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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002871 Latest Update: May 17, 1983

Findings Of Fact Respondent administers the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan as a self insurance plan pursuant to Section 110.123(5), Florida Statutes. Prior to October 1 1981, Petitioner was an employee of the Department of Natural Resources. For some period of time, Petitioner purchased coverage under that health insurance plan. When she married an employee of the federal postal service, she dropped her health insurance with the State of Florida, since she preferred health insurance coverage under her husband's Policy with the federal government. Petitioner's employment with the Department of Natural Resources was reclassified so that she became a member of the Senior Management Service during September or October 1981. One of the benefits available to Senior Management Service employees is coverage under the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan free of charge to the employee. In the case of a Senior Management Service employee who accepts coverage under that Plan, the employing agency pays the full premium cost for the employee. On September 18, 1981, Ginger Bailey, an employee in the personnel office of the Department of Natural Resources, typed in the required information on insurance application forms for the various insurance policies available to Petitioner when her Senior Management status became effective on October 1, 1981. Bailey took the application forms to Petitioner, who was too busy at the time to discuss with Bailey the different insurance policies available and the forms themselves. Bailey left the forms with Petitioner. On October 8, 1981, Petitioner went to the personnel office so that Bailey could review with her the insurance benefits available to Senior Management status employees. Bailey explained each available insurance policy to the Petitioner individually and, for each, offered Petitioner an application form already completed by her. Petitioner accepted the offer of State-paid life insurance and disability insurance by signing the application form for such insurance in the acceptance block. When Bailey explained to Petitioner the health insurance, Petitioner commented that she would not need the insurance because her husband's policy was so good. Accordingly, Bailey directed Petitioner's attention to the portion of the application marked in bold letters, "Refusal." Petitioner signed the refusal portion of the application and dated her signature. Bailey struck through the September 18, 1981, date she had previously filled in for Petitioner in the acceptance section of the application. At no time did Bailey or any other agent or employee of the Department of Natural Resources or of the Department of Administration represent or state to Petitioner that she was covered by or was a member of the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan. In June 1982, Petitioner obtained a copy of the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Booklet containing an explanation of benefits effective July 1, 1982. On a sheet of paper, Petitioner typed the name of the Plan, the name and address of the administrator of the Plan, the group number, and the policy number. She taped this slip of paper to the front of the Booklet. During the month of June 1982, Petitioner's husband's 20-year-old daughter was admitted to a hospital. Petitioner showed hospital employees the health insurance explanation Booklet with the information she had placed on the front of it, since she could not "find" her insurance card, and the hospital accepted Petitioner's representations as proof of insurance. Coverage for Petitioner's stepdaughter was no longer available on Petitioner's husband's insurance policy, since she was over 19 years of age. Petitioner submitted a claim form to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., the administrator of the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan. The claim submitted by Petitioner to the Plan was rejected for lack of coverage. No evidence was presented as to whether a Senior Management Service employee's family members receive free coverage under the State's health insurance plan, and no evidence was presented as to whether Petitioner had any legal or financial responsibility for her adult stepdaughter.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered denying Petitioner's request that she be deemed covered by the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan from and after October 1, 1981, without prejudice to the Petitioner's right to apply, if she desires, for prospective coverage under the Plan in accordance with the Plan's requirements, rules and regulations. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 25th day of April, 1983, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of April, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Ms. Mary L. Davis Post Office Box 753 Havana, Florida 32333 Kevin X. Crowley, Esquire Department of Natural Resources Douglas Building, Suite 1003 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Daniel C. Brown, Esquire Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Nevin G. Smith, Secretary Department of Administration 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (4) 1.02110.123120.57627.6615
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Jul. 01, 1993 Number: 93-003731 Latest Update: Nov. 19, 1993

The Issue Whether the Petitioner, Robbie Reynolds, is eligible for family medical insurance coverage for medical expenses incurred by the Petitioner's son?

Findings Of Fact The Parties. At all times relevant to this proceeding, the Petitioner, Robbie W. Reynolds, was an employee of Department of Corrections, an agency of the State of Florida. The Respondent, the Department of Management Services, Division of State Employees' Insurance (hereinafter referred to as the "Division"), is an agency of the State of Florida. The Division is responsible for managing the State's employee health insurance system. Participation in the State of Florida Health Insurance Plan. The State of Florida makes health insurance available to its employees (hereinafter referred to as the "State Health Plan"). Employees may choose health insurance through the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan or through various health maintenance organizations (hereinafter referred to as "HMOs"). The Division has promulgated Chapter 60P, Florida Administrative Code, regulating the State Health Plan. Employees pay part of the premiums for their health insurance and the State contributes a part of the cost of premiums. The amount of premiums paid by an employee and the State depends on the type of coverage selected. Employees may elect coverage only for themselves ("individual" coverage), or coverage for themselves and certain qualified dependents ("family" coverage). Female employees who elect individual coverage are eligible for the payment of maternity or pregnancy benefits. Included in these benefits are certain benefits for the newborn child referred to as "well-baby care." In order for medical expenses attributable solely to a newborn baby that is ill at or after birth to be covered by the State Health Plan, an employee must elect family coverage for the employee and the child. The family coverage must be effective as of the date the medical expenses are incurred for the child. Open Enrollment Periods. Once an employee selects the type of health insurance he or she desires, that employee generally may change the election only during certain designated periods of time, referred to as "open enrollment periods." During an open enrollment period, an employee may change from HMO coverage to the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan, or vice versa, may change from individual coverage to family coverage, or vice versa, and may add or delete dependents to the employee's family coverage. Changes to an employees' State Health Plan coverage made during an open enrollment period are effective for the calendar year immediately following the open enrollment period. Other Changes in Health Insurance Coverage. An exception to the requirement of the State Health Plan that changes in coverage only be made during an open enrollment period is provided for certain specified events, referred to as "qualifying events." The acquisition of an "eligible dependent" during a year may constitute a qualifying event. For example, if an employee marries, the employee may elect family coverage for himself or herself and the employee's spouse. A change from individual coverage to family coverage may also be made if an employee or an employee's spouse gives birth to a child. The change to family coverage as a result of marriage or the birth of a child must be made within thirty-one days after the eligible dependent is acquired. An employee may also elect family coverage as a result of the employee or the employee's spouse becoming pregnant. If the employee or employee's spouse elects family coverage in time for the family coverage to be effective at the time of the child's birth, the child may then be added as a dependent to the family coverage by notifying the Division of the child's birth within thirty-one days after the child is born. In order to change to family coverage when an employee or employee's spouse becomes pregnant, the employee, must apply for the change to family coverage in time for the employee to make a month's premium payment on the first day of at least the month during which the child is born or an earlier month. For example, if an employee elects to change from individual coverage to family coverage for a yet to be born child in July effective for September, the first full month's premium is paid on September 1, and the child is born on September 2, the employee has family coverage for all of September and the child will be covered if the Division is notified of the child's birth within thirty-one days after the date of birth. In order for an employee to make a change in coverage as the result of a qualifying event, the employee must file a Change of Information form with the employee's personnel office. The personnel office forwards the form to the Division. Ms. Reynolds' Health Insurance. Ms. Reynolds, as an employee of the State of Florida, was eligible for state health insurance. She elected to participate in the HMO that was available in the Gainesville area where she is employed. AvMed is the name of the HMO for the Gainesville area and Ms. Reynolds' insurer. Although married, Ms. Reynolds initially elected