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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000713 Latest Update: Feb. 25, 1988

Findings Of Fact The parties' stipulation The parties have stipulated to the following facts: Forum and Amedex timely filed their respective letters of intent and applications with the Department and the District Local Health Council for the July 1986 batching cycle. The Department ultimately deemed the applications complete and, following review, published its notice of intent to deny the applications. Forum and Amedex each timely filed a petition requesting a formal hearing on the denial of their application. With regard to the Forum application, the Department contends that there is no need for the proposed facility, that such lack of need will render Forum's project financially unfeasible, that the project is not the best use of Forum's resources, and that Forum fails to meet the local health plan priority relating to the construction of freestanding facilities with a minimum capacity of 120 beds. All other statutory and rule criteria are satisfied, at least minimally, based on Forum's 60-bed proposal. With regard to the Amedex application, the Department contends that there is no need for the proposed facility, that such lack of need will render Amedex's project financially unfeasible, and that the project is not the best use of Amedex's resources. The Department further contends that Amedex has not demonstrated that it can provide quality of care, that it has not demonstrated that its project is financially feasible in the short or long term, that it has not provided long range plans and that, even assuming minimal need, the size of Amedex' proposed project will cause difficulty in meeting projected utilization needs based on Broward County's past utilization rates. All other statutory and rule criteria are satisfied, at least minimally, based on Amedex' 240-bed proposal. As between the applicants, they agree that a comparative review is appropriate to determine the best applicant. Further, they agree for purposes of this proceeding that the other meets all statutory and rule criteria, at least minimally, except the following: need beyond 60 beds, ability to provide quality of care, and availability of funds for project accomplishment and operation. The parties have further agreed that there are no special circumstances existent in this case upon which a certificate of need is being sought. The Amedex Proposal In July 1986 Amedex filed an application with the Department for a certificate of need to construct a 240-bed skilled and intermediate care nursing home in Broward County, Florida. The total project cost is projected to be $9,040,228. At hearing, Amedex failed to offer any competent proof to demonstrate the immediate and long-term financial feasibility of its proposed project, that it could provide quality care, or that it had available the necessary funds for project accomplishment and operation. 1/ While the Department contended that the proposed project was not the best use of Amedex's resources, it offered no proof to demonstrate what other health services would be a more appropriate use of the resources. The Forum Proposal In July 1986, Forum also filed an application with the Department for a certificate of need to construct a skilled and intermediate care nursing home in Broward County, Florida. Forum's application sought leave to construct a 60-bed facility. The estimated cost for construction of Forum's proposed nursing home is $2,39,800. Forum has the necessary resources for project accomplishment and operation. While the Department contended that the proposed project was not the best use of Forum's resources, it offered no proof to demonstrate what other health service would be a more appropriate use of such resources. Forum is a publicly held health services company which owns, develops, and operates retirement living centers and nursing homes on a national basis. Pertinent to this case, Forum proposes to develop a retirement living center in Broward County that would consist of 120 apartments for independent living, a 30-bed adult congregate living facility, and the proposed 60-bed skilled and intermediate care nursing home. Forum has packaged its centers to provide these three levels of service to meet the desires of retired persons they hope to attract to their retirement community. Each of the three components which comprise Forum's retirement living center are physically connected and share some operational functions, such as a central kitchen and heating plant. Such design provides for an efficient operation, as well as an economical distribution of costs facility wide. The nursing facility proposed by Forum would offer a wide range of services for its residents including: 24-hour skilled and intermediate nursing care, physical therapy services, and other restorative services. Additionally, Forum proposes to offer, as needed, subacute services such as: intravenous care, continuous bladder irrigation, oxygen therapy, nastrogastric tube feeding, ventilator care, insulin treatment, sterile dressing changes, and sterile care of tracheotomies. Forum also proposes to offer in the future, if need is identified and if any necessary agreements can be reached, respite care, adult day care, meals on wheels and hospice care. Forum proposes to seek medicare and medicaid certification, and will dedicate 25 of its beds to medicaid patients. Forum has a history of providing quality care at its existing facilities, and will provide quality care at the proposed facility. Forum has demonstrated the immediate and long term financial feasibility of its proposed project. Forum is a national company, with substantial experience in developing and operating nursing homes and retirement living centers. Due to the excellent growth potential in Broward County for retirement living centers, Forum should be able to capture a sufficient share of the nursing home market to render its proposed nursing home financially feasible. However, in view of the lack of numeric need for such facility as discussed infra, Forum's success will be to the detriment of existing and approved facilities. Numeric need The Department has established by rule the methodology whereby the need for community nursing home beds in a service district shall be determined. Rule 10-5.011(1)(k)2, Florida Administrative Code. The first step in calculating need pursuant to the rule methodology is to establish a "planning horizon." Subparagraph 2 of the rule provides: Need Methodology ... the Department will determine if there is a projected need for new or additional beds 3 years into the future according to the methodology specified under subparagraphs a. through i... The Department interprets subparagraph 2, and the applicants concur, as establishing a "planning horizon" in certificate of need proceedings calculated from the filing deadline for applications established by Department rule. This interpretation is consistent with the numeric methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2, and with the decision in Gulf Court Nursing Center v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 483 So.2d 700 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986). Applying the Department's interpretation to the facts of this case, establishes a "planning horizon" of July 1989. Pertinent to this case, subparagraphs 2 a-d provide the methodology for calculating gross bed need for the district/subdistrict (in this case the district and subdistrict are the same--Broward County) in the horizon year. The first step in the calculation of gross need for the horizon year is to derive "BA," the estimated bed rate for the population age-group 65-74. This rate is defined by subparagraph 2b as follows: BA = LB/ (POPC + (6 x POPD) Where: LB is the number of licensed community nursing home beds in the relevant district. POPC is the current population age 65-74 years. POPD is the current population age 75 years and over. The parties concur that the district licensed bed figure (LB) is calculated based on the number of licensed community nursing home beds as of June 1, 1986, and that there were 3,226 licensed beds in the district on that date. 2/ The parties do not, however, agree as to the date on which POPC and POPD should be derived. The formula mandated by the rule methodology for calculating BA requires that the "current population" for the two age groups be utilized. The rule does not, however, prescribe the date on which the "current population" is to be derived. Forum contends that the appropriate date to establish the "current population" for POPC and POPD is January 1, 1986. The Department contends that the appropriate date is the date of application. In the opinion of David Warner, which opinion is credited, the base for POPC and POPD should correspond to the period for which the average occupancy rate (OR) is calculated. For the July batching cycle, OR is based upon the occupancy rates of licensed facilities for the months of October through March preceding that cycle. January 1, 1986, as the midpoint of that date, is the appropriate date to derive POPC and POPD. Supportive of Dr. Warner's opinion are the past practices of the Department. Between December 1984 and December 1986, the Department routinely used a three and one half year spread between the base population period and the horizon date for "current population" in its semiannual nursing home census report and bed need allocation. That three and one half year spread was adopted by the Department for the same reasons expressed by Dr. Warner. In the batching cycle of January 1987, which cycle immediately followed the cycle at issue in this case, the Department utilized a three and one half year spread between the base population period and the horizon date for "current population" when it awarded beds in that cycle. The Department offered no explanation of why, in this case, it proposed to use a three year spread between the base population period and the horizon date for "current population" in calculating POPC and POPD. Application of the methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2b to the facts of this case produces the following calculation: BA = 3,226 / (158,878 + (6 x 110,217) BA = 3,226 / (158,878 + 661,302) BA = 3,226 / 820,180 BA = .0039332 The second step in the calculation of gross need for the horizon year is to derive "BB," the estimated bed rate for the population age group 75 and over. This methodology is defined by subparagraph 2c, and calculated in this case as follows: BB = 6 x BA BB = 6 x .0039332 BB = .0235992 The third step in the calculation of gross need for the horizon year is to derive "A," the district's "age-adjusted number of community nursing home beds" at the horizon year. This methodology is defined by subparagraph 2a as follows: A = (POPA x BA) + (POPB x BB) Where: POPA is the population age 65-74 years in the relevant departmental district projected three years into the future. POPB is the population age 75 years and older in the relevant departmental district projected three years into the future. The parties concur that POPA and POPB are, respectively, 165,533 and 128,250 for the horizon year. Accordingly, application of the methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2a produces the following calculation: A = (165,533 x .0039332) + (128,250 x .0235992) A = 651.07439 + 3,026.5974 A = 3,677.67 The final step in the calculation of gross need in the horizon year is to derive "SA," the "preliminary subdistrict allocation of community nursing home beds" (gross bed need in this case. 3/ This calculation is defined by subparagraph 2d as follows: SA = A x (LBD/LB) x (OR/.90) Where: LBD is the number of licensed community nursing home beds in the relevant subdistrict. OR is the average 6 month occupancy rate for all licensed community nursing homes within the subdistrict of the relevant district. Occupancy rates established prior to the first batching cycle shall be based upon nursing home patient days for the months of July 1 through December 31; occupancy rates established prior to the second batching cycle shall be based upon nursing home patient days for the months of January 1 through June 30. The batching cycle in which these applications were filed occurred before the Department amended its rule to include the fixed need pool concept. Accordingly, the parties agree that the six month period on which the average occupancy rate is calculated is not as set forth in subparagraph 2d, but, rather is defined by former rule 10-5.11(21)(b)4 as follows: OR is the average occupancy rate for all licensed community nursing homes within the subdistrict of the relevant district. Review of applications submitted for the July batching cycle shall be based upon occupancy data for the months of October through March preceding that cycle... In Broward County (District X) LB and LBD are the same since the county has not been divided into subdistricts. Application of the foregoing methodology to the facts of this case produces a gross need in July 1989 of 3,453 beds, computed as follows: 4/ SA = 3,677.67 x (3226/3226) x (.845/.9) SA = 3,677.67 x 1 x .938888 SA = 3452.92 The net need calculation The final step in the numeric need methodology is to derive net reed from gross need. According to subparagraph 2i, this need is calculated as follows: The net bed need allocation for a subdistrict, which is the number of beds available for certificate of need approval, is determined by subtracting the total number of licensed and 90 percent of the approved beds within the relevant departmental sub- district from the bed allocation determined under subparagraphs 2.a. through f. Notably, former rule 10-5.11(21)(b)9 comports with the new rule in all material respects. While the rule requires that net need be calculated by subtracting "the total number of licensed and 90 percent of the approved beds" in the subdistrict from the gross need previously calculated, it is silent as to the date that inventory should be calculated. The Department asserts, through application of "policy," that the number of licensed beds should be calculated as of June 1, 1986 (the date established by former rule 10-5.11(21)(b)7 for calculating LB and LBD), and the number of approved beds as of December 1, 1986 (the date the Department's supervisory consultant signed the state agency action report). Forum would likewise calculate licensed beds as of June 1, 1986, but would also calculate approved beds as of that date. The Department offered no proof to expose and elucidate its policy choice. As discussed below, the dates used by the Department and Forum for purposes of calculating net need were facially unreasonable. 5/ The inventory of licensed and approved beds under subparagraph 2i, as well as former rule 10-5.11(21)(b)9, are inextricably linked. As approved beds are licensed, the approved bed inventory decreases and the licensed bed inventory increases. The Department's policy choice concerning the dates at which licensed and approved beds are to be counted is neither logical nor rational since it could result in some nursing home beds not being counted as either licensed or approved. For example, if beds were approved and not yet licensed in June 1, 1986, but licensed before the supervisory consultant signed the state agency action report (SAAR), they would not be counted in either inventory. Since the purpose of subparagraph 2i is to calculate a realistic estimate of the net bed need for the horizon year, it is appropriate to use the most current inventory of licensed and approved beds at the point a decision is rendered on an application. This assures, to the greatest extent possible, that the horizon population will not be over or underserved. In those circumstances where the SAAR becomes final agency action, the Department's approach of calculating inventory on the date the supervisory consultant signs the SAAR, assuming that inventory includes licensed and approved beds on that date, might be reasonable. However, where, as here, the SAAR constitutes only preliminary agency action, and a de novo review of the application is undertaken, there is no rational basis for subsuming that inventory. The rule methodology considered, the only rational conclusion is that net need be derived on the date of de novo review, and that it be calculated by reducing the gross need calculation by the inventory of licensed and approved beds, from previous batching cycles, existent on that date. As of the date of administrative hearing, there were 3,226 licensed beds and 695 approved beds in the district/subdistrict. Applying the methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2i to the facts of this case calculates a surplus of 399 community nursing home beds in the district for the June 1989 planning horizon. Consistency with State and local health plans The parties have stipulated that both proposals are consistent with the State and local health plans except for Forum's facial failure to comply with the local health plan priority relating to the construction of freestanding facilities with a minimum capacity of 120 beds. Pertinent to this issue, the local health plan provides: In addition to controlling capacity in order to discourage the construction of unneeded beds, the certificate of need program addresses cost containment by encouraging efficiencies in operation as a criteria to certificate of need approval. A number of operational models have historically proven to be positive influences on efficiency. Licensure laws, for instance, require nursing home staffing patterns to be structured in minimum modules of 30 bed configurations. As a result, the construction of nursing homes with beds totalling numbers not divisible by 30, has the capability of encouraging over staffing. Similarly, experience has shown that freestanding nursing homes constructed at less than 120 beds also are less cost efficient compared to larger facilities. Likewise, since construction and corresponding debt service retirement is greater for freestanding facilities than for new construction on existing facilities, expansion and conversion as an alternative to new construction frequently acts to reduce costs. The basis for the 120-bed minimum size for a "freestanding" facility in the local health plan is to insure efficiency and economy of scale. The 60- bed project proposed by Forum is not "freestanding" but is an integral part of a retirement center which also includes 120 independent living units and a 30-bed adult congregate living facility. Under the circumstances, the economies and efficiencies contemplated by the local health plan will be achieved, and Forum's proposal is consistent with such plan. The local health plan also provides, as a recommendation, that: ... applications for certificates of need to construct additional nursing home beds should be approved so as to support the State policy of 27 beds/1000 population over age 65 in Broward County. Considering the population over age 65 at the applicants' planning horizon, as well as the number of licensed and approved beds in the district, calculates a 14.36 beds/1000 population over age 65 for July 1989. Accordingly, the applicants' proposal is consistent with state and local health plans regarding bed to population ratio. Comparative Review As between the competing applicants, the proof demonstrates that Forum is the superior applicant, and that were the award of a certificate of need appropriate in this case that its application would be the one of choice. Under no circumstance does the proof support an award to Amedex, since it failed to demonstrate the immediate and long-term financial feasibility of its project, failed to demonstrate that it would provide quality care, and failed to demonstrate that it had sufficient resources for project accomplishment and operation. The criteria on balance In evaluating the applications of Amedex and Forum, none of the criteria established by Section 381.705, Florida Statutes (1987), or Rule 10- 5.011(k), Florida Administrative Code, have been overlooked. In the case of Amedex, the lack of need in the district, as well as its failure to demonstrate compliance with relevant criteria as discussed in paragraph 46, demonstrates that, on balance, its application should be denied. In the case of Forum, its application meets all relevant statutory and rule criteria except need. Need is the key criteria in the instant case. Forum's failure to satisfy that criterion by proof of numeric need or special circumstances is dispositive of its application for licensure, and such failure is not outweighed by any other, or combination of any other, criteria.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the applications for certificate of need filed by Amedex and Forum be DENIED. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 25th day of February, 1988. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of February, 1988.

# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000667 Latest Update: Jan. 07, 1988

Findings Of Fact On or about July 15, 1986, Petitioner filed an application with Respondent to construct a 60 bed community nursing home with a 45 bed adult congregate living facility (ACLF) in Highlands County, Florida. This application was identified as CON 4700. After preliminary review, Respondent denied this application on or about December 23, 1986, and Petitioner timely filed its petition for formal administrative hearing. Highlands County is in Respondent's Service District VI, Subdistrict IV. The parties stipulated that there was a net bed need in the July, 1989 planning horizon for Highlands County of an additional 28 community nursing home beds, based upon the bed need calculation set forth in Rule 10-5.011(1)(k), Florida Administrative Code. It was further stipulated by the parties that Petitioner's original application met all statutory and rule criteria for the issuance of a CON, but for the issue of need. Since the parties did stipulate to a need for 28 community nursing home beds, Petitioner sought, at hearing, to offer evidence in support of only an "identifiable portion" of its original application. Thus, Petitioner offered no evidence in support of the application it filed with Respondent, and which was preliminarily denied on December 23, 1986. Rather, Petitioner sought consideration and approval of either 28 nursing home beds with 32 ACLF beds, or 30 nursing home beds with 30 ACLF beds. Since the stipulation of the parties could not cover the financial feasibility of either alternative because they were presented for the first time at hearing, Petitioner offered evidence to establish the financial feasibility of these alternatives. Based upon the testimony of Herbert E. Straughn, it is found that Respondent does not normally approve nursing home CON applications for less than 60 nursing home beds. However, Respondent has approved a CON application for 30 nursing home beds in association with 30 ACLF beds or some other similar service when the need for 30 nursing home beds was shown to exist. Respondent has also approved a CON for less than 30 nursing home beds in connection with an existing 60 bed facility when the stipulated need did not reach 30. In this case, Petitioner's original application was for 60 community nursing home and 45 ACLF beds, and it was at hearing that Petitioner sought to down-size its application to meet the stipulated need of 28 nursing home beds. There are no accessibility problems with regard to special programs or services, or any other problems of accessibility, in District VI, Subdistrict IV. Petitioner's request for partial consideration and approval of its application, which was presented at hearing, would not introduce any new services or construction not originally contemplated in its application, although the size of the project and number of beds sought would be reduced. In its original application, Petitioner proposed a nursing home with two 30-bed units, and now seeks approval for only one 28 or 30-bed unit. From a health planning standpoint, nursing home bed units usually occur in multiples of 60 due to staffing and equipment considerations. No evidence was offered to show why the Respondent should deviate from its usual practice in this case, other than the fact that a need for only 28 beds exists. At hearing, Petitioner introduced revised pro formas for 28 and 30 nursing home beds, associated with 32 and 30 ACLF beds, respectively. These revised pro formas were based on the same ratios of patients by payor class as in the original pro forma. The equity to loan ratios in the revised pro formas to finance the project remained the same as in the original application. The revised pro formas combine revenue and expenses for nursing home and ACLF beds. However, if revenue and expenses for nursing home beds is segregated from ACLF beds, it is found that a 30 bed nursing home facility would not be financially feasible in either 1989 or 1990, and a 28 bed nursing home facility would be even less financially feasible than a 30 bed facility. When revenues and expenses for the ACLF component of the project are considered along with nursing home bed income and expenses, the project shows only a marginal profit in the second year of operation with the 30 nursing home bed-30 ACLF bed alternative. It is barely break-even in the second year under the 28 nursing home bed-32 ACLF bed alternative. Thus, under either alternative, the project is not financially feasible in 1989, and the nursing home component of this project, standing alone under either alternative presented at hearing, is not financially feasible in either 1989 or 1990. The 30 nursing home bed-30 ACLF bed alternative is more financially feasible than the 28-32 alternative since the 28-32 alternative is barely break even in the second year of operation. Specifically, under the 28-32 alternative, pretax income of less than $9000 is projected in the second year of operation with total revenues of approximately $1.321 million and total expenses of approximately $1.312 million.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that Respondent enter a Final Order denying Petitioner's application for CON 4700. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of January, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of January, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-0667 Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: Adopted in Findings of Fact 1, 2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 6. Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 6, 9. 8-10 Adopted in Finding of Fact 10. Rejected as simply a statement of position and not a proposed finding of fact. Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. 13-16 Rejected as conclusions of law and not proposed findings of fact; this legal argument has been considered in the preparation of conclusions of law contained in this Recommended Order. Adopted in part in Findings of Fact 8, 9, 10. However the last sentence in the proposed finding of fact is rejected as unclear. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as not based on competent substantial evidence, although from a health planning viewpoint a 30 nursing home bed unit is more functional and cost effective than a 28; it is also more financially feasible in this case. Adopted in Finding of Fact 11. Adopted and Rejected in part in Findings of Fact 9, 11, and otherwise rejected as unnecessary and cumulative. Rejected as not based on competent substantial evidence, although adopted in part in Findings of Fact 9, 11. Rulings on Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact: 1 Adopted in Findings of Fact 1, 2. 2 Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. 3 Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. 4 Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. 5 Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. 6 Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 6. 7 Adopted in Finding of Fact 11. 8-9 Adopted in Finding of Fact 7. COPIES FURNISHED: Jay Adams, Esquire 215 East Virginia Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Richard A. Patterson, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 John Miller, Acting General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000680 Latest Update: Jun. 08, 1988

