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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001774RX Latest Update: Apr. 15, 1980

Findings Of Fact The Town of Palm Beach is a governmental unit of the State of Florida located in Palm Beach County. The town operates an advanced life-support system through its fire department. The system has two vehicles which can be used to transport injured persons to hospitals, and two which do not have that capability but can respond to first-aid calls. When a call for emergency medical services is received, a vehicle or vehicles are dispatched from one of the town's three fire stations. Personnel will provide advanced life-support assistance to injured persons, and if the injured person's life is threatened, will transport the person to a hospital. If there is a need for transportation which is not life threatening, the town requests that a private ambulance service be dispatched. The town does not routinely transport injured persons to hospitals unless there is a life-threatening circumstance. The Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services adopted Rules 10D- 66.31 through 10D-66.38, and 10D-66.39 through 10D-66.42, Florida Administrative Code, through the same rule adoption process. Rules 10D-66.31 through 10D-66.38 constituted various amendments to rules that had previously existed. They relate exclusively to ambulance services, i.e., services which routinely transport patients. They do not relate to an advanced life-support system such as that operated by the Town of Palm Beach. Rules 10D-66.39 through 10D-66.42 pertain to training and certification standards for advanced life-support service personnel, and to certification of advanced life-support providers. The rules were adopted pursuant to the legislative mandate set out at Chapter 401, Florida Statutes. Rule 10D-66.39 relates to certification, recertification, and training requirements for paramedics. Rule 10D-66.40 sets out requirements for application for certification by advanced life-support providers. Rule 10D-66.41 sets the standards and requirements for certification as an advanced life-support provider, and Rule 10D-66.42 sets out operating procedures for advanced life- support systems. A copy of these rules as filed with the Secretary of State was received in evidence at the final hearing as Hearing Officer's Exhibit 1. Rule 10D-66.40 requires that any governmental entity which is now providing advanced life-support services must apply to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for certification as an advanced life-support service. The emergency medical services provided by the Town of Palm Beach clearly constitute advanced life-support services within the meanings of the rules and Chapter 401. The town is required under the rules to apply for certification, and its personnel are required to be certified. The Town of Palm Beach has not applied for certification in accordance with the Department's rules. The Department has advised the town of its obligation to apply, and in a letter dated December 10, 1979, advised the town: We would request that you return your application to this office no later than January 7, 1980. Failure to submit an application and to comply with the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements can place the Town of Palm Beach's Fire Rescue service in legal jeopardy. The town manager testified that he does not intend to apply for certification unless so advised by counsel and directed by the town commission. On or about April 24, 1978, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services filed a Notice of Proposed Rule Making, relating to the rules which were ultimately adopted as Rules 10D-66.39 through 10D-66.42, with the Office of the Secretary of State. Edward L. Wilson, presently the Assistant Director of the Department's Office of Emergency Medical Services, was responsible for technical input with respect to the proposed rules, and later became responsible for developing them into final form. His responsibilities included preparation of the economic impact statement. Prior to the filing of the proposed rules with the Office of the Secretary of State, Several workshops were conducted by Mr. Wilson and other employees of the Department. Advisory committees, including physicians, emergency medical providers, and medical personnel organizations, provided input, and an ad hoc task force was established to work with the rules. The task force included physicians, representatives of fire departments, and representatives of various other associations. Representatives of the Department personally contacted numerous organizations which were known to be providing emergency life-support services. Costs of implementation of new rules and the propriety of the rules were discussed. Mr. Wilson personally contacted employees of twenty such services, and other representatives of the Department contacted employees of at least fifteen other services. The rules were filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on August 21, 1978. As originally proposed, an economic impact statement was attached to the rules. In the period between the time that the rules were originally formally proposed and the time that they were finally filed with the Office of the Secretary of State, the statute regarding economic impact statements was amended by the Legislature, and the amendment became effective. The Department sought to adopt and file a new economic impact statement with the rules as finally filed. The Office of the Secretary of State refused to accept the revised economic impact statements for filing, and they have been retained in the files of the Department. The original economic impact statement contained no estimate of costs that providers of advanced life-support services would need to incur in order to qualify for certification under the rules. The amended statement contained only the following language respecting the cost to providers: It is estimated that it may be necessary for some services to increase their staffs to meet the minimum requirements established by these Rules. Further, it is estimated that some individuals may have their jobs terminated for failure to meet the minimum standards established by these Rules. There will also be some cost for those services who will be or are providing advanced life support to meet equipment requirements. Of the services contacted by Mr. Wilson, nearly all of them indicated that they already had equipment that would comply with the requirements of the new rules, and personnel who were either already certified, or eligible to be certified under the new rules. Those who did not have the equipment and personnel indicated that they were in the process of obtaining them. Mr. Wilson therefore concluded that the economic impact of the proposed rules upon providers would be negligible. The cost to any given provider could have been reliably determined by assessing the provider's equipment and personnel, and determining what new equipment and personnel would be required, and determining the cost based upon known expenses. The Town of Palm Beach has estimated that its costs in complying with the new rules would be prohibitive. An accountant retained by the town estimated that it would cost the town in excess of $30,000 to implement the new rules, and in excess of $100,000 per year on a continuing basis. The implementation costs were based upon a determination that all of the town's firemen would need to be certified as emergency medical technicians. While that might be desirable from the town's point of view, it was not established that it would be required. It appears that the town's needs for additional certified personnel could be satisfied by the addition of no more than three additional certified persons. More than three employees of the town's fire department have already applied for certification, and if they ultimately are successful in obtaining certification, the town's expenses will not be increased. The estimate of annual costs in excess of $100,000 is totally unjustified. It includes a five percent pay increase for all personnel and $44,000 fur supervisory physicians. There is no justification for basing a five percent pay increase for all fire department employees on the rule. The physician expenses were based upon the fact that the City of West Palm Beach has contracted with a physician for such services at a cost of $11,000. The accountant reasoned that since the Town of Palm Beach transports life-threatened patients to four different emergency room facilities, they would need a supervising physician at each facility. Thus, the Town of Palm Beach, which is considerably smaller than the City of West Palm Beach, would be paying four times more for the necessary medical assistance. The proposition is absurd. Most advanced life-support systems have obtained the necessary supervisory physician on a voluntary basis. The town has made no effort to determine what actual costs, if any, it would need to incur. The Town of Palm Beach was on the Department's list to receive notice of the proposed rules. It appears that no one in the town received notice of the rules. Nonetheless, the town was made aware of the public hearing that was conducted on May 18, 1978, in Tallahassee, and a representative of the town, its town manager, actually appeared at the hearing. It does not appear that the Town of Palm Beach was in any way prejudiced by the fact that it did not receive notice, nor does it appear that the failure occurred through any conscious error on the part of the Department. In fact, the Department records indicate that notice was sent.

