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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Nov. 18, 2009 Number: 09-006371TTS Latest Update: Oct. 18, 2019

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken against her.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: The Broward County School Board (School Board) is responsible for the operation, control and supervision of all public schools (grades K through 12) in Broward County, Florida (including, among others, Meadowbrook Elementary School (Meadowbrook), Tropical Elementary School (Tropical), and Everglades Elementary School (Everglades)), and for otherwise providing public instruction to school-aged children in the county. For five years, beginning in 2004, Joseph Tamburino was the area coordinator of student services for the School Board's South Central Office (SCO), overseeing the activities of the office's five-person secretarial staff, as well as the approximately 70 "itinerant" school psychologists and school social workers assigned to work at schools within the SCO's service area. Among these schools were Meadowbrook, Tropical, and Everglades. Respondent has been employed by the School Board as a school social worker since September 2000. She presently holds a professional services contract. From 2004 until August 2009, Respondent worked out of the SCO under the immediate supervision of Mr. Tamburino. During this time, she never received less than a satisfactory annual performance appraisal from Mr. Tamburino; however, in the "comments" section of the last appraisal he gave Respondent (for the 2008-2009 school year), Mr. Tamburino did write, "Jessica should work on improving absenteeism and performance issues such as task completion, timelines and adhering to work hours." During the 2006-2007 school year, Mr. Tamburino "beg[a]n to have problems" with Respondent's being where she was supposed to be during the school day. These "problems" persisted, despite Mr. Tamburino's efforts to address them at meetings with Respondent and in written correspondence he sent her. Following the end of the 2006-2007 school year, Mr. Tamburino issued Respondent a "Letter of Reprimand," dated August 14, 2007, which read as follows: This correspondence is submitted as a formal reprimand for your failure to follow office procedures. This is the second occasion that I have had to meet with you regarding not being present at your assigned schools for the full workday. We met on February 1, 2007 because you were not in your assigned schools for the full workday (7.5 hours) over a period of five days. Furthermore, we met on June 1, 2007, because you were not in your assigned schools during the hours you were required to be present on May 4 and May 24, 2007. Know and understand that this behavior cannot and will not be tolerated by this administration. You are hereby directed from this point forward, to comply with all administrative directives. Failure to comply will result in further disciplinary action such as a referral to Professional Standards and the Special Investigative Unit, suspension or termination. Your signature evidences receipt of and an understanding of this document. This letter of reprimand is being placed in your personnel file within the Records Department of the School Board of Broward County. Ten days after evidence of your knowledge of this correspondence, it will become public record. Respondent signed this "Letter of Reprimand" on August 14, 2007, signifying that she had "read and underst[ood] [its] contents." Less than four months later, Mr. Tamburino issued Respondent another "Letter of Reprimand," which was dated December 7, 2007, and read as follows: This letter is submitted as a formal reprimand for your continued failure to follow office procedure and falsification of records. On November 8, 2007 you were not in your assigned school for 7.5 hours. You called the South Central Student Services office and reported that you were leaving New River Middle School at 4:00 p.m. However, you were seen at a store at a shopping plaza at 3:00 p.m. Although you did not work a full day on November 8, 2007, you falsely reported to a Student Services secretary that you finished your workday after 7.5 hours. This is the second written reprimand that you have received within the last four months for failure to follow office procedures and falsification of records. This behavior cannot and will not be tolerated. You are directed to comply with office procedures, work your full 7.5 hour day, and sign in and out with accurate times. Failure to comply will result in further disciplinary action. Your signature evidences receipt of and an understanding of this document. This letter of reprimand is being placed in your personnel file within the Records Department of the School Board of Broward County. Ten days after evidence of your knowledge of this correspondence, it will become public record. Respondent signed this "Letter of Reprimand" on December 17, 2007, signifying that she had "read and underst[ood] [its] contents." Respondent did not file a grievance "specifically challenging" either the August 14, 2007, "Letter of Reprimand," or the December 7, 2007, "Letter of Reprimand." On March 17, 2008, Dr. Tamburino sent a memorandum to Respondent, which read, in pertinent part, as follows: As you are aware, we have had two recent meetings that have included discussions of following office procedures, the provision of social work services and collaboration with the community liaison and other personnel. On February 1, 2008 we had a meeting with Jerrod Neal from BTU and Ellen Williams, the Social Work BTU Steward. We examined possible discrepancies between dates listed for home visits on a log at New River and your November mileage voucher. Although there were L-panel entries to verify the home visits, there was inconsistent documentation of the addresses on the mileage voucher. However, you decided to withdraw your request for mileage reimbursement. Suggestions to improve your work performance were discussed. These include the following: * * * - Specific time of the home visits, including leaving and returning to campus, need to be documented. During the 2008-2009 school year, Respondent was assigned to provide school social work services at three schools: Meadowbrook, Tropical, and Everglades. She was supposed to be at Meadowbrook on Mondays, Tropical on Wednesdays, and Everglades on Thursdays. On Tuesdays, she went to whichever of the three assigned schools "need[ed] [her]," and she also did "home visits." Fridays were designated as "office days." On these "office days," Respondent was expected to do "paperwork" that needed to be completed. Respondent was allowed to use office space at Meadowbrook as her "Friday office" instead of going to the SCO (which was farther from her residence than was Meadowbrook). Respondent missed a considerable amount of work during the 2008-2009 school year due to her daughter's, as well as her own, health-related issues, "exhaust[ing] her sick leave" before the year was half over. (By December, she "didn't have any sick days" left.) Respondent and the other school social workers and school psychologists working out of the SCO were required to notify the office's secretarial staff, by telephone (or in person, if at the SCO), of their whereabouts whenever they arrived at or left a work-related destination during the school day (Call In Office Procedure). It was the duty and routine practice of the secretarial staff, upon receiving such a call, to enter the information provided by the caller concerning the caller's location (as well as the date and time the call was received) on an "online call-in log" (Call Log) maintained by the SCO so as to have a record of these calls. The Call In Office Procedure and other "[o]ffice [p]rocedures" were discussed in a document entitled, "Office Procedures: 2008-2009 School Year," which Mr. Tamburino provided "[a]ll the South Central Office . . . [p]ersonnel," including Respondent, at the very beginning of the 2008-2009 school year. The document read, in pertinent part, as follows: Attendance is reported daily by Joyce [Doe] (social workers) . . . to the payroll department. You must call Joyce . . . prior to taking any leave (e.g., personal, sick, other.) You must call each day you are taking sick leave (unless otherwise arranged with the Area Coordinator [Mr. Tamburino]). Call the office twice daily, when you arrive at your location and before you leave for the day (for example, for most elementary schools by 7:30 AM, and 3:00 PM). You should call from a school telephone. If you do not call in, you may be considered absent. You are expected to be in your assigned school 7.5 hours (same work hours as the teachers). If you leave a school for another destination, be sure to inform personnel at school and one of the secretaries in our office. When you are at the Area Office, please be sure that our secretaries log you in. A schedule of team meetings is provided at the beginning of each year. Attendance at all scheduled team meetings is mandatory. A planning day is a 7.5 hour workday. * * * Mileage vouchers must be submitted within 30 days after the end of the month per the Superintendent. Use the exact mileage to schools listed in SCA mileage chart. Requests for more than one month may not be approved. * * * You must request and obtain an approved TDA [Temporary Duty Authorization] from the Area Coordinator when performing duties in a different