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, as well as the stipulations of the parties, the following relevant facts are found: Surrey and Careage each timely filed their letters of intent and applications for Certificates of Need to establish 120-bed nursing homes in Polk County in the July 1986, batching cycle. Pursuant to the nursing home need methodology rule, there is a numeric need for 168 nursing home beds in Polk County in July of 1989. A Stipulation and Settlement Agreement enter into prior to the final hearing resulted in the award of 40 beds to other applicants, thus leaving a numeric need for 128 beds for the planning horizon addressed by the applications at issue in this proceeding. No evidence of numeric need beyond that established by the nursing home need methodology rule was presented by Surrey or Careage. Health Care Associates (HCA) is owned by John A. McCoy and Stanford L. Hoye and was formed in 1977 to develop, design, build and manage skilled nursing facilities and retirement facilities throughout the country. It currently owns, operates or is developing approximately 18 skilled nursing facilities in the State of Florida, including a 120-bed nursing home in Winter Haven, known as Brandywine. All HCA licensed nursing home facilities in Florida hold a "Superior" rating. HCA has a documented history of implementing its Certificates of Need within the statutory time frame. HCA now proposes to establish a second 120-bed skilled nursing home in Winter Haven to be known as Surrey Place of Polk County. The two HCA facilities in Winter Haven will be independent and competing facilities, through there will be a shared utilization of training programs. This proposed facility is to be built in conjunction with a 60-bed personal care facility (an adult congregate living facility) which will share common services, such as administration, laundry and dietary services. The costs related to the personal care facility are not included in Surrey's Certificate of Need application. Surrey has determined that the project will be located on one of two sites in Winter Haven. Both sites are properly zoned, and Surrey already owns one of the sites. The projected total project cost for the proposed Surrey 120-bed skilled nursing home facility is $3,000,000. The costs associated with land acquisition and site development, furniture, fixtures and equipment and architectural fees appear reasonable and are in line with HCA's past experiences in developing nursing homes in Florida. The construction cost for building the facility--$2,146,000 or $48.70 per square foot--is low because HCA owns the company which will construct the facility. Construction will be done at cost and at no separate profit to HCA. The Surrey proposal results in a construction cost per bed figure of $17,883; an equipment cost per bed figure of $2,084; and an operating cost per bed figure of $20,031.75. The total project cost of $3,000,000 results in a cost per bed of $25,000. Surrey proposes to obtain financing for 87% of the total project cost, or $2,600,000, and to provide owner equity for the remaining $400,000. Meritor Savings is ready, willing and able to finance the project and Dr. McCoy and Mr. Hoye, the owners of HCA, have the financial ability to make the equity contribution. Surrey's facility will contain 44,000 gross square feet and will be comprised of 8 private rooms and 56 semiprivate rooms. The schematic drawing contained in the application is now somewhat outmoded compared to how HCA is currently building nursing facilities. In its newer facilities, the patient rooms have vaulted ceilings and bathing units on outside walls with cubical glass which admits more light. HCA's existing nursing home facility in Winter Haven enjoys a good reputation amongst physicians who are on the staff of Winter Haven Hospital and refer patients to that facility. At the proposed facility, Surrey intends to offer a continuum of care by providing independent living units adjacent to the nursing home. In addition to providing skilled and intermediate level nursing services, Surrey intends to offer various programs including physical therapy, speech therapy, hearing and occupational therapy, social services, recreational programs and agreements with other organizations to ensure the highest quality of discharge planning and follow-up services. While not listed in its application, Surrey intends to provide services to Alzheimer patients, though not in a separate and distinct unit. As a part of its social and recreational services, Surrey intends to provide programs such as pet therapy, creative writing, senior olympics and a grandchild program. In addition, Surrey intends to offer adult day Dare and respite care within the confines of the personal care living facility. Surrey does not intend to offer subacute care services at the proposed facility. The total staffing of 72.4 for the proposed Surrey facility includes 5.5 full-time equivalent registered nurses, 5.5 full-time equivalent licensed practical nurses and 34 full-time equivalent nurse's aides. This equates to a ratio of 1 registered nurse per 21.8 patients, 1 licensed practical nurse per 21.8 patients and 1 aide per 3.5 patients. As a means of attracting nursing staff, Surrey offers recruitment seminars at nursing schools and has associated with Polk Community College to aid in training and recruitment. All HCA facilities have accreditation programs for certified nursing assistants (CNAs), and its existing Winter Haven facility is utilized by Polk Community College for the on-site training of CNAs. In order to aid its recruitment efforts, HCA is enhancing its benefit package and also is building child day care centers as an additional benefit for staff members. These centers are also available to visitors to the nursing home. The cost of the child care centers is not included within Surrey's total project cost. HCA's director of quality assurance works with the assistant directors of nurses in each facility to design and promote continuing education programs for the professional nursing staff. HCA has a history of providing services to Medicare and Medicaid patients in its Florida facilities. Surrey proposes to devote 49% of its patient days to Medicaid patients, 15% to Medicare patients, 1% to V.A. patients and 35% to private pay patients. These calculations are based upon HCA's experience in other existing facilities. The elderly poverty rate in Polk County is 16.6%. Upon opening, Surrey proposes the following per diem charges: $53.00 for Medicaid and V.A. patients, $65.00 for Medicare patients, $90.00 for private pay patients in a private room, and $62.00 for private pay patients in a semiprivate room. In answers to interrogatories served in November of 1987, Surrey listed its projected charges as $70.00 for private pay, $76.00 for Medicare and $64.00 for Medicaid patients. The figures used in Surrey's pro forma are based upon the actual experience of HCA in developing similar facilities. The pro forma projections are based upon Surrey's expectation of a 97% occupancy rate at the end of year one and throughout year two. Other than the Administrator's salary being admittedly low, the pro forma projections appear reasonable. Surrey anticipates a net loss in the first year of operation of $349,120 and a net profit in the second year of $121,150. In terms of cash flow, Surrey projects a negative cash flow of $143,440 at the end of its first year and a positive cash flow of $326,770 at the end of its second year of operation. Surrey's proposal is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies contained in the nursing home and long-term care components of the District VI Health Plan and the State Health Plan. Careage Investment, Inc., owned by Gene D. Lynn, has been in existence since May 1, 1962, and has developed and constructed over 250 medical complexes, hospitals, and nursing homes throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Careage currently has four operating nursing homes, with a fifth having recently been opened. These nursing homes include a 59-bed facility in Coupeville, Washington, a 99-bed facility in Tracy, California, a 232-bed facility in Phoenix, Arizona, a 114-bed facility in Oroville, California, and the new facility of 144 beds in Chico, California. Careage proposes a 120-bed skilled nursing home to be located in Lakeland. The facility will include a separate and distinct 21-bed unit for Alzheimer patients and a 10-bed subacute care unit. While Careage does not presently own property for the proposed facility, it has identified several available four-acre sites which have utilities and direct access to public streets. Its $515,000 figure proposed for land acquisition appears reasonable. The total cost of the proposed Careage project is $4,150,000. The cost of constructing the 45,500 gross square foot facility is $2,583,125 and equates to a construction cost per square foot of $56.77 and a construction cost per bed of $21,526. Careage proposes equipment costs of $420,000 or $3,500 per bed. Its operating cost per bed is $23,395. The overall project cost of $4,150,000 equates to a cost of $34,583 per bed. Careage proposes to obtain 100% financing of the total project cost at an interest rate of 10%, with the term of the loan being 30 years. Based upon Mr. Lynn's personal financial statement and Careage's past ability to obtain financing for other nursing home facilities, these expectations appear reasonable. The architect retained by Careage to design the proposed facility in Lakeland received an award from the Contemporary Long Term Care magazine in 1986 for another nursing home designed and constructed in Bakersfield, California. The proposed Lakeland facility will contain 45,500 square feet, which translates into 379 gross square feet per bed. Its patient room arrangements include two isolation rooms, 7 private rooms, 45 semiprivate rooms and a 21-bed special Alzheimer unit with 10 semiprivate rooms and one private room. The facility will be a one-story building, with aquariums visible from the reception area and the dining room. The design includes a beauty and barber shop, a chapel, a gift shop, recreation areas, a private dining room area and outside courtyards. Each patient room will have a bathroom with a sink, as well as a sink in the outer room in semiprivate rooms. Also, in semiprivate rooms, the beds will be placed on opposite head walls to allow each resident to have a view of the window when the other pulls the curtain. Each room will have its own temperature control. The facility will also have occupational and physical therapy rooms. In order to afford more patient privacy, the service areas are located away from the ancillary spaces. Careage's quality assurance program will include a utilization review committee, a safety committee, an infection control committee, a pharmaceutical committee, a resident advisory council, a community advisory council and employee advisory groups. A corporate representative visits all Careage nursing homes on an interim basis to review the day-to-day operations, facility maintenance and physical environment. As noted, Careage proposes to offer a 10-bed subacute care unit. This unit will provide services for the care of technology dependent children, many of whom are recovering from automobile accidents, severe illness, neuromuscular disease or congenital disorders. The subacute unit will also offer such services as hyperalimintation, IV infusion, morphine drip, use of Hickman catheters and other services traditionally performed in the acute care hospital setting. Alzheimer Disease is a fatal illness evidenced by a progressive deterioration of mental, motor, cognitive, physical, social and psychological processes. The problems suffered by Alzheimer patients include nutritional problems, communication problems, disorientation, loss of memory, problems with elimination and basic personal care, agitation, catastrophic reactions, wandering and problems with safety. The Careage approach in offering a separate and distinct Alzheimer unit is to provide behavioral and environmental care. When more skilled nursing care is required than behavioral or environmental care, the Alzheimer patient is then moved to another skilled bed. The separate Alzheimer unit will utilize a specially trained staff and a team approach to any required changes in treatment. The separate 21-bed unit will provide security and will have its own dining room and recreation area. The decor will be designed to promote less agitation. Careage will provide a separate outdoor exercise courtyard for its Alzheimer patients along with various activity programs, such as short reminiscent programs and music therapy. Careage will also offer family and community education programs regarding the needs and care of Alzheimer patients, and encourages the use of volunteers to help adapt the Alzheimer residents to daily living as much as possible. The advantages of providing a separate and distinct Alzheimer unit include the safety features, the ability to utilize a trained staff and a team approach to patients who may have a wide variety of symptoms, less disruption to other residents in the nursing home, and the provision of a more appropriate decor and specialized programs for the Alzheimer patient. Careage proposes to offer respite care services on a space-available basis. Adult day care services will also be offered in a separate entity adjoining the nursing home facility, but the cost associated with that is not a part of Careage's application for a Certificate of Need. Careage proposes to staff the Lakeland facility with 96 full-time equivalent positions. These include 11.9 registered nurses, 7.4 licensed practical nurses and 42.1 certified nurses aides, which equates to a ratio of 1 registered nurse per 10.1 patients, 1 licensed practical nurse per 16.2 patients, and 1 aide per 2.9 patients. Careage intends to offer three hours of nursing care per patient day for the Alzheimer's and skilled areas, and at least six hours per patient day for the subacute and Medicare-certified residents. The staffing proposed meets and exceeds the requirements of Florida regulations. In recruiting staff for its new facilities, Careage advertises in advance of opening in newspapers and periodicals and contacts are made with nursing schools. It offers a liberal fringe benefit package, competitive salaries, in-service training, continuing education assistance and child day care services in adjoining portions of the nursing home. Careage also attempts to use the elderly both as volunteers and staff members. It intends to utilize its facility as a clinical site for schools of nursing, schools of dentistry and other programs within the medical community. Gene D. Lynn, the owner of Careage, has endowed a program in rural nursing at Seattle University. In its first and second years of operation, Careage proposes a payor mix of 40% Medicaid, 4% Medicare, 6% subacute, 3% VA and 47% private pay. Its philosophy with regard to care for medically underserved groups is to serve all populations, regardless of age, sex, religion, national origin or payor status. The payor mix anticipated by Careage is consistent with that being experienced in other facilities in Polk County. The patient charges proposed by Careage are based upon the experience of other providers within Polk County and Careage's own experience in its other facilities. Careage proposes a Medicaid per diem charge of $57.50, a Medicare all inclusive charge of $105.00, a private and VA per diem charge of $60.00 and a subacute charge of $125.00. The assumptions contained in the Careage financial pro forma are based partly upon the experience of existing nursing homes in Polk County and the experience of Careage in other facilities, and appear reasonable. At the end of its first-year of operation, Careage projects a net loss of $161,994.20. A net income of $127,936.61 is projected for the end of the second year of operation. The Careage proposal conforms with the goals and priorities of the District VI Health Plan's nursing home component as well as the goals and objectives of the Florida State Health Plan. Overall occupancy rates in existing nursing homes in Polk County exceed 90 percent. More than half of the Polk County nursing homes currently have waiting lists for admission. In February of 1985, Winter Haven Hospital opened 100 beds that are classified as subacute beds and are reimbursed as skilled nursing beds. For calendar year 1987, the average occupancy rate of the Winter Haven Hospital subacute unit was 65 or 66%. As of the date of the hearing, the census was 78. Higher utilization throughout the Hospital is typically experienced in the first quarter of the calendar year. While the Administrator of Winter Haven Hospital did not feel there was a need for more subacute beds in Polk County, he also felt that the Careage proposal for 10 subacute beds would have a minimal effect upon Winter Haven Hospital. According to a telephone survey, no nursing homes in Polk County currently accept ventilator dependent patients, pediatric or neonatal patients or technology dependent children. It is estimated that between 3 and 22 technology dependent children will need services in Polk County in 1989. Only five nursing homes in Polk County accept patients on IV therapy. Only one nursing home facility in Polk County has a separate and distinct unit for Alzheimer residents. It is estimated that 1,660 persons with Alzheimer Disease will require nursing home services by the year 1989. When conducting its initial review of the competing applications for nursing home beds in Polk County, as well as other counties, HRS staff attempted to compare the applicants by utilizing a "matrix" which compiled the data and information presented in the respective applications. The information initially displayed revealed numerous errors and omissions. The matrix was then revised and information was again compiled to make it an accurate tool for comparative purposes. With few exceptions, all of the data elements in the matrix are items included in the application forms. After balancing the various items, such as facility size, proposed programs, project and construction costs, per diem charges, payor mix, and levels of staffing, HRS initially determined that Careage was the superior applicant. At the final hearing, additional errors were discovered in the display of information contained in the matrix. The errors were corrected and did not change the opinion of HRS's health planning expert that Careage was the superior applicant.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of Surrey to establish a 120-bed nursing home in Polk County be DENIED, and that the application of Careage be GRANTED, conditioned upon the inclusion of a 21-bed separate Alzheimer unit, a 10-bed subacute care unit and the provision of at least 40 percent of patient days to Medicaid patients. Respectfully submitted and entered this 6th day of June, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of June 1988. APPENDIX (Case NO. 87-0680) The parties' proposed findings of fact have been fully considered and are accepted and/or incorporated in this Recommended Order, with the following exceptions: SURREY 9. Last two sentences rejected. The first is irrelevant and immaterial to the project under review. The last is refuted by the greater weight of the evidence. 17-19. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 23. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 28. Rejected as argumentative and not a proper factual finding. 29,30. Rejected as not being supported by competent, substantial evidence. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Last sentence rejected as unsupported by competent, substantial evidence. 57. Rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. First sentence rejected as hearsay and conclusiory. Rejected as to "methods of construction," as not supported by competent, substantial evidence. CAREAGE 2. Factually accepted, but not included as irrelevant. 15. Accepted with reservation. It is unclear from the evidence as to whether adult day care is a part of the nursing home project. Partially rejected insofar as it is argumentative and a mere recitation of testimony. Last sentence rejected as unsupported by the evidence. HRS 11. Rejected. Since Surrey does not intend to use the plans submitted in the application; the net living space cannot be determined. Accepted only if the words "on paper" are added to the end of the sentence. First sentence accepted if "on paper" added. 24. Accepted but not included, as there was no way to make a similar comparison with the Surrey facility. 41. Rejected as legal argument as opposed to factual finding. 42,43. Rejected as irrelevant and immaterial to the issues in dispute. COPIES FURNISHED: Reynold Meyer F. Phillip Blank, P.A. 204-B South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Edgar Lee Elzie, Jr. MacFarlane, Ferguson, Allison & Kelly Post Office Box 82 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Robert S. Cohen Haben & Culpepper, P.A. Post Office Box 10095 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-000404 Latest Update: Oct. 30, 1984

Findings Of Fact Based on the stipulations of the parties, on the testimony of the witnesses, and on the exhibits received in evidence, I make the following findings of fact. By application dated April 15, 1983, Beverly Enterprises-Florida, Inc., (hereinafter "Beverly" or "Petitioner") applied to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for the issuance of a certificate of need for the construction of a new 120-bed nursing home in Marco Island, Collier County, Florida. The application was deemed by HRS to be complete effective September 15, 1983. (Pet. Ex. 1) By letter dated December 5, 1983, HRS advised Beverly that its application was denied. (Pet. Ex. 2) The letter included the following reasons for denial: The proposed project is not consistent with Chapter 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code, nursing home bed need methodology. With a six month occupancy of 58.2 percent in the subdistrict of Collier County, the utilization threshold of 90 percent developed from the application of Chapter 10-5.11(e), (f), and (h), Florida Administrative Code, is not satisfied and no further bed need is demonstrated for this subdistrict. There are 97 approved but unlicensed beds in the subdistrict which, when added to the existing licensed bed supply, should effectively maintain the county-wide occupancy at a reasonable level through 1986. Further explication was contained in the State Agency Action Report which accompanied the HRS letter of December 5, 1983. Florida Administrative Code Rule 10-5.11(21)(a), adopted by HRS, reads as follows: Departmental Goal. The Department will consider applications for community nursing home beds in context with the applicable statutory and rule criteria. The Department will not normally approve applications for new or additional community nursing home beds in any departmental service district if approval of an application would cause the number of community nursing home beds in that departmental service district to exceed the number of community nursing home beds calculated by the methodology described in subsections (21)(b), (c), (a), (f), (g), and (h) of this rule. (Pet. Ex. 3) A step-by-step application of the methodology described in Rule 10- 5.11(21)(b) through (h) to the facts in this case is as follows. Under the formula, bed need is determined by first looking at the poverty level in District VIII and in Collier County (Pet. Ex. 5, Tr.252). The poverty level is computed by comparing the number of elderly living in poverty in the district, which is 8.61, to the number of elderly living in poverty in the State, which is 12.70, resulting in a poverty ratio of .68 (Tr.252). The bed need ratio is computed by multiplying the poverty ratio of .68 times 27 beds per thousand population 65 or older, which results in a bed need ratio of 18.3 beds per thousand residents 65 years or older (Tr.252). When the bed need ratio is applied to the 65 and over population in District VIII, the total bed need is 3,858. The bed need for the subdistrict of Collier County is 514 beds (Tr.252). The number of licensed and approved beds in the district is 4,618 and the number of licensed and approved beds in the subdistrict is 429 (Tr.252). When the need for beds is subtracted from the total number of licensed and approved beds, there is a surplus of 760 beds in District VIII, but a need for 85 beds in the subdistrict of Collier County (Tr.253). When a need for beds exists in the subdistrict but not the district as a whole, subsection (g) of the rule allows new beds to be added only if existing beds are being utilized at a 90 percent or greater occupancy rate (Pet. Ex. 5, Tr.253-255). The current utilization rate for nursing home beds in Collier County is 61.1 percent (Pet. Ex. 7, Tr.255). Since the current utilization rate is less than 90 percent, no additional beds are needed in Collier County (Tr.256). Approval of the Beverly application to construct a 120-bed nursing home in Marco Island would, in the words of the applicable rule, "cause the number of community nursing home beds in that departmental service district to exceed the number of community nursing home beds calculated by the methodology described in subsections (21)(b), (c), (d), (e), and (h) . . . " of Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code. (Pet. Ex. 2, 5, 6, and 7; testimony of expert witnesses Mr. Knight and Ms. Dudek.) HRS is presently considering the adoption of amendments to the nursing home need methodology provisions presently found in Florida Administrative Code Rule 10-5.11 (21)(b) through (h). If the present form of the tentative amendments to Rule 10-5.11(21)(b) through (h) were to be adopted and become effective soon enough to be applicable to Beverly's application in this case the result would be the same as under the current rule. Approval of Beverly's application would cause the number of community nursing home beds in HRS District VIII to exceed the number of community nursing home beds calculated by the methodology of both the existing rule and the tentative amendments to the rule. (Testimony of expert witness Knight.) Florida Administrative Code Rule 10-17.020(2)(b), adopted by HRS, reads as follows: (2) Policies and Priorities. In addition to the statewide criteria against which applications are evaluated, applications from District 8 will be evaluated against the following local criteria: a. * * * b. Nursing home services should be available within at least one hour typical travel time by automobile for at least 95 percent of all residents of District 8. (Pet. Ex. 3) HRS District VIII consists of seven counties. The current population estimate of these seven counties is 679,019. According to the most recent census information, the permanent population of Marco Island is 8,605. Four community nursing homes are located in Naples, which is also in Collier County. Typical travel time by automobile from the center of Marco Island to the center of Naples is approximately 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the season of the year. (Tr.59-60, 83, 118, and 151) In arriving at the current utilization rates for purposes of applying the need determination methodology, HRS relied on the latest available quarterly nursing home census reports. (Pet. Ex. 7; Tr.255-256) In compiling the Collier County average occupancy rate for purposes of applying the need determination methodology, HRS counted as existing beds all of the licensed beds of all of the community nursing homes in Collier County, which included 114 beds licensed for Gulf Drive Residence, Inc., and 120 beds for Americana Healthcare Center. (Pet. Fx. 2)

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services enter a final order in this case DENYING the application of Beverly Enterprises-Florida, Inc., for a certificate of need to construct a new community nursing home in Marco Island, Collier County, Florida. DONE and ORDERED this 20th day of September, 1984 in Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of September, 1984.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001892 Latest Update: May 24, 1984

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Health Quest Realty XII, filed an application with respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS), in November, 1982 seeking a certificate of need authorizing the construction of a 120-bed nursing home facility in Broward County, Florida. The original estimated cost of the project was $3,108,000; however, due to the passage of time since the original filing, petitioner now anticipates the cost to be $4,488,000. The proposal will be financially guaranteed by Health Quest Corporation, a corporation with principal offices in South Bend, Indiana. After reviewing the application, HRS issued its proposed agency action advising petitioner that it intended to deny the application. The proposed agency action was not introduced into evidence, but based on the stipulation of the parties, the denial was apparently predicated upon the lack of need for any additional beds in Broward County, Florida. The determination of need for nursing home beds is made pursuant to Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code. Under the formula contained in that rule, only 101 additional nursing home beds were needed in Broward County, Florida, at the time of final hearing. However, HRS recently granted this allocation of beds to Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America in DOAH Case No. 83-882, Final Order entered on April 4, 1984. Accordingly, no need for any additional beds exists at the present time under the rule. Petitioner principally contended that non-rule factors must be considered in evaluating its application because Broward County is not "normal" within the meaning of the rule. In this regard, it offered evidence to show that Broward County has the fewest beds per capita of the eleven service districts in the state, that the county has a relatively low use of nursing home services by its indigent population, and that the county has a greater number of Medicaid patients per 1,000 indigent elderly than other counties. From this, it concluded that Broward County is abnormal to the extent that more nursing home services must be made available to the elderly indigent. However, these factors are incorporated within the rule and accordingly taken into account when determining need.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of Health Quest Realty XII for a certificate of need to construct a 120-bed nursing home facility in Broward County, Florida, be DENIED. DONE and ENTERED this 17th day of April, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of April, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Charles M. Loeser, Esquire 315 West Jefferson Boulevard South Bend, Indiana 46601 Jay Adams, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Building One, Room 407 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 David H. Pingree, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Alicia Jacobs, Esquire General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES HEALTH QUEST REALTY XII, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 83-1892 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, Respondent. /

Florida Laws (2) 120.5790.202
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002374 Latest Update: Dec. 15, 1983