Florida Laws (2) 120.56401.34
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002416RX Latest Update: Mar. 13, 1984

Findings Of Fact Prior to March 9, 1983, Petitioner had been employed by Respondent for a period of approximately 13 years. On March 9, 1983, Petitioner was serving as Superintendent of Respondent's West Palm Beach Field Station, a position which required that he supervise some 88 of Respondent's employees. By memorandum dated March 9, 1983, Petitioner was terminated from his position with Respondent by virtue of Respondent's contention that he discharged his responsibilities in an unsatisfactory manner. In the memorandum of March 9, 1983, Petitioner was advised that he had been advised of the shortcomings leading to his discharge in performance reviews conducted pursuant to Respondent's Merit Review Program from as early as April 1977, through October of 1982. Respondent's Merit Review Program, which was in effect at the time of Petitioner's termination, "...establishes policies and procedures for evaluating and recognizing employee performance This policy....applies to all District employees filling a permanent position The program establishes a procedure whereby Respondent's employees are evaluated twice yearly to determine their level of performance and to make salary adjustments. There is no provision in the Merit Review Program for either disciplining or discharging a District employee as a result of performance reviews conducted pursuant to the policy. The Merit Review Program establishes six types of merit reviews, which include normal, interim, initial probation, proportional, positional probation, and special probation. Supervisory personnel conducting reviews are required to follow specific procedures within each of these categories. In addition to the six categories of merit reviews, the Merit Review Program establishes a complex and mandatory evaluation procedure for supervisors conducting reviews. The program also establishes a mandatory appeal procedure should an employee disagree with his rating. Evaluation factors utilized in the program are defined and established from "outstanding" performance to "unacceptable" performance. The program establishes specific performance categories including planning, organization, coordination, administration, control, human relations, knowledge of work, leadership, dependability, communications skills, efficiency, judgment, performance skills, initiative, cooperation, and job knowledge. Effective July 18, 1982, Respondent effectuated a Corrective Action Policy for resolving performance problems and violation of Respondent's rules of conduct. This policy categorizes unsatisfactory behavior, divides disciplinary action into four categories according to the Seriousness of the offense, and establishes penalties ranging from verbal warnings for less serious offenses to termination of employment for more serious violations. This policy is not challenged in this proceeding. The Merit Review Program, which is the subject matter of this proceeding, provides a procedure whereby employees may appeal the result of a merit review within five days of receipt of their copy of the Merit Review Form should they disagree with the contents of that review. Although Petitioner had received merit review ratings for at least seven years prior to the date of final hearing in this cause, there is no evidence that he ever appealed any such evaluation. Although it is undisputed that Respondent did not comply with the rulemaking procedures established In Section 120.54, Florida Statutes, prior to adoption of the Merit Review Program, it is equally clear that results from the Merit Review Program in this case were used solely to document Petitioners performance problems for purposes of applying Respondent's Corrective Action Policy, thereby resulting in Petitioner's discharge from employment

Florida Laws (2) 120.54120.56
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Marianna, Florida May 01, 2008 Number: 08-002159 Latest Update: Dec. 02, 2008

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent engaged in an unlawful employment practice.

Findings Of Fact Family Dollar operates a large distribution center immediately south of Marianna, Florida. The center supports the retail activities of Family Dollar. Mr. Roulhac is an African-American male. He was first employed by Family Dollar at its distribution center on September 26, 2005. His job title was "bulk order filler." On that date he signed a New Associate Orientation Checklist, indicating that he understood his conditions of employment. On September 26, 2005, he also signed a statement that he had reviewed and understood Family Dollar's Statement of Major Company Policies. Included on that form was a direction on how to report misconduct, including discrimination. On September 26, 2005, Mr. Roulhac also signed a document acknowledging that he had read and that he understood Family Dollar's Policy on Harassment in the Workplace. This document informed him that Family Dollar did not tolerate, among other things, discrimination based on race or a hostile work environment that might be created on account of race. In bold letters the document informed as to how complaints regarding instances of discrimination based on race or a hostile work environment could be reported. A "bulk order filler" is responsible for pulling merchandise and filling orders, labeling the orders, and placing the orders on conveyor belts for loading on board Family Dollar trucks, so that they may be delivered to its stores. Mr. Roulhac received an evaluation for the period from September 26, 2005, his inception date, and December 26, 2005. This evaluation noted that he had an outstanding attitude, that he exceeded expectations, and that he worked well with little supervision. By August 2006, Mr. Roulhac had entered into a downward performance spiral. He was counseled by his manager, Matt Johnson, who noted that he was failing to meet "Argent" standards. "Argent" standards are production standards required by Family Dollar. This was memorialized in an Associate Corrective Action Review prepared on September 5, 2006, and signed by Mr. Roulhac on September 11, 2006. He was advised that he could seek additional training if he wished. In an Associate Corrective Action Review dated November 1, 2006, Mr. Roulhac received another written counseling from manager Matt Johnson that noted that he had only reached 75.9 percent of standards when he should have attained 90 percent. He was advised that he could seek additional training if he wished. In an Associate Corrective Action Review dated December 27, 2006, Mr. Roulhac received another written counseling that noted that he had only reached 76.5 percent of standards when he should have attained 90 percent. The form notes that he "failed to sign." Manager Matt Johnson also failed to sign the form. Mr. Roulhac was again advised that he could seek additional training if he wished. In an Associate Corrective Action Review dated April 11, 2007, Mr. Roulhac received another written counseling that noted that he had only attained 73 percent of standards when he should have attained 90 percent. This was signed by manager Matt Johnson. This written counseling contained the following comment: "Please notify me if you feel you need additional training to perform the duties and responsibilities of your position. It is critical that you increase your production to meet the minimum engineered standard. Failure to improve your job performance could result in further disciplinary action, including a possible suspension or discharge." This was signed by manager Matt Johnson. In an Associate Corrective Action Review dated May 3, 2007, Mr. Roulhac received another written counseling for "work habits-insubordination." The counseling noted that, "It is the responsibility of each associate to follow the instructions given to them by management and to follow all company policies and procedures. Failure to follow these instructions may result in corrective action and possible discharge." This counseling resulted from Mr. Roulhac's failure to attend a "start-up meeting, failure to clean the "Mod," and leaving his assigned area without authorization. This was signed by manager Matt Johnson. In an Associate Corrective Action Review dated May 21, 2007, Mr. Roulhac received another written counseling for "Work Habits-Failure to Comply with Job Responsibilities." This review noted that he failed to go where he was told and that his failure impeded production and caused unnecessary downtime. It had the following comment: "Please notify me if you feel you need additional training to perform the duties and responsibilities of your position. Failure to improve your job performance or compliance with Family Dollar policies and procedures could result in further disciplinary action, including a possible suspension or termination." This was signed by Christopher Miller. Mr. Roulhac refused to sign this counseling memorandum. In an Associate Corrective Action Review dated May 31, 2007, Mr. Roulhac received another written counseling for "Safety-Unsafe Act." This counseling occurred because he operated the Tugger 409 without authority. It advised him that, "Failure to perform your job in exact conformance with all safety requirements will result in corrective action up to and including termination of employment. Michael Shutes signed this counseling. The form noted that Mr. Roulhac refused to sign. In an Associate Corrective Action Review, also dated May 31, 2007, Mr. Roulhac received another written counseling for a "work habit/time clock" infraction. The counseling noted that, "You have received three time clock infractions within a 60-day period. April 17th, May 29th, and May 30th, 2007." This counseling was given by Michael Shutes. In an Associate Corrective Action Review dated June 13, 2007, Mr. Roulhac received another written counseling from Christopher Miller for failure to comply with job responsibilities. This review noted that he had failed to attend the "start up meeting." The form noted that, "Failure to improve your job performance or compliance with Family Dollar policies and procedures could result in further disciplinary action, including a possible suspension or termination." In an Associate Corrective Action Review dated June 14, 2007, Mr. Roulhac received another written counseling from Christopher Miller for "work habits/failure to comply with job responsibilities." This counseling addressed another failure to attend the "start up meetings." It noted: "Final Written Counseling (Active 1 Year.)" On July 10, 2007, Mr. Roulhac received another written counseling from Christopher Miller for reporting that at 1:59 p.m. that he, Mr. Roulhac, had completed his labels, and noted that, "You failed to call and open up new labels until 2:55 p.m. There is no record of work being performed during this time." This counseling asserted that Mr. Roulhac was terminated. However, a hand-written note on the form related that, "After discussing with Darrell, we have decided to give him an opportunity to correct his behavior." This was signed by Jeff Diamond on July 12, 2007. There is no evidence of record that Mr. Roulhac ever availed himself of the opportunity to receive the additional training offered in each Associate Corrective Action Review. On July 13, 2007, Mr. Roulhac asserts that he was called a "monkey" and a "boy" by Mr. Miller. This assertion was not rebutted. No evidence was offered that might illuminate the context in which these words were said. On July 14 and 16, 2007, Mr. Roulhac was late to "start up" meetings. On July 17, 2007, Mr. Miller told him to report to Mr. Johnson. At a meeting attended by Mr. Johnson, Mr. Roulhac, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Diamond, Mr. Roulhac was informed that he was terminated. The discharge was approved by Craig Moore, an African-American, who was the regional vice- president at the Marianna facility. Mr. Roulhac was paid $11.23 per hour while working for Family Dollar. About three days from the date of his termination, he went to work for a funeral parlor making the same hourly wage. No evidence whatsoever was introduced that indicated a racially offensive working environment. No evidence was provided that indicated that Mr. Roulhac was treated differently from any other employee. In fact, the evidence demonstrates that, considering the number of adverse counselings he received, Family Dollar exhibited remarkable forbearance in retaining him despite his inability to meet standards.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations dismiss Mr. Roulhac's Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of September, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S HARRY L. HOOPER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of September, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Wayne L. Helsby, Esquire Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A. 1477 West Fairbanks Avenue, Suite 100 Winter Park, Florida 32789 Darrell Roulhac 652 Pecan Street Chipley, Florida 32428 W. Edward Singletary, Esquire Family Dollar Services, Inc. Post Office Box 1017 Charlotte, North Carolina 28201 Larry Kranert, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (6) 120.57509.092760.01760.02760.10760.11
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Jul. 07, 2017 Number: 17-003862 Latest Update: Jan. 11, 2018

