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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Arcadia, Florida Feb. 12, 1992 Number: 92-000953 Latest Update: Dec. 07, 1994

Findings Of Fact THE PARTIES CMI is a Florida corporation authorized to do business in Florida. CMI owns a mine site as is depicted in the permit application, which mine site is known as "Pine Level". Alan R. Behrens owns residential property approximately two miles from Pine Level, which abuts Horse Creek. He maintains an individual well for domestic and other purposes, and is a substantially affected person under the statute. Charlotte County is a government entity and a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and is a substantially affected person under the statute. The City of North Port is an incorporated municipality of the State of Florida, and is a substantially affected person under the statute. The Environmental Confederation (ECOSWF), a citizens group, is a substantially affected person under the statute. The District is the agency with the responsibility for reviewing and ruling upon CMI's water use permit application. APPLICATION AND PROCESS CMI proposes to operate a phosphate mine facility at "Pine Level" ("site"). The site is located approximately seven miles west of Arcadia, DeSoto County, Florida. The mine reserves at the site are approximately 17,700 acres. 9,000 to 10,000 acres are projected for mining. In 1978, Consumptive Use Permit No. 200103, was issued and in 1986, the current owners purchased the corporation which held the permit, and changed the name of the corporation to CMI. The Industrial Water Use Permit has not been used since it was issued to a prior owner of the site, and provided for average daily withdrawals of 13.6 mgd from wells. In 1984, this permit was renewed and modified to provide for average daily withdrawals of 12.8 mgd from deep wells. The groundwater withdrawals currently sought by CMI is 6.9 million gallons per day ("mgd") average daily withdrawal, which totals include 5.1 mgd from deep wells for use in the amine flotation process and 1.7 mgd for sealing the matrix slurry pumps. This reduction to 6.9 mgd in permitted withdrawals is a significant reduction. In addition, the proposed permit allows 3.7 mgd to be withdrawn from the surficial aquifer by dewatering mine cuts. In November, 1990, CMI submitted an application for renewal. In November 1991, CMI submitted to the District a revised Water Use Application No. 200103.02 ("application") to renew and modify the existing water use permit. The District requested more information, and CMI provided additional information and supplemental responses to aid in the review and evaluation of the application. The District prepared and submitted a Notice of Intent to Issue Permit and the District staff has prepared a "draft" Permit No. 200103.02 authorizing the withdrawal of the quantities requested in the application with certain conditions. In addition to renewal and modification of the water use permit, which is the subject of this proceeding, CMI will be required to participate in numerous regulatory reviews and permitting procedures (i.e. a development of regional impact evaluation, a federal environmental impact statement, federal approvals under the Clean Water Act [including a national pollutant discharge elimination system ("NPDES") permit], and a conceptual reclamation plan review) before CMI may commence mining, and consequently, begin any withdrawal of water. The mining process will utilize large walking draglines to excavate over burden and stack it beside the active mining area for land reclamation. The ore material called "matrix" will be dug up by the draglines, placed into an earthen pit where it will be slurried with a high pressure water jet. A pump will pick up this slurried matrix material, pump it back to the processing plant where it will first go through various separation devices, including screens and cyclones. The course material termed "pebble" will be separated and parts of that will be directly saleable as a product. The bulk of the phosphate product is contained in intermediate-sized material called concentrate feed. The concentrate feed consists of ore and sand. The ore is separated from the sand in a process called "flotation". The flotation process is a two stage process that ends up separating the tailings sand, which can then go back to the sand-clay flocculation and mixing units, and be pumped out ultimately for land reclamation back in the mine-out areas. The phosphate product which is called "wet rock", is placed in storage bins where it can drain, and be loaded onto rail cars for shipment. The "amine flotation process" is the second stage of flotation where sand and phosphates are separated. This process requires clean water for the amine flotation phase, because any amount of contaminants, including organic reagents, will adversely affect the process. Any mineral particles must be removed so that the amine may attach itself to the phosphate. Any contaminants will destroy or significantly and adversely affect not only the phosphate recovery, but the entire flotation process. Deep well water is requested for use in the amine flotation process because it is clean. All phosphate mines in Florida currently rely on deep well water. 5.2 mgd is the minimum amount of "clean" water needed to assure efficient processing of the amine flotation process of the mine beneficiation plant. Deep well withdrawals are also commonly used for the purpose of sealing or protecting the packing of pumps at various points in the mine system in order to avoid damage to the equipment. These wells are often referred to as "sealing water wells". The Pine Level mine will require 1.7 mgd for this purpose. Water for the sealing water wells must be clean and clear in order to effectively seal pumps for leaks. The Pine Level project will provide 400-500 construction jobs during the construction period. It will provide approximately 200 full-time jobs with an annual payroll of about five million dollars once it is in operation. It will result in about one thousand additional jobs providing services to the development. It will pay in excess of one million dollars a year to DeSoto County in ad valorem taxes. TECHNICAL CRITERIA The water use is a reasonable and beneficial use. 5.2 mgd groundwater withdrawal is "necessary to fill a certain reasonable demand." The technical criteria relating to water level or rates of flow impacts set forth in Rule 40D-2.301(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code, are not applicable in this proceeding because the District has not established any regulatory levels or rates of flow for the area encompassed by the application. In addition, this presumption only addresses surface water withdrawals. Phosphate mining is a beneficial activity and is consistent with the public interest. There is no significant risk of salt water intrusion. The water use withdrawal will not degrade the water quality in the aquifer by causing any contamination plume to spread. There have been no contaminant plumes identified on site. GROUNDWATER IMPACTS There is sufficient ground water at the site of a suitable quality and quantity to support the proposed phosphate mining and beneficiation activities. The local hydrogeology at the site consists of an upper layer known as the surficial aquifer. Rain penetrates the surficial aquifer to flow vertically to the water table. The water that is not consumed by vegetation at this layer will flow either to a nearby stream channel or will leak down through a semi- confining layer. The water continues to seep vertically into the lower underlying limestone aquifers. There are three limestone water-bearing layers: the intermediate, the Suwannee or Upper Floridan, and the Avon Park or Lower Floridan aquifers, respectively. The intermediate and the underlying Suwannee aquifer are separated by another semi-confining layer. Likewise, the Avon Park aquifer and the Suwannee aquifer are separated by another semi-confining layer. At the site, wells in the intermediate aquifer will draw water to seal the bearings on the matrix slurry pumps. There will be one deep well in the Suwannee and one deep well in the Avon Park to draw for the beneficiation plant. The groundwater modeling performed by CMI simulated the four aquifers, that is, the surficial aquifer and each of the three limestone aquifers. An Aquifer Performance Test ("APT") was performed at the site. The data generated from the APT was used to calculate various aquifer parameters, for example, transmissivity, storage coefficient, and leakiness. This information was then used in setting up the groundwater flow model that ultimately was incorporated into the application. During the District staff's review of the application, the deep well withdrawal quantities requested by CMI were compared with approximately 6 other phosphate mines of comparable size, acreage, and type of operation. As a result of this comparison, the staff found CMI's requested use to be less than the other six phosphate mines. The use of recycled water in the amine flotation process in place of deep well water in the past by CMI has proven unsuccessful because a constant temperature and a constant ph level could not be maintained with recycled water, and recycled water contains traces of fatty acids and oils, which also negatively affect the amine flotation process. C.F. Industries, Inc., has been operating a phosphate mine in Hardee County, Florida, since 1978. C.F. Industries, Inc., has since 1983 at the Hardee County mine, successfully substituted recirculation water for deep well water for operation of the amine flotation circuit on a routine basis. C.F. Industries, Inc., presently plans to employ substitution of some recirculation water for deep well water in a new yet-to-be permitted mine. C.F. Industries, Inc., at its existing Hardee County mine requires use of deep well water for start-up purposes to "charge" the system. C.F. Industries, Inc., at its existing mine, uses deep well water to respond to abnormal operational conditions, including excessive rainfall events, when the quality of the normal recirculation water is not suitable for substitution of deep well water. Neither CMI, nor District staff was aware prior to hearing, that the C.F. mine was successfully substituting recycled water for deep well water in the amine flotation process. At the time of making the representations to the District about necessary water quality requirements of the flotation process, CMI had a study, entitled, Amine Water Evaluation, Pine Level Project, July 27, 1984, ("Pilot Plant Study"), which concluded that deep well pumping and discharge could be reduced by use of water drawn from mine cuts. The Pilot Plant study was site specific to CMI's proposed phosphate mine. The Pilot Plant study bench tests were verified in the same pilot plant facility CMI uses to verify the grade of ore on the Pine Level Site. The Pilot Plant study or its results were known to CMI officials or experts involved in the permit application at issue in this case. CMI did not inform District staff of the existence or conclusions of the Pilot Plant study. The Pilot Plant study indicates that CMI could reduce its water usage by substituting water from mine cuts for deep well water. CMI did no studies to determine if the substitution of mine cut water for deep well water, as suggested by the Pilot Plant Study, was feasible to implement. SURFACE WATER IMPACTS The phosphate ore (matrix), is extracted by an excavation machine called a "dragline", which opens mining cuts of approximately 32 to 35 feet in depth, 330 feet wide, and up to 4,000 feet long. Seepage occurs into the mine cuts from the water table, and must be pumped out in order to see and extract the matrix. This dewatering is also necessary to protect the draglines against slope stability problems. Water pumped out of the mining cuts is introduced into the mine water recirculation system which is operated for purposes of collecting and recycling water within the mine complex. The matrix that is extracted from the mining cut is placed in a shallow excavation near the cut, and is converted to a slurry and, thereafter, transported hydraulically to the mine processing (or "beneficiation") plant. The beneficiation plant uses considerable quantities of water, utilizing supplies from within the mine system (i.e. surface water) and water from deep wells. Sand tailings and sand and clay mixture are by-products of the mining process. Recycled water is used to transport waste clay and sand from the plant to the disposal and reclamation areas. Reclamation takes 1-2 years for areas reclaimed with sand tailings and 5-6 years for areas reclaimed with a sand-clay mixture. Groundwater that is used in the processing plant is recycled. Water within the mine is recycled a number of times, and CMI's proposal calls for 90 percent of the total mine demand to be satisfied by this recirculation system and approximately 96 percent of the water used is recyclable water. DEWATERING AND WATER BALANCE CMI's mine pit dewatering activities result in the withdrawal of water from the surficial aquifer. A "water balance" demonstrates that requested quantities relate to reasonable mining, processing, and dewatering needs. The "water balance" for the mining operation evidences a balance between sources and uses/losses. The sources of water in the CMI water balance that input to the mining operation include groundwater from wells (6.9 mgd), mine cut dewatering or water table drainage (3.7 mgd), and collected rainfall (3.1 mgd). Uses and losses associated with the mining operation include water retained in clays (6.7 mgd), water shipped with final product (.7 mgd), evapotranspiration and evaporation (3.0 mgd), water used for agricultural irrigation (5.0 mgd), and water seeping from the Mine Water Surge Area ("MWSA") (1.2 mgd). The water balance matrix moisture component of 2.9 mgd is not a withdrawal of water for water use permitting purposes. The District's modeling of the impacts resulting from mine cut dewatering resulted in a finding of 2.34 MGD as opposed to the 3.7 mgd derived by CMI. For calculation purposes, rainfall is collected at the rate of 3,974 gallons per acre per day. CMI calculates that it will collect 3.1 mgd of rainfall, and use it in its recirculation system. The 3.1 mgd calculation is based on the amount of rain that will fall on 600 acres of mine water surge area, 80 acres of plant site, and two 50 acre mine cuts. CMI plans to mine 450 acres each year at the Pine Level Site over a period of 22 years. Runoff over disturbed areas on the CMI mine site must be captured, and will become part of the recirculation system. Assuming only one year of disturbed area during the permit term, CMI has failed to account for nearly 1.8 mgd in its water balance (450 acres x 3,974 gallons/acre/day). CMI plans to pump any rainfall collected from all disturbed areas to the mine water surge area (MWSA). CMI has not included any acres of disturbed area in its calculations of the amount of rainfall it will collect for the current