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, as well as the stipulation of facts "entered into by all parties, the following relevant facts are found: Along with six other applicants, the petitioner, Health Quest Corporation, d/b/a Lake Pointe Woods Health Center, and the respondent, Quality Health Facilities, Inc., d/b/a Sarasota Health Care Center, submitted applications for a Certificate of Need to construct and operate new nursing homes in Sarasota County, In June of 1982, the respondent Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) determined to issue the application of Sarasota Health Care Center and deny the remaining seven applications. For the purposes of this proceeding, the parties have stipulated that there is a need for at least a 120-bed skilled and intermediate care nursing home in the Sarasota, Florida area. In November, 1982, respondent HRS adopted Rule 10- 5.11(21) , Florida Administrative Code, which provides a formula methodology for determining the number of nursing home beds needed in areas throughout the State. Briefly summarizing, this formula begins with a bed to population ratio of 27 per thousand population age 65 and over, and then modifies that ratio by applying a poverty ratio calculated for each district. The theoretical bed need ratio established for Sarasota County by this portion of the Rule's formula is 23.2 nursing home beds per thousand elderly population projected three years into the future. The population figures to be utilized in the formula are the latest mid-range projections published by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) at the University of Florida. After determining the theoretical need for nursing home beds in an area, the Rule purports to determine the actual demand for beds by determining the current utilization of licensed community nursing home beds, establishing a current utilization threshold and, if this is satisfied, applying a prospective utilization test too determine the number of beds at any given time. Applying the formula methodology set forth in Rule 10- 5.11(21) to Sarasota County results in a finding that there are currently 807 excess nursing home beds in that County. The need for sheltered nursing home beds within a life care facility are considered separately in Rule 10-5.11(22), Florida Administrative Code. Generally speaking, need is determined on the basis of one nursing home bed for every four residential units in the life care facility. Elderly persons 75 years of age and older utilize nursing homes to a greater extent than those persons between the ages of 65 and 74. Persons under the age of 65, particularly handicapped individuals, also utilize nursing home beds. The formula set forth in Rule 10-5.11(21) does not consider those individuals under the age of 65, and it does not provide a weighted factor for the age 75 and over population. In the past, the BEBR mid-range population projections for Sarasota County, compared with the actual census reached, have been low. Petitioner Health Quest, an Indiana corporation, currently owns and/or operates some 2,400 existing nursing home beds in approximately 13 facilities in Indiana. It holds several Certificates of Need for nursing homes in Florida and construction is under way. Petitioner owns 53 acres of land on the South Tamiami Trail in Sarasota, upon which it is constructing a 474-unit retirement center. It seeks to construct on six of the 53 acres a 120-bed nursing home adjacent to the retirement center. Of the 120 beds, it is proposed that 60 will be for intermediate care and 60 will be for skilled care. The facility will offer ancillary services in the areas of speech, hearing, physical, occupational, and recreational therapy. Thirty-five intermediate care beds would be classified as beds to be used for Medicaid recipients and the facility would be Medicare certified. Retirement center residents will have priority over nursing home beds. The total capital expenditure for the petitioner's proposed nursing home project was estimated in its application to be $3.1 million, with a cost per square foot of $46.29 and a cost per bed of approximately $26,000,00. As of the date of the hearing, the estimated capital expenditure for the petitioner's project as $3.9 million. The respondent Quality Health Facilities, Inc., d/b/a Sarasota Health Care Center (QHF), is a Mississippi corporation and owns nursing homes in Tennessee, North Carolina and Haines City, Florida, the latter site having been opened in August of 1983. It also holds three other outstanding Certificates of Need. QHF proposes to construct a 120-bed nursing home containing intermediate and skilled care beds which will be equally available to all members of the community. It is anticipated that it will have approximately 65 percent Medicaid usage and 5 percent Medicare usage. Though it has not yet selected its site, QHF plans to utilize a four-acre site near the City of Venice in Sarasota County. At the time of the application, the total capital expenditure for QHF's proposed project was estimated to be $2.3 million. Its construction costs were estimated at $1.16 million or $33.14 per square foot. QHF's recently constructed Haines City nursing home facility was completed at a construction cost of $1.22 million, or $31.00, per square foot. The Sarasota County facility will utilize the same basic design as the Haines City facility. At the current time, the cost of construction would be increased by an inflation factor of about ten percent. As of the date of the hearing, the projected capital expenditure for QHF's Sarasota County proposed facility was approximately $2.6 million or about $21,000.00 per bed. The owners of QHF are willing and able to supply the necessary working capital to make the proposed nursing home a viable operation. As depicted by the projected interest and depreciation expenses, the QHF facility will have lower operating expenses than the facility proposed by petitioner, Health Quest. In Sarasota County, there is a direct correlation between high Medicaid utilization and high facility occupancy. The long term financial feasibility of a 120-bed nursing home in Sarasota County is undisputed, as is the availability, quality of care, efficiency, appropriateness, accessibility, extent of utilization and adequacy of like and existing services in the health service area.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of Health Quest Corporation d/b/a Lake Pointe Woods Health Care, Inc. for a Certificate of Need to construct a 120-bed nursing home in Sarasota County be DENIED. It is further RECOMMENDED that the application of Quality Health Facilities Inc. d/b/a Sarasota Health Care Center for a Certificate of Need to construct a 120-bed nursing home facility in Sarasota County be GRANTED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 31st Day of October, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of October, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: John M. Laird, Esquire 315 West Jefferson Blvd. South Bend, Indiana 46601 John T. C. Low, Esquire Paul L. Gunn, Esquire Low & McMullan 1530 Capital Towers Post Office Box 22966 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 James M. Barclay, Esquire Assistant General Counsel 1317 Winewood Blvd. Suite 256 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 David Pingree, Secretary Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.56
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-002243 Latest Update: Jun. 20, 1978

Findings Of Fact Petitioner proposes to construct a 90 bed long term skilled facility near a hospital complex on University Boulevard in Jacksonville, and to offer beds to medicare patients immediately upon opening the facility Only one of the four existing nursing homes on the east side of the St. Johns River in Jacksonville has medicare certification. The existing nursing home in Jacksonville with the greatest number of vacant beds does not yet have medicare certification. Petitioner submitted its application for certificate of need on July 1, 1977. Between July 1, 1970, and July 1, 1977, overall occupancy of available nursing home beds in Jacksonville was between 95 and 97 percent. In April of 1977, Riverside Nursing Home had made 58 new beds available, 95 percent of which were occupied within two and a half months, in August of 1977, Riverside Nursing Home made an additional 58 now beds available. The following month 94.4 percent of the beds at Riverside Nursing Home were occupied. On September 19, 1977, a new 180-bed nursing home, Turtle Creek, opened its doors. At the time of the hearing, 82 of Turtle Creek's beds were occupied, although Turtle Creek, which is located on the northern periphery of Jacksonville, had not received medicare certification. Notwithstanding the filling of these new beds, the number of patients in other Jacksonville nursing homes did not decline appreciably. At the time of the hearing, 90.3 percent of all nursing home beds in Jacksonville were occupied, and all authorized beds were available for occupancy. It takes approximately 22 months after the start of construction to make a nursing home like petitioner proposes to build ready for occupancy. Stays in hospital beds are three or four times more expensive than stays in nursing home beds. At the time of the hearing, some medicare patients were staying in hospitals up to a week and a half after their physicians had authorized their discharge to a nursing home, because beds in medicare certified nursing homes were unavailable. This situation should be ameliorated, at least temporarily, if Turtle Creek obtains medicare certification before its beds are filled by non-medicare patients. On the other hand, social workers employed by Memorial Hospital and Riverside Hospital testified to recently increased numbers of persons requiring placement in nursing homes, upon discharge from their respective hospitals. In the four to six months next preceding the hearing, the number of persons requiring nursing home care when discharged by Memorial Hospital doubled. At the time of the hearing, persons otherwise ready to be discharged from hospitals remained hospitalized for lack of available beds in medicare certified nursing homes. Proximity of nursing homes to their residents' families and friends facilitates visiting, which has a beneficial effect on the health of persons confined to nursing homes. The southeast section of Jacksonville, in which petitioner proposes to construct a nursing home, has a large and growing population. Turtle Creek, which has the biggest block of vacant nursing home beds in Jacksonville, is 15 miles north of petitioner's proposed site. Relevant portions of the 1977 State Medical Facilities Plan (the Plan) were received in evidence as petitioner's exhibit No. 6. The Plan utilizes projected population increases in Duval County in projecting how many nursing home beds will be necessary in order to accommodate everybody who will need one, at a 90 percent occupancy rate. On this basis, a projected need by 1982, of 1,845 nursing home beds for Duval County was incorporated into the Plan. After adoption of the Plan, but before August 10, 1977, the 1,845 figure was changed to 1,921 at the instance of Lloyd Bulme end Ronald Fehr Floyd, employees 01 the Health Systems Agency of Northeast Florida Area 3, Inc. (HSA). At the time of the hearing, 1,912 or 1,914 nursing home beds, all that had been authorized, were available for occupancy in Duval County. While embodying projections as to how many nursing home beds would be needed in the future so as to assure a 90 percent occupancy rate, the Plan provides for the possibility of error in these projections. Specifically, the Plan allows for the consideration of "extenuating and mitigating circumstances," including "availability": Availability In those instances whereby a capital expenditure/certificate of need proposal is made for a new or expanded facility and whereby it can be demonstrated and documented by the applicant and verified by the HSA and/or OCMF that: similar facilities in the documented service area have been utilized at an optimum rate (85 percent occupancy for acute general hospitals and 90 percent occupancy for nursing homes) for the previous 12 month period; and, there exists a current, unduplicated waiting list within the documented service area for the services to be offered by the new or expanded facility; these factors will be considered in making a determination on the capital expenditure/ certificate of need proposal. Petitioner's exhibit No. 6. In applying the Plan's 90 percent optimum rate formula, the Office of Community Medical Facilities "would certainly consider the open beds, the occupancy during the preceding twelve months of the open, available for use beds, tempered certainly by beds which have been approved but are not yet available." (T1231) Fifty-nine of the nursing home beds in Jacksonville require "[m]odernization," according to the Plan. Petitioner's application for a certificate of need was initially reviewed by a committee" of the HSA. On August 25, 1977, the Health Needs and Priorities Committee voted to recommend approval of petitioner's application, on condition that Jacksonville's nursing homes' occupancy rate not fall below 90 percent for four months once all the authorized nursing home beds became available for occupancy. This consideration was consistent with the local Health Systems Plan's requirement of 90 percent or better occupancy, calculated the basis of all authorized beds, for four months preceding the grant of a certificate of need for additional nursing home beds. Before the Executive Committee of the HSA acted on the Recommendation of the HSA's Health Needs and Priorities Committee, HSA staff were advised by the Office of Community Medical Facilities in Tallahassee that "December 19, 1977 . . . . [was] the latest possible time for a decision Petitioner's exhibit No. 17. Inasmuch as Turtle Creek began operation on September 19, 1977, only three months before "the latest possible time for a decision," there was not to be a four months' trial with all authorized beds available, before HSA's Executive Committee passed on petitioner's application. Instead, HSA staff calculated the occupancy rate by adding all existing nursing home beds in Jacksonville, and all other authorized nursing home beds expected to become available in Jacksonville, and dividing the sum into the number of occupied nursing home beds in Jacksonville less the number of occupied beds in Regency House Center (because the HSA staff did not have Regency House Center "patient data." Petitioner's exhibit No. 6.) This calculation yielded an occupancy rate of 84.4 percent for the four months preceding the date on which petitioner filed its application. Because 84.4 percent was less than 90 percent called for by the Health Systems Plan, the HSA's Executive Committee disapproved petitioner's application. Subsequently, the Office of Community Medical Facilities also acted unfavorably on petitioner's application, for reasons which the evidence adduced at the hearing did not make entirely clear. The foregoing findings of fact should be road in conjunction with the statement required by Stuckey's of Eastmam, Georgia v. Department of Transportation, 340 So.2d 119 (Fla 1st DCA 1976) , which is attached as an appendix to the recommended order.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That respondent grant petitioner's application for certificate of need. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of March, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 77-2243 Paragraphs one, two, five, six, seven, nine, ten, eleven, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen of petitioner's proposed findings of fact accurately report the evidence adduced at the hearing and have been adopted, in substance, insofar as relevant. Paragraphs three and four and most of paragraph nineteen of petitioner's proposed findings of fact are actually proposed conclusions of law. Paragraph eight of petitioner's proposed findings of fact overstates slightly the number of existing nursing home beds in Jacksonville. The discrepancy between the Health Systems Plan and the State Medical Facilities Plan was 146 beds for the entire area. Paragraph twelve of petitioner's proposed findings or fact has been largely rejected. The evidence did not establish that all 35 beds at Regency House Center were probably full. The charges to the state plan were apparently called to the attention of federal bureaucrats in Atlanta. (T254) Paragraph fifteen of petitioner's proposed findings of fact overstates slightly the number of existing nursing home beds in Jacksonville; end is otherwise supported only by the speculative testimony of one witness. COPIES FURNISHED: Kenneth F. Hoffman, Esq. Rogers, Towers, Dailey, Jones & Gay Post Office Box 1872 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Robert M. Eisenberg, Esquire 5920 Arlington Expressway Post Office Box 2417 F Jacksonville, Florida 32231

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000670 Latest Update: Jun. 30, 1988

