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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001638 Latest Update: Dec. 15, 1989

The Issue The issue presented is whether the Respondent committed the offenses set forth in the Administrative Complaint filed in this case and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent, Kathy Bergerson, held a family foster home license for her residence issued by the Children, Youth and Family Program Office of Petitioner, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. As it relates to the license at issue, Respondent was first licensed by Petitioner in April 1987. In her home, Respondent was responsible for several developmentally disabled children and a developmentally disabled adult. Respondent's mother lives in an apartment adjoining the home and has access to the residence. Respondent's mother is a registered nurse. During the period since the licensure, the several incidents described in the following paragraphs occurred. Because the incidents involved Respondent or her home and the incidents were unexplained, Petitioner became concerned for the safety of the children in Respondent's care. The incidents at issue are as follows: Sometime during 1987 while one of the children was hospitalized, the child was discovered in what appeared to be a drug-induced sleep during a visit by Respondent. No harm to the child was demonstrated from the incident, and Respondent relayed the incident to Petitioner during her relicensure interview in 1988. Also, sometime in 1987, a housekeeper, provided by Metro-Dade County, allegedly assaulted Respondent's mother while attempting to steal toys and bed sheets from the home. No harm to the children was shown from the incident, and Respondent reported the incident to Petitioner during her relicensure interview in 1988. Then, early in 1988, Respondent received a delivery of medication which did not contain full amounts of the prescribed contents. The medication was delivered by a representative sent by Petitioner. No harm to the children was proven from the incident, and Respondent reported the incident to Petitioner. In July 1988, a report of the sexual abuse of the developmentally disabled adult living with Respondent was filed with Petitioner. The final disposition of the incident was not shown; however, neither Respondent nor Respondent's mother were classified as perpetrators of the alleged abuse. In September 1988, a child under Respondent's care, and custody was hospitalized after she became, untypically, lethargic and unresponsive when Respondent gave the child a dose of Panadol for her fever. Fearing that the child was allergic to the medicine, Respondent brought the bottle from which she had administered the medicine with them to the hospital, and reported her fear to the medical personnel at the hospital and to Petitioner. Although Petitioner asserted that the bottle of medicine was tested for its contents, the proof failed to demonstrate that a test was performed or the results of any such test. Respondent kept the medication for the children in a locked cabinet in her kitchen. Included in the drugs in the cabinet were Panadol, Valium and Benedryl. In addition to Respondent, Respondent's mother and nurses provided by Petitioner, on occasion, had access to the cabinet. While Petitioner contended that the Panadol given to the child was adulterated with Valium and Benedryl, the proof failed to indicate that the Panadol was altered, or that the child suffered from the ingestion of the medication. Petitioner asserted that it was unusual for a foster parent, such as Respondent, to have as many unexplained events reported within an almost two- year period. Therefore, based on the above incidents and what Petitioner perceived to be a pattern of unexplained incidents involving Respondent and her home, and after ordering a psychological evaluation of Respondent and her mother, Petitioner issued its notice of intent to revoke Respondent's family foster home license on February 14, 1989. Petitioner alleged that Respondent was not capable of handling the stresses associated with maintaining a family foster home. At the hearing Respondent demonstrated a tendency to become overly excited; however, the proof failed to demonstrate that she is unable to handle the stresses of her life. Respondent is a caring person who has an obvious interest and concern for the children in her charge. She expressed deep concern over each of the incidents recited above and, in fact, reported the majority of the incidents to Petitioner. Although the incidents described above generate concern, was not shown that the safety of the clients was endangered by the incidents.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is: Recommended that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services issue a Final Order withdrawing its intent to revoke Respondent's family foster home license. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 15th day of December 1989. JANE C. HAYMAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Park way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of December 1989.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57409.17590.803
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-004453 Latest Update: Jul. 31, 1986

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Berta Cabral and Cabral Adult Foster Home were certified by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services to operate as an adult foster home. On October 2, 1985, Freda Aliber was released as a patient from Coral Gables Hospital and was placed in Cabral Adult Foster Home. When she arrived at the Cabral Adult Foster Home she had with her personal papers including bank statements for accounts which she held at Coral Gables Federal and at City National Bank. On October 3, 1985, Berta Cabral's daughter Odalys Ibarra telephoned Coral Gables Federal to advise that she would be coming to the bank that day with Freda Aliber. Later that same day Odalys Ibarra, Julie Ibarra, and Freda Aliber came to Coral Gables Federal at which time Odalys Ibarra attempted to have her name added to Aliber's bank account. Further, Odalys Ibarra made her requests of the bank personnel in Spanish although Freda Aliber does not understand Spanish. Bank employees refused to add Odalys Ibarra's name to Freda Aliber's account. On or about October 3, 1985, Odalys Ibarra telephoned City National Bank, identified herself as Berta Cabral's daughter, and asked a number of personal questions regarding Freda Aliber's account at that bank. Odalys Ibarra's attempts to gain access to Freda Aliber's personal funds were done with the full knowledge and consent of Berta Cabral. Freda Aliber did not understand what Berta Cabral, Odalys Ibarra, and Julie Ibarra were attempting to do and did not understand why she was taken to the bank.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered revoking Berta Cabral's certification as Cabral Adult Foster Home. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 31st day of July, 1986, at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of July, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: William Page, Jr., Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Leonard Helfand, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33128 Berta Cabral Cabral Adult Foster Home 2331 N.W. 31 Street Miami, Florida 33142

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Dec. 15, 2011 Number: 11-006420 Latest Update: Oct. 16, 2012

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Respondents' application for re-licensure of their therapeutic foster home should be approved.