The Issue Whether Petitioner was subject to an unlawful employment practice by Respondent based on her race, national origin, or in retaliation for participating in a protected activity, in violation of section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2016);1/ and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Background Petitioner, Ana-Marie Encui, is Caucasian, a native of Bucharest, Romania, and speaks with a Romanian accent. Petitioner’s son and daughter both reside with her. At all times relevant hereto, Petitioner’s son was 13 years old and her daughter, 11. Petitioner was first employed by Respondent, Department of Children and Families (“Department” or “Respondent”) as a Child Protective Investigator (“CPI”) in the Office of Family Safety in Brevard County, Region 5, on October 26, 2012. Petitioner and her children relocated to Pace, Florida, in Santa Rosa County in 2014. Petitioner was again employed by the Department as a CPI in neighboring Escambia County, Region 1, from May 9, 2014, until her resignation effective February 16, 2017. A CPI’s responsibilities are to investigate allegations of child abuse, neglect, and/or abandonment, received through the Department’s central abuse hotline and other sources. CPIs investigate allegations of abuse and neglect by interviewing children and adults involved in the allegations, as well as “collaterals,” such as relatives living outside the home, teachers, and other caregivers. Through investigation, CPIs assess the validity of allegations, document living conditions, and determine the steps needed to protect children from unsafe environments. CPIs also coordinate with, and refer clients to, social services for support, and conduct follow-up visits to ensure the safety of children is being maintained and supports are in place. CPIs may be called upon to testify in court regarding the circumstances of cases under investigation. Abuse Complaint Involving Petitioner’s Household On August 15, 2016, the Department received an anonymous complaint through the central abuse hotline regarding Petitioner’s household. Petitioner was not named as the perpetrator of abuse or neglect of children in the household. The complaint implicated other adult members of the household. Department Policy 170-16 (the “Policy”), Chapter 5, governs the procedure to be followed when Department employees are the subject of a report of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Such reports are designated as “special handling” reports. When a “special handling” report is received, the hotline supervisor must notify the appropriate manager, in this case the Region 1 Program Administrator, who must review the report immediately upon receipt. Section 5-6b. of the Policy provides, as follows: To maintain confidentiality, provide an objective assessment, and avoid the appearance of impropriety, the Circuit or Regional Program Administrator or Program Manager shall determine if the report needs to be reassigned to a different region or county. According to the Policy, in all cases in which the employee is the alleged perpetrator, the employee must be removed from customer contact while the investigation is pending, and the employee’s access to the Florida Safe Families Network (“FSFN”) database must be restricted by the close of business the following day. The Policy further provides that investigative activities on “special handling” cases “shall be expedited to ensure a timely but thorough investigation.” The decision regarding when, or if, the employee may return to assigned duties is at the discretion of the appropriate manager, which, in the case at hand is the regional manager. Stacy Amaro, DCF Region 1 Program Administrator, was notified of the “special handling” report involving Petitioner’s household. She approached Santa Rosa CPI, Katelyn Paschal, who was in line for assignment of the next case in the normal course of business. Ms. Amaro questioned Ms. Paschal about whether she knew Petitioner, who was a CPI in neighboring Escambia County. Ms. Amaro determined that Ms. Paschal had never worked directly with Petitioner, although the two had collaborated on out-of-town inquiries (“OTIs”) over the phone and via electronic mail, and may have attended Department trainings events together. Ms. Paschal was not friends with Petitioner, did not have social or personal interactions with Petitioner, and did not discuss Petitioner’s family or personal life with Petitioner. Ultimately, Ms. Amaro determined Ms. Paschal would be impartial and investigate the report fairly and thoroughly. Ms. Amaro decided to keep the report in the Santa Rosa office and assign it to Ms. Paschal for investigation. Ms. Paschal investigated the complaint from the date it was assigned to her--August 16, 2016--through October 22, 2016, when she closed the investigation finding the allegations of maltreatment of Petitioner’s children non-substantiated. During her investigation, Ms. Paschal interviewed Petitioner’s son at his school. Ms. Paschal asked Petitioner’s son questions about all the members of the household, activities in the household, arguments between adults, and the adults’ use of alcohol. During this interview, Petitioner’s son shared with Ms. Paschal that his sister had a learning disability. What Ms. Paschal said in response to that information was a subject of debate at the final hearing and is the crux of Petitioner’s complaint in this case. According to Petitioner, in Ms. Paschal’s subsequent interviews with collaterals, Ms. Paschal referred to her daughter as “slow” or “retarded,” or both. Ms. Paschal denied ever referring to Petitioner’s daughter as either “slow” or “retarded.” Petitioner’s Whistleblower Complaint On December 9, 2016, Petitioner filed a complaint with the Department’s Inspector General’s Office (“IG’s Office”), in Tallahassee, alleging the Department failed to follow correct procedures in investigating the abuse complaint involving her family. Petitioner alleged, and insisted at final hearing, that the complaint involving her family should have been assigned to a “neutral” county. Petitioner further alleged the CPI disclosed confidential health information regarding her daughter during interviews with collaterals, and failed to follow Department policy in other aspects of the investigation. On January 31, 2017, after a “preliminary review” of the complaint, the IG’s office responded to Petitioner in writing, as follows: [T]his office has determined that your complaint “does not demonstrate reasonable cause to suspect that an employee or agent of an agency or independent contractor has violated any federal, state, or local law, rule or regulation, thereby creating and presenting a substantial and specific danger to the public’s health, safety, or welfare or has committed an act of gross mismanagement, malfeasance, misfeasance, gross waste of public funds, or gross neglect of duty” as required under section 112.3187-112.31895, Florida Statutes, also known as the “Whistle- blower’s Act.” The IG’s office simultaneously forwarded Petitioner’s complaint to the Department’s Northwest Region Manager, Walter Sachs, for “any action deemed appropriate by [his] office.” Finally, because Petitioner’s complaint raised the possibility of a HIPPA violation, the IG’s office also forwarded Petitioner’s complaint to Herschel Minnis, Human Resources Administrator, Civil Rights Division. Petitioner’s Corrective Action Plan On January 24, 2017, Petitioner was presented with a Performance Corrective Action Plan, or PCAP, by her supervisor, Shavon Terrell. The PCAP noted seven different performance expectations for which Petitioner had fallen short, along with a summary of the particular reasons Petitioner’s performance was substandard. In each and every section, the summary included, “see write up for specific case information.” The “write-up” referred to an Employee Disciplinary Action Proposal Form, completed by Julie Yeadon, Ms. Salter’s assistant. The Form summarized specific cases with deficiencies in case follow-up, danger assessments, and case notes, and documented untimely submission of her cases to her supervisor when danger was identified. The Form documented Petitioner’s historic case backlog and past efforts to address the backlog by transfer of her cases to other CPIs. The PCAP period was two months--January 24 through March 24, 2017--during which Petitioner was expected to correct the noted performance expectation deficiencies by completing the specific corrective actions noted in the plan. The PCAP expressly stated the corrective actions must be taken “to attain satisfactory performance in your current position.” The PCAP expressly stated, “Non-compliance may result in: Disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal may be initiated.” The PCAP provided that the plan was in accordance with “Standards of Conduct and Standards of Disciplinary Action for Department Employees CFOP 60-55, chapter 1.”2/ Petitioner refused to sign the PCAP agreeing to participate in the corrective action plan. Petitioner’s Resignation On January 31, 2017, Petitioner informed Ms. Terrell that she would not agree to the PCAP and would, instead, resign her position. In her resignation letter, Petitioner explained that she was resigning due to retaliation, unfair treatment, and negative job action taken against her for expressing her concerns regarding the “unlawful, unprofessional, and disrespectful manner that [her] children and family were approached and treated” during the investigation of the complaint involving her household. Petitioner’s resignation was effective February 16, 2017. Retaliation Claim Petitioner maintains the PCAP was a means of retaliation against her for filing the IG Complaint with the Department. Respondent presented Petitioner with the PCAP on January 24, 2017, 26 days after Petitioner filed the IG Complaint on December 9, 2016. The decision to place Petitioner on a PCAP was made by the following employees of the Escambia County office: Petitioner’s supervisor, Ms. Terrell; Operations Management Consultant, Julie Yeadon; and Program Administrator, Ms. Salter. Although the IG Complaint concerned the actions of, and was investigated by personnel in, the Santa Rosa office, Ms. Salter was aware in December 2016 that Petitioner had filed the IG Complaint. Ms. Yeadon was not aware of the IG Complaint until she began preparing for testimony in the instant proceeding. The record does not support a finding of whether Ms. Terrell had knowledge of the IG Complaint prior to participating in the decision to place Petitioner on a PCAP. Between May 2014 and September 2015, Petitioner was supervised in the Escambia County office by CPI Supervisor (“CPIS”) Tonja Odom. On January 28, 2015, Ms. Odom issued Petitioner a Documented Counseling for Poor Performance. The following excerpt is notable: As you are aware, the Family Functioning Assessment (FFA) is a valuable tool we use to help determine whether a child is safe or not. If a child is determined to be