Findings Of Fact The controversy Forum Group, Inc. (Forum Group), Hillsborough Healthcare, Ltd. (Hillsborough Healthcare), Health Quest Corporation (Health Quest), and Careage House Healthcare Center (Careage) filed applications for certificates of need for community nursing homes in Hillsborough County, which is a subdistrict of HRS district VI. The applications were filed in the July, 1986, batching cycle, for need in July, 1989, known as the planning horizon. As amended prior to being deemed complete by HRS, Hillsborough Healthcare and Careage sought 120 beds, Health Quest sought 88 beds, and Forum Group sought 60 beds. All of the applications satisfy and are consistent with state and local health plans. The Department's free form preliminary action Ordinarily, the Department's preliminary decision on these applications would have been issued in November or December of 1986. In these cases, the parties were orally advised of the Department's preliminary action in January, 1987, but the state agency action report containing that preliminary decision was not issued until August, 1987. The delay in decision making in this case occurred due to the altered process of free form decision making that was used in this case. Careage filed a number of applications in the July, 1986, batching cycle, in a number of subdistricts. The preliminary review conducted by HRS determined there to be bed need in four of the counties in which Careage had applications: Hillsborough, Polk, Pinellas, and Lee. During free form agency decision making on the applications in this batching cycle, Ms. Marta Hardy was the Deputy Assistant of Regulation and Health Facilities for the Department. T. 1024. Her duties included responsibility to oversee the issuance of certificates of need and develop health planning policies. Id. Ms. Hardy was the direct supervisor of Robert Maryanski, who was the head of the office of community medical facilities, and Robert Sharp, who was the head of the office of comprehensive health planning. T. 1024. Mr. Maryanski was the direct supervisor of Mr. Reid Jaffe who reviewed the applications in Hillsborough county. Preliminary decisions on the applications in this batch were normally due in November, 1986. It was the normal procedure at the Department to review applications for certificates of need in the following manner. First, an employee in the position entitled "medical facilities consultant" reviewed all applications in the batching cycle for a particular district or subdistrict and made recommendations on each application. These recommendations were then reviewed by his supervisor, the medical facilities consultant supervisor. The recommendations of the medical facilities consultant supervisor upon each application then went to Mr. Maryanski. In Hillsborough, Polk, Pinellas, and Lee Counties in the July, 1986, batching cycle, all reviewers found there to be a bed need. In the normal course of business, all reviewers forwarded through Mr. Maryanski and to Ms. Hardy recommendations that did not recommend the award of a certificate of need to Careage in any of these four counties. T. 1057, 1055, 1281-82. Mr. Maryanski told Mr. Jaffe to "find a way" to approve the Careage application in Pinellas County. T. 1283-84. The time of this communication is not in the record. At about the time that Careage applied for certificates of need (August or September, 1986), Ms. Hardy had dinner with the owner of Careage, Mr. Gene Lynn, Mr. Lynn's wife, and Mr. Ralph Haben. T. 1040. At that meeting, the representatives of Careage told Ms. Hardy that Careage operated nursing homes in other states in which care of good quality was provided. T. 1060. Mr. Haben is an attorney, and was then representing Careage. T. 1059. Mr. Haben and Ms. Hardy had been friends since the late 1970's, and in August and September, 1986, they had had lunch or dinner together socially four or five times. T. 1041- 49. In December, 1986, after Departmental staff had preliminarily recommended that Careage's applications be disapproved in the four counties in which was there was need, Ms. Hardy determined to ask Robert Sharp to review applications in the four counties. The result of Mr. Sharp's review was to recommend approval of the Careage application in the four counties. That recommendation was approved by Ms. Hardy. Mr. Sharp was responsible for health planning. He normally had nothing to do with review of certificate of need applications, although he had reviewed some hospital applications in the past. T. 1054. Ms. Hardy had come to the conclusion that Careage provided care of good quality. T. 1063. At the time she formed that opinion, Careage did not operate any nursing homes, and had not done so since 1982. Mr. Sharp understood that Ms. Hardy was impressed with Careage, but did not know the basis for such favorable impression. T. 940. Ms. Hardy told Mr. Sharp that she did not believe that the current method of comparative review of applications was adequate, and used Careage as an example of a best qualified applicant that was overlooked by the current method. T. 940. Mr. Sharp developed a method for comparative review of the applications in the batch for Hillsborough County and the other counties. The method has been referred to in the record as a matrix. Mr. Sharp simply selected certain aspects of the applications for comparison. Two types of information were selected: numerically quantified information, and "program characteristics," which called for a determination whether the selected item existed or did not exist in the proposal. The "matrix" also had a narrative for some of the applicants. Mr. Sharp used Careage as the standard of comparison for all other applicants in the comments section. There was no evidence that the items selected by Mr. Sharp were unreasonable or unfair. The items selected appear to be reasonably related to the task of comparing the virtues of the applicants. The items, for the most part, simply are based on information required by the Department in the application form. The matrix was found in September, 1987, to contain numerous factual errors, and the Department issued a revision. H.Q. Ex. 27. Need pursuant to rule 10-5.011(1)(k) Licensed beds in the district (LB) The number of licensed beds in the district (LB) as of June 1, 1986, was at least 5,964. T. 1706. This figure is derived by adding the 5,557 licensed beds shown on the August 25, 1986, semi-annual nursing home census report, H.Q. Ex. 16, to the 407 additional community nursing home beds that has been erroneously classified as sheltered nursing home beds. None of the other testimony credibly establishes this base figure. There is a dispute as to whether 96 additional beds at the Home Association should be considered licensed community nursing home beds as of June 1, 1986. The Home Association was founded in 1899. It is officially recognized that there was no certificate of need requirement in 1899. The Home Association has never received a certificate of need. Thus, it is inferred that the Home Association was never "issued" beds for "nonrestrictive use." At the time that the Home Association was licensed, there was no license category of "sheltered bed. Prior to 1982, there was no statute defining a "sheltered bed." T 1721-22. Thus, prior to 1979, the Home Association was not 1,issued" beds as "sheltered beds" or "for restrictive use". The Home Association is in the district and in the subdistrict, Hillsborough County. The Home Association had 96 beds in 1972, and had the same number on June 1, 1986. On or about August 20, 1986, HRS sent a letter to the Home Association. HQ Ex. 9. The letter stated that HRS records currently identified the Home Association as a "sheltered nursing home/continuing care facility licensed under Chapter 651, F. S.," but that HRS records did not indicate the date of the initial CON. The letter stated that the specific number of beds allocated to community and sheltered nursing home beds were listed below. At the bottom of the letter, HRS listed 96 beds in the column and line identified as current number of sheltered nursing home beds. The Home Association was told to review the data and make changes and return the letter to HRS. It further stated that a failure to respond would be interpreted as approval of the HRS listed bed allocations. The letter then provided four blanks for the Home Association to respond. The first two provided places to show the "corrected number of beds" both on a line identifying such beds as "community nursing home beds," and a line identify such beds as "sheltered nursing home beds." The Home Association left these lines blank. The third blank asked for the certificate of need number and date. The Home Association typed in: "The Home was founded in 1899; no certificate of need was issued." The fourth blank stated: "Sign Here if Corrections Requested." Initials appear in handwriting in that blank. H.Q. Ex. 9. The response of the Home Association was ambiguous. Having signed the fourth blank, thus seemingly communicating a desire to "correct" the form, the Home Association failed to tell HRS whether it wanted to correct the number of beds or the classification of the beds, or some combination thereof. HRS's need expert admitted that the only way one could settle the question would be to call the Home Association. T. 1724. The problem is further compounded by the way in which the letter from HRS was drafted. The letter did not ask the Home Association to provide information concerning the "historical utilization" of the 96 beds at the Home Association, and thus did not collect any information as to "historical utilization." See the last sentence of section 651.118(8), Fla. Stat. (1987). Instead, it told the Home Association that HRS records identified the Home Association as a sheltered nursing home/continuing care facility licensed under chapter 651. It also told the Home Association that "any nursing home bed located in a continuing care facility and not approved specifically as a sheltered nursing home bed and any nursing home bed located in a life care facility prior to 1979 shall be classified as a community nursing home bed." And the letter appeared to allow the Home Association an opportunity to request a "change in status" only if it had been issued a certificate of need as a community nursing home bed after 1979 and before 1982. It may be that when the Home Association wrote back that it had no certificate of need issued, and that it had been in existence since 1899, the Home Association was simply telling HRS that its beds fell in the category of automatically being community nursing home beds because "located in a life care facility prior to 1979." If the Home Association beds are counted as community nursing home beds, then those 96 beds are added to 5,964, and LB is 6,060. Licensed beds in the subdistrict (LBD) On June 1, 1986, there were 2,612 licensed beds (LBD) in the subdistrict, Hillsborough County. If the 96 beds at the Home Association are counted as community nursing home beds, then LBD is 2,708. Current populations (POPC and POPD) Whether POPC and POPD are the populations on January 1, 1986, or July 1, 1986 HRS divides the regulatory function with respect to certificates of need into two program offices. The office of comprehensive health planning (OCMF) is ordinarily responsible for writing the rules and developing the methodologies for the certificate of need program. It is also responsible for writing the state health plan. The office of community medical facilities (OCMF), which is now called the office of community health services and facilities, is normally responsible for making decisions upon applications for certificates of need. T. 929 (The transcript is in error on line 11; it should read OCMF), 930, 936, 1748, 1251. There are exceptions. T. 937 From 1984 through 1986, the office of comprehensive health planning routinely issued semiannual reports in which it calculated the need for community nursing home beds. H.Q. Exs. 12-18. T. 970-971, 1251. In each of these reports, bed need was projected for an established date. In each of these reports, the "current populations" (the base populations from which the need projection was made) were 3.5 years earlier than the date upon which need was projected. H.Q. Exs. 12-18; T. 1253. From 1984 through 1986, notwithstanding the fact that the semiannual report was based upon a 3.5 year period of need projection, the office of community medical facilities sometimes used a 3.0 year period of projection to actually issue certificates of need. T. 1254. That practice was not uniform within the office of community medical facilities. A number of certificate of need applications were issued based upon the calculations of need in the semiannual nursing home report, which used a 3.5 year period of projection. T. 560-561. It is officially recognized that several formal administrative hearings were settled using a 3.5 year period of projection of need. Health Quest Realty d/b/a Regents Park of Sarasota v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Final Order issued October 25, 1985 (CON number 3278), DOAH case number 84-3389, which was an exhibit in DOAH case number 86-0050, both cases which were before this Hearing Officer; Health Quest Corporation d/b/a Regents Park of Broward v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 8 F.A.L.R. 2485, DOAH case number 84- 3297. But even that deviation was not uniform. It is officially recognized that in Manor Care of Hillsborough County v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 9 F.A.L.R. 1102, DOAH case number 86-0051, HRS proposed at the formal administrative hearing to use a 2 year period of projection, using 1986 populations as "current" populations, although the applications were filed in 1985, and need was being projected in 1988. See paragraph 18, findings of fact, of that recommended order, which was written by this Hearing Officer. See also T. 1290. It is also officially recognized that in Forum Group, Inc., et al. v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, et al., 8 F.A.L.R. 5438, 5445, para. 15, the Department used January 1986, as the starting date for a projection to July, 1987, an 18 month period of projection. It would serve no useful purpose to review all the other orders in the files of the Division of Administrative Hearings. It may be concluded from the foregoing that the way in which HRS has interpreted the meaning of "current" populations in its nursing home rule in the period from 1984 to 1986 was inconsistent. In fact HRS did not uniformly use a 3.5 year period of projection as now urged by the Petitioners. Since it has been concluded as a matter of law that the values of POPC and POPD must be determined as of July 1, 1986, no findings of fact will be made as to the populations on January 1, 1986. Whether POPC and POPD are determined from the July 1, 1986, or the May 12, 1987 release of Governor's estimates and projections The Governor's estimates and projections of population are prepared by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research and the University of Florida. T. 240. The Governor's estimates are released twice a year. T. 241. A population estimate, such as POPC or POPD, is an educated guess as to current population size. T. 239. A population projection, such as POPA or POPB, is a mathematical prediction of what a future population size will be. T. 240. The Governor's population estimates are based primarily upon actual data collected with respect to residential electric hookups combined with local information about housing mixes and national data about household size, persons per household, and institutional or group populations. T. 240, 242. The information is gathered each year. T. 242. The Governor's population projections are based upon the most recent population estimate projected forward using assumptions about future migration, mortality, and fertility. T. 240, 242. The May 12, 1987, Governor's population estimates and projections were the official Governor's release on the date of the formal administrative hearing, and were then the most current release. T. 241. The May 12, 1987, Governor's population estimates and projections for July 1, 1986, and July 1, 1989, were more accurate than the release by the Governor on July 1, 1986 for the following reasons: The May 12, 1987, projection of populations on July 1, 1989, is more accurate because the projection only attempts to project two years into the future. The July 1, 1986, release tries to project three years into the future. Extrapolation is more accurate over a shorter period of time because the underlying assumptions upon which the extrapolation is based will be assumed to remain constant for a shorter period of time. Stated another way, fewer things typically go wrong with the assumption that assumptions will remain constant over a short period of time rather than a longer period of time. T. 243-244. The May 12, 1987, projection of populations on July 1, 1989, are based upon actual hard data (electric hookups) for July 1, 1986, projected forward. The July 1, 1986, projection of populations for July 1, 1989, was not based upon a population estimate, but was based upon a population projection as to the population on July 1, 1986, which itself was based upon electric hookup data from an earlier period. T. 244. (This is also the reason that the May 12, 1987, estimate of July 1, 1986, populations, is more accurate than the projection of that population released on July 1, 1986.) The May 12, 1987, projection of populations on July 1, 1989, are based more current (actual 1986) figures upon which the extrapolation is made: actual levels of fertility, mortality, and migration for 1986, as well as 1980 through 1985. The July 1, 1986, release did not have this better data available, and had to rely on figures for only 1980 through 1985. T. 244. The district has grown at about 2.9 percent a year from 1980 to 1986. The July 1, 1986, release projects a rate of growth in each year from July 1, 1986, to July 1, 1989 of only 1.6 percent, or only one-half of the actual observed rate. There is no basis to conclude that the district growth rate in the period 1986-1989 will be one-half the rate observed in the prior six years. T. 245. The July 1, 1986, release bases its projection of July 1, 1989, populations upon an extrapolation based in part upon mortality rates from 1980 mortality tables. However, the mortality rates for the age groups involved, ages 65-74 and 75+, have substantially declined since the 1980 tables were compiled. T. 247-248. Elfie Stamm is Supervisor of the HRS Health Care Facilities and Services office. That office is responsible for all HRS health planning activities, including development of regulations for the certificate of need program, issuance of health policies governing the certificate of need program, and development of the state health plan. Ms. Stamm thought that the May 12, 1987, release of Governor's estimates and projections of populations was more accurate than the July 1, 1986, release because it was based on more up-to-date data. F.G. Ex. 15. The effect of selecting the May 12, 1987, release of populations, rather than the July 1, 1986, release upon the net need projected for the subdistrict in July, 1989, by HRS's rule is exceptionally dramatic: if the July 1, 1986, release is used, the net bed need is 143, and if the May 12, 1987, release is used, the net bed need is 300, assuming other factors are held constant (the projection period and the Home Association beds). HQ Ex. 4. Thus, use of the May 12, 1987, release of populations reveals 100 percent more bed need in 1989 than use of the July 1, 1986, release. HRS presented only one justification or basis for its policy of using the July 1, 1986, release of population estimates and projections: those were the most current estimates and projections at the time the applicants filed their applications and subsequently when the agency conducted its review of the applications in the batching cycle and developed its proposed agency action. T. 1709. The July 1, 1986, release of population estimates and projections was not available, however, when the applicants in this batch had to file their letters of intent. T. 1286. Based upon the Governor's estimates of population released on May 12, 1987, the estimated population on July 1, 1986, for age 65-74 (POPC) was 134,968, and for age 75+ (POPD) was 94,402. H.H. Ex. 6. Projected populations on July 1, 1989, POPA and POPB Based upon the Governor's projections of population released on May l2, 1987, the projected population on July 1, 1989, for age 65-74 (POPA) was 149,771, and for age 75+ (POPB) was 108,400. H.H. Ex. 6. The occupancy rate The occupancy rate for the 2,612 licensed community nursing homes within the subdistrict for October, 1985, through March, 1986, was 94.18 percent. T. 1707. If the 96 nursing home beds at the Home Association are counted as licensed community nursing home beds within the subdistrict, the occupancy rate within the subdistrict for October, 1985, through March, 1986, was 94.29 percent for these 2,708 beds. This is derived by averaging the occupancy rate of the Home Association for the six month period, which is 97.225 percent, see T. 1725, and then factoring the two rates together as follows: (97.225 X 96/2708)) + (94.18 X 2612/2708)= 94.29. The date for determining licensed beds and approved beds for purposes of determining net need in the final calculation The number of approved beds was 368 whether one relies upon the date that the supervisor signed the state agency action report, T. 1708, or August 25, 1986, which is the date of the semiannual nursing home census report and bed need allocations, H.Q. Ex. 16. It appears that all parties agree to use of 368 for AB in the formula. See T. 1708, 437; F.G. Ex. 8. Since that is the case, the following findings of fact are made in the event that the Hearing Officer has overlooked evidence on this point in this voluminous record. HRS relies again on incipient policy for the date of determination of the number of approved beds. That policy is to determine the number of approved beds in the subdistrict on the date that the supervisor signs the state agency action report, a date different from the date that licensed beds are determined. T. 1708, 1716. Pursuant to this policy, the date for determining approved beds will vary, but will always be later than the date of determining licensed beds. T. 1291. The basis for this incipient policy was not explained in this record. T. 1698-1711, 1711-1728, 1291-1295, 1746-1764. Mr. Jaffe, the supervisor in this case, first signed the state agency action report in mid-November, 1986. T. 1295. Subsequently, however there were several superseding state agency action reports, and the report signed originally by Mr. Jaffe was never issued. As a result, the last state agency action report in this case was not issued until August 18, 1987, over one year after the initial applications were filed. This was an irregular procedure, and not the way state agency action reports normally are issued. T. 1714. Moreover, the state agency action report issued in August, 1987, did not have a line or signature for the supervisor, Mr. Jaffe, to sign. T. 1292; F.G. Ex. 5. Changes to the application of Forum Group Forum Group's original application for certificate of need in this case is F.G. Ex. 3. It should be noted that this exhibit contains some revisions to tables that were filed by Forum Group before HRS deemed application to be complete, and thus superseded earlier tables in the same exhibit. At the formal administrative hearing, Forum Group submitted an "update" of its application for certificate of need which was prepared about a year after the initial application, as amended, was filed. The update is F.G. Ex. 6. T. 43. Table 7 of both applications contains Forum Group's plan for utilization by class of pay. Table 7 in the original application was for the first year of operation. Table 7 of the update is for the second year of operation. Table 8 of the application is a list of projected patient charges by reimbursement or charge type. Table 8 of the update is significantly different from the original application. Table 8 of the original application, F.G. Ex. 3, listed charges that were consistent with then current charges at other Forum Group facilities. T. 185. The update is for an effective date two years later. Although Forum Group presented evidence that the charges in the updated table 8 were reasonable, T. 189, it claimed that the above increases were solely due to the two year difference in the tables. T. 195. There is also evidence that the revised charges in table 8 was based upon a telephone survey conducted of subdistrict nursing homes three months prior to the formal administrative hearing. Forum Group was unable to provide any evidence as to whether the charges in the updated table 8 were based upon data that was not available to Forum Group when the original table 8 was prepared; moreover, Forum Group did not prove that the data was such that Forum Group could not, and reasonably should not, have been expected to have gathered for its original application. T. 198. The revisions of table 8 were not based upon ordinary inflation. Forum Group assumed in both the original table 8 and the revised table 8 that the inflation rate impact on charges between the first and second year of operation would be only 3.5 percent, T. 199. Forum Group's expert on charges was of the opinion that the inflation rate for expenses would be about 3.5 percent. T. 200-201. The increases in charges shown on table 8 of the update are much greater than expected inflation. For example, the charge for Medicaid ICF semiprivate rooms increased from $50 to $63, an increase of 26 percent. The charge for private pay ICF private rooms increased from $75 to $115, an increase of 53 percent. Table 10 of the application is a projection of patient days and occupancy percentages for each month over the first two years of occupancy. The revision to table 10, F.G. Ex. 6, were prompted by the delay in the case, resulting in an initial opening date two years later. The revisions to table 10 in the update were also based upon the prior experience of Forum Group and a telephone survey of subdistrict nursing homes to obtain more current fillup and occupancy rates. T. 39, 79-80, 84-87. The telephone survey was conducted after the initial application was deemed to be complete. Table 11 of the application sets forth the "manpower" requirements, specifying full time equivalents and annual salaries. Revised table 11 in F.G. Ex. 6 contains changes both in annual salary levels and in FTE's. The dietary supervisor and maintenance supervisor are new positions in the revised table 11, and would be shared with the retirement living facility. These positions could have been reported in the original table 11. T. 164; F.G. Ex. 6. The revised table 11 reports positions for utility workers, positions not in the original application but which could have been reported in the original table 11. T. 166. The revised table 11 has fewer registered nurses and licensed practical nurses than the original application. This change was based upon Forum Group's decision that this new staffing pattern would be more efficient. While the testimony attributed this to a difference in projected occupancy in the first year (95 percent instead of 74.4 percent), this is not a plausible reason for changing the number of RN FTE's from 5.3 to 4.3, or the number of LPN FTE'S from 3.6 to 2.8, since one would expect a need for more nursing at higher occupancy. The revised staffing pattern could have been contained in the original application. T. 166, 170. The increases in salaries reported in the revised table 11 were caused in part by inflation (a later opening date). T. 161-62. The revision in salaries was based upon a survey of salaries conducted a year after the application was filed, T. 162. Considered in the new survey was new information concerning federal requirements for professionals that was estimated to make the professional hiring shortage even worse. Id. It is concluded that the basis for the revisions to the salaries was market data that could not have been available to Forum Group when it filed its original application. Table 25 of the application covers estimated project costs. Revised table 25, F.G. Ex. 6, contains changes of two types: shifts of costs from one accounting line to another, and new estimates of costs based upon a later date of construction. T. 66-67, 91-94. The new estimates of costs were based upon inflation and the current construction experience off Forum Group, both of which would not have been available to Forum Group when it filed its initial application. T. 66-67. The shifts in costs by accounting line (even though one shift was to operating costs), considered alone, did not substantially change the total project cost. T. 91-94. The construction costs contained in the revised table 25, F.G. Ex. 6, are projected to be $1,654,826, which is 12 percent greater than the $1,466,500 originally projected. This new estimate is based upon inflation, current construction experience, and a decision to reduce some less essential space to lower costs. T. 66-67, 1461-65. The inflation rate is estimated to be higher than 3.5 percent in 1990, and the date of commencement of construction is inferred to be two years later than the date assumed in the original application. The revised projection is also more conservative, based upon Forum Group's analysis of current market data. The revised construction cost is thus adequately based upon new data that was not available to Forum Group when it filed its original application. As a result of inflation, Forum Group decided to reduce some space that was less essential. The reduction of space is reflected in revised tables 17 through 20 of F.G. Ex. 6. Forum Group's initial application (F.G. Ex. 3) did not mention or discuss patient treatment plans, patient rights, patient councils, or Alzheimer's programs. It did, however, list 10 special areas of nursing that it would provide, many of which are in the subacute area. See, e.g., ventilator care and compare T. 150. The revised pro forma of operating expenses projects total operating expenses in the first year of $923,153 and $1,256,991 in the second year. F.G. Ex. 6. The original application, as revised before deemed complete, reported total operating expenses of $659,900 and $740,693, respectively, for these same projected years. The new information in the revised pro forma was explained as based upon a projection of higher use by private pay patients and faster fillup, as well as some inflation. T. 202. The change clearly is not explained as a simple matter of inflation, since the increases are about 50 percent in each of the years. T. 201-202. Changes to the application of Health Quest The original Health Quest application is H.Q. Ex. 1, as amended by H.Q. Ex. 2, and is for an 88 bed community nursing home facility. Health Quest submitted a revised application for 60 beds dated a year later, in September, 1987. H.Q. Ex. 3. Table 8 of the application is the list of projected charges by patient type. The revised application, H.Q. Ex. 3, increased charges from 25 to 34 percent. This new information was not based solely upon inflation assumptions, but was based upon increased assumptions about operating costs, and a decision to make a more conservative projection. T. 629, 690-91. Health Quest did not prove that these assumptions were based upon data not available when the original application was filed. Table 11 of the application lists manpower by position and projected annual salary. The revised table 11, H.Q. Ex. 3, increases the numbers of registered nurses and licensed practical nurses from the original application. The new data is based upon the experience of Health Quest in the year following the filing of the original application. T. 630. The testimony on pages 688-89 of the transcript is not inconsistent with the testimony on page 630. It is evident that a change in planning took place, and that the change in planning was based upon new experience. Table 17 of the revised Health Quest application, H.Q. Ex. 3, does not have six 3 bed rooms which had been planned for the facility in table 17 of the original application, as amended, H.Q. Ex. 2. This new information was not caused by the reduction of the application from 88 beds to 60 beds. Health Quest did not credibly prove that its decision to delete 3 bed rooms from its project was based upon data that it could not have had when it filed its original application. T. 630-31. Table 18 of the revised application, H.Q. Ex. 3, changes the square footage of 1 bed rooms from 150 to 216. Health Quest did not credibly prove that its decision to make this change was based upon data that it could not have obtained when it filed its original application. T. 632-33. Changes to the application of Careage Careage presented new information at the hearing which consisted of Careage Exhibits 18-22 and 24-25. The changes to these exhibits were based solely upon a small (3 percent) inflation rate or a different starting date. T. 1570-85. There was also a decrease in utility rates of an apparent few thousand dollars. Compare C. Ex 25 to C. Ex. 3, attachment 12. T. 1583-85. The new projection of utility rates was shown to be based upon new information from the utility company, and new heating and cooling technology. T. 1584. Changes to the application of Hillsborough Healthcare Hillsborough Healthcare did not submit any changes to its application. The merits of the Careage application Credibility of the Careage application Credibility of Mr. Gentle Russell Gentle is Careage's Vice President for nursing home operations, and is responsible for development of the nursing home at issue in this case, and operation of the facility after it opens, as well as development and operations of other Careage nursing homes. T. 1487. The application filed by Careage in this case was prepared by Mr. Gentle, with the exception of the section on need. T. 1491. Mr. Gentle was called as an expert witness for Careage to provide opinion testimony to substantiate the Careage application and to prove the nature of the facility that Careage states it would build and operate if granted a certificate of need. T. 1491-93. Mr. Gentle testified twice that he had a bachelor's degree with a major in accounting from the Alaska Methodist University. T. 1487, 1493. This testimony was presented in order to have Mr. Gentle qualified as an expert witness. Mr. Gentle was tendered as an expert in several areas, including nursing home finance. T. 1493. Upon voir dire examination, and after it became obvious that counsel conducting the examination had investigated Mr. Gentle's academic credentials, 1493, Mr. Gentle admitted that he did not have a degree in accounting, but that his degree had been in science. T. 1496. A motion was made to have Mr. Gentle precluded from testifying as a witness due to his untruthful testimony. T. 1497-98. The motion for the sanction of preclusion of testimony was denied, but the tender of expertise was denied for lack of credible evidence in the record as to expert credentials. T. 1499, 1504, 1512-13, 1514-16. Since the witness had intentionally lied about his college education, a matter of importance in determining expertise, the remainder of the witness's testimony as to his experience and expert credentials was tainted and not credible. There was no independent evidence of the training and experience of the witness, other than from his own testimony. The tender of expertise thus was denied for lack of credible evidence of expertise in the record. If Mr. Gentle's testimony concerning his experience in nursing home development had been credible, the evidence of such experience was not sufficient to qualify Mr. Gentle as an expert in nursing home development. Since 1985, he had been fully responsible for development of only two nursing homes, and assisted in the development of five others. T. 1509, 1489, 1514-15. If Mr. Gentle's testimony concerning his experience in nursing home operation and administration had been credible, the evidence of such experience was not sufficiently detailed to qualify him as an expert in nursing home operation and administration. T. 1513-15. Mr. Gentle had never served as a nursing home administrator. T. 1494. Mr. Gentle testified that in 1972 he went to work for the State of Alaska as an auditor in the Department of Health and Social Services. He further testified that he worked his way up through the sections and became chief Medicaid auditor for the state of Alaska. T. 1487. The employment record for Mr. Gentle, however, from the State of Alaska was admitted into evidence without objection. H.H. Ex. 33. That record shows a starting date of work in 1973, not 1972. More important, it does not show continuous employment consistent with the claim of having worked "up through