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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-002251 Latest Update: May 29, 1980

The Issue By Notice to Show Cause dated October 24, 1977, the Division of Alcoholic Beverages, Petitioner, seeks to revoke suspend, or otherwise discipline the alcoholic beverage license of NAS, Inc. t/a The Down Beat, Respondent. As grounds therefor it is alleged that on or about August 25, 1977 Respondent failed to discontinue the sale of alcoholic beverages when the service of full course meals had been discontinued; failed to maintain sufficient inventory to serve full course meals; failed to maintain sufficient dining room equipment and employees for the preparation, cooking and service of full course meals; and failed to maintain necessary china and tableware to handle the minimum seating capacity required, all in violation of Rule 3.15 F.A.C. Four witnesses were called by Petitioner, one witness testified in behalf of Respondent, and three exhibits were admitted into evidence.

Findings Of Fact About 10:00 A.M. on August 25, 1977, three beverage agents entered The Down Beat and conducted a routine inspection after identifying themselves as beverage agents. Respondent holds special restaurant beverage license No. 16-692-SR Series 4 COP. At the time of the inspection the bar was open and alcoholic beverages were being dispensed. No personnel were available on the premises to prepare meals and the kitchen was reported to be closed at the time of the inspection. A count of the equipment in the kitchen disclosed 19 knives, 19 forks and 9 spoons clean and ready to be used. Upon inquiry one of the corporate officers produced a paper bag from under the sink which contained 51 spoons, 91 forks, and 161 knives. An additional package of ten plastic forks and an open package of 8 plastic spoons were produced. 163 dinner plates, 130 salad plates, 50 plastic cups, and 60 plastic glasses were counted. The two freezers in the kitchen contained frozen meats and fish. Other food items consisted of condiments, flour, one head of lettuce, sugar, bread, butter, cheese, celery, sausages, and potato mix. Respondent's witness testified that the cook was out shopping at the time of the inspection. The persons identified by name as cook and purchasing agent to the inspectors were not listed on the payroll for the previous month (Exhibit 1). Profit and Loss statement (Exhibit 1) for the month of July, 1977 shows only 4 female employees, each paid $60 per week, food sales of $5,022.50, food purchases of $1,235.47 including $429.30 to Coca Cola and Canada Dry bottling companies, alcoholic beverage sales of $3,086.65 and alcoholic beverage purchases of $3,428.06. Following completion of Respondent's testimony the administrative record of Respondent was admitted into evidence as Exhibit 3. This shows violations of a nature similar to those here under consideration occurred on 10/29/73 and 8/24/74. The latter violations were proven at a hearing held September 27, 1977.

Florida Laws (2) 120.68561.20
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-000048 Latest Update: May 23, 1980

Findings Of Fact At about 4:00 o'clock on the afternoon of May 8, 1979, petitioner's officers David William Shomers and Muriel Snipes Waldmann, entered respondent's place of business. At that time, Sherry Ann Armetto was behind the bar. When Officers Shomers and Waldmann asked Ms. Armetto for a meal she told them that the cook had not yet arrived. Officer Shomers and Officer Waldmann then each ordered a Scotch and soda, and both were served. At about 5:00 o'clock, the cook was still nowhere to he found. Officer Shomers counted the places available for people to sit down and eat, including seats in the bar, and determined that there were only 161 such places. Even though Ms. Armetto had worked for respondent as a bar tender for five or six months before the inspection on May 8, 1979, she had never been advised to refrain from selling alcoholic beverages when the kitchen was closed. She was so advised, however, after the events of May 8, 1979. Ricardo John Gutierrez had worked for the business four or four and one half years as of May of 1979. He was never told not to sell alcoholic beverages while meals were not sold. Petitioner initiated the present proceedings on or about July 3, 1979. In May of 1979, respondent Pete Rose Corporation held license number 16-790 SRX, an "ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 1, 1970, THRU SEPTEMBER 30, 1979." Petitioner's exhibit No. 1. Respondent has not renewed the license since. As a condition of this beverage license, respondent was required to maintain at least 4,000 square feet, sufficient tables, chairs, china, other equipment and personnel to serve food to 200 persons, Officer Shomers testified.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That petitioner dismiss the notice to show cause, thereby terminating these proceedings and allowing respondent's license to expire; and then cancel respondent's license. DONE and ENTERED this 15th day of February, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: James Watson, Jr., Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Pete Rose Corporation d/b/a Fat Cats 2590 S. State Road 7 Miramar, Florida

Florida Laws (2) 561.20561.27
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Nov. 27, 1996 Number: 96-005599 Latest Update: Jul. 01, 1997