permit. CMI has not submitted a mine plan. Without a mine plan, the number of disturbed acres cannot be determined. Because CMI's water balance does not include rainfall collected over disturbed areas, the water balance is incorrect. The rainfall collected from the disturbed areas will increase the amount of water that CMI will need to discharge or use for agricultural purposes. Excavation of the Mine Water Surge Area will cause dewatering of the surficial aquifer. No analysis was done of how much dewatering of the surficial aquifer will occur as a result of the excavation of the MWSA, or of the potential impacts to wetlands as a result of the dewatering activities. The District's one foot draw down presumption applies to dewatering as well as to groundwater pumping. The proposed dewatering setback from wetlands was set at 660 feet. The 660 foot setback distance is in lieu of mitigation if CMI wishes to mine within the setback distance, it will be required to implement mitigation procedures. Dewatering draw downs in the surficial aquifer as great as six and one-half to seven feet could occur on the CMI site at 660 feet from a mine cut under dry weather conditions. At 660 feet, the predicted draw down is nearly one and one-half feet using a mine pit depth of 26 feet, based on a three foot water table and a 29 foot average mine cut depth for the area expected to be mined during the term of the permit. Actual mine cut depths during the term of the permit would be as deep as thirty-seven feet which result in a draw down in the aquifer that is greater than one and on-half feet. Combining the dewatering calculations with the surficial aquifer draw downs resulting from CMI's planned well pumping from the intermediate and Floridian aquifers result in greater than predicted draw downs. CMI's water balance did not account for changes in water needs due to variability of the ore body. WATER QUALITY CMI has not demonstrated that the water quantities requested for the operation of the phosphate mine and beneficiation plant, and land reclamation and water handling will utilize the lowest water quality to the greatest extent practicable. Nevertheless, the Pine Level mine is innovative in comparison to other operating mines. It proposes to reduce its groundwater requirement by increasing the amount of recycled water used in the amine flotation process; employ an innovative sand/clay mixing technique for land reclamation, thus eliminating the need for conventional large, above-ground day settling areas or slime ponds; and use surplus water for irrigation of agricultural crops or pasture. CMI plans to mine the Pine Level Site for a period of 22 years. For phosphate mines, neither DNR, nor SWFWMD analyze impacts with respect to surface water during the mining process. For phosphate mines, no state agency looks at off-site surface water impacts from the standpoint of draw downs, with the possible exception of cities and counties. The District has not required CMI to submit an application for the management and storage of surface waters permit, since the District staff believes that phosphate mines are exempt from obtaining any MSSW permit from the District. A gap exists in the regulatory scheme for phosphate mines with respect to the reduction of surface water flows during the mining process if SWFWMD exempts phosphate mines from obtaining an MSSW permit. INTERFERENCE WITH EXISTING LEGAL USERS The City of North Port is an existing legal user of water. The City of North Port has a public water supply facility which draws its water from the Big Slough. The Big Slough normally gets a portion of its flow from high quality water in the surficial aquifer. CMI's proposed Pine Level phosphate mine is located in the watersheds which feed the Big Slough and the Peace River. In the initial years of the mine, virtually all of the collected rainfall will be diverted from the Big Slough watershed. No analysis has been done to see how dewatering might affect the City of North Port. Any significant reduction in flow to the City of North Port's facility during the low flow season will interfere with North Ports existing legal use of water. Diversion of 3.1 mgd of rainfall from the Big Slough will have an adverse impact on the City of North Port's water facility. The City of North Port is currently under a consent agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation because the water supplied by its facility violates drinking water quality standards for sulfates and total dissolved solids ("TDS") regularly during periods of low flow in the Big Slough. The MWSA, the plant area and the initial mining areas are primarily within the Big Slough drainage area. Seepage of 1.2 mgd from the MWSA will flow into the Big Slough. The only analysis done of the quality of the seepage from the MWSA was a rough analysis which showed that sulfates will likely be around 550 grams per liter. The legal standard for sulfates in drinking water is 250 grams per liter. Seepage from the MWSA will be high in total dissolved solids ("TDS") since a good portion of it was pumped from deep wells which have very high levels of TDS. No analysis was done of the potential of this seepage water to interfere with North Port's facility. Charlotte County is an existing legal user of water whose water supply is drawn from the Peace River downstream from the proposed CMI phosphate mine at Pine Level. Discharge of 5.0 mgd from the Pine Level mine could adversely affect Charlotte County's drinking water facility located on the Peace River. AGRICULTURAL USE CMI proposes to use 5.0 MGD of surplus water for irrigation of pasture grasses for cattle. CMI has not conducted any specific tests to determine the feasibility of using the discharge or the quality of the water that they plan to use for agricultural irrigation. The water for irrigation will be drawn out of the mine water surge area. The determination of whether the 5.0 mgd discharge can be used for agricultural irrigation has been postponed. The staff's position is that the proposed special conditions provide reasonable assurances that the discharge will comply with the requirements of the Basis for Review. WETLANDS Isolated wetlands occur throughout the CMI mine site. The isolated wetlands on the CMI property provide habitat for endangered and threatened species. Sandhill Cranes and Wood Storks, both threatened or endangered species, were sighted on the CMI property by wetlands experts during their site visit prior to the hearing. Small isolated wetlands on CMI property would be adversely affected by less than a one foot draw down. Wetland peat soils oxidize if exposed to the air. Oxidation results in subsidence of the wetland soils, which adversely impacts wetlands. Too much water as well as too little water can adversely impact wetlands. The combined effects of aquifer pumping and dewatering planned at the CMI site will adversely affect wetlands. No analysis was completed of the impacts to wetlands as a result of the combined effects of dewatering and pumping from the aquifer. No information regarding the normal range of wetland hydroperiods for preserved wetlands or other onsite unmined wetlands was introduced. No information was provided regarding the habitat functions provided by the wetlands on the CMI site either for threatened or endangered species or otherwise. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT The Applicant did not provide reasonable assurance that the water use will not cause unacceptable adverse impacts to environmental features on or off- site. The Applicant did not provide reasonable assurances that the water use will not have an adverse impact to surface water bodies such as lakes, ponds, impoundments, springs, streams, canals, estuaries or other water courses. The Applicant did not provide reasonable assurances that there will be no adverse environmental impact to wetlands, lakes, streams, estuaries, fish, and wildlife or other natural resources. The Applicant did not provide reasonable assurances that there will be no adverse impacts to the surface water system or vegetation as a result of groundwater withdrawal. The Applicant did not provide reasonable assurances that the water use will not have an adverse impact by altering or impairing the habitat of threatened or endangered species. The Applicant did not provide reasonable assurances that the projected draw downs will not result in any adverse impact to any protected or non-protected plant or animal species. The Applicant did not provide reasonable assurances that the water use will not have an adverse environmental impact to wetlands.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Governing Board of Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a Final Order DENYING the issuance of a Water Use Permit to the Applicant, CMI. DONE and ENTERED this 20th day of April, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of April, 1993. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties. Proposed findings of fact submitted by Petitioner. Accepted in substance: paragraphs - 13, 14, 15, 21, 24, 31, 35, 38, 70, 71, 73, 75, 91, 97, 100, 104, 105, 114, 115, 116, 125, 126, 127, 128, and 129. Rejected as subsumed or irrelevant and immaterial: paragraphs - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 37A, 39 40, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86,87, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 106A, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 130, 131, 132, 133, and 134. Rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence: paragraphs - 18, 26, 32, 41, 42, 46 (omitted), 47 (omitted), 69, 88 (omitted), 89 (omitted), 90 (omitted), 118 (omitted), 119 (omitted), and 135 (omitted). Proposed findings of fact submitted by Petitioner, Charlotte County. Accepted in substance: paragraphs - 1, 2, 7, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 28, 29, 36, 40, 41, 51, 59, and 62. Rejected as argument, subsumed or irrelevant and immaterial: paragraphs - 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, and 61. Rejected as hearsay: paragraphs - 43 and 44. Proposed findings of fact submitted by Petitioner, City of North Port. Accepted in substance: paragraphs - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24(in part), 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 47, 48, 49(in part), 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57(in part), 58, 59, 60, 61, 63(in part), 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 86(in part), 87, 92, 93, 95, 96, 99, 104, 107, 108(in part), 109(in part), 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 120, 122, 123, 126, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143(in part), 144, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 179, 180, 187, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205. Rejected as argument, subsumed or irrelevant and immaterial: paragraphs - 4(contained in Preliminary Statement), 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24(in part), 33, 43, 44, 46, 49(in part), 55, 57(in part), 62, 63(in part), 64, 76, 77, 81, 82, 86(in part), 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108(in part), 109 (in part), 110, 111, 117, 118, 119, 121, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 143(in part), 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 169, 174, 175, 178, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 196, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217. Proposed findings of fact submitted by Respondent/Petitioner Consolidated Minerals, Inc. and Southwest Florida Water Management District. Accepted in Substance: paragraphs - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22(in part), 23, 24, 25(in part), 26, 27(in part), 28, 29(in part), 32, 33(in part), 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52(in part), 53, 54, 55, 56, 57(in part), 58, 62, 71, 82, 85, 87, 88, 91, 92(in part), 93, 94(in part), 95(in part), 96(in part), 97(in part), 100(in part), 101, 115, 119, 120, 123, 124(in part), 125(in part), 126(in part), 127(in part), 130(in part), 133(in part), 137, 138(in part), 139, 145. Rejected as argument, subsumed, or irrelevant and immaterial: paragraphs - 12, 13, 15, 16, 31, 36, 37, 38, 48, 51, 52(in part), 57(in part), 59, 60, 63, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 90, 94(in part), 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 124(in part), 126(in part), 127(in part), 130(in part), 134, 135, 136, 138(in part), 140, 141, 142, 143. Rejected as against the greater weight of evidence: paragrahs - 22(in part), 25(in part), 27(in part), 29(in part), 30, 33(in part), 34, 35, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 89, 92(in part), 95(in part), 96(in part), 97(in part), 98, 99, 100(in part), 102, 103, 121, 122, 125(in part), 128, 129, 131, 132, 133(in part), 144. Proposed findings of fact submitted by Petitoner, Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida, Inc. Accepted in substance: paragraphs - 1, 2, 3, 4 6, 7, 17, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33(in part), 34, 35, 39(in part) 41, 42, 43, 45, 48, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 71, 73, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 92(in part), 106, 107, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139(in part), 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 157, 158, 162, 163, 164, 165. Rejected as argument, subsumed, or irrelevant and immaterial: paragraphs - 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32 33(in part), 36, 37, 38, 39(in part), 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 58, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 84, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92(in part), 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 111, 118, 119, 120, 146, 147, 153, 156, 159, 160, 161, 166, 167, 168. Rejected as against the greater weight of evidence: paragraphs - 44, 54, 69, 139(in part). COPIES FURNISHED: Rory C. Ryan, Esquire Roger W. Sims, Esquire HOLLAND & KNIGHT Suite 2600 200 S. Orange Avenue P. O. Box 1526 Orlando, Florida 32802 Vivian Arenas, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad St. Brooksville, Florida 34609 Mr. Alan R. Behrens Route 2, Box 725-A-32 Arcadia, Florida 33821 Matthew G. Minter, Esquire County Attorney 18500 Murdock Cr. Port Charlotte, Florida 33948-1094 David M. Levin, Esquire ICARD, MERRILL, CULLIS, TIMM, FUREN & GINSBURG PO Box 4195 Sarasota, Florida 34237 Kenneth B. Wright, Esquire Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund PO Box 1329 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Peter G. Hubbell Executive Director 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899

USC (1) 50 CFR 17.12 Florida Laws (7) 120.5717.12373.019373.219373.223373.406373.414 Florida Administrative Code (4) 40D-2.09140D-2.10140D-2.30140D-2.381
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Jul. 21, 1999 Number: 99-003096 Latest Update: May 23, 2000

The Issue The issue is whether the Petition for Administrative Hearing should be dismissed for failure to state a cause cognizable under Florida Law.