the sections." The record shows no employment of Mr. Gentle by the State of Alaska for 2 and 1/2 years, from July, 1973, through March, 1976, and the only employment is in temporary positions, not in permanent positions expected to have been in the "sections" Mr. Gentle "worked up through." Finally, the employment record only shows Mr. Gentle in a position as an accountant IV (temporary) for a 9 month period in 1976. Mr. Gentle's testimony that he obtained the position of chief Medicaid auditor for the State of Alaska after working his way up through the sections is not credible. Mr. Gentle testified that C. Ex. 15 was an excerpt from the magazine "Contemporary Long-Term Care," and that this excerpt was the section of the magazine that included an award. T. 1541-42. He testified that all of the narrative in the exhibit was part of the magazine and the award. T. 1542. This is testimony was incorrect. The last page of the exhibit contains narrative that is advertisement prepared by Careage. The typeset is identical to that in the interior pages as well. Thus, pages 2-4 of the exhibit are not excerpts from the magazine. Mr. Gentle did not choose his words with care as he testified. Table 11 (projected salaries and FTE's) is a part she original application filed with HRS in July of 1986. Mr. Gentle testified that in part the projected salaries were based upon salaries that "Careage is paying to its existing staff." T. 1557. At that time, Careage did not operate any nursing home. Mr. Gentle could have meant that these were salaries in nursing homes leased out by Careage, but his choice of words was misleading. Whether Careage will operate the facility Careage was started in 1962, and since that time it has constructed more than 270 new hospitals, nursing homes, and related facilities. Generally, Careage has built facilities for others to operate. T. 1516-17. A few of these (seven were named, T. 1520) may have been operated by Careage, but the vast majority were not. T. 1591-1520. In 1982, Careage ceased all nursing home operations. T. 1592. From 1982 through 1985, Careage did nothing but hospital development. T. 1519. In 1985, Careage decided to build and operate nursing homes, and in March 1985, hired Mr. Gentle to set up the operating arm of the corporation with respect to nursing homes. T 1513, 1518. In July, 1986, when Careage filed its application for a certificate of need, Careage did not operate any nursing homes in the country. T. 1595. It appears that the first nursing home now operated by Careage was opened in December, 1986. T. 1610. At the time of the formal hearing, Careage operated and managed three nursing homes on its own, and jointly managed three others. (Another was said to be "jointly operated by others.") T. 1519-20. All of these facilities are in western states. In the letter of intent, Gene D. Lynn, the proposed owner of the proposed facility, and the sole owner of Careage, stated his intent to operate the proposed nursing home in Hillsborough County. C. Ex. 3, attachment 8. The application, C. Ex. 3, asserts on page 4-24: Each community and situation is unique. There are times in which we operate directly through Healthco Management (a wholly owned subsidiary). In all cases, we establish the operating procedures and pro forma and closely monitor each facility. This strategy has generated such a successful program that, in twenty-four years of business, we can boast at never having missed a debt service payment nor have we had a single incident of governmental intervention into our operations. (E.S.) The clearly intended implication of the foregoing portion of the application is that for 24 years, Careage has either operated its nursing homes (which in the majority of cases was untrue) or, if it did not operate its nursing homes, it "closely monitored each facility." The statement in the application that Careage closely monitors each facility is not true, at least with respect to currently leased facilities. Mr. Gentle, who is in charge of nursing home operations for Careage, does not routinely review state licensure survey reports for leased facilities. T. 1842. Leased facility reports may be reviewed by the Careage leasing section, which is separate from nursing home operations. T. 1842. The only monitoring that Careage does with respect to leased facilities is to step in if there is government intervention. T. 1843. Careage has retained the contractual right to intervene in the operations of a leased facility only "in cases of severe problems in a facility." (E.S.) T. 1518. The statement in the application, P. 4-24, concerning the history of Careage as to operation or supervision of nursing homes is misleading. As will be discussed ahead, Careage representatives were either confused about the operation of nursing homes by Careage (Dr. Etten) or used words in a manner that misrepresented the operational status of Careage (Mr. Gentle and representatives of Careage at a dinner meeting with Ms. Hardy). These misleading statements, coupled with the prior history generally of not operating nursing homes, lead to the conclusion that Careage has not proved that it will operate the proposed nursing home in Hillsborough County by a preponderance of the credible evidence. Substantive aspects of the application General provisions Careage's original application proposed to construct 120 beds, 10 of which would be a subacute unit, 21 of which would be an Alzheimer's unit, and the remaining 89 beds would be general SNC/ICF (skilled/intermediate) nursing care beds. C. Ex. 3, P. 2-1. Four of the ten subacute unit beds would be designated for neonates and technology dependent children. C. Ex. 3, P. 3-6; T. 1522. The 10 bed subacute unit is proposed to provide 24 hour nursing care patients who are recovering from strokes, craniotomy patients, comatose victims of accidents, and others suffering serious chronic maladies. T. 1212. Nursing services to be provided include tube feedings, ventilators, tracheostomies, continuous intravenous infusion, hyperalimentation, total parenteral nutritional care, and inhalation therapy. T. 1213. The program proposed by Careage conforms to professional standards for such a program. Id. The 21 bed Alzheimer's disease unit is designed and intended to provide an environment adapted for the special needs of those patients. The design and program emphasizes low stimulation, safe ambulation, and simplicity to minimize confusion. The design is considerably more therapeutic for such patients than commingling such patients among other patients in an ordinary nursing home setting. T. 1206-12, 1432, 1474-75. The precise number of skilled and intermediate care nursing beds is unclear. At least 39 beds will be skilled nursing, and 21 beds for the Alzheimer's patients. T. 1136. Careage intends to concentrate on skilled nursing care rather than intermediate care. T. 1523, 1678. Careage does not intend to serve the market for intermediate care. Id.; C. Ex. 3, attachment 8. Careage did not include adult day care in its application, T. 1142, 1592, because it takes the position that adult day care does not require a certificate of need. T. 1592. Careage in fact will not offer adult day care. T. 1192. Careage intends to provide respite care at the facility. T. 1531. Careage estimates that 37 percent of its patients will be Medicaid patients. T. 1361. Quality assurance The nursing quality assurance programs described in the application of Careage are adequate, and would be adequate if implemented by Careage. T. 1221. Dr. Etten testified for Careage concerning her visit to two nursing homes owned by Careage. She did not express an opinion that the Careage quality assurance program in fact would be implemented based upon these visits. She did not describe the current operation of any Careage quality assurance program. She simply stated that she was favorably impressed by the physical environment in those two nursing homes. T. 1221-26. One of the facilities was in Salt Lake City, Utah, and there is no evidence in the record that Careage operates that facility. See T. 1519-20. Indeed, Dr. Etten later admitted on cross examination that she knew the Utah facility was not operated by Careage. T. 1234. Throughout the application process, Careage tended to misrepresent its status as an existing operator of nursing homes providing care of good quality. As discussed above, in the meeting in August or September, 1986, attended by Mr. and Mrs. Lynn, Mr. Haben, and Ms. Hardy, Careage's representatives told Ms. Hardy that Careage operated nursing homes in other states in which care of good quality was provided. T. 1060. The application, at page 4-24, appeared to assert that Careage had 24 years of experience operating nursing homes. Mr. Gentle represented that proposed salaries were based upon salaries in nursing homes currently operated by Careage. These statements were not true. Careage leased facilities, but did not operate any facilities at that time of the application, and its history had been primarily in the development of health care facilities for operation by others. Careage did not exercise close operational control of the leased facilities. And Dr. Etten seemed unconcerned as to what entity was operating the Utah nursing home that she visited. Her failure to do so caused her testimony to appear to be representative of the quality of care actually provided at Careage operated nursing homes. For these reasons, Careage did not prove by a preponderance of the credible evidence that it has had a history of operation of nursing homes, that it has had a significant history of providing nursing care of good quality, that it has had substantial experience in management of quality assurance programs, or that it would in fact implement the quality assurance program reviewed by Dr. Etten. Staffing Staffing, particularly nursing staffing, is established based upon the assumption that most of the beds at the Careage facility will be at least skilled nursing care beds, and some will be Alzheimer's disease beds or subacute beds, including beds for technology dependent children. Attachment 14, Ex. 3. The nursing staffing proposed by Careage is adequate. T. 1216. Other staffing proposed by Careage is based upon staffing at other facilities owned by Careage and standards in HRS rules. T. 1557, 1559. It is concluded that other staffing is adequate. The projected annual salaries for staff are reasonable. T. 1648, 1656, 1680-81. The objection to this testimony, taken under advisement, was overruled. T. 1687. The witness amply demonstrated expertise with regard salary levels. Construction and facility design The building proposed by Careage would be one story and have 45,500 square feet for 120 residents, or a total of 379.17 gross square feet per bed. T. 1133. The application represents that the net square foot area for living space in 2 bed (semiprivate) rooms is 283 to 295 square feet. C. Ex. 3, table This was an exaggeration. The actual square footage was shown to be substantially less upon cross examination: 213.75 square feet of living space for semiprivate rooms. This figure is based upon the fact revealed upon cross examination that the length of the room for purposes of calculating gross square feet is 23.5 feet instead of 24 feet, 4 inches. This correction reduces gross living square footage for the living area to 305.5, and net to 213.75. The floor plan, site plan, and space programs in the proposed design are adequate and will meet or exceed all requirements of Florida law. T. 1137. The nursing home floor plan does not include a space for adult day care. T. 1142. Careage projects that construction costs will be $56.77 per square foot. This estimate is in line with estimates of other applicants and is reasonable. T. 1176-78. Construction costs equate to $21,526 per bed. Careage did not include an estimate of costs for equipment for technology dependent children, but plans to cover this with funds estimated for contingencies. T. 1195. The amount of such costs is not in evidence. Id. The estimate of overall project costs, table 25 of the application, Ex. 3, is reasonable. T. 1171-76. Total project costs are estimated to be $4,150,000, or $34,583 per bed. The project cost includes $515,000 for 3 to 5 acres of land. T. 1546. The adequacy and appropriateness of the proposed equipment for the facility was not established by expert testimony. See T. 1179. Availability of resources Gene D. Lynn has an extensive history in successfully financing and constructing health care facilities, including nursing homes. T. 1516-17. Gene D. Lynn has more than adequate lines of credit to obtain complete financing for this project. T. 157 6- /7 Existing lines of credit, including SeaFirst, are available up to at least $9 million. T. 1576. The objection as to hearsay, which was sustained, was sustained only as to what unnamed persons with Washington Mutual "indicated." The remainder is not hearsay. It is testimony of the existing state of facts within the personal knowledge of the witness. The foregoing findings of fact are based upon testimony of Mr. Gentle, whose credibility as a witness was partially impeached as discussed in findings of fact above. Mr. Gentle's credibility problems, however, are not sufficient to compel the disregard of his testimony as to the general financial condition of the Lynns and Careage. Mr. Gentle demonstrated that his testimony as to his own expert qualifications was unworthy of belief, and he demonstrated that some portions of his testimony concerning the features of the proposed facility were exaggerated or incorrect. But this is not sufficient evidence to conclude that his testimony as to general financial resources of Careage is an untruth. It is noted that there is no evidence in this record to suggest in any manner that Gene Lynn does not have the net worth set presented in his unaudited financial statement. That net worth is over $45 million. If this were a substantial untruth, surely one of these highly competitive applicants would have presented evidence on the point. Financial feasibility The proposed project is financially feasible in the short term. T. 1632-39, 1686. Careage's projections as to patient mix (by payor type) and expected fillup (utilization) are reasonable. T. 1640- 42 The charges proposed by Careage are reasonable. T. 1642-45. Careage's projections as to operating expenses are reasonable. T. 1648, 1656-57. The proposed project is financially feasible in the long term. T. 1647, 1649-50, 1686. The Forum Group application General provisions Forum Group is a national company which owns and operates 11 retirement living centers and 22 nursing homes in a number of states. The retirement living centers are independent rental apartments which do not require entry fees. T. 20; F.G. Ex. 3. The Forum Group proposal is to construct and operate a 60 bed community nursing home in conjunction with a retirement living facility of 120 apartments and an adult congregate living facility of 30 units. F.G. Ex. 3, attachment 1. The community nursing home section would offer all services required for provision of skilled nursing care, intermediate nursing care, respite care, and adult daycare. T. 27. Forum Group does not propose to provide a separate Alzheimer's disease unit. The estimated total cost of the nursing home portion of the project is $2,673,084. F.G. Ex. 6, table 25. This is $44,551 per nursing bed. Forum Group will accept Medicare and Medicaid patients. T. 27, 210. Quality assurance Forum Group has never had a license denied, revoked, or suspended, and it has never had one of its facilities placed into receivership. T. 158. The proposed facility would provide 24 hour supervision by either a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse, or by both. T. 140. The staffing levels proposed in the original application are adequate. T. 153. Staffing levels would vary according to the needs of the residents. T. 134. Medications would be distributed by unit dose. T. 139. Forum Group would implement an adequate plan for quality assurance audits. T. 141-43. The plan is in writing, is in use in other Forum Group nursing homes, and covers all aspects of the operation of the nursing home that are relevant to the quality of care received by nursing home residents. Forum Group would check staff qualifications prior to employment and would provide ongoing staff training. T. 149. Forum Group would provide residents with written statements of patients' rights upon admission to the facility, and would have an independent patients' rights council. T. 147- 48 Forum Group provides reasonably adequate nursing care in its existing nursing homes, and would do so in the proposed nursing home. T. 31-32, 158. Staffing The staffing proposed for the facility, and projected salaries, are reasonable and adequate. T. 151-154. Forum Group reviews the qualifications of applicants to insure that applicants are qualified for the job. T. 149. Construction and facility design Forum Group's community nursing home facility will have about 24,500 square feet. This is reduced from the original 27,000 due to inflation in costs. Patient room areas were not changed. T. 1453. This is 408 total gross square feet per bed. The net living area square footage allocated to semiprivate 2 bed rooms is 228 square feet. F.G. Ex. 3. The square footage allocated in both versions is reasonable. T. 1445, 1453. The building would be wood frame with brick veneer. It would have heavy roof insulation, double glazed windows, and a heat pump to conserve energy and to operate with less utility expense. T. 1454. The construction costs, including equipment costs, estimated for the revised project, F.G. Ex. 6, table 25, paragraph d., are reasonable. T. 1453. The costs as originally projected were also reasonable. T. 1446. The proposed facility would comply with state and federal standards for construction. T. 1456. The 60 bed community nursing home would require two to three acres of land. T. 1455. The $400,000 estimated to be needed to acquire a suitable site is reasonable for location in the northwest portion of Hillsborough County. T. 54, 59. Availability of resources Forum Group will attract suitable health care professionals, despite the shortage in Hillsborough County, by offering attractive fringe benefits, including attractive work schedules and continuing education. T. 156-57. Forum Group has the financial resources to construct and begin the initial operation of the facility. T. 182-84. Financial feasibility The project is financially feasible in the short term. T. 182-84. Due to its corporate size and current operation of a number of nursing facilities, as well as the size of the combined planned facility in Hillsborough County, Forum Group will be able to purchase supplies and other operational necessities at a favorable low cost, thus saving on operational expenses. T. 156. The estimated fillup rate in the original application was about 75 percent occupancy after the first year and about 86 percent occupancy after the second year. T. 37. Given the recent experience in Hillsborough County of occupancy around 95 percent and very fast fillup rates for new nursing homes, T. 116-18, a projection of 86 percent occupancy in the second year is probably too low. For purposes of determining financial feasibility, it is reasonable but conservative. T. 37. The project is financially feasible in the long term based upon the pro forma contained in the original application. T. 186-88; F.G. Ex. 3. The merits of the Hillsborough Healthcare application General provisions Hillsborough Healthcare, Ltd., is a Georgia limited partnership owned by Stiles A. Kellett, Jr. and Samuel B. Kellett. Hillsborough Healthcare, Ltd., would own the proposed facility. T. 419. The facility would be managed by Convalescent Services, Inc., (CSI) which is also owned by Stiles A. Kellett, Jr. and Samuel B. Kellett. CSI was formed in 1978 to own and operate extended care facilities owned or controlled by the Kelletts. T. 420. CSI currently operates 21 nursing homes and 3 retirement homes in 7 states. Six of the nursing homes and 2 retirement centers are in Florida. Id. Centralized management is provided by regional offices in Sarasota, Houston, Texas, and Huntsville, Alabama. T. 420. The long range plan of CSI is to acquire and develop nursing facilities in locations where CSI already has a management structure nearby. T. 421. Hillsborough Healthcare proposes to construct and operate a single story combination nursing home, consisting of 120 beds, and an adult congregate living facility, consisting of 60 beds. H.H. Ex. 1; T. 423. The 120 nursing beds would consist of 60 skilled nursing beds and 60 intermediate care beds. The 60 skilled nursing beds includes a distinct 24 bed unit for Alzheimer's disease patients. Id. The application estimates the total project cost to be $5,032,475, with $3,367,668 of that cost attributed to the nursing facility portion of the project. H.H. Ex. 1. This is $28,063.90 per nursing bed for 120 beds. The facility would have a rehabilitation program, activities, and social services programs. T. 423. The Hillsborough Healthcare facility intends to make its facility available as a training facility for medical and nursing schools. T. 461. The facility would participate in both the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and estimates about 30 percent Medicaid utilization. T. 423. Hillsborough Healthcare would accept partial approval of only 60 nursing home beds. T. 490. In that event, the 60 bed nursing facility (combined with the 60 bed adult congregate living facility) would offer the same services, including the 24 bed Alzheimer's disease unit. T. 390, 473. Access as a patient to the facility will be on an equal basis, without distinction as to race, religion, or sex. The facility will be constructed to provide handicapped access. T. 462-63. At least 30 percent of the patients served by the Hillsborough Healthcare facility would be Medicaid patients, and the percentage may well be higher. Currently, 17 of the 21 CSI nursing homes participate in state Medicaid programs, and all of the Florida nursing homes have Medicaid patients. All new nursing homes developed by CSI participate in both Medicaid and Medicare. Many of the 17 nursing homes were not Medicaid certified prior to acquisition by Hillsborough Healthcare, but are now certified and participate. CSI has never decertified one of its nursing homes as a Medicaid provider. T. 424. Existing CSI managed facilities in Florida are currently experiencing a 40 percent Medicaid utilization, which includes at least one in Hillsborough County. T. 1798. B. Quality assurance Sixteen of the 21 CSI managed nursing homes are in states that use a licensure rating system, and of these, 14 are have achieved the highest rating. T. 422. No CSI facility has ever had its licensed revoked or has ever been fined. Id. One-half (three) of CSI managed Florida facilities are rated superior. T. 319. Centralized management and location of facilities so that management resources can be shared should enhance the quality of care at the proposed nursing facility. The quality assurance program will be guided by a lengthy policies and procedures manual that is in use in other Florida CSI managed nursing homes. H.H. Ex. 11; T. 313. CSI employs a full time Florida registered nurse to make visits at least once a month to CSI facilities in Florida as a part of the quality assurance program. T. 316. The nurse conducts quality of care inspections, using measuring instruments developed by the CSI quality assurance program, and teaches new methods to improve the quality of health care. T. 317. Hillsborough Healthcare will have an adequate quality assurance program. T. 310. C. Services and programs CSI would provide programs for care of Alzheimer's disease patients, respite care, and adult day care. Respite care is temporary nursing care, for 16 days or less, to give the family a temporary rest from home care, and to improve the condition of the patient. T. 300. Adult day care is care only during the day to enable a family member to work. T. 301. Both types of care provide an opportunity for the elderly patient to receive nursing services, including the programs and medical care available at the nursing home, while giving home care providers a rest or needed free time. The Alzheimer's disease unit of 24 intensive care nursing beds would have operational and design features to meet the special needs of those patient. The medical director is to be board certified with a specialty in geriatrics and training with respect to Alzheimer's disease. Activities will be altered to accommodate the limitations of those patients. Staffing will be at a higher level, and staff will be specially trained to meet the needs of those patients. The facility will be designed with a secure courtyard, special dining room, and wander guard, to allow movement without physical or chemical intervention or restraints. T. 299, 289. CSI varies the activities programs at its facilities to match the needs of patients. T. 270. Activities for Alzheimer's patients, adult day care and respite care residents are designed within the limitations of those patients. T. 289-90. CSI typically provides activities that provide small and large group interaction, socialization, mental and physical activity, recreation, and religious activities. T. 270. The activities that have been implemented or suggested for CSI facilities are innovative, varied, and appear to be the result of much thoughtful work. T. 273-74; H.H. Ex. 1, pp. 115-123 H.H. Ex. 8. Some of CSI staff involved in activities have received awards for their work. T. 288. The proposed facility would provide activities similar to the activities provided at other CSI facilities. T. 274. CSI has employed an expert in community relations and activities programming to coordinate community relations, activities, and the volunteer program at all CSI nursing homes, including the proposed facility. That expert is the author of pp. 114-121 of the application, H.H. Ex. 1. The expert would recruit and train activities and community relations directors at the proposed facility. T. 287. CSI publishes a newsletter containing an exchange of program information, and encourages each nursing home to publish its own newsletter. Some do. H.H. Ex. 10; T. 284-85. Volunteers are encouraged to participate in nursing home activities. 272. CSI has compiled a package of volunteer information for use in development of a volunteer program at each nursing home. H.H. Ex. 9. Volunteers increase resident participation in programs, bring fresh ideas, and causes there to be a greater variety of activities and programs for residents. T. 281. Association of the nursing facility with an adult congregate living facility is a useful way to provide continuity of care and lessens the trauma to the resident of the initial move into a nursing facility. In some cases, a spouse may live in the adult congregate living facility and thus be closer to the spouse who must be in a nursing facility. CSI currently manages Sun Terrace Nursing Center, a 120 bed nursing home, and Lake Towers Retirement Center, both in Hillsborough County. Consequently, CSI has already in existence a network of relationships that would benefit residents at the proposed facility. Existing relationships include a system for patient referrals from local hospitals, transfer agreements with local hospitals for acute and emergency care, and agreements with local providers for ancillary services, such as physical therapy, diet therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, opthalmology, dental care, podiatry, x- ray, and pharmacy services. T. 302-304. Similar agreements for the proposed facility could be established. Such agreements are cost effective because used only as needed. T. 304. CSI would provide all the ancillary services listed in figure 1, page 14, H.H. Ex. 1. T. 304. Staffing The proposed staffing of the facility, including the 24 bed Alzheimer's disease unit, is adequate. T. 308. The proposed salaries are reasonable and adequate. T. 309. Hillsborough Healthcare will be able to recruit adequate staff. T. 309. Hillsborough Healthcare will provide a reasonable staff development program. T. 309. This program will aid in the retention of staff. T. 310. Construction and facility design The 120 bed nursing section is designed to include 4 private rooms and 58 semiprivate (double occupancy) 4 rooms. T. 355. The design includes the services and departments listed on table 12 of H.H. Ex. 1. It is proposed that the total gross square feet will be 33,996, or 283 square feet per bed. H.H. Ex. 1 The square footage allocated by the design to net living space in patient bedrooms and gross area of the nursing unit, tables 18 and 19, H.H. Ex 1, are reasonable. T. 355. Semiprivate (2 bed) rooms would have 185 net square feet of living space. The Hillsborough Healthcare design has several cost saving features. Sharing ancillary services and spaces (kitchen, administrative areas, and laundry) with the adult congregate living facility of 60 beds reduces the overall construction and equipment cost and operational cost per bed. Use of a modular "T" configuration, with straight line walls and corridors for units, results in a savings in construction cost. T. 360-61. The compact design, accompanied by extensive roof over hangs and insulating materials, will reduce energy requirements. T. 357 The floor plan could easily be altered by alteration of the arrangement of the modular wings to fit on different sites. T. 358. Nurses' stations are located in the middle of wings, giving good visibility down corridors, but no visibility into rooms. The nurses' station is 7 rooms from the most distant room on any wing. H.H. Ex. 1, p. 103. The Alzheimer's disease unit is in a separate portion of one wing, and is contiguous to an interior space that will be fenced to make a secure courtyard. T. 357; H.H. Ex. 1, p. 103. The construction cost includes additional wheelchairs and walkers, and includes $4,500 for a wander guard system for the 24 bed Alzheimer's disease unit. T. 364. The projected construction cost includes fixed equipment. T. 356. The construction cost of $2,331,418 is reasonable. T. 356. All of the costs estimated in table 25, H.H. Ex. 1, p. 33 (estimated project costs) are reasonable. T. 345-466, 356, 455-56. Availability of resources Through available equity and long term debt, adequate resources exist for Hillsborough Healthcare to construct and initially operate the proposed facility. T. 396-402. Financial feasibility The proposed facility is financially feasible in the short term. T. 396-402; H.H. Exs. 15, 16, 1. The projected charge rates, table 8, H.H. Ex. 1, are reasonable. T. 379-80, 400, 452. The projected percentages of patient utilization by payor class, table 7, H.H. Ex. 1, are reasonable. T. 450, 393. The projected number of expected patient days in the first two years of operation, tables 10 and 7, H.H. Ex. 1, reasonable. T. 488-49. The projections of total revenue, table 7, H.H. Ex. 1, are reasonable. T. 400-01. The projections of expenses and net income for the first two years of operation are reasonable. H.H. Ex. 1, pp. 100-01; T. 401-02. The 120 community nursing home bed version of Hillsborough Healthcare's application is financially feasible in the long term. T. 402. If the Department partially approves the Hillsborough Healthcare application for 60 beds, to be operated in conjunction with the 60 bed adult congregate living facility, the projection will be financially feasible in both the short and long term. T. 402. The project would be financially feasible with a higher Medicaid participation. T. 424. The merits of the Health Quest application General provisions Since critical portions of the 60 bed application, H.Q. Ex. 3, were impermissible changes to the 88 bed application, and thus not admitted into evidence, only the 88 bed application will be discussed. Health Quest proposes to construct and operate 88 community nursing home beds in conjunction with an adult congregate living facility of 124 units. H.Q. Ex. 2. The total cost of the nursing portion of the facility is estimated to be $3,054,466, or $34,719 per bed. H.Q. Ex. 2. Health Quest has entered into an agreement with a group of 129 physicians, organized as the University Community Physicians Association of Tampa. That association comprises the bulk of the physicians who practice at University Community Hospital in northern Tampa. T. 585. The agreement is that Health Quest would build and manage the nursing home, and the physicians would provide medical oversight and referrals. T. 579. The physicians would contribute to equity and share in operating profits and losses. T. 624. The share is 25 percent. T. 694-95. Other details are not in evidence. The negotiations for the agreement with the University Community Physicians Association of Tampa took several months, and the agreement itself did not come into being until August, 1987. T. 581. The University Community Physicians Association of Tampa is not named as an applicant in the original application since the agreement came into being after the application was filed. Health Quest intends to construct the proposed nursing home and adult congregate living facility near the present location of the University Community Hospital. T. 583. Health Quest intends to serve approximately 30 percent Medicaid patients. T. 841, 1102. Quality Assurance Health Quest has nursing homes in Florida, Indiana, and Illinois. Health Quest has a reputation in Indiana and Illinois for providing good health care. T. 599-609. Health Quest has three nursing homes in Florida. Of those three, two had been open long enough at the time of the hearing to have received a Florida rating. Both were rated superior. T. 610. Health Quest has a nursing home in Jacksonville, Florida, and the quality assurance program and services at that facility are representative of the type of care and services at other Health Quest facilities, as well as what is intended for the proposed Health Quest facility in Hillsborough County. T. 1077, 1102. All findings of fact which follow that reference the quality of care or scope and nature of services at the Jacksonville facility are thus also findings of fact that these quality assurance programs and services are intended to exist at the Hillsborough facility. The Jacksonville facility maintains a resident care plan on each resident. Health Quest would provide health care of good quality at its proposed facility. Services and programs The Jacksonville facility provides a number of services that require skilled nursing or arguably fall within the category of "subacute" care. The term "subacute" care is not a formal definition, and there is no Florida licensure category for that phrase. The Jacksonville facility provides intravenous therapy, parenteral nutrition, and tracheostomy care. T. 848-51. It also provides care for comatose patients (accident or stroke victims) regardless of age, and care of post-craniotomy patients. T. 851-53, 855-56. Health Quest does not intend to care for neonates (sick infants less than two weeks old). Neonates require care that is distinct from the care required for the elderly, thus requiring staff with different training. Neonates also can be at substantial risk from respiratory and urinary infections commonly present among the elderly in a nursing home. T. 859-61. The Jacksonville facility provides physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. The physical therapist is a full time position. T. 871. The Jacksonville facility provides counseling to residents and families with a full time social worker on staff. T. 864. The Jacksonville facility provides music therapy, outside trips, and other activities, such as family night, the artist in residence program, and use of the facility for community programs. T. 866, 888, 892. Some of these programs are conducted jointly with the adult congregate living facility. Volunteers are used in the activities programs as well. T. 869. The quality of the activities program is directly related to the numbers of staff persons involved in the program. T. 871. The Jacksonville facility provides respite care of about two weeks in duration, although it could be longer. T 872. The adult congregate living facility that would be a part of the Health Quest facility would have tee same beneficial consequences as the adult congregate living facility proposed by Hillsborough Healthcare. T. 902-04. The Jacksonville facility is often used as a place for continuing nursing education for high schools or the local nursing association. T. 906-07. Staffing Health Quest proposes a total of 59.75 FTE's or .679 FTE per bed. H.Q. Ex. 2, table 11. Health Quest acknowledged that the staffing proposed for the 88 bed facility was adequate in 1986 when prepared, but by 1987, it was experiencing the need for more licensed personnel, and that it would increase licensed personnel for the 88 bed facility now. T. 630. No evidence was presented