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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-000049 Latest Update: Jun. 29, 1984

The Issue Whether respondent's Florida Teacher's Certificate should be revoked or otherwise disciplined on charges of professional misconduct, including gross immorality, acts involving moral turpitude, conduct which seriously reduces his effectiveness as an employee of the school board, intentionally exposing a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement, exploiting a professional relationship with a student for personal gain, and failing to conform to standards of ethical conduct, in violation of Section 231.28, Florida Statutes, and Rules 6B-1.06(3)(e) and (h), and 6B-1.01(3), Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Teacher's Certificate 342171, covering the area of physical education. At all times material to the administrative complaint, respondent was employed as a physical education teacher at Lake Worth High School in the Palm Beach County School District. From 1973, when he joined the Palm Beach County School District, to the date of his suspension for the acts complained of in the administrative complaint, he was consistently rated to be a good teacher. His teaching ability and performance were not in question. He also maintained a close relationship with his students, frequently assisting them beyond the requirements of his job. On the afternoon of May 23, 1983, at approximately 2:30 p.m., respondent entered the K-Mart department store in Lantana, Florida, accompanied by his niece, Cathy Brown. While shopping in the store, he selected a 68-quart cooler, bearing a price tag of $43.58, then proceeded to the hardware department, where he selected a Black and Decker electric drill, bearing a price tag of $22.99. He left the hardware department and proceeded to the garden/patio area or Garden Shop. Before reaching the double glass doors separating the main building from the Garden Shop, he stopped and placed the large box (containing the 68-quart cooler) and the small box (containing the electric drill) on the floor at the end of an aisle approximately 30 feet from the double glass doors. Be then walked directly to the double glass doors opening onto the Garden Shop, and glanced in the direction of the checkout counter located at the Garden Shop exit. He then walked back past the cooler and electric drill, and proceeded into the appliance department where he met Cathy Brown. Ms. Brown had previously selected a package of hair curlers, bearing a price tag of $1.38. He and Ms. Brown briefly examined several items on a display counter in the appliance department, then returned to the place where he had placed the cooler and electric drill. He picked up these two items and proceeded to the Garden Shop; Cathy Brown, who was carrying the hair curlers, accompanied him. Jeanette Grimes, a 17-year-old Lake Worth High School student, was--at that particular time--the cashier at the register located at the Garden Shop checkout counter. Ms. Grimes knew respondent. Be had been her physical education teacher for two years and basketball coach for one year. She considered him a friend. As respondent approached the checkout counter where Ms. Grimes was serving as cashier, he placed the box containing the cooler and the box containing the electric drill on the floor at the far end of the checkout counter, not on the counter itself. At that time there were customers at the checkout counter who were being waited on by Ms. Grimes. He and Cathy Brown walked away from the checkout counter and began looking at plants. After Ms. Grimes had finished checking out the customers at her counter, he and Ms. Brown again approached the checkout counter, where he engaged Ms. Grimes in conversation. At no time did he place any items on the counter for Ms. Grimes to examine and ring up. At that time she rang up a $1.00 item and a $5.00 item, totalled the transaction at $6.00, then rang up a $.30 tax, and totalled the transaction at $6.30. He handed Ms. Grimes $10.00 in payment for the merchandise. She mistakenly rang up $10.00 for an additional item of merchandise, voided the $10.00 item off her tape, and re-rang $10.00 as cash tendered. At that point the cash register opened and indicated that change in the amount of $3.70 was due. Ms. Grimes gave respondent $3.70 in change and a receipt for the transaction. During the course of ringing up the transaction, the items of merchandise remained on the floor at the end of the counter. Ms. Grimes did not pick up the items and examine them for a price tag while ringing up the amounts. Upon the completion of the transaction, Ms. Brown engaged Ms. Grimes in conversation. Ms. Brown handed to Ms. Grimes the box containing the electric drill and the package containing the curlers; Ms. Grimes placed the items into a bag which she gave to Ms. Brown. Respondent then picked up the box containing the 68-quart cooler and left the store, accompanied by Ms. Brown, who carried the bag containing the curlers and the electric drill. Both respondent and Ms. Brown were aware that they had not paid the full price for the merchandise, and that what they were doing was wrong. Mr. Frank Heim, K-Mart's Lobs Prevention Manager, (store detective) observed respondent's activities in the K-Mart continuously, from the time respondent selected the electric drill in the hardware department to his exit from the store. Mr. Heim observed the transaction at the checkout counter, then immediately proceeded to Ms. Grimes' register, examined the register tape, and proceeded to the parking lot to ask that respondent return to the store. Mr. Heim located respondent at his (respondent's) truck in the parking lot. Respondent had placed the cooler in the back of his truck and Cathy Brown was still holding the bag containing the curlers and the electric drill. Mr. Heim identified himself to respondent, advised him of a problem with the purchase which he had just made, and requested that he return to the store with the merchandise to clear the matter up. Respondent replied that he had paid for the merchandise and had a receipt, that it was not his fault if the cashier rang up the wrong prices. After some additional conversation, respondent removed the cooler from the back of his truck and accompanied Mr. Heim back to the store. Upon entering the store through the Garden Shop entrance, respondent placed the cooler on the floor just inside the entrance, then stopped and attempted to discuss the matter with Mr. Heim. Mr. Heim advised respondent that they could not discuss the matter at that location, that they would have to go to his office. As they approached Mr. Heim's office, respondent again stopped, placed the cooler and the bag containing the other two items on the floor, and stated to Mr. Heim that he was not going inside his office. Mr. Heim replied that they could not discuss the matter in the store, and that respondent would have to accompany him inside his office. Respondent replied that he did not have time to discuss the matter, that he was in a hurry and had to leave. Mr. Heim then advised respondent that he was not free to leave and that he was being detained for shoplifting. Respondent became agitated, stated "You've got your stuff back," and began walking away. Mr. Heim sought help from others, then blocked respondent's path at the glass doors between the main store and the Garden Shop. He told respondent not to make the situation worse by trying to leave the store, but respondent attempted to force his way by Mr. Heim. Mr. Heim grabbed him by the arm and a brief scuffle ensued. At that point, respondent ripped up his cash register receipt and discarded the remnants onto a display counter. Mr. Heim immediately retrieved the remnants and later Scotch- taped the pieces together. After respondent became calmer, he returned with Mr. Heim to his office. After entering the office, Mr. Heim advised respondent of his "Miranda" rights. Mr. Heim asked him for identification and asked him to empty his pockets in order to make sure he had no weapons. Respondent removed a total of approximately $22.00 from one of his socks while in the office. Respondent admits that at the time he entered the K-Mart store, he had only approximately $30.00 on his person. The total retail price of the three items, according to the price tags affixed to each, totalled $67.95. In response to Mr. Heim's questions, respondent continuously stated that it was not his fault that the cashier rang up the wrong prices and that he paid her the amount she rang up. Conflicting accounts of this incident were given by Mr. Heim and respondent. Taking into account Mr. Heim's detached and professional manner, and his lack of apparent bias or motive to falsify, it is concluded that his testimony is more credible than respondent's, and is persuasive. As a result of this incident, respondent was arrested and charged with the crime of retail theft. Based upon the circumstances described herein, Jeanette Grimes was fired by the K-Mart department store. She was also arrested and charged with the crime of retail theft. Jeanette Grimes' job at K-Mart was a requirement for one of her school classes, "Work Experience." As a result of her being fired, she failed the course. Respondent's effectiveness as a teacher was seriously reduced as a result of his conduct and the accompanying notoriety which it received in the community. The circumstances of his offense, his arrest, and his suspension from his teaching position, all received notoriety through publication of articles in three newspapers of general circulation in the Lake Worth community.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Education Practices Commission find respondent guilty of violating Section 231.28 and Rule 6B-1.06, as alleged, and revoke his Florida Teacher's Certificate. DONE and ENTERED this 4th day of May, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of May, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: J. David Holder, Esquire P. O. Box 1694 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 John Chamblee, Esquire 202 Cardy Street Tampa, Florida 33606 Donald L. Griesheimer, Executive Director Department of Education Education Practices Commission Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ralph D. Turlington, Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 1.01120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001575 Latest Update: Nov. 06, 1989