location other than your regular assignment. TDA request forms should be completed 10 days prior to the workshop/event. Return to the office at least once a week to handle office duties. The Area Coordinator monitors the quality of your work and evaluates your performance at least annually. The Area Coordinator makes all school assignments. In addition to having to follow these SCO "[o]ffice [p]rocedures," Respondent and her fellow "itinerant" workers, when they were at their assigned schools, were "under [the] direction" of the school's principal and had to do what the principal "dictated." During the 2008-2009 school year, the principal of Meadowbrook "wanted her ['itinerant'] employees to sign in/sign out when they came on [and when they left] campus," and there was a "sign in/sign out" sheet posted at the school for "itinerant" employees to sign, date, and note their "time in" and "time out." Respondent "knew" of Meadowbrook's "sign in/sign out" "procedure," and routinely complied with it (when she was actually at the school that school year). Respondent was not present, and therefore did not "sign in," at Meadowbrook on any of the following dates: Friday, October 3, 2008; Friday, October 31, 2008; Friday, January 9, 2009; Friday, February 6, 2009; Friday, February 13, 2009; Friday, February 20, 2009; and Monday, February 23, 2009. Nonetheless, she telephonically reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was at Meadowbrook on each of these days (as reflected by the entries made on the Call Log), obviously knowing this information to be false.4 February 4, 2009, was a Wednesday, the day Respondent was supposed to be at Tropical. On that day, Respondent telephoned the SCO secretarial staff at 8:05 a.m. to report she was at Tropical, and called back at 5:56 p.m. to advise that she was leaving the school (as reflected by the entries made on the Call Log). In fact, Respondent was not at Tropical during the school day on February 4, 2009.5 Her reporting otherwise was a knowingly-made false misrepresentation. March 20, 2009, was a Friday and thus an "office day" for Respondent. Respondent had made arrangements to attend a conference that day. In accordance with the "Office Procedures: 2008-2009 School Year" that Mr. Tamburino had handed out at the start of the school year, Respondent had "request[ed] [on February 25, 2009] and subsequently obtain[ed] [on March 16, 2009] an approved TDA" from Mr. Tamburino to go to the conference (instead of doing the work she was "regular[ly] assign[ed]"). Respondent, however, did not go to the March 20, 2009, conference.6 Nonetheless, at 8:40 a.m. on March 20, 2009, she falsely and deceptively reported to the SCO secretarial staff over the telephone that she was on her "temporary duty" assignment (at the conference). At no time that day did Respondent advise the SCO secretarial staff that she was at her regular "Friday office" location, Meadowbrook,7 or that she was leaving that location (to pick up her sick daughter at school, or for any other reason). Furthermore, Respondent's leave records reveal that she did not take any type of leave that day. (Had she taken leave to care for her sick daughter that day, it would had to have been unpaid leave because she had no paid leave time left.)8 To receive reimbursement for non-commuting "travel expenses [she claimed she incurred] in the performance of [her] official duties" as a school social worker (that is, for mileage in excess of the 22.6 miles from her home to her office (at Meadowbrook) and back, reimbursed at a rate of 55 cents per mile, plus parking and tolls), Respondent had to submit mileage vouchers (on School Board Form 3042, Revised 09/05) to Mr. Tamburino for his approval.9 Respondent certified, by her signature on the forms, that her "claim[s] [were] true and correct" and that the "expenses [claimed] were actually incurred by [her]." Among the mileage vouchers she submitted were those covering the months of January 2009 (January Voucher) and February 2009 (February Voucher). There were entries on both the January and February Vouchers that were inconsistent with what Respondent had telephonically reported to the SCO secretarial staff concerning her whereabouts on the dates for which these entries were made (as reflected by the entries made on the Call Log). On the January Voucher, for Tuesday, January 6, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to SCAO [SCO] to Home" (a trip of 10.6 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, January 6, 2009, she had telephonically reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was first at Meadowbrook, then at the SCO, and finally on a home visit. On the January Voucher, for Friday, January 9, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to Meadowbrook" (a trip of 0 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"), "Meadowbrook to KCW [School Board headquarters]" (a trip of 5.3 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"), "KCW to Everglades" (a trip of 17.7 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"), and "Everglades to Home (a trip of 14.3 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, January 9, 2009, she had not reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was at Everglades any time that day. (She had only reported being at School Board headquarters and at Meadowbrook.) On the January Voucher, for Tuesday, January 20, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to Everglades to Home" (a trip of 28.6 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, January 20, 2009, she had reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was first on a home visit and then at Everglades. On the February Voucher, for Tuesday, February 3, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to Everglades to Home" (a trip of 28.6 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, February 3, 2009, she had not reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was at Everglades any time that day. (She had only reported being at Meadowbrook and on a home visit.) On the February Voucher, for Friday, February 6, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to SCAO [SCO] to Home" (a trip of 10.6 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, February 6, 2009, she had reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was first on a home visit, then at Meadowbrook, and finally at the SCO. On the February Voucher, for Friday, February 13, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to SCAO [SCO] to Home" (a trip of 10.6 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, February 13, 2009, she had not reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was at the SCO any time that day. (She had only reported being on a home visit and at Meadowbrook.10) On the February Voucher, for Wednesday, February 4, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to Tropical to Home" (a trip of 9.8 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"). Unlike the other entries on the January and February Vouchers discussed above, this entry was entirely consistent with what Respondent had telephonically reported to the SCO secretarial staff concerning her whereabouts on that day; however, as noted above, she had not been truthful in making such a telephonic report to the SCO secretarial staff. It was Mr. Tamburino's responsibility to check all of his subordinates' mileage vouchers, including Respondent's, "for accuracy" before approving them. Because "there [were] discrepanc[ies] between what was on the [January and February] [V]oucher[s] and what was on the [C]all [L]og," Mr. Tamburino did not approve these vouchers. Instead, he "forward[ed] the mileage voucher issue to the [School Board's Office of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit] for investigation."11 On or about April 23, 2009, Respondent was provided a Notice of Investigation (dated April 17, 2008), which read as follows: This correspondence is provided as formal notice of investigation into a complaint received in this office regarding allegations that you falsified records. You will be contacted in the near future for the purpose of giving a statement. You have the right to representation through all phases of this investigation. You are directed not to engage the complainant, or any student witness, or any other witness in any conversation regarding the matter under investigation. A violation of this directive could result in disciplinary action for insubordination. Questions regarding the status of this investigation are to be directed to Joe Melita, Executive Director of Professional Standards & Special Investigative Unit at (754)321-0735. This is your notice pursuant to Florida Statute 1012.31 that the material contained in the investigative file will be part of your personnel file and will be public record and it will become available for inspection by the public ten (10) days after completion of the investigative process. Investigator Johanna Davidson was the School Board employee in the Office of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit who conducted the investigation. As part of her investigation, Investigator Davidson took a sworn statement from Respondent on June 4, 2009.12 In her sworn statement, Respondent told Investigator Davidson, among other things, that she arrived at Meadowbrook at "around 8:00" a.m. on March 20, 2009, and stayed there "all day"13; that she "knew that [signing-in] was the procedure" at Meadowbrook; that