individual coverage. Ms. Reynolds did not elect family coverage for her husband because he received health insurance benefits from his employer. During 1992, Ms. Reynolds became pregnant. The baby's projected due date was April 15, 1993. The Open Enrollment Period for 1993. The open enrollment period for the next calendar year (1993) after Ms. Reynolds became pregnant took place in October of 1992. During the October 1992 open enrollment period the Department of Corrections, through its personnel office, conducted meetings with employees to discuss health care benefits and coverage available to its employees. Two benefits consultants, trained by the Division, conducted the meetings, providing information to, and answering questions from, employees concerning the open enrollment period. Ms. Reynolds, who was approximately three months pregnant at the time of the benefit consultation meetings, attended one of the sessions. Ms. Reynolds attended the session for the purpose of determining what steps she should take to insure that her yet-to-be-born infant was covered by health insurance. Ms. Reynolds spoke for some time with Gail Page and Jordaina Chambers, benefits consultants of the Department of Corrections. Ms. Reynolds informed the benefits consultants that she was pregnant and that she wanted to insure that her yet-to-be-born infant was covered by her health insurance. Ms. Reynolds was incorrectly told that she could not elect family coverage for just her and her yet-to-be-born infant. This incorrect advice, however, did not have any effect on the effective date Ms. Reynolds ultimately decided to begin her family coverage. Ms. Reynolds also informed the benefits consultants that the baby was due April 15, 1993. The benefits consultants informed Ms. Reynolds that her pregnancy constituted a qualifying event and that she could, therefore, switch to family coverage in order to cover her baby. She was also informed that she would have to notify the Division of her child's birth with thirty-one days after birth to add the child to the policy. After being told that she would have to switch her coverage from individual coverage to family coverage, adding her husband as a dependent, Ms. Reynolds asked the benefits consultants when she should switch to family coverage. Consistent with the policies of the Division, and the training the benefits consultants had received from the Division, the benefits consultants advised Ms. Reynolds that she should elect family coverage effective two or three months prior to her due date. The Division makes this recommendation so that employees can save the increased premiums for family coverage a reasonable period of time before the child is born. In light of the fact that Ms. Reynolds' conversation with the benefits consultants took place during the 1992 open enrollment period and the fact that January 1, 1993 was three and one-half months prior to Ms. Reynolds' due date, Ms. Reynolds was advised by the benefits consultants that it would be reasonable to switch from individual coverage to family coverage through the open enrollment period. Based upon this advice, Ms. Reynolds' family coverage would be effective January 1, 1993. The benefits consultants did not advise Ms. Reynolds of any possible consequences of not electing to switch from individual coverage to family coverage with an effective date prior to January 1, 1993. The benefits consultants also did not tell Ms. Reynolds that she could not choose to switch from her individual coverage to family coverage with an effective date prior to January 1, 1993. On or about October 15, 1992, Ms. Reynolds executed and filed with the Division an Annual Benefit Election Form. Respondent's exhibit 1. Pursuant to this form Ms. Reynolds elected to change her health insurance coverage from individual to family effective January 1, 1993. Ms. Reynolds elected to add her husband as a covered dependent. Based upon the election made by Ms. Reynolds, her family coverage became effective on January 1, 1993. If her child was born before that date, any expenses attributable solely to medical services received by the child would not covered by Ms. Reynolds' medical coverage. If the child was born on or after that date and Ms. Reynolds notified the Division of the child's birth within thirty-one days after the child's birth, any expenses attributable solely to medical services received by the child would be covered by Ms. Reynolds' medical coverage. The evidence failed to prove that the advice given by the benefits consultants in October 1992 was not reasonable based upon the information available to them and to Ms. Reynolds. The evidence also failed to prove that either the benefits consultants or Ms. Reynolds unreasonably failed to realize that the child would be born more than three and one-half months premature. Ms. Reynolds, while reasonably relying on the advice of the benefits consultants, knew or should have known that the ultimate decision as to when to begin family coverage was hers to make. Ms. Reynolds also should have been somewhat wary of the advice she was given, in light of the fact that Ms. Reynolds admitted that she was told by the benefits consultants that they "did not know that much about what she was asking." Despite this warning, Ms. Reynolds testified during the final hearing that she followed their advice because she felt there was "no reason to believe they would be wrong." The Premature Birth of the Reynolds' Child. On December 29, 1992, Ms. Reynolds underwent surgery, due to unforeseen medical complications, to deliver her child. The child died on January 1, 1993. In order to add the child as a dependent to her medical insurance when the child was born, Ms. Reynolds had to have family coverage in effect as of December 1, 1992 or earlier. Unfortunately for Ms. Reynolds, on December 29, 1992 when her child was born, Ms. Reynolds only had individual coverage. The rules governing medical benefits of state employees do not allow employees with individual coverage to add dependents. Therefore, even though Ms. Reynolds attempted to get the Division, through the personnel office of the Department of Corrections, to add her child by notifying the personnel office of the birth of the child immediately after December 29, 1993, the child could not be added to her individual coverage. The child received medical services and incurred medical expenses between December 29, 1992 and January 1, 1993. Those expenses were not covered by the well-baby care provided by Ms. Reynolds' individual coverage. Because Ms. Reynolds did not have family coverage at the time the child was born and the child could not be added to her individual coverage, the medical expenses incurred for the child were not covered by Ms. Reynolds' health insurance. Although the child should be added as a dependent to Ms. Reynolds family coverage which took effect as of January 1, 1993, the evidence failed to prove that any medical expenses incurred for the care of the child on January 1, 1993, were not attributable to a preexisting condition. Therefore, expenses incurred for the care of the child on January 1, 1993, are not eligible for reimbursement. Should the Division be Estopped from Denying Coverage? The Division relies on benefits consultants to assist the Division in administering the State Health Plan. Benefits consultants are trained by the Division, they are state employees and they hold themselves out as representing the State in general and the Division in particular. The Division's rules provide for the active involvement of the various personnel offices in administering the State Health Plan. See, Rule 60P- 2.003(1), Florida Administrative Code. The Annual Benefit Election Forms issued by the Division during the open enrollment specifically provide that the forms are to be turned in to employees' personnel offices. The Division allows personnel offices of the various state agencies to hold themselves out to employees as agents of the Division. In this case, Ms. Reynolds was given advice by benefits consultants, on behalf of the Division and consistent with Division policy, which played a role in Ms. Reynolds making a decision which resulted in medical expenses incurred upon the premature birth of her child not being covered by her medical insurance. While Ms. Reynolds was given some incorrect advice, she was not given incorrect advice concerning the effective date of her family coverage. The advice given to Ms. Reynolds concerning when to start her family coverage was reasonable at the time given and, as she admitted during the hearing, there was no reason in October of 1992 to doubt the wisdom of the advice she received. Ultimately, it was Ms. Reynolds decision. While she may not have understood that advice, she made the decision to make choices and act on the advice even after being warned that the benefits consultants were not knowledgeable about what she was asking.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Management Services, Division of State Employees' Insurance enter a Final Order dismissing Robbie W. Reynolds' petition in this matter. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of November, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of November, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 93-3731 The Division has submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. Ms. Reynolds did not file a proposed recommended order. The Division's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted in 2-3 and 19. Accepted in 4-5, 9 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 6 and 9. Accepted in 11-17. Accepted in 7-8. Accepted in 1 and 18-19. Accepted in 23-26. Accepted in 20, 28 and 30-32. But See 27-20. See 29-30. But see 27. Accepted in 34 and 38. See 40. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 40-41 COPIES FURNISHED: Robbie W. Reynolds 2635 South West 35th Place, #1304 Gainesville, Florida 32608 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. Chief of Bureau of Benefits and Legal Services Division of State Employees' Insurance Department of Management Services 2002 Old St. Augustine Road, B-12 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-4876 William H. Lindner, Secretary Department of Management Services Knight Building, Suite 307 Koger Executive Center 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 Sylvan Strickland, Esquire Department of Management Services Knight Building, Suite 309 Koger Executive Center 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60P-2.003
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Jan. 06, 1994 Number: 94-000089 Latest Update: Feb. 01, 1995