Findings Of Fact William Haynes Gandy, for 17 years a school teacher and coach, began his most recent stretch of employment with the Santa Rosa County School Board in the fall of 1978 at Jay High School. He coached football and taught girls' physical education and math courses during the 1978-1979 school year, even though he held a teacher's certificate in physical education only, at all pertinent times. Coaching assignments entail a certain amount of prestige and entitle their recipients to a salary supplement. In Santa Rosa County, school principals make coaching assignments in their unfettered discretion. LETTER NO FACTOR On July 1, 1979, Mary Cecelia Diamond Findley, assistant principal of Jay High School during the preceding school year, became principal. During Dr. Findley's first year as principal, Mr. Gandy taught math and science courses. In the fall of the year, a student asked petitioner to write a letter on her behalf, because she had been accused of a burglary. Dr. Findley's son had also been charged with this crime. On November 30, 1979, Mr. Gandy addressed the following letter "To Whom it May Concern" and gave it to the student's parents: I, W. H. Gandy, being employed by Santa Rosa County School Board as an in- structor at Jay High School do hereby give the following statement in behalf of Karen Cooley. I have known this student for several years. She was in my class last year and was an excellent student. I found her to be very cooperative, initiative [sic] and enthusiastic young student. Her capabilities and talents are unlimited if she applied herself. I know of no past conflicts or involvements in our community or school which would reflect on her character. In working directly with young people for the past 15 years, I have found that most all students need help at one time or another. Of course, their needs vary, from personal, emotional problems, school discipline problems, to problems with the laws of our society and state. I feel Karen realized what she did was wrong and now must face the consequences. She has already been subjected to the scrutiny of her classmates at school, to the embarrassment of hurting her parents and family, and to the fact that she took part in crime and now has a record which will remain with her the rest of her life. Karen cannot undo the wrong she has done, but certainly since this is her First Offense, and she has the ability and desire to mature into a useful citizen in our community, she should be given this opportunity. I hope and pray that she will be given some kind of a probation period and given the opportunity to finish school and start a meaningful life of her own. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1 He told no one other than the Cooleys and Karen's attorney about the letter, at the time. Dr. Findley did not learn of the letter until this year. Dr. Findley's decision not to reappoint Mr. Gandy as assistant football coach, more than two and a half years after the letter was written, took place after discussions with the head football coach and had nothing to do with the letter or any other exercise by petitioner of his first amendment rights. TRANSFER Beginning with the 1979-1980 school term, Mr. Gandy has been on continuing contract as a teacher for respondent. On Dr. Findley's recommendation, at the close of the 1982-1983 school year, and that of Bennett C. Russell, respondent's superintendent, respondent transferred Mr. Gandy to the Gulf Breeze Middle School. Originally he was to teach health classes there, but he was assigned physical education classes after his request for formal hearing was filed. Respondent had taught some classes out of his field every year he was at Jay High School. Before the letter on behalf of Ms. Cooley was ever written, and, according to petitioner, before there were any ill feelings between Dr. Findley and himself, he was assigned exclusively math and science courses for the 1979-1980 school year. In 1980-1981, and again the following school year, Mr. Gandy taught a single physical education class and several math classes. He taught math courses exclusively during the 1982-1983 school year. By the spring of 1983, there were five teachers at Jay High School who had taught there shorter periods than the five years petitioner had taught at Jay High School. Of these, Oliver Boone, the band director, and Deborah Walther, who was certified in art and science, were retained. Desiree Jamar, who was certified in art, was transferred; and the two other junior teachers did not have their annual contracts renewed. One of these two, Deborah Gomillion, who is certified to teach exceptional education classes, was subsequently rehired to head the exceptional education program at Jay High School. Five of the 32 teachers at Jay High School for the 1982-1983 school year were certified in physical education, but, unlike respondent, some of them were certified to teach other subjects, as well. Respondent transferred another coach from Jay High School who was certified in social studies as well as physical education. There was only one teacher certified in mathematics for the 1982-1983 school year. Respondent hired a second certified mathematics teacher for 1983-1984 who was to teach five mathematics courses and coach football at Jay High School. On July 28, 1983, respondent hired a teacher certified in physical education to teach at Pace High School. Dr. Findley and Mr. Gandy had their differences. She believed him guilty of certain improprieties never formally established. He resented a notice of non-renewal Dr. Findley, under the erroneous impression that Mr. Gandy had not yet been awarded a continuing contract, sent in response to instructions so to notify all annual contract teachers who taught compensatory classes like the math classes he was teaching at the time. The low esteem in which Dr. Findley held petitioner was a factor in her recommending that he be transferred. The superintendent was aware of the friction, but he made his decision "because we were cutting back personnel at Jay High School and we had a position available at Gulf Breeze Middle School." (T. 129) Respondent's superintendent did not accept her recommendation that petitioner be transferred just to keep the peace. Dr. Findley herself was transferred from Jay High School for the 1983-1984 school year. The continuing contract of employment between the parties does not grant petitioner the right to teach in a particular school. Joint Exhibit No. The master contract in effect between Santa Rosa County School Board and the Santa Rosa Professional Educators provides: Involuntary transfer of teachers shall be made by the Superintendent and Board based upon: l) Santa Rosa County School District needs as determined by the Superintendent and the Board; 2) certification; 3) length of service in Santa Rosa County; and, 4) any other data. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 6, p. 8. Article IV of the same agreement establishes in detail a grievance procedure, but does not make it mandatory or exclusive.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That respondent dismiss petitioner's request for hearing, without prejudice to his filing a grievance as regards his transfer. DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of September, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of September, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Philip J. Padovano, Esquire 1020 East Lafayette Street Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Paul R. Green, Esquire Post Office Box 605 Milton, Florida 32570

