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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002267 Latest Update: Dec. 02, 1985

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto James E. Wilkins, Jr. was a continuing contract teacher employed by the Pinellas County School Board. He has been employed in the field of education since 1950 and has been employed by the Pinellas County School Board since 1964. During the school year 1983-84 Wilkins was employed as a guidance counselor at Tarpon Springs Middle School. During the school year 1984-85 Wilkins was employed as a biology teacher at Tarpon Springs High School. While serving as counselor at Tarpon Springs Middle School several girls in the sixth grade came to Wilkins for assistance in deterring one of their classmates from pilfering makeup and shoes from their lockers. They had previously gone to another counselor for help in the matter but she had declined to intervene. They were sitting in Wilkins' office with the suspected culprit. After listening to part of the girl's complaints and in order to assure accuracy in recreating the proceedings, if necessary, Wilkins took out his tape recorder, placed it on his desk, asked the girls if they objected to having the conversation taped and after receiving no objection turned on the tape recorder. Wilkins testified that he asked the girls as a group if they objected to their statements being recorded and no one objected. One of the students present confirmed that Wilkins, during the course of their discussion, took his tape recorder out of his desk and asked them if they had any objection to having their comments taped. All said no. Later the suspected culprit went to another counselor and complained that she was afraid she was going to get beat up and that Wilkins had tape recorded the meeting without her permission. During the investigation which followed Wilkins acknowledged that he had in fact tape recorded the session after asking them if anyone objected. He did not poll the students to ask each one individually if she objected to the tape recorder. All were aware the conversation was being taped. Harry Danielson, Supervisor of guidance, Pinellas County School System, also questioned Respondent regarding the taping incident. Danielson's testimony that Respondent admitted to him that he taped the girls without their permission was explained by Respondent as a misunderstanding on his part as he thought Danielson asked if he had obtained written permission to tape the conversation. Danielson testified that the code of ethics of the counseling profession proscribes taping students without their knowledge or permission and that counselors are usually advised to get permission in writing before taping students. Danielson also opined that a counselor should not become involved in investigating a theft. This incident constitutes a part of the letter of reprimand issued by the superintendent on November 20, 1984. While at Tarpon Springs Middle School, Wilkins hung on the wall of his office a Ph.D. diploma from Loyola University of Paris, France. Earlier Wilkins had heard that he could perhaps obtain such a degree and did not see this university listed as a diploma mill and as not accredited. He forwarded to Loyola University transcripts of all courses he had taken including more than sixty hours of courses he had completed subsequent to completing his master's degree. These curricula were "evaluated" by Loyola University and Wilkins was issued a Ph.D. degree. He presented the information to the school board clerk handling post graduate records for Pinellas County teachers and requested the information be sent to the Department of Education in Tallahassee for evaluation. The Department advised that Loyola was not recognized as an accredited school and the degree would not be recognized by the Department. Respondent took no further action but to ask the clerk if the transcripts submitted to Loyola should be removed from his personnel file. She told him that would not he necessary. Subsequently the principal at Tarpon Springs Middle School saw the diploma on Mr. Wilkins' office, checked some information that he had that described Loyola University of Paris as a diploma mill and reported the "spurious" diploma to Nancy Zambito, Director of Personnel Services, Pinellas County School Board. Ms. Zambito questioned Respondent about the degree. He readily acknowledged that he had not taken any courses at Loyola and the degree was issued based on transcripts he had sent to Loyola for evaluation. Ms. Zambito on May 31, 1984, issued Wilkins a letter of reprimand (Exhibit 1) for unethical behavior and poor judgment. This incident also constituted a ground for the reprimand issued to Respondent by the Pinellas County Superintendent of Schools on November 20, 1984 (Exhibit 4), and as one of the charges in the suspension letter dated June 25, 1985. James Gregory, principal at Tarpon Springs Middle School 1983-84, gave Respondent a less than satisfactory evaluation in two areas as a result of the taping of the meeting with the students and for obtaining the diploma from Loyola University. At the close of this school year Gregory recommended that Respondent be removed from a counseling position and returned to the classroom as a teacher. As a result of this recommendation Respondent was transferred to Tarpon Springs High School as a biology teacher for the 1984-85 school year. Gregory opined that investigating theft is not part of the duties of a counselor but belongs solely in the realm of the administrative assistants. (TR. p. 19 Vol. I) During school year 1984-85 Leroy Birch was sitting next to the projector in Respondent's class when slides were being shown. Someone had smeared one of the slides and Birch and others were laughing. Birch was not sitting fully in his seat. Respondent thought Birch had smeared the slides and put his hand on Birch's shoulder to push him back down in his seat. Birch told Respondent to "take his god damn hand off my shoulder." Respondent, when questioned by administrative personnel about this incident, acknowledged that he had placed his hand on Birch's shoulder near a "pressure point" but that he did not squeeze the pressure point. Birch testified to no numbness or pain resulting from a squeezing of the pressure point. Birch further testified that Respondent had disciplined him and that he hated Wilkins when he was disciplined. Birch was one of many who testified Respondent used "damn" and "hell" in class more than other teachers. Ann Marie