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent committed the offenses set forth in the administrative complaint and, if so, what action should be taken.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, B & K Restaurant, Inc., d/b/a Nipper's Restaurant (Respondent) held Alcoholic Beverage, Special Restaurant License No. 60-02856 SRX (SRX License). Respondent's SRX License was issued on July 7, 1988. Respondent's SRX License requires Respondent to maintain, among other things, 2,500 square feet of serving area, a minimum of 150 seats for seating, and 51 percent of gross revenue from food and non-alcoholic beverages sales. Respondent has a president, Arthur Barakos, who is a 51 percent shareholder. On September 30, 1996, a special agent of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (Petitioner) performed an SRX License inspection of Respondent. Petitioner's agent requested Barakos to produce, among other things, Respondent's last three months of alcohol and food records, z-tapes,2 guest receipts, and ledger books, if any. He was unable to produce the requested records, indicating that his accountant had possession of them. Petitioner's agent reminded Barakos that, as a requirement of the SRX License, the records must be maintained on Respondent's premises. She informed him that she would return at a later date to review the requested records. On October 8, 1996, Petitioner's agent returned to Respondent to perform the SRX License inspection. She requested to review the same records. As before, Barakos informed Petitioner's agent that he did not have the requested records. Barakos indicated to Petitioner's agent that the only records that he maintained were guest checks which had credit card charges; he did not maintain other guest checks or z-tapes. Further, he indicated that his procedure was to copy the information from z-tapes and guest receipts on separate sheets of paper, referred to as sales sheets, and to provide his accountant with the sales sheets. Respondent's accountant performs a "compilation" on a monthly basis of monthly sales from information provided to her by Barakos. Monthly, the accountant meets with Barakos and obtains from him sales sheets showing daily receipts and total sales per day for the entire month. Also, Barakos provides the accountant with bank statements, purchase orders, stubs from guest checks with credit card charges and, occasionally, z-tapes. At times, the accountant obtains some of the information over the telephone from Barakos. She inputs the information from the sales sheets on computer. From the information provided, the accountant totals the daily receipts and computes sales tax. Afterwards, she returns to Barakos all of the items that he provided to her. The accountant is unable to verify or certify the accuracy of the monthly sales records. At the inspection, Barakos did provide Petitioner's agent with sales sheets. However, the sales sheets failed to differentiate between food and alcoholic beverages. Without the requested records which are the original documentation, no verification of food and alcohol revenue could be made by Petitioner's agent. Therefore, she was unable to determine whether 51 percent of Respondent's gross revenue was from food and non-alcoholic beverages sales. Further, regarding maintaining past records, Barakos had maintained his almost nine years of records, including z- tapes, in boxes located in a shed. He discarded the boxes of records after they got wet and became moldy, not believing that he would ever be audited by Petitioner. Barakos discarded the records without improper motive. Because he had discarded the records, Barakos was unable to produce them to Petitioner's agent. At no time material hereto did Petitioner receive from Respondent a request to maintain its records at a location other than on Respondent's premises. Additionally, at the inspection, Petitioner's agent inspected Respondent's seating. She found Respondent not to be in compliance with the required minimum seating of 150 seats, having only 125 seats. Barakos indicated that he would add the additional seats without delay to bring Respondent into compliance. Further, Petitioner's agent inspected Respondent's square footage. She found Respondent to be in compliance with the minimum square footage requirement of 2,500 square feet.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco enter a final order: Imposing a $1,000 civil penalty against B & K Restaurant, Inc., d/b/a Nipper's Restaurant; and Revoking the Alcoholic Beverage Special Restaurant License of B & K Restaurant, Inc., d/b/a Nipper's Restaurant, i.e., License No. 60-02856 SRX without prejudice to obtain any other type license, but with prejudice to obtain another SRX special license for 5 years, with the revocation being suspended under terms and conditions that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco deems appropriate. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of June, 1997, in Tallahassee, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of June, 1997.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57561.20561.29 Florida Administrative Code (2) 61A-2.02261A-3.0141
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-003149 Latest Update: Nov. 09, 1983

