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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001646 Latest Update: Feb. 17, 1978

The Issue Whether or not the Respondent, Kenneth Kasha, is now and was at all times alleged, a registered real estate broker, and from January 31, 1974, to January 7, 1975, an active firm member of International Land Services Chartered, Inc., a registered corporate broker, and was acting in that capacity. Whether or not from January 31, 1974, to January 7, 1975, the Respondent, in the capacity of active firm member of International Land Services Chartered, Inc., solicited by telephone and mail, property owners nationwide, on the subject of their real property interest in the State of Florida, to obtain a fee in return for a listing to sell property; by representing and holding out to the property owners that a bona fide effort would be made to sell the property so listed with International Land Services Chartered, Inc. Whether or not the representation holding out that a bona fide effort would be made to sell the property listed with international Land Services Chartered, Inc., was false and was known to be false when made. Whether or not property owners acted in reliance of the comments by Respondent, Kenneth Kasha, and listed their property for sale with International Land Services Chartered, Inc. and paid a listing fee. Whether or not the solicitation of property owners nationwide was wholly a scheme to fraudulently secure money from the public, i.e., the advance listing fees, for reason that no bona fide effort was made to sell the properties so listed with International Land Services Chartered, Inc. Whether or not by reason of the foregoing, the Respondent, Kenneth Kasha, is guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, concealment, false promises, false pretenses, dishonest dealing, trick, scheme or devise, or breach of trust in a business transaction in this state; and has violated the duty imposed upon him by law or the terms of a listing contract in a real estate transaction; and has formed an intent, design, or scheme to engage in said misconduct and has committed an overt act in furtherance of such intent, design, or scheme in violation of 5475.25(1)(a), F.S. Whether or not for the reason of the foregoing factual allegations set forth above, the Respondent is guilty of a conduct of practices which show that he is so dishonest and untruthful that the money, property, transactions and rights of investors and those with whom he may sustain a confidential relation may not safely be entrusted to him, all in violation of 5475.25(3), F.S.

Findings Of Fact From January 31, 1974, to January 7, 1975, the Respondent, Kenneth Kasha, was an active firm member of International Land Services Chartered, Inc. and was acting in the capacity of registered corporate broker. He was a holder of certificate number 0133731 during that time sequence. That license was held with the Florida Real Estate Commission, the Petitioner. Beginning with January 31, 1974, and continuing to the present, Kenneth Kasha was also the holder of what is now certificate number 0046189, held with the Florida Real Estate Commission by Kenneth Kasha as real estate broker to trade as Florida Landowners Service Bureau. During the tenure of his affiliation with International Land Services Chartered, Inc., from January 31, 1974, to January 7, 1975, Kenneth Kasha was the Secretary of that corporation. (The facts of his Iicensure by the Petitioner and his affiliation with the International Land Services Chartered, Inc., are more completely described in the Petitioner's Exhibits 4 and 10, admitted into evidence.) In the pendancy of his service for the above-mentioned corporation, Kenneth Kasha was involved in the advertising of properties which had been solicited from out-of-state owners who owned land in the State of Florida. His involvement in this advertising is established by the Respondent's Exhibit No. 10 admitted into evidence. Through this exhibit it is demonstrated that the International Land Services Chartered, Inc., was advertising with the National Multiple Listing, Inc. More specifically, the invoices in the exhibit have assigned reference numbers which correspond to the advertising sheet which was placed with the National Multiple Listing, Inc. These sheets would show a number of listings of property which had been solicited from out-of-state owners who had paid a fee for the right to have their properties listed through International Land Services Chartered, Inc., who in turn advertised in National Multiple Listing, Inc. The circulation of those listings may he traced by taking the reference number in the left margin on the individual listing sheet of National Multiple Listing, Inc., found in the Respondent's Exhibit No. 10, and comparing this with the certificates of circulation which are Respondent's Composite Exhibit No. 12, and which have a comparable reference number affixed. By doing this, it can be seen that the circulation of the individual listing sheets by National Multiple Listing, Inc., numbered as many as 2,500 contacts. An examination of the advertising done through National Multiple Listing, Inc., demonstrates that a potential purchaser could not determine the exact location of the land. At best that purchaser could locate the subdivision and development, municipality and/or county and state and the general size of the tracts of land. Some of the property does not have a purchase price. Therefore, the quality of the advertising that was done is somewhat suspect. At the time the International Land Services Chartered, Inc., was billed, it was in the name of Kenneth Kasha, who tendered payment in behalf of International Land Services Chartered, Inc. Moreover, when the International Land Services Chartered, Inc., had signed an agreement with National Multiple Listing, Inc., to have the latter corporation do the advertising for International, it had signed in the person of Kenneth Kasha and took effect on March 1, 1974. The period of the contract was for one year and this is shown by Respondent's Exhibit No. 8 admitted into evidence. A further understanding of Kenneth Kasha's involvement with the listings of out-of-state owners of Florida property through International Land Services Chartered, Inc., may be found