Findings Of Fact On November 30, 1998, Suwannee American filed its application and fee for an air construction permit for a dry process, preheater/precalciner type portland cement plant. The cement plant will emit oxides of nitrogen as a result of the combustion of fuels. A small fraction of the nitrogen oxides will, through oxidation, convert to nitrate. Some of the nitrate will become available for deposition as fall- out through two mechanisms: (a) dry deposition from particulate deposition; and (b) wet deposition from rainfall. Nitrate that lands on land and water surfaces can remain there, be taken up by vegetation, or enter ground and surface waters. The cement plant will also emit mercury. Joseph Kahn, a permit engineer in the Department's Division of Air Resources, Bureau of Air Regulation, was assigned to review the application. Early in the review process, Mr. Kahn became aware that members of the public and the Department's staff in its park's division had concerns about the atmospheric deposition of mercury and nitrate emissions from the cement plant. By letter dated December 29, 1998, Mr. Kahn requested the applicant to furnish additional information, including but not limited to, an additional impacts analysis of mercury and nitrogen deposition pursuant to Rule 62-212.400(5)(e), Florida Administrative Code. 1/ Specifically, the December 29, 1998, letter made the following inquiries: 8. Please compare other NOx [nitrogen oxide] limits established by BACT (for LaFarge and Great Star Cement, for example) with the proposed NOx limit and discuss the variables that affect emissions of NOx from Portland cement plants that are applicable to the proposed facility. * ** Please discuss the basis for the estimated emissions of mercury and provide illustrative calculations. Please estimate the possible impact or deposition of mercury at the Ichetucknee Springs State Park and the Santa Fe and Suwannee Rivers in the vicinity of the proposed facility. Please perform an additional impact analysis in the PSD [prevention of significant deterioration] Class II area near the facility including the Ichetucknee springs State Park and the Santa Fe and Suwannee Rivers in the vicinity of the proposed facility. This analysis must include impact on growth, soils and vegetation, and visibility. On February 25, 1999, the Department received Suwannee American's response to the December 29, 1999, letter. The response states as follows in regards to the deposition of mercury: Response: The PSD report used an emission factor for mercury from AP-42, Table 11.6-9, for cement Kilns with fabric filters. The other available emission factor in AP-42 is for cement kilns with ESPs. As this kiln will utilize an ESP for the pyroprocessing system, this response uses the ESP emission factor: 0.00022 pounds/ton of clinker X 839,5000 tons/year = 185 tons per year. Mercury emission data from nine cement plants ere evaluated as reported in the EPA Document Locating and Estimating Air Emission From sources of Mercury and Mercury compounds. These data are shown in the following table: [Table Omitted] The use of the average value from these tests results in a lower and consistent value: 0.000171 pounds/ton of clinker X 839,500 tons/year = 144 pounds per year. Emission estimates based on expected mercury levels in limestone, clay, sand, fly ash, and coal that will be used by Suwannee American result in an estimated emission rate of 129 pounds per year. The ambient air impact of mercury at the Ichetucknee Springs State Park and the Santa Fe and Suwannee rivers in the vicinity of the proposed facility is estimated as 0.00003- 0.00005 ug/m 3/ as a maximum annual concentration. The Reference Air concentration (RAC) for mercury (40 CFR 266, Appendix IV) is 0.3/m 3/ annual average. The deposition of mercury at the Ichetucknee Springs State Park and the Santa Fe and Suwannee Rivers in the vicinity of the proposed facility is estimated as 0.00002- 0.00005 g/m 2/ as a maximum annual deposition. If this level of deposition continued for 50 years and if all deposited mercury was to accumulate in the top six inches of soil, the increase in mercury levels in the soil would be on the order of 0.006 mg/kg. Safe mercury levels in soil established by Rule 62-785, F.A.C., are 3.7 mg/kg for direct exposure and 2.1 mg/kg for groundwater protection. After receiving the applicant's response to the December 29, 1998, request for additional information, Mr. Kahn performed independent evaluations to determine whether nitrate or mercury deposition would be of special concern in the area around the proposed plant. As to nitrate deposition, Mr. Kahn determined that approximately 50 tons per year of the NOx would be converted and deposited as nitrate within a 23-mile radius of the plant. He concluded that the estimated nitrate deposition from the cement plant was not significant because it was less than 0.1 percent of the annual total loading rate of nitrate (50,000 tons per year) from all other sources in the counties surrounding the Suwannee River. Mr. Kahn's independent analysis of mercury deposition yielded similar results. He concluded that, compared to the background levels of mercury existing in the soils around the proposed facility, and compared to the criteria of the Department's direct exposure soil criteria, 2/ the estimated additional mercury deposition from the cement plant would not be significant. Mr. Kahn and the applicant made several conservative assumptions in making an analysis of mercury deposition. For example, they assumed that mercury would be emitted and deposited in the cement plant's vicinity at a constant rate for 50 years. They also assumed that all of the mercury deposited on the ground would remain in the top six inches of the soil and would not migrate into any other media. On March 25, 1999, the Department conducted a public meeting on Suwannee American's application. The public commented on various issues. As to atmospheric deposition of substances, the public's comments were not structured enough for the Department to consider them per se in the application review. By letter dated March 26, 1999, the Department summarized the public concerns and requested Suwannee American to furnish the following information in relevant part: 2. Estimate potential mercury emissions from the pyroprocessing system, and characterize the fraction of mercury that will come from other raw material, coal, petroleum coke and tires. Please evaluate control methods for mercury emissions. * * * 8. What portion of the proposed plant's Nox emissions will be deposited as nitrate through dry and wet deposition within an area 25 miles radius from the site? Investigate pollution prevention techniques that may result in lower overall NOx emissions. On or about April 21, 1999, Suwannee American responded to the above-referenced questions. As to question no. 2, the responses states as follows: Response: Potential mercury emissions were submitted to the Department on February 25, 1999. Using three different approaches, the projected emissions were in all cases below the 200 pound per year threshold established by Rule 62-212.400(2)(f) and Table 212.400-2, F.A.C. as a significant emission rate increase (for PSD permitting purposes). Because the expected emissions are below the threshold amount, there is no regulatory requirement to apply BACT review for the de minimis emissions that are expected. Approximately 40 percent of the mercury will be contributed by fuel (coal) and 60 percent by raw materials. When petroleum coke or tires are used as fuel, the mercury contributed by fuel is expected to decrease. As to question no. 8, Suwannee American's response stated as follows: Response: The applicant notes that the matters inquired of in this request are not related to those matters allowed under Section 403.0876(1), F.S., and therefore requests that the Department begin processing the permit application under Section 403.0876(2)(a), F.S. However, in a continuing effort to be responsive to the concerns behind the questions asked, the applicant submits the following information, provided the submittal does not affect the permit processing time clock. Approximately 7% or less of the plant's NOx emissions will be deposited as nitrate through dry and wet deposition within an area 25 miles radius from the site. This is approximately 0.1 pounds per acre per year, and is less than one percent of the wet and dry background deposition measured at the Bradford Forest, near Starke, Florida. This analysis was very conservative, as it assumed nitrate deposition between five miles and 25 miles to be equal to the deposition rate at five miles (i.e., there was no credit taken for the decrease in deposition rate with distance beyond five miles). This approach is also conservative in that it assumed all NOx from the plant would immediately convert to nitrate and be available for deposition. This is a worst case assumption. Pollution prevention operating procedures that may result in lower overall NOx emissions are being evaluated. One technique planned for the facility is the stockpiling of limestone to allow natural drainage before pyroprocessing. Lower material moisture contents allow for the use of less fuel and hence, less NOx. After receiving Suwannee American's response to the Department's March 26, 1999, letter, Mr. Kahn reviewed the applicant's analysis. He compared information presented by the applicant with his own estimates of nitrate and mercury deposition. Suwannee American's data confirmed Mr. Kahn's prior conclusion that atmospheric depositions of mercury and nitrate from the cement plant would not be a significant fraction of the existing total deposition and total loading of those elements from all sources. Mr. Kahn did not perform any further analysis to estimate the impact of nitrate or mercury emissions on the area surrounding the proposed plant. He never made any comparisons to the Department's surface water quality criteria or standards related to Outstanding Florida Water (OFW) bodies. In other words, Mr. Kahn did not attempt to discern the specific impact of mercury and nitrate deposition on the ground water and surface water surrounding the proposed plant. His additional impact analysis was limited to comparing the estimated mercury and nitrate depositions from the proposed facility to the existing total loading of those elements from all sources in the area around the cement plant. Concluding that the impacts would be insignificant, he then informally advised certain members of the public, including Mr. Greenhalgh and some of Sierra Club/SOS' members, that the water pollution and OFW rules did not apply. The Department's Division of Air Resources never applies the standards relating to water quality or an OFW. Those standards are applied and enforced by the Department's staff in its water resource division when a water pollution permit is required. If there are off-site impacts that are not covered by the PSD rules, the applicant will be required to apply for other applicable permits. 3/ The parties do not assert that, in order to construct the cement plant, Suwannee American requires a separate water pollution permit to determine its compliance with the OFW rules. No one from the Department's water resource division officially reviewed the application at issue here. In performing his independent evaluation of additional impacts, Mr. Kahn sought information regarding the total nutrient loading in the Middle Suwannee River Basin from all sources from the Department's water resource staff, including Mr. Greenhalgh. Mr. Greenhalgh is a professional geologist who works for the Department in its water resource division. Specifically, Mr. Greenhalgh is one of the individuals working on the Department's Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) analysis for the Middle Suwannee River Basin. In response to Mr. Kahn's inquires, Mr. Greenhalgh stated that the basin had already exceeded its assimilative capacity and could not tolerate additional inputs of nitrate. Other members of the Department's water resource division gave Mr. Kahn similar opinions. However, Mr. Greenhalgh admits that he has not done any calculations to determine the impact of atmospheric deposition of nitrates from the proposed plant on the surrounding area. Mr. Greenhalgh directed Mr. Kahn's attention to a paper written by David Hornsby, an employee of a water management district, concerning the total nitrate loading from all sources in the Middle Suwannee River Basin. Mr. Kahn used data from the paper to make his comparisons between the total nitrate loading from all sources in the area to his estimate of nitrate deposition from the proposed plant. Mr. Kahn then informed Mr. Greenhalgh that the Department could not deny the permit on the basis of nitrate atmospheric deposition because the Department did not regulate all sources of nitrate in the basin. Except for the applicant, and the informal consultations with members of the Department's Division of Water Resources, no one furnished Mr. Kahn with any technical information regarding the atmospheric deposition of mercury and nitrates. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency has not developed or approved methods for calculating air deposition rates for emissions. In the absence of such standards, the methods used by Suwannee American and Mr. Kahn to determine the proposed facility's additional impact on the surrounding area were appropriate and reliable. The Department has adopted the federal government's acid rain rule (Rule 62-214.420, Florida Administrative Code.) That rule specifically addresses water quality impacts from the emissions and atmospheric deposition of sulfur dioxide and NOx from certain electric power plant facilities. The parties agree that the acid rain rule does not apply in this case. Permits for electrical power plants are issued under the authority of the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act. The Governor and Cabinet sitting as the electrical power plant siting board approve power plant siting applications. The Department's Division of Air Resources performs a PSD review for electric power plant siting applications. Unlike the circumstances in this case, an electrical power plant siting application also requires other sections of the Department to consider impacts on water quality, solid waste, and land use. Under the terms of the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act, the Department has required one other applicant to perform the type of additional impact analysis that was performed in this case. That application involved an existing Florida Power and Light Company, Inc. (FP&L) electrical power plant located near Tampa Bay, an OFW. The FP&L electrical power plant requested permission to convert to orimulsion fuel. In the FP&L power plant case, the Department took the position that water quality concerns were satisfied by a demonstration of compliance with air quality standards. There is no specific permit application that one would fill out or apply for to determine if one would be in compliance with the OFW rule. The OFW rule is usually considered in the context of another permit. However, there is no evidence that the Department has ever considered the OFW rule in the context of a new source PSD permit application. Suwannee American's proposed cement plant will be located within three miles of an OFW. There is no evidence that the Department has ever considered another application for a new source PSD (prevention of significant deterioration) permit within such close proximity to an OFW. Sierra Club/SOS' only factual allegation is that Suwannee American has not provided reasonable assurances that it would not significantly degrade the Santa Fe River, an OFW, through the atmospheric deposition of mercury, in contravention to Rule 62-302.700, Florida Administrative Code. 4/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Administrative Hearing in DOAH Case No. 99-3096, with prejudice for lack of standing. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of October, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of October, 1999.