The Issue This case concerns the issue of whether Respondent's beverage license should be suspended, revoked or otherwise disciplined for permitting prostitution activity on his licensed premises. At the formal hearing the Petitioner called as witnesses John Harris, Kelvin Davis, Carlos Bauxalli, Lewis Terminello, Hugo Gomez, Louis Viglione, Keith Bernard Hamilton, and Alfonso Scott Julious. Respondent called as witnesses Isaac Dweck, Gary Arthur, Irene Madden, Collins Jones, Mary Scott, Debbie Heenan, Judy Pearson, Joe E. Clements, Cecil Rolle, and the Respondent himself, Eddie Lee Pittman. Petitioner offered and had admitted a videotape which was viewed during the hearing. Respondent offered and had admitted one exhibit. Petitioner also offered a composite exhibit containing police reports relating to the licensed premises for the years 1981 and 1982. That composite exhibit was admitted as hearsay to corroborate the testimony of the police officers relating to the reputation of the licensed premises. These police records were of very limited probative value and no finding of fact was based upon these records. Neither party submitted proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law for consideration by the Hearing Officer.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this proceeding the Respondent, Eddie Lee Pittman, was the holder of beverage license No. 23-371, Series 2-COP. The license is issued to the licensed premises at 1772 N.W. 79th Street, Miami, Dade County, Florida, and was originally issued to Respondent on October 6, 1965. On the evening of March 22, 1983, Beverage Officer Kelvin Davis visited the licensed premises, Eddie's Dive Inn, in an undercover capacity to investigate possible prostitution activity in the licensed premises. Officer Davis was accompanied by Beverage Officer Eddie Bauxalli. After entering the licensed premises Officer Davis was approached by a white female named Elnora Moore who engaged him in conversation. The conversation led to a discussion of voter registration cards and Ms. Moore stated that a voter registration card could get you out of jail on a misdemeanor charge. Officer Davis asked why she needed a card for that purpose and Ms. Moore said because of solicitation. She then asked Officer Davis if he would like to be solicited and asked how much money he had. He responded that he had twenty dollars and she said that would get him a "straight." "Straight" is slang or street language for sexual intercourse. He agreed to the price but told her he also had a friend (Officer Bauxalli). Ms. Moore offered to service both men for $100. Officer Davis and Officer Bauxalli agreed to this offer and the three of them prepared to leave. The conversation between Ms. Moore and Officer Davis took place next to the bar where the officers were seated. This was approximately three to five feet from the cash register where the bartender on duty was working. The conversation took place in a normal tone of voice. As Officers Davis and Bauxalli and Ms. Moore began to leave, a white female named Peggy Schultz yelled across the bar to Officer Bauxalli and asked where he was going. Officer Bauxalli yelled back that he was going to have a good time. In response, Ms. Schultz yelled back "How can you have a good time without a date?" Officer Bauxalli responded that he would figure something out. At this point Ms. Schultz walked over to Officer Bauxalli. Ms. Schultz asked Officer Bauxalli if he wanted a "date" and he asked what is a "date." She responded that a "date" is a "straight" for $20 or a "straight" and a "blow job" for $25. He agreed to a "date" and Ms. Schultz then told him to drive around to the back and she and Ms. Moore would meet them at the back door. She also stated that the owner did not like the girls to go out the front door. Officers Bauxalli and Davis then left the bar, drove around to the back door of the licensed premises and picked up Ms. Moore and Ms. Schultz, who were waiting just inside the back door of the lounge. While Officers Bauxalli and Davis were in the licensed premises, the bar was pretty crowded and there was a lot of noise from people talking. At the time Ms. Schultz solicited Officer Bauxalli, she spoke in a normal tone of voice while they stood approximately four or five feet from the cash register on the bar. Ms. Schultz was dressed in a low-cut blue silky dress that was made of a material which you could easily see through. She was wearing only panties underneath the dress. The owner, Mr. Pittman, was observed in the licensed premises on the evening of March 22, but there was no evidence that he observed or overheard any of the discussions between the two beverage officers and Ms. Schultz and Ms. Moore. On the evening of September 17, 1983, at approximate1y. 10:A5 p.m., Beverage Officer Louis J. Terminello went to the licensed premises in an undercover capacity. Immediately upon entering the licensed premises he was approached by a white female named Michelle Orfino. The bar was pretty crowded and there were a number of females in the bar and poolroom area who by their dress appeared to be prostitutes. These women were mingling with the men at the bar and in the poolroom area. A number of couples were exiting through the back entrance. When Ms. Orfino approached Officer Terminello, she walked up to him and asked if he was looking for a "date." He asked her what a "date" was and she said "a blow job." She then asked if he wanted one and Officer Terminello responded "yes." She told him the price would be $20 plus $5 for the room. As they had been talking Officer Terminello, accompanied by Ms. Orfino, walked into the poolroom area. After agreeing to the price, Officer Terminello took Ms. Orfino by the arm and started to walk out the front door of the lounge. She stopped him and said that they had to use the back door because Eddie does not allow them to leave through the front door. She then told him to drive around back and Officer Terminello responded that his car was just outside the back door. She then walked with him out the back entrance and into the parking lot. As they walked to his car Officer Terminello observed the Respondent, Eddie Pittman, in the parking lot. After driving away, Officer Terminello placed Ms. Orfino under arrest. Ms. Orfino was dressed in a very low-cut latex body suit. For at least three nights prior to September 17, Officer Terminello, while on surveillance, had observed a continuous pattern of a patron entering the bar, coming back out and driving his car to the rear entrance. A woman would then come out the back door, get in the car and they would drive away. Twenty minutes or so later the car would come back and the girl would get out and go back in. After the arrest of September 17, Officer Terminello returned to the bar in the early morning hours of September 18 to arrest two other women for prostitution. The Respondent had not been advised of the arrests on September 17. On the evening of September 15, 1983, Beverage Officer Louis Viglione went to the licensed premises, Eddie's Dive Inn. After entering the licensed premises he took a seat at the bar near the rear entrance. Shortly after entering, he was joined by two black females named Veronica and Angie. He purchased a beer for each of the two women and the three of them engaged in conversation about good times, good loving, and Pink House. The Pink House is a boarding house in the area where the licensed premises is located and is used by prostitutes for "dates." A "date" is a slang or street term used commonly by prostitutes to refer to sexual intercourse or other sexual acts for pay. During this conversation, Veronica stated that one hour with her would cost $40 or $50 and Angie stated that she charged $100 an hour. As an excuse, Officer Viglione then stated that he did not have enough money because he wanted two women at once. He remained in the lounge approximately one more hour and left. On this particular evening Veronica was wearing a short white dress and Angie was wearing a blue print dress with white stockings. Both were dressed in what Officer Viglione described as normal dress. Several other women in the lounge were dressed in a very provocative manner and appeared by their dress to be prostitutes. The lounge was approximately 3/4 full of patrons, but it was not particularly noisy or boisterous. There were also several women outside the front and rear entrances of the licensed premises who appeared to be prostitutes. The area where the licensed premises is located is an area which has a visible concentration of prostitutes and has a reputation as an area where prostitution is prevalent. At approximately 9:30 p.m. on September 16, 1983, Beverage Officer Keith Bernard Hamilton entered Eddie's Dive Inn. Upon entering the lounge, Officer Hamilton took a seat at the west end of the bar. There were approximately 40 or 50 male patrons in the lounge and at least 30 women. The women were scantily dressed in very revealing clothes and were observed by Officer Hamilton to be moving around the bar stopping and talking with the men. Several of the women left the bar after talking to one of the men who also left the bar. While seated at the bar, Officer Hamilton was approached by a young black female named Anna. Anna had been talking to a white male seated next to Officer Hamilton. She asked Officer Hamilton what he was interested in tonight. He asked what she had and she asked if he wanted to fuck. She also stated that for $35 plus $5 for the room she would give him a "suck and fuck." He said he would wait for a while and Anna left but returned several times during the evening. After Anna left, another woman walked up to Officer Hamilton and asked if he dated. He was short with her and she moved over and began talking to the white male seated next to him. A few minutes later, Officer Hamilton went to the bathroom and was stopped by a black female named Carol Lawrence. Ms. Lawrence stated that she needed money and asked if he could help her out. Officer Hamilton asked what did she have and Ms. Lawrence responded "a suck and fuck for $35." Officer Hamilton agreed to this but said he wanted to wait a while. She then left, but approached him at least three more times that evening. On the evening of September 16, 1983, there were three security guards at the licensed premises. They primarily remained outside where they regulated the crowd outside the lounge. One of the guards told one of the females that she shouldn't leave with a guy but should wait inside the rear door. The guard did not object to the woman and man leaving in the man's car. On this particular evening, the Respondent was present at the licensed premises until approximately 11:00 p.m. He was in and out of his office during the course of the evening. On September 17, 1983, at approximately 9:30 p.m. Officer Hamilton returned to the licensed premises, Eddie's Dive Inn. When Officer Hamilton entered the lounge, the Respondent was seated at the bar. The activity in the bar was about the same as the night of September 16, and there was a smaller crowd. There were about 20 women in the bar. These women were walking around the bar talking to the men. There was a man seated next to Mr. Pittman who was being kissed by one of the women. After kissing the man she moved on and began talking to another male patron. Shortly after entering the lounge one of the women in the lounge looked at Officer Hamilton and winked. Later, when Officer Hamilton was in the rear of the lounge near the bathrooms, be observed this same woman standing near the rear entrance. He asked her where she was going and she responded that she would be back. She then offered him a "suck and fuck" for $20 plus the cost of the room. As she walked out the rear entrance Officer Hamilton agreed to the offer. That same evening Officer Hamilton was again approached by Anna whom he had met the previous evening. She asked if he was ready and again told him the price of a "suck and fuck." He agreed and she told him to leave out the front door and she would wait around back. Officer Hamilton left the lounge and drove his car to the rear entrance where Anna was waiting just inside the screened door of the back entrance. On the evening of September 15, 1983, at approximately 9:15 p.m., Beverage Officer Alfonso Scott Julious entered the licensed premises. There were several men seated inside the bar and several women were walking around the bar. The women were dressed casually and some were wearing short dresses which were low cut in the front. After entering the licensed premises Officer Julious observed women from time to time leave the bar with a man and then come back. Each of the women exited through the rear door. At approximately 9:45 p.m. Officer Julious was approached by a white female named Gail Sylvia James. She asked if he wanted a "date" and he said what is a "date." She then said that she would "fuck him and suck him" for $30. He responded that he would be around for a while and would get back to her. Officer Julious left the lounge at approximately 10:30 p.m. During the evening Officer Julious had overheard other men being solicited and observed at least five men leave with women. On this evening Officer Julious considered the women's dress to be casual, nice dresses. Officer Julious returned to the licensed premises at approximately 9:00 p.m. on September 16, 1983. After entering the lounge he was approached by a white female named Patricia. She asked him if he wanted a "date" and he asked "what is a "date?" She then said she would fuck him for $30. Officer Julious responded that he would be around and would get back to her. Some time later in the evening Gail James, whom he had met the previous night, approached Officer Julious and asked if he was ready for a "date." She said she would go half and half, "suck and fuck" for $30. He told her he would be around for a while. Officer Julious was also approached by a woman named Mindy Jo Gelfin, who asked if he wanted a "date." He asked "What is a date?" and she responded "half and half, fuck and suck" for $40. He also did not accept this offer. Officer Julious left the licensed premises at approximately 10:45 p.m. On Saturday, September 17, 1983, Officer Julious returned to the licensed premises at approximately 9:05 p.m. The Respondent, Eddie Lee Pittman, was in the lounge. Immediately after entering the licensed premises, Officer Julious was approached by Mindy Gelfin, who asked if he was ready for a "date." Officer Julious stated that he would be around all night and Mindy said she would come back. Later, Mindy returned and asked if he was ready and he responded "yes." He asked if they could go to the Holiday Inn and she asked if he was a cop. Officer Julious said "Do I look like a cop?" She then asked if she could pat him down. He said "yes" and she patted him down. She then said that she wanted to go in a friend's car. She borrowed the car and drove to the Holiday Inn where she was arrested. At the time of her arrest Mindy Jo Gelfin was residing with Collins Winston Jones and his girlfriend. At the time of the final hearing, Mindy Gelfin was continuing to live at Mr. Jones' residence. Mr. Jones' girlfriend had allowed her to move in. Mr. Jones is the manager of Eddie's Dive Inn. On September 29, 1983, Detective Hugo Gomez of the Metropolitan Dade County Police Department went to the licensed premises, Eddie's Dive Inn. Detective Gomez was accompanied by Detectives Manny Gonzalez and Ray Gonzalez. Detective Gomez stood at the west end of the bar and his two partners sat at the bar next to him. After they ordered a beer, they were approached by a white female named Catrina Gibides. She sat down between the two officers who were seated. She asked what they were doing and told Detective Gomez he looked like a cop. He then pulled up his pants legs to show he was wearing no socks and she said "you can't be a cop" and grabbed his groin. She then began playing with Manny Gonzalez's leg and asked if they wanted a "date." She was wearing a very loose chiffon type outfit and her breasts were barely covered. The officers who were seated had been pretending not to speak English and Ms. Gibides asked Detective Gomez to ask Manny Gonzales if he wanted to go across the street to a motel with her. She said that she would perform intercourse and fellatio for $25 plus $5. She then called over another white female named Lisa Brown, who also began talking about going across the street to a motel. Lisa Brown said her price was $25 plus $5 for the room. They then discussed going in different cars. During these conversations the bar was crowded and Eddie Pittman was in the lounge approximately 8 to 10 feet from where the officers were located. It was pretty loud in the bar. There were also barmaids working behind the bar. Isaac Dweck is a regular patron of Eddie's Dive Inn. He goes there primarily on Sunday afternoons to watch football and shoot pool. He is almost never in the licensed premises after 9:00 p.m. and averages going to the lounge four or five times a month. He has never been solicited for prostitution in the lounge and has never overheard someone else being solicited. Gary Arthur goes to Eddie's Dive Inn two or three times a week and generally leaves some time between 7:30 and 9:00 p.m. Once or twice he has stayed until 11:00 or 12:00 p.m. He has never been solicited for prostitution and has never overheard anyone else being solicited. He has been going to Eddie's Dive Inn for five or six years. The Respondent has a policy against drugs, fighting, solicitation, and profanity and also has a dress code. He employs 11 full-time employees at the lounge and three or four of these employees are security guards who work at front and back doors. The Respondent has a closed circuit television system with cameras on the cash register and pool room area. The screen is in Respondent's office. Over the past 12 years the manager, Collins Jones, has barred 12 or 13 women from the bar after he heard them soliciting in the bar. In the twenty years he has operated Eddie's Dive Inn, the Respondent has barred approximately 20 women from coming into the licensed premises because of prostitution. Once the women are arrested for prostitution, they are barred from the premises. There are signs posted in the bar prohibiting soliciting. Irene Madden works as a barmaid at Eddie's Dive Inn. She has been instructed to not serve known prostitutes and that if she heard someone soliciting she should diplomatically ask them to not do that and inform Mr. Pittman or the manager. Mary Scott works as a barmaid at Eddie's Dive Inn. She has heard women solicit in the lounge for prostitution. She does not have the authority to ask someone who solicits for prostitution to leave the premises. She does have authority to ask people to leave who are in violation of the dress code. In September, 1972, the Respondent was charged in an administrative proceeding against his license with permitting prostitution on the licensed premises. He was also charged criminally with permitting prostitution. Respondent paid a $350 administrative fine and his license was placed on probation for the remainder of the license year. He pleaded guilty to the criminal charge.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered finding the Respondent in violation of Section 561.29, Florida Statutes, and imposing a civil penalty of $1,000 and suspending Respondent's beverage license for a period of ninety (90) days. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of November, 1983, at Tallahassee, Florida. MARVIN E. CHAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of November, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: William A. Hatch, Esquire Gary R. Rutledge, Secretary Department of Business Department of Business Regulation Regulation 725 South Bronough Street 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Arthur M. Garel, Esquire 40 Southwest 13th Street Miami, Florida 33130 Howard Milan Rasmussen, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (8) 561.01561.29775.082775.083775.084796.07823.01823.05
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-003656 Latest Update: May 02, 1984