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Petitioner, Department of Insurance, was the state agency responsible for the licensure of insurance agents and the regulation of the insurance business in Florida. Respondent, Richard M. Rinker, was licensed by the Petitioner as a health insurance agent engaged in the business of soliciting, selling and servicing health insurance policies for National States Insurance Company. Levon H. and Joan D. Sprague, husband and wife, moved to Florida from New York in August, 1991. Prior to moving to Florida, the Spragues operated a restaurant in New York and purchased health insurance from Blue Cross/Blue Shield for themselves and some of their employees. They also owned a H.I.P. policy which was similar to a health maintenance organization, but both that coverage and the Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage were dropped when they moved to Florida. Because both Mr. and Mrs. Sprague were getting older, and because both had indications of possible future health problems based on experience and family history, upon the recommendation of Mrs. Sprague's father, who had purchased coverage from Respondent and was satisfied with the service received, they contacted Respondent and met with him about purchasing health insurance. The first meeting was on January 6, 1992. At that time, the Sprague's made Respondent aware of the fact that they had no health insurance coverage at that time and that they wanted to purchase coverage which would give them 100 percent reimbursement of all bills for medical care rendered. After some discussion, they agreed to accept less coverage for doctors' bills and other professional services, but were quite adamant in reiterating they wanted a policy that would cover 100 percent of the cost of hospitalization. They emphasized this because of Mr. Sprague's family's history of heart problems and they wanted to be sure the hospital expense would be covered in full. They felt the doctors could wait a while for payment of the full amount of their bills. During the course of his presentation, Respondent utilized a document called a National States Limited Medical-Surgical Hospital Confinement Plan which purportedly outlined the specifics of policy coverage. Under that portion entitled "Specific Benefits", the form read, "This policy pays percent of usual and customary expenses of the following type:". Under the blank space, in smaller type, were the numbers "10, 20, 30, 40". In the blank area, Respondent, by hand, inserted 80 percent. Above, and to the right of that insertion, he also placed the numbers, "100 percent" and "40 percent." Respondent explains this as being his attempt to provide answers to questions asked of him by Mrs. Sprague. He noted that his company does not offer a major medical policy such as desired by the Spragues, and that the only way he could provide coverage close to that which they wanted was to combine policies. Using a yellow highlighter, he also highlighted the words, "Doctor's charges", "doctor's office", "clinic", "hospital", "home", and "surgical or medical center." He also highlighted the terms "annual mammography screening" because Mrs. Sprague had specifically inquired about coverage of that procedure. On that visit, Respondent sold the Spragues two policies each. These were "MSH-1" and "MSH-2" policies which, the Spragues recall, Respondent indicated would provide the total coverage they wanted. Initially, the premium was to be $3,600.00 for the year, but when the Spragues indicated they could not afford that much, after calling his office, Respondent was able to offer them 6 months coverage for one half the price. They were satisfied with this and accepted the policies. Mr. Rinker received as his commission 45 percent of the premium paid in by the Spragues for the first year of the policy. When he departed the Spragues' home, he left with them the policy outline he utilized in his presentation, a large manila envelope containing information regarding his office hours and phone number, and a MSP form required by law. The coverage was not heavily used at first. When, during the first six month period, claims were initially denied because of the waiting period, the Spragues accepted that. After the expiration of the waiting period, all claims submitted for doctors' visits and mammography were covered to at least 80 percent of the amount expected by the Spragues. This was, however, because of the combined benefits paid by the two policies. Neither policy, alone, paid 100 percent percent of the claim. The Spragues were satisfied with this because it was not hospitalization. Later on, however, it became apparent that Mr. Sprague would have to enter the hospital for coronary bypass surgery, and he was admitted on an emergency basis. Before the surgery was done, however, the Spragues wanted to be sure the hospital bills would be paid in full, and they had their daughter- in-law, who had extensive experience in the insurance business prior to that time, to examine the policies. Her review of the policies generated some questions in her mind as to whether they provided 100 percent coverage of all hospital costs. To satisfy herself and her in-laws, utilizing the telephone number for Respondent on the materials left by him with the Spragues, she contacted him and asked, specifically, whether the policies he had sold to the Spragues, provided the 100 percent coverage they desired. His answer was somewhat evasive and non- responsive to her inquiry. He said, "Don't worry. She'll [Ms. Sprague] be able to sleep at night. She has a good policy." This did not satisfy either Ms. Sprague or her mother-in-law, and so she called Respondent again. During this second conversation he admitted that for at least a part of the cost, there was a 40 percent coinsurance provision. Respondent claims that during these calls, Ms. Sprague did not tell him that her father-in-law was to have surgery but only told him about tests. The tests were covered and the bills therefor paid by National States. By the time of these calls, however, Mr. Sprague was already in the hospital and facing the surgery the following morning. There was little that could be done. Mr. Sprague wanted to cancel the surgery but his wife would not allow this and the operation was accomplished. The hospital bills received by the Spragues amounted to approximately $140,000. Of this, the insurance company paid approximately $18,000. Ultimately, the Spragues and the hospital were able to reach an agreement for settlement of the obligation for $40,000. In order to satisfy this, Mr. Sprague was required to liquidate all his investments. He still owes the doctors a substantial sum but is making periodic payments to liquidate those obligations. The policies which Respondent sold to the Spragues were limited medical and surgical expense policies which pay only a limited percentage of incurred medical expenses over a limited period of time. Neither policy pays 100 percent of any medical or surgical expense. Respondent did not clearly communicate this fact to the Spragues. They suffered from the misconception that the policies sold to them by the Respondent paid 100 percent coverage for hospital expense, 80 percent for doctor fees, and 40 percent for medication. Petitioner presented no evidence that what Respondent did was below the standards accepted of sales agents within the health insurance industry. On the other hand, James Quinn, an insurance agent since 1975, who has taught life and health insurance and the legal responsibility of agents in the health insurance area with the approval of the Department since 1985, testified on behalf of Respondent. Mr. Quinn noted that there are three types of medical policies in use, including basic medical expense, major medical, and comprehensive major medical. The first of these, basic medical expense, permits liberal underwriting and pays policy limits. In Mr. Quinn's opinion, based on the age and preexisting conditions that the Sprague's have, major medical coverage, like they wanted, would cost between seven and ten thousand dollars annually, excluding deductibles. Health insurance coverage outlines, such as used by Respondent in his presentation to the Spragues are, according to Mr. Quinn, reasonably self-explanatory and are left with the insured either when the policy is applied for or is delivered. In the former case, the client is able to read the outline and cancel the policy before delivery, if he so desires. In the latter case, the insured has a set number of days to read the policy after delivery and cancel if he so desires. These outlines do not substitute for the policy, however, and generally, the agent prefers to deliver the policy personally so he can go over it again with the insured. According to Mr. Quinn, it is difficult to explain coverage to prospective insureds because of their unfamiliarity with the terminology and the available benefits. He concluded that the action of the Respondent, in issue here, whereby he used the coverage outline to explain the coverages to the Spragues, was consistent with proper agent conduct and was within industry standards. He also concluded that based on what Respondent had available to sell to the Spragues, he sold them the best package he could, at the time.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be issued in this matter finding Respondent, Richard Michael Rinker, guilty of a violation of Sections 626.611(5), (7), (9), and (13); 626.621(2) and (6); 626.9521, and 626.9541(1)(a)(1), (1)(e)(1), and (1)(k)(1), Florida statutes, and suspending his license as a health insurance agent for nine months. RECOMMENDED this 13th day of October, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of October, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 94-0089 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: & 2. Accepted and incorporated herein. 3. & 4. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 6. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 10. Accepted and incorporated herein. FOR THE RESPONDENT: Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted as to finding Mr. Quinn is an expert regarding insurance standards and business practices, but rejected as insinuating those opinions are binding on the Hearing Officer. Rejected notwithstanding the opinions of Mr. Quinn. Accepted, as there is no evidence to the contrary. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. First sentence rejected as contra to the evidence. Second sentence accepted as to the furnishing, but the quality of the information was less than clear. Balance accepted. & 8. Rejected. COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel T. Gross, Esquire Department of Insurance and Treasurer Division of Legal Services 612 Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333 Thomas F. Woods, Esquire Gatlin, Woods, Carlson & Cowdery 1709-D Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Tom Gallagher State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Bill O'Neill General Counsel Department of Insurance The Capitol, PL-11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