Levy was a student in Respondent's class in 1984-85 school year. She was copying notes from the overhead as she was supposed to be doing when Respondent slapped her on the shoulder to get her attention when he thought she was writing a note to a classmate. Ann Marie was more surprised than hurt by this incident which was observed by others in the class. Respondent has no recollection of striking Ann Marie but, if he did, it was accidental when he was trying to get her attention and not as a punishment nor intended as a punishment. This incident was the other striking episode referred to in Exhibit Ann Marie also testified that she never liked Respondent and that he expected a lot from his students. Ronald Cohalla was in Respondent's class last year (1984-85) and testified that while he was talking to another student Respondent told him if he didn't be quiet he would "deck him". Ron also testified that Respondent threw an eraser at him twice and that Respondent used curse words more than other teachers. During both of these eraser "throws" Ron was sitting at his desk in the front row some four or five feet from Respondent and talking to another student. On neither throw did the eraser get beyond Respondent's desk. Respondent denies ever telling Cohalla he would deck him if he didn't be quiet. Respondent is 6'1" tall and weighs 350 pounds. He was once a wrestling coach and is obviously well coordinated for a man his size. Had he attempted to throw an eraser at Cohalla, it is quite certain he could have hit Cohalla from a distance of four feet. The same credence, none, is given to Cohalla's testimony that Respondent threatened to deck him as is given to the testimony that Respondent threw an eraser at Cohalla. Several witnesses testified that Respondent had called them stupid. On cross examination these students testified that in response to a question Respondent frequently said "that's a stupid question." Respondent denies ever calling a student stupid. Many of the witnesses called by Petitioner testified that Respondent used "damn" and "hell" more than other teachers in class, that he was short in patience and frequently raised his voice in class. Many considered him a strict and demanding teacher. Respondent acknowledged that he often raised his voice to quiet down an unruly or a noisy class but did not consider this to be different than other teacher's reactions to noisy classes. Amy Levinson, who thinks Respondent is not a good teacher acknowledged that when Respondent raised his voice in class it was because the class was unruly. Use of the words "hell" and "jackass" by Respondent in class was one of the charges in Exhibit 4. No evidence was presented that Respondent used the word "jackass" in class. During the 1984-85 school year while Respondent was teaching biology at Tarpon Springs High School, Kirsten Kissinger testified she was embarrassed by Respondent once when she had stomach cramps. She asked Respondent if she could go to the bathroom then changed her mind and asked if she could go to the clinic. Respondent asked her why and she told him she had cramps. Respondent asked her to repeat her reason which she did. Kristen felt embarrassed by having to repeat her reason and thought other students were laughing at her. Another student in the class with Kristen, Stephanie Salsgiven, has no recollection of the incident in which Kristen states she was embarrassed. Respondent has been teaching middle grade and high school girls in Pinellas County Schools for more than twenty years. His testimony that anytime a girl tells him she has cramps she automatically gets permission to leave the class is more creditable than is testimony that Respondent would intentionally embarrass a female student. During a biology class at Tarpon Springs High School a discussion about mammary glands was held and one girl asked what Respondent had said. Two witnesses testified they overheard Respondent reply to this question "mammary glands -- I hope you develop some soon." The student to whom this comment was allegedly made did not appear as a witness and Respondent denies ever making such a statement to one of his students. One of these accusing witnesses also testified that Respondent had responded to a black male in the class and in a remark to him Respondent referred to the black's flat nose. John Thompson, the person referred to, testified that no such incident occurred. Once during one of Respondent's classes one student, apparently trying to be facetious, asked Respondent what obese meant. Respondent patted his stomach and replied that is what I am as are a few others in the class. Cynthia Shindler testified that Respondent specifically named her and John Thompson as obese people -- much to her embarrassment. John Thompson testified Respondent did not refer to him by name as obese. Respondent denies referring to anyone other than himself as being obese. No evidence was submitted that Respondent ever sent students on errands with unopen notes about other students or that the taping incident involved another teacher as alleged in the dismissal letter. On one occasion while passing down the corridor at Tarpon Springs High School, as Respondent passed an area known as "Greek corner" he heard someone call out in a loud voice "fat ass." Respondent did not stop. When Respondent returned a few minutes later he stopped near Greek corner to talk to a student in one of his classes. He again heard someone call out "fat ass" and, from the tone of the voice suspected Philip Stavrakis who was in the group. When Respondent called Phillip aside to admonish him Philip became very abusive and disrespectful. Respondent took Philip to the office for discipline. When he arrived he was unable to find anyone in the Dean's office to take Philip. Respondent told Philip to sit down while he looked for a dean. Philip sat on a table instead of the chair indicated and continued his harangue with Respondent. Unfortunately Respondent had also become very angry at the disrespect and abuse he was receiving from Philip and also raised his voice trying to get Philip to do as he was told. Dr. Van Fleet heard the commotion outside and emerged from behind the closed door of her office to see Respondent and Philip facing each other near the table and yelling loudly. She moved between them and told Respondent she would take over and Respondent departed. Philip contended he was not the one who had called Respondent "fat ass" and resented being so accused. Philip Stavrakis told Respondent he would get Respondent in trouble.