this "procedure" had been in place for the past year and a half; that she signed in at Meadowbrook "99 percent of the time"; that she "may have missed one or two sign-ins" at Meadowbrook, but she did not "think [she] had"; and that she is "a very procedure and policy oriented person," so it would have been "odd" had she not signed in at Meadowbrook, even during the time, from January to April 2009, when she had been "on crutches."14 When asked by Investigator Davidson "what happened that day, February 4, 2009," Respondent made no mention of having been in the teacher's lounge at Tropical (where, in her testimony at the final hearing, she falsely claimed she had been the entire school day on February 4, 2009, leaving only once to go to the bathroom across the hall). Rather, in response to Investigator Davidson's inquiry, she suggested that this day (February 4, 2009) might have been one of the many days that school year that she had "taken off" because of health-related issues and that she had not "communicated properly" concerning her having "taken off" that day. Investigator Davidson completed her investigation and issued an Investigative Report detailing her findings in late June 2009. Investigator Davidson's Investigative Report contained a section entitled, "Summary of Investigation," the first paragraph of which read as follows: A Personnel Investigation Request pertaining to School Social Worker Jessica Harrison was received in the Office of Professional Standards & Special Investigative Unit. Ms. Harrison was accused of Falsification of Records stemming from the following alleged incidents: Ms. Harrison allegedly submitted a Temporary Duty Authorization (TDA) request to attend a conference but did not attend the conference, and allegedly reported to the South Central Area Student Services office that she was in attendance. Two of Ms. Harrison's assigned schools reported that Ms. Harrison was not in attendance on several days. Ms. Harrison allegedly did not report her absences to the South Central Area Student Services office. Ms. Harrison allegedly falsified mileage vouchers. The information that Investigator Davidson had obtained supporting these allegations was detailed in succeeding paragraphs of this section. (It was this information upon which the "[s]pecific [c]harges" in the instant Administrative Complaint were based.) The School Board's Professional Standards Committee met on September 9, 2009, to consider the results of Investigator Davidson's investigation and "found probable cause of falsification of records" warranting Respondent's termination. On September 16, 2009, Craig Kowalski, the Acting Executive Director of the School Board's Office of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit, sent Respondent a letter, which read as follows: The Professional Standards Committee met on September 9, 2009, and found probable cause of falsification of records. The Committee has recommended termination. Please be advised by way of this correspondence that you have been scheduled for a pre-disciplinary conference on Monday, October 5, 2009, at 11:00 a.m. in my office, which is located on the third floor of the Technical Support Services Center, 7720 West Oakland Park Boulevard, Sunrise, Florida. You have the right to representation at this conference. If for some reason you are unable to be present at this conference you must contact my office by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 1, 2009. You have previously been furnished with a full report. You are not to disseminate these documents to the public and/or media since it may contain protected information. If you have a representative, it is your responsibility to furnish him/her with copies of your documentation. Your failure or refusal to appear at this conference will be considered a waiver of this procedural requirement. A copy of the Special Investigative Unit report and this letter are being forwarded to the Professional Practices Department of the State Department of Education to determine if certificate disciplinary action is warranted. This letter of reprimand is being placed in your personnel file within the Records Department of the School Board of Broward County. This is your notice pursuant to Florida Statute 1012.31 that the material contained in the investigative file is now a part of your personnel file and is a public record and it will become available for inspection by the public ten (10) days from receipt of this letter. Any request made by the public for the documentation referred to above will be provided in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Questions regarding this correspondence are to be directed to my office (754)321-0735. The "pre-disciplinary conference" was held on October 5, 2009, as scheduled. Present at the conference were Mr. Kowalski; Carmen Rodriguez, Esquire (on behalf of the School Board); Respondent; and Jerrod Neal of the Broward Teachers Union, whom Respondent had asked to speak on her behalf. Prior to the conference, Respondent had received, and had had the opportunity to review, Investigator Davidson's Investigative Report. During the conference, Respondent affirmatively adopted the admission made by her representative at the meeting, Mr. Neal, that she had engaged in the "falsification" of which she was being accused (as described in the Investigative Report). The following is a verbatim recitation of what was said at the October 5, 2009, "pre-disciplinary conference": MR. KOWALSKI: This is a pre-disciplinary hearing for School Board employee Jessica Harrison. We are here pursuant to an investigative report dated June 30th, 2009. This investigation was based upon allegations of falsification of records. The Professional Standards Committee has reviewed this matter and has made a recommendation for disciplinary action. The disciplinary action is for termination. Have you received a copy of the investigative report? MS. HARRISON: Yes. MR. KOWALSKI: The purpose of this pre- disciplinary conference is to give you the opportunity to bring forward any additional matters that you believe should be considered before final decision as to disciplinary action is reached. Such matters include any additional evidence, witnesses or any matter that you believe should be considered. This is also an opportunity to say anything which you believe should be considered on your behalf. I am going to ask you if you identify additional witnesses, please identify what you believe the witness knows or would testify to or what the witness can contribute to this investigation. Do you understand the purpose of this meeting? MS. HARRISON: Um-hm. Yes. MR. KOWALSKI: Is there anything you wish to say, do you have any additional matters that you believe should be considered.? MR. NEAL: Let me speak on her behalf, because I think Ms. Harrison has pretty much said a lot of things at the Professional Standards Committee meeting. Since we've talked, since the information that was gathered during the investigation, I have really had a chance to look over it, I was really surprised by the recommendation of termination. Not eliminating what happened, because what happened as far as falsification of records, it was done. But circumstances surrounding it, I don't think it really warrants termination, considering that it is not an easy thing when you're going through a lot of personal problems. Once again, it doesn't justify what was done. But I think under the circumstances, decisions were made with not a lot of clear thought, and I really believe that Ms. Harrison's intention, from what I have known over the last couple of years, have always been good. I just think it's a matter of the things that she was actually going through. She should have brought them to the forefront earlier so there could have been a better understanding of what was going on, not an excuse for it, but a better understanding for what was going on. And you know, I would not be in my duty if I don't mention the fact that there has been so much, or so many other things that have been done through the district that should have warranted termination and people were not terminated. And I just think this is a situation where termination is to the extreme. Whereas some sort of punishment should happen, but termination is just way too much for this situation, because I think in her state of mind as she is now, I don't think these mistakes will be made again. MR. KOWALSKI: Okay. Do you want to add anything Ms. Harrison? MS: HARRISON: I think he summed it up. MR. KOWALSKI: Okay. Thank you. We'll let you know the outcome. MR. Neal: Okay. About how long will that be. And he will let you know, so that means you will have to let me know once they let you know. MR. KOWALSKI: I have to meet with the Superintendent, and so within two weeks. MR. NEAL: Okay. Until then you just go back to doing what you have been doing. MS. HARRISON: Okay. MR. NEAL: All right. Appreciate it. Ms. RODRIGUEZ: Thank you. Mr. NEAL: Thank you. (emphasis supplied).15 The plea for leniency that Mr. Neal made on behalf of Respondent proved to be unsuccessful. On October 30, 2009, Broward County Superintendent of Schools Notter issued an Administrative Complaint recommending that Respondent be terminated for the "falsification" of attendance records and mileage vouchers described in Investigator Davidson's Investigative Report (conduct that Respondent had admitted, at the October 5, 2009, "pre-disciplinary conference," she had engaged in).