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Dec. 06, 1990 Number: 90-007734 Latest Update: May 17, 1991

The Issue The issue for consideration in this case is whether the Respondent, Hi Hat Cattle and Grove, should be issued water use permit 204387.03, to withdraw groundwater from the wells on its property, and if so, in what amount and under what conditions.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Respondent, District, was the state agency responsible for the permitting of consumptive water use within its area of geographical jurisdiction. The Respondent, Hi Hat, is a family owned farming and ranching operation in eastern Sarasota County with water wells on its property. The Intervenor, City of Sarasota, is a municipality in Sarasota County which operates wells in the general area of those operated by Hi Hat, and which has an agreement with Hi Hat for the latter's use of treated wastewater pumped from the city's treatment plant to Hi Hat Ranch. The Petitioner, Wyatt S. Bishop, Jr., is a property owner and resident of Sarasota County whose property is located near the Hi Hat Ranch, and whose potable water is drawn from a well on his property which utilizes both the surficial and intermediate aquifers which are penetrated by the wells on Hi Hat Ranch. Hi Hat Ranch consists of 11,000 acres owned by Hi Hat Cattle and Grove, the family owned business which operates it, and an additional 3,227 acres leased from the City of Sarasota. Agricultural operations, including citrus farming, truck farming, sod farming, and grazing have been conducted on the ranch since the mid 1940's. In February, 1990, Hi Hat applied to the District for a permit to withdraw and use water from some 14 wells located on its property. It requested an annual average of 6,267,000 gallons per day, (gpd), and a peak monthly rate of 32, 668,000 gpd. Upon receipt by the District, the application was assigned a number, (204387.03), and was submitted for evaluation by the District staff for conformity with applicable District rules and policies. When the staff evaluation was completed, the District issued a staff report and proposed staff agency action in which it indicated its intention to issue a permit authorizing water to be drawn from the wells at a rate of 6,570,000 gpd, average annual, a peak monthly rate of 14,300,000 gpd, and a maximum daily rate of 5,210,000 gpd. In conducting its evaluation, the District staff relied upon the District's Basis of Review For Water Use Permit Applications which contains within it the provision for use of a "water use model" in assessing the need and appropriateness of water withdrawal amounts. This model, known as the Blaney- Criddle Model considers numerous factors in the evaluation, including rainfall, soil characteristics, irrigation methods used, and proposed crop types, all in an effort to determine a reasonable estimate of the applicant's supplemental water needs. Hi Hat's application was evaluated primarily by Marie Jackson, a Hydrologist III employed by the District, and an expert in hydrology, who has, over the years, reviewed between 350 and 400 permit applications, of which approximately 90 percent have been for agriculture. She is, therefore, quite familiar with the specifics of agricultural water use needs. Her evaluation of Hi Hat's application was done in the same manner as the others she has done and utilized the same tests, measurements and factors for consideration in arriving at her conclusion. In its application, a renewal with modification sought to increase average annual quantities due to a change in crop plans, Hi Hat indicated that its criteria for water use was based on certain agricultural uses and application rates. These included: low volume under tree spray irrigation of 778 acres of citrus at an application rate of 17.2 inches/year plus one inch/year for frost and freeze protection. open ditch irrigation of 135 acres of sod at an application rate of 30 inches/year. open ditch irrigation of 1,367 acres of improved pasture at an average application rate of 26.6 inches/year. overhead spray irrigation of 1,200 acres of improved pasture at an application rate of 20.3 inches/year. open ditch irrigation of 110 acres of spring peppers at an application rate of 30.0 inches/crop, and open ditch irrigation of 110 acres of fall peppers at an application rate of 45.2 inches/crop. Applicant also stipulated that the peak monthly quantities that it requested would be utilized for pasture, sod and citrus irrigation during the month of May. The proposed maximum quantities were for frost and freeze protection of citrus only. In January, 1989, Hi Hat entered into a contract with the City of Sarasota under which the City was obligated to deliver reclaimed water from its wastewater treatment plant to a "header" located on the ranch which thereafter distributes the water through pipes to "turnouts" located at various high points on the property. From these, the water is then discharged into a system of ridges and furrows for distribution of the water across the needed area. The reclaimed water is used to irrigate approximately 5,403 acres of ranchland. The Contract provides for minimum and maximum amounts of water to be delivered as well as for water quality standards which must be met. In periods of adequate rainfall, when irrigation is not required, any treated wastewater which is not needed is stored in a 185 million gallon holding pond on City property located adjacent to the ranch. When needed, water can be fed into the wastewater distribution system described above from the holding pond. This reclaimed water, whether from the pond or direct from the header, can also be utilized to irrigate citrus crops, but this requires a filter system which has not yet been able to operate properly. Therefore, no reclaimed water has yet to be utilized for citrus irrigation on the ranch. At an average annual flow of 6.2 million gallons per day, the pond has the capacity to hold enough treated water for almost 30 days. Not all wells on Hi Hat Ranch are active wells. Several of the wells are classified as standby wells which are intended to be used only to back up the reclaimed water delivery system and are located, normally, beside the "turnouts." In the event the reclaimed water is not available from the city, the standby wells can be utilized to provide water to the ridge and furrow system used to irrigate pasture land. The standby wells are numbers 1, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, and 15. Well number 5, also identified as a standby well in the staff report and in the draft permit was mistakenly so identified. The draft permit contains several special conditions which impact on the drawing of water under the terms of the permit. Significant among these is Special Condition 33 which prohibits the withdrawal of water from any of the standby wells unless the reclaimed water supply from the city is interrupted. Special Condition 27 requires the installation of a flow meter on any standby well that becomes active as a result of permanent discontinuance of the reclaimed water supply. With regard to flow meters, Special Condition 22 requires flow meters on all of Hi Hat's wells. Ms. Jackson, however, indicated this was in error and has recommended that the standby wells be deleted from that Special Condition. When that is done, only those wells actively producing water on a regular basis would require the installation of flow meters. In its analysis of the application for permit, the District staff considered several factors pertinent to the impact the well would have on the water supply in the area and its effect on other users. These factors include hydrologic impacts, well condition, the history of water use at the ranch, the reliability of the reclaimed water system and its ability to provide a uniform source, and the city's water reuse policy. Addressing each individually, and starting with the hydrologic impact of the withdrawal of the requested amounts, the District considered the nature of the existing wells and how they are constructed and maintained. The District assumed, because the data regarding the construction of the existing wells was incomplete and insufficient to properly disclose the status of casing on each well, that they were shallow cased. As a result, the calculations incorporating this assumption indicate a situation that would occur in its most aggravated form. The parties agreed that Hi Hat's wells are shallow cased and probably go no deeper than 90 feet. To determine, as much as possible, the projected drawdowns in the surficial and intermediate aquifers that might be expected if Hi Hat withdrew the amounts of water proposed, the District utilized the "MODFLOW" computer model which factors in simultaneous peak withdrawals from all 14 of the wells along with a 90 day no rainfall drought condition. This, too, contributes to a worst case scenario, and the resultant figures are considered to be conservative estimates of the hydrologic impact of the water withdrawal. Notwithstanding, the application of this computer model resulted in the indication that, as to the surficial aquifer, the drawdown at Mr. Bishop's property located approximately one half mile from the ranch border, would be no more than .055 feet. Since normal fluctuations in the surficial aquifer during the course of the year can be as much as 6 feet, the projected drawdown as a result of Hi Hat's withdrawals was considered insignificant. Applying the same assumptions and utilizing the same computer model as it relates to the intermediate aquifer resulted in an indication of a drawdown of no more than 2.3 feet at Mr. Bishop's property. Since annual fluctuation in the intermediate aquifer can range from 15 to 20 feet normally, the District considers that any reduction of less than five feet in the intermediate aquifer is insignificant. The permit held by Hi hat currently allows for the withdrawal of more water than would be withdrawn under the proposed permit as conditioned and is consistent with the proposed reduction in allowable withdrawals. Considering that factor, as well as the prohibition against withdrawals from standby wells as long as reclaimed water is available, the actual impact of the water withdrawals consistent with the proposed permit would be substantially less than the computed prediction which includes production from all wells. Drawdown contours are defined across the entire effected area. One of the levels is a 4 foot contour, and when a computer simulation indicates that the 4 foot contour includes a withdrawal previously or otherwise permitted, the District will generally conduct a cumulative impact analysis. In this case, however, since there was only one golf course well within the area circumscribed by the 4 foot contour line, and since this withdrawal was too small to have effected an evaluation, it was not done. The condition of the wells on the Hi Hat Ranch has some bearing on whether or not the application for additional withdrawal of water should be granted. These wells are almost 30 years old, having been drilled in the 1960's. As a result, there is little information available regarding their construction detail. This is not necessarily unusual for agricultural wells, and there is evidence that there are many similar wells in use within the District. The reason for this is that at the time the wells were drilled, information regarding their depth, casing and other matters were not required to be kept or reported. However, there is no indication the wells are in any way violative of well construction criteria and their use has been authorized continuously since 1977. When he prepared Hi Hat's application, Mr. Turner included much the same information regarding the wells as pertains as to depth and diameter which he had previously submitted in earlier applications and which had been accepted. In each case, casing depths had been reported as unknown. Notwithstanding the information contained in some old well logs relative to only a few of Hi Hat's wells, this information is in no way definitive and it is difficult to describe anything specific with the majority of these wells. Nonetheless, as already found, it is stipulated that most are approximately 90 feet deep. It is reasonable to assume that the existing wells, however, are cased only to a shallow depth, and that in many cases, the existing casings have corroded away, either totally or in part. This can cause an intermixing of water from the separate aquifers, but whether this is in fact happening depends upon factors specific to that particular well. Petitioner did not present any evidence to show that as a result of the condition of Hi Hat's wells, any degradation is occurring in the more potable, surficial aquifer as a result of intermixing with water from the intermediate aquifer on or around the Hi Hat Ranch. In Ms. Jackson's opinion, and there appears to be no evidence to contradict it, the amount of drawdown which would occur as a result of maximum pumping at Hi Hat Ranch would not be sufficient to cause poorer quality water from the Floridan aquifer to percolate upward (upcone) into the better quality water of the two upper