Florida Laws (3) 1.01120.52934.02
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Defuniak Springs, Florida Sep. 29, 2004 Number: 04-003561PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004131 Latest Update: Feb. 01, 1988

Findings Of Fact Respondent was initially employed by the Pinellas County School Board in August 1973 as a plant operator, and received evaluations on his job performance approximately on an annual basis through December, 1986. In the evaluation dated May 17, 1977 in the category of attitude, Respondent received a comment that he was "slow to cooperate, occasionally disagreed with others, objects to some jobs." Respondent received "Needs Improvement" ratings in attitude, and relations with others on his evaluation dated January 10, 1983. In the evaluation dated December 17, 1984, Respondent received a "Needs to Improve" in the category of relations with others. On October 5, 1979, while a night plant operator at Clearwater High School, Respondent was placed on a 90 day probationary period after using profanity and being insubordinate to his immediate supervisor. On January 11, 1980, the principal of Clearwater High School requested that the Superintendent of the Pinellas County school system initiate the termination of Respondent for failing to cooperate with fellow workers, and reporting that work was done when in fact it had not been done. Prior to any action being taken to terminate Respondent in 1980, Dr. Ronald F. Stone interceded with the Superintendent on Respondent's behalf. It was Dr. Stone's opinion that Respondent's difficulties in cooperating with his fellow workers were due to the larger and more complex nature of the plant operator work at a high school, and Stone arranged to have him transferred to an elementary school where he has been subsequently employed. Respondent's employment was covered by the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers (IBFO) and the Petitioner for the years 1985 through 1988. The IBFO agreement states, in Article 11 that: . . . except as expressly provided in this agreement, the determination and administration of school policy, the operation and management of the schools and the direction of employees are vested exclusively in the Board. The IBFO agreement does not set forth any definition of the grounds for which the Petitioner may discharge IBFO employees, including plant operators. However, the practice of "progressive" discipline is specifically recognized at Article 29, Section G(2). On January 22, 1987, the Office of the State Attorney for the Sixth Judicial Circuit for the State of Florida, in and for Pinellas County Florida, filed an Information in Circuit Criminal Case No. 87-695CFANO, alleging the Respondent had committed the felony of handling and fondling a child under the age of 16 in a lewd manner. The child involved is currently six years old. On May 27, 1987, Respondent entered a plea of guilty to the lesser included charge of simple battery in Case No. 87-695CFANO, the Court accepted said plea, found him guilty of the lesser included charge of simple battery, withheld adjudication of guilt, and placed him on probation for one year. The Superintendent of the Pinellas County School System has recommended that Respondent's employment be terminated based upon his plea to this charge, and the accumulated effect of his poor performance in this job. There are no plant operator jobs in small, noncomplex facilities, within the Pinellas County school system that would not bring the employee into contact with children. Even working on night shifts in an elementary school, Respondent would be coming into contact with children who are students of the Pinellas County school system. It is the opinion of Dr. Ronald Stone, Executive Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Ms. Nancy Zambito, Director of Personnel Service, that the employees of the Pinellas County school system must maintain a public image of respect for school age children, and that the commission of, or entry of a plea of guilty to the charge of any battery on a school age child is inconsistent with said public image and is, therefore, detrimental to the Pinellas County school system. According to his brother, Arthur T. Greer, a lieutenant in the Akron Police Department, Respondent has a learning disability which makes it very difficult for him to communicate. He discussed the entry of a plea of guilty to a simple battery with Respondent before it was entered, and he feels that Respondent entered this plea to avoid a very traumatic experience of testifying in court. However, Respondent has consistently denied improperly touching, fondling or committing a battery on the child. Respondent's immediate supervisor, William J. Johnson, who has supervised him for 5 years, testified that he was a very good, loyal and dependable worker. This testimony was supported by Robert Russell, Plant Operations Supervisor. Johnson also confirmed that Respondent has consistently denied the charges involving the child. In accordance with Article 29 of the IBFO agreement, disciplinary action taken more than two years previous to a current charge cannot be considered by an employee's immediate supervisor in assessing disciplinary action on a current charge. This provision, however, does not limit consideration by the Superintendent or School Board of all prior charges and disciplinary actions when imposing discipline on a current charge. Respondent is under contract for the 1987-1988 school year, but is in the status of suspended without pay, pending a final determination in this cause. He has been suspended without pay since January, 1987 when the information against him was filed in Case No. 87-695CFANO.