Florida Laws (5) 120.57626.611626.621626.9521626.9541
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 06, 1993 Number: 93-004342 Latest Update: Mar. 01, 1995

The Issue Whether Respondents, by refusing to allow consumers to cancel their individual health insurance policies subsequent to the "free-look" period and thereby failing to refund premiums paid, engaged in conduct violative of Subsection 627.6043, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact The parties stipulated that the Petitioner has jurisdiction over Respondents, National States and Penn Treaty, during times material. On June 24, 1993, Petitioner filed a five count administrative complaint against National States alleging that 20 consumers had purchased various types of health insurance policies and that such policy holders requested cancellation of those policies before the expiration date of their policy. The policy holders prepaid the premiums on such policies. National States refused to honor those requests for cancellation and did not refund the unearned premiums remaining on those policies. National States, by its assistant vice president, William O'Connor, advised those policy holders that they were not entitled to cancellation after the "free-look" period and therefore refused to refund any unearned premiums. Policy holders who were denied premium refunds include the following: Alexandrine Austin, Henry M. and Mary Lou Butler, Madeline Goding, William O. and Rowena Haisten, Sebastian N. and Jane E. Imme, Teresa Karl, John F. Killinger, J. Robert Merriman, Nell I. Mooney, Ralph Motta, Kathryn Patterson, Alene R. Smith, and Bernadine Weiss. On June 17, 1993, Petitioner filed a three count administrative complaint against Penn Treaty alleging that certain consumers had purchased various health insurance policies, that the policy holders requested cancellation of those policies prior to the expiration and Penn Treaty refused to honor those requests for cancellation and to refund any unearned premium remaining. Penn Treaty advised those policy holders, by letter, that they could not cancel their policies after the "free-look" period. The policy holders who were denied cancellation and/or a refund by Penn Treaty were Adelbert Gronvold, George and Marie Hutnyak and George F. and Elizabeth M. MacVicar. Health insurance policies do not contain a provision granting the policy holder the right to cancel. Ms. Kitterman, a former employee of Petitioner who has reviewed health insurance policies for over sixteen (16) years, was familiar with such policy forms. She has not seen a provision in an individual health insurance policy which specifically granted an insured the right to cancel a policy midterm. Dr. Solomon, an expert with extensive knowledge concerning health insurance policy provisions or the absence thereof, opined that health insurance policies do not contain a provision dealing with the ability or the right of the insured to cancel or not to cancel their health insurance policy. Finally, Ms. Andrews, the assistant bureau chief of life and health forms for approximately eight (8) years, has also personally reviewed health insurance policy forms. Ms. Andrews supervised the insurance analysts who reviewed such forms and corroborate the testimony of Kitterman and Solomon that such policy forms do not contain a provision addressing the insured's right to cancel. Petitioner has never required an individual health policy form to contain a provision regarding an insured's right to cancel. Although Petitioner does not require such a provision, it does insist that companies refund unearned premiums once an insured files a request to cancel pursuant to Section 627.6043, Florida Statutes. A discussion of the "free-look" period is contained in Rule 4-154.003, Florida Administrative Code, entitled "Insured's Right to Return Policy; Notice". That rule states: It is the opinion of the insurance commissioner that it will be in the public interest and of benefit to all if the person to whom the policy is issued has the opportunity to return the policy if he is not satisfied with it, provided such return is made within a reasonable length of time after receipt of the policy; therefore, each and every company issuing for delivery a disability policy in this state is requested to have printed or stamped thereon, or attached thereto a notice in a prominent place stating in substance that the person to whom the policy or contract is issued shall be permitted to return the policy or contract within ten (10) days of its delivery to said purchaser and to have the premium paid refunded if, after examination of the policy or contract, the purchaser is not satisfied with it for any reason. The notice may provide that if the insured or purchaser pursuant to such notice returns the policy or contract to the insurer at its home office or branch office or to the agent through whom it was purchased, it shall be void from the beginning and the parties shall be in the same position as if no policy or contract had been issued. This rule shall not apply to either single premium non-renewal policies or contracts or travel accident policies or contracts. Notices in this Rule 4-154.003 and in Rule 4.154.001 may be combined. (emphasis added) Thus, if a policy is returned during the "free look" period, the company is required to return the entire premium paid. The "free-look" period allows the consumer an opportunity to review the contract for the designated period of time. It allows them to make sure that it was the type of contract they intended to purchase and to review the application that was submitted to the company to verify that the information on it is correct. "Guaranteed renewable" is defined in Rule 4-154.004, Florida Administrative Code, titled "Non-cancellable or non-cancellable and guaranteed renewable policy; Use of Terms." That rule states: The terms "non-cancellable" or "non-cancellable and guaranteed renewable" may be used only in a policy which the insured has the right to continue in force by the timely payment of premiums set forth in the policy until at least age 50, or in the case of a policy issued after age 44, for at least five years from its date of issue, during which period the insurer has no right to make unilaterally any change in any provision of the policy while the policy is in force. Except as provided above, the term "guaranteed renewable" may be used only in a policy in which the insured has the right to continue in force by the timely payment of premiums until at least age 50, or in the case of a policy issued after age 44, for at least five years from its date of issue, during which period the insurer has no right to make unilaterally any change in any provision of the policy while the policy is in force, except that the insurer may make changes in premium rates by classes. The foregoing limitation on use of the term "non-cancellable" shall also apply to any synonymous term such as "not cancellable" and the limitation on use of the term "guaranteed renewable" shall also apply to any synonymous term such as "guaranteed continuable". Nothing herein contained is intended to restrict the development of policies having other guarantees of renewability, or to prevent the accurate description of their terms of renewability or the classification of such policies as guaranteed renewable or non-cancellable for any period during which there may be actually be such, provided the terms used to describe them in policy contracts and advertising are not such as may readily be confused with the above terms. Thus, the term "guaranteed renewable" as defined by Petitioner's rule notably does not contain any prohibitions against an insured's ability to cancel. Both Dr. Solomon and National States expert, E. Paul Barnhart, agreed that the industry meaning of "guaranteed renewable" is that companies guarantee renewability of a health or accident policy but do not guarantee that the rate will remain constant. Guaranteed renewable policies may be cancelled by the company only for nonpayment of premium or for false statements made by the insured in the application. Guaranteed renewable policies can also be cancelled by the company at the terminal point which, for most of National States policy holders, is when the insured dies but, in a few cases, at age 65. Whether a policy is marketed by the company as "guaranteed renewable" is a business decision made by the insurer generally to meet competition. Thus, the insurer, in making the decision to market an insurance policy as guaranteed renewable, waives any right that might otherwise be available to the insurer to cancel or non-renew except those authorized by statute which are, as noted, nonpayment of premium and material misrepresentation. Nowhere in any of the expert's opinions or Petitioner's witnesses is the term guaranteed renewable construed to mean that an insured has also waived the right to cancel a health insurance policy. All health insurance policies are cancellable by the insurer unless the company has chosen to market the policy as non-cancellable or guaranteed renewable which, as noted, may be only cancelled for nonpayment of premium and material misrepresentation. Dr. Solomon's opinion is based on the equitable theory that an insurance company, when it writes a health policy, does not immediately earn all of the premium collected, and the insured is therefore entitled to the unearned premium if he cancels midterm. Mr. Barnhart confirmed that a premium is not totally earned the moment it is collected but that "it's earned over the period of time for which the premium has been paid . . . if someone pays an annual premium, say on July 1, 1993, that annual premium would become earned at a steady rate over the year that follows and become fully earned as of June 30, 1994." When a premium is received for health and accident policies, the company will establish an unearned premium reserve, which is a basic reserve set up as a result of the payment of premiums and represents, at any given point in time, that portion of the premium that remains unearned. Insurance companies are required by law to maintain unearned premium reserves because they have not earned the premium. Unearned premium reserve is typically a section in the balance sheet of a company that is reserved for that purpose of paying back premiums that are not earned, or holding premiums in that account, as a segregated item, until such time as they are earned. Refunds of premiums are made on the basis of either a short-rate or a pro-rata table. Short-rate refunds are for the purpose of returning a portion of the insured's premium in the event that the insured elects to cancel midterm. The insured is penalized for cancelling the policy midterm under the short-term rate table by absorbing some of the company's expenses of underwriting the policy and administrative costs. That is, if the insured cancels an annual policy within one month after which an annual premium has been paid, the insured will receive less than 11/12ths of the advance premium. Pro-rata refunds mean equal distribution which is the refund procedure used when the insurer makes the decision to cancel. Thus, if the insurer cancels an insured's policy that is so cancellable by the insurer in the annual policy example, the insurer would be liable to make a pro-rata refund of premium to the insured which will be 11/12ths of the premium paid. Thus, an insured is not penalized when it is the insurer who exercises its right to cancel any policies which are so cancellable by the insurer. Section 627.6043(2), Florida Statutes, states: In the event of a cancellation, the insurer will return promptly the unearned portion of any premium paid. If the insured cancels, the earned premium shall be computed by the use of the short- rate table last filed with the state official having supervision of insurance with the state where the insured resided when the policy was issued. If the insurer cancels, the earned premium shall be computed pro-rata. Cancellation shall be without prejudice to any claim originating prior to the effective date of cancellation. (emphasis added) Ellen Andrews, the Department's former assistant bureau chief for life and health insurance forms several years prior to 1989, and in 1989 when the statute at issue was initially rewritten by the Legislature and as it is currently written, was familiar with the development of Petitioner's position as the statute went through renumberings in 1990 and 1992. It was part of Ms. Andrews' duties and responsibilities to assist Petitioner in the interpretation of that statute. It was her ultimate responsibility to be in charge of implementation of that statute. Petitioner's initial interpretation has remained unchanged since the statute was initially reworded in 1989 and moved to its various sections of part 6 of Chapter 627, Florida Statutes. The Department's opinion and decision on the meaning of what is currently Section 627.6043(2), Florida Statutes, is that if the insured cancels a policy midterm, the insured would be entitled to a return of premium pursuant to the short-rate table if one was filed with the Department. The Department further interprets the statute to mean that the insurer has a right to cancel, unless the insurer has waived that right by selling a guaranteed renewable or non-cancellable policy and if an insurer exercises that right, the insurer must make a refund to the insured on a pro-rata basis. Petitioner's position is based on the statutory provision that the insured shall receive a return of premium if the insured cancels and that if the insured didn't have a right to cancel, then the insured wouldn't have a right to receive a refund of premium. In 1989, Petitioner took the initiative to obtain statutory authority for its position by submitting a proposed draft to the Legislature revising the statute in order to provide insureds, by statute, the right to receive a return of the unearned premium upon notifying the insurer of their decision to cancel the individual health insurance policies. Mr. Barnhart verified that there would be no claims incurred once a policy ceases to be in force; that National States refund a portion of the premium when a policy is rescinded or terminated and that National States refunds unearned premiums when an insured dies midterm of the policy period whether required by statute or not. Penn Treaty refunds unearned premiums upon death and has a provision in its individual health and accidental insurance policies which provides that the insured shall receive a refund of unearned premiums upon death. From an actuarial perspective, there is no difference between either death or cancellation in midterm of a policy period by an insured. Penn Treaty sells, in Florida, long term care, home health care and medicare supplement insurance policies. National States generally sells guaranteed renewable policies in Florida. National States' position is that health and accident policies are not cancellable by the insured in Florida and that only medicare supplement policies are cancellable by the insured because there is a provision in the policy that allows an insured to cancel and because there is statutory authority for the insured to cancel that policy. Its position is that Section 627.6043, Florida Statutes, does not provide for cancellation by the insured. However, National States allows that the statutes regarding cancellation under the medicare supplement law, Section 627.6741(4), Florida Statutes, mandates refunds to insureds who request cancellation of their medicare supplement policies. National States allow cancellations by insureds and refunds unearned premiums on health insurance policies in those other states which have statutes requiring such refunds. Likewise, Penn Treaty's position is that home health care and long term care policies are not cancellable by the insured because there is no provision in the contract to allow cancellation and because they are guaranteed renewable policies. Its position also is that the insured does not have the right to cancel, either contractually or statutorily. Respondents relied on legal opinions from their counsel (in Florida) and an opinion from Petitioner dated June 12, 1991 to deny refunds. Florida law addressing an insured's right to cancel a medicare supplement policy is at Section 627.6741(4), Florida Statutes. That section provides, in pertinent part, that: If a policy is cancelled, the insurer must return promptly the unearned portion of any premium paid. If the insured cancels the policy, the earned premium shall be computed by the use of the short-rate table last filed with the state official having supervision of insurance in the state where the insured resided when the policy was issued. If the insurer cancels, the earned premium shall be computed pro-rata. Cancellation shall be without prejudice to any claim originating prior to the effective date of the cancellation period. (emphasis added) The above statute is the only Florida law which addresses an insured's right to cancel his medicare supplement policy. Florida law requires that medicare supplement policies be guaranteed renewable. That law is found at Section 627.6741(2)(a), Florida Statutes, which provides: For both individual and group medicare supplement policies: an insurer shall neither cancel nor non-renew a medicare supplement policy or certificate for any reason other than non payment of premium or material misrepresentation. Respondents' position is that in Florida, insureds who purchase their policies are elderly and are easily led. If allowed to cancel, Respondents contend that they would lose out on a number of protections that they would be entitled to if they were required to keep their policies.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that: Petitioner enter a final order requiring Respondents to make refunds of premiums to all policy holders who request the cancellation of their health insurance policies after October 1, 1989, with 12 percent interest from the date cancellation was requested and further that Respondents' certificates of authority be placed on suspension for a period of twelve (12) months. It is further recommended that the suspension be suspended upon Respondents, payment of the unearned premiums to the above-referenced consumers. 1/ DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of March, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of March, 1995.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57627.6043627.6741
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 06, 1996 Number: 96-003669BID Latest Update: Apr. 21, 1997