aquifers even during drought conditions. By the same token, there is no evidence that drawdown would encourage or permit salt water intrusion. Petitioner attempted to show by the records kept on the various Hi Hat wells that many of them have been abandoned and are no longer operative and should not be allowed to fall within the parameters of this permit. He testified clearly that over the years, the level of water in his potable water well has lowered and presumed that this was the result of increased water usage by other entities which draw from the aquifer into which his well is sunk. Water level, however, depends upon numerous factors, of which usage is only one. Others include recharging of the aquifer and the amount of rainfall and other recharge sources not only in the immediate area but across the large area which feeds the aquifer. Mr. Bishop did not present any evidence showing a causal connection between the lowering of the water in his well, or the degradation in water quality he claims to have experienced, and either the drawdown caused by Hi Hat's operation or by aquifer intermixing. He indicated, and it is not disputed, that within the past year, he has had to take measures to improve the water quality in his potable well, but, again, he has not presented any evidence to show this was caused by Hi Hat's ground water withdrawals. In its long range planning, the District intends to implement a program to rehabilitate old wells, and when that program is implemented, almost every agricultural well within the District may require recasing or redrilling. This program will not be implemented for several years, however. In an effort, however, to insure that all reasonable precautions are taken to see that approval of any petition for withdrawal does not have an unacceptable adverse impact on the water needs of the surrounding community, in its analysis of this application, and in all cases, the District makes certain assumptions when adequate empirical data is not available. In this case, pertaining to the unavailability of information regarding Hi Hat's wells, the District assumed that all wells were shallow cased, and this placed the application in the worst possible light. Shallow cased wells allow more upconing and aquifer intermixing. Nonetheless, the amount of water permitted to Hi Hat, even if not used, could impact on Mr. Bishop and other adjoining owner's use of additional water as a result of a possible change to their permitted quantities. However, to compensate for this, the District has also included a special condition, (#26), which requires Hi Hat to log all 14 of its wells within the term of the permit, (7 years), which will require at least 2 wells be done each year. The cost of that action will be between $800 and $2500 per well. Another condition, (#31), requires Hi Hat to look into any complaint from adjacent property owners regarding adverse impacts due to water withdrawal, to report the results of its inquiry to the District, and to mitigate, as much as possible, all adverse impacts due to its withdrawal. Mr. Bishop claimed, and introduced evidence purporting to demonstrate, that many of the wells on the Hi Hat Ranch, which are covered by the permit applied for here, are no longer in use and have been abandoned. In response, Mr. Turner, who has been actively engaged in the ranch's operations for at least the past four years, indicates from his personal knowledge, that all 14 wells included in the permit applied for have been operated within the past two years, and all are capable of producing water. It is so found. Not all wells, however, have been operated at all times. Crop rotation and a varying need for groundwater has resulted in some wells not being used at some times. This is, of course, commonplace in agriculture and to be expected as a result of crop planning programs. Admittedly, an accurate figure for the amount of water which has been withdrawn from the 14 wells cannot be established because these wells do not have, and were not required to have, flow meters. Two of the wells were fitted with hour meters in January, 1989, but because the capacity of the pumps on those wells is variable, a precise estimate of volume pumped cannot be determined. The meters measured only the number of hours the pumps were in operation and not the amount of water passed through the pumps. Evidence was presented, however, to show that wells have been utilized at the ranch since the 1960's, and in 1977, some 14 years ago, following District implementation of a consumptive water use permit program, the ranch first applied for water withdrawal permits. These permits have been renewed as required and all water usage since the implementation of the program has been permitted. Turning to the reclaimed water supply, the delivery system, incorporating a program to pump reclaimed water from the treatment plant all the way back out to the ranch site, is subject to material failure and operator error, and either one can occur at any number of places along the system route. Each could result in interruption of the delivery of the reclaimed water to the ranch. The system is far more complex than would be the use of on-site wells for delivery of ground water. One two week shutdown in the system was occasioned by a major pipe failure as a result of pressure building up in the pipes. Were it not for the fact that a contractor was already at the ranch with replacement parts on hand to effect expeditious repair of the system, the shutdown could have lasted considerably longer than it did. This is not the only interruption, however. Several main line leaks and valve problems have caused the system to be shut down on several occasions for short periods of time. The filter system required for the water destined for the citrus area is problematical, and so far this area of the ranch has not received any reclaimed water in the 10 months the system has been in operation. Mr. Bishop argues that the wet weather holding pond is a solution to the reliability problems with the pipe line, but the pond has had problems of its own. Sand in the water, which comes from the holding pond, has been the primary difficulty in the filter system for the citrus area, and algae growth in that pond has the potential to create other filter problems. Delivery of the water from the pond is not accomplished by a gravity system, but instead, requires the use of pumps powered by an electric motor. In the event of a power failure, this source would be unavailable. Discounting all of the above, however, and assuming, arguendo, that all systems were in top operating condition, the fact remains that the delivery system from the pond to the distribution system is not adequate to supply the amount of water that would be necessary to have an effective freeze protection program. In any case, the reclaimed water supply is not the panacea for all water shortage problems experienced at Hi Hat Ranch. In the first place, the quality of the reclaimed water is generally lower than that of the groundwater which would come from wells on the ranch. Also, the City's treatment process does not remove from the water all the pollutants that are of concern to the farm operators. For one thing, total dissolved solids in the reclaimed water are considerably higher than in the ground water, and high dissolved solid levels can be harmful to citrus crops. In fact, the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences recommends that citrus irrigation water not exceed total dissolved solid ranges of from 1000 to 1500 milligrams per liter, (mpl). Testing done on the reclaimed water delivered to Hi Hat Ranch showed it averaged between 1200 and 1500 mpl. Though within recommended parameters, it was toward the high end. Further, reclaimed water is not totally interchangeable with ground water for all agricultural purposes. It cannot, by law, be applied to certain types of ground crops such as melons, nor can it be used for overhead citrus irrigation. There is also a restriction on the use of reclaimed water for pastures on which dairy cattle will be grazed. This all results in a restriction on the options available to the farmer who chooses to use reclaimed water in his irrigation plan. As a result, many farmers try not to use reclaimed water if they have access to adequate amounts of groundwater from on- site wells. Notwithstanding all the above, the parties agree that the use of reclaimed water for irrigation purposed is in the public interest. The District encourages it but nonetheless concedes that even with the availability of reclaimed water, a farmer should have access to wells on his property, in a standby capacity, as an alternative source of water to support his farming activities. Not only that, the agreement between the City and Hi Hat provides for Hi Hat to maintain its water use permit even while receiving reclaimed water from the City. Hi Hat is not the only farm operation with whom the City has negotiated in a effort to expand its wastewater distribution program. It has found in those negotiations, that most farm producers are not willing to rely totally on reclaimed water for all their irrigation needs, and it has concluded that were it mandatory that a farmer give up his on-site ground water withdrawals in order to utilize reclaimed water for a part of his needs, most would be reluctant to use it at all. This would seriously interfere with the City's ability to dispose of its surplus reclaimed water consistent with its policy. Even though Hi Hat's property lies within the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Cautionary Area, the rule pertaining thereto is inapplicable to Hi Hat because Hi Hat filed its application for permit, which was deemed complete, prior to the adoption of the rule. Nonetheless, water use officials agree that the proposed permit is consistent with the rule emphasis on the use and reuse of reclaimed water, and the District does not object to backup wells being permitted as supportive of the District's desire to keep ground water within the ground.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Hi Hat Cattle and Grove be issued water use permit No. 204387.03, within the limits of the authorized quantities as indicated in the intent to issue, subject to conditions contained therein; except that the permit be amended to show well No. 5 as a non-standby well, and to delete standby wells from the terms and requirements of Special Condition 22. RECOMMENDED this 17th day of May, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of May, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: Accepted Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. - 6. Accepted and incorporated herein. 7. - 11. Accepted. - 15. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Accepted. & 19. Accepted and incorporated herein. - 22. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. - 28. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Rejected. She testified that Condition 28 of the permit provides this. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. & 36. Accepted. Rejected as not supported by the evidence except that the method permitted was the method being used. - 40. Accepted. Ms. Jackson indicated she "assumed" some wells were drilled into the Florida aquifer. Rejected. Accepted as qualified by the comment, "depending on the respective potentiometric heads." - 47. Accepted. Accepted but incomplete. This is because they did not feel it was necessary under the circumstances. - 51. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Redundant. - 61. Accepted. - 66. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. More a restatement of testimony than a Finding of Fact Accepted and incorporated herein. & 71. Accepted and incorporated herein. - 74. Accepted. Accepted. First sentence accepted. Second portion rejected since cited case involves active wells versus standby, as here. The comparison made is accepted. The conclusion drawn as to validity is rejected. & 79. Accepted. FOR THE RESPONDENTS AND INTERVENOR: & 2. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 6. Accepted and incorporated herein. 7. - 10. Accepted and incorporated herein. 11. - 13. Accepted and incorporated herein. - 17. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 23. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. Not a Finding of Fact but a comment on the evidence. 27. Accepted. 28. & 29. Accepted and incorporated herein. 30. - 33. Accepted and incorporated herein. 34. - 37. Accepted and incorporated herein. 38. Accepted. 39. Accepted. 40. - 42. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein, & 45. Accepted. 46. & 47. Accepted and incorporated herein. COPIES FURNISHED: Wyatt S. Bishop 5153 Tucumcari Trail Sarasota, Florida 34241 Bram D.E. Canter, Esquire Haben, Culpepper, Dunbar & French, P.A. 306 N. Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Edward B. Helvenston, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899 Barbara B. Levin, Esquire de la Parte & Gilbert 705 East Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33602 Peter G. Hubbell Executive Director SWFWMD 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899

