methodology numbers) until specified occupancy thresholds have been met. These thresholds have not yet been met. The proposed hospital would be financially feasible in the short-and-long-term, enhance competition, and improve the education of health care students at the adjacent Indian River Community College. These benefits, however, are outweighed by the other factors which support a conclusion that the proposed hospital will not be needed by January, 1990. Construction of an unneeded hospital would have the effect of reducing occupancy rates at nearby hospitals and exacerbating the problem of excess bed capacity.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Martin Memorial's application or a CON to construct and operate the Port Salerno Hospital be DENIED. DONE and ORDERED this 4th day of October, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, J . Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of October, 1985.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Dialysis of Broward, Inc., apparently filed an application for a Certificate of Need, No. 4092, to establish a ten-station chronic hemodialysis facility in Broward County, Florida. The Intervenors all filed timely petitions to intervene and have standing to intervene in this proceeding. At hearing, Petitioners presented no witnesses and only one admissible exhibit, the State Agency Action Report. No other evidence was submitted to show entitlement by Dialysis of Broward, Inc., to the Certificate of Need sought. According to the State Agency Action Report there are excess dialysis stations in Broward County and no need for the proposed facility.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services enter a Final Order and therein deny the application of Dialysis of Broward, Inc., for Certificate of Need No. 4092. DONE and ENTERED this 20th day of October, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. _ DIANE K. KIESLING, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of October, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Nathan Militzok, Esquire 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd. Suite 1005A Hallanadale, Florida 33009 E. G. Boone, Esquire Peter Giroux, Esquire 1001 Avenida del Circo Venice, Florida 34284 George N. Meros, Jr. Carlton, Fields Law Firm P. O. Drawer 190 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Lesley Mendelson, Esquire Assistant General Counsel 1323 Winewood Blvd. Building 1, Suite 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 William Page, Jr. Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 APPENDIX The proposed findings of fact of Department of Health of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Inc., Florida Kidney Center, Rena1 Support Services, Inc., Plantation Artificial Kidney Center, Inc., and University Dialysis Artificial Kidney Center are adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 1-4 of this Recommended Order.
The Issue Whether Certificate of Need (CON) applications 10386 and 10388 filed by South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Regional Hospital (Memorial), to establish a pediatric kidney transplantation program at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and an adult kidney transplantation program at Memorial Regional Hospital in Broward County, both of which are proposed for organ transplantation service area (OTSA) 4, should be approved. Alternatively, do competing CON applications 10387 and 10389 filed by North Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Broward Health Medical Center (Broward Health), to establish a pediatric kidney transplantation program at Chris Evert Children’s Hospital and Broward Health Medical Center, on balance, better satisfy the applicable statutory and rule review criteria for award of a CON to establish a pediatric or adult kidney transplantation program in OTSA 4?
Findings Of Fact Background AHCA is the state health planning agency charged with administering the CON program pursuant to the Health Facility and Services Development Act, sections 408.031-408.0455, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 59C-1.044, AHCA requires applicants to obtain separate CONs for the establishment of each adult or pediatric organ transplantation program, including heart, kidney, liver, bone marrow, lung, lung and heart, pancreas and islet cells, and intestines transplantations. For purposes of determining the need for organ transplantation services, the State of Florida is divided, by rule, into four service planning areas, corresponding generally with the northern, western central, eastern central, and southern regions of the state. “Transplantation” is “the surgical grafting or implanting in its entirety or in part one or more tissues or organs taken from another person.” Fla. Admin. Code R. 59A- 3.065. “Kidney transplantation” is defined by rule 59C- 1.002(41) as a “tertiary health service, “a health service which, due to its high level of intensity, complexity, specialized or limited applicability, and cost, should be limited to, and concentrated in, a limited number of hospitals to ensure the quality, availability, and cost effectiveness of such service.” For purposes of kidney transplantation, a “pediatric patient” is “a patient under the age of 15 years.” Fla. Admin. Code R. 59C-1.044(2)(c). The Applicants The North Broward Hospital District and South Broward Hospital District are special, independent taxing districts established by the Legislature to ensure access to needed medical services to the residents of Broward County. Both districts are governed by respective boards appointed by the Governor. BHMC has a strong and diverse medical staff, including a broad mix of pediatric and adult specialists and subspecialists who provide high quality care to all segments of the community. More than 350 physicians are on BHMC's active medical staff, with the comprehensive medical staff totaling more than 900 professionals. BHMC is a statutory teaching hospital and the flagship hospital of the North Broward Hospital District. CECH is located within BHMC and offers pediatric specialists and subspecialists, including physicians in the areas of pediatric cardiology, pediatric critical care medicine, pediatric emergency medicine, pediatric endocrinology, pediatric gastroenterology, pediatric genetics, pediatric hematology- oncology, pediatric infectious disease, pediatric intensivist, pediatric nephrology, pediatric ophthalmology, pediatric pulmonary, pediatric rheumatology, pediatric surgery, and pediatric urology. The South Broward Hospital District operates MRH, Memorial Regional Hospital South, JDCH, Memorial Hospital West, Memorial Hospital Miramar, and Memorial Hospital Pembroke. MRH is a 777-bed acute care tertiary hospital. It is the flagship facility of the South Broward Hospital District and is one of the largest hospitals in Florida. MRH offers extensive and diverse health care services, including the Memorial Cardiac and Vascular Institute, which features renowned surgeons and an adult heart transplantation program. MRH also includes the Memorial Cancer Institute, which treats more inpatients than any other in AHCA District 10, and Memorial Neuroscience Center, which provides innovative technology and world-class physicians. JDCH is a dedicated pediatric hospital physically connected to MRH. The leadership of both the North Broward and South Broward Hospital Districts were in the midst of transition at the time of the final hearing. Although there was an attempt to suggest that such transitions should be a factor in this CON proceeding, both Districts are stable, well-established providers. Personnel changes, including the replacement of chief executive officers at both Districts, were not an influential factor in this proceeding. The Applicants’ Experience with Transplant Services Broward Health has provided liver transplantation since 2004. Broward Health's liver transplantation program has had higher annual volumes in the past, but is currently offering approximately 12 liver transplantations per year. In total, Broward Health has performed more than 200 liver transplantations since beginning its program. On or about June 23, 2010, Broward Health entered into a five-year contract with the University of Miami (UM) under which UM agreed to provide Broward Health with surgical coverage for Broward Health’s liver transplantation program. Throughout its history, Broward Health's liver transplantation program has offered high quality. During the two most recent surveys, in 2009 and 2012, inspectors with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) found that Broward Health's liver transplant program had no deficiencies. Broward Health’s liver program complies with all CMS and United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) standards. Broward Health’s liver transplant program exceeds national standards. As of June 2014, 63.3 percent of Broward Health’s transplant patients received a liver transplant within six months of being placed on the waitlist. This is less than half of the national average of 15.3 months. Additionally, Broward Health's mortality rate for liver transplantation is far better than national standards. Memorial established a pediatric heart transplant program in 2011 and an adult heart transplant program in 2014. Memorial's adult and pediatric heart transplant volumes have been relatively low. Memorial has performed a total of 14 pediatric heart transplants over the past five years. In 2012, Cleveland Clinic Hospital (CCH) filed a letter of intent (LOI) and application to establish an adult kidney transplant program. Broward Health submitted a grace period LOI and competing application, No. 10152. Both applications were initially approved and neither was challenged. Accordingly, both programs received final approval by AHCA. After receiving the adult kidney transplant program approval, Broward Health attempted to amend or supplement its liver transplantation agreement with UM to include UM surgical and medical support for Broward Health’s adult kidney transplantation program. Broward Health also applied to UNOS for approval of the adult kidney transplantation program, and identified the UM physicians as those who would provide the necessary surgical support for the program. However, Broward Health never reached an agreement with UM to use its kidney transplant surgeons and did not otherwise recruit the necessary physicians. Broward Health's CEO at that time, Mr. Frank Nask, found UM's proposal to support the kidney transplantation program to be cost prohibitive and decided not to execute the contract amendment with UM. He then instructed staff to dismantle the UNOS-approved kidney transplant program they had already created. Despite the inability to negotiate kidney coverage with UM in 2012, Broward Health continued to offer its adult liver transplantation program using UM surgeons. Had UNOS known that the UM doctors were not available to perform kidney transplants, it would not have approved Broward Health’s adult kidney transplantation program. In March 2014, Broward Health notified CMS, UNOS, and its patients that it was “inactivating” its adult kidney transplantation program. Inexplicably, Broward Health never notified AHCA of this decision. On January 14, 2015, AHCA advised Broward Health that CON No. 10152 had expired and requested that Broward Health return the CON. There is no dispute that CON 10152 has been terminated. Two batching cycles passed from the time Broward Health closed its adult kidney transplantation program until the cycle at issue in these proceedings. In its application for CON No. 10152, Broward Health recognized that an applicant’s prior failure to implement a CON is a proper consideration in the award of future CONs. The application touted Broward Health’s “history of providing transplantation services compared to that of CCH. CCH had an adult kidney transplant program . . . but elected to abandon [it] . . . .” (Memorial Ex. 23, pp. MHS15031-32). Memorial was awarded a CON to establish an adult heart transplantation program at the same time Broward Health was awarded CON No. 10152. Memorial successfully recruited the necessary physicians and staff and implemented that program. The nature of the tertiary services and the two-year planning horizon in this proceeding underscore the importance of applicants being positioned to successfully implement the programs with as little delay as possible. The Applicants’ Proposals Broward Health Broward