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this proceeding, the Respondent, Boston's, Inc., was the holder of Beverage License No. 53-123, Series 6-COP SR. This license is issued to the premises known as Boston's, located at 100 Monterey Road, Stuart, Florida. The license held by Respondent is a Special Restaurant License originally issued in August 1957 to Frank and Mary Novacasa. By transfer of the license, Boston's, Inc., became the licensee on December 4, 1981. At the time of this transfer of the license to the Respondent, its president, A. Gerard Beauchamp, acknowledged by notarized Affidavit that the license required accommodations for serving 200 or more patrons at tables at all times. (Petitioner's Exhibit 1). On February 22, 1983, Beverage Officers White and Young conducted a routine inspection of the licensed premises. The officers discovered that the premises had been remodeled and that a new bar had been added, thereby reducing the available seating. By count, only 121 seats were available at tables, with an additional 18 to 20 stools being available at the bar. The manager on the premises also advised that an additional 10 to 15 chairs were located in a storage shed. On February 23, 1983, Beverage Officer White issued an official notice to the Respondent advising that it was required to maintain seating capacity at tables for 200 or more patrons. A compliance date of April 13, 1983, was indicated. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). Officers White and Young conducted a compliance inspection on June 7, 1983. The physical layout of the premises remained as it had been on the earlier visit. A count of the seats available at tables revealed 114 chairs. An additional 24 stools were placed at the bar. At that time, Officer White issued an official notice to the Respondent, which was signed for by the manager, Norm Spector. That notice advised Respondent that the Division intended to file administrative charges against its license. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2).

