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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002939 Latest Update: May 05, 1991

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Patricia A. Wotring, is an employee of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. At all times relevant hereto she was enrolled as a member of the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan (Plan). The State of Florida is a self-insurer. It has contracted with Blue Cross - Blue Shield to act as its administrator in processing and paying all claims by employees under the Plan. Claims are suppose to be paid-in accordance with coverage requirements, limitations and exclusions that have been adopted by the State. These requirements are set forth in the Employees Group Health Self Insurance Booklet (Booklet) which has been received in evidence as respondent's exhibit 1. Between November, 1982 and January, 1983 petitioner submitted five claims for benefits with Blue Cross - Blue Shield. The claims totaled $633, of which $620 were for mental health services provided by a Tallahassee clinical psychologist and $13 for laboratory services performed by a Tallahassee physician. Although Blue Cross - Blue Shield had been "instructed" to not pay this type of claim, the claims were nonetheless honored in early 1983 and Wotring received checks at that time for $633. Upon advice from respondent, Department of Administration, Blue Cross - Blue Shield requested reimbursement from petitioner in June, 1983 for $633. That request prompted the instant proceeding. As a basis for claiming reimbursement, Blue Cross - Blue Shield relied upon Section H of the Exclusions portion of the Booklet. That section reads as follows: No payment shall be made under the Plan for the following: H. Services, care, treatment, and supplies furnished by a person who ordinarily resides in the Insured's home or by any person or institution not otherwise defined in the Definitions section of this booklet. (Emphasis Added) It then referred to page 39 of the Booklet which defines a "physician" as follows: "Physician" shall mean the following: a doctor of medicine (M.D.), doctor of osteopathy (D.O.), doctor of surgical chiropody (D.S.C.) or doctor of podiatric medicine (D.P.M.), who is legally qualified and licensed to practice medicine and perform surgery at the time and place the service is rendered; a licensed chiropractor acting within the scope of his/her license, provided the insured receiving his/her services is covered under the chiropractic coverage option of the Plan and the proper premium has been paid; a licensed dentist who performs specific surgical procedures covered by the Plan, or who renders services due to injuries resulting from Accidents, provided such procedures or services are within the scope of the dentist's professional license; a licensed optometrist who performs procedures covered by the Plan provided such procedures are within the scope of the optometrist's professional license. A clinical psychologist is not defined within the Definitions section of the Plan. Because a clinical psychologist does not fall within the definition of a physician, and is not otherwise defined within that section, the services received by Wotring were properly excluded from coverage by the Plan. Effective October 1, 1983, the Legislature amended the law to require that services rendered by a clinical psychologist be covered by the Plan. In the event payments are made in error, the Department's policy is to instruct its Administrator (Blue Cross - Blue Shield) to request reimbursement from the insured. Petitioner acknowledged that the five claims were paid in error. However, she contended that the claims were submitted in good faith over a period of time and were honored. Accordingly, she argues it is wrong to now require her to repay those amounts.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that petitioner repay respondent $613 for payments previously received in error that are not covered by the Plan. It is further RECOMMENDED that in view of the size of the amount owed, petitioner be allowed to repay that amount on an installment basis over a six-month period, if she so chooses. It is further RECOMMENDED that she not be required to repay $20 to respondent if all deductibles for the appropriate calendar year have been met. DONE and ENTERED this 18th day of November, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Patricia A. Wotring 1833 Mayfair Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Daniel C. Brown, Esquire 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Nevin G. Smith, Secretary Department of Administration Room 435, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 110.123120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Petersburg, Florida Feb. 17, 2012 Number: 12-000691PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002521 Latest Update: Mar. 14, 1984