as to the specific changes that would be made. T. 632. Construction and facility design Health Quest proposed in its application to construct 34 two bed rooms, 6 three bed rooms, and 2 one bed rooms. H.Q. Ex. 2, table 17. Health Quest wants to change its design, if built, to make the three bed rooms into two bed rooms. T. 631. Health Quest proposes to provide 240 square feet of net living space for semiprivate two bed rooms. H.Q. Ex. 2. Health Quest proposes to provide a total of 37,263 square feet for the 88 bed facility, or 423 square feet per bed. H.Q. Ex. 2. Health Quest estimates that the project will need 3 to 4 acres of land, and projects that it can acquire the land for about $320,000. H.Q. Ex. 2; 634. This estimate is reasonable in comparison to the estimates of all other applicants. Health Quest has constructed three nursing homes in Florida, and others in Indiana and Illinois, and thus has substantial experience in construction. Photographs of the nursing homes constructed and now operated by Health Quest show that those nursing homes are reasonably attractive and appear to be hospitable places in which to live. H.Q. Ex. 22. Availability of resources Health Quest has access to sufficient funds to construct the project and initially operate it. T. 586-87. Financial feasibility The Health Quest proposal is financially feasible in the short term and the long term. T. 593 Summary of comparative data The space and costs associated with the four proposals may be compared as follows: Appl. Cost/Bed NetFt/Bed TotFt/bed Cost/NetFtBed Cost/TotFtBed Careage $34,583 214 306 $162 $113 Forum $44,551 228 408 $195 $109 HealthQ $34,719 240 423 $147 $ 82 HillsH $28,063 185 283 $152 $ 99 The proposed staffing of the four proposals may be compared as follows: Applicant Total FTE RN FTE LPN FTE RN Asst FTE No. Beds Careage 96.0 11.9 7.4 42.1 120 Forum 37.6 5.3 3.6 14.00 60 HealthQ 60.75 4.8 2.2 25.00 88 HillsH 64.65 2.92 8.78 36.61 120 Staffing per proposed bed may further be compared as follows: TotalFTE Applicant Per Bed PN FTE Per Bed RN & LPN FTE Per Bed Total Nursing FTE Per Bed Careage .80 .10 .16 .51 Forum .63 .08 .15 .38 HealthQ .69 .05 .08 .36 HillsH .54 .02 .10 .40 Comparison of the Careage staffing to other applicants is difficult because Careage proposes primarily to serve patients needing skilled nursing care who thus require more nursing staff per bed. Forum Group, Hillsborough Healthcare, and Health Quest are relatively the same with respect to anticipated efficiencies and continuity of care due to the association of adult congregate living facility beds with the proposed nursing home. Forum Group plans only 30 ACLF beds, but also plans 120 independent living apartments. Hillsborough proposes to provide 60 ACLF beds, and Health Quest proposes to have 124 ACLF beds. There is no evidence in the record to determine the optimum mix of ACLF beds to nursing home beds. Conclusions of Law The Division of Administrative hearings has jurisdiction of the parties and subject matter of this proceeding. The Department's free form preliminary decision The free form decision of the agency is ordinarily not dispositive since a formal administrative hearing is intended to formulate agency action, and is not intended to review prior action. McDonald v. Department of Banking and Finance, 346 So.2d 569, 584 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). The reasoning of the agency in its free form decision, however, ordinarily is a significant matter to be considered in the formal hearing. Findings of fact with respect to the free form decision-making upon the applications in this batching cycle have been made for two reasons: the assertion that the free form decision was influenced by considerations other than objective merit of the applications, and therefore not entitled to any persuasive effect upon this formal hearing, and representations in the free form stage made by Careage relevant to evaluation of the application of Careage. The free form decision in this case had the appearance of having been influenced in part by considerations other than the objective merit of the applications. For this reason, the free form decision with respect to these applicants has been disregarded as having no persuasive weight. Need calculated pursuant to rule 10-5.001(1)(k)2 Need for community nursing home beds is calculated pursuant to the need methodology set forth in rule 10- 5.011(1)(k)2, Fla. Admin. Code. The text of the rule is not in evidence, but comparison of the text of the rule referenced in proposed recommended orders indicates that the parties appear to agree that the rule promulgated on November 24, 1986, should govern this case. It is that rule that will be used in this recommended order. All parties agree that July 1, 1989, is the date upon which subdistrict need for community nursing home beds is to be determined. The first step in the need calculation pursuant to the rule is to determine BA. BA is defined by subparagraph 2a of the rule as the estimated bed rate for the population age 65-74 years in the relevant district. Subparagraph 2b of the rule provides: BA= LB/(POPC + (6 X POPD)) Where: LB is the number of licensed community nursing home beds in the relevant district. POPC is the current population age 65-74 years. POPD is the current population age 75 years and over. LB is at least 5,964, and is 6,060 if the 96 beds at the Home Association are, on this record, classified as community nursing home beds. Section 651.118(8), Fla. Stat. (1987) provides in part: This section shall not preclude a continuing care provider form applying to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for a certificate of need for community nursing home beds or a combination of community and sheltered nursing home beds. Any nursing home bed located in a continuing care facility that is or has been issued for nonrestrictive use shall retain its legal status as a community nursing home bed unless the provider requests a change in status. Any nursing home bed located in a continuing care facility and not issued as a sheltered nursing home bed prior to 1979 shall be classified as a community bed. The Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services may require continuing care facilities to submit bed utilization reports for the purpose of determining community and sheltered nursing home bed inventories based on historical utilization by residents and nonresidents. (E.S.) The first sentence of this statutory section does not apply to the Home Association because it has not applied for a certificate of need. The second sentence does not apply because there is no evidence in the record that the nursing home beds at the Home Association were "issued" by anyone. The third sentence applies because the 96 nursing home beds at the Home Association were "not issued as a sheltered nursing home bed prior to 1979." The Home Association has existed since 1899 with its 96 nursing home beds, and never had a certificate of need. There was no statutory authority or definition for the issuance of a "sheltered nursing home" prior to 1979. By operation of law (the third sentence quoted above), the 96 beds are community nursing home beds. The fourth sentence appears to be directly in conflict with the third sentence. The fourth sentence states that HRS can conduct a study of historical utilization "for the purpose of determining community and sheltered nursing home bed inventories based on historical utilization by residents and nonresidents." The third sentence automatically confers community nursing home bed status upon certain beds based solely upon three criteria (located in a continuing care facility, located there before 1979, and not "issued" as a sheltered nursing home bed). Community nursing home bed status is thus conferred solely upon the three criteria, and historical utilization is irrelevant to the third sentence. If that is so, the fourth sentence, which allows HRS to "determine" community nursing home status based only upon historical utilization, is in direct conflict with the third sentence. This seemingly irreconcilable dilemma is not at issue in this case, however, because there is insufficient credible evidence in the record as to the "historical utilization" of the 96 beds at the Home Association. As discussed in the findings of fact, there is no credible evidence in this record as to how the 96 beds at the Home Association have in fact been "utilized" since 1899. Indeed, the only logical inference on this ambiguous record is that the Home Association has not felt itself constrained by any definitional categories, given its longevity in the Tampa Bay area. It thus is concluded as a matter of law, pursuant to the third sentence of section 651.118(8), Fla. Stat. (1987), that the 96 beds at the Home Association are community nursing home beds, and thus should be counted in the licensed beds in the district and subdistrict, LB and LBD. Thus, the correct value for LB in this case as of June 1, 1986, is 6,060. Next, the values of POPC and POPD must be determined Two issues arise with respect to ascertainment of the values of POPC and POPD. The first is whether the values of POPC and POPD should be determined on January 1, 1986, or on July 1, 1986. The second is whether the values of POPC and POPD should be determined based upon the Governor's estimates and projections of populations released on July 1, 1986, or on May 12, 1987. The first issue is governed by the clear language of the existing rule. The second issue has no clear guidance in the existing rule, and thus depends upon analysis of the record basis of the agency's incipient policy. With respect to the first issue, the parties urge that POPC and POPD are the populations on January 1, 1986, rather than on July 1, 1986. The basis of this argument is the inconsistent behavior of HRS over the last three years and in the January, 1987, batching cycle, wherein the values of POPC and POPD were often effectively determined on a date six months prior to the commencement of the batching cycle, a date which was the midpoint in the occupancy rate months. Notwithstanding the inconsistent manner in which HRS has interpreted its rules, a fundamental principle of law is that if the rule is clear, the agency must follow it. Kearse v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 474 So.2d 819, 820 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985); Woodley v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 505 So.2d 676, 678 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987);. There is no deference to the agency's interpretation of law (in this case, the conflicting interpretation of the office of comprehensive health planning) where the construction is based upon common meanings. Schoettle v. State of Florida, Department of Administration, Division of Retirement, 513 So.2d 1299, 1301 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987); Roberts v. Department of Professional Regulation, Construction Industry Licensing Board, 509 So.2d 1227 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987). In this case the Department has elected to follow the clear mandate of its own rule. This is not an occasion where the inconsistency of the agency with respect to incipient policy implicates questions of fairness to those regulated. Here, despite the arguable unfairness to the applicants in this batching cycle, the agency should follow its own clear rules. The populations POPC and POPD are clearly intended by the rule to be determined as of the date of the applications for certificate of need and the date of commencement of the batching cycle. The rule unequivocally calls for a projection of need "three years" into the future. T. 1254, 1250. There is no disagreement that the end date of that projection is July 1, 1989. What ends must have had a beginning. A three year period that ends on June 1, 1989, begins on July 1, 1986. Moreover, the rule clearly establishes the value of LB, licensed beds, as of June 1, 1986. The bedrate, the driving force in determining need, is the ratio of licensed beds as of June 1, 1986, to POPC and POPD, populations of elderly persons assumed to be using the beds. If LB was determined on June 1, 1986, but POPC and POPD determined on January 1, 1986, the ratio would be incongruent. The Department undoubtedly intended there to be a correlation between beds and people in existence at the same time since the result is supposed to be a model of need. Selection of the numerator from one date and the denominator for another date results in a fractured reality having little bearing upon the issue of whether the elderly in Hillsborough County will have enough or too may nursing home beds in July, 1989. Finally, the definition "current" populations POPC and POPD was established by the final order in Manor Care of Hillsborough County v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 9 F.A.L.R. 1102, DOAH case number 86-0051. The final order in that case, entered on February 7, 1987, determined that POPC and POPD must be the populations current on the date of application for the certificate of need. For these reasons, POPC and POPD should be the populations on July 1, 1986. The next issue is the source of those population estimates. HRS argues that POPC and POPD must be derived from the July 1, 1986, release of the Governor's estimates and projections of populations. HRS has failed to establish guidance in this area by rule, and instead has chosen to rely upon evolving agency policy as the basis for selecting the source off POPC and POPD. An agency need not adopt all policy as a rule, but to the extent that it relies upon non-rule incipient policy as a basis for decision and that decision is challenged in a formal administrative hearing, the agency has the burden to establish in the record "adequate support for its decision." Florida Cities Water Company v. Florida Public Service Commission, 384 So.2d 1280, 1281 (Fla. 1980); Baxter's Asphalt and Concrete, Inc. v. Department of Transportation, et al., 475 So.2d 1284, 1286 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985); McDonald v. Department of Banking and Finance, 346 So.2d 569, 582-584 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). The only support offered by HRS for its incipient policy to use population releases available at the time of certificate of need application was that those releases were the only ones available at such time, and thus necessarily the agency's preliminary decision had to be based upon the earlier release. This may be a permissible construction of the enabling statutes, and might pass muster as an agency rule, but HRS has in this case elected to defend its policy on a case by case basis. On this record, it is clear that the policy has not been adequately supported and is unreasonable. While reliance upon the population release available at this time of preliminary agency action is obviously reasonable at that time, since it is then the most current release, the mere fact that it is the only release-then available is an inadequate reason for continuing to use that release at the de novo formal administrative hearing that follows. McDonald v. Department of Banking and Finance, 346 So.2d 569, 584 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). Moreover, the inadequacy of HRS's basis for its incipient policy has been demonstrated in this record. The May 12, 1987, release is substantially more accurate than the release a year earlier. The May 12, 1987, release is much closer to observed population growth in the subdistrict than the earlier release. These facts were not rebutted. To underscore the inadequacy of HRS's incipient policy, it bears repeating that use of the July 1, 1986, population release underestimates the net need for community nursing home beds in Hillsborough County in July, 1989, by 100 percent. This indicates that something is dramatically wrong with the incipient policy. For these reasons, the values of POPC and POPD should be taken from the May 12, 1987, release of population estimates. POPC is 134,968 and POPD is 94,402. The calculation of the bed rate, BA, thus is as follows: BA= LB/(POPC + (6 X POPD)) BA= 6,060/134,968 + (6 X 94,402)) BA= 0.0086401 The next step in the calculation is to calculate BB, which is defined as the estimated bed rate for the population age 75 years and over in the relevant district. The calculation is provided in subparagraph 2c of the rule: BB= 6 X BA BB= 6 X 0.0086401 BB= 0.0518406 Subparagraph 2a of the rule then requires calculation of A, which is gross need for the horizon year: A= (POPA X BA) + (POPB X BB) Where: A is the district's projected age-adjusted total number of community nursing home beds for the review cycle for which a projection is being made. POPA is the population age 65-74 years in the relevant departmental district projected three years into the future. POPB is the population age 75 years and older in the relevant departmental district projected three years into the future. For the reasons discussed with respect to selection of the date of the proper release of Governor's population estimates and projections with respect to POPC and POPD, POPA and POPB should be obtained from the May 12, 1987, Governor's release. POPA is 149,771 and POPB is 108,400. Therefore, continuing the calculation: A= (POPA X BA) + (POPB X BB) A= (149,771 X 0.0086401) + (108,400 X 0.0518406) A= 1,294.0364 + 5,619.521 A= 6,913.5574 The next step is to calculate SA, which is the preliminary subdistrict allocation of community nursing home beds pursuant to paragraph 2d of the rule: SA A X (LBD/LB) x (OR/.90) Where: * * * LBD is the number of licensed community nursing home beds in the relevant subdistrict. OR is the average occupancy rate for all licensed community nursing home beds within the subdistrict of the relevant district. Review of the applications submitted for the July batching cycle shall be based upon occupancy rate data for the months October- March preceding that cycle . . . * * * LBD is 2,708 since the 96 beds at the Home Association were community nursing home beds in Hillsborough County on June 1, 1986. OR is 94.29 Therefore, SA is calculated: SA= A X (LBD/LB) x (OR/.90) SA= 6,913.5574 x (2,708/6,060) x (.9429/.90) SA= 6,913.5574 X 0.4468646 X 1.0476666 SA= 3,236.6863 SA= 3,237 In the last sentence of subparagraph 2 of the rule, the "poverty adjustment" is described as follows: "In districts with a high proportion of elderly residents living in poverty, the methodology specifies a minimum bed rate." In this case, all parties agree that when the numbers are assigned to the values in the formula contained in subparagraph 2e of the rule, the poverty adjustment operates to reduce rather than enlarge the net bed need. Thus, in this case, strict application of the A formula found in subparagraph 2e fails to produce the intended "minimum" bed rate. HRS construes the rule, in this instance, to mean that the poverty adjustment does not apply, T. 1280, and all parties agree. This will be treated as a stipulation by all parties that the poverty adjustment is not an issue in this case. For this reason, the poverty adjustment will not be used in the calculations in this recommended order. The final step in the need calculation is defined by subparagraph 2i of the rule, and that is to calculate the net bed allocation for the subdistrict. Subparagraph 2i provides: The net bed allocation for a subdistrict, which is the number of beds available for Certificate of Need approval, is determined by subtracting the total number of licensed and 90 percent of the approved beds within the relevant departmental subdistrict from the bed allocation determined under subparagraphs through I. unless the subdistrict's average estimated occupancy rate for the most recent six months is less than 80 percent, in which case the net bed allocation is zero. All parties agree that the number of licensed beds within the subdistrict is determined as of June 1, 1986, for this batching cycle. That number for purposes of determining net need is 2,708. The number of approved beds for purposes of determining net need is 368. Net need for community nursing home beds in the subdistrict for July 1, 1989, is thus determined: Net Need = SA - (LBD + (.9 X AB)) Net Need = 3,237 - (2,708 + (.9 X 368)) Net Need = 3,237 - 3,039.2 Net Need = 197.8 Net Need = 198 Thus, on July 1, 1989, the subdistrict, Hillsborough County, will need 198 community nursing home beds. Evidence of "not normal" need Rule 10-5.011(k)2.j. provides criteria for approval of community nursing home certificates of need "in the event that the net bed allocation [pursuant to the rule formula] is zero . . ." The net bed allocation pursuant to the rule method is not zero in this case. Subparagraph 2j thus does not apply. The Petitioners did not present any evidence of need pursuant to the special criteria of subparagraph 2j of the rule. Rule 10-5.011(k)1. Provides: 1. Department Goal. The Department will consider applications for community nursing home beds in context with applicable statutory and rule criteria. The Department will not normally approve applications for new or additional community nursing home beds in any departmental service district if approval of an application would cause the number of community nursing home beds in that departmental service district to exceed the number of community nursing home beds in the subdistricts designated by local health councils. (E.S.) Many other HRS need rules have the same "not normal" loophole, and in all of these other cases, the applicants are thereby given the opportunity to show exceptional circumstances justifying the grant of additional beds by consideration of various aspects of the statutory criteria. Since subparagraph 2j does not apply, the provisions of subparagraph 1 do apply to grant a similar opportunity. The only other credible or competent evidence presented by the Petitioners as to a "not normal" condition of need was evidence concerning the numbers of elderly residents in the subdistrict and the occupancy rates of existing community nursing homes. These factors have already been accounted for in the rule formula, and cannot be counted again. Health Quest Realty, XII v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 477 So.2d 576, 578-79 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985) Amendment or update of applications Rule 10-5.008(3), Fla. Admin. Code, provides that "[s]ubsequent to an application being deemed complete by the Office of Health Planning and Development, no further information or amendment will be accepted by the Department." (E.S.) The rule states that the Department will accept no information after the application is deemed complete. The words used are not ambiguous or unclear. Thus, if normal rules of construction were to be followed, the conclusion would be drawn that the Department is bound by its own clear rule, and cannot, by interpretation, add exceptions. But an equally valid rule of construction is that absurd results must be avoided. Certificate of need cases, particular ones like the case at bar, are highly competitive and complicated. The review of these applications by HRS was delayed for months beyond the normal review period. Further delay has occurred in discovery and preparation for the lengthy formal administrative hearing. Time changes all, and over this period of time, new data has come to the attention of all parties. It would be absurd `to require the applicants to prove applications that have become erroneous due to the passage of time. It is highly probable that rule 10-5.008(3) was originally drafted with only the free form review of an application for a certificate of need in mind, and that the application (or non-application) of the rule to an administrative hearing a year or more later was not considered by those who drafted the rule. Indeed, prior to August, 1985, the Department and all litigants uniformly followed the McDonald v. Department of Banking and Finance, 346 So.2d 569, 584 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977) principle of Florida administrative law that formal administrative hearings are de novo, and that new information pertaining to the application is admissible. In August, 1985, the case of Gulf Court Nursing Center v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, et al., 483 So.2d 700 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986) was decided. While the Gulf Court decision was concerned only with the competitive status of applicants with respect to bed need, in the aftermath of that decision, the Department elected to construe rule 10- 5.008(3) as forbidding practically all new information, even information that had nothing to do with bed need. This undoubtedly was an overreaction to the Gulf Court decision, but the Department, after all, has always had the authority to establish rules governing the processing of applications for certificates of need, including the number and timing of amendments to such applications. McDonald v. Department of Banking and Finance, 346 So.2d 569, 584 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). Given the fact that the rule is so clear, the better route would have been to amend the rule. As discussed above, conventional rules of statutory construction could easily support the legal conclusion that the rule must be applied as it is written, without further interpretation. Nonetheless, the Department for this case has chosen the other route, to interpret rather than to amend its rule. While the question is a close one, the Hearing Officer has concluded that it would be better to ignore the clear words of the rule, and attempt to apply the evolving interpretative policy of the Department to avoid an absurd result. The following appear to be the existing final orders of the Department interpreting rule 10-5.008(3), and its predecessor, published in the Florida Administrative Law Reports. Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America, d/b/a Heartland of Palm Beach, 8 F.A.L.R. 4650 (September 24, 1986); Arbor Health Care Company, Inc., d/b/a Martin Health Center, Inc., v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, et al., 9 F.A.L.R. 709 (October 13, 1986); Mease Hospital and Clinic v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, et al., 9 F.A.L.R. 159 (October 13, 1986); Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America, d/b/a Heartland of Collier County v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 8 F.A.L.R. 5883 (December 8, 1986); Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America, d/b/a Nursing Center of Highlands County, v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 9 F.A.L.R. 1081 (December 8, 1986); Manatee Mental Health Center, Inc. d/b/a Manatee Crisis Center v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, et al., 9 F.A.L.R. 1430 (February 2, 1987); Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America, d/b/a Heartland of Hillsborough, v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 9 F.A.L.R. 1630 (February 5, 1987); Manor Care, Inc. v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 9 F.A.L.R. 1628 (March 2, 1987); Psychiatric Institutes of America, Inc., d/b/a Psychiatric Institute of Orlando v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, et al., 9 F.A.L.R. 1626a (March 5, 1987); Manor Care, Inc. v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, et al., 9 F.A.L.R. 2139 (March 24, 1987); Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc. v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, et al., 9 F.A.L.R. 2110 (April 17, 1987); Hialeah Hospital, Inc. v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, et al., 9 F.A.L.R. 2363 (May 1, 1987); Palms Residential Treatment Center, Inc., d/b/a Manatee Palms Residential Treatment Center v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, et al., 10 F.A.L.R. 1425 (February 15, 1988) These final orders contain the following statements concerning the Department's interpretation of rule 10-5.008(3) and its evolving policy with respect to changes to applications for certificates of need during section proceedings and admissibility of new information not contained in the original applications: Health Care and Retirement, supra, 8 F.A.L.R. at 4651: During 120.57 proceedings, an application may be updated to address facts extrinsic to the application such as interest rates, inflation of construction costs, current occupancies, compliance with new state or local health plans, and changes in bed or service inventories. An applicant is not allowed to update by adding additional services, beds, construction, or other concepts not initially reviewed by HRS. Manatee Mental Health Center, supra, 9 F.A.L.R. at 1431: . . . HRS has authority by statute to issue a CON for an identifiable portion of project. Section 381.494(8)(c), Florida Statutes. MMHC's "amended" proposal reduced the number of beds sought, and was properly considered during the 120.57 proceedings. Manor Care. Inc., supra, 9 F.A.L.R. at 2141-42: The amended applications [amended to address needs of Alzheimer's disease patients] changed the scope and character of the proposed facilities and services and thus, must be reviewed initially at HRS . . . [Gulf Court] . . . limited the de novo concept by requiring that evidence of changed circumstances be considered only if relevant to the application. Hialeah Hospital, Inc., 9 F.A.L.R. at 2366: It is recognized that more than a year may pass between the free form decision by HRS and the final 120.57 hearing and this passage of time may require updating an application by evidence of changed circumstances such as the effect of inflation on interest and construction costs. For the sake of clarity HRS would avoid the use of the word "amendment" to describe such updating. Such evidence of changed circumstances beyond the control of the applicant is relevant to the original application and is admissible at the 120.57 hearing. Taking the easiest first, those items explicitly listed by the Department in the first Health Care and Retirement case, "interest rates, inflation of construction costs, current occupancies, compliance with new state or local health plans, and changes in bed or service inventories," which change after the application is initially filed, are permitted. Not permitted are "additional services, beds, construction, or other concepts not initially reviewed by HRS." The remainder of the Department's incipient policy, as presently articulated, is extremely obscure. The word "extrinsic" without the list of examples is of little guidance. The application is only an idea on paper. Anything new, other than the bare words on the paper as originally filed, is literally "extrinsic" thereto. The concept of whether the new information changes the "scope and character of the facilities and services" originally reviewed in free form action by the Department is similarly of little guidance because the phrase "scope and character" can mean practically anything. Of fundamental difficulty is whether this phrase is intended to select substantial changes to the original application, or all changes. For example, if the original application proposes separate shower stalls and tubs for double rooms, but the amended application proposes a combination shower and tub, has the "scope and character" of the "facilities and services" changed? The phrase "additional services, beds, construction, or other concepts not initially reviewed by HRS" is similarly vague. What is a service or construction or a concept not originally reviewed? Would this include the change in bathing equipment discussed above? The concept of "control" of the applicant over the information that goes into the original application is the only phrase that gives applicants any guidance. The word "control" probably is intended as a "knew or reasonably should have known" standard. If the applicant reasonably should have known about the information and should have provided the Department with the information as a part of its original application, then the new information cannot be considered during the formal administrative hearing. The Hearing Officer will be guided, thus, by the explicit list of items provided by the Department in the Health Care and Retirement case, and by the concept of "control" provided by the Hialeah case. New information submitted by Forum Group Table 7 of the Forum Group update is for the second year of operation. There was no projection of utilization by class of pay for the second year of operation in Forum Group's original application, and Forum Group presented no evidence to explain why its original application did not or could not forecast utilization by class of pay for the second year of operation. Table 7 of the update, F.G. Ex. 6, thus constitutes an attempt to add matters to the original application which could have been a part of the original application as filed. Pursuant to rule 10-5.008(3), Fla. Admin. Code, it is now excluded from evidence because it is irrelevant. Table 8 of the Forum Group update was not proven by Forum Group to be based upon ordinary inflation. It appears that the revised charges in table 8 were based in part upon a telephone survey of subdistrict nursing homes conducted after Forum Group filed its original application. Forum Group did not prove that it could not reasonably have conducted such a telephone survey before it filed its original application. Thus, table 8 of F.G. Ex. 6 contravenes rule 10-5.008(3) and now is excluded from evidence because it is irrelevant to the original application. Table 10 of the Forum Group update was precisely the kind of new information allowed by the incipient policy of the Department. The old table 10 had an opening date of January, 1988, a date that was obviously in error due to the delay in decision in these cases. The new information was simply the old information altered by current occupancy and fillup rates in the subdistrict, data that could not have been acquired when the original application was filed. "Current occupancies" is explicitly listed by HRS as permissible new data in the Health Care and Retirement case, supra. Table 10, F.G. Ex. 6, is admitted into evidence. The revised table 11 contains positions for a dietary supervisor, maintenance supervisor, and utility workers, all of which could have been reported in the original table 11. These portions of table 11 are excluded from evidence. The revised table 11 contains changes in the FTE's for registered nurses and licensed practical nurses. These changes could have been in the original table 11 and are excluded from evidence. The revised table 11 contains changes in salaries that were adequately shown to be the result of inflation and new market data not available at the time the application was deemed complete. These portions of revised table 11 are admitted into evidence. Table 25 of the revised application, F.G. Ex. 6, which summarizes estimated project costs, including construction costs, contains new information permitted by the Department's evolving policy. The new table contains no changes of substance except changes caused by inflation and current construction experience. The bottom line, except to that extent, has not changed in substance. Table 25 of F.G. Ex. 6 is admitted into evidence in its entirety. Revisions to tables 17-20, F.G. Ex. 6, were driven entirely by inflation in construction costs. Surely if the Department allows an applicant to respond to inflation by projections of new costs, the Department's policy would also allow the applicant to respond to inflation by projections of new methods to reduce new costs caused by inflation. These revisions are admitted into evidence. The revised pro forma statement of total operating expenses has not been proven by a preponderance of the evidence. First, the revision was explained as being based upon changes in utilization by class of pay, but that data, table 7 of the revision, was not admitted into evidence. Moreover, the changes in total operating expenses resulted from impermissible changes in the numbers of FTE's which have been excluded from evidence. It is not possible on this record to determine how much of the revised pro forma statement of total operating expenses has been shown to be a credible projection, given the lack of these fundamental sources of the projection. Moreover, the revision to total operating expenses in the revised pro forma, F.G. Ex. 6, has not been credibly shown to be based upon matters that Forum Group could not have known at the time it originally filed its application. This conclusion flows from the fact that the original application did not project utilization by class of pay in year 2. Absent this projection, the revision of total operating expenses must necessarily be based upon data that was absent from the original application. The same is true with respect to changes in FTE's in the revision. For these reasons, the revision to total operating expenses in the revised pro forma, F.G. Ex. 