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered revoking Respondent's Special Restaurant License No. 53-123, Series 6-COP SR. DONE and ENTERED this 2nd day of May, 1984, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of May, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Louisa E. Hargrett, Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mark Shumaker, Esquire 1775 NE Fifth Avenue Boca Raton, Florida 33432 J. Reeve Bright, Esquire Florida Coast Bank Building, Suite 500 551 SE Eighth Street Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Gary R Rutledge, Secretary Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Howard N. Rasmussen, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (3) 120.57561.20561.29
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002106 Latest Update: Nov. 16, 1982

The Issue Whether the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco is estopped from denying petitioner's application for a transfer of a special restaurant license.

Findings Of Fact In December, 1981, Applicant applied for transfer of alcoholic beverage license no. 23-02433, 4-COP SRX, a special restaurant license held by Charlies the Lakes Restaurant, Inc. & Willman Co.. DABT denied the application, contending that the licensed premises did not meet minimum seating or square footage requirements. (P-1, letter of denial dated April 8, 1982). The licensed premises, known as the Lakeside Cafe, is located at 6125 Miami Lakes Drive, Miami Lake percent, Florida. It has less than 4,000 square feet of service area and is able to seat less than 200 patrons at tables. (P-1, R-1 Stipulation of counsel) Applicant contends that since DABT granted a special restaurant license (4 COP-SRX) to the present and previous licensees, it is now estopped to deny the application. Although DABT has continuously granted such a license, license applicants have twice filed affidavits indicating that the licensed premises meets square footage and seating requirements. In 1976 and 1980 two separate applicants filed sworn affidavits stating that the licensed premises occupied 4,000 or more square feet of floor space and could accommodate 200 or more patrons at tables. On November 17, 1981, Applicant signed an agreement to purchase the licensed premises from the present licensee for $210,000.00. Under that agreement, the present licensee was required to transfer its interest in the beverage license to applicant. (P-3)

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Applicant's application to transfer license No. 23-02433, 4-COP SRX, be DENIED. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 16th day of November, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of November, 1982.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57561.20
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001925 Latest Update: Dec. 28, 1976

The Issue Whether or not on or about the 14th of March, 1976, Pearlie Mae Smith, a licensed vendor, did have in her possession, permit or allow someone else, to wit: Junior Lee Smith, to have in their possession on the licensed premises, alcoholic beverages, to wit: 5 half-pints of Smirnoff Vodka, not authorized by law to be sold under her license, contrary to s. 562.02, F.S.

Findings Of Fact On March 14, 1976, and up to and including the date of the hearing, the Respondent, Pearlie Mae Smith, held license no. 72-65, series 2-COP with the State of Florida, Division of Beverage. The licensed premises is located at 1013 West Malloy Avenue, Perry, Florida. On the morning of March 14, 1976, Officer B.C. Maxwell with the State of Florida, Division of Beverage acting on an informant's information, searched the informant to determine if the informant had monies other than the money that the officer had given him or any alcoholic beverages on his person. Once the informant had been searched and it was determined that the informant was carrying with him only the money that the officer had given him to purchase alcoholic beverages, the informant was sent into the subject licensed premises. The informant returned with a half-pint bottle of alcoholic beverage not permitted to be sold on the licensed premise and indicated that this purchase was made from one Junior Lee Smith. Later in the morning, around 11:30, officers of the State of Florida, Division of Beverage entered the licensed premises and an inspection of those premises revealed a bag containing 5 half-pint bottles of Smirnoff Vodka in the kitchen area of the licensed premises. This bag and contents were admitted as Petitioner's Exhibit #2. The 5 half-pint bottles of Smirnoff Vodka are alcoholic beverages which are not allowed to be sold under the series 2-COP license on the subject premises. When the officers entered, the same Junior Lee Smith was in the licensed premises and indicated that he was in charge of the licensed premises and had been selling alcoholic beverages for "quite some time" together with his wife, Pearlie Mae Smith, the licensee. The bag he indicated, had been whiskey that had been left over from the night before.

Recommendation It is recommended that based upon the violation as established in the hearing that the licensee, Pearlie Mae Smith, have her beverage license suspended for a period of 30 days. DONE and ENTERED this 19th day of December, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Larry D. Winson, Esquire Staff Attorney Division of Beverage 725 Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Mrs. Pearlie Mae Smith 1013 West Malloy Avenue Perry, Florida

Florida Laws (2) 561.29562.02
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000005 Latest Update: Mar. 17, 1977