Health’s proposal relies on the experience it gained through its substantial implementation of its kidney transplantation program in 2012, as well as existing experience and resources related to their adult liver transplantation program. Broward Health acquired significant experience in establishing an adult kidney transplantation program by applying for, and receiving, UNOS approval in 2012. Broward Health's application proposed to hire two abdominal transplant surgeons, Dr. El Gazzaz and Dr. Misawa. The offer to Dr. Misawa, however, has since been withdrawn. Broward Health expects to hire Dr. El Gazzaz. Since the filing of its CON application, Broward Health decided to supplement its surgical coverage by expanding its existing contract with the Cleveland Clinic for liver transplant surgical coverage to include kidney transplantation services should the kidney program receive approval. Broward Health conditioned acceptance of a pediatric kidney transplantation CON on also receiving approval of the adult kidney transplantation CON. Broward Health prepared its financial schedules under the assumption that the adult and pediatric programs were linked, and that both would receive approval. Since livers and kidneys are both abdominal organs, there is substantial overlap in the type of care that is required for transplant patients for each organ. Sometimes both kidneys and livers are transplanted at the same time. Historically, Broward Health has referred out 10 to 15 percent of its liver transplant patients to other providers because it could not offer combined kidney/liver transplantation. Broward Health has accumulated experienced personnel for abdominal transplants. Broward Health's existing nurses care for liver transplant patients and are therefore already prepared to care for kidney transplant patients. Broward Health's team also includes a transplant social worker, transplant psychologist, financial counselors, and quality coordinators. Broward Health plans to hire an additional financial specialist and two Registered nurses (RNs), as well as additional full-time equivalents (FTEs) for a data analyst, pharmacist, and dietician. Broward Health proposes to use the same clinical and ancillary staff for both adult and pediatric kidney transplantation. Unlike Memorial, Broward Health does not intend to perform kidney transplants using live donor organs. Rather, cadaveric organs will be used exclusively. Neither of Broward Health’s applications includes the expense of hiring or contracting for the surgeons needed for its proposed programs. Indeed, there was no evidence that Broward Health’s existing liver transplant surgeons would be willing to perform kidney transplants such that their presence at BHMC or CECH would give Broward Health an advantage in terms of the degree to which its existing services would support its proposed programs. Broward Health has previously developed kidney transplantation policies and procedures related to its 2012 kidney program. These policies and procedures will only require minor updates relative to its later application. Memorial The Memorial adult program would be located at its flagship hospital, MRH. Memorial asserts that it has the requisite staff and resources currently in place to provide expert care to adult patients with chronic end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Memorial points out that staff on the general nursing units and critical care units have extensive experience in the care of patients with chronic kidney disease. Memorial asserts a full range of appropriate inpatient and outpatient services for this patient population on a 24-hour basis including, but not limited to, continuous renal replacement therapy, hemodialysis, and cyclic peritoneal dialysis. Memorial points out that it developed a program to educate staff regarding specific issues related to transplant care (as part of the development of its cardiac transplant program) and that much of this education is relevant to the kidney transplant population. Memorial plans to recruit an experienced transplant surgical director, transplant surgeons, transplant nephrologists and surgical team, and all necessary staff as required. As to Memorial’s proposed pediatric program, the program would be located at JDCH, which is on the campus of, and physically connected to, MRH. JDCH has operated a pediatric nephrology and hypertension program, offering advanced care for children with acute or chronic kidney disorders since 2003. The program is headed by Dr. Alexandru Constantinescu, a board certified pediatric nephrologist. JDCH operates the only pediatric outpatient dialysis unit in Broward County. Dialysis is necessary to sustain the life of a patient with ESRD. With the exception of the actual surgical procedure, JDCH currently provides all the medical care and ancillary services required by pediatric kidney transplant patients, including pre-transplant care, transplant follow-up, and long- term post-transplant care. The only additional personnel JDCH needs in order to implement a pediatric kidney transplantation program is a transplant surgeon and a transplant coordinator, and both are identified in JDCH’s application. JDCH currently refers children who need kidney transplants to other facilities to receive the actual transplant surgery. After transplantation, the patients return to JDCH for their ongoing follow-up care. JDCH’s program also includes a cutting-edge component to transition pediatric transplant patients into the adult clinical setting. Because a transplant patient never ceases to be followed by his or her medical providers, JDCH’s program allows patients to stay within the same institution and to interact with the adult providers during the transition and adjustment period from child to adult. This existing program gives Memorial an advantage over Broward Health with respect to its pediatric and adult applications. In 2006, JDCH became one of five centers that compose the Florida’s Comprehensive Children’s Kidney Failure Center (“CCKFC”) program. JDCH is the only non-academic center approved to provide nephrology care for children with chronic kidney disease who are enrolled in the Department of Health Children’s Medical Services network. In addition, JDCH and Memorial have provided pediatric and adult heart transplantation services since 2010 and 2014, respectively. JDCH’s pediatric heart transplantation program was certified by the CMS in 2011 and was recertified in 2015. CMS certified Memorial’s adult heart transplantation program in November 2015. Memorial has committed to the development and implementation of its pediatric kidney transplant program, regardless of whether its adult program is also approved. The Review Criteria The statutory criterion for the evaluation of CON applications, including applications for organ transplantation programs, is set forth at section 408.035. In addition, AHCA has promulgated a transplantation rule, rule 59C-1.044, which governs the approval of new programs. However, the rule does not contain a methodology that predicts the future need for transplant programs. Instead, the rule sets forth a minimum volume of annual transplants for existing programs that must be met before a new program will normally be approved. The parties agree that the availability, quality of care, accessibility, and extent of utilization of existing health care facilities and health services in OTSA 4 under section 408.035(1)(a), immediate financial feasibility under section 408.035(1)(f), and costs and methods of construction under section 408.035(1)(i) are not at issue. Section 408.035(1)(a) and Rule 59C-1.044(8)(d): The need for the health care facilities and health services being proposed All parties are in agreement that there is a need for at least one new adult kidney transplant program and one new pediatric kidney transplant program in OTSA 4. However, Broward Health argues that two additional adult kidney transplantation programs could be supported in OTSA 4. Memorial disagrees with this contention. Neither applicant’s need or utilization projections, nor the Agency’s SAARs, considered simultaneous approval of two new adult kidney transplant programs. Broward Health’s applications make no mention of a need for two adult kidney transplantation programs, and do not include any analysis of the impact of approving two programs. Broward Health’s health planning expert, Mark Richardson, acknowledged that “the application basically was put forth to show there was a need for the Broward program. It was silent on whether there is a need for a second or not.” Nothing in Broward Health’s applications address the impact Memorial and Broward Health’s proposed adult kidney transplantation programs would have upon each other or upon existing providers if both were approved. The notion of approving both adult applications would have impacted AHCA’s analysis with respect to a number of review criteria, including utilization of existing programs, availability of resources such as health personnel, extent to which the proposed services will enhance access and competition, and the impact on existing providers. Stated differently, Broward Health’s position at hearing that two adult kidney transplantation programs should be approved would have altered the nature and scope of Broward Health’s adult application, as well as the Agency’s review of both the Memorial and Broward Health adult applications. Memorial’s health care planning and financial expert, Michael Carroll, assessed the applicants’ need projections as well as population growth, the incidence of ESRD in OTSA 4, volumes of existing kidney transplant providers in Florida, and availability of organs. Memorial projects that its programs will perform 30 adult kidney transplants and five pediatric kidney transplants. Mr. Carroll found the projections reasonable based on the number of kidney transplants being performed in OTSA 4, and the recent growth in procedures. No contrary evidence was presented. Mr. Carroll’s analysis confirms the need for one additional adult kidney transplantation program in OTSA 4. In part because kidney transplantation is constrained by the availability of organs, Mr. Carroll opined that only one adult program should be established at this time. Broward Health’s planning expert, Mark Richardson, also reviewed existing volumes, population and discharge data, and information gathered from meetings with Broward Health representatives. He opined at final hearing that OTSA 4 could sustain two additional adult kidney transplantation programs. Mr. Richardson’s opinion is based on the fact that each applicant forecasted 30 adult kidney transplants by the end of year two for what he interpreted as a total of 60 cases. Mr. Richardson argued that, even if two new programs were approved, these figures would satisfy the requirement in rule 59C-1.044(8)(d), that each applicant project a minimum of 15 adult kidney transplants per year by the end of year two. Mr. Richardson’s opinions assume that Broward Health will capture approximately 29 percent of Broward County kidney transplant patients, its current market share of patients discharged with certain renal failure diagnostic codes. In 2013, 97 Broward County residents received kidney transplants somewhere in Florida. Mr. Richardson assumed that if Broward Health captured 29 percent of those patients, they would account for 80 percent of Broward Health’s projected kidney transplant volume, with the other 20 percent resulting from in-migration, for a total of 35 kidney transplants. Mr. Richardson assumed that 30 of those patients would be adults, and five pediatric. The 97 patients in Mr. Richardson’s analysis received both cadaveric and living donor transplants. Broward Health will not use living donor organs at least for the first four years of its programs. Living donor transplants account for 20 to as much as 40 percent of kidney transplants. Mr. Richardson’s methodology therefore cannot be applied to a program like Broward Health’s, which would be restricted to cadaveric donors. The credible evidence of record established that there is a need for one additional pediatric kidney transplantation program and one, not two, additional adult kidney transplantation program in OTSA 4. Section 408.035(1)(c): The ability of the applicant to provide quality of care and the applicant’s record of providing quality of care; Section 408.035(1)(d): The availability of resources, including health personnel, management