Florida Laws (2) 120.57373.303 Florida Administrative Code (3) 40D-2.04140D-2.09140D-2.301
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-002250 Latest Update: Jul. 31, 1979

The Issue Whether construction permit No. AC41-6819 issued to Manatee Energy Company, dated June 8, 1978, should be amended, as proposed in construction permit No. AC41-6819A, dated November 7, 1978.

Findings Of Fact The parties stipulated to the following facts: The Manatee Chapter of the Isaak Walton League of America ("Isaak Walton League") is a non-profit corporation, organized and existing under Florida law. The Isaak Walton League's address is 5314 Bay State Road, Palmetto, Florida 33561. Manatee Energy Company ("Manatee Energy") is a Florida corporation, whose address is 108 Appleyard Drive, Post Office Box 867, Tallahassee, Florida 32302, and was formerly a subsidiary of Belcher Oil Company. The State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation ("DER") is an agency of the State of Florida charged with the regulation and control of air and water pollution under Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, whose address is Twin Towers Office Building, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. The specific agency action at issue in this proceeding is DER's issuance of a revised permit to Manatee Energy to modify a crude oil splitting facility and modified or additional rundown tankage at Port Manatee, Florida. The facility at issue will be located in North Manatee County near the Hillsborough/Manatee County line in Port Manatee. On November 7, 1978, DER issued Manatee Energy Permit No. AC41- 6819A. The validity of the permit is disputed by the Petitioner. Manatee Energy has undertaken construction of the crude oil splitter and associated tankage under either Permit No. AC41-6819 and Permit No. AC41-6819A. (Exhibit 1) On June 8, 1978, after administrative proceedings conducted under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, DER issued construction permit AC41-6819 to Manatee Energy for the construction of a 15,000 BPSD crude oil splitter at Port Manatee, Florida. The permit stated that the oil splitter is to separate crude oil by distillation into three fractions; i.e., LPG, jet fuel and bunker "C." It further provided that combustion devices were to be fired with LPG or fuel oil with a sulfur content of 0.7 percent or less. Various conditions were attached to the issuance of the permit, including analysis of samples of fuels to be burned in the furnace and boiler, performance testing of stacks after startup of the facility, emission limits for the furnace and boiler, and periodic monitoring and reporting of heat content and sulfur content of fuel oil combusted in the boiler and furnace. In addition, condition 5 required that all fugitive dust generated at the site be adequately controlled, and conditions 12- 13 required that steps be taken in conjunction with the Manatee Port Authority to correct any ambient particulate violations, such as paving of roads, parking lots and the like, prior to issuance of an operating permit. The Chapter 120 administrative proceedings resulted in a determination that the proposed facility would not release air pollutants exceeding ambient air quality standards, or significantly degrade applicable base line air quality. (Exhibits 1-2) On October 27, 1978, Manatee Energy applied to DER for revision of the existing permit. The proposed revision was prompted primarily by the fact that Manatee Energy had been sold by its parent company, Belcher Oil Company, and had become an independent operator subsequent to the issuance of the original permit. This change in ownership created a need for accurate recording and accounting of product volume and quality before its transfer to Belcher's storage tanks which are adjacent to the crude oil splitter facility. To accomplish this purpose, Manatee Energy proposed the addition of two 10,000 barrel JP-4 "rundown" tanks for jet fuel, and one 10,000 barrel diesel "rundown" tank in lieu of previously permitted tank No. 410. Also, a 33,000 barrel slop oil tank to temporarily receive and hold off-specification product, and a 40,000 barrel waste water tank replacing a 35,000 barrel tank previously permitted (tank No. 409), were proposed to be added. In view of the above proposed changes, the nine storage tanks owned by Belcher (tanks Nos. 401-409), four of which are leased by Manatee Energy (tanks Nos. 406-409), will store different products except for tanks Nos. 405 and 407 which will remain unchanged. Under the original permit, two 80,000 gallon tanks were to be used to store JP-4, (tanks Nos. 403-404), but under the new proposed arrangement, only one will be used for that purpose (tank No. 406). Tank No. 403 will be used exclusively by Belcher for asphalt storage. Tank No. 409 will he converted from a waste water tank to a No. 6 fuel oil tank. Based on revised determinations of hydrocarbon emission factors by the Environmental Protection Agency after Manatee's application for the original permit, secondary seals on internal floating roof tanks will be deleted, but existing floating roof tank No. 407 is proposed to be modified by adding secondary seals to reduce such emissions. Revised calculations by the applicant as to hydrocarbon emissions show that the proposed changes in tank service and design will offset expected emissions from the proposed new tanks. Such emissions from the revised facility are expected to be 16.8 tons less than the currently permitted tankage emission rate of 75.4 tons per year. (Testimony of Hutchinson, Borie, Exhibits 4, 6-9) Additional modifications to the existing permit proposed by Manatee Energy are to relocate the emergency flare stack, move the process heater, boiler and control room approximately 150 feet each from their previously contemplated locations, and to raise the crude tower approximately 16 feet. The tower produces no emissions and the change is designed to improve the distillation process. Movement of the flare stack and the other process equipment and control room are proposed for safety reasons and do not alter the process configuration or increase emissions. Finally, a Merox treating unit was added for the purpose of extracting impurities from jet fuel. This process does not involve any emissions. (Testimony of Hutchinson, Borie, Larsen, Exhibits 4, 6, 14-15) The revised permit application consisted of engineering drawings by the firm of Marsco Engineering Corporation, Tyler, Texas which was employed subsequent to issuance of the original permit, and a report concerning the proposed changes prepared by Walk, Haydel and Associates, Inc., an engineering consultant and design firm of New Orleans, Louisiana. A complete DER application form was not submitted or required by DER. Only a revised page 4 of the standard application form was submitted. There was no certification of the project by a professional engineer registered in Florida, although such a certification is required by DER rules. The application was reviewed and recommended for approval to DER by the Manatee County Pollution Control Director. Personnel of DER's Southwest District Office reviewed the application and determined that the applicant's calculations showing that proposed hydrocarbon emissions would be less than those projected under the original permit were correct. They further found that concentrations of sulfur dioxide and particulate emissions would be unchanged by the modifications to the facility. The latter determination was supported by the results of an air quality computer model programed under standard EPA criteria to estimate the impact of such emissions from pollutant sources on ambient air quality standards at ground level. The model determined the maximum impact of sulfur dioxide pollutants which would emanate from the relocated stacks at receptor points approximately .7 to .8 kilometers south of the facility. It was found that the maximum pollutant impact during the worst twenty-four hour period would not change significantly from the former configuration of the stacks and would be well within state ambient air standards of 260 micrograms per cubic meter. A separate computer model relative to particulates was not required because such emissions when extrapolated from the sulphur dioxide model would result in basically unchanged emissions compared to the originally permitted configuration. Manatee County Pollution Control has operated an air quality monitor at Port Manatee for a number of years. This device, which is used for monitoring emission of particulates, has reflected excessive emissions on a number of occasions during 1978 and 1979. However, it is a "source" monitor which is not located in an appropriate place under EPA standards to monitor ambient air quality and, accordingly, DER does not consider the site to be "ambient oriented" or the data to be usable for determinations involving air quality standards. There have been no violations of ambient air quality revealed by monitoring at other stations in Manatee County during the past year. In fact, Manatee County's annual geometric mean for 1978 for suspended particulates were the lowest ever recorded at 33.8 micrograms per cubic meter which was significantly lower than the air quality standard of 60 micrograms per cubic meter. (Testimony of George, McDonald, Williams, Koogler, Subramani, Exhibits 4, 11-13, 16-21) In 1978, subsequent to the issuance of the original permit but prior to the filing of the revision application, certain rules of the DER contained in Chapter 17-2, Florida Administrative Code, were changed. Rule 17-2.03 required the DER to make a determination of the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) after receipt of an application for a permit to construct an air pollution facility in certain instances under specific criteria stated in the rule, after public notice had been given of an application which required such a determination. DER did not make a BACT determination as to the permit revision application concerning hydrocarbon emissions since it determined that there was an existing emission limiting standard for volatile organic compounds in Rule 17-2.05(5), which required known vapor emission control devices or systems in the processing and use of such substances. DER also determined that Rule 17- 2.04(6) concerning Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) did not require a BACT determination as to hydrocarbon emissions because the Rule does not apply to hydrocarbon emissions. Also, DER determined that neither the BACT nor the PSD rules were applicable to the modified facility as to sulfur dioxide and particulates because the ambient concentration of those emissions would be unchanged by the proposed modifications. (Testimony of Williams, Exhibit 13) On November 13, 1978, DER issued construction permit No. AC41-6819A to Manatee Energy for the proposed modifications. Conditions attached to the permit were the same as those of the original permit, plus conditions setting forth the modifications of the facility. Notification of the issuance of the permit revision was not made to Petitioner who had been a party to the Chapter 120 proceedings involving the original permit. Neither were the public notice provisions of Rule 17-2.04(9) complied with by DER prior to the issuance of the revised permit. The parties stipulated that opportunity for public participation and comment at the hearing held herein would cure any procedural defect in this regard. (Exhibit 5) Condition 12 of the proposed permit provides that before any startup of the facility, steps must be taken in conjunction with the Manatee Port Authority to correct any fugitive particulate problems and condition 13 states that an operating permit will not be issued until such time as the Port Authority has eliminated the "present violation of the ambient air quality standard with regard to particulates." Identical conditions were set forth in the prior permit based on findings that ambient particulate violations existed from fugitive dust created by road traffic at Port Manatee. As heretofore found above, the particulate violations at Port Manatee are not deemed to constitute violation of ambient air quality standards. Nevertheless, since the original permit was issued, various steps have been taken to reduce such emissions in the Port area by the use of a sweeper, paving of roadway, parking and driveway areas, planting of vegetation, grass, and shrubbery in critical areas, and the like. Although these efforts have shown little success, reasonable efforts are continuing to reduce the problem. (Testimony of McDonald, Subramani, Exhibit 18) Eight public witnesses testified at the hearing. Their concerns primarily focused on such subjects as lack of technology to prevent emission of hydrocarbons, oil spills, inefficiency of small facilities, opposition to "dirty industry" in the county, lack of adequate state rules for storage of hazardous waste, and the accumulation of emissions generally in the Tampa Bay area. One witness pointed out the presence of eagle and pelican habitats in the Bay area near the site in question. A statement on behalf of Sarasota County expressed the view that the modified facility should be subject to the review process of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, concerning developments of regional impact prior to the issuance of a modified construction permit. (Testimony of Burger, Chiefari, Fernald, H. Greer, Blankenship, Morris, M. Greer, Lincer, Exhibit 22, Hearing Officer Exhibit 1)

Recommendation That a permit for the construction of modifications to the facility which is the subject of this proceeding be granted to the Manatee Energy Company, subject to the conditions heretofore proposed by the Department of Environmental Regulation, dated November 7, 1978, and with a precondition that the applicant fully complies with the provisions of Rule 17-4.05, Florida Administrative Code, prior to such issuance. DONE and ENTERED this 22nd day of May, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Mary F. Clark, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ronald C. LaFace, Esquire Post Office Box 1752 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Paul Amundsen, Esquire One Biscayne Tower Suite 3636 Two South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131

Florida Laws (3) 120.52120.602.04
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000908 Latest Update: Dec. 06, 1992

The Issue Whether Respondents have violated Chapter 403, Florida Statutes by dredge and fill activities at Sampson Lake, Bradford County, Florida, and should therefore be subject to corrective action and costs, as set forth in Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action, dated March 4, 1982. This case arises from Petitioner's filing of a Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action against Respondent Dudley P. Hardy on March 4, 1982, alleging that he conducted dredge and fill activities on property which he owned adjacent to Sampson Lake without obtaining a departmental permit for such activities. The notice further alleged that such activities created a stationary installation reasonably expected to be a source of pollution, and sought to have the Respondent take corrective action by restoring the affected area, and also to nay investigative costs, pursuant to Chapter 403, Florida Statutes. Respondent Hardy responded to the Notice of Violation and therein requested an informal administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes. He also averred that he only owned a one-half interest in the subject property, and that the other one-half interest was owned by J. D. Odom, Jr. and Vernie Phillips Odom, his wife. Based upon Petitioner's request, a formal hearing under Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, was scheduled for July 14-15, 1982, but pursuant to Petitioner's Motion for Continuance, the hearing was rescheduled for August 12- 13, 1982, by Order dated May 24, 1982. Petitioner thereafter amended its notice of violation to include J. D. Odom, Jr. and Vernie Phillips Odom as Respondents in the proceeding as indispensable parties. By Order dated July 7, 1982, Petitioner's Motion for Leave to Amend was granted. By Order of Consolidation dated April 28, 1982, this case was consolidated with five other cases involving similar activities at Sampson Lake. (DOAH Cases Nos. 82-907and 02-909 - 82-912) However, prior to the scheduled hearing, counsel for Petitioner advised the Hearing Officer that the other cases had been resolved by consent orders. At the hearing, Respondent J. D. Odom, Jr. appeared without counsel and was advised of his rights in a Chapter 120 administrative proceeding. He acknowledged his understanding of such rights and elected to proceed without counsel. Petitioner presented the testimony of three witnesses and submitted ten exhibits. Respondent testified in his own behalf and submitted two exhibits. After the conclusion of the hearing, Respondent J. Odom submitted a letter to the Hearing Officer, dated August 17, 1982, which enclosed a copy of a survey which had been previously received in evidence as Petitioner's Exhibit 1, and photographs which had not been received in evidence at the hearing. Petitioner filed a Motion to Strike these matters, and the motion is hereby partially granted. The additional photographs presented by Respondent can not be taken into consideration in this Recommended Order because they were not admitted in evidence at the hearing. Petitioner's post-hearing Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Proposed Recommended Order has been fully considered, and those portions not adopted herein are deemed either unnecessary or irrelevant, or unsupported in law or fact. In like manner, the statements made by Respondent Odom in his post-hearing letter that are unrelated to the photographs have been fully considered.