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jul. 28, 2014 Number: 14-003509TTS Latest Update: Apr. 02, 2015

The Issue Whether just cause exists for Petitioner to suspend Respondent for 10 days without pay.

Findings Of Fact The School Board is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within Broward County, Florida. At all times material to this case, Respondent was employed by the School Board as a kindergarten teacher at Park Lakes Elementary School (“Park Lakes”), a public school in Broward County, Florida. The proposed discipline is based upon conduct occurring on Thursday, May 15, 2014, during the 2013-2014 school year. During the 2013-2014 school year, Kerlaine Louis was a paraprofessional assigned to Respondent’s class. On May 15, 2014, Respondent and Ms. Louis took thirteen of Respondent’s kindergarten students to the City of Lauderhill Mullins Park Pool Facility (“pool facility”) to participate in a water-safety class.1/ To get to the pool facility on May 15, 2014, Respondent, Ms. Louis, and the thirteen students rode together on a standard Broward County school bus. The bus picked up Respondent, Ms. Louis, and the thirteen students from Park Lakes at approximately 11:00 a.m. Respondent and Ms. Louis loaded the students onto the school bus at that time. Approximately 10-15 minutes later, the bus arrived at the pool facility with all of the thirteen students present. The bus drove directly from the school to the pool facility, and dropped Respondent, Ms. Louis, and the thirteen students off in front of the building where the pool facility is located. The pool is located behind the building. The thirteen students were scheduled to start their water-safety class at 11:30 a.m. The class was scheduled to end at 12:00 p.m. However, due to bad weather, the class was canceled. Respondent learned of the cancellation of the class after arriving at the pool and exiting the school bus with the children. Because the class was canceled, Respondent, Ms. Louis, and the thirteen students gathered in the patio area located in the back of the pool facility (behind the building and near the pool), where they waited under a covered patio area for the school bus to return to pick them up and bring them back to the school. Respondent brought some paperwork with her to work on at the pool facility. While waiting on the bus to return, the students interacted with each other. During this time, Ms. Louis spent most of her time pre-occupied with an exceptional student in the class who is autistic.2/ No lifeguards were on duty or in close proximity to the students and nobody was in the pool. While waiting for the bus to return to the pool facility, Respondent left the patio area and went inside the building. Respondent returned to the patio area in the back of the pool facility after being gone approximately five minutes. As she returned to the patio area, Respondent saw the bus coming around the front of the building. The bus returned to the pool facility at approximately 12:00 p.m. to pick up Respondent, Ms. Louis, and the thirteen students. Respondent gathered the children to walk them to the area where they would board the bus. Because it was raining, Respondent, Ms. Louis, and many of the children quickly boarded the bus. Shortly thereafter, the bus departed for the return trip to Park Lakes. However, by the time the school bus returned to the school at approximately 12:30 p.m., only Respondent, Ms. Louis, and eleven of Respondent’s students were on the bus. Two of Respondent’s students were left behind at the pool facility, unsupervised after Respondent and Ms. Louis left the pool facility without checking to see that all of the students were accounted for. Respondent did not realize that two of her students had been left behind at the pool facility until sometime after returning with the other students to her classroom at Park Lakes.3/ The two students that were left behind at the pool facility had gone to the bathroom. The bathroom is located along an exterior corridor of the building. Taking attendance and conducting a “head-count” of kindergarten students is an essential duty of a kindergarten teacher. Taking attendance and conducting a “head-count” of kindergarten students is required of all kindergarten teachers at Park Lakes at every transition point during a field-trip. A transition point occurs whenever there is movement of the children. Taking attendance and conducting a “head-count” of Respondents’ students who were participating in the water-safety class at every transition point was necessary to insure that all of Respondents’ students who were participating were accounted for and remained safe. The responsibility for that task fell on Respondent. Respondent was expected to take attendance and conduct a “head-count” of the students taking the water-safety class as they were leaving the classroom; as they were exiting the school; as they were boarding the bus; and while they were in route to the pool facility. Respondent was also expected to take attendance and conduct a “head-count” of the students taking the water-safety class when they exited the pool facility; as they boarded the bus to return to the school; while they were on the bus in route back to the school; and upon the students’ return to the school after departing the bus. At hearing, Respondent acknowledged that she failed to take attendance or conduct a “head-count” of her students prior to boarding the bus at the pool facility to return to the school. Furthermore, Respondent acknowledged at hearing that she failed to take attendance or conduct a “head-count” of her students while on the bus during the return trip to the school, or at the school after returning to the school. At hearing, Respondent conceded that she “dropped the ball” by failing to take attendance and conduct a “head-count” of her students before getting on the bus at the pool to return to the school, on the bus during the return trip to the school, and when she returned to the school. Had Respondent taken attendance and a “head-count” of her students while at the pool facility just prior to boarding the bus to return to the school, or while on the bus before leaving the pool facility, she would have discovered that two of the students were missing, and the children would not have been left behind at the pool facility. Respondent was visibly upset and remorseful of her conduct at the hearing. Within five minutes after the school bus departed to return to the school, April Nixon, a lifeguard at the pool facility who was inside the building, encountered the two children standing in an interior hallway of the pool facility. Ms. Nixon immediately called Park Lakes to report that the two students had been left behind; she locked all of the doors, and she remained with the students from the point she discovered them until two Park Lakes employees came to pick them up at approximately 1:25 p.m., and return them to the school. Significantly, for several minutes after the bus departed to return to the school, the two students were unsupervised, and their physical health and safety were in jeopardy. They could have easily wandered into the pool and drowned; walked further outside of the facility where they could have been kidnapped; or walked into a large lake, which is located very close to the perimeter of the pool facility-- accessible through a short walk through an unlocked door. Respondent failed to make reasonable effort to protect the two students from conditions harmful to their physical health and safety by failing to take attendance and conduct a “head- count” of the students in her class on multiple occasions on May 15, 2014, including: 1) when the students exited the pool facility to return to the bus; 2) as they boarded the bus at the pool facility to return to the school; 3) while they were on the bus in route back to the school; and 4) upon the students’ return to the school after departing the bus. Respondent’s conduct on May 15, 2014, also demonstrates incompetency due to inefficiency.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board enter a final order suspending Respondent without pay for 10 days. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of January, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DARREN A. SCHWARTZ Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of January, 2015.