personnel, and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation; and Rules 59C-1.044(3-4) and 59C- 1.044(8)(a-c) The parties’ disagreement concerning which applications best satisfy the above criteria centered on: (1) which applicant’s existing programs provide a greater degree of support for the proposed programs; (2) the applicants’ ability to recruit the necessary physicians to implement the programs, taking into consideration Broward Health’s failure to implement the adult kidney transplantation program awarded by CON No. 10152; (3) the use of employed versus contracted physicians; (4) the use of living donor organs; (5) the “co- location” of the proposed adult and pediatric programs; and the results of a May 2015 CMS survey of Memorial’s pediatric heart transplantation program. Which applicant’s existing programs provide a greater potential degree of support Broward Health relies heavily on its existing adult liver transplantation program, and the prior approval by UNOS of its now-terminated adult kidney transplantation program, to argue that it is best-suited to operate the adult and pediatric kidney transplantations programs at issue in this proceeding. However, there was no evidence that Broward Health’s existing liver transplant surgeons will perform kidney transplants such that their presence at BHMC or CECH could give Broward Health an advantage in terms of the degree to which its existing services would support its proposed programs. Moreover, liver transplant volume at Broward Health has steadily declined since 2007. The program has never been profitable, and Broward Health has considered discontinuing it. Broward Health also asserts that its experience transplanting livers, which, like kidneys, is an abdominal organ, should be weighed more heavily than Memorial’s experience with heart transplants. According to Broward Health, many staff members from Broward's liver transplant program can simultaneously work with the kidney transplant program, because the two abdominal transplant programs require a similar skill set that is transferrable from one to the other. However, again, given the uncertainty as to the identity of the surgeons who will be performing the kidney transplants for Broward Health, this argument is unpersuasive. Given the history, size, and resources of both hospital systems, the undersigned concludes that the proposed adult kidney transplantation programs are on equal footing as to the support offered by their existing programs. However, given Memorial’s experience with pediatric heart transplant patients, Memorial has an advantage over Broward Health with respect to the pediatric kidney program. As noted by several witnesses at hearing, children are not “little adults,” and therefore a track record of working with children is crucial. The applicants’ ability to recruit the necessary physicians to implement the programs; and The use of employed versus contracted physicians Rule 59C-1.044(4) requires that applicants meet certain staffing requirements, including: ”The program shall employ a transplant physician, and a transplant surgeon, if applicable, as defined by the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) June 1994.” Absent evidence that either applicant had secured the necessary physicians to support its programs, AHCA properly reviewed each applicant’s history of recruitment and establishing transplant programs. Memorial has already successfully recruited physicians and other health care professionals needed to care for ESRD and kidney transplant patients. Its existing transplant programs are operated under the direction of physicians who are employed by MRH. In contrast, for whatever reason, Broward Health was not able to reach an agreement with UM to provide the required surgical and medical support for its previously approved kidney transplantation program, resulting in the abandonment of the program. Memorial’s record of recruiting for, and implementing organ transplantation programs, compared to Broward Health’s record, gives Memorial an advantage in terms of the applicants’ history of providing, and ability to provide, quality of care in organ transplantation. Employed, as opposed to contracted physicians, are more invested in their transplant programs, and provide the hospital with more control in ensuring that the service is implemented and operational. Employing physicians also improves patient safety and outcomes. Unlike Memorial, Broward Health’s existing transplantation program is directed by contracted physicians. Broward Health’s applications state that “two kidney transplant surgeons [are] currently committed to support the proposed new adult and pediatric programs and a third surgeon [is] currently being recruited.” The “two kidney transplant surgeons” are identified in letters of intent, accepted into evidence over a hearsay objection. Neither of the physicians who purportedly signed the letters testified at the hearing. The letters of intent are not binding. Indeed, one of the letters was revoked at the instruction of Dr. Tzakis, the Cleveland Clinic surgeon who serves as medical director for Broward Health’s liver program. The second physician was being recruited for Broward Health’s liver transplantation program; his letter of intent did not address kidney transplantation. It became apparent at hearing that Broward Health’s “plan A” has now become to contract with the Cleveland Clinic to provide professional services, including surgical coverage for the proposed kidney transplantation programs. Memorial’s plan to employ physicians, rather than contract for their services, gives Memorial and JDCH an additional advantage over BHMC and CECH. The use of living donor organs Unlike Broward Health, Memorial will use living donor organs, as well as deceased or “cadaveric” donor organs, in its proposed programs, and its applications include the related costs associated with establishing a live donor program. There are significant benefits to use of living donor organs, including reduction or elimination of a patient’s time on the waiting list, improved recovery times, better patient outcomes, increased organ life, and the possibility of avoiding dialysis, which carries an increased risk of mortality for children. As acknowledged by Broward Health in its application for CON No. 10152, living donor kidney transplantation also has the following “distinct advantages:” instead of occurring on an emergency schedule based upon the availability of a suitable organ, the procedure can be scheduled so as to best accommodate the needs of both recipient and donor, and to minimize organ preservation time. In many instances, the total time from removal of the organ to restoration of blood flow in the recipient can be less than one hour. For these and other reasons, live donor transplants typically result in better quality of life and longer survival rates for recipients. (Memorial Ex. 23, p. MHS15056). Memorial’s plan to use living donor organs gives it an advantage over Broward Health in terms of its ability to provide quality of care in pediatric and adult kidney transplantation. The “co-location” of the proposed adult and pediatric programs Especially for pediatric patients nearing the transition to adult care, there are significant benefits in “co- locating” adult and pediatric transplant programs, i.e., one provider operating both programs. For example, co-location allows pediatric patients to transition into the adult setting with providers they trust, reduces the patient and family’s stress, and improves quality of care. In addition, some resources from adult and pediatric kidney transplantation programs can be shared if they are co- located, which improves the programs’ financial feasibility. These factors weigh in favor of granting both pediatric and adult programs to one provider, if appropriate. The May 2015 CMS survey of Memorial’s pediatric heart transplantation program Broward Health’s primary attack against Memorial with respect to sections 408.035(1)(c) and (d), centered on the results of a May 2015 CMS survey of Memorial’s pediatric heart transplantation program. The survey found numerous deficiencies, including deficiencies related to patient safety. CMS notified Memorial that the deficiencies were substantial enough to warrant terminating the program if not immediately corrected. CMS notified Memorial that the program would be terminated unless the deficiencies were cured within 45 days. In response to the survey, Memorial hired an outside consultant, Transplant Solutions. Transplant Solutions conducted its own survey and identified the same deficiencies noted in the CMS survey. Even after Memorial implemented its corrective action plan, CMS found additional deficiencies, though the new deficiencies were not sufficient to warrant termination of the program. Barbara Sverdlik, Director of Nursing and Transplant Administrator at BHMC, compared the lack of deficiencies in the 2012 survey of Broward Health’s adult liver transplantation program with the results of the May 2015 survey of JDCH’s pediatric heart transplantation program. As Ms. Sverdlik acknowledged, JDCH ultimately passed its 2015 survey and, in spite of the results of the initial survey, “[JDCH] could offer a good quality [pediatric kidney transplantation] program.” Although concerning, it is not entirely surprising that numerous deficiencies were found in Memorial’s relatively new pediatric heart transplant program. However, it is more significant to the undersigned that Memorial took immediate action to correct those deficiencies in order to ensure that the program continued without interruption. JDCH’s May 2015 Survey therefore does not give Broward Health any advantage or Memorial any disadvantage under the review criteria. Section 408.035(1)(e): The extent to which the proposed services will enhance access to health care for residents of the service district Three primary considerations were identified at final hearing relevant to which applicant’s proposed programs are more likely to enhance access: the commitment of each applicant to the proposed programs; the availability of donor organs at each facility; and the availability of services at each facility. Access is significantly enhanced by the use of living donor organs, not only for the living donor recipient, but also for other potential transplant recipients on the wait list. The 20 to 40 percent of kidney transplant patients who could receive a living donor transplant would not have access to kidney transplantation at Broward Health for at least the first four years of its programs, whereas those same patients would have immediate access to the needed services at Memorial. In this regard, and as acknowledged by witnesses for the Agency and Broward Health, Memorial’s programs would enhance access to needed kidney transplantation services to a significantly greater extent than Broward Health’s. In its applications and at final hearing, Broward Health touted its existing adult liver program as providing a foundation for its proposed kidney transplantation programs. However, just five percent of liver transplant recipients require a simultaneous liver and kidney transplant. Any access advantage Broward Health might claim to patients requiring dual transplantations is outweighed by Memorial’s use of living donor organs which impacts a much larger percentage of transplant patients. It is uncontroverted that Broward Health abandoned its prior adult kidney transplantation program, thereby exacerbating the access challenges that exist in OTSA 4 with regard to kidney transplant services. Also, despite a recognized need for a pediatric program, Broward Health’s pediatric application was conditioned on the award of the adult program; it “will not be developed as a stand-alone pediatric kidney transplant program.” (JE 12, p. BH83). The adult program is really Broward Health’s focus, and this is evident even in Broward Health’s financial and staffing projections. As established through the final hearing testimony of their CEOs, MRH and JDCH are steadfastly committed to establishing pediatric and adult kidney transplantation programs. It is also noteworthy that JDCH operates the only pediatric outpatient dialysis program in Broward County, again highlighting its commitment to the pediatric population suffering from kidney disease. In contrast, the proposed Broward Health program would rely on a third party, DaVita, to provide pediatric outpatient dialysis. As the applicant which is more committed to provide the needed