unsafe, then the family is referred to services with a Family First Network (FFN) provider. We have 14 days to complete [the FFA] and turn the case over to our FFN provider. Lately, you have missed the 14 day deadline and have cases that have exceeded 30 days. * * * In one of the overdue cases, (14-316539), the children were deemed unsafe; yet your FFA documents were not complete and the transfer to the provider did not take place timely. On January 22, 2015, this case was scheduled to be heard [by a judge] for a Case Plan approval. Your lack of action resulted in the FFN caseworker not being able to fulfill their duties and could have potentially harmed a child. Fortunately, the agency did not receive a penalty and the children are safe. Prior to this latest incident, I had several conversations with you, individually and within our group, stressing the importance of completing the FFA timely. The families we serve do not receive the needed services available if the FFA is not completed timely. * * * Your actions are unacceptable and any future violations may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Petitioner acknowledged receipt of the Documented Counseling by her signature dated January 28, 2015. Ms. Salter was the Program Administrator in 2015 and was aware of the performance issue with Petitioner and issuance of the Documented Counseling. Ms. Salter testified, credibly, that Petitioner’s performance improved “for a brief while” after the Documented Counseling. Within a couple of months, Ms. Salter and Petitioner’s then-supervisor, Ms. Terrell, were discussing with her again the importance of timely follow up with victims and inputting notes in the system. In October 2016, the Department reassigned a number of Petitioner’s cases to other CPIs in order to address Petitioner’s backlog. When the cases were reviewed upon reassignment, the Department discovered that follow-up investigations had not been conducted timely, victims were not being seen according to protocols, OTIs were not processed timely, and documented appropriately, and there was an overall lack of documentation of Petitioner’s cases. In October and November 2016, Ms. Salter, Ms. Yeadon, and Ms. Terrell embarked on an effort to get Petitioner back on track with her investigations and case work. Following a meeting in which Department management discussed how to address backlogs with a number of CPIs, Ms. Yeadon, at Ms. Salter’s direction, reviewed Petitioner’s case files and documented specific deficiencies in follow up and documentation. That documentation was recorded on the Employee Disciplinary Action Form which was later used in conjunction with Petitioner’s PCAP. Ms. Yeadon subsequently drafted the PCAP which is the subject of the instant proceeding. Prior to presenting the PCAP to Petitioner, Ms. Yeadon discussed the PCAP with Petitioner’s supervisor, Ms. Terrell; Ms. Salter; and, ultimately, the Northwest Region Operations Manager for District 1. The PCAP provided Petitioner with specific performance improvement objectives to be performed within a two-month period. The PCAP provided that failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. PCAP as Pretext Petitioner claims the PCAP and the Department’s allegations of poor work performance in late 2015 through 2016 are false and a mere pretext for unlawful retaliation. Petitioner argued that her performance evaluations from the Department were very good. Further, she argued that the Department would not have continued to assign her heavy caseloads in 2015 and 2016 if her performance were substandard as the Department represented. In support of her argument, Petitioner introduced spreadsheets reporting individual monthly totals of cases assigned to CPIs for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016 in the Escambia office. Petitioner was assigned only 64 new cases in calendar year 2015; however, in 2016, Petitioner was assigned a total of 231 new cases. For 2016, out of 44 CPIs, Petitioner was one of only nine assigned more than 200 cases. Twice in late 2016, Ms. Salter directed the transfer of cases from Petitioner in order to address her case backlog. Ms. Salter first directed the transfer of 40 of Petitioner’s cases, followed by another 20 in late December to Ms. Yeadon for management. Three of Petitioner’s relevant performance evaluations were introduced in evidence. For the review period July 1 through December 31, 2013, Petitioner received an overall rating of Satisfactory, scoring 3 out of a possible 5. Notably, the supervisor commented, “CPI Encui at times struggles to provide timely information to bring her cases to closure. She is actively working to improve in this area.” For the review period January 1 through June 30, 2014, Ms. Odom rated Petitioner Satisfactory, assigning a score of 3 out of 5. This performance evaluation was made prior to Ms. Odom’s January 2015 Documented Counseling to Petitioner. For the review period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, Ms. Odom again rated Petitioner Satisfactory, assigning a score of 3 out of 5. Ms. Odom made the following relevant comments: Ana has improved greatly in completing her assignments timely. She is learning how to prioritize her workload. * * * If provided a weekly list of cases needed to be submitted, Ana works diligently to get these files submitted to supervisor on time. * * * Ana’s cases have been submitted for closure prior to the 60 day deadline with supervision from management. Ana often needs to be prompted by management to complete her FFA corrections within 24 hours. This performance evaluation was made during the year in which Ms. Odom issued the Documented Counseling to Petitioner. No performance evaluation for FY 2015-2016 was introduced in evidence. Tina Cain is the Northwest Region Operations Manager for Circuit 1. She transferred to the Escambia County office as Program Administrator in June 2016. At that time, Ms. Cain was confronted with a number of employees with performance issues including a number of CPIs with case backlogs. Evaluations were due to be performed in June and July, but, as Ms. Cain explained, unless an employee was on a performance improvement plan prior to their evaluation, the employee could be rated no lower than Satisfactory, a 3 out of 5. Ms. Cain met with her supervisors and instructed them to prepare improvement plans for employees who were not meeting expectations. She directed her supervisors, many of whom were new, to coordinate with Human Resources to prepare the plans appropriately. Ms. Yeadon was instructed to assist Ms. Salter in preparation of Petitioner’s PCAP, as well as plans for other employees under her supervision. Ms. Yeadon prepared the specific case “write-up” on the Employee Disciplinary Action Form out of ignorance, as she was not familiar with the correct forms to use. Once the error was brought to her attention, Ms. Yeadon prepared the PCAP form with reference to specific case notes on the “write-up.” At Ms. Cain’s direction, PCAPs were developed for several employees in the Escambia office in October, November, and December 2016. Petitioner did not prove the PCAP was a pretext for retaliation. The evidence supports a finding that Petitioner’s performance issues were documented in the years prior to Petitioner’s IG Complaint, and that Petitioner’s supervisor and other management discussed and began preparing the PCAP to improve Petitioner’s performance months prior to Petitioner’s IG Complaint. PCAP as Disciplinary Action The Department contends that the PCAP itself is not disciplinary action. The Department follows a progressive disciplinary policy. The first step is a verbal counseling. If the issue is not resolved after a verbal counseling, it is followed by a documented counseling. If the issue is not resolved following a documented counseling, the employee is placed on a performance improvement plan. Ms. Salter testified that, if the employee fails to meet the expectations in a performance improvement plan, the employee may be subject to discipline in the form of termination or placement on a probationary period. The PCAP form stated, “Non-compliance may result in: Disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal[.]” The PCAP did not materially alter the terms, conditions, or privileges of Petitioner’s employment. Racial Discrimination Claim Petitioner was directly supervised in Escambia County first by Ms. Odom, an African-American female, then by Ms. Terrell, also an African-American female. Ms. Salter, also an African-American female, supervised Ms. Odom and Ms. Terrell and directly participated in the decision to place Petitioner on a PCAP. Ms. Salter’s second in command was Ms. Yeadon, who is a Caucasian female. Ms. Yeadon directly participated in drafting Petitioner’s PCAP. Ms. Cain, who is a Caucasian female, directed Ms. Yeadon and Ms. Salter to prepare Petitioner’s PCAP. Petitioner contends that her African-American supervisors discriminated against her by creating a hostile work environment and disciplining her unfairly. When asked to recount specific remarks made by her supervisors that were derogatory in nature, Petitioner could only recall references such as “this type of people” or “those people.” Petitioner admitted that the remarks were not “really clear cut” discrimination. National Origin Discrimination Claim Finally, Petitioner claims her supervisors discriminated against her and created a hostile work environment based on her national origin. Specifically, Petitioner claims that her supervisors and other employees made fun of, or picked on her about, her accent. When asked by the undersigned to identify the specific individuals and statement made by them, Petitioner identified Ms. Odom as rude and disrespectful to her for the entire period in which Ms. Odom was Petitioner’s supervisor. Petitioner stated Ms. Odom frequently responded to Petitioner’s questions with, “I think this is a language problem” or “This must be a comprehension problem.” Petitioner identified no additional specific comments made by Ms. Odom regarding Petitioner’s national origin or her accent. Petitioner never complained to anyone at the Department regarding Ms. Odom’s treatment of her prior to her resignation. Ms. Odom was Petitioner’s supervisor from May 2014 to September 2015. Ms. Terrell became Petitioner’s supervisor in September 2015 and continued as Petitioner’s supervisor until Petitioner’s resignation. Although Petitioner testified that Ms. Terrell made derogatory remarks about Petitioner’s national origin and her accent, she was unable to give any specific example. Petitioner also complained that Ms. Salter made fun of her accent, but could not remember any specific statement.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations dismiss the Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed by Petitioner against Respondent in Case No. 201700691. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of October, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of October, 2017.