Findings Of Fact The Respondents have operated a licensed foster home since 1994 and have operated a therapeutic foster home since 2011. The Respondents' foster home was originally licensed under the supervision of Lee County Mental Health Center, which was the local agency responsible for placing children in the home. In 2009, responsibility for supervision of the home was transferred to "Florida MENTOR" (MENTOR), which also assumed the responsibility for placement of children in the home. The children placed in the Respondents' foster home have been between eight and 11 years of age. Children placed in therapeutic foster homes have significant special needs and can be emotionally unstable. A safe and supportive therapeutic environment is required for their protection. The Respondents' license was valid through September 30, 2011. On August 3, 2011, the Respondents applied for renewal of the license. Florida Administrative Code Rule 65C-13.027 requires that changes in a licensee's household composition or employment be reported within 48 hours of the event. When the application was filed, the Respondents disclosed that their adult daughter and her three children had been residing with them for approximately three weeks. Prior to the application, the Respondents had not advised MENTOR that there had been any change in household composition. Mr. Williams became unemployed in December 2010, but the Respondents failed to report the change in the employment prior to filing the application. MENTOR was concerned about the financial stability of the household due to additional residents in the home and the reduction in income related to the loss of Mr. Williams' employment. An applicant for re-licensure of a foster home is required to submit financial information sufficient to establish that the applicant has the resources required to provide a stable household and meet basic expenses. The financial information initially submitted by the Respondents with the application for re-licensure was incomplete and did not appear to be an accurate reflection of household expenses. Attempts by MENTOR to obtain additional information were resisted by Ms. Williams. MENTOR eventually determined that, although the household had sufficient income to support their own expenses, placement of a foster child into the Respondents' home would cause a financial hardship for the family. Foster parents are permitted, with approval of the supervising agency, to add payments received to board a foster child to their income calculation, but the Respondents have not obtained such approval. By the time of the hearing, the Williams' adult daughter and her children no longer resided in the home, but Mr. Williams remained unemployed and was selling scrap metal to obtain income. At the hearing, he testified that his scrap metal income had been declining as more unemployed people began to collect and resell scrap. In September 2011, MENTOR completed the re-licensing study, a 24-page document that outlines the history of the foster home, including abuse reports and licensing deficiencies, and the efforts of the licensee to correct such issues. Rule 65C-13.028(3)(i)2. requires that the re-licensing study include documentation related to the level of cooperation by the licensee with the case plans developed for the child placed in the foster home. The re-licensing study documented MENTOR's concerns about the physical safety of children residing in the home and the Respondents' willingness and ability to provide appropriate support to therapeutic foster children placed in the home. During a significant period in 2011, the Respondents maintained a collection of junk metal and other debris in the yard of the foster home. The junk was apparently being collected by Mr. Williams for sale to scrap dealers. Jodi Koch, a MENTOR therapist who was assigned to work with the children in the Respondents' home, testified at the hearing about her observations of conditions in the home and about her interactions with the Respondents. In November 2010, Ms. Koch observed a child begin to play with a rusty machete that the child discovered in the Respondents' yard, and she so advised Ms. Williams, who expressed her displeasure that Ms. Koch had exceeded her authority as a therapist. Ms. Koch reported her observation to MENTOR personnel. MENTOR officials, including the program director and re-licensing coordinator, discussed the unsafe conditions of the property with the Respondents. Suggestions that the Respondents relocate the debris or otherwise prevent access by children to the debris were initially ignored by the Respondents. On May 2, 2011, MENTOR issued a Written Notice of Violation (Notice) to the Respondents, documenting the hazardous conditions of the property. The Notice was hand-delivered on May 5, 2011, at which time the Respondents refused to read or sign the paper. On May 6, 2011, the Lee County Code Enforcement Authority issued a nuisance citation against the Respondents for the accumulation of junk and debris on their property. The violation was cured on May 13, 2011, but, on June 1, 2011, the Lee County Code Enforcement Authority issued a second nuisance citation for the same violation. That violation was not resolved until November 2011, after the Lee County Code Enforcement Authority had prosecuted the violation through a hearing, and more than a year after Ms. Koch observed the child with the machete. At the hearing, Ms. Williams asserted that Ms. Koch was a therapist and that she had exceeded her authority by reporting the observations of the property to the MENTOR officials, essentially the same position Ms. Williams asserted in 2011 when Ms. Koch reported the situation to MENTOR. The MENTOR re-licensing study also documented the failure of the Respondents to cooperate in therapeutic plans developed for the children placed in the home and to supervise the children properly. Ms. Williams often refused to cooperate with the therapeutic plans and goals Ms. Koch developed for the children in the Respondents' foster home. Ms. Williams apparently concluded that she was better able to address the needs of a therapeutic foster child than was Ms. Koch, but the evidence failed to support such a conclusion. Ms. Williams refused to implement standard behavioral therapies suggested by Ms. Koch and opined that they were a "waste of her time." Ms. Williams refused to allow one foster child to have toys purchased for the child by Ms. Koch. Ms. Williams claimed that the child would have destroyed the toys, but Ms. Koch testified they had been purchased to allow the child to have her own possessions for the first time in the child's life and to develop a sense of responsibility. The Respondents routinely put children to bed at an early hour as a means of discipline and refused to comply with Ms. Koch's direction to develop other disciplinary practices. In one discussion with Ms. Koch at the home, Ms. Williams discussed the circumstances of one foster child in the presence of another foster child, violating the confidentiality of the children. The Respondents failed to contact MENTOR staff to address behavioral issues exhibited by children placed in the home and instead called upon law enforcement authorities to respond when a child refused to comply with their directions. The Respondents failed to supervise one child placed in their home sufficiently to prevent the child from accessing pay- per-view pornography on cable television, resulting in a charge in excess of $700 on one bill. It was clear, based on Ms. Williams' testimony and demeanor at the hearing, that Ms. Williams disliked Ms. Koch. Much of Ms. Williams' presentation of evidence during the February 17 portion of the hearing was directed towards discrediting MENTOR and Ms. Koch. After completing the re-licensing study, MENTOR forwarded the application and study to the Department, which received the materials on October 5, 2011. Notwithstanding the continuing problems between MENTOR and the Respondents, MENTOR recommended in the study that the Respondents' home be conditionally re-licensed. The conditions, essentially intended to increase the possibility that the Department would approve the application for re-licensure, were as follows: Reduction in the licensed capacity from two therapeutic individuals to one therapeutic individual. Unannounced visits to monitor the home in terms of food content, refrigerator temperature, client supervision and safety concerns. Continuing monitoring of the foster parents ability to work in conjunction with service providers regarding the best interests of the child. Monitoring to ensure that the living situation of the additional four residents was resolved within six months. Ms. Williams was dissatisfied with the results of the study, disagreed with the proposed conditions, and refused to accept them. While MENTOR (as the supervising agency) was responsible for the evaluation of the application, the Department has the responsibility for the making the final determination regarding licensure or re-licensure of a foster home. The Department considered the MENTOR recommendation when making the licensing decision. The primary focus of the Department's decision was whether the Respondents could provide an appropriate and safe environment for a therapeutic foster placement. The Department has no financial interest in the decision and had no direct contact with the Respondents. As the regional licensing manager for the Department, Kristine Emden was tasked with the responsibility of reviewing the application and materials. Based on her review, Ms. Emden determined that the application should be denied. Ms. Emden based her decision on the Respondents' lack of cooperation with therapeutic programs developed for the children in their care, their failure to supervise children adequately or to maintain confidentiality regarding the children, and their lack of cooperation with the MENTOR personnel who attempted to resolve the identified deficiencies. Additionally, Ms. Emden considered the Respondents' response to issues related to the hazardous conditions of the premises, the lack of financial resources to support a therapeutic foster placement in the home, and the rejection of conditions proposed by MENTOR in the study. Ms. Emden was unable to identify any remedial measures that would alter the denial of the application for re-licensure. The Respondents failed to offer credible evidence to establish that the Department's denial of the application was incorrect or that the application should otherwise be approved.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Families enter a final order denying the license application filed by the Respondents at issue in this proceeding. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of July, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of July, 2012.

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57409.175
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Avon Park, Florida Aug. 15, 1996 Number: 96-003819 Latest Update: Oct. 29, 1996

The Issue Should the renewal of Petitioners' family foster home license for the 1995- 96 license year be denied?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings are made: At all times pertinent to this proceeding, the Department was the agency in the State of Florida responsible for the initial licensing and relicensure of family foster homes and foster parents. Petitioners Carmen Torres and Angel Torres (Petitioners) were licensed by the Department as foster parents and issued a Certificate of License, Certificate Number 0894-13-3, to operate the C and F Foster Home located at 801 North Anoka Avenue, Avon Park, Highlands County, Florida. The license was issued for a period of one year beginning August 12, 1994, and ending on August 12, 1995, unless renewed, extended, withdrawn, or revoked for cause. Sometime prior to August 12, 1995, the procedure set forth in Rule 10M- 6.020, Florida Administrative Code, for relicensing Petitioners was initiated by the Department. During the relicensing process, allegations of bizarre punishment and improper confinement of foster children were made against Petitioners. Based on these allegations, the Department denied Petitioners the renewal of their family foster home license, but the Department failed to notify Petitioners of that decision. Therefore, Petitioners were not given a point of entry to contest the Department's decision. After Petitioners' family foster home license expired on August 12, 1995, Petitioners contacted the Department's Bartow, Florida office by telephone to inquire as to why their family foster home license had not been renewed. In response to the Petitioners' telephone inquiry, the Department, by letter dated April 30,1996, advised Petitioners that their family foster home license had lapsed on August 12, 1995. The letter also advised Petitioners that their family foster home license had been denied primarily on the basis of "substantiated allegations of bizarre punishment and improper confinement of foster children," and further advised Petitioners of their right to contest that decision. C. S., a 12-year old foster child that was placed with Petitioners for approximately a week sometime around April 1995, testified that he was treated "pretty good" by the Torres; that although he was required to watch television a "lot" on a screened-in porch, he did not consider himself being improperly confined because he was allowed to leave the porch to use the bathroom and to eat. The Torres kept the children on the porch so that the Torres could maintain contact with the children while they worked in the home. C. S. also testified that he was not particularly "crazy" about the food prepared by Petitioners because it contained peppers and onions. C. S.'s younger brother, B. S., and younger sister, A. S., both foster children, were also placed with Petitioners at the same time. C. S. did not remember any of them being mistreated or punished in any fashion. The Department failed to present evidence to show that Petitioners punished the foster children placed under their care in a bizarre manner or any other manner, or that they improperly confined foster children placed under their care, or mistreated foster children placed under their care, notwithstanding the testimony of Liz Peralta (Torres) to the contrary, which I find totally lacking in credibility. It was obvious that this witness, a former daughter-in-law, had an "axe to grind" with Petitioners. Selma T. Sanford-Huber, a Department employee responsible for licensing foster parents and family foster homes, testified that she was in Petitioners' home around April 23, 1995, for the purpose of relicensing. Huber further testified that due to the allegations, all foster children were removed from Petitioners' home on May 5, 1995, and that no other foster children were to be placed in Petitioners' home during the investigation. Although Huber testified that she was concerned about the foster children in Petitioners' home, she was unable to present evidence of anything specific that would justify her concern for the children and require the denial of the renewal of Petitioners' family foster home license for the 1995-96 license year. It is clear from the evidence, or from the lack of evidence, that the Department has failed to prove the allegations set forth in its Notice of Denial dated April 30, 1996. Likewise, it is clear from the record that but for the allegations of "bizarre punishment and improper confinement" the Petitioners' family foster home license would have been renewed for the 1995-96 license year. However, that license would have expired on August 12, 1996, and there is no evidence that the procedure for relicensing Petitioners for the year 1996-97 is in progress or has been accomplished.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law it is, accordingly, recommended that Petitioners' family foster home license be renewed for the 1995-96 license year which ended on August 12, 1996. It is further recommended that should Petitioners wish to renew their family foster home license for the 1996-97 license year, which began on August 12, 1996, then the Department shall, in full cooperation with Petitioners, proceed with all due haste to complete the relicensing procedures outlined in Rule 10M-6.020, Florida Administrative Code. Upon completion of those procedures, should the Department's decision be to deny Petitioners renewal of their family foster home license for the 1996-97 license year, then the Department should immediately notify Petitioners of its decision and advise them of their right to a hearing to contest the denial. RECOMMENDED this 29th day of October, 1996, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-66847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of October, 1996. COPIES FURNISHED: Gregory D. Venz, Agency Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Building 2, Room 204X 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Richard Doran General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Room 201 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Angel and Carmen Torres 801 North Anoka Avenue Avon Park, Florida 33825 Jack Emory Farley, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 270 Bartow Municipal Airport Bartow, Florida 33830