services to both the pediatric and adult populations, and which has an unblemished track record of implementing programs, Memorial would enhance access to pediatric and adult kidney transplantation services in OTSA 4 to a greater extent than Broward Health. At hearing, Marisol Fitch, the Agency representative, explained why AHCA concluded that as between the two applicants, Memorial would be most likely to enhance access to this needed service: Q So as between these two applicants, one telling you that if you don’t give them a CON for an adult program, they are not going to implement a CON for the children’s program, versus the other one, which of these two applicants would best ensure and enhance access for residents of this area of the state? A If you are talking about all residents, including the pediatric population, then it would be the applicant that was going to do both. Q That’s Memorial; isn’t that right? A They did not condition their application on – they would do the pediatric without the adult. Q Now I will ask you the same question regarding the issue of the live donor program. One applicant is indicating they will not establish and operate a live donor program, the other one will. Of the two applicants, which would enhance access to the residents of the district that we are dealing with here? A The applicant that used live donor since a large chunk of donors for kidneys are live donors. Q That would mean Memorial; isn’t that right? A That is correct. Section 408.035(1)(f): The immediate and long-term financial feasibility of the proposal The parties have stipulated that short-term financial feasibility, the ability to fund and open the projects, is not at issue. However, the parties contested the long-term financial feasibility of each proposal. The Agency’s application review concluded that the proposed programs were financially feasible in the long-term. That conclusion presumed that the assumptions underlying the applicants’ financial figures were appropriate. In Schedule 8A of its pediatric application, Memorial projected a net loss of $1,129,885 in its second year, while Broward Health projected a net excess of revenue over expenses of $200,717 at the end of year two. In Schedule 8A of its adult application, Memorial projected a net loss of $589,691 in its second year, and Broward Health projected a net excess of revenue over expenses of $560,709 at the end of year two. According to Broward Health’s financial consultant, Tom Davidson, the primary reason Broward Health’s financial projections appear more favorable than Memorial’s is because Memorial’s applications include the costs of required transplant physicians, while Broward Health’s do not. As Mr. Davidson testified at hearing: Q How can you explain that difference? Have you analyzed the two pro formas to figure out why Broward Health projects it can make money at a lower volume than what you think Memorial Health would do to break even? A Yes, I mean it’s entirely – not only in the pro formas, but actually in the real world, it is a function of the physician expense. This is kind of an interesting case from a financial feasibility point of view because there is really only one issue that needs to be analyzed. You have two applicants in the same county, both tax- supported programs that provide a lot of charity care. They both want the same service, they are both projecting the same volume. Every line item in the real world, forget about what’s in the pro formas, but when the real world comes around, whatever goes on in terms of payer mix, gross charges, and in particular net revenues with Medicare and Medicaid and commercial insurers, all those numbers are just going to be what they are. They are going to have to spend the same money to take care of the transplant patient. There is nothing really that a sensible human being could bring up that would distinguish the two in terms of financial feasibility except for this one issue. Does one hospital have to hire a bunch of new doctors to get into business or do both? Broward Health represented to me and I represented in the financial projections that I prepared that they would not. Memorial represented in their forecasts that they would. And that’s the entire difference. And it’s really the only difference that there can be between these two applications. Because otherwise, if you just think about it logically – you don’t have to be a finance person – there’s no – you can’t slip a piece of paper between these two programs in terms of revenues, expenses, and other expenses, because you’ve got to take care of patients. You have to give them lab tests and things cost what they cost. So without getting into some really kind of bazaar attempts to distinguish these two, that’s the question. And I think as a health planner it is my firm opinion that that is the only thing on the financial side that Your Honor has to consider, whether or not Broward Health has to hire doctors. Originally, Mr. Davidson included approximately $900,000 in his expense projections for the cost of adding two physicians. He later eliminated those expenses by assuming that the surgeons currently performing adult liver transplants would also perform Broward Health’s adult and pediatric kidney transplants at no additional cost. Broward Health’s applications do not include any costs associated with employing or contracting for physicians needed to operate its programs and Broward Health does not know what the financial terms of either arrangement might be. As acknowledged by Robyn Farrington, Chief Nursing Officer at BHMC, Broward Health will need additional physicians beyond those who are already either employed or contracted by Broward Health in order to operate adult and pediatric kidney transplant programs. As Michael Carroll credibly testified, even assuming the surgeons performing liver transplants at BHMC also performed kidney transplants at no additional cost, it is improper to exclude the costs for those physicians from a financial assessment of the kidney program: “whatever time that liver transplant surgeon spends [performing kidney transplants] should be allocated to the kidney transplant program.” Broward Health’s pediatric application also failed to include any additional staff for the proposed project. This is because, unlike Memorial, the financial and staffing projections in Broward Health’s applications are interdependent: the staffing and expenses in Broward Health’s pediatric application assume that Broward Health is awarded the CON for an adult program and that, in large part, the adult program would support the pediatric program without the need for additional resources. Accordingly, no expenses associated with adding staff is reflected on Schedule 8A of Broward Health’s pediatric application. However, since children are not simply small adults, additional staff would, in fact, be required for Broward Health’s pediatric program. If its pediatric application is approved, Broward Health will then evaluate what additional staffing it might need for its program. However, as of now there is no way to determine from its applications what staff Broward Health will need for its pediatric program or what the additional cost of that staff will be. In short, there is no way to forecast the cost of either of Broward Health’s proposed programs. The uncertainty regarding the ultimate cost of the Broward Health programs contrasts with Memorial’s applications, which were presented as “stand-alone” projects with regard to projected costs. All resources necessary to operate the adult and pediatric kidney transplantation programs are included in each application. Notwithstanding the stand alone financial presentations, it is reasonable to assume that some resources will be shared if Memorial receives final approvals for both programs. As pointed out by Broward Health, Memorial’s applications contained four mathematical errors that impacted its financial projections. Specifically, Memorial included an incorrect number of adult transplants to be performed prior to CMS certification, improperly calculated Medicare reimbursements, overstated organ procurement costs, and included too many post-transplant follow up appointments. Memorial prepared corrected financial schedules to account for these errors. Revised Schedule 8A for Memorial’s adult application showed a net excess of revenue over expenses of $745,434 at the end of year two. Revised Schedule 8A for Memorial’s proposed pediatric program showed a net loss of $1,026,422 at the end of year two. The combined net loss at the end of year two for both programs totals $280,988. The errors did not affect Memorial’s volume projections, the programs’ scope, orientation, philosophy, accessibility, or need assessment. Memorial has the financial ability to absorb the losses for its proposed pediatric program, even if operated as a stand-alone program. If Memorial’s adult and pediatric programs are co- located, some resources will be shared, and the combined programs will approach break even by the end of year two. In this case, long-term financial feasibility is not accorded as much weight as it might be in other CON determinations, because there is an established need for these tertiary services, and both applicant organizations have the ability, if they so choose, to subsidize operational losses in order to maintain the programs. Stated differently, the projected long-term financial feasibility of both applicants’ proposals is not a basis for distinguishing between them. Rather, the commitment of the applicants to their proposals, as addressed above, is the more critical consideration. Section 408.035(1)(g): The extent to which the proposal will foster competition that promotes quality and cost- effectiveness The Cleveland Clinic is an existing provider of adult kidney transplantation services in OTSA 4. If Broward Health’s “plan A” is implemented, a contract with the Cleveland Clinic for surgeons to operate an adult kidney transplantation program in the same county and OTSA is less likely to foster competition that promotes quality and cost-effectiveness than approval of Memorial’s independent programs. Broward Health’s proposals will not foster competition for pediatric or adult living donor transplants. These considerations weigh in favor of Memorial with respect to the ability of both its proposed adult and pediatric kidney transplantation programs to foster competition pursuant to section 408.035(1)(g). Section 408.035(1)(i): The applicants’ past and proposed provision of health care services to Medicaid patients and the medically indigent Consistent with their missions, both applicants provide substantial services to Medicaid patients and the medically indigent. Mr. Richardson was critical of Memorial’s applications because they do not include Medicaid in their projected payor mix. However, Mr. Richardson’s data showed a miniscule percentage of Broward County residents who received a kidney transplant and are Medicaid-eligible. And although Medicare makes up a far larger portion of the payor mix, Broward Health’s pediatric application included no Medicare in its payor mix assumptions. As Mr. Davidson testified, it is improper to draw any conclusions from an applicant excluding Medicaid as a payor source or from the fact that Broward Health did not include any bad debt or charity care in its applications. As Mr. Richardson agreed, Memorial provides a large volume of Medicaid care and the pediatric applications are on equal footing on this criterion. Mr. Richardson also correctly agreed that the applicants are the same in terms of their history of serving Medicaid and medically-indigent adult patients. There is no evidence that either applicant has a greater commitment to providing kidney transplantation services to Medicaid patients and the medically indigent than the other. Accordingly, neither applicant is entitled to preference under this criterion.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered approving CON Application Nos. 10386 and 10388 filed by the South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Regional Hospital, subject to the conditions contained in the applications, and denying CON Application Nos. 10387 and 10389 filed by the North Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Broward Health Medical Center. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of May, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S W. DAVID WATKINS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of May, 2016.
Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: On September 14, 1977, respondent received petitioner's (BMA) application for approval of a capital expenditure proposal to establish a new twenty-station chronic renal dialysis facility in Clearwater, Florida. Petitioner is a subsidiary of National Medical Care, Inc., which is the largest provider of chronic dialysis services, operating some sixty facilities nationwide. BMA currently operates two facilities in the Florida Gulf Health Systems Agency (FGHSA) region -- a twenty-five station facility in Tampa and a twenty station facility in St. Petersburg. BMA also operates facilities in Sarasota, Gainesville and Orlando, Florida. The present application proposes to spend $470,000.00 for leasehold improvements and $140,000.00 for equipment for a total capital expenditure of $610,000.00. The proposed facility is designed to provide outpatient hemodialysis treatments to medically stable, ambulatory patients suffering from end state renal disease (ESRD). Such patients suffer negligible kidney functions and require either regular chronic dialysis treatment or transplantation. Those patients who undergo hemodialysis generally have three treatments per week, each treatment lasting from four to six hours. By letter dated December 12, 1977, the respondent's administrator notified petitioner that its capital expenditure proposal was not favorably considered for two reasons, both relating to the need for such services within the applicable service area. The first reason cited by the respondent was the finding by the FGHSA that only five additional stations would be needed in the year 1978. Due to the fact that the FGHSA failed to provide respondent with its recommendation within sixty days, respondent was required, pursuant to F.S. Section 381.494(5)(e), to deem that the proposal was recommended for approval by the FGHSA. The second reason for disapproval listed by the respondent was its own determination that a surplus of eleven stations would exist in the service area of 1978. This figure of eleven was amended at the hearing to four. Subsequent to the time that petitioner's application was considered at the local and state levels, respondent approved the application of Kidneycare of Florida, Inc. for the establishment of a ten station chronic renal dialysis facility in Clearwater, Florida. This action occurred on February 15, 1978, after an administrative hearing was held in which petitioner BMA was an intervenor. That case (Case No. 77-2203) is presently on appeal in the District Court of Appeal, Second District. Apparently, the BMA and the Kidneycare applications were submitted to and considered by the local and state reviewing authorities during the same period of time. The generally accepted formula for arriving at a projected need for additional dialysis stations is not in dispute. The starting point is the actual number of persons who are ESRD patients within the service area. To this number is added the number of patients expected to develop ESRD during the planning period. This sum is then reduced by the number of successful kidney transplants expected to occur and by the number of patients expected to die within the planning period. For planning purposes, veteran administration patients and dialysis machines are not to be included in the projections. In order to arrive at a valid project patient population figure for the planning period, it should be appropriate to add the number of transient patients or winter visitors to the area and subtract the number of patients trained for home dialysis. To arrive at the number of stations (machines) required to serve the project patient population at the end of the planning period, the projected patient pool is divided by the station utilization factor (a ratio of number of patients per station). The number of existing stations in the area is then subtracted from this figure, thus yielding the number of additional stations needed. Thus the ideal formula reads as follows: current patient pool + new patients successful transplants mortality factor home trainees + winter visitors V.A. patients = projected patient pool divided by station utilization factor number of existing non V.A. stations + additional stations needed This formula necessarily employs certain conjectural components and the dispute in this proceeding concerns the derivation and propriety of the statistics used to supply these conjectural components. It appears from the testimony and documentary evidence that the respondent relied exclusively on the data supplied by the FGHSA, with the exception of the station utilization factor. Therefore, it is presumed that the figures utilized by the FGHSA in its analysis were also utilized by respondent. In arriving at the projected patient pool, the petitioner and the HSA were in agreement with the number of new patients and the number of successful transplants. They were not in agreement with the projected morality figure or with the projected number of veterans administration patients. The HSA utilized the actual morality figure (21.8 percent) for the 1975-76 year. The petitioner utilized the figure of 15 percent. The actual morality rate for the 1976-77 year was 14.1 percent. Had the HSA had this more recent statistic available to it at the time, it would have utilized it. A more appropriate method would have been to average the two figures. This would have increased the number of deaths projected by the petitioner and decreased the number projected by the HSA. The evidence with respect to the patient cap at the V.A. hospital was based upon hearsay and thus is not sufficient to refute the HSA's projections in that area. Neither the HSA nor the petitioner took into account the number of transient patients or the number of existing patients who would undergo home dialysis training within the planning period. Each of these factors was deemed too speculative or conjectural for a meaningful computation of projected needs. Testimony was adduced to the effect that the intervenor Kidneycare had received a nine-year grant to establish home dialysis training in the subject service area, and that once this program was underway, it was expected that from 30 to 50 patients would be trained in home dialysis. The utilization factor per station or machine was also in dispute. In making their projections, both the petitioner and the HSA used a factor of 3.2. This result is obtained by assuming that each machine has a capacity for dialyzing two patients per day, and that each patient must be dialyzed three times per week. Assuming a capacity rate of 80 percent, the utilization factor is 3.2 patients per station. Using a capacity rate of 90 percent, the utilization factor is 3.6 patients per station. The respondent utilized the 3.6 factor in projecting future need. This 3.6 utilization standard has consistently been used by respondent in its review of other free-standing chronic renal dialysis facilities, and petitioner has failed to demonstrate that such a standard is unreasonable. The remaining area of the formula in dispute is the number of existing non-V.A. stations in the area to be served. The parties agreed that as of the end of 1977, there were 73 chronic renal dialysis stations in existence or authorized in the four county are covered by the FGHSA. The dispute arose over the actual utilization by Tampa General Hospital of its existing 14 stations. The assistant hospital administrator at Tampa General Hospital testified that it is the future intent of said hospital to reduce the number of stations available for stable chronic patients in order to make room for more unstable chronic and acute patients. This "future intent" is still in the recommendation stage and the testimony regarding this intent was not specific as to the actual number of stations to be withdrawn. The testimony established that a reasonable planning period for chronic renal dialysis equipment is one year. If one considers the one year period to commence at the time that the proposed facility can be operational, the testimony indicates that the one year period would run from the end of 1978 through the end of 1979. In applying the facts discussed above to the acceptable formula, it is found that the patient pool projected by the HSA must be increased by utilizing a lower mortality rate (18 percent in lieu of 21.8 percent) and that the petitioner's projected patient pool must be decreased by utilizing a higher number of deaths and a higher number of V.A. patients. The resulting figures must also be offset by applying a station utilization factor of 3.6 in lieu of 3.2 and by adding to the number of existing stations the ten stations for which the intervenor Kidneycare recently received approval from respondent. Applying these adjustments to the figures projected by the respondent, the projected patient pool for non-V.A. patients for the end of 1978 approximates 294, and the figure for the end of 1979 is somewhere close to 326. A utilization factor of 3.6 patients per station indicates an approximate need for 82 stations by the end of 1978 and 90 stations by the end of 1979.
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is recommended that respondent's denial based upon the ground of lack of demonstrated need for additional dialysis stations in the service area be reversed. It is further recommended that, a need having been shown for an additional seven stations in the planning period, petitioner be permitted to submit a revised or amended application within twenty days for approval of a seven station facility. Respondent should then act upon said revised application within fifteen days from receipt of the same. Respectfully submitted and entered this 9th day of May, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 904/488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Art Forehand, Administrator Office of Community Medical Facilities 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Harold W. Mullis, Jr. Trenam, Simmons, Kemker, Scharf, Barkin, Frye and O'Neill Post Office Box 1102 Tampa, Florida 33601 Eric J. Haugdahl Assistant General Counsel 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building 1, Room 406 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 John H. French, Jr. 630 Lewis State Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304
The Issue The issue for determination is whether either applicant's request for a CON for IRTP beds should be granted. LORTC's allegation that La Amistad plagiarized portions of another PIA facility's CON application was deemed at hearing to be irrelevant. Likewise, it was determined at hearing and in a post- hearing order entered on November 1, 1988, that the sale of La Amistad to UHS of Maitland, Inc. had no material bearing on the La Amistad application under review here. In the parties' prehearing statement filed on September 26, 1988, the following were agreed: Consideration of the applications at issue is governed by the statutory criteria contained in section 381.705, Florida Statutes and Rule 10- 5.011(1)(b)(1)-(4), Florida Administrative Code. These criteria are either satisfied or are inapplicable: Section 381.705(1)(g), (h), (only as to the following clauses: "the effects the project will have on clinical needs of health professional training programs in the service district; the extent to which the services will be accessible to schools for health professions in the service district for training purposes if such services are available in a limited number of facilities"), (j), Florida Statutes (1987) As to LORTC, the parties stipulated that the criteria in Section 381.705(1)(h) as to availability of funds for capital and operating expenditures is satisfied. This is not a stipulation that the application satisfies the financial feasibility criterion contained in Section 381.705(1)(i). Rule 10-5.011(1)(b)(4)(b) , Florida Administrative Code. Each applicant argues that its application, and not that of the other, should be approved. HRS and West Lake both argue that neither application should be approved.