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that Petitioner enter a Final Order approving the Superintendent's recommendation that disciplinary action be taken against Respondent. However, it is recommended that such action be based solely upon the finding that he is guilty of a simple battery against a child under 16 years of age. Accordingly, it is recommended that Respondent be suspended without pay from January, 1987 until the entry of the Final Order herein at which time it is further recommended that Respondent be reinstated to his former position as plant operator. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of February, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of February, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-4131 Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: 1-2 Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. 3-5 Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. Rejected as not based on competent substantial evidence. Rejected as unnecessary and irrelevant. 10-11 Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. 12 Rejected as unnecessary and cumulative. 13-14 Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. Adopted in Finding of Fact 7. Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. 17-18 Rejected as unnecessary due to Finding of Fact 9. Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 22-23 Adopted in Finding of Fact 10. Adopted in Finding of Fact 11. Rejected as unnecessary and cumulative due to Finding of Fact 9. Rulings on Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact: 1 Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. 2-3 Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. Rejected as simply a statement about evidence which was not presented; and therefore as unnecessary. Adopted in Findings of Fact 2-5, 13 and 14. COPIES FURNISHED: Bruce P. Taylor, Esquire Post Office Box 4688 Clearwater, Florida 34618-4688 James R. Stearns, Esquire 1370 Pinehurst Road Dunedin, Florida 34698 Scott N. Rose, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Post Office Box 4688 Clearwater, Florida 34618-4688 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tavares, Florida Apr. 21, 2017 Number: 17-002456F Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002724 Latest Update: Dec. 04, 1990

Findings Of Fact Richard L. Wahl submitted an application for an instructional position in the Pinellas County school system on December 5, 1973 (Exhibit 10), and was subsequently hired in 1974 to teach middle grade science. In Section IX of his application (Exhibit 10) Question 8 asking if he had ever been convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or offense involving moral turpitude was left blank. By application dated January 3, 1984 (Exhibit 1), for certification by the State Department of Education as a general science teacher, in Section V inquiring if the applicant had ever been arrested or involved in a criminal offense, Wahl checked the "yes," gave the date and place of arrest for the offense of larceny-misdemeanor, and showed the disposition as "convicted conviction set aside" with notation "(see enclosures)." No enclosures were attached to Exhibit 1. By order of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana dated October 25, 1973 (Exhibit 3), Wahl's conviction entered December 15, 1972, was set aside and he was unconditionally discharged from probation. The conviction was for larceny of coins from coin changing machines at a bank where Wahl worked as supervisor, night maintenance (Exhibit 9). Wahl started teaching in Pinellas County schools in 1974 and continued until he was suspended in 1984. During this period he had no evaluation less than satisfactory. He was liked and respected by his peers who considered him to be a very good science teacher. Respondent and his first wife, Shirley Jones, were divorced in 1975 and have one daughter. Respondent, shortly after his divorce from Shirley, married his present wife who had a nine or ten year old daughter by a previous marriage. The daughter, Lisa Beck, lived with her mother. In 1978 Respondent began "tucking in" Lisa when she went to bed. On occasion he rubbed her back. This led to rubbing her buttocks and subsequently her vaginal area. On occasion Respondent placed his genitals in contact with Lisa's genitals, but no intercourse was attempted or contemplated by Respondent. This went on for several weeks on an irregular basis in late 1978. At this time Lisa was 10 or 11 years old. Respondent initially thought Lisa enjoyed the incidents or at least did not object until Lisa finally told him she wished he wouldn't do that. From that time forward no further abuse by Respondent of Lisa occurred. Some five years later Lisa told her mother that Respondent had fondled her, the mother told the Bishop of her church, and the Bishop accosted Respondent with the charge. Respondent readily admitted the incident to the Bishop and he and his wife were referred to a Family