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues here, the Petitioner, Carol C. Bledsoe, was a part-time employee of the University of Central Florida (U.C.F.) U.C.F. is an agency of the State of Florida, whose employees are eligible for participation in the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self-Insurance Plan (Plan), administered by Respondent, D.O.A. On December 1, 1980, Petitioner applied for full family coverage under the Plan, with coverage to be effective January 1, 1981. The application form executed by Petitioner was submitted to the Benefits Coordinator at the personnel office at U.C.F. At the time of submission, that portion of the form reserved for "payroll clerk use only" was left blank. The Benefits Coordinator, after checking the form to insure all required information was supplied by the applicant, Petitioner, forwarded it to the payroll department at U.C.F. It was at that office that the payroll clerk inserted an erroneous deduction code on December 2, 1980. The incorrect deduction code inserted was "0.2." the proper deduction code which should have been inserted to reflect Petitioner's status was "42." Though the current Benefits Coordinator indicates an applicant who is a part-time employee, such as Petitioner here, is given, at the time application for coverage is made, a form to show what the correct deduction for the requested coverage will be, this calculation is made by the Benefits Coordinator for the employee based on a formula which calls for a different rate for part- time employees. A part-time employee's contribution to the premium (the amount deducted) is higher than that of a full-time employee. The current coordinator, Ms. Evans, cannot state that Petitioner got the described form when she applied, and Petitioner denies having received it. There is no evidence to show Petitioner received any indication of what the deduction should or would be until the deductions from her pay began on January 9, 1981, with the deduction for the pay period December 19, 1980 - January 1, 1981. At that time, the deduction made was $14.37. The corrected deduction should have been $19.52 per pay period. Here, the deduction from Petitioner's pay was calculated on the erroneous basis that she was a full-time employee, thereby resulting in a smaller deduction that was correct. This insufficient deduction continued until the discrepancy was discovered due to an audit in March, 1983. The parties stipulate that the total shortage in issue is $345.78. During the approximately 2 1/4 years that the improper deduction was being withheld from Petitioner's pay each pay period, Petitioner was fully covered under the full family coverage plan. During this period, she filed only one claim -- a small one for an injury to her son -- and was paid the amount claimed. During this same period, she underwent several inquiries into her pay, instigated by her, to correct other inaccuracies in her pay. At no time prior to the March, 1983 audit was the incorrect health insurance deduction discovered, and Petitioner had no indication that amount being deducted for that purpose was incorrect. From an examination of her biweekly employee's earning statement, there was no way she could have known her pay was in error in this particular. Several factors contributed to the error. One of these was that personnel in the payroll department of U.C.F. were doing things wrong. Another was that Petitioner was not a typical employee, and her situation required specialized handling by personnel and payroll which was not given. None of these factors, however, was within the control of the Petitioner. Changes made in the procedures followed within the agency as a result of a reorganization in January, 1982 -- made as the result of the recognition of numerous payroll problems over several months involving numerous other employees on the insurance plan -- should prevent recurrence of Petitioner's situation. However, Petitioner was in no way responsible for the creating of her situation and acted in good faith throughout the entire period. When she was notified of the error, she immediately took the appropriate steps to correct it and now pays the appropriate premium for the desired coverage. When an error is discovered, as happened here, the employee is notified that he or she has overpaid and the employee is reimbursed. On the other hand, if the employee has underpaid, as here, the employee is notified of the liability and advised of various settlement systems. If the employee desires to pay other than in one lump sum, periodic payments can be arranged in an amount not less than 3% of the employee's salary for not more than 24 months. The insurance office, under Respondent D.O.A., contends it has no authority to waive the reimbursement of the shortage and states that if Petitioner does not make up the shortage, here coverage will be terminated. If that happens, she will not be eligible to reenroll until the shortage is reimbursed. Under the insurance plan in question here, the State is a self-insurer. Petitioner's contribution and that of her agency goes into a trust fund administered by Respondent and is used to pay benefits through Blue Cross, which processes the claims. Since in this case, Petitioner paid less than she should have as a part-time employee, the U.C.F. paid more than its appropriate contribution for her coverage.

Recommendation That Petitioner, Carol C. Bledsoe, pay the underpayment of $345.78.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 03, 1991 Number: 91-005643 Latest Update: Jul. 28, 1992

The Issue The basic issue in this case concerns the scope of the coverage provided by the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan ("State Plan"). The Petitioner incurred extensive expenses for medical treatment, some of which have been paid by the State Plan. The Petitioner contends that under the State Plan, specifically under the "extended coverage" portion of the State Plan, she is entitled to more than has already been paid. The Respondent contends that the correct amount has already been paid.