Florida Laws (2) 120.57409.175
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Inverness, Florida Apr. 13, 1998 Number: 98-001739 Latest Update: Feb. 19, 1999

The Issue Are Respondents entitled to have Petitioner renew their license to provide foster home care?

Findings Of Fact Petitioner licenses and re-licenses persons who provide residential care to children. This process is in accordance with Chapter 409, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 65C-13, Florida Administrative Code. Respondents have held a foster home license pursuant to those laws. On March 16, 1998, Petitioner advised Respondents that Respondents would not be re-licensed for the upcoming year for reason that: "A recent investigation of neglect resulted in a confirmed report against you." As was revealed at the hearing, the more specific basis for the denial was in accordance with Section 409.175(8)(b)1, Florida Statutes, in which Petitioner accused Respondents, in the person of Sherrie Rund, of a negligent act which materially affected the health and safety of a child in her home. That child is J.V., date of birth July 15, 1995. Moreover, the basis for non-renewal of the foster home license was premised upon the further allegation that Sherrie Rund was found by Petitioner's counselor to be unable to secure the "Abuse Registry" prior to issuance of a new foster home license, as provided in Rule 65C- 13.006(3), Florida Administrative Code. On January 6, 1998, Respondents were caring for three foster children in their home in Inverness, Florida. In addition to J.V. there was M.V., who was 3½ years old, and J.S., who was 12 months old. J.V. and M.V. are brothers. The day before Petitioner had asked Respondent, Sherrie Rund, to take two additional children into her home to receive foster care. On the day before, Mrs. Rund had also suffered a miscarriage. Mrs. Rund left her home on the morning of January 6, 1998, to run some errands and to eventually drive to Brooksville, Florida, to pick up the newest foster children. At some point in time in her travels on January 6, 1998, with J.V. and J.S. in her car, Mrs. Rund noticed a loud knocking sound in her car and decided to have an automobile mechanic with whom she was familiar check the status of her car, in anticipation of her trip to Brooksville. Upon arriving at the mechanic's shop, the mechanic told Mrs. Rund that she was not going anywhere in the car, and that something was not right with the car. The mechanic got into the car with Mrs. Rund and they made a test drive. When they returned to the mechanic's shop, the mechanic pointed out a block that was part of the suspension system, referred to as a lift kit in the area of the rear axle. That block had shifted over and the mechanic told Mrs. Rund that all that would be necessary to correct the problem was to adjust two bolts. When Mrs. Rund, the mechanic, and her children had returned to the shop, the children were asleep. As a consequence, Mrs. Rund asked the mechanic if it would be acceptable to leave the children in the car while the mechanic made repairs to the automobile. Apparently, the mechanic was not opposed to that arrangement. The mechanic told Mrs. Rund that it would only take a couple of minutes to tighten the parts that were causing the problem. With that assurance, Mrs. Rund allowed the mechanic to lift the car off the concrete floor in the shop by the use of a hydraulic lift. Once the car had been lifted, the distance from the car to the shop floor was approximately 3 to 4 feet. The mechanic began his work and noticed that threads in the bolts that were being tightened had become stripped. At that time Mrs. Rund was sitting on a stool by the car door. The mechanic summoned her and asked to show her what was wrong. As Mrs. Rund walked around the car she heard a slight noise. It was J.V. J.V. had been strapped in his car seat attached to the back seat of the automobile, but he had awakened from his nap in the back seat of the car, gone between the seats in the front of the car, opened the door and stepped out onto the platform that supported the car on the lift. Before anyone could intervene, J.V. fell from the platform to the floor of the shop fracturing his skull. The skull fracture was of the temporal bone. In addition, J.V. also suffered an abrasion of one ear and split his lip in the fall. The automobile in question was a Jeep vehicle with tinted windows, that created a condition in which Mrs. Rund could not see into the automobile while it was on the lift. After the accident Mrs. Rund immediately picked the child up and noted that he appeared "a little incoherent." She could not drive her car. But she knew that her father was about two miles away. Mrs. Rund's father immediately responded to her request for assistance. They drove J.V. to the emergency room at the Citrus Memorial Hospital in Inverness, Florida, for treatment. Later that day, J.V. was taken to Shands Hospital at the University of Florida, in Gainesville, Florida, for additional treatment. Mrs. Rund and her father managed to transport J.V. to the emergency room at Citrus Memorial Hospital within 10 minutes of the accident. Upon arrival Mrs. Rund attempted to advise Petitioner about the accident by contacting the case worker responsible for her foster children. Four of the people who were on the list of possible contacts were unavailable. Mrs. Rund also wanted to inquire about the status of the two new children who were going to be left in her care that day. Eventually, Mrs. Rund explained to a case worker the circumstances of J.V.'s accident. In answer to her question, the case worker told Mrs. Rund that the two additional children were going to be brought to Mrs. Rund's home in any event. The children were brought to Mrs. Rund's home on January 6, 1998, and were kept for the moment by Mrs. Rund's mother. The two additional children were siblings 2½ and 5 years old. Mrs. Rund spent about 6 to 7 hours at the Citrus Memorial Hospital attending J.V. and making certain of his care. Beyond that time, Mrs. Rund felt the need to return home and take a shower because of her miscarriage the day before and because she had blood on her shirt resulting from J.V.'s injuries. Mrs. Rund also had concern about the welfare of the two additional children that were being brought to her home. There had been some discussion between Mrs. Rund and a nurse at the Citrus Memorial Hospital, who insisted that Mrs. Rund should accompany J.V. to Shands Hospital. Mrs. Rund replied that she needed to check the situation at home and then she would go to Shands. Eventually, the nurse contacted someone from the Child Protective Service. Mrs. Rund spoke to that person and having decided that it would be acceptable for J.V. to ride to Shands unaccompanied by her, Mrs. Rund allowed J.V. to be transported to Shands Hospital without her. A short time later, Mrs. Rund's parents picked her up at the Citrus Memorial Hospital and took her home. By that time Christopher Rund, Mrs. Rund's husband, had arrived at their home and was available to take care of the other four children. After spending a little time with the children in her home and taking a shower, Mrs. Rund called Shands Hospital to check on the well-being of J.V. Mrs. Rund went to Shands Hospital the following day to see J.V. The two newest children were removed from Respondents' home. J.S., one of the original three children cared for by Respondents, was also removed from their home. The brothers J.V. and M.V. were returned to the Respondents on January 9, 1998, where they have remained. M.V. and J.V. were eventually adopted by the Respondents on May 22, 1998. As Mrs. Rund acknowledges, she momentarily neglected the needs of J.V. when he fell from her automobile to the floor of the mechanic's shop. Her response to his needs beyond that point was not neglectful given the circumstances that have been described. She immediately arranged for his care and treatment. The failure to accompany J.V. to Shands Hospital was not neglectful. Petitioner instituted an investigation identified as Abuse Report 98-001853, involving the incident on January 6, 1998, in which J.V. was injured when falling from the automobile to the floor of the repair shop. That report is referred to as institutional abuse-neglect, involving the conduct of Sherrie Rund and her foster home. Through the investigation, the report was verified for inadequate supervision or care pertaining to the accident, as well as the verification of other physical injuries associated with neglect. Richard V. Perrone, Adoptions and Related Services Counselor for Petitioner, worked with the Respondents from March of 1997 through May of 1998 as an adoption counselor. In correspondence for the record, he indicates that he has seen the family, and the children in their care on a monthly basis and that the home was always appropriate and the children well cared for. In particular, Mrs. Rund was observed by Mr. Perrone to be active with children's care and appropriate services. Mr. Perrone notes the adoption of the children that he visited.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That the foster home license held by Christopher Rund and Sherrie Rund be renewed. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of October, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of October, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph Sowell, Esquire Department of Children and Family Services Post Office Box 220 Sumterville, Florida 33585 Christopher Rund Sherrie Rund 13059 East Shawnee Trail Inverness, Florida 34450 John S. Slye, General Counsel Department of Children and Family Services Building 2, Room 204 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory D. Venz, Agency Clerk Department of Children and Family Services Building 2, Room 204 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57409.175435.04 Florida Administrative Code (1) 65C-13.006
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Oct. 21, 1993 Number: 93-005975 Latest Update: Dec. 14, 1994