6, constitutes an impermissible offer of new data precluded by rule 10-5.008(3). New information submitted by Health Quest Table 8 of the revised application of Health Quest, H.Q. Ex. 3, was based upon information that Health Quest could have obtained when it filed its original application. Table 8 of H.Q. Ex. 3 is thus excluded from evidence. Table 11 of the revised application was based upon the actual experience acquired after the original application was filed. Table 11 of H.Q. Ex. 3 is admitted into evidence. Table 17 of the original application projected that the facility would have six three-bed rooms, but the revised application deleted all 3 bed rooms. Since Health Quest failed to show that this new information would have been unavailable to it when it filed its original application, the change as to 3 rooms is not admissible. The ineluctable result, therefore, is that all of revised table 17 is inadmissible since the proper mix of beds has not been proven. The change of square footage of 1 bed room to 216 in the revised table 18 is inadmissible because it contravenes rule 10-5.008(3). Evidence as to the agreement with the University Community Physicians Association of Tampa is admissible as matters which did not exist and could not have been a part of the original application. The objections to that testimony, T. 579- 80, are overruled. New information submitted by Careage The changes to the Careage application, C. Exs. 18-23 and 24-25, were shown to be based upon information not reasonably obtainable by Careage when it filed its original application, and thus are admitted into evidence over the objections made that these exhibits were barred by rule 10-5.008(3). New information submitted by Hillsborough Healthcare Hillsborough Healthcare did not submit any changes to its application. Comparative review of the applications Careage failed to prove two essential portions of its application. It did not prove by a preponderance of the credible evidence that it would in fact operate the proposed facility if the certificate of need were granted, and it did not prove by credible evidence that it would provide care of good quality. For these reasons, the Careage application should be denied. The other applicants proved by credible evidence all essential portions of their applications. The only remaining task, therefore, is to determine the proper allocation of the 198 beds needed in July, 1989, among these three applicants. The space and costs associated with the remaining proposals may be compared as follows: Appli Cost/Bed NetFt/Bed TotFt/Bed Cost/NetFtBed Cost/TotFtBed Forum $44,551 228 408 $195 $109 HealthQ $34,719 240 423 $147 $ 82 HillsH $28,063 185 283 $152 $ 99 The cost per net square foot per bed (Cost/NetFtBed) is derived by dividing the cost per bed by the net square feet of living space per bed. Likewise, the cost by total square feet (gross) per bed (Cost/TotFtBed) is derived by the same division. Health Quest is preferable to the other two applicants when these cost and space figures are considered. It provides more space at a lower cost per square foot. The differences between Hillsborough Healthcare and Forum Group are not sufficiently significant to give one preference over the other. Hillsborough Healthcare is the less expensive proposal, but suffers from being the least spacious proposal in comparison to Forum Group. Moreover, the record does not contain guiding policies to determine whether there is a need in Hillsborough County for cheaper, less spacious, nursing homes, or for more expensive, more spacious nursing homes. The proposed staffing of the remaining proposals may be compared as follows: Applicant TotalFTE RN FTE LPN FTE RN Asst FTE No. Bed Forum 37.6 5.3 3.6 14.00 60 HealthQ 60.75 4.8 2.2 25.00 88 HillsH 64.65 2.92 8.78 36.61 120 Staffing per proposed bed may further be compared as follows: Total FTE Applicant Per Bed RN FTE Per Bed RN & LPN FTE Per Bed Total Nursing FTE Per Bed Forum .63 .08 .15 .38 HealthQ .69 .05 .08 .36 HillsH .54 .02 .10 .40 The total nursing FTE per bed for each applicant is relatively equal, with Hillsborough Healthcare having the highest ratio and Health Quest the lowest. Forum Group has significantly more RN's and LPN's per bed than Health Quest, but the overall nursing staffing is comparable. Hillsborough Healthcare is the lowest when only RN's and LPN's are considered, and the lowest total FTE per bed. The differences noted in staffing do not appear to be sufficient to draw meaningful conclusions. Hillsborough Healthcare's facility may be staffed at a less costly level, but whether this is due to substitution of nursing assistants for RN's and LPN's, or a result of efficiencies due to the larger number of beds (120), or reflects less than optimum staffing cannot be determined on this record. Hillsborough did not present evidence as to staffing patterns for a 60 bed facility. Other features of the proposals of the three applicants provide little to distinguish or rank them in priority. All three propose to associate the nursing facility with an adult congregate living facility, resulting in cost efficiencies and better continuity of care. All three have a substantial track record in the operation of a nursing homes, and can be expected to provide care of good quality. All three have very substantial resources and prior experience in the development and initial operation of a nursing home. If any distinction were to be made, perhaps it would be to favor the Hillsborough Healthcare application over the Forum Group application. Hillsborough Healthcare plans to serve the needs of Alzheimer's patients, and Forum Group does not. Hillsborough Healthcare's application is, relative to the Forum Group proposal, less expensive. On the other hand, the Alzheimer's disease unit is only a marginal factor since there is no qualified evidence in this record of need for that type of unit in 1989 in Hillsborough County. One can only infer that the need is probably going to be there, and it might be better to prefer Hillsborough over Forum Group for that reason. The "luxury" vs. "austerity" comparison is similarly not of ultimate persuasive weight since, as discussed above, there is no credible evidence in the record as to what the proper mix should be. Of course, it is safe to conclude that the need for less expensive nursing care is greater than the need for care that only a few can afford, but that conclusion does not necessarily result in the total denial of the Forum Group application. In summary, with respect to the question as to which applicant should be favored with approval of the most number of beds from the projected bed need, there is no major issue to adequately distinguish between the three applicants. For this reason, each applicant should be treated as equally as possible consistent with the application it submitted and the evidence it presented in support of that application. The Department appears to have several relatively reasonable ways to allocate bed need among the three applicants. It might simply divide the beds equally among the three. This alternative is less reasonable because it would ignore the detailed proof that has been presented by both Forum Group and Health Quest in support of proposed facilities of 60 beds and 88 beds respectively, and would result in implementation of facilities having staffing and design configuration that would be altered from that proof. A second alternative would be to award partial approval to Health Quest for 78 beds, to award full approval to Hillsborough Healthcare for 120 beds, and to deny the application of Forum Group. A third alternative would be to award partial approval to Health Quest for 78 beds, to award partial approval to Hillsborough Healthcare for 60 beds, and to award full approval to Forum Group for 60 beds. This third alternative is more reasonable and will be recommended by this order. This alternative has the advantage of fostering the most future competition in Hillsborough County by approving three competitors rather than two. Of the three applicants, Health Quest proposed the most space, relatively speaking, for the least cost. The staffing proposed by Health Quest is reasonable in comparison to the other two applicants. Reduction of the Health Quest proposal to 78 beds from 88 beds is a relatively minor reduction; stated another way, the proof provided by Health Quest as to the specifics of an 88 bed facility is likely to be changed only slightly for a 78 bed facility. Forum Group proved all of the details of its 60 bed proposal, and thus approval of those beds would be entirely consistent with its application and proof in this record. Hillsborough Healthcare did not prove the specifics of a 60 bed partially approved facility except that such a facility would contain the full sized Alzheimer's patient unit proposed in its 120 bed facility. It would be fairer to approve Hillsborough for that 60 bed facility than to approve Hillsborough for 120 beds, leaving Forum Group with denial of its application, given the lack of a compelling clear choice between the two applicants. Recommendation It is therefore recommended that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services enter its final order partially granting the application of Health Quest for 78 community nursing home beds, partially granting the application of Hillsborough Healthcare for 60 community nursing home beds, fully granting the application of Forum Group for 60 community nursing home beds, and denying the application of Careage. DONE and ORDERED this 30th day of June, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM C. SHERRILL, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of June, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NOS. 87-0670, 87-0671, and 87-0774 The following are rulings upon proposed findings of fact which have either been rejected or which have been adopted by reference. The numbers used are the numbers used by the parties. Statements of fact contained in this appendix are adopted as findings of fact. Findings of fact proposed by HRS: 1-2. These proposed findings of fact are' subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. The classification of the Home Association beds has been thoroughly discussed in the findings of fact and conclusions of law. The correct population figures are discussed in the findings of fact. 9-13. These are matters of law, and thus not appropriate as proposed findings of fact. 15. The changes to table 7 were not the result of a telephone survey. T. 51. 17. Defining "extrinsic circumstances" as not inclusive of economic or market changes that occurred after the original application was deemed to have been complete, or otherwise not reasonably obtainable or knowable by the applicant when the original application was filed, is contrary to HRS policy embodied in final orders, sketchy as it may be. 18, 23-25. Rejected as explained in the findings of fact. 26, 28. Rejected with respect to table 11 as explained in the findings of fact. 30. This finding of fact, while true, is not made because Health Quest made no such change to its 88 bed application. Rule 10-5.008(1) simply states that the application for a certificate of need must be filed on form 1455. Table 12 of the form has no instructions for what must be contained therein. Since HRS has not demonstrated on this record that table 12 in the original application was supposed to have listed these items, it cannot be said that the listing of these items in the new table 12 is a change. It is noted that spaces to take showers, baths, store linen, and for nursing stations would be assumed for any nursing home, and ought not be presumed to have been excluded by the failure of an applicant to list them. Moreover, it is further noted that from a review of the original application H.Q. Ex. 1 that table 12 does include nursing administrative space, patient lounges, a central supply space, general storage, housekeeping, and laundry. Moreover, the amendment, H.Q. Ex. 2, shows the following spaces on the space diagram: laundry, shower, patient lounge, and medication room (med). Any bed room could be used for isolation. Table 20 does include a chapel. H.Q. Ex. 1. Not supported by the record cited. Findings of fact proposed by Forum Group: 1-4, 9, 13. These are matters of law, and thus not appropriate as proposed findings of fact. 5. LB of 5,964, as proposed by the Department, is most credible as the beginning figure, without considering the beds at the Home Association. 7-8, 10. Incorrect value for LB. 11. OR should be 94.29 with the Home Association beds. 18. Incorrect values for LB and OR. 21. The denial occurred orally in January, 1987. The update has been discussed in findings of fact and conclusions of law. These are matters of law, and thus not appropriate as proposed findings of fact. It is true that there is need and the need must be satisfied. 29-33. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. 34. The phrase "homelike atmosphere" is too vague to be a finding of fact. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. The record does not contain sufficient evidence to make a finding as to the history of Forum Group with respect to the quality of care provided at Forum Group facilities. 49-50. The update with respect to financial feasibility is not relevant since essential parts of the update with respect to financial feasibility were not admitted into evidence. 60, 65, 67, 68, 74, and 80. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. 66. This is not relevant. Ms. Kennedy testified that she had authority from Hillsborough Healthcare to accept a certificate of need for a 60 bed nursing home. There is no credible evidence to contradict this statement under oath. The lack of a written partnership authorization in evidence does not negate this statement. 76. Had there been any credible evidence in theme cases that the amount of need in Hillsborough County was minimal and that, consequently, the pro formas for 60 bed nursing-homes must be closely scrutinized for long term financial feasibility, then it would be relevant that CSI did not explain in detail the pro forma for a 60 bed nursing home. CSI did, however, present expert opinion that a 60 bed nursing home would be financially feasible, and on this record, the opinion is very credible. Forum Group and Health Quest have shown the long term financial feasibility of a 60 bed nursing home, and there is a large amount of need. Moreover, existing nursing homes are experiencing very high occupancy rates and fill up rates. For these reasons, this proposed finding of fact, while true, is not relevant. Hillsborough did show that its design was modular. Scaling down the project simply means deletion of one wing. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. The witness specifically addressed two portions of the state health plan. T. 777. The testimony was competent and substantial evidence. The inference that the certificate of need was "about to expire" is inappropriate since the witness's testimony leads to the inference that Health Quest intends to proceed with that project. T. 641. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. 98-99. These proposed findings of fact are true, but insufficient to support a finding that Health Quest lacks the resources to construct and operate this project in the short term. 101, 105-07. These proposed findings of fact are true, but do not lead to the conclusion that the construction cost estimates are unreasonable. See T. 590. Mr. Krisher had sufficient expertise in health planning, nursing home development, and financial feasibility, to testify generally as to these matters. T. 501-516. No party presented any independent evidence to seriously question these estimates. 102. This proposed finding of fact is incorrect since the expected Medicaid rate in Boca Raton is different from the expected rate in Tampa. T. 785. 111. Not supported by the record cited. 114-116, 118-120. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. True, but insufficient to show lack of resources to make the project financially feasible in the short term. Irrelevant. The existence of lines of credit was proved by Mr. Gentle. Irrelevant. The staffing was shown to be reasonable by the testimony of other competent witnesses. 125-27. True, but insufficient to show back of financial feasibility. 129. True, but irrelevant. It would be unreasonable and a waste of health care resources for an applicant to have to buy five expensive acres of urban land to be qualified to apply for a certificate of need. 130-31. Irrelevant. The delay and inflation rates are negligible. Findings of fact proposed by Hillsborough Healthcare: 1. This is subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. It is true, however, and is adopted by reference. 5. The phrasing of the first and second sentences is rejected for lack of evidence. 7. The evidence is not sufficient to show actual bias by a preponderance of the evidence. 8-9, 19-20, 22-23. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. These proposed findings of fact are true, however, and are adopted by reference. 21. Irrelevant. 24. True, but not relevant. These matters are covered by the numeric need rule. 29. The evidence does not show that CSI managed facilities offer "superior" activities. 32, 33 (fifth and sixth sentences), 35 (last sentence), 38(a)-(i), 40,42 (first sentence), 39, 45 (second and third sentences), 46 (all but the first sentence), 49 (first two sentences), 53, 56 (all but the first two sentences), and 60-72. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. These proposed findings of fact ace true, however, and are adopted by reference. 51. The preponderance of the evidence does not credibly show that the floor plan promotes patient safety and convenience, or that travel distances are minimal. 54. Not supported by the record cited. These proposed findings of fact are irrelevant. A finding of fact that the criminal offense of perjury was committed cannot be made since there is no evidence of a criminal conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction. The testimony of Ms. Etten was not limited to those programs. The documents used in cross examination were never properly authenticated, and are hearsay. Thus, a finding of fact that the documents are in fact surveys of Careage facilities by other agencies in other states cannot be made based upon the documents. For this reason, the remainder of the proposed finding is not relevant. Ms. Etten credibly testified that nursing staffing was generally adequate. Her opinion was not ultimately limited to special programs. T. 1216. The inability of other witnesses to testify on this point is not relevant. The ability of Careage to recruit staff was adequately proved by other parties. There is no credible evidence in this record to believe that any applicant fail to recruit adequate staff. The recruitment plans of Careage appear to be quite reasonable. T. 1562-64. On pages 1686-87 of the transcript, the Hearing Officer ruled that the expert opinion of Ms. Krueger would be allowed even though it was based on hearsay. This was a correct ruling. Section 90.704, Fla. Stat. (1987). The sentence immediately following that ruling is incorrect as stated, and directly contradicts the initial correct ruling. That is, an expert opinion is admissible and may be relied upon even though based upon evidence, such as hearsay, which in itself may not be admissible. Further, the opinion of an expert in an administrative proceeding is a proper basis for a finding of fact even though the opinion is based upon hearsay, and even though hearsay alone in an administrative hearing, absent nonhearsay evidence on the point, is not sufficient as a basis for a finding of fact. The second sentence in the transcript was intended to state that hearsay evidence alone will not be the basis of a finding of fact, setting aside for the moment the issue of expert opinion. For these reasons, these proposed findings of fact are rejected to the extent that they urge that short term financial feasibility was not established because the opinion was premised upon hearsay evidence. With respect to the unaudited financial statement question, Ms. Krueger was not asked whether experts in her field reasonably rely upon unaudited financial statements. She was only asked which type was more worthy of belief and whether her profession feels they can rely on audited statements. She was never asked whether her profession feels it cannot rely upon unaudited statements. Ms. Krueger stated that she was aware of the existence of fraudulent audited statements, implying that the question leads to answers that are not that useful. T. 1652. In fact, Ms. Krueger, who was a thoroughly credible witness, explaining her opinions in a lucid and reasonable manner, relied upon unaudited statements, as well as her conversations with several of the chief executive officers of Careage. Based on this record, a finding cannot be made that experts in this field do not reasonably rely from time to time upon unaudited financial statements. The authenticity of the letter from SeaFirst is irrelevant since that line of credit was established by the direct testimony of Mr. Gentle. T. 1576. Ms. Krueger's lack of personal knowledge as to the existence of a binding commitment for a loan for this project is irrelevant due to Mr. Gentle's direct testimony. The evidence in the record from all parties indicates that land is generally available in Hillsborough County in the 3 to 5 acre range, that 3 to 5 acres is about what is needed for any of the projects, and that the cost is from $300,000 to $600,000. The Careage facility will bring in over $3 million in gross revenue per year in all years beyond the first few. A few hundred thousand dollars can be amortized over the life of a nursing home, and will not be a significant factor in long range financial feasibility. All of the applicants have access to credit to buy land at market rates. There is essentially no reasonable dispute as to land acquisition and cost in this case. The testimony related to equipment , not floor space, for technology dependent children. Those children would be served in the subacute beds. Space for Alzheimer's patients was included in the floor plan and the 45,500 square feet. T. 1136-37. Mr. Cushing testified that the Means reference book might project a cost per square foot in the "60's." He did not adopt that as his opinion. T. 1185-86. Delay in construction for 8 months is not such delay as to necessarily result in substantial increases in construction cost. The last sentence is true but does not account for the fact that Mr. Cushing consulted the Means reference book for labor rates. That is sufficient. The remainder of the reasoning of this proposed finding of fact was rejected in paragraph 85 above. Rejected as described in the preceding paragraphs. Ms. Krueger's expertise with respect to salaries was established perhaps more completely than any other expert witness. She not only had first hand knowledge from her work reviewing salaries in nearby counties, but she consulted expert reference materials. Her inability to remember the name of the book referenced does not seriously undermine her expertise. The ruling at T. 1324 sustained an objection to a question. It was not a ruling upon the admissibility of portions of the document. Ms. Krueger prepared the long range plan section of C. Ex. 3, P. 3-7, and the under served groups section, p. 3-8, in conjunction with Mr. Gentle. T. 1322. This is sufficient predicate for her testimony as to these matters. 91-92. The telephone survey was not a needs survey. It only surveyed existing services. The survey has essentially been discounted because of lack of response and lack of statistical reliability. These proposed findings ace adopted by reference. Since none of this testimony has been relied upon in this recommended order, the proposed findings of fact are irrelevant. These proposed findings of fact are irrelevant. The testimony as to lines of credit and resources of the Lynns was enough to establish the availability of working capital. These proposed findings of fact are irrelevant. Rejected as explained in the findings of fact. These proposed findings of fact are irrelevant. 101. The continuing objection was allowed, not granted. T. 595-96. Otherwise, these proposed findings of fact are true and are adopted by reference. 102-103. These proposed findings of fact are true and are adopted by reference. 104. Essentially irrelevant as explained with respect to proposed findings of fact concerning the land acquisition and preparation costs of other applicants. 105-107. These proposed findings of fact are true and are adopted by reference, except the last clause of the last sentence of proposed finding of fact 105. Absent quantitative data and a study of salaries showing the estimates to be substantially in error, the foregoing proposed findings of fact are not sufficient to show an error affecting financial feasibility. 108-109. These proposed findings of fact are irrelevant since the 60 bed application was not a permissible amendment. These proposed findings of fact are true and are adopted by reference. These proposed findings of fact are irrelevant since these are different health districts having different patient payor mixes. Findings of fact proposed by Health Quest: 4, 5, 7-10. These are matters of law, and thus not appropriate as proposed findings of fact. 11-17. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. The rationality of the OCHP's policy is irrelevant since it conflicts with the rule and other policies are also rational. A finding of a consistent pattern with respect to base date populations in the award of certificates of need cannot be made as discussed in the findings of fact. Mr. Sharp understood his position, and Mr. Jaffe well understood the inconsistencies. 22-23. True but irrelevant. Disadvantage often occurs to some person when the law is correctly applied. 24-28. Rejected as discussed at length elsewhere in this order. 33. Not supported by the record cited. 36.a. Mr. Gentle did not work with Careage in these years and could not be expected to have detailed memory on these points. He named seven such facilities. 38. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. 40.b. (ii). There is no evidence that CHP is the same as Careage. 40.c.(v). Health Quest has operated since 1969. 42. Both could be true. 43.a.(ii). Mr. Gentle was not sure because this was not within his area of responsibility. T. 1603. 44. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. Dr. Etten's unfamiliarity with the fact that the Health Quest facility in Jacksonville provides IV therapy and total parenteral nutrition does not demonstrate exaggeration or lack of expertise. The record does not clearly demonstrate that other Health Quest nursing homes provide these specific services. The evidence is only that services are generally the same. T. 1077. The testimony concerning Medicaid patients in the subacute unit was elicited on cross examination, and was not presented by the witness as an intended representation by Careage on direct. Ms. Krueger's understanding simply was wrong, not misleading. T. 1367. The remainder of this proposed finding of fact is similarly a red herring. Careage did not project anything more than 37 percent Medicaid utilization. C. Ex. 3, table 7B. It is one thing to expect 37 percent utilization, and another thing to represent that the facility will not discriminate. A promise to not discriminate inherently contains the caveat that a facility will not pursue that noble goal to bankruptcy. The Hearing Officer would not find that to be the case with respect to Careage any more than with respect to Health Quest. Mr. Gentle did not testify that the number of nurses aides in the Alzheimer's unit would be higher in comparison to other sections of the facility. He testified that the number would be "higher" in comparison to professional licensed staff, which would be lesser. T. 1525. 54. Irrelevant. Mr. Gentle said that day care would probably be at a location nearby. T. 1593. 57. None of the parties addressed site size with the specificity proposed by these findings of fact. Lack of such specificity has no real bearing on credibility. The record cited, T. 1526, does not support the proposed finding that equipment for technology dependent children is "substantial and expensive." Thus, the remainder of these proposed findings are rejected. It is true, however, that the application fails to itemize such equipment, and that the contingency is relied upon. There is no evidence that Careage proposes to employ a gerontological nurse practitioner. C. Ex. 3, table 11. The testimony of Dr. Etten simply describe the skills of that form of nurse practitioner. She was never asked whether such professional would be employed by Careage. T. 1217-19. The failure to tie in the testimony is only a human error, and does not show a lack of credibility. Proposed finding of fact 62.a. is not supported by the record. Dr. Etten was not asked to describe the care given an Alzheimer's patient in an ACLF. She was asked to describe the care given a "resident" of an adult congregate living facility. Her comment about such residents not being "bed patients for any period of time" is not a dodge of a question about an Alzheimer's disease patient. Moreover, she credibly and directly testified that Alzheimer's disease manifests itself so many different ways she could not say whether it would be appropriate to have such patients living in an adult congregate living facility. Next, Mr. Gentle's testimony as to the medical characteristics and needs of Alzheimer's patients is insufficient as a basis for findings of fact because Mr. Gentle was not accepted as a medical expert. Health Quest presented no credible evidence to show that an Alzheimer's patient can be treated either in an adult congregate living facility or a conventional nursing home. Absent such evidence, the failure of other parties to rebut the nonexistent negative, given the clear affirmative evidence that Alzheimer's disease patients greatly benefit from special care, is unpersuasive. These proposed findings of fact are irrelevant. These children would be served as subacute care patients. Precise identification of the area set aside for these children would have been only of marginal relevance. To the extent not adopted elsewhere in this recommended order, these proposed findings are adopted by reference. Careage's expert was clearly aware of the need to review site specific conditions in the preparation of construction plans. T. 1177. He has built nursing homes in many states. His competence to prepare adequate construction plans for Hillsborough County conditions was clearly established in the record. It is true that he had not yet prepared the final construction plans. But no party has presented final construction plans, and thus the lack of such plans is irrelevant on this record. Irrelevant on this record. Irrelevant. The amount of working capital is well within the resources available to Careage. There is no evidence in the record that a variation one way or the other by $100,000 would make the project not financially feasible. Careage's credibility was not discredited by the fact that Ms. Krueger was not aware of the mix of skilled and intermediate beds. True, but irrelevant. There is no evidence that such expenses were not accounted for, or if missing, the amount and importance. The staffing was shown by expert opinion to be adequate. T. 1216. One presumes that adequacy refers to adequate health care since the witness was only qualified in that area of expertise. The Careage design was not unique. The Careage use of the word "unique" to describe its design has been disregarded in this order. 78.c.(i)-(iii). These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. 78.c.(vi). Not supported by the record cited. 78.c.(vii). The testimony cited is not competent opinion. There was no predicate for testimony as to the knowledge of Mr. Haben, and the objection to a similar question just preceding was sustained on that basis. 87-96, 100-101, 103-128. These proposed findings of fact are irrelevant for the reasons stated in Health Quest's proposed finding of fact 76. 135. These are matters of law, and thus not appropriate as proposed findings of fact. 146. Not relevant since the 60 bed proposal is not in evidence. 149. Without evidence as to what is included in the definition of "subacute" care, a finding as to "virtually all" cannot be made. 151 and 158. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. 166, 169, 170 and 172. Not relevant since the 60 bed proposal is not in evidence. 168. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. Findings of fact proposed by Careage: The first sentence implies that Careage has operated nursing homes for 25 years. Careage has built nursing homes fob that length of time for operation by others, for the most part. The second sentence is true, but subordinate, and is adopted by reference. Mr. Griffin testified that the decision to adhere to the recommendations made by staff before he assumed his duties at HRS was not his decision. T. 705-06, 703. His testimony reflect very little personal participation in the evaluation of the competing applications. T. 697-705. 6. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. 8. There was no credible evidence in this record as to how many Alzheimer's patients need specialized services. The evidence was simply that if such patients exist, such patients need specialized services. Thus, the first sentence is rejected. 8 (second sentence) -12. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. A comparison of staffing is not possible since Careage intends to serve primarily persons in need of skilled nursing care, and hence it cannot be determined if Careage in fact has proposed nursing staff that is more generous relative to patient need than Hillsborough. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. Since insufficient credible evidence has been presented to conclude that Careage will operate the proposed facility, this finding of fact is rejected. The proposed finding concerning intent to provide adult day care is not supported by the record cited. 19-20. Irrelevant since insufficient credible evidence has been presented to conclude that Careage will operate the proposed facility. 21. The first sentence is subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. It is true, however, and is adopted by reference. 22-23, 25 (all but first sentence), 26, 17 (third, fourth, and seventh sentences), 29. These proposed findings of fact are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. 24. It is concluded that associating a nursing home with an adult congregate living facility will in fact result in cost efficiencies. The remainder of this proposed finding of fact, noting the relatively higher costs of Health Quest compared to Careage, is true, but does not disprove the conclusion that cost efficiencies would exist. It is true that the Hillsborough Healthcare Medicare mix projection may be somewhat high, but the fiscal consequences of that conclusion was not demonstrated. The second sentence is rejected because Ms. Krueger was not accepted as an expert with respect to appropriate levels of staffing. T. 1686-88. 31. The second sentence is based upon hearsay. It is also based upon the opinion of Mr. Gentle which was inadmissible. T. 1577. The fourth and fifth sentences are subordinate to findings of fact that have been adopted. They are true, however, and are adopted by reference. 32-33. These portions of the Forum Group amended application, F.G. EX. 6, were not admitted into evidence, and thus these proposed findings of fact are not relevant. 36. Irrelevant since the Health Quest 60 bed application is an impermissible amended application. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Suite 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 John Miller, Esquire Acting General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 DEPARTMENT OF HRS Edgar Lee Elzie, Jr., Esquire Guyte P. McCord, III, Esquire McFarlane, Ferguson, Allison & Kelly Post Office Box 82 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 CAREAGE HOUSE HEALTH Robert S. Cohen, Esquire Haben and Associates Post Office Box 10095 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 FORUM GROUP, INC. R. Terry Rigsby, Esquire Post Office Box 11188 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 HILLSBOROUGH HEALTHCARE LTD. W. David Watkins, Esquire Oertel & Hoffman, P. A. Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6507 HEALTH QUEST CORP. Charles N. Loeser, Esquire Assistant General Counsel 315 W. Jefferson Blvd. South Bend, IN 46601 Steven W. Huss, Esquire 1017 Thomasville Road Suite C Tallahassee, Florida 32303 HEALTH CARE AND RETIREMENT CORPORATION OF AMERICA Alfred W. Clark, Esquire Post Office Box 623 Tallahassee, Florida 32302