Findings Of Fact The State of Florida makes available to its officers and employees several group insurance programs. With regard to group health insurance, the available programs include the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan ("State Plan") and a number of different HMO's, depending upon the county in which an employee resides. Upon commencement of employment, State employees may elect to participate in the State Plan, may elect to join one of the HMO's in their geographical region, or may elect not to participate in any of the voluntary group insurance programs offered by the State. Employees who choose to participate in the State Plan are charged a premium which is normally deducted from their paychecks. The State also contributes regular amounts to pay a portion of the premium for each participating employee. Roberta Rubin has been an employee of the State of Florida for twelve years. She is currently employed as a judicial assistant to Circuit Court Judge George Orr. Roberta Rubin is an insured under the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan ("State Plan"). The basic terms and conditions of the State Plan are set forth in a document titled State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan Benefit Document ("Benefit Document"). The version of the Benefit Document applicable to this case is the version amended effective July 1, 1988. The Department of Administration, Division of State Employees' Insurance, distributes a brochure titled Group Health Self Insurance Plan Benefits which describes the benefits under the State Plan and is intended to assist State employees in deciding which health insurance plan to select. The Department of Administration, Division of State Employees' Insurance, also distributes a brochure titled Group Health Self Insurance Plan Brochure ("Plan Brochure") to individuals enrolled for coverage under the State Plan. At page 1, the Plan Brochure describes the State Plan as follows: "This is a self-insured group health insurance program belonging to those State officers, employees, retirees, and their eligible dependents who elect to participate in the Plan." At the first unnumbered page inside the front cover of the Plan Brochure is a statement of the brochure's purpose, which includes the following: This brochure is not a contract since it does not include all of the provisions, definitions, benefits, exclusions and limitations of the State Self Insured Health Plan's Benefit Document, a copy of which is on file in your agency's personnel office. The purpose of this brochure is to furnish State officers and employees with a summary of the benefits available under the State Self Insured Health Plan. It is hoped that this brochure will answer any questions that might arise about the Plan. The State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan is administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. In December of 1990, the Petitioner, Roberta Rubin, was diagnosed as having cervical cancer. The prognosis and recommended treatment provided by her treating physicians in Miami were not acceptable to Petitioner and she sought another opinion. Petitioner was referred to and ultimately treated by Dr. Neil Rosenshein, a gynecological oncologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Rosenshein and Johns Hopkins Hospital are both "non-preferred patient care providers" within the meaning of the definitions in the Benefit Document. Dr. Rosenshein performed the following surgical procedures: radical abdominal hysterectomy; radical pelvic node dissection; bilateral commoniliac node dissection; and periaortic node dissection. The Physician's Procedural Terminology published by the American Medical Association ("PPT Code Book") assigns procedure codes to various surgical procedures that are utilized by billing physicians and various insurers. The PPT Code Book does not contain procedure codes that accurately reflect the latest technology or the complexity, intricacy, or radical nature of the procedures being performed in gynecological cancer surgery. Since no single or multiple procedure codes accurately characterized the surgical procedures performed by Dr. Rosenshein, his bill was submitted to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., reflecting only one procedure code, 58210, with amodifier, "-22." The modifier "-22" is described in the 1986 version of the Approved Fee Schedule, of the State Plan, as follows: -22 UNUSUAL SERVICES: WHEN THE SERVICES PROVIDED ARE GREATER THAN THOSE USUALLY REQUIRED FOR THE LISTED PROCEDURE, IDENTIFY BY ADDING THIS MODIFIER -22 TO THE USUAL PROCEDURE NUMBER. LIST MODIFIED VALUE. REPORT MAY BE REQUIRED. However, the Benefit Document, as amended effective July 1, 1988, does not provide for or allow the use of the modifier "-22" in determining the amount of payment due on a claim even when the services provided are greater than those usually required for the listed procedure. The modifier "-22" is used by Blue Cross Blue Shield in the administration of other group health insurance plans. The claim form submitted by Dr. Rosenshein went through a level three review by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and in response to a request for additional information, Dr. Rosenshein submitted a letter explaining the nature of the procedures performed and a copy of the operative report. Following its review, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., allowed payment only for the approved fee schedule amount for a single procedure code 58210, or $3,726.00. Dr. Rosenshein's uncontradicted testimony established that the most accurate representation of the procedures he performed would require the following three procedure codes: Code # Description 58210 limited periaortic lymphadenectomy 49201 extensive excision or destruction by any method of intra-abdominal retroperitoneal tumors or cysts or endometriomas 38780 retroperitoneal transabdominal lymphade- nectomy, extensive, including pelvic, aortic and renal nodes. The approved fee schedule for these procedure codes allows the following amounts: Code # Amounts 58210 $3,726.00 49201 2,683.00 38780 2,764.00 Petitioner has incurred the following bills in 1991 which are in excess of the applicable deductible and $1,500.00 out-of-pocket amount provided for under the Extended Coverage provisions of the benefit Document: Provider Amount JHU Department of Radiology $ 159.30 JHU Pain Management Anesthesia 698.10 JHU Anesthesiology 507.70 John Hopkins Hospital Outpatient 50.00 JHU Department of Oncology 503.50 JHU Cardiology 90.00 JHU Pathology 230.00 Dr. Neil Rosenshein 9,904.50 Total $12,143.10 The amounts reflected above are exclusive of benefits already paid by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and other insurers and do not include any charges for room and board services or ambulance services. Section I of the Benefit Document contains definitions of numerous terms, including the following: D. "AFS" means the "Approved Fee Schedule," as approved or amended by the Department of Administration. "Covered provider" shall mean a person, institution, or facility as defined herein and who furnishes a covered service or supply. "Covered service or supply" shall mean a medically necessary service or supply furnished by a covered provider and which is covered by the Plan. Q. "Deductible" shall mean the dollar