Florida Laws (5) 112.3187120.569120.57170.16760.10
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Mar. 27, 2007 Number: 07-001436PL Latest Update: Oct. 17, 2019

The Issue The issues in this case are whether the allegations set forth in the Administrative Complaints are correct, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the state agency charged, pursuant to Chapter 465, Florida Statutes (2006), with regulation of the practice of pharmacy. At all times material to this case, the Respondent was a licensed pharmacist in the State of Florida, holding license number PS 26142. On May 3, 2005, a Final Order (DOH-05-0782-S-MQA) was filed based on the stipulated resolution of disciplinary proceedings initiated against the Respondent by the Petitioner in DOH Case Nos. 2002-27092 and 2002-25746. The Final Order imposed a suspension of the Respondent's license as follows: Respondent's license to practice pharmacy shall be suspended until such time as Respondent petitions and appears before the Board and can demonstrate that he is able to practice pharmacy with skill and safety to patients. Proof of his ability to practice safely shall include an evaluation of respondent by the Professional Resources Network (PRN) and a recommendation from PRN to the Board that Respondent can practice pharmacy with reasonable skill and safety to patients. The Final Order imposed a probationary period as follows: Upon the termination of suspension of Respondent's license, Respondent's license shall be placed on probation concurrent with the PRN contract or three (3) years whichever is longer. If, after completing an evaluation of Respondent, the PRN deems it necessary for Respondent to execute a contract for supervision and/or treatment, the three-year probationary period shall run concurrent with the PRN's contract. During the period or probation Respondent shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: Respondent or his employer shall submit written reports to the Compliance Officer at the Board office. The written reports shall contain Respondent licensee's name, license number, current address and phone number; current name, address and phone number of each pharmacy in which Respondent is engaged in the practice of pharmacy; the names of all pharmacists, pharmacy interns, pharmacy technicians, relief pharmacists, and prescription department managers working with the Respondent. These reports shall be submitted to the Compliance Officer every three (3) months in a manner as directed by the Compliance Officer. * * * Respondent shall submit documentation evidencing that his employer, or if employed as a relief pharmacist, his supervision pharmacists(s) and the relief agency, have been provided with a copy of the Final Order describing these probationary terms within ten (10) days of the entry of the Final Order or upon initiation of employment. Respondent shall ensure that his employer or, if employed as a relief pharmacist, the supervising pharmacist at each pharmacy at which the Respondent works, submits written reports to the Compliance Officer for the Board of Pharmacy. These reports shall contain: the name, current address, license number, and telephone number of each pharmacy intern, pharmacy technician, relief pharmacist, and prescription department manager working with the Respondent in the prescription department; a brief description of Respondent's duties and responsibilities; and Respondent's work schedule. These reports shall be submitted by the employer to the Compliance Officer every three (3) months in a manner directed by the Board. The Final Order imposed an administrative fine of $2,000. In the stipulation for settlement of the disciplinary cases, the assessment of costs was addressed as follows: Respondent agrees to reimburse the Department for any administrative costs incurred in the investigation, prosecution, and preparation of this case, not to exceed eleven thousand dollars ($11,000). The total amount of the costs will be assessed at the time the stipulation is presented to the Board. The fine and costs are to be paid by the Respondent . . . within sixty (60) days of the filing of a Final Order accepting and incorporating this Agreement. The copy of the stipulation admitted into evidence at the hearing included a handwritten notation related to the time for payment of the fine and costs and appears to indicate that the 60-day deadline for payment was extended to six months. The source of the handwriting was unclear; but in any event, the Final Order adopted the agreed stipulation and assessed costs of $10,852.66. The Final Order extended the deadline for payment of the costs to six months from the date of the Final Order, but did not specifically reference the deadline for payment of the administrative fine. The evidence establishes that both the fine and the assessed costs were to be paid within six months of the date of the Final Order, or by November 2, 2005. The evidence establishes that the Respondent paid neither the fine nor the assessed costs by the November 2, 2005, deadline. There is no evidence that the Respondent has made any attempt to pay any portion of the financial penalty, and the $12,852.66 remained unpaid at the time of the administrative hearing. The Respondent's suspension was lifted pursuant to an Order of Reinstatement filed June 28, 2005, at which time the probationary period began. According to the Respondent's Responses to the Petitioner's First Request for Admissions, the Respondent was placed by "Healthcare Consultants" to work in relief status at the Winn-Dixie #736 pharmacy and at the Winn-Dixie #741 pharmacy for a total of five days during the month of August 2005. According to the terms of the stipulation as adopted by the Final Order, the Respondent's first quarterly report was due three months following the beginning of the probationary period, or approximately September, 28, 2005. Cheryl Sellers, a compliance officer for the Petitioner, was assigned the responsibility of monitoring the Respondent's compliance with his obligations under the May 3, 2005, Final Order. The Respondent had several extended telephone conversations with Ms. Sellers shortly after the Respondent's probationary period began. During the conversations, the specific disciplinary requirements of the stipulation and Final Order were discussed at length. Additionally, in 1997, the Petitioner had incurred a substantially similar penalty, including a suspension, a fine, and compliance with quarterly reporting requirements. It is reasonable to presume that the Respondent was aware of, and understood, his obligations under the May 3, 2005, Final Order. As was her standard practice, Ms. Sellers sent a package of information to licensees with disciplinary restrictions, including various forms, related to compliance with requirements set forth by Final Orders. The package was mailed by regular mail to the Petitioner on August 4, 2005; but for reasons unknown, the information was not delivered to the Respondent and was returned to the Petitioner by the postal service. The package was not re-mailed to the Respondent until October 12, 2005. The Respondent filed his quarterly reports on October 19, 2005, several weeks after the deadline had passed. Apparently the first Employer's Quarterly Report was completed by an individual identified as Robert Miller, presumably employed by Healthcare Consultants, an otherwise unidentified entity which supposedly placed the Respondent in the Winn-Dixie pharmacies for the August 2005 employment. Mr. Miller was not the pharmacist in charge of the Winn-Dixie units where the Respondent had been employed. By letter dated October 21, 2005, Compliance Officer Cheryl Sellers notified the Respondent that he was "not in compliance" with the May 3, 2005, Final Order and stated as follows: Guidelines for submitting Employer Quarterly Reports were sent to you on October 12, 2005, the Employer's Quarterly Report from Robert Miller received on October 19, 2005, is not acceptable. Efren Rivera the PDM at the Winn Dixie store #736 is the appropriate person to complete this form. [sic] The Employer's Quarterly Report subsequently submitted by Efren Rivera was dated and notarized on November 1, 2005, and was filed thereafter. The Respondent filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in late 2005 and was discharged from debt on January 31, 2006. The Respondent has asserted that his obligation to pay the administrative fine and assessed costs was discharged through the bankruptcy.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of Pharmacy, enter a final order directing that the Respondent pay a total of $16,352.66, to the Petitioner. The total reflects the $12,852.66 imposed by the May 3, 2005, Final Order and the additional $3,500 penalty related to the violations set forth herein. Additionally, the final order should extend the Respondent's current probationary period by 18 months to be served consecutively to the current probationary period. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of August, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of August, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: Patrick L. Butler, Esquire Billie Jo Owens, Esquire Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265 Denis R. Bousquet 5125 Cedar Springs Drive, Unit 203 Naples, Florida 34110 Josefina M. Tamayo, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Rebecca Poston, R.Ph., Executive Director Board of Pharmacy Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C04 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.5720.43381.0261456.072465.002465.016
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001671 Latest Update: Sep. 14, 1987