The Issue Whether the School Board of Broward County's award of a contract for Excess General and Auto Liability insurance coverage to United National Insurance Company is barred because of illegality?

Findings Of Fact The Parties Ranger Insurance Company, Petitioner, is the holder of a Certificate of Authority dated September 9, 1996 and issued by the Department of Insurance and Bill Nelson, Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer. Good through June 1, 1997, the certificate authorizes Ranger to write in a number of lines of insurance business, including, Private Passenger Auto Liability, Commercial Automobile Liability, Private Passenger Automobile Auto Physical Damage, Commercial Auto Physical Damage and Other Liability. As such, Ranger is an "authorized" or "admitted" insurer in the State of Florida. L.B. Bryan & Company, Alexander & Alexander, Inc., and Benefactor Financial Group, Inc., is a joint venture and co- petitioner with Ranger in this proceeding through whom Ranger proposed to procure the Excess General and Auto Liability (“Excess GL/AL”) coverage. A timely proposal under Request for Proposal 97- 072S was submitted to the School Board of Broward County by the petitioners to provide the Excess GL/AL Insurance Coverage sought by the RFP. United National Insurance Company is an "eligible" surplus lines insurer, approved by the Florida Department of Insurance to transact all surplus lines coverages in the State of Florida and licensed as such. The Department has notified insurance agents of United Nation's eligibility as a surplus lines insurer since 1978. It is the insurer of the Excess General and Excess Auto Liability insurance coverage awarded by the School Board under RFP 97-072S. Arthur J. Gallagher & Company ("Gallagher,") is the eighth largest insurance broker in the world. It has four sales offices, nine service offices, and approximately 150 employees in the State of Florida alone. The office from which it conducted business related to this proceeding is in Boca Raton, Florida, an office for which Area President David L. Marcus is responsible. Gallagher submitted a timely proposal (the "Gallagher proposal,") in response to the RFP on behalf of United National. The School Board of Broward County is the authority that operates, controls, and supervises all free public schools in the Broward County School District, "[i]n accordance with the provisions of s. (4)(b) of Article IX of the State Constitution ...". Section 230.03(2), F.S. In accord with its powers, the School Board may contract directly to purchase insurance. It is not required by its purchasing rules to use a competitive bidding or procurement process to purchase insurance. Nonetheless, on Friday, April 26, 1996, it issued a request for proposals, the RFP at issue in this proceeding, for insurance coverages including for Excess GL/AL insurance coverages. Siver Insurance Management Consultants Siver Insurance Management Consultants ("Siver,") are the drafters of RFP 97-072S. The School Board relied on Siver to draft the RFP, particularly its technical sections. Technical review of the proposals made under the RFP was conducted by Siver. And Siver put together for the School Board's use a summary of the policies proposed by both United National and Ranger. The summary was considered by the School Board's Evaluation Committee when it evaluated the competing proposals. The determination of whether the competing proposers were properly licensed was made by Siver. The School Board's Evaluation Committee, indeed the School Board, itself, played no role in determining the licensing credentials of the proposers while the proposals were under consideration. Under the arrangement between Siver and the School Board, however, the School Board retained the primary responsibility for administering the RFP. The RFP Request for Proposal 97-072S was mailed to 324 vendors (prospective proposers) the same day as its issuance, April 26, 1996. None of the vendors knew the contents of the RFP until it was issued. The RFP sought proposals for seven coverages, each of which was severable from the remainder of the coverages and was allowed to be proposed separately. The scope of the request was described in the RFP as follows: The School Board of Broward County, Florida ... is seeking proposals for various insurance coverages and risk management services. To facilitate distribution of the underwriting data and the requirements for each of the coverages, this consolidated Request for Proposals ... has been prepared. However, each of the coverages is severable and may be proposed separately. The following are included: Boiler & Machinery Excess General and Automobile Liability Excess Workers' Compensation School Leaders Errors & Omissions Crime Including Employee Dishonesty - Faithful Performance, Depositor's Forgery Claim and Risk Management Services (Including Managed Care Services) Statutory Death Benefits Petitioner's Ex. 1, pg. I-1. Since the seven coverages are severable and no proposer had to submit a proposal on all seven coverages, one way of looking at RFP 97-072S is as a consolidated RFP composed of seven, separate proposals, each for a different type of insurance coverage. Of the 324 vendors to whom the RFP was sent, only two, Gallagher, on behalf of United National, and Ranger, through the action of the joint venture, submitted proposals with respect to the Excess GL/AL coverages. Reasons for Using an RFP The School Board, under the auspices of Siver, chose to seek insurance coverage through an RFP rather than an Invitation to Bid, or what is colloquially referred to as a "straight bid," for a number of reasons. As one familiar with RFPs and Invitations to Bid might expect, the School Board and Siver were attracted to the RFP by the increased flexibility it offered in the ultimate product procured in comparison to the potentially less flexible product that would be procured through an invitation to bid. More pertinent to this case, however, Siver chose to use an RFP for the School Board in this case because "as explained ... by the Department of Insurance over the ... years, while there may... [be a] prohibition against any surplus lines agents submitting a straight bid, there would not be a prohibition against a ... [surplus lines] agent responding to a request for proposal " (Tr. 149.) The RFP approach was not chosen, however, in order to avoid any legal requirement or to circumvent the Insurance Code. As explained by Mr. Marshall, the approach was born of hard reality: Id. [O]ne of the primary motivations [for using an RFP rather than an Invitation to Bid] was to allow us [The School Board and Siver] to consider surplus lines companies because of the fact that very often they were the only insurers that would respond on the number of coverages and clients that we were working for. The Insurance Code and the Surplus Lines Law The Insurance Code in Section 624.401, Florida Statutes, requires generally that an insurer be authorized by the Department of Insurance (the "Department,") to transact business in the State of Florida before it does so: (1) No person shall act as an insurer, and no insurer or its agents, attorneys, subscribers, or representatives shall directly or indirectly transact insurance, in this state except as authorized by a subsisting certificate of authority issued to the insurer by the department, except as to such transactions as are expressly otherwise provided for in this code. One place in the code where transactions are "expressly otherwise provided for ...," is in the Surplus Lines Law, Section 626.913 et seq., Florida Statues. The purposes of the law are described as follows: It is declared that the purposes of the Surplus Lines Law are to provide for orderly access for the insuring public of this state to insurers not authorized to transact insurance in this state, through only qualified, licensed, and supervised surplus lines agents resident in this state, for insurance coverages and to the extent thereof not procurable from authorized insurers, who under the laws of this state must meet certain standards as to policy forms and rates, from unwarranted competition by unauthorized insurers who, in the absence of this law, would not be subject to similar requirements; and for other purposes as set forth in this Surplus Lines Law. Section 626.913(2), F.S. Surplus lines insurance is authorized in the first instance only if coverages cannot be procured from authorized insurers: If certain insurance coverages of subjects resident, located, or to be performed in this state cannot be procured from authorized insurers, such coverages, hereinafter designated "surplus lines," may be procured from unauthorized insurers, subject to the following conditions: The insurance must be eligible for export under s. 626.916 or s. 626.917; The insurer must be an eligible surplus lines insurer under s. 626.917 or s. 626.918; The insurance must be so placed through a licensed Florida surplus lines agent; and The other applicable provisions of this Surplus Lines Law must be met. Section 626.915, Florida Statutes, and then only subject to certain other conditions: No insurance coverage shall be eligible for export unless it meets all of the following conditions: The full amount of insurance required must not be procurable, after a diligent effort has been made by the producing agent to do so, from among the insurers authorized to transact and actually writing that kind and class of insurance in this state ... . Surplus lines agents must verify that a diligent effort has been made by requiring a properly documented statement of diligent effort from the retail or producing agent. However, to be in compliance with the diligent effort requirement, the surplus lines agent's reliance must be reasonable under the particular circumstances surrounding the risk. Reasonableness shall be assessed by taking into account factors which include, but are not limited to, a regularly conducted program of verification of the information provided by the retail or producing agent. Declinations must be documented on a risk-by-risk basis. It is not possible to obtain the full amount of insurance required by layering the risk, it is permissible to export the full amount. Section 626.916, F.S. Authorized vs. Unauthorized Insurers Unlike authorized insurers, unauthorized insurers do not have their rates and forms approved by the Department of Insurance, (the "Department.") Similarly, unauthorized insurers are not member of the Florida Insurance Guaranty Association, which guarantees payment of claims if an insurer becomes insolvent. Unauthorized insurers may qualify to transact Florida insurance business under the Surplus Lines Law and so, for purposes of the Surplus Lines Law, be considered "eligible" to transact surplus lines business in Florida. When a Surplus Lines insurer is eligible, Department of Insurance employees refer to the insurer in Surplus Lines terms as "authorized," a term in everyday English that is synonymous with "eligible." But an eligible surplus lines insurer remains an "unauthorized" insurer when compared to an "authorized" insurer for purposes of the Insurance Code and that part of the code known as the Surplus Lines Law. Submission and Review of Proposals Both L.B. Bryan & Company, Alexander & Alexander, Inc., and Benefactor Financial Group, Inc., (the "Joint Venture") and Gallagher submitted timely proposals with regard to Excess GL/AL coverage in response to the RFP. The Joint Venture's proposal was submitted, of course, on behalf of Ranger, an authorized insurer, and Gallagher's was submitted on behalf of United National, an insurer eligible to transact insurance in the State of Florida as a surplus lines insurer but otherwise an unauthorized insurer. The School Board's Insurance Evaluation Committee met on May 30, 1996, to evaluate proposals received pursuant to the RFP. Although briefly discussed by the Evaluation Committee, the issue of proper licensing was not determined independently by the committee. Instead of making that determination, the committee turned to its insurance consultant, Siver. Siver had determined that both proposers, Ranger and United National, were properly licensed for purposes of responding to the RFP and being considered by the committee. Siver communicated that determination to the committee. The committee relied on Siver's determination. Aside from receiving Siver's determination of proper licensing when "briefly discussed" (Tr. 108,) the Evaluation Committee did not address whether either Ranger or United National were properly licensed. Certainly, no issue of whether Ranger should take precedence over United National by virtue that it was an authorized insurer when United National was an unauthorized insurer and a mere eligible Surplus Lines insurer was ever discussed by the committee. In evaluating the proposals, the Committee awarded 73 points to the Gallagher proposal and 69 points to the Ranger proposal. Points were awarded on the basis of three criteria or in three categories: Qualifications (20 points maximum); Scope of Coverages/Services Offered (30 points maximum); and, Points for Projected Costs (50 points maximum.) The Ranger proposal outscored the Gallagher proposal in the "projected cost" category, 50 to 23, but it scored lower in the "qualifications" category, 14 versus 20 for Gallagher, and significantly lower in the "scope of coverages" category, five points versus 30 for Gallagher. The United National coverage was more than twice as costly as Ranger's, a $491,000 annual premium as opposed to Ranger's $226,799, which explains the points awarded in the "projected cost" category. The Gallagher proposal received more points than the Ranger proposal in the "qualifications" category because United National has provided the School Board with Excess GL/AL coverage for a number of years and Ranger has never provided the School Board with such coverage. The Ranger proposal fell so drastically short of the Gallagher proposal in the "scope of coverages/services offered" category