The Issue The issue to be decided in this case is whether the Petitioner's, Clemintine Lyons, foster home relicensure application should be approved.

Findings Of Fact Clemintine Lyons was first licensed as a foster home in 1988. The licensing staff had several concerns at that time. These concerns included the fact that Ms. Lyons had no prior parenting experience and was taking medication for depression. However, those concerns were addressed and Ms. Lyons was licensed. During the initial licensing period, the Department had difficulty with Ms. Lyons regarding her willingness to work cooperatively with the Department regarding the children in her care and to contact the Department before she made major decisions regarding the children in her care, such as parental visitation. For example, against the wishes of HRS and as a form of punishment for Dorinda, Ms. Lyons kept Dorinda from attending an HRS picnic for prospective adoptees to meet adoptive parents. The HRS staff was concerned about this incident because they were trying to arrange an adoption for Dorinda and the picnic was an important step in that process. Ms. Lyons was also unhappy about HRS counselors trying to have private conversations with Dorinda. Further, on one occasion, Ms. Lyons left the HRS district where she and Dorinda lived to take Dorinda to Dorinda's mother's home in another district to retrieve some clothing given to Dorinda by Ms. Lyons which had been left at the mother's home. Ms. Lyons made the trip because Dorinda was short of clothing. Ms. Lyons took Dorinda to her mother's home without notifying any HRS counselors. When Ms. Lyons was ready to leave, Dorinda refused to get in the car, so Ms. Lyons called the police to assist her in taking Dorinda back to her house. The incident was of concern because Ms. Lyons unilateral action could have potentially placed Dorinda in a dangerous situation, given the fact that the abusive parent was still in the home. In short, both incidents involving Dorinda Small demonstrated very poor judgment on the part of Ms. Lyons regarding the care and protection of a child in her care. Department personnel also testified about another incident which occurred during initial licensure of Ms. Lyons regarding two brothers, a six- year old and an eight-year old, she had just received as foster children in her home. The same day that they were brought to the home, they called a taxi while Ms. Lyons was taking a nap and had themselves driven to their aunt and uncle's home. However, the evidence regarding the elopement of these two boys was very vague and cannot be used to infer a lack of ability to care for foster children on the part of Ms. Lyons, especially since foster children come to foster care with a lot of problems including disciplinary and emotional problems. Additionally, in 1989, Ms. Lyons applied to the Department to become an adoptive parent. While going through the training and background checks, the Department, for the first time, discovered an incident involving a foster child who had been placed in Ms. Lyons' home. Clara Mitchell, a neighbor and friend of Ms. Lyons, informed the Department that she had invited Ms. Lyons and Dorinda Small, a foster child living in Ms. Lyons' home, to her home for Thanksgiving. Before eating, Ms. Lyons fixed a plate of food for Dorinda. When Dorinda noticed that tomatoes had been placed on her plate, she told Ms. Lyons that she did not like them and would not eat them although she had eaten tomatoes before. Ms. Lyons became upset and hit Dorinda across the face and told her to go home. Dorinda left Ms. Mitchell's home, but had to wait outside for Ms. Lyons because Ms. Lyons' door was locked. Ms. Lyons stayed at Mrs. Mitchell's home for about 45 minutes to an hour before going back home and letting Dorinda come inside. Once the Department learned of this incident, the Department made it very clear to Ms. Lyons that the Department's policy prohibited the use of any corporal punishment on a foster child. Ms. Lyons admitted she was aware of this policy and that she understood she was not to use corporal punishment on a foster child again. However, despite the problems with Dorinda Small and the two boys, Ms. Lyons was relicensed on the recommendation of a licensed counselor who felt that because of the desperate need for foster parents, Ms. Lyons with more training and closer supervision, would learn to grow into the role of a foster parent. Towards that end, Ms. Lyons voluntarily agreed to go through additional training known as the Model Approach to Partnerships and Parenting. The model approach program was a thirty-hour training seminar. One of the topics specifically addressed was role identification, specifically the role of a foster parent in relation to HRS, the foster child and the biological family. This training was in addition to the training that Ms. Lyons went through before her initial licensure. In addition, Ms. Lyons was sent information on several different occasions which outlined Ms. Lyons' duties and roles in interacting with HRS, the foster child and the biological family. One of the primary duties of the foster parent is to provide a caring environment for the foster child as well as consult with either HRS or the biological parent before making any major decisions regarding the foster children. It quickly became apparent that the additional training had not improved Ms. Lyons' ability as a foster parent. From July 17 through August 28, 1991, three foster children were placed in Ms. Lyons' home. The children's mother, Robin Williams, had requested foster care assistance for her six children, while Ms. Williams went through voluntary drug rehabilitation. The three oldest, Rasheen, age ten, Shykimma, age eight, and Raheem, age seven, were placed with Ms. Lyons The voluntary aspects of Ms. Williams' decision meant that she was under no court restrictions as to visitation or telephone contact and could remove her children at any time from foster care. Problems with the foster arrangement arose almost immediately. The protective services worker for the Williams', Kathy Perkins Guy, began receiving complaints about Ms. Lyons from Ms. Williams, the Williams children and counselors working with Ms. Williams in her drug treatment. One complaint by the Williams family against Ms. Lyons was that she was not permitting visitation as often as the Williams and HRS felt should be permitted. However, after complaints by Ms. Williams, the Williams' were satisfied with the frequency of visitation. On the other hand, HRS tried to show continued lack of cooperation by Ms. Lyons when Kathy Perkins Guy, the Williams' case worker, tried to arrange visitation on one particular Saturday, but Ms. Lyons told her that she had too many errands to run and it was not convenient. The inconvenience was legitimate because Ms. Lyons sister had died and she was taking care of the funeral arrangements. However, Ms. Lyons never communicated these facts to the HRS caseworker. It is important to note that Ms. Guy did not require Ms. Lyons to facilitate visitation in this instance. Ms. Guy only asked if Ms. Lyons would. Such "asking" by HRS leaves the clear impression that the licensee may decline the request without adverse impact on that person's foster license or future licensure. The incident does demonstrate poor communication by both HRS and Ms. Lyons. Additionally, Ms. Lyons also did not make arrangements for the Williams children to call their mother on a daily basis, but restricted them to one phone call two times a week. Ms. Williams deposition testimony indicated that the frequency of telephone calls was sufficient. Again, Ms. Guy had requested more frequent telephone contact. Ms. Lyons declined because getting through to the mother at the addiction center was difficult to arrange because of the center's restrictions on the mother. Again, HRS only asked for more frequent telephone contact. HRS did not require it. The clear impression to the licensee was that she could decline the request. Ms. Williams also complained that Ms. Lyons had cut her daughter Shykimma's hair without first consulting her. Such consultation with the parent is normally required by the Department. The children complained that they were not permitted to wear underwear while they slept at night and were not being allowed to sleep on pillows or use blankets. When questioned, Ms. Lyons stated that the children were placed in her home with very few clothes, and that she did not want to have to wash clothes every day. However, a foster parent is instructed to have spare clothing on hand or to be prepared to supply spare clothing. The Williams' felt they had adequate clothing but that their clothes often smelled bad the second day. As to the lack of pillows and blankets, she said that the kids did not need blankets because it was summer and the children did have sheets. She also said she did not want the children messing up her pillow shams but that they had other pillows to sleep with. The Williams' depositions demonstrated they had other pillows which they could use. The evidence also demonstrated that the children were dressed appropriately for bed since they slept in pajamas. In addition, Ms. Lyons made the children recite Bible verses as a punishment even though they were Muslim. On one occasion, Ms. Lyons had Rasheen recite a verse to Ms. Guy, which he interpreted to Ms. Guy to mean that he had to obey Ms. Lyons. Again the evidence regarding these incidents was vague and seemed to be engendered more by the Williams children's dislike of Ms. Lyons and anything she did, as well as a biological mother who was frantic over her children. Additionally, the evidence regarding the Bible verses was equivocal as to the appropriateness of such an action given the historical nature of the Muslim and Christian religions' roots in the Old Testament. Ms. Lyons also brought the children to work with her. At that time she was employed cleaning offices after hours, and she put the children to work cleaning toilets, sinks and vacuuming the floor. However, there was no convincing evidence that these activities were inappropriate in any way. On the other hand, Ms. Lyons called Rasheen "stupid." One of these name-callings escalated into an argument with Rasheen, which Ms. Lyons ended by calling a policeman friend of hers to talk to him about showing respect. Ms. Lyons did not intend this name to be abusive, but it was readily apparent that the children took the names as derogatory. The use of such references demonstrates poor judgment in caring for foster children. Ms. Lyons also had punished Shykimma for bedwetting by making her stay in her room for the rest of the day, which violates the disciplinary code for foster parents. Such punishment is a clear violation of HRS's disciplinary code for foster parents. Finally, Ms. Lyons spanked Rasheen with a flip-flop shoe for spilling rice on the floor. Again Ms. Lyons knew such discipline violated the HRS disciplinary code for foster parents. Additionally, Ms. Lyons had been warned earlier about using corporal punishment on a foster child when HRS had learned about Ms. Lyons slapping Dorinda Small. The Williams children were removed from Ms. Lyons home in August 1991. At that time, Sue Brown, supervisor of the foster care licensing unit went to Ms. Lyons' home to discuss with her the problems with the Williams' placement. During the discussion, Ms. Lyons admitted to punishing Shykimma for wetting the bed by making her stay in her room for 35 minutes. Ms. Brown pointed out that children are not to be punished for bedwetting problems, but Ms. Lyons had no response. Ms. Brown spoke to the Williams children after meeting with Ms. Lyons, and they expressed near hatred for Ms. Lyons. They said she was very demanding and that they never wanted to go back there. In this case, it is fairly apparent that HRS is tired of trying to work with Ms. Lyons as a foster parent and that in its attempt not to relicense her the Department listed every perceived "affront" of Ms. Lyons towards HRS. Most of these complaints were spurious and could not form the basis for an adverse licensure decision. However, HRS did succeed in demonstrating that Ms. Lyons committed at least three willful violations of the rules governing foster care parents. Those violations were punishment for bedwetting, name calling and two incidents of administering corporal punishment. Moreover, because these violations were willful and in disregard of the disciplinary rules of HRS of which Ms. Lyons had knowledge, Ms. Lyons is not qualified for licensure.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law it is therefore RECOMMENDED: that the Department deny Petitioner's application for relicensure as a foster home. DONE and ORDERED this 28th day of October, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANNE CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of October, 1994. APPENDIX 93-5975 The facts contained in paragraphs 1, 4, 8 and 22, of Petitioner's Findings of Fact are adopted in substance, insofar as material. The facts contained in paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact are subordinate. The facts contained in paragraphs 9 and 14 of Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact were not shown by the evidence. The facts contained in paragraphs 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are adopted in substance, in so far as material. The facts contained in paragraphs 3, 4, 8 and 11 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are subordinate. COPIES FURNISHED: Ann Corya Curvin, Esquire Assistant District Legal Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 160 Governmental Center Pensacola, Florida 32501 Fredrick Gant, Esquire Allbritton & Gant 322 West Cervantes Street Pensacola, Florida 32501 Robert L. Powell, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Kim Tucker General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 07, 1995 Number: 95-005983 Latest Update: Jan. 08, 1997