Florida Laws (7) 1001.021012.011012.221012.33120.536120.569120.57
# 3
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Mar. 31, 1994 Number: 94-001754 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 1995

The Issue Did Respondent leave the Southside Middle School campus without permission in the 1989-90 school year; in that same year, did Respondent make a threatening complaint in writing to Vice Principal, Peggy Williams; in that same year, did Respondent fail to submit a written report of a fight between students; did Respondent use profanity in the school year 1990-91 while employed at Southside Middle School; did Respondent leave campus without permission and leave his classes unattended in the school year 1991-92 while employed at Lake Shore Middle School; did Respondent engage in inappropriate conduct with students by grabbing a male student, M.F., by the shoulders and squeezing that student's shoulders and making that student go to his knees in the school year 1992-93 while employed at Lake Shore Middle School; did Respondent in that same year grab and hit A.H. in the chest and in the stomach; did Respondent in that same year pull the student, J.W.'s ear; did Respondent in that same year plan a field trip to Walt Disney World, Florida, without approval from the Duval County School District; did Respondent fail to follow district procedures for purchasing t-shirts and sweatshirts for students; did Respondent in the school year 1993-94 while employed at the Lake Shore Middle School fail to comply with guidelines in submitting a "no show" list related to student attendance; and did Respondent engage in profanity in the presence of students in that same year?

Findings Of Fact At times relevant to the inquiry Respondent has held Florida teaching certificate number 638543 covering the areas of health, biology, and physical education. In the fall of 1989, Respondent began employment with the Duval County, Florida, School Board in a teaching position at Southside Middle School. While serving as a teacher at Southside Middle School, Respondent broke up a fight between two students that was occurring in a hallway. Following the incident his obligation was to file a written report detailing the facts. That report was due immediately. The Respondent had to be reminded twice before rendering the report. The report was rendered before the students met with a school hearing officer to resolve the incident. In the fall of 1991, Respondent voluntarily transferred to an assignment at Lake Shore Middle School. That school is also part of the Duval County School District. On one occasion while Respondent was employed at Lake Shore Middle School, Timothy Hamel, another teacher at that school, observed that Respondent's class had been left unattended from approximately 3:40 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. On another occasion, while Respondent was employed at Lake Shore Middle School, Respondent left campus at a time when he did not have classes and did not return until after school had concluded for the day. As a consequence, he missed instruction periods for some classes that he was responsible for teaching. This circumstance was established through testimony from Arlene Guthrie, Assistant Principal for Curriculum at Lake Shore Middle School. The proof submitted at hearing did not satisfactorily demonstrate that the Respondent had made arrangements to cover classes which he missed on this occasion. In the spring of 1993, Respondent was interested in taking some students on a field trip to Walt Disney World, Florida. A conversation was held between the Principal at Lake Shore Middle School and the Respondent concerning this field trip. The principal was persuaded that it was too late in the year to schedule a field trip. Nonetheless, Respondent replied that he was going on the field trip and would rent a van on his own to transport the students, separate and apart from school sanctioned transportation. In the conversation concerning the field trip, the principal asked Respondent if he had obtained parent/guardian permission slips for the students to attend the outing. Respondent replied in the affirmative. A permission information sheet directed to the parents or guardians pertaining to the nature of the field trip was prepared on the Lake Shore Middle School letterhead and signed by Respondent, as sponsor for a school club known as Manhood, Achievement, Community Service. That information sheet indicated that the trip would take place on May 28-30, 1993. Further, it indicated that expenses would be taken care of, except for meals and spending money for the students. The correspondence went on to indicate that the parents or guardians would be informed of the hotel address after receipt of confirmation of room reservations. The information sheet indicated the departure and return time. Respondent confirmed the knowledge of the parents about those details by having them sign the information sheet. As discussed between Respondent and the principal, there was no mention in the information sheet about Respondent arranging for transportation on his own by renting a van. When the principal asked Respondent about the duration of the trip, Respondent indicated that it was more than a single-day trip. The principal wanted to know if Respondent had made arrangements for a place to stay. At that time, Respondent replied that no such arrangements had been made but that Respondent would obtain a place to stay. The principal was not convinced that the parents and guardians were sufficiently apprised of the nature of this outing and told Respondent that Respondent could not take the trip. After the conclusion of the conversation between the Respondent and the principal, Respondent still insisted that he was going on the field trip to Walt Disney World. In the conversation between the principal and Respondent concerning the field trip, the issue related to the payment for the trip was addressed. The principal was concerned that there was not enough money to pay for the trip and asked the Respondent how the balance of the money was to be paid. Respondent replied that the parents would pay. When the principal asked if Respondent had consulted with the parents concerning this additional cost, the answer was no. The conference between the principal and Respondent was held two or three days before the trip was to take place. When it became obvious that the school district, from the principal's perspective, did not wish to sanction the trip, matters were left in the posture that if the Respondent wanted to go on the trip as an adult in charge of those children, then that arrangement would have to be carried out between Respondent and the parents. In that setting of a private trip the school district did not want the Respondent to create the appearance that the trip was a trip sanctioned by the school district. Eventually correspondence was given to the Respondent from Gerlieve R. Oliver, Assistant Superintendent, Middle Schools, Duval County School System, confirming that the Respondent did not have permission to take an official school trip to Disney World. The correspondence also informed the Respondent that he could not take a non-school related trip, given that the written communications to parents concerning the trip was made on school letter head, thus creating the appearance of being a school sponsored trip. This appearance caused the school district to instruct the Respondent that he could not take a non-school trip either. This communication dated May 26, 1993, informed the Respondent that the parents or guardians of the students who were to be taken on the trip would be made aware of the telephone conversation between the Respondent and Ms. Oliver concerning the field trip. The conversation between Respondent and Assistant Superintendent Oliver was instigated by Respondent. It is that telephone conversation that led to the preparation of the correspondence. The correspondence from the assistant superintendent to the Respondent reminded the Respondent that if he failed to follow the directions that he might put himself in jeopardy concerning employment with the district and admonished Respondent to be more careful in adhering to directions. The correspondence from Ms. Oliver to Respondent also mentioned that if Respondent were more careful about following procedures in the future that this would result in the Respondent being able to provide opportunities for his students. This is taken to mean opportunities such as field trips. While Respondent was employed at Lake Shore Middle School there was a policy related to what is referred to as a "no show" list. In particular, at the commencement of the school year a given school counts the number of students in attendance as a means of determining the amount of money the school is entitled to for conducting its operations. The expectation is that the individual school teacher will document this count by calling a roll each day and turning in a slip to the administrative offices verifying the students who did not attend school on that day. Respondent did not comply with that requirement. While Respondent was teaching at Lake Shore Middle School an incident occurred between male students K.A. and M.F. in the school lunch room. K.A. and M.F. were arguing. Respondent came over and broke up the argument by grabbing both of the students by their respective shoulders. On two other occasions while Respondent was in the lunch room with the students, he grabbed A.H. around the neck in the first encounter and the second encounter grabbed that student by the shoulder. When Respondent grabbed A.H. around the neck the student winced and frowned. The reason for that initial encounter between the Respondent and A.H. is not clear. On the second occasion Respondent grabbed A.H. by the shoulder, A.H. had similar expression in that he winced and frowned. Again it is unclear concerning the reason for Respondent's actions. In the experience of K.A., while attending a class taught by Respondent, he observed Respondent curse in class on a somewhat frequent basis. That frequency was as much as four times a day, three days a week. On one occasion K.A. observed Respondent grab D.A. around the neck and tell D.A. to sit down or Respondent was going to be "kicking his fucking ass." Other curse words that K.A. heard the Respondent use were words like "ass", "damn", and "asshole". According to Ms. Guthrie, an expert in education, cursing in front of students, using inappropriate discipline such as grabbing necks and shoulders of students and leaving the class unattended on more than one occasion, constitutes a circumstance in which the Respondent has lost his effectiveness as a teacher. That opinion by Ms. Guthrie is accepted.