amount of covered services and supplies which each insured is required to pay before benefits are payable by the Plan. BA. "Preferred Patient Care Fee Schedule" or "PPC Fee Schedule" means a list of allowances for each service which has been set and agreed to by the preferred patient care providers. BB. "Preferred Patient Care Provider" or "PPC Provider" means a physician or hospital which has an agreement with the Administrator to provide health care services at set fees to individuals insured under the Plan. A non-preferred patient care provider does not have such an agreement. BJ. "Reasonable Charge" shall mean the following: an average of the amounts charged by the non-preferred patient care hospital, skilled nursing facility, hospice facility or birth center facility for services to individuals using such hospital or facility, as determined by the Administrator; or the charge set forth in the AFS for covered medical-surgical services. BS. "Usual, Customary and Reasonable" or "UCR" means a schedule of fees for covered services in a geographical area which is determined by the Administrator based upon the normal amount charged by the provider in his/her practice, (b) the range of fees for most providers in an area for the same service, and (c) any unusual circumstances or complications requiring additional time, skills and experience by the provider which can be documented. Section II of the Benefit Document contains the provisions regarding coverage for hospital and other facility services. That section reads as follows, in pertinent part: The following services shall be covered when ordered by a physician a nd are medically necessary for the treatment of an insured as a result of a covered accident or illness. Non-Preferred Patient Care Hospital Inpatient Room and Board Services: 1. When confined to a semi-private or private room or ward, 80% of the hospital's average semi-private room rate shall be paid but not to exceed an actual payment of one- hundred and fifty-two ($152.00) per day. Other Covered Non-Preferred Patient Care Inpatient Services: 80% of the actual charge for the following services will be paid by the Plan: Use of operating room, labor room, delivery room and recovery room; All drugs and medicines used by the patient while confined in the hospital, provided such drugs and medicines are listed in "New and Non-Official Remedies" or the "United States Pharmacopoeia"; Solutions (including glucose); Dressings; Anesthesia and related supplies; Oxygen therapy; Transfusion supplies and services including blood, blood plasma and serum albumin, if not replaced; Laboratory services; Electrocardiograms; Basal metabolism examinations; X-ray, including therapy; Electroencephalograms; Diathermy and physical therapy. Covered Outpatient Hospital, Ambulatory Surgical Center or Outpatient Health Care Facility Services: Ninety percent (90%) of the reasonable charge shall be paid for covered outpatient services provided by a Non-PPC provider. When such services are provided by a PPC provider, the plan shall pay ninety percent (90%) of the charge subject to the PPC fee schedule limits. Covered Clinical Laboratory Services: Ninety percent (90%) of the charge for covered clinical laboratory services shall be paid by the Plan not to exceed the maximum amount permitted under the AFS. Section III of the Benefit Document contains the provisions regarding coverage for medical-surgical services. That section reads as follows, in pertinent part: A. Ninety percent (90%) of the charge for medically necessary inpatient/outpatient services provided to an insured by a non- preferred patient care physician, physical therapist or nurse anesthetist for the treatment of the insured as a result of a covered accident or illness shall be paid by the Plan, subject to the provisions of Section VI and Section XXIII; however, such payment shall not exceed the maximum amount permitted under the AFS. C. If a covered procedure does not have a specified fee listed in the AFS, pricing will be performed by the Administrator in accordance with its normal procedures. Section V of the Benefit Document, titled "Extended Coverage," contains the provisions regarding what is commonly known as the "stop loss" feature of the plan. That section reads as follows, in pertinent part: If under individual or family coverage, the out-of-pocket expenses of an insured for covered services under Section II., Section III., Section IV and Section XXV amount to one thousand five hundred dollars ($1500.00) during a calendar year, all further covered charges for such services incurred by the insured during the remainder of the calendar year shall be paid by the Plan at one hundred percent (100%), subject to the lifetime maximum and the maximum payments listed in paragraph C. below. If under family coverage, the out-of- pocket expenses of two or more insureds for covered services under Section II., Section III., Section IV. and Section XXV. amount to three thousand dollars ($3000.00) during a calendar year, all further covered charges for such services incurred by any insured during the remainder of the calendar year shall be paid at one hundred percent (100%), subject to the lifetime maximum and the maximum payments listed in paragraph C. below. Maximum payments subject to Subsections A. and B. above shall apply only to room and board services under Subsection II A., Subsection II E., Subsection II G., and ambulance services under Section IV, as follows: One hundred and ninety dollars ($190.00) per day for hospital room and board; Ninety-five dollars ($95.00) per day for room and board in a skilled nursing facility; Three hundred and eighty dollars ($380.00) per day for an intensive care unit; Two hundred and eighty-five dollars ($285.00) per day for a progressive care unit; One hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per use for ambulance service; One thousand dollars ($1000.00) for ambulance transportation of a newborn child; One hundred and ninety dollars ($190) per day for room and board in a specialty institution or residential facility. Charges for covered services and supplies applicable to the deductible(s) under the Plan shall not be considered an out-of-pocket expense under the provisions of Section V. The brochure titled Group Health Self Insurance Plan Brochure contains the following language at page seven regarding the stop loss feature of the plan: Maximum Out-Of-Pocket Expense If, during a calendar year, the out-of-pocket expenses for one person insured under individual or family coverage amount to $1,500, or $3,000 for two or more persons insured under family coverage, all further charges will be paid at 100%, subject to the lifetime maximum, any allowance limits for room and board while confined to Non-PPC facilities, and ambulance transportation allowance limits for newborn children. This provision applies to all covered services except Hospice services; however, charges applicable to the deductible shall not be considered an out-of-pocket expense. The language of Section V of the Benefit Document regarding "Extended Coverage" is ambiguous with regard to the scope of the coverage provided by that section of the benefit document. The language of Section V of the Benefit Document regarding "Extended Coverage" also conflicts with the language at page seven of the Plan Brochure regarding "Maximum Out-Of-Pocket Expense. /1