The Issue The issue for determination at final hearing is whether Respondent's foster care license should be revoked.

Findings Of Fact On July 1, 1995, Mildred Sands (Respondent) was issued a provisional foster home license by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (Petitioner), with an effective period of July 1, 1995 - June 30, 1996. Her license number is 0795-06-3. A provisional license is issued when all requirements for a license are not met and the licensee is given a specific time period to comply with the remaining requirements. Due to a court action involving a minor child, J. F., who was born on May 7, 1983, the court placed J. F. with Respondent. In order for the minor child to live with Respondent, Petitioner issued Respondent a provisional license. Prior to the placement, Respondent knew J. F.'s mother for several years on a personal basis. The mother and her children were at one time living with Respondent. Respondent is J. F.'s godmother and has interacted with her since J. F.'s birth. Prior to licensing, on June 12, 1995, Respondent signed a "Bilateral Service Agreement" (Bilateral Agreement) with Petitioner, agreeing to abide by or with several conditions. The Bilateral Agreement provides in pertinent part: 2. We are fully and directly responsible to the Department for the care of the child. * * * 8. We will accept dependent children into our home for care only from the Department and will make no plans for boarding other children or adults. We will notify the Department if any adult relative or family members returns to live in the home. * * * 10. We will notify the Department immediately of any change in our address, employment, living arrangements, arrest record, health status or family composition, as well as any special needs for the child (i.e. health, school problems, emotional problems). * * * 16. We will comply with all requirements for a licensed foster home as prescribed by the Department. * * * 18. We understand that any breach of the Agreement may result in the immediate removal of the child(ren) and revocation of the license. Respondent signed a "Discipline Policy Agreement" (Discipline Agreement) on July 19, 1993, when she was initially licensed as a foster care provider and on June 12, 1995, during her re-licensure process. The Discipline Agreement signed on July 19, 1993, provides in pertinent part: The following disciplinary practices are FORBIDDEN in caring for your foster child. Failure to comply may result in an investigation and possible closure of your home. * * * Hitting a child with an object. Slapping or spanking a child, or ANY OTHER physical discipline. The Discipline Agreement signed on June 12, 1995, provides in pertinent part: [T]he following disciplinary practices are FORBIDDEN on our children. FAILURE OF THE FOSTER PARENT(S)... TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN THE REMOVAL OF THE CHILD(REN) FOR AN INVESTIGATION AND RESULT IN THE CLOSURE OF YOUR HOME. * * * Hitting a child with ANY object. Slapping, smacking, whipping, washing mouth out with soap, or ANY other form of physical discipline. On February 14, 1995, Petitioner waived placement requirements in order for J. F.'s siblings to be placed with Respondent to keep the family unit together. J. F.'s siblings had been living with her grandmother who had become ill and was unable to care for the children. On September 1, 1995, Petitioner received a report of alleged child abuse allegedly committed by Respondent against J. F., who was 12 years old, at Respondent's foster home. Respondent was allegedly disciplining J. F. Within a short span of time that same day, Petitioner began an investigation. The minor child, J. F., had raised bruises, swelling, abrasions, and redness on the lower part of her legs. Also, J. F. had a small scratch on one of her legs and a scratch on her left arm. The injuries were purportedly inflicted by a ruler. No expert opinion was presented to confirm that the injuries were consistent with such an instrument, and no attempt was made to obtain the instrument used to commit the alleged abuse. Petitioner removed all the children from Respondent's home. Petitioner notified Respondent that it was revoking her foster home license due to the alleged excessive corporal punishment. The minor child, J. F., did not testify at the hearing. 1/ Respondent did not inflict the injuries to the minor child, J. F. 2/ Respondent did not use corporal punishment of any kind on the minor child, J. F. Respondent did not violate the Discipline Agreement. Respondent was responsible for the supervision and care of the minor child, J. F. Respondent was not aware of J. F.'s injuries and was, therefore, unable to notify Petitioner of the injuries or to obtain medical attention for J. F.'s injuries. Respondent had allowed the children's adult sibling, who was 19 years old, to live with her and the children. Respondent failed to notify Petitioner that the adult sister would be and was living in her home. In failing to notify Petitioner, Respondent violated the Bilateral Agreement, paragraph numbered 8.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the foster home license of Mildred Sands not be revoked. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of August 1996, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of August, 1996.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57409.17590.803
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Palatka, Florida Sep. 27, 2002 Number: 02-003782 Latest Update: Apr. 02, 2003

The Issue Whether the Department of Children and Family Services (DCF) may revoke Respondent's family foster care license due to her continued contact with her husband after he was convicted of sexual molestation of their teen-aged daughter.