The Issue The central issue in this case is whether Respondent is guilty of the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact: Respondent, Constance Grant Johnson, was licensed by the Department of Education for the State of Florida, Certificate No. 239817, and was employed by the Dade County School Board for sixteen years. On December 20, 1985, Respondent, after a jury trial, was found guilty of two felonies: possession of cocaine and conspiracy to traffic in cocaine. Respondent was sentenced to a prison term of four and one-half years and fined $25,000. Respondent served the sentence and the convictions are on appeal. On December 26, 1985, Respondent resigned her job as a visiting teacher (truant officer) "for personal reasons." On January 8 1986, the School Board of Dade County accepted Respondent's resignation but required: Formal notification to the Educational Practices Commission for licensure investigation; Prevention of any future employment in any capacity by the Dade County Public Schools; and Retention of the information regarding the dismissal action by the Superintendent of Schools as a matter of official record. There is no record to suggest Respondent contested the requirements of the Board's acceptance. On April 27, 1985, Respondent was visiting her cousin, Lola Thomas, in Jacksonville, Florida. Respondent had traveled from Miami on April 26, 1985, and had checked into the Rodeway Inn, room 117, with her companion, Danielle Valdez Baro. Respondent registered as "Mr and Mrs. D. Johnson." Respondent had rented a car for the purpose of this trip. Sometime prior to noon on April 27, 1985, Lola Thomas arrived at the Rodeway Inn to pick Respondent up to go shopping for a family dinner to be prepared later in the day. The two cousins did not go grocery shopping. Instead, they traveled back to the Thomas home where they picked up Arthur Thomas, Lola's husband. The three then traveled to Yancy Park, an area a few blocks from a Pic N' Save store located on Soutel and Norfolk. An undercover sheriff's officer, R. A. Walsh, had met with one Joseph Mack at this Pic N' Save and had arranged to purchase two ounces of cocaine for $4000.00. Walsh then followed Joseph Mack to Yancy Park to complete the transaction. Walsh observed Mack walk to the vehicle wherein Respondent and the Thomases were seated and obtain a white bundle which Mack placed under his shirt. Mack and Arthur Thomas then walked back to Walsh's vehicle to receive payment. Respondent had handed the bundle, wrapped in a hand towel from the Rodeway, Inn, to Arthur Thomas who had, in turn, handed it to Mack. The bundle contained approximately two ounces of cocaine. Respondent's testimony that she did not know the bundle contained cocaine was not credible. Respondent's testimony that she merely passed the bundle at her cousin Lola's direction was not credible. Respondent and Lola Thomas were seated in the front seat of the Thomas' 1984 Pontiac Bonneville. Lola Thomas was in the driver's seat and her husband, Arthur, was seated directly behind her. Respondent admitted she had removed a hand towel from the Rodeway Inn and that the bundle had been wrapped in a similar towel. Respondent claimed Lola Thomas had also removed a second hand towel from the Rodeway Inn, but such second towel was not located and was not listed on the police reports of the incident. Respondent admitted that only one towel was utilized in the criminal proceedings which resulted in her convictions. Respondent's claim that Lola Thomas had taken a towel was not credible. Respondent's testimony that the Thomas vehicle was parked in a center shopping or strip mall and that she only discussed needed grocery items with Lola Thomas was not credible. The weight of credible evidence established the Thomases and Respondent were apprehended at Yancy Park. Dr. Gray, an expert in professional ethics and personnel management, testified that the proof of either Count I or Count II would warrant permanent revocation of Respondent's teaching certificate.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the petitioner enter a Final Order permanently revoking Respondent's teacher's certificate. DONE and ORDERED this 14th day of September, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of September, 1987. APPENDIX Rulings on the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by Petitioner: Accepted in Finding of Fact 1. Accepted in Findings of Fact 1 and 3. Rejected as argument. However, point is addressed in conclusions of law 5. See also Finding of Fact 2. Accepted in Finding of Fact 2. Accepted in Finding of Fact 2. Accepted in Finding of Fact 3. Rejected as argument. See relevant Findings of Fact 7 and 8. Accepted but unnecessary and argument. See Finding of Fact 10. Accepted in Finding of Fact 12. Rulings on the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by Respondent. Accepted in Finding of Fact 1. Accepted in Findings of Fact 2 and 11. Accepted in Findings of Fact 6, 9, and 10. But see Findings of Fact 7 and 8. Rejected as contrary to the weight of credible evidence. Accepted to the extent addressed in Findings of Fact 5 and 6 otherwise rejected as contrary to the weight of credible evidence. See Findings of Fact 7 and 8. COPIES FURNISHED: Craig Wilson, Esquire 215 Fifth Street, Suite 302 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Hon. Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Marlene T. Greenfield, Administrator Professional Practices Services 319 West Madison Street, Room 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Karen Barr Wilde, Executive Director Education Practices Commission 125 Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Oct. 04, 2001 Number: 01-003877 Latest Update: May 15, 2002