primarily because of an athletic participation exclusion appearing in a rider to the specimen policy appearing in its proposal. Ranger had intended to cover athletic participation and the rider was included with the Ranger proposal in error. Ranger notified the School Board of its intent immediately after the tabulations were released. Nonetheless, the Evaluation Committee was never informed of the error and no attempt was made by the School Board to negotiate with Ranger to improve the coverages offered, despite authority in the RFP for the School Board to negotiate with any of the proposers. (The language used in the RFP is "with one or more" of the proposers.) The Ranger proposal also fell short of the Gallagher proposal in the "scope of coverages/service offered" category because the Gallagher proposal was made in several ways. One way was as to only Excess GL/AL coverage. Another way included School Leaders' Errors and Omissions ("E & O") coverage. The E & O coverage was offered by United National in the Gallagher proposal together with the Excess GL/AL coverage in a "combined lines" package, similar to United National coverages already existing for the School Board. Furthermore, the Ranger proposal expressly excluded coverage for Abuse and Molestation, a needed coverage due to the School Board's prior claims history. On June 5, 1996, the Evaluation Committee submitted its recommendations to the School Board's Purchasing Department. With regard to GL/AL coverage, the Evaluation Committee recommended the purchase of the GL/AL/E & O "combined lines" coverage offered by Gallagher through United National. The School Board posted its Proposal Recommendation/Tabulations adopting the recommendation, two days later, on June 7, 1996. Ranger Seeks Redress from the Department Following the School Board's award, Ranger, thinking that it should have received the award under the RFP as the only authorized insurer to submit a proposal for Excess GL/AL coverage, sought redress from the Department. On June 14, 1996, Ranger personnel met with the head of the Department's Surplus Lines Section, Carolyn Daniels, alleging a violation of the Insurance Code's Surplus Lines Law. On June 18, 1996, Ranger reiterated its complaint in writing and asked Ms. Daniels to find a violation that day. On June 24, 1996, Ranger, now through its attorneys, met with Ms. Daniels and her supervisor. Again, on July 4, 1996, Ranger's attorneys wrote to Ms. Daniels, further pleading for her to find a violation and asking for an administrative hearing if Ms. Daniels did not find in favor of the Ranger position. On a fifth attempt, Ranger wrote Ms. Daniels on July 11, 1996, requesting that she adopt Ranger's position. Ms. Daniels reviewed Ranger's five complaints with her supervisor, the Chief of the Bureau of Property and Casualty Solvency and Market Conduct. In a letter dated August 14, 1996, to the School Board's Purchasing Agent, Ms. Daniels announced her determination: I did not find any evidence to indicate that Mr. David L. Marcus of Arthur J. Gallagher & Company or United National Insurance Company violated the Surplus Lines Law in providing a quote for the School Board. Intervenor's Ex. No. 2. Ms. Daniel's determination was based on a number of factors, including the School Board's position in the transaction as an "informed consumer," (Tr. 422-423,) and that the School Board had possessed a United National policy for 13 years. But, the determination was primarily based on the fact that Gallagher had received three declinations from authorized insurers to provide Excess GL/AL coverage and so had performed that which was required prior to deciding that the coverage was eligible for export and provision by a surplus lines insurer: due diligence. Due Diligence Section 626.916(1)(a), Florida Statutes, provides, [n]o insurance coverage shall be eligible for export unless it meets ... the following condition[]: ... [t]he full amount of insurance required must not be procurable, after a diligent effort has been made by the producing agent to do so, from among the insurers authorized to transact and actually writing that kind and class of insurance in this state, and the amount of insurance exported shall be only the excess over the amount so procurable from authorized insurers. (e.s.) The statute goes on to require that the diligent effort, "be reasonable under the particular circumstances surrounding the export of that particular risk." Reasonableness is assessed by taking into account factors which include, but are not limited to, a regularly conducted program of verification of the information provided by the retail or producing agent. Declinations must be documented on a risk-by- risk basis. Section 626.916(1)(a), F.S. "'Diligent effort' means seeking coverage from and having been rejected by at least three authorized insurers currently writing this type of coverage and documenting these rejections." Section 626.914(4), F.S. Under this definition, the "producing agent should contact at least three companies that are actually writing the types of clients and the business in the area [that they are] wanting to write." (Tr. 268.) A specific form to help insurance agents document their three rejections is adopted by Department rule. The rule provides: When placing coverage with an eligible surplus lines insurer, the surplus lines agent must verify that a diligent effort has been made by requiring from the retail or producing agent a properly documented statement of diligent effort on form DI4-1153 (7/94), "Statement of Diligent Effort", which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference. Rule 4J-5.003(1), F.A.C. Fully aware of the requirement for documentation of diligent effort to find authorized insurers, and cognizant that it would be unlikely that an authorized insurer could be found based on experience, Gallagher began soliciting proposals for coverage in the middle of April, 1996, several weeks before the School Board had issued the RFP. In fact, at the time that Gallagher started soliciting bids, the School Board had not yet assembled or distributed the underwriting data needed by bidders. Nonetheless, with good reason based on experience, Gallagher expected that the School Board would seek a "combined lines" package of GL/AL/E & O coverages like the School Board then received through United National, and that it would be unlikely that an authorized insurer would step forward to propose coverage. Gallagher, therefore, used the policy form current in April of 1996, that is the form providing Excess GL/AL/E & O coverage in a "combined lines" package, "as an example of what the School Board had been looking for this type of program and seeking a program similar to that and similar in coverage." (Tr. 242.) But it also sought Excess GL/AL without combination with E & O coverage. As Mr. Marcus testified, when seeking coverage from authorized insurers beginning in April of 1996, Gallagher "would be looking at a variety of different ways, whether they were package or not." (Tr. 243.) One authorized insurer, Zurich-American, declined to quote because it could not offer a combined line SIR program (a package of excess general liability and excess auto liability coverages) as requested by the RFP. Furthermore, the School Board risk was too large for Zurich-American to handle. A second authorized insurer, American International Group, declined to quote due to the School Board's adverse loss experience. A third authorized insurer, APEX/Great American, declined to provide a quote to Gallagher due to the large size of the School Board account. The responses of these three authorized insurers were listed in a Statement of Diligent Effort provided to Ms. Daniels, which she considered in determining that Gallagher and Mr. Marcus had committed no violation of the Surplus Lines Law. Gallagher also provided Ms. Daniels with a second Statement of Diligent Effort. The statement documented the attempt to attract quotes by adding a school leaders errors and omission component to the Excess GL/AL coverage. It, too, was used by Ms. Daniels in making her determination of no violation of the Surplus Lines Law by Gallagher. The same three insurers refused to quote for the "combined lines" program. Attempts by other Authorized Insurers Gallagher requested that any responses to its requests for quotes be submitted by May 10, 1996, so that it could prepare and submit its proposal by the RFP's deadline for submission of original proposals by all vendors, 2:00 p.m. May 16, 1996. One insurer, Discover Re/USF&G attempted to submit a quote on May 15, 1996, one day before the RFP deadline but five days after May 10. By then, Gallagher had already started printing its 625 page proposal. Furthermore, the company failed to provide the required policy forms until the day after the School Board's deadline for filing proposals. Coregis Insurance Company offered coverage of up to $700,000 for each claim and for each occurrence, but like Discover Re/USF&G, failed to provide the required policy forms until after the RFP deadline. Furthermore, definitive coverage under the Coregis policy would only be provided on the condition that the Florida Legislature pass a Legislative Claims bill, a limiting condition not authorized in the RFP or requested by Gallagher. American Home Assurance Company never responded to Gallagher with the School Board's required quote or policy forms. Rather, the company merely provided an "indication" that the company declined to provide a quote. An "indication" consists of an approximate premium rate, without any terms or conditions. A "quote," on the other hand, includes the terms and conditions of a policy. The Department places with the producing agent the responsibility of determining whether an insurer's communication constitutes and "indication" or a "quote." An agent, according to Ms. Daniels, can only violate the Surplus Lines Law if the agent receives a reliable quote. Gallagher even requested a quote from Ranger, despite never having been appointed to transact insurance on its behalf. But Ranger declined. In response to a request by Gallagher's minority business partner, McKinley Financial Services, Ranger, through E. Michael Hoke on American E & S letterhead, wrote in a letter dated May 6, 1996, "[w]e have received a prior submission on this account so we are returning the attached." Intervenor's Ex. No. 7. The Petition Ranger's petition for formal administrative hearing is the letter dated June 19, 1996, to the Director of Purchasing for the School Board under the signature of E. Michael Hoke, CPCU, Assistant Vice President of AES/Ranger Insurance Company. The letter asks its readers to "bear[] in mind we are not attorneys," p. 1 of the letter, before it outlines three protest issues. The third protest issue is the one about which Ms. Daniels made her determination that no violation of the statute had been committed by Gallagher or its employees: "3) Florida Statute 626.901 (Representing or aiding unauthorized insurer prohibited)." The other two issues deal not with the propriety of Gallagher's actions but the legality of the School Board's award to an unauthorized insurer, United National, when coverage was available from an authorized insurer, Ranger: Florida Statute 626.913 (Surplus Lines Law). . . Our Position * * * Ranger Insurance Company is an admitted authorized insurer ... Its proposal for excess general and auto liability is proof that the Board requested coverage was procurable. United National Insurance Company is an unauthorized insurer under the laws of the State of Florida ... . The United National Insurance Company proposal and/or its offer to extend it's current policies appear to us as "unwarranted competition." Ranger Insurance Company is protected from unwarranted competition from United National Insurance Company in accordance with the Florida Statute 626.913. Florida Statute 626.913 (Eligibility for Export) ... Our Position * * * Ranger Insurance Company is an admitted authorized insurer under the laws of the State of Florida. ... It's proposal for excess general and auto liability is proof that the Board requested amounts were available. The proposal and/or contract extensions offered by United National are for the full amount of coverage sought and not excess over the amount procurable from Ranger, an authorized insurer. The petition, therefore, set in issue not just whether Gallagher acted illegally but whether the School Board acted illegally when it made the award to United National, an unauthorized insurer when Ranger, an authorized insurer, had also submitted a proposal. Extension As soon as the School Board was made aware of the Ranger protest, it extended the existing insurance contracts procured under RFP 92-080S, awarded approximately five years earlier. The extension was on a month-to-month basis until resolution of the protest. The extension was necessary to avoid a lapse in the School Board's coverage during this proceeding.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is, hereby, RECOMMENDED: That the award to United National under the Gallagher proposal in response to RFP 97-072S be rescinded. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of January, 1997, in Tallahassee, Florida. DAVID M. MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of January, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Paul R. Ezatoff, Esquire Christopher B. Lunny, Esquire Katz, Kutter, Haigler, Alderman, Marks, Bryant & Yon, P.A. Post Office Box 1877 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1877 Edward J. Marko, Esquire Robert Paul Vignola, Esquire Office of the School Board Attorney K.C. Wright Administrative Building 600 Southeast Third Avenue - 11th Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 A. Kenneth Levine, Esquire Blank, Risby and Meenan, P.A. Post Office Box 11068 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-3068 Dr. Frank Petruzielo, Superintendent Broward County School Board 600 Southeast Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-3125