Recommendation On the basis of all of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Administration issue a Final Order to the following effect: (a) concluding that the "Extended Coverage" language of Section V of the Benefit Document is ambiguous; (b) concluding that the "Extended Coverage" language of Section V of the Benefit Document is in conflict with the language at page 7 of the Plan Brochure under the caption "Maximum Out-Of-Pocket Expense;" (c) concluding that after the Petitioner's out-of- pocket expenses for covered services reached $1,500, she was entitled to have "all further charges" for covered services paid at 100% of the amount of the charges except as specifically limited in paragraph C. of Section V of the Benefit Document; and (d) providing for payment in the total amount of $12,143.10 to the Petitioner or to the providers listed in paragraph 15 of the Findings of Fact. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 22 of May 1992. MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SC 278-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22 day of May 1992.

Florida Laws (3) 110.123120.57159.30
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002411 Latest Update: Apr. 02, 1984

The Issue The issue presented for decision herein is whether or not the Petitioner is entitled to be reimbursed for certain special equipment and supplies based on her claim to be reimbursed under the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self-Insurance Plan (herein the Plan)

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, documentary evidence received, posthearing memoranda, and the entire record compiled herein, I hereby make the following relevant findings of fact. During times material herein, the Petitioner was employed by the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, in Tallahassee, Florida and was eligible for, and was a member entitled to benefits under the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self-Insurance Plan. On May 12, 1982, the Petitioner was involved in an automobile accident which resulted in injuries leaving her an incomplete paraplegic. As a result of this accident, the Petitioner incurred certain expenses which prompted her (Petitioner) to submit a claim for reimbursement of certain expenses including the following items: Gresham hand controls purchased on approximately September 17, 1982 for $390. Walton exercise bicycle purchased on September 30, 1982 for $195. Building materials to construct an entrance ramp into her home for a sum total of $211.50. A reciprocal walker purchased on approximately September 30, 1982 for $50. Cuff weights purchased also on approximately September 30, 1982 for approximately $24. Surfak, a drug which the Petitioner purchases monthly for the sum of approximately $10.59 monthly. The total cost of the items claimed was approximately $881.09. The Petitioner submitted her claim to the Plan's Administrator, Blue Cross, on October 18, 1982, seeking reimbursement of the $881.09 (minus the 20 percent deductible) for the cost of the above items along with receipts and a doctor's letter stating the need for such items. The request was assigned claim number 22931382321 by Blue Cross and was processed by staff. By letter dated June 6, 1983, Blue Cross notified Petitioner of the denial of her claim for the hand controls, exercise bike, building materials and the drug Surfak. Blue Cross honored Petitioner's claim for the reciprocal walker and the cuff weights. The Gresham hand control is a device attached to an automobile to help a paraplegic drive an automobile by permitting the operator to control acceleration and braking with their hands instead of their feet. The building materials claimed by Petitioner were used to construct a ramp to allow access to and from the Petitioner's residence. The exercise bike is used by the Petitioner to aid in her physical therapy to strengthen her leg muscles. Surfak is a drug used in assisting a person with limited mobility to control their bowel movements. Petitioner has a continual use for Surfak based on her condition. Surfak is a non-prescription drug.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is hereby recommended that the Respondent reimburse the Petitioner for the expenses incurred by her, less the appropriate deductible, for the purchase of the Walton exercise bike. In all other respects, the Petitioner's claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred by her and as submitted by her claim to the Respondent on October 18, 1982, be DENIED. RECOMMENDED this 8th day of March, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of March, 1984.