The Issue Whether Petitioner violated Rules and Regulations of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, 3-1.1(002), 3-1.3(066), and 3-1.3(067), and, if so, whether Petitioner should be terminated from his position with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.

Findings Of Fact Based on a review of the case file, the Transcript of the final hearing, and the exhibits entered into evidence, the following Findings of Fact are found. On July 13, 2001, Dominguez was assigned to foot patrol at the K-Mart store in South Pasadena, Florida, as a community police officer. At that time he had been employed by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office for approximately sixteen and one-half years. On the evening of July 13, 2001, Dominguez was standing outside K-Mart talking to an employee of K-Mart, Renee Herrington (Herrington). While talking to Herrington, Dominguez observed a white van and a black sport utility vehicle (SUV) parked in front of K-Mart next to a yellow curb. The area in which the vehicles were parked was marked by a faded “no Dominguez observed the vehicles for a time and when no one moved the vehicles, he decided to cite both vehicles for parking violations. He issued a citation to the white van and then proceeded to the black SUV. The SUV had been parked in front of K-Mart by Maryellen Ruvolo (Ruvolo) while she and her niece went into K-Mart to make a purchase. Ruvolo left the vehicle running, and her sister and two nephews remained in the vehicle. Dominguez went to the rear of the SUV and began writing the ticket. Ruvolo’s sister, Eugenia Quinn (Quinn), got out of the SUV and asked Dominguez to not issue the ticket and allow her to move the vehicle. Dominguez refused her requests and gave the ticket to Quinn. Dominguez started walking in the direction of Herrington, who was sitting on a bench approximately 30 yards away from the vehicles. When Ruvolo returned to the vehicle, Quinn gave her the ticket and told her that Dominguez would not let her move the SUV. Ruvolo turned in the direction of Dominguez and shouted, “Have a nice day, you fucking fat bastard.” Dominguez turned around and went back to where Ruvolo was standing. He wanted to confront her about her comment. Ruvulo started to yell after Dominguez went up to her. He arrested her, handcuffed her, and put her in his patrol car. The charge was disorderly conduct. During the confrontation between Dominguez and Ruvolo, none of the members of the public became involved in the dispute and Ruvolo did not incite any members of the public to participate in the dispute. She never physically or verbally threatened Dominguez. Ruvolo’s actions did not invade the right of others to pursue their lawful activities. Herrington went back inside K-Mart and other members of the public were not disrupted in their entering and leaving K-Mart. Quinn asked Dominquez why he was arresting her sister and he told her that he did not get paid enough to put up with what Ruvolo had said. While he was arresting Ruvolo, Dominguez had requested assistance from another deputy sheriff, Kelvin Franklin. When Deputy Franklin arrived on the scene the confrontation was over. Dominguez asked Franklin to go inside K-Mart and get the address of Herrington, who had witnessed the incident. Dominguez did not request Franklin to take a statement from Herrington. On the way to the jail, Ruvolo apologized to Dominguez, and he told her to shut up. Prior to reaching the jail, Ruvolo stopped for a few minutes in a parking lot and met with his supervisor to get some in-service papers. When they reached the jail, Dominguez was advised that there were six persons to be processed ahead of Ruvolo. Dominguez got out of the patrol car and turned off the ignition. He did some paperwork on the trunk of his patrol car while waiting. He left Ruvolo in the patrol car without air conditioning and the windows rolled up for approximately six or seven minutes. He returned to the vehicle and turned on the ignition and waited to be called to take Ruvolo inside the jailhouse. They waited approximately 20 minutes from the time they got to the jail until they entered it. Ruvolo spent approximately five hours in jail and was required to post bail before she could be released. After arresting Ruvolo, Dominguez prepared his incident/offense report and complaint/arrest affidavit. Dominguez admitted during his testimony that neither the arrest report nor the arrest affidavit set forth facts to establish the elements for the offense of disorderly conduct, the crime for which he arrested Ruvolo. Dominguez told the Administrative Review Board (ARB) that he felt that Herrington’s peace had been disturbed. Dominguez did not talk with Herrington between the time he heard Ruvolo make her remarks to him and the time he arrested Ruvolo. When asked why he had not included any statements from Herrington in his report, he replied, “Laziness.” During the ARB hearing, Dominguez stated that he had no excuse for not completing a thorough report and detailing the elements of the crime. He acknowledged the position that he placed the Sheriff's Office in when he did not do a complete and thorough report. Ruvolo and Quinn made complaints to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office about Dominguez’s actions. The complaints alleged that Dominguez was rude, intimidating, and unprofessional in his behavior during the July 13, 2001, incident. Ruvolo also alleged her arrest to be false. As a result of the complaints, Sergeant Tim Pelella (Pelella) of the Administrative Investigations Division of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office conducted preliminary interviews of Ruvolo and Quinn. During the course of the interview, Ruvolo recognized that she would have to pursue her false arrest claim through the courts. Pellella referred the matter to the commander of the road patrol division for investigation of the non-arrest components of the complaints. The complaints were referred to Sergeant Jay Morey (Morey), Dominguez’s immediate supervisor. Sergeant Morey talked to Dominguez and Herrington, but did not talk to either Ruvolo or Quinn. Morey concluded that he would not sustain the complaint, but his conclusion was never finalized or reduced to writing. The arrest for disorderly conduct was referred to the State Attorney’s Office for prosecution. The arrest report and arrest affidavit were reviewed by Assistant State Attorney Lydia Wardell, who concluded that neither the report nor the affidavit set forth sufficient facts to prosecute the case. As a result, a No Information was filed by the State Attorney’s Office disposing of the charges against Ruvolo, stating: “The facts and circumstances revealed do not warrant prosecution at this time.” As a result of the decision not to prosecute, the Administrative Investigation Division of the Sheriff’s Office retrieved the complaints from Morey and began its investigation of the false arrest complaint. It is the policy of the Sheriff’s Office not to investigate allegations of false arrest until such time as the State Attorney’s Office makes a decision on whether to prosecute. Dominguez was notified that an investigation was being initiated. Dominguez gave a sworn statement to the investigators assigned to the case. Ruvolo and other witnesses also gave sworn statements. After the investigation was completed, Dominguez was given an ARB hearing. In accord with General Order 10-2 of the Sheriff’s Office, at least one member of Dominguez’s chain of command sat on his ARB hearing. Prior to the hearing, the ARB members are given a copy of the investigation conducted by the Administrative Investigation Division. At the hearing Dominguez was permitted to offer a statement, to respond to questions, and to present additional evidence. The ARB made the following determination: On July 13, 2001, Manuel Dominguez, #52303, while on duty in Pinellas County, Florida; did violate the Pinellas County Sheriff's Civil Service Act Laws of Florida, 89-404 as amended by Laws of Florida 90-395, Section 6, Subsection 4, by violations of the provisions of law or the rules, regulations and operating procedures of the Office of the Sheriff. Violate Rule and Regulation of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, 3-1.1 (Level Five Violation), 002, relating to Loyalty, to wit: Members shall maintain their loyalty to the Sheriff's Office and it's [sic] members as is consistent with law and professional ethics as established in General Order 3-2. Synopsis: On July 13, 2001, you failed to abide by the PCSO Code of Ethics, to wit: You acted officiously or permitted personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence your decisions while in the performance of duty as a deputy sheriff. Violate Rule and Regulation of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, 3-1.3 (Level Three Violation), 066, relating to Performance of Duty, to wit: All members will be efficient in their assigned duties. Synopsis: On July 13, 2001, you failed to accurately document an incident that resulted in the arrest of a citizen of this county. Violate Rule and Regulation of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, 3-1.3 (Level Three Violation), 067, relating to Performance of Duty, to wit: All members will be effective in their assigned duties. Synopsis: On July 13, 2001, you effected an arrest which the State Attorney's Office could not prosecute because you were ineffective in your assigned duties. The violations resulted in a cumulative point total of 75 points. A Level Five violation is given a point value of 50 points. A Level Three violation is given a point value of 15 points. The ARB assigned a total of 25 points for the two Level Three violations and 50 points for the Level 5 violation. There were no previous discipline points added. The discipline range for 75 points is from a ten-day suspension to termination. The ARB recommended the maximum penalty of termination. General Order 10-2 of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office deals with disciplinary procedures. It provides that the termination procedure to be followed is the same as that of a member who is suspended without pay with certain additional procedures. Only the sheriff has the authority to terminate a member of the Sheriff’s Office. A member can only be terminated “subsequent to an Administrative Investigation Division investigation supported by findings and disciplinary action recommended by a Administrative Review Board, and at the instruction of the Sheriff” that the member be terminated. At the time that the ARB made its recommendation that Dominguez be terminated, Rice, the Pinellas County Sheriff, was out of the state. He had discussed Dominguez’s disciplinary case with Chief Deputy Coats (Coats) prior to leaving the state. Rice had specifically authorized Coats to impose discipline, including termination, upon Dominguez that was consistent with the ARB’s recommendations. Coats advised Rice of the findings and recommendations of the ARB. Rice told Coats that he had no problem with terminating Dominguez. Coats signed the inter- office memoranda for Rice, advising Dominquez of the findings and recommendations of the ARB and advising of the decision to terminate Dominguez from employment with the Sheriff's Office. Coats was instructed by Rice to terminate Dominguez. In his deposition, Rice stated that Dominguez should have been terminated and that it was his decision to approve Dominguez's termination. Dominguez did not know the elements of the offense of disorderly conduct when he arrested Ruvolo. He felt that he could arrest her for her inappropriate comments to him. At the final hearing, Dominguez admitted that based on his long career in law enforcement that he should have known what constituted disorderly conduct. Dominguez was insulted by Ruvolo's name-calling and felt that her words were a challenge to the uniform of a deputy sheriff. Dominguez allowed his personal feelings to influence his decision to arrest Ruvolo.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Civil Service Board of Pinellas County Sheriff's Office enter a Final Order finding Manuel R. Dominguez guilty of violating the Rules and Regulations of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office as set forth in September 27, 2001, inter-office memorandum and upholding the termination of Manuel R. Dominguez from his employment as a deputy sheriff with the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of April, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. _ SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of April, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: William M. Laubach, Esquire Pinellas County Police Benevolent Association 14450 46th Street, North Suite 115 Clearwater, Florida 33762 B. Norris Rickey, Esquire Pinellas County Attorney's Office 315 Court Street Clearwater, Florida 34756 Keith C. Tischler, Esquire Powers, Quaschnick, et al. 1669 Mahan Center Boulevard Post Office Box 12186 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-2186