in the testimony of Marvin Rothstein. Roths to in worked for the corporation approximately 3 or 4 weeks full time and then part time and in total obtained 10 or 15 listings for the benefit of the corporation. Mr. Rothstein described the technique for listing the out-of-state owners of Florida property with International Land Services Chartered, Inc. (These listings have been referred to as "advance fee" listings, and will be so referenced in the balance of this Recommended Order.) Mr. Rothstein had seen an advertisement in the paper placed by International Land Services Chartered, Inc., advertising for the employment of real estate salesmen. He answered that advertisement and was interviewed by Kenneth Kasha for a job with the subject corporation. Kasha explained to Rothstein that his duties would be to contact people by phone and find out if they would like to have their property listed. There were 4 or 5 other salesmen involved in International Land Services Chartered, Inc's, employ whose function it was to make the contacts and solicit listings. The salesmen worked in the evening hours 3 or 4 hours a night and would call the out-of-state owners and ask if they wanted to list their property with the corporation, International Land Services Chartered, Inc. The corporation had given the salesmen so-called lead cards to contact the people. (The office in which the salesmen were ,working was a very small office with 5 or 6 phones.) Mr. Rothstein described the contact with the out-of-state owners to be one to obtain a listing, in opposition to an effort to try and sell the property of the out-of-state owner. Mr. Kasha was the supervisor of the activities of the salesmen who were working at night. Through the Rothstein testimony, it is established that there was a script which the salesmen were called upon to follow. The salesmen would introduce themselves to the prospective landowner/client and ask if the landowner would be willing to list their property for resale. If the owner was interested, certain materials were mailed to the owner for their perusal, prior to any agreement for resale. The mailouts were made after positive responses that Mr. Rothstein would be given when he made his inquiry about listing the property. Mr. Rothstein is unfamiliar with the materials that were mailed out. He was never responsible for making a second contact with the parties initially solicited. He does know that a fee was charged for listing the property with International Land Services Chartered, Inc., and the purpose of the fee was explained to the parties to be for expenses for listing the property and for whatever other expenses that might be incurred by the corporation. Rothstein is unfamiliar with what the exact expenses would have been for the corporation to fulfill the functions of taking care of listings. To Rothstein's recollection, the amount of fee for listing was $25 or $50, that is the amount he would receive for obtaining a listing agreement with the out-of-state owner. He is not certain what the International Land Services Chartered, Inc., received as their portion of the listing fee. There was no agreement that Rothstein himself would be compensated by commission should the property be sold. Rothstein was also unfamiliar with the method which the corporation used to arrive at an asking price for the listed property. Rothstein was unaware of any appraisals that may have been done by the corporation during the tenure of his employment with the corporation. His knowledge of the advertising method was that there were multiple listings. These multiple listings would equate to the form of listings placed with the National Multiple Listing, Inc. One other matter that was discussed in the initial solicitation, was the fact that the possible purchasers of the land were constituted of foreign as well as domestic buyers. This comment was in connection with the overall statement that the owners were being solicited for a listing to bring about the resale of the property. Rothstein said that he did not know of any sales of the property during the time he worked for International Land Services Chartered, Inc. An examination of the Petitioner's Exhibit No. 6, which is a profit and loss statement for the period in question, indicates that income derived from the International Land Services Chartered, Inc.'s business activities far exceeded advertising and other expenses labeled as selling expenses. That document, Petitioner's Exhibit No. 6, does not indicate whether there was income derived from sources other than the "advance fee" listings. Moreover, there was no testimony given in the course of the hearing which would clearly identify the amount of money that was received from owners who desired the services of the "advance fee" listing. Finally, the Petitioner has failed to demonstrate through competent evidence the true nature of the specific details of the follow-up written information which was submitted to the potential client once that client had been solicited in the initial contact phase. On balance there is insufficient testimony to prove that the solicitation of the property owners was a scheme to fraudulently secure money from the public through "advance fee" listings, or that no bona fide effort was made to sell the properties that were listed with International Land Services Chartered, Inc. Consequently, the Petitioner has failed to show that the Respondent, Kenneth Kasha, is guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, concealment, false promises, false pretenses, dishonest dealing, trick, scheme or device or breach of trust in a business transaction in this state; or that Kenneth Kasha has violated the duty imposed on him by law or the terms of listing contract in a real estate transaction, or that he has formed an intent, design or scheme to engage in said misconduct or has committed an overt act in furtherance of such intent, design, or scheme in violation of 475.25(I)(a), P.S. Furthermore, the Petitioner has failed to establish that Kenneth Kasha is guilty of a course of conduct or practice which shows that he is so dishonest and untruthful that the money, property, transactions, and rights of investors and those with whom he may sustain a confidential relation may not safely be entrusted to him, in violation of 475.25(3), P.S.