Florida Laws (2) 110.123120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lakeland, Florida Mar. 13, 2012 Number: 12-000894 Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Land O Lakes, Florida May 29, 2014 Number: 14-002543PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jun. 07, 1990 Number: 90-003569 Latest Update: Oct. 26, 1990

The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to change from individual to family coverage under the State of Florida Employees' Group Insurance Plan more that thirty-one calendar days after the birth of her son and outside the open enrollment period.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner was employed by Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) District IV in 1986. For the past 18 months she has worked in her present position with HRS District IV in Deland, Florida. She presently resides with her husband in Deltona, Florida. HRS District IV personnel office is located at 5920 Arlington Expressway in Jacksonville, Florida. Linda Boutwell is employed as the Insurance Coordinator for HRS District IV. Petitioner gave birth to a son on January 6, 1990. On January 8, 1990, Petitioner called Linda Boutwell concerning the addition of her son to her State Health Insurance which would require a change from individual to family coverage. Mrs. Boutwell advised Petitioner that she could change from individual coverage to family coverage, but that the child would not be covered until the form was returned and approved. Boutwell indicated she would send her the necessary paperwork to add her son as a dependent. Mrs. Boutwell prepared and mailed the paperwork on January 8, 1990. It was received by Petitioner on January 10, 1990. Although Petitioner received the required enrollment papers on January 10, 1990, she did not return them to her personnel office. Petitioner states she did not return the papers to her personnel office because she understood from conversation with Linda Boutwell that her son's hospital bills would not be paid by the State Plan, since the child was not enrolled in the State Plan prior to that date. Instead, Petitioner elected to enroll in family coverage under her husband's employer's carrier. On March 15, 1990, Petitioner again called Linda Boutwell to request her son to be added to her insurance. Boutwell explained that Petitioner's request could not be honored since the request was beyond 31 days of the birth of the child. Therefore, Petitioner had to wait until the annual open enrollment period to obtain insurance coverage for the child. Petitioner's March 15, 1990 request was prompted by her discovery that the hospital bill related to the birth of her son was covered under the State Plan, even though she had not yet converted to the family coverage provision of the State Plan. Petitioner never asked Boutwell whether her individual hospital bill was covered or not. Petitioner's conclusion that her son's hospital birth would not be covered was based partly on the statement of a close friend who called Petitioner on January 7, 1990, to warn her to "expect problems" with her State Plan coverage. Petitioner has received a copy of the Amended State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan, Benefit Document, dated July 1, 1988. However, she did not examine it during the period January-March, 1990. Section II of the Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan states in pertinent part: II. Covered Hospital and Other Facility Services: The following services shall be covered when ordered by a physician and are medically necessary for the treatment of an insured as a result of a covered accident or illness. Inpatient hospital services under Subsections A., B., and H., are in connection with the pregnancy of only the employee . . . shall also include nursery charges of the child during the hospital stay of the mother. Petitioner does not offer any credible explanation why she did not convert to family coverage prior to or at the time of the birth of her son or during the 1989 open enrollment period which occurred during Petitioner's seventh month of pregnancy.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the petition be DENIED. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of October, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of October, 1990. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on findings of fact submitted by the parties. Petitioner did not file proposed findings of fact. Respondent's proposed findings of fact. Accepted in substance: paragraphs 1 through 11. COPIES FURNISHED: Susan Millard, pro se 2391 Montano Street Deltona, FL 32725 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr., Esquire General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 Aletta Shutes Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550

Florida Laws (2) 110.123120.57
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sebring, Florida Aug. 06, 1996 Number: 96-003680F Latest Update: Aug. 18, 1997