Recommendation Based on the consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding Respondent in violation of the four counts in the Administrative Complaint and suspending the Respondent's teaching certificate for thirty (30) days. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of March, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of March, 1995. COPIES FURNISHED: Nathan L. Bond, Esquire 2121 Killarney Way, Suite G Tallahassee, Florida 32308 J. David Holder, Esquire 1408 Piedmont Way Tallahassee, Florida 32312 Steven A. Williams 6200 South Barnes Road, P-20 Jacksonville, Florida 32216-5633 Karen Wilde, Executive Director Education Practices Commission 301 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Kathleen M. Richards, Administrator Professional Practices Services 352 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida May 20, 1994 Number: 94-002877 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 1995

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent should deny Petitioner's application for a teaching certificate.

Findings Of Fact 1. Petitioner submitted her application for a teaching certificate on May 26, 1993. Respondent notified Petitioner of its proposed denial of the application on April 5, 1994. Respondent's proposed agency action is based on events that occurred while Petitioner was teaching in the Florida public school system in 1988 and 1989. Background From August, 1988, until February, 1989, Petitioner taught Spanish as a first-year teacher at Lake Wales Senior High School ("Lake Wales") in Polk County, Florida. In the fall of 1988, Petitioner met Brian Keith Swinney. Mr. Swinney was a junior at Lake Wales but was not one of Petitioner's students. Mr. Swinney attended school in the morning and worked as a professional entertainer at Cypress Gardens in the afternoon. Although Mr. Swinney was not one of Petitioner's students, Mr. Swinney and Petitioner knew each other at school. Mr. Swinney's Spanish teacher shared a classroom with Petitioner. Mr. Swinney was also a varsity cheerleader, and Petitioner was a chaperon for the cheerleaders when they traveled to various games. Petitioner and Mr. Swinney dated and developed a relationship that included sexual relations. Sexual relations began on October 4, 1988. In November or December, 1988, Mr. Swinney began residing with Petitioner. On or about February 1, 1989, Petitioner resigned her position with Lake Wales. On February 12, 1989, Petitioner and Mr. Swinney were married. At the time of their marriage, Petitioner was 22. Mr. Swinney was 17 years old on February 17, 1989. Mr. Swinney's parents consented to the marriage. Mr. Swinney's mother drove Mr. Swinney and Petitioner to South Carolina where he and Petitioner were lawfully married. Petitioner and Mr. Swinney moved to California. A child was born of the marriage, and Petitioner remained married to Mr. Swinney for approximately five years. Following a period of separation, Petitioner and Mr. Swinney were divorced on February 28, 1994. After separating from Mr. Swinney, Petitioner relocated to Lee County, Florida. Petitioner applied for a teaching position with the Lee County School District. The District issued a letter of eligibility, and Petitioner began teaching in May, 1993. Current Qualifications And Good Moral Character Petitioner applied for a teaching certificate on May 26, 1993. Petitioner satisfies all of the academic and professional requirements for a teaching certificate. She is over the age of 18. She received her bachelor's degree from Florida Southern College, an accredited institution of higher learning. She executed the required loyalty oath for the state and federal constitutions. Her application was properly completed and executed. Petitioner is competent to perform the duties, functions, and responsibilities of a teacher. Petitioner taught school in several localities in California. Petitioner taught for the Lee County School District during the 1993-1994 school year. She taught as a full-time teacher at Paul Lawrence Dunbar Middle School ("Dunbar") during the day. At night, she taught in the District's night school program at Cape Coral High School ("Cape Coral") in Cape Coral, Florida. Petitioner was recommended for re-employment as a teacher with the Lee County School District for the 1994-1995 school year. Petitioner is a "very capable" and "creative" teacher. Both Renee Highbaugh, Assistant Principal at Dunbar and Petitioner's immediate supervisor, and Belle DeKoff, Administrator for the adult education program at Cape Coral, testified to Petitioner's competence and capability. Respondent stipulated that Petitioner is an "excellent" teacher. Petitioner is of good moral character. Ms. Highbaugh testified to Petitioner's good moral character. Her testimony was credible and persuasive. Petitioner's good moral character is further evidenced by her exemplary teaching record in California and Florida since 1989. Alleged Violations In Notice Of Reasons In 1988 and 1989, Petitioner did not fail to make a reasonable effort to protect students from conditions harmful to their learning. Petitioner and Mr. Swinney did not engage in public displays of affection on campus. Nor did either of them create any condition that was otherwise harmful to students' learning. Petitioner did not fail to protect Mr. Swinney from conditions harmful to his learning. Mr. Swinney's grades did not decline during his relationship and subsequent marriage to Petitioner. Mr. Swinney voluntarily chose to marry Petitioner and obtain his G.E.D. He did so with his parents' permission. Mr. Swinney joined the United States Air Force and was honorably discharged. He is a licensed helicopter pilot. He attends helicopter flight school in California for certification as a commercial instrument instructor. He has a job waiting for him in his desired field when he graduates in February or March, 1995. Mr. Swinney is remarried and resides with his wife in California. Petitioner did not intentionally expose Mr. Swinney to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement in 1988 and 1989. Petitioner passed notes to Mr. Swinney on occasions. Once, the two kissed in an empty classroom. The notes and kiss were not observed by students or faculty. In January, 1989, Mr. Swinney transferred to Winter Haven High School ("Winter Haven"). He transferred so that he and Petitioner could continue seeing each other without jeopardizing Petitioner's job. By January, rumors about Petitioner's relationship with Mr. Swinney had begun at Lake Wales, and Mr. Swinney wished to avoid further rumors. Mr. Swinney used a false address to enroll at Winter Haven. School officials discovered the false address but permitted Mr. Swinney to attend Winter Haven anyway. At Winter Haven, a male teacher told Mr. Swinney in front of the class, "I know what happened with you in Lake Wales, and that crap's not going to work over here." Mr. Swinney was embarrassed, but his embarrassment was intended by the teacher at Winter Haven and not by Petitioner. Petitioner did not exploit her relationship with Mr. Swinney for personal gain or advantage. Petitioner did not pressure him into their relationship. Mr. Swinney testified that he entered the relationship by his own volition. Petitioner did not commit an act of gross immorality or moral turpitude in 1988 and 1989. Mr. Swinney was a professional entertainer. He periodically lived outside his parents' home with their permission. He frequented adult nightclubs where alcohol was served. He was sexually active and engaged in sexual intercourse with approximately four other partners before meeting Petitioner. Mr. Swinney's parents consented to his marriage to Petitioner and assisted the couple in getting married. Assuming arguendo that, in 1988 or 1989, Petitioner either lacked good moral character, committed an act of gross immorality or moral turpitude, or otherwise violated the provisions of law or rules of the State Board of Education, the prior incidents, standing alone, do not support a conclusion that Petitioner currently lacks the good moral character required for a teaching certificate. Since 1989, Petitioner has demonstrated her good moral character through an exemplary teaching record in California and Florida. Petitioner is a valuable asset to the Lee County School District. The District observed Petitioner in the classroom, recommended Petitioner for re- employment, and is satisfied that Petitioner is of good moral character.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Educational Practices Commission enter a Final Order finding Petitioner not guilty of the allegations in the Notice Of Reasons and authorizing the issuance of Petitioner's teaching certificate, forthwith. RECOMMENDED this 13th day of January, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL MANRY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of January, 1995.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-4.009
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002783 Latest Update: May 11, 1984