Recommendation It is Recommended that the Administrative Complaint brought against the Respondent, Kenneth Kasha, who is now licensed by the Petitioner, Florida Real Estate Commission, under certificate number 0046189, as a real estate broker, he dismissed and set aside. DONE and ORDERED this 17th day of February, 1973, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 COPIES FURNISHED: Richard J. R. Parkinson, Esquire Florida Real Estate Commission 400 West Robinson Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Louis Guttmann, Esquire Florida Real Estate Commission 400 West Robinson Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Mr. Kenneth Kasha Post Office Box 611238 North Miami, Florida 33161

Florida Laws (1) 475.25
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000152 Latest Update: Aug. 24, 1992

Findings Of Fact During times material to the allegations of the administrative complaints filed herein, the Respondents were registered real estate salesmen in the employ of Theodore Dorwin, a registered real estate broker, and at all times material herein, Darwin was the active firm member broker for Intermart, Inc. Raymond Lewis, a salesman employed by Dorwin during the period December, 1975 through mid February, 1976, as a real estate salesman, was initially employed by Florida Landowners Service Bureau. During mid February, 1976, he testified that the name Florida Landowners Service Bureau was changed to Intermart, Inc., and that approximately during this period, he left the employ of Intermart, Inc. He testified that the offices were situated on northwest 79th Street, which consisted of a large room containing six cubicles where salesmen manned the telephones in the cubicles during the hours of approximately 6:00PM through 10:30PM during week days and during the early afternoon and evening hours on weekends. Salesmen were given lead cards which were apparently compiled from the county tax rolls from which a list was given containing out of state landowners. Employees, based on a "pitch" card called out of state land owners to determine their interest in selling their property. He described the procedure as a "front" when an out of state landowner was called to determine interest in selling their land. The "close" procedure was a method whereby those property owners who had displayed some interest in selling their properties were mailed a packet of materials which, among other things, contained a listing agreement. Salespersons were compensated approximately $100 to $125 for each listing secured by an executed listing agreement which in most instances represented approximately one third of the listing fee. During the course of a normal day, salesmen would contact approximately thirty landowners and they would be given estimates of the prospective selling price of their land based on the location of the property and the length of time that the owner had held it. The testimony of Lewis, which is representative of that given by later witnesses including Jeffrey Barker, August Graser, David Cotton and Henry Halar (all salesmen employed by Dorwin) reveals that property owners were called to determine their interest and if interest was noted, follow-up calls would be made after a packet of materials was sent to interested landowners. After a listing arrangement was obtained, salesmen were compensated by payment of an amount representing approximately one-third of the listing fee. In the case of a listing fee obtained by two or more salespersons, the fee (commission) was divided according to the number of salespersons instrumental in obtaining the listing. Each salesman who testified indicated that they made no guarantee that a sale would be consummated within a definite period nor were they familiar, in any particulars, with the brokerage efforts to sell the properties of owners who listed their property with Intermart. Theodore Dorwin, the active firm member broker for Intermart, Inc., was subpoenaed and testified that he had no copies of the records which were subpoenaed showing the operations of Intermart, Inc. In this regard, Raymond Lewis also testified that he had no corporate records respecting Intermart. Both witnesses testified that all corporate records of Intermart had been subpoenaed and were in the custody of the Attorney General for more than one year. Dorwin refused to give any testimony respecting the operational workings of Intermart, Inc., based on fifth amendment self incrimination grounds. The Commission's counsel took the position during the course of the hearing that Mr. Dorwin had waived any and all fifth amendment rights or privileges by virtue of having personally testified in a similar matter before the Florida Real Estate Commission in a proceeding undertaken to revoke or suspend his license as a real estate broker. Having voluntarily taken the stand in that proceeding, the Commission concludes that he is not now entitled to any fifth amendment protections. As evidence of Mr. Dorwin's having voluntarily taken the stand in the prior proceeding, excerpts of the testimony from that proceeding was introduced into evidence. (See FREC Exhibit number 8). Having considered the legal authorities and the arguments of counsel, the undersigned is of the opinion that testimony given by a party in a separate proceeding to which the Respondents were not party to and of which the Respondents had no notice of cannot serve in lieu of evidence on which findings of fact can be based to substantiate allegations pending in the instant case. To do so, would possibly leave open the door for highly prejudicial and damaging testimony to which the Respondents here had no opportunity to rebut, cross examine or otherwise explain, all of which is inherently destructive of their basic rights, fairness and fundamental due process. The cases of Hargis v. FREC 174 So.2d 419 and Vann, 85 So.2d 133 are not deemed inapposite to the conclusion reached here. The fact that the State's Attorney General is currently conducting an investigation into the operations of Intermart makes clear that the possibility of criminal action or other sanctions exist (e.g. tax problems). For these reasons, I conclude that Dorwin's testimony in a prior proceeding, amounts to no waiver of his constitutional privilege. For these reasons, exhibit number 8 will not be considered as evidence herein. Having so concluded, the record is barren of any evidence, hearsay or otherwise, which would tend to establish in a competent and substantial manner, that the Respondents herein had engaged in conduct alleged as violative of Chapter 475.25, Florida Statutes.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is: RECOMMENDED that the administrative complaints filed herein be dismissed in their entirety. RECOMMENDED this 18th day of October, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675