The Issue Is Petitioner entitled to attorney's fees and costs under Section 57.111, Florida Statutes, the Florida Equal Access To Justice Act?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: The action in this case was initiated by the Respondent, a state agency. The Respondent was not a nominal party. Petitioner was the prevailing party in the administrative action brought against his license by Respondent in Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Board of Veterinary Medicine vs. William H. Jernigan, D.V.M., Case No. 95-4487 in that Respondent voluntarily dismissed the case. Petitioner incurred attorney's fees and costs in excess of $15,000, and there is no dispute as to the reasonableness of attorney's fees and costs. There are no special circumstances which would make an award of attorney's fees and costs unjust. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Petitioner's veterinary practice was organized as a sole proprietorship under the fictitious name of Sebring Animal Hospital located in Sebring, Florida. Petitioner is the sole proprietor of Sebring Animal Hospital, an unincorporated business. Both Petitioner and Sebring Animal Hospital are domiciled in the State of Florida. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Petitioner through Sebring Animal Hospital employed less than 25 employees. At no time pertinent to this proceeding, did Petitioner and Sebring Animal Hospital have a combined net worth in excess of two million dollars. Petitioner is a "small business party" as that term is defined in Section 57.111(3)(d), Florida Statutes. On or about September 23, 1993, a dog was presented to the Sebring Animal Hospital for boarding and grooming. On or about October 1, 1993, a hospital employee, during the course of grooming the dog, left the dog unattended. While unattended, the dog either fell or jumped off the grooming table and accidentally hanged herself with a leash that was being used to restrain her. The dog's owner was notified of the accident on October 1, 1993. Petitioner was not present in the hospital at the time of the accident. The owner of the dog subsequently filed a complaint with the Respondent on March 28, 1995. An investigation of the incident was conducted by an investigator from the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (Department). The investigator prepared an Investigative Report which included, among other things, the Investigator's interview with the complainant and Petitioner's response. The factual allegations of the incident contained in the Investigative Report are the same as those set out in findings of fact 9, 10, and 11. The Investigative Report was presented to the Probable Cause Panel (PCP) of the Board of Veterinary Medicine. The members of the PCP reviewed the Investigative Report prior to its meeting and discussed the Investigative Report at the PCP meeting on June 29, 1995. The PCP found probable cause and issued a Memorandum of Finding of Probable Cause but did not state the statutory violations upon which the finding of probable cause was based. The PCP directed the Department to file an Administrative Complaint. Although the Board's attorney was present at the PCP meeting on June 29, 1995, none of the panel members made an inquiry of the Board's counsel as to whether under the facts presented there was a violation of Chapter 474, Florida Statutes, specifically Section 474.214(1)(o), Florida Statutes. In fact, the PCP made no inquiry of anyone as whether the facts as presented constituted a violation of Chapter 474, Florida Statutes. Of all the evidence considered by the PCP, there was no evidence which would reasonably indicate that a violation of Chapter 474, Florida Statutes, had occurred. As directed by the PCP, the Department filed an Administrative Complaint against Petitioner alleging a violation of Section 474.214(1)(o), Florida Statutes.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is accordingly, ORDERED that Petitioner's Application for Attorney's Fees is Granted and the Respondent shall forthwith pay Petitioner the sum of $15,000 for attorney's fees and costs. ORDERED this 18th day of August, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6947 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of August, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Richard T. Ferrell Secretary Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Lynda L. Goodgame General Counsel Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Sue Foster Executive Director Board of Veterinary Medicine Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Bert J. Harris, III, Esquire SWAIN, HARRIS, SHEEHAN and MCCLURE, P.A. 212 Interlake Boulevard Lake Placid, Florida 33852 James E. Manning, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation Suite Number 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.68474.202474.21457.111
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida May 30, 1991 Number: 91-003393 Latest Update: Feb. 19, 1993

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether the son of Floyd Goins, an enrollee of the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan, is an eligible dependent under the provisions of such plan, and therefore eligible for insurance benefits.