Findings Of Fact By warranty deed, dated March 12, 1980, Sampson Lake Properties, Inc. conveyed a parcel of the land located in Bradford County, Florida to Respondent, Dudley P. Hardy. The property is bordered by Sampson Lake on the west and Rowell Canal on the south. By warranty deed, dated July 10, 1980, Hardy conveyed an undivided one-half interest in the property to Respondents J. D. Odom, Jr. and Vernie Phillips Odom, his wife. (Testimony of J. Odom, Petitioner's Exhibits 5-6, Respondents' Exhibit 1) Rowell Canal is a man-made canal which is designated as Class III waters of the State, and connects lakes Rowell and Sampson, also Class III waters of the State. Lakes Sampson and Rowell are natural lakes that are owned by more than one person. Each lake is larger than ten acres with an average depth of more than two feet existing throughout the year, and neither becomes dry each year. (Testimony of Scott, Farmer, Petitioner's Exhibit 1) Respondents' property lies immediately west of a railroad right-of-way, and a railroad ditch lies parallel to the property next to a railroad trestle. The ditch was approximately 45 feet wide at Rowell Canal and some 215 feet long at the time Respondents acquired the property. (Testimony of Scott, Farmer) At some undisclosed date in 1981, Respondent J. Odom widened and deepened the west side of the ditch with a backhoe in order to create a canal which would enable him to launch boats at the Rowell Canal. The dirt removed from the ditch was piled along the side of the newly created canal. When finished, the canal was some 213 feet long, 20 to 30 feet wide, with depths ranging from 2 to 7 feet. At the present time, a natural earthen plug remains between the excavated canal and the Rowell Canal. During the rainy season, water overflows the plug and any waters from the Odom Canal would interchange to some degree with those of Rowell Canal. (Testimony of Scott, Farmer, Barber, Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 2, Respondents' Composite Exhibit 2) Respondent Odom did not apply for a permit to conduct the dredging and filling activities on his property. After Petitioner became aware of the situation in September, 1981, two members of the enforcement section of Petitioner's St. Johns River Subdistrict visited the site and determined that the Department had enforcement jurisdiction due to the fact that the dominant vegetation for approximately the first hundred feet of Respondents' canal from Rowell Canal to the north was a band of cypress trees (Taxodium Sp.). Such a wetland species serves as a guide to determining the landward extent of waters of the State, pursuant to Rules 17-4.02(17) and 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. There is also a large number of pine trees on the property. Thereafter, by letter of November 30, 1981, Petitioner's St. Johns River Subdistrict Manager sent a letter to Respondent Hardy placing him on notice concerning unauthorized dredging and filling activities. (Testimony of Scott, Farmer, Petitioner's Exhibits 3-4, Respondents' Exhibit 2) By warranty deed, dated July 26, 1982, Respondent Hardy conveyed his interest in the property to J. D. Odom, Jr. and Vernie Phillips Odom. (Testimony of Farmer, Petitioner's Exhibit 7) On August 10, 1982, DER personnel took dissolved oxygen readings of the dredged canal. Analysis of the water samples reflected depressed dissolved oxygen levels throughout the canal in violation of water quality standards for Class III waters. (Testimony of Farmer, Petitioner's Exhibit 9) A dead-end canal reasonably can be expected to cause pollution due to the fact that organic matter decays on the bottom and becomes a nutrient trap, thus depressing the dissolved oxygen in the water. During the inspection by DER personnel, gas bubbles were observed in the canal, thus indicating the presence of hydrogen sulphate, which is indicative of anaerobic conditions. The presence of fish in the canal at the present time indicates there is enough dissolved oxygen to sustain life, however. (Testimony of Scott, Farmer, Petitioner's Exhibit 9) Until a few years ago, Sampson Lake had not been developed. However, at the present time many canals have been built and Petitioner has issued twelve notices of violations in the area. Canals such as that of Respondents' can be expected to have an adverse cumulative impact on the waters of Rowell Canal and Sampson Lake due to the entry of water containing excessive nutrients. (Testimony of Barber) Respondent Odom Intended to remove the earthen plug at the end of his canal in order to gain access to Rowell Canal from his proposed cement boat ramp to provide access to Sampson Lake. About twelve to fifteen years ago, a dam was built on Sampson Lake to control the water level. Prior to construction of the dam, a road existed around the lake which could be driven upon approximately 50 percent of the time during dry season. At the present time, Respondent can transport a boat through his property to Rowell Canal with difficulty because of the existing trees. Prior to the dredge and fill activity of Respondent, a boat could be moved through the property to Rowell Canal, generally in the area where the present dredged canal is located. (Testimony of Respondent Odom) Petitioner expended $132.34 in costs of investigating Respondents' dredging and filling activities. (Testimony of Barber, Petitioner's Exhibit 10)

Recommendation That Petitioner issue a final order requiring Respondents to take corrective action with regard to their dredge and fill activities as specified in the Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action, and to pay departmental investigative costs, but withhold the effective date thereof to provide Respondents a period of thirty days to make application for an "after- the-fact" permit pursuant to Rule 17-4.28, F.A.C. If they fail to make such application within the required period, the final order should then become effective. If application is made, the effect of the final order should be staved until conclusion of proceedings on the application. DONE and ENTERED this 7th day of September, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of September, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Cynthia K. Christen, Esquire Assistant General Counsel and Michael Tammaro, Certified Legal Intern DePartment of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dudley P. Hardy, Esquire Post Office Drawer 1030 Starke, Florida 32091 J. D. Odom, Jr. and Vernie Phillips Odom, his wife Post Office Box 517 Starke, Florida 32091 Victoria Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 82-908 DUDLEY P. HARDY, J.D. ODOM, JR., and VERNIE PHILLIPS ODOM, Respondents. /

Florida Laws (4) 120.57403.087403.141403.161
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Oct. 16, 1992 Number: 92-006215 Latest Update: Jul. 22, 1993

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, Respondent, Cargill, a Delaware corporation authorized to do business in Florida which owned and operated a phosphate mine near Fort Meade, located in Polk County Florida. Petitioner, Gloria Elder, owns residential property adjoining the Fort Meade Mine on which she maintains an individual water well for domestic and other purposes. The Respondent, District, has the responsibility for regulating the consumption and conservation of ground and surface water within its jurisdictional limits, including the well in question. For a period prior to December, 1990, Cargill had been operating under consumptive use permit No. 202297.04, issued by the District, which provided for average daily withdrawals of 12.0 MGD from wells on its property. In addition to the 12.0 MGD, Cargill also was utilizing an additional 3.3 MGD for mine pit and surficial aquifer dewatering activities which did not have to be reflected in the permit but which were lawful uses. In December, 1990, Cargill submitted its application to renew the existing water use permit with a modification including the 3.3 MGD previously being used but not officially permitted. No additional water would be drawn from the permitted wells as the newly applied for 15.3 MGD was the total of the 12 MGD and 3.3 MGD previously permitted and lawfully used. After reviewing the additional information requested of Cargill pertaining to this application, the District published its Notice of Proposed Agency Action for approval of the permit. The proposed permit authorizes withdrawal of the amount requested in the application, 15.3 MGD, the exact same amount actually withdrawn under the prior permit. As a part of the proposed permit the District imposed two special conditions. These conditions, 12 and 13, require Cargill to conduct its dewatering activities no closer than 1,500 feet to any property boundary, wetlands, or water body that will not be mined or, in the alternative, to mitigate pursuant to conditions 12 and 13 any activities conducted within the 1,500 foot setback. There are no reasonable alternatives to Cargill's request. The mining process in use here utilizes a water wash of gravel-size phosphate ore particles out of accompanying sand and clay. The water used for this purpose is recycled and returned to the washer for reuse. The resulting phosphate ore mix, matrix, is transported with water in slurry form to the refining plant. This system in the standard for phosphate mining in the United States. Once at the plant, the slurry is passed through an amine flotation process where the sand and phosphates are separated. This process requires clean water with a constant Ph balance and temperature which can be retrieved only from deep wells. Even though the permit applied for here calls for an average daily withdrawal of 15.3 MGD, typically the Cargill operation requires about 10.08 MGD from deep wells. This is a relatively standard figure within the industry. Approximately 92 percent of the water used at the site in issue is recycled. However, recycled water is not an acceptable substitute for deep well water because it contains matters which interfere with the ability of the chemical reagents utilized in the process to react with the phosphate rock. Therefore, the quantity sought is necessary and will support a reasonable, complete mining operation at the site. The Cargill operation is accompanied by a strenuous reclamation operation. Land previously mined near the Petitioner's property has been reclaimed, contoured, re-grassed and re-vegetated. This project was completed in 1990. No evidence was introduced showing that Cargill's operation had any adverse effect on the Elders' well. Water samples were taken from that well at the Petitioner's request in May, 1991 in conjunction with the investigation into a previous, unrelated complaint. These samples were submitted to an independent laboratory for analysis which clearly demonstrated that the minerals and other compounds in the water from the Petitioner's well were in amounts well below the detection level for each. Only the iron level appeared elevated, and this might be the result of deterioration of the 18 year old black iron pipe casing in the well. Another possible explanation is the fact that iron is a common compound in that part of the state. In any case, the installation of a water softener would remove the iron, and there is no indication the water would have any unacceptable ecological or environmental impacts in the area either on or off the site. No other residents in the area have complained of water quality problems. Petitioner claims not only that Cargill's operation would demean her water quality but also that its withdrawal will cause a draw down in the water level in her well. This second matter was tested by the District using the McDonald-Haurbaugh MODFLOW model which is well recognized and accepted within the groundwater community. The model was applied to the surficial, intermediate, and upper Floridan aquifers and indicated the draw down at the property boundary would be less than one foot in the surficial aquifer and less than four feet in the intermediate aquifer. The model also showed the draw down at the Petitioner's well would be less than three feet, which is well within the five foot criteria for issuance of a consumptive use permit under the appropriate District rules. This evidence was not contradicted by any evidence of record by Petitioner. All indications are that the water use proposed is both reasonable and beneficial, is consistent with the public interest, and will not interfere with any existing legal use of water.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore recommended that WUP Permit No. 202297.05 be renewed as modified to reflect approval of 15.3 MGD average daily withdrawal. Jurisdiction will remain with the Hearing Officer for the limited purpose of evaluating the propriety of an assessment of attorney's fees and costs against the Petitioner and the amount thereof. RECOMMENDED this 29th day of April, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of April, 1993. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph N. Baron, Esquire 3375-A U.S. Highway 98 South Lakeland, Florida 33803 Rory C. Ryan, Esquire 200 South Orange Avenue Suite 2600 Post office Box 1526 Orlando, Florida 32801 Martin D. Hernandez, Esquire Richard Tschantz, Esquire 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609 Peter G. Hubbell Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68373.223 Florida Administrative Code (1) 40D-2.301
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001612RX Latest Update: Nov. 30, 1977

Findings Of Fact The Sound Transportation Planning Coalition, Inc., and The Florida Lung Association have standing to bring this action. This action is brought pursuant to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes, and challenges the validity of the repeal of Rule 17-2.04(8), Florida Administrative Code. On or about July 8, 1977, the Department of Environmental Regulation published a notice of rule making for adoption of proposed amendments to Rule 17-2.04(8), Florida Administrative Code, in the Florida Administrative Weekly. This Publication included notice of a hearing to be held by the Environmental Regulation Commission for the consideration of the adoption of proposed amendments to the subject rule. At least thirty (30) days notice prior to the foregoing hearing by the Environmental Regulation Commission was also given in newspapers of general circulation around the state. For the purposes of this proceeding the parties have stipulated that the Department of Environmental Regulation complied with the provisions of Section 120.54(1), Florida Statutes, regarding notice of hearing on the proposed rule which was an amendment to an existing rule. The Environmental Regulation Commission took action on August 11, 1977, with regard to the matters pertinent to this Proceeding and no notice other than that referred to above in paragraph 3 pertinent to the action taken by the Environmental Regulation Commission was given by the Department of Environmental Regulation. The rule making action proposed by the Department of Environmental Regulation was the amendment of Rule 17-2.04(8), Florida Administrative Code, which amendment, according to the Department's notice, was designed to make the indirect source permit system workable and yet maintain ambient air quality standards for carbon monoxide. The amendment was expected to reduce the number of permit reviews required and to limit the evaluation for each indirect source to one pollutant, carbon monoxide. The action taken by the Environmental Regulation Commission on behalf of the Department of Environmental Regulation was the complete repeal of Rule 17-2.04(8), Florida Administrative Code. After having considered the proposed amendments to the subject rule it was apparently the decision of the Environmental Regulation Commission that the better action would be the complete repeal of the rule and that is the action they took. The Department of Environmental Regulation prepared an Economic Impact Statement directed to the impact of the proposed amendments to the subject rule. The parties have stipulated that for the purpose of this proceeding only, the Department of Environmental Regulation complied with the provisions of Section 120.54(2)(a), Florida Statutes, with regard to the proposed amendments to the subject rule and the said Economic Impact Statement would have been satisfactory for the adoption of the proposed amendments had they been adopted. No Economic Impact Statement directed to the repeal of the subject rule was prepared. No individual in the Department of Environmental Regulation was instructed to prepare an Economic Impact Statement for the repeal of Rule 17- 2.04(8), Florida Administrative Code. The Department at no time prior to the hearing held by the Environmental Regulation Commission on the proposed amendments to the subject rule, gave specific notice to any individuals that it intended to repeal Rule 17-2.04(8), Florida Administrative Code.