Florida Laws (2) 120.57475.25
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002551 Latest Update: Mar. 20, 1985

Findings Of Fact At all times material to the charges, respondent was a licensed real estate salesman, on inactive status, holding license no. 0330793., and residing in Lake Worth, Florida. In early October, 1983, Jack Barlage entered the offices of Colony Real Estate in Lake Worth, Florida. He was a builder and looking for acreage to purchase. Joyce Adams, a real estate salesman with Colony Real Estate, met with him and, two or three days later, showed him a 5.207 acre tract of land in sunny Urban Meadows, an unrecorded subdivision located west of Loxahatchee, Florida. He expressed an interest in the property; she told him that the owner, Richard Moore, might be willing to sell it. A day or two later, Mr. Barlage called Ms. Adams and asked if she would call owner Moore and obtain a purchase price. She responded that she would not get a commission from selling the property and that he should deal with "Leon," who would be able to contact Mr. Moore, the owner. A day or two later, Ms. Adams introduced Mr. Barlage to "Leon," who was Leon Dennis, respondent's husband--the original developer of Sunny Urban Meadows. This meeting took place at a nearby coffee shop in Royal Palm Beach, called Sandy's. John Adams, Ms. Adams' husband and a real estate salesman, was also present. Respondent did not attend this meeting and there is no evidence that she was, at this point in time, involved in the transaction. This coffee shop meeting was Ms. Adams' last contact with Mr. Barlage, and she had no further involvement in this real estate transaction. A contract for "purchase and sale" of the Sunny Urban Meadows tract was prepared at this meeting and signed by Mr. Barlage, the prospective purchaser. Leon Dennis, respondent's husband, retrieved the form "purchase and sale" contract from his car, returned to the coffee shop, and completed it in the presence of the others. He filled in the terms, including a $28,000 purchase price. He arrived at this figure based on her knowledge of current land values in the area. The form "Brokerage Fee" provision on the bottom of the contract, however, was not filled in; no sales commission was indicated and no broker identified. Mr. Dennis told purchaser Barlage that he would have the contract presented to owner Moore. At that time, Mr. Barlage had not yet had any contacts with respondent, Mr. Dennis's wife. Mr. Dennis, with the help of a relative who was a close friend of Mr. Moore's, then had the contract delivered to Mr. Moore, in Punta Gorda, Florida. Approximately a week earlier, respondent had telephoned Mr. Moore, asking if he wanted to sell the subject property. At that time, a sales commission was not discussed; neither did she represent that she was a licensed real estate salesman or broker. But when the original contract was subsequently delivered to him by Mr. Moore's relative, the "Brokerage Fee" provision had been completed, providing for payment of ten percent of the gross price or $2,800 to Pat Dennis, the respondent. Her name was hand printed above the line labeled, "Name of Broker." Upon receiving the contract and discovering the sales commission, Mr. Moore telephoned respondent and told her that he would not pay a ten percent commission--he said he would agree only to a six percent commission, to be split between her and his own real estate brokerage firm. He also told her that if those terms were not acceptable to her, he "would go ahead and do it without her and give-her her money after the deal was done." (TR-21) Mr. Moore then arranged to meet directly with Mr. Barlage, the prospective purchaser. On October 9, 1983, Mr. Barlage drove to Punta Gorda and met Mr. Moore in a hospital parking lot to finalize the contract. Mr. Moore, noting the "Brokerage Fee" provision, said "Who are these people?" and "Well, I'll take care of them," or words to that effect, (TR-10). He then drew a line crossing out the "Brokerage Fee" provision and initialed it. He then told Mr. Barlage he wanted to do a credit check; one or two days later, he called Mr. Barlage and told him he was going to accept the contract. It was at that time, on or about October 9, 1983, that Mr. Moore executed the contract as seller. For reasons not material, the contract of sale was never carried out by the parties. Mr. Barlage unilaterally cancelled the contract. When Mr. Moore called him to inquire about the $500 earnest money deposit, which the contract had indicated was held by "Stewart Title," Mr. Moore learned that a deposit had not been received by Stewart Title; in fact, Mr. Barlage had made no deposit at all. There is conflicting testimony as to whether respondent ever communicated with Mr. Moore concerning this real estate transaction. Respondent denies any direct involvement. Her denial is rejected and the testimony of Mr. Moore, who had no discernible bias or motive to falsify, is accepted as persuasive.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That respondent's license as a Florida real estate salesman be revoked for violating Section 475.25(1)(a) and (b) and 475.42(1)(b), Florida Statutes, in the manner described above. DONE and ORDERED this 25th day of February, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of February, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Fred Langford, Esquire Division of Real Estate 400 West Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32802 Richard McClain, Esquire 6167 Haddon Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33409