Findings Of Fact Background Floyd Goins (the "Insured") has been employed by the State of Florida, Dade County State Attorney's Office, for approximately 11 years, and was, at all times material hereto, a participant in the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan (the "Plan"), with family coverage. On January 17, 1988, the Insured's son, Ronald Goins (Ronald), date of birth March 7, 1965, was involved in an automobile accident in which he sustained serious injury. As a consequence, Ronald was admitted to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he apparently underwent extensive treatment. As a result of the accident, Ronald suffered severe physical handicap, in that he cannot walk or talk, and is not capable of self sustaining employment. Currently, Ronald resides with his parents, and is wholly dependent upon them for support. As a consequence of the medical expenses incurred on behalf of Ronald, a request for reimbursement was made to respondent, Department of Administration, Division of State Employees' Insurance (Department), under the Plan. Upon review, the Department, relying upon the provisions of Rule 22K- 1.103, Florida Administrative Code, concluded that Ronald, since he was over the age of 19 at the time of the accident and was not enrolled in and attending a school, college or university as a full-time student at the time of the accident, was ineligible for coverage as a dependent under the Plan. Accordingly, the Department denied the request for reimbursement. Thereafter, the Insured assigned to petitioner, The Public Health Trust of Dade County, Florida d/b/a Jackson Memorial Hospital, his interest in any benefits payable for services rendered by such facility as a consequence of Ronald's admission, and further authorized Jackson Memorial to take whatever legal action might be necessary to collect such benefits. As a consequence, petitioner filed a request for formal hearing to contest the Department's conclusion that Ronald was ineligible for coverage under the Plan. 1/ The issue of coverage. Under the provisions of the Plan, an employee's "eligible children" are included within the definition of "eligible dependents" who are eligible to participate in the Plan, provided family coverage has been selected. Rules 22K- 1.103(5) and 22K-1.201(2), Florida Administrative Code. "Eligible children" are defined by Rule 22K-1.103(4), Florida Administrative Code, as follows: "Eligible children" shall mean the employee's . . . own children . . . Such children are eligible for coverage as follows: From their date of birth to the end of the month in which their nineteenth (19th) birthday occurs; From their nineteenth (19th) birthday to the end of the month in which their twenty-third (23rd) birthday occurs, if they are enrolled in and regularly attending on a full-time basis any school, college or university which provides training or educational activities, and which is certified or licensed by a state or foreign country. Such children who are mentally or physically handicapped shall be eligible to continue coverage after attainment of the above age limits and while the employee's or retiree's family coverage is in effect provided such children are incapable of self- sustaining employment by reason of such mental or physical handicap and chiefly dependent upon the employee, retiree or supervising spouse for support and maintenance. (Emphasis added) And, Rule 22K-1.103(9), Florida Administrative Code, defines "full-time basis", as follows: (9) "Full-time basis" shall mean the number of hours required by the school, college or university to qualify an eligible child as a full-time student. In no case shall an eligible child be considered attending on a full-time basis unless such child is currently enrolled and attending, or has, during the previous twelve (12) month period, attended as a full-time student, two (2) semesters, three (3) quarters or eight (8) months at such school, college or university. (Emphasis added) Here, petitioner contends that Ronald was an eligible dependent of the Insured, and therefore covered by the Plan because he was "enrolled in and regularly attending on a full-time basis" Bauder College, an institution licensed by the State of Florida, at the time of his accident or, alternatively, because such accident rendered him "physically handicapped." The proof fails, however, to support the conclusion that Ronald was an eligible dependent of the Insured, at the time of the accident, on either basis. Ronald's educational pursuits. Regarding Ronald's educational pursuits, the proof demonstrates that his public education was interrupted in or about 1984 when he was incarcerated in the State prison system, and that he remained so incarcerated until the later part of 1987. While incarcerated, Ronald apparently pursued some educational program, although no specifics were offered at hearing from which any conclusion could be drawn regarding its "full-time" nature, since the Department of Education awarded to him a high school diploma on December 12, 1984. Ronald apparently also pursued, while incarcerated, a course of study in electronic repair through Sumter Vocational School, during the period of November 1, 1985 to September 20, 1986. [Petitioner's Exhibit 1]. Again, no specifics were offered at hearing from which any conclusion could be drawn regarding the "full- time" nature of this program, but Ronald was awarded a certificate upon its completion. In sum, the proof fails to support the conclusion that Ronald, while incarcerated, was enrolled in and regularly attending any school on a "full-time basis", as that term is defined by Rule 22K-1.103(9), Florida Administrative Code. Moreover, there is no proof of record that Ronald pursued any educational program after September 20, 1986, a date in excess of 12 months prior to his automobile accident, excepting his enrollment at Bauder College. Regarding Ronald's enrollment at Bauder College, the proof demonstrates that on November 3, 1987, Ronald executed an enrollment agreement with Bauder College whereby he elected to pursue an educational program in electronic engineering technology. According to the enrollment agreement, the program was to start January 19, 1988, and the school calendar [Respondent's Exhibit 1] confirms that January 19, 1988, was "ORIENTATION/REGISTRATION - FIRST DAY" of the 1988 Winter Quarter. Ronald was, however, hospitalized on January 17, 1988 as a consequence of his automobile accident, and never started his course of training. 2/ Therefore, Ronald, although enrolled, was not yet "regularly attending" school when injured and, therefore, was not at the time of his accident an eligible dependent of the Insured. 3/ Ronald's handicapped status. Here, petitioner also contends that, as a consequence of his handicap, Ronald was an eligible dependent under the Plan. Such contention is rejected as contrary to the provisions of Rule 22K-1.103(4), Florida Administrative Code. Handicap, under the facts of this case, is not a factor which renders a person eligible for coverage. Rather, handicap is a factor which permits the child of the insured "to continue coverage" after attainment of the age limits for coverage. Rule 22K-1.103(4)c), Florida Administrative Code. Ronald, not having been a covered dependent at the time he suffered his handicap, had no coverage to continue. Estoppel Notwithstanding the rules which govern eligibility to participate in the Plan, petitioner contends that the Department should be estopped to apply such rules in the instant case. 4/ The predicate for petitioner's argument lies in a brochure [Petitioner's Exhibit 7] that was provided the Insured, and which defines eligible dependents as follows: Your own children . . . ; if they are under the age of 19, if they are full-time students under the age of 23, or if they are determined by the administrator to be mentally or physically handicapped, incapable of self- sustaining employment, chiefly dependent upon your support, and otherwise insurable. Petitioner's claim of estoppel is unpersuasive for a number of reasons. First, the brochure does not purport to replicate the Plan, but to summarize it, and advises all recipients that it "is not a contract since it does not include all of the provisions, definitions, benefits, exclusions and limitations" of the Plan. Under such circumstances, it would not be reasonable to rely solely on the brochure for any definition of coverage. Second, and perhaps most importantly, the proof is not persuasive that the Insured relied upon the referenced provision of the brochure or that he made any change in position as a consequence of such provision.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered which finds that Ronald Goins is not covered by the Plan, and which dismisses the petition with prejudice. DONE and ENTERED this 6th day of December 1991, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of December 1991.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
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