Florida Laws (4) 120.57213.75651.11890.704
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-003492 Latest Update: Apr. 01, 1988

The Issue The broad issue in this proceeding is whether either of the petitioners should be granted a community nursing home CON. The parties disagree as to the appropriate application of the need methodology described in Rule 10-5.011(1)(k), F.A.C. Both Petitioners argue that the approved bed inventory should be determined as of December 1, 1986, at the same time that the number of licensed beds was determined for the January 1987 batching cycle. HRS computed approved beds as of the date that the supervisor signed its State Agency Action Report (SAAR), in May 1987. The parties further disagree as to the effect of subsequent changes to a Final Order in Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc., et al. v. HRS, cited above, originally entered in April 1987.

Findings Of Fact BMI's application number 5010, and Manor's application number 5022, were timely filed for review by HRS in the January 1987 batching cycle. Both applications were denied in HRS' State Agency Action Report (SAAR) dated May 19, 1987. BMI previously received a CON for 73 nursing home beds in Brevard County. Its current application is for 47 additional beds, to create a single 120-bed facility. The entire facility is currently under construction, with the intention that the portion unlicensed as nursing home beds will be utilized as a distinct section of adult congregate living facility (ACLF) beds. Manor also previously received a CON for 60 nursing home beds in Brevard County. CON number 3828 was granted in a prior batching cycle after the current application for 120 beds was filed. At the final hearing, Manor explained that it is now seeking only 60 more beds as it intends to construct a 120-bed facility in Brevard County. In their pre-hearing stipulation the parties agreed that if numeric need is demonstrated, numeric need would first be met through partial or total approval of BMI's application. If the need exceeds 47 beds, the excess should be applied toward determination of approval of Manor's application. The parties also stipulated that all criteria, except those directly related to numeric need for the projects, have either been satisfied by both applicants or are not applicable to this proceeding. In calculating bed need for Brevard County, the parties have agreed, through their exhibits and testimony, that the first portion of the need methodology in Rule 10-5.011(1)(k), F.A.C., yields a subdistrict allocation of 1560 community nursing home beds. It is further undisputed that the relevant number of licensed beds for the period in question is 1,180 beds. The version of Rule 10-5.011(1)(k) F.A.C. in effect at the time of review requires that licensed beds be counted as of December 1, 1986, for the January 1987 batching cycle. The rule is silent as to when approved beds should be counted. Both applicants argue that approved beds should be counted at the same time as licensed beds for consistency and planning purposes. The current version of Rule 10-5.011(1)(k) F.A.C., known as the fixed pool rule, establishes a bed need for each batching cycle, thus providing the certainty and consistency sought by Petitioners' health planners. Prior to its adoption of the fixed pool rule, HRS experimented with various policies as to the determination of "current" data utilized in the need methodology. At the time of the January 1987 batching cycle, HRS' non-rule policy regarding approved beds was to count those beds as of the date that health services and facilities consultant supervisor signs off on the SAAR. In this case, that individual was Reid Jaffe, and the date was May 11, 1987. At the hearing, Mr. Jaffe explained the policy was an attempt to reach a balance between deriving a proper number of beds and minimizing the duplication of services and overbedding. Because the need for future beds is partially predicated on how many beds have already been approved, the Department felt it necessary to take into consideration all those beds which had been approved up until its decision time. Generally the difference between the number of beds published in initial projections of need by HRS' Office of Comprehensive Health Planning and the number of approved beds considered at the time of the decision, are those beds which were approved in final orders issued during that period. Contrary to Petitioners'assertions, those beds which became licensed after the December 1st cut-off date, but before the SAAR sign off, were not lost, but rather were computed by HRS as "approved" beds under the policy. The policy described by Reid Jaffe in his testimony at final hearing is also reflected in HRS' Final Order in Broward Healthcare, Ltd., d/b/a Broward Convalescent Center v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 9 FALR 1974 (DOAH #86- 2708, Order dated March 21, 1987), aff. per curiam, without opinion, January 21, 1988, 1st DCA case no. BT-258. Utilizing the HRS policy of counting approved beds at the time the supervisor signs the SAAR yields the following total: Approved Facilities Beds Date Approved West Melbourne Health Care 60 7/27/84 Unicare Health Facility of Brevard 120 5/30/86 Brevard Medical Investors 73 9/02/86 Meridian 60 2/ /87 Palm Bay Care Center 60 4/17/87 Forum Group 60 4/17/87 Courtney Springs 36 4/17/87 Total 469 In its SAAR, HRS neglected to include the 60 beds approved for Meridian. These beds were properly included by the applicants' health care planner in her adjustment to the SAAR count and HRS agrees the beds should be included. (See transcript, p. 20 and HRS proposed finding of fact #6.) In June 1985, Courtney Springs received a CON for 36 beds in Broward County. The action was challenged, and the proceeding was consolidated with challenges by other applicants who were denied CONs in the same batching cycle. Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc., et al. v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and Courtney Springs, consolidated cases #85-2868, 85- 2936, 85-2934, 85-3243, 85-3322, 85-3365, 85-3366. In its Final Order, filed on April 17, 1987, HRS granted 60 beds each to Palm Bay Care Center, Forum Group and Courtney Springs. The Final Order was corrected on May 19, 1987, to provide that the award to Courtney Springs was 36, rather than 60 beds, as there was no intent to award the facility more beds than originally provided. In all other respects the final order of April 17, 1987, remained in full force and effect. On July 6, 1987, another order was entered and styled "Amended Final Order." The stated purposes of the amendment were to correct a scrivener's error in failing to serve the final order on a moving party, Brevard Medical Investors, Ltd., (BMI) and to give that party an "opportunity to exercise its right to judicial review." The Amended Final Order addressed BMI's lack of standing for failure to file a timely petition to intervene in the consolidated Wuesthoff cases. This is the only subject of the amended final order. The original final order, dated April 17, 1987, did not address this subject. It is not at all clear that the "Amended Final Order" dated July 6, 1987, amends the April 17, 1987, Final Order, since it references only an April 9th Final Order, not the April 17th Final Order. The record in this proceeding does not include a subsequent correction of "scriveners error", if indeed the referenced date was an error. The applicants argue that the 120 beds awarded to Forum Group and Palm Care should not be regarded as ?approve even under HRS' policy, since the amended final order was dated in July 1987, well after the SAAR was signed by Reid Jaffe in May. Application of this theory would result in 349 approved beds, and a net bed need of 66 beds in the January 1990 planning horizon. (Manor Care, exhibit #5) Application of Petitioners' theory that approved beds should be counted on December 1, 1986, results in 289 approved beds, and a need for 120 beds in the January 1990 planning horizon. HRS' application of its policy regarding the time at which approved beds are to be counted results in 469 approved beds, and a surplus of 42 beds in the January 1990 planning horizon. There is no evidence in this proceeding of circumstances which would justify the approval of beds in excess of a net bed allocation derived through the bed need methodology in Rule 10-5.011(1)(k), F.A.C.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is, hereby RECOMMENDED: That the CON applications by BMI and Manor for nursing home beds in Brevard County be denied DONE and RECOMMENDED this 1st day of April, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of April, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following reflect on my specific rulings on the findings of fact proposed by the parties: Petitioners' Proposed Findings Adopted in paragraph 1. Adopted in paragraph 5. Adopted in paragraph 4. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Reid Jaffe testified that need for 12 beds exists, but this conclusion did not include the 60 beds approved for Meridian in February 1987. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence and to the legal effect of the changes to HRS' April 1987 Final Order. Adopted, as to the characterization of applicants' position, in paragraph 7. Adopted in paragraph 7. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. 11-12. Adopted in paragraph 8. Rejected as contrary to the evidence and law. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as immaterial. Rejected as irrelevant. 18-19. Rejected as immaterial. Adopted in paragraph 7. Adopted in paragraph 3. 22-26. Rejected as immaterial and irrelevant. Respondents' Proposed Findings 1-2. Adopted in paragraph 1. Adopted in paragraph 3. Adopted in paragraph 2. Addressed in paragraph 11. Adopted in paragraphs 9 and 10. Adopted in paragraph 8. Adopted in paragraph 10. 9-11. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 6. Adopted in paragraph 9. Adopted in paragraph 15. COPIES FURNISHED: W. David Watkins, Esquire Oertel & Hoffman, P. A. Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6507 Donna H. Stinson, Esquire Moyle, Flanigan, Katz, Fitzgerald & Sheehan, P. A. The Perkins House Suite 100 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Theodore E. Mack, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Regulation and Health Facilities 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Suite 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 John Miller, Esquire General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Suite 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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