Findings Of Fact Lila and Charles Dean were licensed foster parents from 1986 through 1991, when they adopted their daughter who was then six years old. The couple subsequently had two natural daughters. In January 2001, the 16-year-old adopted daughter reported that Charles Dean had been sexually abusing her for approximately two years. Lila Dean immediately had Charles Dean move out of the family home. She has been consistently supportive of their daughter and went with her through the whole abuse and rehabilitation system. Charles Dean was convicted in 2001 of sexually abusing his adopted daughter and is a registered sex offender. Lila Dean has been separated from Charles Dean since January 2001, but she has not filed for divorce. On March 13, 2002, Lila Dean was relicensed by DCF as a family foster parent. George Payne, DCF Family Counselor III, testified that during the family foster home re-licensing process prior to March 13, 2002, Lila Dean admitted to him that she was seeing her husband away from the home once every two or three months to discuss child support, insurance, etc., and that he had no contact with the children. She also admitted that with the permission of his probation officer, Charles Dean had come to the home, while the children were at school, to make needed repairs. At Mr. Payne's urging, she promised to get someone else to make any future repairs. The licensing process took eleven months because of DCF's concerns about Mrs. Dean's contacts with her husband, but DCF licensed her individually on March 13, 2002, because of her previous excellent record as a foster parent in another district supervised by Mr. Payne from 1985 to 1989. On May 13, 2002, upon receiving an abuse report that Mrs. Dean had been having regular contacts with her husband; that Mrs. Dean had made comments in the community that Mr. Dean's sexual abuse was not that serious because the girl was his adopted, not his biological child; and that Mrs. Dean had spoken on Mr. Dean's behalf requesting that he be spared a prison sentence, DCF removed the two non-verbal, toddler, foster children who were then in Mrs. Dean's foster care and instituted a further abuse investigation. After the abuse report had been received regarding Mrs. Dean's 2002 contacts with her husband, she told Mr. Payne that she was not looking for a relationship with any other men because they might want a sexual relationship with her, but that sex was not an issue with her husband, so she felt comfortable with him. The abuse report, which related the couple's more frequent contacts, suggests the family is "working toward reconciliation," something Mrs. Dean has denied to Mr. Payne. The abuse report verifies the old abuse information as to the adopted daughter. It does not verify the tipster's allegation that Mrs. Dean does not view Mr. Dean's molestation of their adopted daughter as less serious than it would have been with a natural daughter. There is no direct testimony or otherwise reliable evidence on this issue, on the issue of whether or not she has spoken publicly on his behalf, or on the issue of whether or not a reconciliation is anticipated. There is no evidence that Charles Dean has been in the home since Lila Dean was relicensed. DCF sent a license revocation letter to Mrs. Dean after becoming aware of the increasing frequency of her contacts with her husband. The basis for revocation was given as: . . . pursuant to Section 409.175(8)(b)3. [now Section 409.175(9)(b)3] Florida Statutes, because your continued and repeated contacts with Charles Dean are inconsistent and incompatible with your role as a foster parent. It is not in the best interests of vulnerable foster children to be placed with a foster parent who considers it appropriate to have a relationship with a registered sex offender. [Clarification of statutory citation agreed-to and supplied]. Mr. Payne was unaware of any DCF rules Mrs. Dean broke by having contact with her husband. Mr. Payne has no indication that any children, natural or foster, were at greater risk post-licensing than pre- licensing due to Mr. And Mrs. Dean's increased contact. DCF cannot constantly monitor a foster parent to ensure that the children in her care are not placed at risk by her personal associations.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Family Services enter a final order reinstating the family foster home license of Lila Dean and specifically limiting any appearance on the foster home premises by Charles Dean. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of January, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of January, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Lucy Goddard, Esquire Department of Children and Family Services Post Office Box 390, Mail Stop 3 Gainesville, Florida 32602 Robert Vest, Esquire 613 St. Johns Avenue Suite 212 Post Office Box 2525 Palatka, Florida 32177 Paul F. Flounlacker, Jr., Agency Clerk Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204B Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Josie Tomayo, General Counsel Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (8) 120.52120.5739.201402.301402.3055402.319409.175409.176
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-003338 Latest Update: Jul. 19, 1985