Findings Of Fact La Amistad is a not-for-profit corporation providing a variety of mental health services to children, adolescents and young adults on campuses in Maitland and Winter Park, Florida since 1970. At the time of hearing La Amistad operated 27 licensed IRTP beds at its Maitland campus. At the time of hearing La Amistad had a contract to sell its residential treatment program, including the beds that are the subject of this proceeding, to Universal Health Services, Inc. The contract was entered into after this CON application was filed. LORTC is a wholly owned subsidiary of PIA, Psychiatric Hospitals, Inc. (PIA), which in turn is wholly owned by NME Hospitals, Inc. PIA owns or operates approximately three residential treatment centers (RTCs) and 58 psychiatric hospitals throughout the country, including Laurel Oaks Hospital in Orange County, Florida, an 80-bed licensed hospital providing short term psychiatric and substance abuse services to children and adolescents. HRS is the state agency charged with the responsibility of implementing and enforcing the CON program, pursuant to Section 381.701-381.715, Florida Statutes. The Intervenor, West Lake, is an 80-bed licensed psychiatric hospital in Longwood, Seminole County, Florida. West Lake has allocated 16 beds to its children's program and 24 beds to its adolescent programs. West Lake is licensed for both long and short-term psychiatric beds. THE APPLICATIONS La Amistad's application requests the conversion of 13 existing beds (currently licensed as child caring beds) to licensed IRTP beds, the demolition of several old buildings and the construction of a new building which will contain a total of 16 IRTP beds. The 13 additional beds would bring La Amistad's IRTP total to 40 beds. The total project cost of La Amistad's proposal is $500,000.00 or $38,462.00 per bed. La Amistad's Maitland facility is located in a residential area and is itself designed to be residential in nature, rather than institutional. The patients prepare their own food under the supervision of a dietician and other staff. They also do their own housekeeping. La Amistad is not a "locked unit". A maximum of 16 patients reside in each "house" on the La Amistad campus. The houses are staffed on a 24-hour a day basis. Like other similar facilities, La Amistad utilizes a multi-discipline team approach to treatment. That is, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers and other staff work together. The treatment team meets weekly to discuss the program and treatment of each patient. Family members may visit and stay at the campus on weekends. Families are encouraged to participate in the treatment process. La Amistad has a full-time school on campus with teachers provided by the Orange County School System. The average length of stay for patients is in excess of Il to 12 months. This is consistent with HRS' understanding that 9-14 months is an average length of stay for an intensive residential treatment program. LORTC's application is for CON approval of a 40-bed IRTP located on the grounds of its existing freestanding psychiatric hospital, Laurel Oaks. The facility is currently under construction and will be operated as a residential treatment center if its IRTP CON is denied. LORTC anticipates serving two out of three of the following groups: adolescents who need long-term care, older children (8 years to 13 years) who need long-term care, and chemically dependent adolescents. The projected average length of stay is 120 days, which stay is consistent with that of other PIA residential treatment centers in Florida. The LORTC facility will be "locked". Meals will be prepared at Laurel Oaks Hospital and will be transported in some, as yet undetermined, manner to the separate building. The geographical area in which LORTC will be located is not residential. The capital cost of the 40 bed facility is projected at $3,291,000.00. The funds, provided by the parent company, NME, will be expended, regardless of CON approval. LORTC also uses a multi-discipline team approach to treatment. Each patient's treatment program will consist of psychiatric support services, educational services and family services. Students will attend academic classes four hours a day at the facility. THE APPLICABLE DISTRICT PLAN AND STATE HEALTH PLAN The District Seven Health Plan does not address needs, policies, or priorities for IRTP facilities for children and adolescents. The State Health Plan addresses very generally the need for mental health and substance abuse services. Goal 1 seeks to: "Ensure the availability of mental health and substance abuse services to all Florida residents in the least restrictive setting." Goal 2 seeks to: Promote the development of a continuum of high quality, cost effective private sector mental health and substance abuse treatment and preventive services". Goal 3 seeks to: "Develop a complete range of essential public mental health services in each HRS district." (Laurel Oaks Exhibit #20). The applications neither violate nor materially advance these goals. In both instances the beds will exist for the provision of mental health services, with or without the certificate of need. La Amistad's proposal clearly presents a "less restrictive alternative" to the more institutional psychiatric hospital. Laurel Oaks is also an alternative, although more institutional than homelike in character. NEED, INCLUDING THE AVAILABILITY OF LIKE OR ALTERNATIVE SERVICES AND INCREASED ACCESSIBILITY IRTP beds are a statutorily defined class of specialty hospital beds: Intensive residential treatment programs for children and adolescents means a specialty hospital accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals which provides 24-hour care and which has the primary functions of diagnosis and treatment of patients under the age of 18 having psychiatric disorders in order to restore such patients to an optimal level of functioning. Section 395.002(8), Florida Statutes. Because an IRTP is a hospital, a certificate of need is required. This alone distinguishes an IRTP from a residential treatment program (RTP). In spite of its name, HRS considers an IRTP as a service that is less intensive than a long or short term psychiatric hospital. Generally, the RTP and IRTP have a longer average length of stay than a psychiatric hospital and provide a more homelike setting. No HRS rule further defines the IRTP, and as evidenced by the La Amistad and LORTC proposals, the projected average length of stays vary widely (120 days for LORTC, versus 12-14 months for La Amistad). Long term psychiatric hospitals have an average length of stay of over 90 days. West Lake has treated adolescents in its psychiatric beds as long as a year, although this has not occurred recently. HRS has no rule methodology for calculating the need for IRTP's. However, HRS considers there is a need for at least one reasonably-sized IRTP in each HRS service district. In HRS district VII there are currently two IRTPs: Devereaux, a 100-bed facility in Melbourne, Brevard County, Florida, licensed on February 26, 1988; and La Amistad, with 27 IRTP beds in Orange County, licensed in August, 1988. Although HRS clearly does not limit its approval to only one IRTP per district, it has a policy of waiting to see what the need and demand are before it authorizes an additional program with a CON. Its deviation from this policy regarding approval of the La Amistad beds was adequately explained as a settlement based on the acknowledgment of a prior administrative error. Utilization of the Devereaux beds was not a consideration in that unique case. HRS also uses as a reasonable non-rule policy the requirement that existing programs be 80 percent occupied before additional programs are authorized. This is modeled after the promulgated rule in effect for long-term psychiatric beds. At the time the applications were considered, La Amistad was not licensed and Devereaux had a less than 50 percent occupancy. Conflicting evidence was presented with regard to the accessibility of both La Amistad's 27 beds and Devereaux' 100 beds. Devereaux is approximately one to two hours from the three counties identified as LORTC's primary service area: Seminole, Osceola and Orange. LORTC argues that families who need to actively participate in the patients' treatment are discouraged by the travel distance. However, Laurel Oak Hospital currently refers patients to its sister facilities in Manatee and Palm Beach counties, which are more distant than Devereaux. No patient origin studies of Devereaux were done and LORTC's expert in health and planning conceded that it takes a while for people to become aware of a new facility and its services, and a new facility can stimulate patient migration. The credible weight of evidence is that a travel time of two hours or less would not significantly influence decisions to use the facility. La Amistad is noted for its treatment of schizophrenics. It sponsors seminars attracting participants from a wide geographical area. It does not, however, limit its beds to patients with that diagnosis. In the past approximately 48 percent of La Amistad's beds (its entire facility, not just the IRTP beds) have been utilized by schizophrenics. This does not alone evidence non-accessibility of its IRTP beds. The statutory definition of an IRTP, cited in paragraph 17, above, is broad enough to include the type of care provided in long-term psychiatric hospitals, such as West Lake. The programs described in the applications of both LORTC and La Amistad are similar to the programs currently operated at West Lake for children and adolescents. The multi-disciplinary team monitors the patient's progress with a goal toward reintegration into the community. The patients attend school and receive a wide variety of therapies, with varying intensity: individual and group counseling, activity and occupational therapy, family therapy, vocational planning, and the like. When the patient is admitted, an evaluation is done to determine an anticipated length of stay. Some require a shorter stay, with more intensive therapy; others are more appropriately treated for a longer period, with less intensity. West Lake's program is not full. There are myriad alternative programs for the treatment of children and adolescents in the tri-county area. Seagrave House, the Charlie Program and Boystown are residential programs for children and adolescents who may have received treatment in a hospital but who are not ready to return home and could progress further in a residential program. Mainstream, a partial hospitalization program, is also available to this age group. A partial hospitalization program provides structured daytime treatment with the same therapies offered in a hospital or full residential program, but the patients are able to return home at night. Other existing facilities and programs available in the service district include Parkside Lodge, the Care Unit, the Center for Drug-free Living, Glenbeigh Hospital and Rainbow. Laurel Oaks has referred patients to Rainbow, a residential treatment program for youths with substance abuse problems. La Amistad presented anecdotal testimony from its clinical and other staff regarding the numbers of patients they could refer to La Amistad if the application were approved. In no instance did these witnesses eliminate the other available programs as appropriate alternatives. Several other witnesses testified on behalf of LORTC regarding the need for additional long-term treatment programs for children and adolescents. It is clear, however, that these individuals from the Orange County Public Defender's office, the Orange County Public Schools and the Seminole County Mental Health Center were descrying the need for services for economically disadvantaged youths and those without insurance. Neither La Amistad nor LORTC propose to materially serve that population. Medicaid funds are not available to licensed speciality hospitals and both La Amistad and LORTC will serve patients referred and paid for by HRS, with or without an IRTP CON. The projected percentage of non-pay patient days in both applications is negligible. Any consideration of alternatives in this case must consider the alternatives of the applicants themselves. In both cases, the beds will be available with or without the CON, and the treatment programs are substantially the same with or without the CON. Denial of these applications will not decrease the potential supply of beds in District VII. Indeed, LORTC candidly argues that it is asking only that HRS assist in enhancing financing access to its beds, that CON approval and subsequent licensure will provide increased access to patients with insurance which will not reimburse non- hospital based care. LORTC, and to a lesser degree, La Amistad, insist that approval will positively impact access for privately insured patients. The weight of evidence does not support that basic contention in this case. PIA's non-hospital RTCs in Palm Beach and Manatee County claim to have a 60-70 percent commercial insurance pay or mix. LORTC projects only 67 percent commercially insured patients after its first year of operation. This does not represent an increase. According to its financial experts La Amistad is not projecting any increase in insurance reimbursement because of licensure as an IRTC. Two trends in insurance reimbursement practices were described at length in this proceeding. First, companies are willing to negotiate an "out-of- contract" reimbursement when a non-covered facility is able to show that its services are more appropriate and in the long term, more cost effective than the covered services for a particular patient. Second, insurance companies are carefully scrutinizing long term treatment reimbursement and are limiting coverage in expensive residential programs. Neither trend weighs in favor of approval of these applications. AVAILABILITY OF RESOURCES Nursing costs in health care institutions usually comprise more than 50 percent of the operating costs. It is the largest single budget item in a hospital or health care facility. Throughout the country and in District VII, there is a shortage of nurses and trained allied health personnel. Although Laurel Oaks Hospital is staffed, maintaining its staff of registered nurses is a day-to-day problem. West Lake also experiences difficulty in maintaining qualified staff. No doubt LORTC, with aggressive recruitment will initially attract the personnel it needs. Financial incentives will have to be provided and West Lake's problems will be exacerbated. The additional costs will be passed on to the consumer, thus perpetuating the upward inflation spiral of health care costs. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY AND EFFECTS ON COMPETITION La Amistad states it intends to finance $450,000.00 of its $500,000.00 total project cost through bank loans, fund raising efforts and personal commitments from board members. Its pro forma, as corrected and updated at the hearing is reasonable, based upon the facility's actual experience in staffing and filling beds. However, the ability of the applicant itself to complete construction for the replacement beds is questionable in light of an admission at hearing by Walter Muller, M.D., the founder and Medical Director of La Amistad. Dr. Muller conceded that one of the reasons for the sale to Universal Health is to obtain adequate funds for the new building. (transcript pages 271-272). LORTC contends that no capital expenditure is relevant here as the facility is being constructed as a non-hospital RTC. For the transfer to IRTC status no additional expenses will be incurred. Regardless of the validity of that contention, the parties have stipulated that funds are available for capital and operating expenditures. LORTC's pro forma is reasonable based on the extensive experience of its parent company with similar facilities, the RTCs in Manatee County and Palm Beach County, and Laurel Oaks Hospital. That experience has not been tested in an area, where, as here, there are existing unfilled IRTPs. As provided in the discussion of need, above, LORTC cannot dismiss West Lake, Devereaux, La Amistad and other facilities offering similar programs. LORTC did not establish conclusively that it could maintain its projected utilization in the face of the potential draw of those other facilities. PIA has been highly successful in marketing its services in the past. If its success prevails and LORTC proves financially feasible, there is substantial evidence that it will be at the expense of West Lake, Devereaux, and the others. There is no evidence that LORTC or La Amistad evaluated the impact of their proposals on other service providers in the area. OTHER REVIEW CRITERIA, INCLUDING QUALIFY OF CARE Both applicants enjoy a reputation for providing good quality mental health services and there is no substantial evidence that this quality will deteriorate if the applications are approved. No competent evidence was presented regarding the failure of either applicant to meet the remaining relevant criteria.
Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: East Pasco Medical Center (EPMC) is a non-profit 85-bed acute care hospital facility located in the East Pasco subdistrict of HRS District V. There are only two hospitals in the subdistrict -- EPMC in Zephyrhills and Humana in Dade City, which is approximately ten miles north. Humana is a 120- bed acute care hospital facility. Both facilities offer the same services and share the same medical staff. On or about September 17, 1987, EPMC submitted an application for a Certificate of Need to add 35 medical/surgical beds via a fourth floor addition to its existing facility. Its existing 85 beds are located in private rooms, and it is proposed that the additional 35 beds will also be placed in separate rooms. The application submitted to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) projected a total project cost of $4,531,000. This figure was revised at the hearing to a project cost of $2,302,900. With regard to acute care services, the State Health Plan seeks to assure geographic accessibility. All residents of East Pasco County currently have access to acute care hospital services within the travel times suggested by the State plan. The State Health Plan also seeks to promote the efficient utilization of acute care services by attaining an average annual occupancy rate of at least 80 percent. The District V Local Health Plan emphasizes that additions to inpatient acute care beds in a subdistrict should not be considered unless a numeric bed need is shown and certain occupancy thresholds have been met. The recommended occupancy thresholds for medical/surgical beds are 80% for the subdistrict and 90% for the facility seeking to add beds. Application of the bed need methodology contained in HRS's Rule 10- 5.011(1)(m), Florida Administrative Code, indicates a numeric need for 57 additional acute care medical/surgical beds in the East Pasco subdistrict for the planning horizon period of July, 1992. The rule provides that HRS will "not normally approve" additional beds unless average occupancy in the subdistrict is greater than 75 percent. However, the rule permits HRS to award additional beds when there is a calculated need, notwithstanding low occupancy in the subdistrict, if the applicant had a minimum of 75% average occupancy during the 12 months ending 14 months prior to the Letter of Intent. Rule 10- 5.011(1)(m)7.e., Florida Administrative Code. The rule also permits HRS to award additional beds where the calculated numeric need substantially exceeds the number of existing and approved beds in the subdistrict and there is an access problem related to travel time. For the relevant time period, the acute care occupancy rate for the East Pasco subdistrict was below 75% percent. Indeed, over the past few years, the average occupancy rate in that subdistrict has been 54 to 58 percent. Humana only operates at about a 55% occupancy. The East Pasco subdistrict does experience seasonal fluctuations in medical/surgical occupancy, with the season for high occupancy beginning in late October and ending in mid- to late April. In addition to tourists, it is expected that the revival of the citrus industry in East Pasco County will bring more migrant pickers to the area during the peak season months. The seasonal increase in occupancy directly corresponds with a large increase in seasonal population, particularly in the Zephyrhills area. The Zephyrhills area population is much older than the Dade City population and is also much older than the State average. The HRS acute care bed need rule includes considerations of seasonal peak demands. When considering both hospitals in the subdistrict, there has been a decline in peak seasonal occupancy rates over the past few years. While the population of the East Pasco subdistrict has grown, and is expected to increase by approximately 7,200 in 1992, there is a trend of declining utilization in the subdistrict. This decline is due to increased used of outpatient services and shorter lengths of hospital stay attributable to the current reimbursement system. The medical/surgical use rate fell from 454 patient days per 1,000 population in 1986 to 414 patient days per 1,000 population in 1988. There was a similar decline in the acute care use rate. Assuming a constant medical/surgical use rate, the projected demand for 1992 would be 2,980 additional medical/surgical patient days in the subdistrict according to population projections, and about 4,267 incremental patient days according to local health council projections. EPMC's Letter of Intent to add 35 additional beds was filed in mid- July, 1987. Its acute care occupancy rate for the period of April, 1986 through March, 1987 was 75.3 percent. Occupancy at EPMC from May, 1986 to April, 1987 was 73.6%; occupancy from June, 1986 through May, 1987 was 73%; and occupancy from July, 1986 to June, 1987 was 72.2 percent. EPMC does experience periods of high occupancy during the peak season months. High occupancy levels have a greater impact upon smaller hospitals due to their lesser degree of flexibility. On occasion, during the winter months, EPNC is required to refuse admittance to patients due to crowded conditions within its facility. Patients are sometimes transferred or referred to other facilities, including Humana, although the necessity for such transfers or referrals is occasionally due to a lack of intensive or critical care beds as opposed to a lack of medical/surgical beds. During the periods of time when EPMC had high occupancy levels, beds were available at Humana. EPMC's current payor mix includes a high level of Medicare (over 60%), and it is committed, through both its Christian mission and an agreement with the County, to treat indigent and Medicaid patients. The actual amount of indigent or charity care provided by EPNC was not established. In any event, EPMC desires to increase its bed size in order to help maintain a proper payor mix at the hospital so as to ensure the financial survival of the hospital. It is felt that a greater number of beds, given the rise in population, and particularly elderly population, would allow EPNC to serve a greater number of private and/or third party insurance paying patients. While the evidence demonstrates that EPMC may operate with a less favorable payor mix than Humana, the evidence was not sufficient to demonstrate that EPMC will suffer financial ruin without additional beds. Likewise, it was not established that the patients which EPNC must turn away in the winter months are consistently paying patients. Increasing the number of beds at EPNC to 120 beds does not necessarily mean that its profitability would be improved. Volume and payor mix are the most critical factors in determining whether a hospital will be profitable. There is currently a nursing shortage throughout the nation. Rural areas, such as the eastern portion of Pasco County, experience even greater difficulty in attracting nursing personnel to the area. Due to the shortage of nurses, as well as the seasonal demand, EPMC is required to use contract care nurses throughout the year. While it would prefer to employ its own nursing staff, EPMC will use contract staff due to the seasonal variations in its nursing requirements. The use of contract or registry nurses costs 50% to 60% more on a daily basis; however, lower occupancy during the off-peak months does not justify year- round employment for as large an in-house nursing staff. For its proposed 35 beds, EPMC projects nurse manpower requirements as follows: 1 nurse manager, 4.2 R.N. charge nurses, 15.1 R.N. staff and 14.1 L.P.N. staff, for a total of 34.4 full time equivalent nursing positions. The recruiting efforts of EPNC to fill these positions will include advertising, visiting nursing schools and colleges, utilizing student nurses at the hospital and use of the Adventist Health System international network. Humana currently has 15 vacancies, or 12 to 13% of its nursing staff. Humana's nursing salaries have increased 20% over the past eighteen months. As noted above, EPNC and Humana compete for the same nursing personnel. Humana's personnel director believes that if EPNC increases its nursing staff by 34 FTEs, Humana's nursing staff will be approached to fill those positions. As a consequence, Humana will experience additional nursing shortages and will be required to further increase salaries. It is proposed that the project cost of adding 35 beds to EPMC will be financed with 100% debt financing through a bond issue. The financing will be part of a much larger bond issuance intended to finance several other projects within the Adventist hospital system. No evidence was adduced that such a bond issuance had been prepared or approved, and there was no evidence concerning the other projects which would be financed in conjunction with this project. In 1987, EPNC was carrying about five million dollars of negative equity. The hospital is currently greater than 100% financed. As noted above, the original Certificate of Need application filed with HRS listed the total project cost to be $4,531,000. In its response to omissions, EPMC stated that the construction cost would be $175 per square foot. In the updates submitted at the hearing, EPNC proposed a project cost of $2,302,900, which included a construction cost of $85 per square foot. A more reasonable cost for the addition of a floor to an existing facility would be $125 per square foot, plus an inflation factor of 6% and architectural and engineering fees of 6 to 7%. The proposed equipment list submitted by EPNC fails to include major equipment items such as an overhead paging system, a nurse call system, examination room equipment, medication distribution equipment, bed curtains, shower curtains, patient and staff support lounge items, and IV pumps. EPNC's updated equipment cost budget fails to include tax, freight, contingency and installation costs. The projected equipment costs should be tripled to adequately and reasonably equip a 35-bed nursing unit. The projected utilization and pro formas submitted by EPMC are not reasonable and were not supported by competent substantial evidence. EPMC's projected utilization for the proposed 35-bed unit is 8,950 patient days in the first year of operation and 9,580 in the second year of operation. Applying the current use rate to the population projections submitted by EPMC's expert in demographics and population projections produces only about 2,980 additional patient days in the year 1992. Given the fact that EPMC's current market share is approximately 54%, there is no reason to believe that Humana would not absorb at least some of those projected additional patient days. There are many months of the year in which additional patient days could be filled within the existing complement of 85 beds at EPNC. Depending upon the ultimate cost of the project, the break even point for financial feasibility purposes would be approximately 3,500 to 4,000 patient days. The concept behind a pro forma is to develop a financial picture of what operations will be in the first two years of operation. EPMC stated its revenues and expenses in terms of 1988 dollars and used its current revenue- to-expense ratios for projecting operations four years into the future. This is improper because gross revenues are going up, reimbursement is not increasing as rapidly and expenses, particularly salaries and insurance, are increasing. In addition, EPMC's projected 1992 salaries in several categories were less than they are currently paying for such positions. EPMC currently provides good quality of care to its patients. The only future concern in this realm is the fact that in the winter months, its intensive and critical care unit beds are often full and there is no room for additional patients. Additional medical/surgical volume from the proposed 35- bed unit would lead to additional intensive and critical care bed demand.