The Issue Whether respondent should be dismissed from his employment with the Palm Beach County School District on charges of engaging in misconduct and immorality which impaired his effectiveness as a teacher, in violation of Section 231.36, Florida Statutes, and of exploiting a professional relationship with a student for personal gain in violation of Rules 6B-1.06(3)(h) and 6B-1.01(3), Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Teacher's Certificate 342171, covering the area of physical education. At all times material to the administrative complaint, respondent was employed as a physical education teacher at Lake Worth High School in the Palm Beach County School District. From 1973, when he joined the Palm Beach County School District, to the date of his suspension for the acts complained of in the administrative complaint, he was consistently rated to be a good teacher. His teaching ability and performance were not in question. He also maintained a close relationship with his students, frequently assisting them beyond the requirements of his job. On the afternoon of May 23, 1983, at approximately 2:30 p.m., respondent entered the K-Mart department store in Lantana, Florida, accompanied by his niece, Cathy Brown. While shopping in the store, he selected a 68-quart cooler, bearing a price tag of $43.58, then proceeded to the hardware department, where he selected a Black and Decker electric drill, bearing a price tag of $22.99. He left the hardware department and proceeded to the garden/patio area or "Garden Shop." Before reaching the double glass doors separating the main building from the Garden Shop, he stopped and placed the large box (containing the 68-quart cooler) and the small box (containing the electric drill) on the floor at the end of an aisle approximately 30 feet from the double glass doors. He then walked directly to the double glass doors opening onto the Garden Shop, and glanced in the direction of the checkout counter located at the Garden Shop exit. He then walked back past the cooler and electric drill, and proceeded into the appliance department where he met Cathy Brown. Ms. Brown had previously selected a package of hair curlers, bearing a price tag of $1.38. He and Ms. Brown briefly examined several items on a display counter in the appliance department, then returned to the place where he had placed the cooler and electric drill. He picked up these two items and proceeded to the Garden Shop; Cathy Brown, who was carrying the hair curlers, accompanied him. Jeanette Grimes, a 17-year-old Lake Worth High School student, was--at that particular time--the cashier at the register located at the Garden Shop checkout counter. Ms. Grimes knew respondent. He had been her physical education teacher for two years and basketball coach for one year. She considered him a friend. As respondent approached the checkout counter where Ms. Grimes was serving as cashier, he placed the box containing the cooler and the box containing the electric drill on the floor at the far end of the checkout counter, not on the counter itself. At that time there were customers at the checkout counter who were being waited on by Ms. Grimes. He and Cathy Brown walked away from the checkout counter and began looking at plants. After Ms. Grimes had finished checking out the customers at her counter, he and Ms. Brown again approached the checkout counter, where he engaged Ms. Grimes in conversation. At no time did he place any items on the counter for Ms. Grimes to examine and ring up. At that time she rang up a $1.00 item and a $5.00 item, totalled the transaction at $6.00, then rang up a $.30 tax, and totalled the transaction at $6.30. He handed Ms. Grimes $10.00 in payment for the merchandise. She mistakenly rang up $10.00 for an additional item of merchandise, voided the $10.00 item off her tape, and re-rang $10.00 as cash tendered. At that point the cash register opened and indicated that change in the amount of $3.70 was due. Ms. Grimes gave respondent $3.70 in change and a receipt for the transaction. During the course of ringing up the transaction, the items of merchandise remained on the floor at the end of the counter. Ms. Grimes did not pick up the items and examine them for a price tag while ringing up the amounts. Upon the completion of the transaction, Ms. Brown engaged Ms. Grimes in conversation. Ms. Brown handed to Ms. Grimes the box containing the electric drill and the package containing the curlers; Ms. Grimes placed the items into a bag which she gave to Ms. Brown. Respondent then picked up the box containing the 68-quart cooler and left the store, accompanied by Ms. Brown, who carried the bag containing the curlers and the electric drill. Both respondent and Ms. Brown were aware that they had not paid the full price for the merchandise, and that what they were doing was wrong. Mr. Frank Heim, K-Mart's Loss Prevention Manager, (store detective) observed respondent's activities in the K-Mart continuously, from the time respondent selected the electric drill in the hardware department to his exit from the store. Mr. Heim observed the transaction at the checkout counter, then immediately proceeded to Ms. Grimes' register, examined the register tape, and proceeded to the parking lot to ask that respondent return to the store. Mr. Heim located respondent at his (respondent's) truck in the parking lot. Respondent had placed the cooler in the back of his truck and Cathy Brown was still holding the bag containing the curlers and the electric drill. Mr. Heim identified himself to respondent, advised him of a problem with the purchase which he had just made, and requested that he return to the store with the merchandise to clear the matter up. Respondent replied that he had paid for the merchandise and had a receipt, that it was not his fault if the cashier rang up the wrong prices. After some additional conversation, respondent removed the cooler from the back of his truck and accompanied Mr. Heim back to the store. Upon entering the store through the Garden Shop entrance, respondent placed the cooler on the floor just inside the entrance, then stopped and attempted to discuss the matter with Mr. Heim. Mr. Heim advised respondent that they could not discuss the matter at that location, that they would have to go to his office. As they approached Mr. Heim's office, respondent again stopped, placed the cooler and the bag containing the other two items on the floor, and stated to Mr. Heim that he was not going inside his office. Mr. Heim replied that they could not discuss the matter in the store, and that respondent would have to accompany him inside his office. Respondent replied that he did not have time to discuss the matter, that he was in a hurry and had to leave. Mr. Heim then advised respondent that he was not free to leave and that he was being detained for shoplifting. Respondent became agitated, stated "You've got your stuff back," and began walking away. Mr. Heim sought help from others, then blocked respondent's path at the glass doors between the main store and the Garden Shop. He told respondent not to make the situation worse by trying to leave the store, but respondent attempted to force his way by Mr. Heim. Mr. Heim grabbed him by the arm and a brief scuffle ensued. At that point, respondent ripped up his cash register receipt and discarded the remnants onto a display counter. Mr. Heim immediately retrieved the remnants and later Scotch- taped the pieces together. After respondent became calmer, he returned with Mr. Heim to his office. After entering the office, Mr. Heim advised respondent of his "Miranda" rights. Mr. Heim asked him for identification and asked him to empty his pockets in order to make sure he had no weapons. Respondent removed a total of approximately $22.00 from one of his socks while in the office. Respondent admits that at the time he entered the K-Mart store, he had only approximately $30.00 on his person. The total retail price of the three items, according to the price tags affixed to each, totalled $67.95. In response to Mr. Heim's questions, respondent continuously stated that it was not his fault that the cashier rang up the wrong prices and that he paid her the amount she rang up. Conflicting accounts of this incident were given by Mr. Heim and respondent. Taking into account Mr. Heim's detached and professional manner, and his lack of apparent bias or motive to falsify, it is concluded that his testimony is more credible than respondent's, and is persuasive. As a result of this incident, respondent was arrested and charged with the crime of retail theft. Based upon the circumstances described herein, Jeanette Grimes was fired by the K-Mart department store. She was also arrested and charged with the crime of retail theft. Jeanette Grimes' job at K-Mart was a requirement for one of her school classes, "Work Experience." As a result of her being fired, she failed the course. Respondent's effectiveness as a teacher was seriously reduced as a result of his conduct and the accompanying notoriety which it received in the community. The circumstances of his offense, his arrest, and his suspension from his teaching position, all received notoriety through publication of articles in three newspapers of general circulation in the Lake Worth community.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the School Board of Palm Beach County dismiss respondent from his employment for violating Section 231.36(4)(c), Florida Statutes, and Rule 6B- 1.06(3)(h), Florida Administrative Code. DONE and ENTERED this 11th day of May, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of May, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: John Chamblee, Esquire 202 Cardy Street Tampa, Florida 33606 Ralph D. Turlington, Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Abbey G Hairston, Esquire School Board of Palm Beach County 3323 Belvedere Road Building 503, Room 232 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Thomas J. Mills, Superintendent School Board of Palm Beach County 3323 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33402