Florida Laws (4) 120.52120.54120.562.04
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-000810 Latest Update: Nov. 13, 1980

Findings Of Fact This case is presented for consideration based upon the Respondent, Gunard C. Brautcheck, Sr.'s request for hearing pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, on the relief sought by the Petitioner, State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, in which the Petitioner has filed a Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action on March 2, 1980. See DER File No. IW-16-80. The Petitioner is an administrative agency in the State of Florida which has the responsibility to protect Florida's air and water resources and to administer and enforce Florida Air and Water Pollution Act, Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder; namely, Chapter 17, Florida Administrative Code. The Respondent, Gunard C. Brautcheck, Sr., is the owner of a tract of agricultural land located in Lake County, Florida, in Sections 29 and 32, Township 18 South, Range 27 East. This tract of land is known as the Springhill Farm and is located in an area referred to as Eustis Meadows, a wetlands area which is contiguous to several lakes. One of those lakes is Lake Serpentine, which covers an area of twenty-two (22) acres. The Brautcheck wetlands are drained for the purpose of the cultivation of grasses, hay and sorghum to be used for dairy feed. The Respondent achieves drainage relief by the utilization of a series of interior ditches and this area which has been drained and protected from external overflow at the southern perimeter of the Respondent's property through the utilization of an earthen berm or dyke separating that water source and the property which has been drained. In particular, this berm or dyke serves to repel the water flow from Lake Serpentine in the times of extreme high incidents of rainfall. On those occasions, there is a water connection from Lake Serpentine through the marshlands north of that lake and up to the point of the berm which is at the southern perimeter of the Brautcheck property. Although the Respondent has taken action to protect against the overflow from Lake Serpentine area and has utilized a series of ditches to protect against the internal inundation of his property, there are times when the interior ditches are inadequate to handle the volume of water without backflow onto the property. To contend with this eventuality, the Respondent has employed a pump which is used to evacuate the water from the interior ditches on his property with the pumping points being the southernmost interior ditch adjacent to the berm. The water that is pumped flows through the hero by way of drainage pipes with the water entering the marshlands through that water route and eventually into Lake Serpentine. The water that is pumped out of the ditches on the Brautcheck property also will eventually enter another lake to the west of his property known as Trout Lake. This connection is made through the marshlands into a culvert system which has a flapper valve, with the culvert having an outfall into the waterway known as "Hick's Ditch" and from that waterway directly into Trout Lake. (Petitioner's Composite Exhibits 1 and 5 admitted into evidence contain map grids which show the proximity of the Brautcheck pump site to Lake Serpentine and the attendant marshlands known as Eustis Meadows and Trout Lake. Lake Serpentine and Trout Lake are lakes over which the Petitioner has jurisdiction and regulatory authority and the marshlands between the southern berm referred to herein and Lake Serpentine are also with the agency's jurisdiction and authority. Petitioner's Composite Exhibits 3 and 6 are photographs depicting the pump; the interior drainage ditch; and the berm in that area of marshlands adjacent to the property. The marshlands as depicted in the photographs were inundated by water at the time the Photographs were made. Photographs found in Exhibit 6 show the pump in operation. The waters of the interior ditch which are being directly pumped through this system and into the receiving waters have high biochemical oxygen demand; high nutrient value, in particular nitrogen and phosphorus; depressed levels of dissolved oxygen and high ammonia content. This is borne out by the water quality tests which were made on August 29, 1979, and again on September 25, 1979, as depicted in the Petitioner's Composite Exhibits 1 and 5, respectively. The values attributed to the water samples taken in the interior ditch as contrasted with samples taken in the marsh area immediately adjacent to the south of the ditch and in Lake Serpentine proper, show that a degradation of water quality is occurring with the introduction of the water from the interior ditches into the receiving waters in the marsh area. This degradation is occurring in the marsh area and in Lake Serpentine. In addition, algae bloom occurs in the interior ditch which can be transmitted by pumping water containing these blooms into the receiving waters and this type of bloom when it dies, has a very detrimental affect on dissolved oxygen levels. This type of algae bloom is not found in Lake Serpentine in it natural state. The effect of pumping the water of the interior ditch on the Brautcheck property into the wetlands and eventually into Lake Serpentine could result in fish kills and be harmful to other aquatic life, to include plants and animals. The Respondent was first made aware of the problem of the discharge through his pumping system into waters which are regulated by the State in a letter from the Lake County Pollution Control Board dated March 27, 1979, which advised him of the necessity to obtain a permit. This letter may be found in Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 1. On June 27, 1979, the Petitioner notified the Respondent of the necessity to comply with the Provisions related to permits as found in Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 17, Florida Administrative Code. A copy of this letter of notice by certified mail may be found in Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 2 admitted into evidence. The Respondent having failed to reply to that letter, an additional letter was forwarded on August 22, 1979, from the Petitioner to the Respondent stating the necessity for permit and indicating the possible consequence of this noncompliance, and a copy of this correspondence may be found in the Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 2. Subsequent to this time, the pump was seen to be operating and discharging water into the receiving waters of the State as recently as October 9, 1979. The Respondent having failed to reply to the August 22, 1979, letter of warning, there ensued the current March 2, 1980, Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action as forwarded by the Department, and in the course of investigating this case, the Department has incurred expenses in the amount of five bonded fifteen dollars and seventy-two cents ($515.72).

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact made herein and the Conclusions of Law reached, the following disposition is recommended: That the Respondent be ordered to immediately cease and desist the operation of the pumping /system installation in the absence of an appropriate and currently valid permit and that a final order by the Department be entered to this effect. That within thirty (30) days of the date of the final order of the Department Secretary the Respondent should be required to pay to the Department an amount of five hundred fifteen dollars and seventy-two cents ($515.72) as the necessary cost and expenses incurred by the Department in tracing an abetting this source of pollution, with that payment being made to the Department of Environmental Regulation, Pollution Recovery Trust Fund. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of September, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. 1/ CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of September, 1980.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57120.60403.031403.061403.087403.141403.161
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Jun. 11, 2012 Number: 12-002021 Latest Update: Apr. 11, 2013

The Issue The issues to be determined in this case are whether Petitioner Highway 60 and 301 Center, Inc., has standing to challenge the proposed Environmental Resource Permit issued to Respondent Big Bend Center, LLC, by Respondent Southwest Florida Water Management District ("District"), and, if so, whether Big Bend Center is entitled to issuance of the proposed permit.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner owns real property located at 105 U.S. Highway 301 South, in Tampa, which Petitioner leases to commercial businesses. Respondent Big Bend Center owns real property located at 110 U.S. Highway 301 South, which is across Highway 301 from Petitioner's property. Big Bend Center is named in the District's agency action and is the permittee. The site affected by the proposed permit modification is about 2.5 acres in size. It is part of a larger development owned by Big Bend Center, encompassing about 30 acres. The 30-acre site was the subject of a permit issued by the District in 1988. The 1988 permit approved a master drainage plan applicable to all 30 acres. The permit modifications discussed herein are modifications to this initial permit. Respondent Enterprise Holdings leases the 2.5-acre site at 110 U.S. Highway 301 South, which Enterprise uses for the operation of a car and truck rental business. When Petitioner filed its petition with the District, it named Enterprise Holdings, Inc., as a Respondent, even though Enterprise Holdings was not named in the permit. Neither Petitioner nor the District ever questioned the right of Enterprise Holdings to participate as a party. Respondent Southwest Florida Water Management District is the administrative agency charged with the responsibility to administer and enforce chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated pursuant thereto in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40D. The Permit The petition for hearing challenged the District's approval of a proposed permit designated 44003983.007. The permit authorized the construction of a building over existing pavement and the addition of a dumpster pad. After the petition for hearing was filed, Big Bend Center requested and the District approved a modification, designated .008, which included the .007 changes and, in addition, authorized the construction of a section of sidewalk and landscape islands in the parking lot. Enterprise then requested and the District approved another modification, .009, which authorized all the changes addressed in .008 and, in addition, authorized changes to the paved parking lot. Standing Petitioner contends that proposed permit, modification .009, would injure Petitioner because the authorized changes would result in flooding of Highway 301 that could reach Petitioner's property or, even if it did not reach that far, would interfere with traffic on Highway 301 in a manner that would disrupt Petitioner's business. The sole factual allegation upon which Petitioner bases its claim of flooding is that the previously-installed pipes that convey runoff to a retention pond may be too small; smaller than was required by Big Bend Center's 1988 permit. Petitioner's expert, Clifford Laubstein, stated that a boundary survey in the permit file shows two 18-inch diameter pipes connected to a 24-inch diameter pipe. Big Bend Center's 1988 permit required these pipes to be 24 inches and 30 inches, respectively. Laubstein admitted that the "as built" construction drawings that were submitted to the District by Big Bend Center after the construction of the master drainage system certifies that the pipes are the required, larger size. Laubstein did not have firsthand knowledge of the size of the pipes. He did not know which document was correct, the survey or the as built drawings. His position was simply that if the survey information was correct, Big Bend Center's stormwater system would fail to function properly and flooding could occur. Laubstein did not know whether the system had failed to function properly in the past or had ever caused flooding. Laubstein did not determine what storm event or volume of runoff would result in flooding of Highway 301, or the extent of flooding that would occur under various storm events. Because as built constructions drawings are prepared by an engineer and submitted to the District for the very purpose of certifying that a system has been constructed in accordance with the requirements of the permit, information in the as built drawings about components of the system would generally be more reliable than such information in a survey that was prepared for another purpose. Furthermore, Enterprise's expert witness, Steve Boggs, measured the pipes and determined they were 24 and 30 inches, as required by the permit. By refuting Petitioner's claim that the pipes "may" be undersized, Respondents refuted Petitioner's claim that Highway 301 or Petitioner's property "may" be flooded if the proposed permit modification is issued by the District. The stormwater system for the proposed project is properly sized to handle the stormwater runoff. Petitioner failed to meet its burden to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that it could be injured by the proposed permit modification.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the District dismiss the petition and issue Environmental Resource Permit 44003983.009. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of March, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of March, 2013.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57120.60373.4141
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