Services program run by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services with this problem as well as with other marital problems they were having. Respondent, his wife, and Lisa voluntarily participated in family counseling to improve the family relationship. After family counseling had begun Respondent was contacted by a detective in the St. Petersburg Police Department to ask him about his earlier fondling of Lisa. Again, Respondent readily admitted his transgressions. Word that a teacher was being investigated filtered back to the school system and the investigation leading to the charges here involved began. Two short articles appeared in the inside pages of the St. Petersburg Times on January 30, 1984, and July 20, 1984, reporting the allegations of child molestation made against Wahl and of his suspension without pay from his position as a teacher. Respondent was subsequently brought to trial on a charge of handling and fondling a child under the age of 14, to which he pleaded nolo contendere, adjudication of guilt was withheld and Respondent was placed on five years probation (Exhibit 7). Subsequent to his divorce from Shirley Jones, which was an acrimonious one, Respondent has been sued by Jones when late on child support payments and has had difficulty in visitation rights with his daughter by that marriage. Jones, who apparently has also remarried, has attempted to induce Respondent to allow his daughter to be adopted which, so far, Respondent has refused. Following publication of the allegations involving Respondent's stepdaughter, Shirley Jones advised Petitioner that Wahl had in 1972 molested Jones' then 14 year old sister and that he had been convicted of larceny in Indiana in 1972. Shirley Jones' sister, Leslie Miskove, now 26 years old and married, testified that while she was visiting her sister, then married to Respondent, Wahl, on two occasions, touched her genital area. According to Miskove the first incident occurred while she and Wahl were lying on a couch watching television and Wahl touched her vaginal area with his hand. At this time her sister was in the bedroom. Miskove did not say anything to Wahl nor did she tell her sister. The second incident occurred while enroute to Florida. While Shirley and her baby were asleep on the back seat, Wahl was driving, and Miskove was lying on the front seat with her head on Wahl's leg. According to Miskove, Wahl put his hand inside her pants and inserted a finger in her vagina. Again she did not say anything and his hand remained inside her pants until she sat up a short time later. After Shirley Jones told Miskove about the child molestation charge against Wahl, which was filed in 1984, Miskove first revealed the 1972 incidents to her sister. Respondent denies either of those incidents occurred. No evidence was presented of any improper conduct involving Respondent with any of his students; and his principal did not consider Respondent a threat to any of the girls at his school even after he became aware of the charges against Respondent then being investigated. Exhibit 11, the deposition of Dr. Machler, was admitted as a late- filed exhibit. Several days after the transcript arrived but Exhibit 11 had not, a telephone call to the attorney revealed that he thought the original had been sent but that a second copy would be forwarded. Accordingly, all of the above findings were made without the benefit of the expert testimony contained in Exhibit 11. Dr. Machler's opinion of Respondent, based upon his psychiatric evaluation and counseling involving eight sessions for a total of five or six hours, is that Respondent is not now, and never has been, a pedophile; that Respondent is an honest, sincere individual who truly enjoys and strives to excel at, his role as a teacher; that Respondent is a passive aggressive person who has been intimidated by his two wives; that his current wife's rejection coupled with the proximity of Lisa as an extension of his wife, led to the fondling of Lisa; that this was an isolated situation and is unlikely to ever recur; that Respondent has never been a threat to female pupils in his classes and is not likely ever to be such a threat; and that the embarrassment and indignities brought on by these charges will make Respondent more circumspect than ever in the classroom because now he will feel like he is living in a fishbowl. Dr. Machler's deposition further confirms the Hearing Officer's conclusion that someone in the HRS Department of Family Services reported to the police the transgressions involving Respondent and Lisa when the family went to them for counseling after Lisa had disclosed the incidents to her mother and Respondent admitted they occurred. The conclusions of law were also prepared before Exhibit 11 was read by this Hearing Officer.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jan. 20, 2015 Number: 15-000334PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 27, 2015 Number: 15-004793PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Apr. 08, 2015 Number: 15-001890PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Defuniak Springs, Florida Dec. 19, 2002 Number: 02-004839PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Oct. 13, 2017 Number: 17-005603PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 10

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