Florida Laws (2) 1.01120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tavares, Florida Jul. 03, 2000 Number: 00-002752 Latest Update: Aug. 25, 2000

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent should be terminated from her position as an instructional employee for gross insubordination and being willfully absent from duty.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: In this termination case, Petitioner, Lake County School Board (Board), seeks to terminate Respondent, Brenda Armstead, an instructional employee, on the ground that she was willfully absent from duty without leave and guilty of gross insubordination by virtue of having repeatedly refused to report to her job assignment. In a letter dated May 26, 2000, Respondent asked for a hearing "as soon as possible," contending that the "termination was illegal." In school year 1999-2000, Respondent was employed as a teacher at Lake Hills School in Eustis, Florida, where she taught 3 to 5-year-old children with severe emotional disabilities. In September 1999, Respondent was arrested for stalking. However, the criminal charges were later dropped or reduced to a lesser charge. Pending the disposition of the matter, Respondent continued working in the classroom. In January 2000, Respondent reported to her supervisor that she had been exposed to "CMV," an infectious viral disease. Despite being tested as negative, Respondent continued to have concerns with her health and began to exhibit unusual or bizarre behavior in the classroom. Among other things, Respondent constantly wore gloves in the classroom, avoided physical or close contact with her aides, and exhibited other unusual habits or practices. She also began sending "unusual" correspondence to the Superintendent. Because of this, she met with her principal and the Board's Assistant Superintendent on February 14, 2000. At that meeting, Respondent was orally directed to report to the Board's MIS Copy Center (Copy Center) effective immediately until she "could meet with a medical doctor." This action was authorized by School Board Policy 6.171(4), which allows the Board to "require a physical, psychological, and/or psychiatric examination by a physician licensed in the state of Florida when in the School Board's judgment such an examination is relevant to the teaching performance or employment status or a School Board employee." Given Respondent's behavior, the transfer to a non-teaching position was also appropriate and necessary since Respondent was working with emotionally handicapped children. Accordingly, the Board arranged for an evaluation of Respondent by a Dr. Kendall on February 17, 2000; that physician recommended that Respondent be further examined by a psychiatrist. By letter dated February 24, 2000, the Board's Superintendent again directed Respondent to report to the Copy Center for temporary duty pending the results of the examination. The letter was hand-delivered to Respondent on February 25, 2000. Despite both orders, Respondent never reported to work at the Copy Center. Although she "came on campus" a couple of times, she never returned to work. She was later given another oral instruction by telephone on March 16, 2000, by the Board's Assistant Superintendent. By certified mail sent on April 13, 2000, the Board's Superintendent again directed Respondent to report to work, and he warned that if she did not do so by April 19, 2000, she would be subject to being terminated for being absent without leave, gross insubordination, and willful neglect of duties. Respondent received the letter the following day. Even so, she never reported to work. It is fair to infer from the evidence that Respondent was willfully absent from work without leave. On April 21, 2000, the Superintendent recommended to the Board that Respondent be terminated because of her "continuing intentional refusal to report to work despite repeated direct orders, reasonable in nature, and given by and with proper authority to do so." This recommendation was accepted by the Board at its meeting on May 8, 2000.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Lake County School Board enter a final order determining that Respondent is guilty of gross insubordination and being willfully absent without leave, and that she be terminated as an instructional employee for just cause. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of August, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of August, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. R. Jerry Smith, Superintendent Lake County School Board 201 West Burleigh Boulevard Tavares, Florida 32778-2496 Stephen W. Johnson, Esquire McLin, Burnsed, Morrison, Johnson, Newman & Roy, P.A. Post Office Box 491357 Leesburg, Florida 34749-1357 Brenda Armstead 32412 Crystal Breeze Lane Leesburg, Florida 34788 Tom Gallagher Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Oct. 05, 1999 Number: 99-004172 Latest Update: Aug. 02, 2000