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board issue a final order terminating Respondent's employment as a professional service contract school social worker with the School Board for the reasons set forth above. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of November, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 2010.

Florida Laws (13) 1001.321001.421012.011012.231012.311012.33120.569120.57120.68443.0315447.203447.20990.803
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-004361 Latest Update: Mar. 07, 1986

Findings Of Fact Otis J. Clayton was a student at Nautilus Junior High School during the 1983-84 and 1984-85 school years. He attended Miami Beach Senior High School during the 1985-86 school year until his assignment to the alternative school. While at Nautilus, Clayton had an extensive history of disruptive behavior in class. During the 1983-84 school year, Clayton consistently, regularly and persistently disrupted class by yelling, using abusive language to others including teachers and students, hitting other students, talking and playing in class, and defying authority. He was counseled and disciplined and conferences were held with his mother. Despite constant assistance by the school, Clayton did not change his disruptive behavior. He was finally suspended on June 6, 1984. In addition to his disruptive behavior, Clayton was disinterested and unsuccessful as evidenced by his excessive absences and skipping class. His absences in various classes ranged from 16 to 26 for the 1983-84 school year. During the 1984-85 school year, Clayton's disruptive behavior continued. On February 21, 1985, Clayton was suspended for five days as a result of his disruptive behavior, defiance of school authority and fighting. Again on March 1, 1985, Clayton was disciplined for fighting. Clayton was disciplined and counseled regarding his continuous disruption and defiance in class on March 20, 1885. On March 29, 1985, Clayton was placed on indoor suspension for five days for his repeated disruption, defiance and use of provocative language. Clayton was disciplined on April 2, 1985, for his disruptive behavior and for picking on other students. He was placed on a five day outdoor suspension on April 23, 1985, for his repeated disruption of class, defiance of school authority and assault. Finally, Clayton was again suspended for five days on May 13, 1985, for his repeated disruptive behavior and defiance. Clayton had been hitting other students. During the 1984-85 school year Clayton's absences and skipping class had also increased. He had a cumulative absence total of 34 and a record of absences in various classes ranging from 22 to 71. Clayton began attending Miami Beach Senior High School for the 1985-86 school year. His misbehavior and absenteeism continued. On October 17, 1985, Clayton was disciplined for excessive tardiness. On October 23, 1985, he was again disciplined for excessive tardiness and excessive absences. He was suspended for five days on October 25, 1985 for his general disruptive behavior, defiance, excessive tardiness, refusal to serve detention and refusal to serve an indoor suspension. Finally, on November 4, 1985, Clayton was suspended for 10 days for disruptive behavior, defiance, and excessive tardiness and absences. He had been absent 25 days during the first grading period and he had received grades of F in all classes. On November 5, 1985, the parent was informed by letter that Clayton was being referred to the alternative school program. Because Clayton is an exceptional student, an educational placement staffing conference was held on November 8, 1985. During that staffing a new Individual Educational Plan (IEP) was developed which included placement in the opportunity school at Douglas MacArthur Senior High School-North. Clayton's mother was present at the staffing and signed the IEP approving Clayton's placement at MacArthur.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Dade County enter a Final Order assigning Otis J. Clayton to the alternative school program at Douglas MacArthur Senior High School-North. DONE AND ENTERED, this 7th day of March, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of March, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Jackie Gabe, Esquire 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 800 Miami, Florida 33137 Mrs. Martha C. Donalds 1558 Northwest 1st Avenue Miami, Florida 33139 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools Board of Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Ms. Maeva Hipps School Board Clerk 1450 N. E. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Nov. 22, 2004 Number: 04-004267 Latest Update: Jun. 03, 2005

The Issue Whether the Respondent, Alan T. Polite (Respondent), committed the violations alleged and should be disciplined as set forth in the Notice of Specific Charges filed on December 21, 2004.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to the allegations of this case, the Petitioner was the state entity charged with the responsibility of operating and supervising the public schools within the Miami-Dade County, Florida School District. Such responsibility includes the personnel matters such as the one at hand. At all times material to the allegations of this case, the Respondent was employed by the School District as a custodian assigned to work at Miami Park Elementary School. On or about December 11, 2003, the Respondent attended a staff meeting conducted at Miami Park Elementary School. At that time the Petitioner’s “Drug-Free Workplace Policy” was distributed and reviewed. The Respondent does not deny attending the meeting and does not dispute the existence of the Petitioner’s policy regarding drugs and alcohol in the workplace. On February 20, 2003, after the Respondent’s supervisor observed him behaving in an unusual manner, the Respondent was asked to submit to a drug and alcohol test. The Respondent was uncharacteristically disruptive, loud, and confrontational. When asked to take a drug/alcohol test, the Respondent refused unless the supervisor also agreed to submit himself for testing. The Respondent was called to the office and provided with the pertinent forms for drug/alcohol testing. The Respondent refused to acknowledge the forms, refused to sign the forms, and refused to submit himself to the testing. After the refusal was deemed a positive result, the Respondent was prohibited from returning to work until he complied with the return-to-duty requirements of the “Drug- Free Workplace Policy.” The procedures and directives followed the School District policy. On February 28, 2003, a conference-for-the-record (CFR) was conducted to address the refusal to take the drug/alcohol test. At that time the Respondent was given a referral to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and was informed that his progress and participation with the EAP would be monitored by the Petitioner’s Office of Professional Standards (OPS). The OPS is responsible for tracking employees so that the Petitioner can be assured that the “Drug-Free Workplace Policy” is being followed. On or about March 19, 2003, the Respondent entered the EAP. On April 10, 2003, the Respondent agreed to subject to unannounced testing for drug/alcohol use. For 60 months following his return to duty, the Respondent agreed to submit to testing on a random basis. It was anticipated that there would be no fewer than six screenings within the first 12 months. Based upon the foregoing, the Respondent was granted permission to return to work and did so on or about April 11, 2003. On June 8, 2004, the Respondent was selected for a random, unannounced follow-up test. The Respondent presented for testing at the prescribed location (an approved laboratory). The alcohol test administered to Respondent produced a positive result. The Respondent does not dispute the result of the test. The Respondent did not dispute that a consumption of alcohol caused the result. On June 22, 2004, another CFR was conducted in the OPS to review the test result with Respondent. At that time, based upon a complete review of the Respondent’s work record, the OPS recommended disciplinary action be taken against the Respondent for a second violation of the “Drug-Free Workplace Policy.” There is no allegation that the Respondent consumed alcohol while on the job at Miami Park Elementary School on June 8, 2004. There is no allegation that on June 8, 2004, the Respondent exhibited any outward sign that he was performing his duties under the influence of alcohol. The Respondent attends church at the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. The Respondent makes meaningful contributions to the church and is perceived as a sober role model among the congregants. If the Respondent demonstrates he can remain sober for a period of five years, and show appropriate work history for that time frame, he may be eligible to be rehired by the Petitioner.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Respondent be terminated from his employment with the School District. The suspension without pay must be sustained. S DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of April, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of April, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. Rudolph F. Crew, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, No. 912 Miami, Florida 33132-1394 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education 1244 Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Pamela Young-Chance, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast 2nd Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 Alan T. Polite 827 Northwest 118 Street Miami, Florida 33168