Florida Laws (11) 120.53120.57624.401626.901626.913626.914626.915626.916626.917626.918626.930
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Oct. 22, 2009 Number: 09-005872 Latest Update: May 21, 2010

The Issue Whether the Department of Management Services properly denied medical insurance reimbursement to Petitioner, a covered dependent of a state employee insured by the State Employees' Preferred Provider Organization health plan, for Genotropin recombinant growth hormone prescribed for the treatment of long- term growth failure associated with idiopathic short stature.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the final hearing, and the entire record in this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The state group insurance program is a package of insurance plans offered to, among others, state employees and their dependents. § 110.123(2)(k), Fla. Stat.1/ Petitioner Arturo Puerto is insured as a dependent of a state employee, and is a participant in the state's group self- insured plan, known as the State Employees' Preferred Provider Organization health plan ("PPO plan" or "state plan"). The state plan includes a state employees' prescription drug program. § 110.12315, Fla. Stat. Pursuant to Section 110.123(3)(c), Florida Statutes, the Department is responsible for contract management and day- to-day management of the state employee health insurance program. Section 110.123(5)(c), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Department to contract with an insurance carrier or professional administrator to administer the state plan. The current contract provider of the state plan's pharmacy program is CareMark Inc. ("CareMark"). However, the Department makes all final decisions concerning the existence of coverage or covered benefits under the state plan. The Department's authority in this regard may not be delegated to a contract provider. § 110.123(5), Fla. Stat. Petitioner was born on February 12, 1992. On or about February 3, 2009, Petitioner's physician prescribed Genotropin, a recombinant growth hormone ("GH")2/ approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") as therapy for short stature, including idiopathic short stature ("ISS"). ISS is short stature that does not have a diagnostic explanation, in an otherwise healthy child. ISS is also called "non-GH-deficient short stature." The Group Health Insurance Plan Booklet and Benefits Document, effective January 1, 2007, as modified on January 1, 2009, includes the terms and conditions of participation in the PPO plan and the benefits provided by the PPO plan. The booklet and benefits document contains a section describing the prescription drug program. Participants in the PPO plan are automatically enrolled in the prescription drug program, which features a network of retail pharmacies and a mail order program. The participant makes a co-payment for covered prescriptions. The booklet and benefits document sets forth a list of drugs that are covered, and a list of drugs that are not covered under the prescription drug program. Under the heading "Important Information about the Prescription Drug Program," the document states the following concerning specialty medications:3/ 5. Certain medications, including most biotech drugs, are only available through Caremark Specialty Pharmacy Services. Generally, these drugs are for chronic or genetic disorders including, but not limited to, multiple sclerosis, growth deficiency and rheumatoid arthritis and may require special delivery options, (i.e. temperature control). Caremark Specialty Pharmacy provides 24/7 access and can be contacted at 1-800-237-2767. * * * 12. As part of the Caremark Specialty Services, Caremark will administer the Advanced Guideline Management program for the State Employees' PPO Plan. Advanced Guideline Management is intended to optimize outcomes and promote the safe, clinically appropriate and cost-effective use of specialty medications supported by evidence based medical guidelines. Failure to meet the criteria for Advanced Guideline Management during the respective use review will result in denial of medication coverage for the Plan participant and discontinuation of medication coverage for the Plan participant in the case of concurrent use review. The Advanced Guideline Management Program is a process by which authorization for a specialty medication is obtained based on the application of currently acceptable medical guidelines and consensus statements for appropriate use of the medication in a specific disease state. Therapies reviewed under the Specialty Guideline Management Program include, but are not limited to, the following: multiple sclerosis, oncology, allergic asthma, human growth hormone, hepatitis C, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and respiratory syncytial virus. Additional therapies may be added from time to time.... CareMark's current guideline covering Genotropin and similar GH medications is set forth in a 2008 CareMark document titled, "Specialty Pharmacy Program for Growth Hormone and Endocrine-Metabolic Disorders." The document contains flow charts describing the criteria employed by CareMark to determine coverage for specific conditions. Among the criteria set forth in the flow chart for prescribing GH to children with ISS is the following question: "Does pre-treatment growth velocity and height meet the AACE (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists) criteria for short stature?" (See Appendix N). If the answer to the question is "no," then the criteria direct that coverage for the prescription of GH should be denied. Appendix N sets forth the following "AACE criteria for short stature": < -2.25 standard deviations below the mean for age and sex based on patient's growth rate, adult height prediction of less than 5'3" for boys and less than 4'11" for girls. Appendix N is based on the AACE's "Medical Guidelines for Clinical Practice for Growth Hormone Use in Adults and Children-- 2003 Update" and a December 2003 AACE Position Statement on growth hormone usage in short children.4/ The CareMark document is not explicit as to whether the quoted elements of the AACE criteria for short stature are to be considered in the disjunctive. However, the AACE Position Statement expressly states that GH use is indicated for ISS only for children whose height is "< - 2.25 standard deviations below the mean and have an adult height prediction of less than 5'3" for boys and less than 4'11" for girls." (Emphasis added.) The height standard deviation criterion used by CareMark to determine the appropriateness of Genotropin therapy as a treatment for ISS was shown to be consistent with FDA criteria and the specifications established by Pfizer, the manufacturer of Genotropin. The medical records submitted on behalf of Petitioner show that at the time Genotropin therapy was prescribed in February 2009, Petitioner's height was 162.5 cm (5'4"). This was 1.66 standard deviations below the mean for his age and sex. Untreated, his predicted final height was 164 cm (5'4 1/2"). At the time Genotropin therapy was prescribed, Petitioner did not meet the height standard deviation requirement. His height standard deviation was 1.66 standard deviations below the mean. The deviation required by the CareMark criteria was greater than 2.25 standard deviations below the mean. At the time Genotropin therapy was prescribed, Petitioner did not meet the adult height prediction requirement. Petitioner was already 5'4" tall and was projected to reach a height of 5'4 1/2" without treatment. The CareMark criteria required a projected adult height without treatment of 5'3" or below. The PPO plan denied payment for the Genotropin therapy because Petitioner did not meet criteria established by CareMark through its Specialty Pharmacy Program guidelines. The booklet and benefits document makes no provision for exceptions to strict conformity to the CareMark criteria. At the hearing, Petitioner's representative acknowledged that Petitioner does not meet the criteria for Genotropin therapy, but requested that the Department order such coverage as an exception to the criteria.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department of Management Services, Division of State Group Insurance enter a final order denying coverage for Petitioner's prescription for Genotropin therapy. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of March, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of March, 2010.

Florida Laws (2) 110.123110.12315
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Aug. 08, 2008 Number: 08-003882 Latest Update: Mar. 23, 2009

The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to a refund of state group life insurance premiums retroactive to the date she became disabled and continuing through the date of approval of a waiver of premium based on disability.

Findings Of Fact During her entire career with the State, Petitioner was employed by the Department of Corrections (DOC). At all times material, DOC, like all State governmental agencies, had its own personnel office. At all times material, the Division of Retirement (Retirement) handled all governmental agencies’ employees’ retirement issues. At all times material, the State has provided its employees, including Petitioner at DOC, with various types of insurance through Respondent Department of Management Services (DMS), Division of State Group Insurance (DSGI), the Respondent herein. For more than 20 years, ending January 1, 2007, the State of Florida provided state officials, employees and retirees basic life insurance coverage through Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential). Although Petitioner retired on full disability in mid- 2000, at all times relevant to these proceedings, Petitioner has continuously participated in the State Group Insurance Program’s (Program’s), life insurance plan (Plan). The Program is authorized by Section 110.123, Florida Statutes. Because of enhanced benefits, employees were required to complete a new life insurance enrollment form during “open enrollment,” conducted in 1999, for coverage beginning January 1, 2000. Petitioner completed the life insurance enrollment form and dated it "10/04/99." Directly below Petitioner's signature on this enrollment form, the following statement appears: Waiver of Premium for Disability If you are totally disabled for a continuous 9 months and are less than 60 years of age at the time disability begins, Prudential will continue your coverage with no premium due, provided you report your disability within 12 months of its start and submit any required proof to Prudential. The second page, last paragraph of the 1999, enrollment form provided an address and a toll-free telephone number for Prudential, and advised participants that the form was intended to provide a summary of benefits, as more completely set out in the certificate. Petitioner produced the enrollment form in response to Respondent's request for production of documents. She identified her signature thereon at hearing, and had the enrollment form admitted in evidence as Exhibit P-1. She also admits in her Proposed Recommended Order that she signed it. Although her testimony waffled in some respects, on the whole, she testified to the effect that she had retained a copy of this form where she had access to it at all times material. She is, therefore, found to have had knowledge of its contents since 1999. Petitioner testified that she never received either a life insurance policy nor a certificate of insurance, from Prudential or from any entity of Florida State Government, and that neither her DOC Personnel Office, Retirement, Florida First,1/ or DMS/DSGI advised her at the time of her retirement in mid-2000, that she could apply to Prudential for a life insurance premium waiver. However, Petitioner also had admitted in evidence as Exhibit P-2, a “Continuation/Termination Form” which she signed on “4-11-00,” stating a retirement date of “3- 10-00.” That form specifies that “. . . the amount of life insurance shall be $10,000 . . .” with a footnote reading, “This [referring to the $10,000, amount] would only apply if Waiver of Premium is not approved.” (Bracketed material supplied.) Also, the credible testimony of Respondent’s witnesses and of exhibits in evidence show that a complete certificate of life insurance was mailed to Petitioner in a timely manner. There is no proof that the insurance certificate varied the substance of the enrollment form as quoted in Finding of Fact 7. Indeed, the certificate provided, in pertinent part: The Policyholder will continue the full premium for continuance of insurance in accordance with item 8 above, [referring to “Total disability commencing before age 60— Unlimited for Employee Term Life Insurance”] provided the employee furnishes written proof of such total disability when and as required by the Policyholder. * * * Period of Extension Protection for a Disabled Employee— one year after receipt by Prudential’s Home Office of written proof that his total disability has existed continuously for at least nine months, provided the employee furnishes such proof no later than one year after the later of (1) the date premium payments for the employee’s insurance under the Group Policy are discontinued or (2) the cessation of any extended death benefit under the provisions for “Extended Death Benefit for Total Disability” above, and successive periods of one year each after the year of extension under (1), provided the employee furnishes written proof of the continuance of the employee’s total disability when and as required by Prudential once each year. Only employees disabled before retirement and under 60 years of age were eligible for the premium waiver. Employees who became disabled during retirement were not eligible for the waiver. By the terms of her enrollment form and certificate, if Petitioner did not notify Prudential before the twelfth month, she could not receive the waiver. When, precisely, Petitioner became “totally disabled” for purposes of her State life insurance certificate’s definition is debatable, because for some time prior to her actual retirement date, she was working off and on while pursuing a “permanent total disability” determination, pursuant to the definition of that term as expressed in Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, The Florida Workers’ Compensation Law. Petitioner ultimately received the workers’ compensation ruling she sought, possibly before March 10, 2000. Petitioner’s last day of work was March 10, 2000, when, she testified, a superior had her forcibly removed from DOC property. Despite her assertion that she was not approved for in-line-of-duty retirement until September 1, 2000, Petitioner also testified that the State granted her retirement upon disability, effective April 1, 2000, and April 1, 2000, is the date put forth by Respondent as Petitioner's disability retirement date, as well. Upon that concurrence, it is found that Petitioner qualified for total disability for State life insurance purposes before retirement and that she qualified for the waiver by age at retirement. When Petitioner retired on disability in 2000, employees of both DOC and of Retirement knew that she was retiring on disability. Retirement provided Petitioner with printed materials referring her to the insurance company and/or DMS/DSGI for insurance questions and stating that Retirement did not administer any insurance programs. There is no evidence Petitioner asked anyone about the waiver in 2000. From her retirement date in mid-2000, until Prudential ultimately granted her a premium waiver in 2007, Petitioner paid the full life insurance premiums to the State Life Trust, either via deduction from her retirement or directly by her own check. From the date of her retirement through December 2006, Petitioner paid $4.20, per month for life insurance, and beginning January 1, 2007, through November 2007, she paid $35.79, per month. According to Petitioner, she only became aware of the availability of the potential waiver of premiums when she received a booklet during open enrollment in October 2007, advising her that beginning January 1, 2008, the State life insurance coverage would be provided through Minnesota Life Insurance. The specific language that caught her eye was: No premium to pay if you become disabled --- If you become totally disabled or as defined in your policy, premiums are waived. Petitioner conceded that there is no substantive difference between the foregoing instruction and the statement on her 1999, enrollment form for Prudential. (See Finding of Fact 7.) Petitioner applied for the Minnesota life insurance, with premium waiver, triggering a series of bureaucratic decisions that maintained her continuous life insurance coverage by Prudential and permitted Petitioner to apply to Prudential for waiver of the life insurance premium as described in her 1999, enrollment form. Although bureaucratic delays occurred through DOC’s personnel office, Prudential accepted Petitioner’s proof of age, disability, etc., and granted the waiver of premiums based on disability. The monthly premiums of $35.79, that Petitioner paid in October and November 2007, were retroactively reimbursed to her by the State, based upon Prudential's receipt of Petitioner's waiver package on October 3, 2007. Beginning in December 2007, Prudential activated the waiver of premium, so that Petitioner has not had to pay any premium since. Adrienne Bowen, a DSGI manager of Prudential contracts for twenty years, testified that, in 1999-2000, Prudential’s waiver did not apply until after nine months of continuous disability and after the participant had reported the disability to Prudential, and after Prudential had approved the waiver of premiums. She further testified that she believed that there was no provision for the waiver to apply retroactively. For this testimony, Ms. Bowen relied upon Exhibit R-11, a “Group Life Administration Manual,” which had been devised so that the State life insurance plan would be consistently administered. On the foregoing issues, The Group Life Administration Manual states, in pertinent part: WAIVER OF PREMIUM When an employee becomes disabled and is unable to work because of a disability, the employee may be eligible to extend the group life coverage without premium payments. In order to extend coverage, the employee must submit proof of disability within the period shown on the Group Contract (generally at least 9 months but less than 12 months after the total disability starts). If the proof is accepted, you may stop the premium on behalf of the employee’s group coverage. We recommend that premium payments continue for that employee until a decision is made regarding the claim. (Emphasis in original.) However, Ms. Bowen also testified that DSGI and Prudential now allow an insured to request the waiver at any time after nine months of continuous disability, without automatic denial if the employee’s first request is not made within 12 months after she first becomes disabled. This was done in Petitioner's situation in 2007. Prudential did not refuse to waive premiums because Petitioner’s application was not made within 12 months of total disability. However, the premiums refunded related back only to the first day of the month in which she made application for waiver. Petitioner seeks a reimbursement for overpayment of premiums from April 1, 2000, to September 30, 2007. Her first request to Respondent for an administrative hearing appears to have been made on or about May 12, 2008. After several levels of internal agency “appeals,” the cause was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings on or about August 28, 2008.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Management Services, Division of State Group Insurance, enter a final order which calculates the State group life insurance premiums Petitioner paid between May 12, 2006, and October 1, 2007, and orders payment to Petitioner of that amount within 30 days of the final order. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of December, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of December, 2008.