The Issue Whether or not on or about the 20th day of January, 1976 the Respondent, Franklin D. Boockholdt, licensed under the Beverage Laws as a vendor did unlawfully make a false statement, to wit: said premises sought to be licensed, contains and will maintain at all times all necessary equipment and supplies for serving full course meals regularly, on an affidavit for special restaurant license, in violation of Section 837.012, F.S., thereby violating Section 561.29, F.S.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to the Notice to Show Cause, the Respondent, Franklin D. Boockholdt, was and is the holder of License No. 55-11, a Series 2- COP, held with the State of Florida, Division of Beverage. On January 20, 1976, Beverage Officer, George Sterling, arrived at the licensed premises of the Respondent known as Gibbs Night Club, located at 511 South Wood Street, Callahan, Nassau County, Florida. The purpose of this visit was to inspect the aforementioned premises as an element in considering the application which the Respondent, Franklin D. Boockholdt, had made for a special restaurant license to be held with the Division of Beverage. Prior to the time that Officer Sterling arrived at the subject premises, the Respondent had gone to the Airway's Facility of the Federal Aeronautics Administration at Hilliard, Florida and picked up a number of dishes from the cafeteria on that facility. These dishes were owned by a vendor whose name is Jet Services. The racks in which the Respondent carried the dishes away were the property of the Federal Aeronautics Administration. The Respondent then took the dishes, which would include flatware, to the subject premises and these dishes and flatware were part of the inventory which was shown to Officer Sterling in the course of an inspection held on January 20, 1976 at the subject premises. While checking the subject premises on January 20, 1976, Officer Sterling, among other things, was looking to establish that there were sufficient accommodations for serving 200 or more patrons at tables. His inventory on January 20, 1976 revealed 150 sectional trays, 50 plates, and sufficient forks, knives, spoons and glasses to serve the 200 people. Once Officer Sterling had completed his inventory he gave the Respondent Boockholdt an affidavit which was to be completed by the Respondent and given back to Officer Sterling as one of the preconditions to approval of the license application for a special restaurant license. The Respondent took the affidavit and completed its parts and appeared before a notary public to have the affidavit sworn and subscribed to by the notary public. The notary public was Dorothy Beasley. She notarized the subject affidavit and witnessed the signature of the Respendent. This activity took place on January 20, 1976. In addition, she read the document in full orally in the presence of the Respondent and asked the Respondent if he would swear to the affidavit. The Respondent replied "yes". The Respondent then signed his name to the affidavit. The affidavit in question is Petitioner's Exhibit #2 admitted into evidence. Within the affidavit is the statement under the number seven (7). Number seven (7) says: "Said premises sought to be licensed has, and will maintain at all times, accommo- dations for serving 200 or more patrons at tables;" The numerals 200 had been placed in the blank with the knowledge of the Respondent. The affidavit was then returned to Officer Sterling on January 20, 1976, at which time he affixed his signature as having checked the above described restaurant and found the statements in the affidavit to be true. Two hours after the Respondent had picked up the dishes and flatware at the Airways Facility of the Federal Aeronautics Administration at Hilliard, Florida, he returned these items to that facility and they were inventoried in their entirety. Acting on a complaint filed with the Division of Beverage by Douglas M. Messick, the Manager of the Federal Aeronautics Administration at Hilliard, Florida, Officer Sterling returned to the licensed premises on February 9, 1976. When he arrived at the licensed premises, he made an inventory of the dishes and flatware. Among other things, he found 140 sectional trays, plates of sizes of from 10" to 12" in diameter, some of which had not been present in the January 20, 1976 inventory, miscellaneous knives, forks and spoons, and glasses and cups. There were sufficient numbers to meet the service for 200 of all items with the exception of glasses which were deficient in number. There were not sufficient numbers of cups, but there is a question about whether it was intended that coffee and tea be served with the meal at the time that the affidavit was being filled out on January 20, 1976. After inventorying the accommodations for serving on February 9, 1976, a report was made and the subject charges were placed.

Recommendation It is recommended that the License No. 55-11, Series 2-COP, held by the Respondent, Franklin D. Boockholdt, to trade at Gibbs Night Club at 511 South Wood Street, Callahan, Florida, be revoked.* * RO issue date of 2/22/77 was obtained from the docket sheet. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 COPIES FURNISHED: Dennis E. LaRosa, Esquire Division of Beverage Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Franklin D. Boockholdt P. O. Box 433 Hilliard, Florida 32046

Florida Laws (2) 561.29837.012
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001005 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 1981