Florida Laws (3) 120.57475.25475.42
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 18, 1996 Number: 96-001375 Latest Update: May 19, 1997

The Issue Whether Respondent's real estate broker's license should be disciplined based upon the allegations that Respondent is guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, concealment, false pretenses, dishonest dealing by trick, scheme, or device, culpable negligence or breach of trust in a business transaction, in violation of Section 475.25(1)(b) Florida Statutes. Whether Respondent's real estate broker's license should be disciplined based upon the allegation that Respondent is guilty of failure to account and deliver funds, in violation of Section 475.25(1)(d)1., Florida Statutes. Whether Respondent's real estate broker's license should be disciplined based upon the allegation that Respondent is guilty of failure to maintain trust funds in a real estate brokerage escrow bank account or some other proper depository until disbursement thereof was properly authorized, in violation of Section 475.005(1)(k), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a state government licensing and regulatory agency charged with the responsibility and duty to prosecute Administrative Complaints pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida, in particular Section 20.165, Florida Statutes, Chapters 120, 455 and 475, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated pursuant thereto. Respondent Leslie L. White is now and was at all times material hereto a licensed real estate broker in the State of Florida having been issued license number 0095441 in accordance with Chapter 475, Florida Statutes. The last license issued to the Respondent was as a broker with an address of Les White Realty, 6313 Wynglow Lane, Orlando, Florida, 32818-1311. Respondent's license is currently under suspension for failing to pay a fine and failure to complete certain education courses. On or about September 28, 1993, Respondent negotiated a contract between himself, doing business as Les White Enterprises, as seller, and Charles and Greta White, as buyers, (no apparent relationship to Respondent) to purchase Lot Number 18, Whisper Ridge subdivision in Orange County, Florida and build a house thereon for the total sum of $79,000. Respondent prepared the contract, using the standard Contract for Sale and Purchase form approved by the Florida Association of Realtors and The Florida Bar. Les White Enterprises was listed as the "Seller" and Charles White and Greta White, his wife, were listed as "Buyers". The Buyers agreed to purchase Lot 18 and to have a house constructed on the site by the Seller. The Buyers agreed to seek "new financing at prevailing interest rates" in the amount of $75,550; put down a $2,000 deposit and pay an additional $1,450 at closing. The contract called for the deposit to be held in escrow by Les White Realty/Builders. The $2,000 deposit was paid in cash by the Buyers and given to Respondent. The Respondent did not place the $2,000 deposit in an escrow account contrary to the express terms of the contract. Respondent did not acknowledge receipt of the deposit in his capacity as a broker. At the time the contract was signed, the Buyers knew that the Respondent did not own or have title to Lot 18, and that the purchase price of the lot exceed the amount of the deposit. The Buyers consented to the Respondent using the funds to acquire the property. Respondent was unable to purchase Lot 18, and sought the Buyers' permission to purchase Lot 2 instead and construct a house on it in accordance with the parties' prior agreement. The Buyers reluctantly agreed. On February 18, 1994, Buyers gave Respondent a cashier's check for $1,200 for the purpose of clearing the land and beginning construction of a home for them on Lot 2. The funds were not placed in escrow. The Respondent utilized the funds received from the Buyers and acquired title to Lot 2 in his name alone on or about February 25, 1994. The Respondent cleared Lot 2 in preparation for construction, obtained building plans and applied for building permits in connection with building a house on said lot. Shortly thereafter, Respondent notified the Buyers that the private investors, who approved their loan application, had discontinued financing of the Respondent's construction loan and he was unable to construct the house. The transaction failed to close and the Buyers demanded that Respondent return the earnest money deposit. Respondent was unable to return to return the $3,200 earnest money deposit to the Buyers. Respondent filed for personal reorganization under Chapter 13 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. Throughout the course of this transaction, Buyers dealt with Respondent in his capacity as a broker/builder. In 1994 and 1995, the Florida Real Estate Commission found Respondent guilty of violating the provisions of Section 475.25(1)(b) and (1)(d)1., Florida Statutes on three occasions. Following the third offense, Respondent's license was suspended for six months and it is presently under suspension for failure to pay his administrative fines and complete other requirements of probation.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Real Estate Commission issue and file a Final Order finding the Respondent guilty of violating Subsections 475.25(1)(b), (d)1., and (k), Florida Statutes; and guilty of having been found guilty for a second time (or more) of misconduct that warrants suspension, in violation of subsection 475.25.(1)(o), Florida Statutes; it is further RECOMMENDED that Respondent's licensed be revoked. DONE and ENTERED this 4th day of October, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of October, 1996. COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel Villazon, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division of Real Estate Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Frederick H. Wilsen, Esquire Gillis and Wilsen 1415 East Robinson Street, Suite B Orlando, Florida 32801 Lynda L. Goodgame, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Henry M. Solares Division Director Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division of Real Estate Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.6020.165475.01475.25 Florida Administrative Code (1) 61J2-24.001