Florida Laws (2) 1012.22120.569
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-003064 Latest Update: Dec. 15, 1989

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent was employed by Petitioner as a classroom teacher on an annual contract basis. Respondent first began working for Petitioner in February 1987, as an elementary teacher at Westview Elementary School. She taught at Westview Elementary School from February 1987 to the end of the 1986-87 school year and at Miami Park Elementary School during the 1987-88 school year. Both Westview Elementary School and Miami Park Elementary School are public school in the Dade County School District. For the 1988-89 school year, Respondent was assigned to teach a first grade class at Westview Elementary School. At the time of the final hearing, Respondent was 29 years of age. Respondent had received training as to Petitioner's disciplinary policies. She was aware of Petitioner's general disciplinary policies and the specific disciplinary procedures in place for Westview Elementary. During the 1988-89 school year there was in place at Westview Elementary an assertive discipline policy which was designed to discipline students without the use of physical punishment and which prohibited the use of physical force by teachers in the discipline of students. Teachers were instructed to remove disruptive students from the classroom by referring them to the administration office. If a student would not willingly go to the administration office, the teachers were to summon an administrator to the classroom to take charge of the disruptive student. In Respondent's classroom at Westview Elementary there was a coat closet that had hooks and shelves for storage. This closet was left without light when the two doors to this closet were closed. S.W., D.C., and D.W. were, during the 1988-89 school year, first grade students in Respondent's class at Westview Elementary. From the beginning of the 1988-89 school year, Respondent disciplined S.W., D.C., and D.W., individually, by placing each of them at various times in the coat closet and by then closing the two doors to the closet. On each occasion, the respective student was left in darkness. Respondent administered this punishment to S.W., a student Respondent characterized as having emotional problems, on seven separate occasions. Respondent administered this punishment to D.C. on at least one occasion and to D.W. on more than one occasion. Respondent knew, or should have known, that this form of discipline was inconsistent with Petitioner's disciplinary policies. During the 1988-89 school year, D.N. and S.M. were first grade students at Westview Elementary School who were assigned to Ms. Ortega's class. On February 14, 1989, Respondent observed D.N. and S.M. fighting while returning to their class from lunch. Ms. Holt, a substitute teacher temporarily assigned to that class while Ms. Ortega was on maternity leave, was the teacher in charge of D.N. and S.M. Respondent did not think that Ms. Holt could manage D.N. and S.M. Instead of referring the two students to the administration office, Respondent, with the permission of Ms. Holt, took D.N. and S.M. to Respondent's classroom to discipline the two students. Respondent had not been asked to assist Ms. Holt in this fashion. Respondent placed D.N. and S.M. in separate corners of the room and instructed them to be quiet. While Respondent attempted to teach her class, D.N. and S.M. continued to misbehave. D.N. began playing with a fire extinguisher and S.M. began writing and drawing on a chalkboard. To discipline D.N., Respondent tied his hands behind his back with a red hair ribbon. While he was still tied, Respondent placed the end of a broom handle under D.N.'s chin, where it remained propped until it fell to the floor. Respondent then placed the fire-extinguisher into D.N.'s tied hands to show him that the heavy fire extinguisher could harm him if it fell on him. These actions took place in Respondent's classroom in the presence of Respondent's class. Respondent frightened D.N. and almost caused him to cry in front of his fellow students. Respondent exposed D.N. to embarrassment and subjected him to ridicule from his fellow students. Respondent knew, or should have known, that this form of discipline was inconsistent with Petitioner's disciplinary policies. To discipline S.M., Respondent placed him in the coat closet. Respondent closed one of the doors and threatened to close the other door if S.M. did not remain still and quiet. After S.M. did not obey her instructions, Respondent closed the other door of the closet which left the closet without light. While S.M. was in the coat closet, Respondent remained stationed by the second door and continued instructing her class. After a brief period of time, Respondent let S.M. out of the dark closet. Respondent knew, or should have known, that this form of discipline was inconsistent with Petitioner's disciplinary policies. D.N. and S.M. remained in Respondent's class until a student sent by Ms. Holt summoned them to the library to participate with the rest of their class in vision and hearing testing. D.N. had to walk from Respondent's class to the library with his hands tied behind his back. This exposed D.N. to further embarrassment and ridicule. Ms. Holt untied D.N.'s hands in the library in the presence of other students. The ribbon which Respondent had used to bind D.N.'s hands behind his back left red marks on D.N.'s wrists. Ms. Holt immediately reported the incident to the principal. During the course of its investigation into the incidents involving D.N. and S.M., Petitioner learned of the prior incidents during which S.W., D.C., and D.W. were punished by being placed in the closet. Following the investigation of the Respondent's disciplinary methods, Petitioner suspended her without pay on May 17, 1989, and instituted proceedings to terminate her annual contract. Respondent timely demanded a formal hearing of the matter and this proceeding followed. The progressive discipline approach used by Petitioner in some cases involving teachers who violate disciplinary procedures usually requires that a reprimand be imposed for the first offense. Subsequent violations by the teacher would result in the imposition of progressively severe sanctions, culminating in dismissal. The progressive discipline approach is not used in a case involving a serious breach of policy such as where an established pattern of violations is established. Respondent's repeated practice of placing students in a darkened closet, which began at the beginning of the school year and continued into February when the incident involving D.N. and S.M. occurred, established a patterned breach of disciplinary procedure. Respondent's effectiveness as a teacher in the school became impaired because of her repeated breaches of discipline policy.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is: RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Dade County, Florida, enter a final order which finds Katherine R. Santos guilty of misconduct, which affirms her suspension without pay, and which terminates her annual contract. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of December, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of December, 1989. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-3064 The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted by Petitioner: The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 1 are adopted in material part by paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 2 are adopted in material part by paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Recommended Order. The students, who are identified by initials, are described as being first grade students rather than as being a specific age. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 3 are adopted in material part by paragraph 3 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 4 are adopted in material part by paragraph 3 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 5 are adopted in part by paragraphs 5 and 9 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact relating to Respondent's having struck a student with a ruler and having twisted the ears and arms of other students are rejected as being contrary to the weight of the evidence. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 6 are rejected as being contrary to the weight of the evidence. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 7 are adopted in material part by paragraph 6 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 8 are adopted in material part by paragraphs 8, 9, and 10 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 9 are adopted in material part by paragraph 8 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 10 are adopted in material part by paragraph 8 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 11 are adopted in material part by paragraph 12 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 12 are adopted in material part by paragraph 3 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 13 are rejected as being subordinate to the findings made in paragraph 13 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 14 are adopted in material part by paragraph 13 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 15 are adopted in material part by paragraph 12 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 16 and 17 are rejected as being the recitation of testimony and as being subordinate to the findings made. The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted by Respondent: The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 1 are adopted in material part by paragraph 2 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 2 are adopted in material part by paragraph 1 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 3 are adopted in material part by paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 4 are adopted in material part by paragraphs 7 and 9 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 5 are adopted in material part by paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Recommended Order. The proposed finding that the ribbon was tied loosely is rejected because of the marks left on the student's wrists. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 6 are rejected as being the recitation of testimony and as being subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 7 are rejected as being conclusions and as not being findings of fact. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 8 are rejected. A finding that none of the students were struck or hit is rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. A finding that none of the students were abused is rejected as being a conclusion that is unnecessary to the results reached and as being unsubstantiated by the evidence. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 9 are rejected as being unsubstantiated by the evidence. The greater weight of the evidence is that Respondent had been advised as to Petitioner's disciplinary policies and that she knew or should have known that the forms of punishment she was using violated those policies. The proposed finding of fact in paragraph 10 that the discipline inflicted on these students does not amount to corporal punishment is rejected as being a conclusion that is unnecessary to the results reached and as being unsubstantiated by the evidence. The remaining proposed findings of fact in paragraph 10 are adopted in material part. COPIES FURNISHED: Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire School Board of Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Jaime C. Bovell, Esquire 370 Minorca Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33134 William DuFresne, Esquire 2929 Southwest Third Avenue Suite One Miami, Florida 33129 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Dr. Joseph A. Fernandez Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools Office of Professional Standards 1444 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 215 Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 05, 1997 Number: 97-004171 Latest Update: Jan. 21, 1999