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of East Pasco Medical Center for a Certificate of Need to add 35 acute care beds to its existing facility be DENIED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 30 day of March, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of March, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. (Case No. 88-1227) The proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties have been carefully considered and are accepted, incorporated and/or summarized in this Recommended Order, with the following exceptions: Petitioner: Third sentence rejected as not established by competent, substantial evidence. Accepted, but not included as irrelevant to the ultimate resolution of the issues. Rejected. The Personnel Director of Humana presented testimony in this proceeding. Accepted as an accurate restatement of testimony, but rejected as an erroneous conclusion of law. 16. Second sentence rejected as an erroneous conclusion of law. A18. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 20. First sentence rejected as an erroneous conclusion of law. First sentence rejected as an erroneous conclusion of law. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. 27 and 30. Accepted as an accurate restatement of testimony, but rejected as an erroneous conclusion of law. Rejected as immaterial to the issue of need in the year 1992. First sentence rejected as not established by competent substantial evidence. First and third sentences rejected as not established by competent substantial evidence. 37 and 38. Rejected as not established by competent substantial evidence. 44. Last sentence rejected as unsupported by competent substantial evidence. Accepted only if the factors of volume and payor mix are also considered. Partially rejected as speculative and not supported by competent substantial evidence. All but first two sentences rejected as unsupported by competent substantial evidence and an erroneous conclusion of law. Rejected as unsupported by competent substantial evidence and an erroneous conclusion of law. Last sentence rejected as unsupported by the evidence. Rejected as unsupported by competent substantial evidence. Second sentence rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. 58. Rejected as irrelevant and immaterial. 60. Rejected as not established by competent substantial evidence. 62 - 67. The actual figures regarding total costs, projected utilization and those figures utilized in the pro formas were not established by competent substantial evidence and, therefore, the findings regarding the financial feasibility of the project are rejected. 71. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. 74. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. 77. Rejected as an improper factual finding and contrary to the evidence. 78 and 79. Rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. First sentence rejected as unsupported by competent substantial evidence. Last sentence rejected as unsupported by the evidence. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Respondent: 2 and 6. Partially accepted with the additional considerations of the applicant's occupancy levels and geographic accessibility. 9. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 19(a) Interpretation of rule not sufficiently explicated at hearing. 56 - 58. Actual figures are not established by competent evidence due to the failure to establish with reliability the total costs of the project. Intervenor: Second sentence accepted with the additional considerations of the applicant's occupancy levels and geographic accessibility. Third sentence rejected. Interpretation of rule not sufficiently explicated at hearing. First sentence rejected, but this does not preclude a consideration of such a period. Third sentence rejected as not established by the greater weight of the evidence. 31. Second sentence rejected as speculative. 40 and 41. Accepted as factually correct, but not included due to the showing of unused capacity within the East Pasco subdistrict. 55 and 56. Actual figures are not established by competent evidence due to the failure to establish with reliability the total costs of the project. 63 and 72. Same as above with regard to second sentence. 92. Rejected as an overbroad statement or conclusion. 97. Second sentence rejected as overbroad and not supported by the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: E.G. Boone and Jeffrey Boone 1001 Avenida del Circo Post Office Box 1596 Venice, Florida 34284 Stephen M. Presnell Macfarlane, Ferguson, Allison & Kelly Post Office Box 82 Tallahassee, Florida 323a2 James C. Hauser Messer, Vickers, Caparello, French & Madsen, P.A. Post Office Box 1876 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 John Miller, Esquire General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700
Findings Of Fact The parties present at the hearing stipulated to the following facts which are hereby entered as findings of fact: All letters of intent submitted by the applicants involved herein with the exception of FCC were timely filed on or before December 15, 1984 and the relating applications by these applicants were timely filed on or before January 15, 1985. As a result, these applications addressed a January, 1988 bed need planning horizon. All applications, as mentioned above, were deemed complete by DHRS and were reviewed under a January, 1988 bed need planning horizon. All applications as cited above, were preliminarily denied by DHRS based on a lack of need and notice of these denials were timely published in the Florida Administrative Weekly. All unsuccessful applicants herein thereafter timely filed petitions for formal administrative hearing to contest the denial of their applications. The application filed by FCC for CON number 2738, filed by the applicant in July, 1983, and addressing a July, 1986 bed need was initially denied by DHRS in November, 1983. FCC thereafter timely filed a petition for formal, administrative hearing contesting the denial of this application and on January 10, 1985, DHRS and FCC entered into a stipulated settlement in which DHRS agreed to grant CON Number 2738 to FCC. This CON was issued to FCC on January 19, 1985, for 91 community nursing home beds and on March 15, 1985, a Final Order was entered by DHRS confirming the grant off CON Number 2738 to FCC. FCC's original application under CON Number 2738 was for a 120 bed community nursing home to be located in Indian River County, Florida. DHRS's initial denial of FCC's application was based on a lack of bed need at the time. When DHRS entered into the stipulation with FCC reversing its position and granting a CON to FCC for 91 community nursing home beds, it did so on the basis of bed need figures utilizing statistics relating to the subsequent January, 1988 bed need planning horizon even though FCC's application did not pertain to that planning horizon. In fact the beds taken and awarded to FCC came from the fixed pool of beds that, under the DHRS rule in effect at the time, was reserved for applicants in the January, 1985 batching cycle with a planning horizon of January, 1988. Rule 10-5.11(21)(b), F.A.C., sets out the bed need rule methodology for determining projected need for new or additional community nursing home beds. Pursuant to this rule, need is projected three years into the future. The methodology provided in this rule is clear and reasonable. If this methodology is followed precisely as set forth in the rule and utilizing the DHRS statistics available to personnel in the health care professions, such as its semi-annual nursing home census report as well as the Florida population estimates and projections by DHRS district and county, a net bed need of 116 additional beds in Indian River County is established for the period January, 1988. This figure does not, however, include an award of 91 beds to FCC under CON Number 2738 by DHRS under the terms of its settlement and those 91 beds are included within the 116. The expert testifying for the applicants herein concluded that the award of the 91 beds to FCC outside its planning horizon was erroneous and improper and based on no calculation of bed need appropriate to the applicant's original July, 1986 planning horizon and it was so found. In this case, DHRS, by awarding beds to FCC from a subsequent planning horizon is implementing a bed need policy which establishes a "planning horizon" three years from the date the Petitioners' applications were filed but updating all available data to that existing as of the date of the final hearing. This would include July, 1986 population data, current licensed beds, current approved beds, and the latest occupancy rate. The procedure followed by DHRS here is, however, a DHRS policy interpretation rather than a literal interpretation of the rule and the DHRS expert was unable to establish or in any way justify DHRS' policy of updating all data to the date of hearing in contravention of the terms of its own rule. If the unjustified and unsubstantiated DHRS policy were accepted and utilized here, calculations would reflect a surplus of 70 nursing home beds in Indian River County for the January, 1988 planning horizon as opposed to the more reasonable and rational bed need of 116.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED THAT Certificate of Need Number 2733, previously issued to Florida Convalescent Centers be rescinded and that the 91 beds relating thereto be returned to the January, 1988 planning horizon fixed pool. It is further recommended that the Secretary, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services remand the case to the Division of Administrative Hearings for the conduct of a comparative hearing to evaluate the pending applicants within that batching cycle. RECOMMENDED this 28th day of January, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of January, 1987. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific ruling pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties in this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by National Health Corporation, FMSC and Forum 1. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 4 except for the actual calculations outlined in the formulas which are incomplete. 2 & 3 Incorporated in Finding of Fact 5. 4-6 Incorporated in Finding of Fact 5. 7-13 Incorporated in Finding of Fact 6. 14 Not a Finding of Fact. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Health Care and Retirement Corporation Incorporated in Finding of Fact 4 except for the citation of the rule which is incomplete. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated. 5-9 Accepted. 10 & 11 Accepted. 12 Rejected as not the best analysis. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Beverly Enterprises 1-3 Accepted. 4-6 Incorporated into Findings of Fact. 7 & 8 Accepted. Rejected as legal argument and not a Finding of Fact. & 11 Accepted. Rejected as legal argument and not a Finding of Fact. Cumulative to other findings. Rejected as legal argument and not a Finding of Fact. Incorporated in Finding of Fact. 16-20 Legal Argument not a Finding of Fact. 21-22 Cumulative to other evidence of record. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by DHRS 1-3 Accepted. 4-8 Rejected as not supported by the weight of the evidence. 9 Accepted as to the calculation including the 91 beds available to FCC. Rejected as to the propriety of the award and the reason. Copies Furnished: William Page, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Robert D. Newell, Jr., Esquire 200 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Kenneth A. Hoffman, Esquire Alfred W. Clark, Esquire 325 North Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Stephen K. Boone, Esquire Post Office Box 1596 Venice, Florida 34284 R. Terry Rigsby, Esquire Post Office Box 10555 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 John Rodriguez, Esquire, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301