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-003941 Latest Update: Sep. 11, 1987

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner Department of Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate (hereafter Department), is a state governmental licensing and regulatory agency charged with the responsibility to prosecute complaints concerning violations of the real estate licensure laws of the State of Florida. The Respondent Melvin M. Lewis is now and was at all material times a licensed real estate broker in Florida holding license number 0052222. The Respondent Melvin M. Lewis' last known address is Melvin M. Lewis, Licensed Real Estate Broker, Inc., 633 N.W. 167th Street, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162. The Respondent Faye F. Lewis is now and was at all material times a licensed real estate salesman in Florida holding license number 0052101. The Respondent F. Lewis' last known address is Melvin M. Lewis, Licensed Real Estate Broker, Inc., 633 N.W. 167th Street, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162. The Respondent Larry B. Lewis is now and was at all material times a licensed real estate salesman in Florida holding license number 0052189. The Respondent L. Lewis' last known address is Melvin M. Lewis, Registered Real Estate Broker, Inc., 633 N.W. 167th Street, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162. The Respondent Cindy L. Morales is now and was at all material times a licensed real estate salesman in Florida holding license number 0123347. The Respondent Morales' last known address is Melvin M. Lewis, Licensed Real Estate Broker, Inc., 633 N.W. 167th Street, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162. The Respondent Melvin M. Lewis Licensed Real Estate Broker, Inc., is now and was at all material times a corporation registered as a real estate broker in Florida holding license number 0243694. The Respondent corporation last known address is Melvin M. Lewis, Licensed Real Estate Broker, Inc., 633 N.W. 167th Street, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162. At all material times, the Respondent M. Lewis was licensed and operating as a qualifying broker and officer for the corporate broker, Melvin M. Lewis Licensed Real Estate Broker, Inc. The Respondents M. Lewis, F. Lewis, L. Lewis and Morales, from May 4, 1977 to September 9, 1979, as sellers individually and/or in concert as owners, officers and directors of various corporations, including South Florida Property, Inc., and West Dade Acres, Inc., solicited and obtained through telephone and mail, 58 purchasers who entered into agreements for deed for one and one-fourth acre lots located within a sixty-acre parcel of land in Section 21, Range 37, Township 54, Dade County, Florida. On September 24, 1979, the Respondent Melvin M. Lewis, acting on behalf of South Florida Properties, Inc., a Florida corporation, entered into a deposit receipt contract, as purchasers with InterAmerican Services, Inc., by Lester Gottlieb, as sellers, for the purchase of 60 acres, more or less, more particularly described as: The N.W. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of the N. 1/2 of the S.W. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 Section 21, Township 54, Range 37E, Dade County, Florida. The total purchase price of the parcel of land was $120,000.00. The purchase price was to be paid by a down payment of $1,520.00 and a first priority purchase money mortgage and note of $118,479.80. From May 4, 1977, to September 24, 1979, the Respondents had no ownership interest in the above described 60- acre parcel of land. The purchase and sale closed on April 22, 1982, as evidenced by a warranty deed wherein title to the 60-acre parcel more particularly described as: The N.W. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of the N. 1/2 of the S.W. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 Section 21, Township 54, S., Range 37 E. lying and being in Dade County, Florida. was transferred to South Florida Properties, Inc., by Lester Gottlieb, President. The subject land lies in the East Everglades moratorium area and is subject to Dade County Ordinance 81-121 which is highly restrictive to owners of parcels or lots of land less than 40 acres. It is approximately ten miles west of Krome Avenue and is underwater on the average of nine months a year. As a result of its isolated location, it is accessible only by airboat. A building moratorium was enacted for the subject land in September, 1981, and is still in effect with no significant change planned for the reasonably foreseeable future. Upon discovering the increased restrictions on the 60-acre parcel, the Respondents demanded of InterAmerican Services, Inc., a refund of their purchase price. As a result, Respondents delivered a Quit Claim Deed dated October, 1982, from South Florida Properties, Inc., executed by Melvin Lewis, President. InterAmerican Services, Inc., delivered a satisfaction of mortgage to South Florida Properties, Inc. on December 7, 1982, which was executed by Lester Gottlieb, President. Although Respondents had on December 7, 1982, no ownership interest in the real property described in Paragraph 12 supra, they continued to collect payments from purchasers of the 1 1/4 acre lots. Respondents attempted to, and were successful in, having some of the purchasers of the 1 1/4 acre lots in the area described in Paragraph 12, supra, agree to exchange