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the offenses alleged in the Amended Notice of Specific Charges and, if so, the penalties that should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Petitioner was a duly constituted school board, charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the school district of Dade County, Florida. The Petitioner has rule making authority and the authority to enter into collective bargaining agreements. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, the parties were bound by the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement between the United Teachers of Dade and the School Board. Pursuant to Section 1 of Article V, Petitioner has the exclusive right to suspend, dismiss, or terminate an employee for "just cause." The term "just cause" as defined by Section 3(D) of Article XXI of the contract: . . . includes, but is not limited to, misconduct in office, incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, immorality, and/or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude. Such charges are defined, as applicable, in State Board Rule 6B-4.009 (Florida Administrative Code). Pursuant to its rule making authority, Petitioner has adopted Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21, which sets forth the expected conduct of employees as follows: All persons employed by The School Board of Dade County, Florida are representatives of the Dade County Public Schools. As such, they are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect credit upon themselves and the school system. Unseemly conduct or the use of abusive and/or profane language in the presence of students is expressly prohibited. Pursuant to its rule making authority, Petitioner has adopted Rule 6Gx13-4C-1.02, which sets forth the expected conduct of non-instructional personnel as follows: The Board recognizes and appreciates the important supporting role played by non- instructional personnel in the school system's educational program. For that reason the Board endeavors to select persons of the highest quality to fill vacancies as they occur. One of the important functions served by the non-teaching staff is that of demonstrating good citizenship in the community. The Board reaffirms the wish that all employees of the schools enjoy the full rights and privileges of residency and citizenship in this community and in the state. Because of its high regard for the school system's non-teaching staff, the Board confidently expects that its employees will place special emphasis upon representing the school system ably both formally and informally in the community. Pursuant to its rule making authority, Petitioner has adopted Rule 6Gx13-4-1.08, which prohibits violence in the workplace as follows: Nothing is more important to Dade County Public Schools (DCPS) than protecting the safety and security of its students and employees and promoting a violence-free work environment. Threats, threatening behavior, or acts of violence against students, employees, visitors, guests, or other individuals by anyone on DCPS property will not be tolerated. Violations of this policy may lead to disciplinary action which includes dismissal, arrest, and/or prosecution. Any person who makes substantial threats, exhibits threatening behavior, or engages in violent acts on DCPS property shall be removed from the premises as quickly as safety permits, and shall remain off DCPS premises pending the outcome of an investigation. DCPS will initiate an appropriate response. This response may include, but is not limited to, suspension and/or termination of any business relationship, reassignment of job duties, suspension or termination of employment, and/or criminal prosecution of the person or persons involved. Dade County Public School employees have a right to work in a safe environment. Violence or threats of violence by or against students and employees will not be tolerated. Article VIII of the collective bargaining agreement addresses the subject of a “Safe Learning Environment.” Section 1(A) of Article VIII provides, in pertinent part, as follows: “A safe and orderly learning environment is a major priority of the parties. ” At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent was employed by Petitioner as a school security monitor. The job description of a school security monitor provides the following basic objectives and responsibilities: BASIC OBJECTIVES Under general direction from the school principal, he/she performs duties to monitor student activity in promoting and maintaining a safe learning environment and insures the appropriate standards of conduct are followed. JOB TASKS/RESPONSIBILITIES Visually observes student behavior during school hours, on school property. Reports serious disturbances to the school administration and resolves minor altercations. Physically patrols all school buildings, grounds, and determines reason for the presence of outsiders. Stops and questions all students not in class during class time. Monitors parking lots and student gatherings (before, during, and after school hours). Reports any safety or security problems to the administration. Performs any other duties set by the school principal or his/her designee. Respondent was initially employed by Petitioner as a temporary custodian in February 1988, and assigned to Madison Middle School (Madison). In June 1988, Respondent was employed as a school security monitor at Madison, where he remained until December 1993. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Thelma Davis was the principal of Madison. In December 1993, Respondent's assigned post was near a gate in close proximity to the chorus room. J. B. and K. A. were female students at Madison during the school year 1993-94. J. B. was born March 8, 1981. In December 1993, J. B. was a twelve year-old seventh grader and a member of the chorus class taught by Edward G. Robinson. In early December 1993, Respondent made a series of inappropriate comments and gestures of a sexual nature to J. B. when she passed his assigned post. Respondent winked at J. B. as she passed his post and blew her kisses. On one occasion, he asked if she was a virgin. On another occasion he asked her the color of her underwear. On another occasion, he made a statement as to how warm they would be under covers together. K. A. overheard Respondent say to J. B. that he and she would be warm under the covers together. J. B. became visibly upset the day Respondent asked her the color of her underwear. Mr. Robinson observed J. B. crying. J. B. thereafter told Mr. Robinson about Respondent's comments and behavior. Mr. Robinson reported the information to the principal. A day or two later, J. B., accompanied by K. A., again complained to Mr. Robinson about Respondent's comments and behavior. Mr. Robinson again reported the information to the principal, and an investigation was instigated. The investigation was conducted under the supervision of Captain Arnie Weatherington, an experienced law enforcement officer employed by the Dade County School Police. In December 1993, Respondent was removed from the school campus and reassigned to the Region III office. The investigation was closed in May 1994 as being substantiated. In light of the substantiated findings, Ms. Davis recommended that Respondent's employment with the Petitioner be terminated. Louise Harms of the Petitioner' Office of Professional Standards conducted a Conference for the Record (CFR) with Respondent on May 3, 1994. During the CFR, Ms. Harms advised Respondent as to the findings of the investigation. Respondent remained assigned to the Region III office until February 1995, when he was involuntarily transferred to Westview Middle School. The investigation into this incident was closed by Respondent’s reassignment to Westview. There was no formal recommendation at that time by the Superintendent or by the Office of Professional Standards that Respondent’s employment be terminated for his misconduct at Madison. At Westview, Respondent had the responsibility to patrol the outdoor areas of the campus. He was given a walkie- talkie and a golf cart to assist him in performing his duties. Respondent’s instructions as to the cautious and safe use of the golf carts included the explicit instructions that children were not permitted to ride in a golf cart or to sit in a parked golf cart. During the school year 1996-97, Respondent's assigned responsibilities included patrolling the physical education area. During the 1996-97 school year, John McHale was a physical education teacher at Westview. His responsibilities included taking attendance, maintaining control of the class, and following the district curriculum. In November 1996, Mr. McHale's physical education class and three other classes that were taught by a Ms. Roque, Patricia NewKirk, and Nathaniel Stephens were held on an outdoor basketball court. On November 13, 1996, Mr. McHale was in charge of his own class and, in her absence, Ms. Roque's class. Mr. McHale's class and Ms. Roque's class were assembled on the basketball court so Mr. McHale could take roll. In addition, Mr. Stephens' class was assembled on the basketball court so Mr. Stephens could take roll. While Mr. McHale was in the process of taking roll, Respondent began joy riding in his golf cart. He rode onto the basketball court around and between the two classes under Mr. McHale's supervision. Students jumped on the golf cart. Respondent talked to students. Mr. McHale approached Respondent, told Respondent that he needed to get the classes under control, and asked Respondent to get the golf cart off the basketball court so he could do his job. In response, Respondent stated: "Take your ass back to your class. No bald-headed white man telling me what to do."2 Tempers flared, Respondent got off the golf cart, and the two men approached one another. Mr. Stephens, who is larger than either Respondent or Mr. McHale, stepped between the two men with his back facing Respondent. Respondent struck out at Mr. McHale with a closed fist, making contact with Mr. McHale’s shoulder. Mr. Stephens separated the two men and took Mr. McHale to the locker room. Respondent did not have any justification for driving the golf cart onto the basketball courts while the physical education classes were using the courts. That conduct disrupted the classes that were using the courts. Mr. McHale reported the incident to Darrel Berteaux, the school principal. Mr. Berteaux requested that the DCSP conduct an investigation. The investigation into this incident was conducted by Lieutenant Oryntha Crumity, an experienced law enforcement officer employed by the Dade County School Police. During the course of the investigation, Respondent contacted several of the student witnesses and asked each student whether the student was on his side. By making such contact, Respondent attempted to intimidate these student witnesses. Approximately a month after the incident, Mr. Berteaux received reports that Respondent had approached several student witnesses. He immediately requested that Respondent be transferred from Westview. Respondent was thereafter transferred from Westview. Proceedings to terminate his employment were initiated following a review of these matters by the Petitioner's legal staff.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order that adopts the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained herein. It is further recommended that the final order terminate Respondent's employment. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of September, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of September, 1998