Findings Of Fact In August, 1980, the home of Jacob and Donna Vermeulen was licensed by Petitioner as a pre-school foster home. Under that licensure, the Vermeulens were able to care for children from birth to four years of age. The subject of this proceeding, hereinafter referred to as S.L., was born on May 26, 1976. When S.L. was four years old he and his younger sister were removed from the custody of his natural mother (after he witnessed the homicide by bludgeoning of his father by his mother) because S.L. and his sister had been physically abused by both natural parents. Petitioner placed S.L. and his sister into the Vermeu1en foster home. After S.L. and his sister had been living with the Vermeulens for approximately six months, Petitioner removed them from the Vermeulen home and returned them to the custody of their natural mother. After approximately six months, the two children were again removed from their natural mother since she again physically abused them. Petitioner requested the Vermeulens to again take custody of S.L. and his sister. The Vermeulens were reluctant to do so since both S.L, and his sister were now older than was allowed under the Vermeulens' license, and because S.L. had problems relating with the other foster children living in that home during his first stay there. However, Petitioner's social workers begged the Vermeulens to take the children back since Petitioner was unable to find any other placement for S.L. The Vermeulens agreed to make their home available to S.L. and his sister, and the two children thereafter lived in the Vermeulen home for approximately two and one-half years prior to April 16, 1984. S.L. is a difficult child to care for; he is very emotional, developmentally immature, fearful, and fidgety. He has difficulty sleeping or listening, has a very low self-esteem, and is unable to complete tasks since he becomes emotionally frustrated. Not only is S.L. a clumsy child (most probably due to medication), he also throws himself onto the floor and onto his toys, both as part of his aggressive play behavior and also in conjunction with throwing temper tantrums. S.L. initiates fights in school, on the school bus and at home with the other children in the Vermeulen home to such an extent that fighting somewhere would have been almost a daily occurrence. His excessive demands for attention were often accompanied by negative behavior, such as hitting other children and throwing temper tantrums. On December 21, 1983, S.L. was evaluated by psychiatrist Josephine Perez. Perez diagnosed S.L. as suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity. Perez determined that the high dosages of anti-psychoic medication that S.L. had been taking were inappropriate, and she prescribed different medication for him. Perez recalls that during S.L.'s initial evaluation in December she noticed that his legs and arms were filled with bruises. S.L. began treating weekly with Perez from January 16, 1984, until April 16, 1984. On each visit at least one of the Vermeulens was present, and each visit contained a seasion between Perez and the foster parent discussing the child's progress and training the foster parent in the use of behavioral modification techniques. During those several months S.L. appeared at Perez's office on one occasion with a black eye and on another occasion with a bruising above his eye. One injury resulted from a fall in the bath tub, and another resulted from a fall out of bed; both falls were probably attributable to changes Perez made in S.L.'s medication. The Vermeulens discussed both incidents with Perez since they were concerned that S.L,'s medication was still not in the proper dosage. The Vermeulens testified that sometimes when S.L.'s medication was changed, he was unable to control even his arms and was unable to sit still long enough to eat. In January, 1984, when S.L. began treating with Dr. Perez there were six children living in the Vermeulen home: four foster children, one adopted child, and one natural child. The Vermeulens and Dr. Perez discussed the number of children living in the Vermeulen home, which prohibited giving S.L. the excessive amount of time required by him to satisfy his need for attention. Perez told the Vermeulens that in her professional opinion S.L. should be in a home with no more than one other child. In turn, the Vermeulens told Perez that they had been requesting Petitioner to remove S.L. from their home out of their concern (1) for S.L. since he needed so much more attention than was available to him and (2) for the other children not only because S.L. would kick and hit them but also because the Vermeulens had discovered S.L. in his sister's bedroom standing over her with a knife in his hand on two occasions. Although Perez agreed that S.L. should be placed a different foster setting, she did nothing to assist in obtaining a different placement and did not discuss with any employee of the Petitioner ("HRS") her recommendation and the Vermeulens' desire that S.L. be placed in a setting, preferably, where he was the only child. The Vermeulens, however, continued to request of HRS employees, including the visiting social workers and medical personnel, that S.L. be removed from their home, with visitation rights being given to the Vermeulens if possible. During this time period the Vermeulens determined that they wished to adopt Michelle, a foster child in their care. On Friday, April 13, 1984, an HRS employee went to the Vermeulen home to discuss that petition for adoption and to advise the Vermeulens that HRS would not allow them to adopt Michelle. Mr. and Mrs. Vermeulen S.L., and the rest of the children living in the home were present during that discussion. The Vermeulens were advised that they would not be permitted to adopt Michelle so long as S.L. was living in their home since he is a "therapeutic foster child" and Petitioner's rules would prohibit the adoption while a "therapeutic child" was in the home. Mrs. Vermeulen was unable to understand Petitioner's position: its refusal to remove S.L. from her home after repeated requests and its refusal to allow her to adopt Michelle for the reason that S.L. was in her home. Mrs. Vermeulen became upset, and S.L. told her and Petitioner's employee to put him in a foster home indicating he would rather be sent away than prevent Michelle from being adopted by the Vermeulens. Since the HRS employee was having a difficult time discussing HRS's position, she left the Vermeulen home. On Friday, April 13, 1984, or on Monday, April 16, 1984, S.L. became involved in a fight on the school bus on the way home from school. The bus driver told Mrs. Vermeulen about the fight. On Monday April 16, 1984, Mrs. Vermeulen took S.L. to his weekly therapy session with Dr. Perez. During that session, S.L. indicated to Perez that he had been bad and had been "paddled" on the legs. He would give her no details, but Perez believed it was Donna Vermeulen who paddled S.L. Rather than discuss it with Mrs. Vermeulen, Perez acted as though nothing had been said. Further, although a medical doctor, she did not examine S.L. Instead, Perez discussed with Mrs. Vermeulen behavioral modification techniques to be utilized with S.L. and sent them home. She then telephoned HRS, and a child abuse report was completed. On April 18, 1984, an HRS employee went to S.L.'s school, removed the child from his class, and took the child to be examined by the Child Protection Team. S.L. was first examined by the nurse. When S.L. was unable to explain to the nurse from where each mark on his body originated (or refused to), she interrogated him with questions such as "Did your mommy hit you?" The nurse made notations on a chart indicating numerous marks or bruises on S.L.'s body. However, an HRS employee saw S.L. disrobed when he was being examined by the doctor on the team and saw only two marks on his lower back. Other HRS employees went to the Vermeulen home and removed all the children. No one discussed the incident or accusation with either Mr. or Mrs. Vermeulen until the following day. Until he was removed from her class on April 18, 1984, S.L. was taught by Debbie Froug an Exceptional Education teacher for emotionally disturbed children. Although Froug describes S.L. as a basically honest child, she testified that he sometimes gets very confused. A careful review of the videotaped testimony of S.L. and of the conflicting testimony of the witnesses in this case indicates that Froug's latter description is probably an understatement. No witness in this case heard the same explanation (or accusation) as any other witness. S.L's videotaped testimony illustrates why: there is no statement made by S.L. that is not contradicted by him a few seconds later. For example the videotaped deposition contains on page 27 the following: O. Did you ever have a black eye? A. No. O. Didn't you talk to Dr. Perez about having a black eye once? A. Yes, but I didn't. How did you get the black eye? One of the kids on the bus. Things stated in the affirmative by S.L. in his deposition are also stated in the negative in that same deposition. Further, it is sometimes impossible to ascertain if S.L. is describing being hit by his real father, by his real mother, or by his foster mother. Although no accusation appears to ever have been made, including in the Administrative Complaint, that Jacob Vermeulen ever struck S.L., by the time of S.L.'s deposition eight months after the alleged incident when S.L. was asked if Jacob ever hit him, that question was answered in the affirmative. In short, the evidence is clear that S.L. had some bruises or marks on his body on April 18, 1984; that those bruises or marks were both received accidentally and intentionally inflicted, and that the bruises or marks on S.L.'s body were received as a result of S.L. falling from being uncoordinated or overmedicated, from S.L. flinging himself onto the floor or onto or against objects, and from being hit or kicked by other children with whom S.L. engaged in almost-daily physical combat. Donna and Jacob Vermeulen used only approved behavior modification techniques with S.L. and did not hit S.L. with or without any object, spank S.L., or otherwise inflict physical abuse upon him. Although the Vermeulens' license as a foster home was in effect at all times material hereto, it has lapsed. A foster home license is not automatically renewed but rather requires an annual licensing study. Other than "the incident" charged herein the Vermeulens have received no prior complaints from HRS.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is REC0MENDED that a Final Order be entered dismissing with prejudice the Administrative Complaint filed herein and directing that any licensure study performed regarding the renewal or extension of Respondents' license be made omitting therefrom consideration of any of the matters set forth herein. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 19th day of July, 1985 at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of July,1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Leonard Helfand, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 1070 Miami, Florida 33128 Thomas J. Walsh, Esquire 590 English Avenue Homestead, Florida 33030 David Pingree, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (3) 120.57409.1756.05
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 04, 2002 Number: 02-003885 Latest Update: Aug. 11, 2003

The Issue Whether Respondent's foster home license should be revoked.