their "lots" for lots in a parcel of land more particularly described as portions of Sections 32, 33, 34, of range 37, township 55, Dade County, Florida, that was owned by Respondent Cindy Morales' company, West Dade Acres, Inc. These lots which were sold for approximately $7,500 each, were accessible only by airboat, were near the Everglades National Park and were incapable of being actually surveyed because of their isolated location. Several purchasers, in particular, Chester Herringshaw and Edward Gruber, refused to exchange their original "lots" and continued making payments to South Florida Properties, Inc. Respondent Cindy Morales deposited into the bank account of West Dade Acres, Inc., one or more of the payments made by Chester Herringshaw and/or Edward Gruber without authority or consent by them to do so. Respondents Cindy Morales and Melvin M. Lewis have failed to refund to Edward Gruber the money he paid for the purchase of real property and have failed to provide Edward Gruber clear title to the real property sold to him. To induce purchasers to enter into one or more of the 58 agreements for deed, the Respondents orally represented the 1 1/4 acre lots as valuable property, that the value would greatly increase in the near future, that the property was suited for residential and other purposes and that the purchase of the property was a good investment. The subdivisions established by the Respondents through corporations they controlled existed only on paper and were formed as part of a telephone sales operation to sell essentially worthless land to unsophisticated out-of- state buyers who believed they were purchasing potentially valuable land for investment and/or retirement purposes. The various corporations which were formed and dissolved by the Respondents, including South Florida Properties, Inc., and West Dade Acres, Inc., were attempts by the Respondents to shield themselves from liability for their fraudulent land sales activities. The Respondents collected the initial deposits and monthly payments in accordance with the agreements for deed, but the Respondents failed and refused to deliver warranty deeds as promised upon the full payment of the purchase price. The Respondents attempted to obtain the exchange of property agreements without fully and truthfully advising the agreement for deed purchasers of the quality of any of the property they were buying or exchanging. The Respondents allowed South Florida Properties, Inc., to become defunct without furnishing good and marketable warranty deeds as promised, and without returning the money received, or otherwise accounting for the money received to the various and numerous agreement for deed purchasers, notwithstanding the purchasers' demands made upon Respondents for accounting and delivery of the money paid. At the request of Respondent Larry Lewis, Randy Landes agreed to sign a document as President of Miami Kendall Estates, Inc. From that point on, Randy Landes did nothing else with or for the company and had no idea of what business Miami Kendall Estates, Inc., transacted. On November 15, 1982, Miami Kendall Estates, Inc., issued a warranty deed to Vernon Mead granting a parcel of real property to the grantee. Persons unknown executed the warranty deed by forging Randy Landes' name which forgery was witnessed by Respondents Faye Lewis and Cindy Morales and acknowledged by Respondent Melvin Lewis as a notary public. On September 24, 1982, the Respondent Larry B. Lewis unlawfully and feloniously committed an aggravated battery upon Carlos O'Toole by touching or striking Carlos O'Toole against his will by shooting him with a deadly weapon, to wit, a revolver, in violation of Subsection 784.045(1)(b), Florida Statutes. On December 8, 1982, Respondent Larry B. Lewis was convicted of a felony and adjudication was withheld. He was on probation for a period of ten years beginning December 8, 1982, by the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Dade County, Florida. Respondent Larry B. Lewis failed to inform the Florida Real Estate Commission in writing within thirty days after pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, or being convicted or found guilty of, any felony.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the real estate license of all Respondents be revoked. DONE and ENTERED this 11th day of September, 1987 in Tallahassee, Florida. SHARYN L. SMITH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of September, 1987. APPENDIX Case No. 86-3941 Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order Paragraphs 1-29, 31 - accepted as modified. Paragraph 30 - rejected; it was not established what felony the Respondent Lewis was convicted of. Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order Paragraph 8 - Rejected. The evidence established that the corporations which the Respondents established and controlled sold the various properties. Paragraphs 9-13 - Accepted. Paragraph 14 - Accepted. Although sales were made prior to 1981, the land in question was essentially worthless when purchased. Paragraph 15 - Rejected. The moratoriums, vested rights provision offers virtually no protection to owners of the property. Paragraphs 16-17 - Rejected. The Respondents merely traded one set of undevelopable property for another. Paragraphs 18-19 - Rejected. Irrelevant. Paragraphs 20-21 - Rejected. Neither Mr. Herringshaw nor Mr. Gruber agreed to exchange their property. Paragraph 22 - Rejected. Contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 23 - Rejected. Contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 24 - Accepted. Paragraph 25 - Rejected. The corporations were formed by the Respondents to receive monies for these fraudulent land schemes. Paragraph 26 - Rejected. Contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 27 - Rejected. See No. 25. Paragraphs 28-30 - Rejected. Contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 31-38 - Rejected. Contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 39-42 - Accepted. Paragraphs 43-46 - Rejected. COPIES FURNISHED: James H. Gillis, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Division of Real Estate Post Office Box 1900 Tallahassee, Florida 32802 Herman T. Isis, Esquire ISIS & AHRENS, P.A. Post Office Box 144567 Coral Gables, Florida 33114-4567 Tom Gallagher, Secretary Dept. of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Harold Huff, Executive Director Division of Real Estate Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802