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57877.03
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Dec. 04, 1998 Number: 98-005279RU Latest Update: Jul. 14, 1999

The Issue Whether the Department of Revenue has violated the requirements of Section 120.54(1)(a), Florida Statutes, by failing to adopt the June 1998 edition of its Code of Conduct and the July 1995 edition of its Disciplinary Procedures and Standards as rules pursuant to the rulemaking procedures of Section 120.54, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, including the Prehearing Stipulation of the parties, the following findings of fact are made: Facts which the parties admitted and which required no proof1 The Department of Revenue is an agency within the meaning of Section 120.52(1), Florida Statutes. Ms. Obinyan was a career service employee of the Department until she was discharged on January 12, 1999. Ms. Obinyan has standing to challenge the June 1998 edition of the Code of Conduct Guidelines, Department of Revenue Policy Statement #1141-2 ("Code of Conduct"), and the July 1995 edition of the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards, Department of Revenue Policy Statement #1141-9. The Code of Conduct and the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards are official policy statements of the Department. The Code of Conduct and the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards are agency statements of general applicability that are generally and equally applicable to all Department employees and were applicable to Ms. Obinyan when she was an employee of the Department. The Code of Conduct and the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards are agency statements that prescribe and implement policy. The Code of Conduct and the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards are agency statements that are intended by their own effect to require compliance. The Department has a policy and practice of requiring all of its employees to sign a written acknowledgement of receipt of the Code of Conduct and the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards and an acknowledgement that the employee understands that his or her violation of any of the conduct standards contained in the Code of Conduct or in the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards shall be grounds for disciplinary proceedings pursuant to the disciplinary action procedures contained in the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards. It is the Department's policy and practice to require its employees to comply with the procedures and standards reflected in the Code of Conduct and the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards. It is the Department's policy and practice, in administering discipline, to follow the disciplinary procedures set forth in the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards and to apply the disciplinary standards set forth therein to avoid disparity as to the type and severity of discipline administered for the violations specified in the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards. It is the Department's policy and practice to take disciplinary action in accordance with the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards when an employee violates the Code of Conduct or the disciplinary standards contained in the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards. The Department has taken disciplinary action against its employees, including Ms. Obinyan, pursuant to the disciplinary procedures and standards in the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards since its adoption in 1995. The Department has not adopted the Code of Conduct or the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards as rules or initiated the rulemaking process to adopt either of these statements as a rule. Additional facts established by the evidence The Code of Conduct compiles in one twenty-page document both conduct prescribed or proscribed in statutes and rules and conduct which is prescribed or proscribed by Department policy. It is not intended to be all-inclusive, but an employee is subject to disciplinary action if he or she fails to conform to the provisions contained in the Code of Conduct. The proposed Code of Conduct was submitted to the Governor and Cabinet, as agency head, for review prior to implementation. The Department's Disciplinary Procedures and Standards contain forty-five standards, and violation of any of these standards is grounds for disciplinary action. The disciplinary procedures must be complied with whenever discipline is to be administered to career service employees of the Department. The proposed Disciplinary Procedures and Standards were submitted to the Department of Management Services for approval prior to implementation, as required by Rule 60K-9.002, Florida Administrative Code. The proposed procedures and standards were approved by the Department of Management Services after they were reviewed for consistency with the standards of other agencies and after they were submitted to the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) for review and comment. The Code of Conduct and the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards do not apply to anyone other than the Department's employees and include disciplinary standards and conduct prescriptions and prohibitions unique to those employees. The provisions of the Code of Conduct and the Disciplinary Procedures and Standards are detailed and precisely describe the disciplinary procedures, disciplinary standards, and prescribed and proscribed conduct which govern the Department's employees.

Florida Laws (5) 120.52120.54120.56120.595120.68
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