The Issue The issue in the case is whether the Respondent completed the applicable probationary period while employed as a teacher with the Polk County School System.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent was employed as an eighth grade teacher at Boone Middle School from the beginning of the 1998-1999 school year until October 6, 1998. The Boone Middle School principal and an assigned peer teacher observed the Respondent’s teaching techniques. The observers had certain concerns related to the Respondent’s methods, and on October 2, 1998, the principal met with the Petitioner to discuss the concerns. A second conference was scheduled for October 6, 1998. When the Petitioner arrived at the conference, she announced that she was resigning her employment. At the time of the resignation, the Respondent was asked to submit a written resignation. Although the written resignation was never received, on October 12, 1998, the Respondent turned in her grade book and other documents. By statute, a teacher employed under an "initial annual contract" must complete a 97-work day probationary period, during which time the employment may be terminated without cause and the teacher may resign without being in breach of the employment contract. The Respondent was employed at Boone Middle School for 47 days. She did not complete the probationary period. The Respondent asserts that she did not resign from Boone Middle School, but transferred from Boone Middle School to Cypress Lake Middle School. The evidence fails to establish that a transfer took place. Polk County School Board policy requires that the principals of the employing schools approve teacher transfers. There is no evidence that either the Boone Middle School or the Cypress Lake Middle School principals approved of an official transfer between the schools. There is no evidence that the Boone Middle School principal was aware of the Respondent’s intention to leave until October 6, 1998, when the Respondent announced her resignation from employment. At the hearing, the Boone principal testified that, given the difficulty in hiring math teachers, she would not have approved a transfer in the middle of the school term. The Respondent asserts that she took October 7, 1998, as pre-approved leave time. There is no credible evidence that October 7, 1998, was approved for the Respondent as a personal leave day by any appropriate authority. She had resigned her employment from Boone Middle School, and had not begun her employment at Crystal Lake Middle School. It is unclear as to which employer would have approved a request for leave. The Respondent began employment at Crystal Lake Middle School on October 8, 1998. The Petitioner worked at Crystal Lake until February 12, 1999. After the first grading period was completed, Crystal Lake administrators were concerned about the number of failing grades the Respondent had assigned to her students. Crystal Lake administrators met with the Respondent and asked that she reconsider the grading scale. On February 1, 1999, the Respondent submitted her resignation to Crystal Lake administrators. The Respondent was employed at Crystal Lake Middle School for 82 days. She did not complete the probationary period. Following her resignation from Crystal Lake, she occasionally worked as a substitute teacher. The Respondent was employed at Bartow High School at the beginning of the 1999-2000 school year. She taught nutrition and wellness courses. She was assigned a peer teacher. After classes began, the Bartow High School principal began to receive complaints from students, parents, and others regarding the Respondent’s teaching performance. Based upon the complaints, the principal terminated the Respondent’s employment effective September 28, 1999. The Respondent was employed at Bartow High School for 42 days. She did not complete the probationary period. The Respondent asserts that her employment at Bartow High School was as a "re-appointee" not under an "initial contract," that the probationary period is inapplicable, and that she may not be terminated without cause. The Respondent testified that an employee of the Polk County School Board personnel department told her upon her employment at Bartow High School that she would be considered a "re-appointee." The Respondent was unable to specifically identify which employee allegedly provided the information; however, employees of the personnel office testified that they did not recall speaking to the Respondent about this issue, but further testified that Respondent’s recollection is contrary to school board policy. The employees testified that a teacher, once resigned, who later returns to employment, is treated as a "new" employee and receives an "initial" annual contract. The board policy was further confirmed by the testimony of the Petitioner’s director of employee relations. The Respondent asserts that she was not in fact treated as a new teacher, in that she was not required to complete a new employment application and was not asked to provide fingerprints or medical documents which are required of a new hire. The personnel department employees testified that generally it is not necessary for a person in the Respondent’s position to resubmit such materials when those already on file are of recent vintage.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the School Board of Polk County enter a Final Order terminating the employment of Rita Clarkson. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of April, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of April, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Donald H. Wilson, Jr., Esquire Boswell & Dunlap, LLP 245 South Central Avenue Post Office Drawer 30 Bartow, Florida 33831-4620 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 2595 Tampa Road, Suite J Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 Mr. Glenn Reynolds School Board of Polk County 1915 South Floral Avenue Bartow, Florida 33830-0391 Michael H. Olenick, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Honorable Tom Gallagher Commissioner of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 19, 2018 Number: 18-005537PL Latest Update: Jun. 30, 2024
# 10

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