Florida Laws (3) 120.57475.25784.045
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-002028 Latest Update: Sep. 27, 1976

Findings Of Fact Florida Development and Sales Corporation (FDS) at all times here involved was a registered real estate corporate broker. Lawrence F. Taylor, at all times here involved, was a registered real estate broker and an Active Firm Member for FDS and Universal Realmark, Inc. Michael W. Levine, at all times here involved, was a registered real estate salesman for Universal Realmark, Inc., corporate broker. Florida Development and Sales was a wholly owned subsidiary of Universal Realmark, Inc. The two corporations occupied the same offices, had the same corporate officers, and used the same telephone numbers. Correspondence went out from either corporation on FDS stationery, and all employees of both corporations were paid by check drawn on FDS account. FDS entered into a non-exclusive brokerage agreement on August 2, 1971 (Exhibit 5) with Lake Lucie Estates, Inc., the owner of unimproved land it desired to sell in 1 1/4 acre tracts. Pursuant to said agreement the broker advertised and sold, generally by agreement or contract for deed and generally to out-of-state buyers, these 1 1/4 acre tracts. In 1973 Universal Realmark, Inc. acquired all of the stock of FDS and accepted the obligations of FDS under supplemental agreement dated May 23, 1973 (Exhibit 6). The brokerage agreement above referred to was undisturbed. By order dated May 6, 1974 the Commissioner of Securities, State of Missouri ordered St. Lucie Estates, Inc., and FDS, their representatives, inter alia, to cease and desist the offer and/or sale in Missouri of any agreement for deed securities. Chapter 409, Laws of Missouri, contain the Missouri Uniform Securities Act. Therein security, in 409.401(1), is defined to mean any contract or bond for the sale of any interest in real estate on deferred payments or on installment plans when such real estate is not situated in this state Section 409.201 makes it unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale securities in Missouri without being registered to do so and Section 409.301 makes it unlawful for any person to offer or sell any security in Missouri unless: (1) The security is registered, or (2) The security or transaction is exempted under Section 409.402. Pursuant to these and other provisions of the securities law the cease and desist order was issued and served by certified mail on Lake Lucie Estates, Inc. and FDS. Section 409.410 of the Missouri Statutes provides that any person who has been personally served with a cease and desist order and thereafter willfully violates same shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than three year, or both. The Act further provides for personal service upon an out-of-state violator of the act by serving the commissioner who sends notice of the service to the out-of-state violator. Here the Respondents acknowledged receipt of the cease and desist order. Subsequent to the receipt of the Missouri cease and desist order Levine negotiated agreement for deeds with three purchasers in Missouri of Lake Lucie Estates, Inc. property. On one of these the purchaser's check was made payable to Lake Lucie Estates, Inc. and the checks for the other two were made payable to FDS. During his interrogation by the investigator, Levine acknowledged that he was aware of the cease and desist order at the time he negotiated the three agreements for deed. He obtained his list of people to call from the office, i.e. FDS/Universal Realmark. At the hearing Levine did not remember whether or not he was aware of the cease and desist order at the time he negotiated the Missouri contracts. He did remember receiving a commission on each sale by check drawn by FDS although he was registered as a salesman under Universal Realmark, Inc. As noted above Lake Lucie Estates had a brokerage agreement with FDS and no such agreement was ever negotiated with Universal Realmark. Lake Lucie Estates would have no objection to Universal Realmark selling its property. Respondent Taylor was the Active Firm Member of FDS and Universal Realmark. He was serving in that capacity with Universal Realmark when FDS was acquired. At the same time he operated his own real estate broker's office on Miami Beach, spending part of his time supervising the activities of each office. Taylor's initial statements to the investigator that he learned of the Missouri cease and desist order in June 1974 upon his return to the office from a stay in the hospital was repudiated at the hearing when he stated he learned of the Missouri order only a few hours before he talked to the investigator in October, 1974. Taylor also testified that he never authorized Levine to sell under his brokerage even though Taylor was the Active Firm Member of Universal Realmark and Levine was registered under the corporate broker, Universal Realmark. Taylor's main concern appeared to be to insure that the salesmen for these out-of-state land sales adhered to the script that had been prepared for them and from time to time he monitored their conversations. When he realized that the alleged violations of the real estate license law were being investigated he resigned from FDS and Universal Realmark because "they were violating my trust". When the requests for renewal of the FDS corporate broker's registration was submitted in September, 1974, Taylor signed same a Vice President of FDS and the Active Broker of the corporation.

Florida Laws (4) 409.401409.402475.25475.42
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