Florida Laws (3) 110.123120.569120.57
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002047 Latest Update: May 05, 1991

The Issue Whether Petitioner's claim for medical expenses from August 6, 1982 through February 27, 1983 should be approved, pursuant to the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan. Petitioner appeared at the hearing accompanied by legal counsel. The Hearing Officer thereupon explained his rights and procedures to be followed in the administrative hearing. Petitioner acknowledged that he understood his rights and elected to represent himself. Petitioner testified in his own behalf at the hearing and the parties stipulated to the introduction of Respondent's Exhibits 1 and 2. A late filed exhibit, Respondent's Exhibit 3, was also admitted in evidence. Respondent presented the testimony of one witness, William R. Seaton, Benefit Analyst for the Respondent's Bureau of Insurance.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Thomas J. Appleyard, III, is a former state employee who retired with disability in 1976 as a result of cardiac disease. At the time Petitioner retired, he maintained coverage in the state Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan under which the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. serves as the administrator of the plan for the state. Petitioner also receives disability benefits under the Medicare program for medical expenses. (Testimony of Petitioner) The State Group Health Self Insurance Plan provides in Section X, COORDINATION OF BENEFITS, that if an insured has coverage under Medicare, the benefits payable under the state plan will be coordinated with similar benefits paid under the other coverage to the extent that the combination of benefits will not exceed 100 percent of the costs of services and supplies to the insured. Paragraph D of Section X provides that the state plan will be the secondary coverage in such situations and will pay benefits only to the extent that an insured's existing insurance coverage does not entitle him to receive benefits equal to 100 percent of the allowable covered expenses. This provision applies when the claim is on any insured person covered by Medicare. (Testimony of Seaton, Respondent's Exhibit 3) Petitioner was hospitalized at the Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center on three occasions in 1982-33. His Medicare coverage paid all but $261.75 of the hospital expenses. In February 1983, Petitioner also incurred medical expenses to his cardiologist, Dr. J. Galt Allee, in the amount of $248.33. Petitioner was originally denied his remaining hospital expenses by the administrator of the state plan under the erroneous belief that he was receiving regular Medicare benefits for persons over the age of 65. In addition, Dr. Allee's bill was only partially paid by Medicare, subject to the receipt of additional information from the physician. Payment under the state plan was limited to an amount sufficient to reimburse petitioner 100 percent of the amount originally allowed by Medicare. (Testimony of Seaton, petitioner, Respondent's Exhibit 1, 3) Respondent does not receive information on claims filed under the state plan until contacted by an employee. In February 1984, Petitioner requested assistance from William R. Seaton, Benefit Analyst, of Respondent's Bureau of Insurance, regarding his difficulties in receiving proper claims payments. Seaton investigated the matter with the Insurance administrator for the state, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida, and discovered that the latter had not coordinated the hospital expense balance with Medicare. They thereafter did so and as of the date of hearing, there was no longer a balance due to Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center. Seaton also gave written instructions to Blue Cross to review all of Petitioner's claims and make sure that they were paid properly, and to install controls on his and his wife's records. (Testimony of Petitioner, Seaton, Respondent's Exhibit 1-2) The full claim of Dr. Allee had not been paid by Medicare since it had been awaiting requested additional in formation from the physician. Such information was provided after a personal visit had been made to Dr. Allee by Seaton and Medicare then recognized additional eligible expenses. However, a balance of $36.00 is still owed to the physician due to the fact that Blue Cross/Blue Shield had not received the necessary payment information from Medicare as of the day before the hearing. (Testimony of Seaton, Respondent's Exhibit 1) Section XVII of the state's Group Health Self Insurance Plan benefit document provides that an employee who wishes to contest decisions of the state administrator considering the employee's coverage under the plan may submit a petition for a hearing for consideration by the Secretary of Administration. (Respondent's Exhibit 3)

Florida Laws (1) 110.123
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000301 Latest Update: Jul. 18, 1989

The Issue The issue at the hearing was whether Petitioner is entitled to a premium refund of her health insurance premium.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Mildred Daw, is a retired State employee. She is enrolled in the State of Florida, State Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan (the Plan). Prior to retiring, Petitioner amended her coverage in the Plan, changing from single coverage to family coverage. Petitioner modified her coverage so that her husband would be covered under the Plan. Petitioner's husband was under age 65 and qualified for Medicare Parts A and B. Petitioner was not qualified for Medicare coverage. The premium for family coverage was $178.44 per month. Petitioner began paying this amount shortly before she retired in December 1984. By letter dated, July 8, 1985, the Division of State Employees' Insurance notified retirees that: If you are under age 65 and eligible for Medicare Part A and B because of disability, you may now be eligible for Medicare Coordination coverage at the reduced rate. Please notify our office if you are eligible and send a copy of your Medicare card. Your premium will be reduced the month following our receipt of your notice and the copy of your Medicare card. The letter was sent to retirees and made no mention of surviving spouses or that a current spouse, who fit within the Medicare category, could qualify the insured for Medicare Coordination coverage. The Medicare Coordination coverage is the only program that the State offers in which it is the spouse of the insured/retiree who can qualify the insured for new benefits or different coverage. In this case, the different coverage or new benefit was solely a reduction in premium. Otherwise, the benefits under the family coverage and the Medicare Coordination coverage were the same. An ordinary person reading the letter would not have been placed on notice and would not have assumed that anyone other than the retiree was covered by the letter. If Petitioner had immediately elected the Medicare Coordination coverage, her premium would have been reduced by $42.76 a month, beginning with the August 1985, payment. The July 8, 1985, letter was mailed by first class mail to all retired State employees in the Plan. The business practice of the Division is to mail any such letters to the address of the retiree listed with the Division of Retirement and given to the Division of State Employees' Insurance or to the most current address the Division of Employees Insurance has for that particular retiree. In this case, the address which the Division of Retirement would have had on Petitioner in 1985 was her old address in Jacksonville. However, by July 1985, Petitioner had mailed the Division of State Employees' Insurance a change of address card with her new Pensacola address. She did not mail the Division of Retirement a change of address. There is no evidence as to which address the Respondent mailed the July 8, 1985, letter. Without such evidence Respondent is not entitled to a presumption of proper notice when a letter is mailed to a party with the correct address. Petitioner does not remember receiving the July 8, 1985, letter. She would have elected the Medicare Coordination coverage had she been aware of its availability. Petitioner became aware of her eligibility for reduced premiums in October 1987, when she received an informational bulletin from the Division of State Employees' Insurance. The bulletin stated the premium rates for various types of insurance coverage, including the reduced premiums for family coverage with members of the family who are qualified for Medicare benefits. Petitioner telephoned the Division and was instructed by Division personnel to send in a copy of her husband's Medicare card in order to establish her eligibility for the reduced premium. Petitioner sent a copy of her husband's Medicare card to the Division in October 1987. On November 6, 1987, Petitioner requested a refund of excess insurance premiums paid from July 1985, through November 1987. On December 28, 1987, Petitioner was informed by the Respondent that the earliest date a change in coverage could become effective was October 1987, because Petitioner had not applied for a change of coverage prior to that time. Petitioner was awarded an excess premium refund for the premium paid for November coverage. The Rules governing the Plan are found in Chapter 22I-1, Florida Administrative Code. This Chapter generally requires that an employee or retiree perform an affirmative act, by completing an informational form and sending it to the Department, before any change in coverage can be effectuated. The reason for such a requirement is that the Department has no way of knowing the number of eligible employees or retirees, without being supplied that information from the insureds, so that the Plan's administrator can better manage the Plan's funds to provide an adequate amount for the payment of claims. However, competing with this Rule is the Respondent's policy that a retiree who is otherwise eligible for certain benefits, but did not receive any notice of such eligibility is entitled to retroactive benefits. This policy is based on the Division's duty to administer the State's health plan, including notifying retirees of the availability of new types of coverage or benefits. The evidence showed that this policy takes precedence over the Rule when the Division has failed to notify an eligible retiree. In this case the Division failed to notify Petitioner of her eligibility for Medicare Coordination coverage due to her spouse's qualifications. Petitioner is therefore entitled to retroactive benefits beginning July 1985. Since the benefit of the Medicare Coordination coverage is a reduced premium, Petitioner is entitled to a refund of the excess premium of $42.76 a month from July 1985, through October 1987. The refund for that time period totals $1,154.52.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Administration enter a Final Order refunding to Petitioner excess premiums paid to the Department in the amount of $1,154.52. DONE and ENTERED this 18th day of July, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of July, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 89-301 The facts contained in paragraphs a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j and k of Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact are adopted in substance, in so far as material. The facts contained in paragraphs l, m, and n of Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Facts are subordinate. The facts contained in paragraph p of Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Facts were not shown by the evidence. The facts contained in paragraph o of Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact are rejected. The facts contained in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are adopted in substance, in so far as material. The facts contained in paragraphs 13 and 14 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are subordinate. The facts contained in paragraph 7 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact were not shown by the evidence except for the fact relating to the letter being mailed first class mail. COPIES FURNISHED: Karren Lessard 15 West La Rua Street Pensacola, Florida 32521 Larry D. Scott Senior Attorney Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Andrew McMullian III Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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