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-004238 Latest Update: Mar. 26, 1986

The Issue Whether the respondent should be reassigned to the Opportunity School?

Findings Of Fact Joseph Hernandez attended Glades Junior High School during the 1984-85 school year. During that period of time, he had numerous referrals to the guidance counselor and assistant principal. He cut class, he was disruptive in class, he had a very short attention span, he would not follow instructions, and he was physically abusive to smaller children. Respondent was very disruptive in art class. He destroyed art material, and he would push and shove other students. On occasion, Joseph would sneak out the back door of the art room and skip the rest of the class. He also would take a bathroom pass and then use it later in the day. On one occasion Mr. Clark observed the respondent grab a smaller child by the child's head and lift the child off the ground. When respondent was told to release the child, he refused to do so. Joseph's grades at Glades Junior High were not much better than his behavior. He received a "B" in woodshop, a "B" in math, a "C" in physical education, a "C" in art, an "F" in language arts and an "F" in social studies. Joseph was in a low level math class but all the other classes were regular level. Joseph was capable of performing the work in a regular classroom and probably should have been in a regular level math class. Joseph did not have any desire to move out of lower level math. When his math teacher stated in front of the class that Joseph had done so well he would be placed in a regular math class the following year, he got very upset. He told the teacher that if she put him in a regular class he would flunk and she would think of him every night and feel guilty. When the teacher responded, "I think of all my students every night before I go to bed." Joseph replied, "You must not have any wet dreams." The guidance counselor at Glades held several guidance sessions with Joseph and his father. Joseph had no serious psychological problems, but he was unstable and needed guidance. On a one-to-one basis, Joseph was quite personable. However, he liked to be the center of attention. The personnel at Glades Junior High believe that Joseph would be much better off in the smaller classes offered at the alternative school. Joseph enrolled in West Miami Junior High for the 85-86 school year. Joseph's behavior at West Miami was no better than his behavior had been at Glades. He rebelled against authority, he showed up late for class, he was rude to the teachers, and he would come to class without any books or materials. On September 19, 1985, he was referred to indoor suspension for three days due to his disruptive behavior. However, he refused to follow the SCSI rules and therefore was on indoor suspension ten days rather than the original three. Joseph not only disrupted his own classes, he disrupted other classes. One day he sauntered into a seventh grade computer class, walked around the room, and said that he had come to fix the air conditioning. He refused to leave the classroom when the teacher told him to leave and was quite arrogant. Finally, when he was ready, he left the room. On November 6, 1985, Joseph was assigned to the alternative school, but he never attended. Therefore he was carried on the rolls of West Miami Junior High School throughout the semester. Of the ninety days in the semester, Joseph was in class for a total of 13 days.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered approving the assignment of the respondent to the alternative school program at Douglas McArthur Senior High School-South. DONE and ENTERED this 26th day of March, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE A. GRUBBS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of March, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark A. Valentine, Esq. Assistant School Board Attorney 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 800 Miami, FL 33137-4198 Mr. Pedro L. Hernandez 10001 West Flagler Street Lot #L1214 Miami, FL 33174 Madelyn P. Schere, Esq. Ms. Maeva Hipps 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Ste. 401 Miami, FL 33132 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools 1450 N.E. Second Avenue Miami, F1 33132

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Dade City, Florida Aug. 23, 2002 Number: 02-003366 Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Aug. 07, 2009 Number: 09-004238TTS Latest Update: Jul. 16, 2010