Findings Of Fact There is no dispute that, at all times material hereto, Ms. Azulphar had a foster home license issued by the Department. Ms. Azulphar became a foster parent in January 1999. As with all new foster parents, Ms. Azulphar was required to complete 30 hours of Model Approach to Partnership Parenting (MAPP) training. Among other things, the MAPP training involves discussions regarding duties and responsibilities of a foster parent, the sexual problems of foster care children, and what to do if a foster care child runs away. Ms. Azulphar and the Department entered into a Bilateral Service Agreement regarding foster care. Both of them agreed to abide by the terms of the Bilateral Service Agreement. The Bilateral Service Agreement provided, among other things, the following: The Department's responsibilities to the foster parents include: * * * j. Support will be shown by responding within 24 hours to telephone messages, written correspondence or any other requests the foster parents may have. * * * Commitment to the Child The decision to accept a child into the home is a major one. . . Most foster children have experienced severe emotional, sexual and/or physical abuse as well as trauma. It is not unusual for children who have been sexually abused to act out in sexual inappropriate ways. Foster parents must be aware that these children need extra monitoring, teaching and showing of appropriate affection in order to grow into healthy children. . . By accepting a child into the home, the foster parent(s) agree to the following responsibilities: * * * d. To ensure that the child has supervision appropriate to his/her age and developmental level. * * * Foster parents have responsibilities and duties to both the department [sic] and the child. Responsibilities to the department [sic] include: * * * k. To notify the Department immediately if a child runs away, is missing or does not return home, even if the foster parent knows where the child is. * * * s. To know where and with whom the child is staying and the type of supervision the child is receiving when foster parents approve an outing or overnight activity. . . Non-compliance with any of the above provisions can result in termination of this service agreement by either the foster parents or the Department. Non-compliance with any of the above [sic] provisions may also result in the department [sic] revoking the home's license to provide foster care pursuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. . . . Any person living with a foster parent is subject to a background check by the Department because such person would have contact with any foster child placed with the foster parent. Such person must not have a disqualifying criminal record1 in order for the person to remain in the foster home during the licensure of the foster home. Ms. Azulphar had a tenant, Louis Bryant, who lived in an attached room to her home, which was converted from a garage. He had his own private entrance to his room. In January 2002, the Department informed Ms. Azulphar that Mr. Bryant, not only had a criminal record, but also had a disqualifying criminal drug record and that, therefore, if she wanted to keep her license, he would have to move. Ms. Azulphar informed Mr. Bryant that he had to move. Mr. Bryant moved, and Ms. Azulphar provided documentation to the Department indicating that he had moved. Ms. Azulphar described Mr. Bryant as a long-time friend and someone that she had relied upon when she first came to the United States. Mr. Bryant was also Ms. Azulphar's former supervisor. Further, even though he was a drug addict, who was skinny and dirty, smelled bad, and needed reminding to bathe, Ms. Azulphar described Mr. Bryant as the only person upon whom she could call when she had an emergency. She also indicated that Mr. Bryant was a handy man who performed repairs for her. Ms. Azulphar admitted that, as to Mr. Bryant, she was a "co-partner." She further admitted that Mr. Bryant was someone she "needs to continue what she was doing." In spite of her reliance upon Mr. Bryant as indicated, Ms. Azulphar showed a willingness to comply with the Department's requirements by requiring Mr. Bryant to move. On or about May 8, 2002, a foster child, F.D.,2 was placed with Ms. Azulphar. F.D. was 12 years of age at the time. F.D. was a special needs foster child because she had a history of being sexually abused at an early age and because F.D.'s father was deceased and her mother had voluntarily surrendered her parental rights. F.D. was the subject of disciplinary action at school. She was suspended for ten days from school for pulling a knife on another student. During the suspension, Ms. Azulphar took F.D. to work with her. F.D. left Ms. Azulphar's workplace without Ms. Azulphar's permission and knowledge. F.D. called her friends who came to Ms. Azulphar's workplace and F.D. left with them. Ms. Azulphar discovered that F.D. was dating a young man who was much older than F.D. Ms. Azulphar believed that the young man was approximately 26 years of age because he "looked" 26 years of age and F.D.'s friends were dating young men who also looked 26 years of age. Ms. Azulphar believed that the young man was among the friends that F.D. contacted to leave Ms. Azulphar's workplace. Also, during F.D.'s suspension, on the afternoon of May 16, 2002, her Guardian Ad-Litem came to Ms. Azulphar's home to visit F.D. The Guardian Ad-Litem knocked but no one answered. F.D. emerged from a neighbor's house. Ms. Azulphar had left F.D. alone at home. Ms. Azulphar had instructed F.D. to wait for the Guardian Ad-Litem at home and to not go outside of the home. Ms. Azulphar talked with the Guardian Ad-Litem on the telephone that same day. She expressed to the Guardian Ad-Litem that she wanted F.D. out of her home. That evening on May 16, 2002, F.D. became so distraught and volatile that she took a knife and threatened to harm herself. Ms. Azulphar called the Department's emergency telephone number and was told to call the Crisis Center for Mobile Children (CCMC). Ms. Azulphar telephoned CCMC, which told her how to talk to F.D. Ms. Azulphar did as she was instructed and F.D. did not harm herself. The next day, May 17, 2002, sometime in the evening after bedtime, which was around 9 p.m., F.D. slipped out of Ms. Azulphar's home. Ms. Azulphar had taken a sleeping pill and was not aware that F.D. was gone. Around 4 a.m. on May 18, 2002, Ms. Azulphar received a telephone call from F.D., who wanted Ms. Azulphar to come and get her. Ms. Azulphar did not want to drive at that time because she had taken the sleeping pill, so Ms. Azulphar asked F.D. to have an adult come to the telephone. Ms. Azulphar believed that F.D. was at a party because of the background noise that she heard, which sounded like a party. Ms. Azulphar recognized that the person who came to the telephone was not an adult, but Ms. Azulphar requested that F.D. be permitted to stay at the person's home until 6 a.m. when she (Ms. Azulphar) would pick-up F.D. F.D. did not wait for Ms. Azulphar. She returned to Ms. Azulphar's home before Ms. Azulphar could get her. Ms. Azulphar did not call the police when she discovered that F.D. was leaving her (Ms. Azulphar's) workplace with the young man who was 26 years of age and when she received the telephone call from F.D. The reason that Ms. Azulplhar did not call the police is that she believed that the police would do more harm than good to F.D., that F.D. had had enough trouble, and that F.D. was a Haitian as she was. After F.D. returned to Ms. Azulphar's home on May 18, 2002, Ms. Azulphar contacted the Guardian Ad-Litem and requested the removal of F.D. from her home. The Guardian Ad-Litem reported the incident to the court and the court ordered an investigation and the removal of F.D. from Ms. Azulphar's home. The Guardian Ad-Litem did not know the results of the court's investigation. During the time that F.D. was in Ms. Azulphar's home, Ms. Azulphar also had, in addition to her own child, T.A., two other foster children, A.A. and her sister, V.A.3 All of the other children agree that F.D. could not be trusted, was a thief, and did not tell the truth. After F.D. was removed from her home, Ms. Azulphar had another foster child placed in her home, who ran away. However, this time, Ms. Azulphar contacted the police and the Department when she discovered that the child had run away. Sometime during the first two weeks that F.D. was placed with Ms. Azulphar,4 the Department's social worker for F.D., Luis Muriel, was making arrangements with Ms. Azulphar to pick-up F.D. Ms. Azulphar requested Mr. Muriel to come to her workplace since F.D. would be there with her; however, he wanted Ms. Azulphar to leave F.D. at home alone. Ms. Azulphar reminded him that she was not to leave F.D. at home alone. However, Mr. Muriel instructed Ms. Azulphar to leave F.D. at home alone and informed Ms. Azulphar that he would be arriving at her home in 30 minutes. Ms. Azulphar contacted a male friend, who was approximately 50 years of age, for assistance and requested that he wait at her home for Mr. Muriel, who would be arriving in 30 minutes. However, she instructed her friend to wait outside in his car, not in her home, and he agreed to do so. When Mr. Muriel arrived at Ms. Azulphar's home and knocked on the door, Ms. Azulphar's friend opened the door. Ms. Azulphar's friend had not complied with her instructions and had gone into her home while F.D. was in the home. The Department had not performed a background check on Ms. Azulphar's friend. There was no reason for the Department to perform a background check on Ms. Azulphar's friend since it was never intended by Ms. Azulphar that he would have contact with the foster children placed with her. As to the incident, Ms. Azulphar had made it clear to her friend that he was not to go inside the home. On May 29, 2002, around 8 p.m., the licensing counselor for Ms. Azulphar's case, Reynaldo Gonzalez, made an unannounced visit to her home after being contacted by F.D.'s Guardian Ad-Litem regarding F.D.'s situation. By that time, F.D. had been removed from Ms. Azulphar's home. Mr. Gonzalez noticed a car parked outside of the house. He knocked on the door. The foster child A.A., who was approximately 15 years of age at the time, looked through the window and informed Mr. Gonzalez that Ms. Azulphar was not at home. Mr. Gonzalez returned around 8:30 p.m. and A.A. was still at home alone. Ms. Azulphar had left A.A. at home alone. However, Mr. Gonzalez's primary concern was not A.A.'s being at home alone. On the following day, around 6:20,5 Mr. Gonzalez returned to Ms. Azulphar's home because the Department had received anonymous information that no food was in the home. The same car was parked outside Ms. Azulphar's home, but the front of the car was parked in a different direction. Ms. Azulphar was not at home, but a relative, who was there, permitted Mr. Gonzalez to enter. Mr. Gonzalez found that there was adequate food in the home. None of the foster children were at home; they were with Ms. Azulphar. Mr. Gonzalez's testimony failed to indicate whether the car was parked along the street or in the driveway. An inference is drawn that the car was parked along the street. Ms. Azulphar voluntarily admitted to Mr. Gonzalez that Mr. Bryant was the owner of the car. She wanted Mr. Bryant to park his car outside her home to make it look as if someone were at home because her home had been burglarized when no one was at home. Further, on one of the days referred to, Mr. Bryant's car was either in disrepair or out of gas.6 According to the Department, Mr. Bryant should not have parked his car in front of Ms. Azulphar's home on the street. However, the evidence fails to demonstrate that such conduct by Mr. Bryant involved contact with the foster children. Ms. Azulphar admits that, at times, Mr. Bryant accompanied her shopping even when the foster children were with her. Ms. Azulphar also admits that Mr. Bryant has cut her grass, but only when she was at home. Ms. Azulphar testified that she obtained the approval of the Department for cutting the grass even though no Department witness recalled approving the action. Ms. Azulphar's testimony is found to be credible. Ms. Azulphar used poor judgment as it relates to Mr. Bryant. At first, Ms. Azulphar believed that, even though Mr. Bryant could not continue to be a tenant, she could continue to have Mr. Bryant to assist her with some things. She now knows that, as long as she has foster children, the Department does not want him to be around the children at any time. Ms. Azulphar believed that nothing was wrong with Mr. Bryant parking or leaving his car at her house. Now, she knows that the Department does not want him to be near her home when she has foster children. A.A. and V.A. were removed from Ms. Azulphar's home when the Department decided to revoke her foster home license. Both A.A. and V.A. want to return to Ms. Azulphar's home. Ms. Azulphar's daughter is in complete agreement with her mother being a foster parent and wants A.A. and V.A. to return.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Family Services enter a final order dismissing the revocation action of the foster home license of Marie Claire Azulphar. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of April, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of April, 2003.

Florida Laws (4) 120.52120.569120.57409.175
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