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, N.K., Inc., d/b/a Tobacco Road, held alcoholic beverage license number 23-733:4-COP authorizing it to sell alcoholic beverages at 628 South Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida. The establishment in question is located in the downtown area of Miami, Florida. It provides both a food and beverage service to its patrons. The bar's hours of service are from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. daily. The kitchen is generally open from late in the morning until 3:00 p.m. and from between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. until 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. each day. The lounge has two floors. The first floor has a bar, restaurant and outdoor patio. Entertainment is provided primarily by a disc jockey. The second floor is accessed by an interior stairway from the first floor and contains a bar and stage. The upstairs is patterned after a speakeasy from prohibition days, and features live theater performances and entertainment provided by a live jazz band. The clientele of Tobacco Road may be characterized as "mixed". During the daytime hours, it is frequented by many business and professional persons from the downtown area who partake of both meals and drinks. At night the crowd tends to be more younger and middle class although it is still an admixture of all ages, occupations and classes. The bar is located four blocks from the "tent city" where the City of Miami housed large numbers of Cuban refugees in 1980. Some refugees have frequented the Tobacco Road on occasion. The Petitioner received unidentified complaints regarding the possible sale or use of drugs in a number of Miami area lounges, including Tobacco Road. This prompted visits by undercover beverage agents to the licensed premises in January, 1981, to ascertain whether such complaints were true. On or about January 13, 1981, at approximately 10:20 p.m., Officers Mignolet and Gonzalez, two female beverage agents, visited the Tobacco Road in an undercover capacity to investigate whether narcotics were being sold on the premises. In the parking lot, they met two white male patrons named Carlos and Mark who were just leaving in their automobile and engaged them in a brief casual conversation. The officers then entered the lounge and seated themselves at the bar on the first floor. Carlos and Mark returned to the bar shortly thereafter and sat next to Mignolet and Gonzalez. The conversation turned to narcotics and after a period of time, Mark reached into his pocket and pulled out two tablets which he handed to Gonzalez. A laboratory analysis later established these tablets to be methaqualones (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). When the delivery occurred, Chris (Christopher Najdul), a bartender, was in the bar well directly in front of the beverage officers. Seated nearby were "a few other" patrons. The lighting in the area was described as "dim". After being handed the tablets, Gonzalez showed Chris the tablets in her hand. However, Chris did not say anything to acknowledge that he had seen the transaction. This was the fourth visit to the licensed premises by the two agents but represented the first time they were successful in obtaining a controlled substance despite repeated efforts to do so. On or about January 23, 1981, at approximately 12:40 a.m., Officers Brock and Thompson, two female beverage agents, visited the premises of Respondent in an undercover capacity to ascertain whether narcotics were being sold. After seating themselves at the center of the bar on the first floor, they engaged in a conversation with a white male patron named Armando Garcia. The agents asked it they could obtain some "ludes" (methaqualones). Garcia said he could obtain some "grass" (marijuana) from upstairs and temporarily left the bar. He later returned without any drugs. He then went outside the premises to his car, obtained two tablets, returned to the bar, seated himself between Brock and Thompson, and passed one each into their hands. The officers briefly examined the tablets and then placed them into their pocketbooks. Subsequent laboratory tests revealed the tablets were methaqualones (Petitioner's Exhibit 3). On or about January 24, 1981, Officers Brock and Thompson again visited the licensed premises of Tobacco Read at about 1:00 a.m. After seating themselves at the bar they were immediately approached by Armando Garcia, the same patron who had given them two methaqualones the previous evening. After approximately 15 minutes, Brock and Garcia moved to a booth away from the bar where Garcia gave her a tablet. Thompson then joined them at the booth, and Garcia set a tablet on the table for Thompson. The transaction was not observed by any employee or patron. Shortly afterwards, the agents returned to the bar where Garcia joined them. At approximately 2:10 a.m., Garcia passed a tablet hand to hand to Thompson, and swallowed another himself. When the latter delivery occurred, the bartender, Peter Aitken, was working behind the bar well but did not verbally acknowledge seeing the transaction. A laboratory analysis subsequently revealed the three tablets were methaqualones (Petitioner's Exhibit 4). On January 25, 1981, at approximately 12:15 a.m. Officers Roberts and Jones, two male beverage agents, visited the Tobacco Road in an undercover capacity to ascertain whether controlled substances could be obtained. After seating themselves at the bar, they began a casual conversation with a male patron at the bar named Lance concerning the possible purchase of drugs. They left the bar and went to the stairway between the first and second floors were Roberts asked Lance if there were any "ludes" around. Lance replied he had one for $3.00. Roberts handed Lance $3.00 and received a tablet. Laboratory tests subsequently revealed the tablet given to Officer Roberts was a methaqualone (Petitioner's Exhibit 6). When the transaction occurred, several other patrons were ahead of Roberts on the stairway. Prior to this delivery, Roberts and Jones had visited the premises on at least two other occasions but were unsuccessful in obtaining a controlled substance. On or about April 25, 1981, at approximately 12:30 a.m., while on the licensed premises, Officer Marrero, a male beverage agent, met a Latin male patron who offered to sell some marijuana. Officer Jones accompanied Marrero and the patron to the men's restroom where, in a bathroom stall, Marrero bought five suspected marijuana cigarettes from the patron for $5.00. No other patrons or employees were present when the sale occurred. Subsequent tests performed by the laboratory confirmed the cigarettes were in fact marijuana (Petitioner's Exhibit 7). On or about January 28, 1981, Officers Brock and Thompson visited the licensed premises of Tobacco Road in an undercover capacity and seated themselves next to Peter Aitken, who was off-duty that evening, and who appeared to be in an intoxicated state. Peter left the premises with Thompson to go to his automobile to smoke a marijuana joint. The automobile was parked on a public street in front of the lounge. Although Thompson was ultimately able to purchase a bag of marijuana from Peter for $35, the transaction occurred off the licensed premises and was beyond the dominion and control of the licensee. The corporate owner of Tobacco Road is Neil Katzman, a former police officer with the City of Miami. Prior to purchasing Tobacco Road, he owned and operated a licensed lounge and package store. Katzman takes an active role in the management of the lounge, including such diverse activities as maintenance work, greeting customers, occasionally tending bar and taking inventory. However, because of the long hours of operation (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m. daily) it is impossible for him to be on the premises at all times. For this reason, he has hired a manager to whom he recently delegated authority to hire and fire employees. Katzman has a strict policy of employees not using or distributing illegal drugs. Violation of this rule results in immediate dismissal of the errant employee. Prospective employees are personally counseled on the no-drug policy of the management before they are hired and are reminded of this policy periodically. Polygraph tests have been given since 1978 to employees, including the manager, to determine whether they use or sell drugs, have stolen money, given away free drinks or engaged in any other prohibited activities. They are specifically asked if they have sold or delivered drugs on the premises, and whether they have seen other employees do so. "Numerous" employees have been fired as a result of taking such tests. Indeed, Chris Najdul, a bartender, was fired a week before the undercover operations were made known to Katzman for admitting to the use of narcotics on the premises. The no-drug policy of management has been effective. This is evidenced by the fact that no drugs were obtained from employees during the period in question despite numerous efforts by undercover agents to purchase narcotics from them. It is also a strict policy of the Respondent that if patrons are seen with narcotics on the premises, they are asked to leave. Katzman himself periodically checks the restrooms and patio to see if patrons are using illegal drugs. Other than the deliveries and sales described above, the undercover agents did not witness any employee or patron using, selling or in possession of any suspected narcotic on the licensed premises. Respondent has never been cited or warned about any beverage law violation in this or any previous establishment.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Counts I and II of the Notice to Show Cause be DISMISSED. DONE and ORDERED this 6th day of July, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of July, 1981.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57561.01561.29823.10893.13
# 10

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