The Issue Whether the Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Petition dated August 6, 2009, and, if so, the penalty that should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The School Board is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the School District of Miami-Dade County, Florida. Article IX, Florida Constitution; § 1001.32, Fla. Stat. (2009).1 Specifically, the School Board has the authority to discipline employees. § 1012.22(1)(f), Fla. Stat. Mr. Woods has been a teacher with the School Board since 2004 and has met the NCLB Highly Qualified Standards for Elementary Education, K-6. At the times pertinent to this proceeding, he was employed under a professional service contract as a kindergarten teacher at Rosenwald Elementary School in South Bay, Florida.2 As a classroom teacher in Palm Beach County, Mr. Woods' employment is subject to the Collective Bargaining Agreement Between The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida and the Palm Beach County Classroom Teacher's Association ("Collective Bargaining Agreement"). Disciplinary action was taken against Mr. Woods by the School Board prior to the events giving rise to this proceeding. On March 07, 2007, the School Board issued a Written Reprimand to Mr. Woods for using unnecessary physical force on a student. In the reprimand, Mr. Woods was "directed to cease such conduct immediately" and "to desist from engaging in the same or similar conduct in the future." Mr. Woods was advised that, if he failed to do so, he would be subject to "further disciplinary action up to and including termination." On January 28, 2009, an incident occurred in Mr. Woods' kindergarten classroom during the portion of the school day when Mr. Woods read the class a book and the students participated with questions and discussion. Mr. Woods observed student B.M. fighting with and punching another student. Mr. Woods made physical contact with B.M. when he separated the two boys and when he led B.M. to an area of the carpet where Mr. Woods told B.M. to sit in time-out. B.M. did not request any medical attention as a result of this incident, and there was no indication that B.M. suffered bruising or any type of injury as a result of Mr. Woods' actions. A second incident involving Mr. Woods and student J.C. occurred on February 3, 2009. The incident occurred during recess, close to the end of the school day, when Mr. Woods' students were on the playground. J.C. ran past other students filing onto the playground to the slide. Mr. Woods had previously placed J.C. in time-out, and J.C. had been told to sit on the playground with several other students who were also in time-out. As J.C. slid down the slide, Mr. Woods moved to the end of the slide to intercept J.C. so he could lead J.C. to the area where the other students were sitting in time-out. When J.C. reached the end of the slide and stood up, Mr. Woods reached for him, but J.C. went limp and began falling to the ground. Mr. Woods grabbed J.C.'s jacket to keep him from falling to the ground and possibly injuring himself on the end of the slide.3 The School Board conducted investigations of the allegations against Mr. Woods, and, after going through all of the pre-disciplinary steps required by the collective bargaining agreement, the Superintendent of the Palm Beach County school system issued a Notice of Suspension and Recommendation for Termination from Employment dated June 25, 2009, advising Mr. Woods that he intended to recommend to the School Board that he be suspended without pay and his employment with the School Board terminated at the July 22, 2009, School Board meeting. Article II, Section M of the collective bargaining agreement governs the discipline of employees. Article II, Section M1. of the Collective Bargaining Agreement provides: "Without the consent of the employee and the Association, disciplinary action may not be taken against an employee except for just cause, and this must be substantiated by clear and convincing evidence which supports the recommended disciplinary action." Summary and findings of ultimate fact The School Board failed to present sufficient credible and persuasive evidence to establish with the requisite degree of certainty that Mr. Woods is guilty of the conduct with which he has been charged in the Petition. For the reasons stated in Endnote 3, the evidence presented by the School Board is not sufficient to produce a firm conviction in the mind of this trier of fact that the School Board's allegations that Mr. Woods used excessive physical force during the playground incident involving Mr. Woods and J.C. are true. The evidence presented by the School Board is, likewise, not sufficient to cause this trier of fact to believe without hesitancy and with a firm conviction that the School Board's allegations that Mr. Woods used excessive physical force during the January 28, 2009, incident involving B.M. are true. The only evidence presented by the School Board relating to the charges that Mr. Woods used excessive physical force to break up a fight between B.M. and one of his classmates was Mr. Woods' live testimony and the transcript of B.M.'s deposition testimony, which was placed into evidence in lieu of his live testimony.4 Mr. Woods' testimony that he did not use excessive physical force on B.M. but made only as much physical contact with B.M. as was required to separate him and his classmate and to lead B.M. to the area in which B.M. would spend his time-out period is credited over that of B.M. B.M.'s deposition testimony that, when breaking up the fight, Mr. Woods grabbed his shirt and pulled and pushed him back and forth, striking his chest several times, is not sufficiently persuasive to convince this trier of fact to credit B.M.'s version of events rather than Mr. Woods' version. The credibility and weight of B.M.'s deposition testimony was diminished by the failure of either attorney to establish on the record that B.M. knew the difference between the truth and a lie and felt an obligation to tell the truth, see J.B.J. v. State, 17 So. 3d 312 (Fla. 1st DCA 2009); by B.M.'s persistent fear that he was going to be sent to jail; by the prompting of B.M. by Ms. B., who attended the deposition and is presumably B.M.'s mother or a close relative, to tell "everything you came home . . . and told me"; and by the explanations given to B.M. during the deposition that the purpose of the deposition was to find out if Mr. Woods had done something wrong and if he was in trouble and should be punished. In addition, B.M.'s deposition testimony is not corroborated by the testimony of the three classmates whose deposition testimony was received into evidence in lieu of their live testimony or by the testimony of any third party. Finally, B.M. gave a confused account of the events leading up to Mr. Woods' alleged use of excessive force but, at the same time, recited verbal exchanges he had purportedly had with the boy with whom he was fighting, the effect of which was to give the impression that B.M. did not recall the incident with Mr. Woods and was telling a story. For these reasons, B.M.'s testimony is not sufficiently credible or persuasive to support a finding that Mr. Woods used excessive physical force when separating B.M. and his classmate on January 28, 2009.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Palm Beach County School Board enter a final order dismissing the Petition filed against Ricky Woods, immediately reinstating him, and awarding him back salary for the period of his suspension, as provided in Section 1012.33(6)(a), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of April, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA M. HART Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of April, 2010.

Florida Laws (8) 1001.321012.221012.331012.391012.561012.57120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000683 Latest Update: Jun. 08, 1990

Findings Of Fact During the 1982-1983 school year, Jorge Valdez is a seventh grade student. He was assigned to Lake Stevens Junior High School for this school year. In October 1982, pursuant to a request from his physical education teacher, Respondent was counseled and issued strokes for being repeatedly late and for refusing to "dress out" for class. On two occasions in November 1982, pursuant to requests from his art teacher, Respondent was counseled and issued strokes for being disruptive in art class by walking around the room during class and refusing to participate in class activities. In December 1982, Respondent was suspended from school for three days as a result of an incident at the bus stop. When Respondent returned to school after his suspension, he was wearing a linked chain approximately three feet long hidden under his shirt. On the third day, he was caught using the chain to threaten another student. Respondent was given a ten-day suspension, and a conference was held with his mother. The Student Code of Conduct provides for expulsion of any student possessing a concealed weapon. As a result of his conference with Grizel Valdez, Jorge's principal agreed he would request a waiver of expulsion with an alternative placement instead. As of November 5, 1982, Respondent's grades in his six classes at Lake Stevens Junior High School were one C, one D and four Fs. In conduct, his grades were one A, one C and four Fs.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered assigning Respondent Jorge Valdez to Petitioner's opportunity school program at Jan Mann Opportunity School North. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 31st day of May, 1983, Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of May, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark A. Valentine, Esquire 3000 Executive Plaza, Suite 800 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 Mrs. Grizel Valdez 4901 NW 173rd Street Carol City, Florida 33055 Phyllis O. Douglas, Esquire Assistant Board Attorney Lindsey Hopkins Building 1410 NE Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida May 30, 2019 Number: 19-002883 Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2024
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